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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Camellya — SEED OF FATE
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


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Resonator Banner: Camellya Banner [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
Weapon Banner: Red Spring (Sword) [Nov 13 - Dec 12]
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[Somnium Labyrinth - Somnoire Adventure Event] [Nov 13 - Jan 1]
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>VER 1.4: (Patch Notes)

Previous: >>502404409
Jinhsi's big brown anus
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I hated doing simulated universe. Shit's novel for the first few weeks.
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I only play with the F2P characters.
You don't have to, the weekly rewards are fucking nothing.
does anyone ever go to r/wuwahusbandos to laugh at how schozoid the become?
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I love camellya
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Good for you anon, as long as you're having fun that's all that matters.
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It's an alternative to farming overworld the way I see it.
Did all that come from just Jiyan being the first banner?
I'm sure this update would've most likely made them seething and raging with anger. Even the last update they were seething about waifu pandering even though we already had a fujobait character one update before.
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a very good alternative considering how abysmal the rate of higher rarities are in overworld farming
What's the best f2p team for towers? Currently I've
>Rover Havoc
sanhua anko
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I FUCKING hate slimes. Stop it kuro, you can do better.
>they made Cammy thicker with bigger boobs
>they made her into a 35-40 year old hag
I am betrayed
>fucking K-dorama tier montage with song and all
i kneel Solon
I didn't used to get the gate fujoshits got until I started playing this game.
Where's your Anko? Also use Verina.

Anko Verina Cammy is extremely good for all content.
Verina can easily recharge her outro outside of combat. Broken as fuck.
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my camellya with lingering troons takes care of these
Just replace the brat with sanhua.

Obvious circlejerk community there
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I'm surprised there's even a dedicated sub for male characters.
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Mmmm delicious wuwuwawa content...
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I love Changli so much bros...
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it's time to end the debate
Which boob-type has better characters for 1.x?
small or big?
None because only good one is Jiyan and XLY.
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Wawe wooo!
>Youhu powercrept by a set
>Youhu buffed by a set
Is Rococo going to be a coordinated attacker or something? Could make for fun cunny comps
>he farmed for a glacio set
what even is the point of putting a steam deck there other than to show off
Cammy is the best and hottest so small breasts are king.
>the only set I didn't bother building out of pure laziness and lack of glacio dps's to use it on
kek do nothing chads win again
2.0 is a big white nothing?
wtf i prefarmed already
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save chads winning
Any final tests I should do for Cummy before I activate my S6?
So far I got 3 star with EoG, 3 star with a 4 star wep and 3 star without SK. (Only Verina / Sanhua)
>Sonata effect
So that means it's an entirely NEW Glacio set, the current saved up / prefarmed ones are entirely useless.
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That's why I never prefarm shit
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>hunting you down
from her last character story this is pretty much what she was created for. Why she's obsessed with strength and tracking down rover is just simply "instinct". Love, obsession, and wanting to kill you all basically the same thing to her.
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Yeh it's the EOS area
sing for wuwa funerel
>Giant ass suitcase for Rococo
Also why are you guys surprised by the new echo set?
We are getting a new region so of course a new set was coming lmao.
Imagine maining as a w*man. I'm as straight as they get and I refuse to main as even the twink MC. I only pull wom*n if they're support.
oh I thought it was like a briefcase. That's a FULL suitcase
Also is that 2nd person rover?
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am i retarded or is there no visual difference
I'm surprised they're creating a brand new set effect. Like there'll be Glacio 1 and Glacio 2 now.
I just assumed it would be a new 4 cost and some added on 3 / 1 Costs.
been too busy trying to min-max havoc and fusion sets, even though I'm rolling Camorra. My stat autism won.
You want at least 2 teams of 3 each chucklefuck take that libtard
I can breath and save some astrite...
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Correct, it is Rover. The other is the fag we knew about already.
yes it is. It's literally him look at the pants and gloves retard
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is that a motherfucking cowboy
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Based. Hope it's not a twink like the MC and XLY. I lost all my astrite trying to pull Jiyan. I need to n replace my Calcharo main, he's getting nerfed every update.
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Anyone who says Jinshi is stronger than Cammy clearly don't own both. I have a S1 Cammy and a S1 Jinshi both with signature and Cammy does better damage. She also doesn't need to deal with the coordinated attack bullshit and she don't need to start a full new rotation just to deal with the boss if it has 10% Hp left and get a whole new nuke. I say this as a Jinshi lover and did all holograms with her.
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Does anyone know what happened to the shiny on this location? It's supposed to alternate with the Lumiscale construct but neither of them are here today

They added a third spawn?
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Yeah the new male is Master Love
b-but muh prydwen dps
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>steps away from chaika collab
>Obviously just as autistic
I'll take it Solon i kneel
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Cammy gf
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>Anyone who says Jinshi
Stopped reading
Don't care what you have to say if you can't spell her name
She's rocking my jacket honestly
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is this coletta? From the thigh highs or whatever it might no?
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does camellya have pink or brown butthole
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Yeah I'm confused on that one too, doesn't look like her.
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Putting chests with astrite inside story quest dungeons is the most retarded thing that Solon copied from that other game
Whoever decided to add that feature should be raped in the ass with a shotgun
Oh that's very likely yeah
could it be the first 2 in the drawing are new Rover skins?
This and asterites makes me want to knife a cat
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when do I get a cammy in my life bros?
>whole new sonata sets
>means you gotta farm echoes again
>Actually using the Echo boxes.
YouTube algo really likes Camellya, huh?
To be fair only retards who read prydwen think like that. Those retards but Chixia next to Lingyang when she can solo Overdrive zone. They also put Danjin under Encore when Danjin can solo all tower floors and holograms and can be both main dps or sub dps. Heck, they put YangYang at bottom tier when she has as fast rotation as Sanhua and similar damage just because her concerto buff is not a direct damage buff (when it literally lets characters like Xiangli Yao spam their liberation)
i didn't play during 1.2 and started zezi's quest and she's asking me to testify in court on some stuff that i don't know anything about
Youtube being based for once in their miserable existance?
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Cammy saved the game.
What model is this?
That's intentional, it's one of those "Let's start at the beginning" story redirections as soon as you get to the trial.
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Don't worry you haven't actually missed anything, you get a flashback explaining what's going on
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those nigs need to tone down the grain holy fuck
Have you ever heard of typos?
Freezing Frost (current glacio) triggers off of Basic and Heavy.
What did they say Camorra was again? The new glacio set is probably going to be tailored around her triggers instead of basic / heavy.
I don't care how big the 2.0 map is I want quality over quantity
I doubt they would implement new sets that stupidly.

The set would be better for some characters but surely they wouldn't make the current glacio set obsolete in its entirety.
All I care about astrite count from map
Danjin, YangYang and Chixia are the strongest F2P resonators
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I gave you the benefit of the doubt and did a ctrl + f for "Jinshi" and I see it highlighted three times in that comment.
Now I'm even more convinced that it has nothing worthwhile inside of it.
It's probably going to have a different activation that works for Camorra, ie: activate from Skill instead of Basic or heavy (Which is what the current set does.)
>2.0 new ones get added that have the additional sets, while all old stuff won't be able to roll them.
You are welcome.
I expected new sets, but not ones which powercreep already existing niches while other niches like def scaling or concerto gain are not covered yet.
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All i care is how hot and for (me) the next girl is and more combat.
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>but surely they wouldn't make the current glacio set obsolete in its entirety
They tend to replace shit instead of keeping things around.
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my filters make it extra grainy
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Guess the glacio set I made for Zhezhi is staying on her for good.
Rinascitta is going to have some snooty nobles who commission art from Master Zhezhi, that's how the canon wife retains relevance throughout 2.x. There might be even more lawsuits.
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>New type of bonus, not Basic Attack, Heavy Attack, Resonance Skill, or Resonance Liberation

>new "x dmg bonus" substat to dilute rolls
You can deny it all you want you know Cammy is stronger. Stop fighting it. Magistrate is still the cutest.
the mobs in that two team event have yuge amounts of hp my manko team has a hard time doing it
but it still means the new glacio dps most likely wants the new set
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Rinascita better have some sexy TDs.
I think it is something like "damage while mid-air" or some bullshit like that.
>coordinated attack dmg bonus
>intro/outro dmg bonus
>plunging attack dmg bonus
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Trust in Froglove to seduce (you) with TDs
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both sound extremely bad compared to atk% let alone crit%
Rococo is just Purple Fritia from Snowbreak?
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surely this means they will finally give us substat reroll items
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>he didn't already farm a set for the mesugak1
You're all posers.
Rococo is just Nicole from the hit game Yenless Flop Zero
>Rococo dabbing
Zoomer brainrot goth clown
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Only tourists and shitposters write Jinshi, because people who play the game know that her birth name is Hsi.
That means there's nothing of value in the reply, so I still haven't read it.
I'm sure they'll finally listen to the western fanbase and we'll get cucked and banners will be only males just like history repeat itself
If it's an absurd number, I can see the coordinated attack dmg bonus working, like making it as high as crit dmg.
Especially because you can just add it on to the other shit you roll for.
>Crit, Crit%, Atk%, ER / Flat atk, Coordinated Dmg.
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Here's your new Rococo
only the dreamless is somewhat sexy in 1.x. others are mostly just monsters.
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>echoes aren't maxed
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Same, but I started only a week ago or so. The only characters I leveled up are Rover, Yangyang, Sanhua and Baizhi. I'm having fun. The worst part of the game are the puzzles. They're so stupidly easy they feel like a waste of time instead of actual puzzles.
I might have to skip 2.0 banners
I might skip all the way to 3.0 because I don't like carnival themed stuff.
Her name is JINNY. Get it right.
Shut up Luo the 3rd.
Yes, only if it has absurd numbers. Still it's not as versatile as atk. I guess only applicable for veterans.
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Stepleaker you fucking fag.
Show us the full body models.
I started playing during the Moon chasing festival so I was able to get XLY for free. Until then I only played with Rover, Sanhua and Baizhi.
>gun hime
>gay pirate
>clown loli
There's also Phrolova and Scar. The clown looks more like Lumi's size than Anko's.
the "twink" is rover anon
Is it just me or has the animation quality gotten worse?
Character animations, especially with in the latest events looked really stiff... Or is it simply because they're fucking around with the camera too much? I don't know, it feels a little weak not gonna lie.
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Watanabe expy?
Clown is definitely Anko sized, gun hime is Lumi sized, the leaks hard confirmed those model sizes alongside the pirate. Only Feibi is a secret. Also that's (you) there
I thought they were a lot better so probably just you.
>still no hammerwife expy
I'm going to become the Joker.
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During recent banners, China fell behind the US percentage wise. Camellya has skyrocketed China back up to 30%.
I don't care about the money since I won't see any of it myself, but I do care about is the fact that this patch really made the chinks happy. Expect a ton of fanart and meme videos made on bilibili. Especially once the Cammy chibi releases.
But most importantly? This solidifies the current direction of the game. Expect more pandering, and more menhera women.

TLDR: We wuwon.
>Calchudo is a Sephiroth expy
>Bulante is a Vincent expy
I'm down for it
Good, I hope east never gets below 50%.
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I think I'm in love bros...
Implied sex soon, trust the plan.
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Good, good very good even.
the very first ratfluencer
she's uglier than zhezhi
uhmm nyes males sex...
We'll get good vanilla doujins aside from monkwife soon enough
hey it's me again
forgot to mention I'm gay
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Oh yeah I remember that doujin, it was great.
i play frover and like yuri
>First male that doesn't heightmog Rover
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Dude he's right next to rover
those thighs are unnatural
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All I want is a small SEA representation. Maybe an exile pagpag recipe no?
Camellya's leitmotif is really good, looking forward to it being used in emotional plot climaxes in the future.
the zezhi defense force is in full cope mode i see
But I love Zhezhi.
SEApags are surprisingly loud on the internet considering they barely spend money on any game
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>>502433646 (me)
Oops, I missed the most important part
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Fine, just for you, here is my screenshot that I own both and I have S1. Just because I wrote her name wrong you still can't deny the truth.
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Love Flora
Hate Whoremellya
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Best girl.
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Heh, nice UID fag, if you find your account missing tomorrow, you only have yourself to blame.
I wish. I am sure she won't have such big boobs and we are barely getting any gun resonators when they are the coolest.
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>the second largest country by land area only has ~500 whales
>hello wuwa
Make this a ritualpost from now on
Bros, what if the the old cast of characters doesn't appear in any of the 2.0+ updates.
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No one fucking cares about that man. People already were posting their ID here left and right already to send friend requests. You seem like etiher a newbie or one of the retards who is trying to ruin our positive and comfy thread. Any Europoor friends feel free to add me if you want. Cammy stronger than JinsHSI.
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Yap will
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Already debunked
That's a skin, doesn't count.
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Haha, don't be silly anon
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>Lord Arbiter
>The First Instance
>Astral Modulator
>Chief Steward
>Founder and Leader of the Black Shores
>The Hero of Jinzhou
>Top Chef
>The Master of Overdashing
>Conquistador of Ovathrax
>Retro Game Collector
>Hero of Justice
>Ace Trainer
>God-Emperor of Solaris-3
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The plan is clear, roll the Colgate girl and then save until Phrolova who has to be insane since she's the main antagonist of 2.0
Did Kuro not have enough time for 1.4 to get out all the assets they wanted and so had to resort to a slide show for Cammy's Somnoire chapter?
I would get her sig if she was like this
She would also be my second favorite after Yangyang
Shame she's just a crazy bitch now
Skins give characters screen time, it's a pretty great solution to it
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Bwo, you're taking a shitpost too seriously. The fact that no one can do anything to you while knowing your UID should be proof enough that it was a shitpost.
>Cammy stronger than JinsHSI.
Yes. Her S3 alone probably outdmgs Jinny S6 in realistic scenario's and her S6 definitely does.
So Cammy is just a Saiyan, right? Right down to the hair change.
I can't wait for all the new Jeji friends when 2.0 comes.
Yes she's even a vegetable
I was thinking more along the lines of appearing in the story or events.
Story likely not, until we get back to china, events maybe here and there, specially the black shores cast
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>Solon knows "THEY" hate the floaty
>Adds Bonus Floaty Dmg substat
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Calling it now, Yapyap's icon will be replaced by Camorra.
No, she's Tarzan.
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Haven't been here a couple days, have the paggers stopped their crap in trying to say that Cammy is a brick?
Maybe if Kuro dilutes the substat rolls enough, they'll be forced to release a substat selector...
Havent played the story yet but I was expecting camellya to rape/take rover's seed in some way then return after some time with the kid
that would be extremely based
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Solon will not replace the yap
He spent a year worth of revenue purchasing large yap
Yeah, think gook anon's showcases firmly dispelled any doubts that newcuties had regarding that.
If Yap doesn't come with us to Rinascita it's over for her.
People are misunderstanding her character, she doesn't want to rape (you), she wants (you) to take the lead, she's just laying it on thicker and thicker so that (you)'ll have to do something about it
We'll get a leak for the 2.x app icon in a few days lmao
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I haven't seen anyone say that in a while now
She's basically the most ungabunga caveman tier character in the game and humiliates hologram bosses without even trying
She's gonna get sexcreeped by an actual rapist
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I love wuwa so much...
Image is a spoiler, open it only if you finished cammy's story.
can we get a tsun wife next?
Someone post the image of Rover choking her during sex.
That's exactly what she wants.
The new illusive realm is just cluttering my backpack with echoes I don't have tubes or cubes for...
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>she wants (you) to take the lead,
How do you spin2win without getting interrupted every second?
they really need to increase weapon and echo storage
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>hahaha I'm gonna annoy you 24/7 until you try to rape me haha
>Rover... if you want, I'll store tea for you inside my robot onahole. Then... you'll always have tea... would you like that... my star....
Know the boss and find good patterns, or just don't spin because the dmg values of non-spin and her dodge counter dmg values are high enough that it makes up for not spinning.
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stop trying to kill yapper
Oh that's good to know, I thought spinning was the only viable way to play.
First time I've gotten a double 5* in this game.
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Solon heard us complaining about Echos
Now he will hear us complain about backpack size expansion.
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my glacio echoes......
Nooo, that's the wrong solution. Just give me enough tubes and cubes to upgrade echoes...
Ah yes, my glacio echoes that no one ever farmed because 0 characters actually make any use of it at all
Nah, her dmg values on her regular attacks and dodge counter make up for it, as long as you don't suddenly stop attacking for 3-5 seconds and you reach 10 stacks before using her Empowered Skill (Forte), you'll come out to roughly the same damage as if you spin2win.
i have been farming the aero and galico tacet field for a while bro. since i have OUR GENERAL and will pull for camorra
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I feel like there are big implications behind the fact that (You) are destined to be with Camellya in every timeline.
Implications about how the world itself functions, and also might explain why Rover keeps coming across people linked to their past.
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To combat the overflowing inventories, I will now add Echo Duel PVPs where you lose your completely built echo if it dies.
Ur just dumb
yeah its because Kuros writing is shit and they have no idea beyond making all female characters go
Sucks it was on the weapon banner
It's pretty obvious the only characters deserving of being 5* limited are the ones that form the deepest bonds with (you), so I wouldn't be surprised if there's diegetic lore to make that the case too
What's wrong, chump? Jealous?
kys incel
Hey at least it being a sword is the most valuable dupe it could be considering how many sword users there are
Pff. Bro, I'll fucking kill you, Anon.
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story ranking:
xiangli yao
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love you, Rover <3
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You're not me stop replying to that, or samefagging
Didn't they imply that Camellya met Rover even before she showed up without memories at Petalfall Village? Multiple timelines had a line to the effect that even though it's their first time meeting at the Black Shores, Rover feels familiar. Which might imply that Camellya is much older than she seems, possibly connected to how she's an artificial resonator. Also if it's true, Past Rover kept the information that she's met Lady Flora even before Petalfall from Lady Flora, which might have an intriguing reason. or it's just shit writing that'll lead to no where idk

JP version doko? Where's my Mariya Ise singing?
All me baby (I've spent $50 USD which is most of Canada's money)
*turns around*
*bends over*
*spreads cheeks open*
now give a kiss here too
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>chuck infinite toys
>enter brap cloud
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Welp, Cammy is gonna be sexcrept for sure if we get not!Alpha, since that one actually rapes.
not!Alpha is already inside (you)
Pff. Bro, I'll fucking kill you, Anon.
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now do it with 100 HP
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They did and they also acknowledged that memories sealed by Lady Flora lost for both Cammy and Rover forever. Camellya specifically said that she doesn't care about those memories.
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I can't believe Alpha got isekai'd
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now I can rest
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Please write in the next survey
>add minor catfights between my wives in the story
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not after that run going into a pack of normal monkeys
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>not!Alpha is already inside (you)
not if yapyap has anything to say about that
Huh. I've been fighting every boss with her for fun (Scar included) and overdrive Tethys was kicking my ass because the autoparry+aerial didn't really give me enough breathing room to spin much against that boss in particular, guess I'll try again while not trying as hard to spin.

Camellya's sword is super tailor made and useless on anyone else.
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nyoooooooooooo yjk Jinny will be bullied to irrelevancy
Don't do it if you know what's good for you jinny
It's marginally better than genesis on everyone
>had to use a crutch by using 2 characters
lmao is that supposed to be a impressive? everyone that is actually somewhat skilled at this game did it solo with a level 1 weapon as well
nice try humblebragging
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I really need to finish building my Sanhua-Zhezhi team... seems like fun...
nigger he's just sharing that he cleared his overdrive towers. Let him celebrate the little things, I haven't even touched mine. since they released it. lol
which wuwa ass do you want to grind your cock against
you are allowed to cum but no insertion
Any mathfag looked at Lumi's numbers yet? Can I make her beat BP wep XLY by giving her a 5* weapon?
taoqi easily
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easy answer would be changli or taoqi using their milkers.
the erudite answer would be lumi
lol no its the opposite 3 characters is too confusing for me so I only build teams of 2

have to keep it simple as a gamepad player
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My wife
>but no insertion
just because it says that doesnt mean I will adhere
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Bros, am I the only one who is friendless? do you add other wuwers?
all of my irl and discord friends hate wawu
My gweilo friends tricked me into playing on NA so I have them added.
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I accidentally added two from the coop event but they stopped playing so I removed them.
cant go 4 minutes without humblebragging huh?
I will remove all of mine so I can be just like you guys
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cumming on yinlin's ass and watching my cum drop down her sexy legs...
I added some day 1 wuwa anons here and now they are fucking dead.
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I added the EU WuWa players from the OP but the 2 times I asked to do coop together they both completely ghosted me.
Not even a response the day after pretending they missed it or anything.
You don't need friends in a mostly single player game that has matchmaking.
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>asking social autists he added from /wuwa/ to play coop
>gets ghosted
If Yangyang is voiced by Yui Ishikawa, who will voice Space Lucia?
Yui Ishikawa
Space Yui Ishikawa
Yangyang dies, and Space Lucia saves her by merging with her in the hopes of marrying Rover
give me your ID, wont ghost you and will play coop
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I don't have any either
I've got other games for when I want to play with real humans
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Im gonna say it, Im tired of leaks
2.0 is an eternity away and by the time the patch hits youve seen everything so why even bother checking it out? if the leaked character doesnt look interesting to you why even bother with the patch?
leaks only work when the update is a few weeks away not MONTHS
Space Yangyang? Would swipe for.
Is Stelletroon also part of Rover's harem?
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I'm more hyped for leaks than the actual patch.
bros I think cammy s2 is the most valuable resonance chain in the game right now
I was looking through the other characters and couldn't find anyone that gets 30% more overall dmg from 2 dupes
If we go by Fate rules. Saber was voiced by Ayako Kawasumi and Morgan was voiced by Yui Ishikawa.
Therefore, Space Lucia will be voiced by Yui Ishikawa, because that didn't stop PGR from having a NieR collab with 2B, that is also voiced by Yui Ishikawa.
cammy is a gen 1.5 unit, it will be the norm once gen 2 units come with 2.0
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There was some retard who randomly added me in /wuwa/ and tried to steal my stuff in the overworld. Good thing that I ignore him
How do I get Lumi?
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I want to comfort Yinlin and give her the happy family she's dreamed of
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>temporarily blocked for 15 minutes
I feel 3 days incoming once the tranny janny's mod boyfriends see xer report
see you soon my wuwas
>will find you boring and dull and too good 4-5 years in
>will stick around for another 5 or so because comfort
>will do shit behind your back meanwhile
>divorce an take half your shit and children with you
>has a new boyfriend lined up beforehand already
yeah you sure about that
Crownless is fucking dogshit to use with Cammy bros...
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All of my friends are from the recent co-op event.
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b-bros? where is she looking?
>press q
>press shift
>enjoy 20% DPS boost
wow how dogshit
I need friends though
10 years is like 10 kids bwo, one of them gotta be cool enough to keep her around. As for the divorce, I will own nothing and mooch off of her fed salary
I've seen this all my life in every multiplayer game
>do this thing for 1% more dmg but make your character +50% more annoying to play

nah I'm just gonna press dreamless right before I switch out and call it a day
I bet you guys don't even enter each other's maps and suck each other's dicks.
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I ask myself the same question every day.
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2.0 drip marketing when?
Probably will have to just wait for stream at this point.
This, never trust a whore who has betrayed her father.
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according to leak nigger, it's on 18/Nov
Trust the plan.
Now that people have rolled for Cammy Solon is going to drop the characters.
I can be your friend on EU, but I'm ESL.
How do you even play this game
Not just that. Most women lie and deceive for years shamelessly.
I have a lot from farming the havoc flowers and floaty guy... I was expecting new set though.
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Factually wrong
>Has daddy issues
>Latched on to you as her sole social anchor
>Will never leave you
>Would rather go full yandere than face abandonment
>Calls you darling
You'll have 3 kids and you'll be happy.
God, Rover you're such a fucking twink. How does your jacket fit so snugly on a girl?
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Too late...
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sorry too late, we just finished round 8
>changes her mind on a whim due to issues living in her head only
been there done that
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Psst. Hey. You there.... bow.
yeah hehe nobody farmed that set..
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Autistic individual trying to take a photo with a normal person
I remember looking for this image for an hour only to realize it's sloppa
no, you're gun
What is the equivalent of 'weeb' for Chinese stuff?
the formless skins are really good actually
I only like the Rectifier and Fist. The other ones are not so formless.
Are you becoming that unmarried weird uncle?
Why did you reply for me bro.
I really can't get enough of this bitch, I need a doujin of her already
Eastaboo. Sinoaboo.
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Wow the fact that it types out the stats on your echo as you recieve it is just a massive QoL.
Good job from Kuro.
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Never heard of go (weiqi in chinese)?
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>240 stamina is 80 tuners
>2 echoes with 4 rolls per day

Nah, how is this okay?
Just don't be poor
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Sinoboo is probably most accurate replacement for weeaboo, but I've never seen anyone use it.
Gweilo just means foreigner, plus it's a Cantonese word so it'll barely be used in mainland China.
Laowai is a far better word, comrade.
I hate it.
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git gud
I hate it, I want to blindly gather echoes for hours and then go into the filter.
This system already makes me want to kill myself while I'm grinding them.
I love it, I mindlessly roll for any upgrade so knowing if I got a ticket without having to go check is just great.
That's it, I'm not rolling for anymore characters until 3.0.
So starting from the right we have Chaika, then Michael Jackson, Rock Lee and Yotsuba from 5-toubun, looks promising.
Realistically speaking, what would be your sociar credit if you lived in China? Can it be approximated somehow?
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No 2.0 and onwards character will love you as much as Cammy does
Should I trash all my lingering bricks echoes. I have over 300 of them. All the one costs are attack mainstat and I have no def or hp 3 costs.
Old Cammy will
I'd be in the gulags by now, but I hope my spending on chinese sloppa offset it somehow.
lingering GODS are the future of this game
I trashed all the def/hp 1 costs all the def/hp 3 costs and all the def/hp/atk 4 costs.
You think getting a reminder to touch grass every 3 hours was too much for you? Phooey, you've never been to China
>Dreamless or Crownless
The answer is whatever has better subs.
>Dreamless 21% Cdmg, 10.1% Lib dmg, 7.9% Skill dmg, 7.5% Crate, 30 flat atk, Clear at 3:50:38
>Crownless 6.3% Crate, 6.4% Basic atk, 15% Cdmg, 8.6% atk, 60 def, Clear at 3:48:61
The above both have Sanhua on a blue wep so she doesn't contribute to dmg at all, and Verina because my SK is S6, and S0 Cummy on EoG in case people don't have her sig.
I already trashed those and have only the "good" ones left. But I still have over 300 echoes, nyooo...
>whatever has better subs.
I think this is universally applicable. I've seen people clear end-game content solo with no set-bonuses. Just pure fat stats.
have you thrashed all the mismatched 3-costs?
>I think this is universally applicable.
Yeah probably, just people have been debating specifically Crownless or Dreamless for a few days now so I went and tested both. Having video proof of there being really no difference is good too.
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>"boss there's someone approaching me at incredible speed"
>"what'd ya mean stay in my position? her face is full of blood while laughing maniacally, boss"
That's the thing about lingering tunes, there are no mismatched elements for 3 costs cause all elements can potentially use the set.
The strange part for me is that I do take breaks, though not necessarily for grass touching. The game doesn't seem to account for the time spent in the menu doing nothing.
I mean for the other elements. I have a lot of elemental bonus 3-cost stuck for lingering and moonlit that I'm thinking of scrapping some healing-set elemental bonus.
Is she not out yet? Fuck why is wuwa dripfeeding so hard.
Is there any character logic to the weekly boss mats? I have nothing to level might as well prep for Colleta starting from monday.
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The logic is that she'll probably use whatever materials come from the new region
Yes I have scrapped those for the other sets. My total echo inventory is still at like 1900s~.
I'm too poor for all the characters I wanna get, it's over
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i dont like this livyap
Don't farm anything for her just yet, even betas can be misleading, Cammy didn't initially use fallacy mats either they changed that on a later beta. Just farm tacet fields if you want to burn waveplate since there's no such thing as an excess on echo exp and tuners
Stop being a whore and wanting everyone.
We're both suffering from the same shit huh? I'm gonna hold off scrapping by batch until 2.0 leaks, I'm still hoping that they increase inventory size. If we don't hear any news I'm thinking of scrapping from sets where I already finished farming double crits, like for my 1-cost havoc set.
Shouldn't have rolled for weapons and or dupes
wait a minute this isn't livlov
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Just save for their rerun anon.
Kuro doesn't wait a year or more before rerunning characters.
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How much would you pay for a skin that changes Camellya to Lady Flora?
> Different voicelines
> Different animations
> Different personality
BDSM elf when
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Considering that Solon is (almost) certainly funding cosplayers, that means he probably invested in the Camellya sex swing.
Lady Flora? More like Lady Whore-a.
wtf lol
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Realistically never because I'm free-to-player chad.
One monthly
Is the anon that was yapping about cosplayers as prostitutes still here? How many camellyas is Solon pumping his seed in right now?
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3d is hopeless she looks fat, ugly and the opposite of elegant
This looks so stupid....
nta but what about this one? >>502434127
>AI filters
what about it
not even real
>D-D-Doesn't count
lmao even
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Man I'm having too much fun laughing at retards.
>Cuck beggars are now being deleted on sight.
I would've rolled for her day 1, not a fan of battle junkie women or shotas
I like sickly dying girls like Cummy,
Lore-wise, Jinhsi is still much stronger than Camellya right? Jinny didn't get powercrept in-world?
>tfw SolonCHAD is living the dream by sponsoring cosplays of his own waifus
how fucking undesirable are you that even plebbit of all things is rejecting you?
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>Lore-wise, Jinhsi is still much stronger than Camellya right?
The only place they have left is their husbando echo chamber it seems.
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Imagine her company/manager/agent or whatever trying to pitch this idea
>yes, we need to rent a crane, trust me it's gonna be great
that one is good but she uses a filter so it's more 2.5D
Jinhsi is the strongest resonator.
>Solon will releas hag-Jue which will take 50% of jinhsi's power back
Not for long
Lamo who's gonna tell him
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We need more hags.
holy shit i now remember this absolute trainwreck
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Mod locked tf in and i'm all for it
these fucking freaks need to be reminded that Kuro is a pandering company
is there no way to trial Loom rn?
i want to prefarm her but i need to know how she plays
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>Kuro is a pandering company
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I like it though....and most people do
Until Sega went full retard and kill it with gacha
>Revive your golden goose after decades
>Sold well
>Haha i know, let's make a shitty gacha mobile!
>Flopped so hard it kill the series again
i was talking about the gacha nyes
it was mostly delighthacks fault tho
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I didn't need to remember that shitty game
What's the ascension material costs after 60/60? 9 then 12 then 16?
don't want to overfarm
I don't care about the game, but I absolutely adore the opening song variations for each game and the new anime too. All of them are peak.
Camellya boss fight with her own drops was such a missed opportunity
lets hope we get a Luo or Scar boss fight at least
People want the Froglover ryona instant loss?
It will be white once I am done with her
I love this game purely because I won almost all my coinflips and they keep making hot women that want my penis. I love it even more when I see Kuro bashers just because they want more males lmao. Gathering Wives is peak, I never missed a Lunite sub since release.
2400 of the premium currency
I like real Flora more.
>cammy's skill nuke completely raw all by herself: 30,000 crit
>cammy's skill nuke buffed by shorekeeper ult+echo, and sanhua outro+echo: 188,000 crit
How the actual fuck do people do completely solo resonator runs in the tower when they have this much damage loss from no buffs? This level of gimped damage is so crippling

Its like an 85% damage reduction
tsubaki dresses like a whore
I want my wuwas following me in overworld and fighting alongside me like in the event.
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I'm running Cammy/Shore/Danjin so I can keep Sanhua with Encore. My problem is Danjin takes more time to build concerto compared to Sanhua and this is kind of shitty if you want to trigger Shorekeeper mininuke before the field runs out since both Crownless and Danjin take more field time compared to the other option.
>jealous jinny hand type this post btw
Some characters are better built to do stuff solo. Cammy is on the side that needs a teammate.
That 30k number is wrong.
No, ryona is for niggers
If you're NA you can add me.

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wtf i'm black now?!
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>POV: You're a boss who creates a parry circle when attacking
Mine does 300k crit skil nuke solo.
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oh no, I'm a nigger now!?!?!
drip in less than 2 days niggers
I would try out some rotations to see how it would be smoother for you, but my SK is S6 so it would be too unfair.
>both Crownless and Danjin take more field time compared to the other option.
Crownless shouldn't be taking up any time at all if you dodge cancel it like I did in the vid. The buff is applied as soon as you tap the button so you can cancel it instantly, can't comment on Danjin though.
Thanks anon but sadly I'm in EU.
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Bitch don't tell me what to do
No problem bwo, hopefully you'll find some EU friends
Is it enough for cammy?
get everything to 10 or you don't love her
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>he doesn't know
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>he doesn't realize what kind of break it is
You guys are double niggers.
Guys I'm kind of dense but does Cammy love Rover? It seems she only wants to get stronger.
No, your normal attack is also extremely important. Intro is fine, but should still be at 6 or whatever the lowest non weekly boss mat needing level is.

But really, we are at the point where you should 10 everything important (so everything bout intro in this case)
Cummy needs to be punched in the stomach.
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Just because you said that, I'm gonna mod in the pink ryona Camellya
every character is f2p if you don't pay
If you buy using VPN, you're basically stealing from Solon
E (vine) -> Q -> Swap -> HA -> Spin -> E nuke -> E (exit vine) ->HA -> Spin -> Swap
After E nuke exit floaty with E right away, or exit before nuke if concerto isn't enough. The normal form does more damage and has OP dodge counter.
It's robbing
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I ran out of Premium Tuner's
>thigh meat literally bursting out of her clothes
So if Sanhua is now locked to Cammy, who do I use with Encore?
Oh, that explain why I started getting so many 3 cost glacio on set lately...
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Changli + Anko could work
If you can't do that for some reason then you're just fucked
Um, she's getting replaced next patch with clowncoco.
I guess I'm holding for her rerun then. I do love Chiwa saito so I did try to roll for her but I got Lioned.
They did pay me back by giving me Zeshi and her weaon each on a single 10 roll though, so I forgave them.
Danjin with Cammy and Sanhua with Anko
Oh that's a good idea, only I got Danjin really late so she's level 20 and I've only now started leveling Havoc Echos so I got nothing to spare her, Cammys are also garbage so far ;;
>run out of resonator exp
>run out of weapon exp
>run out of money
>run out of echoes xp
>2500 tuners
Changli until you get Rococo so you can use her with Cammy instead and go back to Sanhua and Anko
Same, I do have a lot of boxes though so I should just stop beeing lazy really.
Well Hikaru no go was decently popular *cough* 20 years ago *cough* so I guess it's too old now. Still good fun though if you want to delve deeper.
tl;dr two players, respectively black and white, takes turns placing one of their stone on the intersections of a 19x19 grid board (13x13 or 9x9 for quicker games).
Goal is to use these stones as a border to enclose the most intersections as your territory. Most intersections controlled wins. Encircling your opponents stones captures them and gives additionnal points. Easy to learn, ultra hard to master.
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I kinda wanna download the monke paimon mod...
Puffy cunn
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>Scrolling through Douyin
>Suddenly jumpscared by the /wuwa/ Zhezhi mod
We made it, we're famous
Use Yapyap with cammy, she charges her outro pretty fast and her buffs are pretty ok
You can use moonlit on Danjin to buff Cammy
Good call, Yangyang was my on my initial team with Chixia and Verina so she's got okay skill levels and charlevel 81.
I need more fallacy coins for my Camellya but I'm out of waveplates.
Anon... Your energy cubes?
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That's crazy
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Am i tripping or they fixed the 120FPS desync cutscenes bug
When will these faggots and women realize this game isn’t for them? Why play a game that doesn’t target you? I swear they come into like everything and just demand it change to their taste. Fuck off to Mihomo games if you don’t like waifu pandering.
>b-but muh general was 1st banner that means the game is for husbandolovers reeeeeeee
>who cares that males sale worse reeeeeeeee release more males reeeee
I used to have 1500+ tuners but the need for double crit sub stats absolutely drained it. At least Sanhua and Danjin are now built.
Spent like my seed.
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Btw these are the people that constantly complain about the game and search out posts about it. They don’t even play.
Camellya took all my fucking resources.
I'm seeing stuff like "they never advertised this as an ML game", like, did they not play the last few patches? Even the male characters are all (for you), if you want yuri or shipping or fujo you may as well move to Hoyo games.
I wonder about that. Cammy is kinda the queen of on-field and I feel more so than buffs, the amount of field-time supports take matters the most to her.
Not real people, it's just falseflagging shitposters which is why they're banned on sight, they have nothing of value to add. No shipfaggot is actually playing this game, it's all just bait
They're so used to every western game beeing targeted towards homos and women that they lash out whenever there's anything for gamers lol
Did you get S6 Camellya? I've got one and still have 51k astartes.
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>finally done with Changli quest
Changli using Fuling as a front to talk about her own mortality was good
how do i rewatch the hot spring sexo scene tho? really didnt expect her to do everything (you) asked her
now its Zhezhi and then Anko
too bad she seems like a brick
Isekai has been warped to always be followed by harem because of the millions of light novel adaptations in that genre, so newfags just use those words aimlessly because it conveys that vague aesthetic. Doesn't even matter if the story is an isekai or not, granted WuWa might actually be an isekai story with some of the lore implications going on
That's actually true. One of the funniest things is that there are like 500-800 posters on r/gachagaming that brigade every Snowbreak or Wuwa thread and shill GF2, but none of them ever post in a GF2 thread. They are in for a rude awakening when they find out that GF2 has a lot more real romance content than GF1. They think it's an anti-ML game because of the Raymond incident.
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The weak should fear the strong, Lady Magistrate wouldn't have been bested so easily.
Bro, why don't you just dodge lol?
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Wasn't 1.0 the part with Scar, Geshu Lin and Jiyan? The girls barely did anything outside of the prologue, and it was mostly Yapyap yapyapping. If 1.0 had too much women for them, all future patches must have been pain and suffering.
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Is this really necessary?
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I managed to outfit my Sanhua with a dual crit set with the scraps I had left from building Cummy.
This is with a lvl 70 ATK% weapon. The subs are a bit weak, but I really can't afford to fish for better ones with only 100k shell credits and no ATK% 1-costs left.
Does this look alright?
all ive heard is that Mica backpedalled hard after THAT
>>502448542 anon is right but Godlucia tossing (you) away might be enough to consider it an isekai
Skindentation is so good bros
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Ye, her cunn is really puffy and shaved
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Yes, such little details are crucial to my experience
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Can nearly see her holes...
>all ive heard is that Mica backpedalled hard
It's not even that, it's Mica giving too much power to that woman writer who wanted to give Shikikan as small a role as possible, thankfully she seems to not have that kind of power anymore, they won't confirm if she's been replaced though.
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Zhezhi is ugly.
they truly ruin everything huh
Apologize to MASTER Zhezhi right now
Imagine the heavenly smell
how come we didn't get cummy's flower as a special item
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Why does it take so long her to get her outro skill, am I building her wrong? She has energy set and standard sword
no it's weak men that ruin everything, women are just childlike creatures doing as they're programmed
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Why sometimes Cammy is in the Blossom (red hair) mode right after the intro? And sometimes she isn't. I don't understand.
It was the same in wuwa too.
One of the woman who worked for Snowbreak (she was one of the writer and the game nearly EoSed) but they replaced her after the backlash the CBT1 got.
Changli's words at the end of the quest are pretty interesting.
Is Solaris just Rover's dream and all the characters just memories in another tentative to fight the lament?
Bro, are you doing the rhythm game correctly
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Bros, I think changli might be better for overworld afterall. There are way too many havoc resistant mobs out there for cammy.
did you do the rotation right?
her combo alone can just 100% ER everytime
The woman wanted to make events like what twitter and leddit want wuwwers to be.
>MC offscreen
>female gacha characters interact with NPC men (must be male, very important)
Her infamous event felt like shitty faction of the Writer x The Writer's OC Husbando. it was funny because there was all this romantic setup, but the character in question literally could not care less about the guy, she was obviously meant to be replaced with the reader of the event. The event itself was badly written too and there was some really funny dumb stuff like Raymond's village making tea from potato flowers (which are extremely toxic, from the Nightshade family)

Was the WuWa CBT and Snowbreak CBT writer a woman? I don't remember if their gender was confirmed.
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Always all in bros, even though the cdmg is low
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Changli hands typed this
I usually do skill -> liberation -> strong atk -> bird -> out
What is the rotation? I just spam E, R and AA until it gets full but it takes years
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Bro E and R are not good enough to fill her bar up the fuck do you want??
>look up EN comments
>everyone complaining they hate the harem
>look up JP comments
>everyone liked tsubaki and her story
I can only hope Kuro knows who to listen to
Not going to post the picture because I don't want THAT conversation to start again, just know that JP is one of the top 5 spenders, and US (where most of these western abominations are from) is 12th. Even Canada (9th) and Australia (10th) spend more.
Kuro knows exactly who to listen to.
you are supposed to detonate with your heavy attack minigame little bro
Wheres the drip marketing bros
I just do
Intro > E > R > Hold mouse until blue > Release > Q > Swap
Sometimes (rarely) not enough crystal detonations hit enemies and you need to do 1-2 normals for full concerto
Also don't need any ER, She has 100 cost. Lowest, alongside Danjin Yapyap and Youhu
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"2 Become 1" Cover by Camellya
Enjoy it while it last.
Bwo...please just watch someone like the gook anon. His Sanhua Verina rotation takes like 8s total and then the rest is Camellya's time to shine.
sis....your heavy...
>Mariya Ise english
Damn AI u scary
So what should I play first? Somnoire or Cummy's quest?
Play Cummy's quest first
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"You are poor my dear Rover and you know it"
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Any recommendation?
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Is 44111 better for Camellya R6? Does the diminishing returns on DMG% balance it out?
What a shame.
Does a Rabbit hole deco 27 ver. already exist?
It's funny how reddittards always scream that "they should stop appeasing CN and listen to global!!!" without realizing that Japan is the biggest part of "global". And in Japan gender segregation and pandering is the norm.
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I don't think so? This my (Verina + heal set buffed) Cammy. The multipliers are all fairly similar to the point that this should be pretty much ideal.

With Shorekeeper this should be even more the case. Or wait, you mean maxed sword? That'd be 5 not 6. I think it's still not really mattering but I only have one of her sigs.
But Snowbreak story is even worse now
Yes i remember i had it but i can't find it anymore, probably in the archive
Sorry, I meant S6, 7 copies of the character (and 1 of the weapon)
Doesn't matter.
What's important is that the game is alive.
Also fuck women and fuck the normalfags.
>Game has (you) pandering
I play.
>Game has zero (you) pandering
I'm out.
Simple as.
Intro ->E ->R ->Detonation -> full concerto and swap out.
Fastest in the game, at least among the ones I use, by a fair marigin.
In their favorite sensor tower, Korea is combined under global, which is hilarious. The trannies think it's all them when really it's Korea doing the heavy lifting. (Korea is rank 1st in the post I was on about with JP, USA, etc)
Intro>Skill>Liberation>Heavy attack (Detonate) once or twice>Echo> should have enough concerto for outro
You can throw a Skill > detonate > Liberation > detonate if you feel like it.

Usually you only want the crit buff on Basic attack 5 if you play her Main DPS glacio set like me and there a catch, Intro will skip basic attack to BA3, and whiffing the Heavy attack will skip to BA4. Pretty good feeling when you manage to parry with it or as a panic parry sometimes since you only need to hold attack and release quasi-immediately and her parry timmings for regular attacks can throw you off a bit.
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Can't wait to see Phrolov again in 2.x
I really love her eyes
can someone post the picture of the lady flora data from the 1.3 patch
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Awe... so wholesome and sweet. I really liked it.

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