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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1343
Ded General Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2 & ILLGAMES's Summer Vacation! Scramble

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

ILLGAMES recent AA2-like: Summer Vacation! Scramble


>SVS installation:
SVS BetterRepack R1: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4173250

>SVS mods:
Tekito Mod: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113524273
PoV Mod: https://github.com/Junh2x/SVS-3rdPOV-Plugin
Slider Unlock: https://files.catbox.moe/ng95st.7z
HF Patch (up-to-date mods and translation): https://github.com/ManlyMarco/SVS-HF_Patch/releases
CheatTools: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools/releases

>SVS Cards:

Previous Thread:
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still alive :O
we are so dead not even svs can save us
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On one hand I'm surprised no one tried a new thread earlier, on the other it seems no one would be active enough to post in it anyway. Anything interesting in the works aside from the eventual Tot Outfits update? Got a Card Harvest card in the works? Recreating characters in SVS?
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I had a card in the making, but I ended up putting it on the back burner for a bit. It's probably a bit late in the year for her gimmick—too cold for even her to be that patient.
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Been wondering why no one started a Card Harvest quest this year. Guess that answers the question.
Anyway, here's a preview of my first Card Harvest card for this year: a bootleg of one of my favorite Quiet girls of all time. Wonder if anyone will recognize her?
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I was doing some recreations out of boredom
The only card makers we have who are uploading cards on a regular basis:

Lewd Yuqilin5000
Anon (104)

yes it is very very dead
It definitely seems like 4chan doesn't care about SVS, at least not anywhere near the scale that it cared about AA2. No thread on /h/, no threads on /v/, and no breath of life into here means that we can safely assume conversation about it has moved elsewhere "officially." Another unfortunate aspect of the modern internet...

I smell a rat!
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>Got a Card Harvest card in the works?
I got two in mind at the moment.
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I think I figured out how to sviex. Maybe?
Going to try to add the thin and fat into those alt blazers over the weekend.
If I did figure it out, it was easier than I thought... urgh!
I recognize her but I can't for the life of me remember her name or who made her. She's very cute in your style, I must say.

Great to hear that those may be getting an update!
Sviex has always been scarier and more intimidating than it is to DO. It's excessively tedious, not difficult.
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Is there a studio for svs?
Or do I have to buy honeycome to get Digital Craft?
there is a plain version of digital craft you can buy.
That's good to know
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Haru Kusanagi?
That not included in torrents? Wonder why illusion couldn't just include a poser in the main exe.
Flexible lil' munchkin idn't she.
>plain version
same with the honeycome version?
it's the same without honeycome data but can still use svs data.
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>Azumi by Sabby
Last AA2 personality I believe

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful - 7.8
>Irritated - 9.1
>Quiet - 8.8
>Manly - 8.8
>Ditzy - 7.2
>Carefree - 8.6
>Trendy - 8.4
>Playful - 7.7
>Lazy - 8.9
>Humble - 7.1
>Creepy - 8.1
>AA1 Sweet - 3.4
>Wild - 6
>Cadet - 7.2
>Harsh - 9.2
>Lively - 8
>Genuine - 9.1
>Frisky - 8.1
>Cheerful - 7.6
>Aloof - 9
>Delicate - 7.1
>Sweet - 7.8
>Reserved - 7.7
>Mature - 8.7
>Smart - 6.9 (nice?)
7.5, not really into this kind of character and her voice sounds bit too old
Little bump
what happened to illusion threads? /h/'s Koikatsu threads that used to be active for years just disappeared.
Koikatsu killed everything
What do you mean? There are two kkgs on /h/ right now.
everyone moved to f91 and discuck
i don't like to register account so im staying here with you
Because they can't sell it to you like that.
Is it just me or did the game come pre-installed with modded personalities/clothes/poses etc? Did they stop adding those into the mini its been a while since I played the game
follow the instllation guide in OP and you will have alll the most important things
Caring? 10/10, easily better than mature. Also been a while since she's been posted.
At least a 9/10, she's a more motherly Mature without being as exaggerated as the actual Motherly personality.
Caring? 1/10, easily worse than mature. Also been a while since she's been posted, and that's a good thing.
don't die
Why would someone go on the internet just to spread lies?
That's a great question for you, little miss "Caring is better than Mature." Why DO you tell such lies?
Caring? 5/10, easily the same as mature. Also been a while since she's been posted, and I am indifferent.
9/10 but friendly does it better, but way better than Mature
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7. I think it can work well at times.
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Give her a sandwich. Please!
She's so smol.
she looks like a child...
Aren't vampires supposed to die in sunlight?
But that's sunset, not sunlight, duh.
what the other guy said.
This is too lewd for so early in the thread.
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Can't believe they'd do this in front of the robo.
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Here's a preview of my second Card Harvest card for this year: a bootleg of the first ever Graceful girl I had the pleasure of meeting in-game, who gave me the inspiration to create Mayu, my very own blue-haired Graceful. Surely someone recognizes her?

Sadly I will be retiring from cardmaking soon, once I finish everything listed on my checklist.
Apologies in advance for the deadness I will be contributing in the future.

Can't blame you there, since she's been obscured by both time and the fact that her card's not easy to find. Many thanks for the compliment as well, but I find the original already plenty cute, even after all these years.

Frankly wouldn't expect anyone other than her original creator to recognize her at first glance.
My most heartfelt thanks to you for creating her!

A blessed weekend to you, dear anon.
>featuring the literal antithesis of the personality
I shall abstain from rating this one.
do any of the svs updates work with the repack? i see tons of bepis chars requiring the 1.1.1 patch but my when i installed the u[dates my game instantly closes out with no errors or anything.
Isn't the repack version 1.0 only?
Sounds like you didn’t update the game properly.
>captcha MYTYH8 (mighty hate)
She a cute. But it isn't swimsuit day!
I'm glad you liked her that much, I tried making her based off of kanameryou9's artsyle
good morning
Little bump
Morning. Come on, let's go to class early!
There really isn't any point to keeping the thread bumped with posts like these. I don't want the thread to die, but if you
>don't play the game
>don't want to post the game
>don't want to interact with people who do play and post the game
Then what is even the point of keeping the thread bumped?

Even saying "howdy" to the local cowgirl, >>502420398, who got completely ignored by this cruel and unjust thread, would have been a substantial improvement of your posts.
I'm followed the guide but didn't the AA2mini come pre-installed with more H-poses and an uncensor?
That doesn't sound like you completely followed the guide. Poses are in JMCP and the most common uncensor is CIV, and both are linked in the guide.
until tot updates hair or outfit pack
we dead
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It's only going to be that way if you let it die. Nothing prevents posting before or after updates happen.
She looks like she needs a headpat.
We could all use some headpats.

Thanks boss, managed to work it all out.
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yes both patches and the addon can be installed on top of the repack. you will need to recrack it after that. then game runs fine. instructions are in the previous thread.
Why is she looking at me like that?
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Thought this was illya from fate from the thumbnail.
I'm retarded and can't find the svs dlc on sukebei. Can anyone spoon feed me?
R1 is 1.0.2, not sure about prepack though

Search for illgames or look in the previous thread
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You got it!
Man, the thread is really, really dead lately. Is no one playing or anything?
hehehehe headpats...
well, this general was extremely negative towards it right after it was launched, so no surprise there
general is dead due to the slopuppance of slopscramble vacation. You fags did this to yourselves so just die forever
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>Confront 0%
Oooh, better luck next time
>still no pregnancy mods for svs
>still no high heel mods for svs
>don't care enough to do it myself because the illdevs are faggots that are trying to break mod compatibility every update and I don't want to have to deal with that
>Studio posting is just Blender for undisciplined bottom feeders who can't be bothered to learn actual 3D modeling
>not in the mood to boot up aa2 and make one twin my lover and blackmail the other and rape her in the bathroom while I told her sister to meet me on the rooftop for the 100th+ time
I'll start playing svs again when there's new things to do, but until then the only reason for me to check this thread is to grab updates and leave.
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you were better off when you were just spamming sage, you absolute moron.
japanese old men took a large shit, called it svs and killed everyone by dropping it like a nuclear bomb.
one brain cell fags here deny the absolute state and post stupid shit like "good morning sir" to bump this thread
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nice to see happy characters.
It's mostly a function of replacement-level not being maintained for thread residents. The number of old people stopping is increasing, while the number of new people to come in and replace them is not offsetting the loss. SVS did not bring in new traffic at a 4chan level, forget what >>502634023 and >>502634843 say.

-4chan- cared about AA2, but it shows little interest in SVS right now. I'm sure there are myriad reasons contributing to this, but personally I give a lot of credit to the absolute proliferation of porn in the last 10 years. Why 'play' a porn game when you can jerk off to the limitless other porn on the internet? Some staple internet WEGs still have cult followings, but even most of THOSE are as old as AA2.
Nothing new takes root in the porn community, because there's just too much of it.

We need more people like these fine fellows:
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He’s cuter when he smiles
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this made me realize
they have the same face
Oh, no, they've discovered cameras...again.
No they don't - they have different eyelids.
ok fair because the gray one doesn't even have eyelids
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>65000 downloads of the base game
>7800 downloads of the DLC
Just about 12% of all pirates still cared about the game 2 months later enough to pirate the DLC.
Verdict: it's shit. SHIT!
Or they’re waiting for later, since they don’t live on DLC for one porn game
What the chibis doin?
They're doing what they do best! Using stolen phones to SWAT people who beat them in video games.
If it had less loading issues I would like it more. There are enough things different from AA2 for better or worse. Things I currently don't like are as follows:
>Small map sizes
>Getting an invite at day end is stupidly rare
>Breakups rarely happen, not as many cheating penalties
>Even with blackmail, characters don't abuse their targets enough
>Feels harder to set off an evil character
Could the official behavior sliders help with that some?
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Here's a preview of the last of the three probably-no-one-but-their-original-creators-recognize Card Harvest bootlegs I'm working on this year: a ripoff of the first ever player-made Harsh I had the pleasure of having in my class.
So how bout a little quest, /aa2g/? I originally plan to share these bootlegs once Thanksgiving comes around, but if you could somehow guess the names and original creators of all three girls, I'll upload them on Bepis ahead of time.
is that Yamawaki Matsurika?
by Youlee
I recognize that Matsurika!
__She__ is the only yet-unnamed one, right? I know who she is but wonder if anyone else does.
Shannon by Sabby
She's in the bepis
How old is the average /aa2g/ poster? It feels like some you have been here for about a decade
Dunno about averages but I'm 36 and zoomers shouldn't have any rights.
and you haven't?
I think there are a couple posters in their 50's but average I'd say 30's.
I'd guess mid 20s to early 30s.
This one looks like it's made for headpats.
See? Aging population? New kids ain't got no time for "wooing" girls.
next year
I have a baby grandchild.
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I recognize her cuz I also made a bootleg... or I guess mine is more cosplay than it is a bootleg but close enough.
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Well that ended fast. Amazing that you guys still recognize them!
And as promised, here are my bootlegged versions of these three wonderful girls: https://db.bepis.moe/user/view/145
Previews and original comparisons here: https://mega.nz/folder/VDZXQCzL#YjTQaP9C-mPgkDYh96A5xg/folder/obJjWB5T
Cheers, /aa2g/ and an advanced Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the cute cards!
Now that's a nice harvest!
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All pretty cute!
Can she do all those crazy animation thing?
Deeply concerning due to her missing nose. Please return it!
I'm desperate, I can't find a way to trigger 3p in Summer Scramble.
Wait for the next update
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Ultimate Eyes v1

What is this?
This is an eye mod for Artificial Academy 2 Unlimited (AAU) which combines, and fixes various issues
found in, my previous FaceParts Eye Fixes and Flat-eyes II mods, and adds a bunch of extra eye types
and textures specifically for use with FaceParts and Keit_Ikemen faces.

Previous features:

- Allows Flat eyes to be used on all FaceParts and Keit_Ikemen faces.
- Allows iris shine and viewport textures to be used with Flat eyes.
- Fixes bad asymmetry found in the original Flat-eyes face meshes.
- Restores the original UV texture mapping for Normal eyes.
- Mitigates z-fighting when the camera is zoomed out for all eyes.

New features:

- Adds four new eye types with various iris shine masks and iris shine textures.
- Adds unaltered UV map rotations for all eyes as "Purist" object overrides.
- Reproduces the iris shine effect from the first Artificial Academy game for all eyes.
- Reworks the previous iris shine effect as an iris shimmer effect for all eyes.
- Reworks mesh frames to allow iris shine/shimmer to be turned off together with the highlight.
- Fixes the slightly warped UV map topology caused by oversimplification of Flat-eyes II meshes.



Check "Mods" folder.
not sure what this is all about but thanks anyway
A bit presumptuous of you to call them "ultimate," is it not? Lol.

Why are you like this?
Thank you!
True. It was just something I came up with and the name ended up sticking, lol.
Does your illiteracy make your life difficult?
New eyes? Very nice.
Sounds utterly useless. Keep this trash in your discord.
You should keep YOURSELF in your discord, retard.
What game did you two play at the arcade?
hide the penis
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don't you just love it when

isn't it bonk the penis?
so sayeth the underage ape.
In the arcade? Wonder how many quarters that cost per round.
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I've not touched the game for months but dog bless you for making worthwhile mods.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The time is coming for your card.
you wiggers really are never happy with what's posted here and it's so sad :(
Don't worry. This is completely normal when the AA2 girls want to escape their digital prison. Hope that helps!
Better than most modern art
oh christ...
thank you!
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But she has her nose right here.
Much appreciated!
[screams in horrors beyond my comprehension]
Thanks for all the work you put into this! Was patiently waiting and quite engrossed in your progress updates.
Are they okay?
what's in her other hand?
where is the real thread guys
come on let me in
the real thread was the friends we made along the way
Who is best-boy talking to?
Fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
Oh, totally! she just woke up with uhh.. messy make-up
jesus christ u blind?
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What's'a matter? Don't like Daisuke?
Nah, she's fine! don't worry about it!
Don't care. Any news about Tot outfit pack update?
I believe the last phrase on that topic was "will I ever be able to finish this outfit?"
You are not making a worthwhile contribution to the thread with posts like that.
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2 days until SVS is saved
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>aau ctds after 7 minutes
Fuck my life
one of your cards has a janky module interaction happening, the scripts are crossfiring.
You could set cards into class one at a time to see who's causing the crashes or pop them open and check the modules.
I might've missed it, but is there working folder with black school bag and iphone props?
There's an phone in a prop collection. Not sure which link.
iPhones are almost certainly on the 2chan reup prop folder.
there's an iphone prop on anon 98s mega
and a black school bag, no
but a blue one exists on dartallis mega
nevermind, I checked and apparently it's either not there anymore or I got it wrong
anyway, here's the school bag on dartallis mega
Is that really going to save svs?
I assume it'll be a big improvement, but illusion really needs to stop making basic gameplay features into a some-months-later patch. This is not 2010 anymore and people move on to the next thing much faster now.
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Nothing, probably. I should have made her pinch her nose rather than hold it like that, though it does give me some potential ideas like pic related.
cats with primate ear positions look like monkeys
Unironically waiting for this just to see how much more challenging I can make the relationships between the characters.
>Reposting awesome AA2 Screenshots from AA2D here to give a little life for AA2

Still not seeing wonderful screenshot there. It is even more dead than ever
>giving life by doomering
I don't normally tell people that they should kill themselves, so consider yourself special.
can you come back when you see something actually wonderful or useful?
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She voted against Trump and shaved her head to protest him winning?
kek, nice
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Did they ever dream that they'd be carrying the whole thread?
Hopefully, more people will post their characters or what they're doing in the classes.
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She seems a bit worried there.
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>men want literally one thing and it's disgusting.jpg
God I wish that was me.
god, when is it my turn.
precious work
Indeed, just one thing, and it's being carried.

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