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Previous: >>502409532

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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sex with alhaitham
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I'm already Fapping to the hu tao skin
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Just did the new Abyss.
>12-1 first side effortlessly one-shot
>12-1 second side effortlessly one-shit
>12-2 first side effortlessly one-shot
>12-2 second side effortlessly one-shot
>12-3 first side effortlessly one-shot
>12-3 second side had to reset three times because my Arlecchino kept dying and I didn't use a shielder because I wanted to pretend to be good at video games
I thought I'd have more issues with the plunge mini-boss.
Sex with chinky dress HuTao
wrio love
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coomer Nahida skin when?
now solo it
small/flat "girls" are just boys
if you like them then you are ultra gay
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>>I thought I'd have more issues with the plunge mini-boss.
I kept waiting for the shield to go up but it never came
my dick will enter the vagina and nibble the flat
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Who's actually going to buy a skin for a tired, old piece of shit character that has no use anymore? Fucking retarded company.
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missing xiangling
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Arlesexo thread begins now!
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Why do I only have 7 keys?
Don't you get 4 everyday?
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It was a genuine typo, o and i are right next to each other on my keyboard.
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we will get a free Xiangling skin
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every fucking other game devs is pumping skins for new characters
heck even HI3 devs are making skins for more or less new character
while Genshin devs are just "yup, time to make skin for 3years old character that most people forgotten about and skip on banners"

are they trying to bait Tectone into Genshin again by triggering his ptsd cause by HuTao and Homa staff?
[Reliable] Lantern Rite has a new red dress skin for Hu Tao and a pyro archon suit for Xiangling (think Furina suit for Xingqiu)

Source: Uncle Guoba
>Posts the character nobody ever rolled for
Liyue was a mistake, this region needs to be nuked and erased from game existence
this, I will never buy shenhe keqing or yucka skins.
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or we get a free Yao skin
this but shartroonpagzuma and reddit Shogun
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>slut motorcyclist skin for xiangling
Is that what they mean? If so, that would be upsettingly funny.
that red dress skin should be Yelan costume since they would fucking finally break the "color coded outfit and skins" pattern
nobody cares about Yelugly
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My Archon
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i love color coded outfit. it fits her.
Ayato giving Yae a golden shower!
That means he owns her in fox-language!
any EU cryo/pyro/hydro box?
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>last 5* was a physical brick over 3 years ago
>last new release was a shitty twink in 3.3
>only one permanent area expansion
>its own temporary event area never will return
>events just return the same set of characters to key jangle with
>or just more Witchshit with Alice never making a physical appearance
It kinda gets to you when you hear of [Questionable] leaks showing the third annual Inazuma character released post 2.x, while this nation keeps letting NPCs take over knight captain spots.
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That's too much effort for a 4* skin LOL modkek
>/gig/ hates mature sexy looking women
>they prefer children, barely developed girls and young boys
what went wrong? /gig/ used to be based and full of chads. Now it's lair of FBI most wanted targets
please stop with the asymmetric designs they are really bad
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they would never remove her comically large bells
they are her key-feature
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Post abyss clears
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I have the cryo box today. autojoin will be on for a bit. afk'ing.
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Oh no I fell for Arlecchino's honey trap haha
>average modfag.webm
China loves it tho, so never.
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MHY doesn't have the balls for that, Wuwa will probably get one though.
I have a pyro box 707472749
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I want free xiangling sex
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Abyss keeps getting easier
>seething anti-mod insta replies to this mindbroken, but the outfit looks too high ever to ever be done as a GI skin
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that's her actual design.
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Yes! Please!!
I just want simple, cool and appealing designs that gets the point across. Not all this gaudy shit.
Symmetrical designs only work for really conservative clothing. Otherwise you'll see them used with female characters to help draw the eyes to certain parts i.e. breasts or legs
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Tao wonned bigly
Does she have autism?
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this one was pretty nice, i will gladly take tulpa over field generator
If it's any consolation the next one looks like total aids
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looks like shit
>only one sword in one hand
nice symmetry nigger
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Boys in tight diving suits
you sound like a faggot
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>back to blurry images
Total leaktranny death
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>Symmetrical designs only work for really conservative clothing
No, it works for scantily clad outfits as well. Even the most basic bitch shit dodnt need one sock or stocking on the leg to look good
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/gig/ pedos don't want this type of designs here
Embrace equilibrium and order, faggots. It brings elegance instead of clownish design.
Riffani is dead anon
A boy with tits, so I have to choose between pedophilia and homofaggotry?
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We like booba in this general
ArleKino > Pyronchon
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How can Genshin even compete?
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No we don't faggot
Hold on, I recognize that dress...
Approximately 12 hours, ~24 if you haven't done the aranara quests since they're also a requirement
>one sword in only one hand
>one ahoge only pointing in one direction
>belt with only one buckle
>clearly asymmetrical cloak
once more, nice "symmetrical design" dipshit
The only people who see that and freak out are faggots and women who aren't attracted to the characters in the first place.

Asymmetry draws the eyes to the arousing bits and you're never going to escape it.
I don't believe but if that's true she is getting her spear back from Arle.
I'm a transistor
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It takes a while even if you spam F
What's wrong bro? Can't afford the 100k donation limit for him to show the real pic? Why do you leech off leakers hard work?
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/gig/ loves boys without tits, so you'd fit right in
you are both in this case
but your hatred to females means you won't pass your DNA and make kids. Sticking dick into ass is safer for humanity future at least
>hatred to females
uh because I like girls that look like girls?
who is /gig/
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I do not much care for the hydro tulpa boss.
My personality? Pretending my fetish ERP cord is all of /gig/ and strongman our fetish as /gig/ culture
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some asymmetry is nice. hoyo is garish about it at times.
Sparklebros look like THAT?
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>The only people who see that and freak out are faggots and women who aren't attracted to the characters in the first place
Please no projection, you see plenty of symmetrical Bikini Armours and you dont see some guy playing mix and Match with stockings and cuffs on bunny suits.
Most of these features can have people's eyes drawn to them without needing to look goofy like that, hence why a lot of people just like stockings or bare legs or ZR socks in general.
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Can I get a soul check?
Gross, theyre one step from going full tranny
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Thanks for the extremely helpful answers!!
I can get that when it comes to those thigh bands or colours or I guess in a non sexual sense, stuff like a more heavily armoured arm with warriors.
Maybe I'm being too hyperbolic because of some of the more stupid cases you see with Hoyo or some other games.
>fat slobs in cargo pants discussing what is good fashion designs
/gig/ doesn't approve of story skipping, you got the answers you deserved.
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You can't just throw out buzzwords you don't understand. "projection" in this case would mean I'm projecting me seething at asymmetrical designs...I'm the one defending them.

Bikinis have natural contrast because the only bit that is covered are the arousing bits, your eyes are naturally drawn there. And even then they often include accessories to further draw your eyes to other parts like the legs. Asymmetry helps to make more conservative designs sexy.

i.e. with another character like Furina the little bands around her thighs act in the same way thighhighs do to draw your eyes there to zettai ryouiki
>grasping at straws
>>assymetrical cloak
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Yaoyao bikini skin when?
They managed to make an abyss that is somehow even easier than the last one.
as dead as genshit troonpact?
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I want to drink Arlecchino's breast milk
Sorry xis, but I just won't play your shitty scamcha no matter what you say about Genshin
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Comfy Abyss
my shitty scamcha is genshit troonpact. it's dead
Abyss clears, doko?
ehh maybe next week.....
>Asymmetry helps to make more conservative designs sexy.
We live in a world when Barbara did that without having stupid asymmetry despite having a conservative design
And the worst cases with Asymmetry are with non-conservative designs outside of MHY games, where they do it regardless.
>with another character like Furina the little bands around her thighs act in the same way thighhighs do to draw your eyes there to zettai ryouiki
You lost me. If you said Nilou I'd get it because she has the sole thigh band. And in Furina's case it's pretty symmetrical because they put it on both of her legs.
>using fish or yelan on 2nd side
You didn't beat the abyss.
I found a thread on plebbit saying 3 hours for Act IV, I'll just hornypost in these threads from now on instead of asking game-related questions...
I want to refund the old skins I bought
they look like trash compare to this one
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it didn't get easier
it just happens that the previous cycle was in GEO shilling mode so every team you used GEO felt more shit than usual
the element is THAT bad
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>checked the friend list
>last seen: 30 days ago
>last seen: 30 days ago
>last seen: 30 days ago
>last seen: 30 days ago
>last seen: 30 days ago
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She literally has the same kind of band around her leg to draw your eyes to her thighs. And people back then shit on these skins for being too conservative.
I thought the previous abyss was a lot harder than the new one
No, I don't have Zhongli, Chiori, Navia, Itto or Albedo
>no counterargument
i thought you wanted to post a symmetrical design? Clearly those things I wrote about make it asymmetrical, right? You're not retarded enough to argue with facts, right?
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When will they release Keka's story quest and hangout event?
Isn't she a popular 5 star?
Nah this one is easier
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no feet?
asking for a soul check means your soul is 0
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You already have a custom phone greedy fuck.
We need Chiori part 2.
Why is it always two autistic creeps fighting over the most banal shit with their tldr posts every time I check this place?
fuck off footfag
cmon retards you don’t actually believe this right? remember the barefoot ganyu pixelated skin leak???
>She literally has the same kind of band around her leg to draw your eyes to her thighs
I was talking about her base design. I should've clarified that, but I was only talking about Bikini Armour rather than Bikinis as a whole. Then then I can concede and say that minor asymmetry is cool since I dont mind Nilou's.
>And people back then shit on these skins for being too conservative
They're pretty mediocre in general even without the Hijab shitposts, I can't lie. Leg focus can't save Barb's for me outside of just looking cute.
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I spent the last two weeks trying to fix this guy's artifacts. I think I'm just going to craft him a crit rate circlet when next patch hits. I haven't gotten a single crit rate circlet with a crit damage substat.
~70/120 crit ratio is a fair bit better than ~43/172 crit ratio, right?
Yaoyao sexoooooooo
>Chiori launches
>Mostly shitposted but generally just ignored
>Year later
>Suddenly dozens of anons in love with her
the Nilou leak was real tho
yeah I would go with the 70/120
all that crit damage isn't doing much for you when you will barely crit.
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Post more Citlali pls. I really like her design
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Try asking a question that doesn't out you as a story skipper. What the fuck will you know about Citlali apart from her appearance if you skip all of her dialog?
>one sword in only one hand
Truly /gig/ arguments are magical
>cloak is on both sides of her shoulder
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NTA but she does buff NA damage with her passive and still provide's superconduct for Clorinde's passive atk boost
if the boob window will actually show any tits then this skin is ok
if this is another case of Focalors wearing dress with boob window while being flat as plank then GI devs should just try bungee jumping but without bungee cord
I just finished Inazuma. Thoughts?
But... It has Chinese text...
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But Barbara wears a skirt that you can look up. Long conservative skirt but wearing some sexy lacy panties or something is a common trope. It accomplishes the same thing in that case.
it's not a surprise that hu tao is nearly flat. do you expect the devs to suddenly give her bigger tits?
Don't give a shit about someone's life story. I see pretty girl, I rape.
You thought the AQ felt rushed and you will base your opinion around the entire region, its world quests and its subareas around this fact
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No, it doesn't. The Ahoge is in the center of her head. Split her down the midle, you get equal hair on either side. She has epaulettes on both shoulders, her cloak is entirely symmetrical.
When your entire reasoning hinges on a swordswoman using a single sword as a point for assymetry, it just comes off as a pedantic and pathetic attempt to get the last word. And if it is *that* important to you, then yes, she's technically assymetrical whenever she uses a sword. Otherwise, she's not.
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>4 days or less until Mavuika + Citlali + pyro traveler kit leak NUKE
I'm slightly excited
I am glad that I will never have to go back there ever again.
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I dont know about that symmetry thing, gamers. Maybe if I tried horizontally?
this image would have been perfect without the watermark
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>only 1 measly elixir for F2Ps this patch
Why are these devs so fucking stingy
you're the only one who spams this ugly bitch
Personally, I thought the Inazuma AQ felt rushed and the entire region, its world quests and its subareas suffer from this fact.
>what is dynamic posing
Now THIS is grasping at straws!
Then post her in the proper t-pose so that we can fairly judge the symmetry of her design.
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Nahida/Kuki is so broken even against hydro tulpa I got 3* easily
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I speedread, I don't brainlessly mash through all the dialogue.
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Umm sweetie they just gave you a brand new item that lets you craft artifacts* and you still think you have the right to complain?
*rank 0, no guaranteed 4 liner, subject to roll RNG, restricted to one per patch (assuming you even have the elixirs which you don't)
They are 12 to 16 times more valuable than the ones our sister game gets.
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Why are (You) so stingy?
Rope yourself, waifutroon
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>>"I don't brainlessly mash through"
>Don't pay
>Wtf why isn't the store giving me free shit?? This is an outrage!
>event calender in the battle chronicle knows i completed abyss
>the actual graphic still hasn't updated and won't update for another 1.5 hours
What the fuck is wrong with their web designers? Why does it take so long to sync up?
>had to reset for 10 minutes
>what the differences between fast walk and running?
kill yourself
fuck you subhumans stop trying to ruin Genshin by turning it into unplayable MMO trash
other players always have malicious intentions and can never add anything positive
multiplayer is always worse in every way than playing alone
fuck multiplayer as a concept
There's that many requests.
Game is very popular!
It probably harvests the information from your player profile which just displays the deepest floor you've cleared in that month
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Every day I thank the lord for making me attracted to women at any breast size
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don't worry bro I can't co op anymore because no one is playing this dead game lmaooooo
>But Barbara wears a skirt that you can look up
You can look up any one's skirt if you can try, and it's not like you have Panties in this game since they censored that. And before then it wasn't lacy but a standard set of panties, so it's still appealing to people. Barb's nun outfit is pretty symmetrical but gives good leg focus and does the common thing that you like with skirt+pantyhose. It does a lot more compared to a weird one piece
If we were going to go there, then a more traditional Nun outfit would still get people's Neurons activated for reasons. But a really good way of doing asymmetry with a conservative design would just be a sole slit on one side of the skirt.
Leave him alone he is using mualani
Why are Lumine posters so fucking retarded I swear, makes my blood boil. Just like women drivers.
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>he uses 4* in abyss
Peak cringe right there. You just know it's some sweaty fatass tryhard
lose wait fatty
>Arletroon is retarded
You will get 2 free from the new villages, and 2 more from unlocking more levels at the sakura natlan tree tablet shit, plus the one from the patch is a total of 5 for free
God I love this image
easily the best sparkle cosers our there.
it's the most retarded idea to give flat female character outfit with boob window when that character has no tits

it's like giving gloves and boots as a birthday present for someone that don't have legs and arms
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>the same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie?
>same procedure as every year, James
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those lucky bastards
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>claims that this is the easiest abyss ever
>no one in this thread could clear it without T0/T1 characters
i still like klee
Apparently the lord also made you attracted to boys
Is candace or moner good for mualani? i have all those characters but not nahida
I used keka
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>People using what they likes
>peak stupid
>people using 4 stars in abyss
>peak cringe
>people using 5 stars in abyss
>peak metafag
only in /gig/ - toxic genshin impact general
my shit didnt update yet, just cleared it
candace is but only before c6, at c6 she steals vapes and slides over to becoming an arle support.
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Maybe no one cares about your abyss clear?
I care
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>censored that
Barbara has noticeable panties even underneath her flowery tights. And get fucking real, being able to look up skirts is a big deal to men which is why devs try to give as much detail to pantsu as possible despite how much censorship exists. If not for CCP then they'd all have really detailed and nice underwear.

>If we were going to go there, then a more traditional Nun outfit would still get people's Neurons activated for reasons
Yes, one of the big appeals of nun fetishism is imagining that the girl is secretly lascivious underneath the garb. The clothes themselves are not sexy.
It's Genshin, nearly the whole roster is T0/T1. Very few in T2 like Keqing/Sigewinne and like no one in T3, maybe C0 Dehya
I don't, and I'm a very important person
How many cons and what weapon?
if no one cares, why do they criticized my runs?
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When does the 5.0 AQ get interesting? I completed Cochina's segment and now they forced me to do Mutilani's SQ for some reason
It's so fucking bad
1 con lions roar r2?
HuTao was a base model for Sparkle and Camellya. Both are improved and more attractive versions of HuUgly
>amber, yaoyao and Lisa
>Not t6 trash
>C6 Candace steals vapes
Who started this meme? That has never happened to me
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Boys have penises and XY chromosomes. Hu Tao has an ideal hourglass figure(second widest hips after Mualani for her model) that no male has.

If your #1 feature for finding a woman is attractive is her tits where most women don't even have tits large enough to see through a loose shirt then you're the only fag.
This is Your brain on Chinese's made-up tierlist.
Yaoyao is the aggravate queen
Lisa is the 4th best support for Neuvillette
Ok you got one
Maybe the game simply isn't for you? Ever thought about that? Huh??
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Reddit-tier answer.
Try to be creative with your answer.
I like Yao in Kinich team, she holds deepwood, buffs dendro damge and heals.
rope yourself, waifutroon
I only give good answers to good posts.
So far nobody has gotten my (you)s
It doesn't get interesting.
I cum on kiara. She hiss at penis
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What about them?
TCG devs need some recognition for being able to translate Sigewinne's nonsensical kit into the card game.
excellent posts
Doing that poorly these days huh
are you gonna finish that
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Jean's mom in the future.
>Barbara has noticeable panties even underneath her flowery tights.
They were a lot more noticable in CBT, you can barely see them with her model now, if they are there. She still has shading unlike others panty hose or tights characters
>Yes, one of the big appeals of nun fetishism is imagining that the girl is secretly lascivious underneath the garb. The clothes themselves are not sexy.
The outfit is still there on a lot of these, or they get modified for the sexual appeal side, So it still has some level of attraction, even if it's for contrasts like a nun with a huge ass where the conservative clothing either can't hide or ends up showing focus to the sexual features underneath.
I do agree that secretly slutty is one of the core things, but you also do get pure girl nuns with it being sexual corruption.
Hot if men
Meh if women
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>they get a free bronya
>i still have to be stuck in this flintstone ass region for another year at least to get mine
That's a man
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Please dont cum on Kiara
Meanwhile Rosaria's card seems like meme tier at best
I get they wanted to emphasise the critical hit aspect of it instead of giving it a plain and boring +1 damage effect but the current version looks like it's just going to get used solely for one shot video clip montages where you don't see them failing the coin toss 3 times before succeeding
too bad the real bronya is called silver wolf now.
Literally my thoughts aswell
I sure hope seele is on the same region so I can have two c6r1, but that's asking too much.
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Frederica was already teased in the wargame event to return to Mondstadt and take control of the re-established 8th company, so with any luck we'll finally get another Mondstadt character in 5.x.
I just hope they give her some attractive aging features. Just a little. She IS supposed to be a woman in her late 40s after all.
Took them long enough kek
>honkcucks still thinks their dime store characters will be in Genshin.
>clear floor 11 some eighty minutes ago
>ten minutes later clear floor 12
>battle chronicle updated with floor 11 data an hour ago
>floor 12 data still not up
Someone explain this to me, please.
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Do not insult the Flintstones by comparing them to the outright revolting pile of garbage known as Natlan
>what is yae miko / yae sakura
>what is pagden shogun / pagden mei
>honkcord and arlefuricord baiting at the same time
It takes longer if you switch teams / reset
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do I get c3 himeko or c1 clara
Give the honkies a break, their threads don't even get a single post per minute
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Sure but lasciviousness is the point. Fantasizing that a pure and innocent girl is actually normal or slutty underneath the clothes. So the design having symmetry or not doesn't matter in cases like that which was the original point of the argument.

One of these things is purely physical attraction/instinct and the other is a sexual fantasy that is facilitated by the themes of the clothing rather than instinct.
>where most women don't even have tits large enough to see through a loose shirt
Sounds like a design flaw to be honest senpai
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seele soon
Why is Elden Ring so good compared to Genshin Impact?
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I'm getting E1 Clara even though I already have Yunli
fontaine was rewritten
it has gameplay
Lol didn't realize i pronounce her name wrong in my head. But that works too
Looks like random pixiv reject number 500
Soulless chud
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I cummed so hard on short hair kokomi and my dick is hurt.
That should’ve been our Hydro Archon instead of floprina and that homo dragon
>110k subscribers
>Not even 4k views
This is how you know he bought subscriptions from some indian social media farm
Cute boy.
It's a cute nun flipping you off and you're whining
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Great, we're going to have to put up with normalfags laughing at us and /hsrg/ raiding us
>it's ok when fontaine is in a completely different era compared to mond because I like cock and consistency can fuck off when there's cock to suck
you will never be a woman fontranny
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I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao I want to fuck hu tao
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This retard made even more of a clown of himself in Wuwa when he tried to BTFO Gacha Smack by saying that 4-4-1-1-1 is complete dogshit, and trying to reference calculus, but if you actually calculate it 4-4-1-1 is like 1-2% worse for most characters, and is about 500x easier to grind for. It also is actually better for some characters like Jinhsi too.
It has better world building and lore
This. GRRM is the greatest maestro of writing in our century
can't even play genshin today i'm at fucking work on a fucken saturday
I remember coping about seele being the hydro archon waaaay back.
I still rolled c6r1 furina because the sumeru year made me save way too much. but my preference is quite obviously sketched towards seele.
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It's okay that Genshin isn't giving anything
is this game fun? is it fun to coop?
I need to c2 my sigewinne.
Rerun when?
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>tenten is actually back
uh oh melty!
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I dont see the appeal of Kinich.
i rolled chevy and i got him by "accident"
I maxxed him, give him good stats natlan's crit set with 50/110 crit ratio and 3.2k atk from WGS. 3/8/7 talents as well.
but damn, he's sucks. he's terrible. he got so much style, but yet he's undamaging which is sad. I like his interaction with the ajaw but outside of that, he's just budget chinese emo boy.'
kinich is not that good. he's not fun, he's terrible. im tired to spin around with his kit.
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We already have (rewritten) Seele
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Right, a design flaw in your head to where the vast majority of women are unattractive to you unless they get surgery. That sounds kind of gay.
No? It's a gacha game. You roll and you look at it, you don't play it.
Nobody cares.
>that watermark
Why users always put that? They just ruin good fanart like this.
>He's trooning out
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I hate these HACKS
your joke of an argument is not consistent
the game objectively started out as medieval fantasy, like in your flinstone example fontaine's technology should have been tweaked to be sensitive to the time period (like magic golems or such)
you give frottaine a free pass because you're a disingenous homo tranny who hates natlan for other reasons (female characters)
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You're probably going to have to wait a while for that.
I'm just going to play pokemon heartgold again I'm tired of gachaslop
good choice
Uh oh still seething!
Their way of fumbling what by all means and accounts should have been one of Natlan's fan favourite characters should be studied
Literally how do you take a character with the Sasuke & Naruto premise, put them in a weeb game and then fuck it up?
I accept your concession tranny
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sustainer waiting room
Full shiny team? Does pokemon have pity?
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frfr no cap senpai ongod??
You need Emilie and >b to unbrick him
Still not gonna play that boring turn based RPG.
>Still sneeding
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>I didnt farm any artifacts for him so he sucks
Wow ok
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Nah, he's just doing the meta. People are way more willing to watch your stream if you put a cute anime girl in the bottom of the screen. Doesn't matter if you're a man or woman.

Even the church realizes this now. The Dodgers did a collab with hololive and won the World Series. The age of anime is upon us.
No one cares about your wormnich.
why are some of my characters on akasha not working
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offtop deadass.
>char and chevy
Based Fontainebro.
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just that?
Mihoyo and Wasting Resources. always good pair
have bennett c6, no emilie
i currently prefarmed for emilie. can't farmed for him yet.
Why are you guys not using your Neuvillettes to clear?
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I can't wait any longer for the Tsaritsa so I might finally download hsr to get her there.
because the redditors that run akasha have to "approve" the leaderboards before the characters are allowed to have them, so some characters simply don't have leaderboards.
I dont have nevilette
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None of those units are good anymore.
Wtf bros they're making this 4 year old fanart real...
The roots....
no furina used to have one now it doesn't show what rank she is
the drag queen is a huge flop and you must be tired of pretending otherwise
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The real one was just given for free in HI3. You fucked up.
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Just a few more days for mavuika details
Can't wait to see how these two benefit from her
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Clara is still decent for FUA if you didn't get Yunli and Clara eidions are pretty good too.
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Akasha owner is a /gig/chad
What an appropriate image for that post content.
Bronya is still better than Sparkle kek
I use them in the same team for pf
I did get the best hoyo design FYI
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For me, Its Fischl!
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sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling sex with hu tao and xiangling
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I don't have him unlocked
NYOOOOOOOO, why did you have to tell me that.
don't need him and never rolling for him
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The lavicuous nature of it would cause people to also try and find the physical appeal while in the robes tbf. Though actual slut nuns would still have the overt physical appeal mixed with the taboo and contrast between their profession.
It's sort of like a spectrum. The ones leaning towards being a more normal nun generally focus on the idea of a slut underneath, and the ones which are less conservative just mixes the physical with the idea
But to rerail, barb's beach design's asymmetric feature isnt uncommon, but i feel like the bands in those swimsuit designs just are there to be more cute or add some more detail, rather than drawing focus to the bare legs, probably because swimsuits already draw focus to the legs as they're designed to for the most part.
dead general
dead game
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Geo: 15 (Xilonen x8, Chiori x5, Navia x1, Zhongli x1)
Pyro: 9 (Bennett x3, Arlecchino x2, Klee x1, Dehya x1. Xiangling x1, Yanfei x1)
Hydro: 8 (Mualani x2, Neuvillette x2, Furina x1, Yelan x1, Sigewinne x1, Childe x1)
Dendro: 4 (Kinich x2, Emilie x2)
Electro: 3 (Fischl x2, Clorinde x1)
Anemo: 1 (Kazuha x1)
Cryo: 0
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Now that the GEO abyss is over, you DID use your monogeoCHAD team for this past cycle, right?
The only five star geo character I own is traveller
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Traveler is a collection of 3 stars
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Sex with Arlecchino?
Impregnate Arlecchino?
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I didn't ass
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The other extreme already exists in the game which is Rosaria. It's all gap moe. Rosaria has the outward appearance of a slut but is more complicated underneath. Barbara is overtly innocent and kind which makes you fantasize about her being slutty.
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>want to use Rational on second half
>everything goes smoothly on floor 1
>floor 2 has the fucking robot that won't come down
Is there a way to make it fall without an archer? My Childe is already on floor 1
Like he said, redditors
Just shoot it with Sara lol
No, I used overload instead of a useless element that works only when its shilling time.
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Mualani a cute
pyro box na doko
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Furina's summons managed to knock down the robot. didn't know she had it on her.
Just use any Chevy team with Fischl.
Ditch Raiden and use Fischl, she's better in every way
what is blud having a melty about
Yes but not with Rational members. Chiori, Alhaitham, Chevreuse E can take him down. Alternatively use Yelan instead of XQ if you have her.
>where most women don't even have tits large enough to see through a loose shirt
where the fuck you live? some poor country where people are not nourished (properly and healthy)? some Asian country where genetics made everyone look very small and petite (both male and female) so it's impossible to see difference between adult and barely legal teenager?

As an European. In public transport, in my office (where 70% of people that work there are females), in pubs, in shops, etc. everywhere I got all ADULT women have visible breast shape (not gigantic anime boobas but they are still visible). I have no fucking clue what people feed their kids nowadays but even teenage females that also use public transport to go from school to home now have visible breasts while wearing hoodies, autumn jackets

I guess if you are used to see all adult females be flat as plank and women with visible breasts are ultra rare then no wonder you have no issue with characters like HuTao, Furina, etc.
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It's not like Honkai has that many girls at least that are relevant some of them are already in Genshin, others are left but will join in the future in some kind of way.
Please give me Rita, she is sexo.
Apparently Candace is le good now?
I dunno about Rosaria being gap moe, shes not a slut nun despite the outfit but it's more that her design still mostly rocks the darker/edgier or mature vibes that works with her being a vigilante with a dark past and generally not acting nun like.
though it is a hard contrast from Barbara (and by extension the NPCs) more relatively chaste looks, which was the point with her OG. Maybe her new one tries to do that but it just looks worse because of how it just tracks the new stuff over her old design
no, just use healer mode Furina
this but without the melty
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>with NSFW versions too
I'm ok for now
Serious question.
Would Mavuika get pissed off if you were to call her "mom"?
I didn't even use geo for the previous cycle
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Sounds like really angry cope anecdotes to justify not finding normal girls attractive. I like how you even had to throw in the distinction between anime and the real world because you know it doesn't match your fetish.
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You can't spell Gigachad without GACHA.
Doubt it since she's pretty laid back.
I don't have Furina bwo
holy cope, go outside
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Lies, everyone rolled c2 Furina.
Gap moe is attraction from contrasts in different character design aspects. Her dressing like a slut but being reserved and callous makes her more attractive. If you don't understand that then you just don't have the instinct to like moe.
Why the fuck is every skin blue outside of Diluc (add more black), Kirara (it used her normal outfit's colour scheme of green) and Shenhe (I dont even remember if it added blue or it was mainly black and white
Just look for Hazeker works. His works are really good, even if some are a bit too much like eula and pic rel. Early december he'll release the full NSFW of Xilonen too.
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Had to reset on the robot when Furina's pitbulls failed to down it but other than that pretty simple
More girls should have short hair...
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Kill all heathens.
So says barb... Babal-.... Babalababotos...
I want to refund alpedo so i can roll chiori instead
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I can almost SEE it.
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>there are already leaks on 5.4 with some weird shit like inazuma character out of nowhere
>Still fucking nothing on Mavuika and PyroMC kits 3 days before beta is up
made for bbc
But the hutao skin out of nowhere...
pyro MC = benny 2.0
mav = XL 2.0
source: i'm dawei
I prefer cnn
If you say so, I won't press further. But her outfit and design in general still mostly conveyed what they were going for with her usual personality for the most part. It makes you wonder what she wore as a bandit since her first design was what she donned herself instead of the Mondo Habits
whats that
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Found a screenshot of how he looked before I started fixing his gear. As you can see, while the new gear isn't all that amazing, it's markedly better than what I had before.
I was told I should aim for 65/180 ratio, but I don't see how that's possible without spending months and months farming for him. Neither his ascensions nor any of the weapon I have that I can give him boosts crit.
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Imagine if they make Mavuika Firefly 2.0 with insane (You) pandering on top of it kek
Lantern rite is in 5.3 so it's not out of nowhere
>huturd rerun
>easiest abyss ever
kek even they realize how powercrept she is
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Building a real family with Arlecchino.
We did have some leaks saying that PyroMC gives 60% ATK during ult and that Mavuika has whole lot of defensive utility (but no shields) for the team.
lmao at Xilo's skills absolute wordslop.
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New Inazuma character Kimitsuki will be Genshin Firefly since her name is already a pun on kimi (You) and suki (like)
You can use 2/2 set istead of 4pc
tf you looking crazy for mavuika go smash some more holes in the sky or something damn...
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we dont need more dogshit characters like that
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Genshin firefly is loom
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so what makes c6 candace better than c6 xq for kino
you don't even play manila-kun
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I'm saving the stars for next BP
genshin firefly will be the tsaritsa
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which way fontaine man...
she's sexy
what the hell are you talking about
>more japshit *ACK*a 2.0
I hope not.
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eat your pagpag lol
Candace is sex but
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How do we know about an inazuma 5.4 character when we don't even know about 5.3.
Isn't lantern rite 5.4?
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Mavuika's and PyroMC's kits will be disappointing.
I know it, you know it.
Stop getting excited when you know that they will absolutely never make them good, especially the Traveler. They will give like 40% atk and that will be all.
She's shit
Leakers get more publicity with new info like random Inazuma character out of nowhere whereas we already know Mavuika and Clit are coming
Next Chinese new year is late January which technically should be within 5.3's patch frame but who knows if they'll intentionally delay the in-game festival by like two weeks or if they'll make 5.3 absolutely stacked with AQ finale, archon, lantern rite and whatever else they'll add to the pile
As with most 'leaks' I can only encourage everynyan in here to believe things when they actually see them in the beta or through official platforms
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>Inazuma patch
Finally... the roots...
Anon pls. If it's not 'fanart', we can safely disregard any supposed art leak.
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Upon the gale!
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Father is becoming Mother
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if Mav's ult isn't spirit bomb i will not be rolling on her
How can (You) be for (You)?
Anything other than c1 is overkill
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Bro you left out the "t" there and that's pretty important. suki 好き=like but tsuki 月=moon.

Kimi could also be something like 黄身(yolk) or 黄み(yellowish color).

You won't know until we see the kanji/hanzi they use.
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Yeah I'm sorry, I love her but there's no way this is real
Very boring Abyss, hope next one is better.
no tits no roll that's my motto.
>Rabbit yokai
SURELY da wei remembers the LAST TIME they added bunny outfits...
no tits I roll that's my motto.
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The next abyss llineup is made with the intent of convincing people to roll for Zhongli who coincidentally is running alongside it
xhe's so cute
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Thanks, but I'll be clearing Geo Abysses with Albedo, as usual. Dawei can keep his CEO.
cuz they added it for global only not CN, if he does it for both nobody would give a shit.
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Oh, and the next two weeks are going to be spent trying to fix this goof. Hopefully I'll be done by the time Imaginarium Theater resets so I can use both of them in it.
I did consider that, but I don't really have any gladiator crit rate circlet I could give him. I do have a flower that's even better than the one he's currently using, so if I had a circlet I could swap those two items and he'd look much healthier crit ratio wise.
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In character
Chasca actually looks kinda fun with all the flying
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Is she wearing winter clothes? Is she supposed to be a Hokkaido/Ainu character? Are we getting a new Inazuma island?
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Have some original content for the 5 Chasca fans in this thread. Yeehaw pardners
the only ugly character is poo tao
just had a weird case where genshin randomly ran with background input from the controller but it reverted back after alt tabbing wondering if there is a way to make it happen again
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...in bizzaro world
nice one partner
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The only really mediocre looking girl in the game is Emilie and even she is leagues hotter than any femcel that frequents these threads. Any other grievances people have come down to personal tastes.
>unfunny forced memes in small text
shit image
Who should i put in this team?
Mualani,Xilonen,Dehya ???
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New patch is in three days, right? Does that mean we already know four stars on Chasca's banner? Who are they?
Someone to carry the dead weight.
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Your crits are horrible
Should be at last 200 with Widsith
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The more I play her the less I actually like Arlecchino, which is bizzare, because on paper she is borderline perfect chara for me (mostly NA, infusion switch for flexibility, decent mobility etc.). I guess pyro simply is my cursed element or something.
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I regret rolling for Clunklani so much, I tried using her again, she was so clunky and trash, and I backed out and used Ayaka instead to clear the first half.
chasca's big iron...
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Are you rolling, partner?
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sovl and saved
Yes, but not for any EBIN MAYMAYS you fags will cope with. I just like her as a character
Yeah, not a single one of these items has double crit stats. I'm surprised they're as high as they are, the weapon and his ascension stat are really doing the heavy lifting there.
Patch is on the 20th
four stars get shown Monday though we already know Ororon is one of them
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The right kind of people are upset about her so yeah I will
no chasca is a gigaskip
My two favourite girls are Furina and Chiori.
My favourite guy is Gaming.
What does that say about me?
This is about their designs and personality, not their gameplay usage.
Oh right, there's like a day without a limited banner up in between the patches. I was looking at when the current banner ends and thinking it ends with patch launch. Thanks.
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fuwawawawa, my beloved...
good taste
It was an easy challenge.
At work so I can't do abyss right now
No... Wait for me
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Electro Sovereign status?
They don't release five star alters
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Couldnt do the double physical team this abyss.
Eula is too slow and got some shitty buffs
The stupid fire big slimes just keep teleporting out of her burst
Some may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Congrats anon.
>physical fag got humbled
Kek, just give in and use f, x, a, n etc. like everyone else
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I bought an account with Alibaba because he's top tier cool.
How the heck do I play him in the current abyss? C0R0 9/9/9 by the way.
I will go cook stuff and when I come back I expect to see at least three (You)s. Please and thank you.
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true true
will have to catch her on a rerun since mav is top priority, but the rainbow elemental shotgun concept is kinda cool
jokes on you
I still beat it with Physchl
Are you really this bored, bro?
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hu tao raped me
wtf you can just buy accounts with characters on? how much did it cost you?
Sorry to hear that bro. I suppose something that ugly can only get sex by rape.
im ugly
do a spread team or quickbloom, get nahida she is one of his best supports
yeah good for you now fuck off and go post it somewhere else
sorry about that femanon...
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I look like this
you look like a card?
why did they delete Eula's rank leaderboards on Akasha?
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Kinda boring. Might do a Yoi clear for fun later.
Hu Tao farted in your room
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I've never seen a lesbian who didn't end up marrying a man(or ending up with 20 cats while devoted to crying about men for ignoring them).
yeah she looks fun
They ran out of space, and had to focus on more important leaderboards.
Reminder than this is from the Fontaine leak a year back and that they wasted Ainushit on Tsurumi's ghost island, while there is no snowy islands or areas in Inazuma.
At best hope for some Salkhalin or Karafuto inspired Sneyz area with Kazuha's relatives.
Hyperbloom/quickbloom. If you gonna use him on second half you can stun the Aeonblight Drake with his E btw.
where's the abyss spreadsheet collector
backing off what that other anon said about their alhaitham account is genshinaccount.com reliable? so tired of waiting for my favourite to come around fuck me i'll just buy a starter
Depends on your roster and what side you want to use him in. My C0R0 team >>502436992 cleared comfortably
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>Chasca is so shit that they made the abyss shilling her very easy to make her look good
i'll be on the next thread
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did they remove furinas too?
I hope you are scraping this thread for images
Do people who replied to >>502435713 need to repost?
with how slow /gig/ is these days i'm not sure that'd be necessary
yeah but who gives a fuck about her, Eula is the one that matters most cause it was a heated competition for the PF domain
nah i already got those
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The PF domain? Is that related to PF Changs? Thats the best Chinese food made by mexicans i've ever had
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I completely forgot about all that. Inazuman smiths fleeing the country and some of them ending up in Snezhnaya, Tsurumi island Ainu stuff, etc. Liben told us about a Snezhnaya region just a couple of days ago. Maybe she is a Snezhnaya character of Inazuman descent?
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This is true
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do you have any proof because i don't want to give these retards my money and come back scammed
Genshin is worse, it’s for gay popedevs
Did anyone remind him of when he got caught following like a 100 Loli porn artists in the comments?
>You want to talk to me? Talk to your putrid fat rolls you fat fucking loser. You disgust me
ok thanks anyway
looking at what people have said it's a 50/50 but it's only £30 i'll risk it
>Core gameplay is centered around mixing different elements
>Retard wants to ignore that
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Loom would NOT say that
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>it's just one fag on a podium
The entire basis of morality is the control of harmful instinct in order to create a better society. Some things are best kept in private or the internet and away from public. This is one of those red lines that will never be accepted in society because protecting children is #1 instinct even above self-preservation.

Tectone also has no room to speak since he got caught following loli porn artists before freaking out and deleting all his follows.
my starter account got suspended, but it wasn't from that website
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chasca my beloved
sorry that happened. why would it get suspended though? dodgy farming methods?
nahida is as ugly as ever jesus christ
Oh I'm convinced she would
I will roll for Chasca if her damage is actually good just out of sheer hatred for Wanderer
why is this >>502448429 deleted but not this >>502447294 ? both arent genshin related
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I'm not fat and I will never be
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I use >B so it doesn't count but here
>abyss reset
>elemental reaction buff soon
Guess I will just wait
I gave up on pointing shit like that up because last time I did, I got banned for... Le complaining about 4chan.
I deleted my own post because in hindsight I realized /gig/ is probably not the best place to discuss this topic. I'm going to repost on it /lgbt/ and see what the ladies there think, you're welcome to join me for this high level discussion.
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I hate that flying idiot trying to shill some flying idiot on a banner next patch or something.

Anyways, geo. At least in that you can trust.
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Is Yae Miko virgin?
I have evidence of the Sumeru-Fontaine rewrite carrying over to Natlan. Tiffany is still in control.
No celestial nail.
Both firefly and loom are hotaru in jp
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it was an easy cycle

also why are setho's mats so dogshit
There's one in the night kingdom
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Remember when /gig/ complained about powercreep and started shitting and pissing themselves when abyss HP multiplier increased 250%->375% this patch?

How's that "powercreep" now?
No there is not.
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Shouldn't you say that about Xilonen, too? Or do you believe that Kazuha is better after all?
there's a nail in sumeru too
the wayob totems are also nails
problem is youre using a chevy team on god those teams are dogshit
>He didn't look up
I'm pretty sure they use bots to farm them. the content of the account was kinda weird
It’s always the secret pedos obsessed over lolis and pedos for some reason idk why
Provide photographic evidence.
Xilonen is cute so it's fine
ill wait for it
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Since i'm bored i'll entertain you. It's literally above you in those places you fight the legendary bosses
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>He's still using aggrevate Pork with ShitHida
Overload is way more comfty and does the same damage with welfare units. Once Mavika comes you can make this team much more premium with Xilonen.
Obvious photoshop of the dragonspine nail.
That's not in Natlan so the point still stands
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My wife
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mavuika info on monday, right?
>using a homo that's not bennett in your comp

>If you go below the surface you're not really in the country you started digging down from
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I miss yantao
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Is Furina virgin?
Only her drip marketing, you'll have to wait a few more days for her beta kit
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Why is Genshin so popular with middle/high school girls in SEA?
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>Once Mavika comes you can make this team much more premium with Xilonen.
But then you lose Chev?
Aggravate Clorinde does more damage than that scuffed as fuck comp you're running though bro. You just sound salty from having to swipe all those shit banners (Yoimiya cons, useless C4 and fucking green homo Kinich) for your Chevy.
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>nail denialists
nta but thoma is cool
It's up.
Why do you care, just wait til her banner comes out.
It’s popular amongst Russian school girls too, this is because third worlders often can’t afford ps5/gaming pc and triple A games
Hu Tao raped John Lee
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hkvh big love
Just drip and maybe some datamine. We should get streamables on Wednesday.
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>(Yoimiya cons, useless C4 and fucking green homo Kinich) for your Chevy.
This but unironically, c2 Kinich which I don't use.
genshin is better than any triple a game
Not a hard abyss, but is it me or hydro tulpa moves a lot? Is it really necessary for this little shit to keep going to the other side of the arena all the fucking time?
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Every 60 seconds in Natlan, a minute passes.
Together, we can stop this.
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Childe SOON
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why not
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long live dendro
I am so mentally ill....
>Hating Thoma
Funny how you faggots hate on the only good males but slurp on Neuvillettes seed.
What team were you using to fight it? It only moved once for me, and I was using a melee team. Maybe it moves a lot if you're ranged or semi-ranged?
You'll be denying my nail up your ass, bitch
Nails represent nukes, if a country doesn't have a nail it doesn't have the threat of anihilation.
Natlan doesn't have nails because it is south america. North america is the evil force of the continent, constantly sewing death and chaos, and it has Nails.
What part of being Ayato's housewife makes him good?
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literally nobody asked
no doubt. thanks anyway. going to buy myself a wriothesley and if it goes pear-shaped then oh well lol
Why would someone play Genshin if they can play better games
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People like Tectone are obsessed with social adherence because they have no innate morality. They only care about laws(and the punishment involved) and what others in their social circle think of them. They would act on their impulses if given the opportunity with no one around to judge them so they constantly need to project their virtues. It's a weird kind of self-consciousness.

Tectone is a dangerous man that will take advantage of anyone else if it benefits him and this doesn't just apply to stuff like loli, he has done this constantly with all other aspects of his relationships with people. The problem is that current society rewards his kind of behavior.
nails literally hold the world together when it starts to unravel. it takes immense force to do so, to mend tbe firmament back together, wiping out anything nearby
rainy more like salty
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hes so lucky
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This but Furina
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My wife
the fucking tribe totems that you have to interact with for reputation awards are nails they're just really hard to see
>fake reality denialists
Oh yeah? Get fucking MIND BLOWN dudes
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Using Yoimiya. It stood still for like an entire minute, but when it got to low hp it just kept moving around. I had to reset twice because of this.
Why isn't there a nail where Mavuika punched a hole in the sky then?
teyvat's jeannie is sleeping
>unironic eceleb faggotry
Based Rainy shitting on pagvillette scum
Why are russians and viets playing on Murrica servers?
I don't really like the pyro options I have. I hate Xiangling and Benny. So I use Dehya and to cope with lack of pyro application Kazuha's burst
>No chest up there
shit game
>using yoimiya in the age 2k + 24
why do you hate yourself
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I ploonged again
How does first side team work? What cons are the characters?
Because Genshin is literally dead they have bots in American server to inflate numbers
This but Furina niggers
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Related, it's amazing how cool everything looks when you break the game and go out of bounds.
Chasm looks fantastic outside of its borders
>rainy has left the world
just like zhongli
I wonder if the devs left that hole on purpose, it's the only time in this game that I've fallen off the map
she's still alright. she was useful for the last IT
Stop being such a metafag
Bwos I don't want to do the abyss anymore, shit is as bland as Neuv's favorite beverage. The couple pulls aren't worth it.
Why would straight white heterosexual alpha males play Call of duty or fifa over Genshin Impact?
When I was a kid weird glitches in games always spooked me. I'd shit my pants if little me fell there randomly.
Maybe they just didn't expect genshin players to go crashing into walls all the time
Haven't they all been powercrept to hell and back?
Because brown people can’t afford such games
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I won't be your gf, let alone your wife, genkek loser
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when is celestia going to wake up?
Hu Tao will pee on your grave if you use her funeral service
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Just a few more days before the next brick wall gets revealed
I haven't either but I've seen videos.
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Fremi only
my 16yo brother is a normie fifa/grta/cod guy and said that all of his friends would call him gay if he played genshin
meta life is SOVL life.
It wasn't even hard to find that hole, it's in a dead end with a lava waterfall of ofc explorers gonna explore
it's even more turn your brain off than before though. you don't have to do floor 9 & 10, floor 11 is reduced difficulty for shitters now (as easy as floor 9-10 previously), and floor 12 these past 3 cycles have been easy as fuck. literally 5 minutes once a month chore. you spend more time doing dailies in half a week.
Why is Genshin perceived as a gay game?
>lol dude trust me
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the plotwist is gonna be that celestia was never asleep they were just waiting for the perfect moment to strike
Because of its playerbase
god venti is so sexy
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Because of characters like Wormney and Wormvillette
because the absolute shitload of faggots who play it and go out of their way to let everyone else know they are fucking fags. literally today i had some fag who had some random text in their sig but the letters A G Y capitalized. these fucking pretentious fucks think being a fucking cocksucker is what defines them. literally nobody cares fudge packer
Trick question: Alpha males don't play video games. They're too busy drilling that cute shy girl you were crushing on
I got called a faggot for bragging to my Discord friends about getting Venti. The guy who called me a faggot is a gay man that has been in a long term relationship with his boyfriend for an entire decade (they are still together).
Celestia is already dead.
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when even a gay man calls you gay you know you're doing something wrong
which genshins are morally grey
I mean… my dad thought Genshin was a game for girls lol
Oh well, it was a good thread while it lasted
You are a faggot though
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He was not wrong though, twink roller
it's true. he watches me play when he comes in to talk to me and he laughs at the voices. he says it's crazy how people spend hundreds on it but he has no problem doing the same with fifa packs he's retarded
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So that's how you get underneath the world map huh? Some jackass on the eu server a while back put a portable teleport point midair underneath the natlan map and then queued up for the arlechinno boss fight and everyone who joined would just fall to their death then get kicked (including me)
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>just spend all my gems on C3 tao
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Nahida is bench for now
based based based based
My gen alpha cousin who plays Roblox said Genshin is a game for lgbt and he doesn’t like lgbt in his squeaker 11 year old voice. I shed one little tear out of happiness because gen alpha seems to be based as fuck.
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Is /gig/ more porky coded than the average genshitter?
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>People who roll for this calling ANYONE a fag
>lol dude trust me
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actually sexy unlike cyno
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Genshin is a game for the gays and the bullied
He looks like a twig
raidentranny is here
oh no...
omg Kokomi hello
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omg hi Koko~~~~~!
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And Cyno isn't?
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OMG kokomi is here
Hi koko!
Compared to that thing he looks like the strongest man in Teyvat kek
omg a trans card.

trans girls really peaked with koko
Genshin Impact is often seen as trans-friendly due to its diverse and androgynous character designs, which some players interpret as gender-nonconforming. Characters like Venti and Kaeya, who have traits traditionally associated with multiple genders, resonate with some players who value fluid gender expression. However, Genshin Impact doesn’t directly explore transgender narratives or include explicit trans characters. The game’s fan community has created spaces for trans representation and headcanons, making it a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ players. Yet, as there’s no direct inclusion of transgender stories, its reputation for trans-friendliness stems more from community engagement than from game design.
Teenagers are through their edgy phase so they can't be seen playing these kind of cute games
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I didn't ask
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They instead play Roblox.
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I trust him.
My friend just thinks anime is gay so by proxy Genshin is gay too
trans girls peaked too early
Damn, Sumerian Furina looks like THAT????
I think your friend is gay
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they shouldn't have given us chiori then
This is the last thread
Say your farewells
Nah he’s Bulgarian so he doesn’t have much anime exposure
Can I play on the America server if I'm from Europe (specifically UK)? Will it lag?
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you will have some delay on character swap and some interactions
Sweet, sweet release...
This pic shows 2 or them.
goodbye 36*
>poorfag seething
Japanese artists are no longer based because they got buck broken by shitty gaijins stealing their art and AI learning

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