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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Story guide for newcomers

>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.8 Planetary Rewind Trailer
>Vita's New S-rank Battlesuit Lone Planetfarer Preview
>Star Voyager Vita's S-rank Battlesuit Lone Planetfarer Trailer
>Lone Planetfarer Tutorial Video

>New S-rank Battlesuit Sparkle Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo!

>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Collab Behind-the-Scenes
>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Crossover Concept Trailer — Confrontation

Previous: >>502044265
That's cool actually. Part 1 teams are still meta.
Meta is whatever hoyo decide to shill during the current abyss, no matter how strong a valk is. Some valks can brute force a bit better than other, but they will lose to a specialized valk in their own weather most of the time
yeah no shit they will be meta in a weather that specifically tells you no stinky p2s allowed
hoo is also good in it
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my wives sirin
Very good, Jimbuyoeele
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Clipping table friends!
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Hua sex
t. kiana
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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The cutest
Sparkle is the kind of girl you would want to fuck but not remember her name
She's that one bitch you fuck in college and never see again
How is that rude, I'm blessing her with children that she'll have free reign in raising
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I can't take my eyes off those "panties"
Sirin a cute!
Sirin stinks.
she stinks good
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
whats this gotta do with sporgle?
Sparkle is a cuckold
bros, how do I get the crab critter in Vita's event...
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you simply don't
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If you like Honkai, don't open.
I hope the little Vitas get to meet aunt Sparkle.
Coralie 749 Planck noooo...
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That's it, I'm going to Seele.
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Now do one rotated 45 degrees clockwise
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It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
I have insider information that she used to clean carpets for a living
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>rule 34
>star rail
/v/tard opinion discarded
I have insidher information
I am a therapist
I am the rapist
The dog lives on in our hearts
I love this inside joke for hig
>heart-shaped pupils
sparkle a pure
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Thanks for keeping the servers up Whale-sama
i might do it again here. it's not like I could ever actually afford a house
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why are seeles built for bronya?
Why IS Seele?
>Yuina and Lantern have the same VA
Sirin is fat and slow and can't score higher on the wolf! Cute!
>thread died after HBR released
damn I didn't know higgers are PSO GODS https://wiki.pioneer2.net/index.php?title=Hunters_Boost_Road
Where my racaseal niggas at?
HBR is HI3 with a much higher quality of story and way better story telling, it was to be expected
True, PSO has the best ARPG gameplay of all time
Heaven Burns Red? Lol. Lmao even.
no it's hunter's boost road
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I'm ngmi... (I just hit 75)
You will be in for a new level of pain in a week or 2
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>click profile out of curiosity
>see this
My dyslexia made me think this was about HoRb, so I was confused for a good 10 seconds
Seele is kill.
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Aaaaaiiieeee I'm too lazy to tryhard but the top 3 is being lazy too. The trophies are so tempting.
crabs... onegai...
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I'm skipping all the eventeele because it's not voiceeled
The Seele in my head reads it out for me.
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They really did try with part 2.
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How did you guys beat floor 70?
It's been a long time since the first run, but I think I used either Kasumi or Delta. I know some people did it with Rita but by that point I think I felt her damage had fallen off or something? I dunno. I used Rita for most floors but swapped off her for some reason towards the last ones.
I don't know either, but it was with a chain reaction with Bronie that just dealt a stupid amount of damage
Yeah that sounds right for what I did the first time around, Rita carried me for most of the floors until she no longer did
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Kasumi is... STRONG
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Seele is... SEELE
Forgot how much I hate this event and these stupid niggerbats
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I did it lads
Grats bro. I'm still trying to get a gold Niggerman.
Coralie yourself.
kasumi with gold hand to clear stuff when i needed to
That shit is OP clearing those 3 HP blocks.
Is HBR's story that good?
Congrats bro!
how do I get a broyna gf? i'm a programmer btw
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Seele and "Seele" with the simuleeted chachas!
Become Seele
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kiana cute
kiana need
kiana better
kiana chan love
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>seele dead
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>sparkle chan better need sirin
Other way around, Sirin needs Sparkle-chan
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suzume-chan spreading
>coralie trash awful
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plap queen
tell me about this herrscher
why does she eat the burger?
Fate reference.
>erotic brick
who is (Your) erotic brick. /hig/?
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bigger tits
seiba eat borger
bvilt for rescuing
rescuing from her evil ways via impregnation
why is this such an effective tactic?
Because it's the truth
because she was literally created to bear my children
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Woman brain chemistry changes after she gives birth.
Women have brains?
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big if true
>source: it came to me in a dream
Skeelle issue.
It looks good but it doesn't fit her personality. If it was a different battlesuit with a Sena with different personality then I could see it.
how does bronya satisfy two(2) seeles?
By continuing to make unoptimized buggy messes of games and letting one of the seeles satisfy the other. And yes project bunny is suffering throughout all of it.
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Maybe she uses her HoR powers to create a clone of herself?
She doesn't. "Seele" spends time with Senti.
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hag wife
who is Theresa for?
The bed. She is very tired
Specifically, my bed.
This is giving me orange Dr MEI vibes
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>come back to RL
>see this
What the fuck?
The consequences of HoFi DK have been a disaster for Red Lotus
Competitive weather, my RL had 798 in 10th place.
If you can't score above 830 with SS HoO, you're a failure and you deserve to demote.
If you can't get this dick out of your ass, you're a failure and you deserve to get fucked.
I'm sorry if I hurted your feelings, anon
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It's alright, I forgive you
Now kiss.
very educational
What the fuck? There's three of them in there. Good thing they're censored.
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Meanwhile mine has two superimposed
everyone and their mom has HoFi's DK and either SS HoO or Vita
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Holy smokes
I will be her Dog
>loses her /ll/ dog
>becomes sluttier
every time
>(Me) gets to fuck this
It's totally fair bros
That's right, "me"
women are gay for this and that's a good thing
Helia is only good for sex with me
sounds like shit a tranny would say
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I said women
I was told multiple times she was nopan...
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man I wish females were real
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cute cat
You can fix that
fine i'll steal her panties
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Every day we a closer to a battlesuit. Rejoice, hig!
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Why does nobody question Sena having a huge glowing crack across her titties? Seems kind of weird.
don't worry about it
it will come up when the plot progresses
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This is what RL has been the past year anon. The chill comfy RL you knew is now gone. I'd argue lower Nirvana is more comfy and casual than RL now.
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I wish my group was as casual as yours
What are the scores for top 3?
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the guy in 10th came back and took first so I barely retained with 794.
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Bro I got to deal with SSS Suzume-chans, SS Mobiuses, S2 Bitas and full SS trio teams.
It is hard out here for a guy with S0 Bita and no Bronya for the trio team.
The top guy in my RL bracket was an SSS bita. The former nirvana shift to RL is real.
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I wonder if part 1 was a fluke. I get it, almost everyone moved on and are working on their own pet projects but come on why was the first part 2 chapters so bad?
They wanted to court a more mainstream audience and failed. It's really that simple.
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Well they fixed whatever the problem was and the newer chapters are pretty good
>helia and dog disappear, now is good
dog dies, now it's bad
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They even improved those 2
>Punished Helia
>A woman without a dog.
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Slap some horns on her and give her a dragon and I might be sold.
>the newer chapters are pretty good
I'll reserve judgment until I read those. I went into the first 3 chapters with zero expectations and I was still extremely frustrated by the end.
there's so much they could've done in the first few chapters, like playing as Helia and Coralie while they land on mars while wearing spacesuits or made cool environment sequences like with Thelema's story but no they went with the most dull and boring exposition bonanza where barely anything of note happened. Padding the first few chapters will be a herculean task but I'll wait and see if they can pull it off again.
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the NTR plotline...
This gif makes me sad. I do not like this gif.
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here bro, now they are together
Gods, HoT is such a better design than HoO. I also think HoR > HoTr but I feel fine with HoTr, also both HoFS and HoFi lose to HoV.
>Mei and Kiana just spent about 10 minutes beating the shit out of eachother for the plot
do lesbians really?
Unironically yes. DV is highest in Lesbian relationships, and I think lowest in gay men.
The real thing involves a lot more screaming and name calling and doing it almost daily.I share a wall with the real thing
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my condolences
I rolled my eyes at how generic anime it was but at least later they're both like "yeahhhhh that was pretty retarded and we probably could have just talked it out."
Mei didn't even try to explain she just beat her ass for no reason
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nice game dawei, really enjoy falling infinitely into a black void while my mission timer ticks down
They let their fists do the talking. Mei sending the message to Kiana's womb with her lightning strike was really touching.
Either beat the shit out of your friend with godlike powers or she suicides, which one do you pick? Mei chose the only way Kiana would ever understood. And the whole point of the Hua arc is how Kiana learned to save someone because she saw herself reflected (come on man, there is even a part in the cinematic where you see Kiana's reflection).
whats to talk about
how they haven't had sex yet
Why would straight women have sex with each other
the real MCs
Senadina the MC being MIA for the last 4 patch
How can she be missing if she never existed?
There is currently a bug with chapter 4.
The texture of Leylah's eyes not loading.
At first I thought that it was a problem with my pc since I've been having errors with loading things, but then I saw this happening to this vtuber too...
Literally the eyes is the only thing that can make you connect Leylah and DS since they don't look alike at all and now that is bugged lmao
I'm sure they wouldn't use ai but why does this artist have the ai artstyle
DS caught me sniffing her chair.
I hate Seele
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Define "ai artstyle"
AI usually has this weird sheen to it and the same somewhat muted colour palate, like everything is slightly less saturated than it should be.
Not quite, but ai style certainly is a thing.
Slightly desaturated just means a shitty vae chosen for the image, but even when that's not the case, it's easy to tell.
Idk describing it without bringing up the inevitable technical flaws (eyes, hair ends blending together, detail or anatomy inconsistencies) because a lot of the time it's also intuition, basically you'll know it when you see it
Yeah Kiana's got a smudgy-ness and slightly burnt look that reminds me of AI.
fucking hell how did they manage to make the event more tedious than the original
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Yeah, take a look at this recently deceased dog.
The colors aren't under or over saturated, and at a glance they look competent. However, even from the thumbnail, or a zoomed out shot of the image, you can get the faint idea that this was generated. It is only when you look at the details and composition that you can confirm or deny the fact
As for that Kianners, idk it looks fine to me, doesn't seem AI in any manner, but again maybe that's just a difference in perception.
"CRUNCH* Mmmm~ tasty Valkyrie flavored peppers
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Evil woman in spacesuit erotic
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Where's "Seele"
But that's Maluetar
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Miss "Seele", get off the table please. You might get hurt
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What's up with so many girls and their tendency to superimpose themselves into tables
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abyss LITE when
isn't it already kinda lite after lv 80
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Seeing Kiana chan in front of Himeko sensei!
Going over to say hi to them both!
Notice Kiana chan is actually crying and Himeko sensei is comforting her!
Deciding to comfort Kiana chan your own way!
Pulling Kiana chan's shorts down!
Tugging your own underwear to the side! Grabbing your herrscher stick and jerking it to gather precum!
Aligning your stick to Kiana chan's pussy!
Inserting your dick inside Kiana chan's cunt!
Kiana chan yelping in surprise but still crying!
Repeatedly thrusting in and out of Kiana chan!
Himeko sensei screaming at you to stop!
Replying to Himeko sensei, "Nah, I'd rape!"
Busting a nut inside Kiana chan!
Himeko sensei utterly disappointed in you!
Kiana chan whimpering on the ground in a puddle of cum!
Standing tall and being proud of your work!
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>bleed weather
>look inside
You vill roll for a wide variety of Valks to clear the gay nigger filter stages and you vill LIKE it!
>he does not clear the gay nigger filler stages using 3 year old valks
>Need the latest valks to clear filler stage....
I still use HoV to clear ranged stage in Nirvana...
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Fried chikky
most kissable honker?
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Raiden Mei aka the best wife one could ever hope for.
raiden mei beats up her wife unprovoked and without explanation for over 10 minutes in game time and about 10 minutes in a cutscene back to back though
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see >>502716994
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Raiden Mei is beautiful, nobble, pure and perfect. So therefore if she had to fight with Kiana it was because she deserved it.
(you)r canon wife
, Kiana.
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Eating ice creameele with Seele!
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Would you prefer this shit?
The Bronya spent too much time in the Sea of Quanta
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Anon I think you posted the wrong picture. This is (You)r wife.
Anon that is a hole
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>perfect wives
why are dorks such a perfect wives?
I fucking hate Seele
I fucking love Seele
I hate fucking Seele
I love fucking Seele
I, Seele, love fucking
I Seele love fucking
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mo hitori no watashi...
Least kissable honker?
Carole's mom
>was about to look for russian /hig/
>the gacha board is gone
what the fuck happened?
It tripped and fell out a window
The ATACMS got them
>H-hoRb-sama I need your help please!
No, you are dumb. You should have lived to protect Kiana. If you had, you not only would you still be around but would have gotten rebirthed like everyone else in part 1.5.
there would not be a s**le if that happened
You have to post once on any other board in order to see the /gacha/ now.
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What happened to Bronie and Delta? Did the captainverse retcon got them too?
time to post in the /int/ board
Did they not like us checking in on them or something?
Went to go live on the farm.
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Why did Senti get to live but not HoV? This is outrageous! It's unfair to my wife that did nothing wrong and was just delivering divine Honkai justice to the sinners known as humans!
because Kiana is a schizo and HoV is Kiana
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Because the great and almighty Shiki no Ritsu-Sha is better and more loved by all.
HoV is just dollar store Gilgamesh who didn't even spawn a cult in the fan base.
to be fair, russian /hig/ has been super dead right after part 2 was teased in tokyo games convention last year.
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>who didn't even spawn a cult in the fan base.
If HoV has a million fans, then I am one of them. If HoV has ten fans, then I am one of them. If HoV has only one fan then that is me. If HoV has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against HoV, then I am against the world.
Brick naizuri! Brick naizuri!
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I love hov too
why do I always have to get promoted to nirvana at the worst times
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Thinking about how HoV's lane entrance looks on the left...
>tfw in Nirvana but I don't have Luna
It's cool though, I'll just enjoy being a tourist and not even bother fighting Senti.
who's the herrscher of buttsex?
I have cum in a qt 3.14 asian grill's ass before
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yeah she looks weak to anal alright
What stig set is best for HoV now? Is it still her signature or has it been replaced?
ddeadest bvread
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comfy bread
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everytime I see other Mihoyo games, even GGZ, being handled better than ours, I get more and more upset.
Considering the fact that the only reason I even picked up HI3 is that HSR is having it's worse and deadest patch to date, i'm not sure where this idea is coming from
What happens if I kiss her asshole?
It would be extremely stinky.
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pic related is what many ex HI3 players wanted in this game, and they even failed to do that. Honkai Impact is dying because it is trying to be what was not
nta but I still use Sirin ascendant on her, yes
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>pic related is what many ex HI3 players wanted in this game
We did ? That's litteraly the first time i've ever heard of this character, and I never saw a single person talk about it either up to this day
stop pretending to be oblivious, I'm clearly talking about the fanservice aspect part 2 barely has.

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>I'm clearly talking about the fanservice
>other Mihoyo games
oh boy here comes the part 2 apologists
>Retard realized he didn't have a point, so he's going to remove himself from the conversation and blame a random boogeyman
A tale as old as time
If I bring up ZZZ, you're just gonna be anal about it anyway and sperg about muh furries. They got 2 shower scenes this year while we get none. They made jokes about JAV while we get retarded Chinese soap opera made for 30 year old women. Stop fucking pretending. Fucking retard
How do I Vita into Senti?
>The tranny game
Thelema and Vita has more sexy shots than all other mihoyo games combined (except GGZ).
Just play the game, bro.
so why can GGZ get otaku fanservice and references in their dialogs while part 2 barely gets anything? Vita's not even a part 2 character and Thelema's barely relevant to the story.
theyre all tranny games
controversial opinion: part 2 exists
Because GGZ is so niche it slips under CCP radar.
How new are you?
I get bitching about 7.3 and 7.4 but the recent patches have been fine.
replace dog with luna
>it slips under CCP radar
they collabed with the government post office this year so that's definitely not an excuse. It's not that they're under the radar, its that our new devs want to be in other projects that's not Honkai Impact.
guess it has been a while since the last spergin
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>have 10 billion part 1 valks and am forced to use part 1 only valks
>no idea how to quantify which are good (i'm still kind of new)
>see this sort option
they knew, didn't they?
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Just ignore him. If he thinks this stuff is bad he is delusional.
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Eat well, Kiana-chan!
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i dont think they were thinking i'd use this character here haha
smal lindie company please undertand
Kiana and it's not even close
Seeles are the best cooks!
Cooking Seele!
Seele's face it looks like she can't wait to feed that mouth.
>kiana's back
I fucking LOVE Kianners
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"Seele" is so lucky...
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is this bearly Ok?
How high a score can bita get?
bout 800
Hot damn all the vampire waifus on my side are only getting 500s
Depend entierly on if you have Luna or not
If you've Luna, luna can apply the bleed, and it's not like the weather is ABOUT bleed damage, just about attacking enemy who have bleed
If you don't have Luna, you're actively brute forcing and you're probably dropping down to 600
Welp, back to A3 I go, even though I am so proud of my maxed out bear
well it is bear weather not wife
Hail the queen
Beary cute!
My poor poor cope Bear...
Mei senpai and her Kianyas
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>started playing HI3 because of Sparkle (didn't get her yet, still in tutorial)
>low res cut scene and animation
>but with actual guns and panties
Damn it definitely is a very old game but I miss the time when mihoyo draws actual panties and weapons.
>because of Sparkle (didn't get her yet, still in tutorial)
You won't get her even after finishing the tutorial because she's in 10 days.
And she's gacha btw, so good on you for starting 10 days prior to farm for her, if that was your intention
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Ah, damn.
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a Kianya is fine too
Oh by the way I don't have any friends that play HI3, so I don't have anyone that I can use invite code for. I prefer to get the invite code here. Anyone wants to share their invite code?
Which server are you on ?
Here's one for EU 201872553RQ
Aight done.
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Thanks, bro.
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Her banner will still be up for a few weeks so there's still chances to hoard up the beginner crystals. And even in a worst case she will get a rerun in 1-2 patches!
please stay and play our game
Is that a sirin cat?
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Oh shit a ghost!
Haha, look at her go!
hi3 has hard pity so once you hit the 80 rolls or whatever you just get them period
you can do it anon-kun

source: I'm a 4 weeks newfag with more than enough rolls to hard pity
4 weeks for a newfag's enough to guarantee a valk nowadays?
Yeah that anon's got it in the bag
all the newfag bonuses are frankly insane if you keep up with them
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why do I want to sex this retard so much?
Because girls are cutest when they're almost retarded.
Griseo is so lucky...
Lucky? Vita is more absent in their relationship than Welt is in his
I will fuck Tesla if Welt doesn't
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the only game awards category that matters just dropped
Drinking Seele's leaks...
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oh no no no guys it's serious
>Stupid Liliya, you don't like even need to know that!
>Winning the idol competition is all that matters
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So decided to do the gay nigger faggot filler side stage with nyx, as one does, and came to a realization. Half of her ult uptime is thrown out the window cause Sushang's ends eons earlier!
And I just took that for granted! Charged with Kira, QTE into Sus, do combo, ult and then special QTE into Kira, ult with her, then normal QTE into Nyx, 2 gashes charged, then her ult, with finisher at the same time as Sushang's ult ends.
>"Hmm this Kira fellow's prep time seems to eat up quite a bit of the precious ult uptime, what if I swap them around."
Nice discovery, bro. I will try it out myself later.
Well with the caveat that you need a QTE onahole. I figured that project cunny is more useful than WE since i don't have Ely, and the rate at which it regens is in tune with the valks.
Proc the elf right after you switch from sus into kira, then go back to sus, ult then nyx
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>vita x sparkle concept trailer has less than 1m views
It's over
I blame Vita because We all love Miss Sparkle here
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It's oveerle
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Sexlema sama
thelema if she had tits
best thing that happened in part 2
That's it, i've decided to abandon RL and drop into A3. It's pretty comfy.
The price is pretty marginal as well. Staying in A3 for the entirety of a patch, as opposed to staying in RL loses you only 3 pulls' worth of crystals. In other words, 12 cycles is 3 pulls, so a single pull is 4 cycles.
To cut things short, curbstomping the local A3 bracket, jumping to RL, then falling back down on repeat will barely net you a 400 crystal loss per patch. If you ask me, 400 crystals is a cheap price to not mald two times a week
Yeah, i'm aware of that. Though for me the biggest reason for going into A3 was that, i don't really like the Part 2 teams yet they're such a massive gamechanger in their dedicated weathers that i've found myself somehow struggling against even newfriends and i'm past the point of caring enough to retry boss stages over and over again (i also just really dislike SD-types so those bosses are even more annoying to try and score higher on). Plus, i kinda realized that i really don't even need the crystals so the drop in income won't really hurt me much, Agony life it is from now on.
Nice trips btw.
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Considering getting this even though I stopped playing HI3 long before 7.0.
Could get 2 or 3 other scales for the price of this + the shipping...
It's the Seele fund, used to pay for Seele's chili peppers and Seele's parfaits.
Zhuge seethes
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Looks like they will have enough for quite a while.
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That it does, mission accomplished then.
Congrats on your determination, anon. I'm also thinking about jumping between A3 and RL. The last few RL cycles were fucking brutal and I don't have it in me to tryhard so much every time.
My main motivation for retrying stages is to bump someone down....either from getting points or retaining. If you weren't competing then it would be soulless.
The only time i actually did something like that was back in Dirac Sea where you could bomb people just to be a dick if they weren't paying attention. As far as exalted goes, i just wanted to gimp my score enough not to get into Nirv, because that is actual bullshit and i've only managed to retain my place there once (but at least i managed that with Nyx on a bloodlust weather, so that was cool).
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the chinese are not happy
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The Seeles are happy!
What is the baby bawling over
Nice, new training material for my AI
The one on the right? Got caught committing four different kinds of fraud.
The one on the left? His girlfriend stole his swords.
>His girlfriend
scammer and scammed
Skill issue, literally. Rotations are super simple nowadays. I spend more time doing ER than getting a good score in RL.
Rotations have been simple for the longest time. You aren't exactly doing shit like time fracture trains in MA or what have you nowadays.
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hey /hig/ check this out
sex correction needed
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bros why isn't it letting me accept tasks? BP page says I haven't done them this either
Do you perhaps have any unfinished tasks, like in other OW maps?
apparently I do have other maps that I didn't know existed
that's probably it, thanks
>(You) finally meet Vita in part 2
>Multiple MHY-patented pointless dialogue choices
>Literally not a single one where you can be nice to her
Maybe Vita was the real friendless loser all along...
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I want to roll for brickle so bad bros
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>dicksucking contest
My Bear's hips just can't hit as hard as a Gundam... The Bear isn't going to make it.
>I had to tbag for 30 seconds to not get 1st place in my RL bracket
AIEEE come on you lazy niggers.
Seele's fertile hips.
Seele's soft butt.
built for breeding both holes
Built for Buronya onee-chan.
We're the only Honkai game that didn't have a Fate collab. Suffice to say, they just hate us and want this game to die while every single Mihoyo game thrives, even GGZ
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and "Seele"!
what is a fate
Sup >>502770973 anon. You've already been told to fuck off, but why would you even want Fate niggers in here is beyond me.
Why does fate stay?
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you're not going to convince anyone not to quit with that attitude.
One of the cutest honkai images
Then hurry up and do us a favor.
That Seele is deceased.
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Obviously, it has Seele after all. And "Seele"!
don't ever ask why this game keep bleeding players.
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Sporgle waiting room
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Skipping Spregle waiting room!
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We all love Miss Spargle here.
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we are at a point in time where people don't believe this used to be the norm for Honkai Impact. And part 2 apoligists will keep defending its still the same game.
Who tf is this?
Dr. Mei
Yeah I miss when magical girl armor were the norm instead of genshin-esque cloth and Xianzhou chinawank
I'm SeeleIA.
>people don't believe this used to be the norm
What does "this" mean like the manga or outfit design (the blank key)?
Ain't no way. That retard wore glasses and was ugly asf. You lying hoe
Mangalet bro...
Armor was never the norm and you can see that when you sort the valks by release.
She's literally just Mei with glasses and even bigger tits.
Just finished Chapter 3 EX. You can literally tell the devs backtracked and rushed it insanely hard. Songque was supposed to join (You) in your new adventures and after 1 year or so the big reveal was that it was all a simulation to save Kiana while Vita took advantage of it to help Honkai or some shit.

Instead they literally had to plaster a huge picture of Songque with rushed text saying she is for (You) forever in dreams or real life blah blah.

This is both hilarious and sad. Suzume-chan was the only decent thing in Part 2 and they completely removed her.
And yet she's drop dead ugly
Actually, the only decent thing was Coralie but they killed her off.
My Bear can't do it...
>You can literally tell the devs backtracked and rushed it insanely hard
>Protagonist is litteraly named Dreamseeker
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>Suzume-chan is for (You)
You have to be delusional to actually think that.
>70 floors
who asked
>calling others delusional
It being some form of simulation or computer wank was clear from the start.
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this shit is so ass
finally remembered why I never wanted to go to nirvana
>>You've already been told to fuck off, but why would you even want Fate niggers in here is beyond me.
>he doesn't know
is somebody gonna tel him?
very true I just got my sparkle fumo from etsy delivered, its cute
mods don't want you to see cleavage kiana
Honestly anon, I don't blame you if you don't get it. The first 3 chapters are a disaster and are very confusing.

That being said, the name "Dreamseeker" comes from her ability to have prophetic dreams to change the fate of different bubble universes. Lanqiu/Oxia was just the year 1 bubble universe, we were supposed to have a new bubble universe next year and so on. Did you already forget the Senadina cinematic and how she says at the end "Can you hear it? The sea is singing with a voice of fire?".

The big reveal that it was all a simulation was supposed to come much, much later. When the story eventually joins the timeline pre-APHO.

Instead they neatly backtracked everything they promised.
>Story will be on completely new setting!
Nope, you just casually are back on earth, even when most of the plot is inside a machine.
>You will be able to pick between male and female as your main character!
Permanently backtracked and passed it off as Vita prank gone wrong.
>The focus will be on new characters with old ones just showing once in a while!
Nope, it's all about Kiana again. Mars? Simulation? It's obviously for Kiana anon! Oh and we'll throw the ancient SW and Mei models from APHO too! Totally planned!
>New UI that isn't from 2016!
Lasted 2 patches until the chinks had a melty. Abandoned half way.

Honestly, I could go on and on about how much they backtracked but I want to avoid sounding like a schizo. This reply is already too long, but it really is frustrating seeing players deny what is clearly happening right now.
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Sounds a lot like headcanon, it was obvious that P2 couldn't JUST happen in the simulation considering the fact that we spent a year and half setting up Vita for Part 2, and that she obviously had to be a major player in it. And having Vita dick around for 7 years until APHO begin was obviously not an option.
Also, if they didn't want to reveal the everything is a simulation so early, Chapter 1 and 2 wouldn't already be full of Vita/Lambda intersection, who are here to quickly clue you off on what's currently happening.
The multiple bubble universe thing was never a thing, and it's supposed to be different part of Mars, with the next one Ruimi, already being teased in Chapter 5.
what do her nipples look like?
Just like Seele's!
and what do Seele's nipples look like?
Pink, clean and cute.
sounds kissable
Seeles do not have nipples, for they are reptilian.
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what did she mean by this
Just like "Seele"s
I think im gonna need to see proof of this
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She got jumped by her white haired dork who used shadow clone jutsu
She needs some intense poking.
Do we like Himeko on a bike?
We don't like Himeko at all.
Mavuika isn't an Himeko
I like the town bicycle Himeko
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It was a good collab.
I just realized that they both fucking died
I wonder if they can use that event's game modes and put some in the Realms of Battle. Would be nice for some nostalgia.
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>The big reveal that it was all a simulation was supposed to come much, much later.
The very first entry of Sena's battlesuit detail is literally a coding function.
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Suzume-chan is cute!
APHO Seele
Seele forma de APHO?!
Update is today?

Seems like the leakers are saying Fanchuan is writting HSR's 3.x arc, thank god and don't come back to hi3rd.
> Anti-entropy VN
> Dudu VN
> Sea of Quantum Arc
> Kolostern Arc
> Moon arc
> First 3 chapters of part 2(this one hasn't been confirmed yet but it's very likely since that writting was totally his style).
I really hate his writting style, like yes the ending of all of those arcs are good, but the journey isn't worth it even if the point is to make all of the nonsense he writes make sense by the end of the arc.
I agree, i hate his wrting everthing is always so god damn annoying stupid
>it's very likely since that writing was totally his style
Define Fanchuan's style.
why do writers write
Stupid bitch
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Fanchuan-sama wrote Seele's arc and I loved it so he's okay in my book.
Just look at him
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No, Sparkle is the easiest skip of your life
Dumb motherfucker
Wrong thread, anon
I bet he doesn't know basic math
accidentally promoted to nirvana
Fanchuan didn't write the first 3 chapters of part 2. Some new girl wrote it, you can tell by all the chapter titles and quest names.
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Okay Dr. Mei
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>About Trailblaze Mission
>3.X trailblaze mission (Amphoreus Stories) will be guided by Fanchuan aka "Greenland Sailboat"

Yeah it's confirmed. God I can't wait to see what trainwreck of a story awaits them, /hsrg/ won't even know what hit them.
Most of the hoyo leakers are saying so. They usually don't coincide or have conflicting info but if they all agree on one thing, it's most likely happening.

Maybe not a real "confirmation" but I think it's a pretty safe bet. Hilarious how I used to shitpost about fanchuan being promoted to HSR to follow his boyfriend shaoji but now it's a reality.
>shitpost about fanchuan being promoted to HSR
I never thought that was impossible
>this specific chinese writer is bad
maybe they are just all bad
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They're all bad but this specific chinese writer is worse than the others by a mile. I hope you enjoy your quantum technobabble and philosophical bullshit, no refunds!
Seele would never say that!
"Seele" told her to say that.
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It will be a total shit show, not because he can't write.He proved with the Salt and Snow arc that he can But because the story will be pearls before swine and the average gacha player won't get parts of it.
I for one am cautiously optimistic about my personal enjoyment.
He also gave us Bita and she is fantastic to have on screen.
please stop laughing at us, you wouldn't even be around anymore if it wasn't for our game being a huge success
HI3 funded the expension of Hoyoverse, retardchama, you wouldn't even exist without us.
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be nice to hig xisters ur in their house
Kongou desu!
I'm apologizing to fanchaun first before space greece comes out.
as long as they keep the skip dialogue button I'll be fine
>learn about fanchuan
Man, he just sounds like Nasu if he went more into sci autism instead of magic
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>fanchuan writes a good story in hsr
>fanchuan writes a bad story in hsr
neither outcome is good if you think about it
HSR doesn't have skip. They'll have to read all that shit.

Nasu's popular and fun to read. Fanchuan just writes bullshit technobabble nobody wants to read. He's pretentious, insufferable and fucking loves retconning old stories so keeping up with lore is impossible. Pretty sure the team even said in an interview that not even them can decipher his technobabble but that they trust him and didn't bother him about it since he has a Math PHD so surely he knows what he's doing.
at least Nasu can write compelling stories if he tries, in Fanchuan's case it only gets worse the more he tries
That's Shaoji's shtick
It's both of them since they're the dynamic duo of loreshitting
Nah, fagchuan at least tries to be consistent
I feel insulted at the thought of Fanchuan and consistent being used in the same sentence. Guy couldn't write a coherent or consistent story to save his fucking life.
People doom him way too hard. Kolosten did indeed suck balls but the Moon arc had really good parts.all the Mei and Elysia stuff in the middle The Salt and Snow arc right after was fantastic, all the characters were good and introduced Vita into the story. The Arc after sucked mostly because he had have the charisma black hole that is Fu Hua carry the plot without Kiana or Shiki chan around to play off of and Moriarty sucked as an antagonist. The 7 smol Vitas, big Griseo and full size Vita were all great though.
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wtf proof?
Provide a specific example of a Fanchuan retcon.
we love fanchuan here
the qq guy was actually sparkle all along?
Trooned out this month
This can't be sterile
You get a SSS+gear character of your choice completely for free, but Aponia rides you 24 entire hours
Would you accept?
What's the catch?
Sauce ?
>picking Misteln as my free SSS
What now butterflychud
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Seele's in heaven.
no prize is worth that
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Nighty night
She is a nun.....
Sleep well!
Nasu for the most part dosnt treat his characters like retards and mosly easily expalins his magic bullshit while sticking to making emotion focused story.
Fauchan just wrties technobable bullshit without heart where nobody cares about anyone without it making much sense.
Normies will eat it up either way because they are no dedicated to shilling star rail due to good trailers and being in to deep.

He gave us Vita but at the same time the whole fucking arc was Seele being treated like a doll that cant think for herself where she listens to anyone says to her and follows orders from Hare and nobody but red Seele get mad about the fact that they might get trapped in another world once again
Main characters are so useless they only arrive at the end
I wonder what her pets personalities are like
>the whole fucking arc was Seele being treated like a doll that cant think for herself where she listens to anyone says to her and follows orders
This is literally in character for Seele though????? Seems to me that Fanchuan actually made the right choice...
>cant think for herself
I really enjoyed the Seele and Susannah detective adventure.
will it get better
will things improve
we'll be back when fanchuan is back
>Character who typically isn't assertive... isn't assertive
Fanchuan understood the assignment and literally every new or returning character was fun. Even Dr. Nanodesu.
This. I can't believe that even Schrodinger scenes were enjoyable. Bro really did fantastic job at fleshing out all those supporting characters.
P1.5 nanodesu was fine with two dumbasses on the scene telling her to shut up every five sentences
Speaking of dumbasses, their scenes were peak
>the best characters are dead
nice game honkeks
It is almost like the writer constructed the plot to have characters that worked well together interacting all the time.
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what a pair of cuties!
Seele sucks
Seele rocks
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It would be so funny if Amphoreus is just Salt Snow but miles better since Fanchuan has improved his way of storytelling. I've been long speculating that he's somewhat behind the Space Station and Simulated Universe stuff but who knows. That doesn't really bode well with us since we're left with new people who wanted to be in other projects that are not Honkai 3rd.
Pelaposter, stay
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They have pretty comparable personalities, so butting their heads together (in every sense of the word) can only result in fun engagements.
That said, anyone got the pick of "Seele" and Senti being wrangled by Seele and Hua respectively? I knew I had it but cannot for the life of me find it
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Why would he rehash Salt Snow when he already has written Amphoreus' beta story years ago
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It's not even just personalities, there's quite a few things Seele and HoS have in common, albeit some of said things are mostly comparable on the surface level and actually have their differences once you look at it closer. Their dynamic is absolutely great though, that much is true; every time these two are on screen together is a fun time.
As for the pic you asked for, you'd have to describe it better, i'm 100% sure i have it, but i can't really remember now which one it is exactly.
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Honkai and mihoyo design as a whole quite frankly peaked with Kiana, Sirin and HoV. Nothing and no one has ever or will ever come close, they should stop trying and go back to their roots.
I wonder if he has the hand for the design suggestions. The moment I saw Aglaea I knew right away Fanchuan was behind Amphoreus.
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LMAO the HSR sissies were already shitting themselves with Penacony's wordy and confusing story, they will unironically try to kill themselves with just one Fanchuan chapter.
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they were already complaining about the 2.6 patch which has Fanchuanisms all over it
The new chapter was solid and I can't wait for the real meltdowns in a few months.
I wish I could skip the rappa chapter in HSR
if it's somehow still happening on a story he wasn't responsible for maybe he's not the (only) problem
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>be newfag
>memorial arena has a fight where you need to bring phys
>have like 2 ancient part 1s that i have never used that won't get penalized
life is simply unfair
MA doesn't matter
Don't worry new friend if you skip this MA you won't miss much
Do note that all of those recommanded comp are entierly outdated and you should never use this tab as reference
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I am going through difficult times and the only things helping are God and smelly girl feet
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Well, consider this
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>tfw literally can't do the 5th round because I can't deal enough damage
it's over
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You will get her next week anon
Drop this game while it's still not too late newcutie, it's literally and unironically not worth it
>they should make more Kianas and kiana suits
so true
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pretty sure my problem is i'm here but I absolutely don't have good stigmas or weapons yet for everyone I need to use at least
lvl 78 btw
it's all retards and newfags in that tier bwo
but either wya you're not really missing anything
I could be a retarded newfag...
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The stabbing in question
If we're all retarded newfags, then nobody is
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I have no idea what the living fuck is happening in part 2 anymore.
Even though her drawing is super clear ?
The drawing tells that Vita is a homewrecker
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Bita happened.
Wasn't Sparkle pushing TB and Firefly together while watching ? Cucks can't be homewrecker
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sporgle is just a kusogaki troll who got paid to even be at peniscunny

i love my "it's just a prank" terrorist wife btw
it overstays its welcome (like any other Fanchuan arc), but overall I'm surprised it turned out alright. Dare I say, better than Xianzhouslop and part 2.
What do you mean? Shinji-mei didn't die.
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What does Vita milk taste like?
Her entire personality is doing things for shits and giggles. She's like a shitposter that is eternally bored which fits as an emanator of elation.
Fine... Seele is awesome.
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Wow, this has to be the chillest bracket I had all year, discounting the Hare weather.

I had to wait a long time at the end to not gain a trophy.
fuck forgot to do the abyss again
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Taste Great.
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>sena skin drawing was true
I can't make out what the left bongo drawing is.
How do I stop APHO2 showing me the "new" shit every fucking time
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that looks like greek patterns
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>they ditched ELFs in the game only to add it in the other game
i'm not about to praise genshin mascots bwi
That... THING has nothing on elfs.
Russianbro how are your hig brethrens
still barely alive, like one post per several days. Almost all of them moved to Russian /zzz/
that's literally me
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I blame Selya.
The lack of her

CNY from Seele leaks
New S rank stardust fire
New collaborator
Ely herrscher new stigmata + star key(same as hofi)
Vita 9600 skin
Luna spending event
Coralie event skin

I knew dudu was bait but holy shit
Damn, I'll see how my funds sit but a new Stig/Weapon for Elly is tempting
seele's leaks
>They're bringing back HoH
Wait, what the fuck ?
That's how you know they are desperate.
When will Senti get another Weapon and Stig set?
>Two divine key for Senti
Just make a new suit at this point
Why change perfection?
She looks even younger in this splash.
Finally, a non-shit Dudu battlesuit.
Okay, so Sparkle is definitively a skip
why is Elysia getting a star key? Like come on
Why did Senti get a brick? Popular characters are popular.
Because they want people to come back. Pink Gobbo is one of their most popular characters and she is bait to attempt to regain a vanishing audience. It's the scent of desperation.
It doesn't make any sense. It honestly disgusts me how they've transformed her into a cash cow, completely forgetting for what she stands for.

At least there was a lore explanation for it.
>At least there was a lore explanation for it.
Wasn't it exclusively in said brick tutorial ?
u want skip patch gweilo here's ur fuckin skip 3 patches
The lore is literally "I do what I want".
She met Su then
new lore will be mei coomed to it
They didn't justify HoFi divine key upgrade, why would they justify this one ?
Pyramid supply for outfit selector box
I guess the Otto boss is coming back. Phys also means more shields. Thelema-sama have mercy...
>Ice Queen is back
> It honestly disgusts me how they've transformed her into a cash cow, completely forgetting for what she stands for.
You guys tend to forget that a gacha game is a business, if the game drops they need to rise it no matter how.
Also Ely has always been a cash cow, the same with many other characters.
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then they're doing it wrong. If they want people to come back, they need to fix the design of new characters. Vita and >>503060727 look great but they aren't part 2 characters. Part 2 characters need to look like pic related or the game's going to die. People are sick of mediocre cocktail dresses. Bring back the otaku culture in this game or the game will fucking die. End of discussion
>need to look like pic related
I'm going to be honest anon, I would take Songque 10 times out of 10 over this one
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shit taste
>Finally got that damned Crab and Pumpkin
Thank fuck, now I just need the last mining trinket.
why dont we know who the valk and astralop are
They saw how the new part 2 cast bombed and are now in recycle old characters mode. Don't expect any actual new character for a while.
Isn't it cunny durandal and maybe chenxue?
It's most likely Chenxue 100 years ago, her design looks very fire

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