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>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix

>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix: Run It Back with Snoop, Eminem, Ice Spice, and Juice WRLD in Battle Royale!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Coming Soon: Progress Your Fortnite Passes by Playing Any Experience

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Learn What’s New in Rocket Racing V31.40!

>Brick or Treat in LEGO Fortnite V31.40!

>Fortnite Crew November - Kyran Aryk

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Is Fortnite fun?
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Think she'll ever get a remix considering how often they've put her up this year
proof of this claim?
lol no
Why the FUCK can boogie bombs force me out of vehicles
if you're high yeah
He plays her more than anyone here
>What are we doing today, Brain?
>The same thing we do every day, Pinky: wait for the Fortnite shop to be shit.
reminder that cig had to get a pity goonsesh from wanda and is still begging him for a skin to this day
thighs please
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My fortnite goonbud has lots of good skins and emotes ngl and the discord sure is something
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>STW vbucks missions reset with the update and I totally forget about it
thank you
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but thick thighs ARE the cure
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Consensus /fng/? finally one song I recognize
my nigga pac
really gonna be disappointed if it's hammy
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>today 140
>yesterday 195
You're welcome.

It's just the name of the emote. https://fortnite.gg/cosmetics?id=11399
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I love Ava!
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>NEW: 1
>Topspin keytar emote
40 cents lets go
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Only skins approved for shoes are allowed beyond this point.
he does post a lot of webms with her so you may be right
I'm not even taking the gamble on the one hunned jams because all the songs this week are shit

ooh wow Lean Back by Fat Joe what an amazing drop
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Ice spice tomorrow I guess
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She's a chapter 3 skin bwo, maybe next year.
why the fuck did they add shoes to the game
Big stuff is Fridays or Saturdays
Splat tummy
Those thighs scream NTR
I always mess up the double lift notes
Probably an impulse advertising idea by Tim.
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Good the hype will have worn me down and I won't impulse buy her. Thanks Timmy.
i love this song. thank you for posting.
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My WIFE (boat voice)
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>NO MY OG [______]
can you refund fucked up tracks?
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Bought the emote, this song always makes me sad for some reason
I told him I was going to buy him Daraku when it came back
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Shocked he's in the first batch. I was expecting early next year minimum.
>4 vbuck missions
>all are non afk
Is the emote just the whole song? It goes on forever
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Its one of the better emotes they have made in awhile but I'm not buying an emote that promotes California lol
No they just become the song they're supposed to be later if they don't take it back

Flowers by Miley Cyrus released early this way
>boat voice
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i’m glad we whooped the UK’s ass in the Revolutionary War

bunch of snowflakes thinking Spaz is derogatory term, remember when they threatened to arrest americans over posts on twitter earlier this year?
Every pic i see of this bitch, that stupid smile and squinty eyes gets more and more concave

pretty soon they gona be a circle
I want to bully her
No. The audio is pretty long, but it loops before it gets to the rap part.
ah, and none of the new songs appealed to me, thanks bro guess i'll skip them
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Nice emote
ironic coming from the people who called smokes "fags"
I want girl furries with shiny pants like that
wtf it changed it to boat instead of Borat lol
Its not stupid, you're stupid.
spaz is a derogatory term lol
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why you gotta be like that billy anon?
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I'm fuckin' BALLIN'
British English isn't even real English. Fuck off, Yuros.
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I love Zoe and Mae so much
that's just the way it is
Spending 3 hours grinding for two dollars
no it’s not you tea drinking Drone.

also are u afraid to call a purple pump a spaz cause u might get reported??
The new emote’s moves suck
he already begged malico for it
TWO whole rolls of new stuff and 3 glitched songs wow epic is spoiling us
>no ice spice
Whats the fucking point of even playing today?
>You can get up to 1500VB back and free tracks if you buy the broken songs now
How did Epic fuck this up?
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Any other skins with big tits besides Calamity?
Thought I was missing something when I first heard a brit get pissy at the word "spastic" years ago, just turns out they're a bunch of sensitive pussies.
OG's please complain so I can antagonize you
which emote is this
This is unironically worse than yesterdays shop
A pre update shop....
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will pay vbucks for this with sound
No you can't they will just turn into regular tracks once they're fixed, just like what happened with Flowers
What songs? I got 3000 vbucks
it's not
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consensus on overtime styles?
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it's a shame it's ice spice tracks lol
that'd require epic to release another female anthro first. Haven't had one since kimiko if we're not counting raven team leader.
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wtf… i didn’t know she was built like that & bunny penny, ahsoka has some hangers too
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Anybody buy vbucks for 10% off on amazon today?
I liked Renegade Lynx's shiny gold ass better
She in hamoud
>he didnt buy it for 200 vbucks
Are you ready for the December 6th meltdown of legacy passes?
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They're so silly
it's from that map up there

there's no sound or just a basic electronic beat
>He didn't get the glider for free
I thought you were going to delete this game? Fuck off.
If you like penis, sure.
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Asking again since I didn't get any real answers last thread, what are some essential life items?
unless you can own her for 200 vucks? hell no. Sure if you like her.
Sorry just get a little defensive sometimes.
You mean like actual ingame heal items? If so, the small pot, always.
helsie's shoes
which plants in lego grow perpetually?
my chilis always grow back when i pick them, but i have to replant pumpkins and corn
>the only way they can get people to buy Ice Spice tracks is to put their placeholder asset in the shop so people assume they'll get free money
idk if anyone has said this but the girl on the left looks like she wears diapers
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Why is epic doing long emotes now? Did they realize it’s retarded doing short ones.

watch some brit get offended by me using retarded
This is such ass lol. Buy it so I can look over you like 99% of skins in this gay game.
well at least i don't have to check the shop tomorrow. only 9 items leaving and Icy Spicy is dropping so the rest will probably be filler. still gonna check out her poi, season has been fun even if i'm losing a lot
How do i join the festicord?
She does. it was the worst skin of that BP
Almost tempted to buy Marshall simply for a suited guy I can pretend isn't Eminem
malico is creating an army of clones
nobody wants to see Marshall no more he's chopped liver
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at least 3 from here, no way to know which i think
Is California Love traversal or not?
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I'll be honest. I only got her because her backbling was 200 vbucks. Thank you free reboot a friend rewards.
add HamsterFragment
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>3 repair the shelters
No it's just BPM synced so it'll match songs in Festival
Wouldn't be surprised if more people were playing Apex
i got her for 200veebees just for the sigil stone backbling
Exo Stranger's booba are so big that they clip through other details on her model during a lot of emotes
No, like, life items, backpack, etc.
the pump is really good
Can't believe there are 3 more weeks of this fucking map.
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What's this?
free v-bucks if epic isn't extra faggy today
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The Weeknd
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>buy founders for $200 for free v-bucks after 2 years of afking
>or get a job and work literally 6 hours

Shut up retard newfag there is no discord
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Antonia > Mae > Fish Thicc > Piper > Kado > Nolan >>>>>> Ahsoka >>>>> Krappy Lame
what about the gaycord?
Didn't this season launch with over 4 million players? What the hell happened?
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Sometimes I wonder what the old me would say... (Like what?)
It'd Epic's slick way of tricking people into buying stuff.
"Oh, no we messed up the shop, everyone gets their veebs back and gets to keep the item."
Only this time, you wont get anything.
Bluglo. Bluglo is the source of our power at Homebase. Those power up totems around the map for shield, health, building health, energy, movement speed boosts? All need bluglo to activate. When you finish building a tower, what do you need to activate the radar at the top? That’s right, bluglo. Lars’ van? Burns pure, raw bluglo and at a fast rate too, so you need to fill ‘er up twice a run. Atlases? The more you got, the more bluglo you need for a vote. That blue glow-y shit in vbucks? Probably bluglo.
Make sure to eat your bluglo to grow up big and strong.
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he’s unironically one of my mains.
They should just honestly put the entire GTA San Andreas radio station songs in festival mode.
It genuinely blows my mind how horrendous chapter 5 and remix was. The player count doesn't lie. No one wants to play.
>gets hit by yet another lawsuit, this time for selling random, undetermined shit.
Why not both?
Work to have spending cash and founders since I'm already playing StW for free.
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Great pic, Abel deserved a concert more than someone like Karol G. ever did
Are the servers extremely laggy for anyone else?
Why is there no weapons created from bluglo? That would be great
and hear i thought i had all the jonesy CRAP filtered
I can't even load the map lol
>evies bass is in the shop without her
why do they do this?
claimed my kicks but they are unavailable. too lazy to post screenshot.
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Piper should be higher on that list
Same way The Ageless Guitar has been in the shop more than The Ageless Explorer has been
They need to just cancel remix already. Do the event this weekend and try to save face.
We know. The shoes are bugged so no one can use them right now
He got one from a fan though
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>and hear i thought
>add shoes no one asked for
>Already delayed by a week until the season
>Delayed again
Small indie team
it's not like the shop has been loaded during Remix or anything, there's barely 50 items in it and now that you mentioned ageless explorer it's still lame that he doesn't have a bundle
>Can edit corrupted skins again
Oh cool
What shoe size did wendell even get to fit his feet, they're too big
>When you finish building a tower, what do you need to activate the radar at the top?
imagine activating the radar
nah i built the tower i'm done
I see, point still stands nonetheless
post invite
It's actually flopping harder than the Marvel season and that's just impressive. Both of their trump card seasons failed horribly

Now what?
default is better
if I redeem can I really get refunded vbucks? it's free songs for guitar hero mode.
A bluglo cannon would actually be an interesting niche idea
>gives a ridiculously strong explosion per 1-2 bluglo pieces
>run around the map before the mission to stock up
>actually gives you more of a reason to collect bluglo besides boosts
>save it for mini bosses
Would use. I legit want to pitch this to epic now, maybe they would listen considering that they are giving stw more attention now.
Dreamed a good dream and hurt myself knowing it's a slim chance of it happening. With Fox under the Mouse's control there's a good chance to get a Firefly collab and dear God a Ballad of Serenity jam track would save me
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I asked for them.
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Has Epic straight up forgotten about a skin before like they did with this guy?
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Indeed, I hope they give it to him, they gave Michael and Starr Oakley their bundles way after they originally released
servers are so fucked i can't even play
No you didn't, fag
Last time it happened (this month lmao) yes people got refunded and got to keep the tracks.
The other time it happened I believe with Flowers it did not, you just kept the fixed track.
Try it, you got 24 hours to refund anyways.
>Loose background plot is about a bluglo shortage
>Homebase creates a bluglo weapon anyway
Is it weird I find this on brand for them?
>actually wanting to play CH5S1 and forward
Couldn't be me

Unironically wish I uninstalled at the start cuz I literally would have missed nothing good and saved myself all this time and irritation
pathetic flaseflag
real fuchads know
Yes I did, okay not really someone else posted this pic but I posted >>502062946
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>Drop of shoe cosmetics imminent
>First-person sights available now
>FPP function officially confirmed before during a UEFN conference:
>...and coming soon to published maps, hopefully on or around Dec 11th:
>Not gloves
>Not gun charms
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Oh NOW they're sticking to the season's theme by only releasing rap songs? It makes that time when we got multiple weeks with only pop songs in them during the Metallica season more infuriating
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It do be like that
The Green Knight from that one trailer
Kek, a mini seasonal quest with voicelines for the schematic would be great it should include Vinderbot’s new voicelines and hero reward, too, please!
merf energy
foreign concept to you?
Do you actually get the jam track for free if you buy these???
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I sure do love the no good music this week
i cant stress how much i want to fucking curb stomp everyone who just panick shockwave grenades when ANYTHING happens and fucks you over because they cant be assed about anyone else in the squad

had the whole suite of the heist guns and this fucking retard panic shockwaved out sending me into a house of a full squad
you fucking retard, its final circle and we had height advantage and zone advantage

i hope you rot
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>he isn't familymaxxing
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i want dinosaur slippers
Wow this is actually really good art. Source? I can already tell a Jap possibly a fujo drew this.
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I can confidently say if marrygold were removed from the game files or ceased to exist otherwise, I'd practically post exclusively about daraku
It's a good time to be a vocals main I guess
ijustwanna ah ah ah ah
Nobody seems to be giving you a straight answer, so I'll give you one.
Gather all of your socks and throw them away. Then, buy several packs of new socks that are all the same brand, style and color. That way, when you're half-asleep and looking for a fresh pair of socks in the morning, you'll never have to worry about hunting for a lone sock's mate. You just grab any two socks and go. Saves you a bunch of time and makes life just a little more convenient.
I recommend cotton socks because they breathe well and don't get sticky and gross, but you can get any kind you like. You could even splurge and be COOGI'D DOWN TO THE SOCKS LIKE BIGGIE POPPA. Just don't cheap out and get the cheapest shit on the rack. Some other good life advice is to never cheap out on anything that separates you from the ground - socks, shoes, chairs, beds, tires, anything like that. Your body will thank you for it.
Jawbreaker is essential
the raptors are aplenty
based retard
you should post the vampire hag more because it makes wanda seethe
>Some other good life advice is to never cheap out on anything that separates you from the ground - socks, shoes, chairs, beds, tires, anything like that.
So damn true
Thanks! Any recommendations for clothing brands?

I've been sleeping on the floor for over half a year now, do you think I should stop?
that's true
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Don't know if this is a hot take but I think Lame is better than Ahsoka
matress or no
and yes get off the floor
I sure do love Zoe
California, super cool for the homeless
No mattress, it sucked the first two weeks but now it's like no difference, it's really hard to get up in the morning though, I heard it's good for your bones and spine
California, super for the homosexuals
I archive the tik toker immediately and blocked it from my memory so yeah you are right
Ideally they'd come back down to Earth and unfuck themselves, but that's never gonna happen
>if more people were playing Apex
Have you seen Apex Legends recently? Apex sucks so much that there isn't an active Apex Legends general for 2 years now.
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it's something I wouldn't be opposed to doing in the slightest regardless; on a side note, one of my ZB buddies has relentlessly coerced me to grind ranked reload with him and I finally gave it a whirl with him last Monday

can be quite comfy I must admit, though I think the OG reload map works better for ZB
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Let's go
Player numbers have been around 2 mil average all year except for Wrecked
>everyone in the first world sleeps on mattresses
>third world shitholes sleep on the floor or wooden bed shit
>"oh but what if its good for you"
>Oh NOW they're sticking to the season's theme by only releasing rap songs? It makes that time when we got multiple weeks with only pop songs in them during the Metallica season more infuriating
What was the Metallica event like? I wasn't playing
that anon that said you should be stoned was right
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Here ya go
whats the new crew skin?
you can feel the adrenaline from this webm
2 million is the bare minimum for FN. if it's around that or lower it's a flop. so all of chapter 5 has been a flop
Don't worry the monkeypox will get him first.
>California Love
>Animation is good
>The music loop is the longest I've heard in a long time

Get it niggas.
Me. Hi guys I'm the new Crew skin
Can’t handle gay people? Maybe get off 4chan
You are delusional if you think 2 million average players is a flop. I don’t care if you’re using a “fortnite standard”. It’s a lot of players.
Hello broski, nice to meet ya. Do you come with a cool pickaxe?
how fucked up is your spine just asking
its either encrypted or not in game yet, either way we have not seen it
Ah man we just got a faggot
Cool story bro. Tell yourself whatever you have to tell yourself to get your shill bonus. Fact is over 80% of FN players aren't playing. How do you cope yourself out of that one, Me. Shill?
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Indeed. Everyone should own at least one Rachel.

For socks I use Gold Toe, but I've heard good things about Darn Tough socks if you're willing to put in the care. If you're talking about regular clothes, I'm probably not the best person to ask because I'm 6'4" and just have to wear whatever fits. Brand doesn't matter as much as wearing clothes that are the right size and that fit your skin tone. Don't be that weirdo wearing 3XL graphic tees all your life because they're "comfy".
And yeah, don't sleep on the floor. At least get a futon or something. Over time it'll throw your spine out of alignment and cause back problems. If you sleep hot, get a coil mattress, and if not, try a memory foam one. Most big stores like Wally World sell beds-in-a-box that you can just toss over your shoulder and unfold when you get home. If you've got time to spare, go to a mattress store and just plop down on different mattresses for a while. That'll help you find out what you like.
I accidentally cancelled the jam track purchases... just had a brainfart and did it when i noticed i had less vbucks. hope you guys get the vbucks at least
So what item shop lists got updated
>over 80% of Fortnite players aren’t playing
Are you comparing this to OG season? Just so I understand where you are getting your numbers from
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But I hate California.
We reached 3.9M on Sunday a couple days ago?
>Over time it'll throw your spine out of alignment and cause back problems
Oh no...
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The season started off strong with only metallica songs being released during the first two weeks but instead of releasing more rock songs by other artists we got 4 straight weeks of only pop songs and we didn't see a single rock song until the very end of the season when they finally decided to throw us a bone with alice in chains and guns n' roses
90's California? Cum on.
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Already did
You failed mathematics.
Jill is so cool
i like em

>mfw I thought it was California Girls and not California Love
Cali...fortnite girls they... got it going on... woahh woahh.. woahh woahhh...
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You know it's inevitable.
what the hell is that hud
>inb4 t-t-t-th-that doesn't count!
You failed life
also ty, I have 2 pairs of darn tough socks but I don't have much else
we should've had it already
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She's kinda cute, but I don't know if I'll use her
xbox xcloud with touch controls on my 6 year old phone.
>Don't be that weirdo wearing 3XL graphic tees all your life because they're "comfy"
Yeah you’re wearing them because you’re FAT
you should get hana instead
As much as I like girls with tousled, short hair, I don't really like Hana's blatant brownness.
>Mariah Carrey Christmas song
Holy fuck I hate this song so much.
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>I need life advice
>lemme tell you about socks
she's just got a tan...
He didn't get shit for Halloween, and we didn't get shit for last Christmas either.
>Last Christmas
festival when?
she's ugly
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Who's on your wishlist?
new thread when
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Grab Snoop Dogg before they never bring him back again.
They're not even close to each other on the keyboard, how did I fuck this up
When are we getting converse chuck taylor?
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Chances this will ever come back?
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im gona fucking kill shockwave users who cant use them with their team mates in mind
the average player count for OG season was like 5.7 million a day. We are at roughly 2 million a day right now so your math is wrong. Also if you look at player counts from chapter 4 the average for the year was like 1.1 million a day and the average player count for chapter 5 was like 1.3 so while not much it’s higher in general. I’m sure we would agree that Epic botched the execution of how the game has been handled since OG season but to say the game is dying is statistically wrong.
the samurai crow from the survey, that's it
Only if he had a flashier style, he’s kinda boring
when disney buys wb and dc

I've been shooting DC bots this season and even one of these two Batmans, it seems something is ready to give - you just have to wait for whoever's running the shop to stop being fucking retarded.
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I am new the the whole STW thing. anything neat about this weapon? only highest rarity i have.
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She looks like a special ed kid
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You aren't still in denial about Old Battle Passes and Season Shops returning right? It'll be over for all of you soon. The leaks just keep coming
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Can't come soon enough
You can usually run a loadout that'll bring out the best in a weapon.
To my knowledge, almost all fire weapons are bottom tier.
Where do I find sources on updated images for the shop stuff
Kratos and Mikasa&Levi had updated shop assets, but they never came back. Same with the minipass wraps.
thank you unknown twitter man for the info
I'm so glad I got the tech future pack, I like the style, but sad I missed Master Chief since I didn't play that season
That picrel is old. Follow ifiremonkey on Twitter for the best info
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It's in her genes...
i want to hug her
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Mon visage quand when we get an Overwatch collab right as Overwatch Classic and Fortnite OG happen at the same time
>even more Overwaifu porn
nigger when the fuck can I use my jordans
also is it for most skins or..?
Love this song so much.
Extended version is the best
Bro the Meowdas wrap from the current BP is the same effect as Golden Black
Imagine pulling that zipper down
I love her!
One of the worst launchers in the game, go watch beast on yt for everything you need to know
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Put her down!
Yeah but it puts the normalmap shape of the wrap beneath the gold, so your guns all get this extra weird teeth texture to this. If I want other methods of gold I'd stick to playing Marigold or Anime Midas.
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>we got Old Snake but no MGS4 Raiden
>never getting ANY oceleot
it hurts
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Maybe we'll get a wave 2 with Delta, but at this point the collabs of this year are so utterly scattershot I dunno anymore.
Surprised they didn't try to tie in with Silent Hill 2.
but then Ocelot would need a built-in emote
>grey fox is coming guys!
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Me 'n' Aubey
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>No revengeance Raiden
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>Play mobile to get the mobile quest done and over with
>Kill a gimp star wand sweat with a green smg
>Get a crowned dub idling in a car
>78k/100k gained
Fuck this tank control platform
>those locker emotes
kill yourself
imagine getting his cyclone windmill kick as an emote, or just him crushing an electrolyte pack

fuck i need it, i WANT IT
Yxxsan is a pword??
Yo Snoop... lay off the grass for a bit.
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>Sweat for hours in Reload trying to get a win for the pickaxe
>Finally get one
>Turns out it's bugged and no one is getting it
Well that was a waste of time
It counts any xp so you can just afk in lego or load up a tycoon map
I recognize this artist! God, his poses are so sexy.
its somehow still bugged too

no fucking clue what the fuck those tards at epic are doing
whats the mobile quest? or is it still catalina
I'm starting to wonder if they took part of their Winterfest vacation early which is why it's supposedly so much shorter. This entire season is a buggy dumpster fire
>Kratos and Mikasa&Levi had updated shop assets
>latelet thinks is the same as og wenegade waider
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I am forgotten
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At first yes but as you git gud, the sweats will make you want to punch your monitor screen.
The retards who think Raven Team Leader is a floating suit with a face and not just Syd in a fursuit with an emoji mask sent in bomb threats
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Shits only Lv34 why build this much?
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I wonder if deadpool will ever get another cope, i like the pen and ink model more but i wish it had an option to turn cell shading off like gwenpool, at least wolverine got weapon X that one is good
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Wheelchair anon here! This is my dub for day 4 of my dub a day challenge. Share your dubs anons! :]
i will buy the ice spice skin and do party hips in every lobby for anons
I like the idea of playing Fortnite but when I actually sit down to play I want to do anything else.
So he can brag about his score in the results screen
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bro what's the theme with this week's songs
Same. Some games you get instagibbed shortly after landing and other games it takes an eternity to find more than 1 person to shoot at
this is just sad
I've been noticing that people are really out to get a high combat/build score by any means necessary.
Over building and putting traps ahead/in the way of traps you've set.
I'm keeping a high utility or combat score above 1,000 because of this.
The same thing happened with Jack Sparrow's Black Pearl glider, it wasn't available for anyone that got it until Epic patched the game.
a dub but at what cost?
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So many Festival emotes looks jittery and too fast to me
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When is it coming back???
It has a little something for everyone :)
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It already did you missed it
you just missed it lol
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People are retarded and think "more walls - gooder defense". I'll place a row of broadside canons down that can easily wipe a horde and retards will build over it like I placed them as a last line of defense. And the shit where you have to interact with the console multiple times or transport the bomb, and someone builds a million walls blocking you from accessing anything pisses me off, too.
why would you want it
it was a festiepass item so its in like 8/10 fill lobbies, and it fucking sucks to use as a jam part because of the fucked time signature
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It hurts
actually looks better now
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I already own it but why have they been gatekeeping the songs from that season for so long? iirc the stuff from s1 came out almost immediately after, if not in maybe s3
Plenty of multiplayer games have done hats but has any other game done shoes before like this? Minus the being broken day one part.
if i buy these will i get my vbucks back when they fix it or no
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yeah, just got a 13500 card.
>10% off
>extra 5% off with good goy amazon credit card
>no tax
pretty good deal if youre a paypig. also noticed they offered the option to pay it off with a 6 month loan kek
last time this happened they only refunded the BP songs Vbucks, the missing track was refunded but no Vbucks were awarded
Yeah they're broken at the moment
closest comparison is CS's gloves, only that was done to appeal to knife faggots
at least epic is doing goofy shit right off the bat, makes me think it might not be a total loss
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Noticed Hi Hat was Kicks compatible but his current shoes are part of his reactivity with the laces

It would actually be a downgrade. Kicks as a concept is fine but they feel like they don't work on a lot of skins where the shoes are important to the overall design
you weren't supposed to notice that
why does this matter, its optional. its like how some skins look significantly worse or ruin their design with backblings
Anon I could see how this could be an issue but the rest of their bodies still light up.
I love how the Kicks stuff is so poorly worded that it makes it sound like your characters MUST / WILL have Kicks at all times, even if you go back to the "Default Kicks", without simply acknowledging that you're turning off/taking off any Kicks items. So any characters, even those who don't wear shoes, are just going to be sensationalized as wearing Kicks by item menu technicality.
oh well, bought all 3 anyway. worst thing is they refund it and i dont keep it
Fuck that thing is huuuuge...
6 years and still the best butt in the game
These broken songs release tomorrow anyways, so if anything you can refund them during the 24 hour period if they confirmed they aren't giving back v-bucks.
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>one of the placeholders is Hey Ya
>they didn't announce it even though it'd be the only good song this week
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did they change her face?
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I dedicate this kill to Malico, build is actually kind of fun
some leaker posted it earlier today, so if you believe theyre on epics payroll they technically did.
Saw something funky and kind of want it in fortnite. Thoughts on flare (normal flare, doesn't light stuff on fire or scout people) going off when someone is knocked/killed
Gonna risk buying those songs on my account. Broken or not, I shall take the plunge
It was literally blackface
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>have to risk getting banned because epic is lazy
Jvst bought all 3. Now we wait.
it's still there? it's not in the online shop
just get a better pc bro
you are a big, big moron. enjoy what's coming.
How did you buy them?
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i'll take a freebie cyclone
In the in game shop, dude. Unless they JUST got taken down
i got the masamune from a trade up yesterday
once they add the silvia ill never use anything else thoughever
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I don't know why but these just remind me of CSGO knives, they just look so absurd
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Graffiti period
I am praying the three songs added are actually good and given out for free. But I'll be cool with a funny glitch refund too
People spend their paychecks gambling for knives on csgo. How can Epic even compete?
Unless they add some gothic boots or bare feet, I ain't buying
Any bets on the price?
I'm gonna be so mad if the sharks are free, I want them to cost money so I can flex my cute shark sneakies
If festival phaedra fixes her huge feet with these shoes, I'll finally get around to buying her.
I bet one of the free Christmas items we get is some Snowman slippers or something
he's making a giant fart joke reference from the nutty professor.
now i have a reason to get her now
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>The mammoth pistol in reload is just a sniper rifle without bullet travel
Look don't get me wrong I'm glad I just discovered this but that's retarded as fuck and makes the actual snipers and that one lever action rifle completely fucking dogshit
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aww i thought it also gave that nick eh 30 decal for maximum peak
i hope they add more variety, right now there's like 3 coming soon, and not a single one of them is an SUV
>Festival Phaedra without those ugly boots with tongues hanging off them
man I'm glad I have her now
Raiden crushing a six-pack of Slurp like it's a cyborg spine would be pretty funny
Rocket League peeps. Is it worth getting into the game just to get more racing cosmetics? I'm pretty meh toward the gameplay though
>aww i thought it also gave that nick eh 30 decal for maximum peak
Gotta wait for that bundle to return, for some retarded reason to redeem it for free
mammoth was the single best weapon in c4s3's weapon pool
was so fun using it as both a pseudo double pump and a handheld sniper
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I don't think this animation fits this song
If you are part of the Fortnite Crew, it's worth logging in to get the free car frames. However the gameplay and skill gap is EXTREME and it's not casual friendly at all. Price point wise? Cheaper than Fortnite if you wanna actually spend money and risk the idea of something being ported. I have a pal that brought the entire Batmobile pack in the vein hope it will come to Fortnite soon.
i don't think it's gonna be that easy, even if you own the car you still have to pay for the trims, masamune for example goes from 1500 to 1300 or smth if you only own the base car
i mean this honestly, a lot of these emotes look like shit outsourced to dumb indians
People realized that this season wasn't gonna be a repeat of chapter 2 and was instead just focused on one season with a bunch of rappers and nikeslop shoved in. It's pathetic how bad they can mess up such a simple formula that worked out perfectly last year. But that's to be expected of epic games at this point
When do they put cools skins? I've been playing for almost a week and the store is filled with shit.
suvs are gonna be hard to port, mostly because of the small/nonexistant/fucked windows and body shapes that almost all of the RL trucks have
that being said they could at least make more FN original ones
Give it next week they'll adding Arcane skins
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that's subjective. And most of the good stuff is battlepass fomo.
I don't get why they didn't just make the BMW selectable in that slot. It's a four door
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Skin when? I wanna put him in my presets next to the other androids
Pic unrelated
he said cool skins
crackshot will be in the shop in december friend
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i'm gonna be completely honest, if you want to play for compatible stuff just skip everything until the last weeks of the season, the 4th week unlocked today so unless my memory isn't wrong you can get
>13 blue boxes
>1 purple box
>1 red box (these are the juicy ones, you can get with luck a car, or in the worst case scenario a boost, and in the unlucky scenario something not compatible) that's not counting the ones from the rocket pass, the pass itself ends at 70 tiers, after that it's full of recolors and a few purple boxes all the way until 110, IF YOU ONLY WANT CARS, you get the BMW right away and the LTE mode (think of it as an alt) at tier 40
When do they put cute skins? I've been playing for almost a week and the store is filled with shit.
what is love
I'm thinking 1200-1500 initially then after not selling after a year being released at 400
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time machine
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ayooo theses Kicks are FIRE bruh!
StW bros, anyone else think the game has gotten prettier? At least on the ps4
>beat synced emotes on Dog Days Are Over play in slow motion
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I want these for steve
tastelet identified
im convinced its entirely arbitrary
i was doing base speed soulja boy vocals in a jam lobby and certain emotes were going a mile a minute
Member chapter 5 season 1 when we had queen summer every week
lel same gang gang
I still regret missing her
Which old sound wave/musician rep should get a whole festival? I would take a new Bruno Mars skin
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Is this real?
dumb jillster
Those that subscribe to Fortnite Crew, do you all play Rocket League to level up the pass and unlock the extra styles for the free car? Do you just log in to claim the base skin, or do you not bother with RL at all?
Are you ready to le
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Me when my Lynx isn't OG anymore
I assumed they're taking the winter break later after what happened last year. Completely killed all the momentum chapter 5 had.
they've got so many good fucking songs.
I don’t bother. In fact I’ve never played RL even thought I’ve been subscribed to crew for almost a full year now
icon skin when?

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what went wrong?
city of Compton
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>money has the Storm Shield logo on it
StW crossover confirmed Ice Spice will finish the fight in Twine Peaks
i want a left field pick. even better if the skin isnt just the artist or their logo, have them design a skin from scratch. if it were done like that id love to see a season around the avalanches.
Holy shit vinderdollars
>Braindead Woke slug being an "ally" of a terrorist state
>Child brain profile pic
Not surprised
unbased jilltard pretending to be me
Out of all the concept they've botched I still believe that the operator had it the worst.
what race is this even supposed to be?
>Balancing Pistols

Pick one. The Ranger is almost Halo 1 tier.
that avatar looks cute
modeller thought they knew better than the concept artist
i want to throw up whenever i see anyone black/mixed girls do that shit with their babyhairs. does ANYONE find that shit attractive?
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What's the most coomer shoe they could add? What's the most coomer in the list already?

Heh, my new wife, based...
>he doesn’t want more people to ass post with lynx
Probably one of those nike sandals I see everywhere
vbucks are the coins, so youre looking at vcents my friend
So accurate to IRL
Got it

She quite literally IS Sped, FAS and Inbred
I'm not kidding
Kinda wanna see those green shoes on billie
>blahaj slippers
I want her ass on my face
Probably boots.
Bitch was born without any talent and she still made it big because of her fat ass. And they say women don't have it easy.
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I just want the Roadhog XL for an Optimus Loadout
i unironically think this is an imporvement, concept design just screams siren
No she fucking didn't lmao
She HAS no ass
Never did
She's just a dumb retard slut and got implants then botched them on Ozempic and shit
Not giving her a mask off option was so moronic
where's her toes?
off the top of my head
>triarch aurora
all deserved so much better
I like how the Ice Spice skins make her look skinny and in good shape when in reality she's dumpy like a post-wall Mexican girl
Dang it, I missed a few during the solo...
Is Ice Spice hot at least?
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Leelah was an improvement tho
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Who the hell came up with the idea for shoes haha like who would want to buy shoes for cute fortnite girls haha imagine if they added some leather boots haha
waiting on pumps
i will also accept platforms
dangerously. they might nerf her next update.
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The skin took a lot of liberties
Sure, if you got a down syndrome fetish.
At least the CS:GO knives can be seen in game more clearly
IRL, no. The casual skin has ass and thighs for days, she's really hot.
>brownoid with gross 2-tone buns
>over shart tooth ballcap cutie
>all because they made her thighs thicker
it aint all about the lower half
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I decided to make a visual graphic for those who fear Rocket League. Here is what you can obtain (for free) and what links to Fortnite or soon will be.
people who cream themselves over leelah's gross fat legs are ultra-retards, she doesn't even have an ass. genuinely one of the more disgusting skins that gets posted here
I wonder how Kicks look on Leelah with those big ass legwarmers
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>have enough songs in the API for 500 total
>that feel when they do a huge drop in a few weeks for the 1-year anniversary since Festival launched
I’m guessing it’ll be one of those edit styles they add after the fact
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should've been a Daraku variant desu
I like her. I like that she has a nice ass as well
You sound like a fun person to be around. $30 says you’re a Persephone and Lexa spammer.
You'll take your ugly ying yang bunny outfit and you'll like it
half black and white
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thats how i feel about a lot of the gooner skins on this board. helsie has fetal alcohol syndrome, nobara got fucked in the transition to 3d, daraku is kinda bland, etc.
you got me
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>"muh ass" posting
>skin in question is as flat as the rest
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Is it next summer yet?
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I'm so scared for Friday morning.

God Please let me see them.
ill buy jam tracks if they start doing bundles that arent shit
the one they had for coachella was the right idea, but it was too expensive and most of the songs were not good
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I can't relate to desperation
wait for the inevitable Warped Tour collab
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So most of the free cars are shit? Got it
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How many songs are available in game?
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even though it was kinda janky they should add another moving POI. maybe a river barge or an airship
>sitting on 4850 vbucks and nothing to spend em on except maybe marshall and the snoop walk
Epic you already have my money so you win and all, but seriously, just put something that isn't garbage up, I'm not even asking for collabs. Tacticool, the skratch company tactical satchel, some cool wraps, anything you fuckers.
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They would've stolen 60 bucks easy if they bundled songs from this.
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yes, only the crossover stuff like the DeLorean and Bond's Aston Martins are any good
they need to make the map flip as the match goes on
I legit brought the 3 broken songs in the shop, purely because I have vbucks to spare the risk
It's in the name anon
I mean, least anon attempted to help the thread I guess with that list
I hope the don't fuck up the red oni schoolgirl.
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Do you see yourself using any chapter 5 skin next year?
Based anon

Sadly I ain't paying for crew until they offer music pass in it
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I don't see myself using them in a week
She looks great in the concept art and in the final model.
BP? maybe none, they're cool, but the other ones I have are better
Shop, Hexa
I'll use Hope
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only mentioned coachella because it had a bundle of more than 4 songs that wasnt all from the same artist. almost 3k vbucks was a big ask though, ESPECIALLY for a bundle that would force song 2 into my inventory.
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They literally just have to release it as is, if Epic fucks this up...man. Has to be the easiest lay up for season 6
Maybe Captain Jones, War Machine, the T-60, and definitely Snake, Raiden and Toga, but generally as someone that started in C5 I don't have a lot to go back to anyway besides older shop skins. Frankly the vast majority of major skins this chapter were pretty fucking boring if you weren't up for remixes of old stuff like Ascendant Midas.
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Make it taller and this would be GOAT
I'd suggest doing Rocket Sideswipe than. It's frankly the best free car skin of the lot and it takes less than 2mins to do
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>Hexbringer Lexa literally saved C5S4, exceeding player numbers than even launch day for the season
>No shoe compatibility
What the fuck Epic?
C5 had a lot of good skins
Just wait.
wish I was her
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Hexa with jordans would've been to peek...
is this picture edited
either way, if they gave chaos director a slightly bigger frame and a mask that didnt make her face look flat id use her a good bit
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An IO airship flying the perimeter of the island would be pretty neat.
Need more funk. I'd take just about anything from their catalog.
I already am her
TMNT, cell, frieza, 17, 18, trunks, hexa,snake, cyclops, gwenpool, machinists, katt
legend says she kills people by burping in their faces
>add train
>give it middling at best loot, even if you open the timed chest
>no reason to take or defend the train once the loot is gone
>once the storm forms there is a 90% chance the train will become unusable
i dont know how they couldve fixed it but it was such a poor implementation
9 hours until I can start archiving all the cosmetics I don't want from this pass
i can still get her thru keys right?
she looks like a hamster
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like >>502164089 said, it's ai
I agree though, she would look better if she wasn't so thin, but I still like her a lot
unless its cheaper than her shop price, dont bother. she'll be back eventually, sooner rather than later since they killed off new RR content and they could recoup some money from her pack again.
Skye has been the center of all my rape fantasies for the last month.
Did you self insert as Guff?
why would they add items that you can only see in creative mode
how big is her cock in them
you're so lucky...
I'm hoping for the best but lately anything that isn't furry gets redesigned to look like shit.
Concept art is just Siren's Japanese cousin.
Wish the final model had a mask-off style, though.
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i don't know what black magic they did but the difference between venture and oasis is like day and night
High heels (not happening) or thigh-high boots (also not happening).
was excited for her in the trailer but
>too thin
>long white hair with black mask/suit doesnt look right somehow
>has fucked up rigging because of her mask hoses that causes most emotes to look stilted and weird
>second style is better but needed to lose the red eyes
>third style is okay but i personally dont like the goo dreads
it sucks because masked suited women are right up my alley
how to say i have no taste without saying i have no taste.
>day and night
WHAT what what
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I like Lana
I hate Lana
Flat chested flat assed bitch just rotting in my locker
>EULA update
Chances this is changing the line about the battle pass?
I haven't thought about that game in over a decade, holy shit.
It's basically the same just now added stuff from Nike's legal team.
>masked suited women are right up my alley
everyone was so fuckable in this chapter
Mrs Incredible, Android 18, Cell+Frieza, Power armor, Meowscles copes (I have the originals but those are nice), but its been a grim year for original fortnite skins.
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>Vi still isn't back in the store yet
>My Jinx is without her sister
I'm going fucking KILL MYSELF
part of my writeup was gonna mention how i wish her hair were done in a ponytail, but i realized shed become diet loveless.
wouldve been completely fine with that, but still.
if you believe in fairy tales one or two leakers said ekko might get added the 19 or 21, and no shot they don't bring vi and jinx with him
I want Caitlyn too

Now if we start getting other LoL skins that'd be more based
I need crew reruns to be a thing already, unlike bps they have no reason to be so coy about it
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Toga, Chaos Agent, Hexa, Elastic girl, Valeria, Persephone sometimes. I just realized I don't like any chapter 5 battle pass skin besides Valeria and MAYBE Gwenpool with glasses.
People paid real money for og cosmetics and you want to take that away from them? Should've subbed when you had the chance.
originalchads had it too good in chapter 4, they had to bring out the slop this year.
id say chapter 6 might be better, but were not frer from disney yet.
>mystery songs are gone
You mean archivable
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Undercover Skye, Gwenpool, Black Cat, Jubilee, The Machinist, Megalo Don, Snoop, Aphrodite, Snake.
Was everyone else just granted the shoes?
cyan blue flip flops
Yeah when I logged in
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Disney stuff can at least be real good if they dig in the disney vault for the kino shit instead of just "oh hey we got frozen 3 next year, release elsa in 3 slightly different outfits".

Gimme Gargoyles, give me Muppets, give me Dave the Barbarian, give me Kim Possible.

I want the disney slop from my generation, kek.

Also I will say that I liked hope until she became a mary sue protagonist.
butterface women with hot bods are peak
>meowdas super style disables reactivity
Wow that sucks
Lynx is gorgeous though
did the reload pick release yet?
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Damn, I should have known better, my bad
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Epic said only skins people actually use get the first batch of shoe usage
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protoman ahh boots
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how fast I gotta walk
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Of course plus andy. I can't complain about that chapter skin wise.
But that Lynx has a horrible flat butt.
>no. 5
actually cursed skin
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>other guy wins with 10 HP because he had the same gun as you, but higher quality
This "person" should not be left alone around animals.
you weren't supposed to say that
Based able-to-wear-shoes enjoyer
The unpopular skin users in here are mad
Yeah, your bad.
Briar's my main, I can't not play her.
I'll also be playing Dali, Helen, and Black Cat.
And Chaos Director if you consider Remix part of Chapter 5 instead of its own thing.
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Can't please everybody but I'm not bothered. It'll always be great being able to buy and use what I like when I can. Make life be enjoyable whenever you can.
what does beat synced mean
You dance faster/slower depending on the tempo of the song/jam track
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I wouldn't want to take her cute high heels off for ugly Nike basketball shoes.
mmm she the
We already knew you had shit tastes
>adding equippable shoes to the game of all things
>calling them kicks
>first pair is air jordans

fortnite says BLACK LIVES MATTER
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Only way you are getting me to buy footwear
no she isn't.
she's a bad lil
Black culture has been adored by white suburban kids for decades, anon
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she a plushie
she's a potato
>new mission in StW
>literally just run around collecting monster fungus and shoot a jumpy bullet sponge
>no new voice lines
>no new enemy types
>quest line is just "play it 6 times"
>rewards are mid
>this is somehow worth any amount of hype
>load up into BR solo
>70 seconds left in matchmaking
>already 90 players joined
i'm not white dumbass
Hope this is just to tide us over before another holiday hero questline
rocket league's battle pass only rewards you for winning and winning very often. it is nothing like fortnite where you are rewarded for simply playing the game even if you're bad at it. getting all the fortnite items possible from it would require playing for hours every day as well as being consistently lucky enough to go against people worse than you. if you have crew, log in once for the car that comes free with the battle pass and then pretend it doesn't exist until the next season starts.
Whoever decided the Reload Squad needed to shit up the shop for over a week needs to be fired.
ngh starter pack
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What do you mean this isn't an SUV skin? I'm tired of using the goofy elon truck
It’s clearly in a test faze, I’m sure there’s going to be more battle stages scattered through the tracks and voice lines added.
Yeah, I was pissed too and it de-incentivized me bothering for the second model. For some reason they just refuse to actually do anything for SUVs, and it's baffling; it's probably not helped by the vast majority of Rocket League hitboxes focused around the Octane later on and how weird the designs are making things a bit weird for shooting windshields out with many of these damn things, but the BMW literally HAS BACK SEATS and they still went full retard.
Bitch I'm back out my coma!
Lynx has a cute face and that's a FACT
why people want converse so much? they're mid tier.
Because a lot of skins have knock-off ones that would look better replaced
Unironically “normies”
besides what >>502174537 said, i'd rather dime store generic shoes and botos i could fit onto a bunch of different characters than fucking nikes and jordans everywhere
i use fuckin slip on shoes, i'm no brand whore
Would ironically be better if she had the concept art hairstyle
>dime store generic shoes and botos
That would negate the entire point. They're ads.
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>What's the most coomer shoe they could add?
The shark kicks aren't an ad. There's also stuff in the Kicks code about cobblers, dress shoes. So there's going to be some more wacky options and generic choices that aren't packing advertisements.
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I've stopped caring about this game and general
And you're here because?
Leave then
Go back
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I want unicorn flake shoes. Let me advertise fortnite related shit.
>The shark kicks aren't an ad
it's blahaj
I am in love with ryan
Who’s your least favorite poster? I’ve always been curious.
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Your chapter 6 season 1 secret skin
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it's been said a lot but goddamn is doggo ugly, i'm surprised he got a new skin
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Fine, ask me anything
By far, that guy who is always false flagging legacy BPs talk or the one seething about redditors and not playing the game
Good choice honestly.
I thought that guy was you.
What is your relationship to bruni?
someone at epic really likes this skin. No offense pug lovers but I can't stand looking at those things. Breeds fucked them up badly.
I started to play this shit back in pandemic because my sister wanted a duo partner, I should have played without making a big deal about coming here to /vg/

Now that arcane is ending, I feel nostalgic
Nah, after using this new account without my old shit I realize how I didn't care about most of them. They're just pixels.
None beyond talking on the thread. Here in the thread I only had a "relationship" with CIG outside of the thread, maybe Ryan that time I added him
If you don't care, go?
daraku belongs to malico confirmed
Can you give us a qrd on Ryan? Who is he and does he post in here? Why are you obsessed with him?
>Giving the retard attention instead of just ignoring it until it fucks off
What is wrong with all of you?
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Here's your future crossover
wanda orbits ocfags
That's machinist anon
He sounds older or comes across as such in his posts, his drug use and his blogposting makes him come across as depressed, hurt, thoughtful, his giveaway (I didnt take part) speaks to someone social but withdrawn, his bike stuff makes him hotter.
Has anyone else gotten a bug where you character gets all jittery and you can’t sprint, jump, slide, ADS, etc? It’s like you’re phasing through the floor or some shit. Couldn’t fix it at all and I’m pretty sure it happens from sliding. And it happened 2 games in a row
I rather have the Netflix stuff than the faggy versions
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+ daraku’s blade and you’re good to go
If you don't buy Ice Spice tomorrow then you're a faggot.
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try harder for bait
I think you have it backwards
Nobody cares what someone who isn't an actual fan of the series wants. The Netflix show sucks dick.
alucard wasn't gay until the netflix anime
How the fuck is quizzing an attention whore about their life "having a Fortnite conversation"? This shit is completely off topic, and only encourages them to keep posting.
No, but I have gotten a bug in Reload where sometimes on my last life I can't move my character and become a sitting duck.
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which one should i get?
>inb4 both
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>What's the most coomer shoe they could add?
a pair of flip flops that has sandal physics, which when worn by female skins gives them matching toenail polish
Rope yourself, you promote low quality posting
Reminder CIG is Blenderanon
Tyrone, is that you?
That’s not even true
Reminder CIG is agp
I think the shorts one is the winner due to the amount of skin shown.
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I am begging on my hands and knees for an image of Wendell with the Jordans on
The lore deepens. I always liked machinistbro, I hope he's doing okay.
reminder malico is the goat
reminder malico did goatse
because bitches look hotter in them
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Wouldn't have to be said but there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking rufus and anyone trying to make a thing out of it because of the guy fuck all to do with their time.
you dumb bitch
>25 posts early
you deserve a 2 week
>bus driver falseflag
for fucks sake
why are you incapable of waiting you stupid motherfucker
>it's a falseflag when it makes my side look bad
Praying to allah that /fng/ gets banned from /vg/
Sorry I knew someone would try to falseflag, I thought I would get updated OP I worked on out of the way.
No, it's me.
no way you're also here Basil
>my side
I’m one person, I haven’t been making these early posts. I’ve never posted this early. Hell, he didn’t even link back to the correct post.
>Falseflag this. Falseflag that
Just own up to your own posts, lying isn't making you look better.
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You people need to stand up to this bullshit. It's ridiculous.
Because I made both those posts…? I’m the actual bus driver and I’m getting tired of this guy.
>guys im on your side!
Furfags, get your pet snake ready
funny how now it's suddenly bad to make bus driver threads
Bus driver fag, my genital warts would like a word with you!
Only because he didn't get to make them, really makes you think huh
If only today's California was still that era's.
The only way to beat this early bake nigger is to not use his thread. Someone make a different one and we’ll use that.
I'm willing to make a thread if people here don't mind waiting 300 seconds.
He's been doing this for weeks https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/bus%20driver/type/op/
i'm actually snoozing soon but i just want to see what stupid thing the thread makers do
Please do it. It’s the only way.
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You will NEVER be a festival OG!
Fuck you I was here from the beginning. I'm not a festival paypig though.
make it a non bus driver thread and i'm fine w/waiting
>funny how now it's suddenly bad to make bus driver threads
Because this false flag guy is making 30+ post early threads.
As the bus driver fag, I agree, someone else make a thread. My only worry is they’re gonna necrobump it all night.
>b-b-but i was there!
History will forget you.
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Fortnite Crew Plus - $20, 2000 vbucks, and all three passes, with an annual option of $120 upfront.

Would (you) buy it?
Stop trying to make yourself look good we know you made that thread and now trying to play dumb calling it a ""falseflag""
Show me your Orchestrina
Skye, 10-Ball, and Unmasked Chaos yeah
I made the update one before this and the demon core one, but all the other threads since the TnTina have been the falseflagger.
>bus driverfag started doing the thing where he skips threads he feels hurt him in backlinks
lmao the furries used to do this
kill yourself don't reply to me again
here you go
No, because I don't play LEGO and I've not liked a single musical act featured so far
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>bought the fender
>refunded it just in case I needed the bucks for something else around the same time, thinking they'd come back another time
>it never came back
I don't get stingy when it comes to licensed cosmetics. You never know when/if they'll be back.
The buscord ain't gonna like this one
Yeah probably just Captain Jonesy though

Maybe Megalo Don too

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