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Previous: >>502457374

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
Agent Record | Hoshimi Miyabi
Agent Record | Asaba Harumasa

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
All-New Program - 06/11 - 17/12
The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault - 06/11 - 17/12
Virtual Battlefield Mayhem - 11/11 - 25/11
"En-Nah" Assistant Program - 16/11 - 02/12
Data Bounty – Combat Simulation - 22/11 - 27/11
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - 27/11 - 17/12
Help Kai - 02/12 - 16/12
When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ - 04/12 - 16/12
Advanced Bounty – Routine Cleanup - 11/12 - 16/12

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

>/zzz/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
It ain't easy being wise
>dumb fuck retard doesnt understand the comparison
Holy fuck you're actually retarded AND you got BTFO. SEETHE
did they reduce the HP pools in Hollow Zero?
my runs were way faster than usually
angelo and his cuck crew wont like this op, bwo...
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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The nut left a fucking permanent stain on my couch
Fucking Nicole slutty bitch
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Stable is the crown I wear.
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Yup that's my robowife right there
>Lycaon was the most popular trailer
>It wasn't
you may seethe now
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Delicious onahole.
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>last time I won the 50/50 and did not reach hard pity was Jane
This is somehow dumber than "Aetherchad" since Wise is a passive weak nerd.
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Blessed thread
imagine the smell
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Cross being an Elma person is canon.
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>Thread: Mindbroken edition
My Meeb will be the strongest, but not through trickery. I will not be complicit in the lie of telling randos to build AP on her
>hard pity
90 wishes?
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feeling sorry for nagi rollers rn
I want to inter-knot with Anby, if you know what I mean...
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Mibibi... LOVE!!!
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fake, harumasa is for wise only
Why? Nagi coin jumped after the new Mibibi changes, now Nagi is her only good option.
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metro manila
I want to be knotted by Lycaon if you catch my drift..
OOC fag art
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Isn't this how you get STDs?
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Who wonned?
Who losted?
what is metro manila?, i assume you guys are speaking about the philipines?
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How is it OOC?
Noodles won.
Burgers lost.
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Respect to the autist posting in the cuck's thread to try and force it to bump limit to stop him keeping it alive.
>she is unaware
im so sorry
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is it me, or does Tower really really expose that the bosses in ZZZ can be fun, but gachasyndrome forces a lot of the content other then "PURE challenge is the reward" type of content to be nothing else then cake walks
cause damn dead end butcher with an actual HP pool is fun
Post Miyabi and Harumasa flirting ingame
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If we have a shiyu compiler please take mine
Nobody flirts in this game.
fat smelly pussy...
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sat rex
section kino
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For the uninformed, Ice Anomaly has the lowest damage multiplier out of all Anomaly effects, and Miyabi's kit is not reliant on its damage. Her kit instead focuses on building up Frost to trigger her effects and building stacks for Frost Moon (her charged Basic Attack).
She wants
>Crit Rate and Crit Damage
If you are not planning on rolling her W-Engine, she will also want sources of Ice damage, such as the effects from 2p Polar Metal and Bonus Ice Damage% main stat from Disc 5.
they have 0 chemistry
Not flirting. She has the same lines regardless of protagonist.
Didn't she say she is a Cat Thiren?
section 6 would be better without the homo
She flirts with whoever you picked as MC, that's how the game works. Teasing and begging a guy to watch movies with you is flirting btw
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When people say m2 does that mean they have 3 of that character?
You're mentally ill
>on your way home you meet Ellen
>Hey anon." she gives you a half hearted wave
>starts raining
>the two of you run for shelter
>a buss stop is all you find and you plop down on the seat
>>"Eww I'm soaked." Ellen complains
>you try very hard not to stare
>her see through shirt practically glows under the neon lights, her bra a stark contrast
>those massive milkers lined in silver light
>she sits down next to you and yawns
>"Lemme know when it stops." she driftts away as she says this
>she's now leaning against you
>she's so warm
>fap fap fap
>20 minutes later the rain has passed and you shake her
>"Yeah yeah I'm up."
offer to take her to your place because it's pretty cold out
>"Fine. You ow me anyways."
>wait shit
>... well she doesn't sound mad
>the two of you head out
A shame the trials are still timed bullshits. I spend less time enjoying the fight and more time paying attention to the fucking timer.
Arcane is crazy good this week
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Ellen does not wear a bra canonically.
[Qingyi image]
And there it is, concession accepted. Feel free to keep posting shipcuck art that totally isn't OOC btw
Astra Yao
Damn, so when people go for M2 on banners, they're rolling like 270-540 times
>Its Nicole not Koleda
So close..
Cheesed to meet you.
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big shark tits...
I'm still stuck on the butcher, at least I can get thru 1st phase consistently now
It is really fun indeed
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zzz made more money in current month than hsr
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Harumasa would be 10x better as a boyish woman and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Get to it NOW modders.
pen is a little less valuable for charge attacks at c1 or beyond because that one applies defense down. yep, it's spreadsheet time, it's that one meme where rina is a 20% dps gain, nicole is a 20% dps gain, but rina + nicole is only a 30% dps gain.
i really think there's no competitor in any respect, it has to be am/atk/c.rate on 6/5/4 if she has her ball. the more merges on her ball, the more pronounced the benefit will be
only if someone participating has one and Yanagi made sure to check everyone
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not if you get lucky
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So without her ball it becomes
yeah? 4new set/2 woodpecker too, polar maybe only if it has great substats.
>all women have the same running animation
>except for Rina
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Is it just me or does it seem like stunners are kind of an undervalued class in the game.
Like I know we're going to have Lighter as a new one, but he looks like he won't have a team and will be very weak.
New-ish player here

Should I start chapter 3 or go masturbate?
>miyabi holds her hilt
>that chinky and zhu hip sway
>rina walks and floats
>ben is BIGGER with a swagger
I have 2 weeks to get all of the achievements before it becomes impossible (I will never roll for Lighter).
I already did >>502476419
>zhu ass and tits bounce
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Wow look at all those animations... How do they do it??
That would just be Nekomata.
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His skills support 2 elements and a stunner is a core class for any team type. He has combinations for days and forever (unless stunner gets nerfed hard for some reason).
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>that bangboo that no-clipped his way to school
what the fuck was his problem?
>motion blur
*pukes violently*
similar but not the same
there's only so many ways a person can run
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I need more Miyabi pictures for my collection, please.
>qingyi that big
Who designed Qingyi's body and what looks did they get from their colleagues?
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>miyabi is an autist that keeps her sword on her 24/7
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That tit jiggle on Grace is outrageous
>floating with Rina
game saved
shes just like me frfr
uh oh pedo melty
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I can't stand TV slop anymore
I'm glad they largely phased it out but, man... That Arpeggio event is pure garbage.
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Looks ugly
>from burnice
>the poster girl of bad stage slop
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is that... a qingyi image? AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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>tfw gracelet
Cops won
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Go back to your discord.
You are not welcome here or on /gig/.
>all TVs are bad because this objectively bad mode is bad
I hope they add a random option for going around the city.
>I've already come up with a strategy to avoid punishment
Miyabi is great.
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I wish Lycaon was my dad to be honest with you
Wish he'd adopt me in-game and snuggle me to bed every night
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every new limited character needs
>drip marketing
>combat intel
>bunch of combat animations
>like 5 overworld walking animations
>trust events
>extra date events and dialogs for taking them around the world
that's a big list so I'm thinking either they slow down on character releases and updates or we get buggy patches that needed more testing before going live
I feel timed shit is never fun, shit is anti fun really.
Miyabi doesn't run like Burnice
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>hit rank 50
>max amount of core mats I can get per run is 5
I wish I could just fight a bunch of Janes at once, I don't wanna do this shit 10 times...
>all TVs are bad because this objectively bad mode is bad
This, but unironically,
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It's due to the current anomaly shilling and the aribtrary team building constraints they built in every characters.
Lighter is mostly "bad" because of a combination of the two. He helps very few characters right now, and because he is fire, Ellen for example would be is forced into Soukaku due to her own constraints. If the last Mibibi change stays, he also lost the potential Burnice/Lighter/Mibibi team he could have been slotted in.
I REALLY hope mibibi's interknot avatar isnt just the floating eye that follows her, i hope its a deadpan mugshot
don't forget exclusive resonia for the new mode
furry game
>the aribtrary team building constraints they built in every characters

This is hoenstly the weirdest shit about ZZZ. It's already a smaller team size than Genshit and Shart Rail and they want you to be even more limited
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TVslop was horrible in 1.0, one or two kino hidden missions, that's it. Slowly phased out since then, only really brought back with events in small doses.
Now Arpeggio... fuck me man, some of the worst Gacha content I've played through, ever
show bili2 numbers
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Stfu go ritual post in the HST thread
it was already mined, this is literally it
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>Qingyi and Zhu
Looking forward to seeing her ass and thighs more often
I always thought this game would be more weird and quirky but we're getting the same hoyoslop story and characterizations, just with furries added
>some of the worst Gacha content I've played through, ever
I know. Thank goodness they're getting rid of it altogether.
>half those Lycaon views are Bao
Ben Lycaon Anton Billy make Lighter and Seth look like twinks
>but Haruma-
She's fine
Based Wise
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i didnt know that was official let alone datamined
its peak, thanks bro
It's probably designed as "If you mix the few characters in certain ways you get a bonus", rather than as a requirement.
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Jesus you can really hear Lucy's heals when moving
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Hags are the peak of fictional women, perfect on every way
Pls tell me which 4p disc is best for yanagi I get the feeling I'm cutting short her dmg going thunder metal cause I don't hit the 375 ap for her w engine
b..bros? What's she doing here?
The Burnice set
Me on the right
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dying from internal hemorrhaging by the looks of it
They were so right in picking Nazuka Kaori for Yanagi. I can totally feel the Ayatsuji-personality.
I'm running Caesar/Burnice/Piper through the Shiyu reset right now and man this team feels good to use.
Caesar is basically just for the damage buff, could probably replace her with Lucy, but then again being able to spin to win and shrug off attacks with the shield is pretty nice.
The team just feels so clean though, constant disorder procs and I never feel like I have any dead time where I fail to kill enemies and am left awkwardly swinging basics, it just flows really cleanly.
yeah but which one of them runs the fastest?
Literally nobody knows what you're babbling about.
I will be playing as Corin
uhhh i don't understand the picture...
I know what you're talking about and completely agree, her VA is sexo
>drip marketing
>combat intel
>bunch of combat animations
>like 5 overworld walking animations
>trust events
>extra date events and dialogs for taking them around the world
>voice acting in CN, JP, KR and EN
>exclusive resonia and hollow zero events
anything else?
>on model
Ensuring the future of the Montefio bloodline
You've never played Blue Archive then
Calm down, newfag.
no wonder they don't release much A ranks, you basically have to put same amount of effort but nobody would whale for it
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This could be so much better if I had real drive discs, but at least im glad the three graces that spooked me are finally doing something, also if any corin friends are around, is housekeeper her best A rank with that team?, i know neko ball is better but that hasn't shown up in my pulls
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No eggs left
Least insecure underage Mihoyo baby
when you see mibibi at the start, and she's not already running faster than the rest of the cast, you can be sure that they all have the same movement speed, or maybe a single slow speed for Ben and Seed (sneed)
she's not THAT old...
You're 20 years too late to be simping for seiyuu's, newfag.
That shit's long past its prime.
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Which of the cope anomaly Engines is better of on Burnice? I have one on her and one on Piper, was thinking of maxing whichever I put on Burnice, now that I got to Rank 50
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Why is she like this?
Yeah, Piper is really good. People are underrating the old lady.
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But HST has plenty meanwhile YYZ lacks posters
based amillion trained by negromata
There's still some left
Just because you don't know about seiyuu doesn't mean the rest of us don't, newfag.
>Amillion's name comes from "A million" and that's why Amillion is so greedy
Wtf I just realized this
Sex with Amillion
I dont think she was that old when she was conscripted after the fall of eridu and the oni blood has kept her young
He should work well enough with
>Soldier 11
Though it's true his team options right now are strangely limited. It's kind of inevitable though, they fleshed out a bunch of Anomaly teams and now going back to give Attackers support will mean there is some catching up to do.

Ellen can run with Rina if she's playing with Lighter. Or honestly, Lycaon also. If you ignore him being a stunner for a moment, his debuffs and chain damage bonus are probably still one of the strongest third team options. Double stun is a bit unorthodox but given they both apply buffs/debuffs, I can see it.
nicole is a bad parent
we learned that from the friendship supervision event back in 1.0
>Avocaboo's name comes from "avocado" and that's why it looks like an avocado
Wtf I just realised this
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Unironically picking up shows/games for your favorite seiyuu was a thing in the 2000's
Only you retarded newfags still do it now with these current gen zero talent hacks.
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S11 wouldn't make this face. She's a professional.
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Ideally they should move to a 1 new character per patch schedule after 1.5, at least until they have another major version update or when they want to shill a really important faction. They clearly can't keep up with this pace right now and it is inevitably going to harm the quality of the game at large. We already saw it with how buggy and fucked the 1.3 update was, in fact.
voices in the walls told you so? meds
Bangboos owe me sex
I don't really think anyone underrates Piper, she consistently gets tiered in S-rank on most of the relevant websites. But I really don't regret skipping Jane when she works this well and is satisfying to use in general - if I could swap her out for Jane on this team, I doubt I'd notice any meaningful improvement.
Hoyo will end up using these restrictions to sell characters, a possible example would be the change in the activation of Miyabi's passive to sell the next support that will come in 1.5.
That'll be 2000 Dennies. Plus tip.
>burnice webm
>retarded post
You can't name a more iconic duo.
anything goes in da HOLLOW
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My favorites
Always have her weapon on standby. Twitching fox ears. Hime face & hair. PEAK
I didn’t know she had a bakery in the back
She got them milkshake hips. PEAK
Floatmaxxing. Did not expect that. PEAK
This nigga is HUGE. Also tail is going ham. Salty that he’s the only character im missing.
>Soukaku, Corrin, Nekomata, Lucy
Very girly animations, PEAK
>Ben Bigger
They did it. They fucking did it.
‘Touch my tail?’ YES
Bootyful animations, looking amazing
>Grace, Niko
The biggest tiddymaxxer
The memebro. Great animations. Yankee stance

It’s too many GOATs, I love them all really. Patch is SAVED
I ate them all
ba is kino doe
>They clearly can't keep up with this pace right now
why would you assume that?

shart rail kept doing two new characters per patch for like 13 patches, all the way from launch until rappa just now
>Phaethon's name comes from the Greek God "Phaethon" and that's why he's a Proxy driving the Agents in the Hollows to their destinations
Wtf I just realised this
>walking Koleda
They said it themselves on the Dev talk they're juggling a ton of shit for 1.4.
>new Trust Event system
>overworld implementation for all characters
>reworking Chapters 1 to 3
>working on new HZ mode
>working on Main Story for 1.4 itself
>working on characters already known and future characters we have yet to see
They have a big team but it's still a lot.
Lycaon. That nigga is a unit.

How much percent is the tip?
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Do you really think it takes the same amount of dev time to develop an action game character as a turn based RPG character? HSR characters also share base models and common animations so they have a stronger starting base to work from when building a new character. They are also more experienced developers while the ZZZ team is a bunch of newfags scrambling to try and fix multiple issues with their game at once.

These aren't even remotely equivalent examples.
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Genshin and ZZZ devs are the same type of game developers
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If I want to run pic related then should I go for the thunder set? Is the team even good? Cause if so then I might skip Miyabi
Nice "leak". The guy who recorded this was incapable of holding the walking animation for more than 1 sec / character. Is this retardation or trolling?
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So should I pull for Yanagi or wait for Miyabi or skip both
>while the ZZZ team is a bunch of newfags
Genshin does only 1 character per patch generally and even has patches that have no new characters, so you're just proving my point.
How screwed will I be if I start playing today?
>why would you assume that?
NTA but isn't it evident by the quality of the updates?
some stuff feels rushed, very little content (I don't mind that tho) events are quite small
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Just had sex with AI Corin.
We're still halfway through the first patch cycle. The game is barely off the ground.
zzz dev team was assembled from mostly new hires and some veterans
Yanagi is hotter and more versatile
now's a good time as ever
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>Anonymous's name comes from the internet imageboard known as 4chan and their obsession with Hoshimi Miyabi
Wtf I just realised this
soukaku got that belle run with those arms
I think Miyabi is hotter than Yanagi actually
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Be glad you didn't get the gayer Harumasa.
nonconsensual i'm hoping
Do you get the same atk buff from Lucy using the tap and holding EX?
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They have said multiple times that ZZZ is lead by greenhorn developers at Mihoyo. This explains why it actually has some passion and SOVL but also explains why things have been kind of a mess.
I've been running that and very easily getting sub 50s clears. I'm running 4pc Chaos, it's not that far off Thunder set and it lets you run Disorder whenever you want without having to worry about her disks
You'll be swapping between Yanagi and Rina quite a bit so your 4pc Chaos should always be up along with Rina's buff
Yanagi stop... it's time to give up...
We are literally faster with more poster. You got exposed (And Lost BIGLY AGAIN) Stop being contrarian and admit defeat and go back to hrt
ZZZ isn't making any revenue so there's no way they can afford to keep pumping new characters
This is also why we don't get any A-ranks, they are desperately keeping the game on life support with S-ranks - they had to make Lighter an S-rank because they couldn't afford the revenue hit from basically giving him away as an A-rank.
It's also why unfortunately the free Harumasa leak is fake, because they cannot possibly afford to give away Harumasa for free after all the resources invested into him.
They haven't done any reruns yet so it's best to jump in now
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I like that I could skip this post in just 5 words
What about the 2pc? Is it thunder, freedom or the Pen one?
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Anything to aim for when starting then?
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Where's the autismo representation?
I'm running 2pc Puffer since I'm PEN maxxing with Rina, you can go Freedom as well
>Are you fomo cattle with 0 impulse control and bad credit? As bad time as any.
>Are you ready to accept that "consequences" of starting "late" in a f2p gacha game? (or rich)
As good a time as any.
Miyabi, S11 and Nekomata stand out the most for the girls, the guys are all very different
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Who's a better A-Rank boo? Explorer, Knight or Booressure? Just in general, not just for tower.
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If I take that chain, will he die?
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Sex with this thing.
Just don't spend Polychromes on the standard banner and think carefully when investing in characters early on because you'll be a bit starved for resources if you spread yourself too thin. Otherwise, just enjoy the game bro.
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It's over.. the deed is done.. 100% HZ with everything except Soukaku's affinity resonia
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I'm thinking if I spend my guaranteed S rank on him, I currently have 242 tapes and I would have to spend 80 for his pity, will I be able to acquire him and Miyabi?
After Miyabi, do you guys think I can get Yutane and Pulchra?
I have BP+monthly.
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I wasn't talking about the literal number of posters
See? You were so eager to win that you ended up losing bigly
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Cosplay hours?
If you need it summarized in five words;
ZZZ players are broke niggas
yes post more
>lighter and miyabi
if you don't reach hard pity on both banners yes
>yutane and pulchra
don't know when they're coming so maybe
i look exactly like this
I want Ben's belly and paws on my face...
I'm also a relatively new player started during Burnice (previous banner)

My personal tips are:

1. Throw SOME rolls at Yanagi, unless you just absolute hate her. She is just super good
2. Do your side quests
3. I dont wanna say "rush" the story but you should try to progress the main story as much as you can because events are often tied to main story progress.
4. DONT be tempted by the 300 standard roll selector. Just accumulate those naturally and DONT spend your poly on Standard roll ever.
The biggest question is Corin or Piper? Too bad I don't have Neko too.
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Corin has too much soul, cutest walk
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>Let's make Miyabi an Ice Anomaly character so she doesn't replace Ellen
>Makes her Crit focused
What the actual fuck was Mihoyo thinking?
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Miyabi's ears are the best thing in this game.
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>finally decide to go thru all boos and check their animations and abilities
>you can't select boo in training
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>Imagine replying to sovlless hogwash-tier shitpost
What will she say if I ask her for some
her milk.
Any Lucy users?
She's the kind of fox who keeps a hand on her sword in public, on dates, and in the bedroom
>make caesar defense
>completely unreliant on def stats
you do get buffs
hold ex is for i-frame/damage
>no good def unit will ever come because all the disk rolls are seeded towards def to keep you autistically grinding
Yes. There's generally no reason to use held, though the buff only comes into effect once the boar actually falls so it can be nice if you wanna delay it I guess.
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Feels like you took off your training wheels when they remove the yellow and red flash indicators for later floors. its pretty cool how they conditioned me to know which attacks are parryable cause the moves are actually quite readable when you need to actually pay attention instead of just waiting for the flash.
Now this is a proper hag
I am 100% rolling for Ellen Rerun, but i also wanna at least make an attempt at Miyabi.

But I just know the timing of the banners are going to be fucking with me (Miyabi first then Ellen 2nd).

Ideally if they ran at the same time, I would get Ellen first and then just throw everything I have left plus grind some more for Miyabi, but I doubt it.
If the current snap event is any indication I would say that the idols could come in 1.6 or 1.7, you would have to skip the entire 1.5 to have any chance and with Pulchra we have no idea when it will come.
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>so she doesn't replace Ellen
You mean so you CANNOT use Miyabi's W-Engine on Ellen or use Ellen's W-Engine on Miyabi.
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I forgot to add the sisters. I love their animations & I’ve been waiting to use Anby in the open world since forever.
Also forgot S11 also autistically carries her weapon 24/7 everywhere like Miyabi.
I don’t even know who to use first lol.
The buff lasts longer with hold, and the attack is more likely to land
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IS the Ellen Rerun for sure? I am in dire need of her shark pussy as i only started at the tail end of 1.2. I have 0 interest with any of the upcoming new 5star characters.
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i want to fuck this slut
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I still have hope that I can use them together...

You say it lasts longer because of the time the boar takes to travel or is it something else?
go back
>not just for tower.
the problem is they're all worthless in all other contexts except avocaboo for specifically only the tower
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Seethe about it. It makes you run teams that are thematically correct which appeals to my autism. Suck my sweaty smelly cock.
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Should go after a young fertile woman instead
>Zzz lacks poster
>Nooooo I was talking about that you can't say anything bad about HRT!!!!
This is what you sound like right now. Keep coping. You lost
>harumasa's moveset actually looks fun
naturally, I always liked harumasa
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>I'll post that shit bait again next thread bro maybe you will get some answers after the cord melt from last time
I relapsed to this
dimbreath, one of the supposedly more reliable leakers, said ellen rerun and free harahomo
Hold is 15s and press is 10s. You can check on her skills page. Hold is "fly ball"
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Same man. Soukaku’s event is (presumably) coming next patch, and the missing one is Lighter. The only Resonia im missing besides those two Lycaon’s. Congrats on your completion.
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im really happy and excited for the future of this game
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she has enough fanart to not need sloppa
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Anon you aren't suppose to remember that. I sure hope no one saved that screenshot and everyone forgets it happened.
yanagi my love...
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Thanks anon, feels good. Took way longer than I'd like to admit but it was fun, pretty relaxing after a while
with the sudden shift to allow meeb+support, I have a silly feeling I can't quell, that astra will simply do disorder damage every time she presses ex special. this means astra and miyabi can duo while ellen is a spare body for ulting. this is therefore no different than the yanagi+miyabi duo except for looks. good enough?
metro manila
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oh dimbreath. i think i recognize that name from when i used to play genshin a lot more a few years ago. that's good to know, anon. here's to hoping you get both and i win my 50/50. I got 80 rolls saaved up rn
what future?
future of this game is constant powercreep and shitty events
grim stuff
I remember saving that one from twitter, pretty sure it's not slop.
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Thanks bwo.
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I was clearly talking about ritual posters no need to be so bitter and cherrypick
No one will laugh if you admit that you lost
I see.
Personally I like the core passive thing it stops all characters from using the same meta supports.
>42 years old
>looks like this
Why can't I still look young bros?
should I play your game?
Don't feel so bad losing the 50/50 to Rina anymore
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Why does EVERY hoyo game need to have constant photo events??
it most certainly is, whoever you saved that from - block them
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I sure hope the idols have good EP's. In fact I think the Idols should play a concert if you have all 3 of them on your team
Piper should have been a hag

>B-but she-
You know what I fucking meant, shut the fuck up
Now you are coming up with excuses. I won. Stop ritual posting and go play HRT you glaze so much
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I miss Miss Bartender posting...
>shitty events
You can't even call what they've been shitting out events. Literal baby tier bullshit. And we can don't have any sort of co-op/multiplayer mode 5 months into the game. Yeah, things are looking very grim.
Why couldn't god make it so only cute girls can be autistic
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Should I switch to the PEN disk for Yanagi?
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Am I missing something about Yanagi? Whats the point of stances if you switch between them regularly to keep the buff up anyway...?
she is the only acceptable kind of hag
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Have you tried exposing yourself to etheric matter at the ripe age of 14?
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nearly done lads, only the hollow and one challenge room left that I can get
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Which general do you come from so we can asses if your assessment of good and bad has any merit?
For (me) is the new trust event system
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You're the one who lost here
Sorry not sorry to burst your bubble
If you have fusion compiler then go for it, with Rina and her stance buff Yanagers breaks 80% pen. Even without 24% from Fusion Compiler she feels solid with pen.
oh fuck this cinematic...
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>Drive into Hallow at young age
>Stop growing or aging
We have seen 2 people like this now and maybe 3 since Rina might be way way older too. I'm surprised we haven't seen woman in the game killing themlsves by running into the hallow try to do the same.
You got this
depends on what u have and your current team setup, bwo.
>2 people
who was the other one?
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bros... she was cute
i'm sad
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Go to sleep HRTeuro. Just because you keep repeating your shizo self made up win doesn't mean you won. I already exposed you multiple times
You really shouldn’t be this upset
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Piper Lucy and R5 Gemini
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Literally me buying booze.
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What elements do you guys think Obol will have?
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I can't see it but I can picture it.
Koleda and Piper.
Koleda's growth was stunted by hollow exposure. She's in her early 20s.
wait is this from the quest where you need to save a girl and the bangboo before the time runs out? And like you can come back to the mission for a perfect run.
was unironically more lucky today with resonia than with the challenge room. hitting dupes on the challenges, meanwhile 2 resonia today
>seething this much at the truth
Go on. Explain how these events haven't been complete dogshit.
Since release and in 15 patches until 3.0 there were only 5 patches with 1 new character. Otherwise it's 2 or more, sometimes even 4.
Koleda, she's not as old as Piper but has fully stopped growing due the same reasoning.
it's from the current event
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taking photos is fun
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I'm more interested in their food preferences
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Basically what these two >>502484820 >>502484715 said.
My Fusion Compiler Yanagi with Rina
can do about 760K to unstunned Lv. 70 enemy.
Everyone is M0R0 in this team.
If Hoyo ever introduces multiplayer or coop I'll make it my mission to grief every single run
Not him, but Genshin reuses models, animations and skeletons letting the pump shit out much much faster. You only have 3 female and 2 male body types in the game.
who let the honkeks engage /here/
I got yanagi to 300 ap without using the 2 anamoly disc sets. Is that good enough
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>Waaawaaa waaa waaa exposed
>Waa waa waa waa I won
>Waaa waaa waa g-go bback!
That's how you sound
I won multiple times already
>spend all the time writing down the password
>get to the lab door
>enter the first letter
>door collapses
What the fuck
Maybe one Electric in the bunch
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you know they're tourists because we already had a similar event about taking photos of bangboo and no one gave a fuck
The more the better.
I think every AP roll is about ~1-2% more damage.
yanagi status?
Nice. Hopefully the streak keeps going, 2 Hollow S ranks is huge
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I accept your concession
now go back
she can cancel out of attacks in the blue stance, she can't in the orange stance but she gets free iframes in some of the animations
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Saved the game
Is it worth it to conver red discs into gold discs? doesn't seem worth it, by doing a red disc 10 pull you always get 2 S-Ranks but possibly more
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Sorry but you need to go back. I won and you lost. The moment you posted HRTfly proved that you a a HRT fifth column spy
They should be playable together, you don't need any particular support. Ellen gets her additional ability via Miyabi, Miyabi just needs any support. Soukaku, Rina, Lucy, anything technically works. Not sure which will be best though.
>sloppa isflatter, has exposed tummy, looks younger, more like a loli and thus 10 times sexier
The absolute state of artistoids.
You answered yourself
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You should play L4D2 for that.
thanks, unironically would rather have the challenge location now than the resonium, because you get more chances for resonia on average than locations
I want to be her shoujo love interest...
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different artists exist
thats actually a sick idea
The redemption arc begins.
Also explode.
Fire & Ether presumably. Shit, maybe even Physical or Electric. Definitely not Ice though
Seed being Ether Defender or Stunner (that won’t be trash [highly unlikely anyway]) would be kino though
For me, it's secretly recording Belle when she's having a seizure
I went through hell and back to get to this point.
I hope you get early S-rank too.
Doesn't look cute.
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Not enough Koleda
Why is it so incredibly hard to get plus 2 on an ap substat. It's always 1 into ap then never again except for 1 piece that 2 upgrades went into ap. Never again
i kinda like anal sex with lucy desu
Holy shit, first time getting the golden ticket, 60 chromes, after almost 4 months of playing daily.
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How much would be enough Koleda for you?
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Don't listen to them. I am the kaka urine poster. They don't know the true power of HSR
5, at least 5!
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Is this enough?
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I bet her asshole tastes so delicious
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Kek, yes.. and I'm sorry but somewhat jealous too. How is she at M4?
Am I pulling for miyabi?
I have Yanagi and Ellen already.
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Piper is a hag? I have been lied to about her being a loli getting into the game
holy fuck
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Hopefully harumasa makes the mech slog fights a bit faster. I'm still happy with sub 2 mins on off element/0 shiyu buffs thoughbeit
How do I play burnice? I know that you use her EX skill to build heat. But is the only way to apply the debuff with the charged regular attack? Its a pain to apply to different enemies since she locks onto one specific one.
The oldest one actually, Qingyi is complicated
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I haven't built her past leveling to 60 yet because I don't have anyone to go with her. She still stuns fast as fuck despite that, so I'm gonna build her whenever I finally get S11.
The cuck discord is back...
I don't feel like I'm a good enough man to masturbate to Jane. I need to earn it.
me on the right
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Just workout more.
I had a legit schizo moment >>502485501 when I lost my third 50/50 to her. I think the odds of getting her three times in a 50/50 loss is .463% while just getting an early S-Rank is .6%. I am praying that God has a reason for these Koledas with some new support that will cause her to be retardedly useful for fire, but I doubt it.
Is "The cuck discord" in the room with you right now, anon?
Her EX and Ult also apply it
it tastes like red bean buns
Hollow zero is so fucking shit
she's absolutely workable as a hardstunner.
her EX FUCKS hard, so if you want to stun hard and fast, with fire anomaly building up you are good to go
Hello homo, why don't you try out love and Deepspace. That might be more your alley
I really like it just needs to go deeper and have set zones with their own bosses, they should turn the tv mode into a proper 8 bit dungeon crawler
[Image of Qingyi]
Are some accounts are actually seeded for a specific character? Because this is outrageous.
How do I stop running out of money?
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newFAG reporting in, how exactly do characters from previous limited banners work? For example if I wanted Qingyi or Zhu Yuan, how would I go about getting them

Is it a case of them eventually down the road getting added to stable channel, or the limited banner eventually including them or repeating?
conceptualize the aroma
stop farming disc sets and farm dennies for 4 weeks a patch
We know her exact age?
Don't level any agents
you have to wait for a rerun, could be months
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how big is new Eridu? the place has several constructions companies and boat export so I assume it's constantly expanding and it might be even bigger than Tokyo
Too hard for the average gacha player. These people feel entitled to clear content, they couldn't handle a competent rougelike
missclick and spend all of your zmerits on dennies like me
But the reason I want money is to raise agent levels

But this isn't supposed to be a farming game
My dick is her sword in the bedroom
But that would be in lieu of a limited banner for new character, right? Which they show no signs of doing anytime soon
I still have no clue what to do with yanagi but i am finally getting used to invuln windows off the tailend of her basics and stuff i guess
it takes 30 seconds
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Do those cucks have a schedule covering each other to spam vg 24/7? I mean they already COMISSIONED cuck art for a Nikke general so it would not surprise me
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Hmmm nyoooo
The moment you posted hsr you lost BIGLY!
Based and true
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You're gonna roll for my engine right anon???

You just need to roll it 5 times and I'll be super duper katana Virgil xD!!!

Come on anon pull out your wally and spend spend spend so that Meebster gets to activate her GODMODE cheat!

Do it anon! Mibibi deserves it! Don't you love me?? Don't you love me anonie???? Xiao-Luang UID100004687 IS spending 15.000.000 RMB on me, why aren't you????? Don't you love me????

*sniff* I'm not angry I'm just..... Disappointed.... *sniff* I thought... I really thought you were the one... *sniff*
>I mean they already COMISSIONED cuck art for a Nikke general so it would not surprise me
It takes like a minute and 15 seconds
Think of all the time I waste
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My luck has been aight. Hopefully I get Lighter (or Rina/Lycaon) in a 10 pull, though I have enough to hard guarantee him. Don’t wanna waste all my polys. Need some for Miyabi anyway (hopefully Harumasa being free is true so I can savemaxx for Obol/idols/Yao).
star rail won
No one cares about raping Corin anymore, what went so wrong?
For the near future, yes. The companies other games end up having 2 or more characters run at the same time.
>Miyabi is mediocre
Wait so ellenfags won without having to lift a finger or make excuses?
As long as you have fuel, hold BA and you'll do the spin. That will consume 20 fuel but it will tag everybody around without needing ult, energy or otherwise.
Computers cannot do true randomness, everything is seeded in some way.
Why doesn't Soukaku have an agent story or bonding?
Rolling on Ellen rerun sorry mibbereirbibi!
pretty fuckin big but not too dense from what we've seen
no way to know for sure without a full map
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>tfw no grace
>tfw no kot
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Check the previous thread, an anon shared an image of a leaked cuck cord, magically all the samefagging/shitposting/salesfagging/anti-trust event schizoposting and the 2-3 cucks went on a meltdown even going meta trying to derail the thread. Supposedly they also pester /gig, /alter, /nikke and many more generals.
Not surprised as a cord leak happened months ago on /gif on tbe same fashion, basically well poisoning by spamming shitpost.
Here is your agent story for Söykaka
Why on earth is a flat and thin brown cat so sexy?
1.4 with Miyabi and Harumasa.
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Anyone want a grace? Will trade for Rina / Lycaon / Koleda.
That damn smile she gives at the beginning of a level
Slopton 6.. I kneel..
I'm sitting at about 500K dennies myself. I also have been maxing my z-merits at HZ for emergency dennies if I need them. I'm at about 7K merits with everything I need bought out of the shop
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i'll trade my lycaon for a grace
Yanagi even has a world event that is literally just that
Because you haven't really met her outside of Scott Outpost.
>but yanagi
She's got a membership at Random Play and texts you.
harumasa's personality isn't jokes though, it's being a lazy bastard
also miyabi is literally autistic for swords and combat to the point where you could've actually joked on her for that
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If you love HRT so much why r u here?
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I need help from Anomaly bros that aren't pulling for Miyabi's engine.
I have no clue what the fuck I'm gonna give her. Right now I have
>Jane with Lip Gloss R3
>Burnice with Weeping Gemini R5
>Yanagi with Fusion Compiler R1
Realistically I can get another Gemini R5 or a Rainforest R5 from crafting but I have no clue if she works with them.
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Is Arpeggio a psyop to get people to cheer for complete TV eradication? It might be working on me at this point, this has to be the worst shit in the game to date.
section 5 lost
section 7 lost
section 6 won
Pull her engine or skip.
This is your final warning.
>She's got a membership at Random Play
When did this happen anyways?
Did you also notice that belle is anorexic?
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>DUDE... I got nothing on Ben actually

legitimately, mibibi will almost certainly use an attacker engine.
none of the anomaly engine passives particularly benefit her, and AP is a really, really bad stat for her. just run kotball or cannon rotor. passives be damned, this fox needs crit rate.
Fuck you
ben won
woah sovl
Welp got lvl 90 on hollow zero. Now where tf do you get polys from
Miyabi is an attack in an anomaly skin stats-wise. No anomaly engine works on her besides her own as of right now. Better off using an attack engine on her even if you don't get the effect

Last patch. After Tour de Inferno, you run into her on 6th St taking some coworkers out for ramen.
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pubsec won bigly
establishing dominance
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We are discussing yenless yen zero here that's why
Isn't that obvious?
Yeah zzz is fucking ass
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the op of the other thread is actually watching the catalog like a hawk to make sure his thread isnt bumped off page 10 kek
what a sad existence
>>DUDE... I got nothing on Ben actually
how has it not been deleted yet for spam
That shit happened years ago you fucking retarded newfag.
her game
In what way would she need an attack ball unless you mean one that has crit as a main stat which I don't think any free cope balls have it
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it's the janny's own thread, man i dont even know how he has the patience to keep bumping it, i've tried non-bump dumping images to try and hit image limit but i dont have the determination
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We're getting a cope attack ball with CR on it next patch
But you knew who I meant for both :^)
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let me condense those:
dude virgin workaholic
dude lolibaba
dude justice
dude infectious disease
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Cheesed to meet you
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>even when boiled down as much as possible, they needed full sentences
pubsec... peak character depth...
OH NO NO NO copcucks on suicide watch
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Arcade achievements
Hard mode missions
Completing random achievements
S rank all Shiyu
>actually watching the catalog like a hawk to
>hawk to
Belobog wins
Victoria Housekeeping wins
Pubsec wins

Section 6 is so painfully generic I'm honestly surprised they don't get more backlash
The only one who's not generic is Soukaku but that's ruined immediately by being nothing but
Unironically something like the upcoming copium A-rank attack engine that has crit rate on it would probably be better, or the kot ball if you have it.
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funnily enough jane barely even talks about cheese, she has ONE cheese voiceline
spit on that thang
God i love OLs with fat asses
Does anyone else actually like Dawei? I think if we had a different president of the company the games would be total shit
>still no disc 3 with ap subs
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Just you wait for Soukaku's trust she is the Rodion Raskolnikov of Zenless Zone Zero.
>I'm honestly surprised more people don't agree with my delusion
So close to achieving sentience...
what ball you using?
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can we skip lighter's banner and go straight to 1.4?
Does she have the 'tism?
i wish
lighter's slow ass banner will kill the game
Lighter's slow ass banner killed the game
NTA but
>Arcade achievements
Maybe I just suck at Snake, but some of them are too difficult. Asking for 20 million points when I can barely get 2 million is insane.
>Hard mode missions
>Completing random achievements
Achievements in Mihoyo games are either simple enough that you get them automatically or literally impossible. There's very little in-between and you'll get maybe 200 primos out of it at best.
>S rank all Shiyu
Damn, all of these sound good
I love ZZZ
no I need the daily polys
I also like consuming shit brother!
Skipping the banner I'm putting all my resources into? Why?
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this game is so ass
Use your Adult Card.
maybe I should activate the hyper shitpost protocol: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/tnum/492995735/deleted/deleted/page/2/
i want to eat rat ass
DSLs from the BP
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I believe Miyabi is a good representation of autism
quick reminder than jane flopped lol
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>I will never know what a woman's butt hole smells like
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Smells like ass.
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I'm sorry you enjoy consuming feces, brother but I don't see what that has to do with Zenless Zone Zero. Perhaps try not putting shit in your mouth?
What the fuck is that??? Qrd?
yeah but its yummy
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i'm tired of pretending autism isn't an attractive personality quirk in women.
who would win in a fight between Team Autism and Team Retard
>miyabi grace anby
>caesar burnice soukaku
looks like a spambot doing gods work
Did the anon who scraped 1.3k threads post any fun graphs yet? I missed it
some retard kept bumping his shitty thread (like it's happening to /zzz/ right now) so I started dumping random shit till it hit bump limit
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bwos fantastic news, I can still count
Fun fact: Jane is actually a virgin
fuck you for making me laugh
dont forget the bangboos
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if I'm running her with paiper/boornise, what's better on lusee, SJ or FB?
and if I'm already hitting the cap on her atk buff, should I give her some anomaly prof? I imagine her M6 probably steals anomalies from boornise sometimes
>friend failed three times on the resonaboo one
somtimes I realize these are the people that get cattered to
what does Jane farts smell like?
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deploy it
doing 11/11 WG runs with 3 of your /zzz/bros could be fun. hope it comes before patch 2.0
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>Team Autism takes the lead
I want Jane to bully my tiny penis with her fat ass...
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>failed three times
But there are only three choices?
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Dangerously cheesy
Man, i dont really mind when HP bloat happens but all these robots have way much fucking HP in general
I am not looking forward to this rotation
It ain't easy bein cheesy
he thought the number of bangboos got randomized between attempts
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Can you cope with Atk% on Disc4 or 6 or do you ABSOLUTELY NEED the relevant Anomaly main stat on those for Burnice and Yanagi
Bro, it's time to stop using Corin for things other than rape.
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Disorder teams like that should always be AP AM
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Put a finger on your gasket, rub it around, give your fingers a whiff. Believe it or not, it's the exact same smell
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I think I realize you don't need dupes or weapons if you can't spend. The content doesn't usually need it, in fact new content is usually set up to benefit new units anyway even at base power, so I think it's better to just save for as many as you can
I use ATK and it's fine
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I like her enough to attempt holding her hand in public.
Wait do different disc slots do different things?
>emergency patch soon to put the answers on screen again like the NEPS event
All girls in ZZZ are virgins that exist to be deflowered by (You) unless expressly stated otherwise.
I no longer want to sniff buttholes
That looks like Seth
but its hotter when you do it to a girl
>t. butt sniffer/eater
Only 1, 2 and 3 are fixed.
Well diet changes things and pheromones can causes different reactions.
LOVE black panties
I haven't started this patch events yet
are they long?
Swing Jazz is always better since no one else in the team can wear it anyway, so it's a unique buff for the team. You arguably DON'T want to buff Lucy's Anomaly build up since it will dilute Burnice's burn procs, as you noted. Building AP on Lucy is fine in this team if you want to minimize the effect of that.
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The real answer is 4pc proto because you can have it active for the entire fight.
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It literally just smells like ass. There's no pheromone cope you are just riding the taboo high of putting your face in the poop chute
picrel was me
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why is she like this
stop fucking smelly ogres anon
Where does zzz go after yanagi and Miyagi. Literally the 2 best designs in all of hoyo
Do you mean which stats those discs get are fixed on those three but not the others?
I've only just started disc farming, up till now they've just been what I had.
Look at the billboard in Lumina Square
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sexy children
why does she dress like that
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>got Grace just in time
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ah moshi moshi
I need Grace for my Rina but Hoyo is so stingy with standard rolls AAAAAAAA
Yeah the main stats. Go to the music store and you can see that.
chinkyi posters are the most mentally ill posters in this general. there i said it
do you fags think that bangboo sap is one of the idols?
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>Do you mean which stats those discs get are fixed on those three but not the others?
nta but yes see picrel
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She's the hag seen on some of the ads/movie covers. Astra
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Kek, it's such a shame, I would've done the same webm I did with Jane ( >>502491906 ) with every fucking female character
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The hag in question
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What's the difference between [Element] Metal and Hormone Punk? Like, I know ATK and Element DMG are two different things but what's the math on this?
PLAP ad infinitum
I failed the first time because I thought I was supposed to count all the bangboos, I was scanning the background the whole time in case one was going to pop up on a balcony or something
Taking... Wuwas!
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Oh man I was not paying attention when the music store opened up it all went over my head. Alright that's pretty clear I guess I just never had enough discs to notice any pattern. Thank you!
she looks like she'll outsell the Sloppy Trio unless they get massive powercreep
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Today I learned that gasket is a term for a butthole instead of just an engine component
H-how do you know what my butthole smells like????
Bro he LITERALLY walks around as grace for 3 full seconds
I'm in your butthole
4chan is home to so many closet homos
>plays ZZZ
>can't help myself but I keep getting a boner every time I use Lucy
>plays Genshin
>doesn't feel anything when I use Nahida or other lolis in the game
Why are the lolis in ZZZ hot?
She's probably 20
because lucy isn't a loli retardGOD
there are no playable lolis in this game
yeah 20 thrusts deep from my penis
The lolis in genshin have prepubescent body type
The lolis in zzz have budding adolescent body type
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Lust provoking image.
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I'm saving for HER
hello r*ddit/twitterfaggot
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wut discs for homimimi bibibibi
out of 10!
why would a girl smell like my cars engine?
Calc gods usually put ATK+ATK+AP as the top damage for anomaly characters
iyabi!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Hoshimi Miyabi in the flesh!!!
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atk crit rate ice%
I want to lock this girl in a sauna with an exhaust pipe leading directly into my nostrils
Idols in 1.5
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>got a new disc, surely this one will be be-
>zhu ass consumed by ball joints
well well well. you fucked up.
my zzzbros wouldnt breed a womanlet right???
Wait, when did they make shadow Jane into a miniGTS? I swear she was normal sized before but I just fought her and she's now Amazon sized.
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I would marry and breed a womanlet
What's the difference between flat pen and atk?
What's Miyabi's best team now
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you baka doomposters, watch this path save us all
Nope. Astra Yao and Zhu rerun
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I thought there's a special disc set for Miyababy on her patch?
Should I prefarm disc set already?
Our children will be short.
Flat pen and flat atk are about the same
i am 6ft so it will balance out

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