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Prank Call Edition

Welcome to /horg/, the place to discuss anything horror games-related, such as:
- AAA series: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Alan Wake, Alien Isolation, Dying Light, The Evil Within, etc.
- Current indie games and hidden gems: Alisa, Amnesia, Conscript, Darkwood, Faith, Pathologic, Penumbra, Signalis, Soma, Song Of Horror, Tormented Souls, Voices of the Void, World of Horror, Yume Nikki, etc.
- Retro classics: Alone in the Dark, Clock Tower, Dino Crisis, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Parasite Eve, Sweet Home, System Shock, etc.
- Free mods: HL1's Afraid of Monsters and Cry Of Fear, Doom's MyHouse.wad and Total Chaos, fan-made games like Blood: Death Wish, Penumbra: Necrologue, Resident Evil REVisited, stand-alone free games like SCP Containment Breach, etc.

>Horror games lists, guides, and resources:

>Quick game recommendations
Got any N64 recommendations for our 64th thread? I'll throw out Shadow Man and Nightmare Creatures

>Thread Question: What horror game are you looking forward to playing?

>Previous thread:
And like a fool forgot to link previous thread
I guess that means horg dies if you sleep
Damn. We were on a streak too
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it began
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sh2r is a cuckold game
posting twitter/youtube/reddit screenshots should be a bannable offense
the moral of this tale is that you should never sleep
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>got In Water because I left myself at low HP constantly to conserve healing and hit every enemy on the ground ~10 times
Fine, punish me for being a gamer, I was gonna do NG+ anyway
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step dads are always the real cucks, the one who bred the woman is winning
The same people would make opposite arguments for pro life
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i love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe...
I'll smush him with my finger
what game?
Labyrinth of the Demon King
(the demo, full game isn't out yet)
First time I have seen one of these prematurely die.
I loved it personally.
It is a visual novel so you have to be into those but it is fully voiced and has an absolute ass ton of choices so it feels a lot more gamey than most VNs. It is more spooky than scary Most of the time at least. There are a few moments. but it is a pretty unique and interesting game.
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How’d she do that????
she's a pro gamer
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just finished playing through the demo for Labyrinth of the Demon King
it's janky, but it's got a solid foundation and art direction
sound design (mainly the footsteps) could use some work, but is doable
my one disappointment is that the cat demon is a woman and is already married
overall 8/10, i'm excited for the full release
Is visage worth playing?
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there was a walnut here
it's gone now
It is creepy enough but I hated the chase sections. The teleporting and instant kills got old extremely fast and I eventually decided to play something else.
playing through Haunting Ground, I've treated Hewie very well, always praising him and he almost never gets hit by the stalkers. Just finished the Daniella boss fight in which Hewie took a ton of damage and even got KOed, had to use a Beef Jerky on him to bring him back. Is my friendship level with Hewie negatively impacted now that I let him get walloped because I was too stingy with my items? I'm debating replaying the fight just in case.
And yet you love it. Guess that says everything we need to know currycel cuck
Would actually fuck her here (not a furry just would)
As far as atmosphere goes it’s top notch. It’s also the closest thing to a PT game we’ll ever get. It’s very much a walking simulator though. If that’s not your thing stay away.
So my friend gifted me Backrooms: Escape Together and I never cared to look into the backrooms lore shit, or anything SCP for that matter (I think it's an SCP thing? IDK,) but it was fun... not scary at all though, as the monster designs and animations are pathetic and there's just not much going on with it. It's literally just another walking sim, which is about what I expected. It has some atmosphere, but otherwise it's another SOVLLESS early access project. Took us only three hours to complete in its current state, so definitely not worth $9, IMO. There's an inventory system which looks nice but half of the UI isn't being utilized - I guess that'll be in a future update, if ever. The lighting is kinda bugged and took away from the experience - which I thought was because I don't own an Nshitia GPU, though my friend, who does, said it was fuzzy/grainy for her too. I give it a 4 out of 10, just like my life. At least it was something to do while waiting for the next Outlast Trials update to drop.
>I'm debating replaying the fight just in case
Just redo it!
Is this meant in a "I've played the game before and I'm speaking from experience" way or a "I haven't played the game before I just want people to stop asking stupid questions" way? I understand if it's the latter.
I just beat Amneisa: The Dark Descent and got all endings, should I beat the game on hard mode, play with the director's commentary, or just into Justine?
You like the game and the boss fight is like 5 minutes, why risk it? Too save dog treats?
Unfortunately I haven't played the game, but redoing bosses can be awesome.
into the other game, but the director's commentary sounds interesting
Where did they go?
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Rate my Jimmothy cosplay
really good. photography is 10/10 too
Very based.
Ashley !!
oh is that a headache
at least they improved this fight in sh2r.
How is Tormented Souls anyway?
Very nice
You mean if its any good?
This is nonsense, you guys take life way too seriously. If you're so terrified of becoming a cuck then you probably secretly want to be one
>A team(2and 4 remake) for a more survival horror games
>B team(revelations and 7) for more experimental games
>C team made by Village and RE3remake/4Remake for action games
That would be a perfect division.
For SH
>A team made by PT/Short message staff to see the trainwreck
>Silent Hill f to see the trainwreck
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Fuck you for tricking me into buying this utter fucking trash
What was bad about it? If you are ever suspicious about a game you can always watch a playthrough of the first 15 to 20 minutes to see if you'd want to play it. ManlyBadAssHero usually is pretty good about putting up new horror indie horror let's plays pretty regularly.
It's not a video game, just a long enough walking simulator so Steam doesn't grant you a refund
And yes, I could have just bought some mcnuggies instead and watched it on YT and NOTHING would've changed
Oh, so its an overblood.
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Slitterhead number one.
as a cinematic experience it's really cool
as a game it's uh
glad I watched a bud stream through it desu
>gravity rush
That isn't a horror game.
two of the posts you’re replying to are from the resident troll
Still debating buying it
I'm pretty sure it's the games by that specific director
In terms of when he made them or in terms of overall success?
give me your most sincere thoughts on RE Revelations
I have never played any of them.
it's not mindblowing, but it's worth playing
I loved it and it's the only other game aside from DMC1 that I played and finished in one go
story was incredibly engaging if silly, the twists and turns were fun, quint and keith were excellent, jessica's asshole popping out at you through the 3DS's 3D feature was very immersive, and I wanted to motorboat rachel
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>sh f will be in japan
#ringu moment
In terms of which one's the best
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It’s fun. Solid side game with no greater impact on the overall universe but still fun. Makes me wonder what Revelations 3 is going to be like.
>Jessica’s asshole popping out at you
People shit on this remake but I think it's one of the scariest games I've played along with Alien Isolation
I just shit myself at the thought of being stalked and pursued by an invincible creature
I kneel.
sorry minmo chuds, but this is a petdog neighborhood
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there's nothing scarier than a molestable protagonist
there's some things scarier than a molestable protagonist
Ah yes. Love me a refreshing Petdog on a hot day.
must be china
Why is Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush Remastered two seperate entries? Are they really different?
i advice you to crawl back to your incel general and never return
She took to the training well.
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i genuinely want a future re installment to have her as the protagonist, fighting b.o.w. enemies and shit
ooh maybe retcon a "somehow, saddler returned" moment so ashley could kill him herself
Enjoyed it, as well as the (mostly) water themed BOWs

Only thing I kinda dislike is the frequent "Previously, on Resident Evil Revelations". But I get thats cause originaly it was a DS game and released by bits. Still, wished there was an option to turn that off
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things that go bump in the night
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Does anybody know what people mean about Code Veronica having bad game/Level design?
I know the you can get softlock complain but you can get that in RE3 too, hell some enemies placement in 3 are more fucked than CV like leaving a room and finding 3 dogs waiting for you(only part that fucked in CV is the Moth hallway).
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cash is too dark triad for the current state of vidya gaming
Not horror
it's an incel game
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motherfuckin' vampires aren't horror?
Resident Evil 10 will be directed by Village director and be TLOUS knock of with Rosemary and Chris as protagonist
Both of you laught that this could happen
>you think you're though?! think you're though huh?! ill rip your fucking head off!
esl curry moment
Finished Haneko's Late Homework (despite being a clutch).

Short and sweet, and has nice vibes. Considering if I should replay it to get other secrets, or begin with Prototype Mansion
Ramirez is a based nigga
I think therefore I needfully am sir
based and dark triad pilled
i had no doubt you would fall for my esl larp. ngl it's so easy to bait you now i dont even need to try.
Good morning sir
>Mikami and Kamiya left their own studios
>RE3 director is probably retired
>Zero director last work was Megaman 11
>Code Veronica director was on Tango before Mikami left
>RE5 codirector&Revelation 2 director is now the remake gamedirector/producer
>Revelations 1 director is working on RE9
>7 writer and Village director was working on that tower defender Game.
>4Remake DLC director was a Dead Rising guy and Village DLC director is probably Itsuno sucessor
Waiting for the RE6 director comeback for the trainwreck
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>I-I-I-it was just a larp saaaar!!! you get the needfully owned!!!
big curry cope is hilarious
back to mumbai freak
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#this is a blessing
tfw no ashley/sherry game with rebecca as a supporting character
give me my supergirl game capcom
am I a joke to you?
That would be retarded. Let’s just have her remain the ditzy cute college girl
I feel like you could make a really easy case for her coming back considering that she is kind of impulsive and dumb (in the original. I don't know anything about REmake Ashley) with a lot of connections. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch if they wanted to do something with her.
I mean maybe. But it wouldn’t really be fitting to have her occupy a combat role or something. We already have Sherry if they want to bring back a perky blonde girl for action.
Sherry has RE6 stink on her now so nobody would want that. Ashley would be a decent choice if they wanted something kind of in the vein of the first few games or RE7/8 where she is decently trained but not a superhero. Maybe something where she gets training to avoid getting captured again in the future then has to fight her way out of some kind of disaster. It would make about as much sense as Claire being able to survive in RE2.
ashley was hardened by her harrowing experience in re4, and seeing how capable leon was inspired her. she wanted to be like him, and so became an agent
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Gooned hard looking at Jill's butt.
I guess I wouldn’t mind something like the Rose DLC where she kind of has to sneak around and be smart with the weapons she has since she can’t go in guns blazing.
>It would make about as much sense as Claire being able to survive in RE2
Claire had Chris teach her everything he knows, or at least extensively teach her, and even RE1 Chris was a beast, so it definitely checks out.
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Sherry becoming a MC worked because she was a kid on RE2
I never liked Crapcom trying to fix Ashley , brad(and probably Steve), not every main character on RE should be likeable and flawless
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Instead doing a RE1 demake I would rather have the same story but with Rebeca and Barry(with extra mission as Kenneth and Richard).
Would work better
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I should do a collection of silly hill flavor text
sh1 didn't have a whole lot though
why is she grabbing her ass
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Asking again, but how do you guys feel about Darktide? Not sure if I would call it a horror game, but it definitely has horror elements in the same vein of Left 4 Dead and I’d argue even creepier at times. Also seeing the Warhammer setting brought to life like this is always a treat.
like you wouldn't want a piece of claire's redfield
sherry knows what she wants
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Where do I find the stone in Kyouyas level to topple over so I can light that respective lantern as takatoo and how do I prevent door to the male bathroom of Tamon from being locked in the hospital?
Sorry for being a shitter and asking online, but I am frankly drained now.
they should give leatherface a hammer. ngl i'd love if you could switch to a hammer when your chainsaw is off, would open some interesting strats up with leatherface, and a reason to actually turn the saw off manually.
No one cares back to Mumbai with you
I like the voice acting that I’ve heard from it but I’ve never played it.
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I never understood the Ashley unlikeable meme. I always liked Ashley. But I guess maybe that’s why I found remake Ashley kinda bland which made it more annoying when people say “oh my god, Capcom finally FIXED Ashley.”
oh love
my love
look at you love
I think it had more to do with her being a escort.
>was forcing myself through fear3
>the horror sections were not scary at all and i got so close to alma so many times i started getting bad thoughts
>then finished the game
>went back to replay fear1
>getting near the end
>zombie mode alma started turning me on
>remember alma got sexy in fear2
>might as well play fear2
Ashley being a bit of a brat was her whole thing. Her just being a generic well put together lady is just boring. Most changes in the REmakes just serve to remove a lot of the personality from the games they are remaking in the blandest way possible but people eat it up for some reason.
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Someone I know once said “if you hate Ashley, it means you’re bad at Resident Evil 4”. I gotta say, from when I used to watch my cousin play it when I was a kid, to playing it a few years later, it’s not entirely untrue.
Honestly, new RE fandom has the same issue new horror fandom has in general. Horror has begun to fill a hole super hero stuff filled a few years ago. It’s the “new nerd” in a sense and is quickly becoming mainstream leading to extreme normie influx in horror movies/games/comics etc. RE is the best example of this as far as games go, just look at them flocking to SH2R. New horror fans are just “I’m not like other girls/boys” type of people. The only saving grace is that old fans aren’t really going anywhere.
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>mainline RE games that you need to play
>1-Village, 0, CV, Rev 1+2

>remakes that you should also play
>RE1, 2, 3, 4

>Deadly Silence, Mercenaries 3D

>multiplier only
>Resistance, RE:Verse

>might as well be multiplayer only
>Operation Raccoon City, Umbrella Corps

>spinoffs that are apparently canon? most of them are on rails fps
>Survivor 1/2, Dead Aim, Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Outbreak 1/2

>what the fuck

So ignoring the first two categories, what RE games of the later categories are necessary to play? Just the Chronicles games?
Is this horror game worth getting into? I really like the chainsaw movies you know.
Does REmake even count as a belonging with the other remakes? It’s referenced so heavily throughout the primary timeline and practically treated as RE1.
Should play SH3 after having played the other two, but maybe Ill wait a bit while I play the other games I got in the halloween sale
Village felt more cinematic than RE7 and more action-packed(because the RE4 wank) than 7.
Is a weird game
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Here's the play order, major titles in greentest
>Resident Evil (1996)
The Tragedy of Makoba Villaga
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD / The Trevor Files
>Resident Evil 2 (1998)
The Wicked North Sea
The Doomed Raccoon City Vol. 1-3
The Little Runaway Sherry
The Female Spy Ada Lives
>Resident Evil 3 (1999)
Resident Evil Survivor
>Resident Evil Code:Veronica
>Wesker's Report
Survivor 2: CODE:Veronica
>Resident Evil (2002)
Wesker's Report II
Emergency Report
>Resident Evil 0
Diary of a Madman
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Resident Evil: Outbreak
Outbreak File #2
>Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Umbrella Chronicles: Prelude to the Fall
>Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
Wesker's Extra Report
Resident Evil Degeneration
Fear You Can't Forget
>Resident Evil 5
>Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Darkside Report
Revelations - Extended Trailer
>Resident Evil: Revelations
Jessica's Report
The Marhawa Desire
Resident Evil: Damnation
>Resident Evil 6
>Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Heavenly Island
Resident Evil 7: The Beginning Hour
Umbrella Corps.
>Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil: Vendetta
>Resident Evil 2 (2019)
>Resident Evil 3 (2020)
Resident Evil: Resistance
>Resident Evil Village
>The Baker Incident Report
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness
>Resident Evil 4 (2023)
Resident Evil: Death Island
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it’s a great horror game, however as others have said the learning curve is steep and the game has lost most of the casual player base. now it’s mostly very tryhard even though it shouldn’t be, and the community can be toxic at times.
Late reply but I thought it was fine, good atmosphere and decent combat but atrocious voice acting
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It looks fun, but I’ve tried my best to stay away from it what with the usual development problems Fatshark has had with it. I’ll probably get it soon now since it seems it’s finally in the state it should have been in when it first launched
Because it was…?
>people eat it up for some reason.
Probably because they swallowed the ‘le serious = le good’ kool-aid. They definitely should have kept in the original lines at least.
I can’t say I’ve noticed any major change in RE fanbase. I guess there are more zoomers in it in recent years due to the accessibility of the remakes and new games, same with SH remake, but I think horror as a whole is still kind of viewed as the cheap schlocky genre that’s there to ‘scare’ and nothing else by the wider public, not any kind of Marvel movie replacement for sure
It definitely changed very little (as far story goes) when compared to the other remakes, and it’s not in the third person style so I agree
>village of shadows difficulty
What in the fuck, this is horrible
Welcome to modern higher difficulties
Are the DLCs for this game any good?
>deadly silence
it and director's cut are tied with the most expansive versions of RE1
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Sorry Were Closed just released, in case anyone had their eye on it
Shadows of Rose is okay, Mercenaries is fun but not as good as RE4's
Tell me about it
it looks interesting but it also looks INCREDIBLY gay
Well aparently your the lady with cyan hair who seems to form an undisclosed pact with a deamon, and you can the ability to switch between real word and a paranormal one.

Don't think I mentioned it but ZEPHON released.

Basic plot is that you're a lady who got cursed by a powerful demon called "The Duchess" who is searching for love - but it doesn't actually understand what 'love' is to begin with, so it invariably murders/inflicts a fate worse than death on the people it takes an attraction to. Your goal is to find a way to break the curse before it kills you in a couple days by jumping between worlds. The game page states you can help or hinder other denizens in the town you're in and resist or embrace the Duchess's allure to get multiple endings.
It’s pretty great, and since multiplayer horror is a pretty scant genre, I’m glad that it’s finally getting some attention here.
I definitely agree that it’s horror to an extent, it does a really good job of accentuating the horror of 40K in general, and specifically how nightmarish fighting off a Nurgle infestation in a hive world would be. The enemies themselves are freakier and arguably scarier than anything in L4D. But the horror is also naturally subdued, given that the people you play as aren’t ordinary unlucky randos that found themselves in a shitty situation like they were in Left 4 Dead. I mean, two of the classes you can play as are a psychic space wizard who can literally pop peoples heads open with their mind and a (really) dumb giant with huge guns and raw strength that literally surpasses a Space Marines and could tear most of the enemies limb from limb with zero issue.
As far as horror games, there are definitely scarier out there. As far as Warhammer games go, it’s like top 3, easily, better than Space Marine 2 for sure. As a horde shooter, I’d argue it’s even better than Left 4 Dead. The inspiration is there obviously, but this is definitely what taking a concept and improving on it looks like.
>multiplayer horror is a pretty scant genre
It’s really not at this point. It’s harder to find new singleplayer horror games that aren’t an hour or two long.
>It’s really not at this point.
I can think of like 5 that are still around. Out of hundreds of them, I would say that qualifies as what I said, most are still single player because it’s easier to make a horror game like that, but I find it’s usually the indie stuff that’s offensively short
Slitterhead bros, how is the game? Worth a buy?
Been looking forward to this one.
Yeah, that has me a bit worried. There is a very fine line between gay and faggy.
do you need to know warhammer to play this? I know nothing about any of it but the gameplay looks fun
One guy said it’s his favourite Keiichiro Toyama game but that’s about it.
It’s still nothing like that first trailer that we got, it’s barely horror at all.
Id say it helps to understand the plot at a finer detail, but otherwise its pretty straight forward; youre a bunch of rejects, zealots, outcasts, dregs that have been formed up into a suicide squad to eliminate a cult
The monster designs are cool at least.
It's probably the most interesting game to come out of Japan in a decade.
The first trailer should've informed you exactly what the game would be like- and it is horror. It's action horror. I don't know where people got the idea that it'd be like Silent Hill.
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None of the enemies in the actual game look as cool and scary as the one in the first trailer.
Yes. It's pretty janky, but it's probably one of the best horror games this year.
the horror of trying to get this goddamn python script to run when my pc boots
what distro
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goodnight, /horg/
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Jesus. He’s pointing that gun right in her face! Thankfully he’s a professional and practicing trigger discipline :) (I think)
good game, loved rachel and the raid mode but otherwise well it's a prequel game to 5 that you can skip over

it might be slop but man this thing caught my eye
Have you ever felt like a survival horror protagonist before?
The black kitty, please and thank you
Pretty good game, character designs were a little weird though (Conan O'Brien and Count Dooku?), I'll always take more Jill though
fuck off sissyschizo, you got bullied out of /dbdg/ and the same will happen here
>Conan O'Brien
Well… he *is* a fan…
So, I've beaten the REmake for the first time. I thought it would be scarier. The game was fun as fuck, but it wasn't scary per se. I guess the only things that kept me on edge were the Crimson Heads.
there's this obscure game called Amnesia that you're gonna love
What would it mean to feel like one? Besides being chased by spookies
Emulator? Looks better than any indie clone of re. Why?
Good choice, mate.
Looks like the Seamless HD mod for Dolphin
nah i just don't want to crawl back to your incel general dbdcel
we await your 10k hours of throating cote’s cock lil currycel
currycel cope
now go and prep the nigger bull for cote's wife. she's been waiting for ink_him
So he continues his weird cuck fantasies about no-name twitch streamers here too, huh?
Yes. Which is funny because it shows he’ll never be able to be a normal poster and positively contribute to anything, his behavior in his old general defines who he is as a person the same way DbD will always define his gaming habits no matter how much he tries to deny it. A prison of his own making.
Capcom his mindbroken people with this RE9 delay. Easily their biggest cocktease in years. Just look at this shit.
The stakes have never been higher. December is still a possibility so we’ll see I guess.
Bros, which Resident Evil 3 version do i need to download to apply mods?
Not entirely sure who he is, but that's every turboschizo regardless of what general they originated from.
Looks quite good
who's best girl?
i do not have a favorite among my wives
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The true horror of fast food
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>Labyrinth Of The Demon King
>Sorry We're Open
>Late Homework
you know, maybe things aren't so bad with the horror genre right now...
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awke the fuck up
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So I'm stuck on RE1 and I'm not sure if I should use a walkthrough or if I should let the game filter me out.
What did people in the 90's do? Should I look for scans of the old guidebook?
people in the 90s had their older brother beat the obstacle for them. we are now your older brother. tell us your problem.
I'm playing as jill, just had the cut scene of the second meeting with Barry.
I have the shotgun and used the decoy to not activate the trap.
Don't know where to go.
og or remake?
hd remaster from 2015
is that ink_him?
if you pick up every item in a room, its color will change on the map. that's a good first place to start in terms of making sure you've found every needed item without spoilers, which i assume you're trying to avoid. also keep in mind to go into the inventory and make use of the 3d examine option on key items. this is necessary to get access to certain key items.
have you found the arrow?
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goodnight, /horg/
Good moaning
no it’s not your bull stop fantasizing about him cuck
ooooh i love you grandpa
this was the hardest level…
49 Keys has released.
That town, Silent Hill HAS INVADED MY BUTT, HELP
Was that correct, it's my first day on the job?
Yes i found the arrow and used it on the graveyard, the coffin on the cave hasn't opened yet.
What would you think of a rogue like mode in re1 classic/remake? Re3 had something like this iirc.
Need to step it up rookie.
Am I doing it right?
You're doing fine enough for a first timer.
Spooky enough
Why are there so many indie horror games but so few AAA ones?
Is horror really a schlock genre?
have you found the masks?
again, if you're trying to avoid being railroaded or spoiled and whatnot, i'm happy to try to accommodate you, but if that's the case then my advice is going to be go through the mansion to collect everything such that the map color changes. that way you'll know you have everything without getting spoiled
>have you found the masks?
No, how do I fin them?
and I'm not avoiding spoilers, I been spoiled plenty the last 25 years, I'm just trying to play the game and avoid following a walkthrough like if it were the script for a play.
in that case, this site has extremely useful info without being a straight up script.
find the masks and take them into that graveyard underground area
Looking for a game like VOTV where horrors moments aren't jump scares or necessary even that scary as much as interesting. Just a build up of tension and paranoia I guess. Ideally something that is more of a game than VOTV though where something is bound to happen within the hour. Always thought I was outright not a fan of horror games but I guess I only like suspenseful horror over a monster just being after you outright. Make sense as I feel the same about horror movies preferring cool concepts over just a monster gore/slasher film. The movie Spontaneous will always beat any haunting/monster/slasher film for me any day of the week for example.
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the drslump mods sure made sherry one attractive character
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always happy to help
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does this game have the guy in the green that enjoys hurting himself? i forgot his name by the way.
what the fug is that image
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Can I have a hint about the 2nd metal object on reRE pls?
It doesn't go to the door below the main staircase. I see it has a different bezel than the 1st one though.
It's ok, I found it. Square crank.
Too many peestol
>Playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent with director commentary turned on
>All of them are ESL and have heavy accents
>None of them have subtitles when you touch their commentary nodes
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yeah it does. also you can hear the age in ed neal's voice, but he's still got the twitch and stuttering down. it's interesting that they made nubbins look up to bubba more in the game, they seem like good friends rather than him bullying bubba in the movie.
horror games
tcm is a horror game
Because all the triple A horror games are literally repetitions of the same few market trends or are just copying whatever was popular years ago. They're neither interesting to follow nor do they have anything worth caring about.
How long is silent hill 3 and how does it compare to the rest of the games?
I remember emulating 1 and 2 and enjoying them, but once I got to 3 all the desire to keep going just left my body.
Which may be due to strong opinions I may or may not have about women, especially in japanese titles
How long is the average playthrough and is the story SH2 levels of good?
it's about 8-10 hours for a first playthrough
personally I prefer SH2's story but I still like 3's
also the combat is vastly better than 2's
>silent hill 3
Favourite Sh for me and one of the very best games ever made.
great game with a killer ost and story
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has the most breedable protag
I hate women though
it's ok, she looks like a boy
Why is Leon so good looking?
I wish I was Leon...
Which ps1/PS2 survival horror would you want to be RE2maked? For me
>Dino Crisis(It would work better with RE4Remake combat than the 4Remake)
>Countdown Vampire(I think Bandai own the IP?)
>Haunting Grounds
Parasite eve would work better with DQ11 or FF7Remake combat
forbidden siren
just because cheryl has much better craniofacial development than you doesn't mean she looks like a boy. it's over for you buddy boyo.
i love heather
i'd take her to happy burger
Leon wishes he was anon
code veronica
amp up the spooky nazi haunted castle vibes, make the lab stuff less present
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Damn, ngl finding 2 more inventory slots has been amazing. best treasure to find so far.

also are lickers just completely ignorable at full walk speed? i feel like that has to be wrong cause its kinda silly to just be able to walk past them full brisk. whats the point of the slow walking you can control if it doesnt need to be there?
too bad she doesn't love you back
Please share :)
Just ignore the curry cuck
> is the story SH2 levels of good?
Definitely not. But it does have >>502585684
Shut up
Ignore this cuck >502595821
I guess Haunting Grounds? The rest of those don’t really have a place in the modern era. Dino Crisis in particular can just have RE occupy its niche since we already had pseudo dinosaur enemies
t.got bullied out of /dbdg/ for being an annoying retard
I like men though
>But it does have >>502585684
So it's garbage praised only by coomers? Damn, gonna go replay 4 then.
keep telling yourself that dbdcuck. if you killed yourself nothing value would been lost because you are a low iq dbdcel. leave this place before i bully you back to your incel general.
no one wants you here either sissyfag
no one asked for your opinion
Jig is up. Everyone knows you’re a faggot refugee now. No one will ever take you seriously and you’ll constantly be ridiculed no matter where you go. Kill yourself like you admit you’ve been wanting to do for years now and make this quick.
Damn. You guys sure are mentally ill.
Huh. REmake clicked with me so much, I've already beaten it twice over the course of 3 days (first Jill then Chris), and I am in the middle of my third playthrough to unlock Jill's RE3 outfit.
Consider me a born-again fan of the franchise
you cant even think of a proper insult since you are an ugly ass truecel. kys you subhuman rat i would legit throw you in a meat grinder.
ignore him
he is just some abused virgin with tons of insecurities
Based. Post more to block out the shitter troll.
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now that the mystery drama has died down, I feel like I should say that more horror games should feature underage characters solely because a 12 year old isn't going to be doing combat rolls and parries against flesh goop monsters
Haha yeah… so true… let’s go with that… as long we get more!
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Hehe Supernatural reference.
Sex with me
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Was this ever actually answered? Seems like a massive plot hole if not
the friends we made along the way, anon
With who?
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>lab stuff less present
Kills all re games for me. Lab is always the worst part by far and really only works in re2 imho.
replacing the Dead Factory with another NEST in RE3 Remake is when the game completely lost me
The idea behind the design is that the wildly moving arms symbolise Maria's while she was strangled and the torso deliberately looks like a pussy.
Re3r is likely the worst main title of the franchise. I agree, that section was uncalled for. The police station was sheer fan service, too.
i like the labs...
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am i supposed to be fighting more enemies in the room? the dodge and healing mechanic makes me think so but the ghosts make me think same old sh
I don't understand your question
you can avoid most enemies like in every other classic SH game
though yes, the ghosts are very interesting take on the formula, you'll find out soon enough about how to deal with them
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>We're going off the rails! LEAN!
I don’t think the remakes can be called ‘main titles’, they’re pretty much the Chronicles games in a sense since they’re just retellings of stuff that have happened
Based Ito
Ito seems like he has had to deal with some very odd sh2 questions
Which one do you like best?
>main titles in a way~ish
Idiomatic, bia!
The story is a fairly basic continuation of SH1. It is quite good but not SH2 good.
Dino Crisis is the only one there that would actually benefit from the third person action shooter style of the REmakes so probably that one.
Obvious ulterior motives aside horror starring kids is typically pretty effective.
cute sherry :3
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5 TGA nominations for Silent Hill 2. Let's hope it at least wins the Best Performance and Narrative.
Is gyromancy an italian dish?
I'm glad SH2 is getting recognized since it probably makes Geoff Keighley seethe, given how Konami treated his precious Kojima
The performances are pretty overwrought so I don't really think they deserve that but the narrative is still pretty good and would be kind of a retroactive win for the original.
My genuine hatred of Bloober has me hoping they don't win anything out of spite though.
dude I'm trying to crank my jog quiet down
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Rule of Rose was wild. If the fat loli was a cute chunkster instead of a gross little monster it would have basically all of my favorite loli types.
nah I’m not hoping that at all lol jewber deserves nothing
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just realized there's pretty much no porn of crow country
sad, really
None of them.
be the change you wish to see in the world
If SH2 remake won Best Narrative it would be the stupidest fucking decision in the history of TGA so I kind of want to see it happen.
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i love freedom
is 0.8.0 of votv a good enough update to justify starting from scratch? i got 31 days into the last one before i waited for it to release
#no longer enslaved
>xhe’s samefagging again
What a pathetic “existence”.
>also are lickers just completely ignorable at full walk speed?
As long as you dont bump into them, yes.

However once Mr X begins chasing you it'll be harder not having to run past lickers, especially when he appears in the same corridor they are
return to your incel general
I'm a simple man
I see an enemy, I kill it with the copious amounts of bullets given to me

this has only blown up in my face in exactly two games

alisa(which I would later learn does in fact have respawned enemies in the water area for extra toothwheels so it barely counts) and dino crisis

dino crisis is the apex of survival horror, but I reckon I could do a full kill run some day
Agree, Dino Crisis work better as an arcadeish shooter/more action based than RE.
Dino Crisis 2 already is less Survival horror
dino crisis 2, sure, but dino crisis 1 was the king of survival horror
ion know what wuz dat nigguh
dat wuz sum yt boi lukin for bread nigguh
Wouldn't It be better to outsource Dino Crisis to K2 and/or M-Two ?Capcom already has 2/3 RE teams.
Replaying Village It shows how huge his identity crisis is
On one hand you have the parts were is FPS RE4
On the other most of Dimitrescu Castle and the puppet House is PT/Amnesia/RE7's demo
And finally you have the open world/pseudo metroid Village.
>dino crisis is the apex of survival horror
Fellow man of taste
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at least billy survived in the mk1 universe
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my personal theory at this moment in time is that titan havik plucked billy from the scream universe before sidney finished him off. that would explain why stu’s not there, since he was already dead.
I hope RE9 still has item box .
RE4 not having It made sense but with village It didn't work well in the early game or late game (and hurt the Game design because It build the handgun on a old RPG system of the second is better than the first making so you will sell them quickly you obtain the previous one)
>dino crisis is the apex of survival horror
please be serious
So far, there is a lot of push from the general audience for Luke Roberts to win. Although, I suspect he won't get the award. If only because he doesn't have a vagina. And it would make Doritopope look bad if the only guy in the category wins.
he does that here too, huh?
Not a horror game but
… did he win?
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is there any other game as tense?
every single "resource scarcity" game I've played has either been filled with enough ammo to kill everything or something like them & us which locks you into using the knife for the first hour of the game, but dino crisis made me actually try to keep track of what ammo and resources I have

granted poison darts make the game a bit trivial but hey
Her ass is not that strong
I feel bad for the guy, I don't think anyone can give a good performance when you are being directed by retarded Polacks
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tried the evil within on akumu?
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who would win
The people who aren’t pedophiles won.
ngl i can barely go a month before getting the need to revisit re1r, both og games, and cv. og re1 is also one of the few games i'm never not in the mood for. plus it's short, so i don't have to sink a lot of time into it. which re do you replay most often?
Are the PC controls on the Re1R any good or is it one of those games that requires you to have a controller to play comfortably?
Whoever wins, we win too
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I had a dream today that Dino Crisis 1&2 were available on GOG. Then I woke up and it turned out to be just a dream.
Why does Capcom hate Regina so much?
they're afraid of ruining her legacy of a 100% perfect game library
Controller is definately superior to M+KB. Not only the keyboard key mappings absolutely batshit, trying to aim with a keyboard is an exercise in futility.
RE2/3/4 remakes work better with M+KB imo, if only because mouse aiming is almost cheating.
I've played RE1R for the first time this Halloween (that being my first RE ever) and I can definately see the appeal. I am currently on my third playthrough trying to unlock that cute as fuck RE3 costume for Jill. It's fun.
>Theme of Laura II has the guitar solo
Can one of you lads post screenshots of what's written on the chalkboards in the Otherworld Hospital's kitchen and cafeteria?
0.8.0 is alright I suppose, but with the terrain revamp, you will absolutely need a new a new save.
a good handful of new events and locales, but not much new mechanically, other than having to pay $500 if you start coughing because you stepped on some spicy gravel or took up smoking.
later days add some new threats, kinda like the glowies but worse, you'll actually have to fight them off
it's in a fairly playable state all in all, some decent content, but maybe not quite enough to justify a move? your mileage may vary

now here's the thing:
0.8.1 adds a bit of farming, and changes a little bit of terrain too, particularly the shed near foxtrot/uniform. and there's a bug that softlocks you if you try to tear the last page off a notebook, and the kerfo recipe's been made ten times more tedious, including a mandatory visit to the caves (a mistake on Nose's part, supposedly, and slated to be fixed come 0.8.2).

so assuming you don't want to wait for 0.8.2, you'll have to make a new save, and then either use 0.8.1 and deal with all of it's issues, or use 0.8.0 and make yet another save come 0.8.2.
then again, it's still too early to know whether 0.8.2 will require a new save for 0.8.1 players too

tl;dr: you're probably better off waiting some more
Good thing she used her head instead
the horror of mental health
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why do you want to play horror games when life is already scary enough
yeah life must be scary when you're a fr*nch tranny-loving schizo lmao
Don’t forget drug addict who lives in their Indian mothers basement. Truly the scariest thing of all.
stop projecting and return to your incel general you self hating currycel.
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that mumbai pedo dweller just can't stand getting mogged by germanic women because he's merely a boneless subhuman jealous of their cromagnon features
you do realise that everyone knows you're samefagging, right?
like, it's obvious
very strange and gay attempt at killing a general that's practically a zombie at this point
That’s just how he always is. Sad, I know.
Playing the Director's Commentary on Amnesia: The Dark Descent, its pretty interesting but I am not looking forward to playing Amnesia on hard mode though.
The poor fool does not realize you cannot kill that which does not live.
>trying to play RE 5-6-Outbreak for the first time
>online is full of try hards
>Discord is filled with horrors beyond imagination
If anyone on this bot ridden site is down to play, let me know
_ _ _ is an incel game
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It's finally fucking happening. Goth vampire girls and Lovecraftian horror in one game. Drop some wishlists bros. The dev may fucking deliver THE SEX for fucking once.
does sissyschizo even talk about horror games here or does he just ramble about the dead TCM game while posting pictures of whichever tranny he's obsessed with currently
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Playing through Garden Variety Body Horror, and either I suck (which is entirely possible) and/or the game has some slight balancing issues, since I feel like pick ups are hard to see. Or maybe theres just barely enough.

Either way, I like the look and feel of the game, but some inconveniences make it frustating at times
Is there someone on Capcom div 1 obsessed with Amnesia-like first person nuhorror games ?Like some parts ofn7 and 8 , Sherry part in 2Remake and the baby's chase in RE8 felt like that and out of place.

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