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[Silent Swamp] edition
Previous >>500133239

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
Soon (tm)

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info. If the enemies feel too difficult - get crossbows for your units. And don't be afraid of the RP autism - engage in it whenever you can. And do unlock the sliders.


>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod
>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread
>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all
>LL mod index
>Kenshi Fuck Mod
>The package of optimization mods from Nexus
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Mods to try.
Considering the name I assume Deadcat was originally formed back during the Second Empire. It's honestly impressive that they still exist considering how much shit they've been through recently.
Weren't they a more major faction in Oldworld?

Are there any decent mods where you can help them reclaim their many ruined locations?
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>Jesus, I see what you’ve done for other people, and i want that for me.
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Give it to me raw. Is Kenshi 2 actually gonna be the best game ever made, or will it be equally or more jank and barren as Kenshi?
Well it's on a better engine so it should at least be better performance wise. The boats and potential sea battles feel a tad bit ambitious though, could be janky.
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>a few years ago lose your hdd drive with the game and over 200 mods you minmaxed, accumulated, some of them you made yourself
>want to play again
>realize you have to mod this fucking game again
I have no time to browse through steam and loverslab again bros, i just want to play...
>i just want to play...
lucky you - I have no motivation to play this Fallout/Sims autismo simulator.
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Quiet hours.
Very quiet hours.
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I miss the art gypsies.
Why does Chris think that the cactii are basically cucumbers?
i believe is because he thinks desert plant= dry when is a plant designed to hoard as much water in its interior, therefore most always have a jelly interior to preserve water (specially the edible ones), the dustwich is probably more like a green/transparent jelly with a cactus slice between both breads, it will probably have a strange texture but not dry, that would fit the foodcube more i guess is also bongland shit cuisine that has mindbroken him in a generational level, chris believes everything must be either dry as fuck, or savorless.
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Kaizo adds refugee camps in dreg and iirc you can rebuild deadcat if all the cannibal bosses are dead, i believe deadcat is one of those factions that never got fleshed out properly, they seem to be more centered around the western part that is painfully unfinnished, the lofi forum describes them as a faction of rebels of the old empire but aside from that they are no different from the other factions except they are hyper fucked

i get you, i missed one of my most entertaining playthroughs because my hdd broke and it took me a while to return to this game, now im backing up everything, fuck the steam cloud, doesnt work for shit
Living World has worldstates where Deadcat reclaims villages if you defeat Meatlord and the Wizard.
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And all it cost was Beep's leg
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truly, those decades of life in a cold, rainy place has caused chris’s cerebral moss to dampen and turn to mush.
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Minions, we are going to steal...THE MOON!
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They're playing the worlds longest game of UNO, because each one brought their own deck that came with their XBox
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bump/testing if i need to wait 15 minutes to post
58 minutes later /keng/ is on page 9
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hello ass
What is wrong with the shadows in this game? It fucking tanks fps even with 4000 view distance
Best nudemod for kenshi?
How did it happen?

Don't use shadows. The bong couldn't code, so don't bother.

Yet Another Nude Mod For Kenshi

Also - do visit the "editor" folder in the game files. Open files with a "notepad" program. Scroll down. Experiment with the numbers.
I really wish there was a way to mass manage jobs because having to swap over 26 Bots it's Hell
There are some keybinds you can set to quickly cycle through donuts. Check your controls.
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/keng/ is on a life support again...
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The uniforms for the bug army are coming together, the workers will wear the azuchi plate and straw hats if they are farmers and armored face plates to the non farmers, princes gear is already chosen, now i need to find and recruit the remaining 2 soldiers and give them a cool and distinct set.
Those "samurai pants" look silly.
Anything weird like that can be explained away with "One of the Old Empires genetically modified them to act as a crop"
There are some mods that make samurai pants more colorful if you want to try them.
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My shortstack feminist can't be this cute
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my Moll is shortstackier an excuse to boomp
the Flotsam Kunoichi have low defense, but high attack. Weird.
So quiet...
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>It is not for to dictate the cycle of death and rebirth. That much I have learned.
>To hide behind a veil of metal...
>That's all it is!
>No shield, no protection.
>You can't escape the suffering so easily.
>Rendered an eternal observer...for some.
>All against the natural order.
>There is no fixing what's meant to be broken.
>I fear you'll only see that once it's too late.
>Forgive me for not stopping you.
>Chris never elaborated about the world beyond the main island

He has no imagination. Or motivation. Or both.
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Did nat write this cringe
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Nah that's Moar Unique Dialogues
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Thank you! now the bugs are even more fashionable.
>one of the locust legion members, is the hive prince section of the swarm, armed with hackers to pummel those pesky skin stealing "ghouls"
It's an innuendo.
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>This does not even deserve a Salute to the glorius empire...because this is dead serious!
>The inside and outside tour I did A FEW MONTHS ago in the grid, everyone on the Second empire...
>They're BLAMING it at me! IT'S my fault, I ADMIT IT! it's my fault!
>I'll send in The Skeleton Legion! I'll send in The hydraulic Knights! I'll send in EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!
>Just get it OFF the moon...
>Listen-to-me! Listen to me.
>Shut that goddamn satelite off!
>I don't care what you do. You get all that stuff off of there. Tonight.
>I'm working on it.
>Do you realize...? Do you realize something?
>If the Cult of okran in Arach... sees those child prisons that you put on the damn grid... they could destroy our empire, and we would have to move out of it
>I see.
>You go get that goddamn stuff off of there and fast!
>I'm working on it! I was making An announcement using the eye, t-tellin' ev'rybody, "get the childprison out of the grid". Y'know it's not...
>Its—It's, ahh, out of my control
>No, you get 'em off.
>It's out of my control! I don't know where to go! I DUNNO KNOW WHERE TA GO-
>You loaded them up there, you unload 'em!
>I'm working on it!
>Go do it!
>Get in here and do it!
>I'll be up all night thralling dissidents if i have to. You won't get any repairs until that stuff's off.
>I'm working on it!
>Get in there and start!
>Listen! I don't wanna get kicked outta my Empire. By the Okranites. And what you just did was stick a Hacker in our CPU, and kill us!
>Aw'right... lemme just...
>Get that stuff offa there...
>...and get it offa there fast!
>I'm workin on it! I'm WORKIN on it!
>So yeah, please, get everything off the grid...
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if youre a noob and are scared about setting up your first base, Shem is a great area.
>central location on map
>lots of lakes to protect yourself
>generally pretty safe aside from a stray beak or bandits
>not bothered by UC or HN
only con is that you can only grow cactus, so i hope you like chewsticks and rum
nice visual lul
>have to run someone down to the Swamps to buy Hemp for my planned Greenbeach base
God I'm so lazy.
You can buy some Hemp in the General Store in Squinn too
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I get messages from the stars, when you're making love to me.
God that foliage mod is really good, the game runs butterly smooth now, is almost unrecognizable.
what mod are these pants from?
Which one? There's two now, particles and foliage fix and FASTR.
FASTR, the game runs so much better now it feels unreal.
Azuchi armor with the vanilla aesthetic patch
>character insist on going to sleep
>is full health
>force him to get out of bed
>he does his job and goes back to sleep
>other character goes to sleep, reached 100% health and continúes work
>except this one
Oh my fucking god how is this bug!? Chris fix your shit.
Saving and reloading fixed it, what a wacky ass bug dude, mf was narcoleptic.
Now my smith dont want smith... I swear...
The bong code giveth, the bong code taketh away
I had to
>deconstruct the smithy
>injure the narcoleptic guy as reloading didnt fixed the problem, injuring him solved it
>reapply all jobs
>fix shit with the Dev tool
I believe it got fixed, hope nothing else breaks, im considering moving to the experimental but i fear is buggier...
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Radioanon here. Been awhile since I last updated.

Anyway, pic related is yet another catastrophe the player can take part of. In this case, helping this skeleton take control of the Spacer factions on the moon by capturing the leadership and imprisoning them.

On another note, still working on making Tertius work.
>Well it's on a better engine so it should at least be better performance wise.
The graphics are gonna be better though. Vastly better, in fact, from what I am seeing. Unless some god-tier optimization happens, I can't see Kenshi 2 being anything but vastly harder to run than it's predecessor.
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As for the backstory, Cannibals kept coming into Leviathan coast, Corpus gets tired of their shit wonders if its possible to put the savages to work. Uses the Narmer Veil (Mind control device used on everybody during Warframe's serious arc) and promptly backfires when they forgot that their control unit still has sentience and gets the would-be mind controllers get mind controlled themselves.

Either way, domesticated cannibals.
I wonder if that skelly is comfy.
They actually are. In fact, he goes ballistic whenever you try removing him from his chamber.
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I love kenshi
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>go to sleep expecting to wake up in 8 hours
>wake up in 11 hours

I blame the skeletons!
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So do I.
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Despite silver not wanting the servant at first, they are both inseparable now, i will send em to tech hunt as i start building the new base with the bug army.
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How long would a modern day e-whore last on Kenshi if she gets isekai'd onto the death moon?
Depends on the location. Anywhere from a couple days to 12 seconds.
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This is what happens when you try releasing him.
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>alright let's get that Greenbeach base started!
>I have tech level 6 so this should be ea-
>didn't bring enough building materials for the hybrid stone mine, had to run someone all the way to Black Scratch
>constant crab, crab raiders, and beak thing attacks, at least I don't have to worry about food
>Crab Tournament will come soon and I only have one building up
>Ore Drill won't use power for some reason, hopefully a reload fixes it
>Mighty Canhead swam all the way across the continent to raid
The early base building grind is always painful man.
Where is he taking that naked cow?

Excellent image aibo.

Have modded towns and outposts with shops that sometimes sell hemp. It helps me greatly in such niche situations.


Will remember, thanks mate.

Let the depressed donut have the nap time.

>hope nothing else breaks
Matter of time before the Bong Code strikes again.
Is that the one and only? The one who is ma'am today?

>Been awhile since I last updated.
Glad to see you posting here mate.
>by capturing the leadership and imprisoning them.
Wouldn't that cause a counter-attack by thousands of spacers from the orbit?

>domesticated cannibals.
I shouldn't stick my dick in there... HOWEVER

How strong is he?
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I saw this thing in the editor but I didn't know it was actually in the game.

The fuck type of plant is this?
Looks like a monster Chris planned to add to the Swamp but he gave up because Chris can't ass himself to commit.
>Chris can't ass himself to commit
Kenshi 2 2034 with prettier graphics and still with the retarded grindy stats that is toughness and strength
I still have a hope that some nip will make a not-Kenshi.
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>How strong is he?
Around 30, just like my other bugs, she could have been more stronger if i let her pummel more crabs in howler maze,but i wanted her to stay on a relative level to the others, she went from 1 to 30 in like 2 days, i instead decided to train silver since he was the weakest of the 3 noble hives, now hes probably the strongest, crabs are no joke, best gym buddies.

To the mines, if she can swing a weapon she can swing a pickaxe

makes me wish for more weird monsters like that in kenshi.
isn’t if wacky how noble attire in kenshi consists of a robe and cargo pants?
Chris couldn't ass himself to make more clothes.
If i reduce the skills of something that is not combat (for example smithing) will the reduce stat logic thing work? like if i injure my smith, then force him to work in darkness doing something that takes a long time (like chainmail) will the armor smith stat sky rocket or it does not affect trade skills at all?
what other weird structures or features do you think Chris planned to add as actual enemies or significant locations but got bongcoded instead?
>canyonlands killer
>Cannibal dialogue (is unfinished)
>deadcat (is supposed to be bigger or have been bigger and important than the final product)
>berserker country and SK in general
>more content to the shrieking forest, purple sands, lev coast, floodlands,obedience and vain
>hivers relations with southern hive (is hinted he wanted to do more with them)
>animal husbandry
>crimpers (there's a crimper faction that is not being used for anyone, not even king, the only crimper in game)
>screamer the true
>manhunter boss
>valamon and reavers possibly joinable
>preacher's cult (the cult is wanted by all factions despite being just 1 house in UC territory, he and the cult has no world states assigned saved the takeover by slavers if tinfist dies wich is...odd)
>white eyebrow clan (the bounty still appears)
>all other bounties that appear but dont have npcs assigned like 4 teeth milton (who's bounty also keeps appearing)
Oh i forgot the most important of all
>dried gristle flaps
No, I think lowering stats is only good for combat stats.
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Crab Tournament has begun.
The base has been stabilized, though a hiver lost his leg.
Only thing to do now is make more beds from the hemp we have started growing.
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I never realized how useful item furnaces were, though this is the first time where I'm settling in an area where the enemies wear heavy gear.
When i did a vain only playthrough, item furnaces where a good way to get iron en masse since vain only has like 1 node in the entire biome, put base raids in bombardment and you will get tons of armors and weapons to turn into iron for any industry
Damn, well i think i will do a mythbuster and see if it works, i will report back when i get to it.
That, and the removal of the ownership\stolen tag.
Its also great for converting worthless weapons into material to forge better weapons with.
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Quick non Grineer mod update. I added a legendary version of Gayle (Black and White) in the Nier mod.
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I forgot one of my mods lets me turn people into fuel, so crab raiders have been providing me a lot of iron and energy.
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What happened?

Biomass into biofuel. Groovy.

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>What happened?
Crab raiders cry for their crabs when you beat them down.
That's a silly spiked club
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Silly as it looks, it's a very lategame weapon.
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The iron titan. I like the spiked tetsubo they use.
El bumo
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Total Rebel Death
>Give it to me raw. Is Kenshi 2
I'm sorry, Anon. Kenshi 2 not only isn't, but Lo-Fi will shut its doors in 2029 with barely a tech demo to show for it. I'm afraid that Kenshi 2... won't.
Thats what happens when you listen to redditors, chris should have finnished adding all the content and THEN move to kenshi 2, alas, the angloid retardation strikes again.
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One of these crabs is not like the others.
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Gigantus can't compete with dog bites.
Or the harpoons I had installed.
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Only one more to go.
I have a guess that he was looking for an excuse, so he "listened" to people who considered Kenshi an another Flavor Of The Month game. Chris' magnum opus was the Old World after all, and while I do feel bad for him that he couldn't do all what he wanted with that project fast enough - him being a piss baby and remaking that old sovl project into the current Kenshi is idiotic. The current Kenshi should have been Kenshi 2 - like Fallout 2 it should have been "Fallout 1 but better". Instead the bong did what he did.
Any mods for my prostitution empire?
Did they fixed the blocked area in crab town?
Is it worth installing an old version of Kenshi and checking out Old World?
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It would be a short but "new" experience. Kenshi that should have been, back in 2013~14. It would be a nice, low tech, cheap but fun short game. Junk and bong code included, of course.
there are mods for that, but the NPCs aren't programmed to understand sex.
Still don't get why Chris didn't keep the face bandanas they were cool.
How do multiple combat speed maluses interact? If your armor gives you .80 can you wear a backpack that gives you .90 without an additional downside or do they stack to .70?
Has anyone made a mod that lets you attack/defend manually rather than just doing shitloads of RTS micro?

I love Kenshi conceptually but "open world squad-based RTS" was a bad idea when Brutal Legend did it.
lives to the hype, doesn't break promises and has good mod support: fucking kino
otherwise: just kenshi 1 with a dlc attached, barren jank
i have high hopes for kenshi 2 electric boogalo
>skeleton cumjar
fistfull of hours anywhere else before dehydration/skin melting/maneaters get to her, otherwise she lives the rest of her life as someone else's sex slave because not even the flotsam ninjas want her
dried gristle flaps are an odd thing, they existed in old world apparently? but seemed go get scrapped because otherwise foul meas was even more purposeless (as a food only fit for drones and animals instead of just worst dried meat)
i can't really tell, on my experience multipliers don't add up (except for positives and negatives when they go against eachother, ex having a item that gives you 1.15 multiplier to speed and something that gives you 0.80 ends up with you having a total multiplier of 0.95) but on my experience speed multipliers from prosthetics add up if you wear any clothes that make you even faster? doesn't seem to be the case with armour/clothes tho, so it just puts it at the lowest multiplier you have in total, so it should stay at a .80 multi.
>not even the flotsam ninjas want her
Moll would probably keep the "crazy woman" for her enterteiment value. The e-thot would have some "alien" ideas, and Moll is practical enough to note them down, for her future retirement days in the UC.
I just realized that my Kenshi phone wallpaper (the one with the guy with the dustcoat looking into the distance) is a shek negroid! Okran preserve me.
''you gotta give paladins that hawk TUAH and spat on that holy flame''
Women truly are the temptations of Narko. Praise Okran in spite of Narko and his female companions. May Okran protect all posters in this thread from the physical temptations of Narko. May you always bask in the light of Okran. Amen.
I imagine Moll being shocked, and utterly jealous of the isekai'd thot. A whole adult woman, with a brain of a toddler, and supposedly she had an easy life on "her world". Moll would lament that she can't visit such paradise.
Assuming Moll would even believe them.. Or finds them in the first place. Her people are willing to kill innocent people to protect their locations secrecy from the okranites so it's not like she'd just stumble into her camp.

Probably beaten and raped by starving bandits on day one assuming she gets the default start in the hub. Afterward probably crumbles and becomes a squatter in the ruins trading sex for food.

If they get lucky and don't run into anyone they probably head to the holy nation because it's the most prosperous place, hate it so much they leave to united cities territory where they get promptly enslaved for the rest of their life for being poor and vulnerable.
I'd say there's also a possibility for a tradwife ending where they embrace Okrans teachings If the paladins save her life and she realizes how garbage everywhere else is.
>so it's not like she'd just stumble into her camp.
depends where the truck-kun dumps her in Kenshi.
Where i can try this "Old World" versión of kenshi?
There's no game start that puts you in Molls camp and leaving any town(or just a sufficiently dangerous one) is going to rapidly change the outcome because their life and/or their freedom are only going to last until their first encounter.

At absolute best they get dropped into worlds end, don't get sweet talked into trying to find 'technology' in an old ruin by a tech hunter in a bar and choose the right side of the mountain to stumble down and one of Molls scouts pick up the random lost woman out of pity. Even in the absolute best case they have to be smart enough to accept that doing hard labor as a farmer for Moll is the best possible outcome for them which is probably a little more bleak than they're used to.
Check the options on the steam page, there is an option to play early versions.
Why are soldier drones so based? Ray and the sword slinger drone are my boys.
you can reimplement the gristle flaps because the icon and recipee are in the game, just not implemented, wich is a really odd choice to not have implemented, but again, chris forgot to add boneyard wolves to the boneyard wolf nests so...

It fixed the blackdog HQ rock and the fucking tree in shark so probably fixed that, i havent visited crab town yet, i'll do it when i have my kill squad ready for TCD
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They are just the best, the swordlinger i named it Toguro and is an absolute unit as well as possibly a total psycho, he is one of our strongest members, the moment an enemy appears nearby hes the first one to go and chase it down like a dog or shoot it, after silver spent a time with the crabs hes now the weakest so i'll have to send him to an enlightening adventure to get swole, but not with crabs, he deserves a worthy enemy to train with than those pesky crustaceans, i also need 2 more soldiers, i want an equal number of the 3 hive races but fuckers are hard to come by vanilla.
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Do i need the smithy level 3 so my guy can produce catun 3 weapons? or just leaving him at the smithy 2 will sufice? i see some of the weapons are darker than others but they are still catun number 1 despite the darker ones having more damage, his skill description says he can make mkII weapons wich i asume requires the level 3 smithy but i dont want to make it yet because i dont want to make iron bars in the current base... idk why weapon smithing is somehow more autistic than the easy armor or crossbow smithing.
better smithy = better max possible grade (if the smith has skills)
I downloaded a mod that lets weapon smiths pound out iron plates and steel bars for weapon smith xp. It’s bizarre how Chris made an easy way for armor smiths (pounding skins into leather) while being extremely op while making weapon smithing hard and unrewarding.
what mod fren? i wanted to do weapon smith because i want my faction to be full independent but not only are they weaker (wich is not that big a problem) but really confusing and most of the times idk if is a bethesda bug or something i missed, plus iron bars not leveling weapon smith is lame, i guess is because they are also used in non weapon crafts but still... everything together makes it feel so unrewarding, chris come back to kenshi 1, stop listening to redditors, or at least hire a codemonkey to fix your game and autistic choices.
Chris is kinda weird on that, armorsmith is god tier while weaponsmith is gimped
>a high level armor smith will rarely make masterwork armor
>a high level weapons smith will never make edgewalkers 3
>a high level robotics smith will always produce masterwork limbs
Chris is a weird guy.
You're a weird one, Mr. Chris
You really are a mix
You're as puntual as a turtle
You're as logical as an chink, Mr. Chris
You're a bad bandana
With a mesh that just doesn't fit
Ninja masks being placed wrong is one of the biggest offenders, that shit looks so good undumbed, i dont care if he thought it was funny, is lame and gay, just like nats writting
Don’t get me started on the bandanas….
I use the mod that makes them straight and adds them as a belt item. Great faction uniform with armored face plates.
I wondered if there was some strange culture where Kenshians prefer to tie stuff across their faces, I never thought Chris might have just fucked up the mesh.
That would been neat... if they had culture in the first place, no one has one, maybe the HN and thats because their entire facet is build around being the token religious extremist faccion of every rpg, if kenshians had culture you would see it more beyond nobles are hoarders, and shek are suicidal, for example, sheks would have collisseums, and entertainment around the fact that they like blood, probably trinkets made of bone of defeated enemies or poems/stories around kral and warriors of old as a way to paying their respect to their ancestors and teach the future generations about the value of strenght, the UC would have the most art, paintings of nobles, theaters with performers and singers to show their wealth, stroke their egos and to distract the masses, you know, actual world building stuff, but instead everything is so unidimentional, and i dont buy the whole "erm, they are in a wasteland!" excuse.
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Okay, what did I do wrong / is missing? When I create them the skin usually stays, and when I play it's okay, but when I load a save, all their bodies are black. Is this a missing texture I need to download?
is there a mod that scales weapon size (preferably only visually without changing reach) with height? i made a max height shek and most weapons look comically small in his hands. tried googling, but nothing came up
>Be in the swamp
>turn music
>chill comfy acordeon and banjo
>walk to the stenn desert for supplies
>Turn off music again
That might be bad but Okran's Pride and most of the Holy Nation have no soundtrack at all. He should have put the savannah soundtrack that you get in Vain and The Hook to make the place feel a bit more lively and hopeful.
I just learned that Fishman Island uses the swamp music.

I guess that makes sense considering it's one of the few places in the game with swamp fertility.
The really stupid thing is the weapon smithy III is actually specifically set up to be able to produce Edgewalker III. It's just that there's not tech to unlock Edgewalker II & III.

I made my own mod to sort that out. Most mods that add Edgewalker crafting also give a buff to player made weapons to make them on par with found stuff and I didn't want that.

I kind of want to make a mod to make better use of manufacturer. So that every manufacturer has unique modifiers, restore the cut ones, and make it so they can spawn at any level. But changing the weapon loadout of every single NPC in the game is a lot of work.
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How do i implement that? i just add in the research tab edgewalkers II and III or do i have to do something else?

You could either add the extra levels to the Edgewalker tech already in the game, or you could make two new techs for Edgewalker II & III so they work like the other techs.

I just looked at how the vanilla techs were made and copied that.
>Battery banks have the bio-hazard symbol on it
The fuck are they putting in their batteries?
copper is radioactive
>Anon doesn't understand the difference between radiation and biohazards
>Kenshi if Iyo died and the real history behind the Enforcer/Cultist war released
should i just launch fcs for the first time and try to make bigger copies of weapons i'm gonna use?
there's a mod that makes the long cleaver longer, you could test and see if is FCS magic or 3d magic https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1934230825&searchtext=bigger+short+cleaver
eh, i'll try this and if it doesn't work/doesn't look good, i'll try checking this mod. ty
I hate my gacha "luck". I am glad I don't play with money irl, I'd lose everything.

Speaking of which - the swamp hivers should have been given an opportunity to make the player broke via their hiver casinos. Chris couldn't ass himself to do even that.
>blackshifters are the only hiveless hiver centric faction
>cant be joinable by hive player characters
go to hell chris you and your tranny brother
>sheks would have collisseums
Yes. Not grand Roman collisseums, but some tribel unga-bunga collisseums. If any group on Kenshi would do that - it'd be the "wild", all-natural SK's sheks.

And the UC would have proper collisseums, and hippodrome, and all other entertainment the UC nobles crave.

Chris can't game-dev. Chris can't code. All Chris ever wanted to do was to make a small Mad Max game, but without guns and vehicles.
So many things in this game needs an Expanded mod, alas. Okran please let Kenshi 2 be worth it.
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I am sure it will be worth it.
I hope there's a MP mod for Kenshi 2. I want to roleplay as a tight slave bussy who is his master's semen toilet.
I see chris is doing well in his transition to charles manson, good for him
>only 2 million so far
I thought Sseth was more powerful than this.
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He can't transition away that nose though.

Life is full of surprises.
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God damn look at this absolute unit.
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The Crabinator looks like he crawled right out of crab hell.
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I dont know what my bug meant by this, i dont remember if he was a slave or a barfly, either way youre fucked buddy, your soul now belong to the swarm and Lord Chopsticks.
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I've observed that a fair amount of Legendary of Kenshi enemies use the Edge 2 Falling Sun. I've looted like 3 of them.
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So everything is going well right, until I noticed that I could not find Crabinator anywhere. I started to panic and wondered if I should reload, thinking he randomly despawned for whatever reason, until I saw on the map that there was a white NPC dot out in the ocean. For some reason Crabinator just walked off during the match, some weird bong code moment or something.
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This was rather stressful.
quiet EU hours.
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that's a powerful squat
Can't believe I slept on the stunlock machine that are bonedogs
they can be a liability, because they don't carry their own food, and starvers will butcher your dog if you don't watch out.
but yeah, very strong and very nice for rp
I dislike how little can people enjoy their life in kenshi
There's nothing, almost no good food, no sports past murking vagrants, no vidya even if computers exist, no art (trade goods do not count, luxury carpets and clothes barely do so), most literature is limited into information phaplets or propaganda, no music, no singing or dancing, no spectacle shows to watch or radios to listen, no petting animals or enjoying nature besides scenic views in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, no true philosophy, no games other than gambling, no toys besides corpses and old dolls, no physical showoffs of affection, whatever religions there are dont give you many options to enjoy thyself, jewelry is hinted at but you can't get anything that isn't just fancy robes, the only form of humour you can find is a joke that doesn't even have a punchline, there's obviously no internet, and even sex doesn't exist
No wonder everyone wants some hash and alcohol, thats the only readily available thing to pass the numbness of existance on this assfucked moon
Small indie studio, please understand... Also buy Kenshi merch!
Just like irl Britain.
bonedogs will sometimes tear off a limb from a body and run around to play with it for no apparent reason.
agnu and beep are silly little guys.
anything smarter than agnu and beep can see and understand how screwed the world is and they want to numb it down.
Chris can't game-dev.
If I promised someone a product six years ago and have essentially nothing to show for it I'd almost certainly have a lawsuit on my hands, possibly a few. The total lack of regulation in the video game industry is absurd. One fucking vote, six fucking years ago, an abandoned product and absolutely no tangibles for the followup., What the fuck.
Post your go to modlist that enhance the gameplay and made kenshi more alive without turning it into something new
I tried genesis mod but didn't liked it
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>2B in Stellar Blade

I should do that 2B playthrough I planned years ago. There is a whole mod for Kenshi with several of them. A shame I can't change the bodies, but still...
My mod list usually goes around adding armors for drip, but the mods i feel make the world feel more lively are
>kaizo (makes vanilla factions better equiped, more world states and small factions can actually defend themselves)
>crimpers reborn
>Omo's armors for the world
>better smiths and homemade weapons (nexus, expands the weapon crafting system and the manufacturer thing)
>forgotten buildings (to craft the cool moor buildings and the swamp buildings)
>FASTR (makes the game run so much smoothly it feels alien)
>hack stopper helmet (so now reaver armor feels more complete)
>shrieking bandit, hive, cannibal expanded, the latter with the kaizo patch
>dangerous hazards (there's a patch to make lightning deal no damage if you are a little bitch)
>Better building system (nexus)
>all kinds of animals mod
>sailbacks, trasher, processor unit (i dont like hazard units)
>Waste fiends, waste tyrants
>Biome food (so my goons can eat more than the average br*tish cuisine)
>more combat animations (i like the first one, expanded not so much)
>tame beasties

Then is mods i make myself to either fix the autism of the modders or to suit mine, i have a mod that reduces and changes the spawn of the tyrants and fiends to spawn in places that makes sense to me like purple sands, shrieking forest, vain and sonorous dark, same with the trashers, since they tend to whipe out the swampers before i even get there, a patch for MCA because some weapons are very gimped with that mod and i also have the yabuta mod that i still need to add the raids but i've been on a playing mood rather than a modding one.
Any compat. Problems with reactive world + kaizo? In tempted to use it but i dont recall if both work together
Kaizo is reactive world+ if you have kaizo you have the same world states+ more stuff so is not recommended to place them together.
What is CBT? cock & ball torture??
Steam, Kenshi's workshop, search CBT. Be surprised.
Is Kenshi bad because Nat CBT'd Chris? Or is it bad because Nat didn't CBT him enough?
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Been redesigning more interiors and I've come up with a fairly decent design for the Y-House slave shop. I have this idea in my head where the slave master will greet the player as they enter and then begin following them after a delay like how the Armour king does. Where he'll talk about the slaves and give some interesting trivia on the slaver's guild.
I was also thinking of having the player pay some kind of fee when they enter the shop to get the privilege of browsing the shop's inventory, a kind of collateral to show you're not just scoping out the shop planning a break out.
I have most of the slaves shoved into one end with a line of sight blocker from the counter and a central showroom of sorts for the slave master to hang around in. The roof and empty area I'm thinking of having it be the loot storage / living area with some extra space on the roof.
I'm still planning out what I want in the main entryway since I already have a couple slaves out front on display as well as a measuring stick for sellers but I don't really want to overly clutter the area.
In other news, I got NPCs to hunt, cook and eat food as well as getting them to clean up animal skins outside the gate. Granted my solution is pretty cursed but it should make farming easy cash by baiting herds into the gates a bit harder now.
>4 characters with lvl 95 in combat stats
>2 with meitou oodachis and 2 with beautiful luxury oodachis (mod weapons)
>just defeated the southern hive last assault against praetorian tsep
>about to import same characters into a fresh map for the 3rd time

how can I spice things up? would something like genesis provide a completely fresh experience?
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Guerilla war against one of the big powers.

I'm thinking of doing a run where I just go full nomad guerilla fighter and never enter a town unless it's to raid or thieve. Ie: no going in there for supplies and commerce. The only thing I can trade with will be random hivers. Not sure how sustainable such a run would be (I'll be poor always), but I feel like you can loot 80% of the stuff you need in this game anyway.
Silly skeletons, they can't smoke!
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Go back from page 10 !
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New Shinobi Thieves interior. Even has a working chimney that makes smoke every few minutes or so for that extra immersion.
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So I'm making a new "Guy With A Dog" save
And I hit randomize a few times
And it gave me Black Shaggy
That's an Indian Shaggy
>that part of the game where you just leave the game run so donuts level their crafting skills at your base
Sadneil is so close to level 80 robotics.
I've given up on crafting and just loot shit. The only time I craft is when I want a mod outfit.
What's your favorite hide out area in the Great Desert region? I don't mean major base building because fuck UC fuck tax collectors. I mean where do you throw down your tents and sleeping bags between raids?
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I like to take the UC heroes base as my temporary HQ as i send raids to the United cities, is isolated, got some nice beds, turrets, neat central position on all raiding points and you get to cuck the UC heroes
I'm liking what I'm hearing. My only concern is: If I put loot in their box inventory, will it disappear?
I know what you mean. Crafting armor and limbs is alright but weapons can fuck off and you can't compete with Meitou anyway.
Only if you import or leave that there with no a single character to keep the building loaded, i prefer to use my state mandated garru/bull as mobile chest to prevent bongjank to cause me issues, bulls specially are good for this because they are good in battle by themselves.
Bast is a good place for a temporary hideout. You could always make a quick mod to make the buildings in the city purchasable. Could RP as using the shell of the city as a cover.
As far as camping spots, there's a row of flat rocks north of Heng and South East of Stoat on the white sand, Makes for a good defensive location and wide view of the desert for raiding caravans if that's your thing.
I tend to sell any loot I get anyway, I was just curious. Occasionally I get a high-end weapon from killing a noble and need to dump it since I play range+MA on a single character.
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I was able to make a interior for the defensive gates so now there are two gate guard squads that rotate between the day and night shifts so they're not condemned to stand there for eternity.
I've been looking for a mod which was on the workshop a while back which added a bridge that went across the two towers of the defensive gate but I can't find it anymore. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Why is it such a pain in the ass to do the anti-slaver route against UC? Peasant farmers suck ass, are unreliable, and turning over nobles destroys cities and makes them useless.
Because slavery is barely holding the UC together. You're talking about a civilization that's already on the edge of collapse and by doing a revolution you push it over the edge.

What? Did you think it was supposed to be a walk in the park?
Realistically Simion only wants non slave masters nobles out of the picture and useless eaters like tengu and nagata (wich turns sho battai into their hq), unlike tinfist he has a surprising moderate take on slavery, he knows is not something you can just get rid like that and basically tells you tinfist methods are retarded and will doom everyone, i think the "good ending" outcome is to have the empire peasants take sho battai, heft and bark, leave the traders guild as it is (they actually dont want the rebels gone) and the rebel swordmen (the non bandit nigger version of the rebels) does not have negative relations with traders guilds caravans and then you kill tinfist since hes an actual threat brewing up, without him the anti slavers will (hopefully) develop common sense.
It's because anti-slavers are terrorists with no endgame. Tinfist has no real administration skills and doesn't even contemplate the fallout from toppling an entire empire. Being the good guy in Kenshi involves dooming a lot of people. Despite being kind of dumb, Tinfist gives the best take on the situation:
>World's gotta go dark before it gets lighter.
At this point I'm just killing nobles to get cities repaired. Not having thieves guild access in the northeast is a huge setback.
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>not having goth girl in your squad
The Swamp should have been deadlier.
What do you mean? It kills your performance.
She's cute, you better hide her from the manhunters chumbo.
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In my game I added Twinblade patrols that kidnap the playet like cannibals do and some iron spiders to spice things up.
You fixed the gates' towers. Subarashi.

And no, never heard of such mod.
/keng/ needs more posters.
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That girl eats manhunters for breakfast. She's only been caught thieving once and I destroyed a UC slave camp just to get her out. 13,500 perma-bounty on her head now though.

I feel like a lot of areas in the game should be deadlier. It's pretty much only the cannibal areas or places with beak things that you don't want to be caught out in the open in, and you can still outrun the cannibals. There's also a cheese you can do to get positive relations with beak things.
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If only this game had been better fleshed out. Finding/rebuilding robots with robotics skill should absolutely be a thing. Same goes for skeletons.
I wouldn't even qualify beak things as all too dangerous honestly. They've only got 20-ish in their stats, that's dust bandit tier. Once you realize that it's far safer to fight a beak thing 1 on 1 instead of grouping up to get fucked by unblockable aoe damage they're easy as pie.
It's the fucking ADDS that make them a pain in the ass, because they will call in every fucking patrol from 500km away if you attack even one of their herd. A fight against 3 aggressive beakthings becomes a fight against 7, then 10, then 15+. It's so annoying. They're why I run nearly all crossbows on my dudes and just mercilessly gun them down.
The only dangerous enemy in this game are skin bandits and is because they are designed to fuck you up, i would say they are rather well balance compared to the other factions
>got high quality blunt weapons
>good combat stats, around 70
>high strength and no armor so they will run at max speed always with your guys
>since they are robots you can keep up with them as they are not naturally quick
>high quality blunt weapons allows them to bypass armor of any quality, deal a lot of damage and it takes longer to regenerate blunt damage than cutting one, forcing you to rest and get kidnapped
>since they have no armor figthing back is doable
>groups of them will attract other groups
>if you are not Quick on rescuing your guy they WILL kill him
>they look horrifying
The only group that come closer to them is the southern hive and they are gimped by weapon and armor quality
True, thats something i noticed when living in the unwanted zone, when i let a beakthing in to figth my dedicated butcher, 30 more will come and bash the gate, good place for constant leather and meat
You cannot build a new true Skeleton because the technology required to create an AI core has long been lost. Besides, you wouldn't want to recreate the situation which sparked the original obliteration of the colony.
>the technology required to create an AI core has long been lost.
If you assemble the pieces for a skeleton and have an AI core spare, you should be able to assemble it like a recipe and have a machine fart out one. Security drones, most definitely.
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Been messing around with faction colors.
I don't see the difference, please point out.
reaver colors for the empire samurai armor looks really good.
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You can make a mod that makes members of your faction automatically dye their armor colors, it's pretty much the only way to dye the armor from Hives Expanded as Dyers Guild doesn't have any hivers to dye anything, you would have to kidnap a hiver from an existing faction and even then your options are limited.
I really like this red color, thinking about a secondary color. I like how black armored rags look so maybe black should be the primary color, red doesn't look too bad either though.
Muscle women
doesn't ripping out AI cores/CPUs from most skeletons that do have them just straight up kill them
They stink.
Everyone stinks, it comes with being from Kenshi.
does acid water baths make you smell better or worse
Yes, thus why I made the point. Skeletons know how to perform basic reprogramming of a frame without a core. Basic routines are possible as shown via Soldierbots in various states of sub-sentient existence. AI Cores can't just be disconnected so haphazardly, because they're quite literally alive.
dunno, feels like trying to build a car with all the pieces but without the tools, technically you can but it's gonna either be bogshite or break after the first 10 kilometers
best case scenario you get something like the ''economy chad'' from that one mod
AI Cores are probably as complex as the human brain, and if something goes wrong the Skeleton is fucked permanently. It's not as simple as just turning the AI Core on like how you can't just restart the brain. Why the ancients put this much effort into their wagey bots is beyond me.
I'm pretty sure when we're using AI cores for research we're not actually using them to learn something, but rather extracting fragments of lost information from their databanks.

I think it might be possible that the Second Empire couldn't even build spiders completely from scratch. I have a theory that the iron spiders are actually those flying drones that were salvaged and repurposed by the Second Empire. As they failed and fell to the ground the SE would scoop them up, stick some legs on them and set them to work. The Labs and Factories that show signs of Iron Spider production always have the completed cores after all and I don't think we ever see them reduced more to individual parts.
is re_kenshi worth installing?
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Why are my KLR arms giving me negative Dex instead of positive?
Is it a mod do you think?
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Oh, it's Advanced Limb Overhaul.
>KLR already struggles to compete with Industrial Lifter, the dex boost is the only thing keeping it afloat
>nerf dex with a harsh penalty
Atlas I...
Well, going full schizomode... My contention is that we operate under a generally accepted false premise that the "AI" in AI Core stands for artificial intelligence. This then somewhat implying Skeleton sentience is an incidental emergence tied to the nature of their circuitry and the sci-fi magic springing them to life.

Rather, I'd put forth that the "A" stands for Augmented. The fundamental frame is without soul or more specifically any personality bearing depth. It can only be as its programmer permits it to be. AI Cores provide a higher level of cognitive thought and decision making which in almost all forms mimic human behavioral patterns right down to the apparent existence of emotional states. I'd suggest these so-called AI cores are not mere circuitry-gone-sentient. The Skeletons which we meet and truly interact with present like imprints of very real human personalities, carefully crafted to effortlessly integrate into anything from complex human environments to wild survival situations, all with seemingly genuine agency at play...

Each AI Core offers a distinct personality with a past and set of decisions charting the path they've led. Such Skeletons can even reflect upon and hold serious baggage over the events they've committed or witnessed. All to say I'd venture AI cores are some twisted merging of actual human Ancients (somehow) with mightily advanced biotechnology. We see a horrific bastardization of this glitterworld tier biotech via the Hives in the modern day.
I'm just gonna download a mod that lets me craft AI Cores, I'm gonna have to research all the limbs a second time, for 12 cores, which I already spent the first time.
I'm on day 150 I can't be DEALING WITH THIS SHIT MAN!
You can farm AI Cores off Cleanser Units in the Ashlands, though obviously you need a strong donut that can beat them down reliably.
I'm waiting to visit the Ashlands until I take down the Bugmaster, for roleplay purposes.
Bright side is, some Grinders rolled in and I recruited them.
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Bugmaster nearly starved to death once.
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I'm a newfag, and yes I know this game isn't supposed to hold your hand or be easy, but I've played for almost 4 hours and haven't really had any fun yet. When does that start? I've tried all sorts of different starts and only one time did anything actually fun or interesting happen. I read all these crazy stories from other people.
I've been intentionally getting myself captured to try and get something interesting to happen while trying to escape, but so far its just been a loop of
>try and sneak out
>get spotted because the guards never move or do anything
>get thrown in a cage again

I'd really like to like this game but its not going well so far
AI cores and CPUs are really inconsistent with how they spawn in Skeletons. They kill the skeleton if removed but not all skeletons have them.

I figure there are two possibilities.
A) Only certain, advanced models of skeletons are equipped with an AI core.
B) We are only allowed to loot AI cores from skeletons that contain lost knowledge. We can't extract them from other skeletons for the same reason we can't kill humans by stealing their meat like with animals.
Stop doing the shit that keeps getting you thrown in jail. Your characters start out completely helpless. You have to work your way up to the more interesting stuff.
I headcanon that it's possible for Skeletons to install a second AI Core for more power, however their life becomes dependent on it and it's easier to remove, so it comes with more risk.
That start makes you a slave in Rebirth. Though Rebirth gets a lot of praise for being a place where you can safely toughen up characters, I think you need to have an understanding of the game to really abuse the place, because as you say you are getting frustrated by how hard escape is.
I think you should do the Wanderer start, I think Scorchlanders are a great beginner race because they need less food without totally eliminating the need for it and they gain Athletics and Stealth quickly which will help you with avoiding danger and traveling.
>get the peeler plans again
>go through the same routine, rip in peace arms and legs
>3 of my characters i hesitate to peel for some reason
>have to carry those retards everywhere
So quiet.
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>Swamp Ninja Mask
>Provides protection from gas
>No gas is found in the swamp

>Ashlander Hat
>Does not provide protection against gas
>Gas is found in the Ashlands

Combine that with how the only human group to operate in a gas hazard area regularly, the Black Desert Ninjas, also don't wear any gas masks and that's just fucking retarded.
Beak things annoy me in how little sense they make. They're the largest apex predator in Kenshi yet they, for whatever reason, are pack hunters? Why? What are they hunting that requires so many of them to work together?

IMO, it would have been way better if elder beak things were the only real beak thing.we saw, save nests with pups of course. There would even be potential for cool ecology where beak things are seen exclusively by themselves except in the leviathan coast where you see a group of 2-3 work together to hunt leviathans.
Out of all the animals in Kenshi I'd consider Beak Things the most likely to be genetically engineered.

And honestly when looking at animal v animal fights Beak Things can be overwhelmed pretty easily. Lone Beak Things in particular are vulnerable to packs.
speaking of fights - Chris should have programmed the NPCs to spread out and attack from all sides. Instead they just do a konga-line to the nearest source of death.
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There's a lot of strange choices in Kenshi's design, like why did Chris code a whole clothes dyeing mechanic the player can't utilize without modding faction colors or kidnapping NPCs to dye armor?
I do recommend that Minor Faction Overhaul for Black Desert Ninjas, their new mask and katana is pretty cool.
At least it's pretty easy to make a mod to give the player faction a color.

The thing that bugs me is how NPCs that you recruit will continue to color any gear their old faction until you save and load the game. I kind of want to find all of these NPCs and make their faction color a personal color so it persists after recruitment.
How do shek feel about cybernetics?
in vanilla they say nothing on this matter. Try asking Nat on kenshi **scord server.
gluing rebar to ruka's horn stumps and telling her they're "skeleton horns"
I'd say I'd depend on whether the Shek has horns or not.

If they have horns it's a badge of pride. That you took a grievous injury and still managed to fight through it to victory.

If your horns have been removed then they're a sign of just how badly you got your ass kicked.
I mean, even if they were genetically engineered they still have to conform to the existing ecosystem. They need enough food to sustain their caloric needs and they're large, fast creatures which implies a high metabolism.

Considering their proliferation they're one of the most successful animals in Kenshi. They exist in just about every Biome that isn't dominated by humanoids. I think the only animals that claim more overall territory are bone dogs and Garu which makes sense as they're both pack oriented medium sized animals, one predator and one prey.
to be fair almost every creature in kenshi (save gorillos and the stray leviathan) has pack mentality, so if you have a high chance of finding entire packs of food you may as well travel in groups to guarantee you get it on the first place, otherwise solo beakthings get pummeled into the ground like the other anon said
maybe they're omnivores too, and they suplement a meat diet with whatever else they can rummage, would be fun (somewhat) if they attacked your crops like raptors do so
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Scorchlanders should have longer ears.
long ears + demon tail
do I need a party or I can play the whole thing with only one character ?
You can solo, but you ought to have the auto-save enabled for every 15 minutes.
yeah you can go solo
going solo is possible, but there is high chances of you bleeding to death if there isn't atleast one extra dude to help you out, people managed to pull it off tough, and having a single unit lets you funnel all the XP into him so there's that
i do reccomend a small group (about 8 to 12 is the sweetspot of micromanaging for me) or atleast one ''squire'' incase your main donut gets downed/enslaved/about to be eaten alive
if you go solo i can give some tips besides that but it spoils the fun
8 to 12 is too much for me to manage, I don't like having to micro manage multiple characters.
Post screenshots when you start playing.
it's mostly ideal traveling party size, i'll micromanage 1 or 2 characters while the rest do their stuff, the numbers are there just in case a big enemy group appears so we can still fight them without getting overran with sheer numbers, plus hauling loot/kit/downed members because i don't like to use pack beasts that much
my critical mass where i cannot coordinate a group properly enough to micromanage everything is about 20 to 30, anymore than that and i'd have to pause multiple times a frame to get everything going the way i want, or have to train every single mf one by one so they're not dead weight on the group... i tend to have a base set up by that point however, so it doesn't become a problem...most of the time
The drow don't have tails.
i recall a piece of trivia from the kenshi youtube account during the days before christmas where they would post shorts with trivia about the game, and i recall one being about how originally scorchlanders were supposed to have tails, i think it would have been a neat minor addition
Anyone playing on linux? I haven't played in a few years, so i may be misremembering, but I believe zone loading time used to be a lot better both on my old windows install and an older version of my linux distro. Should I try older proton versions?
found it
Could go either way really. I can see Shek being very eager to enter the peeler to become more powerful, but at the same time they might be too prideful to want Skeleton limbs over natural Shek muscle.
I doubt they have much tought on prosthetics as a collective, at best a warrior would assume normal stuff, like poor prosthetics meaning whoever has it is strapped on money or that someone with a high quality limb is something to be wary of
The "sun demons" were ebony-skinned catgirls. Chirs' mod for Oblivion. Why do you think there are jokes about Catlanders? And the Great Desert being a giant litter box?
>i can't tell if this is bait or not
I play on Linux though I'm not really sure if Proton would have much effect on Kenshi's performance. You can try it but I wouldn't expect much, maybe just use a performance mod like FASTR.
They are not catgirls, just dark elves with tails and black skin, or dremora without the horns https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3528?tab=images#lg=3&slide=1
Catgirls in all but the name. The tails were catty.
By okran it's not bait
Considering the ammount of japanese references is really lame kenshi doesnt have a direct references to japanese mythological creatures, is a missed oportunity to flesh out the world of kenshi in a way, like an absurdly strong shek being a direct reference to an oni, or a giant skin spider being a reference to tsuchigumo and idk add a masterwork samurai armor in its nest as a reference to yorimitsu, or the giant swamp raptor being named hanzaki and a holy nation legend on how a giant raptor was devouring crops and men alike and they could only but repel it with the power of okran or some shit like that, fuck you chris.
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Do not venture into the UC during the night. Do not go into the Swamp either. And don't go to the Crabistan. You are never safe.
>tfw no neko stalker ninjas
Nah, I think kenshi hits the sweet spot. Any more jap culture insertion would be obnoxious
we could have had drow monkey people but alas... the anglo strikes again
There's already enough mythology;
Whenever you game breaks or shits itself is the doing of a yokai
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You joke, but you will die tired, dehydralized, and utterly defeated.
Skeletons never get thirsty you walking piece of charcoal!
Fuck how do i do this captcha
Fuck all hair mods fucking suck, i cant find one that fits my autism, and i think the apachii one was nuked from existence for some reason... what are some /keng/ approved hairmods? i want my slave girls to have nice hairstyles as they fight for my glorious kingdom.
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Are you sure about that?
>nice hairstyles
the guy named "ro ro ro ro" or something made good hair mods.
Holy thats a lot of hairstyles, japs coming in clutch again, thanks anon.
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Get ready to meet some fabulous black dragon kunoichi.
Post your screenshots before /keng/ reaches page 10
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Is that where all my stolen food goes?
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What do you think ?
Food is stored in the boob
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The camels and the women of Kenshi have something common it seems.
>the game has mammal animals
>I can't milk those mammals

Chris. Why?
It'd probably need some kind of milk producing work bench that requires an animal and the person milking it.
I'm looking to to nerf skeletons in a way that's lore friendly. My initial idea was to have them become hungry and then eat special parts like CPU units and skeleton eyes to simulate them degrading as they do stuff but my changes to the food system fucks up shopping lists for other NPCs in my mod as well as other behaviour like foraging.
A second idea I had was to have skeleton beds require the components which would then be consumed to simulate the same thing, making blunt damage a major problem if you don't find parts but since buildings can't have two designated functions in the FCS I can't do that either.
So any practical suggestions anyone here uses in their own game or know of that I can check out?

Unrelated but I've also made a new interior for the mechanical shops in the game, working on making every building layout unique as well as giving generator cores a proper model that went unused in the game files.
Make the skeleton bed itself expensive to make (add AI cores/skeleton parts or whatever to its recipe) and make it more power hungry, make repair kits less effective/more expensive and the skeleton beds you can find on cities have a higher tax rate or something
More than nerfing skeletons themselves i think skeletons need MORE factions that actively seek and destroy them like it happens to humans, the thralls in venge should kidnap skeletons and send them to the tower of abuse to be killed just like cannibals or skin bandits do with people, idk if is possible but a creature like a crimper that is designed to only target and eat skeletons could be a good start too to make the wastelands more dangerous for them to be knocked out
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This happens so frequently in worlds end
Yeah it's definitely something I'm looking at. I've already changed skeleton shops to only open at night which I think adds to the whole "Skeletons being shifty vibe" that surrounds them in general. Though there is the trouble of adding more skeleton exclusive threats to the detriment of the fleshies. The Deadlands now has fire tornados and gas as well as the regular rain. With the rain occasionally spilling out into the iron valleys and the Black Desert region proper.

But like you say, a lot of the danger that comes from walking around is that being injured quickly develops into a major problem since you can't heal quickly. Chris kind of did this with skeletons making it so they can't heal while playing dead but there's a cheesy workaround when outnumbered that lets you do it anyway which makes all player skeleton squad near enough unbillable with the right micro.

Venge Thralls are definitely something I can do, would make it so even skeletons have reason to avoid the centre of the map, maybe even have them roam the entire centre of the map region with the purpose of catching skeletons coming and going to Black Desert City off guard.

Maybe making them weak to bleeding damage since oil is something they logical shouldn't be able to regenerate passively without assistance, making constant engagements as a skeleton risky as you could be unconscious for a very long time until you finally recover enough.
have them drink alcohol instead of eating
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My dude got himself in here while I wasn't looking and now he wont move. What do
nevermind, he wouldn't walk out of the bottom gap but the top gap works just fine
If you ever get stuck in something
>move the camera away in the spot you want your character to appear
>reload save pressing the option "reset squad position"
>character will appear where you left the camera when you saved
You can avoid certain characters from being affected by the reset squad option if you make them sleep in beds.
*remember that this affects every character you control no matter where they are
Thats why the ones you dont want to teleport you put them to sleep, if they are sleeping in a bed they do not get affected, chairs work too but sometimes, beds work 100% of the time.
Beep vs Tinfist on pay per view tonight
You should honestly start out at the Hub your first few times until you figure out what to do. Get the mechanics down and how to make money/feed yourself, and the game opens up. It is brutal at the beginning though.
I've micro'd entire armies before. It sucks but is doable. Just make sure you have a few dedicated food-carry bitches with backpacks on and food sharing enabled.
Would you prefer to keep the speed settings as is (normal, double, triple) or remove speed up entirely and adjust stats growth and activities like crafting to take less time so it's comparable in time it takes to level/research/craft stuff?
The speed setting is a requirement because of the distances in this game with no fast travel. Even at 3x it will take a decent chunk of time to run across the map, mainly because of the bad pathfinding.
I wouldn't mind longer travel time if everything else was adjusted
Rideable animals would have been nicer.
True. It's just that I hate having the game run at 3x 90% of the time. Very immersion breaking
Thats what I have been doing. I had a good run going with my fella and Ruka, but I made the mistake of trying to go anywhere and immediately got raped by everything ever, and they both bled out in the desert.
If you're at the Hub, you can lure bandits and such back to the trade ninjas who will cut up just about anything. If you head to Shek territories, no dust bandits can harm the town guards. You can kite them and collect loot for sale. Generally speaking, I just go straight to crossbows at the very beginning to thin out starving bandits and such before closing to melee. In general though you shouldn't be picking fights because pretty much anything will dominate you at the beginning. The bandits around Hub generally shouldn't kill your characters and are more interested in looting your food.
Taking on UC as anti-slavers is so fucking tedious compared to killing HN. Destroying HN is straight forward, you just make a big ass army and zerg rush. UC is too strong for that and there's too many overrides you have to manage.
Sounds cool ty
Good picture, spider pets would be cool
That what makes UC fun tho, there's so many things you can do to make taking over easier or harder, or to make the place prosper or to send it to hell, is very dynamic and i hope kenshi 2 goes harder on the world states, the only thing the holy nation has that compares to that is taking the forts near the fog islands wich would make fogmen start roaming the land.
I cant believe tinfist lost against beep
He's too old, it was cool seeing him go hard in the beginning though, at least he wasn't knocked out.
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and yet no-one modded this so far...
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slow hours
>get raped by literally everything
>heal up party
>walk 5 feet
>another group of 5000000000 niggers comes and beats me to death with sticks again
Ah, the joys of having no meta knowledge of Kenshi's gameplay...
What's the difference between pack bulls, domestical bulls and wild bulls that you can buy?
Domesticated bulls have their horns removed and have significantly less head HP. Wild bulls and pack bulls both get to keep their horns and are almost identical.

I think they have slightly different skill stats but that's less relevant for player owned ones of course.
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I think the most interesting thing about people's screenshots for this game is that no matter what someone will have a different UI from every other person
Where do you sell your drugs?
Flat lagoon gives me 600% profit, how much sho-batan pays?
Empire cities will always pay more but good luck trying to sell it. The most profitable and reliable means of doing it is to buy up drugs in the swamps and caravan it to Flat's Lagoon for 100,000 each trip. Alternatively, if you have hydroponics, you can make and sell drugs right next to Flat's Lagoon. Sometimes I'll do that on a playthrough, just have 3-4 guys who make and sell hash to finance the main squad.
It must be a bug where you free slaves and they thank you but then refuse to leave the cage. It's so infuriating when they go "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" then run right back to the cage. I'm trying to RP here, dammit.
Does no one(other than shinobi thieves) buy drugs in UC?
drugs are verbotten in the civilized places.
i buy from the swamp then sell to flats lagoon, but is so stupidly easy to rack up 300000 in less than 3 days with that, to the point i made my self impose rule of never do that because of how easy it is that it may as well be an exploit

No, only them and techhunters (if the city culture allows ilegal goods), wich is dumb, you would think the hounds or the blackshifters would have undercover smugglers in cities to buy your drugs if you are allied with the respective factions, is something i plan to add in my game when i make the blackshifters actually joinable.
Afraid of the cops. Even if you have a high thieving stat they won't buy it. The strat a lot of people use is sell their drugs to the Shinobi Thieves, buy everything the Shinobi have on sale in their inventory, and then sell that at full sticker to a legit merchant. Generally speaking you can make decent money, but you'll have to hang out in town a few days for their inventory to restock over multiple days, while also fencing off your drugs little by little. That's why I generally stick to Flat's Lagoon. I just don't feel like dealing with the hassle.
I also added narcotics expanded mod that add coke and opium, love it but it also make game super easy, I had 3 character filled full of coke sack and made ez 600k
Wish it added some risk reward factor
Reinstalled recently and most of the old links are dead. Where do i get bijin now?
There's a mod called Worthwhile Hashish Smuggling that adds these guys that will buy drugs off you in different cities, and there's a chance they're an undercover cop that will tell on you.
>Where do i get bijin now?
On the Zippangu forums, most likely.
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The double 2D plants look like they belong to a game made in early 2000s. And the same game is littered with tiny stones that have billions of segments each. If only Chris was competent...
Starting to regret my anti-slavers playthrough. I enjoy ambushing trade caravans, but they never have any good loot on them so aside from food it's a waste of time. Destroying cities is also a waste of time. I think I'd do the slaves a bigger favor just waddling into town with a fat fucking wallet and buying all their contracts.

I wish there was another big faction aside from HN or UC to have a running war with. HN is easy to conquer and UC takes too long with zero payoff.
check the Grineer Mod.
had this odd dream today that at the last minute had a snippet of kenshi stuff, some kind of mod or addition that added a machine where you could put one of your character's corpses when they died and they'd show you different stuff
if the character had done no ''crimes'' a small screen would pop up where it would show it back to the camera with white wings before slowly dissapearing
if it did other crimes like dealing drugs or fighting/whatever, it'd show it in the same manner but with black wings
if it had killed someone however, it'd show it doing an animation where it is constantly falling downwards as it looked down, as if to say it went to hell
odd stuff
that's wild.
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>You can't haul limbs and boots to the item furnace automatically
>Setting Haul to Food Barrel causes your Settler to load up the barrel with limbs
>Outside barrels can be eaten from by animals
>Animals will eat limbs
I mean...it works.
You bumped /keng/ from page 10. /keng/ needs more posters.
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hey where is mountain blade general?
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yeah, that's one annoyance i got, i always end up with a field of wooden sandals on my backyards thanks to passing slavers/missing legs
Ruka forged herself a Rusted Junk Falling Sun for training, and went off into the wild.
Killing bandits, cannibals, and other things, until she got to Leviathan Coast.
She was going to duel a Leviathan, to finally prove to herself that she was worth of being called a Shek.
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And she solo'd that shit hard.
Now I just gotta find a barber to grow her horns back.
>grow her horns
Sin, she doesnt need horns to prove her worth anymore, she has trascended shek tisms
>and realistically the way shek horns grow would make them actually worse at figthing than hornless sheks but thats another discussion
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I've come to really like armored rags.
Sadly they statistically suck for everything but specifically hive martial artists.
wish bar brawls initiated through combat/organically were a thing outside of shark
kek that micro erection
Skeletons can use them effectively as they rarely get hit in the stomach too. They're pretty niche but yeah, it's more viable to go with something heavier or lighter. You can probably make up for the lack of stomach protection with chainmain but that's at the cost of even more dexterity.
Died, like many other good generals. Only gachashit lives non-stop.
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I wonder what initial plans Chris had for the moon cultists.
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Made another interior for the bakery building. Tried to make it seem more functional and lean more into it's shop and lodging vibe. Roof still feels a little bare but I think it looks good.
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>decide to see the quality of leddit discussions on kenshi
>>Duhh I think HN are without a doubt the most evil faction because they are bigots...
>close tab

/vst/ my boys
It's not unsurprising they dismiss The Holy Nation as evil, they think that a belief in Okran is somehow incompatible with being a good person and anyone supporting them is just using it as a front for their own bigoted beliefs. The irony is that it's only because of their belief in Okran and a cosmic battle between good and evil which pushes the Okranites to perform acts of selflessness in a otherwise cruel and unforgiving world. All of their beliefs are easily explained, rationalized and in many cases justified to ensure the survival of their people and religion.

I think it mostly stems from a mix of bad writing on Chris and Nat's part as well as the general ignorance most people have towards religion in general. It doesn't help that The Holy Nation uses terms which lead people toward the wrong conclusions. Inquisition? Christanity bad. Oppression of women? Islam bad.

When they put the religion in these boxes which already align with their worldview, you can't have a discussion because they think you're either trolling or a bad person yourself. Which is a shame since what I see when I look at the Okranites is a religion that gives hope, understanding and a clear path to a future for humanity.

If you want to actually discuss The Holy Nation and it's religion then I'm all for it. I have my own worldbuilding which fills in a lot of the gaps left behind and I'm curious if there's anything I might have missed which I can include.
I wonder sometimes how would the HN be seen if the game was published in 2008 instead of 2018.
I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference. The Okranite religion is based on Zoroastrianism and outside of history buffs, most people in the west have never heard of it or even understand what it's about. Probably there would be a bit more discussion about how the religion works in universe without all the senseless screeching but most would end up missing the mark.
If you make a bad faction be too evil and gloomy people will start saying it's cartoonishly villanous and unrealistic, but if you don't you'll have people who genuinely think they're the good guys
Happens with all major factions, fuck all of that, im going to deadcat
Honestly mate, it's not that deep and I think your contrarianism blinds you. Okranites are the way they are because strict dictator state that nonetheless provides safety and quality of life to its citizens in lieu of personal freedoms is a tried and true trope for moral greyness. It exists to be another flavor of misery in a depressing world.

People just disproportionately hate the HN because their policies are topical in our modern world. You saw the exact same thing with Caesars Legion.
I suppose that's one way of looking at it but I think you're overlooking how the Okranite religion was intended to be portrayed. The developer blogs outline that the belief in Okran and Narko is actually pretty common. Not in the sense that they worship the two gods but more like a cultural imprint which has been left of humanity and that lines up with how most NPCs will reference the two gods even when it's pretty obvious they (probably) don't believe in them.

The conclusion we've all known is that Chris just didn't finish his game and we're left guessing as to what exactly was meant to be.
remind me, what is the opposite of "contrarinism"?
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Looks good.
>agony demons
>see a kenshi playthrough
>"Ok guyz so we are going to destroy the HN"
>close tab
they need new material
The holy nation is gimped mostly by writting, everything about them makes sense BUT the way they where written was to make them as incel as possible as a hitpiece, even the UC that is an obvious "capitalism is le bad, rich people all they do is hoard and wank" at least have some nuance attached to them like longen and simion, HN doesnt have this, even the paladin trying to redeem himself (griffith) is constantly chastised by the other followers, hell their hatred of women is so comical that if you walk around the HN with lets say a hiver and a woman, when they tak to the hiver they are extremely polite and explain to you why you need to go to rebirth, while with the woman they talk with such a seething rage is a surprise they didnt gave the holy bros an attack on sight to female characters, they wrote them to hate women more than they hate non humans kek, the HN needs a heavy rewrite.
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Those things are more or less reskinned cannibals. But they are tougher, have weapons and armor, and they have no purpose aside from being killed by my donuts. A good mod. Trying to hire those things is also amusing.
after escaping rebirth with -60rep with HN, they have stopped trying to enslave me. they just beat up and leave me or put me in a cage without shackles. is it supposed to be like that?
Yeah I totally agree but I think another issue is that we never actually meet a character which actually likes Okran and the Holy Nation. Griffin does believe in Okran but no matter your choices he rationalizes his vision to fit whatever outcome you leave the world in which makes him kind of a punching bag for the other characters like you say who totally reject Okran, mainly the Flotsam girls.

You'd think as he travels around he'd talk about his beliefs and how he and Okranites in general feel about certain things but outside of a few lines played for laughs he never actually says anything meaningful that helps us learn more.
Alright /keng/, how about a little CYOA kind of deal? You'll play the role of a fresh conscript in the Great Empire (not the United Cities) and we'll see if you can climb the ranks, retire, or just die.
First thing first, what are you?
>Greenlander (male/female)
>Scorchlander (male/female)
>Shek (male/female)
Griffith is such a missed oportunity is infuriating (all the "unique" recruits, but more specifically with him) even more that the game through certain dialogues wants to sell you the idea that is the Inquisitors that are bad and that the schizo behavior the holy nation is presenting in the present started with the ingame phoenix, so the game is telling you that the holy nation existed for 5000 years chilling out farming and living the amish grindset, and that is the current phoenix that is being an incel tard, and the inquisitors are becoming something more akin to the nobles in the UC yet the game also tells you "uumh all holy bros are chuds! no exceptions" theres not a way you can reform them while also keeping them stable, like you can do with the UC by only taking certain cities that the outlaws can make prosper while leaving the slave farms and traders guild intact since outlaws actually can live normally with those factions without turning the desert into a shithole like if you follow tinfists plans of "all nobles need to die", with the HN is either you do nothing or go scorched earth, no in between.
lvling dex on shek is suffering
It's really interesting how hated the HN is. The popular Bounties Galore mod for example, three of the recruitable new bounties have backstories about how the HN ruined their lives and now they slaughter paladins for a living. The mod does have a recruitable paladin but geez, three of them?
There is actually an override in vanilla for Blister Hill which is labelled as prosperous under the Flotsam Ninjas but because of the way the triggers are made it never happens. In that scenario the the Shek would control Stack and Bad Teeth (unless Esata is dead) and the Empire controls Okran's shield but the holy farms remain free under Holy Nation control. But because the farms never switch faction from the Holy Nation the shek patrols massacre the farms instead of leaving them alone, made worse since there is an actual Okranites faction in vanilla as well.

The current Phoenix has some ties with the Trader's Guild and we know that it was the HN which attacked the Shek first. While we don't know the exact timeframe I think it's reasonable to assume that the current Phoenix was alive during The Red Rebellion and that the guild / Longen? asked the phoenix to open a new front against the Shek to and take some of the pressure off the south.
Chris essentially told me that the realpolitik considerations of the various contending states was very much so in play. The whole problem as to why it all comes to an end so abruptly and somewhat confusingly is possibly best explained via one of Nat's old gripes. I would have to dig for the exact quote but it boiled down to

>I can write this incredibly immersive, lengthy tangent of dialogue, locked behind particular conditions and leading the player down all sorts of paths. However, one misstep and the majority of players will never see it and totally miss all the effort and intent.

Which is a big contributing reason to the overarching philosophy of creating a puddle. Chris (and Nat) left the door open for political exploration and numerous late game scenarios to be crafted. Everything from the dialogue barks to the vanilla overrides are puddle-tier content on purpose. Depth is left to the modders. The narrative doesn't over-commit for a reason and that's a good thing.
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>the majority of players will never see it and totally miss all the effort and intent.
>effort and intent.
>finding a excuse to be lazy
Checks out, this mentality of "why even try? no one will see it/someone else will do it for me just consoom" is why everything have been in a downward spiral.
Also modders are niggerfaggots
I thought soldier drones would be as common as workers, my logic was that the 2 are basically retarded and expendable so the queen would have no trouble just kicking them out and making new ones with the princes actually being the rarer ones since they are basically royal bugs in a irl bug colony but no, i'll see if throwing the soldier drones that sometime spawn as rebel farmers join me if i let them be kidnap by fogman, if not then i will have to protect the 3 ones i have or bend the knee and install recruit anyone...
No, it's basically Worker > Prince > Soldier in terms of rarity.
Workers are the most expendible and often get lost or thrown out for defects.
Princes are the most free and are even capable of having rivalries with each other, so they get the boot a lot too.
Soldiers are born with the specific purpose of defending the hive and are the least intelligent, so they don't want freedom at all. Even after becoming free they usually become mercenaries or soldiers, still following that purpose to protect something.
that implies that they always had freedom of choice and their complains about the hive are meaningless and the queen have no say in the matter if they leave or not, that means then the "hivemind" is more like an idea rather than a set in stone thing with pheromones that mind control them (like actual bugs), where they have no personality until they get kicked out, if princes leave the hive because they are smart enough to see that queen is fake and gay and seek to make their scorchie harems and the workers leave because they have a lisp then the queens have less power than everyone thought leaving only the soldiers wich are retarded enough to buy the lie... that or the real reason is that they get kicked out because they develop mental illnesses and all the hiveless hives are mentally ill in some way (like eyegore being a psychopath and beep too) making soldiers the rarest because they cannot develop these if they are barely sentient to begin with.
>"I don't want to put efforts because normies are sheep"

Chris is an idiot. You do not write for others - you write for yourself, and you let others read what you wrote.
Modders are not niggerfaggots, atlas being the biggest faggotnigger of all is just tipping the scales
I think how the pheromones work is they make every hiver feel this incredible sense of love and belonging, like they are all part of a greater collective, but it's not actual mind control and they are all more individual than they think, at least the Princes are more individual as their racial description states they can fight for greater control in the hive. The feeling is so good that no one really wants to leave, but after leaving some enjoy thinking for themselves like Beep, and others look back on being part of the hive and think it was cringe, they do all talk like dumb children. Eyegore must have been too violent and eventually turned on other hivers and worked his way up north until he was eventually captured and tamed by the UC, if this is true it proves the pheromones are just a drug and nothing more.
One of my pet theories is that the "pheromones" are actually radio signals, hiver horns and antennaes look like radio antennas, the queen's multiple antennas are transmissors and hivers recieve the signals, princes could be walking radio towers that bounce the signals to the hivers that follows them, so the queen actually has a biological radio network going on all around the island.
I would say this game's complete lack of narrative is its biggest weakness. It's a directionless sandbox without enough lore to care about or interact with to make your own adventures meaningful. Every playthrough ends up being "I destroyed HN because they enslaved me that one time and it pissed me off" rather than it being an intrinsic plot point that actually matters. There's no reason to fight Cat-Lon for another example, other than just to do it and say you have a big peepee.

This game needed basic things like a quest system, where you go to a town, check a bulletin board, get your "Kill 10 shibble-dibbles for 10k cats" quest, and have a reason to fuck around. That'll never happen though, so we'll just have to wait for Kenshi 2 which releases in 3146
>go to a town, check a bulletin board, get your "Kill 10 shibble-dibbles for 10k cats"

God no, superficial questing like that is the worst. The unique bounties already exist to fulfill that role.
I actually appreciate kenshi more dwarf fortress approach of "let your autism guide you" where you make up the stories and everything that happens on it, not everything needs to be bethesda goyslop, if all the playthroughs you do end up "HN is le bad" that is more of a you problem and unironic skill issue, what kenshi needs tho is more interactions, something more akin to lets say morrowind speech system, where you can intimidate people, or bribe them, or looking for trouble or asking shit about the world, more world states and factions that dynamically appear, like the yabuta outlaws wich are a good idea executed poorly (wich is why im trying to make em justice) an indepth trade system for those that just want to rp as a happy merchant with a shop and even a bartering system and skill to allow maximun jewry rp, when there's no quests you need to create systems that allow for emergent gameplay, more than lack of narrative, kenshi suffers from most of its factions being either incompleted (shek kingdom, berserkers, hivers) or badly written (holy nation) wich also leaves the lore all over the place
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Correction in Progress
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Green sun in the sky
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Unlike New Vegas where everything is building up to the battle of Hoover Dam between the Legion and the NCR, this one just has a bunch of small conflicts before something changes.

Either by player hands or a city gets really unlucky with a spawned patrol.

Won't forget the time Yukkuris overran a Holy Nation mine.
>Either by player hands or a city gets really unlucky with a spawned patrol.
Southern Hivers dont fuck around, i remember kidnapping the western bitch and then the world was invaded by the Chinese, the sheks didnt stood a chance against the red wave.
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Radioanon here. Here's the update on Tertius. It's now 90% complete.

Shit has 100+ lines, 10+ overrides with branching paths and it shows you how getting rid of certain people can affect how the town turns out.

It can either wind up as a complete drug town, a military dictatorship Hellhole or even a failed attempt at integrating Fishmen into society.

This is built into the Grineer mod because the glowie agencies have a hand in what's happening to the town.
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A fair point if it weren't for the fact shit is so vague that people have drastically different interpretations of characters in their setting.

Take Cat-Lon for example. In one mod, he's a regretful king. In another mod, he's a king who's completely off his rocker.

If anything, much of the game is left unfinished because Chris simply got tired of it. Which makes sense considering it took a decade to finish this game and he just wants his life back.
If beep beeps, can scorchlanders hear him?
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Since Rabbits come from the moon, they're at home in Kenshi.
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Turtle Carwash
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Oi jazzy boeh, 'eard ya got the good stuff innit?
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And now the fun part. Tomorrow anyway.

Testing to see if the overrides work and the dialogue triggers correctly.
>Take Cat-Lon for example. In one mod, he's a regretful king. In another mod, he's a king who's completely off his rocker.
Well to be fair Cat-lon loudly screams he was not the monster, first modder got it wrong.
Some are. The guys behind the Grineer mod, the Cyberpunk Armory mod, and the mods made to unfuck Kenshi's particle generation are gentlemen and scholars.
They have tough limbs, daijobu.

derr modnegroes. 'tis the maximum of their imagination.

>it's reasonable to assume that the current Phoenix was alive during The Red Rebellion
Yes. And I wish Chris left a note or a book in his palace about that time.

>and that's a good thing.
I disagree.

Radio waves don't go through forests well. Does it explain the black shifters of the swamp?
Dont have much to add, yet please do continue modding it anon, fan content is the horse serum that keeps this game kickin'
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>doesn't let you assassinate anyone
>we'll just have to wait for Kenshi 2 which releases in 3146
An optimistic guess.

>not everything needs to be bethesda goyslop
Also true.
>executed poorly
That's 95% of Kenshi.


>Won't forget the time Yukkuris overran a Holy Nation mine.
A saw how the Viera overran a HN mine. I shudder to imagine what did they do with the Holy men...

>and then the world was invaded by the Chinese
Nah, if they are the Chinese they'd be happily remain within their own borders. China used to send large fleets to Africa for a short time. Then the next emperor said to destroy the ships. China tends to stay within China.

>failed attempt at integrating Fishmen into society.
I really need to continue playing Kenshi...

>Take Cat-Lon for example
You mean Caitlin, the sorrowful house maid of the long dead moon governor. She tried her best, but her Pentium 4 CPU couldn't comprehend a lot of things.

The Scorchies are half-drows, stop this slander!

They are from the Final Fantasy franchise, and they are here to stay and build their matriarchal, man-hunting society. No human male is safe on Kenshi...
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Redid one of the Noble House interiors, I made sword holders actually hold katanas now so they're aren't as useless of a trinket and I think it looks cool the noble just has really expensive swords laying around.

>Yabuta Outlaws
I'm looking to expand on these guys as well in my own mod set during the Red Rebellion. I was going to have him be the initial owner of Fort Simeon and then have it override to the farmers later on but I'm curious as to what sort of ideas you had in mind for them.
Chris should have made those things the livestock of the swampers.

>sword holders actually hold katanas
99 corpses of bandits on the gate, 99 corpses of bandits.
Burn one down, have your donut pick it up and not drop it, realize this only 50 minutes later when the bandit recovers from injury after your guy drops it and then it decides to break your gate while you're not looking only to then make half of your outpost clip on a jagged edge while beakthings pour in and they do not even try to defend themselves
and leave the rest, 98 corpses of bandits on the gate
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The NPC vendors should not buy literally anything off of player characters' hands. It breaks the immersion.
I think it fits actually most of the junk you sell is probably valuable, the only trouble is that the price they should pay shouldn't be as high as it is. Enhanced Survival challenge had some nice changes to prevent the player from loading up on cats by selling looted weapons.
Yeah, but I feel like Chris didn't fully play-test the game before the release. Or he wanted the casuls to enjoy Kenshi.
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If there was an option to have the buyers make a choice on what they accept for trade... I'd implement it in a heartbeat.

Instead, that option is limited to NPC shopping. As that one can have them discriminate on what they buy.
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Shek bandits and shek cops are engaged in a deadly bovine street violence.
the limits of Kenshi are common and annoying.
>Blue Blood

They're skeletons in disguise!
It's a mod on colored blood. Gives me a good idea which group did better during inter-racial fights on the island.
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>PC is too old to play most of the new games
>Can play Kenshi
Thanks, Chris.
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Just like the Yukkuris, the monsters in the Grineer mod fit in just well.

Ought to add the Yukkuris again when I do a maximum mod playthrough for peak chaos.
Holy shit look at the trunk on that bald girl.
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You know, messing with the Cartel in the Burning Forest got me thinking. The place has a bunch of abandoned farms and a tech lab. Granted, the tech lab has been long been left alone.

But as for the farms... who were the previous owners? My bet they used to be part of the UC domain down South but were forced to be abandoned as the South lacks the military power the North UC has.

Another possibility is that it used to be the food growing center of the 2nd Empire as evidenced by the villages in Cheater's Run. And Cheater's Run is quite inhospitable for growing stuff. So its probably just a trade corridor.
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Alright, Hiver it is. Say hello to Stick, the poor soul that is going to try and survive.
When the Imperial recruiters came, he had few choice: Either he volunteered himself, waited for them to come to him, or run.
Well, service can't be that bad, can it? And besides, there are other nice people with him.
Apparently, they are going to be trained for a week, and then given armor and a weapon.
What should Stick focus on during his training?
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The moon of Kenshi has changed ever since the trading spacers in blocky helmets brought the corn syrup...
I believe is southern UC buildings, the UC has tried to colonize the hook and the bonefields but has failed misserably either because of the wildlife or the enviroment or both, they probably had a bigger influence there, with the fishmen isle being the head capital of the southern UC and catun, the buildings there was probably an attempt to make more farms, everything was fine for a while until the noble in mourn died because of a slave uprising, the fishmen isle got skullfucked by the fishmen and the hook is barely holding together with the burning forest towns falling in disrepair due to constant bloodspider raids and the UC having more important matters at hand like not dying, so they left their burning forest pet project to die and decided to make slavefarms in the hook instead, that part of the map has many ruins that seem to have belonged to the UC, like that town in stobe gamble that belongs to the UC and the anti slavers can turn into a city.
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Its honestly nuts how massive the UC used to be. Guess the Red Rebellion hurt the empire more than they'd like to admit.

Its no wonder why the UC was so open to restarting Slavery. The Empire is in a bad shape. The Nobles being hedonistic dogs doesn't help. And Longen, while he is good at controlling the money, has got his hands full at making sure the UC doesn't just die since he's the last competent ruler.
I visited that place. A fine town in the bog. The blood spiders insisted on being annoying to the guards, and since the Argon cartel's goons didn't have bandages it looked like the bog was winning.
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Amazing how quick Junk food can make people fatter. Considering how some people grow fast... its worrying.

Guess I have to give them better health care next patch then.
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A middle aged Brit I know complained that ever time he visits the Burgerstan - he gets fat from the local food. The Kenshians might be gene-modded freaks, but can their bodies resist the sweet temptations of abundant corn syrup? Sometimes the game generates titty monsters with the highest possible tit numbers. But the game isn't Honey Select, so such occurences add a beautiful tragedy. All those dairy queens, dying daily and painfully to the many dangers of Kenshi. Makes a hardcore oppai enthusiast weep...

>better health care
Simple bandages would suffice. It's a simple over-sight while modding, daijobu.
What is that modded creatura?
If you speak of the lizard, I was surprised to see them too, they appeared only after I installed UWE.
Is an Argonian (elder scrolls lizard people)
A Sh*k, a crime against Okran.
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The Twisters of fire fit so well in the purple sands, i wonder if purple sands was going to be the Venge of the west side.
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skelly booba
I told you dog... I told you about Flats Lagoon!
Not big enough. Make the boobs more big.
Nice work yanks
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That is hair.
That is hair on a hiver.
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>hat: ready
>bolts: grabbed
>bow: equiped
>scorchfu: properly tamed and geared
Aigh, is time to Lab dive

>Radio waves don't go through forests well
They also dont perform very well in foggy areas, at least the FM signals, would explain the massive ammounts of fogmen in the fog islands

>but I'm curious as to what sort of ideas you had in mind for them.
Sort of making them feel more completed and giving them a closure after you release them (aka: destroy the faction) what i did was change their armor selections because the vanilla was an eyesore, make yabuta himself the leader (he only spawns when tengu and inaba is death in stoat as the Boss of the place like it should have been) and 2 new leaders that help him, 1 in fort simion (or mirage), and the second one in the cactus den if oni is death, then i added an alternate path in case you where already allied with simion (he takes fort mirage instead) made stoat be taken by the techhunters if all the 3 yabuta leaders are death and i managed to get working simion returning to the fort in case you werent allied with the rebels but you want to after destroying the yabutas, what i need to finnish is the raids because i want to make a path where you can face yabuta himself without having to make him spawn in stoat by killing tengu and inaba in case you are doing a pro UC playthrough but wanted to free him anyways for whatever reason.
That Skryim Argonian looks so fucking out of place just plopped into Kenshi.
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This may be the first time i see one of these joining, i've killed so many reaver raids and they always run away, sorry buddy, but you are not a hive.
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If this where chopsticks, he wouldnt have hesitated into selling his ass back to slavery, but silver does have empathy and so is leaving him in the waystation on the grey desert with some healing items and food, he says his goodbyes, and parts with his servant towards the deadlands, perhaps he will get his revenge on valamon, or he will become an upstanding citizen, perhaps will get absorbed into another bandit faction, or he will just perish like many others, only time will tell...
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>but silver does have empathy
A rare quality on Kenshi.
I was going to make them replace the Rebel Farmers in the Great Desert Early on, competing with a unified Cloud Ninja and Sand Ninja bandit faction led by Luquin. Then if he is imprisoned the remnants would retreat into Spine Canyon and replace the Blood Raiders faction, giving the impression his men are trying to get him out of Tengu's Vault.
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>Make the boobs more big.
Those aren't boobs, those are containers for liquid. They contain sake, grog, rum, and sometimes fresh water.
So are all world states just controlled by having a particular NPC be alive or can they be set to be triggered by other things?
Pretty much all of them are controlled by the condition of certain NPCs with the ability to distinguish if it was the player who killed the character. There are few others which control allied patrols spawning, notably The Shek Kingdom depending on whether the player is allied to that faction or not but there is also a trigger which can spawn squads if you become an enemy to a faction.
There's also a town okay trigger but I'm not sure what it does or how it works.
So it's not possible to have a world state trigger from dialog for example?
You can have a world state trigger through dialogue but you'd need to create a new faction to use as the world state check. So if say, I wanted to make a new world state where I get rid of Tengu and I convince Longen to run the empire instead without destroying Heft. I could implement a "Longen Alliance" faction which I can then set to be allied to the player faction. Then if Tengu AND "Longen Alliance" is an ally to the player then override Heft under this new UC world state without destroying it. Depends on what you're trying to do but that's the most straightforward way.
I think blood raiders are an offshot of the reavers similar to the dust bandits being an offshot of the blood raiders, my Pet theory is that valamon used to be a slavemaster or noble that during the rebelion, when it started, he used either slaves or common people as an army that he brainwashed through cult tactics (that he would later use in the pits) to be as loyal as possible then as he was getting exiled, some ironclads left with the canyonlands killer (he was intended to be the blood raider's boss but never got implemented) and dust bandits separated from the raiders when they saw they are just perverted psychos, the now new dust bandits got ratted out and some of them where captured and sent to tengu's vault as they tried to leave. Yabuta has a more 80s kung fu villain vibe, an over the top silly psycho hobo that is extremely dangerous due to his autistic fixation on martial arts and his almost unnatural charisma, in a way, he mimicks the player character a lot, i wonder if he is related more to savant in a way, both have a certain flavor of crazy.
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So, just fixed the gate inspections and learned the reason why its possible to talk to gate guards. Turns out you need to set them as 'locked' in the dialogue screen.

Along with that, adjusted the Gate Guards for the Argon Cartel, updated their fighting force and hopefully there isn't a legion of Cartel goons showing up at every settlement.

The next adjustment here is to have them interact with the Swamper gangs. It is the inevitability of gangs in general.

The Bunnies are wise. And horny. Wise and horny.
The Viera do nothing but sleep, eat, fight, and bang local men. The wisdom is just the side effect of their accumulated post-nut clarities.
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STR training it is!

What do you mean? What's an Argonian? By Okran you are delusional.
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>settle in the HN
>have no intension to attack the HN
>they bother me all the time
>there is no content if HN isn't attacked by the player

Well, it's a shame. The base will have to be demolished. But then again - the game is so bong-coded that having more than 1 base isn't safe anyway.
>the game is so bong-coded that having more than 1 base isn't safe anyway.
Not really, tested it out myself, the only weird ocurrences happen if a siege was underway and you move everyone to another base, the raid will say "[raid] has changed target to [player outpost]" however they will still go to the base they where supposed to go first, and will stay there until enough time pases or you mové someone to the base the raid is in, load the chunk, the raid will then move to the New base all of your guys are, if you moved and a raid wasnt underway the moment a raid spawn will work normally, ive been doing little fortresses in áreas to have a resting waypoint and as Middle finger to the local faction and i havent had any troubles.
That may be true, but perhaps my own hardware is too weak to endure such "stress tests" of Kenshi.
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Is been a long walk but they are finally here, Goldglare, has never seen a construction like this before, she could barely contain her excitement to see what is inside that town on top of the lake,
>"if you see something you like, dont hesitate in buying it, best if is a blueprint" said silver with a gentle smile,
>"our hive needs all the knowledge we can find, if we can reproduce it the better"
>"...well are you going to gawk there all night or shall we go in?"
>*she snaps back to reality and nods*
>"thats one fancy tower innit, can we build something like it!? would love to see a fortress mounted on one of those bad boys!" said gold
>"In time human, lets us relax for a moment
>tomorrow we shall look for the Ancient Citadels with the books necessary for the tech to build structures like this"
>"the battle is ahead of us and we shall face it with a fresh body and mind"
>Gold: "aight then... But you buy the drinks" *laughs*
are you that guy who made fan art before?
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The Bughouse lives up to its name, never use it for anything that requires crafting... or anything in general, that shit bugs out for no reason and in the most bizarre ways possible, my smith not wanting to smith was because of the bughouse messing the navmesh, i thought it was the work system crashing and burning but no, it was the bughouse ruining everything.
>no schools on the island
>no education at all
Chris. World building. Where is it?
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The Holy Nation is loathed for several reasons. First, new players who bring their OCs through the territory would suddenly find their donuts get attacked.

And even having the holy flame and a male humie doesn't help.

There's of course the part where its incomplete. Chris put in too much effort with the UC. Everything else was an afterthought.
At best you got the great library [?] Tech hunters selling books for people to teach themselves, and the university of machinists at world's end, holy nation teaching their children to read so the holy flame is kept, so on and so on
Most people are probably taught by family members/private tutors, just like in real life before public schools (wich are relatively recent)
I find more easy to hate the UC than the HN, the HN even with a party full of nonhumans, they are predictable, and if you dont bother them they will not bother you and the land is really good for just walking around without much worries even as a nonhuman since the most dangerous thing you can find is a normal raptor, the UC are absolutely despicable no matter where or what you are, if is not slaver gooners trying to sexually assault you, is the IRS trying to steal your money, pair that with the UC heroes raids and okran forbid if you accidentally clicked on a noble and talked to it, traversing the zone is an absolute nightmare filled with giant sand roaches, starvers and all sort of other degenerates, literally you cant sleep without someone trying to put shackles on you, and the "good" guys are also no better than a generic bandit to the point you could mistake them for another bandit faction that is hostile by default,

>oly nation teaching their children to read so the holy flame is kept
IIRC there's a dialoge line that says that the average okranite cant read so the Holy flame is more like a badge than an actual book for the average citizen
>there's a dialoge line that says that the average okranite cant read
Never saw it personally, but given that Nat shat all over her onii-chan's game -- I would not be surprised if that's a vanilla line.
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That one time a modder forgot to place ladders on the walls.
Kenshi is an uber shithole where the vast majority of the island are retarded, the player is in the 99th percentile for being smart enough to sell copper.
Just like irl England.
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Oi! Watch your language scallywag
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slow hours
I really really like that image.
Morning EU hours.
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What is happening?
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Average Rebirth Enjoyer
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I had a dream in which 2B was filling her breasts with milk. She was doing in some public bathroom. She was shorter than me, and she acted like did it many times before.

I saw this dream several hours after I noticed on Steam that the 2B+friends mod was updated recently.
Slow EU hours.
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Making a new category of bars called Big Bars which only shop up in the larger buildings and I've done most of the interior, there's just a couple of rooms which I don't know what to fill with. Mainly the main entrance and the top of the stairs.
I tried to make the place feel a little more private but still practical by having bunk beds for people to sleep in. I want to avoid storage since pushing heavy barrels upstairs doesn't make much sense.
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Glory to Shager
Glory to Kral
Yao's warband, returns from a pillaging
In the Holy Lands
two of there farms decimated patrols and a caravan
All crushed and not a Shek lost
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Testing out the updated Profgear mod. Added Bunny's outfit from First Descendant. The Whale Version.

And considering that First Descendant plays like a slower Warframe, felt it was fitting to pit the cosplayer against the Grineer. Also, you can't melee for shit in First Descendant.


Have a summary.
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Decided to move the Bog Bunnies HQ to this spot because it conflicted with the Waystations mod. On that note, accepting Bog Bunny dialogue ideas.

They're a bunch of exhibitionists who are barely hiding their nudity with trenchcoats and enjoying the free wetness the Burning Forest provides.

My Kenshi related dream was the time I found myself grandmaster to a ninja clan operating in the Pits of all things. Robbing the Skeleton Bandits for some reason.

We then turned them to the Reavers and saw Valamon turn into a purple talking thing. Sleeping while very tired yields interesting dreams.
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On a slightly humorous note, aside from adjusting the Viera 'gym'(s) to have a store, the dialogue is going to be fun.

With the masters turning away anyone trying to bring them robots and women. They'll shrug with Hivers, only offering half and pay double for greenlander and scorchlander males.

Also the slaver while working the slaves will be yelling words of encouragement.
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>words of encouragement
Next time Nagai sells some bandits to her unruly sisters - she will stay for a while to have a chuckle or two.
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The Grineer mercs are way too good for their low price. Are they trying to undercut all the local mercs?
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Training wasn't so bad. Sure he was beaten up a few times, but he grew stronger, and was able to eat bread, BREAD!
They gave everyone armor, boots and pants, and a sword, and then they were waiting to know where they were going to be deployed.
How exciting!
Where is Stick going to be deployed?
>Purgatory (Cannibal Plains)
>Oblivion (Fog Islands)
>Requiem (Greyshelf/Sonorus Dark Frontier)
my vote for Requiem
Yeah Requiem
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Updated. Grab it on Steam.

I added a bar as well as add a ton of dialogue for the Bang Bunny Slavers. Even very specific ones when it comes to recapturing slaves.

Caring and possessive towards men, disdainful and insulting towards women and indifferent to everything else.

>ywn have a fitness buddy Viera gf

Man. I want this suffering to end...
>no sporty scorchfu gf to train dex with
>no tall and bit titted Greenfu gf to make you meatwraps after a long day of training
>no muscular shek gf to carry you on her shoulder after you got your shit kicked by a crab
Life truly is pain
Yamete... I am already dying inside...
I had a dream about kenshi a couple days ago, i remember i was amazed they updated the game and there where water physics and even Lava, i think i was in sonorous dark and i moved the camara to a volcano and i could see the lava bubbling and shit, in that dream for some reason there where sky lasers that if they touched the water the water did an evaporation animation and waves started to form as mist and stuff started to appear as the laser moved across the water, then another laser hit the lava and the lava did the same and i was like "oh that must be a bug"
>tfw even in my dreams this game is bong coded
Stupid sexy bunnies, running around the moon of Kenshi, doing whatever they want..
>accepting Bog Bunny dialogue ideas.
Will write something after the gacha runs. Also - please show their base on the map. I think you moved them a stone toss away from Burning Love.
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>tfw even in my dreams this game is bong coded
Oi guv! Buy my shirts!
How do i make an albino scorchlander?, i want to mod an unique recruit female scorchlander in my game but i want to make her white like stubs momuso but idk how to apply that in the FCS
>unique recruit female scorchlander
What's her story?
Albino scorchie tech hunter that lost her arm in the ashlands after being attacked by the skeleton legion, her team died and she narrowly scaped and is now chilling out on flats lagoon to rebuild a team to try again and uncover the secrets of the first empire, she has a crappy economy arm, and she would have high robotic, science and bow skill, trying to keep it nice and simple.
Sounds like a nice recruit, especially for the new players. Wish I knew how to albinofy her - sorry about that.
I think Stubs and Jewel use Greenlander skins despite being Scorchlanders, but I'm not sure how to go about applying that either.
You're gonna need to create her appearance as a Greenlander with fair skin and then export that body into the mod folder. Then in the FCS link up the exported body and in the character sheet override the race to be scorchlander. That should give her the glowing eyes but keep her normal appearance.
Ah sweet, i'll try that, thanks
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Best part about the changes to the slavery is that they are very possessive and don't want you to leave their home!

(They also give you bandaids and foodcubes)
>(They also give you bandaids and foodcubes)
Makes me wonder what stops half of the starving bandits to bum-rush at those gyms...
Unironically because roving bands of Bang Bunnies would 'take' the slaves to unknown locations far away from the 'gym'.

Happened to my test donut many times.
>would 'take' the slaves to unknown locations far away from the 'gym'.
I am both intrigued and horrfied.
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Usually, I'd feel bad turning powerful weaponry on savages. Then I remember these are assholes and thus deserve it.
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I hate gachas so much right now.
Why must you do this to yourself?
Because there is an elven woman-cowgirl that rides a flying shotgun-revolver. And I have thoughts about that woman. I tried to pull her - I got shafted - lost the 50% first win. I have the "guarantee" down the line, but the rolling shinies aren't endless. I am suffering.
I also don't like the gacha generals because they take place on /vg/, and many good generals died because of those asshats who do nothing but spam either posts how they want to fuck their waifus, OR they spam posts how they want to see their waifus being railed non stop by animals, and basketball enthusiasts.

/vg/ should be "non-gacha video games only", I say.
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Watching these deluded bandits take down Gutters is always amazing. So much death.

Speaking of elves, this demon sucked my funny money hard. Got one copy but its good enough.

Whoever memed you need to get more copies to truly love your waifu, they're winning because so many fell for the lie. As the cold reality is, once the gacha game loses traction and it shuts down, congrats you just blew away your time and money for nothing.

Its the darndest thing. There is a board dedicated to mobile games... but the gacha generals are allowed to stay here.

Unironically if they move to that section, this board would see more traffic in non-gacha shit.
Total Gooner Death
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Since I'm not working today, just stress testing Kenshi.
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And spotted a problem I need to fix. 2b being horny is nice and all but that dialogue belongs to Viera.
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Amusingly, the Cartel cannot protect themselves for shit in the Burning Swamps. Need to tweak their stats.

They're UC level now. The conscripts though can remain pathetic.
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Another successful raid on The Holy Lands
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Ideas and concepts still incomplete:

>Cannibal Invasion (This one is actually working... though nowhere near the scope intended)
>Fishman Invasion
>Greater Crabdom
>Secrets of Myria
>Holy Underground and High Temple dichotomy
>The Spread of Sleeping Sickness
>West vs South Royal Rumble
>Treaty of Irdun and rise of the Imperial Junta
>Stonemason conspiracy and the Guild's greater aims
>Berserker shamanistic practices and profileration of Shek separatist philosophies
>Fully customized blackjack game dialogue, with cheating!

Maybe someday.
>>Secrets of Myria
>>The Spread of Sleeping Sickness
>>Treaty of Irdun and rise of the Imperial Junta
Redpill me on these
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In the event that the Cannibals are cleansed from the north, over time both travelers and eventually settlers would migrate into the vacant space. With the HN and UC still pressing people onto the fringes groups like Flotsam and the Farmers are given space to spread somewhat freely.

Countless years of mutant inhabitants engaging with the local ecosystem has resulted in... contamination. The people don't notice anything at all, at first. Slowly oddities begin to emerge amongst the northern populace. No, they're not gaining a taste for flesh. They're losing their appetite for life. The Tech Hunters cause a trickle of reports to trace back to the Machinists who...do nothing.

Something's wrong. People begin sleeping longer duration (schedule alterations) and their dialogue begins to contain listless & occasional salad phrasing. Then the fainting begins. Nobody in the dissident power structure is amply equipped to handle the spread of an unseen disease amongst an already weakened populace. Requests for help turn into desperation and re-escalation of tensions with the southernly major powers. Nobody wants to deal with this and reasonably speaking, nobody can.

Naturally, everything is written to have a found solution eventually. More or less the rebel factions begin succumbing to a dialogue-triggered "disease" which plays off primarily the forced fainting mechanic and significant schedule tweaking. Much like the Cannibal Invasion it's designed to keep pouring pressure from the north onto the otherwise bulletproof major factions.
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Personally I try to get more copies of a waifu if she is so broken - I know I'll have easy grind down the line, so I try to get a better tool now, to get useless pretty tools easier, later. Most gachas give away waifus eventually via random "blue" pulls anyway. I got a pair of cheerleaders with amazing tits this way - I just kept playing the game and eventually I got both of them for the free "say hello to the homies" social points.

I also would like to see a Kenshi-like Gacha made by the east Asians. I want to see their spin on non-Sheks, not-Scorchies, etc.
I dont want to be that guy, but, source? Otherwise this is all fake and gay, specially gay.
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>took a break from Kenshi
>gave Rimworld a try
>didn't get hook at all and just played Kenshi again
Why are people suggesting Rimworld as a Kenshi alternative?
A relative freedom to do whatever?
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Personally I just want to see Asians in general make their own Kenshi. Tohoku mod has proven its possible to do crazier shit with OGRE and nip autism trumps most drawbacks that comes with the engine.

Considering that Nips still use MMD to this day is proof autism is a superpower.
Kenshi has superior adventuring but Rimworld has the better base building.

Both also have that whole post-apocalypse space sci-fi thing going on. Hell sometimes I like to imagine that the wider galaxy of Kenshi has similar things going on like what happens in Rimworld.
They're both in the "war crime simulator with a lot of mods" genre.
>Kenshi has superior adventuring but Rimworld has the better base building.
ah that explain it. I never like base building.
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