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Previous: >>502512483

>Character Teaser - "Chasca: Love and Peace"
https://youtu.be/b1-93b1V-co (EN)
https://youtu.be/CSilmG1OR3U (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Chasca Web Event - "The Meaning of Flight" live until November 21

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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ororon isn't replacing her right?
did you add mine
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When did your immersion from Genshin start breaking away?
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>can't swap before starting an abyss chamber
defend this gay shit
/gig/ likes Fischl way too much
her rates are never that high outside of here
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Childe SOON
I would willingly sacrifice all of you to save 10 dogs
like in 1.0 when i saw just how mobile-focused the experience was

had to backread the last few threads but which one was it
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>I was one of four Tighnaris
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me and my photoshopped clears always win in the end
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another day has ended and the time for rest has come once again
swapping tag is cuck shit
Fontoilet with its long crappy retconned dialogues
this one >>502489169
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>above Xiangling
kneel before the new pyro queen
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I never said this
Which Genshin will accept dating a mentally ill loser who browses /gig/ all day?
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hu tao sex
Did you add mine? >>502494186
Have a Venti
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ganyu is our breadwinner wife
Any Hu Tao cosplayers who offer feet+dildo content?
>0 Wrio
sisters you are pathetic.
bejita won't like this
Rerun him if you want me to use him
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>Sigewinne 15

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harbinger anon reporting
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did you get mine?
paghida is so ugly
Fischl because she’s equally a loser
>inspect element
why do drawfags keep trying to pretend she has tits
I love petite hebes
Why did Natlan flop?
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the 10th of the 11 Fatui Harbingers
yea that's in
wanderer fucks this
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My GOAT HIMJAX will see a return in 4.3!
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Mavuika leaks when? I need to know
The photograph they're tracing has them
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what was Furina and Neuvilette doing during the time of the old Knave from the House of Hearth? its literally impossible for them to not know about it since Furina has informants and Neuvilette is Neuvilette, did Furina ignore it since it had nothing to do with the flood/Neuvilette ignored it since he is autistic?
Reposting as I didn't get much of a response although I'd have to ask /hsrg/ and /zzz/ as well
I was thinking of making and streaming a virtual wrestling event with WWE custom characters for hoyo generals similar to what /vg/ and /vt/ do but with /gig/, /hsrg/, /zzz/, and /hig/ as participants
(Picture Raiden vs Raiden Mei vs Acheron etc)

Would there be any interest in that or is the idea doomed?
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My first 36 star clear I posted earlier I want to finally contiribute if you dont have me!
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Alright, I'll post it. I was too lazy to put artifacts on Zhong and the Tulpa knocked me around a bit.
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the weak fears the stronger
yea you're already in
..if he had friends besides sethos i mean
Add an image to your post and people will reply
generally its better to never ask, just do it and post it, and then go from there. most people wont respond to idea guys
Not so fast! >>502529595
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Why is siggy seeing more use in hyperwhale teams than furina anyways
everyone should be naked. also you should be naked and hosting it live via webcam.
Xilonen truly powercrept all of anemo. Side B not doing any favors either.
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seele soon
yea this one's in
because you can turn her into neuvillette 2
all xingqiu
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0 fieldtime
Furina needs 3 seconds for skill + burst and like 2 seconds to stack up while siege is like 1 sec max
And these chambers are being cleared in 6-10 seconds so unrionically some burst animations are too long
why is neuv so low anyway, isnt he like t0 best dps in the game next to arle?
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/gig/ incels hate using males
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here is mine
they sure love sucking bennett's and kazuha's cock
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gig anons do not like neuve
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Post cute siggy please
two of the strongest supports in the game. Neuv is a DPS, so people here cope by using worse DPS characters. Its why Kazuha mindbroke this place so hard, everyone HAD to use him for their wives.
Because they are short. Fuck lanklets.
>everyone HAD to use him for their wives
Lol, stop projecting.
only half of /gig/ has wormzuha and half of those dropped him after xilo release. mavuika will do the same to b
They aren't drag queens
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>late entry
This is what I get for delaying my monthly SA.
>pretending that Kazuha didnt cause this place to meltdown for most of 2.x
OK newfag
>everyone HAD to use him for their wives
They should work in the same team and you can always play them different teams
Collei, after being raped and involuntarily pair-bonded
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Not sure if you got mine.
No one here would ever do that to her
>Kazuha's still causing unstable "men" to have a melty every time he's mentioned
how did he do it bros?
I need to swirl my tongue around Collei's sexy toes
He was only necessary for the people who sucked at the game. I never needed him and don't make a fuss about it, doesn't mean that everyone gave in and rolled for meta.
yea it's in
>He was only necessary for the people who sucked at the game.
You just described most of /gig/
I am starting to suspect the cuteposters pulling for junk like siggy may actually be doing better than the metafags since the meta is being powercrept like crazy this patch cycle
i will make a wrio clear when ororon releases
Kek, I guess you're right judging by the current /gig/ usage.
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Ganyu will fix us.
Mavuika is Murata?
discord is down start noticing bros
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I posted mine earlier but I didn't see you in that thread, ignore if you've been picking up all of them today.
i've noticed it ages ago.
kek I thought I got kicked from cheldcord did it get deleted
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night gig
yea you're one of two travelers on that list
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For me, it's Ian-chan
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I really want to eat out Nahida
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deleted cause nobody was posting
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damn, just two
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Why is she looking at me like that
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It never existed.
What's the next IT rotation?
How can Ganyu fix us if shenis busy doing a 80hr/week job?

>Be Ganyus house husband
>Always cook dinner for Ganyu for when she gets home
>She comes home very late that she already had dinner at work
>At least she comes home to a clean house
>A clean house she barely notice because she is too tired from work
>Fell asleep on the couch waiting for her to get home
>When she comes home, she kisses you on the cheek and tell how much she appreciates you

Be the house husband Ganyu deserves /gig/
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Good, that is why I can endure /gig/ even at its worst.
I'll bring Aether next month.
usage of broken supports has very little to do with likeability
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wait, you guys don't want to clear that battle pass quest that makes you get 8 stars early?
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>Broken Support
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First time in four years my quest screen looks like this, where do I get primos now bros, fuck, I caught up too fast
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>they never showed Cheld's little sister Tonya, only Teucer
100% she will have a playable model in sneednaya
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I'd rather have my faves on a chart that nobody cares about a day after its posted
Stop tempting me with Siggy
>no thought provoking image
nigga you didn't even try, when you post this on /hsrg/ and /zedzedzed/ attach a lewd image of Yoimiya
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>grabbing some Statues to clear up the map
>huge fucking canyon in the south of the desert

goddamn. how much of this region is underground???
I'll complete the BP at around 4 weeks regardless, so what does it matter?
She's even confirmed to be a hebe
Sexual intercourse with Sigewinne
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im starting to suspect that siggy is literally no joke a better unit than raiden at any level of investment
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don't even try to explore it without finding a girl called Jeht first
worst mistake of your life
shouldn't you be happy it's clean like that
This but me (with Kachina)
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Impossible. C3R1 Raiden is the best low-investment unit, aside from Neuv, Arle, Clorinde, Mualani, Kinich, Navia, Furina, Xilonen, Chiori, Emilie, Wriothesley, Lyney, Nahida, Nilou, Alhaitham...
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>discord down
>buddypoke spam
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Cheld's sister will look like this
that gif fucking adorable holy shit
fucking ugly
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I outdamaged a c6 neuv with c6 siggy in co-op today.
how do you know?
he did 62k per tick and i was doing 90k per tick. I checked his profile because most neuvs only do 30k per tick, and sure enough he was c6r1
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+1 for Navia
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What does Hu Tao's belly button smell like?
his beam lasts longer than sigeflop's delusional pedotroon
the 5.2 trailer was so weak
they tried way to hard to hide the content in it, the patch looks boring af even though it's a absolutely kino region
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no he can spam it more, but it doesnt matter in this case because i can clear the domain in 1 burst so by all accounts i out damaged neuv

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that doesn't matter in a 5 second domain which is probably what he's talking about.
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I went and forgot I was supposed to ritual post. Could you let me know if this is good Tao thread?
So she's only better for baby tier content that doesn't require C6s in the first place, got it
>replying to the attentionwhore sigetroon
wew lad
like ashes from an urn
I have to fucking go back in and do side B of abyss with yanfei or yelan in my hyperblom team because manlet xq can't fucking reach the tail that's 2 feet off the ground
I use her to 36* abyss, clear all the combat events on the hardest difficulty and any other challenge.
>another cryo shielder
This better be fake. I was planing to roll for Citlali, really.
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Sigewinner CURED you.
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It smells good, like a precious treasure, as elusive as good Tao thread on a rainy day.
>immediately moves the goalposts
Not going to compare to Neuv anymore in content that actually matters eh
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This jew is higher than I expected
What is your point here?
Sigewinne is good at showing off in coop content. Can you refute that?
>content that actually matters
>literally said she can do any and all content in the game
I dont know what more you want

I will NEVER give up on Siggy
someone start a new fight, the cheldwhore against the femhorroid poster entertained me but we are back to being dead
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Natlan has had the worst presentation of all Genshin's regions so far. So many moments that should be hype are undercut by poor animation, lack of immersive soundtrack, low quality voices (or lack thereof), awkward pacing, bad camerawork.

A perfect example is Mavuika vs Capitano. On paper the Archon fighting the strongest Harbinger should have been the hypest moment of the game. And yet, because it had zero buildup, sloppy direction, and no stakes, most people were just scratching their heads when it happened because it came out of nowhere and went just as quickly.

Genshin's age isn't even an excuse with how awful its presentation is because ancient games like Final Fantasy 7 and 10 are still cinematic masterpieces.

Natlan is the worst selling new region by a country mile largely because of this lack of quality control. Genuinely what is Mihoyo thinking?
God I want to hurt Paimon...
You were comparing damage, not only clearing. If clearing was all that mattered then C0s can do it too so I don't see your point. Good to see you've conceded.
I don't have Furina, what the fuck do I run with Chasca
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>neuvniggers outside baby content
>playing coop just to flex your character

Name something more pathetic.
please stop typing
...by feeding her too much of her favorite yummy foods so she gets a tummy ache.
Playing single player just to flex your character
is it true that Masters of the Night-Wind is Indonesia?
c6r6 hu tao
I am english second language
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Indonesia is those islands south of blackcliff forge that currently can't be accessed.
Friends with chevy!!
>You were comparing damage, not only clearing
At first I was comparing damage for a specific domain, then you talked about "baby tier content", which is when I brought up clearing content. You changed the goalposts, not me.
I don't speak english. I use google translate and ai to insult you.
>blackcliff forge
i legit forgot that place is supposed to exist
o i already have this one
>posting abyss clears just to flex your characters
>posting IT clears just to flex your characters
>posting single character clears just to flex your c6
>bragging about beating the hardest content using the characters designed to be the strongest in the game

Meta retards in general
>suddenly comparing to Neuv out of inferiority complex but has to limit it to one specific context that is piss easy difficulty because he can't flex outside of that
We all know you lost, no need to keep replying.
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where the fuck is her hangout fat Xiao you obese pig
>Charlotte 3
All me. Just kidding, a third of that is me.
Won: Hu Tao
Lost: My dick
I came really hard to Hu Tao today. I usually don't cum to Tao but today was the day.
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Good Arlefuri post
Guys, I finally used my Nahida today after a year... To clear floor 11.
Yes, C6 Neuv is one of the highest DPS's in the game and I found it funny that one of the characters considered the worst out damaged him. That was the entire point of the post, lmao.

>Noo but you see that specific example doesnt count because it was soo easy

Keep on coping
SigeWonned. No need to reply to that fag any more.
sigetranny huge melty
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Will we see her new skin before her banner goes away? Not the pixelated "leak" image
it's going to be so fuarking kino when we reach the endgame area and this starts playing
Probably not.
nyes so basically I'm gonna masturbate to hu tao's lewds
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My gf wants to cosplay Hu Tao but her ass is too fat. What other characters should she try?
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are Sigewinne and Klee overrepresented in /gig/ abyss clears?
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post something cute
is getting kinda heavy
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>still the prettiest hoyoverse character ever
How does she do it?
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whats up
Yes all the lolis are, and I wonder why.
Does C6 siggy actually do damage
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Whoops, wrong image
>ok bing AI, create a star rail female character
>deranged super genius that does horrific experiments to create gods
>is a Chinese banjo player in gameplay

Do the writers not communicate with the rest of the team?
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Has she tried Lu Xing Weitou?
that guy is right, she is goated wtf
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Ooops, wrong image.
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Dawei's Favorite will be the strongest Archon
That's actually pretty low for the self-heal, my own c0 siggy heals more than that
This siggy likely has emblem and is BUILT for the ult damage
That's mavuika
She won't have as many lines, but she will show up next patch. While the dust is still in the air, what's your opinion on Citlali?
Faruzan rosa
Cryo albedo
drunken sex
Why does this game get to have a skip button?
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It respects your time. Genshin has a fully-functional skip button, but it's only in hangouts.
we like fat xiao's masterpiece here gweilo
my only problem with c0 Siggy is her skill doesn't last long enough
Thought she was fun in the beginning but got repetitive quickly, they tried to force the angry lonely or outcast woman trope too hard
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c1 is the minumum for the funny business
Leaks say she is a spider and can walk on ceilings but I can't think of any reason why you'd want to when most of the game is outdoors and theres no ceilings in domains
I have never seen a character/build/item/literally anything in a video game more out of line with theory crafters it than sucrose. People will still bang on the table that she’s le op and NO ONE ever uses her
That's cool and all, but I want to be able to make an alt and minimize the parts of the game that I have no interest in replaying.
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Does anyone have the leak of the new map??
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cant fucking stand her. I already deal with angry mexican women in real life who turn every arguement into how they're the biggest victim. I dont need it in genshin too.
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Fuck Aeonblight Drake btw.
3 more days bro
Me when it's the good Tao thread. (not today just an example)
she's cute, I like her.
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we love ororon here
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The supergenius lifebringer Ruan Mei... defeated by a slug...
I did it fine with arle and without a bow
no one asked whale
Genuinely a baffling decision to have it just randomly happen in the middle of a quest out of nowhere.
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What's her endgame?
it's all a big lie, just like her leaked skin
Escapitano and all the fatui including the archon are all jobbers, le epic revolt against celestia is going to get no sold, the real consequences will be some completely random intruders from another world kicking off the next arc after teyvat
Onichan's peepee
The harbingers were a mistake.
she's c0....
marriage with Onii-chan
free teyvat and ride aether afterwards
The story is way better but the amount of dialogue in that game nowadays is fucking soul-crushing, I think even Hoyo knows that many people would just not play without a skip button. I have no idea why they haven't added it to Genshin
God, I wish my quest tab looked like that. I still have like 20 story quests to get through.
Giving birth to her niece/nephew
sex with cheld
>Sexy, powerful and imposing as an antagonist
>Sexy, cute and a dork with funny expressions as the protagonist
I don't know how Aetherkeks cope.
i say this about wormzuha post xilo
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Immortals who lived for aeons don't care about sex you retards
You mean like a surrogate mother, right??
barely beating Dainsleif (suppressed) apparently
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what destroyed the hype?
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Add me bwo
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Teyvat foot sex tourism
XIV players get to ERP with fat chicks and trannies in their game.
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How well will he sell
ERP = alive general
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You can't know for sure. You just have to locate the good Tao thread and find out. Believe.
his model pretty shit, unless they updated it, i wont roll
too male, didn't roll
is it really because of ERP? i cant imagine anyone over 16 doing that still.
>another Pyro dps
It's looking grim
I really want to kiss Lumine bros.
if mavuika power creeps bennett she'll break the game.
I can't believe he was just blue Pyro this whole time...
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This animation with lumine punching aether
He'll at least have my sale of $0, since I'll pull him with F2P primos.
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unironically this
I can understand speaker on overworld since they look handmade but full blown fuck huge LCD is just retarded
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game already full powecreep, it wont change nothing
Are you Aether??
She's good but she's a lot easier to replace than, say, Xiangling, >B, Fischl etc
Surely that's just old info and they changed their minds, right? I can't imagine they'd hype him up for so long and have the weird runes where it would say his vision type just for him to end up blue pyro
when I started browsing /gig/
/xivg/ players are so lucky to have such incredible thread content..
That's not canon though
blue flames are cool though
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SHORTlee mogged
When no question what the FUCK paimon is.
It should've been someone like Dottore or Capitano to have blue pyro, not the guy who we've waited since the start of the game for
...Kachina because no one wants a lanklet
I used her a lot 3 years ago, but she is kind of clunky in the annoying sense.
Her charge system creates inconsistency between rotations, and auto-targeting can make aiming the circle to hit everything a bit annoying. Venti has a similar issue. Stacking thrilling tales requires sequencing which is already required to get the right elemental swirl, and only helps ATK based dps. Her burst only boosts the absorbed element. Her normal attacks use annoying catalyst animations, if you end up using those for some reason. Her other bonus buff is EM, but that doesn't benefit every team.

Kazuha pretty much powercreeps her, and is definitely more convenient in general. Xilonen is massively more convenient. Chevreuse is more convenient in overload.
On this particular abyss, anemo isn't great.
Everyone knows, they just don't tell traveler
old characters need update desu
Paimon is paimon
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Fontaine's prison. Holy shit was that bad
I genuinely think they should just remove it from the game
>a bit annoying
that's an understatement.
Sumeru. I quit and came back. Desert is still half unexplored
Paimon is a Honkai spy drone possessing the body of a Celestian child
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Paimon is your light vision bwo
ugly, overshilled, annoying
Shitmeru with the gay pandering and retcon tree was the start. Shitstaine's terrible AQ with multiple plot holes and ignored lore made me stop caring entirely
who's genshin's 100th character
thousands of theories. whatever the case, she's clearly not a normal entity of tevyat yet everyone threats her like she's just a regular person walking around
poomeru put genshin inside the casket
frotstaine nailed it
Transparent waifubait
>all the men that interact with her are related to her
>interacts primarly with the MC
>umm its not like i care about you you stupid baka
>looks like a hot teenage girl but is inexperienced because she just is
i like her
you can think the desert is boring but how does it break your immersion?
I want to cuddle with Barbara. Naked.
Capitano's design mogs him to be honest
I expect he'l sell well but nothing insane, Cloud Retainer sales at best
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>dood alcohol lmoa
this but ororon
Madam Ping
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For the record, I didn't post this as a reply to you yet thought I did post it after reset yesterday.
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i got used to her appearance, she looks cute
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>Chasca 90
>Ororon 91
>Mavuika 92
>Citlali 93
>Inazuman 94
>Iansan? 95
>random 4*? 96
>Capitano? 97
>random 4* 98?
>Ifa? 99
>random 4*? 100
Or maybe skip the last 4* and it's gonna be 1st Snezhnaya character which will be the GOAT Pulcinella
yea u were one of the first few added
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This but her white tights stay on

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