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[Banner] [10/31] Fairy Wehri
[Content] [11/07] Mini-event: Evermatch!
[Banner] [11/14] Undead Nicole
[Content][11/14] World Boss: Behemoth (New)
[Event] [10/31] Halloween 2024 Event: Moonlight Bunny Circus
[2x] [11/13] Part-Time Job Reward

[Banner] [11/21] Chaotic Tohka Yatogami (New)
[Banner] [11/21] Chaotic Kurumi Tokisaki (New)
[Banner] [12/12] Beast Sakuyo (Inferno) (New)
[Content] [11/21] Select Summons Banner
[Content] [TBA] Event Raid "Infinite Mode"
[Content] [TBA] Tower of Infinity
[Event] [11/21] Collaboration Event "Date A Live"

>NA Guilds

>Newbie Guide

>"Information Source" Spreadsheet

>Coupon Codes
EVERSOULXDAL - 1121 Everstones
EVERTALK1108 - 10 Pick-up Tickets
CONTEST1108 - 20 Artifact Tickets
JPHALFANNIV1115 - 10 Erika's Alchemy Tickets

Previous thread: >>501497207
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>DAL collab
>100 Free Summons Event
>Newbie Attendance Pass
>Wishlist banner
>Guild Raid S2 (boss Fury uncapped, affixes, new treasures, etc.)
>Lord's Castle QoL (more floors, more building types allowed)
>Outing QoL (skins reflect in their outings, chibi still uses normal skins)

>ESS Naiah

Summary of Recent Q&A

Q4 Roadmap PDF
I thought it was over...
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I was worried. I woke up and the thread died.
it was dead nearly 5 hours, people are lazy with making new threads
Q4 is just rough, lots of new gachas launching too.
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Manon needs some Hazel buffs.
>Meta 2 raids in a row
>Probably meta on DK too
bwos please, my heart can't take it, i was so scared...
first getting a fever at night then I find out the thread died, just not my day today huh

well anyway, good night /esg/, need to sleep this off somehow
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As someone who took Hazel's artifact to Origin and struggled with her bullshit mechanics for several months, I feel pretty great about her changes. Now I just hope the upcoming Kanna changes turn her into a better debuffer since I dragged her useless ass to bond 40.
feel better jammie
Don't die in your sleep jammer.
I hope Kanna remains mid.
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>Can't be used with Larimar
>Can't be used with Onyx
>Can't be used with any DoT characters
>Can barely be used on non-aoe fights
Why are there so many restrictions on Claudia?
other angels have to suffer because yuria is too perfect
She was released when they conceptualized A/D to be extremely strong specialized units with drawbacks keeping them overall balanced. Then they said fuck that, and released Yuria. Then Larimar happened.
I dislike that Demon souls are all allowed to be good, while Angel only has Yuria worthy of her status as an ADC.
get well soon jammie
if there was an updated rentry I could just paste from i'd do it. it would be only soonie OP's tho
why is radiant cath still the icon? they used to change it frequently
I saw it when I woke up but was too scared to make a new thread.
Get well soon, jammie! We need you!
Brigid soon.
I remember struggling to fill Lizelotte's party with buffers at the start, now I just throw Eve or Beleth in and forget she even has that mechanic.
Should have made a thread on /vmg/. Face it, we're too slow for /vg/. I have to necrobump the thread several times a day to prevent it from dying. I couldn't necrobump it today and guess what happened, it fucking died. We lost Wheri's seductive tits. Unforgivable.
The devs love Cath more than your favorite soul.
And it's a good thing. Catherine will get her happy ending before the EoS. Canon marriage with Catherine is inevitable. Catherine is love. Catherine is life.
shitposter-san scared everyone away and now he's gone it has become a ghost town. both pits and jammies haven't lost many members, people just aren't posting
I will only accept a true harem master ending.
Yeah, activity was fine before the schizoposting started. It'll bounce back now that it's gone.
There is not much to post about, we're coasting until anniversary. DAL could bring new players but it's doubtful.
Honestly kinda this, we know everything (including story) for the DAL collab, so not much to discuss during the entire next month unless we somehow get new DAL players from the collab
Even with the new raid, since that one guy constantly screeched and cried and shit his pants everytime people tried to talk about raids, showed their scores for raids, or even just posted their teams/guides to do raids; we barely get any raid discussion
Our only hope to survive this next month is going to be lorefags and Soonieposters
I said this months ago and it caused people here to seethe because relocating to vmg is seen as disgraceful to /vg/ posters.
It would be nice to get some more raid discussion here because I'm too lazy to think when it comes to teambuilding.
/vmg/ is just too slow and we'd lose a lot of people moving there. most discussions here are caused by people bumping
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I will neyver post in /vmg/
>slow discussion where most posts are actually on topic
>slow discussion where most post are brainless bumps
Dunno about you, but to me the former is better.
They're not all brainless bumps. Some people talk about the game when doing it or post new fanart. Typically /vmg/ is where gachas go to die.
i miss the old days when kotposting was a ban on sight
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kotposting is fun though
Thanks Anon from the last thread for the artifact suggestions. It kind of sucks that the meta shifts so often now when getting an arti to Origin is such a long term investment. They tend to clash with each other.
no thoughts running in this head
sex thoughts running in that head
Can we fix her?
metas often require origin artifact to be an imporvement. if you don't have that then usually your old souls will still be better if they are invested in. i'm still getting use out of liz
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Reset Beleth! is also how I feel in this thread. No homo.
good morning /esg/, still feeling out of it (got confused with today's date for a bit) but the fever's somewhat gone now so ig it ain't my time yet

>day 18
>box 17
>1500 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>4x 40 arti tix
>my town only got cleaned once yesterday
You lazy jammies better do a better job today
morning jammie
I can't believe the 2 or 3 jammies on cleaning strike since the beginning still don't do it, even since sweeping got added
shame them
We have a few near launch players who login every day but never sweep and still haven't broken 300 sync. They're on the comfy life, leave them be.
at this point I just have to admire the dedication to the cleaning strike
Its been almost 2 years
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they're just waiting for ina before taking the game seriously
>They confirmed she's not coming anytime soon, which could mean this time next year for all we know
It sucks. She was one of the three characters I've wanted from the start
Look at the bright side, we'll probably get a lot of other characters inbetween, maybe one of them will catch your fancy.
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how long until they announce q1
i'm tired of the skip quarter already
ah yes, the skip quarter with 2/2 meta souls so far
I don't give a fuck about raids, I auto through them anyway. Give me interesting souls already.
Same. They couldn't even give us an interesting collab. Q1 better be stacked as hell. It's about time Angel gets another good soul.
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I don't want meta I want cute
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>day 18
>box 15
>4500 gems spent
Good night /esg/. Please keep the thread alive! I believe in you!
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I want cute and meta and sexy
post behemoth meta pls
ADC in shambles.
sleep tight Jammie
Oh no, they have one fight where you don't need to use any ADC (but you still can).
I will always use my beloved chuuni wife.
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
they'll also all be at disadvantage 3 next behemoth. meta on world bosses doesn't really matter, only relevent once
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Skipping banners was a mistake. Am I just forced to roll? I can overclock but it will only get me about 10 levels.
I dont even know how to increase level cap. is it only based on number of owned origins?
cap increases 5 levels per origin character
570 is the total cap and it won't increase with the colab. Anyone over 570 is pumping overclock
It should be 560 then. I'm only missing Sigrid, Lilith, rad Cath and cLinzy.
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>capped out
>still going to only roll ADC
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>Less than 100 people have finished gates
What's your excuse?
seeha and mica are bullies
its easier to do when i'm overleveled
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Question: when it comes to stat bonuses granted by Bond levels for Linzy and cLinzy, do their bonuses stack with each other, or do they take the higher of the two sets depending on whichever has the highest bond level?
pretty sure they stack
Based if true. That's like +12% attack at max bond for both
Gates are boring as FUCK
Auto-gate doko
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God do I love Erika's Halloween outfit. Barely even recognized her last year when we first got that event.
does pvp end at reset? I've saved some tickets up and want to spam before it ends
yeah it resets today
Whys he do it bros?
My bracket is similar, no one attacks except one guy. My defense is just one person failing 3-4 times a day.
Yeah, he usually only attacks me 2 or 3 times in a day but then he goes and attacks me 8 times in the same day. Not sure why you'd ever spend gems on extra tries.
Hey, I know this guy. One of my ex-guildmates. Probably the most chill and helpful player I interacted with. Don't bully him.
pvp just isn't worth it for me, if I take first place I just spend every day swapping places with some autist who checks his phone a lot more than I do
Everyone in the top 10 in my bracket has at least a million CP more than me... doesn't feel worth even trying.
It's not fun going against certain souls when they have a level advantage and origin artifacts.
looks like hes bullying himself
they need to shuffle, feels like they haven't changed in a year so the differences are huge
wont shuffling just clear out the dead accounts for more whales?
it would put all the whales together
>pvp ended 10 minutes before reset
well shit, so much for sniping the win
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Reset Eileen!
good morning /esg/

>day 19
>box 17
>1500 gems spent
>2 sold-out boxes
>4x 40 arti tix
I wanna buy a new phone for this game but I'm only familiar with Iphone and Samsung and they both suck dick.
IPhone batteries drain quickly, and gooks intentionally fuck over Samsung phone LCDs so you end up buying a new one after a year or two. I used to play on my PC most of the time but the nature of my current work keeps me busy from playing on my desktop like before. What phones are you using to play this game /esg/?
good morning jammie
I gave up on phone because everything is so tiny, unless you're a sweeper then it's not fun to play on one. it's a great tablet game though, I prefer it over emulation
I play on a samsung galaxy tab s6

what this guy said, its great on a tablet
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>box 13
it still couldnt save her. she really needs a nicole style redesign
going to sleep, dont let the thread die again. /vg/ moving too fast these days
I remember seeing WB teams which used that skin and I simply couldn't tell who the character was until the rerun.
Good meowning jammie!
Good night jammie. I'm going as well.
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Why is she like this?
What are the essential specs should I look for if I wanna game on mobile?
Lute VA is the best choice there could be, she fits so well into the role, I can already hear her voice lines! Amazing!
night Jammie
Just get something fairly recent and you'll be fine, my 5 year old phone manages 60fps without overheating. Would also suggest the biggest screen possible.
Abusive mother+nobility-sister
For a while I was wondering if tablets were just dead hardware since phones got powerful enough to do most of the stuff tablets could but I guess having the comfort of a bigger screen is the one factor that keeps them relevant.
I was sceptical when buying one but I use it all the time. mostly for gacha but I even use it as a third monitor on the shitter
how did I move up a spot in champs arena without any battles? someone got banned?
How's the battery life? My newish phone uses up battery crazy fast if anything is at 60fps
probably charge it every couple of days but it depends how much I use it
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
It's tedious
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this is confirmed? dal wont counts towards level cap? why the fuck would i take them to origin then
Only if you like them.
1 copy for part-time jobs is all you need, maybe needed for unicat expeditions too
If they counted towards level cap it would screw people over who missed out on the collab
aren't they going into erikas alchemy?
Well, first off you'd need to roll the scam banner just to Origin them, since they're likely never gonna have a regular banner rerun. And second anyone missing out on the collab will miss 10 sync levels permanently since Alchemy only has the dupe ascension materials for them. People would complain to no end.
oh so you only need 1 copy of them then ascension materials, weird
I guess it's a workaround to make it clear they aren't available in gacha afterwards... and it also lets you share that ascension material between them if I got it right.
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holy fuck we are dead, has everyone moved to the yurishit fotm or what
It probably wasn't a good idea to do a skip quarter in the last quarter of the year where there are more games coming out. Hopefully we pick back up during anniversary.
Yes but probably not for very long
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Gacha is a world of FOTMs and people with very short attention spans.
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good morning /esg/, patch notes drop later today

>day 20
>box 18
>1500 gems spent
>3 sold-out boxes
>5x 40 arti tix
just have to hope these new gachas fumble or that anniversary is fucking amazing
Ark sized Mephi will save us all.
Normal sized Mephi will save us all.
she had her chance
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She's coming back to Eden with new normal-sized powers as we speak. Give her a second chance.
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She will save the game.
Sex with Melfice and Bryce while Sigrid watches
Sex with Sigrid while Melfice and Bryce watch
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I feel like this game's OST is underrated.
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Night bloods event when?
Before we got the info I was sure the Christmas event would've been Nightbloods and Sigrid.
probably deleted their account, happened to me too one time
Alchemy not only has dupe, it chas the character, I got Rad Cath from Alchemy despite starting the game pretty recently, stop dicsouraging people!

>DAL collab details (confirmed Tohka/Kurumi have no Partner Skills)
>ESS Vivi
>Unicat Boss: Tofu
>OpEd Gaon
>BF Challenge 17
>Targeted (Wishlist) Summons
>Lord's Castle can now hold all building types, added 8th/9th floor and 4th basement floor
>Equipped costumes now apply to full models in Town
>Type tix rewards/shop items from Hall of Memories + attendance rewards changed to Wishlist tix
>New BGMs for the battle prep screen and OpEd Gaon

>Main Story Chapter 9 Pt. 1 pushed back to next week due to this week's update volume
>Targeted (Wishlist) Summons
Holy shit, finally.
>>Lord's Castle can now hold all building types, added 8th/9th floor and 4th basement floor
Finally time to hide the ugly event buildings and ruins.
Christmas events suck giant dong
so does melfice
Yes, but that's my dong she's sucking, so no complaints there
alright bwos show me the coom. I have been really close to playing this. I need to see the coom first
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This is your canon wife
It has panty shots, bikinis, boob touch reactions, feet, pits, vore, giantess, marriage, pregnancy and hand holding
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Sorry but I was raped by Bryce, so I can't marry Ayame anymore.
Ayame is your wife across all timelines whether you like it or not
luckily divorce exists
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also elven sluts
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you don't need to say sluts you can just say they're elves
wow! what about the mistresses?
you lie to me you die anon!
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Your mistress's name is Queen Yuria. She has fertile lands
Cope Ayame, we ain't getting married.
Now if you excuse me I'll proceed to manhandle Nini once more.
You're already married to Ayame, its too late
they're all true except vore is only one ending and giantess is just dora turning giant and stepping on you for her ultimate
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What about Daphne who's a giant all the time
join jammies btw
she's only a giant because savior's a manlet
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wahoo guwonja-nim
wahoo guwonja-nim
wahoo guwonja-nim
wahoo guwonja-nim
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good night /esg/
sleep tight jammie
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If only 9ark was based enough to add nipples under the clothes.
I gotta do my WB hit... any team without Hazel?
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Wonderfru. Thank you, anon!
that disparity
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Hazel will be triple disadvantage next time, not worth investing in her for a one off.
You either have her or not. If you do, you borrow a speed set from someone else and you're done. If you don't, you're boned.
investing meanings boosting her artifact. I have her at O5 but with no artifact investment she's garbage
Crit damage is better for Hazel.
There's also bond level and potentials to worry about now.
I finally got around to reading the event, I thought it was pretty good. It definitely feels like they picked the Souls first then wrote the story details to fit them in, but it wasn't too egregious.
Erusha's valley girl accent was fun. Maybe I don't remember her that much from other stories but I never noticed it before, very fitting though. I also liked Wheri's cold and calculated approach to the event, felt a little surprising given her demeanour.
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im glad they give the lesser girls some time in the events
>cold and calculated
That's how Wheri generally is, especially in the daytime. She's basically a supercomputer that wants to fuck the savior really bad, but still a supercomputer.
Me too, even a little inclusion like the rare Souls in the audience of the event was nice.
I didn't really get around to doing her love story, but her town interactions didn't give me that idea at first. I like that take on it!
Updated the Rentry with the collab info and wishlist mechanics. Will revise it slightly when it's out if there are any issues. I hope it brings some new blood!
goodjob jammie and I hope so too
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Reset Nicole!
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good morning /esg/

>day 21
>box 19
>1750 gems spent
>3 sold-out boxes
>5x 40 arti tix

wish I got luckier with getting another tix jackpot, but having 340+ tix is already a godsend
good morning jammie
Thanks for your hard work as always, jammie
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>day 21
>box 23
>13650 gems spent
I don't know if buying 2x tickets a day is worth it jammies
I spent 0 gems and got to box 15. it's probably still more efficient than spending gems on just buying artifact spins
I bought a ticket a day and only got to like 16 or 17. Total scam again.
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So I got an extra 40 tickets on boxes 15, 17, 19, and 21
160 tickets worth 120 gems each ends up at 19,200 gems
I guess 19,200 gems worth of artifact tickets alone is worth the 13,650 gems, even ignoring the epic type souls and random mats
Maybe ill keep doing it
I stopped spending gems on tickets since they announced the O5 skins. Can't afford to throw gems away anymore.
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My gems are done for if they have O5 skins for ADC
I dont see why they wouldnt
What's the sex like?
Depends on which personality is driving
Is she suing you for child support too?
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my gems
That would truly be nefarious.
The other Ayame is, for some reason
I'm not worried about it given the previous examples. Pink Wheri and blonde Lilith weren't rolling for.
weren't worth*
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My wife.
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5250 gems. You are very lucky... wish I could've gotten this one.
>day 21
>box 19
>0 gems spent
Noice. Good run.
Collab tonight
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3 weeks of rest
Nice. That means only 3 more weeks until the sexy version of Sakuyo
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good night /esg/
Night jammer
sleep tight jammie
>impossible to complete the hall of memories weekly
my tism
So are my green tickets being replaced for the new system or are they just adding new tickets?
New tickets, the only thing being replaces is some of the older rewards to include the new tix.
does anyone know what the Luto battle pass building gives for its part time job? is it mana crystals? i dont see it updated in the spreadsheet yet
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Do I blow my green tickets trying to origin sigrid or lilith? who is more sex
The chances of getting either is pretty slim. Better to use them for whichever fodder you need.
I don't need fodder, been sitting on 300 green waiting for them to become useful
ahh okay, is that what it gives? ty then, looks like a skip to me if its no mana crystals
Sigrid best sex.
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Did my last second WB hit. I saw someone complain about it being unclear but I didn't feel that way. The gimmicks are fun and decently telegraphed.
>I saw someone complain about it being unclear
People don't read. The game tells you exactly what to do and we already had exactly the same skill mechanics with ESS Adrianne (except this time if you fail to stun the boss, you fucking die). Behemoth's burn/anti-heal mechanics are even easier to understand. I agree, it a pretty straightforward boss. I like it.
Yeah, ESS Lize/Cath are much, much worse for readability.
Yeah, sometimes you can't see the marker because of the buff/debuff icon limit. You must pause the game and check the list manually, it's a bit annoying.

High level Catherine was an absolute nightmare during previous seasons because of the yellow "?" marker. If you forgot which markers she placed on specific girls at the very beginning of the battle, you were boned. On highest levels she even placed two different markers, one effectively insta-killed you if you failed to match it with the marker on the ground.
People weren't complaining they were asking for tips 20 minutes after it came out. Not everyone waits for metas to be posted.
Metas?... But this was about reading the skills and watching a telegraph.
cant wait for a new unicat, my favourite part of the weekly reset
I always just clear 100 and sleep on it until the last day.
last chance to get your pink wheri
I'll pass.
I would've cum buckets for a dark elf wheri
Will they put DALs in the expedition?
Sending the immigrants to the mines I see...
Blessed sexycute normal pull
I wish this was me
Damn it's hot period
When is the next round of buffs? I want Adrianne to be useful already
last buffs came with guild raid so probably with DK. only kanna has been confirmed for buffs so far
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wake me up when its over
>pr*dwen is giving up with tier lists and guides
>will just post meta teams from arcalive
Sounds like a huge improvement to me.
just give up their dogshit takes and copy from the best
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Now we got a DAL icon so I'm blaming you.
I don't know what date a live is but i'm going to roll for the purple one with the big boobs
yes they did
based 1 copy forcers
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Its Violette's birthday
say something nice about her
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Store has 30 of the new summon tickets for extra cheap. Got 2 souls I needed out of them.
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oh boy new challenge stages
DALs were buffed, their stats don't match the ones from JP. Looks like 20% increase on most skills.
Fuck, I don't really wanna pull for them.
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Friendly reminder that since PTJs got reduced to one a day, it's viable again to minmax bonus rewards on specific jobs.
I just wanna auto
Too bad, I'll keep autoing as if my life depended on it
>DAL are buffed in global
He tits are very round
>he tits
I tits
You tits
They tits
I can't decide.
Yep, I've been giving jobs with epic shards, artifact coins, and artifact stones some extra taps each day. Still comfy, so I don't really mind, and the low-level jobs also give a decent amount of stuff now. Overall a good change.
I can never have enough of those dumb stones, so I'll take the extra taps for a chance at more.
>impossible to upskirt kurumi
>even when she dies she doesn't fall over
further testing required
I got you tomorrow, senpai.
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>someone tries to shill the game on /v/
>thread dies with no posts
How come no one wants to play the most generous game ever made? You only need 24 dupes to max out one unit
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I made an ES thread like 2 months ago and it got a few responses but the general consensus was "Oh, that one game with no porn".
I got her knocked over by chloe, they're black, it checks out. but i'll still take the help
maxing units serves little purpose but a nice collection to look at. 4 copies is enough for usable outside ADC
It's the schizo, don't reply.
hey shitposter-kun, how have you been? what game did you move onto?
There is porn, just not much.
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>collab souls can use either dupes OR a special event item to ascend
>no artifacts to level, but an extra passive that improves with ascension
I like this. Makes it much easier to ascend the collab units without having to dedicate too many resources to them.
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Who are you putting in your wishlist, Anons?
Claudia, Sigrid, Lilith, Sakuyo, Kanna and Onyx.
For me it's The Claud and some other dorks.
I see you have certain guideline as for the girls you'd like to get from that banner.
Mine are
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Just finishing up the units i still need to origin
new challenge maps award some of the targetted summon tickets
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sexy cute larimar
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Why does Tohka have such a flat ass compared to clock?
Damn, lewd!
Based Cherrie pick.
Maybe since her dress is longer, they figured you wouldn't have as much of a chance to see under it so they didn't bother with details. Her tights are noticeably less detailed too.
good morning /esg/

>day 1
>box 2
Which one gives under-the-desk blowjobs
I finally hid xiaolians ugly valentine building in the lords manor. im free
Damn, targeted summon is hella buff
>Date a Live collaboration
No way they let Savior cuck Shido, right? That would be too based. I dropped this game 10 months ago but it would be one thing that could get me to come back.
I lurk once in a while to see if the Japanese launch gave the game a pixiv/sales boost. Nope, that's a shame.
you can take them on dates and raise their bond level to 40, where they allow you to grope their chests.
>bond level to 40, where they allow you to grope their chests
Are you joking? I just closed the game and don't want to reopen it
they have special touch 2 dialogue which unlocks at bond 10. It's where they no longer get mad at having their breasts touched. Kurumi seems to enjoy it especially.
>no Love Story
Nah, I'll pass. Besides I only like the twins from DaL anyways.
reminder that Daphne is 187 and savior is 167, that's 20cm difference, bigger than dicks
I never watched date alive. What's the qrd on the sluts?
I want to cum all over Dominique's ears
why the fuck are souls retarded??? I just started the new event and they are, ONCE AGAIN, doing the "shoot first ask later" behavior. WHY
I thought Mephi was intelligent...
This update removed Wheri's areola. Dropped, I'm fucking done with this game.
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you just removed them yourself. is there any proof in patch notes?

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