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Black Guy Edition

Previous: >>500660490

Latest game update is 1.6.14, SMAPI and most other 1.6 mods should be working now. Players on Steam can now choose to run the last previous version if another update comes along and breaks mods again and you just can't wait.
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I didn't noticed the thread was about to close. Thanks for the new thread bro
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Thread's already starting strong, I see.
I'm sure we all been always here. Just some more silent than others.
If you haven't finished the community center by the end of Summer year 1, you're NGMI.
Is there any rentry or pastebin that has the downloads for the gook mods?

The naver cafe group only allows people that are verified
This was the separate page for Naver stuff.
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Last Maru face, her shocked expression
Went for something exaggerated and cartoonish, I'm thinking that if I try to rewrite her dialogue in the future I might want to play up her clumsiness due to her having two heart events where she screws up and this would play into that
As it is though this portrait's another rarely used one, only in those two said events and if you gift her a Radioactive Bar so not a lot of people might see the suspicious secret
I want to yank her nipple band aids off really hard.
>bottom left
kek, you bitch
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chocolate skin makes me go wild man
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>the Koreans were responsible for this affront to all that is good and holy
Burn it all the fuck down
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https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/28433 Meme
Penny is CUTE
Penny is an ableist bitch
thats why she is cute.
You can really tell it's the same faggot bringing up this "ableist" crap because it's literal reddit drama the vast majority of this thread has zero awareness of in the first place.
190 000 views

>l-look! my literal who video with 190k views for a game that sold 30M+ copies matters!
Kill yourself.





it's really not just a "reddit thing"
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None of these are linked on Modding Haven, are they? Feel like they probably should, given what happened to the old rentry, even though none of these mods are particularly objectionable
Not at the moment, but I can make a single Naver megapack with all of them later.

>quotes views on video
>links articles discussing said video

holy shit, i thought i was insecure lmao
lolz do faggots really?
>No, you can't post evidence of how bad the situation is!
You lost btw
Yep, it's bait.

keep reading into the game until you kill yourself, ill sit here with popcorn while you post
>links articles discussing said video
huh, no?

the point of all the different outlets is to show that if you're in any way invested in the stardew community you likely know about people raising issues with the scene, it's not some insular grip from the reddit bubble that isn't ever tackled anywhere else

>b-b-but le 30 million copies!
most people are casuals who enjoy the game a couple times and take it for what it is, doesnt mean they are fans actively engaged with online stardew discourse, so that excludes everyone in this thread
I wish Penny would push George into the train tracks while the train is coming
Penny would never!
Haley would though.
Thread got Jas'd hard and fast.
But Jas got threaded slow and tender.
The community being full of toxic positivity "safe space" crazies is nothing new though
Ah, the good old days.
jas is love, jas is life
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penny sucks, but not because of the reasons you outlined

take a job as a CNA for 2 years, see how long it takes you to build prejudices

its so easy to sit on a soapbox when youve never been truly faced with adversity
That last sentence describes Stardew normalfags in a nutshell
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>tfw it's once again time to work on overworld sprites
Maru? Other mod? Trinnie?
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Yep, it's Maru time
I would like to use the Cuter Maru Sprite mod as a base since there'd be less to change by starting with the actually accurate hair and eye color, and the non-WIDE stance, but the original mod's creator is another one of those long-departed authors who can't be reached for unambiguous permissions and you-know-who is still running amok
maru deserves better, thank you op
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It's a start.
She doesn't have as many sprites as the other girls so hopefully this won't take too long... but having no content was kind of her problem all along, wasn't it?
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Ohh pretty good so far
A little bit jarring for her tiddypixels to be smaller/more detailed than those of the rest of the sprite, but I can see why you did that; it'd be damn near impossible to highlight those nuclear fucking missiles otherwise.
Nice. Not getting the chocolate fever, though. But nice.
Crazy anon.
>chocolate fever
Why this happen?
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>This will be fixed
What is "this" ?
I should twitch stream a playthrough with the Jas mod.
And not say anything about it. Have a modded playthrough and let people slowly realize what's happening.
Would you niggers keep it under your hat in chat, or would you spoil the surprise?
this would be such pure, unmitigated kino that i'm shocked nobody's done it already
You'd have to avoid using the social tab or the jig would be up as soon as someone notices the (Single) under her name.
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I don't know why they call this torture, looks cozy to me.
>take a job as a CNA for 2 years, see how long it takes you to build prejudices
Wasnt Maru the nurse?
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share some of you guys most comfy screenshots.

i love this one of me and my best friend.
What mod?
There's no way. You'd have to show it to us after the fact.
Not him but that's the cliff from Ridgeside.
Nah pretty sure some idiot would be chanting "Jas" just because he can
>I would like to use the Cuter Maru Sprite mod as a base
DO YOU HAVE LICENSE TO USE THIS MOD!? You will get permanently banned on nexus if you do that.
Yeah, long story short current titty sprites are squares and I'm tired of pretending they're not
I have to admit there is sometimes some feeling of inconsistency when the characters are in motion, mostly with Penny, but I think that may be because I gave her outfit too many separate small parts
Unless they can prove the sprite came from another mod despite the big modifications, I don't think that can be noticed, proved or accused. Then again, it won't be the first time they do as they want for arbritary reasons.
You just admitted to you.
Admitted what to who? Using the sprite? I just said I'm *not* using the sprite as a base and also that's not me you replied to
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Has anyone else seen that new pic of Jas, Morgan, and the farmer at the beach?
The art is rough, but I appreciate it anyway.
post it.
Thanks for the info anon. Guess I'm just going to take a break from SDV for like a week or two.
newfag here. i installed the jas mod, but i didn't get the modified version of the bandage event. did i mess up somehow?
I don't know firsthand but certain events were disabled after 1.6 due to a bug with the farmer sprites that only just got fixed a couple weeks ago, that might be the root of it
As per Ape's Steam post there should always be a "previous version" option for the game going forward so breaking mods shouldn't be a concern
I don't rush my community center and normal finish it in year two
Learn to relax man
Dressers used to put dupe hats etc next to each other before right? p annoying it's scrambled order right now (possible newest to oldest)
I want to hold Penny's hand.
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Consider holding her chest for her instead, it looks heavy
Too over the top to be sexy
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>Kent got a marriage mod before Marnie did
Marnie got on in like 2016 or some shit, it's just abandoned lost media
>Used goods
>Pretty much abandoned
>Plenty of gay people in Nexus
It make sense if you think about it. That's why we can't depend of good character mods from Nexus
Silence, bastard.

If you can think of something funnier then go right ahead.
Banned from uploading images lol
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The mod events have been turned off by default, the mod is still technically a wip if you turn the debug mode on all the mod events will play out of order when you enter town or the woods.
Nice. It's cool seeing the mods extend and have an impact beyond here.
The modified event is part of the debug list of events. 1.6 broke some things with it and only recently got fixed so you didn't mess up, seeing the original events is normal.
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At long last, the initial release of the Trinnie Marriage Mod is here! Featuring:
>A cool in-game guidebook (received upon creating/loading a save) explaining all of this and more
>2, 4, 6, 8, 8.5, 10, 10.5 Heart Events, and a lewd one at 14 Hearts
>A few other RSV villager events are also edited to have more Trinnie
>You can pick a nickname for Trinnie to call you post-marriage in the config
>Seasonal outfits, toggleable mermaid pendant and custom babies
>An ultra useful single-use Winter Star gift for the lucky ones
>16 unique seasonal letters
>Compatible with Ashley's sauna and the Mobile Phone mod
>Many secrets...
Make sure you read the in-game guidebook. And please report any issues and weird stuff. I won't be doing a Ridgeside playthrough anytime soon so I might be missing some things you'd only see during regular gameplay. Enjoy! Ridgeside is still obligatory, sorry.
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You're too good to us my man.
That's great!!!
Also, please add that picture in your zip from now on, it's really too cute!!
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Finally a reason to use Ridgeside.
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>now Trinnie
>soon 6 more girls from the C-team
Ashley's gonna have to expand her sauna into a full blown spa with jacuzzi and shit.
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Here's to you, King.
We need it here too
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>a loli mod once again blows all regular characters' marriage mods out of the water
What lewd mods would you guys recommend?
None really. The game is to pixelated and low res to be all that enticing.
>But I wanna
Get Xtardew Valley then
Like the other anon said, lewd content in SDV is best treated as a dessert instead of the main course (>inb4 food analogy). The loli mods are great at this because the lewds are just a small bonus instead of the entire focus.
All I can recommend are lewd decoration mods, I used stuff like scarecrow girls and my own selection of hentai pictures made into painting replacers
Anything with animations in it both looks repulsive and is too far from removed from the gameplay
In that case where can I download the loli mods, which ones are compatible?
They're on Modding Haven. They are all fully updated and they're all compatible with each other (and some even have inter-mod content).
Awesome and Based
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That comment's got one thing right, shitheads like him don't matter
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Report: does this belong to the mod?
No real need to, it's already in one of the asset subfolders.
Yeah, but it's a harmless error you can ignore. It's a feature from the newest version of StardewCGEvents which is not public yet.
God I hate consoles and the people that still use them.
Hold the fucking phone, "greedy"? What kind of faggot looks at a dev putting out free content updates for eight years and calls him "greedy"?
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Why are all the man so unappealing. Just let me marry Kent or Gus
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The ladies do love a man who can cook so I guess I can't fault you there
I'm not a lady.

For the record I'm not even particularly into "daddies", I would more than welcome a younger bachelor who's not repulsive
So what's so off-putting about Elliott
Elliott is literally TOO much of a Gigachad for women to handle. The ones into older men all prefer Harvey instead because he's inoffensive and harmless like a wet paper bag.
Everything, he's literally the worst of the 6. The way he looks and speaks are massive icks. Alex and Sam, are the most tolerable men but even then they aren't particularly appealing. Maybe if Harvey was hot...
When I quit being so lazy I gotta start making a squirrel Trinnie.
There's nothing gigachad about him besides the jaw.
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All that tells me is I don't understand your taste when you rank the boring but otherwise inoffensive writer below the suicidally depressed alcoholic shelf-stocker
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I love Leah.
If you want a good male romance, get the romancable wizard mod.
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Out of curiosity, what happens to that guidebook (or other instantly-added mod items I guess) if you load up a save with no inventory space?
I'm not 100% sure but I assume it brings up the "inventory is full, take this item or trash it" menu, which should be default behavior for the souped up post-1.6 methods of giving the player items.
I suppose that makes sense, that menu probably triggers for any method of directly adding items
I'd just had the thought that this item-on-load implementation could easily get out of hand if it gets popularized as the de facto way of starting up a mod's functions
Leave my pigs alone, Clint.
I think you just want CA in the game as a romanceable NPC.
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Someone actually made portraits for Ape "as a joke" but the artist is a faggot and didn't want to actually put them to use.
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I'm not the original author but I'm currently updating Anon's Dialogue Edits as a full Content Patcher mod so it'll never break again.
Walking in the garden with Penny
this portrait is too 'yakuza with a heart of gold' archetype to be usable as ape anyway
>Anon's Dialogue Edits as a full Content Patcher mod
What mod exactly?
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This one. There's also two other copycat depozz mods on Modding Haven made after it, I'll see if they have any additional changes and merge them if so.
Romanceable Rasmodius is shit and I'll never not fucking hate it that the non-SVE version of Rasmodia relies on it as a dependency. There are a gorillion lins of daily dialogue but they're all repetitive as fuck and in written in damn nearly the exact same way, and this is not to mention the stupid shit where the wizard tells you a meaningless short story in parts over 2-3 consecutive days and the author actually expects you to not miss any of it.
>No real need to, it's already in one of the asset subfolders.
I didn't notice it, thank you trinnieanon!
that's sebastian, the second ickyest bachelor

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Why are the sisters fighting?
For my soul.
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Now that sound like a good idea. But Ape already used that card recently
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Hopefully someone with good art skills will eventually make a mod to give the Trout Derby/Squid Fest NPCs portraits like the mod that gives the random unnamed vendors portraits.
Why is the fish gay?
Minors aren't allowed here
Been swiming in the river downstream of the joja plant
I miss the old days when rainbows were seen as a girly thing like barbies and unicorns. They're called rainbow trout in the game.
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I mean, it's a real kind of fish.
Teach this to the youth and naive over there. It's only gay when humans in this time and age wear it. Animals and nature are an esception of that rule.
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>SVE actually removed mentions of anime and cosplay from Sophia's dialogue
Finally a good change for once.
Why is a good change?
It's a start, but she'd still need an overhaul that she'll never get.
I really don't get what you people see so wrong with her.
Sophia is CUTE. Stop bullying her.
Nobody likes your waifu, Flashshitter.
I'm not that guy. And I'm fine with her.
they're finally learning
You can safely assume that anyone who likes Sophia likes vtubers and anyone who despises Sophia hates them. Same type of basic principle and pandering that feels painfully forced to some, but adored by others.
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Anon's Dialogue Edits 2.0 is here, including separate versions for SVE and Ridgeside. Not much to say other than that it's fully future-proof'd and won't break as easily. The original anon was extremely thorough with the changes, props to him.
Much obliged, Bessie.
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Mucho appreciation anon
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Just in time for Trinnie.
I think the inclusion of anime in her writing is just kinda unfitting on both ends of the spectrum
On one end, even as an anime enjoyer I found it jarring that she's flat-out adds the word "anime" into the game, when every other character tiptoes around everything from modern life because Ape wanted to evoke that rustic country feeling
On the other end, she needed to take the concept farther to actually be interesting, they needed to OWN the clashing if that's what they wanted her to do. She doesn't have or show anime-inspired imagery in her event scenes and home decor, she doesn't give the player any items based on anime designs, her cosplay is of a spaghetti western for some reason??
Genesis, Snes, Internet. Anime isn't that out of place really.
Still don't care for SVE, but that's the least of it's problems.
I think this change might actually be because she might not be close enough to you to confide her love of anime to you
Some self awareness from flashshitter that her being terrified of you enough to cower during your first meeting before casually mentioning her cosplay room like it's the most natural thing would also be a welcome improvement. Nowhere near enough, but a step in the right direction at least.
Do you dig through trash cans?
Yeah. Can get all kinds of goodies that way. Pufferfish is probably the most useful drop from them.
I don't go out of my way to check them after a certain point in a playthrough though.
Early-mid game, yeah, mostly for the free food you can get out of there, once I have my consumable needs all taken care of I stop
I've never gotten the trash hat in all these years though
No, I don't like the idea of my farmer doing it and I nag Linus every playthrough so I shouldn't.
Fake forager.
They were doing it before it was cool.
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Maru implementation complete, with optional glasses toggle, huzzah
And so that leaves Leah, whose outfit I'm still a bit iffy on
In this town everyone but the farmer are sterile and unable to have sex. It's the only explanation why no one tried to "eat" a girl like this yet
H-holy mommy
I want to marry every girl you draw
Except Abigail I guess
Big tits aren't everything retard bro
If I don't have them I'll die
Get this man some tits, stat!
Alas, I actually can't think of any other characters in the game, dateable or not, who'd look good as a flat girl besides the literal children
Maybe fem!Pierre so I can say Abigail gets it from her dadmom

Anon, I...
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We already have Resette. Also yeah, this valley was made based in America, so yeah make sense most girls have big breasts. Cliche or not. Then again I'm fine with Abigail be flat. If someone will genderswap characters, it should be those who are pretty much abandoned. Vincent, Gus, etc. Or improve the less liked ones like Lewis, Clint, etc.
Yes, Lewis is the one that has caught me the most times but I don't care, I have his golden statue and pants to blackmail him with.
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I've been playing with a full genderswap town since 1.5 so the eventual goal's gonna be total cock extermination
But, considering how many characters there are, and how long this has taken already, perhaps it would be wise to limit the non-romance characters to fewer varied poses, with just face swaps for emotions...

>also, Gus
I actually really want to cook up a genderswap Gus, the town chef seems like perfect material for a naked apron...
>Big tits aren't everything retard bro
Get a load of this guy! Did you just blow in from stupid town?
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No, I come from Stardew Valley
>Except Abigail
Fuck you, buddy.
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How come Ape is the only successful indie dev that hasn't sold out or became an arrogant douche?
Too concerned to sell out.
He have the 4chan knowledge. He's a sage who knows how things works and no screw things like many others did before. Then again he isn't free of controversy and like everyone else, he also have haters. He's doing pretty good and I hope he continue that way.
>full genderswap town
What the hell is Rasmodius putting in the water?
It's hard. It's the hardest mod I've ever seen. It's very hard.
If Ape did sell out, what company would it be funniest for him to sell the game to?
Tencent or basically any company that's known for loving live service slop.
Very simple, unlike most zoomers and millenia indie devs, he doesn't spend 30 hours a day on social medias. I think this also applies to toby fox.
Blizzard. They're so hilariously unethical and inhuman in their decision making. Coca cola company sadly doesn't make games, they pay others to do it for them.
Loved the event. Longer and with more life than what I did long ago. Cute Trinnie is cute.
I'm dying...
I don't have anything against our resident rock-eater, but I'm not into giga-flatties, sorry anon...
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I wish there was a framework mod to give you extra clothing slots people can make content packs for. Fashion Sense is shit because all items are available as soon as you install the mod, when half the fun of dressing up in games like this is having to obtain the item you want.
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is there a way to put grown flowers into vases or pots for honey making purposes?
Only via growing them in a Garden Pot, which when placed outdoors for honey is still beholden to season restrictions except on Ginger Island
damn it
Dress-up itself doesn't seem all that appealing due to the limitations of the small chunky sprites and the equip system, there isn't enough room for detailed outfits or accessories
Shirts I can agree with (I tried to sprite a new shirt twice and I gave up both times, holy shit there's barely any space FUCK that), but new hats are always fun.
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I downloaded the Jas and Morgan mods. Do I need another mod if I want to marry both of them?
Yes, you'll need the polyamory modm
You'll need a harem mod, of which I think only PolyamorySweet is feature-complete right now, the other one in development doesn't have multiple spouse room support and hasn't received any new functionality since it was first put up
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Yes, but be aware that choosing between the three available harem mods is like picking between three different flavors of poison.
>Free Love
The unofficial update for 1.6 is buggy as shit, will probably never receive further updates and can potentially cause damage to your save the moment you have two wives. RIP, we didn't know how good we had it back when in 1.5.
>Polyamory Sweet
Actively maintained. However, it's buggy as fuck and it's constantly breaking things on and off because the author (who's a crazy fucking troon) is a crazy fucking troon. Also includes the author's troony self-insert as a custom NPC which you can thankfully disable after a LOT of people complained about it.
>Polyamory (WIP)
Mod in beta currently only available on Github. It was literally made out of spite for PolySweet so it's minimally guaranteed to be better than it. The author would rather focus on some stupid shit instead of important features like the other anon said and it went without a single update for 4+ months until 1.6.9 hit so things are NOT looking good but hey, at least it works.
You may or may not be able to use these other mods to make up for its lack of multiple spouse room + patio support.
Thank you so much anon.
What sort of neat dialogue changes are these, exactly
>makes Jeric (local zesty nigga) less of a goddamn sex pest towards you
>deletes everything related to Sean being a FTM troon
>removes mentions of Lenny being a lesbo
>removes anything regarding the mountain goddesses being dykes for each other
>removes mentions of Scarlet having two fag dads
>makes Morgan use female pronouns instead of they (the Morgan from the Morgan marriage mod is a completely separate NPC and does not modify the original SVE one in any way)
>used to make Sophia less shit but SVE now does that anyway, thank God
That does sound nice, maybe Ridgeside and SVE's maybe bearable this time?
but what about my bachelorette mods
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>"Why does your Jas look like that?"
How do you respond?
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"I like huge tits"
I’m not trying to be dramatic but I do think pedophiles should kill themselves.
Something like this: "Mods, you should try it yourself, is fun"
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And here's Leah to cap off the bachelorette designs
I feel a little like she's on the plain side compared to the others' super-sexualized outfits but that could also be my own lack of interest in her talking
Also elected to leave out her suspenders because it occurred to me she's wearing pretty much the same outfit as Lewis in vanilla...
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I'm ok with this
>Some people are trying to make a mod what voice all vanilla characters
Bleh. I'll predict some, if not most of them will sound like MLP characters
Tits too small. She almost looks normal (bimbofied).
No everyone need to be the same size. This is good.
Every girl you draw makes me think she's the new best girl
Yeah I can see a girl like that enjoying wine and cheese the farmer gave to her
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They already did. Apparently the Thai dub is ultra popular and has an actual dubbing company backing it. Meanwhile the english dub mod is still stuck with some literally who voicing Abigail and that's it.
They'd have to know where it's from first, so they'd be just as guilty.
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She looks almost normal, and I'd argue much better for it.
Yeah, but until I find the courage I'll continue lurking in my basement away from all actual humans and satisfying myself with tiny pixelated game characters where no one could ever be bothered by me.
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Just gonna leave my idea for Leah's swimsuit here before I go
I wanted to run with her artist schtick but I just ended up with just her regular vanilla bikini somehow... Something about it seems kind of flimsy though?
woodland foraging wife
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New Stardew Valley concert dates just dropped.
actually really like this one, the others felt too super sexualized for my tastes. her being the most 'normal' also feels like a good gimmick.
>Hmmmm, I wonder what Haleyanon made toda-
https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/29578 Bunch of little original characters for the game. Posible gay and woke content.
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I love it when amateur artists make dark skinned characters because they can't pick a good palette to save their lives so it always looks like shit.
>literally the only thing you can see on the sprite is the eyes
>so cartoonishly dark I would be embarrassed to post it as racist caricature
Its ironic how these people pushing for blacks and dei crap in games and media always make the most offensive looking stereotypes for the people they claim they're crusading for.
>no japan
That is not so bad I guess, it's just hard to share generals and discuss things with you guys when you always want to fuck the children.
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>failing this hard to comprehend why this general still exists even after all discussion has slowed down on /v/
Newfags really are precious.
Ah! Another one of those shadow people.
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She can't go swimming in that. Okay, she can and I want her to but you know what I mean.
>tfw no one to go with
It's not sharing, it's the only reason this general is still alive. You also have the rest of the internet to have whatever normalfag conversation you want about stardew.
Based and true
It's Jasfags in here and wokeshit out there, pick your poison
The Jasfuckers won't get uppity if you'd prefer to talk about hags instead at least
Also true story. There's no tolerance from that people and "people"
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>four different junimo plushies
>nothing for the characters
woe be upon ye, primate
The characters are too plain to be marketable plushies
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This anon would make bank if he made more plushies and sold them
Are there any good mods that either:
>A. Flesh out the game's normal content in an enjoyable way
>B. Add interesting end game content
RSV and SVE both suffer, in my opinion, from being filler. Neither feel good to do along side the normal content and also feel like a waste by the time you're in end game. After you finish the community center, it feels like so many items and crops become useless. I put personal limitations on myself to keep things interesting, but it's not the same as making items/buildings/crops worthwhile or unique. It's probably asking for too much. I feel we would need an update from CA to get something of that quality and magnitude.
Have you seen the recently-released Fresh Farm Produce? (https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/29299) It aims to both buff non-Artisan farming and provide a reason for the player to engage in multiple activities per season by way of a sizeable cash reward, but it may also inadvertently, greatly, accelerate year 1 progress
Aside from that I think the best bet here is just to find mods that buff non-meta profit avenues, there'll always be an optimal strategy at the end of the day and too many things share sources to give everything a use of some kind. Like for instance, how can you balance the different types of eggs without being boring and just making them equal to chicken egg value multiplied by the number of days they take to produce?
As a result I think the closest we can get to making everything useful is just lessening the profit gap between the top meta strats and everything else, but not by nerfing the meta strats because Perfection is balanced around Artisan and the like existing
That sound more like a you problem. Because you get bored after the first challenge what is the CC. Then again there're plenty of mods what make things harder if is what you want. Harder CC, taxes, more difficult monsters, rotting/spoiled food, etc. You prob want things more difficult and harder like other games do, but that's your first mistake. This is a casual EASY farm game and that's Ape main intention for the game.
I don't speak up or argue, good luck with your brain chemistry.

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