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Gone but not forgotten Edition

For all things Dragon Age. Talk about Veilguard or other DA games. Reply to the OP if you have an addition to make. We'll settle on an OP here in a thread or three.

https://youtu.be/NdtmtuzICOI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Dragon Age: Origins
https://youtu.be/mRcrlgN7Dk4?si=BiZ9cp77l-mQwsIA [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Dragon Age 2
https://youtu.be/jlACgYHtWCI?si=E41acbaloILFrHhG [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Dragon Age Inquisition
https://youtu.be/yHeWOQvVRd8?si=3akqPvtrGPuIyv7r [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Veilguard waifu poll
>post-Veilguard Solas poll

Previous: >>502181693
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>no sister-wife
playing as a human in DA:O feels so boring i can't
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Solavellan supremacy
Solavellan superiority
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he based
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Sex with Wormlas
Sex with Solas
Sex with Fen'Harel
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Pick your poison
>Hi I'm evil
I will kill Bellara by throwing her off the plane in midair and take her seat.
>fun autistic chats with emmeric
>can lean over and speak to manfred
3 but I'd rather kill morrigan for her seat
Do Lavellans REALLY
>[Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
someone might need to do some cleaning up next thread
They're had over a decade for the brainrot to settle in, have pity for them
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>an entire country dedicated to running theme parks
I'll do it in a thread or three
3, he'll know when to be quiet, understands social cues, and is polite if he needs to get up to use the restroom.
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Foxy grandpa...
I draw the line at worm solas, he was too innocent.
Any good youtube videos or reddit posts that do a deep dive into new lore? Dragon Age wiki hasn't been properly updated yet
Post more of him
These DA trailers with rock songs at the end... cringe or soul?
what an odd coincidence
>everyone picking 3

emmerich is that chill damn
He's the only enjoyable and well written character. I could do without the disney haunted mansion aesthetics of the necromancy in this game, but he's fun.
I mean consider what sitting with everyone else entails. From Morrigan and Solas screeching at each other, Taash and Harding flirting, being near Spite, Ghilanain or Lucaris and his shithead cousin
The real question is which is the most cursed seat frankly
>From Morrigan and Solas screeching at each other,
This would be fun to watch though
It deserved all the shit it got, but it had the best menu theme by far.

>The real question is which is the most cursed seat frankly
Ghilanain because she'd be putting her tentacles up your ass. But I think I'd probably go insane in 2 having to listen to Neve's awful accent and voice but 6 for cringe non binary lesbian shit. 5 would be annoying as well as it's nothing but muh family, muh coffee
For the first hour sure, but it's an 8 hour flight
I still think it had the best companion dynamics in the series.
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I have some old Aimo art of him.
She's literally me.
>The real question is which is the most cursed seat frankly
for me it's 6
>half of the time I'm cringing at Harding and taash awkward unnatural flirting
>the other half I'm just bored out of my mind
>surrounded by muh family muh Treviso crow retards
It really does. Your group feels like a group of friends who grow with each other over time. They bicker, dislike each other at times, love each other the next but it all feels organic. They're there because they want to be and they like you. It's not the end of the world shit to save the world so they're sticking out, they just like you. It's a shame how sterile the companions in Veilguard are. You feel like their counsellor and I wanted to avoid every conversation with them in the lighthouse.
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Damn I'm surprised there are more than 1 dwarf fuckers
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I like the part of DA2 where Zevran cameos for 5 minutes and right as he's about to leave Isabela calls out to him, "What about sex?" Grips me every time.
Anyone else extremely dislike this place? It's so lonely and bland. We really peaked with Skyhold.
Also saved this little Aimo piece she made of someones Dwarf Inq getting cozy with Solas. It made me laugh.
>Solavellan supremacy
>Solavellan superiority
For those 50 seconds they have together in game.
>It deserved all the shit it got
For a game that was put out in a year and a half? It exceeded expectations I'd say
So has she already made a dwarf rook yet or did she also drop Veilguard?
50 seconds of solavellan >>>> all veilguard romances and companion quests combined
You romance fags are absolutely retarded
not my fault veilguard is trash
No idea, haven't been on tumblr in years and I don't have twitter.
>Solas: You are Davrin of the Grey Wardens. And judging by your vallaslin, you are Dalish.
>Solas: I expect you have been urging the team not to trust the Dread Wolf, based on the stories you heard around the campfire in your youth.
>Davrin: What story should I tell? The one about the Dread Wolf creating the blight when he and Mythal slaughtered the Titans?
>Solas: Have you told the Dalish?
>Davrin: Why? So it can spread and make the humans blame elves for even more things our ancient ancestors did?
>Davrin: Sharing that story would get a lot of people killed.
>Davrin: So the best thing I can do right now, as a Warden and a Dalish elf, is to stop the blight and clean up your mess.
>Solas: Mala shivanas ar athim.
The world is going to shit all around and Solas decides to try and strike up a conversation about how his public image is doing. I relate to Davrin's sentiment. Just being so fucking done with the egghead's bullshit.
He could not help himself but to take one last potshot at the Dalish I love Solas so much
2024 /dag/ is just as shit and disappointing as 2024 Dragon Age
I'm surprised by how much I like Davrin desu. Guy's a reliable bro who just wants delusional motherfuckers to stop making his people's lives harder, while also stopping the darkspawn from hurting people
You just know if Davrin had said "yes" Solas would have played the victim and berated him for lacking perspective.
None of the good characters returned

Also this
>Solas: Mala shivanas ar athim.

I took to be sarcastic.
You're reaching like a motherfucker to see that as sarcastic
The decorating choices are pretty crap. It was originally going to be a boat. That would have been much better.
Why didn't they do it? A boat/ship in a different dimension wouldn't have been the only thing they stole from Larian for this game
Yeah I liked him a lot too. I was so annoyed though that if you pick him near the end to lead a team he dies regardless Next time ugly lesbo dorf will be my pick
Bellara is the GOAT of da girls.
>A boat/ship in a different dimension

Not in a different dimension, but sailing through northern Thedas. Dorian, Morrigan and Isabela would have been the new advisors, with Isabela guiding the ship.
If you started with Veilguard sure
Actually not even then
It's fine, the team is much smaller than the Inquisition so it makes sense to make the place much smaller than Skyhold, and makes it less tedious to travel rounds to everyone.
I do wish there was a day and night cycle present though
I found her less annoying than I thought I would have. I was expecting peepoo from Andromeda and once she toned down the magic science geek bits, she was tolerable. Probably the best voice acted companion
she's better than morrigan and leliana
Don't know why they dropped it but it was in that Dreadwolf concept art book someone shared last week so probably just got dropped when the story changed. It wasn't in the fade either it was just a regular sailing ship you'd use to stealth your way around Northern Thedas.
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She's cute but I've sisterzoned her in my current run
I'm still not clear on what the main game was actually going to be in place of stopping the 2 gods in VG. Something something Venatori but what are the details?
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>the hinterlands
>can't leave it untill ALL quests are done

YOU CAN LEAVE ANON. Believe in yourself! I believe in you!
Hinterlands is based.
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it's impossible to leave, must complete all quests
If you are retarded, sure
I kind of assumed it was fixing Tevinter to prove to Solas the world isn't absolutely shit and he dosen't need to destroy it.
Even the game itself tells you to leave
>Emmrich needs to get up every hour or so
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i like harding romance, it wasn't as sweet and carefree as cassandra but it had character development and emotional depth to her as a dwarf
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I love total hater Rook, their day isn't complete without getting at least one dig at the egg
Lace, listen. You are not alone. Whatever's out there, we'll face it together. I promise. Together.
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I'm sure that Jason Screecher will have an article brewing about the original plan for this game and what went wrong. I think it's a mix of EA interference but also Bioware ineptitude. There is no way that this should've been 10 years since Inquisition.
I sacrificed that bitch with thinking twice lol
it started development as a GaaS game after trespasser launched, then around 2019/20 after anthem failed, EA told them to scrap everything and make a single player game
GaaS game was scrapped 2017
You're wrong, it started as a legit single player game short after trespasser. All of the coolest concepts from the book came from that phase. That first version was scrapped by EA to make the GaaS bullshit, which was in turn scrapped AGAIN in 2020 thanks to anthem debacle for current veilguard. Absolute clown world.
We finally got to Tevinter, so the most famous Tevinter character obviously makes an appearance. How much Fenris we get in VG?
bioware: who?
In between all that Bioware also haemorrhaged staff including pretty much the only people who had any real reason to care about save continuity and lore from earlier games like Gadier and Kirby.
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thankfully none. I can do without edgeless fenris. I hope he's happy being a bigot and a chud elsewhere.
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Which was worse?
Both are kino tbqhwy
>Both are kino
they're the same picture
Why would he go edgeless when Hawke sold him back to his master?
They didn't know who Zevran is anon and you spend a good chunk of the game running around with the Crows. Asking about Fenris would just confuse them
You're valid. Your feelins are valid.
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I usually start by picking a camp and doing the quests in the area that I can and then rotating around the map. Excluding requisition quests of course.

I actually like the Hinterlands though.
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I've been anticipating this game since this summer and now that I've finished it I dunno what to do with myself anymore. I feel like all I can do is start another playthrough even though I don't really feel like it.
are you nervous for mass effect anon
Literally me since 2014. Don't force it but do another play through of the older games maybe.
Always was. The writing is something bioware needs to sharpen up because some of the stuff was really poor in veilguard and I hated how every reply was a variation of "I am so sorry"
me too. I still have silent hill in my backlog and a bunch of other shit

with a bunch of other games coming up

but im so fascinated by this game that i immediately started another playthrough. I dont like the game and dont want to play it anymore but I still started another playthrough.
When's the last time you played Cisquisition
what about it fascinates you considering you don't like it but want to play another playthrough? I'm a massive DAfag with all the books, comics etc but even I don't want to touch this for a long time.
same here
I'll probably give it another playthrough next week thoughever
I had no real hope anyway. The fact they're just continuing Shepherds story always seemed like a naked cashgrab anyway. Now I've seen what 2024 Bioware is capable of doing with an RPG its sunk even lower.
>When's the last time you played Cisquisition
I replayed all the games and read all the books since like August. I have revisited everything recently. I even ended up playing DAI twice because I wanted footage for an amv
The game design and the writing are a sort of circus side show to me. Like walking through a coney island freak show and seeing the bearded lady and the snake boy. It's a cheap, uncomfortable minstrel show masquerading as real entertainment.

My first playthrough I tried to take the game as seriously as I could. Chose a stoic grey warden. It was awful.

Now I'm going through as a fat ass trans qunari mourn watcher picking the sarcastic dialogue. I can't look away. The game is a clown show.
>I even ended up playing DAI twice because I wanted footage for an amv
This was so bad It made me want to do another DAI run but I quit after 10 hours. I'd rather play this game for the rest of eternity than go through the hinterlands holding the right trigger for 40 hours ever again
i thought that was a given
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>I even ended up playing DAI twice because I wanted footage for an amv
I actually am ok now because I had an idea that would not leave my mind and I got it out of my system.
anon, your mods??
anyone else find morrigan annoying sometimes
considering the fact she has all of 20 minutes of screentime and isn't acting like morrigan at all yes
lmao. I despise that bitch since DAO.
So are the Grey Wardens still getting the calling now there are no arch demons? Is it still a death sentence because there was a note that the HoF was looking for a way to cure the taint like how Fiona had done. So far the only cure seems to be Theirin dick
That's her schitck though I hated how she was relegated to mystical lore dump in Veilguard. No agency or anything just a voiced wikipedia
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>make western anime
>make all the females ugly
how did a 2004 western anime manage to mog all the ones that came after it?
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I do all Hinterlands quests before moving on
The last time I replayed DAO all I remembered of Morrigan was her towards the end with all her character growth so starting fresh and getting hit with all the disapprovals in Lothering for basic decency reminded me "oh right Morrigan Disapproves was a meme". A bit annoying but she gets the Alistair voodoo doll and we're good (Alistair my beloved I'm so sorry I don't let her use it).
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>make Solas
>get fucked by dalish elf warden bbc
sounds kinda amusing and devilish
By the end of this game:
Tevinter is progressive San Franciso
The Qun is progressive Isam San Francisco
Nevarra is Hogwarts
The Grey Wardens are pointless. No more blights. No more calling. No more archdemons. Just random pockets of Darkspawn that need to be "studied"
I feel they wanted to just remake Merrill but cucked out so to maintain the "respecting your choices from past games by not bringing them at all" approach
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remember when archdemons looked fucked up and not like... regular dragons
On the one hand, Veilguard is an insult to her memory. On the other hand, DA2 is no longer the worst game in the franchise
Were the archdemons blighted in Veilguard? I thought they were just thralls/dragon horcruxes whereas the archdemon in Origins was corrupted by the blight hence why it was like that. The blighted dragons we fight
I can't believe they made a worse qunari female than Qwydion but somehow they succeeded with Taash
>Were the archdemons blighted in Veilguard?
yes its how they become archdemons

But to be fair the "blight" becoming something that you do instead of force of nature dark magic plague has made it lose all meaning.
erm Traash isn't female chud
Shit, gotta pull a Bharv brb
insane that one of the most legitimately interesting fantasy races and fantasy religions have become nothing more than like... an allegory for your extended ethnic family who come to visit your brooklyn walkup on thanksgiving to lecture you about how you dont cook paneer correctly or some shit dude

I fucking hate liberals.
It's amazing that John Epler, Corinne Busch and Patrick Weekes haven't been taken by EA out back and shot for incompetence
Epler has been distancing himself from the writing on twitter actually lmao

sorry retard youre the creative director youre not getting out of this
we can only wish
>2/3 of the team leads are mentally ill and think they're women

Explains a lot
cuddling the alistair voodoo doll
The video game industry is the only business on earth where you can consistently fail upwards as long as you get on your knees and suck cheezy troon cock
kek I literally was just reading about him posting damage control about how people are hating the secret ending credit scene
Loghain ..... has been robbed of all agency. He did not betray the king and Ferelden because of his trauma with Orlesians, but was told to do so
>him posting damage control about how people are hating the secret ending credit scene
Link? I want to see. I already had my mind blown by what he said about the elves.
>merrill but asian
>actually all of the villains were just misunderstood and being played by the TRUE villain working in the shadows!!!!!!!!

What causes this? Anime brained retards?
World of Warcraft has had this problem for decades at this point and it seems a lot of media is also having this issue.

It's like a marvel comics issue too.



We cannot have villains anymore


use https://rot13.com/ to translate
Bit odd how conveniently all the Bioware staff fucked off to knockoff Twitter where they can't be harassed by angry normies and chuds
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This user has requested that their content only be shown to signed-in users.
he fucked off of twitter but i can see if i can rustle up some of his bluesky posts (bluesky is the new home for coddled faggot leftists to talk about how pedophilia is okay and gay people are awesome)
these people are so fucking gay dude oh my god.
>John: okay one other DATV spoiler thing (this has to do with the ending and specifically the extra scene, seriously this is major spoiler territory). the word choice of balanced, whispered, guided is VERY DELIBERATE. no one was forced or coerced or controlled into making any choices

>it’s extremely important that ultimately everyone made their own choices. they still own the consequences of these decisions, because dragon age is still a series about people making decisions of their own free will and those decisions having consequences

>patrick: Choice. Spirit.

>user: It's nice to hear that I won't lie! I was getting the impression that all of these character's decisions and agency was essentially being stripped away to some higher/ or other power that was behind it all. Thank you for clearing it up!

>john: that was always the line i wanted to walk - they absolutely made their own choices. but mentioning Sophia’s attempted coup at the right time could be the nudge that firmed up plans that were already percolating. still though - that was his decision and no one else’s.
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what fucking language is this man
I want to know Gaider's feelings on all the retcons aaaa He said he wasn't going to play Veilguard but I need to know.
He's been passively supportive. He refuses to talk about the game but loves the fact that it pisses of "chuds"
Kinda like Jason Schrier.
That was before the game came out though. I need to know if all the retarded plot stuff was planned or the new writers are just that shit,
Epler is fucking retarded he isn't even a writer it's such a fucking shame this chode is in control of Dragon Age now for the sole reason that he stuck around long enough and sucked enough cock
Duncan died for nothing btw
I don't really have a problem with this but I feel like they already retconned Ostagar by claiming Loghain had no idea what Howe was doing (what the fuck was Howe's plan then he let the first born son and rightful heir live) and that he only betrayed Cailan when the signal was late despite all the signs it was planned well before.
He did it to please the illuminati or something
This is all he's said and I assume all he will ever say.
He must be a bit pissed off. He basically created the lore and universe from scratch and to see the things he set up amount to nothing, and be received mildly, must be annoying
why are all of these people running to knock off twitter lmao
They get a little bit of pushback, lose a little bit of the public square and they just run away?
It's because muskrat has ruined twitter. It's full of nothing but jeetbots engagement farming or porn. A lot of people are moving over largely because of that.
I really don't get the ones moving to Bluesky but keeping active twitter accounts. Have some fucking backbone if you want to make the point.
Gaider not being part of the writing/dev team should be proof enough of what he thinks of the direction of the game.
Yeah but he left 10 years ago
Has it been that long?!
If this bullshit was actually true or made any goddamn sense then what the ending scene should have shown is Executors whispering into the ears and "guiding" whoever it was that ended up making Loghain aware of the coup and whoever it was that tipped off Bartrand about the lost thaig. Or are we to believe they literally had disembodied voices whispering secret information into their minds and then them acting upon it like fucking schizos?
Technically 9, He left after Trespasser came out
is bluesky just a haven for every annoying troon

i dont even like elon
Theres a man that knew the way things were going.
Yes. They started fleeing when Elon bought twitter and there was a mass exodus after trump was elected because they "fear for their safety in online spaces"
I believe he mentioned BioWare was starting to resent/mistreat their writers and was a big reason he left.
So yes he really did see where this was going.
i mean most artists are fleeing because of their approach on AI
plus the whole platform has just been a complete wreck with indian bots and political grifters, so it's not like there's much reason to stay than out of pure habit and waiting for the other shoe to finally drop
fucking this. every viral tweet has an onlyfans whore or a jeet copypasting posts from the quote retweets/each other to farm engagement, occasionally the unwashed groyper fren pepe pfp spamming slurs like a 12 year old who just discovered cursing. atleast 4chan is more organized.
I cant wait for shitter to die!
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isn't this supposed to be it
I have just been waiting for most of the people I follow to move over. I just read some thing that Musk is updating the terms of service saying you agree to be sued for 100,000s of dollars in damages if you tweet too much lmao. If you stay posting on that site you're a massive cuck
there's a browser plug in that you can use to easily copy who you follow over. I've tried it out and its honestly nice to see the comments with actual replies instead of "I touch my pussy to this - check my link here" or "Interesting."
Yes, but I'm talking about Epler's damage control cope.

That shows an Executor whispering into Loghain's ear. Epler says the Executors could have made him aware of the attempted coup and that's why he did what he was already going to do anyway. So to me it seems like that is saying they guided him by putting conspiracies into his head that he did not have knowledge of before. But in Loghain's case he had enough motivation to act as he did even without knowing about the coup this entire explanation makes no sense
the voice actor for masculine 1 is great i read that post in his voice
500+ people I follow on twitter have already made accounts in bsky, but a lot of them are still too attached to the following and engagement they have on twitter to make the final move. It sucks for them to have to build their audience all over again but I never post anything, I just retweet art so it was an easy move for me.
>DA is another franchise ruined by millenials
I hate millenials so much
You can't even blame the jank for Veilguard's failure like Andromeda because it was polished to all hell. It's squarely on the writing, both the direction of the entire story as well as the minutiae dialogue
Millenial writting.
Do any of the codex entries actually say where all this coffee is coming from? I remember Josephine saying there's vinyards everywhere but she never mentioned coffee plantations.
Is Weekes a millennial? He's like 50. Same for Mary Kirby or whomever
I feel like it should be insanely easy to get a game dev job with how dumb these people are.
Andromeda had both so congratulations
The man had a midlife crises and decided he was non-binary so I'd say he's an honorary one.

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