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Official Trailer
Debut Teaser


>Current Banner
Gacha Banner: SSR Nastya / SR Hoshii Duration: Game Launch - 11/19, 23:59 (UTC-7)

>Official links
Official Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@hazereverben
Official X https://x.com/hazereverben
Official site https://www.hazereverb.com/

Joint Crusade: Nevaeh - 11/9 - 11/15, 23:59 (UTC-7)
Double Drops in Resource Levels Game Launch - 12/3, 23:59 (UTC-7)

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/haze-reverb/id6608966291
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=haze+reverb&c=apps


>Redemption codes

>Resources and useful links
EN Data Dump
JP wiki

Previous: >>501263538
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To make it easy for people to talk about the raid boss I'll repost the skills from last thread
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Why didn't I get my raids today? It shows 0/3, but I havent done any
Trying this game out and loving it so far. My friend code is 100010413 if anyone wants to add me.
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Asking again what is fatal?
Was about to add you only to see you already sent a request
You need to spend stamina to get attempts
I should mention I'm fairly sure that friend codes are region locked
Can this be added to the faq
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Normally I would be an ass and taunt you, but because your so humble i'd feel bad doing that.
The issue with that boss is the fact half of it's kit is bleed. After every attack he puts 6 turns of 30 dmg bleed on the entire board. On it's own that's 180 dmg a round, but unless you got lucky you are likely using 2 stars for your dmg with 1 3 star from the infinite recruit. at lv 50 most 2 star attackers are going to be under 1000 hp or very close to it. that means you need to kill the boss in about 5 rounds if you have a team of 6. With the max of 8 it would seem like you have a better shot, but your damage dealers are still getting constant bleed you very likely can't heal the entire board with your healers, and the only healers you probably have are the 1 stars who don't have enough coverage for the full team. To add on top of all of this you have a major damage source one he hits 30% hp that will kill your tank who has been getting hit with the full damage of 2 different stacks of bleed + percentage dmg from the boss attacks. The moment your tank goes down he'll just mow through your units who unlike a tank can't handle the damage.
On the other hand I'm also a dumbass so maybe i'm wrong about all of this, and it was pure luck
What's the yellow unit type?
how do you beat the raid on difficulties higher than easy?
i think the person saying the debuff was based on amount of party members was wrong, but it does help to have a tight team. literally just having it be 4 people, being franca for healing, julius for tanking, skadi for damage output and a random other assault class made it very doable. so it's technically wrong but the advice did at least make me consider a strategy that wound up using less characters that did wind up succeeding. so thanks
It's the type given to best girls
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Can't say about the higher than normal, but I beat normal with this. Everyone is lv 50 here
Turns out I selected the wrong thing in simulation, that's not enough to beat her in normal
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I'm glad you like your sin mandated waifu!
What the hell is Starry's deal? I was looking through every character profile and I think she's the only one with a unique unit type
Thanks to your autism it's looking like global is on the path to acceleration. Starry is the first transcendent released in the game, You need to use the pink tickets to roll for her, and she came out 9 months after the game launched.
That's the boss class type
So we're not getting sins as playable
Supposedly we are getting Starry's event far sooner, and she'll be the welfare unit for the event
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This is the first clear of normal i've seen
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Then thes are the levels for that clear
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It's a miss translation of crit, when you look at the effect on enemies it's just a crit boost
What's everyone trying for the raid?
I think it’s better to skip transcendent starry. To get her rank ups, you need to convert the gold reverb to transcend reverbs and that means your Alice/Nastya/Farscia/Flovira or w/e will heavily stall in progress.

Legit for f2poors and dolphins should skip, you either whale for transcendent starry dupes, or don’t bother
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Remember to wash your wife!
what is the level when you choose a difficulty supposed to be for?
it can't be the recommended level to attempt that difficulty
nobody is going to be able to beat easy with only level 10 characters
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I think the devs had a case of melted brain with the level recommendations
Do we lose all our pvp point when reset happens?
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Isn't Crim the best unit for pve?
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You ok bwo?
Maybe it means suggested player level?
Thanks for taking the time to answer me, I appreciate it. All of that checks out and makes sense to me, it just seems I'm going to have to read much more than I'm used to with these games (I'm used to Eversoul, where you can do a cursory glace at a units skills, and then kinda feel them out through gameplay and become competent with them). That's all good though, I'm enjoying the game so far, so I can put forth a bit of effort to not be a numbskull.

Honestly, I'm just glad it seems that I wasn't missing something as far as the menus go or anything similar, that would've driven me crazy. Anyway, thanks again bwoseph.
She feels so damn useful for everything except boss fights. Not putting her on your team is retarded. She can guarantee complete negation of two whole units on turn one by charming a powerful unit who then immediately kills a different powerful unit. I only wish there were some way to influence her decision
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So looking at how ch2 went. Was the primal sin, great sin, Nevaeh a human at some point?
What's the/vg/ guild
I don't think alliances have been enabled yet
If you mean the emblems from doing pvp then no.
If you are talking about your rank then yes
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I got the battlepass costume
Congratulations, didnt realize she was giant in that skin until the whale showed up. I think i've got a reason to get the battle pass now
so it just replaces the home screen?
Does reflect dmg have a cap? or a better question are there any dmg caps in this game?
Kinda new to the game so I apologize for the multitude of questions in advance.

How often are new banners supposed to release: do they release once the current one ends or do they release staggered and run concurrent with the previous banner? I’m F2P and was trying not to pull on Nastya’s banner as I heard she requires a lot of investment, but I’m stalling on Skadi’s progress because the newbie missions require you to pull another time past the initial roll. If the next banner doesn’t come until Nastya’s banner ends, I might just have to bite the bullet and pull once on the current ones. But if another banner comes out next week, then I can hold off on pulling for a few days until then.

Also is there ever a reason to pull on the regular banner? There’s no rate-up on any unit so it seems like it’s always better to use the blue tickets to pull on the customized banner since you can set the rate-up units. Speaking of the customized banner, are there any recommendations on SSRs/SRs to choose? I rerolled for Alice and Mizo and was looking at Koko for SSR and Gin for SR but I don’t know who else to pick. Also, I wish I had also rerolled for Crim since she’s so broken for PvE/PvP and you can’t get a rate-up on her since she’s R.
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Since the game came out for global just a few days ago it's hard to say exactly how fast we are going to be sped up so i'm going to use the data from the Chinese version to answer your questions.
A banner lasts about 2 weeks, and most of the time a new banner will show up the next day. During events with limited characters, 2 limited banners run at the same time. Every once in a while a non-limited banner will overlap with the limited event banners, but that doesn't happen very often. If you don't want to pull on Nastya's banner, you should just wait for the common pulls from the 300 draw login event. By day 4 you'll have all the common draws you need for the newbie missions.
The only reason you'd pull on the standard banner instead of the custom one is if you wanted an equal chance to get all the girls. As for who should go on the custom banner, I think it's mostly a question of what kind of character you need first I've not got a good idea of the current meta in global outside of alice, and koko being good, mizo was a meta 2 star healer for a long time people are saying that gin is a good tank. if you can awaken her Flovira is capable of making almost all of the resource gathering content far easier.
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Well fuck me I guess. It looks like I spent the time typing that out for no reason. We are going at break neck speed. we've got 2 limited events happening at the same time in 3 days
Looks like you were almost right they'll just give her to you for logging in for a week
The 7-day login reward is the Limited SSR Starry Ascended (you'll still need to dupes if you want to actually metafag with her)
The event reward is an SR Starry from my understanding
We should be getting both
Surely they'll give us enough gems for all those limited banners right
I was planning on writing a quick guide for how to spend the currency you get from the different modes, but most of it is just don't buy the origin cores. Now i want to see what the event stores are like
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Visuals of the upcoming limited characters

Nope, but at least the 300 pulls banner alleviates this a little
If you try to hold all the flowers, you will (likely) get none of them
>no cunny
wow dead game already
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furryCHADs feasting next week
I hope that the event still lasts 1 month so I have time to finish the main campaign
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logistically this outfit is one of the most insane things i’ve ever seen
>oh hey aegis foundation make me an outfit that i only wear when i am in giant mode (evidenced by the fact any time you view this outfit it has the balcony in the foreground)
>and give it succubus wings and tail
>and make it so the tail has the ability to give navigator-kun full body suck jobs with it
>and also i will only wear this outfit when drunk so it will be a giant drunk girl who can’t control her impulses very well
the fic/art/doujin potential here is fucking crazy. set as my home girl for the time being, i’ll be shocked if anything beats it
also she’s a dope unit so it’s even more worth it
i’ve just been spending the cube units on those things you use to pull gears for the characters. those seem really useful in the long haul and the price of entry is pretty minimal
i coomed to jenny home screen a few times, but i think i found a new one. giant cunny is the hottest thing ever
These devs are Fully aware of the fetish bait they make, and I'm completely for it.
i think the real kicker is that this is just available on the squeaky clean apple app store. for once i can dabble in extreme degeneracy. thank you aegis foundation…
They know furries have deep pockets
can i get a hi res of lailaps?
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Man the Hydra units may not be kemono, but they really are doing it for me. I especially like the way the artist draws fur of the characters. Speaking of which, I wonder if this design will ever be in the actual game; it's the first one I had seen from the artist and was part of what got me to check out the game (the others were Mizo and Shirogane being drawn by an artist I follow).
Is kyla issei
I'm confident suggested player level is the only answer that makes sense
That's their only real use. Spending credits on those rolls will quickly bankrupt you
Kyla's stats don't look that impressive.
They only plan on adding more in.
Is Continuous Damage considered a debuff?
Should also be getting Hurley as event reward
what's your story progress? i'm only starting ch3 today
almost done with ch5
I've done the first few stages of chapter 5
since there was a tutorial for mobility, will there also be tutorials for CC and CP eventually?
I have no idea what either of those stats are supposed to do and I keep getting cores that boost these stats
I Finished ch 4 last night
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Is November just a bad month for this kind of game? Was the ad campaign just bad? Will December be better?

I'm enjoying my time playing, but it feels like here and the discord are the only places that have any people talking about the game. The Subreddit is dead, there are no content creators, but with how lewd this game is I understand that one, there's almost no fan art, almost all the art i've seen is from these last two threads. I don't even know where they are finding what art they are posting. Where is everyone?
Chapter 5, I rushed to finish chapter 3 and 4 so I could unlock all content and go at my own pace.
Gonna start reading them now that I hit the stamina gate at level 20 (no more easy level up stamina restoration to keep going)
Are the gears for the girls in the event in the gacha yet, or do I need to wait?
Remember to buyout your Elite Drill tickets before they refresh in 13 hours
What the hell determines player vs enemy turn order? It seems you can't delay enemy turns by killing them as it pushes up the next enemy to the killed enemy's spot, but the main issue is how it can go your turn, then 5 enemy turns before it alternates back. And even after that they get 2 turns per until the round finishes with your last 3 or 4 turns.
support moves are consecutive, you (or the enemy) can put all their support abilities in a single turn before passing to the enemy's turn
Oh, that explains a lot. Thank you. Do you know how Crim targeting works? Is it the next numbered enemy? I've noticed her hitting the enemy that just acted. So does that mean I need to keep her before enemy support turns to work?
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Almost all of the fan art is on pixiv, if you like mizo at least
Remember to wash your wife!
There’s a shit ton of gacha and video games releasing this quarter, there’s only so many gamers around.
Sadly this game’s animation, lewdness and interesting battle system will go unnoticed…
Upgrading units is so confusing, idk what to farm or prioritize
Who do you have?
It should in theory just go to the next acting enemy, however I haven't done any testing on this but I think it probaby gets affected by Taunt. Meaning if the enemy in front of her taunted, she'll waste her mindcontrol on any enemy that already acted.
You want her to ideally go right before an enemy attacker, however because of enemy supporters/heavies not switching turns turns and letting enemies go multiple times in a row; an enemy can protect their attacker with supporters/heavies so that it's impossible for Crim to target the attacker.
I’m a fan of charlissa. Rich arrogant girl becoming giant and powerful is very appealing
It blatantly advertises itself as a giantess game while barely having any giantess content, both alienating normalfags and leaving sizefags unsastified.
I've been happy they included characters with stronger personalities in this game. Most gacha's I play every girl feels spineless
Seeing this reminds me has everyone been doing pvp? Due to all the bots in the silver levels it's practically free resources once you unlock the auto battle for the season.
Girls with feminine personalities is the standard, so it’s nice to see derivation of it
does raising affection add dialogue when they're on the home screen?
in some games you get more lines as trust reaches higher percentages, but in this game you can't really farm affection and there are only 5 levels
also when they are maxed out I've heard that they no longer appear in the bath by your office
unfortunately, I only heard this after maxing out a couple of my favorites...
three lobby touch lines gets unlocked by raising affection
They are:
>lobby touch(acquainted)
>lobby touch(friendly)
>lobby touch(loving)
I heard it's buggy atm and it won't show up for some characters and their skins, but you can see them through 'character files'
some of their lines won't show up such as lesser affection level voice lines if you raise it. it's real
Looks like someone made a cheat sheet for all the hobbies of the girls
There are hags in this game? And how coomer are the skins?
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more coomer than the mainstream horny gacha like azur lane
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I don't think there are any cannon ages, but i'd say so
So Skadi is such a chuni schizo that she gets an entire reality with it's own squad.
Get your core damage dealer and tank leveled, then get the secondary damage and tanks.

Do some rolls on the gear gacha for the small stat boosts, considering the fact a large handful of girls are about to be added I would wait till Wednesday to roll on gear so you could roll on the banners for any of the limited characters you got, upgrade the gear you draw.

Worry about cores last. By far cores are going to be the longest, and most expensive farm in the game, and with their randomness most of your cores are going to be trash. The cores you get just from playing should be enough to slot something on your most important girls.
Thank you
maybe i'll be able to do something higher than easy mode now for the event
You need to wait
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Best part is this isn't a skin, technically.
Not many people can even do Normal on NA server. I can only get the normal boss to 10% remaining HP, and doing that three times was enough to put me on the top 100 leaderboards
You need to be real tuned for that this early
This is a team, and the levels that can clear normal
How is hank doing so much damage at level 1?
100% this
I honestly don't think there is a single normafag who is willing to play a game this lewd, but is turned away by the idea of giantesses
By normalfag I mean people who aren't into this fetish
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100 gems for each birthday
>Didn't really pay attention to the skin they were giving out
>Only noticed the lace in the panties
"Oh, cute"
>do an actual double take to that shirt
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>ywn be utterly overwhelmed, grabbed, and licked by a one star
How long will this game last?
i dont really like this game but hey im bored, give me ideas to draw and i'll try
Draw birds eye view looking down on a giantess girl and have a speck of black dot on the floor labeled 'navigator'
Game is up and off maintenance.
PVP rewards are out.
just when i finished getting up to date with other gachas and turn off my pc...
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Managed to beat normal. Rather than high investment in Nastya, managed it with higher investment in DPS and removing a unit so she doesn't attack center. She hits Nastya first turn, then Lilith for 3 turns(barely survives second hit at level 50, 3*, awakened, rank 4, 5 affinity, level 10 health gear), then Nastya again twice, Kokoro and Franca, then Alice(actually survives due to HP), then Xiaomeng, then Alice would be last, but at this point the boss should be dead already.

I assume Nastya investment would be better if you can keep her healed, but I lack the brown haired support who I'm guessing heals forward.
Yeah. He's done some art of this girl and Shirogane on his Pixiv. I kinda like his stuff and I think this is a match made in heaven for him, so I hope he keeps the ball rolling and gets interest alive for other artists to jump in
How long has it been since it released in China?
>cannon ages
9 centuries at most, youngest depends on how you count modern artilery
Got any particulars in mind or just anybody?
Prob Charlissa or Julius, since they have CGs of their giantess form you could reference off
fixed damage, she deals 4k damage to the boss every attack
1.5 years
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Best girls!
Is there a way to scale that?
How to add size elements to all the non-size skins in this game?
>you dont keep your pvp rank and it resets weekly
holy shit, just let me skip all this dogshit please
Enemy HP
Expect future bosses to be have immunity added to it though
Does this game have a pity? I'm thinking of converting all my gems for transcendent, enough for one at least
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Don't know if transcendent banners are different, but for the normal timed banners you can just buy the character after enough rolls
I heard transcendent banners don’t have pity, but refunds after pulling a certain time.
If you really have the transcendent itch, still skip starry and pull the other two that release eventually because we are already getting one.
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The Transcendent banners do have pity, at 60 pulls. What they don't have is a currency you get per pull that you can redeem for the rate-up unit (aka spark). That means that your pulls on one Transcendent banner do not help you on another Transcendent banner. Because of this, unless you are whaling, it is better to save your resources/Transcendent tickets for one specific Transcendent unit and go all-out on that banner. You get the actual Transcendent unit as a reward for the event so what you're pulling on the banner for are dupes that let you upgrade their skills.

Where did you see his Shirogane art? I checked his Pixiv and only found art of Mizo. I like Mizo as well but Shirogane gets like no art compared to her so I wanna make sure I save all of them.
He only uses pixiv to post his uncensored arts, everything else is on twitter
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Do the divers make their cloths transform when they do?
And inkbunny, too. But I haven't drawn Shirogane yet
Not sure how far you are in the story but Chapter 5 does go over the process of how the Drivers prepare for battle.

Based. I do hope you draw her. Also, why post censored art on Inkbunny? I figured they'd be okay with the uncensored version considering all the cub art on the website.
you should draw alt crim doing tail stuff...
damn we got a general? nice. i hope we will get the uncensored skins. anyone knows why jp censored stuff like the dorothy alt and removed some skins? do we have to fear the same?
Googleplay/iOS versus random third-party apps like QooApp/TapTap for TW
Apparently the ones that were censored seemed completely random compared to the actual lewd ones like Clarissa, so it might have just some random employee who wanted to look like he was doing something productive and not just fucking around for his 40-hour week
Remember to wash your wife.
isn't that random? and doesn't someone with max affection no longer appear?
how do I get my wife to appear after her affection is maxed out?
I maxed my wife out day 1 and it has almost been a week, she is probably very stinky by now
Game is so based just for having that minigame. Is the game doing good over at CN and JP?
I'm about to finish ch 3, and I'm trying to beat the boss people were struggling with last thread before the event starts
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I'm hoping by posting reaction, and meme images by next thread variations, will start to pop up
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100% these skins are more tame than the crim skin
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At least post the image that some fag didn't draw on.
Anon, what do we think? Will we get them or not?
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I know absolutely nothing about how rating systems work in other countries, or if google was the store that made the demand, but after an extremely quick handful of searches I found an article thats been deleted that claims the game got a rating of 2+ in Taiwan, and according to TapTap a rating of D in Japan, 12+. Global got an M rating so at the bare minimum it's less likely those skins will get censored.

Ignoring that, enjoy the skin that was too lewd for the store with the jp rating.
Damn, are these official arts from the game? My interest is peaked.
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It's completely random who shows up, and only girls that haven't maxed affection can show up.
Later on we get more minigames like washing their feet, or breasts.
I just wrote a Crim alt outfit fic if anyone wants to read/dunk on it. I don't think its formatted the best and I just wrote it in a span of like 4 hours but I was feeling mad inspired and wanted to get the stink of loli lust out of my system in creative form
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Your contribution to the world is appreciated
I must be the seed that spurns further generations.
I'm a furfag, is this the gacha for me?
This is a game for macro fags first and fur fags are thrown a bone (lmao) with the Mamillian squad. Sirogane and Mizo are both huge pink anthro girls with big boobs and then there's a kinda derpy looking flat bunny girl who I'm not into as much. I'd say it might not be your thing. If you like giant furry girls this might be the only thing that ever tickles that itch. I can say that Shirogane is a solid unit so at least if you get her you can justify seeing her a lot
The furfag event starts tomorrow.
That depends how sexual they are trying to pushing it
I mean, Mizo and Shirogane are wearing basically nothing. And you get a random chance once a day to see them fully nude in some capacity with the bath games
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The games skins are peak!
Okay, where's the reroll guide?
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Furries get two factions Mammalian, and Hydra. By far Mizo gets the most fanart of those two factions
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There is an infinite gacha that you are forced to take in the tutorial, out of the 5 girls there take kokorokami
If you want to reroll for the new furry girl after the tutorial is over, have to wait until tomorrow for that
For those who don't like Discord servers, I went ahead and grabbed a bunch of linked guides from there. They may be worth adding to the OP next thread.

Intro Guide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11HLEFdxwXRUxTaeC8LxxV9eaHPEtE7BaMPRcXnENj20/
Newbie Help Sheet (WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alpm7nK2P25QcgFyl3oKmIoecXbWxTfbpmqauZNajTY/
Unit Details and Ratings (WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/13yZstvGLNkH7X5INkEu7w0S_j4jbYv_UTSBGxJj3vII/
Glossary/Reference Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16IsdErpNf2uKpV8__ydQ-XDar9itds28bVC_gg9dEVk/
Regions and Unit Info (May be useful for Maintenance Pool's third mini-game): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SNLmUp3-8-mWiVdxhPIPRi4Ts1fIzGvN
JP Tier List (PvP/Boss/PvE sequentially): https://w.atwiki.jp/hazereverb/pages/140.html
CN/ZH Tier List (May be outdated): https://www.taptap.cn/moment/523553947412070456
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I'll add that to my template for the next thread
Speaking of should anything be added to the FAQ?
It is pretty long already, filling in FAQ will make people scroll past it and we already have the newbie help sheet in the link that other people are building over time
Fine work, anon. It took a little while to get to the good stuff and needed some more environmental interaction (intentional or otherwise) to really sell the size aspect, but once it got going, it was really well done. I would have replaced the drone with another giant driver though.
Maybe that could be a chapter 2. One of the girls from her squad, or another of the smaller girls. The reason I went for the drone as the assistant is that it's another strange ass element of her alternate costume design that I knew needed to get a spotlight put onto it so I tried to include it heartily. Also regarding a lack of environmental interaction, I agree, but I was trying to have this kind of be like the first instance of Gigantified Driver x Navigator sex, so keeping it in as controlled of an environment (like wherever your character is standing on the home screen) seemed like the right thing to do
Don't let the thread die, navigator
It's often dead at these hours
There are no EUbros (and their server is dead clocking in at 15k~ signups while the other servers have 3x the regristrations)
Do ded servers usually get merged to other servers or do they just die?
From other gacha I've played, they jsut exist until the publish EOS the entire game and takes down all the servers at once.
Dead server is kinda comfy for ranking though, I moved over to EU for that reason.
Can confirm, EU is just that retard kid tagging along, playing on her flute.
Doing the tutorial right now, wtf is initiative?
Turn order?
Row priority?
I skimmed through the ingame FAQ and didn't find a term for initiative
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They were saying when your charge attackers or support does their action, it doesn't give the enemy initiative.
what do CC and CP stats do?
I thought I'd get a tutorial on them since MOB got a tutorial, but I just finished chapter 5 and there hasn't been any yet
CC is Critical Chance which is the odds of scoring a critical hit/support and CP is Critical Power which is the percentage increase.
thank you
Keep in mind attack cores and hp cores are what drivers want most of the time
I've been rerolling and I think I settled on something I like well enough (Koko from infinite and Flovira from the first limited 10-pull), but who should I go for the selector banner? I've been reading a lot of conflicting information.

I definitely want Morgan as one of the two SSR because she's cute, but who else should I go for? People over on /vmg/ were mentioning that newbie rewards include a ticket to pick alice, so I shouldn't go for her? Maybe either the twins for damage, or Zepar for debuffs.
Also got no idea for the SRs, the consensus for them seems to be even more all over the place.
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Newbie reward doesn't give a selector, it is from an achievement award for failing to get a SSR 93 times in a row.
For who to choose for selector, take a look at the newbie help sheet here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1alpm7nK2P25QcgFyl3oKmIoecXbWxTfbpmqauZNajTY/

Make sure you at least take Farnese as one of the SSR and Mizo as one of the SR so you can start building up the furry constellation skill tree. Avoid picking julius and charlissa, as you get them for free. Xiaomeng is extremely good DPS that really kickstart progress by spending 0.99 USD

I have Farnese and Flovira, and I chose Morgan and Zepar for my SSRs
I just got an HP/attack 6* core
Going for Alice might be the biggest newfag trap ever. She only gets good if you push her skills up to 10 and fully level her. The opportunity cost for doing so, especially when starting out, is too high. You just miss the resources for it and they are better spend literally anywhere else. So get Koko in infinite and get Farnese and Morgan in the SSR selector banner. There is also that one heavy character from space that does absurd aoe damage once invested a little into. I forgot her name.
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Skadi mogs Alice so hard with like 1/4 of the investment and free rank 10
It's not fair, since I also fell for Alice shilling. Could have gotten Suzuki or Koko
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Thanks anons, I'll go for Farnese and Morgan then. What's the furry constellation skill tree?

>There is also that one heavy character from space that does absurd aoe damage once invested a little into. I forgot her name.
That's Flovira, I got her while rerolling. Goood to know that she's good aside from being a cute mechamusume I'm here for the robo-girls really, the giantess stuff leaves me thoroughly whelmed
Alice has been perfectly fine for me so far
in chapters 1-3 she one shots everything, and in 4 and 5 she still one shots weaker enemies
and when she does she can potentially kill a second enemy too
she also does a ton of damage in pvp
and the guarantee that she is still good in endgame content means that I can invest in her without worry, even if the investment is expensive
the cope is real.
I tried using alice when completing the harder daily stages and she felt lackluster when can’t kill in one shot.
When you have party members doing debuffs, cross AOEs, line stun and fixed damage application, pure single target damage feels bad unless it’s absolutely front loaded like xiaomeng…
Single target damage is perfectly fine as long as it's consistent. I use Jenny and Lydia for front row and back row sniping and I'm satisfied.
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Is she also a fox? I heard she was supposed to be a dog somewhere.
I've been treating it as a replacement for DA where I did the same thing, and it made a little more sense when I was posting things in big batches and didn't want to mark the whole batch as mature. I've been reconsidering it lately, but it'd be awkward to only be able to do it for the non-human stuff.

How very lewd she's gonna make Gia jealous if she keeps that up
>argumentative coping retard unable to face reality
I mean, no, please invest in her. Start now and be rewarded faster :3
I'm not the same anon and both characters I mentioned are SRs
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Any other nip shots? I'm so surprised this is allowed on iStore.
There are plenty in the game right now. You get a free skin for logging on for four days that shows nipples. Or the pvp onsen skin also alludes to nips.
Looks like we're getting a massive lore dump. At least it's divided into two separate event dates
Anyone who has beaten the main story, pls summarize chapter 7-8 for me
So far it seems up to 6 the story is just “we are fighting Sins cuz they bad”
So the synesthete is a human sin hybrid. Three years before the story started the navigator was involved in an 'accident', and Stephanie as far as I know the only doctor doing research on the synesthete just so happened to be in a position to obtain the only one in the world after numerous attempts to make one failed.
I don't know, seems suspicious.
been skipping the story anyway, so i could care less.
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Finished the end of chapter 2 story and it was amazing. I've never heard such desperation for calling out someone's name before
you're gonna read them afterwards, right?
How in the fuck did this game get a 12+ in japan? The game practically has full on nudity
NTA but the story is awful and having characters die is the worst thing a gacha can do
yeah, it feel like a very old formula gacha story
thing happens -> monsters appear -> repeat over and over
Do playable girls die?
no just npcs
Then who cares lmao
If the opening memory is any indication... (But I don't know)
Only everyone, including (You)
Story is some multiverse shit, calling it now
Cute girl death is a turnoff regardless of playability
>verification not required
I agree but nothing for me to worry about. Now, if playable girls would get killed i would drop any gacha immediately.
I thought it was just some timeloop. Like Edge of Tomorrow but on a much longer timeline scale
There's only so many ways you can justify the pc dying twice
>Edge of Tomorrow and the manga it was based on have him remember his loops
>Navigator doesn't even remember his childhood
>All You Need is Kill's loops will never end until certain conditions are met, even if the mc survives(I don't remember if Edge of Tomorrow's loops end the same way as it's manga loops)
>at the end of chapter 2 it was implied that this might be Navigator's last chance since the red twin sacrificed herself to do something
there is definitely time travel involved, but it seems more like someone resetting the world and giving powers to Navigator until the desired outcome happens than anyone actively making changes in the timeline to bring about that outcome
and I think this distinction is important
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At least post the better timeloop story.
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the first explanation i thought of was from this movie, Source Code. using the brain of the character and forcing him to relive the same situation until he gets the information they want, or in the case of this game, a different result (good ending). kinda also like in the resident evil movies where they kept cloning alice and expected her to be as good as the original, but they kept dying thorugh the first experiment
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Remember to wash your wife!
Boosts to her healing power. Getting her to rank 7 will max out her max % hp heals on tanks
Just a few hours til event
Who is everyone rolling for during the event?
With what?
>the red twin sacrificed herself
I hate this
>MC doesn't care at all about the thousands of people who died before he shows up in the next scene
I hate this too
>awful story
>turnoffs left and right
>avoids every opportunity it possibly can to take advantage of the "giantess" selling point
It's like the game wants me to play it, but it doesn't want me to enjoy it
I didn't knew this game had a general, fuck, I've been playing since launch and my account has probably all the good units but I can't beat the Sobek boss in the main quest and I couldn't kill the event boss even once on the easy difficulty, I pulled the good units one by one so I spent a bunch of exp tickets on units I don't use anyone so I'm just lvl 45 on my 9 units
At her size, I would say a pressure washer
This is a cheap kill on sobek
Killing the raid boss on easy should be doable with lv 45 units. >>501639428 ignore what anon said this team can kill on easy. I will be clear there's no chance of clearing normal with that team.
This anon>>501656598
and this anon>>501831345
have cleared normal with those teams
what is all this sad shit on the start?
i want cute story and waifus not this drama ffs
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You got the bad end. Try harder next time
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beat the event boss with this team on easy, that's good enough for me
No one, because I dumped all my cubes on the custom banner
I will cope with starry freebie
how long will the maintenance last?w
I'm an autist who likes collecting so as many as luck will let me, but the most useful to me right now would be Lily since I refuse to spend my gold tickets on a non-limited, and I could get Nastya on the custom banner next month, or by pure luck on one of the limited banners I will be rolling on
I got Nastya and all her gear, she has to be good, right?
I used a nastya with all her gear to tank the normal boss for like 5-6 hits
She’s a nice tank, though I don’t have an opinion for PVP since I sweep it and settle with whatever
Lily is the only good pve choice. Starry is for free so i really wonder if i should roll or save my trans tickets for future ones. Starry already looks quite strong with awakening. Correct me if im wrong, though.
We have to wait a week for the free copy anyways. Let the whales figure it out.
In the community discord, I’ve seen people do 1000+ pulls on nastya banner already
just reroll for nastya
>1000+ pulls on nastya banner
How is this oldschool gacha attracting so many fucking whales? Is it the leaderboards and absolute shameless characterdesign and skins? There is no way global isnt making good revenue. I dont even know what CN/TW/JP does since it never shows up on sensorytower
The west is thirsty for any size content. Any at all. Literally just a little bit is all is enough.
Haze reverb for this month is:
<$5k for CN (iOS only, not on google play store) $20k~ for JP on sensortower (both iOS and android combined)
For normal gacha games it is awful but this is my first 17+ gacha playing and they normally score way lower on revenue, so I don't know if this is good or not...
Global must have made over 500k at thus point already. Asia especially has some insane whaling. Also keep in mind that the TW version(the completely uncensored one) doesnt use iOS nor playstore.
Definitely the first month is 99% of the time good for their first month of release. I'm just worried about the original CN server, as it's the original server. If that EOSes, the others will follow and I have not seen a single gacha immune to that
>original CN server
To my understanding they relocated their business to TW to have the game uncensored. The CN server must be seperate. Its something i heard myself, though. If you know more about that then i will take your word for it.
I don't, at least the game is widely good enough to be deemed suitable for global release
I don't know any other lewd games that hit the global app store outside of like brown dust 2
They put the server in Taiwan but operate from Shanghai/HK or something. But the chinks play it through some chinese store. But yeah, it does seem to be profitable over there and it seems global will as well. Only JP are kinda cucks that dont like see a little nipple i guess.
Got Lily in 70 pulls and two of her Gears so far. Crazy that we just get her skin for free as well.
I'm holding off until I see her appearance in the story.
The event is pretty long-winded. Didnt expect that. Also, defeating the Lily raidboss in under 35 rounds for all rewards was doable on easy but barely. Normal will already filter me.
She is good? i'm not furfag but i like the cunny cat.
I think lily is more for furfags
Chiaki is coming out next week and is fixed damage DPS for PVE, but not as strong for raids
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Shi is okay, i'm gonna skip i think.

I will now play your game.
Attack dog wife, my beloved
The maintenance pool is is silly, but it's one of the only things the game does right
For a mere coomer chibishit gacha, this game has an outstanding sfx design. I really enjoyed it a lot
I unironically rolled because there are so many SR/Rs I'm missing and she's limited anyways...
>roll both the SR and SSR banner catgirls in only 20 rolls
>bath minigame rolls my favorite driver on the first try
/hmofa/ bros we won
Is it too late for the launch rewards?
Based, favorite driver?
uoooh stephanie erotic
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I haven't seen all of them yet, so it may change later, but so far it's still Kinkura
Hmm, looks like the Tenten skin got hit by the driveby censorship too. I saw it the other day but it's gone from the store after the patch today.

And with how the credit card companies are leveraging the fact that they basically control commerce to force censorship into Japan, I don't even know what the fuck to do about it. Visa and Mastercard want you to stop jerking off and love Jesus.
what was the skin?
Not having a proper wiki or somesuch in order to lookup which characters these even are kinda sucks
>credit card companies censoring eastern media
zionists and their dirty tricks
they want you to subscribe to pornhub, which is a branch under MindGeek, and its other related services, which is also ran by a zionist
The best your going to get is the data dump in op
I just checked the JP twitter and no annoucement? Are you just trolling for the sake of it?
Suzu exists there to get an extra hit in and give franka's first heal a purpose
so you can replace Suzu with anyone you want
it might be a good idea to swap Hank and Shirogane too
Hank will die near the end and Shirogane never gets hit
Shirogane is protected in my clear because I like Shirogane
I just beat the normal boss
here are the stats
>Alice, level 70, 4*, awakened, rank 0
>Shirogane, level 65, 4*, awakened, rank 3
>Julius, level 60, rank 2
>Skadi, level 60, 4*, awakened, rank 10
>Franka, level 50, 3*, rank 7
>Odora, level 50, 3*, rank 6
>Suzu, level 43, rank 0
>Hank, level 1, rank 10
I also have leveled gears and attack cores, and I was only able to clear it after getting ranks on Shirogane, Franka, and Hank while I was rolling for Lily
just started.
should I just do what this anon said? >>501981364
Congrats on the first clear of normal I've seen that dosen't require nastya
Believe me, until the time you can make Alice hold her own with other units in her tier bracket, there will be plenty other characters already released that are better or just as good as her when invested. Until then Kokorokami will carry your ass hard. She still is a beast in endgame and pvp especially, and it only gets better when you unlock her R9, which makes her attack whole columns no matter where she stands. Resources will be your bottleneck so you will be thankful for units that will give you an easier time in early and midgame. And Kokorokami is, as i already said, still toptier in endgame. You literally cannot go wrong with her.
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okay cool. should I game this redraw or not bother and go with what I get?
If you're willing to spend time rerolling, you might consider just accepting any Kokoro draw, doing 2 10 rolls on Nastya, and your 10 commons on something like Farnese(change to non-tank if you get Nastya)+Morgan/Florida. Then deleting account(in the link account options) if you get nothing.
And by Florida I meant Flovira. Dumb autocorrect.
Some people on the discord mentioned it's due to the game being on DMM, which has stricter rules regarding some stuff like nipples while the game having an essential Teen rating in Japan.
Same, couldn't find anything about that. I think us im global should be fine, though. Game is rated 17+.
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I didnt get anyone but alice funnily enough.
thanks for the advice anon
You should try to reroll the starter pull for Kokorokami as well as Mizo (pic), who is a very useful SR support that heals and provides Armor to your tanks. She also gives Regen and Damage Reduction at higher Ranks so you will want as many dupes and Purple Reverbs to funnel into her, so getting her in the starter pull is highly recommended. Getting Guard (Lilith) and other Support (Hotarukasa and Odora) units is also good since most of them are decent investments while getting Heavy units are pretty much wasted spaced. For Assault units, you will get one really good one (Skadi) and two decent ones (Charlissa and Shirogane) for free as you complete the Newbie Tasks so in addition to Koko, you will have four decent damage dealers.
I might be having a Mandela moment, I'm not sure. Either way, all of our games like this are on the chopping block as long as the people who hold the gates to the market are having some kind of fucking 'come to Jesus' moment.
If you levelled Julius to 70 instead and gave her some health/armor cores you could've saved yourself the trouble. She can outheal the damage.
I heard there are guilds, are they competitive like nikke or chill pve like azur lane?
I hate guild shit
If there are any guilds, they aren't in global yet, but I haven't seen anything suggesting they will be
Alice doesn’t do anything once the enemies start hitting 3000 hp and above, where one shotting things to activate her EX is not viable, and no way to get across armored enemies.
Kokorokami have a column buff dispel, and her EX attack activates on enemies under 50% hp and deal fixed damage.

In the beginning, Alice was heavily recommended. If you ask other people now, it’s kokorokami
How far should i play before pulling for rerolling?
For the few storyfags here, from what I’ve seen in the event story so far, this event happens after Chapter 4. You can still start reading it anyways, since chapter 3 and 4 feels self-contained with julius, charlissa and franca introduction on a different battlefield.

A lot of people reroll at 1-5, when the gacha gets unlocked.
Well, that can be true for any amount of ecchi or other themes in games. Steam bans for absolutely retarded reasons, for example. In this case it really only seems to be DMMs regulations.
do the tickets to challenge the Lily boss expire after the day ends?
I haven't challenged her yet, and I would like to do it tomorrow
but if the ticket expires tonight, then I need to do it now
I grabbed the one yesterday and it didn't go away on reset, I have two now.
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I like Chiaki, definitely gonna roll for her if she comes next week.
I was also wrong about the timeline, this event explicitly says this is when (you) were a reserve navigator so it's even further back than Chapter 3
thank you
Other than the skin, is the battle pass worth it?
It looks like it gives you enough materials to awaken a 3*, 1 gear selector and enough violet reverb to upgrade a 2* skill tree 4 times (4 dupe equivalent)
I don't think it is worth it if the BP skin doesn't interest you, and are willing to wait for stam refills to do daily stages. aside from the reverb and gear selector all the material there are farmable over time.
Content feels kind of easy right now with how much you can charm and stunlock things.
I'm just trying to justify getting it as a skin is ultimately not worth anything gameplay wise.
It gives you way more than what anon says. You get a lot of credits (shields, money) amongst other things like pulls, and transcended skillbooks, enough for 1 rank up for your transcended unit. Id say its very well worth it.
Battlepasses in general load you with like a month worth of in-game resources. It will jumpstart you, but what are you doing it for if it's not for the skin / reverbs?
Unless you are a PVPgoon or like pushing red tower floors, you can skip this months BP and wait for another one to come. This is ultimately a side game gacha
You make less sense with each sentence
>month worth of resources
>not missing out shit from BP outside of skin / reverbs / selectors
>current state of the game is not hard enough to whale for resources
How can I break this down for you any further?
Why the fuck does this game make me feel so weak?
Did you spend the $0.99 for the first time purchase gift, xiaomeng?
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when playing with giant dolls you are doomed to feel weak
What content are you trying to do?
Which characters have Overlimit Resonance Breakthough
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My wife Franca,
Skin when?
After completing the event, I thought it was a pretty good one to start off the GL release. I was kinda disappointed that Rebecca and Levy don’t retain their SINification form when they revert from Gigantification. It pretty much means that there were no downsides to the experiment since it’s just opt-in for both girls. At least they are SINified when it actually counts but I need more furry/monster girls. Also, they didn’t explain why they changed their names to Lily and Lailaps unless I missed it somehow. Chiaki and Starry were both cute as well and I assume Chiaki is jumping timeless and observing (You) trying and failing to befeat the SIN multiple times.

Kinda unrelated, but is anyone else getting 13 Sentinels vibes with the SIN functioning like the Deimos and the possible time travel/alternate timelines in the story?
Multiple timelines stuff feels like knockoff Marathon Infinity to me, except with none of the finesse or hard-ish sci-fi. It's a g*cha after all.
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It was fine, nothing too amazing. The only thing keeping me interested was Chiaki's quips. Starry and the sisters weren't interesting and after seeing her personality I don't want to raise her. No mentions of aftereffects makes the city not feel alive, the combat in the streets and the airport must have fucked up everything else nearby, not to mention infrastructure damage.
Seconding this. What was the skin?
If you bothered to read the reply chains, the dude already admitted he doesn't have proof
Yeah, proof about the credit card thing. I wasn't asking about that. I want to know what the skin supposedly was.
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Stop falling for misinformation, everytime someone makes a statement like that you are supposed to question the original poster for proof like a functional being.
Two, you're a retard if you thought I was referring to his credit card point (which is barely relevant to his first point and his attempt at ragebaiting).
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Remember to wash your wife!
>you are supposed to question the original poster
That's exactly what I did, retard. Then you jumped in.

>you're a retard if you thought I was referring to his credit card point
No dumbass, he was saying he didn't have proof of his credit card point.

Please learn how to read before responding

>Seconding this. What was the skin?
You're asking about the skin and the skin only at that point in time.
The fact that you thought I was talking about the CC claim when I said "he doesn't have proof" to your reply which was only talking about the skin is unhinged.
Why are you pushing the goalpost to his credit card statement?
He made two claims:
1. A skin was removed.
2. It was because of the credit card thing

He later indicated that he didn't have proof of the credit card issue.
I later asked "what was the skin?"

You jumped in and said "he had no proof of the skin being removed"

I corrected you. He wasn't talking about the skin, he was talking about the credit card issue. I was not implying that your point was about the credit card issue.

Does that make sense now?
Frens, there is no need to be upset. It's only a game.

Every day!

Anyway, I wonder how frequently they'll end up releasing event banners. I'm already running low on resources.
I really want them to expand the whole wifewashing. It's one of the best parts of the game.
how often do you think navigator-kun slips and ends up trapped somewhere?
the most important question right here
New guy here with questions:
1. These are my girls as of now. I kept rerolling until I got someone cute (kokorokami) from the free tutorial pulls and got the cat in 20 pulls
How much did I fuck up?
2. How generous is the game if you look at the eastern servers? Will I have to save for months just to guarantee a single unit?
3. How convoluted is the gacha system actually? I already see multiple currencies and it feels like I can make a mistake any moment
4. I am here for cute furries, are there more coming this way?
5. How important is PvP if there is any? I hate mainly PvP focused games since those tend to fall into paytowin category.
what is that?
New here as well, but I think I can answer some of those:
1. You're alright. Koko and Franca are pretty good even at low investment, and Crim is meta for anything other than bosses. Ideally you want those plus Mizo, Morgan and/or Nastya, but might not be worth rerolling for that desu.
2. Compared to TW version it seems Global suffered some nerfs to currency income, so it's less generous. Fortunately a good portion of good units are low rarity.
3. More convoluted than it needs to be, but less so than other games I think.
4. Hopefully. I think there's at least one more confirmed. Her pic was posted here somewhere.
5. It seems important enough to take part in it, but not to the point where you have to tryhard it. Game seems to be mostly focused on fanservice and event/character stories, like Azur Lane or Blue Archive I think.
I think it's pointless to reroll here, just go with your dick and improvise as you go, this game is going to be really sweaty.
You should be fine. A few more rolls on banners that appeal to you will help round out your roster.
>I already see multiple currencies and it feels like I can make a mistake any moment
I held off spending any until I got a few chapters into the game and got a better sense of what the income for those was going to be like.
>How important is PvP if there is any? I hate mainly PvP focused games since those tend to fall into paytowin category.
There are a few really lewd skins tied to PvP that you can get with some grinding. Otherwise it doesn't seem to really matter.
Making Human-Etan hybrid children with Mizo and Shirogane!
where do I get SR Starry's gear?
it doesn't seem to be in any of the current gear gachas
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This is pretty good, most people started with two 2*s, and any higher requires a shit ton of rerolling.
Right now, we have the 300 pull event that gives ticket on the daily so it is one guaranteed pity at 200 points.
PVP is there, but IMO it doesn’t matter as much because around 1600 you unlock auto battle and it’s easy to set it in the background.
>Commanders office
>Processing plant
>Resonance Gear
Right now it is only SR Starry gear, but eventually other free unit, limited characters and transcendent gear will show up there too.
The skins are hot but how much intimacy and implied sex is there between the navigator and the girls?
The first couple of chapters were all world building and I couldn't find any bond stories.
Starry is your ex-girlfriend and still your girlfriend at the same time
what should I get from this? Already got Koko, Xiao and Julius.
Alice if you want to invest in her fully. Aevati has her uses i believe. She is up there in tierlists. Maybe another copy of Koko? Her R9 is pretty nice.
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Apparently about this much in newer events
>that deadeyed stare

Navigator-kun, your 9 year old mommywife does not approve. Please molest your sister more like a good boy.
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>Taiwan so desperate to bulk up the military they've moved recruitment age to 'as soon as they stop bottle feeding'
how do I use glittering/violet reverbs to upgrade skills?
I have lots of them but I have no idea how to use them
Go to the skill upgrade screen of the character of your choosing and click upgrade. A prompt will ask if you want to convert reverbs into their specific skill upgrade mats
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So did anyone find out how the pity and tickets work in this game? Is it like Nikke where the tickets carry over after the banner ends? Or like Blue Archive whereyou have to use the tickets or else they get turned into trash?

Also does the gacha have any "after X amount of pulls, a SSR is guaranteed" like Genshin? Overall I have positive hopes for this game but I can't find any definitive answers about the gacha.
the tickets carry over
I rolled on the Nastya banner and already had tickets in the Lily banner before I rolled on it too
You can upgrade without copies?
There are three types of pull tickets: Common (blue/gray), Elite (gold), and Transcendent (pink) and they can only be used in their respective banners. The Common tickets are used on the permanent banner and the custom banner. Elite tickets are used on time-limited banners like Nastya’s and Lily’s. Transcendent tickets, like the name implies, are used only on Transcendent banners. You can purchase Common and Elite tickets from the Shop for 150 Crystals and Transcendent tickets for 280 Crystals. Whenever you pull on banners using Common/Elite tickets, you get their respective feedback tickets; Transcendent banners do not give feedback tickets. These feedback tickets can be saved and can be used to get a rate-up SSR at 200 tickets or SR at 60 tickets for Elite feedback tickets, or a random SSR at 200 tickets for Common feedback Tickets. There is also an SSR pity of 95 for Common/Elite banners and 60 for Transcendent banners and the pity does not carry over between banners. For Elite banners, there’s also a guarantee that the second SSR you pull will be the banner unit if they weren’t your first SSR, but this only occurs once per banner.
items called glittering reverbs can be used instead of actual dupes for SSRs
violet reverbs are for SRs
I forgot what the blue one was called, but it is for Rs
if you get more than 10 character dupes, then from 11 onwards you can convert them into these reverb items in the commander's office
This feels like information you need to have to make good choices on rolling banners. I've been under the impression that I needed those to do the last couple of upgrades
Holy fuck
I'm in
Please support this game
I have 3 dollars on my google play account
what are the best 1$ purchases in terms of value?
Dunno, he kind of looks like that after-sex meme image
There isn’t much, I bought the snallest crystal package to get the first time bonus
isn't there a 10 pull for .99
No? I checked again and the only 99 cent packages I saw were starry journey package 1 and the normal crystal topup
I just realized this while looking through the store
why are the 4* core parts more expensive than the 5* and 6* parts?
why are the 5* parts so cheap?
is it better to buy lower star core chips for some reason?
I've also found out that cores have rarities outside of their initial star value, as in a 6* core can be SR and a 4* can be SR
there is also a fourth rarity for cores that I don't know about
where can I find a guide to cores?
*4* can be SSR*
also, forgot pic
Notice the *10, anon.

>Intro Guide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11HLEFdxwXRUxTaeC8LxxV9eaHPEtE7BaMPRcXnENj20/
In slides 74 to 77. Read the links bros
>95 pity for Standard/Elite Banners
>50/50 with guarantee after one loss on Limited Elite Banners
>Guarantee is once per banner
>Tickets carry over, pull history does not
>60 pity for Transcendent Banner

Thanks anon, those are the main things I wanted to know.

I hope Chiaki is still soon after Kyla, seeing her in the event story gave me an idea for a drawing.
>Guarantee is once per banner
This one is a load of shit and I bricked my first acount going for nastya dupes (got three offrates in a row after the guaranteed nastya drop)
I could have a R6 nastya but I had an R2 after dropping 40k cubes and three shitters I would never raise in time
So how is your second account going?
why is everyone having a hard-on for her? did i miss something because she just looks like a better transcendent starry for pvp.
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A lot better, after trying out nastya and farnese, the latter is way more usable at low investment.
I dumped the cubes on the customized banner since it has a pity mechanic where if the first SSR is an offrate, the next two SSR pulls will be your featured rateups (morgan and zepar).
I am now saving up 270~ worth of gold tickets for Shaoyin since I don't need to gacha for a very long time
Shortstack sex
Standing paizuri
Looking good, anon. I fucked up my selector banner so now i wait for next month. Farnese is a must, i just cant decide between Morgan or Flovira. Precio is also something that could be considered.
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Tell me about Jenny

why is her gun connected to her anus
>almost oneshots your lv 70 nastya
nothin personnel, navigator
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Flovira is better for early progression.
This is the last stage for EXP daily, against level 85 mobs where it's normal to go up against 12 enemies.
Flovira is unbuffed, and the enemies have no buffs/debuffs on them.
Being able to nuke 4 or 5 of these overleveled mobs make them more fair, and allow me to 3 star clear EXP daily on day 2 of my account.
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What about Shaoyin? What makes her so great apart from her huge attack range?
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IDK, I just like how she looks.
Apparently tier 0 in PVP and PVE, From looking at her kit I'm assuming due to her damage invulnerbility shield stopping suicide bugs, and taunt ignore on rankup so you can nuke backlines.

I might just treat this as a collecting game now though, Flovira and Farnese smashed over any kind of difficulty left in PVE and I don't care that much for PVP/raid rankings...
Would you drink?
I'm a shitter who only did the easy raid, but i'm still in the top 1000, best way to spend the token?
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it's all too easy
>butt-focused giantess
>named Jenny
I wonder what her secret is
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I did crystal cubes, star shards, exp
everything else we can get later when we got the season point dump
Will do ty,
will post when i wake up, already turned off my computer
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This is the first game where I had to actually skip the cutscenes and read them in the gallery later.
Trying to read them normally is awful, one story cutscene into three combat puzzles breaks the reading flow.

At least chapter 5 is shaping up to be decent. chapters 3 and 4 were frustrating to read after the greatness that was chapter 2. Imagine jobbing to some no name mantis in the fog for several cutscenes, what a joke. The trio are not interesting enough to carry the story on their own and needs supporting cast IMO.
maintenance in 20min apparently, get your stuff and link your account bros
Anyone know what they're fixing?
the twins loading screen is no longer white when selecting loading screens in the settings
they might have fixed it, but I'm out of stamina and can't check
can someone with stamina check to see if it is fixed by confirming that the loading screen appears when a stage is loading?
yeah the load screens seem to be fixed for me
That looks a bit viscus...
So the story is generally good then? I rushed and skipped through everything, guess I'll go back and read it.
I'm a bit unsure about resonant gear: I got some cubes to roll for the gear gacha, but apparently I can also use credits? What's the difference? Should I throw enough shell credits at it to outfit Lily?
Use the cubes, The credit cost is massive, and you will run out of credits for upgrades before long
Use the resonance cubes only, everything in this game is gated by credits, from promotion to crafting.

At least Chapters 0 to 2 are pretty good, albeit spotty translation. Slowly going through 5, so no concrete opinion on that yet.
what is the difference between resistance and armor?
the Lily boss lowers her armor and raises her resistance
you need the money for upgrading characters
only use cubes, at least until you are in a position where money doesn't matter
>everything in this game is gated by credits
Oooh I see, so this game is one of those and the credit option is for people aat endgame as a credit sink, got it.

I'll toss the cubes at Lily's banner then. How important is resonant gear overall?
full resonance gear is 1 additional rank, like a dupe.
For every new limited you get from the gacha, you should aim to get all their corresponding gear since it will also be on rateup.
gear is a 10% stat increase at max level for whatever stat that gear boosts
and having every gear for a character gives +1 rank
I would like to add that for any time-limited units, you will get the option to craft their Gears after the banner ends. At this time, I would suggest pulling for all three of Lailaps’s Gears and at least two of Lily's Gears as you can craft the missing one and you’re rolling a 1-in-3 chance trying to snipe the third Lily Gear. Same goes for Transcendent Starry if you roll for her Gears as well.
i got her in 10
judging by the responses in this thread there's no way to play the game completely uncensored I take it? I was going to download it on tap tap but if there's no benefit to it I'll just download it off the cuck store.
I wasn't even aware the game was censored desu
based off of the comments I've seen it seems the censors targeted random skins that ended up getting taken off of the store, but some of the lewder skins stayed up.
the Lily boss has her nips out on the EN server
if they did any censorship then they either did a horrible job or the original was straight up porn
I don't know how this passed jewgle's appraisers to end up allowed on their app store
How did you end up with "the game is censored" reading through the thread, retard? Nothing is censored. We just dont know if we get some skins JP skipped or not. As of now it looks like JP got hit by DMM regulations and since global is not on DMM we might get them. Its just four skins, but still. Play the fucking game and see for yourself how not-censored it is. You see halfnaked lolis, hebes, hags with nipples out etc etc. Dumb retard.
There is like nothing horny about the story or gameplay; just the skins.
Is this what Azur Lane is like?
If the game is small enough they probably don't even review it. I played a tank-girl kancolle clone that had straight up nudity on some of its skins. And not even 'oh it's behind a 10% opacity shirt' nudity, just 'nudity'. It was in the play store in that state for like 4 years. Technically you can still play it- the servers are live but it finally got dropped from the store, so you can't buy anything
Events here will get way hornier, it seems. Might surpass AL judging by >>502244843
I wonder if they'll retroactively censor it in the future. It's strange that they they took down that tame picture of Alice in Wonderland girl.
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google/apple got their fee-fees jiggled by it, somehow.
it's flying under the zionist radar for now
Illiterate retardbro...
This will get the censorhammer eventually so enjoy it while you can.
The best thing about being a kemono enthusiast is that probably no one will try to censor a girl that is already covered in fluff
not kemono, it's straight up furry
kemono is animal ears and tail
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Never gonna happen!
i see now. just your usual schizo trannoids shitposting.
Uh oh, the Israeli troll farm rep is here
I didn't say that in an insultingly manner, i said that because gacha games that lewd will be reported by troons and the app stores will end up scolding the devs
not a tranny though?
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Just wanted an excuse to post a skin of the flaty desu
And what do you know about the appstore application process, my little concern trolling tranny?
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I installed the JP.ver just to get the Mizo skin early and read her new voicelines
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Noticed that the official channel uploaded Lily's skin preview so I went ahead and converted it to a WebM for shitposting.

Is it a skin for base Mizo or is it a new unit? I want her to come out so bad. Also need a Shirogane skin/alt.
>skin that focuses on her tail, as that is an important aspect of a furry character design
>still no tail in bath mode
The devs clearly get that it needs to be there. Why is it not there where it matters most? Just have the tail flow off to the side (the top of the screen) so it doesn't block the rest of the view. It'd look way better than it just not being there at all.
kemono is vastly superior to western furryshit
This skin really makes me want to grab her snoot
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It's fully retractable when bathing
franca skin when
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Remember to wash your wife!
you are five hours too soon!
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Made another Mizo WebM for the kemono fans here.
is Mizo's artist Nyankone/Ro?
looks familiar
I would jump over the railing at full speed and try to land in the gap of her crotch pasties or into her thigh highs
Yes, he drew both Mizo and Shirogane,
thanks bwo.
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I will never forget!
why has ro not drawn any kemololis for this
Out of the entire cast, who do you think is the most likely to unironically, canonically be rocking a futa cock?
first harem gacha or what?
panzer waltz?
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Julia. It's also how her gear is powered, probably.
I've never been into anthros
Feels bad running out of things to do.
My gameplay is now login -> sweep event stage / PVP -> lily raid boss then thats it…
I am on the last lottery box, but the non golden rewards have been so shitty that I might ditch the infinite box afterwards.
I assume that 4 star purple and gold cores should be used as exp like the rest of the non-six stars?
the google doc doesn't mention those
in the office, you can sent people out to get awakening resources
I have never received a single resource besides the points you use in the shop and credits, no matter how many times I do these expeditions
what am I doing wrong?
Same here. I'm guessing the rates go up every upgrade, but who knows?
in the redemption shop, where can you get the currency for the clothing store?
they only cost 3 and they mention something about a moonlight abyss in the badge's description
when do the launch rewards and events end?
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when do we get chiaki?
Since our schedule is sped up and she's part of the very first event we had, I'm thinking we'll get her soon. I hope at least, I'm saving up for her and this absolute sexo >>502403764
>SEAturd thinks the harem is the issue
its not even a harem. you are contractually obligated to have zero relations with any of the drivers. this is dr. stephanie speaking, please fuck your sister navigator, the geneseed must be kept strong
What level am I supposed to be to clear the event boss on easy? I'm getting filtered pretty hard.
post roster. its usually just positioning problems.
Is a Skin for base Mizo and the best is FREE
What's with the bandaids on her tail?
I forgot the image
And here I was saving up for her. Based devs.
Any idea when this will hit global? I need...
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That’s good to hear. I was afraid of it being a skin you had to pay for so I was hoping it was a limited variant I could pull for, but it being a free log-in skin for base Mizo is even better since Mizo herself is a good unit.
Mizofags, I kneel
her game
Making half human furry abominations with Mizo!
High impact consensual handholding with Koko
>today I rolled Mizo + 2 dupes of her
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I hope Shirogane will also get a skin someday
Yeah, hopefully they'll throw her a bone
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Aaaaa I need those
how far behind is global compared to asian servers?
beat chapter 8 and finished starry event
dont think this game is for me
and the game is like princess connect but reskinned yet again.
just doesnt play with the idea that they're huge and the size fetish barely at all. dont want to read long dramatic story segments for crumbs of the fetishy stuff dropped here and there.
also, the game's writing is so pretentious.
watching the archive YT channel, it seems the events continue to pretty much do the same thing just like the current event.
With where we are from just this event, I'd say we might be caught up in less than 6 months
is a good catch up pace. if they continue to give generous events it might even be worth for complete f2p.
Is the auto battle time per a season?
I hope for a MGR Raiden style cyborg costume that makes her look extra edgy
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It's a crime that they didn't do a giant ojou sama collab yet
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Remember to wash your wife!
Reminder that you live as long as a small rodent in the eyes of your Etan wife
Beats being a tiny bug
How badly do you think the drains are clogged up after the Mammalian and Hydra teams used the pool?
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I'm starting to fall off too. It isn't hitting the peaks from the failed timeline and aftereffects feel handwaved. Doesn't help that from starry event onwards, the EX animations aren't hand drawn and look like CG...
At least I only spent $4 dollars for this game. The coom is good but the writing ain't it.
I don't mind the writing and I like the coom, I just wish we had more ways to interact with the drivers.
you mean... humans with tails and ears?
I mean apparently their entire tail goes down the drain so I'd say pretty clogged
kek. why can't we fluff their tails tho...
That's not so bad then.
I've been able to brute force the Lily boss from easy to difficult with lots of DPS and Julius
I haven't tried nightmare yet since there isn't a way to practice the stage like with the last boss and I don't want to waste tickets
I'm going to attempt a different strategy from now on and I would like your opinion
I plan on only having Julius, Skadi, and two supports to reduce the hp for the 60% blast when she is below 30% hp
Julius to tank, Skadi because she is my best DPS and fixed damage is important for this boss, one support aiming at Julius and Skadi, and one support aiming at Skadi and both supports
the goal is to be able to tank the global blast by reducing the hp and heal all damage while still being able to 3 star the stage
but I'm worried that Skadi will not be able to beat the stage within 35 turns(the requirement says 35 rounds, but I'm pretty sure that is a mistranslation)
before I waste a ticket on experimenting this strategy, is there an already established way to defeat the nightmare and hell difficulties?
and if there isn't, what other R or SR characters have fixed damage so I can boost DPS in case Skadi isn't enough?
You don’t consume a ticket if you abandon the lily run. I’ve trialed and error multiple times trying out friend supports.
I concluded that transcend starry are garbage supports and lily/whale xiaomengs are better choices
that helps a lot, thank you
So, what exactly is the mystery liquid oozing from Lily's belly? Is it really milk? Can you make cheese out of it?
when in doubt, drink it to find out
City-collapsing sex with Shirogane (I use a giant robot with a neuro-linked gigapenis)
She's skipping maintenance pool or something? Isn't that supposed to wash off?
no furries with human ears and no hair
Wonder if those swimsuits the drivers wear during wife washing will ever be made available. Some of them look crazy.
here's a heads up for people like me that log in twice a day
it takes 5 minutes for 1 stamina to recover, which is 144 stamina in 12 hours
since we get 1 max stamina per level, you should be level 45 or higher before leaving the game alone for half a day to keep it from capping
and that is assuming that you drain your stamina to 0 and don't get on later for any reason
I wish that the max time expedition missions took would be 11 hours or less, I've had to take several 8 hour expeditions already because I can't perfectly log on every 12 hours
If the 20x size increase is accurate, it would mean that most of the girls range from 1.8m to 2m at normal size. Imagine...
Cleared the hardest Lily level by borrowing a Xiaoming and buffing the shit out of her.
1 Hotarugasu
2 Skadi positioned behind Xiaoming
3 Franca
4 Caihua in front of Xiaoming
5 Xiaoming
Might luckswing into Lily's revenge threshold depending on crits. Either you want to one shot her or get just below 50% HP.
a lot of gacha games have a penalty for using friend's units such as not being able to sweep
does this game have any penalties or can I use a friend's unit as much as I want?
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I reached the infinite gashapon machine and took a SS.
I dumped about 600~ stamina into it, but I only got what feels like 50% of it cleared out.
It feels pretty bad after the previous gold items are gone now, and I would rather simply farm the daily dungeons itself.
This is probably the first gacha game I've played that the infinite event gacha sucks ass

No penalty, can use it to 3 star hard PVE stages like dailies but is limited to three friend borrows on stage clear, per day.

I should take this strategy, I haven't leveled up any supports outside of mizo until now...
The optimal duration for expeditions is the 8-hour one anyway, as you get the most resources from them. In a twenty-four hour interval, you can conduct six 4-hour expeditions, three 8-hour expeditions, or two 12-hour expeditions. My Expedition is currently at Lv 2 so I will be using those numbers but it was the same conclusion at Lv 1.

4-hour: 1,540 Daily Tokens & 1,050 Shield Credits * 6 = 9,240 Daily Tokens & 6,000 Shield Credits
8-hour: 3,520 Daily Tokens & 2,400 Shield Credits * 3 = 10,560 Daily Tokens & 7,200 Shield Credits
12-hour: 4,180 Daily Tokens & 2,850 Shield Credits * 2 = 8,360 Daily Tokens & 5,700 Shield Credits

The 12-hour expedition is actually the worst value but is the most convenient if you only log in twice a day. If you have the time, logging in three times a day to renew Expeditions, use Stamina, do PVP, and collect everything in the Office (which caps productions at twelve hours) is probably the way to go.

Did you happen to count how many items were in each gacha box prior to the infinite box? I’m currently on the second box and both it and the first box had 200 items. I plan to empty all seven boxes prior to the infinite box so I would like to know the total amount of coins needed so I can plan my stamina for farming the event.
>but is limited to three friend borrows on stage clear, per day.
You actually get more as you level up: at Level 10, it goes to four per day and at Level 20, it goes to five per day.
I'm on box 6 so far and all of them have been 200
I didn't count, but I went from level 19 to level 30 when i finished the 7th box.
I dumped levelup stamina and the 15 potions we got from the PVP shop into this plus 3 days worth of 30 crystal refills, so I blazed through this pretty fast.
> it goes to four per day and at Level 20, it goes to five per day
It says that on the friend borrow screen, but I still get locked out after 3 borrows.
Thank you for the info. Time for some math:

I’ll assume that the seventh box also needs 200 coins so one needs 1,400 coins to clear all the boxes. You get 77 coins for 3-starring all the event stories, 5 coins from the dailies, and 3/6/9/12/15 coins from the boss raid depending on difficulty, but you need to clear the lower difficulties to unlock the higher ones. The event runs for 29 days which means 29 dailies and boss runs. Assuming you can clear the highest difficulty boss, the calculation for how much stamina is needed is as follows.

1400 - 77 (3-starring event stories) - (3 + 6 + 9 + 12 + (15 * 25)) (boss) - (5 * 29) (dailies) = 773 coins

The repeatable stages give one coin per 4 stamina so you will need to spend at least 3,092 stamina to get enough coins to empty the non-infinite boxes. And this is only if you can clear the highest difficulty boss; the grind gets worse if you cannot since the boss doesn’t require stamina. For example, if you can only clear the easiest difficulty, you will need to farm 1,091 coins and use 4,364 stamina.

I seriously hope that other events have better coin payouts especially since we’re getting another one midway through this event that will also require grinding.
it's only 90 crystals for 300 stamina
And Factorio expansion is 35 bucks. Better deal than one month's worth of freebie gacha resources.
in this kind of game it's better to progress your account and raise your player lv spending energy refills on crystals (at least the cheap initial costs) than rolling crappy 1*s; f2p or not
urgent correction required
Hopefully banner soon
All of you should draw your favorite driver
Dumbass nigga, you are supposed to do the elite drill and buy energy drinks easily for free
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>ywn play fetch with her
you'd need a catapult to throw it far away enough
That upside shot…

It’s not bad to blow through some of the first clear cubes for stamina refills to hit level 20 or 30 faster to upgrade base resources. If you wanted to paypig for ingame resources you buy the BP anyways
Aren't you meant to get rewards for you rank after a PvP season? I didn't get any yet at least
you get them per mail... eventually
they fucked up so many times and didn't get hold accountable they don't give a single fuck about global
Good thing I did not dolphin for this kusoge
It's a shame that Ragnastrike Angels EoS'd shortly after launch, It would've been interesting to see a collab event or something with Haze Reverb. It seemed like a conceptually very similar game in many ways
>This event has ended
>So I get to collect my crusade tokens now?
>don't get to choose whose body you crawl across in the bath minigame
>been "playing" for a week
>Just now I realized that they're gigants in the home screen cause I removed the UI elements and the bottom of the legs was missing
This game, or rather this fetish is quite curious
I wish they'd go a bit harder desu
The new game devs actively tried to purge the giantess fetish aspect from the original developers, realizing too late that'd make it a generic fucking waifu sim with nothing unique.
It's pretty great, but the game barely does anything with it
Then those new devs awakened the same fetish and kept releasing skins emphazising the giant girl fetish. Now the new devs are the old devs and the new new devs are coming.

Fucking dumb nigger.
Seams like a common feedback.
I didn't even know the dev team changed.
Yeah, I heard players talking about it quite a bit. At the very least I wish they'd expand the maintenance pool a bit, add some more pure fanservice things to it.
>need to manual drill fights again
do attack cores raise SUP when given to support characters?
and if not, are there any cores that boost the SUP stat of support characters?
No cores boost the SUP stat so the best cores for them are HP cores since that’s the only other useful stat that cannot be buffed.
This isn't going to survive to get good giantess content, is it?
The game seems low maintenance and there's a bunch of whales from what I can tell, so we should be good. I hope we get there.
The trick to that fight is to have a few support heroes that can heal more than one other character, then arrange your team so that Julius or some similar hero soaks up all of the main attacks and the healers compensate for the electrical damage that hits everyone. Depending on what characters you have available, you can ideally heal everyone at least once between Sobek's turns. Eventually Sobek will nuke your guard hero, but if your characters are high enough level, you should be able to just barely finish him off before he wrecks the rest of your team.
Julius with Franca healing her and buffing your best DPS + second-best/friend’s DPS should be able to clear it easily
Where are you guys getting that many level ups?
too late for launch goodies? how many days left if not?
How is the game bros? I am bored and Looking for a side game. I noticed the Kemono designs like>>502422395 and I sort of dig them. (Even if they are a bit to0 coomer oriented for me)

How is the re-roll? Is the game META heavy? Does it do anything that makes it stand out compared to most other Gacha?
its another priconne reskin
there is a beginner 10 roll that can be repeated infinitely until you get what you want
there is pvp, so of course there is a meta
it is supposed to feature giantess content, but there is so little of it that it might as well not exist
but, it also has lots of coom content and I personally like the gameplay
it is an auto battler, but there are lanes and characters have different attack ranges so you need to strategize before you start the stage
there have been several stages where I would lose the first time and win the second after rearranging my character's positions and turn order to counter the enemy's positions and turn order better
exp stages, events, commander's office, and the various different token exchanges in the shop after gaining said tokens
Not late at all. The only thing you will miss out if you wait too much is the current event, which grants you a ssr character, resources and currency. You got about 20 days before it's gone and you need around 7 daily logins to get all the rewards.
nta but sounds fine, reroll targets?
alice is also an option, but she requires a lot of investment
what is this overlimit synchronic shit that just unlocked, i just beat chap 4 and idk if i skipped a tutorial or something but i got no idea what it is
Try to roll Korokami as your SSR and Mizo (the furry and an SR) in the infinite reroll. You can also choose to roll for Alice as your SSR but as a single-target DPS she needs a lot of investment to outdamage Skadi, who is a freebie that you will be nearly maxing out as part of the Newbie Tasks, or Shirogane who is also a freebie DPS. Korokami brings some utility with her column AoE attack and dispel so she is still useful even if she’s not doing the most damage.

It was not explained in the game me either but it’s basically a way to enhance your unit’s skills even more. Only a few units actually have overlimit and it requires you to max out all three of their Resonant Gears before being able to do so. As such, it’s better saved for later when you have tHe Gears maxed and are actually able to clear the stages to farm the material.
I got a really nice core from the core parts
it is a gold rarity attack(amplifier) core, which according to the guide I read gives the most attack if the character has a certain amount of attack
but there is one problem, it is 5 stars
the guide says that all 5 star and under cores must be used as upgrade material and only 6 star purple/gold rarity cores should be upgraded
can I make it into a 6 star somehow or is it not actually a good core?
mating press chiaki
I have a question for a Chiaki fanatic such as yourself
I tapped the "yesterday's repetition" button on the event menu and it brought up the event story for rereading purposes
I then further tapped the "CG" button and it brought up the pictures of the event
number 11 is called "BadEnd" with no spaces
it is a picture of Chiaki with a gun near her head and someone getting shot behind her(I assume that is what is happening because of the direction of the blood splatter in the air)
I don't remember this happening in the event at all
and it says I have only unlocked 70 out of 307 CGs
what is going on?
I though that I finished the event, why do I not even have a third of the CGs unlocked?
what is happening in the "BadEnd" CG?
>unironically wasting company resources to commission bad end CGs instead of making more cute giant waifu skins
>in a gacha
I'm convinced this game is actually a ryona fetish game and all the other stuff is just a bait and switch
There's no branching paths or anything, not sure how you missed it
There were some dialog choices you could make in the event story that changes what the characters said, but it would ultimately lead to the same events. That CG happens if you choose to contact Stephanie when Chiaki asks you whether or not you should contact her. If you do choose to contact her, you get attacked by the same troops that were in the Amusement Park and Chiaki takes a bullet for you. You also get shot and see a glimpse of Josephine (who you have not met at this point in the event) and then it rolls you back to before you made the decision.

Like you, I was curious about it after I has cleared the event story so I went back through all the cutscenes to figure out where that specific CG showed up.
For me, the greatest joy about this game is entering the main menu and being greeted by my lovely wife Mizo
When do we get Joint Crusade ranking rewards? It's been several days now.
maybe the same issue that delayed elite drill rewards also affects event rewards?
At least they had the decency to hand out an apology bonus with the ED rewards
The rewards were sent just now
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Neeeeeeeeeeed her......
not being able to skip the shitty npc pvp when the weekly reset happens is the #1 killer for me
I suddenly got take to 2200 pvp score so I think it fully resetting back to 1000 was a bug and you're supposed to start at a higher rank.l if you piped last season.
What's the original server? Chinese? Korean?
far as I know, chinese
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I ended up 3 starring the hell stage for lily raid boss, taking 34 turns.
Borrowed unit is a Level 100 Alice, but you can borrow any other built DPS that deals extra damage.
Having Skadi move later lets her heal up to full hp, tanking the 30% teamwide nuke trigger.
Farnese feels essential for tanking with low investment, and not having to waste turns healing up with mizo.
The supports all have their support power equips maxed, and both hotaru and franca are rank 10. Skadi was dealing about 20k~ damage per swing.
please help
this is the guide
it is slides 74-77, with 75 being the only slide that tells you what to do with low star cores
From searching up on discord, you can but it takes up too many resources so it's not preferred.
Just keep it as +0 filler, we have to gear up 9 character which will take forever and the guide said unnecessary cores, so trash like HP / Crit cores
How do you even get friends to borrow from in this game?
The game was originally released in Taiwan, then later Japan, and now global
I took 10 minutes out of my day to search up pvp ranking and added people via copy ID function.
It's easier to do on an emulator, and when starting out all you need is one or two accept out of 50~ invites to be set.
Total Etan impregnation
The combat really needs a 3x or 4x speed.
>rolled Lily
Total Etan cuddling (both normal and giant size)
Oh, the raid rewards are finally here
What GTS content is there to look forward to? I'm pretty disappointed in the maintenance pool and lack of giant skins.
based and etanpilled
Etans a cute
Just got her as well, I was getting close to the 20 pulls that would have let me just spark her, or whatever the term is. But this means I am likely going to be stuck at Skill level 0 since there is no way I am going to be getting 10 other copies of her, much less even an additional one. Is she still useful if you only have skill level 0?
you can still level up your skills without copies, it's just a bit expensive
Where is this scene?
KemonoMIMI is usually used to refer to having just the ears and tail, Kemono is usually used to refer to a character that is a straight up furry

Kemono = Beast
Mimi = Ears
I'm almost tempted embrace whaling for Starry 10/10 skill.
No idead what packs whales go for tho
is it just me or are heavy units fucking worthless?
I used to hate furry in general but nowadays i will give kemos a pass
Yes, the fact the unit guide has a picture of a trash bin for nearly all of them should tell you something. Needing an extra turn is a near insurmountable handicap in anything. The only heavies that aren't worthless are the ones that do something else like tank or have the ability to ignore the charge turn.
The only reason people hate furries in the first place was the furry movement in the 2000s where people were deluding themselves into believing it was an entire lifestyle and actually being animals rather than a fetish. Now that furries full on accept it as a degenerate fetish, nobody really cares and they've actually become more endearing as a community since they can now take jokes about their degeneracy.
Is Starry a temporary unit?
Damn, Japan got that first? Any word on when the EN servers will get it? And if it will also be free or paid?

>>been "playing" for a week
>>Just now I realized that they're gigants in the home screen cause I removed the UI elements and the bottom of the legs was missing
Honestly, how? It's everywhere
The story opens with a giantess reaching to grab you and has several moments showing they are giants
And even if you skipped the story it's the screenshots
Even if you ignored the screenshots and directly downloaded the game it's in several of the images the title screen shows
Even if you ignored the title screen it's in the loading screens
Even if you ignored all that the washing minigame would have made it obvious
You basically would have had to go out of your way intentionally not looking at 80% or so of the game while also having not made enough progress to unlock the washing minigame (Or also ignored that) to not notice that they are giants
The smelly neet is good.
what were the rewards of the boss event that just ended?
what's the point of a giantess game if the gameplay makes them look tiny
I got like 2000 gacha cubes and a load of those red thingies out of it
Finished Chapter 4, but not without friend units. I am guessing at this point I should take some time to actually improve my characters and gear instead of continuing to try to shotgun the story.

And suggestions on what I should try to farm/sweep? The EXP mission? A mission for some materials? The Starry event missions?
Farm Starry event for now. SR Starry is a good welfare. You can craft her equipment in the office too. Raise Charlissa, Skadi, and Starry for DPS. Raise Franca to buff all of them standing next to each other. And raise your choice of tanks, Lilith is a good inexpensive option.
Low effort cashgrab preying on fetishists
I only bothered because it has 2 easily available, viable and cute furry ladies
To be fair, size fetishists are used to being preyed on by low effort cash grabs
>size fetishists are used to being preyed on
Hey now, don't bring vore into this
how we feeling about lina, worth rolling for? these tickets and gems burning a hole in my pocket
It's a timesink not an investment, just do what you fancy and don't FOMO. I roll when the girl is cute.
For a small gacha it surprises me the event is fully voiced
>finally get furry wife for bath event
>she has no fucking tail
>if you max out the character you like the most, you DON'T get to crawl around her body washing it
Nice """game""" gachaniggers
It's horribly designed yeah. I haven't been using the affinity-raising items at all because I want to maximize bath time.
fuck, so that's why I dont see Mizo in the MP...
What a dick move to hand out a ton of affinity items BEFORE the bath is unlocked

but I think someone posted a screenshot from the korean and jap versions that had other types of maintenance-pool type minigames. Does someone have it?
Mizo without a tail was bad enough, do you really want to see her with human feet?
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The time of furless "women" is over
how do I get more money?
the highest level money stage doesn't give enough and I'm constantly scrambling to get more since every upgrade in this game costs money
I haven't been able to level up my units for a couple days now since 2 levels costs 50k money, I prefer keeping my unit's levels in multiples of 5, and everything else always needs money too so I end up unable to save enough to level up
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I hope this game survives, really like some of the skin designs so far
If you haven't 3 starred the lower stamina cost resource stages and story nodes then that's at least a bit more efficient since you get other rewards on top, but at some point you just have to bite the bullet and dump some stamina on it. Seems like this is more of a long term, slow burn type of game where it takes ages to max out one character, best to just be patient. Even as a filthy pay-piggy I run dry on credits pretty often, can't imagine how bad it gets for F2P
I think he will survive, the whalling potential is big and some people can't help themselve.
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needs more shilling but at the same time needs a lot of improvements to make it easier to shill, loading times for example, too many loading screens on every menu interaction, and the english translation is botched.

I really like the game as well and hope global survives, mainly because with the little fanservice it has at least is very unapologetic with it.
Is it just me or does the whaling suck ass in this game? None of the packages seem worthwhile.
Fucking lol
Had maxed out affinity for both Mizo and Shirogane well before I unlocked the bath, and even after I unlocked it I didn't know it only gives you characters who are not maxed out.

I agree, it's pretty stupid to have a fanservice minigame and design it so the characters you are clearly the most interested in would not be in it.

I take it then they just have a single base model they slap a few pieces on to make them appear as the different characters? Still am curious what Mizo and Shirogane look like in that minigame though since I will never get to see them, not sure if I maxed out Lailaps too but I know I didn't do Lily yet.
Using Mizo's soft belly as a pillow
So >>501908494 but you're that yellow vehicle?
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Trying to make WebMs of some of the EX skills but 4chan's 4MB limit on them is such a bitch to work under. I'll try again once I get back to my desktop to see if I can make them higher resolution and longer duration.

I got Mizo and Shirogane in the Maintenance Pool a few times and they are just pink skinned with some texturing to make it look it look like fur.
I hope the devs fix all of this shit ASAP
Any recommendations on how to beat Lily?
How about not doing domestic abuse at all?
cats have a lot of skin on their stomach called a primordial pouch that helps protect their stomach from cuts
don't aim there if you use a blade
use a support Nastya to tank her attacks and kill her ASAP when her health is under 30%
Skadi is great for this boss with her fixed damage, but she will be more vulnerable to the 30% health blast because she is already killing herself so make sure she has a good healer on her
Wish they worked that smoothly for me. I am using Google Play Games to play it on PC, and whenever an EX skill FMV plays the game freezes for about 5 seconds, I have had to turn EX animations off.

Wish I knew how to explore the image file that emulator creates, they are likely video files I can just extract from the game data if I could browse it.
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It turns out I was using an outdated WebM converter; the current one was able to convert my file to a longer and higher resolution WebM.

I'm using an iPhone SE 2020 to play the game sometimes, the app will crash whenever the EX animation attempts to play, so I assume there is some optimization issues on the developer's end that causes that and your issue. You should contact their support team to see if they can fix it on their end.
>It turns out I was using an outdated WebM converter; the current one was able to convert my file to a longer and higher resolution WebM.

I normally either manually do it in FFMPEG, or just use Avidemux, which lets me set a target filesize when using VP9 to create a webm.

>You should contact their support team to see if they can fix it on their end.
The game is not intended to be played in the Google Play PC app, I sort of tricked it into loading the game since normally it has a curated list of what games you can put on it, and Haze Reverb was not on the list, so not so sure they would be willing to accept it as a problem.
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Guys, how do I do this? It's been stuck in my tasks for a while now, and I have no idea how to promote a unit. If any of the tutorials ever told you, I must have missed it, but I don't see an option for it anywhere.
When you max out a character's level, you get the option to promote that character. Doing so adds a star and increases the level cap. I think you can do it a few times, but each level takes exponentially more exp.
You will need to level Skadi up to 40/40 and when you try to upgrade her again, you will be able to do something called a Breakthrough, which increases the Star rank of the unit.
Thanks, turns out I had even completed everything in the next two levels after that and almost everything in the 3rd after that, was just stuck on that one because I had no idea how to do it.

Now I feel like I am doing something wrong in trying to level up my units. I barely have three of them in the 40s, most are at level 1. It just does not feel like the missions where I can get EXP drops are giving me anything close to worth it, am I missing something?
Can I just constantly use my friends' level 70s from the list? I've been getting my ass carried by some jap's level 70 Lily.
Have you unlocked the resource gathering missions for exp packs yet? They can be pretty handy.
Whats the best way to be a light spender in this game? Battle pass seems good for only 10 bucks
Wake up
Why don't you put on a little make up
Battle Pass is probably the most bang-for-your buck purchase. I'm F2P so I didn't bother running the numbers but someone on the official Discord did, and the Battle Pass comes to about $66 for the farmable items, plus however much you want to value the unfarmable items. I also notice the Extended Protocol which gives you a total of 1800 Energy Crystals over the course of 30 days. Not sure if it's worth it but it at least looks better than the regular purchasing options.
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>Kemono patreon importer back
>Giantess enjoyer
>kinda want to spend like $300 to chill with the game
Pass indeed seem interesting as well as the limited launch packs.

Hype is here but I'm a bit scared to spend because :
- Game may die in a few months (like it's niche, not sure if it'll survive the gacha market)
- Heard that Starry SSR Skill lvl 10 is just decent, scared to invest that much if the unit doesn't carry at least a little bit
- Are we getting guild wars?
- Maintenance Pool and Skins are the only appeal fetish wise. Might as well just datamine and extract assets each major update
- Wished it had like Nikke's hype lvl. Seriously, last time I played a game like this, it was Jurako Girls where Girls were affected by Dinosaur DNA : game closed pretty fast.
Game makes enough money overseas and by judging the leaderboards across all global servers we do have some whales that jumped ship from a certain other dead gacha. A handful of them is enough to fund the servers. And we got quite a few of them. Im still waiting for the first unreleased JP skin to hit global and the ill pull the trigger as well.
Also, t.Starry is not that good. Even in PvP there are better choices that are way less costy, like the soon-to-be releasing Chiaki. Other Trancendent characters actually go off when invested.
>announcement in notices says buying Starry skin gives prime crystalline
>event purchase page only shows energy crystals
Which is it. It seems like it'd be prime crystalline by the amount corresponding to the pricing and energy crystals only being in multiples of 5, but generally what it shows is what you get.
What do you think the priority should be for the drill shop?
First of all, you will want to redeem all of the Drill Tickets for 100 Tokens every week because even if you lose all 150 Drills, you are still getting at least a 150% return on your investment since losses give you at minimum 150 Tokens. After that, you will want to redeem all of the Reports, Awakening Crystals and stamina refills since most of the progress in this game is gated by how fast you can develop your team. If you need to pull units, you can also grab the Common/Elite Requisition Tickets. The Reverbs are tempting to get but they are really expensive, with the Gold costing 187,500 Tokens total and the Purple costing 132,000 Tokens total. Even if you are a massive whale and rank Aegis (aka 1st place) all four weeks, you're still short of clearing the everything in the shop every month.
Skins for me, I want to get them before they censor the game. After that, what >>503062794 said

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