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I miss the Lab zombies Edition

> Patch notes
>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
/eftg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny or homo grooming servers.
SPT is a single player offshoot of Tarkov that allows for modding and coop.

What's with the tranime OP?
Survived another thread well done lads
>changed the SPT part of the OP too
SPTrannies loves their tranime.
>14y old tarkov cheater get paid to do carries on discord so he can gamble it on roblox
>100 raids
you realize how hilariously small that sample size that is, right?
Well, clearly you don't know anything about statistics.
100 samples gives us a MoE of about 9%, assuming no other weighing. So, you're right. It could be as low as a mere 51% of raids having a cheater in them.
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>tourists mad that not everyone goes along with their belligerent faggotry
Pretty funny
>goes out of his way to edit the OP because it triggered him so much
>calls others mad
o i am laffin
I'm not retarded just because I don't wanna watch your 20 minute video trying to find the single point I'm interested in. This kid sounds like he's 14 with a stuffy nose and a double digit iq. The bug existing and it ruining the economy aren't really the same thing, either. It's not like in pve where some guy was duping the fuck out of t-7s. Your claim is very hyperbolic.
That's a lotta cope there anon.
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Cope, seethe, dilate, you don't belong here
If you can provide tangible proof that it, in your words, "completely destroyed the economy", I'll happily admit I'm wrong. However as I've actually played this entire wipe I see 0 evidence of that being the case so your claim is hyperbolic at best and outright wrong at worst. Present a real argument or evidence or fuck off, retard.
you're arguing with an SPTfag who hasn't played tarkov in probably multiple wipes, and whose only experience with the current state of the game is second hand youtube videos and reddit posts.
>Cope seethe dilate
>Posting tranime.
Might wanna have a think about that one anon.
Are you complaining it destroyed the RMT economy then? This has existed for a long time and isn't anything new.
You're not very smart, are you anon?
You came here in 2016
I think that would be you. It's either you're a total retard or that anon is right and all your info is secondhand. I'm going to guess a little of column A and a little of column B.
didn't you change it back to malding about spt a few threads about lmao pot calling the kettle black
Finally Tarkov is almost dead, and Hunt can at last rise up
What's with the tranime?
Wasn't there a mass exodus from hunt recently?
uh oh melty
So sick of 24/7 fog, fuck autumn.
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>using anime website
>melting over anime images
because hes literally the only one that gives a fuck and bakes the ops u mad?
I hate constant fog but I love fog that rolls in and out like on shoreline. It's pretty atmospheric and gives you the chance to move across more open areas without getting domed
>I love fog that rolls in and out like on shoreline
I'm playing fucking Shoreline right now, I need one last kill for SBIH and I can't fucking see shit for 80% of the raid because of the stupid god damn fog.
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>it's another episode of goons spot you from 300 meters away on shoreline and know exactly where you are for the remainder of the raid no matter how far you run
>it's another episode of birdshit sprints up to you completely silent and magdumps you with M80 after you kill the other two
This game would be so much better if bosses wouldn't exist.
I had the goons blasting me from about 150m out through the trees on woods the other day. Shits retarded
>spawn across the lake at the sunken village
>walk for 5 meters
>instantly lasered by .300 M62
>10 seconds later
Yea. They were on scav bunker shooting me through so many trees that I couldn't even spot them with a flir.
>patch 32472857829
>made spawns even worse yet again
its so tiring. i dont like that most maps have tons of spawns that are within seconds of another pmc
>You can now choose your spawn
>All the spawns are awful.
just kill them?
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Fuck this garbage caliber
Just kill them
>he is incapable of running budget AK builds and shooting things in the eyes
Plenty of 5.45 has over 40 pen bro
I haven't needed to care about budget since like week 2 of wipe though so at this point I'm sick of russian shit rod 74s with worse recoil. worse rof, and worse ergo than guns I actually like using when I don't need to use them.
>he doesn't like AKs
I'm sorry anon I can't help your poor taste
I don't hate them but 74s in this game just aren't very good.
>some poor timmy shoots me from behind near factory on streets
>probably about 30m
>i whip around and just spray center mass and drop him with 0 effort
The MP7 is hilariously braindead.
Man factory is tough with the rats, they're above and below just sitting the whole match, and when they shoot at you you can't tell the elevation of the shots
anyone else matching for a while?
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>sitting in finance because i heard shots in factory
>hear sprinting in the street
>guy sprints in to the lobby and psycho swings the hallway with his flashlight on essentially prefiring me
Yes Mr. Kappa gamer you definitely knew I was there even though I hadn't made a step in nearly 2 minutes very legitimate gameplay thank you
>when you finally survive the first 10 minutes of factory and have the whole map to yourself
Planted 2 wifi cameras on cranes, grabbed the heli logbook, and visited all the forklifts in one raid lol
i've barely touched factory since the rework. usually the place is crawling with pscavs are they not touching it anymore?
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KAC mini front, magpul rear
Just use the MP7 with the front sight, retard.
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mp7 front sight looks like a gaint dildo blocking my view
nice, KAC mini has a slimmer profile, I think il use it
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>first thing that comes to mind is a dildo
Ok, gay homo.
I am once again asking BSG to actually make iron sights realistic by NOT perfectly preserving their 3D models when sighted in
same for tubular red dots
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bros if you shoot yourself in the foot at the end of every raid you get mad exp
>Intellect ELITE
Based genius
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Based retard
>load up a kitted ASK-74UB and a paca for the ref task
>spawn at courtyard, it’s up
>run into the street
>aim at real estate office right next to me
>osprey + CQCM juicer runs out of his spawn
>tap tap tap
>ez free kit and 1 kill done
>loot and turn around then extract 20 feet away where I spawned
kek gg no re
some guns are accurate without the rear sight, smgs are not one those guns
Shoreline is such a bad map holy shit
Good Maps:
Streets* (hope you have the right CPU, goy)

Ground Zero
Labs* (theory)

Extremely Questionable:

Suicide Tier:
Labs* (practice, 操你个洋狗。谢谢你的战利品,白痴。)
i like lighthouse, the rogues are quite easy once you pick up a DVL with BCP rounds
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imagine if bsg wasn't so incompetent at monetizing their game
I also just saw this on reddit
but also why would anyone be surprised that a single-purchase game has declining income 7 years later, it's amazing it's still making THAT much money
are BSG stupid (lol lmao)
did the unheard of edition drop on 2021 wtffff
BSG are absolute kings when it comes to visual design and enviromental storytelling, but half of the maps play like actual shit, be it awful visibility, dogshit spawns, or lack of worthwhile POIs or extracts.
Yeah I'm actually shocked it's that good, wasn't first Reserve out in 2019?
Labs is pretty good on PVE.
Lighthouse has you getting sniped by AI from 600m+ away though, and that sucks.
Always like those narration modes Valve games had when they would break down how level design affects gameplay like using light to guide the player or points of interest to make them look a certain way
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>like using light to guide the player or points of interest to make them look a certain way
A long lost form of art.
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Behead playtesters
Do not cater to playtesters
Send playtesters back to their 9-5 (with no head)
>finally run into Partisan for the first time ever
>shoot him right between the eyes
>he bugs out and doesn't drop dead
>just stands there and is completely unlootable
I fucking hate this game.
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my quest to 99 smithing is almost complete
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>50% of the playerbase are vacuum suckers
This is hilariously incorrect, why are redditos so retarded?
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His entire assumption that they buy brand new copies of the game alone fucked him up. They buy accounts for cheap off third party sites 9/10 times. I won't even get in to how the rest of his post is retarded. I fucking hate redditors.
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Is it time for a 100 round AR mag?
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We have one already it just looks stupid so everyone forgot about it until the zombie event.
yo this nigga eatin 'cados
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i watched ten minutes of the bsg attempt to mimic "pro league" counter strike and i want to kill myself out of second hand embarrassment
Arena as a competitive thing is utterly pathetic and I didn't even bother watching. It's a fun side thing and that's all it should be. I'm guessing this is an attempt to turn it in to consistent cash flow and it's going to fail miserably.
What is even the in-game rationale behind the arena even existing? PMCs willingly doing gladiator style combat to death because someone yelled over a microphone for uhhhhhh roubles in a wasteland? Reminds me of how retarded the arena is in stalker.
the MP7 works with any front iron
false, see above
I haven't read any ingame text about the arena but I assume its a warzone style gulag for captured PMCs which is why they bothered developing the mode at all but failed to integrate it into the main game for whatever reason.
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its where your PMC goes to practice airsoft
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>tfw bitcoin in a safe on interchange
no fuck you. its one of the few things that filters you morons from being able to sit and camp entire fields.
you should be complaining about the shit AI.
I wouldn't have a problem with the fog if it wouldn't be up for 90% of every fucking raid.
>you should be complaining about the shit AI.
I am.
This is why I like the fog coming in and out on maps. It gives you a chance to move across open areas without completely raping long term visibility permanently since it fades out after a few minutes. It's one of the few changes that BSG has made that's actually good. Now if only they'd unfuck the spawns.
i don't recall there being any safes on interchange
Maybe I'm retarded but I feel like the instances of dying to a single bullet should be toned down somehow. My last probably 20 deaths have left my armor untouched or nearly untouched with a death to a single bullet the throat or head. I'm not entirely sure how this could really be changed but it's pretty annoying. Audio is so important too that running an altyn or something isn't even viable on more than a few maps. It doesn't even solve the problem of the throat being a massive annoying vulnerability either since the strongest throat armor you can acquire is level 3 soft armor which will not stop any pmc shooting you. Niggita adding throat protection isn't a solution either it's just another stupid piece of gear that I'll need to complete 57 tasks to unlock and will be level 4 at most, dumspter turn speed, and cost 100k+ rubles.
Gee anon, I wonder how it keeps happening that you keep getting 1-tapped perfectly in the one space you don't have covered.
Well yea that's the point. Helmets don't do shit after a certain point because most players have high pen ammo so armor ends up feeling like it's purely there for pve. I just think the experience of almost every pmc doinking me in the fucking head regardless of distance and situation is an annoying experience.
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>run labs
>open black with my turbo rare mega expensive keycard
>stims and orthos only
>open green with my turbo rare mega expensive keycard
>stims, meds, a hk416
>open yellow with my turbo rare mega expensive keycard
>low value "valueables"

>open residential unit with a guaranteed keycard spawning every raid
>2 blue folder
>2 btc
>golden egg
>a vase
>GPU in the duffle bag
i find jack shit every time i open black i wish i had sold this card
For some reason bolt actions completely filter me.
I just can't mentally use them.
I think unless you're like the sniper autist that posts in here occasionally bold actions are shit. There's almost never a time you should use one over a semi auto or automatic rifle in the same caliber.
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what about jaeger quests
We don't do Jaeger bolt action tasks past tarkov shooter part 2 in this house.
shooter born in heaven?
I'm only missing lighthouse now
I will not play lighthouse
Lighthouse should be removed from the fucking game until it's reworked in to a map that isn't a piece of shit.
>Enjoy Tarkov
>Game is 100x better with friends though
>Friends are all completely unreliable or hate the game after playing it for 30 minutes.
fuck guys that was close
go back
>Going through construction yard
>Somebody running very loudly.
>Pop out on him and headshot him.
>Thor IC
>No plates
But why?

I guess I didn't bother hauling it around because it was like 11kg and massive, so, maybe it's an insurance thing. But, it only takes one scav.
>game is better with friends
I hate playing against squads but I also hate being in one, too much time between raids and everyone plays like retards
>can single-tap people with DMRs and ARs no problem regardless of situation, one shot
>constantly whiff headshots with bolt actions
I don't know what it is lol, bolties are usually even more accurate but somehow my bullets seem to disappear once they leave the barrel.
>*steps on an uneven ledge*
>pscavs on factory
I did like 6 raids yesterday and I don't think I saw a single pscav. I've also been getting some pretty great insurance returns from factory. Don't know why but I'm not complaining.
I wanted to try out pvp once as a scav and when I loaded in there were about 9 other pscavs with me in factory, this was near the beginning of the wipe tho, it was nutty
He might have gotten it back in insurance but someone stole the plates out of it and he didn't notice. I do it from time to time to timmies just to fuck with them.
>new event: christmas story leg lamp has appeared in the tarkov region
>factory quest to repair the giant mixing vats
>have to drop to them from the rafters
>ok let's do a practice run to understand how to do it
>mosey my way out of spawn
>immediately underfire
>hmm that's a weird looking scav
>realize I forgot to enable practice mode
>manage to wax the guy after a tactical retreat
>15 scavs rush my position
>manage to repair 2 of the mixers and make it out alive
Night factory is great
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This was the guy I killed at the start of this raid, does he look like a cheater? It was night factory and he wasn't wearing NVGs, which might be plausible considering it's kinda lit I guess. But he didn't turn on his flashlight when we started fighting either.
After the zombie event, it's pretty much impossible to say.

945 PMCs? Yeah, massive hacker.
945 Zombies? Guy just played like 10 raids during the zombie event.
Sure, yeah I gained like 400 kills in that event too and I didn't even lean into it. But at less than 100 hours in the game did you have at least 50 pmc kills (usec cheevo), and multiple boss kills? Seems sus as the kids say.
Yeah, it's definitely a little weird.
>Standard account with 1k kills in 80h and a goons achievement
Yeah he's cheating
Also cheaters dgaf about night time, they can apply a filter to make it look like daytime
Wow night factory is completely dead, I'm not sure if the sound is super fucked but I end up not hearing any gunfights at all. Then later on I'll see evidence of fighting (bodies, blood, etc), so it seems surprising that I can't even hear the suppressed shots. Oh well tasking is a breeze at night
>mfw killed a pmc grenade launching scavs on reserves with a fucking grach to the head

Thanks for the kit locomotive.
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apologize right fucking now
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can this be the next op
You can always bake the thread yourself if you see it at 750 replies, you know.
im banned from making ops
What's with the tranime?
Try not being retarded then I dunno man.
whats it got to do with trans?
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The true ranking system

Woods tier

Good Maps:
Shoreline (non resort)

Ground Zero
Reserve (outside)

Extremely Questionable:

Suicide Tier:
Shoreline (resort)
Reserve (bunker)
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bros shes just like me fr fr
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>Good map
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>Not even on the list
It is a good map, just stupidly high skill to flank.
it filters noobs
shoreline is the same
if you don't understand flanks and movement your fucked against good players
It has probs the highest skill ceiling in the game when it comes to sniping and counter sniping followed by shoreline
>absolute worst takes imaginable
Every time, dude...
factory is debatable
the new map is too dark
it's good for a few games
they made the map more ratty and less pvp with the height
but it is still a better map then before
if they increase the light it will go to good
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>It is a good map, just stupidly high skill to flank.
Yeah it take super mega skill to hold an angle at your spawn so another high-skill individual can either walk into your crosshair or run into the open so he can get sniper by another high-skill individual overwatching from high-ground
>it filters noobs
No it's actually the other way around, skill barely matter on that map, you just camp one of the chokepoint and nobody can do anything about it, which is the reason why 99% of the gigasweat streamers with 15k hours and 10mg of aderall in their circuit refuse to set foot on that place
the skill is not being the person being sniped on dumbass
you walked the wrong direction,
every single time you die it could of been avoided with simple pathing
its literally impossible to get hit by a sniper if you just run
>you walked the wrong direction,
Every direction is the wrong direction on that map you fucking ape
The entire map is one long corridor full of unpushable chokepoints and PMC kill quests that reward degenerate gameplay
It's a horrible failure in game-design

It's litterally not, play more than 100h and come back
i mean likeeee if they can calculate the velocity and drop of the bullet and moving target, more power to them
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Tacticool anime girls, doko?
You're a complete fucking retard.
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tomorrow I will become a GOD
>Do nothing about the massive cheating situation
>Nobody plays the mode with all the cheaters
What a surprise.
People who love bolt actions like me have hundreds of hours in Red Orchestra.
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The only saving grace of Lighthouse is long range sniping potential, it's absolutely awful otherwise.
>thread dead as fuck
>raids dead as fuck
it's over
Literally everyone moved to pve bro it's nyover
Sir this isn't reddit, us straight white males play PVP here, as God intended.
Wtf you talking about, I'm playing PVE.
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I'm just shitposting & playing Fartnite until Tarkov wipes. I like playing as funny banana man.
>decide to whip out the .338 Mjolnir that we all got for free from the event
>had no idea it was semi-auto
Wowzers time to lose this thing to some bullshit on woods
>~30 mins into raid
>get a random shot whiz past my head near the prapor convoy
>book it to cover
>hmm was that goons?
>goons tracker says they're on shoreline
>ok must have been a cheeky player
>planting markers in scav village
>knight comes out of the bushes and waxes me
Holy hell those guys don't quit
I had them run after me all the way to the crossroad exit on customs after Birdeye gave me his warning shot the dorms hill.
Managed to pop gluhar, he was quite busy in the warehouse. A steady stream of player and scav bodies leading all the way to him, it's crazy how strong his little team is.
.45 vector or 9mm vector? For me it's .45, the gentleman's choice. And by gentleman I mean people who run out of ammo mid-raid, you can NEVER bring enough ammo for this hungry little gun.
i am biased towards .45 and will keep intermittently running the ump and .45 vector until the day i stop playing
Highly based.
Didn't know there are hotkeys for inventory management while in the hideout
>page up/down and arrow keys
Because mouse wheel cannot be adjusted to scroll more than one line at the time this is a lifesaver. However after dragging some equipement etc arrow keys often stop working.
Is there any workaround for this? It feels completely random.
Yeah it's a great caliber, which it had more SMG options. I always end up with tons of AP ammo because it's the one craft I just mindlessly have running at all times since I seem to always find gunpowders everywhere.
>open rb-bk
>suppressed TX15 and a stock adar
>nothing else
Fuck man I was looking forward to that
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Let me guess, you NEED more?
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>need to kill usec boys
>only find bears last 5 raids
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>no dong
>no plum
>no dovetail OKP
Woah ground zero looks like a perfect place to kill noobs if you just unlocked flea lul
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Huh there are low levels this late?
i haven't yet lol im using shitter US ammo in a ak74 i just lost a 2v1 because i had 600 damage absorbed lol
dovetail OKP is the sexiest 1x sight in the game, makes no sense that it's -4 ergo it's such a travesty
They don't know yet.
I haven't played the game since 2021, have there been any big huge changes? I heard that like a map or two got added and Nigita tried to rip everyone off even harder with a new paypig deluxe version 2.0 of the game and thats about it.
>new maps
>new bosses
>better recoil
>sound issues persist but they're different than 2021
>armor system rework (armor is very strong now)
Tarkov has the same soul it's just a bit different now. Since 2021 there have been numerous patches that have swung the game in multiple different directions. I'm still having a great time, part of the fun is just being along for the ride in all the crazy shit nigita puts this game through.
lots of new guns and gear, deagle, couple LMGs, some new/old school slavshit, ect
balance changes on a lot of ammos
plate carriers now have actual plates
bunch of new quest lines
seasons (yes, it snows in the norvinsk region now)
scav karma system
customs, woods, shoreline and factory got expanded
arena which is like tarkov TDM but it's its own game. there's also a PvE mode now with no wipes and coop play
Skills take way too long to level.
Bro, your hideout bonuses?
Got 'em all.
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>just killed this guy scaving on GZ
>nearly 2k hours
>2 achievements
What the fuck is this? Can you reset your achievements or something?
achievements are a very recent thing, anon.
oh and you can now view profiles^

What do we think?
I think you should just upload it to streamable or some shit
I think that's the second most extreme flinch I've ever seen (first is obviously that anon with the SKS on the resort balcony)
If you're asking about cheating I dont think so, I could see a regular player go full retard like this
You can also see his arm twitch on his webcam
his mouse slipped
also that was like 2 wipes ago
Yep looks like a flinch
>6 kills in 5 raids
>0% SR
He's a real trooper
>died again because railings are completely bulletproof
is this game fun solo? should i look up a guide before starting?
It's ~500 hours of completely lost clueless suffering and being a retard, followed by several thousand hours of still feeling like a retard but actually the world fears you now
There are a SHITLOAD of mechanics the game makes absolutely 0 attempt to explain to you in any way whatsoever, including the most basic and fundamental of things like extraction zones and damage calculation, it is REQUIRED to look up external maps to have any chance whatsoever
The number 1 rule is to abandon all delusions of control. You WILL die, in fact you're ALREADY dead the second you load in, you just don't know it yet. Don't save shit for 'the future' because the future is now and don't get too tilted because it's all just pixels in the end and Chairman Mao or even just Timmy the level 1 fuckwit can come and take it any time he so chooses
ok? can i fuck my account up to the point that the game becomes unplayable?
Not really, the closest I think to a brick would be to ruin your fence rep by killing scavs as a scav
But even that get wiped in a month so might aswell
Realistically no. There's always scav runs (free stuff and the AI won't target you, except for bosses [until you get to 6.0 reputation {don't worry about it}]) which are incredibly safe, or just being careful and hoping for the best, money isn't an issue once you get used to the game. Everything you do, including getting shot, will level some skills a bit and you can always make some kind of progress towards getting quests done, so you're never realistically moving backwards. And then yeah, wipes happen every now and then so it's really not important anyway, the most important thing is learning and you're always doing that.
Just don't sell your secure container, you can't get that back.
yeah but it's not the haha teehee FUN!!1 ^-^ kind of fun. it's more like skydiving into a punji pit type fun.
oh but also to add a reiteration:
Let it go.
You absolutely have to just let it go.
When you die: let it go. Learn from it, think on what you could have done better, but don't worry about it. If you got cheated on, you can seethe a bit, but don't worry about it. It happens. It happens to all of us, all the time, and it's part and parcel with what the game is. You won't notice yourself getting better, but you probably will, and even if you don't, it's fine. Just let it go.
Yes if you just walk out with all your starter gear, die, and have nothing left, you will have to learn the entire game through scav only runs every 20 minutes.

My advice would be to spend a few hours on pve learning to loot on interchange,looking only OLI avoiding killa, then armor up lvl 4 plates with a saiga 20 rounder+piranha rounds on factory til you learn how to kill tagilla
The hideous AXMC has got to be the worst option for a .338 boltie BSG could have chosen to put in their game.
i'm looking for a dayz kind of game so this sounds manageable
^I don't think this is true, you can reset your account back to lvl1 on the tarkov site and get your starter gear back can't you?

>can I play solo
Yes absolutely, it's hard but it's incredibly rewarding
>do I need to look up a guide
Yes would be an understatement. You need wikis, guides, maps, and yt videos. A ton of research and learning goes into this game as a solo newbie. It's just part of the experience so if you like learning about games with an extreme amount of depth then it's a good game for you.
>you can reset your account back to lvl1 on the tarkov site and get your starter gear back
funny enough I had to do that when I first started playing and lost all my gear, didnt want to wait for insurance so I reset my account, the next reset said I had to wait like 3 weeks
what would you suggest i start with? also, what edition should i buy?
no. game has insurance and no one will be taking your shitter gear. scav runs are free and even if you do wind up with nothing in your stash, prapor will give you mak and cheese. you can also reset your acc once in a while which will give you back all your starter gear.
if the lack of true open world doesn't bother you, it's a great game.
start with standard, you can upgrade later if you want.
>3 shots to take down a scav because the bullet hits them in the arm/leg/stomach
it has to be the worst gun in the game
I would suggest some kind of youtube video to start out with that introduces all the game's mechanics. Probably something like 1-2 hours long, thats how I started but most that info is outdated now so I don't have a video to recommend. CAN SOMEONE ELSE recommend this guy a good eft beginners video on youtube?

Just get the basic standard edition to play the game for yourself now, and if you're patient then you can play a lot of practice mode to get a hang of the controls/mechanics/maps. If you really like the game you can always upgrade later.

good maps and item prices. Maps are absolutely essential to learning the game
Excellent guides for quests, every quest you try to do you should type in its name into this site's search and look it up. It will tell you how to do the quest, they're all incredible esoteric and impossible to do as a first timer without guides.
Is there some kind of boltie quest on factory for this gun? Multiple times I've dropped guys who are lvl65+ only to find them running around with that thing for whatever reason
if you want to suffer and get the full experience of getting the shit beat out of you by 5 year veterans who have been playing for 20 wipes in a row: get standard

if you have money and if you want to suffer and get the full experience of getting the shit beat out of you by 5 year veterans who have been playing for 20 wipes in a row: get unheard of

if you want to learn the game in a hyperbolic time chamber: get pve
>start with pve
I don't recommend it, you lose out on the magic of learning the game blind for the first time in a real setting. If you've got big balls and tarkov "clicks" with you it's one of the greatest fucking games ever, especially when you first discover it. The feeling of being hopelessly lost in a giant map where other players are lurking around is something you only get once. Plus pve develops bad habits anyway
>you lose out on the magic of learning the game blind for the first time in a real setting
that magic only happened when EVERYONE didnt know what the fuck they were doing in the beginning. Now first time players are getting rushed at spawn and dying within the first 5 seconds of the game, dont know where the fuck the extracts are because they keep dying over and over again, dont know where the good loot is so they can recuperate their losses, which makes the learning process 20x more excruciating without needing to it be. With pve, they get to know the extracts, know where the good items spawn so they can at least stuff some stuff up their ass before betting btfo by vets
I learned the game a few years ago, in the last month of wipe, pre-recoil fix where everyone else had laserbeam guns and I had jumpy pieces of shit. There is ALWAYS going to be a massive gear/experience differential in tarkov if you're a normal person. It's unavoidable and the only counter to it is playing pvp to learn how to properly survive in raids despite other players being super juiced. You can't learn pvp type stealth and mapflow in pve, you'll just learn bad habits and then get even more frustrated when you try to switch.

Learning extracts is not hard, it takes like one time seeing them then you remember it. Once you get the hang of reading the .dev maps you can learn things very quickly. I just don't think it's necessary to play a ton of pve to really learn the game, you can get the fundamentals through watching a youtube exposition dump and then doing ~3 practice mode raids. Then you're best off doing the real thing.
Maybe he can compromise, start in pvp, experience the suffering then switch to pve to get over his gear fear, then switch back to pvp
wdym by getting pve? do you mean the arena thingy?
>almost drop a duo but get too shakey on the second guy and whiff my hipshots
tale as old as time
PvE is only for unheard edition
There's a PvE game mode you can purchase that lets you play tarkov "single player" against bots. You get a seperate character for it and can progress through quests and play the maps, but they're populated entirely by bots.
Tarkov at the start of a wipe with an influx of new people is magical if you're starting out. Nobody really knows what they're doing and whilst the meta exists, there's fewer people who're slaves to it.

This late into the wipe with the population being as long as it is, you're just gonna get farmed.
The difference is, if you have a level head you can learn a huge amount starting out in late wipe against vets. You'll start the new wipe with a massive amount of gamesense stacked up, if you were totally fresh start of wipe you'd take too long to catch up before things become "late wipe" again.
what are /eftg/'s thoughts on STALGUR 2?
maybe i'll try the game when the next wipe comes then
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Well anon, you've done it
Now what
shit now I can stop playing the game
Any easy to get lvl5 plates if youre below lvl 42?
Korund-VM from Prapor at lv 4 has Class 5 plates.
However, they're only compatible with a handful of Russia carriers.

Next is Peacekeeper at 37 who you can trade 3x SAS drives for a CQC Osprey, and those come with two TallCom Guardians that can fit into most carriers. But, it's like 180K and that's kinda spendy for two plates, Osprey itself is a little heavy.
thanks,I looked into the Korund-VM and saw that you can buy the plates at lvl 3, guess im rushing down prap's quest tree next wipe
Relax has been complete dogshit recently. I've barely been getting anything out of it. Have they just nerfed loot all around?
Honestly pretty much all the loot spots feel underwhelming compared to the labs residential unit.
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bros how do I stop hoarding
Pick a caliber you never and just sell all of the ammo you have.
thats basically best shop ammo + all the ap ammo I cant get from traders which is all I have right now noooooooooooooo
Nah I mean take the caliber you use the least and sell all of it not all of your other ammo.
oh welp, that would make sense, goodbye 5.45
5.45 is the worst calibre in the game and it isn't even close
Even having infinity billion mid-high tier rounds of it out in the open from minute 1 of the wipe doesn't make me want to use it
same tbqh
7N40 and BP need to be more accessible.
>inb4 just find them in raid bro
More accessible without RNG.
Even then, 5.45 has never done anything but let me down. Even if the numbers should all line up on paper, it just never really does.
Might be the firerate, the AKs shoot pretty slow. The AK-12 feels somewhat better because it has a higher RPM.
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>"30%" boss spawn chance
>haven't seen Reshala in the last 15 raids
>finally see and kill a guard on the first floor of 3 story dorms
>sweep first floor
>sweep second floor
>start walking up the staircase to the third floor
>3 remaining guards and Reshala all stand right on top and stare at me
>head, eyes from fucking .366 Geksa 0.01 seconds later
I fucking hate boss quests so much
Oh, and of course that cunt Partisan has been at dorms 4 fucking times in those 15 raids.
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I just found out about SPT, can I get comfortable with how the game works playing that then jump on the real thing?
I mean, you can do that, but I'd argue that learning in the real game feels is way more rewarding and every small win is memorable.
it's $50 with no regional pricing so i'm hesitating dumping money on it, especially when STALKER 2 is just around the corner
Oh yeah sure if you wanna get the feel for the game I can totally understand that.
peackeeping mission has class 5 plates from skier as a reward
noice il keep that in mind as my plate upgrade before 42
Bro, your metaslop CPC from Ref?
>night raid
>scav yells from a bush 40 meters away
>instantly one shotted
>7mm buckshot
The game is absolutely full of sweats with thousands of hours in the game so yeah it's worth doing that
Many carrots!
Start with PVE.
Pestily has a general guide on every map
When you start on PVP stick to Ground Zero until you're level 20. (you'll only be up against lvl 1-20s) Or at least alternate with a successful GZ raid.
When you get killed by someone that you didn't see indoors or by someone who flew around a corner watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FytQsO9rh4g
tl;dw this game has a heavy right hand peek advantage among with some other quirks
Is there any reason why I shouldn't walk around with the bipod deployed?
It looks stupid.
The netcode is so bad that you can get some pretty filthy peekers advantage in general.
is there any point starting playing right now at lvl 5? am i just gonna get steamrolled by high lvlvs?
That's why they added Ground Zero
>get farmed by 2000 hour niggas who have reset their accounts to stay at level 15.
Those are the best people to fight
this is one of the worst times in Tarkov in terms of gear checking, if you can reliably land headshots in FPS games you'll probably have a better time but be prepared for an especially stiff learning curve
Doesn't really matter when you can reset your account and freshly banned cheaters just buy a new game
If you have knowledge of where to go you can get good gear well before 20 and go meme on people's first wipe
Ok but that's still much better than getting memed on in every single raid anywhere else
Nowhere else even has a chance of giving a low level a raid where there are only other low levels
There's just something you've got to understand with tarkov, you will ALWAYS be fighting against people with better gear/experience. It's just a fact of the game, it's been out for so long and people can level after wipe so quickly that it's impossible to time your playing to only getting "fair" lobbies. The solution is to just accept that you're going to be playing against people with better gear no matter when you start. People are known to get max traders within the first 1-2 weeks of wipe, it's a fact of life at this point. So just start playing now so you can learn as much as you can before wipe starts, so you hit the ground running. This gives you the best fighting chance, and lets you dunk on a few timmies of your own.
that's not what people do
GZ is probably dead as fuck right now
So from lurking I can tell that this is a meme topic but if I wanted to play PvE would it be better to get the SPT mod or just pay for the official mode?
If you already have EoD, just play PVE mode.
SPT is nice, you have mods, but not having the persistent economy and trading just makes it feels a little hollow.
It's hard to play PVE when you've used the SAIN and dynamic spawn SPT mods. Hopefully they integrate the changes they've made into the main PVE game soon.
If you really want to play single player you're probably better off with SPT. If you bought the standard edition it costs an extra $20 to get the official pve mode, which I don't think is worth it. Keep in mind the SPT might be a couple patches behind eft
both are inherently shit because AI doesn't make for good "pvp", but SPT is slightly less shit because you can mod it.
Stick to standard
Disregard anything related to PvE
Thank me later
t. player who started years ago when everyone was shit
Why would I want to play with a bunch of chinese hackers and sweatlords?
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>zombie event ends
>tarkov general nearly dies again
There really isn't much to say anymore and .16 won't be a transformative update either
Some heavy fog rolled into my house and it took me a couple of hours to make my way back to the computer
SPT with mods and AI "difficulty" set to how you like absolute shits all over PvE. It also doesn't cost money.
dayum never thought of that das fucked
did nikita ever talk about what bsg is going to do after tarkov? are they going to make a singleplayer game?
They had plans for one, funded by Tarkov, but that was well before Tarkov became so huge. I have to imagine the plans have changed by now.
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Think we'll ever see it? Or is it too anti-fun?
Is that an AR-15 styled VAL?
Essentially, yeah. It's the AMB-17.
I kind of despise it just on principle, like... I think we have enough nearly identical AR-ergo guns y'know
Convergent evolution.
Everything eventually becomes a plasticy AR-like.
Unfortunately (depending on who you ask), the AR pattern has essentially solved the smalls arms question so everything is eventually going to morph in to some form of AR style.
I think it's sad we'll never get a STALKER halloween event.
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hoe mai gawd
Yet again we are reminded why they should have switched to Tarkoin fucking YEARS ago so they could control the prices. And also it's retarded that you can find physical coins in the first place.
>hideout generating 3mil per day
is this still infested with cheaters
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nope havent seen one yet bro
They're still around but not too common on NA servers
Let's be real, you got killed by someone better and got mad
not as bad. they get banned and you get compensated for reporting them.
Don't play on OCE and you're fine
the lowest cheater density I've experienced is on the China server of all places
Compensated with a "fuck you" of like 60k rubles lmao
love me 'kita welfare bucks
do scavs have better ai some rounds then others? i swear this last round i got annahilated by one with a toz head eyes from across a large areas
PvP is yeah. Basically one every raid.
Most people play PvE now.
>haven't played in months
>do a random pve raid to see if anything's different
>the only thing that's really different is I can't aim for SHIT anymore
it's over
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bros theres lvl6 light armor lets fucking goooooooo
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very niceeee
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>audio is balanced so poorly that you need to increase volume to ear damaging levels to hear properly
Easily one of the worst aspects of the game.
Just like the real life))))
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>he doesn't use a compressor
that 2k hours online is over all the wipes

he just started playing this wipe, but is a veteran
for me it's windows loudness equalization
heard good things about this game's inmersion and gun realism but im not sure if i wanna buy it, any advice? Ive been playing hell let loose which is pretty inmersive too
It's not everyone's cup of autism, that's for sure. I guess wait for a sale, get the cheapest edition and only upgrade if you find the game enjoyable. Don't buy Unheard tho, it's for fags.
do you guys know other "inmersive" shooters too? Theres no milsim/fps general so i thought id ask here if anyone has experience with Squad, Post Scriptum, Ready or Not, Arma 3...
If you like Hell Let Loose, Squad would be the next logical step. The only thing that is tying your games together seems to be is it satisfying to shoot the current weapon I’m holding which Tarkov has. There are a lot of things Tarkov introduces that you may or may not like.
Ready or Not is supposedly good. Milsimfags are insufferable autistic retards though, keep that in mind if you decide to try them.
HLL has been good to me so far other than a few retarded latinos i encountered, i guess the autism will ramp up as i get into Squad or Arma territory
squad, scriptum(i think it's squad 44 now?), and HLL are basically the same thing. if you like one you'll like the others. very team-oriented, logistical shooters.

tarkov is not like those at all.
Tarkov is arcadey as fuck.
Squad gets a bad rap but it’s completely server dependent. IMO the best servers to play on are invasion only which limits the squad leader autism and retardation. As long as you don’t waste vehicles and try to stay within 150m of your squad leader you won’t have any problems.
from a gameplay loop standpoint, kinda. aesthetically it is the opposite.
anomalies never
blowouts never
lead-lined safe containers where you need to keep anomalies and cannot store normal loot never
mutants (especially bloodsuckers) never
despite it all i am thankful we had a kino, if a bit annoying, zombie event with even stalker pistol zombies
There’s still the anomaly that’s causing my bullets to miss the target
>every pmc either has head seeking bullets and kills me in a single round or doesn't hit me at all
What the fuck is wrong with this game?
There's money in hacking and RMT shit. So, pretty much every raid has some kind of hacker in it who will beam you flawlessly.
PVE and its consequences have been a disaster to the Tarkov community.
You're not wrong
A fuckton of people have been playing this game for a while now (I have 5k hours)
At the same time there's still an influx of new players for some reason
the best way to nerf scav raids is to make it so you cant do a scav raid if youve over 200k roubles stash value, now you either play your pmc or have to delete your stash to do a scav raid
You would basically never see player scavs and they would be a complete non-threat since you have to be a complete fucking retard to be that broke. Might as well remove them at that point.
that's retarded
You get 10 minutes on each map and you can only spawn in finished raids where all pmcs are extracted. PMC bodies will be semi looted and the gear is distributed randomly to AI scavs around the map or a select few AI scavs that spawn around the bodies/general area. What happens next is up to you.
>Kill 90000 PMCs whilst wearing a clown costume on Shoreline.
>3 times in a row I spawn and immediately get rushed by Goons who teleport through a door and headshot me.

if you have enough money to buy gear you must play your PMC its that simple, no more scav maining, no more risk free rouble farming
>been playing tarkov as my main game since 2022, having a blast
>stalker 2 looks alright I guess but it's singleplayer
>bought squad and it felt like a janky weightless mess
>not looking to any other games on the horizon
>just keep playing tarkov
If this game dies I don't know what the fuck else I would do.
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i spawned inside of someone on factory..... retarded
then game dies because no one wants to play naked pmcs against juiced faggots

all maps whould have lvl based matchmakeing 1-15 15-25 25-up
happened to me on streets last night.
some people are saying it's because of transits
was it gate 1? i've been getting late spawned there this wipe. you can leave the room, jump on the forklift to the left, wait a minute and there's a 50/50 chance you'll get an easy kill.
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iktfb but also kwab
When's SPT getting updated
never, hopefully.
the kike of tarkov strikes again
The VSS and VAL sound so fucking good, slinging 9x39 at 900rpm like
>stalker 2 looks alright
The game review embargo will only lift 2h before the actual release
Which basically mean that the devs think their own product is dogshit
Yeah and it's heckin' KINOOOOOOO
>open rb-bk
>M60E6 FDE
>2 figurines
>retards are fighting by black bishop so I scurry away for free
Good loot raid, all these guns are pretty fun to use
I would be down for a marked food room. Evil burkerking cult.
Food that gives raid-long buffs to minor stats would actually be kinda worth.
not a bad idea.
>attention +10
>duration = 1 hr
>having a rather long (but pleasant) reserve raid
>13 mins left
>going to dome via the broken fence path behind barracks
>some guy is just standing in the middle of the trail with his RR out looking down at some armor
>pop his ass for free?
>he's got some decent shit and even has other player dogtags

I don't get it, I was sprinting up there no way he didn't hear me, wonder what that retard was doing
This would be really funny, give some purpose to the currently redundant and/or shitty foodstuffs. Just some light buffs that make it more fun to find food in raid, <10+ to certain skills for a duration of a raid doesn't sound broken. And food is ubiquitous enough that any player could find some regardless of if they're sweats/timmies. But make sure the effects don't stack, otherwise you'll have chads feasting at the start of raids to become demigods.
>be able to poison food
>or drug them
>pls add mushrooms and tripping
>take shrooms
>1000sec painkiller
>+50% HP
>start hallucinating footsteps constantly
>false pmcs/scavs start attacking you that only you can see (they do no damage but cause suppression effect)
Probably swapping plates. Super retarded to do it in the middle of the street though
>shadow people on edges of screen
>trees breathing
>no pain/bleeding indicators
>controls start switching
ABI season 1 tomorrow! Get hype!
what's the most frequented scav extract on reserve right now?
asking for a friend
Unfortunately for you there are too many that are used and on the other side of the map from each other. If I HAD to guess at a most-used one I'd say hole in the fence by the mountains but really I think it's an almost even split
Hey. Want to party?
Scavs? Here? No way, man...
>put red rebel and paracord on a mannequin in the hideout
>you can now use red rebel extracts without bringing them in raid
delet this
I hope it’s at least funny broken like cyberpunk.
Can you reset your progress in PvE mode? I'm very tempted to buy this game
You can do it on the website, I think.
>Can you reset your progress in PvE mode?
yes. you need to buy the base game and then the pve addon
kill yourself pvetranny
or you could buy the base game and install SPT and mod every single thing in the game from UI to npcs
or you could just play the real game against other people.
oh you mean the chinese vacuum hackers?
yeah delete this bro enough people have seen it (me)
>obligatory chinese boogeyman pavlovian response
You pve shitters could at least come up with some new cope.
no he means the regular timmies and chads that you're scared to fight
maybe i'll try arena breakout first
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which plates to keep and which to throw away?
not telling.
>hes never seen this many VI armored steel plates in his life because they always get vacuumed from KIBA before he could even reach the mall
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I have, because everyone was running them last wipe.
If you were playing PvP you'd never feel the need to "throw away" any class 6 plate.
I hope it doesn’t suck. I guess I’ll be able to cope by loading in with an AK-74su and larp in the shoreline swamps.
>psycho sniper
>3/5 kills
>"lets get this shit done"
>choose scav
this guy trips
It will be an average experience, the game will run like complete dogshit, and everyone will stop talking about it in a week.
>bought squad and it felt like a janky weightless mess
look up non-ICO servers, they feel much better
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I should've figured this would start the quest over
Pouring one out to what Tarkov could have been if cheaters hadn't found it "too hard :("
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>doing Overseas Trust in PVE because I'm not mentally ill enough to do this shit in the real game and repeat it every wipe
>only 5 Gluhar kills left
>spot one of the guards outside white knight from dome
>alright cool time to get some quest progress
>spend the next 20 minutes slowly chipping away at all the guards
>only big man himself left
>can't find him
>start throwing grenades to get a voiceline
>get inside the building
>gluhar is dead on the floor
>check quest progress
I guess he just fucking died of a heart attack or some shit.
Diabetus got him.
Literally how is this even possible, who the FUCK would make the equipment check client-side rather than server-side and how would the raid server know what's in your fucking stash
I wonder if this applies to keys too.
I just tried it, doesn't work.
pve is unironically the closest you will get to that experience and presumably SPT is even closer to it
cheating in online video games with the express purpose to do RMT or otherwise ruin the experience for other *unwilling* players should unironically be punished by death in every country
odd bug, seems to work solo but not in groups
It doesn't work as a group leader or group invitee?
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Probably will be a semi-serious crime eventually (gaming is now the biggest of all media), but by then we'll be too old to game because the earliest it can happen is when Millennials are at the same age as Boomers
Neither I or my friend could extract via mountain pass on LH while playing together last night, but I can do it just fine when alone.
What a strange bug
Oh dang
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>AR-15 styled VAL
You fucking bitches, the AM-17 and AMB-17 are both base on the MA compact rifle prototype created by Yevgeny Dragunov in the 70s.
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here me out here..
stalker 2 tarkov overhaul mod
just play gamma
no anon, think bigger. we could finally combine every tarkov map into an open world sandbox.
yeah......just play gamma
now you're just baiting
Gamma is ass though
>inventory full of cool guns I want to use
>can't play enough raids in the day to get through them all
>constant backlog
Man I'll never get to be one of those people that runs the same guns raid after raid. Can't remember the last time I've bought a gun from a trader. I keep saying I'll be more ballsy but then I get some decent loot in a raid and end up wanting to make it out.
I will not let TS8 and PS filter me this wipe
Bro I could never even DREAM of making it that far. I've never unlocked those quests despite getting max traders each wipe. Only notable pvp quests I've completed are setup and punisher4.
I tend to work on the basis of getting mastery with each gun.
It gives a sense of finality with the weapon that allows me to put it on the shelf and use something else for a bit.
thanks man. I didn't think I could either to be fair. You'll get there. It's like banging your head against a brick wall to break through it. It will break eventually. Or you will I guess
stop insuring your shitter kits then
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Nah they're not shitter kits they're actually decent shit that I've looted off my kills or they're FiR. Like if I build my own guns I'd end up with something similar anyway so I don't want to sell them. Just don't know if I'd be better at the game if I consistently ran the same gun for muscle-memory sake (probably not, I'm bad)
There's just so many fucking tasks in this game, I get tons completed but I still have a backlog of dumb easy ones so I never bring myself to just running the pvp slogs since there's so much other shit to do. Setup was pure aids and I can't imagine many other quests being that annoying, considering my particular dislike of shotguns in the current meta. Maybe next wipe you'll see me out there with a boltie trying to do TS3
>running in the pitch black night on shoreline
>hear a scav voiceline
>suddenly hear a grenade noise
>cut to a different direction
sounds about right
just run a holo sight on a gornostay and go crank eko into peoples skulls on factory
>how do i sneak in my interracial fetish into my complaint?
some people should have their internet access revoked for at least one full year
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Just grab the stuff from insurance, sell it and use the money to buy better shit?
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>POV: You are a gambling man
this thing might as well be on 60 durability, I hesitate to take it for another raid
I heard a rumor that the SR3M is bugged and actually fires at ~700rpm not 900. Is that true?
I really think VSS/VAL burn rate should be toned down significantly, they break in a single normal raid
It'll end up dominating the meta if it's decreased too much.
do people really get killed by scav is that a thing, im fighting like 100 of them on streets on pve
I dunno, the muzzle velocity is like throwing rocks at anything beyond ~40m, and (extremely expensive) 30 round mags being its absolute maximum is a huge downside. It's good in CQC but I think other options equal or eclipse it on balance, personally.
They should have made it so the results of the cultist circle are based on how many raids you do and how well you do in those raids.

Or, better yet, Cultist circle rewards are better if you perform more aggressive actions as a PMC.
>kill tangine and 3 PMCs
>tangine bugs out and can't be looted
>swam of scavs prevent me from looting 2 of the PMCs.
Other guy saw BEAR in this area...
>buy standard edition
>constant inventory tetris
>try out SPT and decide to see how Incel Edition feels
It's like a different game, secure container and inventory size makes such a big difference.
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Hideout cat soon.
imagine if they made this a microtransaction
It's 100% coming in the Arena battlepass.
new factory sucks so much dick i miss old factory really bad
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Same, bro...
>tfw Customs is next on the chopping block
i hope they add shit like cat food and kitty litter and you have to take care of it. if you don't, it'll die and you have to buy another one
Milk prices absolutely through the roof.
What’s wrong with it?
ah i thought he was pulling my chain cause it didn't work when my duo tried it
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this looks kinda good
got one of these bad boys from a cultist a few raids ago i didn't know they spawned with them
yeah didnt even know there was lvl 4 mask out there
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>hideous chinesium dogshit
>looks kinda good
they're really good they've saved my life many times
I'd rather die wearing a momex than live wearing a CQCM/death shadow.
thanks for the gear bro I sold it to fence
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>costs more than your rent
>expensive = good
Room temp IQ take.
The CQCM irl has exactly the same IIIA armor rating as any other irl plate watch the videos where they shoot it if you don't believe me
I can't see shit. What are you guys' Post FX presets?
>watch the videos where they shoot it if you don't believe me
and the irl ronin seems to stop buckshot and pistol calibers as well
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>this armor sucks because it won't tank a 12ga slug without deformation
are you retarded or just autistic anon? no shit it doesn't completely stop something it's not rated for you absolute sperg
I've got mine set up so the game doesn't look like a grey piece of shit but there's not really one right answer for postfx. It depends on your monitor and other settings. Just load an offline raid and go fuck around with the settings until you find what works for you.
It still looks utterly retarded so who gives a shit how much it costs
Can someone post that lighthouse water treatment map that shows the rogue sightlines? I want to start clearing my lighthouse task backlog but I also don't like going at night, maybe I can bruteforce learning this piece of shit map during the daytime
>t. BEARchad
thx g
Pestily’s lighthouse map video did a good job of showing each step. Starts at 30-40 minutes.
It's simply too dimly lit is the biggest problem
Oh shit, a 100 dollar discount?
Imagine the smell
>page 10
>messing around with modding a mosin, no idea what I'm doing
>trying to put a scope on it, take off everything else because I thought the basic sights are in the way or something
>turns out I can't put on a scope because its not the sniper variant
>oh well time to raid with it anyway
>spawn in
>see that my guy is aiming it in a fucked way to the side
>realize I forgot to put the basic sights back on
>naded by a scav because I literally can't aim
There's your bump
I have more retardation to share if the thread gets close to dying
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>more retardation
We're just happy there are still new players
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>>>turns out I can't put on a scope because its not the sniper variant
You have to replace the rear sight with pic related, newbro.
pro gamer tip: your gun will always shoot center of screen regardless of iron sight fuckery.
I think more people should post about the retarded shit they do or just post fun clips. Lots of generals spend too much time bitching or being fags.
If you stick around long enough you'll eventually get a scav that starts with a nuggget like that
why the fuck would they waste dev time on a generic pvp mode and not something akin to tarkov or at least a basic coop story mode
Same reason devs slapped on a basic pvp mode into all those old 2000's era games, cod arenas are easier to make
It has a PvP mode?
Free update)))
Not at launch, but they're working on it for a later update. "PVP", FFA and TDM.
Actually, ABI won.
Escope from Totkov
No, I won. I escaped from Tarkov.
My power is out. Tell me about your last raid
I walked a while, shot a scav, then extracted with a few shitty things
Survived. Still counts
I beat the game.
I sniped Glukhar and finally completed Overseas Trust in PVE. I am now fully dripped out.
I can't decide if I should use Reitar or Zaslon pants with it
Life is what u make it homie imma make it!!!
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He asked about my last raid, and I answered.
If we're talking strictly PVP, then I finally finished SBIH, sniped some dude doing Test Drive on the roof of east wing from admin.
Post usec car
>cries in the thread and doesnt post anything of value
typical pvpigger
>tfw need the extra large head size (30+ inch head)
you know you could just look through the window into black and see all the theoretical ledx spawns, right?
No i said usec not bear russians rape each other in the ass too much
I'd like this chest piece more if it had gloves, even just on the left hand.
I don't remember
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dayum this just deflected a 7.62x54 BT round from kaban
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pic related
>stalker 2
Played a couple hours of it, yeah it's pretty unoptimized but it's fun. I have a 3070 and 32gb of ram btw, the fps isn't as smooth as I would like and sometimes there are small studders. No bugs 2 hours in though, just poor performance. Crazy that tarkov actually looks better and runs better than stalker 2.

Main gripe is the same complaint I have with all shooting games now, they feel like SHIT to play compared to tarkov. The gun sounds in stalker 2 are so quiet and I'm not using to playing a weightless character anymore. Just doesn't feel as cool. In tarkov even shooting a makarov feels nice, but other games the pistols are like peashooters. I even miss the sound of footsteps and interactions in tarkov, crazy how other games don't even get that right.
For all of Tarkovs flaws the movement feels good and weighty (most of the time, ignoring the fucked jumping), the guns are satisfying to shoot, and the sounds are punchy. It's not perfect but it's a damn sight better than most games trying to do a similar vibe.
>creeping in reserve bunkers
>run into a trio
>open fire with my unsuppressed AK
>95-round drum, never have to stop shooting
>absolute hail of bullets from all sides
>ears ringing
>sparks everywhere
>lights flickering because of nades
>so fucking loud you can't tell who's who anymore
>the silence when the gunfight is over
Nothing comes close, just feels like other games are afraid of really leaning into the raw energy of gunfire
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i have never seen a ledx spawn at the dome
I've never seen ledx spawn at usec camp either.
I got two there at once one time.
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>The game cannot be started. Please try again later
trivia section on the wiki for quality standard states "The quest item location is a memento to a former LEDX Skin Transilluminator spawn location in the exact same place" and i'm inclined to believe that.
>6h for a technical update
What are they cooking really?
Is this the christmas event?
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>6 hours update
>no patch notes
how long have you been waiting to use that img?
I've used it before.

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