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Previous thread: >>502166484

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
[000] The Princess of La Manchaland Rodion
[EGO] HE - Fell Bullet Yi Sang

2024.11.14 — 2024.11.28
Target Extraction: [ Meursault ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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coomers are subhuman
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Rodya LOVE!
Do you have to do anything fancy with Praygor to keep him from exploding himself in MD? I haven't messed with him much at all.
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Please stop fighting
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It's so nice to see that we're finally getting good end IDs.
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Would you betray him?
I will Nyon't
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Let this game begin
Watch, my children
Watch me
You've all come to die
For this battle is lost
Losing their minds
Losing their souls
Hush, now hush
We don't talk
We don't care anymore
(We don't care anymore)
I summon the Nine now
Confirm the alignment
Can I get through?
Carry on, you fools
Try to break free
When we fail
It's lost forever
When we fail
It's lost forever
It's not real, no reason to be here
No more fear and no more regrets
Don't look back and free your mind
Stay where you are till the sealing is over
Say goodbye, my friend
Here's your promised end
Be a part of the grand parade
Along we're driven
On and on, it's a grand parade
We're one, we're so sorry to say
It's all the same, you will see
On this grand parade
I'm doing a bloodfiend trio run in MDH now and while he did get quite close a few times his self heal usually brings him back, no healing EGO gifts either and I even fused Bloody Mist at floor 3 . If you want to make sure he doesn't explode healing EGOs are always good.
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Rodyachads run this general
If I was a Bloodfiend? probably.
Literally just defend once if the fight will be a long one and save his s3 for when he is low. Do that and he is pretty much immortal
*ahem* FUCK sancho, and fuck every single bloodnigger except el padre.
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I wonder if it'd be worth running both Dulcidya and Priegor together as a package for a generalist team
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It's a run-of-the-mill intervention, for his own good. Someone has to clean up the blue hag's mess.
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Not the family...
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The Loving Mother of LaManchaland
Sanson seems like a pretty stand-up guy.
There is implication he barely suffers from the hunger at all, his starved debuff only gives him a 10 level penalty while every other bloodfiend has twice that much lost, it was extremely inconsiderate of him to make all his kindred suffer a fate worse than death.
Betraying el padre is a clear sign of a subhuman, which all other bloodfiends proved themselves to be.
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I just realized most of her 000 are either mid or shit.
Not Meursault or Gregor tier of mostly bad, but at least those two have a great 000 to salvage all of their shit 000s.
>blue man
The worst of all blooders
My wife!
Sanson is based. He looks cool and can shitpost on par with Demian. I'd invite him for a beer.
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Your fate is over, sanchochuds
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100% Yes.
Not for any grand reason other than if I was a Bloodfiend I wouldn't be able to ward off the thirst with an autistic hobby. I'd want Blood real fucking bad and would side with Dulcinea just to get some.
Yeah sure I'd feel bad about it afterwards and throw myself a pity party but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
You have a b-word pass to be saying that?
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rodion using a bong
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>ermmm actually angela did it because she suffered for trillion years boohoo
Death to all traitors, no exceptions.
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>waaaaaa vagueposting
He'll be super cool once you understand what he's talking about in two years. It's an investment friendship, like befriending a fat guy at the gym once you see that he's showing up consistently.
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>we don't get any of Sancho's cool animations
I honestly hope the ID ends up being shit.
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>You're right, this whole Theme Park idea was silly, wasn't it? Anyways, here's the Golden... stick thingy, Sancho - sorry for the bother.
I think absolutely yeah. Priegor with Dulcinea nets out surprisingly good damage, the two feed enough bloodfeast for Dulcinea to work and Dulcinea gives everyone good clash power and healing while priegor can just facetas absolutely anything and get back up thanks to her and his self heals.
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has THE cornerstone ID of poise teams and recently got another strong generalist ID on top of having a straight up broken EGO
now has two good team IDs and a very strong EGO to go with one of them

Don has the worst ID pool in the game right now
I would just simply tank the hunger, I'm built different like my father.
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>ringsang is a good choice for the el director event
The Bough needs to resonate with the Sinner, and it resonates with suffering.
Don's pain was necessary.
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>mfw I am no longer sancho's biggest fan
The fate of the Traitor is that of death. A death that is not physical, but mental. The guilt and anguish will erode your heart and you will wish that you had the resolve to end it all.
The truth is, however, that the Traitor dies its first death upon taking part on the act. To perish a second time is a mercy most welcomed.
Think of your family, Sancho.
what is Dulcinea's counter used for? I know with Heathcliff it's to get on the horse
Would they still fight, if he was more amicable about it? Did the Golden Bough mind control him into fighting via arbitration? Like, what would happen if he just.. didn't want an epic fight to the death?
Alright, coomer general
>you and your sinner got stuck in a room no one can leave until they have nakadashi sex
>your sinner?
>last digit = number of times you coom inside (0 = you are dead)
Everyone in this thread would betray him. None of you possess the strength of will
For Lust Res and if you're stuck with 2 skill 1s
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I think I would betray el padre if he told me to starve myself and I was too busy waging at a theme park to figure out that you can stave off the thirst by finding a hobby
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But would (You) do it?
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Who do you guys think should get booted from this team when dons bloodfiend id comes out? grip faust or hooklu? dawn offfice is just there for the support fire for ring yi
I want to skip to Hong Lu's canto
We still would have to bring Papa Don to Casera because she threatened creating competition for Golden Boughs if we didn't
Nah I'm built different
The dream was always going to be impossible…
The dream will take time, anon.
I would boot grip faust
>I want to skip cultivation kino
You can just post "I'm a big fat retard" next time
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I didn't actually think of it that way.
How do you have a hobby when you are too busy with a job?
Like of course Sancho and Don are literally not starving for blood because every single day has Don dragging Sancho to whatever the fuck he wants and not thinking about how they want to drink blood.
While if I were a Bloodfiend in La Manchaland I am too busy cleaning up a human's puke on the road to even think about shit like embroidery to mentally convince myself out of drinking blood.
That's why we gallop on! Again and again, until the dream is within our grasp!
Ishmael won’t kill me over this, r-right??
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Ohh... Manager... You spam Red Eyes (Open) too much.. Now my crashes are hoperess...
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... I believe that this will be an idle affair.
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We’re never getting Bariclair btw. Not for a long time, 10 years atleast.
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>Implying he's dead
>Implying p-corp won't have him in some sort of body-horror setup where he has a bunch of tubes jabbed into his body so they can extract vampire juice for preservation tech
>He's half alive, and begging for us to kill him
The suffering has only just begun, limbabs
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I want to skip to a really funny plot point that would cause the thread to corrode
>faust is beatrice
>penelope is a woman
>pre-clock dante is someone we already know
>we are forced to read three story nodes of demian, rimjob, and sanson all cryptoposting at the same time
Calm down fujo you DRAINED poor Yi Sang
I swear if Sancho ends up with less max health than barber Outis I'm using ring Outis
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>>502182069 (Me)
I... I must excuse myself for a moment...
Will we get more chibi CGs like in Chapter 6
I rather die thân fuck any female sinner
I just want to roll, no need to remove the gambling by letting me pick a sinner.
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Please remember [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ].
I thought you all loved [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ], right?
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Does this mean she inflicts the extra bleed ONLY if she's at 10 Thorns?
Yeah, for no other reason than that he decided to fuck off when his family needed him the most.
It's absurd to me how there are people who think he wasn't the root cause of the problem.
>Vagueposting powerscaling
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0 implies verg kills me
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Why does he look like that
MIDGETcliff the SWARTHY...
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Giving Don the family she didn't make as a bloodfiend
Anon, if she's at Stage 1 of Thorns, she inflicts (1-1) more Potency aka 0.
I-it only means I coomed inside her 4 times, okay?! I will survive!!
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Read my post slowly juniorretardbro. you have eyes yet you can't see mt tai
This anon got gondola'd
>0 (zero ((zilch)) (((nada))))
If you are wise you will listen to me
Who do you blame when your kid is a brat
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat?
Blaming the kids is a lion of shame
You know exactly who's to blame:
The mother and the father!
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Hag status rolling...
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I want to tempt fate with a 0
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>five seasonal 000 IDs
I am waiting for Ryoshu Canto and a 000 ID for each Finger.
i won’t choose a sinner, and instead i’ll let the second last digit dictate which sinner it is….
How many stages does she get?
>traps and betrays (you)
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leave ishmael to me...
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Does this fat pig help with Bleed Count at all or is she shit at it?
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I will be Quixote, Don signifying her nobility's, biggest fan!
dulcinia was allways a cunt
no wonder sancho didnt like her
God fucking damn it!
Technically yes
Technically no
She's shit at it, count is an illusion, you WILL stack single bursts of 10 bleed
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Hit me with it
I don't have boxes or Lunacy for the new Rodion, why is everyone saying Don (Sancho) is Bari suddenly?
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>Roll for new Extraction
>Got it on first roll
>Roll for Targeted Extraction
>Bunch of dogshits 00s
I swear to god
Ishmael moans Queequeg’s name instead of yours
Paus will never betray me. It is a safe choice.
nice game limbabs
Don Quixote never taught her about sex sadly
what if the sancho ID gets revealed and its ishmael
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I don't was sex
I want a footjob
is this a good place for questions about Library of Ruina? I'm softlocked in the fight against the first anomaly (Bloodbath) because I can't initiate combat after closing the tutorial windows, pressing space or clicking the big-ass yellow button at the top of the screen doesn't work, and I've also restarted the game a bunch of times with different graphics settings but the fight still becomes completely freezed up every time I'm done with the tutorial windows
Why are her feet 2x smaller than the entire cock
I'll ask the question everyone's too scared to.
Would raping him count as BETRAYL??
I feel like Sancho watching Don Quixote calmly give up on the dream with zero hesitation would be more painful for her than watching him struggle to keep believing.
Director gets hanged from a rope, limbillions die
loli feet
Try verifying the game files, maybe something got fucked up in middle of the installation.
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showing tender love to shi don in particular
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Give me 0. Now.
u rike?
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>first Shi post ending in 4 in a while is about donqui sex after her subordinates died
I kneel but also
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so are the bloodfriends good or what
So is this 49 orgasms or just 4 really big ones
All of them are villains and we need to beat them up, kill them, and force them underground, forever.
Except for the good ones we can coexist with, of course.
If you mean the iDs, bloodfriends good. Bloodfriends together strong.
Rodion singlehandedly made them meta for bleed teams, barber with her support can beat ringsang in damage
4 Big Loads.
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You now remember 9:2 EGOs.
Mos of them are sub human bum that should be put into a gas chamber with a few good one
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>Have Rodya
>Have Sanguine Desires
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>replace "fixer obsession" with "crack addiction"
>replace "blue woman" with "white woman"
>replace "adventures" with "picking up some milk"
wait a minute...
Guys, does Rodion only have 1 stage with her Blooming Thorn? I read her kit multiple times but I can't see how many stages she gets for the extra bleed infliction
Am I blind?
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I think Don should sit by herself from now on. Sorry, I just don't want bloodsucking hussies with kill counts in the tens of thousands sitting near my other sinners, especially not those who are clearly on track to become good people like Yi Sang and Sinclair.
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What launch ID concept are they making functional next?
>another 3+4 s1 id with coin power conditionals
This is so fucking annoying, I'd at least stomach it if it wasn't tied to a bleed conditional and instead blooming thorns BUT OF COURSE IT HAS TO BE BLEED SO IT'S UNRELIABLE AS FUCK
yes, she has better clashing when she has more than 1 slot but she's not supposed to with new and 'awesome' chain system
can't wait to have another refraction railway and be unable to use her full potential because of limited slots once more
This post literally showed me that I didn't have any photos of Outis in my Limbus images folder.
... But former soldiers who ended up killing innumerable people in devastating operations remembered as atrocities are still okay with you, correct, Executive Manager?
stop ruining it.
>barber with her support can beat ringsang in damage
in aoe maybe, in single target you're just smoking crack
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You are blind, yes
She does stage - 1 extra potency with her skills, so at stage 2 she'll do 1 extra potency, and stage 3 she'll do 2 extra potency
>Using s1s when you have a clashable counter
Couldn't be me
what is outis' stance on Türkiye?
Yeah but I don't see the number of how many stages she can get
Unless, the [Princess Rodion only] refers to the top section, and the stages are for Outis and Gregor?
[schizophrenic doompost]
You're free to try it yourself. Rod's clashable counter is great for triggering Outis' passive and jacking up her damage
Guys I think outis's name might not actually be outis. She's not wearing an ID card, like how sancho and hong lu aren't.
Well, which is it? >>502183567
I’m going to call Donqui a bloodsucking hussy from now on.
>don is sancho
>hong lu is a rock
Holy SH*Taroonies... good find.
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I hate Angela so much it's unreal
>random update
What did Monzo break this time
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Help! Limbus Company Sinners! "Nobody" is killing me! "Nobody" is the traitor, conspiring against our mission!
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>Rodya gets 2 s2 in a row
>combat start +4 attack power for her and outis
>it doesn't even need bloodfeast for strength application
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I've never heard of that bug so I can't really help you, you might want to search the Steam forums for anyone complaining about the same thing.
>Anon of the Scarlet Hunt gets his wish by having a Sancho free of Don Quixote
So we’re peering into his Mirror World…
Didn’t Ruina also have location issues? Like it would fuck up if your location was set as something different from when it was installed? I vaguely remember Steam having that problem with Ruina.
My hero Nemo wouldn't do this
I feel like Dante is so stupid that the Outis name trick would actually work on him if he was the cyclops in the book.
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A bit rough at the start if you're unlucky but otherwise fine
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Hey bitches.
God I need to be choked by a woman with muscles
Resents being 99% Turkish and 1% Greek (pontic/eastern anatolian).
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Sancho on the other hand is a pushover
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>bvll day
i thought she'll be Turkish nationalis, being 100% greek, just like Atatürk
Doesn't the Dieci winrate thing still work? I don't know because I skip everything for the extra thread.
Just use rodya dieci and get yourself free corrosion with rime shank, easy win
That'd cost her a lot of pride, and she can't afford to lose that.
>people said the bloodfiends would be unusable against enemies that infpict bleed count
>DulciRod grinds them into confetti with her S4
Lol lmao get rekt doomfags
it's ok I still have 3 months to doompost about the Sancho ID
did director ever comment on this event
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You guys don't skip your thread luxcavations?
>a new download has been added
will outis be mother in her canto? or will it be revealed Πηνελόπεια is a dude?
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It's time.
Biological parents do not exist in PM games unless the kid is dead
I would prefer Sancho id that has been TRAPPPED and BETRAYED for 200 YEARS honestly
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i want outis to sit on my face before the sex happens
Probably just fixing the new ID profile card lines.
>Mfw the vampires do a better job at killing vampires than the vampire hunters, hunters specifically meant to kill vampires
Sinners for the Sin of Sloth?
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My children... would tell me if something was wrong, yes? Besides a single attempt by Sancho, they wouldn't just go from pretending to be happy to immediately betraying my dream without at least trying to communicate with me even once, right?
The only vampire hunter we've seen is a 00 ID of a jobber. If Director wasn't retarded and gave us a 000 Fanghunt ID instead of that, you'd have a better argument.
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>ruins your life
Τηλέμαχος is a important part of odyssey tho. and cantos are quite adept at adapting their source maerial
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>Ruinas your life
>he said as he left to larp as fixers for god knows how long
yeah theres a reason shitclair was forced to larp as her
theyre both little shits
The next ID will be Don Padre Yi Sang.
Because the idea of a Sancho-Sancho ID is too absurd to me.
>Bloodfiends complain
>Nay, we must cast aside our nature for my dream.of coexistence! I shall not stand for any more bellyaching from you lower kindred shitters!
Typical boomer parent
let's see in canto 9 if Ryoshu's kid ends up being adopted I'll promise you that any other spouses / kids of the sinners will be changed
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>the idea of a Sancho-Sancho ID is too absurd to me
You lost, anon. It's doncho.
honestly, the most surprising thing was finding out Duclinea loved her own kindred like Papa Don loved her
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>get hers power budget stuffed in attack weight
>now that boss fights are single part enemies
Yi sang
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Break the pattern director, we don't need to get the canto ID after RR5...We Donfags are so hungry...please director...the stream...
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>Sinclair as himself in canto 3
>Heathcliff as himself in canto 6
>Sancho cannot be herself in canto 7
>ishmael as her boss
Funny how you didn't mention canto 5, ishMALE
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Shut up slut, and put the clown outfit back on.
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I just want the Bari ID, please. I want the cool weapon swapping. I'll take anyone that doesn't already have a 000 from this season.
Sinclair will get it in approximately 20 cantos from now.
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Is ringsang still the first slot ID for bleed team or did rodya change anything?
Actually how good would a full attack weight team do now?
we could have gotten it if they picked a better plot for the Doncho ID
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ideal bleed team?
Bari in this mirror world seems to be a shitter that got run out of town by padre's kids. It's not impossible to get her this season
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We already have Sinclair-Sinclair ID and Heathcliff-Heathcliff ID
Bloody mist + win rate
First entirely separate swappable attack kits is going to be 8th walpipi with Vespasault
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Family :)
>Bari in this mirror world seems to be a [HEADCANON]
She just didn't feel like it, that's all.
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>barber made masks for every bloodfiend who was in la manchaland after betraying their father
>sancho chose to betray her father, therefore she stayed in la manchaland
Bets on what's going to be her mask?
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A smile.
She wears no mask.
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Ringsang's probably better to get slots first cause he deals so much damage, but I like having Dulcidya in the first slot so that she can get her S2 more often for the attack power buff
Like heath-heath id?
Horse skull
>Go ask the Barber or the Priest for these menial chores
Rodya is kind of a bitch lol
I bet we'd all turn into pecca at the end of the day
This is all still Angela's fault for not releasing the light fully.
MD: Bloodfiend trio, Ring Sang, Lob Ryoshu, Hook Lu
Not MD: NFaust, Ring Sang and Outis, Lob Ryoshu, RSalt, PriRodya for Sanguine Desire.
I rather wait for the actually good Bari ID down the road than get a perma giga-nerfed shitter Bari ID at this instant. Sinclairfags already got the Zwei ID this season anyway and will have to cope with it for now
She's above such petty tasks, she's the head of the parade, the beauty of the park
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the idea that Don wouldn't get an ID where she never stopped being Sancho because... she is Sancho might be the most retarded idea I've seen /lcg/ comes up with in a while. even dumber than insisting that Ahabmael and wild hunt aren't happening
>Priegor S1 gives himself 50 bleed in MD
holy shit you weren't kidding
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>even dumber than insisting that Ahabmael and wild hunt aren't happening
they're not happening.
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In fairness, that was the one and only adventure he left on, and it was arranged by Dulcinea’s trio.
>Having kids
>Not having them take out the trash or mow the lawn
Free labor is half the reason for having kids
she goes "noo let me do it again" if she fails a check
she's boasting but needs a pat on head every now and then
>don quixote doesn't get the don quixote ID
What the fuck has the world come to? We need to launch the trucks on PM Headquarters, stat.
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>ebony stem
>magic bullet fire
yep, shootis carries pierce lux
Evens watch movie
Odds draw
>is incredibly useful and meta
wat movie?
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Just one more ID...
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>one (1) (uno) day
Nicolai Rodya soon
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>Come on, chin up! Pick yourself up the ground and walk tall. you're my Children, I know you can do it!
Idk. Might watch Terminator since I've never seen those movies yet.
... and they've would've believed with all their hearts instantly upon hearing this, making the Dream work.
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Sancho literally did and Don got the brilliant idea to go get the cigs.
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what status effect do you think p corp goons will use
Does red order still not fucking work
>P corp
>The status is Pipis, it gives you P count when you Pee allowing you to spend it for a Pea, P can also be applied to Pipis and P gives an increasing damange modifier based off of
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penis compression.
It stands for Tremor, of course!
she would hold it in. for sure. Very cute.
I really hate all this fanbase aPeasement.
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unless you're a m*le, who legally cannot feel pleasure in P Corp due to mandated penis compression
If you could remove 1 effect from the game to make it better, what would it be?
Tremor, of course!
It's stands for pressure
Rupture or Sinking
Both are extremely problematic in their own ways
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I want all the fat retards who thought that Doncho was gonna get La Manchaland Donqui to write a formal apology to the general. If they don't within the next three days, Rolcinea will not fuck them.
>the loading bar now increases square by square rather than just being a linear progression behind the grid
what's my gameplan for the bloodfiend team? should i save skill 3s for when i get more stacks or just say fuck it
You have the Winrate button, for a reason.
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>dealing pure dmg rather than playing p2w with 25 different ids for every defense type is very problematic
Oy vey
Rupture, Im sick of trannies constantly crying that the most conceptully broken and difficult to balance status doesnt get more support
what ids apply the sinclair status effect
don't make me super rape you
>Rolcinea will not fuck them.
I’m still waiting for more good rupture ids.
El director can shove those “if you have 15374 stacks of rupture and rupture coubt ob enemy then this id is rupture count neutral” shit right up his ass. Give me 5 more wsangs. There is no other good rupture id at all.
>i want all the NOBLE HEROES who persist in the beautiful DREAM no matter the odds to give up, and accept things being shit and boring!
I refuse.
i usually just throw out my skill 3 if i get them on the first turn, otherwise i save up until i get at least 10+ stacks
Never going to happen until Talisman gets axed. No fucking clue how they decided LCCB Ryo needed to get "fixed" because of Dingsang but they're fine with letting that abortion still exist
Don't worry, you can forver be retarded. And I will still be winning.
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I specifically didn't shard Preggor so that I get more chances when I use the seasonal ticket.
I also didn't shard Cinqsault because fuck him.
I used the ticket today and got two seasonal 000s.
They're both Barboutis, which is the ONLY seasonal 000 that I had.


On the bright side, I've had enough boxes to shard the rest of the Bloodsucker Family and gave them a spin in MD.
... after it was done I unironically uptied "Suddenly, one day..." to IV, because I feel like I'll be using it a lot.
a) It's a Sloth E.G.O. that doesn't actually require Sloth to activate. Currently, the only way to get Sloth in my bleed team is Ringsang's S3.
Ringsang's S3 and "Suddenly...", that is.
b) It genuinely seems tailor-made for Preggor. Because of its passive, yes.
c) Also, it rolls 28, which is pretty high for a base E.G.O.

Dulcidya's "lower bleed count on allies, especially Bloodfiends" part of her kit appears to be currently irrelevant, except, I suppose, it's really-really useful against enemies that actually inflict bleed on you. Preggor will genuinely just fucking kill himself in a few turns if he is inflicted with, like, 5 bleed count.

Everything else about her kit is wonderful and amazing, and she has officially received certified "Special" status as far as I'm concerned.
Is it really "winning" if you believe in evil villain things, which are bad by virtue of existing?
I had 3:1 chances of getting a bloodfiend 000 id.
I got fucking streamer sault.
Fucking gay ass gacha.
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>clashable counters are just better than skill 1s in every way
Thank you director, I love powercreep. Please just delete count from statuses so they just stay active and stack forever next.
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Just failed the 90% chance to get ego gift of type I want 5 times in a row. tremor tremor sinking rupture sinking when I wanted bleed.
wow chat...
Clashable counters should not generate sin
So if Sancho is getting an evil Sancho ID that basically confirms she's going to stop pretending to be a retarded gremlin going forward right? Otherwise she would've gotten a delusional hero ID to be thematically fitting.
I'm pretty sure it will be a tank using the same idea as their buildings. The outside can bend and flex while the inside retains it's shape. The skin tight suits are for separating the inside and the outside parts and not because the boss has a latex fetish.
The employee handbook
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But anon, clashable counters ARE a sin.
>heaseclippu canto
>maid fight
>try to fight normally
>she evades everything, rishes to 45 san and breaks me
>offset her evade
>ez win
Why does offset even exist? It feels so cheaty.
They just changed charge into having a count, like the rest.
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>P Corp's nuggets are called the Compression Department
It's gonna be a new flavor of tremor. Maybe charge/tremor if you're lucky. Sounds perfect for SHITclair.
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This Id's really pleasant to use desu
>Sacrifice one skill slot to negate one skill slot on the enemy
Seems pretty balanced to me anon.
>he uptied SOD
Lol you fell for a brainlet redditor trap. Sloth is useless for a bleed team and Lantern is far better for burst healing
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Had lantern at IV for ages.
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i need fwiends G183885148
gregor isn't reddit...
Yeah, he's X Corp.
I'm really excited for the ID teaser tomorrow bros. I hope it's for ishy
Bari outright said she would get gangbanged if every bloodfiend in Don Quixote’s castle attacked her at once. That’s why she wanted a duel specifically
>I'm really excited for the ID teaser tomorrow bros
isn't it supposed to be a dead week
If I may ask, does Dulcinea Rodya synergize well with Sanguine Desire?
says who
The only thing I know we're getting for sure is the livestream in 8 days.
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>I am acting profoundly retarded, please give me (You)s
Why do artists not draw the real heart tattoo?
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Because if it didn't exist you would run into an enemy in hard mode MD and get completely shitcanned because they get 25+ evade skills extremely easily
No ishtent until next Friday, sorry bwo
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Vigorous sex with bimbo lu while the sister watches.
I am so fucking sick of you niggers shitting on Cinq Sault.
If a newfag had 200 boxes, you know which Seasonal ID I’d tell them to get? Cinq Sault. He’s the best generalist in this season, him and Zwei Ish. He doesn’t need a theme team like the Bloodfiends or even compared to the other good Sault ID, Kimsault.
Stop shitting on him. He’s really fucking good at clashing just like Cinqlair, and you’re all dumping on getting him in your S5 pulls just because he’s not some big tit bloodslut
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I just got done scratching my balls while thinking about Ishmael
Nobody talks about him, people are busy shitting on cinq Don.
No one denies he's strong, he's just boring
>shitting on Cinq Sault.
Who did this? I see one other mention of the ID in this thread other than you and that guy uptie 4'd SUDDENLY. The only complaint I can possibly have with the ID is that "Pierce generalist" is an extremely saturated market. He's a brilliantly designed ID because they actually managed to make a 'sault ID where you would actually probably prefer screwloose over regret.
I already have 9+ Poise units, I didn't need another one
Same with generalists
Stop making fun of Zwei West Ishmael. Don't keep shittalking her like you are right now. Knock it off. She's a good ID. She's one of the best. She can solo Ricardo. Stop now.
People shit on Cinqsault? He literally outdamages Cinqlair wtf
Cinq Don does fine now since you can run full Cinq for Pride Res and higher Speed allies to consistently proc her 30% damage up. Have her clash against multicoins and she does just fine, I'm happy for her.
>femanon gets pissed a single guy didn’t want cinq sault in his season 5 ticket
you don’t need to defend meursault so hard, yume bitch
who tf makes fun of her she's really good
Kimsault exists
Lmao. And Ubereats Rodion exists
>Pierce generalist
RingSang exists
He's not bad, but he's still completely outclassed. This is a cold hard fact that nonseasonals can do his main three niches better than him
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Explain this character's purpose
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>new rupture IDs
>they don't scale with rupture gifts whatsoever for MD
To make funny limbus cropped images/
why did zwestyclair and cinqsault end up being a seasonal banner anyway
seemed like a waste, give me more bloodfiends or fanghunt/firefist
>Rupture in MD
Oh Im sorry, we're talking meta about the status that can win by doing literally nothing?
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Explain this character's purpose.
To remind you just how shit the base IDs are.
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*smooches padre*
To be a reference to modern-day streamers and to become one with the field of blood-drenched roses.
Explicitly made for ryona and ryona only. That's it.
The only people who shat on cinqsault were from the first few hours of his release. We pretty much agreed that he was good after a day or two.
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Explain this character's purpose.
There are multiple characters depicted in this image. Specify or G.T.F.O.
I created a scenario in my head where Don's seasonal ID is shit. how do I stop being mad at it?
My harem wives after we loop.
>Business woman SEEEEEX
>Gurofag meal
>Stick your dick in crazy
>Plot device with holes
>Keeping the doctor away
Not sure why there's a blank space on the left, but you do you.
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Explain this character's purpose.
Cashy is for true love.
Most embarassing character in Limbus so far. Completely humiliated, at least we got to see Camille beat the shit out of Don even though it was scripted.
Please post more of these two
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Never ever. I love him more than anything.
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Explain this character's purpose.
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Woops haha wrong file. Here is the correct one.
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Any guesses for her mask's design?
It's gonna be the Helm of Mambrino
Fuck you
I'm a big fan of the 'Hermann has trigger words to turn Greg into a double agent' potential plot beat
Increasingly cool sunglasses.
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God I love Bloise
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Forever my hero
Forever my hero
I am your biggest fan
I am your biggest faaaaan
Explain this character's purpose?
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To remind you of better characters.
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Helped estabilish the Fanghunters as the kinder group we were partnering with in Canto VII. Camille was self-centered and Xichun’s faction had their own motives. The Fanghunters had a thrill killing Bloodfiends but knew the dangers and picked a fight with us to reduce the casualties and we then make amends after they notice we can trust our backs to each other.
It says a lot El Director bothered to have them backstabbed to excuse their losses against Bloodfiends. Meanwhile Xichun’s chinks had to hold the line for her to come with us and Camille+Paula got corroded offscreen.
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Is it wrong to have lewd thoughts of my Grandmothers?
To do this.
Oh, right. Is DulciRodya worth sharding?
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There isn't enough "ishma assaulting Dante" art
How could she betray OUR HERO?
Like all women they exist to provide a physical but mostly mental challenge for the protagonist (Me) to overcome
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>Bloodfiend ID could finally fix all the issues with Wingbeat
>got a Zwei ID instead
*pokes sinclair with a stick*
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>she gets a cut-in for using Ascendant Arts
They really like her, don't they?
Worth sharding the new Rodion? Seems mediocre.
Wingbeat is unfixable.
They already went out of their way to make it cost 25 up front to make sure it'll stay a meme.
Scrapped story threads.
I wonder if Dante's bullshit body let's him tank blood bagging.
what the fuck is wrong with the gacha banners of this game? is there really no rate up for the featured character?
Of course there's a rate up
but also
>rolling instead of sharding
Mon amour
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Wouldn't surprise me, he's already a mcguffin on multiple levels
Dante being Ayin means he's already Carmen's bloodbagged thrall, making him immune to further 'bagging.
There is a rate up, I think. It's like 50% to get the featured character, and 50% for any other 000.
>estabilish the Fanghunters
yes but why
But /lcg/ told me he was Sinclair
He couldn’t tank kromer’s acid so I doubt it
Dante being Sinclair's future self means that his family secretly replaced all his body parts except his skin with highly advanced prosthetics he's not even aware about, while he was sleeping. Making him functionally immune to 'bagging as he doesn't have any easily accessible blood veins.
We have people obsessed with killing AIs and people obsessed with killing whales. Is it that surprising we have people obsessed with vampires when they actually need to feed on humanity?
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>>can't SUPERBIA in Railway
I'm trying a Bloodfiend Trio + Pequod Trio vs RR4 run, and I have to say....
Envy Peccatula can go FUCK themselves
Hardstuck on section 3 because they start SPAMMING EGOs or high clash skill 3s
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Director is a hyperactive manchild showing you his OCs who still hasn't figured out he is completely unable to give enough screen time to the dozen sinners + new canto supporting cast and not come severely short in a way that ends up being more of a disservice to the world than to its advantage. This will only get more egregious as more blues and reds and purples graft themselves on top of the current plot threads to vaguepost over the new characters.
Whales literally need to consume humans to reproduce. They're abominations far worse than dinky little bloodsuckers. Bloodbags can still vaguely speak and think like humans, but not mermaids. Go fuck yourself for downplaying whales.
For me it was introducing Hugo as a sidekick before he realized that any line Hugo has would cut into lines a Sinner could have instead, and then immediately killing him off in the same chapter.
Is there anyone that can somewhat translate Korean here? I found what seems to be a decent don comic but can't understand shit from the runes even when I'm using a translator
anon... he was never meant to be more than a bump in the road
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Explain this character's purpose in this game.
DURANTE is once per railway run.
With my metanarrative genius I can easily tell he was meant to be the Sancho to Sancho's Don Quixote, much like how Sancho was Sancho to Don Quixote. The fact that this would cut into Sinner development made the Director change his mind.
Your feeble, unthinking mind need not apply itself to such complicated things.
Yeah but they are wasted in this story. It would have been cooler if every fixer in lamancha land found out don was a bloodfiend and then they try to kill us for diversity hire
CATHERINE wants to fuck him.
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We would've had to be separated from Don inmediately after, or else she would've killed any Fixers that approached us.
Is this a new run or a run you started before you finished Canto 7?
If it's a new run then damn they just ruined the best part of the new Dante power
If this LORD and GOD was with us in La Manchaland he would've sneakily pressed all three buttons to claim a hefty 4.5x bonus before walking out while we were busy staring at Don becoming Sancho. You can't compete with an alpha male like that.
Finished canto 7 when part 3 dropped, babe
You just can't SUPERBIA in the current railway-
Unless my game alone is bugged. It's not an impossibility
We will subject this nigga to the most painful death in the next loop
Superbia is from C7 so it's not available in RR4 which is balanced around C6. Same reason why your ID level cap is 45, and not 50
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Who do you think backstabbed an entire faction of bloodfiend hunters?
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Just woke up.
What do you mean Fell Bullet is seasonal?
I was gonna buy it anyway because of Walpurgis but fuck you.
Rodion looks absolutely crazy, no?
And we got confirmation bad end ID is TRAIDOR Sancho
>LCB Sinner Hopkins in the next loop
Powerlevel wise none of the fixers introduced in C7 hold a candle to Sancho
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Bros, my heart...
>Bloodfiends who eat enough turn into multi-armed giants or Elena
>One of the biggest wars humanity ever fought that we're aware of was against bloodfiends and they only won because Papa Don got involved
I feel like the setting has done a reasonable enough job to establish why bloodfiend racism is entirely justified and why most bloodfiends prefer to lay low and not cause problems.
I may be delusional but I think traitor Sancho is going to be a bait&switch.

She's going to be more like Stalin Sancho where she pretends to go along the coup and then utterly purge the traitors or something, she will probably take command of La Manchaland since her father will be wracked with guilt and go mad

The "traitor" route for Sancho kinda feel lame when she has always been loyal to her father even if she's more down-to-earth
Holy shit bloodfiend comp is disgustingly strong. They're gonna steamroll longer fights.
>The most well fed bloodfiends we're aware of were multiarmed giants and Elena.
It seems like every elder has their own unique kine gimmick. I assume Don's was the crystalized blood weapons.
why the fuck would a donfag draw this
congratulations manager!
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Do you think the Hana Fixer could have won?
and they're still missing Doncho
honestly it feels just recently we went up a step in the powercreep ladder (which I don't mind)
That's the comic I was trying to translate with DeepL, on the first page there's a mention of "stabbing" and I'm unsure whether it means actual stabbing or just dicking

Genuinely impressed to learn this artist was a girl a few thread ago that's some dark stuff
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Who do I trust?
To be fair it seems like it was less influential than the Smoke War. I think the City just has massive Wars about concepts and species and shit ever so often.
can someone explain to me the main point of canto VII?
99% sure it's the latter, looking at the context
To demonstrate scrapping plot beats at the last second is a mistake, and why you efficiently optimize the scenes included in a story.
>the same don and sancho interaction repeated three times, times six, rather than any other new scenes that could've used the runtime
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Anon, do you even remember section 3 of the Railway and their peccatulae?
Do you know what the Pequod Trio struggle with?
Sin resource generation

It is purely a
>lmao EGO spam time, the player has to outclash somehow xD
I could probably let my sinners just tank it and have them die, but I'm being stubborn: I just want it to be Pequod + Bloodfiend Trio vs Railway trial
You should not be looking at my post for how strong the IDs are
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We've established that Don Quixote believe fixers to be valiant enactors of justice, but we know it to not be true. Narratively it just makes sense to touch back upon the actual motivations of City Fixers in this story and how they clash the Dons' delusions.
>The Rat Whose Name I Don't Remember, Selfishly motivated to backstab others just to get ahead.
>Cinq and Zwei, Motivated by greed, the contracts from the rich more valuable than the plight of many
>Fanghunt, Consumed by pure wrath and violence who want to kill and maim for fun.
I feel like this should be really obvious, and people must be trolling if they thought several fixers brought in to fight in a warzone were not going to die horribly.
Cecille is the only one that feels like there was some thread dropped due to how abrupt and awkward the dialogue is around his death. They'll probably bring it back around in some intravallo for sure.
Bloodfiend IDs dont get extra slots in RR4, so they're severely gimped. They absolutely fuck shit up in story battles where the extra slot helps them ramp so much faster
No way the Smoke War was bigger. The conflict with the Boodlfiends was to decide the which species would reing supreme, and could have gone on for decades or centuries. Don staying neutral is what grabbed Bari's attention, so everyone else must have participated.
Sancho literally explains the point of the Canto during the QTE sequence at end.

She will pursue her dream relentlessly even if she knows one day the thirst or despair might kill her or shatter her dreams

"No matter how impossible it may be ... Until I reach that dream ! I'll keep pushing to the- Nay ... I shall gallop ever-onward, unbroken, unrelenting to the end !!"
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS at the expense of others they don’t matter btw
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I don't like how I imagined her crying.
But we're told that Fixers used to be heroic legends bound by codes of honor, and these old Fixers were demonstrably superior in all ways to modern Fixers. Even Vergilius points out the Cinq are operating based off of ancient, misremembered chivalry.
Don Quixote and Sancho were objectively correct in regards to their time period. Fixers WERE heroes.
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if they were gonna be off-screened anyways a fakeout where they all gang up on you and Dantes like
>we've GYATT to protect Don
then she proceeds to one shot the entire enemy wave would've been fun
BP level 3 3 3.
Tres association still doesn't exist.
so it supports going full chuni?
I don't care that they died, I care that they took up so much time in part 1 only to not do a single thing afterwards
I have 270 EGO crates
I have a full poise team; I want to flesh out a bleed team so I can use my bloodfiends
Should I pop my crates for PainterSang, or save them for whatever ID Don Quixote will be getting?
Are there any other bleed IDs that I should get?
>But we're told that Fixers used to be heroic legends bound by codes of honor
by extremely biased sources. Remember, Bamboo-hatted Kim was once considered an honourable and stalwart fixer/bodyguard
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is it confirmed that dante is Ayin?
Vergilius is not a biased source, and he said the same thing. Fixers were once chivalric.
If you can't see how their inclusion contributes to the overall plot then you just hyperfocused on the one point of my post you can argue against and ignored the rest.
Camille thought of a different game.
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newbab here, why is rupture considered bad? was it always like this?
PainterSang is a must have, team doesnt matter.
>Bloodfiend Don
wait a few months. It'll be the same case as Captain and Wild Hunt
True. If I was the director I would've cut all the irrelevant fixershit from part 1 and just had a brief interaction with Xichun and the P corp dudes. Bari was literally the only fixer whom Don paid a modicum of care about the whole canto despite her obsession over fixers.
>key sinner IDs release a couple months later
That's nice, I'll have more than enough time to save up crates then. Thanks anon
Any other recommendations? Right now I'm doing
>3 bloodfiends, pequod trio
>What Vergilius actually said:
>Perhaps a lasting memory of some ancient chivalric virtues has been pounded into their bones
You are reading into it way too much. He's mocking them, if anything
>Doncho is still larping as Don, just self-aware now
Ring Sang is THE damage dealer of the bleed team. Red Eyes Ryoshu is also very good, but she's walpipi only, so get that when it comes around.
It's considered bad because it'd be broken if it was good
It's really only kept in check because it has shit count generation, and yet people still manage to break it with Sinclair's Talisman passive
Wasn't that in reference to the Cinq? Stands to reason the duelists would have chivalry beaten into them.
it's not bad actually
with specific comps it's actually the strongest thing in the game against single targets.
But specific comps rerolling for perfect skills is boring.
Otherwise if you use them as you'd do normally they mostly have shit clash values and maintaining rupture count is hard so the damage output won't be particularly great.
New units like Devyat Rodion and Cinq Meursault have strong clashing and damage but barely do anything for the status itself.
Every status used to be worthless.
Sinking and tremor got forcefed support that make them busted.
Poise got a band-aid that wants you to use objectively terrible IDs to compensate for it.
Bleed has generically strong damage but doesn't work outside MD.
Rupture is crippled by director having made a retarded inclusion and refusing to patch it, so it's either nonexistent or only used for turbo tryhard cheese setups.
Burn is shit btw, 99 damage a turn is shit.
It used to be worse, believe it or not. And basically since it's a potential flat 99 true damage on every hit the devs don't want to make it viable. It'd be broken if it was. So you can barely get Count on it, thus can't build up potency either.
I am... "reading into it too much" by saying the exact same thing he did? That Fixers were honorbound heroes, now corrupted by the snares of money? Go shuck yourself.
>saying the exact same thing he did
>That Fixers were honorbound heroes, now corrupted by the snares of money?
When did he say that? Go on anon, the wiki's right there. Let's see that quote. Just to remember:
>Fixers were honorbound heroes, now corrupted by the snares of money?
I'll give you 10 minutes
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Mmmmm. Delicious support IDs...
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I suspect there's just nobody who cares enough about rupture to rub two braincells together long enough to do more than give placebo units that don't use count on the team, because surely they can't all be glue sniffers.
>day 15
>nothing there
oh come on
>Spam reset for a half hour to get the exact skills you need
>New strategy where you just spam green defense skills and only have one actual unit doing anything
>All in pursuit to 2-3 turn a fight that's supposed to have mechanics
Mickey Mouse status
>Don (Sancho) bad end ID is chosing her starving family over El Padre delusions
Uhhh. Getting mixed signals here, El Director.
Derived from Don Quixote saying that true Fixers are not enticed by capital. As she is contemporary with the Fixers of old, there is no reason to doubt her. That was objectively true in the era of the Bloodfiend War.
>the wiki
I didn't realize I was speaking to a secondary.
Halfway through Canto 3
The only regret I have I didn't start this game earlier
If your ID can't inflict Rupture in any way, i.e 9dion and Cinqsault, they become a hindrance since Thunderbranch is useless on them. They have to rely on other IDs to reach that 15x3 first, and even then 9dion skill 3 still eats the count
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Whether you think Fixers used to be heroic or not depends on how much you trust Bari. Personally, she doesn't strike me as evil or manipulative, so I think she was telling the truth to Don and Sancho.
>Vergilius said that!
>uhhh....Don Quixote said that!
Lol next you'll tell me Papa Don entranced by Bari's stories said that
>biased sources
it's not my fault you said stupd shit you cant back up, anon. the gg wiki exists to dunk on you
Based. You're not even on the really good post launch Canto yet.
>>Bloodfiend ID could finally fix all the issues with Wingbeat
Nigga literally how??
she's blue and probably a vagueposter so I automatically hate her.
Ishfags have a blind obsession with trying to convince themselves that Wingbeat can be or, heaven forbid, is good
What? Wingbeat's issue is SP cost/being heads dependant. The only way to fix it outside of UT5 making it like Lament, is some sort of forced heads buff on an ID.
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>can't hit 7 heads at 20 SP
I used multifactored sources to prove my point. All shown information, ranging from Vergilius to Don Quixote to Dulcinea, demonstrates that ancient Fixers were heroic and chivalric. Including actual ancient Fixer themselves.
Meanwhile, there is no information demonstrating that ancient Fixers were unheroic. Occam's razor: they were indeed honorbound heroes.

>the words "dunk on" in any context, followed by further "wiki" fellation
Negordisms. You are a sputtering and unintelligent secondary, and I will bother myself with your spiteful, intentional lies no longer.
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I’ll give you one point that’ll arouse some suspicion: She is associated with Sinclair.
>says stupid shit
>cant prove it in any way
>gets humiliated
Kek thanks for the laughs, retard
Sancho is Bari now?
>release a sinner killing EGO
>don't give it fucking anything to compensate
>if anything most of the damage boost and iconic status is spent on KILLING THE SINNER

what the fuck was the thought process here lmao
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There are actually people in this thread who 'enjoy' Limbus by reading the Wiki and watching V-Tubers instead of playing the game.
I'm starting to think el director doesn't like The Shootster. Maybe he saw some cheesy dark flame shit in ruina
Kill all of these retards
So if Dante is Sinclair, and Sinclair is Bari, and Bari is Sancho, and Sancho is Don Quixote, does that mean Dante is Don Quixote?
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I can't wait for bosses that just full heal if you have certain IDs on the bench.
It's so you can execute people you don't like. Case closed.
life fucking suck your ideal is shit but you still need to get back and keep trying to archive some sucess
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>if you don't teamkill it only hits >>>>>>1 target
>can't clash with it
>can't manually target it
>only gives you some poise when poise is the trivial to upkeep anyways
>Have Ring Sang deployed
>Boss spams 10 unbreakable coin 25 attack weight skill where each coin inflicts 50 rupture on hit

If Canto 7 was about the achieving the ideal no matter the price or impossibility... then isn't it the same message as Canto 4?
can you at least pick which sinner to target? would at the very least make sense from "trying new mechanics" standpoint
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>use shootie EGO in Sinking team
>kill ID
>Wild Hunt revives the sinner
>LCB SHITclair support passive boosts ID damage
Yeah it seems like a really shitty testbed for future sinner sacrifice gimmicks. I'm expecting more IDs & EGO with on death/on ally death effects in the future.
>can you at least pick which sinner to target
>ally with the lowest HP
Very different things. See, Yi Sang is Korean, so his Ideal is attainable. Doncho is Spanish and European, so nothing she wishes for can ever be real.
New Rodya heals much less than I was hoping.
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message of canto 4 was never trust bitches
No, because their spaghetti code can't handle the player targetting allies.
>being this salty
You got trounced by one of those retards. You should introspect.
It's a poem from his book.
Why are people saying Fell Bullet is bad? I'm looking at the kit and it looks solid
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NTA but it's pretty obvious that Bari wasn't lying for no reason... media literacy is at an all time low, for real
Never trust a BLUE.
>use shootie EGO in Sinking team
>it gives poise
It's solid for an ordinary EGO, not for one that asks you to off a Sinner to not be worthless.
Based Blind Guardian enjoyer.
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picrel makes it unusable in MD so it's bad. that's it
canto 4 is not archiving ideal it message it never too late to begin what you started again
Because you need to spend resources and sanity and kill one of your sinners so you can do some AOE damage

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that's a bit too much to ask for something other E.G.O.s do for just the resources and sanity
This is what a lack of gatekeeping does to your community. They're probably straight from Roblox.
Don has the worst ID pool?
You mean the Don who has
>The best ID on release that still holds its own
>An incredibly strong and fast generalist ID with a great evade
>One of the tankiest 00s in the game with solid healing and good rupture application.
>A poise 00 arguably more useful than the 000 she released alongside.
>One of the most reliably useful Tremor IDs.
That Don?
>media literacy is at an all time low, for real
>big war going on
>Bari tells Don to pick a side or die
>he refuses
>she isnt strong enough to kill him
>tells him various stories glorifying humanity to get him on their side
>it works
Some retards actually need this shit spelled out, its sad
I think the intended takeaway is that fixers used to be more like medieval knightly orders(so kinda like Charles' Office) rather than the outright law office themed mercenaries we have today
Not that knightly orders were always squeaky clean good guys
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