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>Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection:

>Origins Portrait Rips:

>Origins Font Fixes:

>EO3 "Liberating" Mod
PC hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/AwKKreQ8
Switch hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/mNu4HEeH
Edited portraits:

>Beginner's Guide to the Series:

>Etrian Odyssey Resources (Mods/Patches, References, Data Dumps, Calculators, QR Codes, Skill Sims, etc.):

>Etrian Odyssey Art Books:

>Etrian Odyssey FLAC Albums:

>Etrian Odyssey Lossy Albums:

>Nexus balance patch mod:

>Document containing some resources and information

Previous thread: >>500141040
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I deserve a buccaneer wife.
I deserve a fortress maidservant
Worse landy
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dumb bunny
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This is how you do it
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I would never follow her.
I would consider following her but it wouldn't be cheap
etriam cunnoli
I deserve a canadian
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Making a party for EON has been the most frustrating thing ever because of my portrait autism.
Why the fuck did they put so many redundant classes in the same game, more importantly, why are fucking survivalist and farmer taking a goddamn slot.
I wish they just included every class across all games, its not like balance matters as long as each class is viable.
Wasn't there a poll for favorite classes that ended up being what determined which classes got into Nexus?
I remember reading that the poll was botted and no one was aware it'd determine the Nexus line up at the time. Take it with a grain of salt since i don't have proof though.
Speaking of Nexus, as someone thats about to play it, which classes can “heal” effectively, without an over-reliance on items?
I know subclassing is unlocked super late so thats why I’m curious if my only realistic options until subclassing are War Magus, Medic and Arcanist.
Can sovereign actually work as a healer or is lack of revive and status heals too crippling? I noticed they completely ruined prevent order
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When I played nexus I made a medic first with a plan to sub as a princess, but then I found out that subs in nexus dont get the full tree.
And so I remade the character into a princess/medic.

Which ended up fine for the rest of the game. Early game will be that uphill battle tho.
>why are fucking survivalist
hey back the fuck off?!?! buddy, dodge tanking is super fun and pretty good in Nexus mostly cause the game is piss easy though

I wouldn't worry about it much, worst case there are accessories that have revive/unbind/refresh on them. Most of the time though you'll stumble into a party build that either kills enemies absurdly quickly or disables them utterly.
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>finally got ice scale
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remove fang
She's not dumb she's dead and about to be eaten
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add fangs
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Is chaser landy in untold really only viable with a second chaser landy?
The only sources of elemental damage I can think of are alchemist, highlander (with someone else), Ronin and Gunner
Not entirely, since IIRC Runemaster and Dancer placed very high but didn't get included for some reason
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Hi /eog/ I just started the EO Steam collection coming off Metaphor. I'm playing 1 on Basic but I vow to play the next one on Expert. I'm currently in the 4th stratum and made it past the teleporter maze, which was perfectly doable thanks to memos.
I can't help but think my ronin is turning out kind of ass compared to how effortlessly my landsknecht murders everything.
if it makes you feel better, that ronin/landy feel will flip next game
definitely go for expert too next time, its what its balanced around
Ronin is ass in EO1 specifically because it's apparently designed to excel in single-target fights, which it admittedly still doesn't do well in. Add that with taking up a stance wasting precious turn economy.
Ronin is garbage in EO1 and totally busted in EO2
Nta, but isn't it's bugged in ds version?
I never used ronin in EO1 too much so I got no clue desu. I just remember it being garbage and ditching it right away
Forgot to mention
I'm asking about EO2
Its "bug" in EO2 makes it weaker than it should be. On the other hand, it's already absurdly strong even with that bug.
Yeah was gonna say this >>501969997 bugged or not it's still very strong
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EON’s battle theme sucks
EO5s battle theme sucks
What happened? Eo3 and 4 slapped
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Well slap THIS
Koshiro's probably getting burnt out.
EO3 was pretty much his magnum opus for the series.
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Most of V's stratum themes are really damn good though. The first, third, fifth, and sixth stratum in particular are my favorite themes.
>EO5s battle theme sucks
What are you smoking anon?
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sexrodancer (hexer+dancer+necromancer tri class)
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>went after drake
>got to drake
>realized i leveled up twice getting here from all the teraliches
>warp wire home after getting to their room
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bwos... /wizg/ is making fun of us...
to be fair one of the residents shits up their threads every time their game is talked about in /v/
I'm having fun in that game too... Sorry
>EO3 was pretty much his magnum opus for the series.
3 is absolutely the best in terms of battle themes, particularly boss themes, and it's not even close but 5 has the best stratum music and the town's night theme is a standout as well. I don't think he's getting burnt out just yet.
>one of the residents shits up their threads every time their game is talked about in /v/
rightfully so
japs are thinking they can release a barely working piece of code instead of a game if it's a gacha
You have no idea how little I care about the opinions of gachafags
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A sticc named Styk
Is it supposed to shake like that?? That seems like it’d be awful

Sixth is really bad though. You never hear any of it aside from the super annoying intro
>You never hear any of it aside from the super annoying intro
Skill issue.
What are you on? The sixth stratum theme is awesome, the creepy outer space ambience is perfect.
>the correct way to play is just to sit in place for a minute and a half for the music to actually start.
For what you actually get when playing the game, it might be the worst piece in the soundtrack.
Battles don't restart the music I thought?
No way, the ambience is still great at the start. At most you could say that the shitty 3DS speakers don't let it shine as well as it could but it's still great despite that.
It resets.
It's to a point where i had a conversation and they don't even want to think EO exists. I think Wizardry gamers don't rly like our anime loli aesthetic
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It continues from where it left off. Stratum music only ever reset after battles in EO1 on DS. I'm not sure if the remaster fixed that issue or not.
Many such cases of that with people who play vidya
What a cute couple
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>first time doing dragons without savestates
>beat all of them first time and land all conditionals
glad you can kinda outbullshit them with bullshit items
That's why they mists were nerfed in EO3.
mists are cool but when dragon randomly volt breaths and you can just nectall everyone back to full instantly with your sole survivor thats a bit silly
One day it will be a link to something weird and nobody will see it since we all expect it to be a You thought this was OHOHOHO but no
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So what atlus is saying is that this is the canonical eo3 party?
>want to use bushi portrait in eon
>the only ways to get a “bushi” that makes sense is ronin/medic or shogun/medic
Awful but I’ll do it with Ronin I guess
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I made a makeshift katana bushi in Nexus with the bunny girl portrait plus ronin/highlander combo. I focused them on drawing stance and ice to simulate Ice Slash. Petal Scatter is sort of like a Shockwave since it's a ranged AOE cut attack. The highlander's "Bloody Offense" was meant to simulate blood surge even though it targets a row.
Aren’t bushis supposed to use mallets and katanas tho?
This one would use spears, though I guess I don’t mind using imagination a bit but the lion portrait wouldn’t work with anything other than medic.
The male portraits have clubs, the female ones have katana. Since I always use the female bunny girl portrait, I always make a katana bushi. If I made a male bushi then I'd use clubs though. Only Kibagami or whatever his name was has both weapons in his portrait.
If I use the magic conch do I get notified if base niggas level up?
No, you'll just need to check periodically
Oracle is the worst most unfun buff class they have ever ever designed and prince/princess is better
Eo5 was a mistake
What in particular makes you dislike Shaman that much?
Princess is kino since you can just walk your way to health
No prevent order
Granted eon also butchered that skill and made it even worse than shamans version of it
That's a terrible reason. I don't think you've ever used troub in the original 1 or 2, since their buffs last the whole battle, they have nothing to do after buffing. Shaman has dance oracle which is fun for elemental parties and mana oracle for their own damage. Stop being a baby, yes prevent order is great but they still have that one skill that reduces ailment chance and that barrier skill as well.
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>use the blonde muscular pugilist in eo5
>my autism DEMANDS to have 2 earthlains and 1 of every other race in my party so I include a masurao in the party
>brute strength is a therian passive only so whenever theres an adventurer episode that involves a heavy object my masurao handles it despite having skinnier arms
My only issue with eo5 is this. Its especially jarring when I am using a Rover. Brute strength should have also been an earthlain passive just saying.
And no i don’t give a fuck for the haha little girl lift heavy rock meme
>I cannot have a hobbit suplex a boulder
Pain, dessu
John Etrian Odyssey here. My dad, John Atlus, tells me that both Next Stage and an HD collection of the 3DS games (4, 5, X) are coming soon. Stay tuned!
what about the untolds
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They're getting a separate hd collection that removes story mode and is classic only.
Nono - see the slim rabbit girl being stronger than the big muscle guy is hot.
This is a plus
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It just keeps building
This fencer is not naked enough.
Suboptimal fencer.
Best fencer
V definitely had some good boss themes.
>level 67
>explored most of strat6 with just a handful of deaths, not total wipes
>but had to go back to strat 5 for the ankh things
>muskoid ambush
>total group wipe
i am starting to fucking hate this game
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For 1 and 2, I should basically just avoid retirement until I hit max level, right?
you could skip it entirely even
though in 2 everyone is skill point starved so it's a nice boost there.
Just don’t bother at all.
Should I bother with leveling stats in 2?
They don't look too useful to me
Yeah but 2 isn't as retarded as 1.
Fair enough.
I wouldn't prioritize them over skills but they are nice to have. The bonuses aren't bad.
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HP and TP boosts give very large increases at level 10 (TP boost almost doubles your TP) so I would say they’re worth it if you have SP to spare. I gave all my attackers ATC boost just because. Also gave my gunner AGI boost because she kept missing, don’t know if it was worth it but it’s not like I had anything else I wanted to spend SP on.
If you don't have something better, yes. Otherwise, absolutely fucking not.
Hp and TP boosts are percentage based, so they're shite at early level and get better at higher levels.
In general, stat boosts and weapon masteries - unless they’re unlocking something you want - are filler for when you’ve reached the endgame and run out of things you want to buy for your build but still want to spend points.
1 point isn’t that much of a waste, because the first rank is going to be worth more, but they suffer from diminishing returns, and as was already said - they tend to be percent based, so early on they don’t do much for you anyways.
HP and TP are good, especially TP. It takes a long time for them to give you the massive boost but that's how 2 does skills in general, everything sucks at low levels. AGI isn't bad due to low hit rates in 2.
original eo2? yes. they scale better than leveling up skills for the most part
like the gunner, i had level 1 skill in all elemental shots until post game because str up was giving more damage
I know you're lying but that would be pretty based. I'd rather play EO on switch instead of 3DS.
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I, John Etrian Odyssey, would never lie.
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Would you entrust mapping to ero hero?
She'd probably lose the map with her horrible luck. However, it would be funny so yes, I'd let her handle the map.
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How ero is this hero?
>fire up my old eo4 game
>go through my team and realize what i did
>NG+ with advanced classes and shit
>meaning i made the units, subclassed them and started a NG+
>see my bushi 2 levels lower than everyone else and wondered why
>remembered that blood surge was killing me because i maxed it at an early level
>but didnt unlock subclassing in that game
should i continue?
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Why does every EO game has this pattern for their stratum/strata music?
S1: Banger
S2-3: Ambient music
S4: Sometimes good
S5: Banger
S6: I guess?
But EO2 is banger, banger, meh, banger, banger, banger
I only trust lolihero
I liked S3 ost though
It's even better with the snow crunching on every your step
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Vanilla masurao nee-san SEXO
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>get primeval to 40%
>turn 18 totally bound my team
>turn 19 was frigged and wiped
i mean it this time, but i done enough
What a coincidence, I literally just beat him for the first time. Had been putting this off for years.
So what was atlus thinking when they designed Golem?
You have to oneshot him with instant death skills
They were thinking you were a brave and smart boy
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Stay alive
pussy licking?
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Yes, etriams all want that pussy.
I guess that's an exception. EO1 and EO3's S2-S3 was sooo boring. Like EO3 S3 theme is literally disco music.
2 and 5 don't follow that formula, every stratum theme in those games is at least very good. 4th stratum themes are usually some of the best except for maybe 5's, EO1's third stratum theme is great, 5's 2nd stratum theme is highly underrated and definitely not ambient. The 6th stratum themes vary but the only real weak link is Claret Hollow. 3's 6th stratum theme is one of the best tracks in series and 4's, despite being mostly ambience, is really fucking good at setting tone.
Cute butt
Azure Rainforest is great and one of the better stratum themes in 1 . Undersea Grotto isn't that great in 3 but the Nexus rendition is great and showcases what the song was going for much better. I mostly agree with you on the Primitive Jungle and Molten Caves themes. The former is a bit dull while the latter gets old really quick though i've grown to like the original FM version of Primitive Jungle's theme.
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Nah, Undersea Grotto is excellent in 3. It's one of my favorites and I actually like the original version better for some reason. It sets the "aquatic voyage" theme perfectly but is also slightly creepy.
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>EO1 and EO3's S2-S3 was sooo boring.
Those are all great tracks, I don't know what you're on.

>Like EO3 S3 theme is literally disco music.
I had never heard it remotely like that before reading this comment, but that also doesn't sound like a negative. Now I'm imagining a version full of strings and horns and dancing dragon mommies.
haha those 5 are dead
it's just a mother dragon not that strong of an FOE
if there's a mother dragon there's probably a few more nearby. Even if she's alone she has 8 dragon cubs and 3 eggs with her, as well as it being an ambush
>me facing them until it's time for me to farm them later
Haha, I'm in danger.
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But not as dead as Next Stage.
Lust Woodlands
etriam but opossums
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I want to experience 4's final stratum again but minus the part where you revisit all the other ones
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When is 6?
That's something we've all been asking for years now.
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>spank her
Specifically her butthole. With my tongue.
series status?
So I am making two parties for eo1, the patrol team and the kill team.
are harbingers in nexus better or worse than V?
If all you care about are debuffs they're better
Dead as the thread.
what's that mean? they're a better damage dealer in V and better at support in X?
Dealing with Miasma dispelling is a good deal easier in Nexus, which favours a lot of the Deathguard skills that were carried forwards. They lose a lot of the more offensive Deathbringer skills on the other hand (though they do get blind on a reap instead of curse which is sorta nice, though panic is still probably your go-to).
Generally, if in V you wanted to play a Deathguard, you’ll like the Nexus Harbinger - if instead you wanted a Deathbringer, you might be disappointed with how their offensive role has been reduced in favour of support.
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Still taking a short nap.
why does she have flowers, drugs?
Because flowers are pretty
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They're dead petaloids, she's trying to use them to enter a deep sleep to help make the wait for 6 go by quicker.
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why is she so smug?
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Because she split the staff and sword apart and can now dual wield.
How do you build her in EO2 btw?
She's useless in heal because no revive
She's useless in dps because it's a pain in the ass to land status aliments for her
You get Warmight
You get Salve 2
You get CurseCut
You get Transfer
That's it
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Every Hexer loli comes with their state-mandated Fang loli (if you want to use their war edge moves). You don't need revives on a healer, just use nectars and try not to die too much. Swords let them always heal before the enemy acts so that's the main benefit they have over a medic. Get TP boost to 10 because you'll eventually need to rely on maxed out salve 2. And yeah, warmight is really strong, especially on an alchemist with megido.
>She's useless in dps because it's a pain in the ass to land status aliments for her
You use warmight on your ronin and gunner and it pays off anyway
Dark Hunter / ??? / War Magus
Gunner / Hexer

Bear or Protector?
Beast is more of a damage dealer in 2 than a tank so it depends on if you want more defense or offense. I've not used beast in 2 so I'm not sure exactly how bad the whole killing itself trying to protect squishy party members thing is but protector should definitely be fine in that party.
either's fine, but I persoanlly would go with protector
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Story mode was okay. I don't understand why people hate it so much.
It's not what the series is about and nobody wanted them turning it into that. I can go play a million other JRPGs if I want to follow the adventures of protag-kun, party creation is one key aspect of EO.
She can heal your other characters before they die, unlike medic.
>harvest attempts can fail
Is EO1 even worth replaying? Game does not respect my time.
cursecut and transfer are a huge waste
not as much on her because WM doesn't have much to get, but on the hexer who is absolutely skill point starved does not want to waste points on that shit when you can just buy amritas instead.
Just play Untold.
I see it as pretty harmless, because the games still have fully functional and well-made non-story modes for people who would get really bothered by small bits of character dialogue. You can also reclass the starting people anyways, there’s nothing that stops you from turning Raquna into a troubadour if you want one.
Is Untold the one on the Switch?
you say that but you always googled the cheese team to get it going
It’s the 3DS one
I've never done that before and I never will. I make parties based on a combination of portraits I like, class synergy, and just what sounds fun in general.
Part of "party creation" isn't just the classes, but choosing the names and portraits as well. The games already have stories, they're just not focused on party dialogue between fixed protags. The story modes were trying to appeal to a wider audience and are a waste of resources. The games are still good on Classic, that is true, but I don't ever want them trying that nonsense again.
>class synergy
this gave you away
What? Playing a videogame "gave me away"?
just admit you like having set teams for you and everything will be ok, we can go back to having a month long lasting thread without you throwing a tantrum that story teams are no different than cheese teams

its, everyone, including yourself, will respect you more
I genuinely have no clue what you're talking about. I start a game, I look at the portraits that I like, and then I figure out a team based on that and what would also make sense (healer, tank, dps, etc.). I'm not sure why you assume people must look up parties to play the game.
stonewalling means healing just takes time
deprogramming pride sometimes takes a few threads
Why are you shitposting our ded general?
What’s supposed to be bad about looking up parties? When I start a game I look at wikis/gamefaqs to read about classes and skills, and see what skills actually do since the game obscures numbers from you and respeccing costs levels. In doing that I inevitably end up learning that some people find certain classes and skills to be worthwhile, and others not so much, and while I don’t follow these suggestions religiously I do make a mental note of it.
Classes with anti-synergy?
Generally anything that fights for the sixth slot.
how come eo2u's story mode completely stops after the 5th stratum? I distinctly remember the first untold still having party dialogue in claret hollows.
no fucking idea but im still mad about it as well
the only time they say anything is after ur-child



Rover and Necromancer
Ninja and Wildling
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I guess it was because it was "non-canon" but that's not excuse for gutting 2's original postgame plot and getting rid of every event in the 6th stratum on top of that.
why is she showing off like that is she a slut?
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>that party
Daring today aren't we?
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What exactly is a "daring" party in 2? Or in most EOs for that matter?
>getting rid of every event in the 6th stratum on top of that
are they still there in classic mode at least?
looking up parties is gay
looking up skill data is not
use skill simulators and the japanese wiki instead
>She's useless in heal because no revive
EO2 has insanely busted items like nectall so it's not really an issue. The appeal of her heals is that you give her a sword so she will most likely heal before the enemy can attack, unlike a Medic.
>She's useless in dps because it's a pain in the ass to land status aliments for her
She's not really meant to be a dps, she's support unit that can deal some damage on free turns, damage that can also inflict binds if the enemy is afflicted with ailments.
Her main role in order of importance is mostly heal, buff your dps with Warmight and deal damage
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I sure hope nothing bad happens to this 3D render of hexer
Nope, they're gone in Classic too. One of the few things that bothers me about the series is how inconsistent it is with events in the 6th strata. 1 is an odd duck because it stopped having events past the 2nd floor or so, 2 had events in the 6th strata, 3 didn't, 4 did, Untold did, 2U didn't, V didn't, and Nexus had events in its equivalent. It bothers me because they add a lot of life to those dungeons and while i still love Cyclopean Haunt and Empyreal Bridge, i'd love them more if they had events that fleshed them out like Hall of Darkness's did.
6 should have a class that's based around row switching as it's theme. Like maybe it has passives for each row (increase a different stat(s) depending on if they're in front or back) and maybe even some things that play around with their position in that row (farthest left/right or middle). Rows would sort of be like their "stances" in a way and they could have different skill lines with some skills being usable in only the front and only the back. They could have a reworked Switch Stab skill that lets them choose which ally to swap with and maybe give some additional benefits for that turn. You could also have a skill that moves other allies around during the turn as sort of a "reaction". Maybe a skill that chooses an ally and has them swap with another ally but only after they act during that turn. So you have like a low defense front line melee attacker that does their attack, then gets moved to the back right after so they get the benefit of reduced damage/aggro in the back for the remainder of the turn. I started another new run of 3 recently and I'm using and offensive spear user (glad/hop) and it got me thinking a lot about Switch Stab. The move isn't very useful and only has some very niche uses but I think there's a lot more that you could do with the concept, even with the ability to freely adjust formation in the modern games.
They did something similar in Metaphor so why not
Guess I'm a flaming homosexual then
isn't that 4's dancer
No, did I describe the idea that poorly? Dancer just self buffs themselves and then they give that benefit to the row, that's not really what I was going for with this idea. I'm talking about more skills that play around with party reformation during the turn and more skills that are exclusive to each row. Like maybe you have skill that when used in the back row, it has increased damage and swaps place with a front ally. But when used in the front, it gives the party or user a defense/evasion bonus for the rest of that turn. That's just one loose idea based off of Switch Stab but there's a lot more you could do with that. That's also why I compared it to Ronin stances, the class would have passive skills that could give additional benefits depending on what row they're in. I guess I would need to make a full skill tree to get the idea across properly but I definitely think I could make an interesting class based off of this.
Next Etrian Odyssey should have a party member who damages party members but they gain stat buffs for doing so.
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so highlander
Well I was gonna call it Dominatrix but whatever.
What about a class that just outright murders their allies and gains offense for doing so?
am I pigeonholed into running a 2/3 front/back party if I wanna use a hero? the clone is gonna deal half damage with melee otherwise, right?
What would you call it? Berserker?
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the game is played in true first person; all animations from you fighting are done that way; when you tilt your head, you'll see your party besides you. Combined with the sound and encounter design, it's really atmospheric. No other bloober has come this close to make you feel like you are fighting with a team.
I don't cope, I know there will never EVER be another EO (specially learning how the hd compilation was a failure, pretty much burying the franchise for another decade) so this is a really refreshing meal in this desert.
I don't think there is any need to "learn" that EO exists when... Wizardry is the granddaddy of the genre.
If you still enjoy Wizardry you're on a level above us anyway.
It's like still playing Oldcom mods when modern X-Com exists.
Or guys who enjoy running 60 minutes+ when sprints exist.
nice maintenance simulation bro
sadly it'll eos before it's transition from an early access alpha release to beta
You can
>use mirage sword or shock spark depending on resistance
>go for a defensive hero with shield skills
>turn your hero into a back row support when the afterimage/force boost are up
>start blasting (sub gunner w/ charged shot)
>use a ninja larping as hero that spams regiment rave from the back row
EON is the worst eo game ive ever played purely because of the class selection. It is god awful
Nexus but with only the classes missing from Nexus instead.
look at her go
Hey guys i've very nearly 100%ed etrian 3 hd but one of the last things i need to do is get every chest for the guild card medal and i thought i did but apparently i somehow havent
I checked my own maps with all the ones i can find online and i supposedly did find and open every chest, but still nothing
And i noticed i have a chest on b19f that is not on any map i can find online, so im guessing that they may have added a few new chests to the hd version and i only found one so far
So is there any documentation at all of the other new chests if they even exist? cause when i search for this topic online i find nothing. maybe one of you 100%ed the game and can compare your mapped chests with the maps online?
Ok i found someone else's complete eo3hd maps and it turns out that one chest is literally the only new chest apparently
But that also means i found and opened every chest and it wont give me the guild card medal
Wtf bros, i drop 70 hours on this game and it wont even acknowledge my completion
Screw you atlus
did you check them all again in game to make sure they're open?
>I don't think there is any need to "learn" that EO exists when... Wizardry is the granddaddy of the genre.
I don't follow your logic
It turns out i did completely miss one in the corner of b17f
And the 'new' chest is in the original too and the map of that floor is just wrong
Sorry guys, i'll accept that i'm retarded and its not atlus's fault lol
>told myself i did enough
>sudden urge to replay
>but same game
>and strat 6 gear

bros send help
Ronin, Land, Medic
Alchemist, Hexer
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>sleep has a near 100% success chance in eo1ds
>jam the hexer with all the speed gear and a dagger that does jack shit for more speed
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there should be a merchant class in 6
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summer's already gone you dumb monk
But they live in a tropical island so it's warm all year around you dumb low TEC Fang
Fang is low AGI due to her fat ass, not low TEC
She has low TEC too but she cheated on her tests so that's why it shows high TEC
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>good luck finding 1
It's on steam...
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When was this made? You can get 1-3 on switch.
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Would a sword like that even be effective in combat?
That's clearly a tuning fork.
tummy sex
>Accidentally release a denuvo free build of Persona 4
>Accidentally release a denuvo free build of Persona 5 Striker
>Forget to put denuvo on Etrian Odyssey 1-3
>Release a denuvo free demo of Metaphor based on the final build of the game
>Release a demo with denuvo of SMT5V based on the final build of the game so it can still be bypassed
Will EO6 be cracked/bypassed in less than a year's time?
At this point I'm just wondering why Atlus is even burning money on Denuvo. Their games would probably be more profitable if they (or Sega) didn't have to pay the fees and subscriptions tied to it, especially when these constant fuck ups happen.
can't crack a game that doesn't exist
>At this point I'm just wondering why Atlus is even burning money on Denuvo
Because then they'd be admitting that they made a mistake
After seeing the absorutery shamefur dispray Denuvo has done recently, I'm convinced that they're the ones paying companies to put malware in their games
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Had it not been for denuvo I would have bought VV desu. But if fatlus wants to give out free games and pay the denuvo tax while doing it then who am I to stop them.
>Their games would probably be more profitable if they (or Sega) didn't have to pay the fees and subscriptions tied to it, especially when these constant fuck ups happen.
Denuvo is the most retarded thing ever.
Metaphor's demo was bypassed just a few days after release and it was still one of Atlus' biggest and fastest success ever.
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Outside of final superbosses, what are the hardest bosses in the series?
I remember Gimle, Hippogryph, Yggdrasil Core (2U), Narmer (EON) and Elder Dragon (especially this one due to lacking binds) being pains in the ass.
Fact of the matter is that, even if Denuvo was unbeatable (false, of course), everyone who was going to pirate falls into one of two categories:
Poorfags, especially Brazilians, who can't afford to buy.
People who can try almost every other fucking game in the world: they can wait for the crack.
Sleeping etriams
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very sleepy etriams
I don’t remember it being that much of an issue desu.
Gimle is a pain in the ass, and sorta like dragons you really need Fire Wall leveled up for it or you’re fucked.
Hippogryph is a real pain if you didn't know what you were doing and lacked damage like I did when I first played V. I remember making heavy use of the Gorgon Bow that was found earlier in the stratum and got lucky with petrifying it a few times which helped me beat it. That said, he's really not bad on replays with a competent party.

2U's Yggdrasil Core is a real ass. I'll also throw in Hollow Queen from 4 because I could never figure out when she'd throw out her aoe attack and it was difficult to defend against while dealing with everything else in the fight.
what should i do?
urge is there
>eo nexus
replaying with two ronins
finishing a game i started like 6 years ago that involves bushi main class
finishing my 3 pugi run
classic NG+, grimoires only transferred
classic NG+, grimoires only transferred

jesus christ i remember why i sorta lost interest in etrian odyssey for the last 6 years
city of heroes came back around that time
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I love Rover-chan
finish what you started, go with 3 and 4 before doing anything else
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I love (my) Rover-chan
should I build luck for EO2 hexer and dark hunter?
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If you mean skill points, no, they have better stuff to spend them on. I did give my Hexer a luck +20 accessory though and she put just about everything to sleep.
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damn its so weird jumping in a game you started awhile ago
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The only good male design in the franchise
I lack skill at using Chain Burst
Pug and dragoon are fine.
Actually most of the EO5 male designs are good.
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need 4HD and 6
Male Imperial designs > female Imperial designs
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4 probably has the weakest portrait lineup in the series and the male characters got hit with the ugly stick especially bad with a few exceptions like that medic, Whirlwind, the older Nightseeker, and maybe 2-3 others. 3 and 5 have much better male designs on average.
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I'm assuming/hoping that "weakest portrait lineup" comment was referring to males only because the female portrait lineup is excellent.
5 got the weakest class art overall, Dragoon is cool the camopants sucks though.but fencer is wearing a parade uniform, Pug is just boring, Harbinger is just a maid with a scythe, Warlock got generic Asian elf robes. And lalafels ruin anything they wear
Just because he was the only male character I used in 4 doesn’t mean you’re objectively correct
I think the Bushi males are okay too
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>And lalafels ruin anything they wear
So you're saying they should go around in the nude instead? V already has two naked classes, I'm not sure the game could handle more.
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Fencer is dapper
Note to self: the Ghost enemies aren't that bad if you just run from them
never used the hero in eon
i am not noticing the defense buff from the delayed attack thing, is that normal?
you know the more i go through EON the more i realize that this is a sendoff to the series with all the cameos and shit
They suuuuuck
I don’t like ‘em.
Use double hit or other union stuff if you have it to kill them before they possess you. And status alignments of course
I'm kind of okay with the fight that's just 1 Ghost in the front with 3 Spriggans in the back, since with that I just Rapid Cannon the Ghost while my Warlock Fireballs the Spriggans
Not sendoff
We still gotta get Untold 3
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>spelling error
How could you fail me like this Atlus
Having a glasses dude as the highest STR party member doesn't feel realistic.
He's clearly /fitlit/.
Late response, but funny enough Mirina herself mentions it when you hit 12F
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I can fix her
There is no fixing a drow, son.
such as fishing
does nexus subclassing unlock after 8 or before 8?

also my team is:
protector, ronin, medic
survivalist, gunner

no idea how to subclass this team
maybe survivalist on the protector to stack taunt and dance?
medic with princess?
maybe ronin with gunner for those accuracy stances?
something survivalist for something damage?
>most circle infliction rates lowered hard
>poison circle base damage reduced from 300>90 and demoted to master skill in a game with HP bloat and no butterfly tsukudani
>releasal spell is only force break now
>circles cannot be quick step'd any more, causing a total dead weight for random encounters
>ailment boost and its bonus flat infliction rate removed completely
>not that it'd be so great in a game that lacks forges and with bosses fully immune to instakill anyway
>also in a game where all damage classes can inflict ailments too thanks to (2*STR)+LUC, with better odds for most
Was so much Arcanist violence really necessary?

Maybe the enemy is using an almighty element attack, like Silurus's earthquake.

You unlock it by opening a chest midway in stratum 8.
>no idea how to subclass this team
Just use what you like. If Gunner accuracy is an issue, there's a glitch where accuracy equipments boost it twice or thrice as much as they should, so you don't even need a subclass for that.
>Maybe the enemy is using an almighty element attack, like Silurus's earthquake.
no this is level 1, first dungeon where you get the map and im getting one shot by some flies
>im getting one shot by some flies
They just hit that hard
>t. tried a solo farmer run once
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sticc was too powerful and had to pay for her crimes of being a good class
still pretty good in nexus despite all that.
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>fire up eo2u
>get dlc popups
>realize if i ever lose this 3ds i wont ever get to see arianna in a bikini again since the shop is gone
You could just hack the replacement 3DS in that case
i finally started ricky's game
I really dig the Abyssal Shrine theme from Nexus but it's jarring hearing EOV's cheerful 2nd normal battle theme play during the encounters. I love the song but it's just really out of place.
>. If Gunner accuracy is an issue, there's a glitch where accuracy equipments boost it twice or thrice as much as they should,
2 ronin anon here
i am now all about fucking head splitter and i am now adventurerering much better

jesus fucking christ what a difference. this is like the time i learned about acc trinkets and leg bind/paralyze/blind making squall volley into a game breaker in ro4
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>enter lab 7 in eon
>the music hits me hard
>thinking back to 2007 when i picked up EO from gamestop on a whim
>then thinking back to 2013 or so when untold came out
is there newgame+ in EON where I can start with subclassing?
fuck these slider bridge things in blossom bridge puzzles
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Stay alive
Why is she not naked?
you havent spent enough
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it's pretty cold under the ocean
But they're right next to an active volcano...
can't be that warm of a volcano the lava tiles only do like 10 damage
That is a very good point.
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I'm proud to present...
The "6" you've all been waiting for...
Shin Megami Personaphor 6: Re;Tardi0!
The following day, there was an incident in which Atlus HQ burned down.
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They're still really good in Nexus, they're just better at being an all-rounder healer/debuffer/ailment support role instead of a class you rely on to disable the enemy before they can move. The lower infliction rate is sort of made up for with their force boost increasing it for a few turns and allowing consecutive dismiss skills. This can mean multiple powerful dismiss heals in a row and dismiss revive is good too at high levels. Sleep circle sort of benefits from coming at the end of the turn because it'll set you up for the next turn without fear of waking the enemy up. For bosses/FOE this can be good but for random encounters it obviously means you can't use it defensively. Release Spell being the break sucks but it honestly makes sense and was kind of needed. But yeah, overall their force boost and Revive makes them better healers in Nexus.
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It was me
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Hexer's equally gloomy catgirl cousin is a cutie.
I never noticed this is a cat girl. I thought that was just her hair
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Her ears are just down, it's more noticeable on other portraits. The guys are like elves instead though.
name an etriam and i'll draw them badly
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Blonde zodi "accidentally" casts Meteor and burns down Atlus HQ after they refuse to make SQ6.
7thD is a great game simply because it allows you to have the best party in a RPG (and it's very functional).
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weird etriams, but I'll allow them
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the red hexer that everyone forgets about
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I've only played the first one on DS but I have zero interest in the rest of them due to the artist change. The designs in the first game are top tier and all of them are honorary etriams. Rouge is basically broken though with nonstop extra turns but I don't care, I still love her.
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My favorite Hexer.
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_____ ____
someone talk me out of replaying eon with 3 gunners
I love elemental imbue buffs so much
EON is boring
>get tired of waiting for subclassing in nexus
>its on floor3 of strat8
couldnt of been floor1 huh
Unlocking subclasses in that game made me quit
>same shitty system as EOIV
>it's not a reward for an achievement or reaching a milestone
>just put the shitty scroll in a random chest
No fanfare, no love at all.
i.. dont care about that. i just want to mix and mash skills to lock together to break the game in a fun way
Don’t do it
idk gunners are pretty versatile, it wouldn’t be the worst team around
why use 3 gunner when you could use 5 gunner? think about it.
because protector and princess
Finding sunken treasure is fine, the king just kind of gives it to you in 3. They probably put it in that stratum because that's when you get it in 3, right after you beat the whale.
you mean gunner (sub protector) and gunner (sub princess)
You're good, and the minimal coloring looks super clean.
Why is Ricky so Sticky?
It was me, I did it. And I'll do it again.
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Subclassing was a mistake.
I agree
grimoires died
master classes died
sorry man
grimoires have potential
all they have to to is not make them randomly obtained and only let you collect premade ones, and balance them accordingly.
Subclasses and Enemy grimoires only would be fun.
>found sumireko of the gensokyo guild
oh man i forgot about guildcard trading

are you still alive out there?
>overhyped myself for nexus subclassing
>nothing really meshes with anything else

Protector / Ronin / Medic
Survivalist / Gunner

Do attack buffs stack? im honestly just ganna say fuck it and subclass ronin for surv/gunner and go princess with the medic
second names are my beloved
chain dance+auto taunt gives time to smite more, very effective
kinda fun but useless, thinking of rerolling into ronin/gunner just for the chance at double head splitters and more attack. 6-10 katana cuts is no where near the power of headsplitter
amazing, attack order alone was worth it
fuckin worth it for more attack and tp regen
fuckin worth it for more attack and tp regen
War Magi are fucking weird man
sleep everything

what lost you
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Not really fucking weird. Some of the best support squad members ever.
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Thank you. I'll do more in the future when I have time. If you don't mind occasional doodles
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War Magi are fucking cute man (specifically this one)
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she's cuter with her fang removed
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she's cuter with her fang added
this is also true
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me on the right
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She deserved to die for attaching her self with such a idiot
>all the etrain references in metaphor
So how much longer until 6?
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Assuming the team isn't busy with an expansion for Vengeance, i'm sure we'll get news some time next year. I hope.
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>do a total Resting for everyone
>somehow end up with more points than i had before
That happens a lot
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Bunnies owe me sex
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God damn. going ronin subclass for survivalist and gunner got slightly better
>cleaned up build meant useless skillpoints went elsewhere
>and elsewhere was Air Blade
>gunner can now do all elements, piercing and now cut damage
looking good
>just now finding out chain dance only lasts one turn in nexus
Whats a good Protector subclass in EON? Im literally seeing no synergy anywhere... outside of ronin's defense stance
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never used a protector in nexus so I dunno. I subclassed my princess as protector though and it was a nice combo, very safe
I think prot/highlander would be good for bloody veil, bloody offense and bloodlust.
welp, looks like highlander
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I can suggest focusing on weapon skills since subclasses tend to not make little difference besides Ronin and Ninja.
Like, you can go Medic/Imperial just to give them the snailblade (65% sleep rate on everyone) and turn them into encounter cleaners with a bit of Quick Step help.

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