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The Wheel has turned once again

No One Ever Plays Erytheia Anymore Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator >>501580939
First for soft-ban yomi in all games
I'll show you soft...
Server's up. Your mileage may vary.
Based blitzbydlo. Should our turns be where we left off as far as you know?
Oh I see we have 6 million hours on our turn. I guess Man will use all of that in LAmentation, eh?
Should be. Let me know if there are any games that need to be rolled back.
Yeah I postponed all the games by a million years since I wasn't sure when I'd be able to get the server back up. I can remove a few days back off them so it's a tad more reasonable.
simply pyrene do turn, you stale in 179 hours
35 hours actually. I've removed some of the buffer.
Well balls that didn't last long.
The server? Yeah sorry fucking with the starlink.
Lol no worries nigga. Good to be back online.
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Great! Starting up Mudcore in about 12 hours, last call for anyone who wants in on a new MA game.

You're seriously going to start a game with six players?
6 is a decent number, I can wait for more if people want though
Less than a dozen or so is kinda gay imo but I'm not even in there yet so no need to mind me I guess.
What's up with Japanese goblins that's causing so much butthurt
>domg veteran joins his third mp game
>fights his first neighbor who didn't go AI first
>gets his ass kicked
>dedicates 400 hours of his life to bitching and samefagging about whatever he lost to in the thread
what you call butthurt is enshrined domg culture
You guys ever asked chatgpt for build ideas?
no im not retarded
No but I do let an AI decide all my moves for me
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Does Pangaea need growth 3?
>what you call butthurt is enshrined domg culture
/domg/ is an onion
and the layers are seethe
Do you need your dryads to be H-cup?
I don't know senpai, do I?
How do I Jew as hard as possible as Ashdod?
blood vengeance
>the boring way
fat awake incarnate bless for sheshai anakites
>the boringer way
scales with a small bless for either anakite
>the based way
fat dormant incarnate bless for ditanu/malik
I just tried this and it doesn't actually know how the game works. It's suggesting pretenders that don't exist, it can't figure out build points, like I don't know where it's getting its dumbass information from.
>on demand source of retarded dominions opinions
domg has become redundant...
I asked chatgpt how to make a Großgermaniums. It didn't understand so I said "it's a meme ya dip" and this is the response:
>Ah, I gotcha now! You’re talking about the Großgermanium meme—like, a joke about building an over-the-top, ultra-powerful nation or force. Classic meme humor mixed with some Dominions chaos. To "make" a Großgermanium, you’d probably want to:

>1. Pick a Nation with insane power, like MA Pangaea or MA Jotunheim, and go for massive SCs, big units, or ridiculously strong magic.
>2. Max out your scales to ridiculous levels—Order, Luck, and Growth to spam units, or Sloth to make your enemies move like snails.
>3. Go full meme-mode with ridiculous blesses, like giving all your SCs super high defense, regen, and weird buffs that should never be possible.
>Just take something OP, make it maxed out, and turn your enemies into memes. That’s how you craft the most Großgermanium of Dominions memes. Complete domination, no exceptions!

>ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.
*raises spork in salute*
now THAT is epic bacon
>Sloth to make your enemies move like snails
I guess Starlink isn't very good eh?
This doesn't use established /domg/ naming convention so I'm out.
>>Sloth to make your enemies move like snails
My God...That's it...THE SOLUTION
how many bird mana i need to make my own grossgermaniums??
one gross is 144, and bird mana has two wings, so 72
!!!!!OFFICIAL!!!!!! /domg/ banlist as of 11/15/24 for Dom 6:
(ALL fear spells)
EA Ulm
LA Xibalba
Mictlan (all)
Water nations (ESPECIALLY Pelagia)
Ur (OP water)
EA Ermor
MA Ermor
MA C'tis
Water elementals (FUCK YOU PELAGIA)
LA T'ien Ch'i
EA T'ien Ch'i
MA Pythium
>blitz dead for a third time
fixing to shit my britches
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>EA Xibalba not even on the joke list
Ubar and Na'ba are FINE.
you forgot elves (all of them)
EA Ulm should be on this list
for being too honest
Bro, get an eye exam.
holy fuck how did I miss that?
what would make EA Ulm actually good
dual wielding dwarven hammers should give additional gem gen
They should generate 1 gem for every critical hit as well
>copper arm triple hammer warrior smiths actually generate gems when crafting cheap items
Pangaea dumps all scales and rushes the closest guy. Unless it's LA.
Pangaea is a hellbless nation?
I bet we could kick their asses IRL and I bet our dicks are also bigger.
I bet we could drain their big dicks with our asses
We're getting bullied wtf is this real
civ4g is like three low test cubicle jockey type dudes, that insufferable spiderfag and his handful of gayboy orbiters. we on the other hand have several powerfully autistic failson men, at least three seperate xibalba-anons, each as queer-coded as the last, and a confirmed obsessive indian -- as well as lady muspel and her sister the maiden of man!

we are clearly the cooler general
You didn't even include me in your list :(
you were implied
>Butthurt Yomi Abuser decides to flag every other nation as OP to poison the well about balance
little miss obsessed are you obsessed much? Perhaps it is that time of the month? You should find a treatment for your condition, miss obsessed.

W9N9 white centaurs. Quickness, Regen, +def, +HP. t3s3c1g3l3m0 dom7 volla. easy peasy.
>Blitzserver down again
I am about to enlist in the Russian arym to hunt blitzmin down and forcefeed him lizards
>blitzserver back up
>still not my turn
I thought I was being a little accusative until you confirmed my suspicion
Little Miss Obsessed it isn't good to freebase cocaine in the bathroom at lunch Little Miss Obsessed. You should seek treatment for your addiction, and definitely stop posting about Dominions whilst high.
Nigger that's a good sign get the fuck in there right now
Thoughts on this tendie for MA Pythium? I chose her because she spawns monsters, can be pretty strong once she wakes up, opens up the possibility of rushing to Alt 5 for Mother of Oak, and reinvigoration + enchanted blood + undying 2 will help keep communion slaves alive for later wars.
Seems chill. But really her monster spawning is pretty inconsequential and you'll barely get anything worthwhile from it.
Any new drawfagging?
I am fairly sure that even Pelagia has better units than the absolutely down syndrome Kulullu.
What kind of down was it? For how long?
fucking kulullu downplayers man
Is yomi the strongest Underwater nation in the game considering you slap 1 water breathing ring on them and they kill everything?
>Aboleth stack shows up
>1 or 2 Dai Oni on opposite side of the field
>round 1 shooting: 20 mind blasts
idk but it is back up now though
we were ready to riot
Actually with the mind blast costs fatigue thing now a dai oni with good MR and a regen bless can probably tank it
*horror marks you*
*chills in fort*
Uh horror marks do shit and dick if AC isn't up. There's less than single digit odds for a horror attack normally.
This post is lacking IRL fortune
2hu mod updated yet?
There is simply not enough information on the internet, and it might be pulling Dom3 or older advice which doesn't apply anymore. I've tried googling Dominions shit and it linked me to Dominions 5 stuff and even decade old Dominions 3 Illwinter forum posts.
By far. Also best fliers as they can naturally search air sires so ez to craft Winged Boots and Flying Carpets
Dai Oni can take on Horrors ez
Effectively unlimited numbers
You would just be providing free xp
One time before GPT4 I asked it to describe Helheim from Dominions 5 and it made up something super badass but not remotely accurate.
big marignon....do trun.....
Will host a blitz steam group where we do games over the course of 1-2 hours instead of days. All welcome.
I'd remove a dominion pip or two and try to fit in Unaging
Most underrated nation in the game?
how about you just use discord
okee thanks
EA Pelagia is terribly underrated in disciples.
Shinuyama. They can win by turn 14, easily
yomi wins by turn 2 when they complete the dai oni
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You know, I actually drew something a while ago but I wasn't happy with it and never finished it. I guess there wouldn't be any harm in sharing it since I'm anonymous and don't post my amateurish art elsewhere anyway.
i love my xibalba family
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drawfag posted this in a dead thread
Holy hotness
Holy murciélago y rana sexo
frog and xibalbrat correction1!!
batto basado
You literally can't finish Dai Oni by turn 2. They cost more than starting gold.
yomi btfo
damn so we have 3 turns to kill yomi before he wins, going to need to take a flying god and bless
This is good althoughbeitever'stve
Sloop's makes Dai Oni cost 595 gold.
Sloop's makes Dai Oni cocks grow every time they fuck my ass so I can never get used to it
Technically they win by turn 1 if the player isn't retarded
tfw built mages from my capital and only used freespawn

no wonder yomi winrate is so low I never knew about the dai oni!
Might as well go AI turn 1, since he basically won the game already. Let anons fight AI dai onis muahaha.
If only...
/domg/, I forgot the Badmin password....
>I-I'm not a shitty Yomi abuser, I can play the game! I've won using Ubar too!
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IMagine Machaka, this is probably the last turn if you fail to crack my fort throne. Good luck
Why are naba players so fucking cocky bros
Na'ba is nearly as broken as Yomi bro
That's why they are soft banned in most /domg/ games
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This was pretty kino. Been a fun war even if I've been punching up ever since you got Ulm for free. Possibly GG this turn, since there's no way I can stop you myself.
Because i want to see one actual big fight. The last few turns have been cat and mouse SCs with Shinuyama and it's damn boring.
Stole 2 sorcerers with full equipments kek
Yeah I still have 20 or so so it's not too bad. All my losses have been relatively marginal, even if I've had a bit of trouble with your glamor SCs. I had a massive surge of suitable wight mages after you attacked my Phlegra stack.

Would all be a bit better if Machaka hadn't stolen my forge early.
>uh, guys, those sprit sighted fire resistant guys capable of beating corruptors 1v1 are surely the bane of EA, right?
Yeah, now that you mentioned Ubar...
simply ulm
more like
staley ulm
why is it always ulms, or is it the same guy?
Yeah bro I'll be in there soon and see what I can do but if this is the end then gg.
You too, gg nigga. Sorry for my retard moment with your forge
>misfortune 1
>get more than 10 indy attacks
>kill bogus and friends
>they attack again two turns later
Free point AND free experience AND free items? DUMP IT!
misfortune 1 is free points if you just get 11 pd in every province, I regret misfortune 2 every time I pick it
t. no heroes, no free gems, no free blood slaves
As an ea ermor and ma pythium enjoyer the loss of their heroes will not be mourned
Sloops fixes this
worthy heroes fixes it
Naba would have dispelled it anyways. Just would have been nice to get a few more sets for my goblin turbo-rape squad.

GG, that's game. End of iMAgine the smell.
another game successfully scammed by na'ba aka nabber....
Yeah he dispelled mine a couple turns after it was cast so it's true but yeah, thanks for the jolly cooperation while it lasted.
is NABA the yomi of MA?
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/domg/ I'm so sorry, I still can't remember the password I made for the game.
... It's not Shinuyama?
Just remake it with a proper /domg/ name. And wait until we have at least a dozen players please.
No, shinuyama sucks ass.
Don't be ridiculous
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I give the fuck up. This is the 3rd game i have won where graph is missing. Imagine winning but you can't know how further you are ahead of everyone.
Which game?
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Anyways here's the pretender in case anyone wants to replicate the success. This is the 2nd time this pretender has won with the exact same bless and scales (for those who still remember it's Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable last time). Lucked out on a random 5F Malikah at the start, rushed Pyre and snowball from there.

Ulm sent a message declaring war which missed the recipient Uruk so i attacked him. In hindsight if Ulm didn't fuck up i would have eaten Phlegra and scale even harder because i have less use for E than the D and F gems Phlegra can provide.

Ulm done i got into a scuffle with Oceania because i patrolled my thone and caught 70 satyrs. Randomly killed the god in a water raid so he went ai. From there is SC war vs Shinu but i already had 6/7 thrones to win so it's just bidding time until water access for the nearest final throne.
How is regen even good on your sacreds, arent they just bad after you get mirror images popped?
IMagine the smell
Regen is always good on sacred mages that has Astral because they can tank the spellcasting abuse. The Sahirs can natively forge Master Matrix, you never need Slave matrix. 1 Sahir/1 Malikah with Matrix and 2-3 Mukarribs can spam shit just like Jotun turbo communions. You can add a Houri in for extra regen as well.

Because the Malikahs are ethereal, and they can stack a lot of defensive spells like mistform, awe and shroud of bewilderment i want Regen so they can get 3 health back whenever there's a lucky hit that get through. It also helps a bit with afflictions. I used Dread bless once and afflictions are rampant.

The jinn warriors and jann guards when buffed are also very beefy and in the case of the jinn warriors they can harrass the backline almost forvever if they have regen
>Ulm sent a message declaring war which missed the recipient Uruk so i attacked him.
Lmao I almost forgot about this.
Yeah that sounds really good for the fatigue damage regen never thought about that before. I dont understand what you mean about the matrices though, what's the point of a master matrix if the s1 slaves dont have the paths you want for the matrix haver? Just to tank fatigue? I never thought about using them like that.. Very interesting
>murdering your income and fucking up your movement with cold scales so you can take luck
dozens of domg veterans fell to this
Taking heat 3 kills your pop in summer. Cold also means you get the unseelie queen for death access
if you're worried about tiny popkill on 25% of your turns, take heat 1 and you'll still avoid wrecking your income and your fire magic
Why only one rank each of fire and water?
1F for skull of fire. 1W to cast Water kobold. They are mandatory to get W gems going.
Luck is mandatory because there are 2 heroes from Worthy heroes you want to get. Both are your only Blood access if you don't take it on your tendie. And even if you get Blood on your tendie it's double/triple the manpower to start blood hunting
I see. You definitely seem to have fine tuned that one to your liking.
Luck isn't mandatory to get heroes. Particularly unique heroes, they show up eventually anyway as long as you don't completely tank your luck scale. If you had a gigabusted multihero you might want high luck to generate as many of them as possible though.
this is wrong
lucid tactics is putting up a shinuyama series so they must be good
Luck is mandatory if you want more than one hero per 50 turns. With luck you get two per 50 turns
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3 of the important mages were doing move instead of movepatrol so didn't join the battle, 2 mages were missing the gems needed for casting the battlewide, random arrow took out a critical master, 10 birds birds turn 0 killed 5 of my slaves who had 1 pixel sticking out of the formation resulting in the communion overheating too quickly and killing all my slaves. Masters start poinbuffing off-script instead of anything useful.

Is this the normal astral nation experience or do I just suck.
>lucid tactics
Fuck that dumb jewtubenigger and fuck you.
That is the communion experience, Blood can experience that kind of setup and it is even more painful because you have to micromanage all the blood slaves and casting Blood Master or Slave costs 100 fatigue @ 1B
I've decided I'm just too retarded to do communions without giving myself a headache. Maybe you're the same.
What's a good use for my nature gems? I already got death (independent from my nature mages so no lamias) so I'm not sure how useful forest troll tribes will be. Right now all I'm doing is shitting out homunculi but I still have 100+ gems stacked up
Ring of regen
I would play Erytheia...... If someone made a LA game
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I got graphs.
Cast transformation with all your nature mages. Enjoy the upkeep-free super combatants.
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reminder that this is a blitzserver issue and not an illwinter issue
Doesn't that come with a chance of feeblemind?
>turn to volume up
>audio starts crackling
what the fuck, no wonder they dropped it in 6
I couldn't find the OG strela do dia that wasn't somehow scuffed by illwinter
Do your turns.
No. I've hired an assassin to find blitzmin and bring about the stalewinter
i did my turns and i (and my team) won the game :)
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MA Pythium Trinity, thoughts?
what for? remove that shit and add penetration for extra sexual tension
might as well take imprisoned for better scales
presumably for mind hunting
he should be playing Ind then, they got summonable healers for this
I like it. I'd rather not take growth and put it into order and production though.
congratulations to the overoload giants-team a hard fought win. I hoped to drag it out to tilll cata, but it was simply not enough.
I will do a short writeup on nasca once am on my pc.
I have not done the math but in my head growth is more pop equaling more prod/order, but I can see how getting order would counteract some of the bad events.
It's sort of a game of momentum. Having more order/prod at the start is going to afford you more opportunities to expand and build forts equating to a more powerful position.
I mean
that's the price you pay for innate caster (2)
>paths 2 2 2 2 2
Damn... he's gonna cast a whole lot of meh.
>one of the paths is fucking astral
On one hand, great communions, on the other, built for getting magic dueled.
>astral 2
best not be playing against astral nations, I love paying 800 upkeep for feebleminded skellies!!
You didn't beat the game.
>Chink Chi still have the bare minimum amount of tendies to pick from
Fucking why, is there a nation with fewer pretenders
>Casts magic duel
>HIts one of my many coya slaves
>She wins
>She wins
>She loses
>She becomes a Royal Mallqui and the cycle continues
Magic duel kills, not enfeebles
no i didn't. WE did. :)
What does mind hunt do nigga?!
>mind hunting an astral nation
>The most veteran of veterans
I wish the words "many" and "coya" actually worked together.
Slow rec cap only is fucking rough. At least you have a chance on Hurin Priests, but there's still probably not going to be many due to cost.
I'm sure if there's a disincentive to rushing shinuyama with a hellbless (getting banned from his games from then on) shinuyama can be good. Otherwise anyone with good sacreds will rape you, cause you dont have any.
just a get a recup running
fuck your royal turd skellies
warhammer bros...
orkz is weak....
Does Jotunheim need Order and Prod scales or can I leave them at neutral or close to neutral?
Did you have soul slay researched? The AI LOVES casting that because it has infinite range and precision and it's sort of the bread and butter of all communions. Aside from that yeah that's about the typical. You definitely want bodyguards for your slaves as well as passing them buffs like astral shield and luck.
dump scales hellbless
bump scales lightbless
What are the odds my uttervast casts timestop in a failed doom horror wish scenario
>be void jelly
>actually just void horror food
my condolences
If he's void jelly food he seems like a condiment not condolence
If you can research it the Worm that Walks is great.
Otherwise forging a bunch of Vine Maces to make your N2s combat casters is very nice, and I love spamming the dogshit out of Call of the Wild
That's true and to be honest I can't play Astral nations anymore without improved casting mod, vanilla casting is absolutely god awful when it comes to pointbuffing instead of doing useful combat stuff.
Improved casting is literally a placebo mod.
I've spent autistic amounts of time analyzing off-script behavior and for astral heavy communions it makes a big difference, that is, will the mage spend 10 rounds point buffering every single bodyguard around him (missing half the time) or cast mindburn/soulslay instead
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as you can see here, umies use dispoable gitz with chargebody to rape ork blobs
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my congratulations to to the Giant team it was a well deserved victory.
You endured that hell world and played it out well, after the man+horse team started stalling. Had they not done that or gone ai immediately it might have gone into cata. But as Nidavangr tried to conquer Jotunheim until the end they might have distracted me enough, for me to not do my long range air queen insertions.

This was my God his bonus from Sparks where +5 fire and shock resist and some living statues and 2 crushers in the starting army. Jotunheim had the Linnormr that gave +15 poison resist and stole gems from the Mother Oak. Ulm has the Bitch that gave no bless bonus.

My scales reflect the name of the god: quickly thrown together without much care, magic 2 because spells are the only possible answer to gigablessed giants and cold 3 because Muspelheim was exists and Jotunheim joint 2. with his ice protection sacreds. the rest to pay for the bless and to enjoy the free points.
A8 to spam condors in the early game, the chasis and other path to be a centrepiece caster in a first war. Afterwards he had the paths to forge booster and cast big rituals i even empowert him in glamour for queens of winter.

The bless was an answer to the problem that all flying nation sacreds face: they are size 4, do no damage and are made out paper. It made them able to kill things in reasonable time frames while making them slightly tankier.
The bless gave them +8 strength when one of them dies and with no armour on the condors and no armour and the spiritform tag on the supayas a lot of them will die. Righteous Wrath is a ultra efficient bless for semi disposable sacreds as +3 att and str make them rather killy while +6 morale slows down fear plays.
skill issue
when I'm in a not doing turns competition and my opponent is marignon: (I'm cooked)
>rus went AI
3rd player kill down, 4th coming soon
good luck ctis, maybe berrytoast or whoever is left can come help

guess they were right to complain about the dai after all, cant believe i bothered to put together an army and march it all the way over there just for it to turn back around and probably do nothing again
Personally I won when I got onto the mainland, everything past that point is just gravy. But don't worry, I will be fighting to at least one of our ends.
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Blitzmin tends to pick EA for blitzes due to his beloved gayboys. I dislike EA — too matchup defined. OneAge is meh: many nations are boring outside of their context.
So around year ago I figured to main something in EA I wouldn't hate playing and ended up picking Yomi.
You get one pixel dollie to dress per two turns, rest of roster is whatever. Great for blitzes: few important units to keep track of, but not braindead due to sheer flexibility of SCs, gotta fiddle with scripts and gear.

This decision worked out pretty well: over year Yomi went from «SCs don't exist anymore lol» to powerhouse banned in all /domg/ games! More importantly, it was fun.

By the way if any of you bimbos are serious, Dai Onis get plowed by... skellyspam. Their primary clear tool (fear) doesn't do shit, neither lategame clear tool (vortex). Before Fire Storm (much later and limited by boosters and gems) Yomi literally can't do anything about sufficient number of skeletons. Fire Shield doesn't cut it.

GSS (or just good offence) also does work, before good gear Onis are like 50hp 26prot.
Dai Oni don't blend too well with armies of abysmal morale, so while strong against soul slay (big wizard baseline MR18, Earth buffs/gear) they tend to be only target on a field. Any single target spell like lbolt also is actually decent even if there is counterplay.

Strategically they have attrition issues: only good unit is extremely limited. One per two turns. Crippling one is killing one, killing one is like beating two turn worths of troops and mages. Yes, it's rarely easy but pretty much worth it.

Build was simple: mandatory Regen, mandatory BiS Spark bullshit Awe and kinda spicy Fire Shield x Fatweaving. It was supposed to help with skeletons, fire vuln monkeys and generally bypass that Awe I expected everyone else to run. Tried to keep Death in check for Hinnomish blood econ.
Major hiccup: I didn't notice shit crafter (-1) and eventually discovered I can't break out of A1 cuck cage.
Big Mari you got 2 whole days already
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Rest of team were Hinnom and Muspelheim. Fire shield is easily castable, but troops can't cast, so figured to offload it to bless for other guys.

We started pretty well, expanded quickly on back of fat bless, secured underground way too generous (default mapgen, huh) and beaten Team Ragha.
Then Ragha, alone and battered, put quite a defence of it's capital and repelled many attempts to finish it off. Turns out those hindu angels are pretty mean.

It went downhill from there: hellwar broke our tempo, hindered Hinnom badly and endless flood of negative stuff (nazcan Gale Gate, lemurian tendie with tart attacks, rlyeh tendie with unrest spread) on top of our own trashed scales and infamous Misf2 made it quite and experience. If there are hellwars, then it was helllobby.
Each time it started to look not good but just decent, another team would attack us. First Nid. Then Ys. Then fucking top dog Nazca while we still fought waterfellows.
I started the game with dream to cast Ordeal by Fire and it was great spot to drop it with Wrath to demoralize attackers (everyone been attacker, so checks out).

And you know what? We prevailed. Because reasons why Yomi is convenient for a blitz make it convenient for a prolonged fight in the dirt. It doesn't matter if your income is 400g per turn, while you can hire a fucking Dai Oni per two turns you're at your maximum capacity.
Hinnom spent whole game being invaded, his capital turned into shithole but in the end he too just summoned some Grigory and carried us when we been served by Queens of Air again and again. Muspelheim ended up doing most of stuff with his less cap gated roster even at 5 Heat shifts of income penalty.

It's less that we won, more like everyone else lost. People been going AI. People been staling. People been making mistakes out of exhaustion. After Nid put Burden of Time in last slot, their whole team started staling together like bunch of japanese schoolgirls on suicide pact. What a move, huh.
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Shout out to my guys Hinnom and Muspelheim. Been pleasure! Thanks for proving once again SC is state of mind and not some dom3 era meme (if you get free 8 bless points). Sorry if I been too wordy.
Shout out to Nazca, who would win this if he wouldn't end up with two AIs instead of team and kept playing (literal) 1v9 until the very end. This guy made me think Air Elementals are still good. Like, they just trample lightning immune regenerating Dai Onis to death!
Shout out to Nidvangr for pretty smooth moves. I made many attacks thinking «no way he gonna read it» and each time you actually did.
Shout out to Lemuria (who also got couple early AIs) and Ragha for fighting for as long as possible.

I been playing Dominions for last year straight. Number is inflated, I leave game in the background a lot, yet still something-something 400h.
Fucking turns each day, every day. With you — shout to you, /domg/. I believe imageboards are perfect fit for dominion MP structure, closest to the Illwinter Vision.
Be it that runescape game I picked up 5's MP with, Falken's eyetaking adventures, reading xibalbrat's pamphlets, arenamaxxing or just dodging that Hand of Death by lizard man himself, I had fun. Thank you for that, you triple niggers. Kinda posted a lot, can't help but share the excitement — you will see less crude paint edits with bad english.

Eventually you get bored of turns. Feels right to finish the run with Yomi game, huh.
Never forget that SCBM is best mod, Revenants > Mentors and hammers are as much of gemgen as fucking fire in a jar.
Yomi out. Until the Wheel turns again.
I sort of assumed the server was permanently down
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>scholar of melanin punches asian man in the back of the head
>he fights back
>runs away talking shit and crying for his homies to back him up
shiiiiet is this machaka or chicago
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Air eles are not real unless you have queens of air spamming living clouds under galegate (+2size).
I spend some 30 a gems on a dai oni each time thats only possibe with 50 gems a turn income
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my gem income, i burned 100+ gems in remote attacks

also at least post the graphs
he did, check the webm gayboy
what does nazca want in a pretender?
It was an honour my brother, my captain, my Shogun.
make all their sacreds good
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You could just say you want everyone to see what a big guy you are.
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Teams were
Nid + Pan + Ind;
Ys + Oceania + Rlyeh;
Therodos + Lemuria + Ermor;
Yomi + Hinnom + Muspel;
Ragha + Bandar + Lanka;
Nazca + Jotunheim + Ulm.
Not gonna help to read it much.
while i would have liked to brag half my land and 2/3 of my forts were the dead lands from the dead-aliance, my gold and gems came from my not completely shit scales and active siteseaching

the round was fun for that it was, i hope the next one does not turn into such a hell
I kind of want to make a Bogarus only game now.
Should I take misfortune 2 as lemuria? I never take it on non popkills but maybe it's fine
No you psychopath, lemuria has no reason not to dump turmoil which means luckmaxxing is ideal on them.
I'm so goddamn tired of -maxxing
bro is annoyedpilled and exhaustionmaxxed af
You're wording this in the gayest possible way but yes, it's true.
nerf dai oni attack by 1 please sloopy!
domg, the state of dominions 6 givves me the megrims
No because gemmy and gold events are gud
the fuck do i need gold for past turn 12 as lemuria
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More gold is always good plus your infrastructure is expensive
Stop asking so many questions...
If there's a dumbass willing to trade with me I guess I can buy death gems with it
So is Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod good or just someone stealth-buffing their favorite nations and playstyle?
>So is Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod good
Not my game but I'm going to shill it anyway. Anybody want to play MA?
the list of changes is right there
>sloop's favorite nations are all the weakest nations
uhh based?
Stealthbuffing in the sense that all the buff changes overall benefit their favorite nations, not that it's hidden changelog wise, like focusing on buffing humans or that overall the changes benefit communions etc.
the badmin forgot his password last time i dont trust it
It's stealth buffing fun, so if you dont like fun I would play vanilla. And go to discord, cause we only play sloopy here.
I like the changes to my favorite nations so I agree that it is balanced and based.
with how long the 1-2 schizos have been obsessed with sloops you would think they would have found and posted any stealth buffs
or maybe the schizos are too bad to pick up on them since one of them admitted he never played the game
God damn it.
Blitzmin can you help this retard with his game so we can play it?
What about dropping Reinvig for 2xResilient to bump Malikahs up to 21 HP so they regen 3/turn instead of 2?
why doesn't LA Pyrene have a succubus goon queen as a dom1 pretender chassis option
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Should I join one of these blitz games as a newb or will I get schooled by hardcore domg veterans and my shittiness greentexted?
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you should be fine
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>/domg/ I'm so sorry, I still can't remember the password I made for the game.

Join Middle_Age_Crisis it is a copy of Mudcore but I know the password

fuck off old man
we are youngmaxxing
you will get schooled
but in the dumbest way possible
eventually you will adapt and be just as dumb as the rest of us, completely dependent on newfags to win
Does anyone have that LA Ulm drawing with her holding a funny note?
Respect your elders little nigger.
>NewGODs..... p-please respect the oldtroons
do it, SP will mess you up actual people think differently.
On another note I pirated San Andreas and it's so much more entertaining than dominons 6. Here I have to do TURNS and I have to THINK. I don't want to do my turns anymore... (Fomoria big game)
Also Yomi has 20 provinces and 5 temples they are huge come on gays attack, attack
Just do it bro. Most of us aren't that good anyway and if you really do embarrass yourself with how bad you are, nobody will know who you are in a later game unless you tell us, and even then nobody would care. Just have fun even if you're losing. Try new things and see what works.
As long as you learn from your mistakes, even a match where you get crushed will be helpful. And since this is an anonymous image board you won't develop a reputation even if you play like an absolute retard.

Middle_Age_Crisis is already at 10 players, join today or get left BEHIND, IN, THE DUST

Sacre bleu...Cuisses de grenouille...
>no slop
I'm really tempted to come up with something, even though I told myself Big Game would be my only game besides blitzes until it's over.
Do it. No slop is based.
I like Sloop's but this is just to replace Mudcore and I don't mind playing vanilla
ive had similar thoughts lately and every game that i think i might join i tell myself i'll sleep on it and every time i'm happy with the decision. too many big games at once have fried me
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Because you asked nicely Pythium. Main graphs for Simply MA turn 37.
Hellenika WHEN?
Middle_Age_Crisis starts in 6 hours
Wait so bro's first game got 6 players in like 48 hours but this one hit 11 in 5? Names really are everything huh...
does airshield protect versus magical projectiles too? eg magma bolts
How worthwhile would it be to bring a bunch of low path N/G mages specifically to spam summon sprites? I'm thinking it's kind of like swarm spam but getting AN MR negates fatigue damage archers instead, which sounds pretty good
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I would probably chalk it up more to Mudcore having 11 ready and willing players waiting on the game than the name itself, but then... I WOULD BE WRONG
I should edit this to "BAN MA ERMOR"
Is sending an asura to the non restricted arena with just two shields (the weightless nature+air ones) a good idea or will I ruin my game for a chance at a measly 500g and a few fire gems
you stole my nation *slams keyboard*
You'll ruin your game. Also winning the arena ith your pretender can do more harm than good since it puts them on the hook for rematches automatically.
I am MA Pythium, if you want to play them I am willing to switch uuuu while reserving the right to bitch when I lose later
Nah that's not my nation and I'm already playing the "stolen" nation in 3 other games so I'm good. Just a bit of banter
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PRINCE OF DEATH ON LEMURIA for skeleton summoning who says no
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So are imprisoned rainbows still the safe flexible play for 90% of nations?
No, they got nerfed big time in 6 and are arguably one of the WORST plays now. There's no rainbow bonus anymore and fundamentals like atk/def and elemental resistances got nerfed. Also magic weapons are incarnate now. The generic safe play now is actually awake big power incarnate. Ethereal and quickness are cheaper.
Simply Ys, go do your fucking turn.
I agree with the first answer mostly, however the idea of breaking into every path and doing stupid lategame magic shit is still a good one. While stat resist blesses are worse, caster blesses are still quite economical. So an imprisoned rainbow still makes sense for certain gameplans, but is certainly less a slam dunk pick than in D5.
Demilich is still one of the most broken pretenders you can pick and generically good on almost everyone, rainbows are in a fine spot so long as they have that. Titans are really what's dead in Dom6.
Actually the real deal is awake rainbow researchers, where you take advantage of a hellbless plus early research to drive your early wars, then get out and site search to diversify your magic. The increased infrastructure delays can give you an extra turn or two to drive it home.

Fully agree on the awake titan being dead, dormant titans can still be quite good but ... yeah that isn't the same ...
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>Jung joined MA crisis
>Awake titans dead
Why in the fuck does Illfraud hate titans so much
They were already the worst Pretender type, why make them even worse...
not really, he cant site search
bitches don't know about teleport -> site search -> build lab -> teleport strats....
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he's not for site searching he's for making people go AI

and yeah unironically he can sitesearch after if he survives a teleport.
Any opinions on this tendie for MA Pythium? The idea is to research Conjuration first and get the various Earth/Water/Glamour summons out to cover those spell branches and do site searching. The bless is all about communions and the old mages that Pythium can recruit.
they have arms and torso slot for gear
>limited recruitment (X per month)
Is there a more unjustifiable mechanic in Dominions (verisimilitude-wise)?
Like is there a Mushussu zoo in Ur somewhere that one and only one calf is born every month, thus one and only one matures for battle every month?
Are Mushussu bvlls revolted by the Mushussy so much that they just won't fuck and make more babies than that?
Yo Blitzmin, its CTis in bEAting_your_mEAt. I'm fighting Yomi on turn 60 and would greatly appreciate 8 hrs being added to the default timer. Thanks!
damn... 600 gold site search... competitive prices?!
damn you killed 0 prot undead enemies. i kneel
do it
Big Yomi neighbours better learn how to kill thugs over the next few weeks, good luck!
I'm far more worried about Quickness + BV + MW MA Ermor than Yomi.
If by kill thugs you mean soft ban yomi then yes I have an idea
Awake expander is the safe bet right now. Imprisoned rainbow has become a lot more niche but I think some nations can still rock it
you will quite literally win if you manage to kill a few of them, hellbless yomi won't be able to recover
this is the least cowardly machakan announcing he's going AI right
Probably, I'm not sure if asphodel going AI was a good thing since his AI is aggroed on me... How do I kill manikins without losing my army...
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As you wish. If someone found the correct font they could make it cleaner
Every time someone doomposts about Yomi I remember Dai Oni getting beaten by dryads spamming swarm in 5
machakan negro can't get his pavement apes to do any work, let alone magic research shit, that's for pussy ass crackers with magic 3
Blitzmin doesn't control that, you'd have to talk to the meat admin. Who may or may not even be around.
ok I made it better
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Both nations are unbeatable 1v1, you need at least 3 people to kill yomi and ermor
Bow of Butolf feebleminds what it damages and there is no save, consider it
Middle_Age_Crisis has begun
He has recuperation there's no counter beyond 3v1ing him and having someone sit on his capital to prevent any more from being made
Wait, EA Machaka? Where's your lion warriors with fatigue attacks bro
Who are his neighbours? Maybe I can talk to them if I'm close by
Sceleria and ma ermor is all I see. Ermor will probably ally with him as OP nigga #2
Ermor and Ind border him but are fighting each other.
is down
big game too big for blitzserver snake pussy
>server goes down right before I finish my turn
it's over.....
blitzmin is gonna have to dodge sniper fire AGAIN
>Saving Blitzmin's Private Server
>blitzmin's starlink keeps fucking up
>blitzmin finally gets knocked off the roof by some lucky dakka
>the next day putserver and dogeserver shills appear in domg
It's back up you babies
Oops. Dual WAN switched back over to wired connection and server didn't like it.
Kicked the dodgy networking setup. Might be more stable now.
Slap a piece of armor on them and they get hp
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How many games are you guys in at once? How many is too much?
I'm in 15. I'm never last to do my turn and I find that I have plenty of time. I tend to do my turns fast unless I'm scripting for a giant war which I usually just set up the hotkeys for most mages which only get updated when I hit research goals anyways.
I'm in one rn because I'm trying to take it easy but historically I usually cap out at 3. I'd say 3-4 is the sweet spot - any more and doing turns can feel like homework, any fewer and the wait between new turns can be quite lengthy.
if you tend to stay alive a lot then i'd say stop at 4-6, if you die a lot and quickly then 12
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>No north south wraparound
Coalition. Now.
I have fucked up almost every time I've taken an awake expander.
Why would you do north/south wraparound? I don't understand that meme.
Without full wraparound, nations who start at an edge are at a huge defensive advantage since they'll only have a few neighbors.
for the same reason you get east west , it's not a big deal if there's only 4 people but otherwise there's people in the middle
Is this why Nordics pwned Africans IRL?
Another way of looking at this is that starting in the middle gives you a huge offensive advantage because you have many neighbors to attack and consoom.
The reason afaik is realism. Earth has east/west wraparound only.
Trying to create total balance is dumb and soulless.
africans started on the south edge too
blame godfraud for giving them research penalties
>Another way of looking at this is that starting in the middle gives you a huge offensive advantage because you have many neighbors to attack and consoom.

That's not really how that works since it's not like your offensive power increases. You'll still have to take em one at a time which is exactly the same opportunity a corner starter gets.
>Is this why Nordics pwned Africans IRL?
Scandinavian countries did have colonies in Africa and traded plenty of African slaves so yes.
I will win with MA abysia if it's the last thing I do. I will make this terrible, honest nation a victor.
how the fuck is a blood and astral nation honest
bad = honest
good = dishonest
MA Fraudlist:
Ermor, Scelaria, Agartha, Abysia, Pangea, Asphodel, Jotunheim, Ashdod, Phlegra, Underwater
If you "won" that can safely be discarded as cheating, in fact, it is debatable if you even played the game.
they're a fire nation. Maybe look at their unit resistances one of these days noob.
I'm convinced the shitters going "doesn't count" come from /erg/ or something
Never mind they dont even get f4s. How the fuck do you even cast firestorm as these guys you cant even forge the fire booster lol it's a 2.5% chance for a slow to recruit mage to get f4. Meanwhile naba gets those out their ass. Jesus christ abysia is so fucking bad it's insane.
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>we're honest guys! Honest! We're so honest!!!
blood is never honest
Nobody is building demonbreds even with sloops buff to make them 2 commander points. Warlocks are simply way better
yeah hence blood/astral
>some of the best troops in the entire era
>so fucking bad

Yeah nice try kiddo.
Shitters will join many games to just go ai at the slightest inconvenience. Autists will only join 2-3 games and anguish over the slight mistake they made 10 turns ago and spend hours theorycrafting, diplomancy and combat simulations. Choose your camp. I'm in the 2nd one
Wrong post
Cap only though. So it doesnt really scale for battles. Sure, research and ritual wise you might end up doing a lot of blood stuff but in battles I think you're actually going to be using more fire and earth spells. Then whatever your god adds.
Forgot the fraudsters who will join, spend 2 minutes on their turn and win the game versus both the other archetypes
But astral/blood has some of the strongest remote attacks in the game.
I almost won a game like this as naba, eventually I threw by getting too cocky and getting hp routed with 400 desert warriors as my main battle unit
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So do the regeneration blesses from Death and Nature stack on Lictors?
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If I'm playing a death/popkill nation what makes more gold?
Pillaging newly captured/high-pop provinces, or just taxing them normally till they're empty/dead?
Recently had a dom geezer tell me that throne provinces have terrible magic site site chance because there already is a throne site. These people will do anything to pass time between turns
Going all in on luck scales and magic rituals I would guess, their armies are typically built around summons so you only need the gold for earlygame mages and infrastructure.
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Semi-ralted question.
Do provinces with things like this one them have a higher chance of magic sites or is this just purely random-map flavoring?
Purely flavor, far as I know what influences site chance er province terrain, (plains, woods etc) and whether or not there is a throne. Also fun fact if there is a river nearby that typically boosts the population aka the gold of the province also.
If you see weird scales that's also a hint there's some magic site fuckery going on. Eg Death scales when youre neutral or growth, misfortune/heat/whatever in the same way
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Wait so does this mean it wants me to send my pretender there?
Oh shit a little book opped up over the province. I guess I do need to send my pretender there.
>be careful, they act retarded on purpose!
you're close, so close to the truth
You need to preach it to a certain dominion strength. Use the mod inspector and find event. Check requirements.
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What if I'm playing a nation that doesn't have priests that can preach?
build a temple or put your prophet there
I'll build a temple.
Money isn't the easiest thing to come by with noone alive to pay taxes.
Should I build a temple in every province, or go with a fort/temple combo to protect them?
you're going to learn a cool lesson about this event and what it means
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I'll look forward to it.
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Are there any interviews with the illwinter devs? Any videos?
I think the randommap actually puts some of those doodads on provinces with the 1024 many sites provmask.
You can use the map editor to check for yourself
In the map editor you can press I think F5 to regenerate terrain graphics without changing the province flags, so you can see which graphics are tied to the province and which aren’t
Every time I saw a volcano I got a fire site in the province. Also one of my provinces in big game visually has a lake and it had a lake of mists
>Picks a broken ass nation
>Likes it
Gee I wonder why
Mind hunt wont work on an astral nation anon
if you have an S2 mage on a province, it's an 80% chance to be caught
If you have 2 S2 mages it's a 96% chance
and the chance just gets smaller the more astral mages you have
You don't mind hunt an astral nation
hey I earned playing an OP nation by playing aspho in every game throughout dom5
it means you have a higher chance of snagging a low hanging fruit
being in a corner can also box you out of good expansion

I'd say starting in the middle is higher skill ceiling. Good diplo and predatory war choices allow you to come out on top of a neighbor trapped in the corner
Use a blood sabbath obviously. You also have the paths for all the communion items.
You have your F3's phoenix power first hello
I think there was one for a game publication back in the day but they like to keep a low profile which is nice
Sceleria take your TURN
Wont that kill my mage? 300 fatigue
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based wonder what we're getting
How about fleshing out the flavourless nations illfraud you hacks
>trade and taint
Holy fuck those hacks
The new change will be changing dark servant to servant of color
you will recruit the recolored indie troops
you will summon the generic summons
and you will be happy
The thread is right there to voice your well thought out ideas!
Yes surely noone has mentioned that to them until now, this will change everything
I don't think they're ready to accept my "summon nigger slave servant" idea
This is why I haven't played nations like Caelum. Just look at their nation page and you see everything is just a recolour of each other, just kinda saps the motivation out of you while designing a pretender because while you certainly can do deadly stuff, your little birds don't get to look badass and imposing while doing it.
>dominions 6 is their newest game
>idk we haven't been working on it in a while it's mostly been CoE

I'm normally an illwinter defender but jesus the priorities here are just baffling
Its because they know Dom6 is the worst installment yet, and theres no saving it
Unless they add back roads
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How long until they remove this white supremacist dogwhistle?
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What's their endgame?
just add a Black Man Hill that spreads turmoil and death problem solved
Needs to be a seraphine centric nation
the fomoria newcutie is gonna stale in the big game....another soul lost to genshin impact....
I was talking more about LA Man and how their unit roster is literally recolored indie units with exception to the tower guard/defenders (they're indie heavy infantry...... with crossbows!) and the wardens
No, phoenix power costs like 5 fatigue for an F3 and then they're an F4 for the rest of the fight. Just give them like 5 gems to overspend the storm and you're good.
yeah but have you seen the literal spearnigga
Machaka also has it rough, hope they get a unit overhaul whenever they add LA Machaka/more African nations. At least they have pygmies which are SOVL
you can only use 4 gems as an f4 but yeah it probably wont kill the mage with only 300 fatigue
Communion with 2 members will boost that to F5, with a fire helmet they are at F6, could also get 4 communion slaves to hit that number ez
please someone post the guts meme
If abysia had an f4 to craft fire helmets we wouldnt be caring about this at all my dude, they dont without an extremely lucky random or a pretender, and taking a fire pretender is sad on abysia
I suppose you think a water pretender on abysia would be better huh you non thematic fuck
I like taking death blood and astral. They have a national spell for some cool ghosts
honest status: dis
For me, it's the air/earth colossus. Barring that, I've had successful expansion in single player going with a slowing weapons and barkskin bless.
Alright im going AI, i cursed 1-2 dai oni. Nothing you can do versus that nation, waste of time
the spiderjew fears the samurai
>Machaka can't channel the power of Yasuke and make their own Dai Oni.
Why is Illwinter so racist?
I guess EA Atlantis won the Water Bowl?
lmao there wasn't even a Pelagia this time.
I can't wait to hear Therodos's cope.
Yeah I don't think they're overpowered by any means but it's kind of super lame how matchup dependent Yomi is. If you can't devise one of the handful of counters for Dais they're basically invincible, but if you DO have the counters then they're trivial to kill and the Yomi will probably just give up. Every war with Yomi is either getting stomped or anticlimactically having them go AI after you kill a few of their dudes. It's just lame to go up against.
I probably could have done more if I was patient and waited for glamour spell research but I just dont find it interesting, i dont wanna spend 2 weeks sitting in my forts for a chance to maybe kill them. And they have pretty high MR for glamour anyways, fuck it
Yeah that's justified for sure
please illfraud the merrow..i'm dying.....
Do you want a new merrow nation or do you want them to make the Ys merrow more worthwhile to make the nation less cap dependent?
There's stubs for a late age Ys in the code.
Crannog Ys / Rig is coming and its non-release is my greatest unrealized ambition in life
They were waiting until GladIIator released so they could have amphibious shark chariots for Ys
EA atlantis here
i picked this nation specifically to fuck over therodos anon
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Big Tir Na Nog here
Please send me glamour gems.
Fighting Ai-sphodel is tough work.
so rong you coar brack coward
go pre-order assassin's creed shadows so you can sraughter rice farmer NPC and pretend it's dai oni, it's the crosest your bitch ass wirr ever get to revenge
>MA crisis sceleria turn 1 stale
Any interesting tidbits in there?
It's just the name buried in the data, there aren't unit definitions or anything like that. There's also one for an LA Na'ba continuation.
>LA Machaka
niggers haven't even reached the Late Age yet in IRL
Sure they have, the nation is just called America now.
>There's also one for an LA Na'ba continuation.
I hear they were planning to put a fat merchant prince mage who can seduce females

The flavour text implies he likes to shit on their chests
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Worth it?
America is LA Abysia newfag
keep up
No, it's just a big blob of HP. Death casters can summon infinity skeletons in fights for free.
No, save all your death gems to rush BoT and overcast it as hard as you can
Maybe if you had a lot of gems and mages so you could mass them. They're undead tramplers with fear and a ton of HP - one won't do much, but ten of them might. But of course, that's 70 gems and ten mage turns.
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>reach first nearby throne
>The Golden Throne
what are the odds my asura and 30 lanka sacreds with 30 archers can take out the hoplite level 2 throne. What big guy does this throne usually have? I dont want to waste a turn pinging it
Btw I have mistform and 2 shields on the asura but nothing else.
Short term at need maybe, it has high HP and can trample a lot and has high MR. Really though Pale Riders at Ench 5 is a lot better for your skulls
situationally it's alright, but as a bread and butter summon? No.
Does blindness and darkness stack for a -12 penalty? Because one is just it being dark, the other is having no eyes. But I'm not sure.
blindness tag explicitly says it makes you immune to sight-related debuffs/enemy buffs
goddamn abysia sucks
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>the peasants all die or rout while the knights win the day in one valiant charge (at the undefended rear)
so fvcking thematic
I want to focus on another thing. This mentality of "I want to add some more things" as if shit weren't broken, unbalanced or plain bad. This thinking plagues small and large devs of all scales. Even stuff like ss13.
>Let's add new shit!
>But this game breaking bug that's been there for two years
>Let's add new shit!
Ay caramba, I have staled... this sucks...
sorry everybody, t.fomoria
That's okay little buddie. Launching warheads at your capital rn.
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what the fuck did you just do!?
Readying second sidewinder missile....
Don't worry, Lemuria did too.
Do your turns.
>Remove the ability to build roads
>Make them a map feature instead
>Don't make randommap add roads
>Just in case the players get any smart ideas, make creating custom maps an absolute nightmare.
Looking forward to dom7 removing forts.
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Mister pretender, a second seeking arrow has hit the laboratory.
productivity 5 should create roads in a province
imagine elfing someone whose interior is covered in roads
And O5 could add the fort improvements we ALSO lost along with roads.
That's nostalgic. I would suggest a throwback game of Dom 3, but it's $20. What the fuck, Illfraud? Dom3 had the best music.
Wouldn't Ragha or Atlantis be a better fit
Bros I need help. I have 5 thaumaturges (1d1s). Should I have 3 masters casting shadowblasts or only 2 masters with 3 slaves so they can spam other spells afterward. I really just need to kill a bunch of shinuyama units storming my fort
if it's suicide bombing, do 3 masters with 2 slaves casting PotS + SB x4, offscript they'll just skellyspam
Oh yeah youre right I should cast Pots on one master for the slaves. EZPZ. thanks man
>offscript they'll just skellyspam
If you give them extra D gems they'll sometimes use shadowblast, it does so much damage that it actually overrides dom6's casting AI's fetish for dogshit spells
have you tested this now that its damage has been nerfed so hard?
I've seen it when I send my unscripted tendie into fights sometimes at least
Dom 3 chad...
big ubar and naba are suicide stalling my turn
I didn't even notice we had a Na'ba too what the fuck. I've seen enough the genies won.
Don't worry your resident Na'ba champ (me) is in the game but not as them
I literally can't defend my rear with these stupid orkz, the only way is to have a metric ton of them or a WAAAGH war boss
>arrer boys at the very front in 3-4 big squares
>a row of tiny squares of good melee behind arrer boys, forming a primitive line
>coms behind the that line
>all other melee at the very back, all crammed and overlapping in the back center
>fighting starts
>arrer boys stay where they are or only move a few squares because arrers, so they work like a hold+fire and block up everything behind
>melee get bogged down squeezing past the coms and arrer boys, get lumped up around the coms and arrer boys like a huge pile of bodyguards
>cav charge into a melee blob surrounding your coms who can then cast short range high precision evos on them
>even if the arrer boys break there's the row of tiny elite melee squares wedged between them and the coms, and the coms can be scripted to skellyspam to make it even harder to make it to the center
makes your coms vulnerable to long range evos and arrow fire (good to start their script with personal ironskin or similar), and means you can't use fire eles that will get stuck in the jam cooking your coms, but otherwise it's the best way to defend mages with an undisciplined blob
When should you make the first fort?
are you using cast and advance?
I knew there were going to be movarchs on that damn throne
>hellrainbow bless too
god damnit
Thats Canada.
your unicorns will make a fine addition to my white womens' reverse harem
>This mentality of "I want to add some more things" as if shit weren't broken, unbalanced or plain bad.
How much time have to pass for people to realise that they don't give a single shit about balance?
They are escapistchads, not torneycucks.
Dom 6 is objectively better than dom 5.
Alright that's it, I'm pulling out the big guns
Should anyone EVER summon single demon troops with blood?
It always feels like a huge waste of mage turns before 5 gates or the mass summons that only come online at blood fucking 9
Demon knights feel like the only units that aren't a waste since they come with fear and can pull a lot of weight with a defensive buff or two and devils are more often amasses with that contract that's just plain efficient.
warhammerfag here
had this exact problem lol

but I am going to start on stat and cost tweaks now. (athel loren is too broken to try to fix right now, and dwarves I might just blanket nerf until I can get some new sprites)
bro your storm demons?
okay land-pelagia
Skeletal hands wrote this post
...I forgot about those because I never play air + blood nations.
You damn right they did. If it's not for Ermor memes and such unbalanced but fun shit, this general wouldn't even exist and this game would be just a castrated total war with shitty graphics.
I have never done big blood magic in any game myself. I think the most blood stuff I've ever done was making lifelong protection for liches in the late game
It's because of ermorian hands the general is a god damn mess
No, its the complete opposite: it's because all the vigorous and the brave left, this general is a soulless snoozefest of whiny, first-turn-stalling-second-turn-leaving, memeless bitches.
Because the vigorous and brave were tired of ermors bullshit
Morale and reinvigoration won't do much against infinite skeletons.
Ethereal + spiritform units should have 85% chance to negate damage instead of 75% to make up for the loss of natprot.
Debunk this.
Outside of Ermor bullshit and such this game is boring.
Ethereal is strong enough at 75% especially since magic weapons are harder to come by
Just cast spells or send more troops nigga
>Ermor's bullshit
>The BV sacreds that has no counters
Anon the fun comes from outthinking your opponent via actual strategy
Yes, once you hear its attack sounds you will understand. Psychological warfare
>sandelves still haven't done turns
I hate multi-player
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>You damn right they did. If it's not for Ermor memes and such unbalanced but fun shit, this general wouldn't even exist
>blitzserver got struck by lightning again
it's over, it's really really over
me pogging on the left
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>there is no pineapple, orange, or guava in that image
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in dom7 Ermor will get access to guns and I bet you guys WILL CRY ABOUT THAT TOO
I'll be mad only if the guns are the only weapon that ignores projectile travel time
someone needs to make a mod that makes every projectile in the game just a straight hitscan, so sick of precision being a non-stat
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Wait, your saying they still havent fixed precision in Dom6?
There is no fixing. Archers fundamentally don't know how to hit moving targets.
Precision only works correctly when the target is not moving.
It works perfectly fine on hitscan spells like lightning bolt or whatever
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ay coñito
This has been debunked
so never?
No it hasn't. You can mod the game to give archers 99 precision and they'll still miss more than they hit.
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Server is back up
>Ubar & Ma'Ba stalled hard
so it's the sandniggers this turn
idk how it will work with shields though
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A picture says 1000 words.
ummm based!
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>Go after cancer naction
>Get backstabbed
every single time
agartha is 10x more cancer than lemuria lmao lemuria sucks now
Huh? What can Agartha do now that it couldn't previously?
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>trusting a disgusting one-eye
I warned you brother baka
This was posted by ethereal hands
the caves are now unenterable due to earthquake spam
Bats deserve it.
Very immersive how Sceleria is casting burden of time on us irl with these turn timers
Does BoT not effect undead or does it just not matter since most undead have a lifespan of 500 years?
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>losing provinces
>at war with multiple nations
>army size still goes up
Fucking MA Ermor
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>indie undead popping up everywhere
Smells like Ermorian mischief to me... Just send me all your glamour gems and trust the plan, thank you!
Note that most of that is just shitty chaff
Cousin you are embarrasing me
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>take a fort from them with a throne inside
>my forces are split between several commanders as I have quite a large army of 600 units
>send my mage commanders to search for sites and my prophet preaches
>the other half are patrolling, no casters just commanders with (all my elite cavalry no less)
>Ermor attacks with 6k units
>my commanders outside the fort die while the ones inside do nothing
Well that is a fucking save game delete tier faggotry right there. The way attacking a fort province works is so fucking retarded, yes I am mad, fuck this retarded logic that there are commanders outside and inside the fort. I can't even think in what circumstance you would use it that way. And I can't re-do last turn.
Maybe I would have lost anyway even with mages but at least it would have been an epic last stand with all my troops. But nope the game had to fuck me. That's a reset
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Are you okay anon? You sound rattled.
It's easy to remember that all your guys will stay in the fort unless they're set to patrol. You kind of screwed yourself.
Amigo... even I know what patrol does... I am not sure if site search also forces people out of the fort
It doesn't. Literally nothing does except for patrol.
move+patrol also does this
That's a patrol.
if you move to a fortress, your niggas just gonna chill in the castle barracks
you're really expecting them to mobilize for some fools riding their horses in the countryside when skelly drive-bys are out and about
Regarding movement, I wish large armies were forced to clash if one of them is aiming for the other, none of that dancing nonsense.
>#era 3
So if I have a mod that ads a new nation, is just changing that line enough to change it from LA to MA? MA is my favorite.
I have proof that it's been debunked
As you can see, the firebolt has come up short because the slingers stopped earlier than expected
I fucking forgot to post the link
That does not prove anything
>get to scripting my mages
>realize I have almost nothing relevant to the fight at hand
luck and sprite spam it is, I love not planning ahead at all bros
hello noob
he's right though, a high accuracy mage casting a high accuracy spell can't be that far off target
Amazing insight thank you
you're welcome retard-kun, I'll be here to explain common knowledge to you any time you need
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So which of these is better?
They have the same yearly upkeep. The Pioneer costs 2 more resources and recruitment points.

giving the chaos nations each a unique way to freespawn warriors

On the fence about Nurgle, I am leaning towards the vanilla disease spreading sites being what triggers the spawn event

also just had a thought for a lategame Tzeentch spell, reduce the number of throne points needed to win

>reddit spacing
I am disgusted even with myself
Rifle seems better to me, but the autogun doing 3 attacks/round seems legit for a big alpha strike. Autogun is probably better for expansion, rifle as you get into longer battles.
I think I'll go for a mix. Autogunners in front and riflemen behind them.
Do your turns.
Okay. Now what?
If there is a person in the game that is always the last and late to deliver turns I try to focus on killing them first if possible
Now we wait.
You neither explained, nor proved, nor showed anything, you total fucking retard. You are the equivalent of a slack jawed yokel explaining to a nobleman that the Sun goes "to sleep" at night past the hills and wakes up in the morning (I am the nobleman, wise and attractive, you are covered in cow poop and turds of other animals)
The AI's ability to lead targets (poorly) is a separate routine and not a function of their precision stat.
The sun doesn't go to sleep my dear midwit, it ducks under the edge of the Earth and moves across the bottom where we can't see it.
Thank you for your insight, shit covered peasant, I will remember to bring this up for a chuckle at the next meeting of the lords
Hardest challenge in the game:
Making longbow of accuracy actually hit a single target
not him but you're missing the point which is that precision may not be broken in terms of the code being nonfunctional, but it's broken in that having high precision doesn't do much to actually increase aim in a game with real-time battles
Does the site conversion from ctis/deathscales change gem sites? Cause swamps are high in death gem so if you site search after a province is turned into a swamp does it matter or nah
>started on as island
I've never had this problem before but I haven't played much.
How do I get off an island?
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git gud
big EA agartha do turn
No, and fuck you for asking me to.

What nation? Some are biased to coastal/island starts if they have sailing, such as EA Berytos, MA Phaecia, LA Mari. Some can just go underwater, like EA Formoria, MA Ermor, LA Erythiea. Did you take cold/neutral scales and can run across a frozen province connection during winter? Is there a weird cave entrance letting you go literally under the water? Did you take an awake UW capable expander like erfsnek? Do you have access to air/water to forge gear capable of going UW? air+nature to get pocket ships? Death to reanimate + kings? Hell, astral to at least teleport?

You're more than likely just fucked though. Most ways of going UW as a land nation are locked behind a fair amount of research/gems/paths you may not have.
I didn't ask, I commanded
do turn
Anyone in Simply_MA able to drop Seas of Ice? I could but I would have to empower once
>attacks uw nation
have sex mancel
>noooooo you're supposed to let me take all the thrones and win reeeeeeeee
Day of the Freeze soon waternigger
how about this instead
*kills you*
You could trade gems or gold with another player for access to underwater items that you may not be able to craft yourself.
Big_Game_For_You I did my double turn did you?
ignore gaybalba he will be evicted shortly
>about to finish big turn
>blitzserver dies
Yep just got done with allll that work. Hopefully I can just re-do the turn and send the local file out
It does work, the issue is that units will shoot from the furthest possible range 90% of the time
Say you have 10 precision and use a trueshot longbow
say you are shooting at a specific man (size 3)
That means you have an attack of 40 and 50 range
You need to be attacking from 33 range to get accurate shots (40 - 7 = 33 vs 33)
Oh btw every shot has DRN
That means you have a 30% chance of actually hitting the mofo on top of the DRN
and thats if you are within rang
in short, precision does work as intended up until it lands on the square, then you're just crap shooting on who it lands on
>in short, precision does work as intended
Nope, wrong
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Me cago en todo
when I'm in a server instability contest and my opponent is blitzserver: (I'm cooked)
Why do the craftable weapons usually have worse stats than the commanders’ default weapons?
>blitzserver back up
>UUUU LA R'lyeh and EA Agartha turns rolled back
Posting this mostly for R'lyeh who probably didn't expect to have to redo its turn.
Sounds like you're crafting shitty weapons.
What does “fixed forge bonus” do exactly? Like what the dwarven hammer has.
What commander and what's their default weapon?
Also this.
It takes X gems off the cost of forging. Rare units like the forge lord pretender get a percentile discount instead.
Percentage, not percentile.
Language isn't prescriptive deal with it
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We'll save you some Lemurian treasures, buddy.
Just as an example, look at the basic short sword that an EA Ermor centurion and legatis has. It has higher damage than any sword you can forge before Construction 5.
No it doesn't. Are you looking at the weapon damage + unit strength or something
Well shit, guess I am.
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What’s up with Marverni having blood sacrifices in a bunch of the unit descriptions but no blood mages or any way to blood hunt?
Bloodhenge druids are a DLC unlockable unit
It's for flavor because the gauls actually did do that
It's so you can take a blood god
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oh shit

oh jesus
Maybe you should apologize and withdraw from his lands before the main horse gangbang army arrives.
twas a bump actually we both went for the same throne. I'm just kinda tickled by our gold losses being nearly identical
Is that garnet amazons I spy?
I’m not a metafag by any means, but taking a blood pretender for a nation which can’t gather/use blood slaves sounds suboptimal at best.
elite warriors 2 strong

BV free spawn sacred boars are typically why'd you want blood on your maverni pretender
>how to kill your druids with this one simple trick
>Ubar is huge
So how does Diplo work in this game, turn based border negotiations?
You were saying?
Nobody really does that except giga autistics. Early on, it's first come first served and if someone grabs a prov first it's de facto theirs. People mostly negotiate over teaming up and stuff.
>you just know
Perhaps it also depends on the format? I'm in a game on d*scord and I've had 2 people instantly dm me the second we had a border to talk about province distribution.
What the fuck was Ys thinking? Did he really think that he was going to win 34 vs 852?
>Nah, I'd win
yeah discord is usually border negotiations to avoid a bump but it's dangerous cause they can intentionally bump you after you agree to go some place
Hey hey hey don't gloat for me just yet he has like 100 more running around in and just outside my borders
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>blitzserver dead again
Shut up Ys, get fucked faggot.
fucking hell i just got on to do my turns
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You dumb nigger I'm Man, just because Ys is a cocky retard doesn't mean this is over yet
this nut-inducing message
>lost both expansion parties
>still have to deal with 2 barbarian provinces in my cap circle
this is why you always take an awake expander bros
so you can kill your awake expander on a barb province?
No so I can expand elsewhere while losing precious turns building up the units to kill barbarians
My mistake then, keep the good work m8.
>Get God awful cap circle indies
>200 barbarians, 100 cav or a province mysteriously devoid of enemies
You either gamble on a close victory or turn 3 without doing anything like a cuck, pondering the whole time if you could've just bruteforced it..
awakes are pretty cool I'm not autistic enough to study perfect expansion so it allows me to play the game
>his sacreds are not optimized for expanding
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We need more offerings to the server to keep it running...
needs a "Queen of Abysia" tattoo
humanbred's law
Hey Blitzmin, good luck with whatever the situation is. Really appreciate you spending your time on this shit.
This is ctis in bEAt_you_mEAt, could you add 8 hrs to the turn timer, there was only a few hours left when the server crashed as I was working my turn and want to ensure I can upload my full turn.
>big storm knocks power out in my whole area
>work has a backup generator and wifi. I borrow a laptop and bring it in to do my turns after hours next day
>blitzserver is down
I tried so hard to not stale...
someone give this real ass nigga some GEMS
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>0 kills on centurions
>one turn of freespawn for 47 iron warriors

I think the point of his screenshot is pointing out that Lemuria is attacking him rather than defending, given the context of this. >>502855135
gay as fuck
I don't border any skeletons and my entire build is skeleton killer 101
also the game is cursed 4 people are already AI
4 AIs on turn 20 in a 34 player game is actually a pretty good ratio
I just want to know how I don't border any fucking skeletons in a game with basically all the skeleton nations
I get the cancer that is LA squidders on my border though, lucky fucking me
Do pikemen work good on barbs or do they pass the morale check pretty easy?
It doesn't work well. Most pikes only have 14 prot and get oneshot by barbs while not doing enough damage to oneshot the barbs themselves. In that sense other harder hitting 2h weapons are better. 1h swords twoshot barbs like a pike but come with a shield that has a higher roll than repel and also only has to beat the attack check whereas repel has to pass def and morale. The GS barbs also have 11 def so they don't often get repelled.
In sloops it's better with the +1 attack and formation fighter on pikes, but still barb fighting goes massed archers >>> sword/shield > spear/shield > hard hitting 2h/pike > cav.
Nice cope for being an idiot.
That's what your mom said last night dude
What kind of retarded English did you use with my mom to make her say that?
be nice dude, I for one think his heavy jamaican accent is cool and funny
One love me bredren
Enough fighting, what's your hellbless for EA Machaka?
I like to base my builds off the historical counterparts, so I dump all my scales and don't take any blesses.
I rarely fuck with hellblesses. Maybe I should, I don't know. It just seems like a bad tradeoff.
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I found this cool map generator. Not sure if the scale really fits Dominions but it makes a lot of small hexes to the point where it could. Makes way too many hexes for water if that's enabled though so you would have to cut up water provinces yourself. I like that it makes roads and water routes especially.
This guy also has some other neat map generators not necessarily useful for Dominions if you're into that.
Are prophets always blessed or only in their own dominion like gods
yeah just tested during expansion, nice!
They still get max health reduction in enemy dominion so don't get too excited or anything though.
yeah it's more just not being terrified about the 0-1 candle provinces and shifts that could totally ruin my plan/expansion
Thanks for this friend
big ind do turn

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