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Homuculous v3.0 Edition

Blacksmith buffs
stop being stubborn niggerdev

Ragna/v/3 - x3-x10 Pre-Renewal with a lot of renewal-flavored customization
Ragnadev's server for the 4chan community (assume everyone in the bread plays here)

UARO - x5 Pre-Renewal
International server with 500 online, alive WoE

Arcadia Online / OriginsRO - x5
Popular server (~600) with a long history and no resets
But you will multiclient or be at a disadvantage

>Basic resources:
www.divine-pride.net - has some of the non-English and kRO items
iRO wiki has a lot of information, but keep in mind its supposed to be a wiki for iRO
irowiki.org - /wiki/ for renewal, /classic/ for pre-pre
>Skill descriptions
Over the several iterations of the game, skill descriptions vary wildly. There's also the issue of skills behaving differently depending on the emulator. iROwiki is mostly complete but sometimes it's completely wrong, specially the pre-re version since those are no longer open for editing.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/blob/master/Addons/Revised%20%Pre-Re%20%SkillInfoz/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilldescript.lub
irowiki/wiki/ probably still best but scroll down to changelog. Since iRO added 4th jobs, it's now showing the new descriptions for skills. Some 3rd job skills were entirely reworked.
>Source code:
If you want to look up a skills formula, buff effect or anything hard coded, it's all inside src/map/ folder. battle for damage, skill for skill conditions, script_constant for variables. Sometimes pc file has useful stuff too.
github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE - RO translation project

Previous: >>502045957
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>reposting until implemented


Since blacksmiths are still shit after 2 months and niggerdev has barely done anything to help them I made this proposal to at least start the discussion. The following changes most probably retarded but I tried to take a FUN (tm) approach while trying to buff them to a knight level (imposible lmao) without actually touching production skills because I've never used them and would rather have someone who actually knows what they're talking about write a proposal about them.

>Weapon Perfection/Overthrust/Adrenaline Rush
They're fine, but consider giving them a longer duration for QoL (around 5 minutes sounds fine) since they usually run out mid fight when doing high level PvM if you don't actively spam them (much to your party's annoyance) before and after every single encounter.

>Adrenaline rush/full adrenaline rush
Consider giving it endure effect for the duration, maybe even make it partywide to make it a bit more worthwhile bringing a blacksmith into parties because most of the time they'll sit behind everyone and maybe offtank a stray mob or two while the knight/crusa and ranged dps actually do the real work (and lorewise I like the idea of having a ridicuously adrenalinic blacksmith making everyone neurotic so they don't care about being hit).

>Weaponry Research
It's a pretty okay skill, but 10 levels is A LOT on an already points starved class and you're forced to take at least a few levels if you want any of the good buffs, should consider taking it down to 5 levels max like other similar passive skills.

>Skin Tempering
While well meaning the changes to this skill aren't actually a buff because why would anyone waste 5 skill points you don't even have to get a little more resists, it should've stayed as 5 levels max with added functionality or better yet, you could port down Fire/Earth Research from renewal for an actual buff, just have it require Skin Tempering 5 to unlock and you're done.
Reminder blacksmith players are cry babies.

A pretty good skill for the nonexistant PvP, doesn't do nearly as much for PvM. Should consider taking it down to max level 5 and then MAYBE someone may invest it, also consider extending the buff time like with Weapon Perfection/Overthrust/Adrenaline Rush because 90 seconds is just shit.

>Cart Boost
It's great I love it best QoL skill in the game please consider letting blacksmiths use it so we have less 18-40 male suicides.

>Cart Termination
It's perfectly fine and the zeny costs are justified by the insane DPS it brings since it's ASPD dependant you can just spam it 20 times a second for a shitfuckton of damage (until you run out of cash and get raped).

Considering the prior skills I also propose downporting the following

>Axe Boomerang
Blacksmiths tend to just stand around when party MvPing because going in would be retarded and most of the time the party doesn't need an offtank when either Hwiz kills and freezes the MvP adds, the party kills the extra adds and just tanks the others, or the place is cleaned before engaging the MvP so nothing happens for the duration. With Axe Boomerang blacksmiths would finally have a way to do SOME damage in those kind of party situations where people would've rather taken an actually good class instead (always)

>Power Swing
A much shittier version of Cart Termination, it doesn't use zeny but has a fixed cast time and delay so the DPS is A LOT worse, could help when solo grinding shit mobs or in places that aren't densely packed, elsewhere it'll always come back to Cart Termination for any kind of real gaming (tm). (PLEASE DOWNPORT THIS I NEED TO STOP LOSING CASH WHEN PARTYING IM GOING INSANE)

>Magma eruption
It would be funny haha


>Maximum Over Thrust
Extend the duration of the buff because 90 seconds is ridiculous when sinx get 30 minutes EDP, is better and a lot cheaper to use
>still including other servers
Hi lull
I'm going to reword this post just so anons can see just how full of shit the dev is.

>Extend BS buffs to be longer for QoL
>Give Endure effect to Adrenaline Rush
>Lower Weaponry Research skill level to 5(Normally 10)
>Return Skin Tempering to 5 with the buffed effect and/or downport renewal buff that combos off of it
>Make Meltdown useful
>Give Cart boost to Blacksmith instead of just Whitesmith
>ZERO changes for CT, leave it as is
>Give Axe Boomerang(Same thing as Spear Boomerang)
>Give Powerswing (With less DPS than CT, for a free damage option for newer players)
>Extend Max Overthrust because EDP is 30 FUCKING MINUTES

Now look at the dev's response to this suggestion.
>>501857157 (Cross-thread)
Nowhere does the poster want the best skills for free, he only requested to have the skill points max lowered for one skill and have the other returned to 5, and gave suggestions to downport skills that are worse but free. AoE endure is very powerful, so I can understand not allowing that.

The dev is the biggest, most disingenuous faggot person I've ever seen and it makes me hate him even more than before.

Meanwhile, completely unprompted lord knight got
>Aura blade effect doubled
>Aura blade now affects their most damaging single target skill Spiral Pierce
>Berserk's main downside, the ass SP / HP regen, removed.

The dev does not read your suggestions, he will simply brush them off and strawman your suggestions so he doesn't look like he's in the wrong.
insult the dev and call him a nigger, that'll get things moving on buffing your support class
This is another Lull thread.
blacksmiths are more annoying than rogues now
whitesmith are by far the most relevant melee DPS for end game MVPing in vanilla pre-re. this level of buff begging is pathetic
do you not know? Ikkou is the rogue who complains about their job and they also have blacksmith now.
Well people can only be patient for so long, this will most probably be the last thread I pasta the blacksmith proposal, and I guess the anon posting >>502148425 will probably stop too.
I'm not playing anymore, niggerdev's a fucking retard and doesn't care about anything or anyone.
>your class gets buffed way above any other private server anywhere
>still fucking bitch and moan
holy fuck give it a rest
nah, dev's ego will not allow the buff to happen.

didn't aura blade buff fiasco teach you anything?
As per the dev in last thread.
>those skill point rebalances would allow you to have every non-crafting skill learned all at once, which is an obvious no
>"why would anyone waste 5 skill points you don't even have to get a little more resists, it should've stayed as 5 levels max with added functionality"
If you think an extra 5% Neutral reduction is not worth 5 skill point, on the class with the most flexible skill distribution in Pre-Renewal, you simply don't understand how the game works and should not be making suggestions in the first place.

Meanwhile, sniper gets every single non-trap skill maxed with 1 point to spare. But if Whitesimth can learn every battle skill then it's overpowered.
>But traps are a valid skill build
No they aren't.
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>another class has shit skills that no one wants so buff my class more
When is Dodo going to make a SuNo?
myROnigs don't ever post screenshots because they don't exist
he's on snigger duty
lol now lull is spamming lonely screenshots of him playing by himself on myro in the other thread
definitely left for good
not obsessed or anything
lol lmao even
kill yourself lull, it will at the very least, redeem the french
>other thread is 50% lull
>still think it's just 1 poster
Hi Lull
i said 50%, anon
KEK retard btfo
stop bumping the trannylull thread
Is musika high priest only or can champs wear it?
The best part is that he's fully dropped the masked. All those shill posts and unrelated anime spam posts we said were Lull and he denied it? We were right ofc.
He was using the same stock images to bait trash erpers to join myro.
I didn't think I could hate Lull more honestly bros. Wish Ennui would come back
two days without tings....
champs can wear it
nigger dev if you're here, fucking REVERT the changes done to King Dramoh card.
>but muh Seyren Windsor card
NIGGER, be real. Who the fuck can even grind for one?
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>literally replying to himself multiple times
not mentally ill btw
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>lull having extended melty in other thread
oh well. here's the thing that lead to the series of events of him getting banned.
if you look closely, you can see ** ** **** getting owned lol
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this is some crazy arsenal of skills
surely the asura cheese strat still works

{ bonus bMdef,3; bonus3 bAutoSpellwhenhit,"AL_HEAL",max(1,getskilllv("AL_HEAL")),20; },{},{}
is 20 a 2% chance to proc on hit? I know drop rate code is out of 10,000, but I guess proc rate stuff isn't?
Hey myro admin, if you are here can you transfer my character from ragna/v/ to your game? I don't need the item I just don't want to grind.
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lol what the fuck is going on the other thread
bullies shit posting
Yeah, but it is a long run back. His skills aren't that bad for a coordinated party, he has a bunch of health but his high vit means he'll die pretty fast to ice piggy or AD I assume.
just lull
>lull acting like he wasn't given an assload of free shit and invited to numerous parties despite constant melties on ragna/v/
the victim complex is particularly gross

Nyd kill reference for the pub party that wanted to know how it looked
I knew the spell breaker spam idea was onto something
anyone for guild dugeon?
Sorc isn't really important here, most of his spells aren't interruptable
haha redditor having a melty, imagine getting this upset about a video game
>myRO now has it's own thread
Thank you!
>9 deleted posts in this thread and 20 in the other
got no tings today. gonna goon instead
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You would've done it with a ting anyway
>didn't get invited to the goon sesh
it's so fucking over, bros
tired.. need more tings....
what tings are you chasing right now?
can I change to high priest at 47, not like I need those 3 skill points.
not a ting since it's 0.25 but elemental sword
sorry, I quit, I can't play in a server full of people that call me fat.
Abysmal Knight, Side Winder, and Dragon Tail. After this I'll explore the guild dungeon or fish dungeon 06 and level up my sniper some more too.
You do. You can put those 3 points into demon bane for Signum Crusis, or 2 into Decrease Agi+Cure.
I want one of these too.
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please no alice, you and your fat thighs cant leave us too...
You can take out two of the letters in "bee" and still spell it
we love thick professor thighs here
pocket watch
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Marionette Doll and 2 Mantis Cards
I will wait for you
>3 cecil spawns in a row
reeeeeee dev
>do skeggis for a couple hours
>0 odins
welp try again another time
damn being able to kill eddgatos with this many people is impressive as fuck, truly RO gods and super stars...
i especially liked the part where you said "easy", so cool and non-chalant... you're like House MD... i wish i could be this cool...
anon I'm sure this sounded better in your head but you really just sound mad for no reason
its ** being **
Thanks for coming to the ultra bee endurance marathon everyone
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did any Staff of Destruction drop?
Yes, 100% drop rate. His loot is fixed except for the card
can I buy it off you? I'm trying to get a +6 staff
Ok, shout out in global or trade or whatever
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yeah I will, give me a few since I'm still doing something
It was my first time for those bosses so thanks for having me, the bee fight was funny
He is usually not that rude
>miss antrophy
ragna/v/bros... we are bleeding too many people...
>No more blacksmith buffs anon
>No more blacksmiths killing merchants in Payon
>Haven't seen the blacksmith who used to kill Prontera merchants in like a week
>Haven't partied with a single blacksmith in forever
It's over, thank you niggerdev
>22 players on ragna
>31 players on muhro
Disgusting schizo bipolar unmoving e-fakenice larva.

Wasting that much time do a lot of dangerous damage to the soul non ironically.
only one (You)
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Don't lump me with the myrodent you filthy nigger, niggerdev had every instance to turn the ship around and he didn't
I'm never nice, nevermind fakenice.
Thanks for the video. It's so hard to find RO stuff even on youtube.
Even if people antagonize and try to diminish the achievement, it really is a good job.
If you don't mind, I'd like to see other videos too. I'm testing various builds and compositions on another server and would like some suggestions.
stop samefagging this hard shithead and kill yourself
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You're a fucking niggerfaggot for (you)ing me again, but I'll allow it because fuck lull
Good morning
Good night
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>"The only argument in favor of Homunculis is literally"
>"I want to do nothing and get levels and money REEEEEEEEEE"
>ignores half of the posts

>dev being ignorant again
>dev ignoring feedback again
>"my vision my game"
Since you really don't want to take people's opinions into consideration we can only hope someone else comes and does a better job in server hosting then. All those complaints existed since the start of the server and you refused to listen time and time.
This is the third iteration of bullshit (You) put us through.
What are you going to say when the server dies? Outside forces sabotaged it? Not my fault?
Soulless irresponsible larva moment
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I'm not Lull nor do I play on myRO.
I want the server to last longer.
The people playing here are fun to hang around with.
Unfortunately the dev himself doesn't seem to be interested on the opinion of his own players.

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