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Last thread: >>501032052
OP template and News Archive: https://rentry.org/-hbg-archive (archive.org for DMCA'd stuff)

3DS: all
Switch: HW exploit (old v1 units): all; SW exploit (new & old units): 4.1.0; Modchip (v2 "Red Box" & Lite & OLED): all
Wii U: all
Vita: all
PS5: 4.03-4.51 (PS4 fpkg) / 7.61 (BD-JB) / 4.51 kernel, 2.50 HV
PS4: 9.00/9.60/10.0x/11.00
PS3: all (CFW only for older models)


>OG Xbox
[Feb 19] ENDGAME exploit released https://github.com/XboxDev/endgame-exploit

>Wii U
[15 Jul] Aroma Beta-22 (coldboot cfw, no ds game required) https://aroma.foryour.cafe/
[13 May] SDUSB released https://gbatemp.net/threads/sdusb.655744/
[06 May] Tiramisu 0.1.3 https://tiramisu.foryour.cafe/

[12 Aug] etaHEN 1.8b https://github.com/LightningMods/etaHEN
[12 Jun] GoldHEN 2.4b17.3 https://github.com/GoldHEN/GoldHEN
[04 Jun] libhijacker 1.160 https://github.com/illusion0001/libhijacker
[30 Apr] PPPwn released (exploit for 11.00 and earlier)

[20 Oct] DBI 712 Ru only https://github.com/rashevskyv/dbi
[16 Oct] Atmosphere 1.8.0-pre https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere
[12 oct] Hekate 6.2.2 https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate

[27 Dec] HENlo released (webexploit for all firmwares)
[15 Apr] 0syscall6 1.3 https://github.com/SKGleba/0syscall6

[02 Nov] Twilight Menu++ 27.11.1 https://github.com/DS-Homebrew/TWiLightMenu
[02 Oct] Luma3DS 13.2.1 https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS
[28 Dec] DSi-modchip https://github.com/dsi-modchip
[17 Jul] 3hs 1.4.5 (a freeshop-like app) https://hshop.erista.me/3hs

>ALL SYSTEMS: the OP Archive has download links/sites for games
>If you have an issue you probably have an outdated/messed up setup, make sure to read the guides before asking questions
>This general is not affiliated with the /hbg/ discord, subreddit or 'shop', they just stole the name and GIF
Slitterhead ps4 pkg when?
Is there a homebrew that lets me send screenshots and videos to my phone or computer? Elon, being the retard he is, made Nintendo essentially stop doing that.
i think there was but, besides not really remembering the name, i last saw it years ago, could be deprecated now with all the changes that happened in the mean time
the 3ds guide in the rentry link 404ed
so weird, i see it loading for a split second and then it says 404
that's the problem when you steal third-party content, you need to stay up to date with it or shit breaks.
you are trying to say that the website stole something?
it is just text and links, I doubt that a link not working would 404 the whole website
Dunno if there's anything to it through wireless but the Switch has a stock option to do it through USB.
System Settings > Data Management > Manage Screenshots and Videos > Copy to PC via USB Connection
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nothing personnel, kid
I'm still waiting for Wukong
dsi vs dsi xl got birthday money
it's using https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide_3DS with custom style and a guide for unbanning tacked on top of it.
but whoever is in charge of the hax.b4k.co-site doesn't keep up with the constant changes of the original repo.

KILL yourself retarded bitchschizocuckfaggot

and you for replying, how new are you
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Tongueth mine anal cavity.
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>page 10
there are homebrews like NXgallery and ShareNX
latter requires overlay menu thing
DBI with MTP responder
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same for me, hope it gets sorted out soon.
How come no one has tried to put english language as an option on 3DS JP units instead of region changing?
Take a guess.
has anyone heard shit about when the switch lite OLED mods are getting shipped out? still waiting to get an email
theoretically if you were retarded and factory reset a hacked wii U, what are the odds of bringing it back to life? let's just say this guy was early in on the wii U hacks and didn't really think about it it much and just went for the factory reset so he could install some modern shit, but completely forgot how the old shit worked

i saw some shit involving a rpi yes but the videos are all dogshit ESL youtubers, is there an easy route to take like a real american?
Support almighty capitalism and buy a new one
>No more big leaks this year
This thread is toast
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new trace fix?
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>19.0.1 download when?
Press Update
So did that Pokémon legends pc port ever get uploaded anywhere?
Let's say another anon was also an older cbhc wii u and one day for no raisin at all his wii u managed to update despite having all the dns blocking settings and whatever.
How would anon go about re hacking the wii u
Are you retarded? Do I have to explain the entire situation every time? I don't want to go online with cfw on my sysMMC. That's the entire situation. Christ.
No. I don't have a jig. See >>502278928
You said you have autoRCM.
i know no way to downgrade native sysMMC ban-safe
Nand backup
It should be somewhere on /vp/ but from what I heard it's completely unplayable without a specific Nvidia card.
pls update news
this is a long shot but may as well try asking here. I'm trying to run the patched version of Elminage Original on my psp so I can play it on my trip this weekend. I have the game in the ISO folder, and I have the patch in the psp/game folder. Whenever I try to launch it, it gives the
>Unable to read files from memory stick. please check the file is certainly exist.
error that's listed on the cdromance site despite the fact that I have the patch in the correct folder. I even went as far as to try getting an unpatched iso (which did work on its own), and using isotool to patch it myself, and after being patched it gives the same error. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. I'm on cfw 6.60 me 1.6 and everything except this has been fine this whole time.
maybe something along the way gets corrupted? have you checked the md5 and whatnot?
Maybe changing the ISO driver will fix it
Guys, I need help. I just installed the MHW Iceborne update on my jailbroken PS4, but I got an error and now 40GB on my HDD is just gone. I don't know how to delete the corrupted file. I installed the update in external HDD btw
doesn't really make a difference at this point, the only issue was it fucking with the eshop but that's not a thing anymore so
Sorry if this a retarded question, I dunno where to turn to. Does anyone know where the 3DS VC games savefiles are stored in the SD card? PKSM won't recognise them and I don't know where to look.
Emu4Vita 1.10 gpSP is best gba emu on vita
full speed pokemon unlike mgba with choppy audio and slowdowns
Is PKSM the only 3DS savefile manager you know?
Scroll down to Virtual Console Games
>Official VC copies of Generation 1 and Generation 2 games should be automatically recognized, but all others need to be configured through PKSM's Title ID settings first.
>getting an unpatched iso (which did work on its own), and using isotool to patch it
reportedly works according to
yeah i've tried multiple isos and patches
didn't do anything
this is exactly what i tried and it isn't working
for whatever reason it seems to be ignoring the patch folder in psp/game despite it being visible on my xmb, so when i try to run the 1.01 iso it just spits out that error.
Get the game

Get the update

Shove them into https://github.com/lusid1/pkg2zip BUT leave as .PBPs (don't convert to ISO/CSO):
pkg2zip.exe -x -p -d your.pkg

Copy everything it spits out to where it belongs on your PSP
(I deleted encrypted EDATs and left only decrypted ones, but keeping both is not a problem)

Install and enable both plugins:

Disable ME's NoDRM in recovery menu if it's enabled.
I did all of the above on my ME 6.61, works fine. ISOs boot way faster than PBPs but bothering to test the ISO I'll leave to you. Report back and let the relevant communities know if it works, this is what you owe me for my time.
alright, this works cheers mate. I'll get on that.
should've told me this two years ago anon
I just found out today
also replace the gba x3 overlay with the one from here so you won't have any borders on oled vita:
Why the Wii family has such POS hardware and shitty output. Wii U Out of the box GC and Wii on HDMI is great but native games look washed out. Wii is another frankenstein where halfway through development nintendo made an HD console be stuck at 480p. The best Wii image is early and laggy as hell early LCD and plasma. The most fucked up thing is that after winning the generation Nintendo never released a revision with HDMI out.
>Wii is another frankenstein where halfway through development nintendo made an HD console be stuck at 480p.
Wii is an overclocked GC with waggle, yer mong
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Homebrews for this feel?
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what's the best way to play snes games that aren't in the nintendo online shit?
emulator or download a hacked nintendo online nsp? (yeah I know its still emulated, but you know what I mean, cunt)
I play on my SNES.
i'm biased cause i don't like any of the emulators on switch (especially since, last i checked, it's either retardarch or outdated/obsolete ports of other emulators) so i'd say a modded nintendo online nsp. Knowing full well an homebrew emulator has more functionalities and whatnot, but besides the game working as they should and at best savestates i don't care for any of those functionalities (which are mostly "looking good"-tier filters anyway)
tfw I sold my snes with 13 games in like 70 bux 20 years ago
feels bad man
where can I find beyblade x xone XCI?
Dragon Quest leak?
*leaks in your mouth*
5 days ago
None of the games except the VC games were designed for CRTs. Even the Resident Evil 4 port runs in 16:9 natively because they expect you to play on a flatscreen.
Yeah, but AutoRCM turns off when you install an OTA update on OFW. I'm not launching stock on CFW while connected to the internet.
I finally found a link though so it's good.
So how are you installing said update?
Daybreak. Offline and in Airplane Mode. Never had a problem doing it this way. Reboot to bootloader as soon as I'm done and then launch back into stock before disabling Airplane Mode.
So you're using CFW sysnand, got it.
are you doing this on CFW or OFW?
fuck I meant sysnand or emunand, but >>502406085 this too
It's over
Not on my watch
>No audio out
Unlike Microsoft and Nintendo, Sony owns its own factories and holds patents on everything. it was that expensive to get audio out on the PS3
If I install CFW on my New 3DS can I play GBA and DS roms? I had my New 3DS connected to my Switch's Nintendo account back in 2022 but I've since wiped my Nintendo Switch and I'm going to make a new Nintendo account for it. If I install CFW on my New 3DS is there a risk of my Switch's new Nintendo account getting banned?
Yes you can play GBA and NDS.
NNIDs have never been banned for using a hacked console. 3DS consoles have, but for flashcarts, not for CFW.
Doomers on fagtemp have told me there will never be a new software exploit for Switch. Are they right?
>We can send robots to Mars but can't hack a bing bing wahoo toy
Are you serious?
I refuse to believe I'm not being trolled. I've explained what I did half a dozen times already.
Bro, you're the only troll here. You can't say >>501798856 then say you're using Daybreak.
Just apologize and admit you're the idiot at this point. Especially if you change your story and say you were talking about emunand all this time.
>says he never touches cfw on sys
>says he will use cfw on sys
not trying to troll, genuinely trying to comprehend what you're doing since I can't understand you correctly starting from your first posts
is atmosphere up for latest update? or do i have to wait
no updates since
>[16 Oct] Atmosphere 1.8.0-pre https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere
It works fine. You need the latest sigpatches for 19.0.1 though.
good dog
Where do you get those again
Latest sys-patch.
it's about interest, it has already been hacked so nobody cares anymore. Or rather, nobody cares about just releasing the exploit for software vuln units, for free that is. I'm sure there's an exploit, or hell even more than 1, but it's being kept by those who made it/found it/whatever so that they can sell it either to nintendo or to whoever would want to make a paid solution again (think sx os, but also the migswitch cartridges)
also my theory is that most are now waiting to see if what they have could also work on switch 2 in some way, that's even more money they could make if it does
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I need NTR launcher for my old ass nds flashcart which new 2ds doesn't detect but it doesn't work?
I get both white screens square and after a while it says CRC header error
but couple of years ago when I had 3ds it worked, so I don't know if there is other app that launcher slot-1 or did I had to copy something to sdcard?
any help would be appreciated
To apply your retarded logic here, if we made progress towards space exploration then we can also make progress towards secure software.
>pagina dieci
new nds-bs is bundling apfixes
wait the pre-release works on 19.0.1 too?
who said it wouldn't?
They're right.
progress towards space exploration actually is the reason we have most of the things we have today, including secure software
so ye
nein nein
No hope for softmods means Max Louarn is going to make it big with Switch 2
There's a good chance for a funny shitstorm, due to how hard Nintendo is going after piracy lately.
which portable handheld console is most comfy
vita oled
my phone
the 3ds has streetpass
it doesn't happen often anymore, but it is always a pleasant surprise when I get home and find out I passed somebody who was also walking around with a 3ds turned on
that is pretty comfy for me
physically however, I have carpal tunnel so I need to wear a brace while using controllers or handheld consoles unless I want my wrist to hurt after a bit of playing, and a phone is mostly fine for my wrist
so for physical comfort I would go with a phone
i remember when the switch came out that the only mod/piracy talks were about a tx chip, and yet
gb micro
9 AM
anyone know where i can get japanese switch games free?
The usual spots
the World Wide Web
Why would they drill a hole through the silicon when it would be easier and safer to use a Dremel on a slow speed to expose the necessary pin. Heck of your worried just cover the surrounding area with painters tape/masking tape.
The man pulling the strings behind TX
Not the first time he got in trouble with nintendo
This time we might get one early due to how successful the first console was and how much groundwork is already done
IIRC the kamikaze kit came with a drill and a stencil that marked where to drill exactly
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rutracker does not have them and thats what i usually use
Any new Switch games worth looking forward to for the remainder of the year?
Well... at least there's neXt year...
Bro there haven't been any since the start of the year
zelda and mario&luigi have been pretty good
New 3DS
Walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells,
Grapes, melons, oranges, and coconut shells.
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Is there a proper guide for installing CFW on a 3DS? The one on OP's link is broken, I can't select a firmware to follow the guide
The cucked guide is good enough
the original guide is linked in this very thread
the vita is the coziest thing I've ever played gba on. wish it could handle more games I liked.
Reminder this thread is cooked
where is the beyblade x xone XCI/NSP
>I can't understand two points at once.
Understandable. Have a great day.
All I was saying is that I wasn't going to install the OTA update on CFW sysMMC as it requires an internet connection. I also wasn't going to boot into OFW sysMMC to install the update because I don't have a jig and didn't feel like having to enable AutoRCM again, given that installing OTA updated disables AutoRCM, which cannot be re-enabled without a jig or other method that allows booting into RCM. The responses kept being "tHeN wHy NoT jUsT bOoT iNtO cFw" as if I didn't already cover that three fucking times already.
the ass and the kick
good, i'm hungry
How is it cucked?
>I wasn't going to install the OTA update on CFW sysMMC
ok so you want to boot CFW sysnand only to install using daybreak, got it. well then, when darthsternie died the first thing I did was google nintendo switch fw and what do you know the first results was someone who made a bot backup of sternie, and also has 19.0.1, guess you could have done that youself? well never know now
buy a jig
it essentially stops at getting the thing "hacked" for kickass homebrews, doesn't go into piracy or other stuff like for example unbanning yourself
That's quite cucked, yes.
at the height of 3DS hacking, that guide also used to have walls of text on the retarded scene drama, and i do mean walls of text. I kinda regret not making screenshots cause i can't even remember what those fags even had to cry about
there's that Plato's cave meme. So, I went to help a friend with his PS3 and noticed how laggy the PSN was and how awful the graphics were. Full of jaggies and pop in, maybe back then it was better than a budget pc, because you could actually play the game. But...how did people play PS3 games on stock setup or consumer level television. The lag is godawful on my cheap monitor I've never had this problem, but I can feel the lag while I play on stock settings on my television. People didn't have standards
PS3 XMB used to be so lovely at launch, when they were still operating like it was a premium piece of kit meant to show off your new 1080p TV. The Earth thing was really cool too. They bumped up all the font sizes after it became clear people actually were still on 720p panels. PSN experience got worse over time, between OS-allocated RAM getting trimmed, feature creep, and usual total inability of snoy to make usable webapps, it go basically unusable in the later years.
Had to be sacrificed for the in-game XMB
'ass 'brew
You've not covered your "i'M tOo ScArEd 2 cOnneCt oNline oN CfW SySnaNd" excuse though.

You shouldn't need a jig if you understand shit.
>boot cfw sys
>open daybreak
>update fw
>reboot into ofw sys
what's the issue here?
>boot cfw sys
>update fw
what's the issue here?
he can't google nx fw
You don't need to as Nintendo gives it to you.
he's to lazy to re-jig his 'cons to set autorcm after ota on sys
CFW doesn't reset autorcm... which he knows already because he updates using CFW sysnand, but with extra steps.
but he wants to update ota using ofw, not cfw
Why does he want to use Stock?
to not connect online using cfw, even if he doesn't run any homebrew besides daybreak
We'll just get stuck in an infinite loop of: But why though? now.
longshot but
>trying to download anything for PS Vita on PKGj brings up "scedownload change_state dc0 failed" error
>reset wifi a bunch of times, tried to change DNS manually, deleted and reinstalled the app, nothing works
is it fucked or is there a fix?
exactly, that's what we've been saying
at least solutions have been posted now so we can only pray for him
If you've got an SD2vita just use NPS Browser on PC.
He can apologize for calling perfectly valid answers retarded first.
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thanks, trying it currently, downloading a buncha games and gonna try to put them in all at once
is it normal the downloads are going slow as hell aftera awhile?
Doubt it. Probably better to do smaller batches and transfer what you have to the Vita while downloading the next one.
I'm sure the Vita will freeze for an uncomfotable amount of time if you try and install hundreds of files in one go.
tried putting only 1 game that I downloaded already, refreshed livearea through vitashell, 0 items refreshed and nothing shows up

what am I even doing wrong man, I got nonpdrm pluging in there and all
Did you turn the plugin on?
i think i did
wait...maybe i didnt cause the config.txt i edited was in ur0. i should probably do it in ux0 instead? im using SD2Vita and have configured the microSD to function as the ux0
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ur0:'s right
Don't use a ux0 one ideally.
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then I have no idea what is wrong here
ill try editing the txt file again

this is how the txt file should be right?
I dunno, man. Looks fine to me but I haven't touched my Vita in years so I dunno what the latest optimal setups are.
what happened to nxbrew
don't tell me nintenjas got him
>manage to make 1 game appear after refresh
>doesnt work, says i need to redownload because i dont own it
>delete and download US version instead of EU version
>it works
im so mad and confused lmfao what the fuck even
>Country not allowed
And nothing of value is lost.
nsw2u.com works fine here.
so weird, i used it just today to get dq3's dlcs
Hardly knew 'em!
>go to nsw2u
>12 cmd.exe windows open
How do you not have an adblocker?
Not everyone cares enough to.
Any non-cancer methods to hack Switch yet?
Fuck, I asked in an earlier thread but forgot to check back.
Is there documentation on how Migswitch dumps Switch games? With Nintendo getting uppity with Switch piracy I was curious if it was somehow doing it legally or if it still required dumped Switch firmware and/or keys to dump titles.

I was under the impression that Switch XCIs were encrypted.
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This was fine
You don't need to decrypt them to dump them. You do need lotus keys though
Is it possible to add the patches/dlc to my physical switch cartridge?
Is it possible without a hacked console?
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they switched to a .net domain
is the dsi worth it. is the small one better. does pixel density matter
but true
>dsi worth it
>is the small one better
Depends on your hands
I'm not sure it matters
I picked up a PS4 sadly at 11.50 just gave up and updated to 12.00 one thing that bothered me is the Ps+ has no games. People pay online for no games. There's like 10 “but it's AAA bullshit” games that I don't give a shit about, it's still 10 fucking games.
>is the dsi worth it
The Japanese one is.
>is the small one better
XL (LL) has IPS screens.
does pixel density matter
Paste the URL in Google Translate if you're interested in text, but just the pics are enough.
can you newfags stop replying to the schizo?
>inb4 it's actually the schizo samefagging
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Did you ever change your account on Vita / PS TV?
How did it go?
What happens to your old saves? Do trophies pf the 1st account merge with the 2nd account?
>not worsening his schizo by replying
ok don't pay for it
Once upon a time, before Sony removed the possibility, multiple accounts could coexist on a Vita officially.
The saves are account-bound so I guess you'll need
I'm not sure about the trophies, but any trophies earned without an account on the system become invisible when you log in, they do not merge. They are not deleted however, and a hacked Vita lets you access them if you rename/delete a certain file on a memcard (I don't remember which).
andiamo bampino
Play Astral Chain.
I don't know why I stopped
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same, i actually checked the game the other day and my last save was 5 years ago
any actual switch charger alternative that properly charges the thing?
I know, cuz it ran like 20 fps in some places which took me the fuck out
cubic ninja 2 on switch 2, believe it
I remember having to play with charger-level OC on to get reasonable performance. It's definitely a game that would benefit from a 60fps switch2 version
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almost 2 years of not updating
we get the 7.61 jailbreak yet?
time to update for astrobot?
why the 15 min trjanny timer hbg?
My phone charger charges it fine :)

pretty much this tb h
fine as in exactly as the normal switch charger does? Same charging times and whatnot?
If your charger can output 15v/3a (45W) then it's basically the same as the Switch charger.
any known phone/tablet chargers that do that? Cause none of mine do
>why the 15 min trjanny timer hbg?
Email verification or 15 minute wait for a new IP's first post. It's a 4chan thing, it also happens on other boards. Supposedly meant to help reduce spam, but probably didn't have much of an effect.
45W chargers are common for laptops, but Samsung phones seem to use them a lot too.
mine is 67W and still doesn't charge the switch as fast as the original charger does
any 45W PD USB-C charger will work perfectly as it's the exact same standard used by the switch
Samsung and apple both should have one, as well as maybe asus, google, sony or motorola
the switch omits some things from the standard so it's not the exact same, but this has no effect on any charger you use with it
must not be PD, or does not support the switch's voltage/amps category (this is how you implement a standard without doing it correctly like the switch's official charger)
for what
The memes, Jack.
>he fell for the full RAM meme
Lol. I deleted my own post because I didn't want to shit up the thread and figured I'd take another crack at it myself, but I'm still losing my mind trying to do this and I just want to go eat dinner now. I need some game or app on my home menu in emuMMC so I can launch into full RAM mode, I need this in order to use the installers on the Switch. Nothing will install from Applet mode and I can only use Applet mode. And when I tried Tinfoil Applet version, it still gave me shit, as if it wasn't the Applet version. First it says"
>failed to list users, error code 01E40000
Then I press okay and it says:
>There is not enough memory to run Tinfoil. Please quit, and re-run this application using Title Override for high memory usage or install the NSP version of Tinfoil.
I've downloaded the Applet version twice because I thought maybe just maybe I somehow accidentally downloaded the regular version, but nope. I have the Applet version and it still says this shit. Also I tried NS-USBloader and it doesn't work. I'm just going to assume nothing will work at this point until I can figure out how to put something on the main menu without running any software that demands high RAM usage. Any ideas?
Oh yeah and before anybody recommends this, I have tried installing extremely small software, still doesn't work.
Wouldn't actual tinfoil installer do this for you? You launch the installer from gallery and it puts tinfoil as a title in your games list, so you can start tinfoil in title mode without the R[edirect].
why not stop using tinshit and use dbi over usb mtp, have your gaems on your pc and no need to copy them to the sd
or this i guess >>503019927, if you run the self-installer you'll have tinfoil on your switch gaems list
Just sat down with some delicious tacos, I'll try this in a little bit and post an update incase that would satiate anybody's curiosity.
>why not stop using tinshit and use dbi over usb mtp, have your gaems on your pc and no need to copy them to the sd
Well I do want to use this thing with friends and at tournaments, that's pretty much the reason why I got it.
Forgot to reply to you too, whoops.
>Well I do want to use this thing with friends and at tournaments, that's pretty much the reason why I got it.
that doesn't make any sense
dbi is an installer like tinfoil, only better, not bloated, and you can drag and drop gaems to your switch while connected with a usb cable
>have your gaems on your pc and no need to copy them to the sd
I'm just going off of what you said.
Okay so I just launched the Tinfoil Installer and this is the error message:
>Error Code:2155-8007
>An error has occured.
>Please try again later.
>If the problem persists, please try performing a system update from System Settings -> System on the HOME Menu.
When I look on forums online, it seems like this error could be a million different issues. What do you think it is?
You may be missing sigpatches, looking at that guide. Look into those and sys-patch
It's been a very long time since I fiddled with my switch setup, but there's been a lot of anti-piracy bs around them, you need sigpatches and potentially might need a fork of atmosphere that's not pozzed, if that is still an issue. Wait for someone who knows what current state of affairs is to come along.
ok then
>download dbi nro (https://github.com/rashevskyv/dbi/releases/tag/658)
>put in switch folder
>boot switch (are you doing this in sysnand nigga?)
>open album (hbmenu)
>open dbi
>run mtp responder
>open mypc>switch>micro sd install
>drop gaems here to install to your sd card
>delete game from pc afterwards
Holy fucking shit I finally did it. I got games installed and working. I'd list all the different things I had to do but I'm stoned and forgot most of it already. Your posts in particular were a huge help. Thanks man.
File: Midori_headpat.webm (954 KB, 640x640)
954 KB
Glad you got it sorted out.
>he forgor sigpatches
such many cases
switch oled and v2 softmod when switch 2 releases trust the plan
unironically plopping the one of those pre-prepared pirate zip after hardmodding works the best
Ah! Thanks anon!
Is there a known bug with latest atmosphere that causes shutdowns? It's not happening when i'm playing my switch but when i dock it after being done and then pick it up the next day it restarts as if it's been off, see atmosphere logo etc. also just happened after it was just put to sleep next to me for a while.

forgetting sigpatching isn't normal.
but on drugs it is.
used to happen to me like 6 years ago whenever i had wifi on, though in my case it would just straight up like crash or whatever, I'd basically find it shut down the next morning. Idk what was the issue cause i just disabled wifi (as i don't need it) and carried on, never had that issue anymore

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