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Philippe Poisson Edition

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>How to WebM

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my ancestor :)
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i am going to be the first indie trillionaire.
sug mah dig. choge on id
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nice juri-like, furfag
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Now let's see crouch medium kick.
if you can't play a musical instrument well just by listening to someone else play it
if you can't draw well just by watching someone else's drawings
what makes you think you can be good at game design just by being a gamer?
it's a skill like any other and you suck at it because you've never done it.
>*scratches asshole*
>*smells finger*
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>cruelty mech squad
can lord zarok resurrect my now dead love for gamedev?
Anon, I...
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>2011 indie darlings would all flop in 2024
Probably. Have you played MediEvil?
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Grab the popcorn lads
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Sending good vibes to all lolidevs.
>no mention of the N word controversy
>[novelty at the time] would flop all [time where it is not novelty anymore]
you havent watched it

I havent either making coffee first
>do you know ryuichi sakamoto?
>no. *visible discomfort* ("fuck.. I'm a fraud?)
How many screenshots can you squeeze out of this trash
Don't reply to the schizo, he's just gonna samefag anyway and since he's a janny you can't even report it.
kill yourself shartwokendev
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>really into totoro
bet it was the bath scene that did it
>eric schizo play by play samefagging hours
Gee I wonder why yesdevs stopped posting here.
on it
i spent all day in blender and i've got shit to show for it
since your turd of a "game" is gonna flop anyway how about you make 10 more eceleb posts instead you trannoid freak
>samefag accusations
>while having a nonstop meltie >>501969104 >>501969509 >>501969757 >>501969934 >>501970278
god I love /agdg/
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Cleansing this horrendous thread start with some progress, new character i designed.
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no thanks, i'd rather keep working on my game like i've done all day until it becomes good, i'll leave shitting up the thread to you since you like it so much
>1024 * 1024
you ain't fooling nobody
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Let's be real honest here: Eric Barone is a talentless nepobaby who's propped up by media outlets and Microsoft, he's the equivalent of an industry plant in music or Elon Musk in tech.
Is it fine to be an Elon Musk fanboy? Is it fine to be a Kpop stan? Maybe, but you shouldn't piss your pants when you're reminded of what those people are in a thread for hobbyists, you have to remember that this thread is about creating SOVL, not industry behemoths making slop.
>he just keeps going
imagine being this triggered by a game developer who found success. what does that say about you?
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What did she mean by this?
I can’t tell if it’s some bit, or the same guy playing both sides. It’s tiresome though. It’s not funny. It’s weird. Un-creative hacks basically. Regardless if it’s real or a troll.
funny how none of the "ericbros" who love to reply to every "ericpost" cannot provide multiple rebuttals to this, hmmmm what could this mean???
>40% sales
>40% taxes
>30% fees
Mental illness.
I've been taking mushrooms (not the funky drug kind) that are supposed to make your brain better and are scientifically proven for a few months now but I haven't noticed any difference. On a gamedev related note, I've finished making the block out of the room I am now going to model. It's from an existing game but I am doing it to practice my environment art
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Daily reminder that anyone can improve at any skill if they put the work.
bloody why are you blogposting in the eric barone's fanclub blog? WTFFFF, you need to learn respect bastard sir
how did he make it worse with every iteration
stardew valley is a bedroom game made by this person:

its impossible to take your posts seriously because they are so bad faith
Yeah but the problem is that no matter how much I improve it's still not enough.
guys I'm gonna GMI it, right??
you have celebrity worship syndrome
that excludes if you used a premade engine that also takes a cut
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WAGMI, my parce.
Eric Barone more like Lower your tone
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Gamedev is so much more fun with modern tools, I love creating scenarios.
>"I'm a fan of Vampire Survivors"
Oh god
two left hands
Why can't cris pass the average 14yo twitter artist? he has drawn longer than they have been alive.
how many sketchbooks have you filled cris?
what a thought provoking post, i'm baffled that anyone would hate eric schizo i, for one, am glad that i get to read interest posts such as this one on a daily basis
i'm interested in reading more from you mr schizo, godspeed
must you lolcow every low effort post in this general
because my goal is too look like a doujin artist.

Not like a concept artist from hollywood.

You can still see the technique improves a shitton.

I used paper from printers packs.

Dunno how many pages I've drawn, but must be at least a dozen of suck 500 pages packs.
you have a problem friend
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you can't demoralize me!
Just posted this post, AMA.
>because my goal is too look like a doujin artist.
You are not doing a good job then
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I don't have english skills enough to say what I want to say.
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Sometimes I side track entire threads with my opinions. And I feel bad, like, this isn't about me. But I just realized, if I don't side track the thread, it returns to it's base form which is AI bitching, Eric bitching, and Cris bitching. I will never feel annoying again. Really, when I go off on tangents and people start posting "Game dev?", I'm saving you all from hack posts.
>because my goal is too look like a doujin artist.
he might have early onset dementia
years ago when I was in high school there was an actual rumor circulating that the teacher from africa once had a rowdy class and to shut them up he unzipped his pants and his schlong fell out onto the desk and the desk broke in half. That was pretty funny.
Question: How do we solve the Eric schizo problem?
>Dunno how many pages I've drawn, but must be at least a dozen of suck 500 pages packs.
How many of those pages were figure drawing studies though
dude you're staining the thread far more than he is get a grip
Someone should make a game about that
i respect your ability to keep up this "joke" for 15 years
No he’s really not. The Eric bitching is like herpes. It only temporarily goes away, but flare ups occur near daily.

The only way to cure it is imo posting your own thought on game dev to get people riled up on your own topic.
by not being a lolcow that enables shitty posts by mentioning them and replying to them, 100% of the time, in literally every thread, without fail.

you're like a senile old woman complaining about ants but *insists* upon pouring literall jars of honey on the floor, just because. basically a nigger.
That's my first post in the thread.
>No Im not
yes you are

who the fuck are you kidding
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I'm sure Fez would still do fairly well even if released in 2024. It has a unique concept that I haven't seen replicated and some nice visuals.
Super Meat Boy would crash and burn because Celeste does it better and I think the art style of Braid makes it very unappealing. Like a bad mobile ad.
It wasn’t me faggot.
fez would be an even greater success of released today
can't be crabbed if I never post my progress, bleh.

I'm basically kojima if he posted on /agdg/
Is there anyone normal left in here? You're all going insane.
I’m fairly convinced Blow is a terrible idea guy. He’s carried by his technical skills. And he’s held back DRASTICALLY by his larping as an idea guy trying to convey deep ideas. But his ideas aren’t deep. He must be on the cutting edge, basically making games that normally take a larger, or mid level studio, with his small team.
You are the only normal one I'm afraid. Use your power wisely.
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I just finished my marketing materials for my game, waiting on steam to approve it all. Hopefully launching in December!
clearly didnt practice at all in between attempts.
What's your game.
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I have BPD, /agdg/ was my safeguard.
>It has a unique concept that I haven't seen replicated
Fez but it's a roguelike rpg and you collect cards
It's a word puzzle deckbuilder. Kinda like scrabble meets balatro
african impala simulator. UwU don't get gored and maimed horribly tee hee
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>inb4 another deckbuilder baka
It's the first game I ever made so I kept the scope small and stuck to a genre that's easy to make
Fez but it's multiplayer
who are your art idols? have you tried doing master copies and then drawing it again from memory? copying the masters is how the masters trained btw.
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filter eric posts
add alice images to your MD5 filter
if anything pass by the filter hide and do not reply
This is a community effort. Only (you) can keep /agdg/ clean!
uh...... what the hell happened to my post.

I meant
I found the eric talk pretty interesting, wonder what's the indie game judging panel he's part of

I don't mind ericposting when its gamedev related instead of "eric got a new shirt" type-posts

dont kill me
better than a quirky earthbound inspired JRPG that's a metaphor for depression
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nigga use AI instead of using 7th century methods
holy shit
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Christmas is coming
This is my favorite time of year to dev
cold weather is just an excuse to drink more cobbee
Christmas is cocoa and apple cider time
Coffee is for spring time
breaking news: madodev retires from nsfw games to make a sfw game
AI makes the trannies seethe so you'll lose half your player base
indians don't skate
bait used to be believable.
>Surviving with its dev in 2024
DEI-Twitter would never let the dev have a name in the present day. It's worse than the other 2.
This is a fantasy world where the game is judged on its merits alone and Phil "Choke on It" Fish isn't relevant.
charlie don't surf
holy shit do you guys even make games or even talk about them
Of course. He feels trapped into making another Stardew-type game. It's clear he would rather make action games.
What do you wanna talk about
a lot were drawinf figures actually.

my biggest art influence is satoshi urushihara.

I also admire, but aren't my own influences is saigado and tosh.

I've been trying also lately to start looking up how mika pikasso does color.

As for western arists, my favorites are mucha, I also love baroque works.
Two years ago I was also looking at occult art in magic books.

And yes, I've started to do reference studies lately.
how the hell do you market a game? I want more people than just my mom and brother to play it
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Rarely do I draw crying characters.
There was a flash game that was like Fez but you played as a star character and you turn the prespective by dragging the screen with the mouse and you could even see the levels in a 3D form.
I dunno why these millionaire devs never branch out from their comfort zone after making it big.
They have the money to hire people and lead a project.
Notch had a cool space idea and then ended up making a Minecraft clone.
Toby Fox just made Undertale 2.0.
And Eric is just making Stardew 2.0.
>Hopoo made RoR 2 and gave up
I love mucha very mucha. I've done studies of his work. I get filtered by the time it takes to do the decorative elements though, so I just draw the girls.
Risk of Rain 2 is at least 3d. It's a different beast from the first.
Plus he made that other game in between.
e-mail everyone who talks about indie games
reply politely to everyone who comments replies or judges your game on steam/itch only
make a discord and talk to the autists and schizos who like your game
make social media and post VIDEO FOOTAGE of your game, no walls of text, no still images
let people play your game and listen to feedback

basically cybernetics
what are some indie devs that aren't 1 trick pony's?
>reply politely t
In 2024?
Get very fucking lucky.
Hope some big streamer picks it up and raves about it.
>spend 99% of your profits on a game that flops
this is some 5D crabbing
A good book to learn ornamentations is grammar of ornaments.

I have to reach a bunch of older books and graphic design stuff to understand ornament rules.
isnt even fun shitposting here anymore, most of you treat it as a job not a hobby, there's the real problem
800 shitposts are posted on /agdg/ EVERY HOUR!
same reason you have a parasocial relationship with those exact devs and keep mentioning them every day
that's human nature (mental illness) i guess!!
nice people help nice people. being nasty only gets you solidarity with chuds and chuds hardly buy games they just wait for asmongold (pbuh) or some other eceleb to spoil 100% of the content and never buy the game.
Edmund McMillen
Jon Blow

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monrning i have to do the steam capsule so it go live but i'm doing some complicated ui sh*t right now
spelunky dev
>discussing the game industry in a game dev thread is mental illness

>grammar of ornaments
hmm god rec. found it on archive.org.
>Slay the Spire 2
>Silk Song
>Axiom Verge 2
>Spelunky 2
Damn you're right
50 trick pony!
eric tried hiring a guy but that guy cramped his style.
To be fair to Silksong, it always felt like a DLC that got way out of hand. Which is apparently true now that I look it up.
amateur gamedev general
you have a board called /v/ to discuss ecelebs irrelevant to us
I understand this behavior coming from AAA studios that have to minimize risk but not from indie devs with 10+ million in the bank
look up also grid system for graphic design.
I don't want to discuss industry stuff with people that know fuck all about game dev or the game industry. (/v/) This is the best place for it. Unironically.
Did Asmongold use the word parasocial or something. Why is every NPC using that term lately? Incorrectly I should add.
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imagine making 30 million dollars and then spending 30 million on a game that flops
literally just become a /biz/fag and make 8% per annum.
All me btw
>imagine making 30 million dollars and then spending 30 million on a game that flops
Literally the /biz/ way
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>imagine making 30 million dollars and then spending 30 million on a game that flops
The actual answer is that it's much easier to add some new art/levels to an existing game and call it a sequel then it is to start from scratch again. Even if the sequels sell like 25% of the original, the time/monetary investment is so low that it remains profitable.
it's twitchfag eceleb normie speak, every popular streamer says parasocial now, of course they'll happily larp as your buddy to get donos.
I don't like Blow but I have a huge amount of respect for the guy. He didn't just shit out a Braid sequel. The Witness was a massive step up in terms of art and tech.
he's making the greatest sokoban game of all time. Why aren't you excited? please be excited.
and then he took a 1000 steps back with the braid remaster
Lucas Pope (Papers, Please and Obra Dinn)
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Trash bags added
just imagine you release an indie game as a solodev in early access right now. and in 11 years your player numbers outperform a newly released AAA title by EA on steam.
there are more than 3 indie game devs in the world lil schizo, especially since those games are outliers
Suck my dick. Choke on it.
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animating for the first time tomorrow, wish me luck
ok you have 1 minute to explain to me why did you burnt another day doing nothing failing
doesnt matter, the next day you'll post about barone and undertail guy again, FREAK
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Why aren't you making a game in a month?
>in that guy's mind every single post that rubs him wrong is the "ericschizo"
lmao this is late stage brainrot. seek help

Post dev music.
And none of that lo-fi hiphop shit either.
Yup. Makes sense. Thanks
Good luck!
-whistle whistle whistle- cozy town clicktown quirktune chiptune indie devlog

-whistle whistle whistle-
-whistle whistle whistle-
don't forget to film yourself sitting down in your chair
and to film yourself drinking... anything
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I may have to parody those devlogs a little bit in one of my devlogs.
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Fuck you.
Soulslikebros we are so back Eric approves of us
that's my older brother
No, thank you.
I recently got perfection in Stardew Valley and, while it was fun, I'm a little sick of hearing about it.
Alright, just posted a video of the progress I've made in 2 weeks.
needs more jumpcuts, green screen , and hecking funny joke!
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Imagine using a dead, sterile engine like Unity when Unreal releases update after update with new features.
only game
>didn't even do that shit for reddit
I noticed that the eric poster has more in common with jblow than eric
If you were confident in your choice of engine, you wouldn't be validation-seeking with posts like that.
Needs more juice when you are picking up stuff.
It's probably worth thinking about this since the player is going to experience that mechanic 10.000 times by the end of the game.
I would 100% use Unreal if it didn't run like complete shite.
The only way to get decent performance with UE5 is to turn off all the features they advertise with. i.e. Lumen, Nanite, VSMs
Can’t stand this guy overall. But his interview an indie dev series is good. I wish he wouldn’t suck everyone’s cock so fucking hard. But I admit, I enjoyed some of them.
Oh I'm confident, I'm simply trying to save any other anons making the wrong choice of choosing Unity.
Sounds like you didn't use it, parroting what you read online instead. Sad!
I wish he would let people talk and didn't interject every 25 seconds. He's bad at interviewing.
On my to do list is a damage number style popup that flies around the screen.
(Also, there will be noise.)
What new features do you fucking need. I always see blue prints as a selling point. Shit makes me fucking sick to even look at and think about. Just give me the UI for decorating my world and that’s all I care about.
>Sounds like you didn't use it, parroting what you read online instead.

That's why every new UE5 game that comes out has the same complaints.
the music I wrote for my game, of course
when an engine is for "every game" 99% of features are bloat.
Why are you retards even arguing about game engines, you're making 2d "games" with sprites moving around ffs.
Get a grip hahahah you can use html to do it.
I agree. And while I respect that he is brave enough to give advice sometimes he does it too much. Like not every dev needs advice from him. And he’s always hyping up YouTube to people. That makes me sick as well. We don’t need a bunch of gurus making clickbait and selling courses. “How to make 100k before launch! I can teach you how to sell equity/ownership rights of your game in order to get paid a salary! Pay me now!”
I have before. It's a massive waste of time.
I want my devlogs to have a surreal vibe.
Dropping esoteric red pills left and right.
Not just your normal chiptune cozy town.
I gotta get my shit together
none of the features help with game design.
>Lies of P
>Pikmin 4
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Psychonauts 2
>Batman Arkham series
>Shin Megami Tensei V
Whatever helps you cope 'lil guy.

Sure Silent Hill 2 was poorly optimized but it's entirely the dev's fault. There's a popular video out showing exactly what went wrong and how the devs could've fixed it. Personally SH2 Remake worked flawless for me but I am on a 4090 to be fair. Wukong was honestly optimized just fine considering how gorgeous that game looked.

Retarded take.
This is the most interesting thing to come out of Unreal Fest 2024:

And there is 0 chance it ever gets officially supported.
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I wish I'd looked harder for a job when I was young. Instead I fell for the entrepreneur meme and I thought because it started off alright, it will keep getting even better. Instead it kept getting a bit worse and worse until it was too late to have any kind of career or even a job.
I thought I was smart for never even stepping into the wage cage, but in retrospect it ruined my life.
Now I make games for survival.
cozy town chiptune soulslike?
Yeah Megalights having THOUSANDS of moveable ray-traced lights in a scene with minimal performance impact isn't "interesting". That demo was played on a base PS5, equivalent to a 2060(?) Get a grip that's amazing technology.
>There's a popular video out showing exactly what went wrong and how the devs could've fixed it.

Nigger that video points to lumen and nanite as being the problem. Which is exactly what I said. Note how every game you posted also uses baked lighting and most of them are UE4 titles.

You're so incredibly fucking stupid it's unbelievable. Shut up.
lol. Fucking loser.
I never said Megalights weren't interesting. You need to learn to read.
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Twisted Tower is burning through his savings
make a nice curriculum with the stuff you worked on
unreal has the literal worst performance of all engines.
it could work.
So the enemies are giant turnips and vegetable monsters?
he's tall, he's got a good looking face, a good hairline and blue eyes halo. he can't lose. he can get any customer-facing job in any industry and earn 6 figures a year easily.
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Twisted Tower is going to flop.
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that's what you get for using AI art.
Megalights was a part of Unreal Fest 2024.
You called it "uninteresting" by calling Path Tracing "the most interesting" part of Unreal Fest 2024.
You're a disingenuous little retard aren'tcha?

You mean if you utilize all of it's features which simply don't exist on Unity. Unreal has a better render engine, better physics, better world build tools, better animation tools and the new enhanced input system.
Obvious Unity has "better performance" when it doesn't offer shit in comparison. Take the exact same game in Unity and it'll compile faster/run better in Unreal, just a simple fact.
>Want to make a Skyrim-like
>UE5 seems like the perfect engine with its dynamic lighting and reflections
>Make a really basic forest scene
>Framerate drops into the teens

there goes that idea...
why does ue5 hate foliage so much
>magical stones
>trusty glider and sailboat
>quirky townsfolk
>clever puzzle combat
>have hundreds of thousands budget
>cannot pay for a fucking cover art and use aishart
Skill issue.
No, I don't mean performance as in 15 FPS.

I mean bad performance in the sense it makes my CPU 99% and my windows to freeze.

Unreal makes my PC to freeze because is literally BLOAT upon BLOAT, the engine.
it's a bioshock-like. don't think it is going to fwop. when is the last time we had a bio shock like?
skill issue
>You called it "uninteresting" by calling Path Tracing "the most interesting" part of Unreal Fest 2024.

lmfao you have some kind of persecution complex, don't you?
Alright I have a real question. I'm going to seriously start making the layout of my game. To know I've done programming and drawn art at high resolution. I want to import to unity. I hear that Unity Physics is based on 100ppu. So if I leave that at 100ppu, so my art sort of correlate, like if I take up 2 squares, my art should be 200 pixels in that direction. Like 100x200 or whatever. Should I import the art at low resolution like that? Does it ever make sense to import higher resolution art? I guess I'm kind of wondering about allowing zoom. It would be cool if they could zoom in a bit, but then it'll get blurry. Or I could double the ppu to 200, but that might mess up physics? Or just be a bloated game with lots of high res art.
I did and got no interviews. No one wants a 40 year old high school graduate with no verifiable work history. It's fucking over. I thought gamedev would save me but the odds are dropping faster than my savings. I'm going to be homeless this time next year, all because I thought earning almost $100k a year at 19 was better than going to college and getting jobs. And it was at first, but life is long and you got to think decades ahead.
Tim isn't sending his best.
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all it takes is a million for you to be ahead in life.

just multiply the amount of money you were supposed to earn, by the years you spent not earning it.

lets pretend you were supposed to make 80k a year, but did nothing for 15 years

>80,000 * 15 = $1,200,000

divide this by your game's price to get sales. let's pretend you're a fag and sell your game at $25 on steam.

>1,200,000 / 25 = 48,000 sales

you're a chud so you might not win at this angle. but let's pretend you're meme hit developer, you reach 20 million in sales.

>25 * 20,000,000 = $500,000,000

no amount of normalfaggot boomer tier wagie faggoty faggot advice will compare to $500,000,000. ZERO percent of normalfags can comprehend this amount of money.
didnt read past this
The worst part is that it isn't AI. Someone was actually paid to make that.

It's a BioShock-like without an interesting concept to it. BioShock had the underwater city, plasmids and weird monsters. What does Twisted Tower offer?
welcome to the 90% of society
Should I use the word "comfy" instead?
>getting paid for photobashing aishart
sirs just cant stop winning
>Retarded take.
Explain why. I don't think a push for photorealism will lead to greater games, only bloated budgets.
Let's talk about Unity CEO John Riccitiello instead!!! When I think of Tim I think
>Thanks for the free shit!
What do I think of when I think of the Unity CEO???? Hmmmm.....
does unity still have employees?
all i see over the last 2 years is small bugfixes
why isn't it verifiable?
UE Protip: The worst thing you can do is render at native resolution. UE5 is designed to run at between 50-75% native resolution and uses its temporal super sampling to make up for it. This is the biggest mistake I see new UE devs making. The second biggest is having every setting set to Epic when High is good enough in most cases.
He's not wrong.
Bitch-kun is this you again?
Working on the engine would cut into their profits.
Every time you say let's pretend, you need to calculate the probability of that happening with the probability of the previous let's pretend thing happening.
Unity just released Unity 6 which has incredible features like global illumination (that runs better than lumen) and hair rendering.
he's not the CEO
he hasnt been the ceo for months
have you been living under a rock?
but i want more ui toolkit features
dont you mean your fratello?
My business had clients who have dissolved or were bought up or had a change in management. My best reference is a literal convicted felon who did 5 years for fraud.
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Yeah, it i interchangeable. But yes, my older fratello. Of course.
Hi, I am Benoit Dupuis, Senior Product Manager for UI Toolkit, and I know that producing extensive UI content can often be time-consuming and complex. In Unity 6, we've made significant improvements to UI Toolkit, speeding up the creation of custom UI controls. Developers can now customize how these controls are configured within the UI Builder, making them easier to use. Additionally, our new, fully extensible data binding system further streamlines interface design. I can't wait to see the innovative UIs you’ll create.
Notch's minecraft clone looking thing was just him fooling around, he's now making a game with a proper team that's not like Minecraft.
Toby always wanted to make Deltarune, Undertale was just a small project.
Eric's new game isn't like Stardew just because it has the same artstyle.
>Eric's new game isn't like Stardew just because it has the same artstyle.
The player manages a business in a cozy town?
texturing models is so hard, 3d art is hard, 2d art is hard, everything sucks :( i have to mog my former crush by making a game, my pride and ego is on the line here, i don't want him to remember me as pathetic and flat chested, i want to him to remember me as someone of value, someone he'd be so upset about losing that he vents to his friends about it

*sigh* solodevving under these conditions really has so much baggage, especially knowing global warming is coming, we may not even have electricity at all when i'm old
Just make a 1d game
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probability literally unironically KNEELS before the taint (ass) of COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE (edge).

Edge, just utterly brutally mogs probability. It is like ELO is chess. the probability of someone with a rating diff of 400 losing with advantage is 8%.

indies make 8 billion globally comprising roughly 48% of steam game sales, with AAA making 52%.

it's easy to mog indies because they have no grit. you can mog most indies putting your game in the upper percentile of good indies.
A Recettear clone is not a Harvest Moon clone.
>Finally time to start developing guns
>Get simple gun working
>Implement enemy removal
>Really bad bug appears when killing enemies
>Spend the weekend and yesterday figuring out the issue
>Turns out they were treating other enemies in the group as cover points
>Fixed it, consequently fixed a bug where they were clumping as well
Want to work on something else now but I guess I should keep implementing gun mechanics
>when katrin doesn't give you the bbc
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seagull enemies. they drop bombs
I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you dumb it down?
I'm already making the best games I can and failing. My first game was the most successful and it's been going worse and worse because the competition keeps improving faster than I can and player expectations keep rising.
>Today I'm going to dev
>I get an invite for soulframe beta

38:30 if it doesnt link the timestamp
Overcoming my 4chan addiction for a day is like finally taking off weighted vests and shoes I had been wearing my whole life. It's crazy how much free time I feel I have and can use productively when I don't feel compelled to check this thread every 20 minutes.
Seeing the first 20 posts in this thread, I don't even know why I bothered to check here to begin with, I miss absolutely nothing of value, least of all game progress. See you when I make it fellas.
i've played it, it's shit, don't bother, go ahead and dev
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>In Halo and Call of Duty the players runs around with a gun shooting at enemies, they're so alike!
>Playing Mass Effect and Skyrim the player has to choose dialogue options, they're so alike!
>For both Metroid and Super Mario Bros the player has to jump on platforms, they're so alike!
yes, yes, and yes
Type that again but this time without having Eric's cock in your mouth, thanks!
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See you when you get 100 wishlists the first month and you realize you're not special.
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yeah, its a good place but suffers from the same scrolling brainrot as the other social media
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bros i'm learning
I'll try...
still working on qol, tons of new outlines for small parts of each machine and other structures
the fridge now uses the new inventory system too
the good thing is how both inventory system and outlines triggers all use the same system and updating this is quite easy
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I followed the donut tutorial as far as I could
I'd like to continue but subsurface scattering is crashing Blender.
Where do I go from here?
work on a game now
now draw the rest of the fucking owl
I've made games before, but I want to make the jump to 3D.
Okay work on a 3D game now
That goal is too vague, I need something concrete.
What is the "make Pong" of 3D?
Step 1 is Pong, it's always Pong.
Okay work on 3D pong now
Don't worry about it and find another game-centric tutorial instead of that NFTcoper. I recommend Grant Abbitt
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put legs on it and make a little donut dog that runs away from crows.
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>make Pong
>pong but appealing
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>when you get 100 wishlists the first month
This is pretty good result for aggydaggy albeit
Some feedback even if you didn't ask:
Imo the cam goes way too back: your pg seems like 20-25 times screen height, that's nuts. It's double nuts if you are in a game where you need to aim on the fly. Check some smash videos, you'll see that the max zoom out it's something more reasonable
the bar for aggydaggy is in hell
the bar to earn $1 an hour from gamedev is in the ionosphere.
>makes a 1:1 shorthike clone
>why is not selling???
okay okay, so basically there's two ways of reaching monetary goals: you either get all the money at once from a single place, or you get portions of the money from different places.

The single greatest advantage you have as an indie, is sweat equity. You can effectively enslave yourself and use yourself to get free work done without paying anyone.

generally in market I have observed two different kinds of sale: the competitive sale, and the "intrinsic" sale. The competitive sale is the game that is bought because it is "the best". This is almost always occupied by AAA titles, so how are indies making money? They are making money from the second type of sale, the "intrinsic" sale.

Indie game generally sell on "vibes" and nothing else. Someone likes the name? they buy. Someone likes the art? they buy. is it edgy? buy. is it cozy? buy. did something explode in the trailer? buy. random gimmick that is cool? buy.

Basically every feature of your game exists to appease a specific portion of indie market share, and many of these portions are "anti" another portion of indie, so they oftentimes cancel out. fast paced gamers generally don't like slow games and vice versa. some people buy both, but only if there is a communal incentive.

Competitive sales are basically KPIs (key performance indicators) disguised as games, Intrinsic sales are basically "communities" thinly disguised as games.
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Figuring out a new shader workflow to BTFO the industry.
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>imposter syndrome is acting up again
>prices it 4x the price of a short hike
well, he did make 30k on kickstarter, so He has most of us beat...
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i'll now buy your game
>cris discovered realtime lighting
how do we stop him now?

the four horseman of indie
Soo make niche games that will appeal to so few people that anybody with better options than me won't bother with? The problem is that literally every niche is a red ocean now and I'm just not good enough to beat the competition.
Just stop being an imposter.

"Imposter syndrome" isn't real. Everyone crying about "imposter syndrome" are just imposters who were forced to admit to themselves that they are imposters.
hurry, his game will get removed for nonbinaryphobia
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Is cris the biggest troll or is he for real?
I want to believe in Cris.
don't rattle the NPC or they'll accuse you of gatekeeping
this seems true. I buy some indies and don't play them. They had a vibe man! This is when they go for steep discounts albeit. like $1-2
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he's unironically retarded
few is fine. just keep updating the game with random shit, and fix bugs. algorithm will naturally increase numbers.
Why hasn't path-tracing being introduced in Blender and UE5 brought forth a new generation of pre-rendered games?
Cris is my cousin from another Tia.
is this a ロリゲ?
The vibes I get of this place is that you people wouldn't even be able to get a job delivering coffee to gamedevs, let alone making a game.
I want you to do me a favor, go to add/remove programs and hit that unistall button.

Then go back to steam and resume playing, you know you want it. You weren't made for this stuff.

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I joined the building games in public xitter community a few months ago. It was pretty cool because I was able to gain valuable feedback.

I built a game that was finding some success, I guss too much success because someone with 10k more followers than me stole it and even stole the tagline bar-for-bar lol.

I'm trying to see it as more motivating than disheartening, but I'm pretty turned off from building in public now...

Does anyone have any experience with this? Should I call them out?
Real. I'm a fan of his shader arc right now. Though his magic water arc was pretty good.
We're at the point now that you could take photographs of real world locations and just spend your entire graphics budget rendering out your character models and achieve photorealism. The hardest part is convincingly compositing the realtime mesh onto the photos.

I thought of doing a horror game based in my local neighbourhood as a proof of concept for this but it's a lot of work.
I'm afraid of this. Which is why I will only reveal my game when it is 6 months out from release.
I get feedback from friends, it's not enough, but I will do early access for further feedback.
When did you realize that making a pixel art game is actually harder?
I have experience stealing idea, yes. Great artists steal.
I think 3D is harder...
Early access doesn’t even really exist. Early access is release. Unless I’m wrong, someone please correct me. But you don’t get two pushes from steam. You get one.
Only because it doesn't match the traditional academic workflow taught for sculpting, and good sculpting programs all have a very (((swedish))) price tag.
Yeah his middle age white woman arc was golden.
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>/agdg/ posts that didn't age well
You do get two. or 3 if you do nextfest
He didn't say when
Ya, you've done this bit before, fucking weirdo.

The amount of mental illness here is fucking insane.
The test just came back
I am hiv+
the curse of early access lmao
are his publishers pissed? how much did he steal from them?
Marmo sisters...
Well I'm happy you're so positive about it.
russian or sudaca?
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When did you realize you would never make it due to the complete oversaturation of the indie gaming market?
For me it's because the data required for 3D graphics is way more complex than 2D pixel art. For 2D pixel art all you need is an array of pixels for the spritesheet and some start/end indexes for the animations but for 3D you have an array of vertex positions, which have tangent directions, which have UV coordinates, albedo maps, roughness maps, metalness maps, normal maps, for animations you an have bone animations, which can have different interpolation methods and might require blending with other animations depending on what effect you need and you might also need vertex animations and if you want effects like fire you will need particle systems...
Basically 2D pixel art is one solution for every problem but 3D is a different solution for each thing and to reach the graphics level of the average game you need to work with many of those solutions simultaneously both in the authoring of the art and on the programming side.
He's been here for 9 or 11 years doing the same thing. No way it's a larp. He's mentally disabled and living on Columbian disability for his retardation.
>indie gaming market
There is no separate indie gaming market. It's all one big market.
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Can you guys give some idea of what I did wrong with my game? I thought I made a good trailer and page but it's been a while and I don't think it is going to get more sales, what made it stagnate?

No, I always knew I had better ideas than them.
I just can't express it right though
Nice to know. And ya steam next fest is a must right?
But you also have to animate it each frame
Show me your pixel art
proof its your asset flip?
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i made some new icons
Not sure if this is sincere or not, but if so, the reviews tell you. It's a way overpriced asset flip with less than an hour of content.
Parasocial nodev tranny
Any tips for making game-ready stylized 3D hair? Think stuff found in anime games or Kingdom Hearts, that don't use alpha textures.
it's literally just handpainted textures on pyramidal geometries
ok I'll give you 2 seconds to justify yourselves.

>And ya steam next fest is a must right?
seems so, if your game appeals to steam users. Manor Lords got 300,000 wishlists during it's nextfest.
i will make it, because my standards are low enough.
i will spend years to make my game, and i plan to reach ten reviews in total.
i will literally bribe people to buy my game to reach ten reviews.
He's fucking mentally ill, there is nothing you can do it's like asking cris to stop being delusional and finish something for once instead of workflow hopping. Barone schizo will keep samefagging and bringing him up daily because his mental illness dictates that he needs to force him here for some reason.
>early access
>20 dollars for ugly over saturated unreal engine asset flip trash
Sorry, the idea seems cute but I think you should just give this a final update and start working on something better.
There's a lot of issues here, and throughout the entire development process you didn't even pick up on it
When you game lack substance you at least have to have huge amounts of style to make up for it.
That's why asset flips and programmer art games only work if they're fun.
Sorry man but these things should be obvious.
Focus you fucking retard and finish your game.
Jeez I'm taking a coffee break
What gives with the complete drought of 2000's style arcade shooters, specifically ones aping the golden age of CoD campaigns? You could find most of the necessary assets online, and a shorter runtime to keep a similar level of production values could even help make it more replayable.
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kek that was 950,000 like couple months ago
How do you fucktards even plan to compete in this market , this is worse than shitcoins lol.

If you don't get like 10 20 thousand views a day and 1,000 downloads there's literally no hope for you little paint graphics.
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All normal maps and textures.
That's it
I don't have two cute virgin Japanese girlfriends to inspire me to dev. Once I have them, I can dev.
He is literally schizophrenic.
People get mad at AI voice acting usage, and you can't make an homage to CoD style campaings without someone yelling all the time.
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That's easy though, it's just doing the same thing over and over. Oky.
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Uh I, umm...
>2 seconds passed
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Don't cry madam...
Get some local theater actors.
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where is this from?
I'm just amazed that people have "games" in here with 0 views and downloads and day and just keep thinking that it's gonna happen.
how is it an asset flip?
It all boils down to not having a girlfriend.
why aren't you making the next successful tycoon game?
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This one?
Have you ever tried getting theatre actors?
Why wouldn't it happen? All it takes is 1 cute japanese girl out of the billions that exist to play the game and want to date, there's no need for more than 1 play/download and 0 is almost 1
why would you want to "have" a virgin girlfriend?
nigga stop posting twitter tranny shit
I'm trying but it's hard I don't think I can do it
kek how is it not?
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Cool icons.

I'm SICK of not making a game playable for demoday, so I'm just going to make an easy game about bugs I can hopefully iterate more and more on. Here's the dirt n shit.
so here's the 'actual' truth. The 'Eric Schizo' is just anyone who posts Eric at least one time.
the asset part or the code part?
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According to GPT there are ~1 million 18-25 Japanese women considered beautiful right now, meanwhile you have ~200 thousand games published per year, your odds are super tiny
Why do people shit on elden ring so hard? I know it has some issues but those issues are common in most AAA games
but the difference is that I think elden ring is still genius
>1 review from this account
That's obviously the dev's alt account. 3 out of the 7 reviews were from key copies, all probably the dev or the dev's friends. (And the dev's too new to know that those reviews don't change anything.)
kek how is it?
people shit on games because the community sucks dick not because of the actual game.
How come none of the people who scream asset flip have games?
Because it sold 25 million copies.
You're going to get a ton of detractors once you make it that big.
It's just reality.
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>can't pass values into _init in instantiated scenes
thanks godon't
Why does /agdg/ get so militant over AI? It's exactly like using paid assets. If you know what you're doing, it's fine.
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seams are built separately so that there is no cascade effect between chunks.
it's a collection of assets with no vision beyond 'how can I stick them together to make a game?'
Because most of /agdg/ is made of third worlders who can't afford GPT. The best model is 15 dollars per 1M tokens thats 47 THOUSAND colombian pesos
If we look at the numbers and assume that 99.9% of the 25 million players like the game then that still leaves us with 25.000 haters.
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anybody know the source of that webm?
godot 8 etc
yeah my game
would you buy it for 20 dollars and then play it for hours?

If no, then don't ask, just make another game. Treat others how you'd like to be treated.
>Treat others how you'd like to be treated.
not how business operate and you know it
It's how I will operate mine.
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serious answers only please saars

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>the assetflipper hurt itself in confusion
ok yanderedev
ah yes the game that will never materialize, I too will be a very benevolent king when I become one
>Because most of /agdg/ is made of third worlders
Is this true?
Elden Ring definitely has some issues. The main one being its an iteration on a well established formula and doesn't do much to innovate beyond the open world setting. (And whether the open world actually adds or detracts from the game is open for debate IMO) It's a great game but sometimes I wonder if the hype is coming from people who never played the previous FromSoft games because it really isn't that much different from Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne.
if you try taking one shortcut, you'll try taking all of them, and there's infinite amounts of shortcuts to take, so you'll never publish because "hey, new shortcut" and 80 years will go by, no games, whereas the no shortcuts guy is enginedevving but then he finds infinity optimizations and becomes the reverse side of the shortcut guy, "hey, new optimization", no games.

Enter, the JLMG striver. He follows the tutorial and finds "huh, that was faster than I thought". He makes *his* game. He posts in DDs. He posts webms. Everything is going faster and faster, he *is* progress itself. The game is finished in months, but can he make art?
I just decreased my queue submits per frame from 31 worst case to just 3.

Things are materializing quite well.
oh shit I guess I was the ericschizo all along
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>using lines of code to claim you got a game
proof is in the pudding. My post timer is getting too long so I consneed.
another win for the chad gang
game you must post
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for the love of satan somebody please just tell me what game that is from
that's total. not individual scripts.
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Some angry nodevs misuse "asset flip" as an insult, but asset flips are a very specific thing. They are games designed around certain assets, rather than a game designed independent of assets and then the devs went to find assets for that game. Take Unicycle Pizza Time as an example. The game was conceptualized because Thomas was browsing the Unity asset store, as he always does, found the unicycle guy, really liked it, and designed the smallest commercially viable game he could around that one asset.

Paid assets aren't stolen. AI is built off stolen art, you're basically tracing and claiming it as your own. No one cares if you use AI trained off your own art.
I had it on hand from when someone was asking about how to see the total lines of code throughout a whole project.
stardew, minecraft, vampire survivors all either traced or stole assets at first
>AI is built off stolen art,
Which model stole whose art?

I posted here:
You're misusing the term yourself.
Asset flip just means a low effort/low quality game made out of a collection of bought assets.
It's a coin termed by Jim Sterling to insult games like The Slaughtering Grounds.

all of em steal everything
grok steals all the art on twitter, for example
that's not a game
stable diffusion stole mine and my friends art from pintrest reposts
3d AI all use the database ripped from sketchfab
Anyone who posted art on a website that was scraped by openAI (almost all of them) is a victim of intellectual property theft.
X owns everything you post there, it is literally in the TOS, learn to read.
>stable diffusion stole mine and my friends art from pintrest reposts
Post your art?

Don't debate AI shills.
They are Pajeets making 50 rupies per hour.
>reverse image searching a video file
are you genuinely retarded?
Judges already threw those cases in the trash, so no.
>No one cares if you use AI trained off your own art.
nobody but pomao has done this.
some claim to but they build ontop of stable diffusion. so they just add their art to the pile of stolen goods and say "it's mine now".
who the hell cares about some washed up trans boomer cuck? im using the dictionary term
Asset stores were barely even a thing back in those days. Asset flips manifest in a very different way in 2024. It's far more common for someone to buy thousands of dollars worth of assets from a humble bundle for like 50 bucks and try to mash them all together into something cohesive.
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>Ummm actually saar we changed the TOS so that means we own the art you posted to twitter a decade ago
>appeal to (((jewish))) authority
kill yourself nigger and learn to make an actual argument
>hey guys lets gamedev
>oh yeah thats neat, are you using it on a game?
>what? this is /agdg/ man lets gamedev
>SIR AI IS THE NEXT UH OHHH UHHHH *sharts all over the screen* DA LOOOOOOOOOO *starts eating his own feces*

do AI people really?
Remember that AI doesn't exist to help you, it exists to replace you
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As usual /agdg/ proving itself to be full of artfags instead of chadgrammers
>Asset stores were barely even a thing back in those days.
This new generation of indie devs is hilarious.
This is 2014 we're talking about not 2005.
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From wrapping cobwebs around his mic to a piece of sponge held by a safety pin. He's evolving.
>relies on centralised corpo hosting
>gets mad when they screw him over
Stock assets have been a thing since games became 3D, even Half Life uses them for both audio, models and textures.
schizophrenia, dementia
people who can draw, can program, but people who can program, can't draw.
You made an appeal to "jewish authority" yourself first by using "intellectual property", a legal term.
>people who can draw, can program
Citation required.
And yet, you're neither. Vexing
>woman can program

also, "male" "artists". lol. faggot.
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>And yet, you're neither. Vexing
>people who can draw, can program
If cobbling together stack overflow code snippets and store bought code is programming, then using AI is being an artist.
me. You'll have to wait another year though for my second game to have time to sell
>I'm SICK of not making a game playable for demoday
same, i'm working in something for demoday too
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if this is programming then paint is drawing and anyone can paint
Stock assets have always been a thing in any kind of production, but you couldn't just trivially get them from an online store. It was studios with contracts with other studios with more complex licensing and royalty terms.
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>1 million 18-25 Japanese women considered beautiful right now
A whole fucking million?!
You just gave me hope WAGMI
which is more forgiveable?
unoptimized code or ugly art?
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I guarantee no one who's posted in this thread arguing about asinine garbage will ever make a game, not have they ever even worked on a game at all.
All you people do is larp with each other that you're devs when you're not. You're just looking at YouTube and 4chan all day until you die of old are or kill yourself.
post game then
depends how the uglyness manifests.
When is the cris video essay coming?
>Hey I used AI voice acting as a placeholder I'm gonna-
you know, what? i dont even want to know the source of that webm! it is probably bad anyway!
*crosses arms*
*turns around*
*sneakily opens one eye and glances at webm still*
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Actually no.

Learning shaders made me realize that very few people know how to draw anime but also know how to use blender shader nodes.
Bros I don't wanna die of old :( how will I finish my game?
Bro. Just take simslop pill. People love simslops and don't care if they're asset flips or use AI. Look at TCG Card Shop Simulator or Supermarket Simulator
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ai haters are the modern version of car haters
I'm not a dev either, I just came here for the first time today after coming across it in the catalog to read the thread and see what the stock of today's indie devs look like.
It looks grim
Close 4chan tab
You won't.
based and true
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>I'm not a dev either
imagine if you made cars by stealing a bunch of horses and then cloning them into one composite abomination unto god
Lenya from AFK Journey.
I got caught up in the AI thing, but jumped out now. I'm a dev I swear! I'm just here while occlusion is baking.
sounds dope
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the issue is the same noob trap that photographers fall into thinking that buying the most expensive hollywood camera will do 100% the job.

When the current AI video systems can only do the same movement which is very slow and soft and is like a small panning.

The best AI systems can't do shit like a fight choreography.


Not sure how an AI video model prompts wil produce this clip and music.
>baking occlusion in current year
I just expected a thread called "amateur game development general" to be about game development, not constant shitposting and arguing off the timer, is all.
>what exactly did what model steal?
And I'm the irrational one here, apperantly.
this is doing nothing for me.
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>shader fags can't into trully autismo NPR
>you can clearly see the model is good but it has the most pleb toon shader ever created.

I find interesting how now I can see how pleb most AAA games are.
yeah, you're part of the problem.
>I just came here for the first time today
ok so then FYI, these are some of the games this community have produced.
Many of these devs argued about asinine garbage. Some hold grudges to this day.
This. Why doesn't she look like she's made out of jello?
Yes, you are. And?
how do you do it? occlusion culling btw, not textures.
No he isn't, you are
No, I mean that toon shader doesn't have anime specular and only affects the hair and her thighs.
It's only having a color ramp to color the meantone of the shadows.

The rest of the model uses a basic difuse material that takes an albedo color.

Literally pleb shader.
No your're aren't, isn't he? not me.
learn english thirdie
No he aren't is you he are me not he is.
Less is more, the model is good enough where it doesn't need to overcompensate with a bunch of shitty effects.
One day I'll make my dream game. You'll all see.
>Got yet another hemorrhoid from spending too much time sitting working on my game
I hope I make enough to pay for the surgery, or else I'm finished.
It's not even correct. It's showing a graph that reaches 60% when D is equal to infinity.
Obviously you can just make it (90D) / (D+500) but it's blatantly lying and saying it approaches that at 999.

Is it even a good graph for defence if you want each point of defence to be exactly as effective as the last?
If a hit does 100 damage, and you have a defence value of 100, that would be 6000/600 = 10% reduction, meaning taking 90 damage.
If you have a defence value of 200, that would be 12000/700 = 17.14% reduction, meaning taking 83 damage, which is about an 8% reduction from 90 instead of another 10%. If each 100 points gave 10% further reduction it should be 81 damage.

Especially given the hard cap, that makes it sound like defence will be a dump stat that you want to keep at 100~200 and then forget about unless something reduces it. There are some games where this seriously matters like where fights are between how much your team can heal versus how much the opponents can damage, in which case defence can be seriously overpowered as it increases healing effectiveness.
sure if you don't care about money
how do you make that kind of shader where one side has a white rimlight and the other side has a dark shadow
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AI is for people who are lazy but also narcissistic and entitled. As if the world owes you free art and free voice acting.
I'm actually a fourdie.
>wtf that shader doesnt have specular?? I WILL NOT BUY YOUR GAME!!
said no one ever
I totally get what you're saying about the graph and how defense works in the game—it makes sense. The graph really doesn't show how defense actually scales at all. It's kinda sketchy when it makes it look like cranking up defense to crazy levels gives you a certain percentage of damage reduction, which is just confusing.

You nailed it when you talked about how the defense points are less effective the higher you go. That just makes stacking up defense feel kinda pointless, and it might make players think twice about putting a lot into that stat.

Also, your point about the trade-off between damage reduction and healing is spot on. If defense starts giving less and less back, it becomes less useful in gameplay, especially when you're trying to balance healing with dealing damage. Players might just end up ignoring defense altogether and focusing on other stats if it doesn’t seem worth it.

It's super important for the game to make all the stats feel useful, especially when teamwork and staying alive are such major parts of the game. Maybe they could tweak how defense works or add some fun mechanics to keep it exciting to level up defense.

It looks like garbage.
Looks like 3D pleb toon shit.

You can do much more with shaders.
It's like doing photoshot with blender nodes.

rim light is done with a fresnel operator.
You can do that by sending the fresnel and then doing a color ramp operation to separate the sides.
The apply one white are to one color, then do an inverse operation to the oposite and use that to get the other color.
i just bought it from the asset store for 10 bucks
post a game released this year that doesn't use specular then
>He's happy with goyslop minimal effort shaders
Sounds like NGMI talk to me, enjoy being at the bottom of the barrel I guess.
>It looks like garbage.
Now you are being delusional
god damnit you stupid bot I said HEALING synergizes with DEFENCE, even if DEFENCE gives DIMINISHING RETURNS
I sure hope you're not using a game engine.
Compare it with the arc system fighters, and specially the shaders of that arc system fighter with knights and medieval waifus.

Arc system works are the ones with the best shaders, next to mihoyo.
>rim light is done with a fresnel operator.
>You can do that by sending the fresnel and then doing a color ramp operation to separate the sides.
>The apply one white are to one color, then do an inverse operation to the oposite and use that to get the other color.
interesting, when you put it like that, it seems simple enough
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make game about this pic
Angels are masculine.
>the more it is in your economic interest to defend "intellectual property" monopolies the more you will oppose ai
you didn't need a global survey to figure that out
>Compare it with the arc system fighters
Not a fair comparison and even then just because it doesn't look as good it doesnt mean it's garbage.
Not every game has to look like Genshin Impact.
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make porn games
weird how every shitposter on this website always has these perfectly manicured pro-grifting infographics on hand to post smugly in every discussion about (usually globohomo related) controversial topics.
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>not a cute blonde naked little girl
Shaderfags love procedural shit and do math BS.

When you realize you can do the same shit with masks, and that you can paint the mask using a texture app, then 99.9% of shader autismo is removed.

A cool trick I discovered is that you can use a white and black color ramp to separate areas.
Then you can use a 2 tones color ramp to separate the toon specular mask from the shadow area.
Then you can simply sculpt it using a hand paint toon cavity map and then do a mix operation with a multiple shader.

That way you get the specular or shadow, but it follows the logic a 2D artist do when drawing anime.

It's not garbage.

I'm just shitposting.
It really depends more on your goals.
My point was that is the most basic toon shader, and it looks bad because it looks like a 3D toon shader, doesnt look like hand painted 2D.
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In my game the player is the Amnesiac Devil.
He can do things differently this time , "Be good" or he can cause chaos in the world. You start in a star sanctum with a ghost guide butler figure who also acts as your conscience. And he knows all about your true nature.

The Minecraft Style 'End' of the game is when the Player decides to assail the Mountain of God. So if the player stays away from attacking that mountain, things keep going.
The gameplay: gatcha dating sim
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>in my game
more like in your head, cris
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I think I fucked over a dev from here by impersonating him and acting like an asshole on his behalf, turning him into a lolcow...

What's your evil gamedev thing you have done?
and that's fairly common
they just dont make trolls like they used to
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I mean, now I wonder why nobody on the industry hand paint a cavity map, and then use it to control and sculpt the shadow area of a toon shader, which you can get by simply having a 2 shade black and white ramp shader.
Then you simply do a mix mulltiply operation with the color ramp mask and the hand painted shadow mask.
Then you use that mask to control a third mix operation where you overlay the middle light tones of the model.

Doing that, you get literally perfect 2D anime or cartoon shadows that actually follow the logic of a 2D artist.

I fucking wonder why nobody do this.
because the industry is overrated and most hires are just hobbyists with tutorial knowledge that come from some kind of fancy university.
Cool model cris
override player preferences and randomize difficulty on some levels just to keep them on their toes
Just use a second texture at that point. What is the point?
I get a model that actually reacts to light direction, not a hand painted unshaded one.
I drew lolicon of another devs character and now everyone thinks he's a lolifan
You can still make it react to lighting. What do you mean?
I'm not using textures to paint the material albedo, but using textures as masks.
>Doing that, you get literally perfect 2D anime or cartoon shadows that actually follow the logic of a 2D artist.
post final result
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Post Art?
Yeah everyone uses texture masks for shading.


you can see the shader reacts to light direction, but follow the logic of 2D hand paint art.
ToS is just a corpo legal wishlist with little actual bearing on the law. you dont lose your copyrights just because you posted it on a website that says they own it.

hell you dont even have to know whats in the ToS because every lawyer and judge knows that no one reads that shit so it cannot be considered a binding contract.
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>You not gonna make it?! Let's go!
>Nah, for those of you that wanna know what we're all about
>It's like this y'all (c'mon)
>This is only luck
>Not a single percent skill
>Thousand percent concentrated power of an autist
>Five percent pleasurist
>Ninety percent pain
>And a hundred percent reason to remember my game

>Cris doesn't need his name up in lights
>He just wants to be heard whether it's shiet or the AI anime girl he like
>He feels so like everybody else, alone
>In spite of the fact that some schizos still think that they know him
>But fuck 'em, he doesn't know how to code, it's about the salary
>It's never about reality only shitposting noise
>Never making a story, making sure his delusion stays up
>That means when he puts it down, Yesdevs's pickin' it up
>Who the hell is he anyway, he really talks much too much
>Always concerned with status never leavin' them star struck
>Fumbled through opportunities given despite the fact
>That many misjudge him because he makes a livin' from autism relapse
>Put it together himself, never does his art connect
>Always asking for someone's help, have some respect
>He's only focused on what he wrote; his will is beyond reach
>And now it all unfolds, the skill of an artist
This is how you advertise your game. Watch and learn.
I still see simple color ramps used in most toon shaders in the industry.

Breath of the wild and pokemon uses simple color ramps.
why do you think we measure engines in horsepower?
From the preview I thought it was blimp jockey OL fox
I'm talking about masks.
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post your dev OST:


breath of the wild and pokemon literally look like ass
genshin-style shaders are much better
I used AI
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Eric apologizes. Do you accept his apology?
yeah, but I dont see a game that uses toon shader that does what I mention.

because genshin fags actually know anime shaders.
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>Define making it.
Making a successful game that generates millions setting you for life and your only job is to keep adding DLC worthy content for free because you like your game and people like your game.
Eric Barone with Stardew valley and Edmund Mcmillan with Binding of Isaac are epitomes of this.
I'm not GMI
0 sexual appeal when they are furry like this
No, I don't like content updates. A game should be released at 100% completion. This is the equivalent of George Lucas reediting and adding garbage to Star Wars years after release.
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Besides the star wards incel shit, he's right
well what if you just want to add more stuff, for fun. after release?

what I may do is keep adding stuff to my games and just make the bigger content updates promotional events. Not new DLC that has a cost, but just 'BIG UPDATE' and promotional event with its own new art and theming.
she's going to want me to add so many careful minigames and puzzles to my game....

rotating dials, card games and elaborate locks and pressure plates... and water maze puzzles.
Having made enough money to have a home and wife
That's what making it means to me.
Preferably a beautiful woman with pale skin and black hair... and NOT in the US lmao. 1 million is not enough to "make it" in the US unless you live in some rural backwood shithole.
imagine thinking Timmy doesn't deserve 2% of your million dollars
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>draw a design
>nah it's not good enough
>have like 20 different designs
>haven't made a single model except for a base body model
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a game where you turn girls into kemono with your powers
>cris is like 3 more insights away from mogging 99% of anime devs
>Hes not tapping into furry/lolicon community
this community is a sure win, you cannot lose
>he's not sucking dicks on street corners
literally free money
latter season Big Bang Theory incoming.
well yeah game is game
Sounds like a great ORDEAL
No, anything "extra" dilutes the initial whole, if it wasnt there from the first version of the final product than it was never needed in the first place.

Picture your favorite movie. Now imagine after all these years the director added a whole new scene at the end. You don't get to say it's just "the same movie but even better because it has more content", a new scene can change the perception of the entire thing by switching up the cadence that was initially intended. Now imagine every new watcher will go straight to the "updated" version thinking they are getting the "true version" of the movie and that's the only version future generations will be experiencing it.
I would go as far as to say it's an unethical way of tampering with art.
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I've hit the art wall
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Is the Bomberman gameplay patented by Konami? People never make clones of that.
I'm making a walk cycle in unity. It looks like it's lagging on the last key frame. I copied the starting key frames and pasted them as the last. But it looks like it stops a bit before restarting. Anyone have tips on smooth animations? If I just copy my animations and make 2 walk cycles, where it normally would stop it starts the second animation and looks fine.
Fuck I've probably been here for 10 threads and everything is 100% shit. Whats wrong with you people

are you color blind or something? why is your design the color of shit?
you niggers know more about others peoples game than yours

you're still gamers, fat fucking faggot gamers that cant even draw something pretty if their calories dependent on it hahah
post art
game name? release date? i wonder how many "hobby" devs are seething
The art wall hit me.
I'm nonbuynary

What if we made something that was fun?
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Basic movement works now.
Never mind, I got it. Went to curves. Cntl + A, right click, both tangents, linear.
As I dev I wish that could be the case, but the modern consumer demands "support" and will accuse you of "abandoning" the 100% complete game if you aren't constantly shipping pointless updates.
ok newfag
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>Hes not tapping into furry/lolicon community
But I am?
what the fuck is wrong with you retards are you like mute deafs or something?
The only progress in the thread, the rest is just schizo rambling. And people wonder why this general is dead. (nice progress to those who actually posted tho)
which one is yours?
Thank you.
Thank you, anon. I feel the same way.
I will post more progress in the future.
its this a smash clone?
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just btw you should also double check your animation in unity
it's easy to make this mistake. you can adjust the animations within unity to exclude the last frame. it can cause a separate less noticeable jitter when the animation loops
Sorry bros, I missed your posts.
That leaves 11 out of 600 posts are actual gamedev. or for every 60 posts only 1 is gamedev.
>to make this mistake. you can adjust the animations within unity to exclude the last frame. it ca
Thanks for the advice, will screenshot this.
frames 1 and 3 should be swapped with 2
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Me holding up this whole general with my schizo rambling
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my bad bro
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let's start with the basics cause I see you retards having great trouble understanding how to make something look good.

save this picture and burn it in your brains
I don't understand what you mean.
This is great news. Maybe I can get them to love my game and me.
lmao, wrong
Haha you're naked
I can't sell a game like
do depressed people really feel depressed 'for no reason'?
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I'm feeling kinda depressed but I know why. I need to hold out for a week or so before I shake the caffeine monkey off my back.
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Just got more item icons and menu scrolling done.
This whole Fab.com thing is a mess. First, they hit us up with an email to submit for Black Friday, so we did. Then, out of nowhere, they send another email saying if you submitted for Black Friday, you're out for the end-of-year sales. How were we supposed to know that when deciding which to go for? They've got to drop this restriction. We're already losing money thanks to this messed-up market (Fab.com). Sellers rely on every bit of income, and we can't afford to miss out on more sales. It's like a candy shop shutting down for Christmas because it was open on Halloween.
>make a list of tasks to do
>don't want to do any of them
What do I do now that I've failed
you couldn't pretend to be crumble if you tried
Oh, yeah?
I just drank some water.
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you cant impersonate me just by posting a frog and crabbing
it is an anonymous forum
anyone who attributes your posts to me is an idiot
You aren't me, shutup
man this looks awful, what made you think this was worth posting here?
Gotta stay hydrated homie.
>Nooo how dare you try to make money!
Fucking loser retard rope yourself, I hate you and you will never make it ever
Educational content

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WIP of a longjump, all functional just needs spriting done, you can cancel out of the dodge roll by using this, it also keeps your dodge speed so it can be used to go faster
nice gamemaker slop
lol, idk I just make video games bro
check out my spooky walking simulator
He knows he can't make money from gamedev so he's trying to discourage others from even trying.
i like the big red bar
very schizo!
i stared at it for over 5 loops before i closed the webm :3
yeah.. this is true soul
GMI soul
how old is that cute girl in the white ghost-cosplay? answer carefully anon
depending on what you say, you might (not) get fanart of her in time for the next thread
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This is also a WIP sprite wise, the functionality is all in with scrolling through, saving and loading entries, this will be an encyclopedia of enemies, when you kill one for the first time it will replace its entry with actual information and the enemies sprite
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Just out here weathering the storm
It's not a girl in a ghost costume, it is a grass spirit and it doesn't have a gender.

oop, came across a lil' bunker better get inside cause it's probably warm in there
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Sex and age intentionally ambiguous.
Also do I have some news for you.
>pic related
post game
that's just a test for a psuedo 3d background, it's a sprite that will play forwards or backwards based on if the players moving or not, gives off the illusion that you're running around a center object
Thank you!
post game

goly gee it sure is windy out there
all i heard was
>sex and age
which of those girls would you say has the "least" age and the "most" sex? asking for a friend...
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I think hand painting shadow masks to control the shadow area of a toon shader to be a genius idea.
SHUT THE FUCK UP my game idea
what happened to phil anyways?

wow this place is huge!!
i think your lighting is too bright
kinda messes with the spooky atmosphere
try making it darker
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i was reading archive today from last year and things were better
what engine?
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this dev alone makes worth reading this thread with 500+ schizo brazilian posts
gamemaker 2

what an interesting doorway
I literally do not give a single fuck in what way or extent the characters are sexualized.
>Also vampire loli logic could apply. What if they are 4 foot high yet in a plane of eternity fallen from the stars in eons past?
I do draw them feminine shaped, because I prefer it that way. So in a way they are all female.
Once the voice acting goes in, then gender ambiguity goes out the window. Player will choose this when they create each pawn.
>pat-tier animation
you're gmidev
Thats what you say of all of your ideas
every year the void grows bigger
Scope reduced
why camera makes me sick
Scope increased
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mfw both of these games are made with the same engine

oh look a flashlight
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>I literally [...] fuck [...] the [...] sexualized [...] loli [...] a [...] eternity [...] in [...] them feminine shaped [...] gender [...] window [...]
This place is retarded. Your games are retarded.
And quite possible you're retarded too.

What's your response, you got 10 seconds before the boss fires you.
won't someone ever think of the GAMERS and make starbound 2
gamemaker engine?
more like game-gonna-make-it engine
>mfw 2 differen't people have differen't games and styles
Yaeh game maker has always been GMI kino, but it left a really sour taste in everyone's mouth after they went jewish. Then they said oh wait we promise we don't do it again teehee
Dunno. Personally I have a reason to feel depressed.
>I literally [...] fuck in what way [..] the [..] vampire loli [..]. What if they are 4 foot high yet [...] feminine shaped, because I prefer it that way. So [...] they are all female. Once [...] goes in, then [...] ambiguity goes out the window. Player will choose this [...].
love this art style
I remember them going subscription based, still surprised they didn't revoke previously bought permanent licences, seems they're back to sub or perma licence now but they merged with opra, speaking of which is seems you can't use older versions of gms2 if you have an opera account which worries me since that's a lot of version usability just gone despite still being downloadable
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im so fucking good at making games
Fire me and hire an Indian, so your games are as soulless as you are.
the duality of /agdg/
Yeah, that's why I use Godot. It know it's like way mega shit and can't even do 3d right so it's half bloated and shitted, but I don't have to worry about jewishness and it's easier than making my own engine since I'm not a programmer by nature.
yes and no
usually, if one is depressed there are "good reasons" for feeling like shit
whatever causes / caused the depression is probably something bad and unresolved - and depressed people let their lives go to shit and do not (or are not able to) care for their own "emotional needs"

however, even when one has "beaten" depression, the tendency to feel depressed for no reason lingers on

for me personally, i get about one or two days per month where i feel worse than average, for no reason, and have a bleak outlook on everything. with experience i have learned to recognize these days quickly, and the "feeling depressed for no reason" has no power from that moment on since emotions lose much of their ability to influence you when you are aware of them

if i feel like shit for no reason, i might rearrange my daily chores so i can get some easy and quick things done early and reward myself with my favorite meal and listen to my favorite podcast. this trivial amount of "self care" can be enough to counteract depression for the rest of the day - and after a nights rest, this "depressed for no reason" goes away 9/10 times
Isn't Opera owned by Communist Gyna?
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no, I don't play persona games
I'm so fucking frustrated at my lack of ideas for the next game, I literally started making clones of the existing mini-games to just make anything at all
I'm making a pipe puzzle game right now
Thank you. Its much better than I thought it would be going in. Absolutely going to stick with it.
yes, glory to the ccp
Solodev a JRPG MMO with FPS elements in an open world with procedurally generated planets. It'll be a smash hit.
im a platinum level first class fastpass tier ideaguy, what you lookin for in a fresh batch of stovetop crack grade ideas?
also i want to add, as gay as it sounds - this is described succinctly by
>depression is not something that *defines you*
>depression is something that *happens to you*

i doubt this quote has much power to help depressed people while they are struggling, but it is accurate

when depression hits, treat it like a broken ankle or a flu
take counter measures to make it go away faster
it would be crazy to limp through your life with a broken ankle, convinced that this is what your life has to be until the day you die - however depression tends to trick people into believing exactly that
Re-enabled seam stitching easily with no trouble, integrating the seams into the new generic work thread system.

Three threads. Only 3 queue submits per frame. Command buffers are now in a resource pool.

Things are moving along very good.

Praise the King Jesus Christ.
does any one else thinks that this guy kinda looks like hey guys i guess thats it
>this is what a year of enginedev progress looks like
>Praise the King Jesus Christ.
what are some games that aren't animation heavy?
this is agdg not r/atheism
Which has the best performance ue3 ue4 or ue5?
Google "The Witness"
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Honestly, this is starting to look pretty good.
"I was taught assembler in my second year of school.
It's kinda like construction work with a toothpick for a tool.
So when I made my senior year, I threw my code away,
And learned the way to program that I still prefer today.

Now, some folks on the Internet put their faith in C++.
They swear that it's so powerful, it's what God used for us.
And maybe it lets mortals dredge their objects from the C.
But I think that explains why only God can make a tree.

For God wrote in Lisp code when he filled the leaves with green.
The fractal flowers and recursive roots: the most lovely hack I've seen.
And when I ponder snowflakes, never finding two the same,
I know God likes a language with its own four-letter name.

Now, I've used a SUN under Unix, so I've seen what C can hold.
I've surfed for Perls, found what Fortran's for, got that Java stuff down cold.
Though the chance that I'd write COBOL code is a SNOBOL's chance in Hell.
And I basically hate hieroglyphs, so I won't use APL.

Now, God must know all these languages, and a few I haven't named.
But the Lord made sure, when each sparrow falls, that its flesh will be reclaimed.
And the Lord could not count grains of sand with a 32-bit word.
Who knows where we would go to if Lisp weren't what he preferred?

And God wrote in Lisp code every creature great and small.
Don't search the disk drive for man.c, when the listing's on the wall.
And when I watch the lightning burn unbelievers to a crisp,
I know God had six days to work. So he wrote it all in Lisp.

Yes, God had a deadline. So he wrote it all in Lisp."

What did he mean by this?
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>makeing an options menu
>can't think of enough options to fill it
dungeon crawlers
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Hey, another dwm psycho. What's the game?
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bro, I am 100% happy with this.
this is agdg not r/christianity
how do you make this, but fun?
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I love bepinex, unitybros.
>saying christ is cringe
>in a latinx thread
tread lightly
Are there any christians in that sub or is it like r/TwoXChromosomes?
Because reddit has well known biases and Christ is not one of them.
damn, thats nice
vehicle based?
>chek the links on the OP to get a starting point
>"Learning Math for Games"
Did you actually learn math?
What is that?
I learned some math
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Two straight days of problems upon problems upon problems in my day job. Everything is crashing down in real time, I'm going INSANE
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This is the way to gamedev. Just push out an updated version of a game every couple of years.
Almost $2M revenue in 24 hours.
if you maximize the window in godot and then change the game to fullscreen and then back to windowed mode the window doesn't become windowed again, its permanently fullscreened
Godot 5 will fix this
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a "hack/modding" tool for unitinu games. Extremely powerful, used by some to inject code to mod games. But for me, it's an amazing debug tool for builds.I also edited kalemonvo to have first person with it
Yes, its name is literally benis :DDDD
ok let me make an updated version of the game i dont have
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almost a year ago to the day, although the build was older than that.
i really should try it.
uwaah cant wait for the new thread to post progress!
my kid made me play every farming sim since the 2008 version and the strides they make between versions are impressive. First game is practically unplayable, 2019 is peak. It's not even comparable to EA sportslop.
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I can't even get enough interest to raise the 100 USD for the first release.
Why do you need to raise $100?
>nodev doesn't know about steam fees
>clicking to move around in first person
What kind of brain damage causes Diablo fans to be so obsessed with clicking to do everything?
I mean because most people have $100 already.
If you're not in violation of Rule 2, you shouldn't have to "raise" $100, you "spend" $100.
Why make a game when I can use my monster cock to make bank on onlyfans?
Need to pay 100 for every game submitted to Steam
reading comprehension: indian

it is a top down game *MODDED* to have its camera be first person for shits and giggles
Being over 18 doesnt mean I have money. In fact I had more money before 18 cuz I had an allowance but now all my savings have dried up my plan is to sell my laptop to pay the steam fee once I have a good enough game to sell and get but I need to be sure it will cuz I can't make any other games until I can afford another laptop
Nothing inherently wrong with it plenty first person dungeon crawlers are click to move
It's good for playing one handed, I guess.
If it was so easy for me to have 100 all the time I might not even need to sell games
What kind of game should I make? I want something that has lots of replayability. Like, a cheap rogue like I can shovel out, just to make a game, and get a quick couple hundred bucks.
lol, no
Remember not to try too hard.
You don't need $100 all the time.
It's a 1 time fee.
I can't believe madostonks are crashing.
Let me know if you find out I could use a couple 100
Maybe a cheap rogue like you said will be a good idea gonna try that
Does /agdg/ really not have $100 on hand to spend on impulse buys like steam fees or dinner? Is /agdg/ really that poor? If so that’s incredibly sad.
We're talking about releasing multiple games like the farming sim series tho if I can't make games that raise 100 for the next release then I will be losing 100 with every release and that adds up
Shit man when greenlight was around almost every indie game performed better than modern /agdg/ games. Even shit like that. Indie devs that are against greenlight are like workers against unions.
greenlight later on during its life was doing barely anything to block slop
it was more of a pain in the ass managing your greenlight, nowadays itd probably be even worse since it was a one time fee
t. someone who got in through greenlight
Unions are good on paper but they eventually turn to shit. Same with Greenlight.
Never had a lot of money but compared to the US dollars all money I get became like 1/6 after the COVID pandemic and they don't have regional pricing for the steam fee it's 100 dollars anywhere in the world so it's extra heavy on poor countries
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AFK Journey. Knew the artstyle looked familiar. You didn't think an agdg could make that did you?
Yeah, most of us in here are from the third world like India or Turkey.
Next time you see a homeless think about this general, this is it, a bunch of homeless trying to make a game to escape poverty.

It's like Rocky only with "programmers"
just use itchio idiot
steam is a scam
itchio gave me 7$ for 50k plays then steam gave me a few thousand dollars in a matter of days
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My idea was just some RNG dungeon diver. A little bit of inspiration from Darkest Dungeon, I guess, it more like Baldur's Gate or XCOM combat.
The further you go down, the worse it gets, but the more cool shit you find.
Create characters, watch them die.
Stuff like that.
Either that or the exact same idea, ur instead of fantasy, it's SciFi where instead of dungeons it's derelict space ships.
stop pricing your game at 0.00014 cents moron idiot
I mean, I will give it a shot since its free but doubt I will make anything like farming sim levels of money, if any, on itch no matter how many versions of the same game I release
Speak English you fucking ESL jeet
post money earned retard
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a lot of behind the scenes work and learning. I could have had the flashy stuff up very quickly.

3D Dwarf Fortress
on steam you will gouged 100 bucks, be forced to wait months on mod rulings where you will get denied for improperly using too much italics in a description or whatever the fuck so you wait more months and when the game does get approved you will be bullied to put it on sale for pennies so that degenerates can afk it to generate steam loot that they will selll on the auctionhouse for double the price of the game itself

and you will give daddy steam 30% for the privilege
shut your dumb illiterate nodev monkeyass the fuck up
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>farming simulator 2030
>force small family farms out of business
>buy their land for cheap at auction
>pave over the land with solar panels and plastic greenhouses
>build a thriving maggot warehouse as you take your place in the industrial supply chain for the nu-burger, a more sustainable burger for modern audiences.
Why the fuck are the wall textures so detailed for an isometric game?
because americans help but to measure things in stupid ways

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