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Previous: >>502452291

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's Cynonari.
Neuvillette splashed you
Sure but the rainforest had those issues too. The number of caves locked behind Aranyaka, the LONGEST quest in the game, is actually insane.
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Which region ruined the game for you? For me it’s Natlan
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I thought the detail with various objects and concepts having different names from different ages was a nice touch t b h
Mildly sad that I started the game so late even if it also came with the benefit of being able to do several years worth of areas consecutively, I imagine the 2.X stretch of Seirai+Tsurumi into Enkanomiya into Chasm must've been a blast to go through
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Sumeru for the issues I mentioned in >>502466723
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We love Chasca here
pagmeru (desertslop) and fontaine (prisonslop)
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it's no wonder people started leaving massively in 3.6 after the desert and the female banner drought
fuck off shounenfag
I just think it's fine to like the characters you like.
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We love anime in this general
you are a tranny
fontaine was pure shit for everyone else
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Sumeru deserts and characters were the lowest.

But Fontaine was fantastic and the most excited I've been for the game and Natlan is great so far.
None because I’m not retarded.
Liked Mondstadt, liked Liyue, loved Inazuma, loved Sumeru, liked Fontaine, loving Natlan so far. Simple as.
I didn't get this question. I wonder if it's dependent on your other answers, like I answered "somewhat satisfied" to the Natlan story and "very unsatisfied" regarding the Nahida event.
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Dawei had to dumb things down for /gig/
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now that ritual post out of the way.
post Mauvika savings!
Natlan killed the game (real)
As far as I know it's completely random, I some times see anons in these threads talking about reloading the character rating surveys until they get their favourites, so I assume you can just quit and open it again in order to get new questions
It's random for everybody. If you exit the survey before you submit it and try again, the questions will be different
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I almost fell asleep when Mona and the Hexenzirkel witch showed up in the Fontaine Archon Quest. They were foreshadowing something that will happen 3 to 4 years later.
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Wormeru and Neuvtaine
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Mavuika needs to be a more usable alternative to 300% ER Shartling.
Fontoilet and your shitty fake Archon plot
Sumeru mostly. Natlan is also pretty meh.
Latter Sumeru patches began the decline, but Fontaine really fucked everything up
The entire population of fontaine was so retarded they couldn't tell that pagrina was a normal human for 500 years
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I want to congratulate Xilonen
Just like the average Genshin player
Nah it was early Sumeru that changed this game from an RPG to a glorified visual novel. You might not have felt the decline back then, but the loss of players in late Sumeru was definitely due to desert fatigue, at least in part.
more content!!
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7k primos
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Never allow yourself to forget whose game you are playing
Was Porkrinde worth rolling for?
Will she be likely to appear as the dual banner for Clit/Mav banner in 5.3
me first
Pajeetmeru. It's where the text bloat became a massive issue that invaded every aspect of the game, insulting femoid pandering shoved down your throat, a terrible copypasta map that's gated behind dogshit quest garbage, and the worst roster of characters in the game by far.
Based and canon
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Of course but not only that the music was so fucking amazing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE3WyuXNkUc

Enkanomiya was a blessing of an experience to have. Every aspect from its first appearance to the music and uncovering of its lore was enlightening that helped to enrich Genshin as a whole. It along with chasm were the highlights of the game.
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It's not that much compared to some.
How many characters did furina kill?
>Was Porkrinde worth rolling for?
Definitely, I might enjoy her gameplay the most out of every DPS in the game. Second place would be Navia.
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I haven't used Furina in abyss since 4.7 dropped
>boy in shorts metafag game
I can't.
5.3 would be the point where it's been sufficiently long since her debut so that she could get a rerun at some point, but there are still older characters who have yet to get their first rerun (Wrio, CR, Arle) but seeing as they randomly gave Chiori her first rerun this patch and Neuvillette is about to get his second rerun it's not like they *have* to follow the order of release
I remember when Morgana (Mona, Ganyu, Diona, Venti) was the best comp in the game.
Also, it is amazing how good is Hu Tao's longevity
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I will agree to that extent - I thought the Samsara archon quest was the worst one up to that point due to the word bloat that began infecting over from the Inazuma sidequests.
I just personally liked the jungle exploration enough to balance it out for a time.
She took a big chunk out of B's usage rate after she released.
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-1% is like nothing.
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finally a good cryo goblet
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It's ok Clorinde. I will always use you.
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sustainer waiting room
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>Xilonen's design
>Xilonen for exploration
>Xilonen in meta
>Xilonen's story quest
I have Chiori but dont have her weapon
Can I still use her? And how?
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And the 17% difference between him and his alleged downgrade (as per Kazukek claims) is nothing as well?
hagsex supremacy
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>it happened again
Say. Her. Name.
Sumeru hands down. Because >>502466723
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Realistically what can they do to ensure Mavuika has both the power level and longevity expected of an archon?
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Anal sex with drunk Granny after she emptied everything.
>zero Sayu
geoshill has ended
Pyro Xiangling
Geobyss is officially over
I used her last month since I have no limited geo chars to carry me through the geo shields, but this time I could make do without her. Might have to bring her out next month though
so what? The claim that she would replace Kazuha hasn't come true if you take those numbers at face value. Whoever lost their spot to her, it usually wasn't him.
it's still in floor 11
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Reminder that every single homorrhoidfloppa is being replaced with a new female character.
Who is this Fat Xiao character?
Can I get a QRD?
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what happened to rolling for who you like?
You can cross out Cyno too.
floor 11 was a joke
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Das rite.
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get fucked ban evader
I'm still using Ayato in 2024 why do you expect me to care
i want to impregnate fischl in front of her childhood friend bennett and let him raise the baby.
For being "replaced", holding on at 65% especially when everyone should have Xilo raised by now just shows that he's not going anywhere.
>t. uses Xilo more often these days due to Vape teams but still breaks out Kazuha for double RES shred teams
Ok but no one cares about floor 11, and I'm pretty sure there was a pyro buff there too.
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fake news, neuv still #1
also where's all the other homos like alhabibi and wormsley?
how do we kill hu tao
How the fuck is Nahida ahead of >b in usage?
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What did Cyno do??
>battle chronicle finally updated
>abyss anon is gone
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Think of all the people who liked the game's characters, world, >combat, music and simply tolerated the occasional archon quest that temporarily impeded their progress, something they put up with due to it generally speaking being a short endeavour they didn't have to engage with for any longer than necessary
Now imagine what happens when those people set foot in the brand new area and find the AQ suddenly has become longer by an order of magnitude and that the side quests/world exploration is gated behind an even longer questline
Ekanomiya was fucking awful, and I'm tired of everyone pretending it was good.
no more single target abyss
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keep spamming it bwo, surely it'll come true
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ez abyss.
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Finally fixed my PC, took 12 hours to fix it

time to genshin
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she just had a banner too kek
No she didn't are you fucking stupid. Furina + Bennett is a god tier combo. If anything it was Neuvillette sicne he doesn't scale with atk.
Who replaced neuv lol
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I respect your opinion and I will become Emperor to suppress your opinion.
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sex with alhaitham
>Sample size 200
I'll wait for YShelper.
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How's your farming for Xbalanque coming along
good for you
>12 hours doing labor on computer
>come back to do virtual labor on genshin
You might want to farm a print screen button instead bwo
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bro finish leveling your pieces what the fuck
what will guizhong think of this?
C&C <3
>expecting xer to put xer favorites on there
post something cute
Don't forget to link the post to Abyss anon later.
should i post my soft penis or hard penis?
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How the fuck did her usage drop after a geo shill abyss?
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it was also an overload shill abyss
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After the Natlan characters and a couple of banner reruns tore a hole in my mora piggy bank and my stash of artifact xp/elixirs I had to be a bit more conservative with which pieces I decided to level up so I decided to wait a full patch before I'd start levelling anything
In the case of pic related I already have MH/GT sets on the characters that use them though they're mostly average/OK at best, but I don't want to fall into the trap of levelling every single potentially good piece the moment I get them just to immediately trash them or replace them with a better piece
Probably just gonna level these next week and see what I get
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Pagmeru was the worst. Natlan is for straight men to conquer.
Mavuika and Zhongli's JP voice actors are married in real life.
No one cares about your FUCKING Raiden you mentally ill freak.
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it's up qiqibros
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Although Natlan is much, much worse. Sumeru at least started with optimism.
>Natlan is for straight men to conquer.
I stopped posting about her tho
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very important Nilou clear don't miss it add it to the list
Wormvillette floppily flopped.
I care that you are FUCKING Raiden.
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What were your favorite characters in Sumeru? What are your favorite characters in Natlan? I'm just curious.
Correct, I am Lord Kazuha
None of them
I still like Genshin Impact
So what I'm hearing is that I should only roll c0?
Just wait for the Abyss anon to come back and link your post
If males sell why Kinich flooped
not enough Berry in natlan
Natlan's one saving grace is that (most) people didn't really have any massive expectations for it since it was the nation we knew the least about
Snezhnaya is wildly different in this regard; even if there's going to be several regions after it Hoyo definitely has to do what they can to make sure it gets a good reception
Too many female banners in a row scared the core playerbase away.
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Still the most played DPS according to /gig/ usage rates btw
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2.x was the peak of Genshin.
Second Dragonspine event, Enka, Chasm, Shenhe Interlude, etc.
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I can't sit and wait for him all day
but i pulled for him
If tall males sell why Baizhu, Wrio and Neuvilltte flooped?
>thought this Abyss would be a walk in the park
>Hydro Tulpa has God only knows how many hps and keeps teleporting away even with a melee team
What the flying fuck?
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It's not healthy to cope so much.
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I am being entombed with the primal fire right now
True, and then Sumeru fucking ruined it.
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Luckily I have good taste and the sexy tan gyaru catgirl happens to be godtier in meta and exploration as well.
>Sample size: 42
Meanwhile the previous /gig/ chart had like 150 respondents
The numbers don't lie: 5.1's second abyss is the hardest in Genshin's history
Wtf this is worse than suneru
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They don't sale.

Just reflect gacha with prostitution or onlyfans or vtubers or whatever. Are there male prostitutes? Sure. Do they come close to the market for women? Of course not.

No matter the gaslighting that ever exists in the world, no matter what laws come into play to push men down and propel women up; men are always the ones on top deciding where money goes.

Her body, my choice. Forever.
I will link him for you if I'm still here when he comes back
Why Alhatham/Xiao banner did floop against the Hutao Yelan banners
we need a 2nd covid to pump genshin's numbers.
millions must die
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>5.1's second abyss is the hardest in Genshin's history
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>5.1's second abyss is the hardest in Genshin's history
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>They don't sale
I miss the eimiko poster
So what's the verdict on Chasca and Ororon, worth rollan or big skip
>Natlan will kill Furina
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Take a nap
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>They don't sale
Furina killed Nahida though
>Get them on a rerun if you really want them, better to save gems for the regional archon
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this one still had arle at #2 and navia at #1
Mavuika will
reporting in with my clear
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I always knew i was a worm
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>They don't sale.
Chasca is probably the best character for overworld. Can damage from a distance, can fly, etc
She is according to what some people have said Alhaitham tier. Strong, but not broken.
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>Good/functional at c0 based males
>c1+ coombrain bait females
You tell me why one "sold" more than the other
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>They don't sale.

>The numbers don't lie: 5.1's second abyss is the hardest in Genshin's history
Is it actually THAT good like people say?
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For me, it's Iansan.
KEK nahitroons really act this way doe
Just save for Snezhnaya.
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More like the chart collector needs to stop ignoring the Western Hemisphere with these early sample collections
>inb4 yurobabble about mutts
American site, cope and seethe
Alhaitroon flopped
CynoKEKS have been real fucking silent since she dropped.
Those numbers are from 10 am. Even as someone that woke up at normal hours and cleared before breakfast, my results didn't load into hoyolab until 15 mins after that got posted.
uh oh worm melty
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>out of nowhere now /gig/gers saying that Inazuma was actually good and Sumeru/Fontaine was dogshit
Am I on Bizarro /gig/, What the fuck is going on?
>>502471064 (me)
Shitty site baited me into thinking it updated already by
Why did Monsier C1R1 flooop when everyone know that he is the most overturned unit? he is tall, he is meta, he is con and weapon bait
>he wasn't playing in 3.6 amd 3.7
They're almost always shitposting tourists, just ignore.
Post Mona's ass
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Because he's a tall male. Real women are into shotas
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Have you prepared your talent books? (~70 golden books)
Reminder that leaktrannies were bragging about how she would "totally powercreep Wormvullette"
Nope. I'm skipping Chasca. There is no real Anemo DPS until Columbina or Varka.
I don't prefarm but I'm getting her day one.
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Why nobody pulled for Wanderer reruns after he did lose his harbinger status in the story? people pulled him day one but after playing the story nobody rolled him, his first sales are also all on day one normally people still pull a lot on day 2 and 3
Slopzuma slopped
Sloplan slopped
He's ugly and male rollers have standards, unlike waifufags who will gaslight themselves into believing every female is attractive, including freakshows like Chasca.
they have been silent since clorinde dropped.
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No, I'm only at 59 gold books but I don't think I'll be able to get the other 15(?) I need between today and tomorrow.
And I can't use my moons because I need them for her boss mats. Go on without me bwos.
I'm just using the ones from BP.
She should be elemental skill only, right?will Chasca use EM sands or attack sand
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why wrio flooped?
Inazuma was still largely in the spirit of early Genshin. You could see glimpses of what would later go wrong in e.g. the Tsurumi quest where it's all quest-locked exploration, but Sumeru took this and amped it up tenfold. The peak of the game isn't necessarily Inazuma, but it is definitely 2.x because of the Chasm and Enkanomiya.

I don't have as much of a problem with Fontaine: all world quests in Meropide are like a worse desert because it's an enclosed underwater prison, but it's much faster to finish. In other ways, Fontaine lets you explore more freely than Sumeru.
They have been silent since Cyno dropped.
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>response I replies to was sell
>immediately use sale
>play femoids and their obsession with semantics like a fucking fiddle
Can they rerun this bitch already
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I have 150 rolls ready and I'll get the rest of the books from overworld chests while enjoying flying around with her.
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Prefarming is boring. I'll farm next week.
Correct post, although at least Sumeru still had one-time domains.
The curse of Cryo.
So whats with the Cowboy asthetics
Are we in the Old Western suddenly?
You couldn't pay me to roll for her.
atk sands are better than em for her
He flopped amongst yumes because he's ugly, yumes like Wrio more and want to date him according to a Jap survey. In that same survey, Dragvillette was at bottom 10%
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all the regions are good but fontaine's patches were the least enjoyable for me
hello stroke department???
We will be next week. Hopefully they really deliver on that aesthetic
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But aren't he good enough and pretty enough for females to pull? he only need his c1, why did he did floop? people rolled hutao c1 for years
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The real stroke in reality is being born a man who so loves women that you want the best for them despite how retarded they are.
He's still cryo
nta but he's overshilled that's why. Nobody likes overshilled crap
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Last reward from the now discontinued extra event has arrived.
I will miss getting 1100 extra primos per patch with 0 effort by just opening two tabs and one button click.
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Enkanomiya is overrated and mediocre
The chasm is mediocre
Chenyu vale and remuria mogs both
>more gender wars
I miss old /gig/
which country are you from, faggot? speak english
Thanks. But EM substats are decent for her, right?
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No one asked you delusional retard
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What was the last non cryo tall male that was not overshilled and did sell, >>502472302 Portugal
I like all four but you're tripping
Mondstadt for sure
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>The chasm is mediocre
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thoughts on the captain's "final foe" and what his role in the last natlan AQ will be?
I prefarmed enough for 1/10/9 Chasca and 1/8/8 Ororon and got enough EXP books and Mora for both her and Ororon.

Only missing the local specialties and boss drops but those need the new area.
Someone should post that screenshot of those two threads with the Keqingfag spazzing out and posting the word tranny over 300 times
Lore question: how strong is each individual Dottore?
That Dottore was way stronger than Nahida, right?
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Navia won BIGLY.
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>Region releases
>/gig/ calls the previous region better and the new one shit
>Region releases
>/gig/ calls the previous region better and the new one shit
>Region releases
>/gig/ calls the previous region better and the new one shit
>rinse and repeat until Genshin II
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Who knows. Some resurrection of the pyro dragon? Clearly an ancient threat that puts him as allies with the heroes.
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Wait for tsaritsa.
It's almost like Genshin is getting progressively worse.
Genshin 1 was better, 2 is a sovless crashgrab worse in every way
...most complaints ITT are about sumeru, and it's not the previous region
no one but the xisterhood is calling fontaine good and they were already trying to astroturf it as the next shakespeare since it came out
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Ah, Capitano's final foe
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Just how drunk are you, anon?
But kazuha is not a homo? he fucks Raiden on the regular and has plowed Fischl, Mona, Beidou and probably others I'm forgetting
Oh god I'm not ready to see how they'll make the 5.3 weekly boss worse than the whale
Everyone agree inazuma are shit
>xhe thinks Fontaine doesn’t get shat on just as much
Mexican Poorfag here

How come this abyss was so easy? Last one was slightly harder
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My uncommon teams for this cycle. Increase those stats!
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Xilonen who
Chasca who
I like Natlan. That the new sets and stuff is region locked is a bit concerning, but overall I like Natlan.
Finally, traveler gets to a new region and is treated with respect, not like a criminal.
It would be really weird for them to bring up the Pyro Sovereign at this point in the AQ. Seems like they really want to give the Shades a chance to shine outside of lore books.
>thoughts on the captain's "final foe"
I don't even remember capitano having a goal. I must've skipped that text.
a reminder that raiden is a worse unit than kachina
Post something smart.
kuki owes me anal sex
I wonder when Abyss Anon will come back
And yeah, those are uncommon teams
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You ask me if I'm drunk but you don't argue my logic.
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how did capitano become such a joke character in the span of two versions
literally the only time he gets brought up is either to make fun of him, or by shiptroons
No one cares about your Kachina you mentally ill freak.
Fontaine revived hope for this game after sumeru and inazuma but natlan took that glimpse and completely squandered it.
Oh wow... New player here. Inazuma wasn't as bad as you guys were shouting. It had some extremely peak moments like meeting Raiden the first time, and fighting her the second time. If this is what you guys insist is "worst thing ever" then i bet Sumeru, Fontaine and Natlan will be even more amazing.
kek I forgot about the weekly boss
yeah there's a good chance this final foe could be it.
>traveler and mavuika get overwhelmed
>capitano shows up thanks to the lord of the night kingdom's power
>whatever the random big bad they are trying to kill is the final foe for capitano
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>Hu Tao
yeah I'm sovl, don't @ me
just hit 500 pulls
Because they made him kneel like a pathetic cuck not 5 minutes after his official introduction.
Thankfully my opinion has remain unchanged with every new region
Sad about the remaining /gig/gers though
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Razor bwis.....
how's the monkeypox?
He is still popular, I think.
The game said the top 3 Harbingers are comparable to the Archons. He was comparable to the Pyro Archon and lost to her in a close fight.
It is not like it was Neuv vs Childe.
Sumeru and Fontaine are great if you enjoy VNs.
Maybe because he’s a jobbing faggot
Only trannies complained about Inazuma compared to Sumeru or Fontaine.
>meeting Raiden the first time
>fighting her the second time
Those are the only moments that people remember from Inazuma AQ lol. But it’s good that you enjoyed it.
Anyway, the game picks up story-wise from Sumeru onward so you’ll have fun. And for your sake, please ignore /gig/.
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what is Nilous best set when she is not blooming?
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Sumeru sucked big time though
I never changed my opinion on regions. Fontaine is still the best one for me while Sumeru is the worst. I like Inazuma. The rest are shades of meh.
Despite that I still rolled for characters in every region and enjoyed what I could about the game.
90% of /gig/ either don't read or don't play the game
We complained about Inazuma compared to Liyue and Mondstadt. The others didn't exist yet.
Trannies are some of Inazuma’s biggest defenders thougheverbeit
I just don't think it's normal to bring up trannies in every single one of your posts.
We like fontaine now?
Can I post my neuv now...
The AQ was rushed but the main issues with Inazuma is that there's at least half a dozen time gated quests that you need to wait several server resets to finish. A couple of them require random dailies too.
Sumeru on the other hand gets shit on for half of its exploration being locked behind a 16 hour long world quest and the Desert of Hadramaveth is generally considered to be the worst region in the game
4pc HoD but non-bloom play style should only be at c6
2p hydro and 2p GT for vape dmg i guess.
some EM from substats wouldn't hurt either.
akasha has a nilou vape leaderboard, take a look there.
nice revisionism
The thundering seamstress is top 10, why didn’t you roll her?
>We like fontaine now?
yes, Fontaine saved Genshin Impact from slopmeru desaster
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>archon jobs
>gig has a melty
>archon kicks ass of powerful harbinger in heated battle
>gig has a melty
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>It would be really weird for them to bring up the Pyro Sovereign at this point in the AQ
AQ? So many aspects of just the exploration painted the picture of him and xbalanque. What is the ultimate goal of Mavuika and her goal to revive the heroes? Why was the Wayob created? The purpose of the night kingdom? How the cataclysm reflects all of that?

Mavuika knows. Capitano knows. We know most of it at this point. But we don't know what Mavuika or Capitano knows.
A BIG part of inazuma's issues were felt more when it was coming out
Doing it now you probably wouldn't notice the issues because you're just moving on to the next thing, you don't get the time to sit with it
I'm not sure if her attacks count as elemental skills or normal attacks in her sword stance.
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>gig has a melty
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Blame MHY for turning this game into power level wank with all of the different super powerful factions and loreshit
I did
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Hot take

Imaginarium Theater is more fun and rewarding than abyss

Abyss is just whale—DPS check Speedrun cuck shit
I did and fail to see why she's used that much.
Must be missing something.
W____ F___?
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Just ignore it, they take this chill game too serious instead of just relax and enjoy it for what it is or play something else
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it's skill dmg.
her normals are cosmetic.
still leveled them because i like her.
I like both.
IT might be more fun but it's also way too easy.
He’s boring. The shipping is stupid but I can’t put it past them considering all he does in game is fellate mavuika.
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I still don't trust these ayato numbers. Way too inflated.
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i still like him
idk hopefully he does something anything in the finale
since she's onfield, gt won't get the full bonus (but still ok choice)
Varuashka might be better though. (if you farmed that)
Inazuma, I quit for half of it
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Made for breeding with tourists.
bwo, there's a penis in this image...
The advertisers aren't going to like this...
Real as fuck queen
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that's why you put 2p GT.
2p hydro% is better than 2p hp%.
Chasca actually looks hotter when she takes her hat off
Yae would say that shit and then suck on it anyway
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I will roll for Ororon on Lyney's banner
Chasca is a huge skip because she's an ugly sloppa and Dawei should cry more
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Inazuma fans know this uh.... person....who are they again???
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Agreed. The point of the game is to collect and level up new characters, not autistically farm artifacts for the same 4 stars you've been playing for 4 years now.
Why, that's keikaku man (hydro), of course!
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>bullets with ICD
>random bullet order
>forced into raindow
>no sources of bonus damage
>shit weapon options
>Furina and Bennet slave
>Ugly design

What were they thinking?
her makeup have less opacity now and the removed the makeup below her eyes
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black tourists
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An updated filter list for those that missed it

/(hag pedo)/i;boards:vg;op:no;stubs:no;
/(safe horny)/i;boards:vg;op:no;stubs:no;
/(buddy poke)/i;boards:vg;op:no;stubs:no;
/(\bb[^ ]*d.*p[^ ]*k|ypoke|poke\b|safe ?horn)/i;boards:vg;op:no;stub:no;
/\b(so lucky|POV|gets to fuck|kekypow|fuarking hero)\b/i;boards:vg;op:no
/(^|(\n)(>+)?)The .*(…|\.\.\.)(\n|$)/i;boards:vg;op:no
Those go to Inazuma
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sex with this cat.
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you rollled right?
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That's why she's top tier.
Childe's greatest rival
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Cum queen.
Otto Lawrence
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She flies, that's her only selling point
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Kusogaki hebe(male) forma de adulto, seducer of old man cock.
is a special 1,5 icd, her ca take 2 secs to load... the bonus damage is on her passive
Don't forget to filter IMG_ filenames while you're at it
Those are our saleposters >>502466201

Ayaka's brother.
look away from the screen instead of getting offended by everything nigga lmfao
you wouldnt see any posts ever if you use these filters fuarking hero
wtf the thread is completely gone...
Why? Those are the best images
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>I'm late
Not barefoot no roll

Fuck it look cute
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I love this cat.
didnt read
Nope, every second converted bullet doesnt apply element
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He... wanted to kill Kunikuzushi
Remember that subplot? Me neither.
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what should i focus on for a 2nd team and what are some things i should focus on upgrading
besides obvious things like get kinich to 90, should do the same for bennett
Eventually I will have to use this filter.

Yes, he will. He won't miss any good post.
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>its 5.2
>he is still walking on land like a little insect
Thomas's owner
holy shit is that sparkle
This ain't on reddit y'all do I believe it?!
I once read a documentary about a mysterious hole at the back of the Kamisato estate
Anyway the guy in that picture is Ayaka's brother and I am sure he has nothing to do with it
Why not go 4-piece gt then? The 25% extra damage even if you don't meet its requriements are still better than 15%, except for the burst.
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>introduce cool looking character with zero build up
>he fights the archon because ???
>he immediately loses
At least let him have, like, one win before getting clapped. How am I going to take him serious for the rest of the story?
Probably fake
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Thoma is so lucky...
Why are you posting here when you're underaged?
any proof of that?
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Realistically, what makes Lynette so cute? What feature in particular? I can't quite put my finger on it.
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I roll for every XX chromosome and skip every XY chromosome.
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>needing to pay for better exploration when every character in Wuthering Waves can do this by default with a better world to explore and better graphics

Defend this
Future electro archon after Raiden becomes a neet again.
>Thomato posters still live in this war torn land
I salute you.
/gig/ was OK with Capitano losing. I think some other parts of the internet were mad with this.
zoomers are the ones who get offended by everything thougheverbeit
Isn't mavuika gonna fly too?
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Post your favorite, I need to evaluate your supposedly superior tastes.
capitano was written by feminists
The logic is simple. Instead of throwing out their best hebeslop pre-archon and hoping everyone wastes their savings, lean in and allow everyone to save. Dump the popular and heavily promoted cryo hebeslop after the archon when savings are burned, knowing the whole playerbase has been trained these past 12 months to believe cryo units do not get reruns.
mihoyo is not stupid.
Nothing but absolute TRVKE in there
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They expect me to spend 6 months worth of welkin genesis? For what, for this?
For a character that I've had benched for well over a year?
LGBTQxisters are the ones crying about Mavuika being strong.
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New poster? This is the spammer who calls every female character ugly. Will probably try to falseflag as a fan of another character. Likely part of a Discord group >>502466201
I think she can climb and ride on water but doesnt fly
Grab some artifacts and talents for Kuki and XQ so you can play hyperbloom with nahida
I'm OK with Capitano losing. I'm disappointed by his lack of presence.
>four skins a year
>two of them are always chinkdresses
i hate this company
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>/gig/ was OK with Capitano losing
>laughing their asses off and FLEDposting becomes rampant in /dbs/2.0 while some lads coped hard
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I wish this was true, it would be amazing; but it's not going to happen.
At least it's not another blue outfit
you mean chinakinodresses
i thought teccy was on his wuwa slander arc
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My abyss clear.
I didn't realise that I needed a bow character in 12-2 so I had to redo it KEK
At least I crushed everything faster than in any other abyss so far
At least it aint another blue
>falling for fake leaks again
It will be blue or purple if she's even getting a skin.
Is it true that he has low testosterone and has to take HRT? That his wife cheated on him?
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We need barefoot Hu Tao, or at least sandals
They need to confirm that her toenails are also painted black

Says who? The guy glazes HSR/ZZZ/WuWa every stream.
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Literally the only good poster on this board
Not flat enough
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>Watching every Kektone stream
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/gig/ger bros,
i REALLY FUCKING LIKE Navia's voiceovers...
but i despise her lack of booba.
all in all, 60ncid.
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Hu Tao's skin will be a lazy copy of Sparkle's to try and save Hu Tao's waning relevance in the Sparkle meta.

It's time to admit Hu Tao is just discount Sparkle in 2025.
i dont watch him i just get my info from thumbnails
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Tectone is absolutely right here
got yelan?
There are mods that keep her original proportions & outfit, but give her visible cleavage
hyperbloom, as the other anon suggested, is very resource friendly since you only really need to upgrade one character, and they don't even need great artifacts (just max em). And since the bloom set is in the strongbox now it's even easier.
Imagine if 5*.
probably fake.
but very straight.
i play on a shitdroid
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I just love her no-bullshit attitude.
But if you're talking about looks specifically, she's just the whole package. Petite, beautiful hair and eyes, has nice drip. She's simply peak in every way.
Notice how nobody complained about Venti getting his shit literally kicked in, or Zhongli fleeing like a bitch from a dragon.
If they were females however, you bet your ass they would be very vocal about these moments and how much of a loser said archon is.
i played it a bit before and i liked the ease of use, but my autism brain wants to build some sort of EC team with ororon coming up. don't have the best units for it though
>Lack of booba
What are you talking about? They're about to spill out of her dress just by walking
Fontaine is objectively Genshin at it's worst because it fucked over Genshin's revenue so hard that they had to raise the resin cap, start giving away 5 stars, and fix the weapon banner
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Don't tell Dawei
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When is our next Liyue unit?
What are you talking about? Femcels literally spent years crying about Signora for her kicking Venti.
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>I just love her no-bullshit attitude.
I love that too, as far as deadpan characters go she's supremely cute.
i meant the censored cleavage.
But, that's literally reality.
Do you chimp out at seeing a 150cm boxer getting his ass handed to him by a 190cm boxer too?
"power levels" are literally existence itself. From people to nations themselves.
sparkle made me lose NNN 47 times
It was actually sumeru, Fontaine just felt the effects of it
You see sumeru had WAAAAY too many meta banners back to back to back and caused basically anyone playing at the time to never need to worry about abyss again, didn't help dendro HARD carried people who didn't pull for Raiden or Ayaka investments
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Imagine if they released Clorinde SQ alternate outfits as skins
That would be so peak
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Mona's left stocking is colored like she accidentally dunked her left leg into a vat of blue dye. Wtf is this asymmetrical shart slop, RUINS an otherwise perfect character design.
EC is dogshit, if you have fav weapons you could try Ororon, XQ, Xilo, XL
Nobody cares about your shitty Kurumi clone chink rip off
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Post cute
builing a hyperbloom team will be so fast you can easily do that and build EC or whatever after it. But you then have another useable team for abyss, which you currently lack in.
I really recommend it.
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Imagine if they dropped forcing girls in spats.
i'd take a Clorinde in a dress. she can keep the hat.
Lynette caught red-handed stealing liters of my semen...
That's the Sayufujo since she's the only one that cares about Ayato
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it's getting buffed though isn't it
that's fair
who would be a good 4th for nahida/xq/kuki?
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Mona design is awful (swimsuit for a fortune teller, systematical pieces and colors) but because she is basically in a one-piece swimsuit and stockings she beats the allegations because its sex as fuck.
See: Shenhe
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She wears a different hat but I think it suits her just fine
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imagine if they released any outfits at all.
I don't get this, even after reading the comments. Must be some esoteric asian meme
I have never seen a Sayufujo post despite being accused of being her dozens of times...
Its still bad even after buff, its not just multiplier, hyperbloom has infrastructure build around it (Nahida, Deepwood set, the fact that you have control over who triggers it). Other reactions dont
No, it wasn't her, you lost to your own addiction.
someone who's not electro, dendro or hydro would be good. With your roster i'd go with either Kirara for shield or Barbara for healing.
dendro resonance is preferred though so Kirara.
Stfu tranny sayufujo
Look up the final word in the title
who should prioritized to reach level 90 for hyperbloom after nahida?
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Why was this deleted?
that might be badly worded - electro bad (steals hyperblooms), dendro or hydro good.

The hyperbloom triggerer, Kuki. Only she matters really.
too sexy for yuanshen.
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caused by sparkle
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The jewel on her right leg immediately makes me focus on her juicy thighs and from there my eyes go to her hips and there I notice her leotard and there I notice the contrast of her mid-torso and the little stars on her mid-right torso. Then I remember that I just saw the same star pattern on her left leg that I overlooked. Then I notice she has stars dangling from her forearms that match those star patterns.

Then I notice the stars are even at her lower ankles and then I notice her right leg is mostly gray while her left leg is mostly blue and then I notice the tiny dots on her forearms themselves. Does that reflect the other stars in her outfit? And then I notice the other tiny dots at her midwaist and upper waist. Same thing.

Then after observing that I move up to hit tits with a golden crest on her chest and felt collar with another tiny star actual colar. Another star for her earring. And then the big hat that tops it off to match where we started with the big ruby emblem on her right thigh.
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Kneesocks or not?
Yelan skin
i sleep

Zhongli skin
I sleep

Hutao skin
Somehow, it got leaked in less than a week
it depends.
but for a dress like this, bare legs are better.
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Pool's closed due to abyss aids.
Hu Tao is a socks character.
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I did, and i still feel like i understand nothing about it.
which character is genshin's biggest mistake?
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What does "96%" mean for Blood Blossom Dmg?

96% of what?
In order for Cyno to be replaced someone would have to use him in the first place.
Eula, fat xiao even said so
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name 7 regions
Could they have picked a worse character for their collab?
that bug, need to report to dawei. it damage bonus
Biggest mistake was not immediately patching Neuvillette's bugged spinarama beyblade epilepsy high-dpi autism infinite AOE dps gameplay.

They waited too long to patch it and now it's unfixable, so every other character is just permanently powercrept.
Xinyan. What the fuck were they smoking with that kit?
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>Atk scaling
Balanced around him
>Amp focused
Balanced around Bennet being the primary buffer
>HP scaling
Balanced around teams with Bennet as support
>Reaction focused
Balanced around teams that use Bennet as support
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>Vishaps were the world's original inhabitants
>First playable vishap ushers in the Fontaine era powercreep
HE is the end and the beginning
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this, I had to build him for Chasca
it wasn't their pick bro
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>But, that's literally reality.
>Do you chimp out at seeing a 150cm boxer getting his ass handed to him by a 190cm boxer too
If they set him up to be in the same weight class and some apparent world champ that would give a magnificent close match, then sure.
I ended up getting Mayweather vs Pacquiao again
>9 years ago
Fuck I'm still mad
I got anal worms just by looking at this
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McDonald's driveway
Wendy's front counter
Burger King's toilet
KFC's dinning area
In and Out's parking lot
A&W's kitchen
Jackie Chan
no he didn't
he was obviously created by some femcel who was mad at the archons being mostly female and didn't consider he could flop so hard it'd change the game's entire direction
To be honest, i'd say furina was among the top 7 archons of Teyvat.
Pretty 100% sure he said she was his biggest fuck up as a writer
Was the same lecture where he was fontaine was the peak
please talk about raiden
Arcane was crazy good this week
Neuv in terms of meta because he trivializes basically everything. I try not to use him often outside of “get out of jail free” scenarios since he’s too strong.
Kys, Riotfaggot. wrong thread >>>/lgbt/
You skipped subway
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Why did ZZZ succeed where Genshin and HSR failed?
I am popular here nowadays I guess. You won't see me posting unless you attack my ships.
sorry meant for >>502477671
i don't know why I keep fucking that up lol I must have severe brain damage
Bennet and Xiangling
Any other answer is retarded
leave Bennett to me
>he's too brown to understand the biblical use of neuvillette and fontaine's religious themes
xisters we have failed
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omg just finished the saurian buddy quest it was so fucking good and cute, I loved being able to play as the lil saurian and loved the little sounds he made
The lore itself was kinda confusing and I only got the gist of it so I can't wait to read more about it, plus the whole story about having to save your saurian friend is so good too

Natlan is a 10/10 for me, such a good region I love it
Jannies must be gay.
He never said that. I've been playing since launch. Surely you can post your source instead of being a retarded woman who hates sexy women?
The true best ship of Genshin
Bennett looks less faggy so I’d still prefer using him over you, sorry.
You’ll likely be a shitty “main DPS” anyway
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Nah there was a meltdown,plenty were upset here
People hyped up this guy as the pinaccle of humanity only for him to kneel on his introduction
i found this abyss easier than the previous cycle by a ton.
is this the consensus?
>retarded woman who hates sexy women?
Uh oh rent free melty
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Die you piece of shit
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city slicker
fancy german cars
gucci loafers
soil ph
gummy bears
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Some characters have special utility passives that provide bonuses when cooking certain dishes. All characters also have their own special dish, with the exception of one character: Raiden Shogun. This makes her the most unique character in the entire game.
People still make jokes about FLEDli even on normie social media, the hell are you on?
/gig/ was OK with it.
Our loremasters have always said Capitano was as strong as the Archons. I think the other board was surprised.
Eulatranny melty
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yaoyao doesn't understand porn yet.
>calm, down to earth informative statement
>irrational and emotional overreaction
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"Mavuika will use E to activate her damage and off-field pyro app. In the overworld, she rides her sword like a broom to fly around. She can't rise up, she can't climb mountains, sorta like Scaramouche using his E to dash forward, but it lasts for a really damn long time. After using E, she can slap people with her 30m long sword (CN meme), the range is even longer than Noelle burst. Her burst makes a clone of herself, copying her basic attacks 1:1. The activation condition is sorta like Raiden's E, but with much higher frequency.

Don't wait for playable Capitano, his role in the quest is like Rukkhadevata and Focalors. He's the MVP of 5.3 and the one with the hype cutscene. But they didn't make it so he doesn't have a chance to come back later. Idk if he can come back, I don't believe there's room on the Snezhnaya roadmap for him.

Remember Mecha Osial? This became an unfinished plan. After the abyss order did their Loom of Fate shenanigans they just threw it into the abyss. The 5.3 weekly boss is that thing. Don't believe me? We'll see next week.

The Gnosis was later given to the Traveler for him to take to Snezhnaya, but in the later patches, Columbina intercepted it and she has it.

Lantern rite skins: Hu Tao, Chongyun.

Iansan is standard 5 star, Ifa is 4 star, Varka is 5 star. Varka might be after 5.5.

Columbina is after 5.7, she's kinda awkward in terms of her role in the meta. At the very least she can't be buffed by Snezhnaya's meta. She's got that ML factor (Firefly, every recent WuWa female 5 star, basically, loves the player.)

The burning world tree happens when we get to Snezhnaya, but it's not even the most major part of its story. In the eyes of those powerhouses in Snezhnaya, it's no more than a toy.
dunno haven't tried it yet
>5 cute girls
>no boys in shorts
it accomplishes what I set out to do
i am capitano
He said he wished he could have done a better job with Eula showed her struggles in a better way
it's some guy jerking off
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So are you going to post the source or not? Or is Eula going to continue existing in your head rent free as men continue to operate off of instinct and thus she will be ideal beauty.
Your loom????
I would teach her about sex gently and lovingly...
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
>Character switching still on cooldown
Character switching still on cooldown
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4.8 Had considerable drama. Xiaoluohao is no longer the IP main writer. They planned for Scaramouche to kill Dottore, but probably not the case anymore. In fact, Dottore might pull the reversal and take out Scaramouche. At the very least, If it wasn't for Xiaoluohao forcing stuff on Scara, he'd just be a passersby.

Dottore is a c*nt. No plans for him to be pulled. There's no plans to redeem him for him to be pulllable. He's really damn strong, if you count all his segments, he's stronger than all of the rest of the Fatui in Snezhnaya. (IDK if this includes the other harbingers.)

Tsaritsa = Bronya expy, a lot of uncles said this. Cryo Sovereign = Seele expy.

Susty will be redeemed in Snezhnaya and become playable. It shouldn't even be called a 'redemption' to make her good, she was already good, Traveler just has misconceptions of her. She's got that ML factor. The abyss twin and the abyss order are just clowns to make her stand out.

Besides the Cryo archon, the other 6 don't have anything major about them. After their versions pass they just become passersby. The write the start and the ending and the general direction, the rest is all just filled as they go when they decided to release characters.
bro your pause tech?
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>Varka shows up
>Introduction is him jobbing to Jean (suppressed) in a sparring match
last abyss had a retarded hp modifier
>I fucked up I'm sorry
Anyone who's played long enough with the ability to read would know eula has been flipped flopped and her characterization has been inconstant
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Jean has had ENOUGH
If I'm just using Xingqiu as a support for Hu Tao, do I even need to upgrade any of his talents past lvl 1?
you can do that for character swaps?
why is Lumine kissing Paimon's boyfriend?
back-to-back deserts
>virgin hag
what a waste
barely any reason not to
you got damage reduction
wtf is susty
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In a tao/yelan/XQ team I'm pretty sure tao is only doing 50% of the damage. XQ and Yelan are roughly doing 25% each.
he can do some nice damage + IR
Post the source?
Poor Jean, she's rapidly approaching hag territory, she better find a lifemate soon or she'll be a femcel for life.
>jean overcomes the person she's been living in the shadow of
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Kachina is cute
The SOVL era
me as the slime
this is fake because fat xiao was on 5.0 livestream
Diluc just fuck her already, god
Varka strikes me as one of the characters who will remain offscreen until EOS just because him showing up would be too much of a change to the status quo in Mondstadt
29% damage reduction at level 10 where it caps out.
at least put it in broken chinese to english sentences
Eula’s character has always been consistent. She is trying to clean her family name. The drinking and slight awkwardness has been consistent throughout every appearance.
I'm not spoon feeding you on a year old lecture fat Xiao did, either you learn to archive schizo or accept the facts
unknown goddess from the opening scene of the game
Just search in chinese for the full thing Head of script department miHoYo Xiao Luohao made a presentation to students of the prestigious Chinese Fudan University, talking about the features of the company’s work and its plans for Genshin impact for the next few years. In the interview, the man answered the most important questions of interest to the community and revealed the future of one of the most popular HoYoverse projects.
Plot spoilers and the future of Genshin Impact: highlights from an interview with the head of the scenario department miHoYo
For the first time, the lecture of a miHoYo representative became known when it was published online explanations of the scene with the burning Irminsul. Later, insiders who personally attended the presentation or collected information from university students revealed other issues and topics that were raised during the interviews:
The most pressing question for players was the importance of Genshin Impact for the company. As Xiao Luohao stated, this project no longer a priority for HoYoverse. They began to devote a little less time and money to developing the game than others.
Regarding the Genshin Impact storyline, its plot at the time of the end history of Fontaine disclosed only a third. According to the developers, there is “much more” to come for players. Despite the fact that there is still a lot of time left before the completion of the project's storyline, the company claims that it has all the resources to continue it in the form of a second part of the game.
The writing team working on the story has changed numerous times since the game's release, according to Xiao's statement. Plans for the development of the story are regularly changed and adjusted, but on average the script team always has ideas ready two years ahead.
She will have vengeance for not satisfying her in bed.
>Reads a fanfic
>Knows it's a fanfic
>Sees that only one (1) other retarf gives it a humble (You)
>Is probably aware that the lack of replies knows that other people rightfully are ignoring the post
>Replies anyway
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I've already spoon fed myself you fucking retard. On one day you'll call me a Nahitroon but today you call me a Eulafag or whatever the fuck you want.

Gay ass retarded homo fujo woman faggot troon parasite. Whatever I could call you would be too little to represent reality. You deserve to die, straight up. Executed. Your genes removed from existence.
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We going home right dawei ?
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>Completely drop the "vengeance" joke for a year and random bring it back during a cooking event
Yea sure
In addition to questions regarding the development of the project, Xiao Luohao also spoke about some plot points that players will encounter in the near future: a shocking meeting with an already familiar Harbinger of Fatui, as well as the revelation of a certain plan of Dottore and the Quee
And /gig/ said she would flop
fat xiao did a q&n at one of china's universities in order to scout new writers and he basically said he finds eula's story quest lacking while claiming masquerade of the guilty is his magnum opus
How so? It wouldn't change a lot.
Jean was already the one running the Knights when he was there.

Think if they ever make Klee a Captain and she hires Noelle to be in her squad. Who would be doing the day to day running of the squad?

(That would be a good arc, by the way. Captain Klee and Knight Noelle in a new squad would be great, they could even hint that eventually Klee would become the Grandmaster for a few years and Noelle her main advisor)
That's a lot of words to not post a source
That's slightly less words to not post a source
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natlan bros...
>AQ Cyno is serious business
>Event Cyno rapid fires puns and jokes
>Umm you see it's because he's actually only serious when he's working
>We meet him while he's working during the Nahida event
>Greets us with three back to back puns
Great consistency you got there
Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis Micropenis
Then surely fat Xiao with a q&n(you probably mean q&a) would have an article quoting him, no?
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anyone on NA with Pyro/Hydro/Cryo box?
The plot thickens...
Xilonen killed Pagzuha.
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Genshin Impact
Her entire character was the vengeance joke? Are you retarded?
>facts makes eulatroons seethe
I didn't even say my opinion on eula, I was just stating a fact said by the head writer
Cryo box
yes q&a
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point and laugh
no wonder he's such a cunt
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That is not a primary source. NYT is a better source for news than a random leaktranny and yet they also lie constantly.
Ah, Dilog, my my old friend, it's been so long
>fag xiao takes control
>suddenly the story completely revolves around homos with females being clowns that take a backseat from start to end
Really makes you think.
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Check this out /gig/. In your mind's eye replace the eremite with a much sexier upcoming pyro claymore.
How is it not consistent he jokes with his friends which tabibito and trashmon become after the AQ. He isn’t going to a random guard and telling him a joke or tcg. He didn’t meet sethos and immediately ask him to duel or crack a joke.
holy kino
my mom looks like this
>Our loremasters have always said Capitano was as strong as the Archons.
Loremasters are the minority compared to everyone else making fun of Capitanofags for hyping him up
your primary source is here
>The start and the end were good!
Imagine reading a book where those are the only good parts.
search xiao luohao fudan university. the original source was nga, a couple of people who were there retold what he said. there were no full recordings
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what will be your reaction when we meet varka and we still don't know how horses in genshin look like?
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hello, based department???
why did they drop the HP modifier?
/gig/ and whales surely had no issue with it.
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>nga gossip
>primary source


Primary source is the man speaking for himself. I'll give you a primary source alright.
varka is so incompetent all the horses got killed
kaeya is out of a god damn job
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Cryo is a piece of shit element, the only way to save it is by making off-field characters that can support pyro, the superior element.
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/gig/ is whales
Kaeya is a lying liar who lies
And yet people defend Morrowind, Elden Ring, Baldurs Gate 1-3 and LobCorp for having only a strong start then going straight to shit.
Arle would have melt team before Hutao, Hutao just applied to much Pyro
do you need C1 for HuTao if you have CR for the pogostick gameplay?
Kinda want to make plunge oriented team but not a fan of Diluc. I have C1R1 Arle so I have set "normal" pyro onfielder but want to have some fun with the CR teams
name 300 times he lied
Lol no, sumeru is even worse, the wordslop is like twice as long
And you are going to miss inazuma kino world quests like storm chasers or enkonomiya once you see the fucking ararana world quest
made for birthing my children
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>he liked hilichurl's used goods
another source from a different user saying the same thing
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>still one patch between me doing abyss with Mavuika
he told me his grandfather was a pirate
This thread is ass
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>didn't roll for wormvillette, shitlonen or kekzooha
>can still clear abyss with ease
feels good not to be trans and retarded
you dont need c1 at all
But... I enjoy reading to better understand this world. I mean a movie showing me would be better, but a genshin movie covering the entire history of a single region in an understandable way would probably run at like 12 hours minimum.
sigewinne is both of those things thoughever
>he likes ororon's used goods
No we're not. Most of use are f2p (welkin + BP + 1st time top up bonus annually)
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>more gossip
Surely if Fat Xiao said such a thing it would be public? If we as people decided to claim Fat Xiao raped someone and we wanted to ruin his career and we all agreed on this scam, we could do so?

Sure, the gears of nature turn on and you still have no primary source.
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>>didn't roll for wormvillette, shitlonen or kekzooha
>>can still clear abyss with ease
>feels good not to be trans and retarded
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drip in less than 48hours
same as Grannysexo
hxg_diluc ruined /gig/
too small
I like to use Ororon's goods.
Genshin males peaked here
>Citlali sees the churl cuck fetishist while sober
i would eat ororon's semen out of citlali's pussy!
there are multiple pictures of fat xiao in these lectures and multiple sources saying the same things?
Do we know if clit is a 5 or 4 star yet?
>t. homo
I will be moderately upset if 5.3's drip marketing doesn't have her
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This is how your average shipper looks btw
That's not anywhere near appropriate behaviour for a granny
above average gig user
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There are not, I've clicked on all your links. Your behavior is what will cause women to have all their rights removed and them tied to stoves in the future.
Citlali (me) rides her grandson every night
>endless text and dialogue choices every other sentence
>2 primo chests everywhere
>shitty desert puzzles
>desert somehow feels too big and too small at the same time (maybe because it's small but it's a slog to play through)
>shitty cast
>shitty archon quest
I just replayed it on my gf's account so there
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delete this picture of me
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I'm actually in a timeline where Kazushit is dead in ever aspect
if you clicked on my links you'd know that these threads are not accessible anymore you lying fucking flaming faggot holy kekkkk
>make more Arle buffs so she can further Kill Hu Tao and Lyney
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Yeah she should be stripping and shaking her ass more.
Yeah. And to be honest I only get some of the packs with top up bonus per year.
It's all but confirmed that she's a five star at this point
The latest 'proof' is that there's no third quest datamined for her and Ororon's tribal chronicles so they're likely saving it for her patch in a similar way that Xilonen's tribe didn't get the final quest until her banner went up in 5.1
>not accessible anymore
Are you retarded? Do you believe you can rewrite history that easily?
I hate this cunt so much
>I enjoy reading to better understand this world
the quests word count increases but they still say the same amount as back then.
you just suffer more through empty shit to learn the useful bits.
Now post the in-game model
holy fuck look at this low iq mongrel i can't breathe
Ok that's the only Genshin Impact guide you need in 2024 early 2025
He's good at vacuum cleaning loot dropped by random overworld enemies
Suffer? From what, reading letters?
Do reading actually hurt you or something? I mean, if you hate reading the "same thing" over and over, what the fuck are you doing on /vg/ where 80% posts are just reposts?
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>imagine being salty at dehya
Paglaworm melty
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It started with criticizing Eula. It ends with criticizing Eula.

Bask in her low IQ beauty.
my grandma looks like citlali
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she wants to become mother so she tries new stuff. Mualani gave her some tips
He's so comfy in overworld for my IVDEX tho
Lyney is already bricked with monopyro I doubt they will ever make an off-field cryo who also shreds pyro res.
Ma look, it's the brick
>Believing shielder citlali
Holy retard
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She'll be the only cryo with the top usage.
I'd rather them be tied to my bed (naked) personally. They'd get in the way of me using the stove if they were tied to it.
I dont like any characters.
Who do I pull for?
I dunno, she already set the bar pretty low.
Still the best for grouping enemies
it would be embarrassing if citlali got more likes than mavuika
This looks entirely correct
Play HSR
Granny burping after swallowing a pint of semen
if she increases team attack as well as do dmg and apply pyro, would she bump Clorinde up a lot?
All-in on the standard banner
Im doing that right now bwo, how did you know O.o
>Clorinde needs nahida
She hits harder with C6 sara btw
I am on your friend list
Everyone. Keep 20k primos stockpiled and spend anything beyond that as soon as you earn it.
She's so cute bros...

Unless is something insane like, cryo wont be remove by CA attack

it just gonna be Arle buff
this and also $15 a week and the occasional $100 (literally nothing)
Not really, I want to have sex with them both
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Clorinde overload would be much stronger. I'm most excited for Mavuika for specifically Clorinde.
One day till drip/beta for 3 characters this place will explode tomorrow.
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Have to waste 10 min to do abyss instead of aimless exploring Natlan and taking pictures
why is she so ugly
It's in 37 hours, not tomorrow
BASED the ony purpose of cryo is to serve as pyro cocksleeves
If Citlali burping somehow becomes a running gag in the game, I will blame you
it's always on monday newfag
>3 characters
they won't drip pyro traveler
Impossible so many people are archon drones
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>Not pulling for characters that you like
>Not experimenting with teams
>Only use the most optimal character in a slot
What a pathetic way to play a game.
>Clorinde needs nahida
>She hits harder with C6 sara btw
please elaborate.
i currently run Oz, Xiangling and Chevy with her.
or Oz, Furina and Xilonen.
>We're getting Pyro Aether
>Citlali is Cryo

Citlali is Aether's cocksleeve confirmed.
how do you get c6 sara when raiden is on the do not pull list?
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>He doesn't build pity
>Suffer? From what, reading letters?
>Do reading actually hurt you or something?
>I mean, if you hate reading the "same thing" over and over, what the fuck are you doing on /vg/ where 80% posts are just reposts?
i only sporadically visit to ask questions and post my clear.
nice. here's to hoping Clorinde gets even better.
fucking disgusting
EN should be cut permanently
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>EN should be cut permanently
YWNBJ, anon.

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