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Previous: >>502432824

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.6 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20241011version-yjlwks/index.html

>Version 2.6 Trailer — "Annals of Pinecany's Mappou Age"
>Rappa Trailer — "No Dazzle, No Break"
>Animated Short: "Cosmic Ninjutsu Inscriptions — Havoc Exorcism: Lunar Vileslayer Scroll"

>Current Character Banners: (Acheron, Avneturine + March 7th, Pela, Sampo) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34892058
>Current Light Cone Banners: Along the Passing Shore (Nihility), Inherently Unjust Destiny (Preservation) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34892114

>New Drip Marketing:
>Sunday (5* Imaginary Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34043097
>Fugue (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/34135018

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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XUEYI BREAD!!!!!!!!!
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this one was posted on time i suppose
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consider silver wolf
I love Blossomy
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>anons in this thread are having sex
>with each other
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I choose the shueeyi thread
Nothing gay about being in love with a woman
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[CN PvP]
Usage rate for PF 2.6.
Usage Rate: Out of the people who owned X character, how many used it?
Example: If 100 people owned Acheron but only 80 used her that means her usage rate is 80%.
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Fuck you and your vandalized thread kill yourself
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Think about all the dead game threads you're killing every time...
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I don't think that's true, the closest was the two madagaskar anons but the other one chickened out....
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[CN PvP]
Appearance rate for PF 2.6
Appearance rate: Out of the total data set, how many times a character was used.
Example: The data set is N=9,017, and Ruan Mei appearance rate is 87.8%, this means that ~7900 clears had Ruan Mei in it, the rest did not.
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Is E2 worth it?
all that needs to happen is for the rolls to dodge crit, my relics do that all the time so surely it will be ok
he has a fucking dick
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All into CRIT DMG, explode luckshitter
And you are just jealous.
Kill yourself
Hertashizo lost as awlays ahaha!
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[CN PvP]
Average Scores for PF 2.6, Side 1 (Left) & Side 2 (Right)
Self Explanatory.
I know you are trolling, but that 95% just means that almost everyone who pulled for her is using her. Says nothing about how many people skipped her or not.
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smells of victory
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anon, regardless of how that rolls that still looks unironically good for Rappa or Fugue
*fucking* dicks are the best kind.
>Lingspuds instantly get uppity when it's shown that 97% of people who own her used her here
>actual usage rate is tied with Aventurine
it's trash anyway, apart from break/speed/atk%, all you need is defensive stats, crit is worse even than flat HP
>*fucking* dicks are the best kind.
I remember when Rappa said that
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We like to watch here.
I had sex with another topaz anon...
Holy Rappa flop, only 15.2% is pretty massive considering most who have Rappa are using her.
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My girlfriend is so cute
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>"""Gallagher sidegrade""" is Aventurine tier
Not the own you think that was
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[CN PvP]
Top 20 most used teams.
Note: The team with the highest score isn't picture, its spot #61 with an avg score of 40,000: Feixiao, Lingsha, Robin, Jade and it was used entirely for the first side, note that the appearance rate of this team is 0.1% so is likely just one or two guys.
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Bronya RABU!
Good morning bwos
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I'm happy for you anon
For me it's Renata
why is jade so high on side 2? it didn't have quantum weak iirc
hahaha seethe
>lingspuds in replies ignoring the appearance rate
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Sigga LOVE

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Thank you Fofo.
For sticking by us
Stop with the spam
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holy shit
>luocha had 99% usage rate
>doesn't count, no one rolled for him
>lingsha has 99% usage rate
>sooo truuuuueeee lingsha wonned
I will curse you with nothing but KING 50/50s from now till the day you die, but grats anon
we hate otto apocalypse here
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Do you only sleep for like 5 hours bwo?
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[CN PvP]
Ownership rate from this PF and the last MoC (reference), entries sorted by name.

Note that the data set for PF was 45% smaller than the MoC one, which is why Firefly ownership rates goes from 78.2% (MoC) to 65% (PF)
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Luocha and Lingsha are better than the Shieldbrick(dies to DoT while leaching SPs like a succubus)
the spd lowering frogs on final wave were quantum weak, she still does good enough damage without weakness anyway, especially considering you run her with another AoE attacker
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don't talk to my mom like this lil bitch
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I see them
they're very well hidden
How the fuck is posting data from the game's endgame mode spam? Is it somehow getting in the way of all the gay erp shit you guys did the past weeks?
I love HSR meta!
Pathetic hijacked thread
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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sigga HATE
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With the selector coming up i'll be able to get e4 Bronya. Is there a writeup of e4 Bronya mechanics anywhere? How much energy do you get from her fua? Does anything change with her Energy Regen equipment or ult rotations? Is it good anywhere else outside of giving Feixiao stacks?
Does any smart person know how to speedtune the order of a Hunt March, Feixiao, Bronya, and sustain team? Is something like this correct? Feixiao 165 (buffed by March and e2 Bronya) > 163 March (or sustain) > 161 Bronya.
Thanks if anyone can help
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Your mom is a nice lady and her cuddles are so comforting they keep me up at night.
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>Aventurine with rerun increases
>Acheron with rerun decreases
They are stealing the Acherons, do not roll
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Thread is so bad I'm going to shitpost on gig instead
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Yeah what's the secret Chinese PF Feixiao team? Did they all roll Jade or something? Prydwen's PF stats show Feixiao being not so good.
Lingsha WON
This poster is rapebait.
Feixiao + Jade E1, that's it.
Next time don't use a vandalized thread
It's called vertical investment
...the flop of the year award
Remember those chinks stats where Seele outperformed better than literally everyone? One or two chinks with E6 can basically alter the whole thing lmao
>Gepard that high
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Firekeks are still using her out of sunk cost
don't say that, the mutilations will start seething at you again for not worshiping cock
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Why did no one roll for Yunli and Jade? Isn't every waifu a huge HIT???
My goddess... Please cover the n... I can see them!
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Fuck you retards
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Feifei for Pure Feiction was pretty good last cycle but I couldn't make it work this time around.
Acheron had a resurgence and Gepard is her best sustain when kitted properly.
No need to start shit up, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
According to anons they flopped because of shipbait (they ignore Lingsha flopped harder than both)
So on average, Lingsha adds 2800 points to the Rappa team compared to Gallagher. But for Firefly, it is 5300 points. Does make sense, I found the Firefly team to have difficulties clearing since she is only 3 targets, so adding AoE to it helps more than with Rappa. But surprised that Himeko superbreak wasn't run as much, found her to do better than Firefly. And almost everyone has her for PF already, so not like it is some obscure unit. And talking about obscure shit, no secret Acheron tech with Yunli/Clara or preservation March teams.
>most popular male 5*
>shows up less than a filler character like Lingsha.
Transventurine sisters....its time to retreat to the transcord and regroup.
>chinese girl
why would I roll for them? can you explain? I hate both races equally. I rolled for lewd white women that I would fuck if they were real

and no, I wouldn't fuck yunli or jade even if they were real
>GODpard still relevant
Anti-hertaschizo schizo is nothing but your invented boogeyman, Hertaschizo.
Spam posts
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The cunny audience at this point have basically all left for Blue Archive, also Flopxiao [who ironically underperformed] was coming so people didnt pull
Safe horny dom mommy, men like hags but not hags that emasculate them. Rolling for her is basically saying you want to be put in a chastity cage.
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it allows you to drop her sig and still have enough energy to 3 turn ult without outside energy generation assuming you trigger it 2 times
Trends cone, makes Gepard a budget Jiaoqiu since he can now inflict burn every time an enemy hits him.
Also let's you add BS and Kafka to the team to exploit the DoT shilling.
>D-don't point my autism out
You lost, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
this can't be real sisters, these numbers are probably made up by straggots to make us look bad
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Gepard actually works pretty well in this PF if you don't have JQ (which is a lot of people). Enemy advance help with Trend procs, plus the higher aggro of Gepard means that the stupid CC enemies focus on him instead of your dps. Even if he is frozen, delayed and imprisoned, he still does his job with Trend
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from prev. MoC data
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Yunli was a first half character with star roles in two patches
Jade and Lingsha were both filler second half characters
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Public service announcement: Blonde is a feminine article. When used towards men it is Blond.
>superbreak shilling pf with lots of dots to cleanse aka the most pf will ever shill lingsha
>ties with aventurine
Idk it's not looking good sisters.
why did this general got so gay lately with thread crushes and the namedrops
who do we blame
Shut the fuck up, Lynx. No one cares
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>Leaves out the bbc spam
We blame our "women"
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My hero...
Not clicking your AIslop, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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The Numby pusher falling off?
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homos and mutilations in mainstream socials pointed out to their mentally brethren that 4chan hates wokeshitters, so they decided to make 4chan inclusive. they keep supporting dei shit hoping that they turn everyone here into a faggot. might work, after all that's how they brainwash random strangers to mutilate themselves
You are so fucking obsessed with this made up person, Hertashizo.
No need to talk about yourself on third person, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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>lives rent free in brickbundance's heads
no one rolled your schizo ninja
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Phantylia is for Caelus!
We're saving it all for Herta
>ignoring upcoming summon focused meta
>ignoring upcoming AoE focused double row changes and erudition shilling
Uh oh homotranny getting increasingly nervous.
You forgot to point out that 4chan has a sizeable population of gullible mentally ill keks. It's easier to convince people here to do sodomy & mutilation than it's to convert a normie.
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>Shu of Deception
>Deceives (you)
I recognize it, although Phanytila is much more of a bitch
can we post some TRVTH NVKES
Lingsha has nothing to do with summon meta retarf. Unless you're genuinely trying to run hypercarry lingsha with your favorite worm
You are a pedo
Being a bitch is a plus. Looks at Herta for example.
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We love Blossomy here
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I can't Seele his slave tattoo
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>Caeluspags dragging the average score down
seele luv
Jade is ugly
That's not how averages work sis
it's 4 pm...
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are you sure you want to talk about the upcoming summon focused meta, ahmed?
>free standart selector
E2 Bronya will finally be mine
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To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To be better far than you are
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To be willing to give when there's no more to give
To be willing to die so that honour and justice may live
And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star
yuck, what did Mutsuki do to deserve this?
The sisters discord is real btw
Raiden Mei
she raped sensei
There are going to be supports/DPS that scale off of the entire teams summons/servants. It's 100% an obvious progression route for pushing team building and forcing people to roll on new characters. Sunday is just the sparkle of the summon meta and will get blown the fuck out after the better full summon team supports release.

Of course Lingsha could get outdone by a better summon sustainer too, but she will still benefit since you need 2 teams for everything. Can't wait to laugh at delusional Sundayfags who can't see the most obvious thing they will ever do for a second time.
he will get powercrept in 2 patches when they realize that a mandatory wormflop will compromise the sales of all future summon characters, acheron-womqiu was a test
whos the bitch at the bottom
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More like 3 hours
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My gf
Lingsha doesn't have a servant.
uh oh ahmedbros, sounds like ahmedcope
CHADlus have so many I can't keep up
>Harmony loli first phase of anniversary patch
You're very likely to be right, age of cunny is soon
Topaz is a better investment than Lingsha
At least she won't be bricked when break shilling ends like her.
>Of course Lingsha could get outdone by a better summon sustainer too, but she will still benefit since you need 2 teams for everything
>Can't wait to laugh at delusional Sundayfags who can't see the most obvious thing they will ever do for a second time
so lingsha will still be good for your second team but sunday will be giga POWERCREPT, right?
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I own both and disagree. While both of them have the problem of having a 4 star that is very close to them in power, Topaz's competitor is 100% free to E6, while Gallagher takes rolling.

And you can use Galalgher on side one and Lingsha on side two since they are both sustains, but you might struggle to run two FUA teams at the same time.
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too much of a slut but good camera
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Lingshatrannies are the most obnoxious posters after huohuotrannies. Notice anything btw?
anti-hertaschizo squizo won that trade fr
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these feet belong on my dick
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Only one bad poster for each of those
Lingsha doesn't function without Fire weakness shilling.
not really, no. topaz is not functional as an e0s0

t. got baited into rolling e0s0 and had a brick for months until she finally got her rerun
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I'm noticing Topaz being built for Trailballzer alright
No need to talk aboutyourself on the third person, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
Why are you retards still pushing the idea that somehow summon/servant buffs won't overlap when Sunday is already in beta and works with traditional summon characters.

Yeah everybody is noticing that homotrannies attack every single female character.
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Yes because somehow without fire weakness all of her heals and cleanse just poof out of existence in a puff of logic.
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Sex me up, madam
Nothing is built for caelus outside of still warm pag from the dumpster
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So, I copied that guy's team (you know, the Nero one who used Lingsha in ACK team in PF) to see and it unironically works. I suspect that the reason for why she stacks ACK this much is due to:
>fire weak mobs = break = stack
>banjo's ult = 1 stack whoever attacks
>PF's DoT can have things count as extra debuff
>ult is debuff on its own
>her break damage also isn't something to laugh at as I dare saying that she was killing more then Acheron on average
>due to how often she attacks/her bunny it moves enemies constantly up which forces JQ's stacks even more for Acheron
>aka easy 40k on that side with lots of cycles left kek
Wouldn't recommend this team comp outside of this PF though, but for this PF? Yea, that guy wasn't crazy for pairing these two. I say if you struggle with this PF have Lingspud+banjo+pink fox, then go for this team. It's easiest 40k on one side.
No need to get so mad, Hertaschizo.
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I love cosplay sluts
no poster is worse than homotranny(singular) tho
the majority agrees
>conveniently ignores achtards
>conveniently ignores firepags
>conveniently ignores avensisters
why are you so biased? are you part of that discord server too?
But enough about (You), Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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This snake has been causing seethe since day one
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>huohuotroons - erping, spamming, being subhumans
>lingshatrannies - hating their own gender because they're subhumans, always seething
>futroons - hating luocha and their own gender. killed themselves in 2.1
>aventurinetroon - falseflagging as the wormschizo, spamming fujoshit
Total sustaintranny genocide when?
Okay if her only use is healing and cleansing you would rather have Huohuo.
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>FORMERLY they said
Because then they can't sell you the new servant exclusive shit, retard. I guarantee you that whatever buffs they may give in the future for summons won't count the ones exclusive to the action bar.
But enough about /gig/
Because it's posters are annoying as fuck, they're not relevant and are trying to astroturf their brick as much as possible.
erpGODS broke you.
Erping is good thoughbeitly
ahmed, you attack every single male character
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Can't have Huohuo on both sides now can you
I did it finally... after months of getting complete dogshit pieces.. I hope i can redeem myself and manage to e2 + her cone on the rerun..
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Is that so?
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>spamming fujoshit
Not true, I shoot every ratpiss fujoshitter on sight
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We love Lingsha /here/
so you admit that you falseflag as the wormschizo
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Inb4 you-know-whose start seething and malding over this
post the screaming/laughing one
Nyo, I actually find him kind of endearing now
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Not liking the vibe of this snake
idk who you're talking about but if you wanted (You)s you could have just asked.
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If Smelle truly smelled so bad, Lingsha would comment on her bad odor
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madam herta.. i.. love you...
sis... 3.1 is not the anniversary
>uses fujotron image
>no way why would you call me out I'm normal
Not rolling for a bitch with red hands
kek, that's hertaschizo for you!
That's a regular aventurine image. I don't think you know what fujo is.
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>not really, no. topaz is not functional as an e0s0
Anti Topaz keks are still holding onto their made up cope.
>replying to your own posts
Only reason to use Himeko if you have Firefly is adding her to the Firefly team
You cucks really need stop invading /zzz/. Suck Boothill cock or something
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more like Swelle
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There's nothing fujo going on in that pic?
whenever he shows up, you're here too
also I refuse to believe that he's a man
Funny because herta schizo is russian
fuck off cuckfag
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Topaz is not this stacked
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don't be mean to anon i appreciate his reply.
You bet he'd do that.
>max score
>no resets
>wtf bros that guy was kind onto something
No shit. Anyone with single working braincell could tell you how to abuse the living hell out of this PF. Spoiler: You don't need "proper" teams for it. You NEVER need PROPER teams for PF. Just what will work the best and fastest. PF was always about abusing current cycle buffs. Not proper team building.
You can unironically pair Acheron with Yunli this PF because Yunli too stacks her like crazy this PF cycle due to how this PF's buffs and her own kit works. It's funny to me when fags try to treat PF as how they treat MoC.
No need to reply to yourself with your headcanons, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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There's more than one aventurine poster xister.
Everybody here hates Hertaschizo
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>Immediately imagines getting cucked
Truly buckbroken
StackedPaz looks good
I'm gonna sleep and dream about my thread crush since I've been up for long
fuck off cuckfag you lost
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Crazy how Firefly is always on top by a large margin even if there are better options, Fireflyfags are loyal.
how do you know that
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I think you'll find that Topaz's holdings are significant and beating inflationary demand.
Fuck off cucks. We didn't forget how you made a vandalized thread
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I barely get anything farmed trace wise, maybe a single updoot for a skill a day. Double up when?
This. PF is a joke mode. It's how FUA team can also clear max score as long as FUA buff is there (it almost always is).
You are a single person, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
Everybody here loves Acheron
I'll think of you too
Replying to different unrelated posts will never make them the same person, Hertasquizo.
projecting homotroon thinks it's a single person samefagging against his worms
reality: you browsed too much reddit, you are a minority here
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>topaz art
>hidden cuckshit
every time
bwo he was defending you...
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I appreciate that, anon.
>20 Ahmedpags
Uh oh cope, Sunday will outsell your waifushit.
Why is anti hertaschizo schizo schizo like this?
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Very nice.
But I suggest you went for E2 then S1 later.
i feel so ashamed... i got really horny and did naked dogeza to firefly last night
no I'm sure there are lots of ahmeds in this thread, don't worry, ahmed
Silver Wolf's engorged knot...
>sigga in Acheron team
Unless these are all E2S1 sigger owners... Wtf are these niggers doing? Unironically just run firetb at this point. It's not like pf is heavy in its hits that you need "good" protection and firetb sure as hell will work better with Acheron than your f2poor sigger would.
Changing the way you type will NEVER make you someone else, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
Likewise, no need to pretend to be someone else, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
This PF is absolute cancer without some sort of CC or DOT protection.
Same thing as with FuXuankeks. They can't comprehend Trend.
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Anon you want Prostate stimulation not Prostrate simulation
Brb, please don't tease Hertaschizo a lot.
Everyone is already using HMC, retardbro.
>shipkek art
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We firefly are lazy, why bother score better if it work decent. A clear is a clear
i love hertaschizo.
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Jade is so cute
Why do you always talk to yourself like this, Anti-hertaschizo schizo? No one thinks you're more than one person, and no one likes you.
>randomly saw new gacha heaven burns red releases today
Any1 try it yet? Looks like 5 niggas in a row
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My god you retards do this every thread, enough with this shit, kiss and make up retards.
And we hate his threads!
And we love his threads
>HTB on side 1
Nice one retardo
Take your fucking meds, Hertaschizo.
It's gonna get crazy once Herta Prime releases
You will never have a safe space, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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I fixed the fingers a month ago bwo
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I'm 31. I argue with 19 years old muslim gacha players online
Kuru ~~ Kuru
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Thank you anon, I'll replace it!
>Newfags don't know janny doxed his range ban
Idk if that's even him posting or a copycat
are you winning the arguments?
Do you have kids?
I love my Herta and Tingyun
>he thinks only Hertaschizo posts Herta
you got mindbroken so hard
Go back to r/honkaihusbandos
and we love your threads
and we love your threads
Sigger's CC protection isn't exactly the greatest unless you whaled for E4 Robin to make it 100%. It's is 50/50 thing and since he doesn't have cleanse, if you get fucked by CC you are fucked. Gallagher would unironically be better use for you there as he can give effect res to 1 person and cleanse you if do get fucked.
This comes from someone who plays sigger. No way in hell I'm using my f2poor nigga with Acheron in any scenario that isn't some SU hard mode bs that will one shot my ass if he isn't there.

Just use Gepard on trend, or fucking Gallagher then. Bound to do more for you than sigger that you forced on trend cone, hoping someone tickles him at least once so he can stack for shit. He has no taunt, so he, much like FX, ends up being the worst user of trend.
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>I'm 31
HOLY FUCKING HAG, uid?!?!??!??????? HOW MANY CATS?!?????????? SAG LEVEL IN CENTIMETERS?????????
and we love your threads
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I still haven't made a satisfactory reroll because they're like "reroll because you can't progress with shitters"
and we love your threads
I played Aventurine this PF, and my Black Swan got frozen once. His Eff Res is very underrated as most enemies' EHR isn't that high in the first place.
That's Anti-hertaschizo schizo for you.
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Nta: Acheron + JQ + Guin + bugmei = 40k in 1 cycle
You don't need shit as such.
Who the fuck cares nigga, people will still use Aventurine or Fu instead of [obscure sustain] regardless
People used Aventurine this PF because his FUAs advance the enemies which means more free dot procs bro. Stop coping.
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Same here bwosister
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thank you for spoonfeeding me anon.
No need to spam the threads after losing, Hertaschizo.
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You're so fucking mentally ill Anti-hertaschizo schizo, Jesus fucking christ.
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>and after this is wormdays turn to flop
Da Wei did it! He killed Honkai: Star Rail!
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>Not only AvenPaz posters are slightly fat but also 30+
Sneed could never compete with these hagstresses holy shit.
you can just run mov instead of his sig in this pf since the blessing applies a dot on any of his attacks anyway. all the cc here is singletarget so they'll all go onto him and he already has 70% eff res before substats + cc immune every 2 turns
Average player doesn't dare to go sustainless against overworld mobs, let alone in some endgame. You are talking to niggers who probably still didn't finish GnG while some random dude did it with lv 20 Scampo.
Sneed is just as bad
At what point does firefly stop needing be? In combat with hmc ult, her be is at 441. Is that good enough now or do I still gotta keep stacking be on her?
I'm in love with antihertaschizoschizo
This will be one of the few second half banner that outsells its first half counterpart...
Once again, no need to talk about yourself on third person. You are the only person who acts this way, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
Sneed is a pedobait hebe with daddy issues and probably zero cats.
These ones identify themselves with Topaz. They're definite irl HAGS.
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I love Yunli
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Not yet, I'm 25
AHK (anti-hertaschizo kun) is obsessed and mentally ill.
fuck off cuckfag
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we like hags /here/
Id take any of the hsrg femboys over sn**d
Whats her BE% bwo?
No one will EVER believe you, Hertashizo.
Version 2.6 and its consequences have been a disaster for /hsrg/
kek, have you not noticed?

>only huohuoposters remain
Replacing my Firefly with Himeko did better for me. The Fuas that hit every enemy add up. But I only have Gallagher, so adding AoE had a pretty big effect in that team.
can't wait to see him cry like he did for genshit
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google says that between 500lb sand 500kgs is required to fracture the human skull but this still makes me nervous.
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Da Wei is gonna lose billions because he decided to gift a free 5* standard selector
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I think Yunli sucks
I'm younger than Aventurine
No need to brag, King
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>There's a real possibility that this banner makes more than Rappa's
Holy shit
I want to suck on sneed's small petite breasts
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Rappa... had a hard life...
I replaced HMC for Himeko and got full score, I do have Lingsha though.
>It's is 50/50 thing and since he doesn't have cleanse
Normally it is even less than that, since enemies gain effect hit rate per level and have a high chance to hit their debuffs. But in this PF, the levels are lower and the imprisonment enemies has only a 20% chance to proc when they attack. And the important part is not the CC itself, but that it comes with action delay. So the effect res for once is actually impactful.
There's no limit on how high BE should be. additional 50 BE won't improve much at that point (400+) she only need 150 speed and BE above 360. Everything else after is just bonus
Wow dan really flopped
I posted this
>powercrept DPS
>overrated sustain
Who the fuck is spending on this banner???
the back of people's hands seems to sweat a lot in ecchi...
no one thats why its flopping gLOL!
Who tf would want to roll for ACKeron and Fagturine when the next meta will be summon meta?
Everyone and their mother are saving for Sunday and 3.0 characters
I completed my Feixiao team during this banner, now I can run it until EoS
>People only roll for meta
Japan loves both of them
how is your feixiao against septimus in apocalyptic shadow? :^)
shant roll for the homo, don't care. summon will get powercreeped too
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It's actually pretty surprising that her warp tracker numbers are so close to Aventurine's considering so many people rolled for her already and Aventurine is definitely in a better place meta-wise.

I expected a blow-out.
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Can you recognize who this is from their feet?
I rolled Fex on a whim (e1s1) and I often forget that I even have her. That said she is solid as fuck and easily one of my best brute force DPS. Also she enables March so I'll just use her forever.
With Japan's help they can outselff flopflop
OK ty, also just wanted to ask. For her 4p set bonus. Does the 250 be need to be outside of combat or in? Cause her be is lower than 250 outside of combat
this confirms shartckerons first numbers were all the top up reset
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>Every other (2 character) rerun banner will score worse since this is the highest Debut banner
I don't know, haven't tested it, it heavily shills AOE break after all, why would I use an off-element single target DPS there? My Rappa is doing splendidly if you're wondering
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around this much in battle she has like 448% in battle im still trying to get BAE rope that has more than 4 points in SPD subs
Haven't tried that yet, that could actually work as well. The enemies only weak to IMG can be implanted by Firefly to deal with. But you do lose access to DDD on HTB, it is actually crazy how often you can ult with all the breaking that happens in PF.
if mimi is a trashcan i'm gonna find you dawei you fuc
It active retroactively like all buff and debuff so yeah, in-battle stat
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Why would you run Feifei on side two when side one is BUILT for her?
Every conditional buff takes in combat buffs into account. It used to be a strat to hit the 70% crit for planar with FX, and DoT teams hit 160 glamoth with RM. Only thing that doesn't work if there are two conditional buffs, like Robin gives part of her attack to the team which doesn't count for Firefly's atk to be trace.
>is on the way to outsell Rappa
>mid chance of outselling Fofo
What is her talent. Im curious how they would make her better than Harmony path.
Do they have a weapon though?
point was shilling in this game is so fucking insane that even strong teams turn to bricks simply due to unfavorable matchup
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Rappa bros in warp tracker sigga and ackeron has more pulls than us
Is a trashcan or a monke isn't it?
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We are the few
The proud
The amazon-pressed.
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Hopefully cute animal
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Hsrg's biggest reality check
>a cute pink creature and like a rabbit. Mimi is the TB's new companion in Amphoreus and will be the Remembrance TB's summoned servant.
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So what actually matters is Mimi's kit. Give it, SeeleLeaks.
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>other leaks say Mimi is a rabbit girl
Holy Firefraud waifucreep. God knows I'll "charge" Mimi with all my might and post Caemi art /here/
>another rabbit summon
they're just copy pasting Lingspud?
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Where have I heard of a pink rabbit before...
Don't let Lingspud SNIFF the Mimi
with kakaurine? feixiaofags (both metakeks)
with FRAUDcheron? E0-E1 players forced to unbrick her with E2 and Sig come to compete against sloppa in DMG.
ok so remembrance units can heal their own summons, what's the fucking point of a sustain then, just let the summons tank shit
Me on the right
Lingspud is getting rabbitcrepted too lmaoooooo
Uhhhh bros? AoE attack exist? The summoner can die? what the fuck are you smoking?
Can summons be shielded/healed?
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Yeah your BE% is kinda low but even if you were to add 60% it wouldn't make THAT much of an impact.
Oh btw, is there any reason you needed 165 SPD or are you optimizing for DDD? If you're just optimizing for 0 cycle DDD then you just need 162 (which = 172 with RM), looks good otherwise! Good luck with that Chest and Rope o7
we don't know. Probably the best example was that silly anniversary event where Stelle summoned trash cans for allies.
those tickle you
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>more rabbits
I think from previous event summon cant be targeted by enemies, only damaged by AoE
>An onahole (more like our paimon)
funny, hsrg will never recover
>Another artist mental breakdown
Not funny.
We don't know yet
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Where did the spud meme come from? (lingspud, luospud). I know you guys are never original so it must come from some other gacha general.
this means fu brick is even more bricked since she is taking even more aoe damage for no reason
In the trashcan event only the summoner themselves could apply shields or heal it, any other sources were ignored, so Lingsha can't heal them and Aventurine can't shield them, in turn Summons cannot be targeted by enemy attacks unless they're "attack all allies" types (which are very few)
death by thousands cuts also exist
>Hoolay endless turns
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For the normal teammates in your team...
>TB's summon isnt a trashcan
With how cool Sunday's character was, I'm kinda disappointed his whole kit is just a revamp of Bronya for summons unlike Robin who's a whole ass DPS hybrid. Though there's a certain irony not lost on me where Robin the individualist, wants a team that works for her while Sunday the dictator, becomes a sort of servant to another hypercarry.
>mimi is a rabbit girl
Mimi is just Fuyuan and TB's love child. Do NOT tell Lingsha.
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>tfw when you action-advance Hoolay
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We know that RTB is supposedly Additional Damage DPS.

So maybe it's something like:

>When Mimi is on the field, when ally deal damage, Mimi will deal Additional Damage base on certain percentage of the original damage.
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O-oh... I thought the breakpoint was 165 this entire time O_O but thank you, i'll still keep at it
>Pretends he's multiple people
>Thinks that everyone mildly criticizing him is one person
>Can't ignore bait
>Has multiple melties
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>With how cool Sunday's character was
Typical Luo... I mean Lingsha gameplay
>instead it's just lingspud's bunny
not sure if this is a w, especially for caelus
I'm glad Robin is 2nd most used harmony. And no I don't count the mc
Isn't Mimi the name of Juan's lion, are we reusing names now
>Playing like shit
should've waited until the second action so you could AA-out their AA.
Makes sense that Robin is a team wide buffer that makes the entire team work and do damage (which is how you defeat Sunday), whereas Sunday is just a single target because he "controls" them.
There's no cure for this unless you bring kakaurine
>especially for caelus
What do you mean?
Nyooo...I regret skipping lingsha....
Not feeling good Lingshabros
Anon is a shitter for not immediately channeling Feixiao's ult and cucking Hoolay's attack
>not a single foot, nay, a single toe, itt
Let's change that.
Whats the point of logging in if theres no oen to prefarm for?
Its 165 (175) if you wait to trigger DDD after Firefly depowering animation ends, if you trigger DDD as soon as it starts you only need 162 (172), at least thats my understanding of it.
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You daily 60 jade?
Mr. Sampo's toes are so nice to look at thank you
>Assuming summons will have anywhere near 2k HP
I just auto'd this jobber furry using the sigga kek
if you want comfy, it's 167.2 spd before ruan mei

you can use 162spd but you have to use it when firefly is out of complete combustion. which means if complete combustion ending is the last action before cycle 0 ends, you have to time ddd so that you use it as soon as firefly exits complete combustion
MIMI'S KIT DOKO???????????¿??????
>people rolled boothill
>just to not use him
What for then
>in PF
he sucks
He's pretty
>be chinese
How do we fix this?
i tried break gameplay with him. didn't like it. haven't touched anything break since.
a man having a cute pink bunny as a summon is gay as fuck
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Sparkleposter if you are reading this just wanted to say I love you
You sound like my dad.
What's the point of using a vandalized thread?
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>Rolled topaz on launch because she was fuckable
>didn't get to actually use her for a year until Feixiao launched
>Rolled Jade on launch
>Get to use her once every 40 days at best
>Rolled silver wolf because the brat needed correction
>Used her for about 2 months following acheron's launch

We're not so different...
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Sparkleposter if you are reading this just wanted to say I hate you
what's vandalized about it dollfucker?
The one on the left is an OC not a star rail character
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I think E2 is a good investment!
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NTA but I can't believe none of you have noticed the stupid typo.
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don't talk about my gwo like that
global will be carrying this game too sooner or later.
Nobody cares about your avneturine you mentailly ill freak.
Sounds like a insecurity problem, its just a cute rabbit
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Is that official HI3 art?
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There's like 5 of us miss smelle
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wife is content with no content.
Don't worry, Tingyun next patch
>Still going
You are actually deranged, Anti-hertaschizo schizo.
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I rolled him because I like him and I do use him in SU content and boss fights.
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argenti did worse than a free character lmao
She is literally not in the 2.7 story lol
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How does Feixiao go so fast and do so much damage?

She breaks wind.
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>battle assist
>but not in story
wtf hoyo are you that against my wife appearing in the story
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Was Acheron carried by Luocha the first time?
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Lover of sw poster, if you are reading this just wanted to say I love you
mom love!
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Sporkle is for
NTA but how does Boothill perform in SU? Can you just oneshot every boss?
Herta could bury her dollface in those tits.
When are we getting a catgirl stripper?
>safe horny genslop
hopefully never
how was a literal hooker allowed to be released in genshin, a game for kids? at that point why not just make all kinds of sexy outfits like other gacha games, coomers would pay for those
next week
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>ctrl f hertas
So… when is this leaking? Surely some chad did pay for it already with the plan to leak it to everyone
Fuck this leaktranny cartel
I fuck this. Jelly?
Hit me up when we finally see her tits.
because they're back to the roots™
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Lovey-dovey sensual kissing sex
Nobody bought it after someone else bought (from a different guy) a leak that resulted to be Candice's concept art, its possible that the first guy actually had real leaks but by then the damage was done by the other retard selling fake leaks.
Herta Prime uses a keyblade
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「HSR」Remembrance Trailblazer's Servant

Shiroha posted that the Remembrance Trailblazer's Skill and Ultimate heals their Servant.

Servants can only be healed by their summoner, so it could be that the Remembrance Trailblazer's Servant consumes its own HP every turn, so that its HP becomes an indicator of remaining uses.
Feixiao + Raydon Bumblemorti May + Buff that applies Windshear with every attack. You don't need more than one extra Nihihihi even for E0 Acheron in PF as it's overkill.
Pridewyn and Americans are dumb monkeys who think you should pick up the follow up buff if you use Feifei.
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Why are the Sundaysisters suddenly having a melty and asking for buffs? I thought he was super meta powercreep and a must roll for the upcoming summon meta?
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>Played DS1,2,3,Bloodborne with STR builds
>Tried INT for once in ER
>Ranni mindbroke me so hard Ive never played martials anywhere ever again.
Stop stalking the reddit sisters and ask her for date already
Who's this semen demon?
Entitled sisters
they won't do shit
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>will be powercrept by the anniversary cunny harmony
oh that will be funny as fuck
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>TB's canon wife next arc is a pink bunny
I think I'm leaving /hsrg/. You guys are extremely boring this patch. I'll see you for next week's stream I suppose. If you feel the thread's quality suddenly improving it's because I'm not here.
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>Inb4 Sunday will become HSR's Dehya but for women
I would never wish that on anyone.
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You know what bunny's do best?
>anniversary cunny
She is in 3.1 and the anniversary is in 3.2 which is Castorice, pedobro
You don't know how terrible Dehya actually is, Sunday is a workable unit that will most likely end up at T0.5 or T0.
It’s over
>You don't know how terrible Dehya actually is
Dehya was my last Genshin roll.
He's good with Hunt blessings and anything that can increase Break and with the right team he can oneshot a boss. He does need good supports though like RM and HTB which is a given since they help every Break unit. He doesn't really do well in multiple enemy fights since he's still single target, your better off using AOE units and Boothill is build for boss killing and not much else. He's needs at least 200 break eff which is expected.
I thought it was agreed that Sunday was dramatically better than Fug though?
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Dafuck? He's broken, sisters don't play the gacha confirmed, they only want to kill the gameplay balance.
Do we know anything about Castorice?
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I thought you were sleeping
I only use him in AS or PF when Physical Weakness is in it. Yes, he can implant, but it's pretty unreliable unless there's adds with it on the first wave (even if the elites/boss don't have it).
Incestbait with her brother
>sunday sisters can canvas for a buff of a not even bad kit but tingyun fags can't even muster up the energy to complain about a mid as fuck sidegrade to a free unit
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says who?
What Tingyunfags?
AS or MoC*, not PF
She's a slut but not Elysia
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lovely xueyi, saved
i don't believe you, i think 3.1 will be anniversary
She is Quantum Remembrance
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I take so much damage in apocalyptic shadow
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too much blood in dick to complain
talk more about it in december
Not talking about Robin
>sunday sisters are metafags
>tingyunbros would still love her even if she was a bug
Huh? Are they bitching about eidolons again? He's great by E0S1 standards.
Shall be pulling Castorice
SHAN'T be pulling Polystratus
Might brick my account doing this, but I don't care.
It's not, leakers already confirmed it's 3.2 and you can easily just do math
I went to bed then I started thinking about him so I got up just to post.. and now I couldnt help but check the thread again...
this is weird, fugue got nerfed, what are they even talking about. is this some kind of mental illness?
So Elysia but not really? Are they pussying out on expies now?
Caelus fucks this btw
No, there is apparently an Elysia expy (real) too
Female gacha """"players""" realized they will never be the target audience
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Rememblazer chads rise up!
Robin is so overtuned so people will use her as a benchmark and complain.
are you pretending that /hsrg/ never doomposted firefly? or feixiao? or ack? or ROBIN?
here's your (you), mahmud
if i'm wrong, i'm wrong but you won't be able to convince me 3.1 isn't anniversary
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If Sunday's capable of making JY of all things do fast clears then imagine what he'll be able to do for actually good summon DPS.
This is true, no one fucking cared
Homofujo niggers will never be happy until there are only males released.
I think you replied to the wrong post
Elysia is too valuable to bring the real deal that early, unlike Acheron, but at the same time they know people want her already so it is a compromise.
nobody wants elysia
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Saving for Harmony Cunny
Elysia already got mogged by Firefly tho
This is the only place I ever see talking about this retarded bitch
I'm not interesting anon, sleep well
If Mary sue posting counts as doomposting? yes.
>>502458097 and replies
>hahaha Sundaysisters are so entitled, he's already OP and only got a minor nerf but they're still asking for buffs
>/hsrg/ every time Fugue's kit is mentioned: wtf are the devs thinking she needs buffs, how could they nerf her? enhanced basic and ultimate don't even do anything
Not before we see her
I want to get hyped but I can't because I know they will find a way to fuck it up.
True, nobody wants that harlot, everyone is waiting for the only good pink woman from HI3, Yae
Because Fugue kit is not better than HMC, a fucking F R E E unit, Sunday laps around Bronya and Sparkle but Fugue can't even beat a free unit?
Well I'm not interesting myself either, but I'm still interested on you
this is the only place you visit, right?
Sunday powercreep sparkle a LIMITED character, Fugue outside of rappa it not even better than the hmc
Having tested both Firefly + HMC + Fugue + Lingsha and Firefly + RM + Fugue + Lingsha in the beta, I can attest both teams clear roughly 1 cycle faster than Firefly + HMC + RM + Lingsha in MoC.
She's a good unit, just not an upgrade worth 160 pulls.
No and I truly meant it. Everywhere else I only see Mei and the other white haired bitch
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I used a save editor to make a playable Tingyun in T.I.T.S. but somehow that game STILL doesn't have a status or consumable item that makes you go into heat on a cycle. What the fuck are they doing, it's in C.O.C.
Bad bait
are you testing with ddd on hmc
1 cycle faster sounds great
am I retarded?
against the 5tv it doesn't count it's a shill fight lol
you can also ddd spam your way to get an extra move with htb to get the same results
CNsisters care this much about meta? I thought they pull for males regardless?
oh nevermind you're just testing on the shill boss LMAO
They lie, is the only thing they do. They are a grup of cultist
Meanwhile in reality:
Killed bronya rand, sparkle, E6 tingyun and maybe Fu xuan crit rate gimmick
Only replaces harmony MC, a free unit
sisters and xisters are sinply spiteposting the gacha now.
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Was against this MoC: https://hsr18.hakush.in/maze/1020
There's not even Fire Weakness or Break shilling.
So...basically they won't pull for males unless they're meta even if they only get a new one like once every few months then?
Sunday E1 do anything for non-summoners?
huh? so I have to wait for 3 more patches until the top up bonus is reset? grim, herta will flop if true
I still havent bothered to read wormdays kit lol
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Why do you lie
80-160 pulls just for 1 cycle isnt worth it
samefag and a troon
Bruh, there is fire weakness.Are you fucking blind or what
No need to act retarded, anti-Hertaschizo
2nd half bro
Who even still uses Fu for CR?
For non-summoners it's Ruan Mei's E1 but slightly worse. I don't think it's worth it.
Fu is only good for being a tank. She's pointless as a buffer.
Fu Xuan status?
Aventurinelets running FUA team or your standard Hypercarry comps.
Not really.
Who fucking cares about non summoners?
>3.0 - summoner
>3.1 - greek blade (naked)
>3.2 - summoner elysia
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There's literally no other preservation in the game. Hope they make some.
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A minor optimization isn't a great investment from a meta point of view. After all, in order for income from end-game content to counter-balance rolling for a single character pity you'd have to wait a year or two.

It's nice that she's a bit better if you want her anyway but if you don't want her anyway then it's not an easy recommend.

The most significant upshot of Fugue is that she may free up RM to be a harmony in a side 2 hypercarry, but the current hypercarries don't really use harmony units, such as Feifei and Ack.
Erudition meta is going to be the strongest
your gepard?
>greek blade
Kill yourself yurishitter
would the new region author write male/male bonding?
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I'm going to save this game.
hp scaling dps, wants to be hit
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>current hypercarries don't really use harmony units, such as Feifei
i regret to inform you that r*bin is in fact a harmony unit
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Just a mother and daughter spending some quality time together.
He is going to be erudition, for the strongest erudition meta of herta
So again, why Fugue gets to be a small optimization unit vs HMC (literally free lmao) and thats "okay", look at Sunday beating E6 Sparkle and Bronya with ease.
post some mom love
Break is already in such a good state they don't really need any more busted character right now. You are considering powercreeping ruan mei just to powercreep? Meanwhile hyper carry has been dead in the water since forever now.
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Because they know I'll pull, unfortunately.
Retconned chudbeit.
If Gil isn't a brick then it's not lore accurate.
A common argument I see is "being able to free HMC for when he gets a new path", but it's looking like the new path is a DPS and they'd never make a free DPS unit good.
I want to impregnate both of them.
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Hello? Content?
dr ratio was pretty good for a freebie (he's not permanently free though)
>You are considering powercreeping ruan mei just to powercreep?
NTA but I'd love to replace that retarded bitch with the sexfox
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No littering.
Sunday only beat E6 Sparkle because the pilot gave her Sacerdos and refused to advance Robin, remove all of her eidolons, give her Eagle, don't play like a retard and she 1 cycles that
New path is worse than HMC just because its releasing on 3.0 instead of 3.2, this means that whatever whore they put on the big patches will just run better units than them already, RMC is just a "pity" unit, nobody is going to use them.
They made him slightly worse for non summoners, ans since most summoners will come out after 3.X ir makes sense to be anmoyed
Sunday is for the summon meta he shouldnt be powercreeping sparkle, the problem of sparkle its that after her realese only 2 hypercarry did realese. Acheron an her gimmick of nihility and yunli a fua dps. THe problem are the dps not sparkle. When 3.0 realase sunday is going to be t0, and the hypercarry are going down again, but also sparkle is going down too
>Rappa mentions ninjas every time she speaks
>makes me want to watch Naruto again
If Rappa wasn't such a brick I would've rolled for her for giving me childhood nostalgia.
wormday goddamn flopped
I'll use RMC for my nigga Mimi
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Let's hold hands and mutually think about our swing-set trauma.
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SAVIORday broke you.
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>>makes me want to watch Naruto again
I'm already at the part where Sasuke leaves. It's so sad...
Agalea is in 3.0, they only need 20 days after his banner
I think crappa is too slow to use, she makes auto battles take twice as long.

hello? Burnice?
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Rappa the sovl pull
>spic humor
Summon right now is still hypercarry whether you like it or not. JY hasn't changed from being hypercarry dps just because he has a summon fua.
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