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>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix

>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix: Run It Back with Snoop, Eminem, Ice Spice, and Juice WRLD in Battle Royale!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Coming Soon: Progress Your Fortnite Passes by Playing Any Experience

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Learn What’s New in Rocket Racing V31.40!

>Brick or Treat in LEGO Fortnite V31.40!

>Fortnite Crew November - Kyran Aryk

I hate fortnite
Real thread
Weird that so far we only have one irl instrument collab
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Be sure to get your free cars anons
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a succulent non bus driver fag thread, thank you

thanks, can we all agree to stop using bus driver threads ever? falseflag or not the guy (bus driver fag) literally started complaining right as it happened indicating he was here spamming f5 ready to spam it himself if he had the chance

There were strats in festival? Isn't there a free one? What's the difference?
Rocket League is unbearable to play
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>thread deleted
Which is why I included the Sideswipe car anon. You merely have to open it on mobile once to get it
that's interesting, I went on the IRC previously and the mod i talked to said they don't care about bus driver threads or early threads and to stop reporting them because they aren't against the rules, i just assumed that's why he's been doing it all this time 24/7 for the past half a year https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/bus%20driver/type/op/
Lego Pass is basically just a random BR skin now that you'll be able to max out the pass without touching lego mode, and music...I actually agree with, I sorta like metallica but putting ONE premium song in the pass was some gay shit.
>Apparent falseflag thread gets made by bus driver fag
>Gets called out
>bus driver fag gets all fussy and calls it a falseflag
>Apparent falseflag thread gets deleted as bus driver fag gives it a go to make this thread
>I-It's a falseflag I-I swear
Don't ever trust him
when is marvel coming back bros?
we won
Like Billie is sorta cute, but whatever? My friends all call her a cum sock, so I'd not be able to take it serious. My tastes are too niche to ever make it into a pass
Hopefully never bro that season sucked
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jonesy butt
During their next month long vacation, along with Queen Summer
>There were strats in festival? Isn't there a free one? What's the difference?
Just take a look and then compare it to the other guitars in the list, and there's a bass too. It's pretty much novelty for those who had Guitar Hero / Rock Band nostalgia.
Opening Act and Glacier Electric are definitely their own styles.
Reminder that _ avatarfag is _
Janny probably just saw two threads and randomly deleted one
If we're good, never
Actually, according to a source I can no longer pull up, they will only have like two weeks of break this time. I'm hoping this means they're locking in and working overtime for Chapter 6.
>literally started complaining right as it happened indicating he was here spamming f5 ready to spam it himself
I didn’t even have a thread made, I was actually about to go to bed.
Look, obviously you’re never gonna believe me, but I haven’t been making most of these threads. I had a consistent OP posting style for months and never fucked with the OP, this guy didn’t even link back to the correct thread and I absolutely never posted 30+ posts in advance. And I’m assuming the mods actually removed the post, the last time I tried to delete an accidental duplicate thread it wouldn’t let me.
>Apparent falseflag thread gets deleted as bus driver fag gives it a go to make this thread
I am not the spammer. He never uses loading screens op images like the thread largely agreed upon.
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she killed millions
I don’t remember most people agreeing on loading screen OPs. But I don’t have a problem with them, my only issue is that most new shop skins don’t have a loading screen to go along with them.
stop shilling this brown bitch
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>I didn’t even have a thread made, I was actually about to go to bed.
So you just happened to be around right as a thread was about to reach its limit like you have been constantly doing for months now.
all he had to do what drop the bus driver and edition gimmicks and no one would've said anything, but no, bro wanted to become a thread personality in the fortnite general and now he's mad schizos are jumping his ass
I am not a fan of Billie Eilish's music but her pass was a good enough buy for me independent of her as a real person or artist, kek.
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I love Lexa!!!
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It's not even funny either, at least when we had thread wars back in the day people made them funny even just a little bit, this is just one guy spamming the same shit every day with his lame quirky editions so he can feel like he has control over something in his life, he claims to be at work and doesn't really care but idk he's obviously spamming f5 for these
Feeling like shit tonight

Sick and now I gotta figure out how to magically make $2.5k appear in a month
I still can't decide on both Snoops, on one hand I want the goodies and on the other the skin looks better
For me the bus driver themed shit was fine but the early baking was annoying as fuck
Imagine the double handjobs
You can’t get the backfire anymore, though
you could do 500 different things on fiverr
>$2.5k appear in a month
damn why so much?
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maybe mrbeast will give you it after all the times you glazed him and said all the proven lawsuits/harm to other people never happened

there's more than one snoop skin?

as someone that hates nu rap and doesn't listen to modern snoop and loves his debut album, the dog style is pretty cool pun not intended
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Could lie for more disability for your neet bucks, akin to how some vets lie for 100% disabiltiy.
The festival pass isn’t worth it at all. Get the shop one.
Something's fishy and I think he just revealed he's a janitor as some sort of flex.


Uhhh... all the ones that were made late or second are deleted, the one that he just gave the go ahead to make was deleted, pretty sure he just confirmed he's a janitor by accident which is grounds to getting your janny status removed.

>Anonymous: Janitors are not to disclose their position nor present themselves in an official capacity or share any private information about the team or site's users. Doing so will lead to immediate termination.

Well that explains why he's always here 24/7, you have to be here at least 10 hours a day if you want to be a janitor.

That never happens, ever, we had 3 threads going for 30+ hours a week ago

>B-bro I can't delete any of them
Yet his are the only ones that get deleted, strange, almost as if he can delete them and he's trying not to step on toes by deleting other people's threads

Report this post so it goes into the mod queue and they're forced to see it and he can't just handwave it away with a deletion and no ban.
he quit his job to make bus driver OPs 24/7
>I’m just going to randomly point my finger and blame any random poster for making the OPs
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it is weird how that helsie thread never got deleted after over a day and that ice spice one got deleted right after he gave his blessing to delete it
don't think you can make threads on mobile, he's not the culprit (as much as i hate him)
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I was just offering an idea for free, since he can't afford a better one.
TWO Marvel seasons wasn't enough for you?
I wish she had either a proper ass or thinner legs, she feels deformed otherwise
I get you don’t like me, but you’re definitely stretching. I’m not a Jannie. The thread I was talking about was this one from only a few days ago, I made it at the same time as the other guy and never even linked it since I saw their link. It never got deleted.
lmao i forgot he made this drama infested OP
oh lol i thought you were saying it like you knew him
Why do you hate him? He just posts about skins he likes and new emote webms
I didn't know you were an esl
because when mrbeast got called out for all the abuse and illegal shit he said it was all fake and just a harassment campaign, despite MULTIPLE lawsuits being filed in MULTIPLE states
I know the wording is a little shitty or are you saying because I capitalized jannie? Either way, I’m not a jannie.
Emergency family medical expense. Mom's gotta get surgery
My job is literally finding tells, you're an esl
Ah true
He's gay AND an esl? Are we sure he's not Ivan?
>I'm gonna hate a guy because he has an opinion om internet drama I disagree with
Do you hear yourself, anon?
You are him or trolling
Lawsuits being filed means it isn't an opinion, it's factual with evidence, retard
your mom's not gonna make it and it's all gonna be your fault for spending all your money on male skins
Ivan is a 'teen that wasn't on /qa/, he isn't gay, different person also he's unemployed
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>want to play fortnite
>can't play reload build or no build because my sbmm is too high
>can't play ranked build or no build because i'm champ
>can't play festival because paradise city is too hard

it's not fun having a game you want to play but you can't
Dude do you hear yourself? You're more obsessed over that that you'd hate on someone for so much they every time they post you just have to say something insulting lmao.

Like there's no even anymore Mr.Beast webms now it's other male skins but you still obsess over it. That's like definitionally "rent-free"
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I want the WB floodgates to be opened so the Hannah Barbera shit can get in.
Top Cat would sell millions in south america, and I would buy Velma and Daphne any day
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I hear data entry is pretty good to get into if you're fine with working from home too
personally i thought it was funny he glazes a literal billionaire that got exposed as a scammer and now he needs money which would be the equivalent of a pack of gum to jimmy
Its not that we can't pay it but I wanna be a good son and pay it off entirely instead of making it go on credit. Maybe I'll just use my card to pay it instead; i don't mind making the monthly payments and it'll help my credit score. I'm hoping this is an excuse for my mom to.quit her job and take an easier one for her age
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gyatt check
they need an animation legends skin rarity and dump most of the cel shaded skins in there
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i want to relax not sweat i could box u like a flopper ur a free big shield
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Damn... I will now buy all of her (rumoured) jam tracks.
Any news on those 3 jam tracks that are broken in the shop yet?
honestly how does the SBMM even work, does it just account for matches i've played in a season or does it accumulate some total idea of my skill level from "hey you've played this game for a lot of seasons, you should be really good, here's nothing but sweat matches"
the point of sbmm is to try to make everyone have a 50%~ winrate
It's obvious that the slopverse underperformed, so they are probably trying to figure out what to do to avoid another ch5s2 situation. Permanent OG sounds nice, and a japanese themed season could be fun, but I'm also worried about kicks ruining the shop just like lego did.
All three
in other games sorry, in fortnite it picks a few people it "expects" to win and puts shitters (compared to them) against them as free kills basically, it's why every game has a guy with 15+ kills
>>502182376 (Me)
Just looked, they got removed from the shop. Time fo’ the money
Average winrate is maybe 10% or less. In a perfect world, since there are 100 players on the map, you would only win 1% of your games.
average winrate is like 1% dude, not 10%
>Nearly 2025
>Not a single Red Hot Chilli Peppers song or emote
Good/Popular bands first
Dethklok is your next festival headliners after newjeans WB gives in and lets epic use their shit
Honestly if they just wanna fuck/get fucked by MrBeast who cares. I get where you're coming from that defending scummy activity is telling of a person's character but if they just want to sexualize him then it's whatever.
>Not good or popular
Literally one of the greatest rock bands of all time.
not him but you're not accounting for bots which exist in all modes except higher ranked MMRs. there's gotta be at least 20 bots in most matches.
if it also means there's somehow a chance coach mcguirk can be a skin i'm all for it
I'm not a big jojofag today compared to a decade ago but I kind of wish they had some skins in fortnite. they would look nice as cel shaded skins
Jojo peaked with Part 4 and people having to suffer through Part 5 and 6 killed the hype for non-mangafags.
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>peaked in part 4
not beating the normalfags have terrible taste allegations
Give me a number from 1-765
You already posted the number
I've literally held this opinion since 2003 when I first read it. Part 4 was the peak until Steel Ball Run. The anime hasn't hit Steel Ball Run yet, ergo Part 4 is the peak in the anime.
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Just be glad they didn't get in as soon as fortnite started doing anime skins, goku and vegeta (and bulma) look janky as fuck compared to the rest.
its amazing beerus didn't get fucked over.
Not him but a lot of their songs suck. Really the only good one they have is Otherside.
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backpedaling but w/e you're ok i believe it
Part 5 is as normie as it gets. NTA but I used to sleep on part 4, only to realize that (jojo is pretty mid) but it was actually a better (maybe best?) part.
I stated from the beginning this was about the anime. I used the phrase "non-mangafags" for a reason. Part's 5 and 6 are mediocre.
sbr is peak jojo
you didn't say that doe
>and people having to suffer through Part 5 and 6 killed the hype for non-mangafags. >>502183207
it looks like two clauses, w/e i'm not your enemy but you wrote it like shit
why are people even dropping gold in build when it has no use in this season
745 since it's my favorite pokemon
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Which way, western man?
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I take the detour to the only pussy I've been thinking about for a year straight.
Can you use these in battle royal?
erm you can't fuck a spirit
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That sounds like quitter talk to me. I WILL impregnate this bear.
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post em
are you married to one of those
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>couldn't be assed doing the redcap challenges last year
>decide I want redcap after it's already way too late
*Puts my finger on your lips* I'm bored let me have this
Jill Valentine
Batman Comic Book Outfit
Winter Wonder Skye
Raptorian the Brave

Only one I really wanna make a preset for here is Raptorian since I like using him with Magnus' backbling + Malik's sword (also because I already have presets for 3 of the ones listed lol)
Get out of here Jonesy.
You were Raptorian oops
He’s a 0 iq fat brown agp looser who blows all his income on strangers on 4chan instead of a wife, no he doesn’t have a partner
he has a wife and kids anon
Did that one festival anon ever say what the song was that had a note that you would hit while holding a sustained note?
No one figured it out yet and all the drama lately about the OPs made me not want to ask anymore
It's sad because I play Festival often but never Vocals. I only play Lead and sometimes Drums because those are often the most challenging charts.
Ok. Can bruni come out and make a post about this? Oh no he can’t because he doesn’t kek
Nta but he said that ages ago when he was new here, you would't know that cause you're a newgen chapterlet thread shitter
Link the post he’s lying in because this loser faggot doesn’t
DD without a second thought. I can't get past the clipping issue with Phaedra's hair
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I want chun-li to do exactly this to me
does ninja even enjoy fortnite anymore?
>not any of the clones
You blew it
Damn, that sucks.
I spent about about an hour looking for the song because you got me genuinely curious.
I'm sure it'll pop up in my rotation eventually.
oh wait was that a reference to something
he loves reload and og
Not ever since it became a kids game
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black or white, I love armpits.
this isn't even a fng comment.
I just love armpits.
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I made a Lexa fan website!!!


I'll be adding some more Lexa content in the future, so stay tuned! (This isn't an ad, so please don't ban me.)
Did creative kill the chances of most LTMs ever coming back
I miss ground game and high stakes
Zero Build pretty much killed it
Epic saw Roblox and realized "holy shit if we make permanent modes we can steal Roblox's lunch like we did PUBG"

Except they fucking bought up a bunch of companies and had them make fortnite modes that compete with their original games for some reason
Creative killed Epic ever bothering with high quality versions of the popular stuff. Imagine Prop Hunt not riddled with AI and actually having decent maps that aren't littered with sixty gorillion small items.
One month till first person mode.

>"Legacy passes are getting in"
>finger on a monkey paw curls
>all AFK and easy creative XP is gutted, forcing you to poopsock the game 24/7 to complete them
well the latefags DID want it to be like halo
anon that's her normal sneakers
No no, the monkey paw curling is that they'll use the same exp rates and systems as when they were originally around.

Season 1 with Black Knight? Daily Quests are like the only way to get level up your battle pass.
Season 2 - 7? The Battle Pass EXP sucks so fucking hard
Season 8? Not bad actually
Season X? Brutes (which I loved lmao) :^)
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wanna lick her thighs so bad
>Wanna know how I got these GAINS?
My cute diaper wife...
I love her so much
i hope they've been tuning the mode because it feels worse than gta 5's first person mode
Anims are a little janky, and the sights on older models are pretty rough, but it's still cool. I just wonder if they'll bother to keep working on it and fixing up anims/sights. I'd welcome them updating old models, but I'm guessing that's too much needless work for them for something that won't sell.
Have you played it? I haven't bothered to try it in Creative myself, and am just waiting for the maps to drop in a month or so. It does look a little questionable, but hopefully decent enough to bother fucking around with.
>diaper drawfag skipped Erisa and Lexa for fucking Skye
Fuck you Maefag
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oh dear god she's mitosis-ing
>that tiny sliver of butt cheek you can see under her crotch
>they'll use the same exp rates and systems as when they were originally around.
They will totally rework the XP system they have been using since the launch of CH2.
not sure how to explain it but it feels like it was made for the purpose of showing off instead of actually being used in a gameplay setting you know
like there's not much difference between this official setting and the first person stuff you can already play in creative
Neither of these will happen. In fact, they want leveling to be even easier than it is now. This is tied to the "complete any pass anywhere" initiative they're testing now and that will go 100% live in the next LEGO pass.
RTL's ass is wide and flat like a pancake
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dumb new guy question: where/how do i enter an island code?
>Konami....it's not about the money....it's about sending a message....
Ellie the elephant had always been a bit timid. She'd watched her herd-mates indulge in the delightful pastime of coprophagy, their trunks disappearing into each other's rear ends with gusto. But Ellie, with her sensitive soul, had hesitated. The thought of plunging her trunk into such a...well, *personal* place filled her with a mix of curiosity and dread.

One day, a surprise visitor arrived at the elephant sanctuary: Taylor Swift, the world-famous singer-songwriter. Known for her empathy and love for animals, Taylor had come to volunteer and offer support to the elephants.

Seeing Ellie's hesitation, Taylor, ever the compassionate soul, decided to help. "Don't worry, Ellie," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring. "I'll show you how it's done."

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Taylor rolled up her sleeves and approached one of the older elephants. She carefully inserted her arm into the elephant's rear end, mimicking the motion of an elephant's trunk.

"See, Ellie?" Taylor said, emerging with a handful of elephant dung. "It's not so bad. In fact, it's quite...earthy."

Inspired by Taylor's courage and the humorous spectacle, Ellie took a deep breath. She approached her closest friend, a gentle giant named Bella, and with a trembling trunk, slowly inched it towards Bella's rear.

A moment of hesitation, then, with a surge of courage, she plunged her trunk deep inside. She pulled out a generous helping of warm, fragrant dung. Her eyes widened in anticipation as she brought the delicacy to her mouth.

With a tentative sniff, she took a bite.

Her eyes lit up. It was delicious! The earthy flavor, the satisfying texture - it was everything she'd hoped for and more. The herd erupted in cheers, celebrating Ellie's newfound courage and culinary adventure. From that day on, Ellie embraced her coprophagic tendencies with gusto, joining her herd-mates in their shared enjoyment of this unique and nutritious delicacy.
Funko collab when?
In the little magnifying glass on the top left corner.
Shut the fuck up, ChatGPT.
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i will never understand how that shit got popular
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the fuck are those
are those some kind of type of nendoroids
they were cheap trinkets and they basically licensed out literally everything
hell, they offered scott cawthon such a huge revenue option that he went with them exclusively lmao
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Hot take, but i prefer Funko over shit like makeship or Youtooz. Mostly thanks to the lack of FOMO and scalpers.
That's a shame, but I suppose it's to be expected when they designated it as a Creative function first and foremost. I wish we'd get cool modes aside from TDM rehashes in FPP, but I doubt there'll be much, sadly.
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i just want my minifig irl
although making bootleg remi merch like i see japanese people doing on my tweeter is tempting
Eminem festival tracks when?
Why didn't no one wake me up during Era's event? I miss her
It's one of the broken songs from yesterday
When did you accept that old collabs like Street Fighter are never coming back?
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So whose gonna be the collab in next seasons BP?
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>The end event isn't going to be a shit Juice WRLD concert
Why are they both trying to hit the same ball at the same time? Are they stupid?
What are the chances we'll get a Nickelback collab?
So far away, so far away
Just had the idea of dropping the crown right after a win during the victory royale screen to act like a mic drop.
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Also that's not the 1 Ball that's a 9 Ball that's been incorrectly labelled as the 1. 1 is a solid color.
I'd fully hide my hud in that iykwim
She got that Super Bass

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