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Katawa Shoujo General #4014

The Laughing Funny Pink Hair Girl edition
QOTT: Have you actually "played" the other projects by 4LS?

Last Thread: >>500964269

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
(Updated) Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/tan8n3k7
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
Ara~non's survey results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
>Dat giggle jiggle

Well get on it!
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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why did she drink the entire bottle
how did she even get the cap off I can barely do that and I have hands
>how did she even get the cap off
Best girl confirmed!
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My date went very well and we're gonna go out again :)
>My date went very well
you came inside her?
fuck off normalfag
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why are you even here? you are dating some 3DPD, shameful display, I feel bad for your katawa
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good night
you got it, Kenji
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yeah fuck off
>Your Favorite KS Girl
>Your Favorite Halloween Candy
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so I like kitkats, what?
*with exceptions
The sweet potato ones are gross.
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good day, sons of Emi
I'd rather be her brother-in-law, if you know what I mean.
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I do not
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I wanna make an Em* and Anon(me) sandwich.
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What are we drinking tonight?
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>he gets best girl again
Fuck doggo I really love your stuff.
Thanks man. The lines aren't that clean, but I liked her softer expression here too much to redraw.
Some sparking sake here. It's not overly alcoholic, but it goes down like a sweet champagne, so it's too easy to make a whole bottle disappear if 'm not careful.
I'm going to a nice Japanase restaurant before the concert tomorrow. Maybe I'll try some sake. I don't usually drink alcohol except for eggnogg at Christmas. I've been nursing the same bottle of Disarono for nearly a decade.
I'm pretty sure it can't go bad since it's already gone bad and turned into poison/alcohol, right?
What concert? Last one I went to was TMBG a few months ago. Fuck, they used to play Thursdays at the Mercury Lounge for like $7 admission, and now tickets were over $300 for 4 people, and it was so over amplified you needed earplugs 100 feet away.
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Morning (?) /ksg/

I didnt expect to wake up to a new bread and with our lovable fool in the OP to boot.

Not really, the closest thing would be reading some of Crud's stuff from his blog.

Sweet! Wanna give us the deets?
The Marshall Tucker Band. I saw Men At Work >>498492695 at the same venue last month
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A sandwich made with your and Emi's flesh? Weird
blackthorn spirit
nah, 18 is way better than Emu just on grounds of personality
>Marshall Tucker Band
Never heard of them. I'll have to check it out.
>Never heard of them
Yes you have. You just don't know it.
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Good morning /ksg/!
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Good morning. Does anyone know anything about this girl? Or is she just a background character?
good night cripplefrens
Good morning anon.
Good night anon.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Rest well, Eminion
More like "Deep under the covers" amirite
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Cute and saucy
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Getting a lil risque now are we?
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no, not gonna push it any further
thats ok, this is a blue board after all, but i appreciate both nice and naughty Hanako.
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I believe so, I cant find anything beside "oddly detailed background character"
Parasol girl is just parasol girl
She's the key to everything, you have to click around for secrets to unlock the alternate ending
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We never stood a chance
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another week..
You tell him, sis

Dolly and I don't like sweet stuff. I can get her some white chocolate, I bet she would appreciate it, to go with the sparkling wine
>I don't like sweet stuff
low T post
Suddenly, I feel less intimidated/horny and just want to protect Emilly's smile.
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Week Six Prompt - Sequential Art/comic
I want to play risque Risk with Shizune.
BTGR, Emilly, Emo, and Femji routes unlocked that you have to complete to unlock the Captain
Student Council btfos shitty student that ditches class constantly in the field of battle
Don't die
Goodnight /ksg/
Its been a good weekend and i hope you guys are as ready as i am to tackle the upcoming week.
I read this and now Rin's route makes sense
wow, is that like Rin's prologue or something? a prequel that explains why is she so autistic?
Then just cum inside her.
>Hisao what took you so long?
Nakai came through three layers of clothes, Emi.
It won't spoil and make you sick per say, but it can oxidize over time which will change it ruin the flavor. I think sunlight also damages it and changes the flavor. If you keep it sealed and stir it in the dark (at the very least not in direct sunlight) it should be fine. We have a jar of white lightning papaw made in the sixties and it smells like it was made yesterday. We keep it as an heirloom at this point.
What's with the wheel of cheese?
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Shizune would "say" something like that.
It's Shizune's hat.
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The dream.
I don't remember, was he deafness caused by a genetic factor? Or accident related?
She was born deaf.
I hate this picture. Misha's boobs are much bigger.
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can someone make pic related a wallpaper on wallpaper engine?
Nobody can, except you. Fulfill your destiny.
seemingly no two pictures of any katawa are alike even in the game
>Hanako will never fall asleep on your shoulder.
Why even live?
I dunno.
GGGoodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
...Why the fuck did my phone decide to triplicate the first letter, and ONLY the first letter
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
Goodnight anon.
Morning /ksg/
Monday is here but we can go through it like many others before it. Regardless, you got the week planned out or you're just winging it?

Im awake now!

>Hanako falling asleep on your shoulder.
Thats the dream indeed.
Good morning anon.
What if Lilly elf?
What do you mean?
i really like this shizune
You mean
>WWWhat do you m-m-mean?
She does now
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Summer's clover I guess, it aight
Goodnight /ksg/.
How do you guys bring yourself to read other girls routes? It feels like cheating.... I cant cheat on my perfect angel Lily.
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Thats exactly how i feel as well. I know its silly and that the other routes deserve attention too but it just doesnt feel right to me. I dont want to betray her.
MS katawa?
It's more likely than you think!
Wait until you talk to Lilly in other girls routes if you finished hers first.
Emilly but it's 90% Emi.
How the fuck is Katawa Shoujo still a thing?
Me, Im behind all of this
I dont want to imagine such a reality where lily isnt mine...
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Perp yourself for deep hurting if you do.
When I was reading the lily romance scene last night, I genuinely thought it was a dream sequence at first because Idk how they randomly were in a field of wheat and barley in some beachy area of hokaido... all the same it was beautiful and art was great.
>Idk how they randomly were in a field of wheat and barley in some beachy area of hokaido

Did you somehow skip the whole train trip bit?

Tough luck, because that's the reality where Lilly is mine.

>How do you guys bring yourself to read other girls routes? It feels like cheating
It's only (mental) cheating if you enjoy the s-x scenes

Because, for all its evident flaws, it was a quality product and aged better than other things which focused on short-term impact

Could happen, but make her more Deedlit-like

> you got the week planned out or you're just winging it?

People need food to live, Anon

Tell us more please

Call me whatever you want, I'm not going to touch the sweets
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Which comment are you replying to?
Be more specific, lazy bum
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Sounds good then, hope you have fun/make it through.
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Anon, I haven't had fun or made it through ever since I was born
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Well, if it makes you feel any better im not a stranger to that sort of thing, and hey, you can always come here and unload.
Yandere Mish end should have been a route.
is there any meaning behind the bush 2004 shirt or is it just because she's japanese and just thinks english is cool or something
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It was just a silly indev thing that made it into the final product
rip Shizune stem cell panties
Like a Kenji ending, only farther in the story?

Latter, but it also works as a hint to date when the story takes place (2007)
You'd deserve it more than the Kenji ending.
I'm replaying this game after 10+ years. Now that I'm much older, it's not funny how much better Rin's route is (not talking about the girls).

Is is the general consensus nowadays?
Don't know, I have always thought Rin's route was well written, despite not being into her romantically.
But then again, I played it at 21.
Maybe you were younger than that?
Yeah, and the other side of the coin is that a mature playerbase vilifies Hanako's "route" nowadays, it's basically just a rape scene jumpscare with no depth.
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also the guy who ruined Hanako's route trooned out so it explains a lot about his mental health lol
Around the same age at that time. I can remember Lilly, Emi and Hanako's route pretty well, but Rin's caught by surprise now. Maybe I didn't do it at that time. Having done Lilly's (which is good) to now Rin's, I enjoyed the latter much more in terms of writing.
I haven't replayed Hanako's story yet, I can only remember her bad ending with her yelling at Hisao. Is there really rape?.
Yeah really, it's because the old writer left and the replacement writer wanted to punish the character's fans, because how dare they have actual expectations and force a meager workload upon him.
Congratulations, you fed the troll. I hope he was pleased with your (You).
I'm pretty glad Suriko didn't get all the fame and fortune he hoped for. his reputation is tarnished but he really deserved worse, maybe being raped himself
What does this mean? It sounds like schizobabble. Is it just schizobabble?
Goodnight /ksg/!
Goodnight anon.
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He doesn't get any more (You)s from us itt, so he gets active when someone new appears. Don't mistake this bait for a desire to start a discussion.
KS2 never?
The fuck is going in with that girl's leg??
master of romance here
no man
Looks like rotationplasty.
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"Holy shit did your mom give birth on a minefield!?!?!?" two
Which girls would sext?
He said he's old not new. I think you're just upset that Hanako's route gets trashed daily and you can't defend it...
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i liek pantsu
All of them.
Emi and Shizune would do it the most often since it's easier for them than Rin and Lilly, while Hanako might be more self conscious.
I want to barter the lewds Shizune sends me with Misha.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Cute Misha. Need some comfort.
I plan on making it too, but when I do I won't give into this pathetic urge to come tell all the anons about it.
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Morning /ksg/
Winter has finally started to settle in and things are already comfy, how's things on your end?

she looks so happy, love it
What's her disability?
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Chrom's syndrome
Goodnight anon.
Pretty good. The little guy is responding well to kitty chemo and steroids. He doesn't have zoomies, but he was playing with his toys and seems more like himself, so I'm really happy for him.
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Aww that sounds nice. Glad your buddy is recovering, make sure to give him extra pets
Goodnight anon.
Good morning, up and at it!
Brave kitty
Thanks. I'm not the best at giving cats meds, but he's never bitten or scratched me ever. And yes, I'm spoiling him rotten :)
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>And yes, I'm spoiling him rotten :)
Good, thats how all kitters should be treated
>Sends you cute pictures about the top of her head and hair there
>Invites you over for headpats & chill
The chill was a lie. There were only headpats.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Crappawa Seethejo?
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>Only girl to take advantage of another girl's disability in order to hurt them
Being gay isn't a disability (these days) though?
>that one autistic retard who defends Hanako's route (unsuccessfully) actually showed his face again and got instantly slapped down
kek what a bitch. you love to see it
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A little behind the screens training footage.
if we don't win all of our matches and get first in the league then I'll kill myself
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I wasnt really pressured about the whole thing until now so thanks i guess.
A little bit of pressure goes a long way on the path to victory
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How the fuck are you faggots still keeping this going?
KS was a trash VN with niche character design but good god you'd think something else would've come along by now to capture your attention?
How many years has it been? 10? 12?
Are you going to turn out like those weird bastards that get togethers and have jerk off parties to Traci Lords laserdiscs?
Thanks Doc
thanks for bumping
you post here every day, don't you?
I wanna give that deaf-mute girl's mouth something to do!
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good to know hanako's route was awesome and should stay like that because it makes the redditor tranny seethe
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These are the eyes of a man who has seen a pussy.
Is that why Kenji and TheAnonFormerlyKnownasHadSexRecentlyAnonAnon are both legally blind?
The got blinded by the pussy? That makes sense because I have good vision and never seen a pussy.
pussysnot is pretty acidic. it can hurt your eyes if it gets in them.
Solid theory but I had RP before I had contact with girls.
Maybe you accidentally looked at pussy when you were younger and didn't realize?
I think id remember that, desu
That wouldn't be it because I used to take bathes with my sister.
His eyes are tired because they have to work hard.
I have glasses but never seen one
Cute Hana with a ponytail is cute!
I still do. It at least I think I do... I'm blind.
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How nice that you want to cook for her. She would appreciate that
You too? Comfy tabletposting or computer?
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight anon.
>those weird bastards that get togethers and have jerk off parties to Traci Lords laserdiscs
This is the oddest straw man fallacy I've ever heard.
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Morning /ksg/
This day has a bit of a rough start but im positive since i'll be having a 2 day leave from work along with the weekend and enjoy things, hope your day goes by smoothly as well.

Different flavor of cute indeed.
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A Shizune and an Emo away from having all the best girls in this image.
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kill her already
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Goodnight anon. Sleep well.
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What Stalker faction would each katawa belong to?
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Apologies for being a tourist, but a recent thread on /v/ made me think, how does /ksg/ feel about this scene? The writing? The character? Who was autistic?
I got spoiled by the memes so I can't genuinely say if I would have understood her, but it is funny.
>Who was autistic
(You), the player
Everybody thinks Hisao is a retard and this is one of the reasons why
I am too hyped for the game as well.

I'd say Bandit but i think she's more of a Loner given how "directionless" she seems to be most of the time.
Really hard to say, but i guess given her discipline and fitness, i'd say Military.
Duty through and through, no fun allowed.
Freedom but not at all due to the shitty stoner memes but rather her real open and welcoming approach much like the faction itself.
Ecologist for sure, just in for the study and doesnt want to be messed with.
Bandit. A true gopnitsa that is really loud and really rowdy.
>What about Mercs and Clear Sky?
Not enough girls to cover those but i guess Yuuko would be the closest thing to a Merc albeit a rather greenhorned one.
>What about the new factions?
Gonna have to play the game first to decide. Also, Ward sucks.

Both anons happen to cover me rather well and similarly so ima just add that it really is "My head is full of fuck" scene.
How often do you guys get anons who just finished the game popping into these threads? Was there a big influx after the gigcuck video?
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...I ask because I just finished Lily's route and the game for the first time. Lily is a miracle of the universe, I've never felt so madly in love with a character in a visual novel before... but I found the routes ending a bit anti climatic? I'm not really sure I understand why she wanted to leave for a family that swept her under the rug if she loved Hisao and Im not really sure what Hisao felt he had done wrong? He was always helping her physically and was emotionally there for as well other than the one time Lily was keeping the idea of leaving to herself, but how is that Hisao's fault? Even Lily said he did nothing wrong in the hospital. I guess just showing his devotion to her by dying at the airport made her change her mind but that doesnt seem like Lily, it kind of undercuts her character anyway you look at it. If she left knowing Hisao needed her it undermines her caring nature, and if she stays out of pity it undermines her independence. I really wish the game just avoided the frantic mad dash to the airport or train station trope all together. I see the full circle thing they were going for of Lily being there for Hisao after a heart attack when his gf wasn't, but I just think it could have been done more eloquently if he just had a heart attack on Tanabata and Lily was there for him solidifying their relationship and in the hospital she makes up her mind that she needs to stay... that's already kind of what they ended up with but all the needless drama cheapens it imo.

What say you /ksg/? Sorry if this has been discussed to death already.
She's pretty fucked up for not saying anything until the last moment but the dramatic movie mad dash to the airport is what gives Lilly's route a lot of its charm. It's meant to be more of an idealistic, dreamlike romance than any of the other routes.
yeah I gathered that, Im surprised how pleasent it was compared to what I heard about the game over the years and now Im scared that all the other routes are going to be misery porn by comparison... but Im really curious to try Hanako's route because she seems like the next logical step from Lily.
All of the good endings are good and some of the bad endings are very sad but not misery porn by any means
does lily have a bad ending? are some characters only bad endings or do they all have a good and a bad?
Some neutral endings, some bad endings
Lilly has a neutral ending where you don't chase after her to the airport
what flag makes you not chase lily?
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All I'm saying is it's a good thing not every game uses that word in that context.
will katawa shojou ever get a spiritual sequel of some kind? how do you guys cope without being able to see your favorite girls ever again?
if you don't answer honestly during the 3(4?) questions of her route, you don't chase her
>gigcuck video?
Im not sure what video you refer to exactly but we got people coming due to the Steam re-release and even way after the fact so that goes to show how truly eternal KS is.

While it does hurt that we wont get to see more of anything, its kind of understandable why we never will, besides a few artbooks here and there. KS was thunderstorm in a tin can, you cant really recreate this in the same spontaneous manner unfortunetly and even if you did, it wouldnt have the same impact.

>Im not sure what video you refer to exactly but we got people coming due to the Steam re-release and even way after the fact so that goes to show how truly eternal KS is.
oh yeah I forgot about that too. I installed the linux version on my steamdeck when I got it 2 years ago and just got around to it this month. I really wish I could have been around for the development cycle of this game, it must have been amazing to see how well it turned out.
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KS is even Steam Deck Verified now so no need to fiddle about with it, works natively now.
>I really wish I could have been around for the development cycle of this game, it must have been amazing to see how well it turned out.
It really looks like its been a rollercoaster of a development cycle and also commendable how we even got a final product in the first place.
>All of the good endings
*laughs in blue and purple hues*
Do you guys have any vn recs to fill the void of KS? People speak really highly of White Album 2, can it compare to the romance of Lily's route?
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>look up KS on danbooru
>oldest image is a rough draft of the characters
>almost 19 years old

Did development of this game really start in 2005? That's crazy man, 4chan was so chaotic back then I cant imagine getting anything done on here especially without the catalog. Is there a video essay documenting the making of this game or anything? Im become enraptured and need to know everything about it.
This is the original sketch by RAITA, it didn't become Katawa Shoujo until years later.
I like the picture of modern Lilly mimicking this, but I don't have it here.
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I love Raita girls!
I keep forgetting RAITA is the banana boob artist
I've yet to play those games but they've been on my list forever. I got all 3 is some bundle for super-cheap years ago.
I actually just started playing Tunguska: The Visitation which is also inspired by Roadside Picnic.
>desert ranger
>not replacing 10ofSpades
I see but even so the inception was so long ago its crazy.
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The original image dates back to 2000, but the actual game development began in 2007.
holy shit also lmao at higurashi phase the sprites went through
Has anyone ever pitched a Katawa Shojou anime?
People have discussed a hypothetical anime here. Mostly what routes\endings it should follow.
I doubt anyone has contacted an animation studio or started an indie studio in an attempt to have one made.
We mostly pitch tents anyway.
Decided to replay KS for the nostalgia factor. I remember posting in these threads literally a decade ago. Interesting to see it's still going and remains unmatched.
Emi best grill.
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>will katawa shojou ever get a spiritual sequel of some kind?

It's been almost 13 years.
The time for a spiritual successor to show up can be probably considered to have elapsed.

>how do you guys cope without being able to see your favorite girls ever again?
My favourite Katawa wouldn't it be any more real, in the literal sense, if she received new canon content every six months.
So ultimately, every serious otaku gets to experience this subtle melancholy, just in a different form

At most I could see 2 or 3 famous scenes being animated by amateur artists, a la Touhou

>Mostly what routes\endings it should follow.
I remember someone on /a/ saying that it should be Lilly's route that gets the canon animation, due to it having the only post-credits scene, but that's not a very strong argument.

The plot is a bit too sexual to attract animators, in my view. At least Fate counterbalanced this aspect with a focus on battles and a clear struggle of good versus evil

You mean picrel?
Im a total noob to ks so I have no idea who owns it or what connections they have, but what is stopping someone from pitching it to an anime studio? Or a studio wanting to pick it up, it just feels like itd be perfect match.
no studio wants to do business with the Ausfailian tranny (actual) who owns the license.
why not?
Shizune route is canon since it goes all the way to graduation
4LS is now defunct, they never want to make any money off of it, would require the approval of many different people, I imagine there's nobody on the team who wants to take the responsibility, just generally way too many factors to prevent it

Don't think anybody would care enough anyways too
thats a shame, why make such a great thing and then abandon it?
No reason to leech off of something beautiful just because it's beautiful
well I dont think it has to be leeching or anything pessemistic like that, I guess if I made something great like ks Id want to see the characters brought to life with an anime and if that could bring in some funding and renown to make other projects itd be a win win all around
I wish Katawa Shoujo had a blow job h scene. Its the only thing its missing imo.
Some of the more mentally ill devs proved impossible to work with. And the worst one ended up with the producer and director titles so it's impossible to just work around him.
I agree 100%.
Shizune's alpha route has one that was replaced by the bondage scene in the release.
No cg's though.
when I first played the game I pegged shizune as the one girl that would have a blow job scene if there was one, there's something about her perkyness that screams it
Which girl would you want to have said scene? A very nervous, shy one from Hanako would be cute and an uncaring one from Rin would be pretty good too.
What would a KS anime page look like on TV Tropes?
that's such a grim fate
She sucks your dick because she thinks you're getting bored of her.
Fuck her mouth like a pussy
Student Council Reward
Lockerroom risky
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I'll ask again since noone replied, do any of you have romance vn recs to fill the void of katawa shoujo? Does white album 2 compare?
what if it was like amagami ss where every 4 episodes was dedicated to a different route
I don't think the anime needs to follow vn plot exactly. I would like it if each girl had her own MC.
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Shizune would get Lelouche.
>You mean picrel?
That's the one. Thanks!
How often do you guys fap to the KS girls?
Not real often anymore, but every once in a while still.
A lot desu, especially with my wife Rin
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I don't understand the classrooms, how many are there? For third year does it just go up to 3-4 or is there a 3-5 etc.? And is 3-1 the deaf class or is that never mentioned?
Are /ksg/ threads like your guys homepage or like a comfort thread to always lurk while doing other things? How do the threads sustain themselves after so many years?
I have busted more nuts to Hanako vanilla content than any other character or person, ever, by a wide margin and it's not even close.
are the devs really mentally ill? were they always or did it happen over time?
It's just a tab to leave open and check on occasionally, maybe chime in if I have something to contribute
It's a slice of old internet, just a slow-moving forum of discussion
All good devs left the project like Crud or Shizune's route writer.
>All good devs left the project like Crud or Shizune's route writer.
this implies that some devs stayed, so what are they doing today in terms of involvement with the project?
>look at all the 15 year old posts on the katawa forums
>look at all the old art on the boorus
>ancient youtube comments
>realize I wasnt a part of any of it or even aware of the long path that got us here

how do I cope with missing out on the ride? ;_;
my life was hell back then, I wish I knew about all of this
It was definitely special, but we all have our own journey. Enjoy yours :)
Im enjoying it in the sense that I truly believe things happen when theyre meant to, I finally got around to reading this when I had been in a severe depression and its made me feel things again. It also has injected my brain with a sort of bittersweet nostalgia I really crave.
Patlust rising.
Paturday can't come soon enough.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon, sleep well.
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very Powerful Image
Less egregious than the lack of a Rin footjob scene
Morning /ksg/
My Stalkan continues today and it feels great, how do you plan to spend the rest of your day?
I'm tempted to finally getting around to SoC. I followed the guide on their general setting up the config file and installed the 'bare minimum' mods
If by bare minimum you mean just ZRP then yeah, thats all you need. anything else is extra and frankly too much for rookies. Mods should be something of personal preference. This is why you must play Vanilla first, so that you can determine what more you want out of your game. Hope you have fun in the Zone.
Well the OP said ZRP and then three mods that seem to be just improved mexhs/textures. Shaders MAX, Original Weapons Renewal 3, and Photorealistic Zone 1 (but not 2).

I actually tried playing the game 9 years ago but I couldn't get past the first mission.
Shaders MAX is kind of a meme. The game looks great without any extra fluff. OWR3 is a good weapon pack and a given if you really cannot stand vanilla guns. Photorealistic Zone is a texture pack i havent really used but on the other hand SoC doesnt really need those but i guess its fine to use.
>I couldn't get past the first mission.
The bandit Car Park is a trial by fire indeed, once you pass that, you can tackle any other challenge ahead of you.
>The bandit Car Park
I just remember having a little Toakrev that seems to need a lot of bullets to put down some guys with machine pistols or something.
>Shaders MAX is kind of a meme
It did say to use the 'lightest' version.

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