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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Sync Grid Simulator, CS stage info, Lodge topics and more
>Pomakek but better
>Tier List Maker
>Eggmon viability guide/tier list

>Legendary Gauntlet Info

>Model ripping/datamining project FAQ
>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with tracks up to the newest update (November 2024). All the tracks are looped, tagged and sorted.

>Previous thread: >>501285150
The Kalos literal whos were so bad it killed us...
Me failed to get Eri with 3 multis killed us
>3 hours without a thread
>no one cared
Maybe this general isn't needed anymore. It's over.
Time to go up to 5 multis for the super candy
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Whenever Penny is not present everyone should be asking Where's Penny?
You realize there's a thread on /vp/ right. I'm new here but maybe someone can explain: why the need for two different threads to talk about the same game? The posters there aren't any more or less retarded than the ones here, and I'm sure there's an overlap of people that post in both.
SEA monkey schizos who don't even play the game anymore spammed waifu image dumps too fast on /vp/ which is a slow board and forced a general here. Now that the game is more dead the general is just hourly necro bumps now.
>Sina is just NC Red but worse
>meanwhile Dexio is competing with Jacq for best psychic type

They sure do love busted psychic units
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It's definitely them next month right?
>best psychic type
Jacq is one of the strongest units in the entire game. But barely anyone knows because literally who gives a fuck about Jacq.
I was rank 3 on the high score for like 2 hours with 250k. Now I'm not even in the top 5000
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>bug is the only type where every single unit can get at least one arena clear

Kneel to bug gods
Why does Penny need constant validation?
Penny is one of the few characters that has some actual depth that they can use for events.

At some point she is finally going to get her villain theme skill
Penny is related to too many different subjects
>Team Star
>Paldea friends
>Tokusatsu weeb
They don't give a shit. 5 is the limit and that's final. Klara and Avery don't even have the rival skills. If Penny had room they'd probably put her as a rival too.
>Just started
>roll for Serena
oh its one of those games uh
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>Shauntal grants +2 evasion to Sina so I can free up some nodes

Nice, they work pretty well together.
Melony is still my only ice support, though. Field cake when?
Penny, Giacomo, and Eri all only have 4 skills all of them are missing their "trainer group" skill. Penny only had 3 skills when she came out since Paldea wasn't in yet.
That’s literally not what happened, Cynthia schizos had meltdowns when random /vp/osters would walk into the thread and mock their balloon tit “art” spam.
nah he just has good ST burst. Good for 3v1 Psychic DC
>ruin her damage challenge comps
lol no, would be the least activated cake ever added
>why the need for two different threads to talk about the same game?
Because /vp/ is unmoderated dogpiss
Your Shauna and Delcatty replacement?
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Imagine getting spotlight zoned when Sina and Dexio get pokefairs.
When /pmg/ was at its peak of activity in /vp/, the "people" making new threads made a habit of nuking them after a few posts for shits and giggles. This eventually made regulars migrate to /vg/, where threads can't be deleted unless a janny does so.
/vp/ threads continued existing with a bunch of contrarians who also posted in /vg/. (Mostly those in the faggot and zoophile spectrum who felt right at home on /vp/)
Unlike /vp/, which has a slow influx of newfags who care about Pokemon, /vg/ rarely brings any new posters to these threads. With more and more people quitting the game every month, /vg/ threads are experiencing a slow death.
It can't be helped.
Shauna has Healthy Healing
Let me check my crystal ball.
Her fault for being unpopular
Whatever anyone on pmg says will happen will NOT happen, so no.ladt month some retards in pmg genuinely thought we were getting the Paldea professors.l with the Raidons
There is something big with ground happening purely because of the extreme battle.
and the last week CS weakness has both Water and Ground
I'm doing /vp/ because their chart fag still tracks 15k CS clears and useless data is a fetish of mine
Water doesn't mean much, the December masterfairs are released one on the 30th of November and another near the end of December.
12% gen pool rate do be like that
The last extreme is for Elaine, can't have normal weakness.

The ground type coincidence could be more than that but it's not guaranteed, and it's not guaranteed to be the MF/Arcs since last month the last Iono """""Extreme Battle""""" was fighting weak but eri came out 2 weeks after it ended
>just started
>immediately spends money
Does Elaine even do anything against status conditions?
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Nemona is going to be the very last pair to get an ex role and it's going to be tech.
From oldest to newest
Tech, Sprint, Strike, Tech, Support, Tech
The heatran in the files is a new legendary arena debuting with the gauntlet next month
It's weak to both ground and water
May & swampert grid expansion for a f2p option with coverage for both
This is definitely not a schizo prediction post
Field wouldn't even be good for Nemona since she wants to do her buddy move before she syncs.
And again after she syncs, then Strike.
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15 year old brat...
Yeah strike is what she really wants. She has super high single target damage already she needs help clearing the sides without relying on thunder punch.
What's the highest possible types if you exclude arcsuits?
Missed at least 2 crits and pretty crap gears. SSRC could push 6M right now with a god run
Making 2-bar spam gauge work is impressive

On what device are they playing on that constantly flash 3D models?
Are you ready for the Penny day event and the Penny event rerun featuring Elaine from KANTOOOO?
Wait what the fuck happens at 2:21? Dhelmise gets hit and the score skyrockets from 275k to 800k
visual score glitches in DC, happens
They should do ranked damage challenge events with every single type at once and no repeated characters so you can't paralyze spam them all
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Pennydev should stop forcing his failed Marnie into every event.
Status immunity on grid
>thousands upon thousands of popular pokemon to choose from when you introduce new sync pairs
>fuck you it's eeveelutions again
I forgot to use a poison type to unlock challenge mode on the kalos cs.
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Lear aged really well actually
I remember when lear + SS blue blew up the pmg schizo cs clears chart by letting any 3rd tag along
he has always been our king
They decided eevee day is a holiday so we are stuck with it
Never forget that Lear was skippable bait for anni Steven.
>Skipped Arc Lance
>pulled SS Lear

the way god intended
Are you pulling for Dexio?
who's that?
dexio deez nuts
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Will you pull for Master Fair Sygna Suit Tina and Shiny Blaziken?
Tina didn't even get a pokefair while Paulo did
At this point we hang out with Tina more than Paulo and we need two more pasio masterfairs
Are we finally out of Eevee based trainers and have all the Eeveelutions as variety scouts?
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Unless they scrape other characters for alts, that's pretty much it
Flint will finally get his alt next year with Flareon so he can get his gay matching alt with Volkner.
Never rolled for shitty OC banners and never will, especially garbage characters like Paulo and Lear getting always paired with ugly turnermon.
Man this extreme battle did literally nothing. It's amazing it's even in the same group as the early ones.
Didn't ask
Dexiobros your pulls?
I don’t feel like searching the theme skills, is there a team that can do all in one fight?
Ghetsis, SSR Cynthia, and Sycamore I think.
That worked, thanks anon
I ended up having to do it twice because I brought Irida since I assumed it would be harder.
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I've come to terms that sunk cost is the only reason I'm still playing
Bro just uninstall
Is it just CS until they dump like 3 stamina events at once on us for Eevee day?
Yes every day is skip tickets
>first 5* from this
it's not like the mix scout where everything is equalized it's like a 99% chance if you pull a 5 star it will be a spotlight.
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Neo Champion Rose and Oleana next month.
Neo Champion Penny and Koraidon
NC Penny and Arven will get Iron Moth and Slither Wing so they match Nemona.
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Does anyone actually like this stupid fucking thing? It seems like this one and the lake trio are the legendaries nobody cares about.
Lake trio a cute
Heatran a shit, but I am sure lots of competitive players tricked themselves into actually liking it or at least appreciate what it brings to the table.
Every time i see Heatran I think that it should have been a first stage and evolved into Volcanion. Like Volcanion has a shell that grows and Heatran is the soft inside
I love my walking hot potato... He's funny.
I bet Sina and Dexio were originally planned to be out alongside legends and will play a bigger part in it. But then that got delayed and they had to push them out anyways. Like how they pushed forward the sinnoh chapter to have it out during legends arceus
Probably a Flannery holiday outfit down the line. She doesn't have team up lines yet. She has a mild association with Heatran because she was looking for one in the remakes.
Mine are all delayed after the datamine, fav characters > liked characters, and december might me a good month for me.
Releases are planned a year in advance. It's more likely that tpci had initially scheduled release in this period so they planned their implementation for this timeframe but planned both an Eevee event and a Legends event beforehand, then around 6 months ago they got confirmation of delay so they went with a non legends plot
Still haven't got a single 5* and got only one single 4* out of this scout
I doubt it was anything that complicated. This game has had nothing plots for a while now. The subway event was a nothing story. If you want to know how long ago they planned this, Sycamore has team up lines for them and his voice clips were updated with his Christmas alt last year. Serena and Calem who were 2 years ago don't have lines though that might just be because they're not close enough to Sina and Dexio.
>Holiday Flannery
Straight up delusional. Can’t wait for Sinnoh NC next month to finally shut up the Flannerytards.

Dexio at 160. Outsells Sina, as expected from this Pokeboy game.
It's over....
Dexio seems a lot better than Sina. He's up there with Jacq and SS Steven. Sina is just worse NC Red and you can't replace Irida with her because Irida is the one bringing the zone
Had Faba shown up a single time since the alola chapter? I just remembered he was in the game
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Since they decided it is literal who season with Clavell and Dexio they might as well do the monkey boys next.
nice cope, he started at 236, Sina had to start at ~300
Her increase was bigger
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>flop revenue bottom range sina VS good revenue range dexio
if she was that good she'd have ranked around the same good range instead
after all iris, emma, shauna, mallow and sina all have something in common, as if there was some kind of pattern, and it isn't just their flops
Based knower
Nice cope but that’s not how it works
Says the anon with the flopped waifubait character.
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Top 1 score at 5,7M, holy based
There's 6 types at over 6M and one type at over 7M so it's not that impressive... until you realize it's a 3 years old pair.
Pokémon Masters EX?
heh, more like
and stop me if you've heard this one before but

heh, uhhh Pokémon Master SEX amirite guys?
It's also a pair that got a strike cake. Imagine if NC Serena got strike instead of support.
>Imagine if NC Serena got strike
would be pretty mid as she has no good way to reach -18 AoE debuffs fast. Only ST
same for NC Hop
>pokemon tcg, sleep and pokemon go in the top 50 in japanese mobile ranking
>masters not even in the top 100 with new content
what went fucking wrong human character relally are not that popular with normalfags uh
Only MFs and arcs get top50 or higher
humanflops never will be the selling point in pokemon and virgin pedos are so delusional lmao
No fanservice does that to a gacha
Can anyone do -18 aoe fast outside of Oleana?
I don't know but you don't want to poison in DC
how much of the damage on those clears is inflated by skill gear? would be neat to see how much damage output they can do without that help
How much stuff can I lock at the same time with a pin on the skill gear?
Is it one between Theme, Stat and Skill or can I at least lock 1 Theme and 1 Skill?
1 theme and 1 skill = takes 2 pins
stats cant be locked
And you can pin only 1 of the 3 themes and 1 of the 3 skills or even 2 or all 3?
1 of the 3
That's a pain but more or less what I expected.
So the idea is to pick 1 theme and a skill good for it and reroll until you get good complementary skills.
So like
>Type: Fire
>Skill: Fire Moves +3%
And you keep on rerolling until you get stuff like Crit S Moves, Critastrophe, Solar Flare, etc.
mhy games don't really have fanservice either
The easiest way to do things is by combining normal feathers with the character specific feathers. So you can replace the shittiest parts of the character feather by rolling until you get something good in that slot and then locking it in and then adding the specific feather so it replaces everything except that one slot.
I always locked crit/critastrophe only, never went for themes, because getting those 2 options is much more uncommon than getting a theme you want while also getting a stat up that's good enough
And character themes suck stat wise so I never ever used them either. 70 hp 20 speed my ass
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Why are Chicken, Elio, and Hilda the only protags allowed to have a real personality?
Define "real personality"
Their personality isn't just "protagonist" they gave Chicken deep lore about how she is retarded to justify her doing the stare.
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Did Lillie getting the free unit delay her next real alt another year?
how would ice zone ruin damage challenge
they are already in the game, long overdue
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Shelly has been waiting way longer. She deserves a pokefair that comes out with the hoenn neochamps.
What's the order of oldest unused units? The hoenn villains, then the monkey trio, then Faba?
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And the Galactic admins
Then there's Brandon and Benga who are only in cutscenes and haven't been battle-able
any units on the banner rollable
I wonder if Brandon and Benga are going to keep being a part of the story or if they are just thrown into the void because their job of sucking off the arc champs is over.
>got 3/5 SS Hilbert on his first banner by pulling 2 copies on the multi before pity
>just got 4/5 from the mix

I might finally have a 5/5 unit to awaken if he gets a good boost
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Subway bros, my beloved....
You pigs better send feedback asking for SA candy on the next mix banner
Rally finally forced me to use Tierno for the first time. He actually seems good.
What's the gimmick for today?
The extreme battle isn't out. The gimmick for the next one is the enemies poison you and do more damage when you are poisoned. Just blast them with an overpowered psychic unit since that's the weakness.
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>Lucy final boss

Is she the easiest one now that Arc Cynthia exists?
Is every single psychic pokefair better than SS Lusamine?
Especially Avery.
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Triple Kris as usual
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I just want Sygna Suit Oleana. The rest of her team are all slutmons so imagine what she could get.
>LAs in 2024
Always was the easiest UB since debut
Bros... how do I deal with Badly Poisoned?
She's designed for SC Adaman who burns himself and cant be poisoned.
Just bruteforce/heal through it lul
Your Antitoxin cookies?
i forgot to fight the weekend boss...
Do you not have 1000 + status/interference immunity cookies?

It's just that or something like ssmorty + NC leaf for team immunities (SS Lana + variety elio also works for example).

The stage is paper
gosh this is so easu
It's the easiest highscore event they have made. There is usually at least one hard rule this has nothing and no bullshit fights.

Ex Role soon I guess
>black rayquaza
Likobros....Is it time?
Nah we’ll just get a freebie that’s 100% better than Steven’s
Who's gonna tell him?
Clearly a free Arc Flying pair.
Kahili finally gets something.
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Yeah next month has to be Neo Champion Brendan and May then. The champion is the judge and it would make sense for Steven to judge them with his shiny Mega Rayquaza. Especially if they both have shiny Primal Groudon and Kyogre. All 3 shiny legendaries in their fully powered forms are black so the outfits can match. Also ground and water types like everyone was speculating.
Would be cool because easy skip
Give up
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SA for Masterfairs this datamine.
It will give Anni Steven Rising Tide, Stat Up x2 and P-Moves & S-Moves: Clear Weather Power up 5.
Matter over mind 5 soon
>black rayquaza out of nowhere to synergize with Shiny Rayquaza Raid
>something that has never happened in Pokemon Masters before
A collab? Are they getting desperate?
EX role and 5/5 grid to Anni steven?
Not him but's it's also going to be the RS/ORAS' anniversary in a few days.
It's a co-op event which makes it extra weird.
Kusomas: the last dance
5 more years
There are people that didn't believe in hoenn NCs
I hope the Primal Groudon goes to May, not Brendan
dont want to use a pokeboy with my Arc Cynthia
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Yeah, I got to top 100 and my roster is not great at all. If I had summer Hilda, aura Cynthia or SC Shauna I'd be easily in top 50, but I'll take it

> Pic related
The Ash and Jessie and James events were collabs that coincided with other Pokémon media so it's not like it's a new thing
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buy your cynthia
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its black friday event in japan
Someone should tell them that the black part isn't meant to be taken literally
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Vote for Kusomas instead
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Katy and Brassius Pokefairs next year
We need another Garchomp and Lucario!
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this dudebro just picked 3 top units and used them on same team instead of splitting them
>diantha and cynthia with manfaces
>leon with an old woman face
>an abstract kind of expression steven
only lance, ghetsis, grimsley and kid iris here easily pass the quality check
>there are people willingly creating that one shitty outdated take down move as a tm
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>there are people willingly creating that one shitty outdated take down move as a tm

its the very first tm and incredibly easy to make
and literally everything can learn it, i don't see why ppl would use it as a tm
Today, November 19th, marks the 3rd anniversary of the release of Pokémon "Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl"

Steven with Shiny Rayquaza for Flying Arc unit
need katy so bad bros
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>area 01 is support + strike combo
>mfw i check that blessed rally layout
Steven will get a side grid expansion.. Zinnia gets the flying arcsuit
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Has anyone actually counted how many events Penny has been in since she came out?
Too many
There is no Flying Arc Suit, the next ones up are Dark, Bug, and Fire.
>dragon type MF in December 2 years in a row
Hope Zinnia leans more into Flying
You ever just forget to grid a unit? I just realized I never gridded my alt Gloria
>Anni Steven Rerun with support cake
>Neo Champion May/Shiny Primal Groudon
>Neo Champion Brendan/Shiny Primal Kyogre
>Shelly, Tabitha, and Matt spotlights
>Hassel and Dendra pokefairs
>Paldea CS

There's your december update
>Anni Steven Rerun
No way they're that retarded
Happens to me with lodge pairs from time to time
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>japan gets eevee dolls
>we get a funko pop
Anniversary Lillie got bundled in an unrelated event too so it's not that out of place
>US and Canada only (excluding Québec)
How do you get 1m against Barry?
All the old anni units are basically just treated as normal fairs now. Anni May exists purely to be a duo banner with SS Brendan.
I know it's hard to believe sometimes but Steven Rayquaza is a master fair
SEA and South America are irrelevant
>this dudebro just picked 3 top units and used them on same team instead of splitting them
yes i just want the rewards lol
I don't think it's worth entering even for the off chance of gems.
>no Rika
Was her popularity overblown by women?
No those are just the five of the characters you immediately unlock when you beat the dlc. To unlock Rika and Poppy you need to complete the quests of five other characters. So it's basically impossible for the starting characters to not be the most used.
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Steel, Dark, Dragon, Bug, Ground, Fire
Unova seems the most likely, N is getting an Arc Suit and his most eligible pair is with Zoroark. Assuming Unova, I’d guess Benga and Alder, but if you think Burgh is likely then you’re free to believe that.
Apparently we are getting two variety tickets. There was already one tied to the bingo and the rally will be the second.
Quality post
common 2020 Cynthia W
I honestly thought that the Arcs would be based on their base version, so a hypothetical Arc N would be with Zekrom (Electric) but considering the very high chance of more Pikachu shilling I see why Dark with Zoroark can be more likely.
>literally has three expansions
Cynthia isn't a 2020 unit.
>Eevee day event
>Elaine event
>Adaman and Iridia event
>egg event
>ranked damage challenge

Jesus no wonder stamina is a log in bonus
OG Cynthias 5 year anniversary in January
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What is this?
This game desperately needs better bug type units. The fact that SS Hilbert is still the best bug has to offer is terrible.
Arc Suit Lusamine will save it
I want Mother Beast Lusamine
>only 3,184 reposts
It's so fucking over.

The retweet rallies have been getting worse and worse while somehow demanding more and more engagement for a dying game. Over 12k retweets in 3 days is an insane request.
SentaiBarrySisters btfo
So it's just a co-op event.
No gem = no rt
That's why they are counting sweepstakes entries instead of retweets on our side. We have 3.2k entries
When does Hilda/Leafeon debut
So 16 Dec to 5 Jan uh, sounds like a HSE/LG type event, maybe coop centered?
It says "multi battle event" and that's how co-op mode is called in the japanese version.
Probably some "reach n millions world wide clears for free shit" type of event.
So we get a free roll on some eevee scout right? Does this include the actually good Eevee units like Elaine or is it just the Varietyshitters?
>500 skip tickets
thanks god, i didn't want any role cake, move candy or super awakening lollipop anyway
Probably something like
>1 million: 30 Hoenn tickets
>2.5 millions: bunch of useless shit
>5 millions: 1 Striker move candy
It's funny how the weird decision to make the 2.5 anni units pokefairs rather than master fairs ended up benefiting them more in the long run since they get grid expansions, 4/5 and 5/5 nodes, and now superawakenings.

Why is DeNA devaluing master fairs so much?
They're the next step in the upgrades let's be honest, 5/5 move level exists for a reason, you might have doubts about super awakening being a reboot for units but the move level was chosen to cap at 5 and not 3 where the standard sync grid is all you need.
Anyway they must pull something huge to fix Calem which so far, might not regret rolling for, but totally feel disappointed by his "support" performance and the shitty EX role it received not even patching his lacks. You could say the same about Leon and Hoenn weather gods.
Remember when +2 offensive buffs required defensive and/or speed debuffs? Yeah...that kind if shit, they chose the Olivia path instead of Brendan's.
variety shitters
Pick-up: 1. Lyra (Variety)
2. Calem (Variety)
3. Hilda (Variety)
4. Kris (Variety)
5. Hilbert (Variety)
6. Elio (Variety)
7. Selene (Variety)
8. Lucas (Variety)

Enjoy your dupe
what are they gonna do on eevee day going forward now that we have all 8 eeveelutions as variety scams
Even more variety pairs
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make for impregnation
Just started and i wanna get my favourite pokesluts, already shitlucked one from the daily rolls (Roxanne) and they give you Rosa and Misty for free.
Is there a Bea or Cinthya vanner coming that isnt paid only? Also that selector thing that has Bea, suppose i do pay piggy the 2000 gems, can i choose Bea or is it random?
>tcg pocket did 120m+ in less three weeks
>master only 33m in its firts month
its over mastersisters
just more DeNA money to develop Masters
Cynthia is always available in the monthly scout and Bea is available in any banner that isn't type exclusive. Cynthia needs a lot of investment to be good so I'd recommend saving for now and waiting until a better Cynthia alt (sygna suit aura and sygna suit renegade are the main ones to look out for, her regular sygna suit is in a worse state than her default right now and her arc suit is apparently good but it most likely be unavailable until a year from now) reruns or any other characters you like debut or get new alts, next month's content should be datamined about a week from now. Also next month, a banner with a Rosa alt will run and in February, a banmer with a Bea alt will run. Do not touch these banners unless you have enough for 12 multis and two singles and are absolutely set that you want these alts because the pull rates are terrible and the alts aren't particularly good in gameplay.
Bea is in every banner
Cynthia can be lucked into the lodge banner or you can wait for a rerun of her or her MULTIPLE alts
Lot of base sluts are always available and we get many reruns every month so saving for your top crop harem slots is recommended over spending everywhere without pity, especially if you're new
Hilbert is good though
Can't wait to pull a third variety Lyra dupe instead of Hilda or Chicken
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A fire type being the best flying type is kind of sad
shitnohsisters...unova is dabbing on us again...
What does Bianca even do?
How get 1m without bunny
>no NC Bianca
It's over...
*develop their baseball team
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>two sets of Neo Champions
>the only good Unovan isnt in either of them

It's not fair
It would even make more sense for them to be since they technically never beat Alder in the games
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>Afro man fled this sinking ship for a bigger boat
>Liza from daily
>Tate from mix

I hare these two
They are holding everything back so we get 3 stamina based events, an egg event, a damage challenge, and another extreme battle tomorrow
We're not getting the second Eevee ticket at this rate are we
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It was probably going to be Lucas & Flareon anyway...
It's 4500 retweets but how many entries are there on the American side? I don't know if this is supposed to be a combined effort thing either since the totals are different metrics.
pokeboyfags should just uninstall desu
>How get 1m without bunny
3/5 anni Skyla
or 3/5 NC Cheren
Well we're at 8000 community entries. Just 3000 to go for the ticket.
only variety Eevees?
It's 11210 when combining the sweepstakes entries and the three seperate jp tweets since they get an entry per day on twitter.

So we already are already finished earning it.
Not him, but what should be used alongside 3/5 anni skyla?
NC blue (or Chase) + Melony
Maybe Redlax + BP Barry works too
>NC blue (or Chase) + Melony
Don't have any of these
>Maybe Redlax + BP Barry works too
This could be doable, will try later.
Wince next month is fug month Zinnia should get shiny mega fug
I'd settle down for side tiles that aren't shit for the og unit.
no trainer will ever have the same pokemon twice
Arc suits
in a shiny form*
Can 10/10 save SS Cynthia?
She was already good ever since her PB grid expansion. Pretty much a pokefair SS Serena
The question is if her 10/5 + EXR will put her @ equal/above 10/5 OG Cynthia & OG Lance
The main issues for Dragons are:

-their arc pair was the weakest of the 3, AS Lance just doesnt carry the type like the other 2
-Lucas is still the only good dragon zone setter and he is pretty 1-dimensional (just ST unga bunga, didnt even get Strike role) and also powercrept on raw damage
-0 top-tier dragon supports, especially no top-tier dragon zone support
>pokefair SS Serena
thats lance.
Lance is the ST version, SS Cynthia is the same AoE (AoE is better to pair up with AS Lance)
And 10/5 Lance now is just strictly better than SS Serena in pretty much every way
How many types are still stuck with only 1 decent zone setter?
Hilbert is such a fag
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>The question is if her 10/5 + EXR will put her @ equal/above 10/5 OG Cynthia
in raw damage probably yes (at least move damage), so better in DC
in utility and in LAs/UBs no, infinite weather is quite good
Lots of content on reset

It's snover
>Lots of content on reset
>Lots of content on reset
why are you lying
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P Elesa
When did this shit start? When did Eevee need a fucking day?
Since 2018. Too bad they forget about Bidoof Day.
Rolling for Hilda on reset
Hilda love
You might as well wait for the ticket before pulling
We're getting two tickets right? One in game and one from Twitter?
I can't get Cheren over 840k
>no grids
Why does eevee day get multiple full stamina events while anni got the shitty cutscene events with no actual content
On this day in 1999, 25 years ago, Pokémon Gold & Silver were released.

They want players to whale for reused characters with 500 scout points
Does ground want a busted support or another damage dealer?
>or another damage dealer?
Are your Cynthias not good enough?
>Does ground want a busted support
not really, but a busted support never hurts

>or another damage dealer?
if it has good synergy with Arc Cynthia then sure. But often she just uses a gimmick-checker in the 3-rd slot
and the current other Ground dps are fine, especially at 10/5
They really don't want another rally to fail when they are now giving everyone multiple votes. I guess it makes sense when they keep making the rewards worse while twitter is also on fire
I still can't believe chairman Rose acquired Twitter
All Pokegirls want to be with East Asian Jomon men only.
You did put in some eggs so they will hatch right after reset right?
Why not just have lesser requirements and better rewards? It's not 2020 anymore when everyone was stuck inside and Twitter was a hip means of talking about gossip.
Getting all the missions for the extreme battle was annoying when I had to carry different shitter units with SS Lear and Lusamine to get them done 2 at a time
Jesus christ the full force battle takes fucking forever when your entire team is using buddy moves
Thread is dead because of all of the content... right?
They should have changed the bonus units for the Sinnoh event so Penny could be a bonus unit. Feels so weird that she is left out of that one when it's Penny month
>my most powerful eeveelution is Irida
Adaman, Irida, Penny, and Dexio are the only really good ones
thats ok tho
I was not prepared for the amount of content we got. Thank God it didn't land on weekly reset day
Gee, thanks
Pretty sure it was assumed that thing was going to be the twitter reward. Instead we get a second ticket for twice the chance to pull Hilda
>from top tier designs like Elaine and Eevee Girl....to this
What the fuck happened?
nobody cares that you’re a pedophile
As your punishment for disrespecting the true protagonist we are getting another Penny event next month
Tranny self-inserters like this dude >>503053315
I'm sick of these motherfucking Eevees in this motherfucking game.
Has anyone got their bingo ticket yet or is egg the great gatekeeper
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>Go in with 6k gems
>Was gonna whale as needed
>Get her on my 2nd multi, exhausting all of my gems
Feels good man, and now she's maxed out
>opened bingo
>hatched egg from yesterday
It didn't work, guess we,re waiting 9 more hours
So what's so special about this Hilda and Leafeon again?
>I'm sick of these motherfucking Eevees in this motherfucking game.
Double sex
You had to time it so the egg hatches right after reset
I missed the window of having a shit ton of likes. Mother fuckers are sitting at an upwards of 50K to 475K likes and I only have 1000.
You could have at least waited for the tickets before going past 3/5
I'm pretty sure they just fucking botted those. Or did some like for like shit on social media. There's no way they got those authentically.
>meanwhile I only have like 800 likes
It's over.
With Sabrina, Caitlin and Sycamore I covered 6/7 theme skills. Wonder why Caitlin is not also a battle facility foe, she used to be a frontier brain.
I thought I was a genius for using SS Misty where you used Sabrina but she doesn't count as a gym leader for some fucking reason
>do Super Sparring
Bros... I don't want to.
kek this was my last mission too and I was also reluctant to do it. i dont ever touch these damage crap
Fucking finally, even though I don't want to do Ultimate Battles anymore.
It's not like the story feels that into it either.
>boy do these Eevee have personalities
>yep they sure do
>the end
That's seriously the best they could come up with?
>Calem from ticket

I just wanted a cute girl
Bros... I forgot to use the Eevee girl... No ticket for me...
Use her in any battle even a story one will probably work
So can Gloria+Cinderace just trivialize any damage challenge

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