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Outerfestival Edition

>Guides and resources


>11/05 (Tue) Update Notice

In The Great New World - 11/05 ~ 11/19
Joint Boss [Defeat Shichifuja] - 11/12~11/19
The Reaper and the Gangster (Permanent)

>Developer's Note #8

>Code Redemption Website for iOS

>Increased rates
[New Limited Hero] Gnosis Nella 11/05 ~ 12/03
[New] Rey 11/05 ~ 11/19
[Rerun] Akari 10/22 ~ 11/19

>/opg/ Guilds
OuterS3x (Put /vg/ in profile)

Previous: >>501167761
it rolled ok, wish the health wasn't such a low base stat
Health isn’t much use unless that’s for D Stella.
it was for my pve d.stella build, really don't want to try to hunt for flat attack or a higher base health using transistones
Oh then yeah that sucks.
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We will get banished to /vmg/ one of these days.
I fell asleep....
i hope JP gets a collab soon
I can't believe you guys died...
It wouldn't have died If i wasn't bombarded with projects that forced me to be up for 24 hours...
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>Enters PvP
>Stuns your entire team
Your response?
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D Stella.
>Does not activate Revenge
No I mean for the barrier, I think it protects immunity from being stripped?
sup santa rabi
it does, its a pretty reliable strategy unless the enemy has d.vlada
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outerrabi soon
>grabs your crotch
Where do you get these?
Is 4chan fucked for anyone else?
Oh, it's fixed now
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>Kills the boss
>Trips and falls
any tips for joint boss bro, im jobbing to it
Debuff it so it doesn't instakill you
Don't forget to read its moves before entering
g.nella, ame, m.eva, rey
Ames is such a sweet girl. She should become (You)r canon wife.
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Epic7 Bump
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What do you think we'll get for Christmas? New girls? Seasonal variations of previous girls?
probably a new limited, hopefully christmas aer
I wonder if they'll ever do that "Regular is 2*, swimsuit is 3*" thing a lot of gachas do.
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For exemple making a 3* Xmas Alpha when her regular is a 2*.
Like he said that's what most gacha do, make a popular low rarity character into a limited "SSR" seasonal.
Christmas Snow will save Outerplane.
Why is /vg/ so fast now...
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Show your top heroes bros
I kneel
How did you build your rey?
meant for
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Your 6* G.Nella bro?
I have her too I just put some cope gear on her so she's pretty low power
>3.8k star fragments
How? Does stacking star fragments even matter
sex with aer, think about it bros
Thinking about it...
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The legendary she Hild
For some reason, the thumbnail made me think she was on a bike
Been saving them for a while, don't think there's any particular reason to though
outernight outerbros
Did you buy those seasonal tickets?
Outernight, outerbro
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my 6* G Nella doesn't want to make an appearance...
I had to steal the first buff as soon as he got it with Regina and then put him on skill cooldown with D.Vlada to beat him. That gave me enough turns to break him with chain points.
Her posture looks really weird from the silhouette, hopefully it looks more normal in the actual art
Is she an Automaton?
>Another fire defender
Good job bro, I still have yet to clear it
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Thanks codebro, You always have my outerback.
Hopes its water considering they only have veronica there as the 3* tank
Canon In another worldline...
Bro that’s Stella.
Are there any guides for all the hunt 13s yet? I hate how sacred guardian, Amadeus, and calamari each have exactly one good set in their loot table yet are so gay to farm.
None bro, But I could make one but my way of clearing is unorthodox(using unpopular units) so its not really a beginners friendly guide.
>29 turns
literally me
Drakhan, M.eva, Akari and regina.
220 speed is enough for akari to make her the first turn. Use eff amulet if you cant land your debuffs. Also equip akari with Vanguard talisman so you can use her Burst skill.
Who is your favorite non-meta girl?
Lyla. Very useful in any content
Does Epsilon count?
I use her everywhere.
I started after summer Regina... When will she get rerun?
Not sure if she's meta but Roxie. She keeps showing up in my pulls.
For Sacreed Guardian you just pop immunity before killing the last mob, then shit all over it and never let it do anything with stuns and breaks.
Normal Stella
Need iota bro
>It's another boss that spends the entire fight stunning you
I don't want to farm for Immunity...
I hate that they made this a boss for season 2.
I don’t even have iota though I got into this game for her. My team for 13 was Base Nella, G Nella, MEva, D Astei.
i need more cc, she is just on left over gear
Good outernight outerbros
outernight outerbro
Night outerbro.
Are transition stones a scam? I’ve been trying to convert this defense stat into an offensive one like attack/crit/crit dmg yet I’ve spent like 50 and the closest I’ve gotten is effectiveness which is useless since I’m using this weapon for D Astei.
Its tough bro, When I fail to transition it to my desired stat after 10 tries, I just go directly to precise craft to make a better gear
They are definitely weighted towards the less desirable stats. I wouldn't spend much on them because of that, but you could still get lucky.
Oh you just reminded me, turns out my precise craft is up again. That said the reason I’m so adamant is because the thumper I’m adjusting is from my previous precise craft. I ran out of red stones since it was my first time and I had a 2/3/3/3 which I thought was good enough even if defense was one of the 3. I even got 18 speed on it, so it’s unlikely I’ll make another thumper when I need so many other things.

Anyone know what I should focus on next? I’m guessing weapons affect the most so I’m trying to decide between violent sledgehammer for D Stella or have it made for Kanon and Kappa. D Stella seems overall more useful but the other two are no slouches either and I’m still stuck on tyrant 13 so I’m in a dilemma. Or maybe some weapon? I’m really not sure what is meta for a newer player, I just know the Surefir Javelins the missions give are at least decent substats even if the pips are a mere 2. But that’s better than nothing at all.
Oh, I’ll make sure not to spend joint challenge coins on them then thanks for the heads up. Presents seem much more reliable since there’s no rng involved.
Gems and presents are generally better, and you can get stamina every day too. I would spend on the stones if you can't hit the "spend 10000 joint coins" reward without it though, otherwise you'll miss out on the free potentium
Any leaks on the new hero? Whats her kit?
Oh shoot I forgot about the mission, guess I’m buying something either way.
Oh, the ranked challenge boss was a lot easier than expected.
Whats the team for it bro? Curse doesn't work
Bring someone with Unbuffable, that's really it, I cleared in like 12 turns and had 23 leftover
Used the general ungabunga team; Monad Eva, Aer, Tamara; and then G.Nella at 4* though could have easily just used Alice or Akari. Akari is probably the easiest since you don't even need good gear if you use Akari since she's already fast as a Ranger
whats your team
G. Nella, G. Dahlia, M. Eva, and Nella. Got SSS on my first try, so this team isn't optimized at all.
Needs the outerplane option. Outerrise released on 2025
Why is every adventurer license boss just a
>If you don't bring cleanse and cycle immunity fast enough you just get perma stun locked/raped

thanks bro
for outerdevs late game content = have all heroes and tons of speed gear
I would say the other to prioritise geaa would be weapon and then Accessory/Amulet. I'd say focus on D.Stella she's great in PvP and PVE then from her focus on Kanon she's more useful in PvP than Kappa.
Get their Weapons and amulets for each then jump to the other.
Yeah it feels like if you're a PvE player then you should just exclusively farm speed hunt.
december will be the time of outerrise, there is a upcoming convention where they will likely have a large announcement, hopefully a collab, that + RTA later will likely bring in new players
Collab should save this game, but the question is whether devs care. They launched JP server but squandered all of their momentum. It's been what, almost a year since we got new story content? 6 months since we stopped getting reruns?
I think something is wrong with my Rey.
>a year since we got new story content?
Sorry but it's only been 5 months since season 2 part 2 and around half of the events we got during that time where reruns.
outernight outerbros
wtfffffff you broke her
her special 1 and 2 seem to be messed up for her costume
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Okay i wasn't expecting her to look like this.
I wonder who over on the art team likes underboob so much.
Is she a fiend?
She got horns and demon like weapons so probably.
My question is if she is a dark tank / striker because that's what her design scream but you never know with this game.
Naming also makes me think she's a fiend
Dark defender?
>new sexo
>already used all my tickets and gems on Nella + Rey
It's over, Outerbros.
>Do my daily free pull
>Aer again
She loves me...
grats bro
Which accessory does D Stella want again? She wants Sledgehammer for weapon right? The wiki is dead for good isn’t it?
Actually what is D Stella’s preferred weapon substats or even choice? I just realized I don’t know how much health adds and whether it’s worth grabbing over attack/crit chance/crit damage/speed/etc and attack itself has 2 forms right? This is so confusing.
Health if your planning to make her a bruiser
Attack if your planning her as a cleaver
>Finally get D. Stella to trust 10
>Check her Likes
>Torturing people, hearing their despair, kicking puppies
Why is she so fucking evil?
I didn’t even realize there’s a difference, which one is more useful overall?
I wouldn't be surprised if her cult was about worshiping her.
Oh, obviously.
She was physical god to her cult, that's why she's obsessed becoming true god
Why doesn’t precise crafting allow attack/attack% substats on weapons? I don’t see it as an option but I have attack substats on random legendary weapons.
The Gibs you get from story and hard tower are sometimes unique and cant be replicated.
But I’m talking about some generic shit, I have 3 weapons here, one tank animosity with attack substat, one fire fist with attack substat, one violent sledgehammer with attack substat. And I’m here precise crafting violent sledgehammer.
Or were they all like you said from story/hard tower? I honestly wasn’t paying attention since the rest of the substats were shit but man this is sad. Oh well I got another 3 good 1 meh precise craft time to save for another month.
Didn't she end up ruling a country? That's a lot crazier than just being a cult leader.
If you read kanon's sidestory she was the one sponsoring for the gladiator fights in outer city for her enjoyment
I don’t see where you can check her likes. The compendium doesn’t say shit just Eva introducing her as usual/
Scratch that I was sweeping dek mek and I just got a defender legendary with attack substat.
Plot twist: Stella is genderbent Emperor Hirohito
muh cock...
Dont worry bro, You can get Iota with this event
If you can use tickets it's good but I bet it's going to be crystal only which is a big bait.
Not going to waste crystals when you need them for festival and seasonals.
I never used elemental recruitment before, what kinda tickets do they use? No way am I using ether, at most purple tickets.
Ether only.
Kek that’s some shitty bait. I can’t even afford 6* limited why would I be in a position to use that thing?
Even if it wasn't time limited i still wouldn't bother with it.
>the special missions give you character exclusive trust items boosting them to trust level 10
Damn well I can’t do anything about Aer and Eternal I probably needed their EE back then.
You can use time rewinder on them if you really want those gifts back
What’s the best use of time rewinder?
Trust levels. She has dialogue talking about it.
It has no practical use when you max everyone's trust so you might as well use it to reclaim the gifts if you still have chars under 10.
Does it only refund trust? Not skill books or something?
Never used one before but it implies everything: food, skill books, trust items, upgrade gems
Official sexo rankings
Fiends > Earthlings > Automatons > rest
It refunds everything you spent on the hero and resets them to level 1 including trust. When you reset a hero that your not planning to up anytime soon. Dont forget to remove the socketed gems from her EE. since those get stuck and cant be removed unless you make them level 10 trust again.
Elf bros...
We only have 4 real elves and they are all retarded.
Why would you ever need to reset a hero anyways?
Maybe you hate them for some reason?
i reset regular eva once i got better healers
Wait what? I thought you could remove gems from EE like how you would special gear, just pay gold. Is that not the case?
Iota is basically solo carrying.
Post you rank 10 trusts
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It would be faster to post my weapon collection.
meant for>>502377713
Has this game ever collab before?
>I spent over 250 tickets and didn't get Rey
>This semen demon comes along
Wtf I'm out of tickets what am I supposed to do other than spend gems to get her which is a bad move to make.
Bruiser is always used in PvP. So she has a lot of health there.
For her accessory she wants anything desu probably the one that gives a shield when you counterattack.
You can remove them. But when you reset a hero it. Also disables their EE (Trust level is reset to 1). So you cant extract the gems within it if ever unless you make the hero to trust 10 again.
nope, which is pretty unfortunate
If you desperately need resources
nearly every 3 star and some 2 stars...
>more fiends
The only good elf is a dead elf.
They are a plague on Mirsha.
Outernight, outerbros...
Outernight outerbro!
hey bro
good outernight
The JP twitter got a preview of the event
It's clearly Epsilon being served by a maid but who? Vlada? also that maid dress sure is sexy.
Is the new hag a new level of powercreep? Wtf
Its hild
You mean G. Nella? Seems weaker than G. Dahlia.
She's definitely worse than G. Dahlia, her main thing is just shoving in tons of different debuffs onto a single unit that you'd normally have to get from 2-3 separate units, but bosses generally aren't vulnerable to all of them
Saved 100 limited tickets for christmas...
Chest too small and Hilde is darker toned. It’s probably Vlada.
are we getting them?
Bro every single top defense is running DNella.
G. Nella is fantastic for PvP
Body type is wrong for D.Vlada, and unless they throw all logic out the window it makes no sense that she would change to her Demiurge form for this. But still, either joke D.Vlada skin or a new automata would be my guess
I’m not into Vlada so I can only defer to those with more expertise, guess we’ll find out soon but what is this even about? Is this the Nadja irregular hunter thing?
Nadja irregular is probably a setup for season 4.
We haven’t even gotten season 3 though?
Would Irregular units be a thing? What would they play like?
even at 3*?
She’s the opposite of g Dahlia, she gains almost nothing from transcending.
Wasn't Season 3 confirmed to be about Eseph, and the whole Dahlia/Nella thing; so unless they cram everything into a convoluted mess, Irregulars won't be the star of Season 3 so it seems like a waste to go too heavily into them. When they'd then have to figure out what to do for after Season 3
Season 2 was split between Astei arc and Drakhan arc so I don’t see why it can’t happen again.
>New Event: Automaton of the Reversed World
Epsilon and Vlada need more Antimatter from maids to take down the Dark Dragon Drakhan! Will you serve as my maid? The Automaton of the Reversed World event begins now!
So a joke Vlada skin in a joke parallel world? I wonder if they're also going to do reversed chastity for another (You)pandering event or if they're gonna send Vlada back to the cuckshed and not have (You) in this event
lets go
well, it's not like the current unit "types" really mean anything distinct between them kit-wise, there's fiends that just heal, fiends that just do damage, fiends based around status infliction... there might be a distinction around base stats but those aren't really prevalent especially after Quirks were introduced

would be cool if they did though and a nice way to make older units more flexible for PvE only, so have some headcanon wastetext
>Human: Gain an additional class-related buff of 2 duration for the entire team when receiving a buff from another unit
>Earthling: Gain a unit-specific buff (1) with stacking duration or a 10% damage increase (Max: 40%) to quirk-related Skills next time they are used
>Fiend: Increases a unit-specific trait (Crit. Dmg, Speed, Effectiveness, Max HP) based on damage taken, and/or 1/20th of damage dealt. The % cap for the stat and damage required are unit-specific (ex. Assassin and Bruiser may have lower/higher reqs respectively)
>Elf: Landing a critical hit grants a stacking Skill Cooldown reduction buff that activates upon the use of the next Skill. Gain a buff to normal attack damage proportionate to the stack of CD reduction consumed last.
>Irregular: When inflicted with a debuff or taking damage, heal 5% of Max HP and decrease duration of cleansable debuffs and buffs. For each instance, gain a stacking passive buff to Max HP, Attack and Evasion, up to 50%.
>Automaton: Gain a Penetration buff that scales proportionately to Resilience stat. At the start of the unit's turn whenever inflicted with a debuff, gain a passive 10% buff to Resilience, up to 50%.
>Demibeast: Increases priority by 10% at the end of the turn whenever either a Skill 1/2 or Normal Attack/Dual/Attack/Chain Attack is used consecutively. The Priority increase stacks until taking an action from the opposing category, up to 30%. When using an action from the opposing category, gain a class-specific buff of a duration reflective of the stack count.
outerdevs will probably be lazy, cool ideas though
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Blue woman lives up to her archdemon title.
She’s never coming back is she? By the time they rerun her, she will be irrelevant and 3* is just foe the waifu.
I mean, Aer is still seen as a great striker and G.Dhalia is basically Aer on steroids.
The idea behind her kit is really solid, so I'm not sure how you would fully power creep her beyond plain ol' numbers.
Damage wise Aer is better for bursting bosses
Dahlia has more damage but less utility than Aer. Buff strip is OP as fuck.
So it's another Monad Gate event but a joke one?
Vlada can't catch a break if this Maid Vlada or Epsilon get more pandering than her.
at least we get a maid skin out of d.vlada
Since it's for a Demi it's probably not a battlepass skin but a paid only one.
I'm guessing Hilde will get the battlepass skin instead.
I was hoping for a Epsilon skin but don't seems like she get anything.
Outer night, outerbros...
Aren’t battle pass skins paid only as well? Since when can you get them as a f2p?

Outernight outerbro.
Yes but i was thinking of a pack.
Battlepass feels cheaper to me because you get a bunch of shit with it.
>can't do shit about Meteos 13
>what if Edelweiss
>level up her skills
>clear it 2nd try
wtf bros
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Total Elf Victory
You serious? What does she do? How much investment?
good outernight outerbro
>don’t have any blue books left
Owari da.
Feel like it was made to make her retroactively relevant at one thing
Meteos 13 gains Sustained Recovery every time his resource counter activates (after taking 5 attacks), and they're all seperate stacks, so his HP regen goes insane quickly. You have to use unhealable or unbuffable, and Edelweiss will trigger her agile response to apply unhealable right after sustained recovery is applied. This does let Meteos get the initial heal off, but the rest of the fight goes pretty smoothly, just use Edelweiss' burst to steal the remaining recovery duration away, and then use her Burst 1 to try to apply unbuffable at a decently high chance. The extra unbuffable chance on dual attack w/Tamara is nice too.
My damage is overall pretty bad with none of my units over 5k attack, but I did it with a 2/5/5 Edelweiss, and Tamara/Veronica/Laplace
Too many gachas have released this month... I don't know if I can keep playing outerplane....
That's just flavor of the month like usual and once the honeymoon end you will come back.
Doesnt matter.
Im rising with outer
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Don't tell me you fell for Maeda's game.
Yeah... And haze reverb too...
Isn’t haze reverb going in the censored direction?
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I made a quick and basic relationship chart with all the "main" relations we know of so far with (you) from events.
Didn't include G.Nella event characters since they are all dead and we don't know his relation with them in his own world.
And even like this there is more girls than i was expecting with so little events to work with.
IDK censorship doesn't really matter to me
Is that free currency or paid?
It’s because we are no longer held back by being Korean unlike K, so we can use the JP harem buffs instead of the solofag debuff that gooks have.
sadly it's paid and you have two buy at least the $14.99 (999 gems) and $4.99 (333 gems) packs
now that i think about it it's really close outerplane's skins
Considering half of these characters are from Japan i'm not really surprised.
based epsilon
She is probably going to be the best character of the maid event.
She's the best character in anything she appears in. Very unfair for the other characters.
She is the only character that i would 6* with no hesitation if she get a seasonal.
Sadly for now she don't even have a costume.
Good outernight outerbros
Outernight outerbro.
Outernight, Outerbro.
night bro
How do you people get your G. Dahlia's power so high? Mine has 5.5k Attack, over 10k HP, and a 100% crit chance, and she's "only" at 62k power.
Why does Bryn love us so much anyways? How did (You) get to become a manager for a famous idol considering (You) actually work for Vlada?
bros i suck at the joint boss
(You) are just that cool.
Same. What team are you using?
g.nella, ame, m.eva and notia
im only getting like 1k a run
and its only through fixed damage abuse...
outercontent soon
outersex tomorrow
Patch notes now
Crit chance, crit damage, speed, penetration set, and other types of sets with a passive including weapons and accesories BLOAT combat power.
Combat power Is very misleading I can easily defeat 260k+ combat power teams in PvP with my 190k combat power team.
Speed and Pen main stat bloats CP
Crit dmg and crit chance,speed adds a lot of CP
Attack stat gives a lot of CP but stops counting it after 6k Attack has been reached.
Considering all the odd jobs (you) do for Ful.Mi.Nation we probably had to work as her manager for a few days and that's when it happened.
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If (You) impregnate Tamamo will she be less evil?
Also how many kittens will she produce?
health and def are underweighted in cp calculations
Outernight, outerbros...
good outernight outerbro
Tamamo isn't evil bro. She put that behind her.

Night bro.
Time for season 3.
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Wonder which ones are actually gonna come out ahead with these
Last time Valentine got a pretty significant buff (though it was still RNG) and D.Stella got a buff that was just a joke
thank this shit doesn't use ethers
wtf is that hild from counterside?
Yes bwo, Time to shill this game in /csg/.
Hope Lee's is a good one
Oh, well now this is hella useful for new players like me.
Make Astei Great Again!
>6* talisman in event shop
>6* talisman for $3 in black friday sale
I just tested phantasm necrosis, it turns out it not only works without a counter set but works in conjunction to Karon’s s2. I had removed all the counter attack sets on her and even took off all gear besides the weapon to test in the simulation thing vs gustav, after she lost about 30% hp that 10% chance kicked in and let her counter attack. What’s better is that because she crit, she seemed to activate s2 right after so it was a double counter. I imagine this isn’t very valuable in PvP because you want to asap s3 and losing speed is a no no, but for pve turn limited content would this not be a pretty good alternative to violent sledgehammer? Especially when you can’t guarantee much of the enemy wailing on Kanon and lowering her hp much when you have squishy heroes who need healing. I’m unsure if counters like these hurt weakness gauge though I didn’t pay attention.

Can anyone confirm/refute these findings? I’d like to check with everyone to be sure before I invest in this weapon even as a temp before I can craft/rng a violent slegehammer for her.
is this available even for oldfags?
Shouldn't the rolls be reversed with Epsilon being the maid?
Who to prioritize for this?
it's opposite world
I wonder how G.dahlia world boss works
>Crit against her
>Unit instantly dies
it seems like Hilde will be very good in pvp
>can't be stunned, so counters d.nella
>triggered effect after being hit petrifies and damages unit
>damage share and damage reduction for attacks that hit all enemies
>health EE on a phalanx defender which is going to make her total health very high
she stills gets countered by dahlia and 6* m.eva if not on immunity, and by d.vlada, but compared to most non demi or limited 3*s she seems more powerful than most
it also probably depends on her health scaling for her s3 and s2 dmg
What set up is used to beat the Archdemon ruins level 20? I don’t have Drakhan.
Personally I see her value coming from the aoe reduction. I don’t know about dots but put her and Demi Drakhan together and you’re looking at half damage for all aoe no? Basically no one can cleave you.
sterope to prevent eliza from healing, you will probably need her on eff neck to have enough effectiveness
then burst her down before she can take 3 turns, regular regina does good damage and d.drakh can give you big shields to keep a non light/dark hero like ame alive
m.eva is also great as always for the double dual attack and heals if needed
I thought that damage reduction doesn't stack, if it does then that seems like a bit of an oversight
Damn I don’t have Sterope, guess I’ll wait and put it off until later.

Oh it doesn’t? Never mind then.
Sacreed Guardian 13 guide doko
Meva, Nella, gnella, Demi Astei. My gnella was 5* but I dunno if that makes a difference or not. Meva and Astei were 3*.
Oh and base Nella was just 4* so I never even needed the burst immunity. The only important part I think is making Nella s3 before you kill the last mob so you tank the stun with immunity, then use gnella s3 to start the stun lock yourself.
Finally beat the last dungeon. Thanks to whomever recommended Sterope.
I just fought a team that made me miss like 90% of my attacks what’s going on? What is Christina’s EE I can’t check because I don’t have her. I’m just bamboozled I never lost to this kinda thing before.
outerkino soon
Christina's EE makes her strip 1 buff off of all enemies when she uses her s2
it doesn't relate to evasion, although she might be using an evasion ring (charmers necklace) and you just got very unlucky
grats bro
I think I’m either doing it wrong or my heroes aren’t decked out enough. I’m a bit weaker in stars and skills but my issue is three fold.

1. I don’t know how to get Edelweiss to have a high enough attack and high enough effectiveness, in fact I don’t even have an attack set cause people say crit strike is better but currently I use speed set with effectiveness so that I can get by his 288 resil. Tamara is 3* dunno if it changes but by the time she can use burst 2 fight is half over. All this leads to no dual attack and meteos gets healed.

2. Edelweiss dies easily thanks to her passive, dunno how to fix that without investing even more, I don’t really wanna give her 200 blue diamonds or get her EE.

3. I don’t do enough damage, even with laplsce wesring my Demi Astei speed set she doesn’t kill fast enough so when enrage ends my team gets popped.

Am I doing something wrong? Or am I just too poor and need to build up before trying again? Tamara is my only hero in this team that’s close to being built and she’s 3* and still doesn’t have the last upgrade and her debuffs never land, neither does laplsce. Ironically enough Veronica lands her shit quite a bit I don’t get it.
1. edel doesn't need attack, her damage scales off of health, and even then you don't build her to do much damage. tamara effectiveness buff on burst s2 should give you enough effectiveness. Make sure to use the right talisman (tacticians charm or vanguard)
2. You probably need her EE as its a massive health buff that helps her survive and gives her a bit more damage
3.Lapalace should be doing the vast majority of damage in that team, you might just not have the gear necessary. if you have seaside regina it makes it far easier due to her buff steal (you still can't heal but its very useful)
How do I start with Tamara? S2 burst 1 or s2 or s3? I can’t s2 burst 2 turn 1. Also if Laplace does all the damage how is it possible for Edelweiss to become the dual attacker? I saw you have her at s1 level 2, and I’ve never once landed the damn thing over 20 tries 25% chance may as well be zero and I had 320 effectiveness so it can’t be that. Also wouldn’t losing rogue’s kill a lot of my chain points for Tamara?

I only started this game around the time of Tamamo Eternity so I can’t let Regina carry me.
wasn't the anon who originally posted the team, but it will be pretty hard if you are a newbro to beat Meteos 13 with any team. you will probably need tamara's EE + 6* transcendence for the extra AP so you can burst 2 s2 first turn which will make the boss far easier to clear, as you wouldn't need to build much eff on any of your heroes.
tamara and lapalace are good on rouge, but edel and veronica need ap for their burst skills (extra 50% chance for unbuffable for edel, double dual attack for veronica)

I would advise just farming for more gear, gifts, and gems to upgrade your heroes
how do i build g nella
as fast as possible
>5 hr maint
Must mean their entire fucking team went full evasion. It was nuts cause my aoe just whiff like nothing over and over. Why isn’t it a meta option in PvP? I understand pve cause enemies have like 800 accuracy but I could barely even touch anyone that round.
Fair enough my blue is admittedly the worse off, though I think that’s just blue lacking any real pve meta dps beyond Regina. The other colors all have heroes who can carry you and skip gimmicks but if you miss summer for blue it seems like we’re shit outta luck to take shortcuts.
evasion is capped at 25%, down from 70%. even if you have 0 accuracy going up against 300 evasion you can only miss 25% of the time. You just got very unlucky. Back in the day evasion was very meta defining, for instance evasion d.stella could 1v4 entire teams, but there were so many complaints that they nerfed evasion hard to placate the playerbase. 25% is still annoying if you build evasion, but generally it isn't worth the investment
Is it possible they were just hacking? Like I see clear info teams all the time that clear it with random 1-2* with 3k power surely that isn’t legit.
yes thats possible, there are also retards who have 500k+ power teams on arena
OP here, yeah honestly if your Laplace doesn't cut it and you don't have a 5* Tamara with EE (I used s2 burst 1 on first turn instead of burst 2) then you're not clearing it
I feel like most if not all of the Stage 13s require decked out Talismans which I should have mentioned instead of assuming. Mine all had stage 6 of either crit dmg or crit chance gems.
I used a Speed set on Tamara, then Laplace had an Attack set with T4 Thumping Knuckle Dusters and T4 Memento Mori and ~40 crit 230 critdmg, and Edelweiss an effectiveness+life set, Eff main stat accessory. Life set obviously on Veronica, but she had the accessory that lets her take a % of damage and Talisman of Animosities for her weapon.
I believe I brought two crit main stat sage charms for the CP gain on elemental advantage, and two rouge charm ones since I ran out of sage charms. One had health main stat to help Tamara stay alive.
Nuking with Laplace was helpful but the key was being able to chain attack as much as I could, so Talismans were important. Regardless that was somewhere around my 60th attempt with various comps but 2nd with Edelweiss so I do think it's a valid comp, but it's still newbie unfriendly like the rest.
What pvp content would be best for Outerplane? RTA seems like the direction they will go, but guild wars could be fun
having RTA without a proper incentive to play (RTA currency, skin rewards for certain ranks,etc) would probably lead to terrible wait times though
Guild wars yeah desu
I used to do GW in Idola: Phantasy Star Saga and there were a lot of interesting team comps that all had different counters and therefore required different attack teams, and you had to lock in attack/defense before the matching period. So on a basic level you could make a team look like a certain meta kind, bait them into attacking you, and it turns out you're something that particular attack team couldn't deal with and waste their attempt, seems perfect for a game with such a gear focus since you wouldn't be able to preview equips.
law, chaos, or neutral?
How long until maintenance ends...
I see, when I’m thinking of what you mentioned I can definitely see how it would greatly improve my run. Just making sure but you didn’t have to survive the boss after enrage and he does that big aoe right? Because when I’m lucky I would break him right before his enrage ends but well, I lacked damage so he would survive then wipe me.

Cause if damage is all I need, then I can focus more on that but if your Strat needed to survive that enrage aoe then I can give up 13 for the near future.
1 hour and 2 mins from this post
outersoon bros
Extended by 30 minutes.
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Yeah, the intent is being able to chain attack enough times via the CP gain from Talismans that you can down him before he gets it off, and use Laplace's fixed damage Chain Finish to wear him down fast. The enrage move is an instant kill, not really meant to be survived.
It's Outerover...
its up
lets go
>You can't pick recent heroes for custom recruit
Meh maid event is a dream and a complete joke at that.
What a letdown, why can Vlada never get nice things.
How recent? Like last banner?
yep. I can't choose Kappa and Tamamo and Kuro which I dont have
Kappa is free
>Dragonus, The ruler of death
>Varion, The moving fortress
>Golem, The future of science
chaos always had the best slut designs aside one offs like law nicole
it was never a choice
>event CG Vlada maid costume leotard is really high cut and shows off her vagina bones
>actual costume is a lot less revealing
I feel cheated. Then again, the last 2 events also had giganto tits that were double the size of the original in the final event CGs.
It feels like the only case that isn’t like that is summer Iota, her 2d art actually is a huge nerf while the 3d model ranks alongside Gnosis Dahlia and Dianne.
Maid Tamara
So Epsilon is our real rival for harem building right? Good thing she’s nerfed right now.
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>that hair
It's just Vlada dream
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>Drakhan lay eggs with Sasha
how does that works?
Oh so Vlada was yuri.
Bwos, I’m down to 40 tickets after Hilde and custom recruit. Am I in danger?
Bro i didnt even get hild after 100 pulls...
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There is something wrong with her faction.
I used like a total of 180, so that yeah it be like that.
>Big tiddy dumbass is unironically the strongest of them all
I feel like that's because the artists isn't used to drawing tits that big; you see his art and he tends to lean towards smaller chests (even base Iota's 2d art doesn't look that big)
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Any other character beside Laplace and Akari that looks at (you) during battle?
outernight outerbros
what is the best build for hilde in pvp?
night bro
thanks bro
Cute 300 year old hag...
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Living the dream.
Is it better to just make a team based on the best characters you have or based on elements?
Team based on the characters you have during early stage and later into the game when you have most of the heroes go make based on elements since those are mandatory going forward
>exceeded usage count
Why the fuck are coupons so limited? I do not understand all it does is fester irritation. Do they think I’m willing to stop working or wake up just to check?
I just tried after reading your post and it worked, sound like a you issue.
I redeemed just now so...
try it again. I just redeemed few seconds ago
The heck? I just keep getting coupon has exceeded usage what’s going on? Can anyone link the coupon site maybe the one I’m using is bugged.
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Just enter in game bro. Worked on my machine.
Early game its whatever. Later game when you do raid bosses and hunt 13 and island mono elemental teams basically become mandatory.
I’m on iOS.
>Code Redemption Website for iOS
Ddin't check all characters but Eternal and Alice does.
Not sure for Drakhan.
Thanks unfortunately it’s the same, well it’s the site I actually used but I thought maybe I got it wrong somehow or it was a bad mirror. I dunno, shit’s fucked. That’s life I guess.

On another note, anyone notice Eva had different facial expressions this season? The gradual change in the main couple is rather nice, unless Eva is your waifu.
did you put in the right server/member info?
Did that, failed. Tried logging in through google, failed. I dunno, it just doesn’t seem to work?
Anyone know how customer service works? I don’t see anywhere that lets me send them an inquiry, I feel dumb as hell.

At the bottom should be a link to directly submit a ticket after you log in with a stove account
Thanks, I can only hope it’s just a bug with their site or something, otherwise I’ll just have to live with rng being part of coupons.
>make a new account to mess around
>get the three 3* from the custom rate up in a single 10 roll + a bunch of 3* from blue tickets
Why can't this shit happen on my main account?
rigged rates... just like e7
they learn from the best
Is smilegate like netmarble with criminal record if rigged rates? Cause if so man unless you got skins/limited then it’s better to reroll for a good account seed.
I don't think so, there was some controversy about fixed rates in epic seven a couple of months ago, although it was apparently a bug
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Stop messing around with accounts. It will only cause depression.
Your new account just stumbled to pull upon during the rumored "Hot Hours", If you had pull with your main during that time you would have had the same result.
Oh it’s nowhere near reroll needed then. It’s just a given at this point that gacha games even if unintentional don’t have a constantly perfectly random rng generator. I dunno the logic behind it, but it is what it is.
>Dahlia engine
The rip offs are so blatant I love it.
I haven't done the new story yet is it good?
Im waiting for all chapters to release before doing it
She's just confused
I’m not done yet but so far it’s better than everything besides season 1 hard mode, but I only started close to Halloween so I’m missing a lot of events to provide context.
i dunno, HBR is taking all my time
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Finally done with this world boss
>200 pulls
>7 off banners
Have to use pity on hild...
What team did you use? I was only able to get SS
grats bro
Post team bwi.
bros where the FUCK is irregular extermination and monad gate?
Newbie here, how the hell am I supposed to set this up?
>limiting lvl13 hunts to 3 per day
does this slow down whales?
Any general world boss rules that isn’t specific to each boss but applies to them all? This shit is a bit much there’s basically nothing to teach and it’s so much work to equip everyone when I can’t even kit out one team.
world boss is ultra late game, so it requires a high level of gear optimization
if you are a newbro you can look at the top preforming teams in your tier by looking at rankings and try to imitate it to the best of your abilities
Yes since it also forces them to waste stamina farming suboptimally BUT considering they can buy hundreds of stamina daily they will still pull ahead.
either magic or futa
Isn't it just her delusions or something?
yeah its vlada's retardation + manipulation of dreams from epsilon
drakhan has shown ignorance in how reproduction works before though
I can’t see anything in the rankings, I don’t even know how to access the teams.
when you click on rankings on the right side below your score there is a button for seeing the team that they used
Do I gotta play first? I was playing, got SSS in beginner then it didn’t count cause if reset. It’s a real hassle.
no, you can view at any time
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No idea if RTA will come out soon, but i decided to make a tier list anyways just in case
Its a bit different than normal pvp/pve tier lists as counterpicking/draft order is very important
S+ to A is in order of strength/priority
I can also see the possibility of Kanon being S+ tier but with all of the control heroes who are able to stop her from using her gimmick I decided to place her in S tier
Kuro is in A tier as her s2 passive stops additional follow up attacks (for instance, if d.vlada's s3 into s2 kills her, then noita, kanon, etc. won't trigger their follow up attacks, even if they are on immunity)
ars nova 13 needs to KILL himself
>look up guides
>all 200k+ power
i did every single other identification 13 at 40-60k deficit why is nova such a cunt
its a bullshit boss that you just have to brute force
Does anyone know if sublime melody works with dual attacks and chain attacks?
it works with dual attacks
sublime is single target so i think it doesn't with chain
just looked at this weapon, it seems pretty strong
on reggie it should work well right? S3 irresistible strip into high stun chance, s2 counter into stun, all of her skills are single target high damage
although knuckle dusters just give her a significant damage boost
How is Hilde?
kind of underwhelming
her damage mitigation and damage share is nice though
damage output is mediocre, not as bad as Lee's health scaling but not at the level of Kanon's defense scaling
goodnight brois
night bro
Lee's EE upgrade is disappointing
Wished it had done more...
To be fair Drakhan also said the same thing in the real world. She has 0 idea how seggs works because Ivanez locked her up in a dungeon since she was a baby.
Nice boobs
season 3 boss is annoying
What is it?
need more inventory slots...
Im so tired of keep going back to the inventory every after single sweep... bros...
Outernight outerbros
Outer night, outerbro.
How many do you have right now? I'm at 700.
Yeah I can’t beat hard mode for it. Not a big deal cause it’s not trust item but damn, there’s not even a clear info for me to leech teams.
>get to last boss of season 3
>my team that destroyed everything so far get wiped almost instantly
>read his skills, you need a fire team or rip
Thank god it's fire and not another element.
Fire is the only mono element team i have and killed him with it.
I don't even want to think about how much of a pain hard mode will be.
What are the best units/teams for story stage cleaning?
I would say Astei, Aer, Noa and Veronica.
Easy enough to get as a new player and they can handle almost every stage.
Kanon is underrated. Always have fun with her, and not just because she barely wears clothes.
outerkino soon
outernight outerbro
well done
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EP2 boss on hardmode is cancer.
Good job bro, Hopefully the next area boss is as much as horrible as him
I like the new eva skin compared to her old design
Bros is the step up pack better than the custom pack?
unless you really need the resources from the custom, then step up is better purely for summons
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Holy based
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my retarded fiend wife...
My silly world boss wife
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Rare Outerart
Dahlia sexo!
Though her skin colour is all wrong.
dahlia won...
The STRONGEST retard
The real savior of outerplane
>coincidentally have 10 tickets
>get evil tiddy woman
>pull again with gems
>get another evil tiddy woman
>she reaches 6* with that last pull
Thanks Outerdevs.
>Game crashes every time I fight the world boss
G. Dahlia is simply too strong...
The exposed shoulder is nice
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I wonder how K is going to fix this shit.
Monad Eva made it sound like it was fucked.
This video felt like a mini version of Nikke Cinderella. It had the same walking through the corridor with close up fan service shots and the same walking into a monster lair vibe.
G. Dahlia vs G. Nella
Who wins in an actual fight?
G.dhalia won, then used her power to kill everyone including powered up d.drakh, d.stella, and d.vlada
She can't keep getting away with it
G. Nella mind controls her before she can do anything.
I haven't finished the main story, just basing it off of the event story in july
So where was Demi Astei in this?
i forgot... but it probably wouldn't have changed the outcome
Demi Astei is gone forever with the end of season 2 and we don't even know where Astei is anyway.
She probably died offscreen seething at fiends because of Dahlia.
Can we rematch these event videos after the event is over?
The story also hinted at Iota keeping secrets, I hope it’s not a nothing burger but given she jobbed so easily to Nella that’s probably the case.
yes, as long as you complete a level all of the videos and story is in the index
>s3 hinting at irregulars
irregular extermination next update?
We already saw them in Rey side story so it probably shouldn't take long for it to come out.
I'm mostly waiting for news of Monad Gate, i hope it's good.
Outernight, outerbros
Outernight outerbro.
What would be the next monad gate content? Does Nella and Dahlia count or is it only Eva?
What do you mean?
G.Dahlia and G.Nella event are teasers for both season 3 and Monad Gate.
The only info we have of it so far is that it will be a roguelike mode with (you) and M.Eva.
M. Eva just doesn't want to drop for me...
Isn’t the Archdemon ruins already rogue like?
Yeah, and they are making another one but it's more story oriented.
They said it was moved to December so most likely

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