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>Public Servers

>-Game Information-<
>Starter Guide
>Official Wiki
>-Visual guide to blocks, furniture themes, paints, and more-<

>-World Seeds-<

>-Game tools-<
>TShock - Server client
>Web-based inventory editor
>TerraMap - World viewer
>TEdit - World viewer/editor
>Omnitool - Creates world from image, unique world generation options

>tModLoader 1.3
>Mod List - Summaries of the most recommended/popular mods (mostly outdated)

>Prevent mods auto-updating
>/tg/ Texture Packs
>/tg/ Risqué Textures Archive
>Player Resource Bars and Visual Radar ports to 11.x (PRB appears to be somewhat buggy in MP, VisualRadar works fine)
>Autohotkey Terraria Autoclicker
mega.nz/file/fExgUaRY#0wfxlVdBLDYUMfrH-qfI_0CSWnUShbeNKxPQS7FPRMY (raw: pastebin.com/mPDZRst1)
>Particle lag fix (Mac)

>-Other neat stuff-<
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>Best Adventure Maps
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>-OP pasta-<
>Please use the info from this link when creating new threads

Old thread, gone before its time:
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First for harpies
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What is that facial expression supposed to convey?
*opens ur door*
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goodnight, try to keep this one alive
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>15 minute cooldown to stop spam
>all the gacha generals just bypass it with throwaway emails and 4chan passes

Bravo Hiro.
It's not a cooldown though? You browse or afk for 15 minutes, and then it's business as usual
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Nice mod bro!
>i'm playing in the mud and now I'm dirty, how could this be happening?
pickaxe on 2
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Host a fucking server or stop posting a general you bunch of NIGGERS.
Stil not sure how that was meant to curb spam.
The thread is more about up and coming mod recommendations. Last thread got me to install Macrocosm.
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Good night. Dont die this time
Thorium or Calamity or both?
Calameme really isn't meant to be played with any other content mods except maybe fargos, it's far too unbalanced and also makes a lot of gay changes to combat and the classes because of nohit autism. It'll spoil the experience of everything else
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Is it weird if I find infernum much easier than master/death calameme? I mean, sure some of the bosses can be a pain in the ass at the state of progression (I'm looking at you calamitas clone), but other than that it's all fair game.
Both mods are compatible each other, but due to different length of contents both mod gears break each other progressions.
No. If gachaniggers get 20+ generals, terraria gets one. We were here first, we will be here long after the dust settles
My Aether spawned in a glowing moss cave. This is my first playthrough after a very long hiatus and the shimmer is new to me, I didn't know the moss isn't normally part of the biome. It looks real nice.
>My Aether spawned in a glowing moss cave
It usually does for me. Pretty screenshot anon, but the afk booth is SOULLESS
Yeah, infernum is just better in design. Mostly. Actually, I found noxus and nameless deity easier than devourer of gods, exo mechs, and supreme calamitus on infernum too.
wtf why are there white specks all over your screen?
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True, though Infernum's difficulty can feel schizophrenic at times, though. You have bosses that are an absolute joke and bosses that take hours of attempts back-to-back.
Died 30+ times to Aquatic Scourge, then killed Brimstone Elemental first try. Then my worldfile corrupted after Plaguebringer for some reason and I dropped the run.
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>first real modpack B^)
>it's the same shit everyone does
line up clickbait-tubers and break their hands
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What is the best defense against wraiths?
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When is the update coming? FFS i havent played in over a year
fuck you
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Playing ranger, using tsunami. I just got rid of my beloved celestial shell for the molten quiver but it seems kind of ass. What adjustments would you make? I'm currently getting my ass kicked by Old One's Army.
I keep trying to get rid of ninja gear but I keep trying to dash without it and getting fuckt
you want it to be 8+ blocks off the ground to be safe, plus that protects you from zambambinos
idk maybe trade destroyer emblem for a ranger one, and swap the shield for the shell. im assuming you're doing the OoA so you can armormix, yeah?
Yeah I want to try armormixing. Doubt I'll notice a difference but might as well
better to have better stats than the useless
>stand still
Decided I'll play through calameme. What class should I do when I hit hardmode? Any other mods I should run alongside it?
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calamity is only good with add ons. Use infernum, wrath of the gods, cataylst, hunt of the old god, and the mod that unnerfs calamitys nerfs. Also calamity overhaul if you want, it changes a lot of weapons and adds a lot as well. Personally, I always play melee and it's pretty fun. Mage, ranger and rogue are good, but I don't think I can recommend summoner for it. Some bosses are just incredibly speedy and some outright teleport in the later section of the mod. Then again, I've never done a summoner playthrough so I guess I wouldn't know if any summoner weapons are all that good.
I want to use those mods, but I don't want some silly kaizo mod that kills you in one hit.
Honestly I've never done a melee run of vanilla either, I'll give it a shot. Thanks anon.
They aren't like that. Wrath of the gods is actually really fair. The 2 bosses added are really fun and none of the attacks feel cheap. Hunt of the old god is cool, but some of the fight kinda sucks. The red slime in particular is an absolute bitch, but I won't spoil the rest. Catalyst is also pretty fair. Nothing about it is shitty kaizo nonsense. I actually had a good time fighting the boss added in that mod because of an item unique to infernum called the myrindael on my melee playthrough. It's a pretty great weapon. Imo the only boss that's like that is devourer of gods and he's from regular calamity. He has that shitty bite attack that kills in one hit, unless you have a bunch of defense, health, or dodge accessories.
one more thing. Infernum expects a lot of preparation so for simplicities sake and saving time, download fargos mutant mod. I strongly strongly recommend fishing to get the reaver shark and getting hellstone and whatever good gear you can get before you start battling bosses.
Well, I already have fargos installed, so that'll mitigate some of the issue.
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another playthrough dropped ._.
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night (town theme)
How rude!
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Terraria earlygame is the opposite of fun and joy
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Nobody lets me join KPQ because I'm an archer. I just want my bamboo hat...
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Are you feeling festive yet?
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Why do infernum so buggy? I had to relog everytime this worm stuck in-between changing phase.
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I've been waiting in space at the edge of my world trying to get a martian probe for like ten minutes but nothing has happened. I am post Golem
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i dont see any blinkroot
fuck I thought it was waterleaf. my bad
the hell happened with all that lava?
make a little minecart bumper to afk in
there's a resource pack called something like potion recipes that just adds the recipe for potions to their description so you know exactly what you need if you already have one and want to craft more
>why do infernum so buggy?
Good morning sir.
Whatever happened to Starbound?
I've gone everywhere, I've tried every single solution, I've seriously have tried so please, tell me you guys have a solution for this fucking shit, for some reason my icons on the mouse flicker like this, I've tried literally everything
>Frame Skip On to Off to Subtle
>Limit Framerate on my Nvidia control panel
>Used the High FPS mod
And still shit fucking flickers, I've gone to every single discord for support and no one can help me
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>my icons on the mouse flicker like this
like what bro you didnt attach a video
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>Go to the Nvidia control panel or whatever you got equivalent to it
>Go to 3d settings
>Go from Global to Individual settings
>Here click on Terraria.exe on the list of programs
>Look for the Frames Per Second and limit to 60
>In case this is not enough and it keeps happening, put 61
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You are a legend, thanks a lot
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Any way to save my ocean?
there's like a gorillion ways to duplicate water
Can't you do that trick with water falling down, or did they patch that?
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I fought him on the underworld because I'm too lazy to make a long platform at the surface. The lava is slowly falling down because of silly quirky drunk seed world. The thing is, I can't use adrenaline too much on him because killing him too fast at the desperation phase makes it despawn.
Good morning sirs, please do the needful and redeem doggy worm staff.
I have a bottomless water bucket, but I think there's crimson out of bounds or something. I tried widening the gap at the left edge, hope that does it.
>drain is plugged
>quarantined from evil
>still filled with water
>not infected
looks saved to me, what's the issue
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That's bullcrap
Looting your first chests is always the most exciting part
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ayo this is lowkey kinda peak doe
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There's something wrong with me, I can watch the videos about terraria just fine but when I play myself my eyes start hurting, I have no idea why - they just do, I also lose focus easily and get confused where everything is
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Is there anything to help with this? I found that daytime and/or lots of torches help somehow but in the caves or during the night its as bad as it can be, i can't focus on anything
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Waifu player in the proper pixel ratio feels strange.
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Think they'll ever add the First Fractal?
get a pair of those yellow gamer glasses that help filter out the blue light from your monitor
it actually looks good
In the 1.5 update (the end's end, the real final update we sewar), they'll add the first fractal and in the 1.6 update (the last update for real this time (maybe)), they'll add the last fractal
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Wow, master mode actually fucking sucks
I thought I'd switch my world difficulty just because modded shit was kinda trivializing pre-hm but once I got into hardmode it's just a nonstop ball-crushing experience
What were they thinking
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What mod is that pyramid from? Or did you create it yourself?
people thought expert mode was too easy
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chimgen pod pie
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changes the world gen almost entirely (and also some enemy AI)
They better add something in the next update that helps me larp as a warlock.
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I know I'm years late but this boss was cool as shit. I wish she had more health and the fight was vastly extended. This should have been the final boss

red you faggit I know you browse these forums
I'm so used to people shitting on EoL that i can't tell if you're baiting.
I am ambivalent towards her.
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Moon Lord's biggest failure is being a projectille spam boss
I'm this close to dropping my infernum playthrough.

Holy shit for the love of God infernum's desperation phase is so fucking annoying. Managed to no hit the entire first against scal only to die to this bullshit.

Oh and don't talk about beating exo first, Ares (formerly Skeletron) is literally IMPOSSIBLE!!
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What's in the chest?
certainly not the hermes boots I need
princess love
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>compatible with calamity, which rapes all of worldgen
>isn't compatible with stars above, which does nothing
I doesn't have compat with TSA because no one actually plays that mod
what does that even mean
I miss these posts
shoe spikes
More people played it than Calamity, unless you believe those made up download numbers.
This looks interesting, I'll try it out next time I play.
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I am very particular and borderline autistic when it comes to mods. Like even when i personally think an aspect of the mod is an objective improvement. And ofc, i won't touch something like Calamity ever in my life.

What are some mods that stay VERY true to the vanilla game in feel and visuals etc. but still offers something new? "Vanilla plus" is a term many use.
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certainly not the princess love I uoohh
Spirit, Redemption and Thorium are the big must-haves. I might be biased with Spirit, because I've played it ever since Terraria mods were a thing, but Thorium has been tried and tested.
redemption isn't a bad mod but certainly doesn't stay true to the vanilla game in visuals or soundtrack, debatable on feel but I doubt it's something that anon would enjoy
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>It has been 11 hours 35 minutes since anyone but me bumped
Did you all fall asleep or something? This is worse than usual
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Literally yes.
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>start modded playthrough
>have fun
>beat plantera
>stop having fun because the game doesn't have any more meaningful exploration and all you do is beat bosses to make gear to beat the next boss ad nauseam
is there a single major mod that fixes this? like adding a whole new layer to worldgen or an alternate world like the nether from MC
I remember when that one guy would spam the thread with thorium fat transformation fetish shit
All I can think of whenever I see the cave bat boss or someone transform into a bat is the fuzzy, half-forgotten image of diverman sam and the bat boss gorging themselves on food from the thorium cook with the a little 'well fed' buff icon above them
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I'd say it's more that we don't have any controversy to talk about. No console wars, no attention whores. The game is relatively peaceful.
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i made new character and i play big world on master difficulty i never played this game before what do i do? is there some cool weapons i should aim for? i alredy have 4 npc's
i picked corruption and i play on PC btw
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Been awake 37 hours, good night.
get 15 gems of one color and make a hook
is there a mod that lets you carry all banners? I remember seeing one but it had some additional buffs wich seems too much for me, just the regular banner buffs are ok imo
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>I never played this game before
>i started out on a big world on master difficulty
I've been playing monster hunter and making pie
talk to the guide, see what he has to say
if there's an item that says "material" in the description, show it to the guide and he'll tell you the recipe for it

dig greedily and deep

if that fails, see: terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Guide:Getting_started
thank for your service
sleep well
carry, no. but I think banner bonanza let you stuff every banner into one container object that applied every banner's buff to the area
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ye, went looking into mod stuff
downloaded "tmodloader" and it has that stuff (might be what you are saying)
now to get every banner
I dunno why they haven't made an item that lets you carry banners around, maybe like an accessory. Imagine something like the TF2 buff banner.
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it'd unironically be too strong
the resistances banners give are nuts
It wouldn't be out of place with Fargos.
unless fargo's makes every enemy have boss stats I can't see that being true
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pretty cool
you make that urself or does a mod redo the marble caves?
Did you like top down Terraria?
Obviously there's not an exact date given, but do we have any idea about when to expect the update? Like q1 next year or something like that? I don't follow the devs or anything like that
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we have 0 idea
fug deleted my post on accident anyways got penguin and three more heart upgrades
It's been pretty fun so far aside from the summoning 'class'. I'm like seven bosses in and haven't found a replacement for the bats. At least you can upgrade your gear so that it can keep up with later content. Makes me wish Terraria had that feature.
2 more weeks.
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I also had the same exact problem as I went warlock and then I googled and found out there are only three summoning weapons in the entire game and bats are actually the best one ....
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That ruby is kinda sus
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What happened to Thorium?
Reworking thrower because they hate how underpowered and barebones it is
that's thorium's shtick
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>Tried Calamity on 3 separate playthroughs
>each time burnt out soon after Moon Lord
>convinced server hoster friend to run Thorium + Spirit instead this time
Never tried those, but I just know it's gonna be pure sovl, bros...
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Moon Lord is a good time to stop any Clameme playthrough. Before that the dumb design choices are tolerable, but after that everything becomes unnecessarily grindy.

>let's just abritrarily buff all events so enemies now have 50,000 HP on average and bosses have HP in the millions
>better grind for our super secret special OC gun that does 1 million DPS
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Lantern Night, Thunderstorm, Meteor Shower, Blood Moon, The Torch God, Solar Eclipse
Rain, Sandstorm, Goblin Army, Slime Rain, Pirate Invasion, Martian Madness
Party, Windy Day, Frost Legion, Pumpkin Moon, Frost Moon
Old One's Army, Lunar Events
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Gensokyo, if you're talking about Hina.

>all the bosses are little girls
Not sure what I expected.
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That's 2hu 4yu
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d i n n e r

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