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whoops Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV (embed)
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0 (embed)

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

WvW Warclaw reimbursement
WvW Restructuring
School girl uniform
upskir- I mean breakdancing emote

New leggies (spear and backpack)
New Raid Wing
Mastery Updates
More Homestead decorations, including personal statue
Balance patch


Update history: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-janthir-wilds-launches-today/

Latest Patch:

Latest news:

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous Wipe: >>501353909
First for femcharr
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second for reposting the new homestead decorations that will come
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>greedy hook-nosed merchant named (((Goldbeak))) is pulling the strings at a shifty trade operation and needs to be intimidated to cooperate
what did ANet mean by this?
nice salad
Imagine the biggest, most beautiful max height slider FHD guardian you've ever seen. Pale white skin. Long flowing hair, celestial eyes. Generous use of Permafrost-on-Shadow Abyss dyes. Big Immortal Light halo. Those gleaming new seraphim wings on the gem store. Brilliant holy particle glows on the chest and gloves. Now imagine me making that shit look *good*. Yeah, that's me.
pics or gtfo
Imagine afking in gw2 of all fucking things as your erp platform
Is it jot'n or jatoon
It's Joe-toon.
That's sad news. I may just hold off doing the new story on my femcharr like usual and go through it on another character.
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just hopped back into wvw after not playing for a month. got restructured into the worst t2 team imaginable, its so fucking bad its unreal bros. somehow i managed to stay with the same people for three whole relinks before taking a break and now im stuck in 0.7 kd purgatory with retarded coomanders and 10 whole players per map. and of course it happens during the xp boost event. i hate this game :)
If you consistently have 'bad luck' across multiple relinks, it's not everyone else that's the issue, it's you.
Sakura tree looks pretty!
>going back to do stuff in bjora marches

Christ I forgot how fucking awful this map is

Just get new voice actors?
i guess i didnt specify the previous relinks were good, with great coomanders, good community, consistent uptime through all times, etc. i dont know how the relink algorithm works but i imagine me taking a month off send me to the worst possible team because the game assumes im not playing anymore
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So fucking ready for AI to put these faggots out of business, I've played several games with AI voices now and would never have noticed if the community wasn't up in arms about it. AI is only gonna get better from here, so fuck these losers. However, it's interesting how the missing VAs are femcharr and femsalad.... coincidence...?
So fucking funny that californian artists told miners to "learn to code". It looks like AI automation is coming not for the physical labor jobs they look down on but for their white collar jobs lmao.
ironically its cheaper to get miners than a robot, physical labor requires a lot of on the spot judgements that ai cant really keep up with, but microsoft sam has been around since 2000, they shouldve seen the writing on the wall
Are female norns only good for their bodies?
does wizard vault currency reset when the rewards change
Would playable tengu have been good?
No. The limitation lies only with the cap. The cap is what prevents you from bringing too much wizardcoin into the next season.
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Tournament loser
They have some nice hair options too
Yes, its unfortunate ANET are retarded and still pay VAs when nobody cares about that shit, if not for the VAs we'd have fucking tons of races by now probably
male human's voice acting gets noticeably worse with each expansion
I mean they're basically larger human women
voice what now?
>femcharr friday and salad saturday have been incredibly lacking the past few weeks
>female sylvari and female charr are the only races/genders not be voice acted in the next expansion
this is your fault
>new races
Game needs less voice acting. The fucking bears talk slower than my dead grandfather.
all games need less voice acting, voice acting was a fucking mistake and needlessly inflates the data footprint of games
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>start dialogue
>alt tab to look at pornography
>forget i'm playing the game
>oh hey i forgot gw2 is open
>NPC is still talking
what the fuck
quickshot eh
this dude has been yammering for 40 minutes
when does ascended gear start dropping from fractals? I've done t1 a few days now, and I haven't seen anything
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So here's the qrd of the VA shit from the info I was able to gather from leddit and other sources:
>VAs went on "strike" a while back to ensure they have AI protection, ie: their contracts ensure that the companies that employ them can't use their voices for AI. Femcharr and Jennifer Hale (femsalad) were among those striking.
>they "succeed" (who gives a shit, any company with two brain cells will now go for freelancers and use their voice as a baseline for AI with brand new infinitely cheaper contracts, and "real" voice actors will be out of a job [GOOD]).
>because ANET is run by liberal hippies in seattle with no semblance of work ethic, they decide to sell their newest mini expansion UNFINISHED at a $30 full price tag, with only the first update complete
>meaning they're banking on the voice actors, content, etc being done the day the updates release... the expansion isn't even complete.
>meaning the third and fourth update aren't even voice acted and the content not even fully developed

Fuck voice actors, fuck ANET.
that face reminded me of something that happened some time ago
>graduation time
>we were taking some pictures for it (there's this tradition where I live where all the graduates take a picture together while wearing the same clothes, usually with a cap and gown)
>there's this friend/classmate (met him at school)
>he comes with a woman
>she has a face like pic related
>she wears teenage clothes, but you can early see she's around 20-30 years older than us
>greet this friend
>ask him "did you come with your mom?"
>he says "no... she's my girl"
>don't know what to say to that
>later I knew they got married and had a baby
>ask him by message how he was, and asked him if he married and why didn't tell anything
>he says "that's stuff only friends are told"
>he blocks me
it has been a while since that...
btw the girl was actually 22 years older than him
just masturbate to your fhd while they yap, simple as
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What the fuck compelled you to share that story? The fuck does this have to do with guild wars? The fuck were you thinking putting a livejournal entry into greentext format? Also angry that an image I took months ago of my key alt compelled you to make this post, I hate you, I hate OP who STOLE MY IMAGE AND LIKE RESPECTABLE VOICE ACTORS HAVING THEIR CREATIONS -STOLEN- BY AI! I demand compensation for this transgression OP, you slimy snake, and I demand further compensation for reading this retard's post!
frode is based though
you fucked up
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VA isn't anything more than (or rather doesn't need to be more than) sound files, it's fucking nothing data volume wise. I'm pretty sure all the volume comes from gigapoly models or stacking six gajillion visual effects on top of one another at all times.
Frode and the wizards does feel like IBS/EoD was a bad dream and the SotO opening is you waking up.
>"Come on, wake up, you've been in a coma."
>It's Zojja and Frode.
>"Tranny dragons? Agender engineers? Bashing the fash? What in the world are you talking about? Get up and help, we need to fight the demons and save Isgarren.
Would relax with her
don't worry, they're all hidden under that fur, being topless is normal for us
I thought it was a little funny.
uncut smegmy norn futacock
sound files are fucking massive dude, you have no idea, when there's hours and hours and HOURS of needless yapling, that shit piles up into a fucking data mountain and ends up taking up the majority of the data footprint, it's actually insane
bushy femcharr pussy
panty shots?
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Soon I will refine more wood planks and finish this room.
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what is this thing
true ascension, when a nigga has full leggies theres only one thing left to do. you're looking at peak performance
Tower of Nightmares sucks shit.
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Caved and bought a makeover kit. The sylvari are pretty cool.
>called Tower of Nightmares
>is a nightmare
She looks very cute anon!
Not that anon but thank you.
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Kinda modest compared to humans or norns.
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For me, it's Tummy Supremacy
AI was a mistake and fAIggots should be shot.
AI is awesome and I'm glad furry FAGGOTS are going to their executions angry.

Death to shitty makework careers
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best player character voice actor per race/gender?
ai voice acting is only a good thing, by using a library of phonemes to construct all vocals on demand, you cut down the data footprint that faggot voice 'acting' takes up in games by a huge fraction, for a game like this we're talking 1/1,000,000th of the data footprint, cutting down this 80gb game down to ~20gb
I, for one, can't wait to seamlessly swap out vanilla voices with Hatsune Miku.
i can't wait for games' install sizes to stop being needlessly inflated with mounds and mounds of shitty voice acting recordings
think about how much fucking YAPPING there is in this shitty game, now multiply that with the fact that it's not just in english, but all that fucking YAPPING recording also had to be done in fucking spicish (an arabic language, mind you), french (a faggot language, mind you) and german (an autist language, mind you)
and you think that is a small amount of data? HAH! it really exemplifies how little you know about computers and data if you think it is anything less than 80% of this shit game's overbloated filesize, and all modern "triple a" faggy shitgames" filesizes, FUCK voice fagting
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what do I get?
>Make a norn for big boobs viking lady vibe
>Bad voice
>slow feeling animations
I'm beyond disappointed.
amalga always unless you need some daily provisioner tokens with the reclaimed metal plate. amalga is pretty much always the choice because it sells ok on the tp, but there are a few instances where the other options are superior (ambergris in aetherblade assault for example)
I hope this wizard bear doesn't turn out to be dagda in a fursuit
worse, it's her lesbian lover
Enjoy being the fat fucks in Wall-E that are one system failure from extinction.
>seduces zojja to convince her to get a lobotomy
>then NTRs her with a furry
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god i love the bitter seething cope of basement losers without any marketable skills
male human
they use him for fucking everything but hes a chill dude and hes good at what he does
he wasnt going on strike over bullshit either
show the face
dunno she kind of told dagda to fuck off in the final scene, hopefully they stick with that and just illude to a romance in the past and keep bear jesus on track to sacrifice herself to save the world and get redemption
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Everything in this pic is new. The weird thing about this is that there's this new bamboo decoration when the game already has the "Potted Bamboo" and "Potted Bamboo Cluster" as decorations for guild halls. Are we getting 3 bamboo decorations to pick from or maybe it is locked permanently to the rock that's in front of it? The Kodan Fish Tank was confirmed to be in this next surge of decorations, Hopefully there's a wider version later on like the aquariums shown in the Lowland map.

I'm really hoping they add the Fancy Round Table and Long Fancy Table in this update because they're decent tables to have. Same for the Racetrack decorations from Rollerbeetle Racing because those make for amazing walls and floors. These are what ArenaNet made houses out of in the homestead preview. Now that we can rotate decorations with the new tools, even shit decorations like the Racetrack Downward Right Curve and all that weird shit will really help in shaping a playermade house.

They said we're getting "around 800 unique decorations" through these quarterly updates and via festivals. We currently have 323 decorations not counting the 18 from the gemstore, with 3 updates to go we're looking at at least 159 decorations per update and the festivals between them. There's 736 decorations in guild halls atm and guild halls haven't gotten any of the new shit from Janthir Wilds. So that extra 100 might just be new kodan decorations.
i'm losing my fucking mind because they said they were going to add more halloween items to the year-round vendor but they didn't add the demon-haunted weapons so now i have a stack of mad king gifts i can't use them
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this coastline is nice but not as nice as the secret beach in dragon stand
fuck, the tundra grimalkin sucks
can I get a refund?
Why did you buy it then?
it didn't look like it sucked that much in the preview
These stories are such a fucking chore holy shit.
Should I buy a character slot now or wait 'til tomorrow in case the discount is bigger?
also get some black lion keys and fishing rod skins
so you bought it because it didnt look look it sucked?
they certainly aren't good for their voices
the game needs less writers, as well as skippable dialogues
it's just a huge waste of time having to do the story instances a second time for achievements where 90% of them has the coomander stand still while npcs talk for twenty minutes, I can see someone being interested the first time but on replays? just give me my fucking cheevo you cunts
Did you go to school with Macron??
Wait until the next episode where Isgarren is sniped by a titan and Waiting Sorrow becomes head wizard with every female world leader cheering and Fraud leaving the Ward to be led by his daughter.
What sucks about it? I'm pondering about getting this or the striped one later on.
these mastery points grind makes me want to kms as a new player holy fuck
HoT xp and easiest/quickest IBS points are probably the worst bits of mastery grindan
thanks anon, should I also buy 30 transmutation charges?

captcha HRHHT, ironic
get used to it bucko, that's the game
no, i just map completion city maps or do wizard vault
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you fellas ready for tomorrow?
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Haven't played since middle of Obscure
How is the latest expansion?
I kind of what to find a racist charr guild and be gay there tbdesu
>racist charr guild
that's every charr guild, exception being the femcharr coomers
>How is the latest expansion?
comfy bear adventures
the expac is nicknamed Janthir Milds and it's not a slur
annoying enemies tho (imagine kryptis again but they're tree monsters and they love to jump over you 500 feet)
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In a stunning upset that has left Ascalonian media outlets bewildered and disorganized, Bangar Ruinbringer has been declared winner for the office of Khan-Ur in a landslide victory, winning the mandate of all Legions except Ash (which does not implement warband ID)
Ash doesn't want you to know they are in control behind the scenes
dont play femcharr because your character wont get voiced (va went on strike because charrmala lost)
he said he's gonna be gay, he's not playing femcharr, he's going mcharr
okay good
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So should I slap on a winter's heart to Complete the Look? I think I've earned it.
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btw is it half the expansion release style again, with updates slowly adding things?

I'm so glad to hear that
>annoying enemies tho
This on the other hand is concerning, hopefully the comfy outweigh it and my soulbeast still able to burst shit down. Wasn't excited about fighting cryptid guys at all, they looked like pixel soup too.
Had one femcharr back in the day, iirc they've changed the VA after vanilla game for her, didn't vibe with it after. Just a harem of boy cats now.
dont worry the femcharr coomer guilds probably have racists in them too, they just hatefuck other species instead of killing them
I remember grinding Citadel of Flame for core mastery exp back in HoT. Good times.
>btw is it half the expansion release style again
Not even half, literally a quarter (50% tomorrow). In fact it's not even complete but they're selling it at 30 bucks is criminal. They kept this under wraps until a few days ago when they revealed that the latest update will launch without female charr and female sylvari voice acting, because those VAs were on strike while they were recording. Which means update 3 isn't even voice acted and probably not even complete.

As for the expansion itself: it's pretty and the story isn't as offensively retarded as in the past. Still not good, but probably the best writing they've done since like... the first few chapters of IBS. Spears are dope on some classes. Everything else is garbage.
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I have a vague memory of having dedicated movement speed equipment set for traveling around the world faster for farming events and stuff
Did this really happen or I'm going senile?
don't remember that, just magic find gear
but definitely different weapon sets and utility swaps for stacking swiftness
That was probably real, but ever since PoF there's mounts so nobody does that anymore.
What you had was probably weapons with gapclosers and/or swiftness, minstrel gear (since diviner or ritualist didn't exist yet) and speed runes.
What from each store category should I spend gems on?
What class do you play?
Engineer and Thief for my mains.
I would have min maxxed more and have it capped at around 1700/1800 but those revive orbs were too inticing
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fuck forgot pic
Get gear and build templates to expand the range of different roles your mains can play. Just off the top of my head the support roles thief and engi can do, not even including pure dps builds
>power quickness deadeye
>condi alacrity specter
>heal alacrity specter
>power quickness scrapper
>heal quickness scrapper
>power alacrity mech
>heal alacrity mech
>condi alacrity mech
Yeah that's what I'm thinking of most likely, thanks.
Nobody will have any marketable skills when life becomes entirely automated. TPTB will have robo-slaves and consumer slaves. Slavery was always the end goal and society is already halfway there.
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they are not a serious company
kek based
>Not even half, literally a quarter (50% tomorrow). In fact it's not even complete but they're selling it at 30 bucks is criminal.
It's an early access release, which is pretty shitty because it's advertised as a final product.
That said, it's nothing new since they did the same with SoSo.
In a few hours we'll know if Milds is front-loaded like SoSo with a solid launch and bare-bones updates, or if ANet have been slacking as usual.
They can't do it, as a woketard company they've forced themselves into supporting any and every dumb cause like that.
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The 60's gear is really letting me live out my Conan the Barbarian/John Carter of mars fantasy
i have to claim the weekly now or i can do that after the vault reset
>planned to finish the story before the next patch
>haven't even logged in since halloween ended
I don't know what it is but this mini expac has done absolutely nothing for me
you're wb can cc and spin spear in wvw for 4-6k/hit now (also heal+rush 2x) :^D
wow strikes are fucking easy I can't believe I put off doing these till now
Do not listen to the troon, you won't lose astral acclaim after the season reset.
You have to claim it now, but you get to keep the currency.
the maelstrom beetle trial is so cancer holy shit, how do people make those heavily sharp turns in the caves
lol same
There are harder strikes than others though, like OLC and HT and people still wipe on Boneskinner. But yeah, IBS5 is fantastic actually to start getting into strikes.
By drifting.
I lose 90% of my speed when I do it
how much of your speed do you lose if you hit a wall?
It's not about the speed, it's about aligning your beetle so if you accelerate, you actually move forward instead of just being stuck in a corner somewhere.
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Okay I've done it with 8 seconds to spare. that sharp turn when exiting the volcano is still bullshit
I don't even remember what the 'big' item was for the last vault refresh
I think it was spear skin quest?
Ah that's it. Thanks.
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FHD employee...
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well did that sadge i had to waste all cuz i had hit the cap with the daily
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I haven't played in 5 or so years. I was once in [HOPE] on TC, is this guild still active? is there a more FUN guild to join? are FHD and floozies still relevant?
if i see them, ill tell them their fhd owes me sex
>Try getting into raids
>Feel completely retarded the whole time
>Lowest damage every fight
>Dead on every boss in W3 and W4
I hate being fucking terrible at everything I do. I can't even pass 25k damage on the golem after a few hours of practice. Playing reaper which is the easiest retard profession to play as well.
How do you deal with being terrible? Considering restarting as a new character or just giving up. Friend group doesn't like playing with me anymore for being dead weight and I don't blame them. So figure my options are either get good, cheat, or kill myself.
Best way to go from shitter to good player?
>revive orbs
lmfao fucking pveasy needing revive orbs in easy ass pveasy
why are you asking me, I haven't even touched raids
fuck I'm so retarded I quoted some random faggot when posting
>he doesn't know the cheese strats and exploits with revive orbs
imagine playing pveasy, do yourself a favor and just play the REAL game, idiot
>he plays pveasy
try the 29k dps 0 APM core guardian build or play cvirt for easy 35k+ golem dps
>wvwussies can't do either lmao
>literally a smaller playercount than deadpvp
What's wrong with raids in this game? Isn't it just pve bosses with friends? I suck at this shit though so maybe I'm missing something or the likely tranny speedrun autism at high levels.
All of the raids are very old, the encounters are hit and miss, and the general player base decided a long time ago that raids are too hard even though power creep has made them very easy. Early raids were very wow-like with contrived and obtuse fight mechanics while the later wings were better, but even those are old now.

Wing 8 will surely show everyone just how good raids can be and won't simply be a few strikes taped together.
I downloaded Guild Wars 2 last month, but I still haven't made my first character.
W1-W4 are lacking in polish to the point where they're straight-up unfinished.
I have had this opinion since I was introduced to them. I was told back then that I just didn't know them well enough, I just didn't have enough experience to understand what they were trying to do.
I have 1.3k LI and my opinion hasn't changed, there is no deeper nuance to understand it, they are simply unfinished. I would say by any other game's standard, they are in the alpha stage.
Unfortunately that's true about 90% of their content. I used to think they're more of an idea studio than an execution studio but their ideas aren't very good either.
lol is this real?
Yes. I am mad at videogames and I fucking hate myself for it. I like the guys I'm playing with and don't want them to drop me for being so fucking bad at the game.
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WvW in T1 may be shitfest of gankers, but I think I found my timeslot to tag up and lead a decent fight, had a great run today where we got nearly 500 bags, capped smc and the other borders several times over, resetting as many t3's as possible.

WvW is both the best and the worst time in the game, and I love it. I'm here for the synthesizer loot
Just stick to a role/build and play it constantly until you know what buttons to press at what point.
How do you "get into" raids? I want to clear a boss for the mastery unlock but I check LFG and it's just chink sellers
Just play with your friends? lol.
Start by watching a video on the encounter ahead of time. Even if its just Mukluk's "get to the point" vids, having info beats going in blind and flailing
Raids are more mechanic-intensive so even if you dont do the best DPS, as long as you're not a fish on the floor and know where to be/what's happening, most people will let it slide
they all stopped playing like 10 years ago
what do you mean "lol."?
You pug them or, uh, I guess that's it. Most raid guilds don't want to teach new people to run content that's been on weekly farm for several years.
You either find a guild who actively trains in-game or check the few raid training discord groups that's still around. Its how I learned some of Wing 2 last week
Join a guild! I'm excited for our guild to take on W8!
>the game needs more skippable dialogue and less story

Oh yeah because we are all in a rush to get back to the riveting gameplay that is open world story instance encounters..
>gw2 going coomer fashion with FHDs in all the gem store banners
nature is truly healing
I like DRMs and wish they would make more of them. Obviously they wouldn't be 'D' RMs anymore but still.
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slammed and jammed mother fuckers
does this game have a pet class?? i like pets
wow has the best pest classes, which is really bad that a 20 year old game is the best
i did try wow but i really dont get the story AT ALL and i know its kind of stupid to care about the story in a mmo but it kinda doesnt do much for me if i dont care about the world im playing in if that makes sense
the story in wow really depends on the expac, vanilla doesnt have one really, bc is illidian is a bad guy now for some reason, wotlk is lich king is back, cata is evil dragon going to destroy the world, mists is horde vs alliance on new lands, warlords is what if, legion is legion invasion, bfa is horde vs alliance 2 electric boogaloo, shadowlands is contrived nonsense, dragonflight is titan relics, and war within is i think old gods. the point is ranger is really disappointing and is very gimped compared to other classes, like you cant even res your pet in combat anymore, if it dies you have to swap pets, which is a 60(48) cd, and you dont even get an option to tell your pet to move somewhere specific, you can only tell it to move to you or attack your target, and most of the pets are really bland and bad.
is necromancer better? i just want a class where i have little guys helping me
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Took till the 60s but the story finally got pretty good. Shame the voice acting is so spotty, people who are supposed to be shouting with urgency sound like they're bored.
thats not really a pet class per say, its a minion class(minions are kinda bad), i havent played it, but i assume its closer to diablo 2 necro, you dont really really have control over them but they just attack what youre attacking. you might just want to play gw1 then if thats what you want, necro there is kinda awesome except for a couple of encounter where having minions is a detriment but thats far and few
Bigot Response Missions
But, seriously, they were ass, barely different from normal story missions but with more busywork when matchmaking and always the same structure of 3–5 waves of trash mobs followed by a boss.
I liked the idea of having different allied NPCs come and support you each time, but the missions just weren't fun enough to warrant replaying unless you wanted achievements/mastery points. >>502780410
It has two as a matter of fact
>ranger as a whole is the designated pet class
>engineer isn't a pet class but can spec into mechanist and have a pet golem
one of you is lying to me and i dont know why you would do that im just going to try the game
>he doesn't know
Enjoy Claw Island while you can, after this point the story gets very boring and nonsensical.
>i just want a class where i have little guys helping me
Have you checked out mesmer? You create illusions of yourself to attack a target, they technically aren't pets or minions but you can make them go after a target or suicide bomb for area damage.
The pet AI is not very good in this game in general. The options are there, they're just underwhelming...
nothing we said is contradictory, ranger is the designated pet class, but yorue going to be disappointed because of how poorly it functions
The story is entertaining when it tries, just wish they wouldn't drag it out at every opportunity.
Also undead enemies are obnoxious to fight, it might be easier to ask people in chat to help you out get trough them in later areas, cause even traveling around would take a lot of your time
that's a lie, dead game has more players now than it has ever had, also janny milds outsold soso which outsold end of service which outsold path of failure which outsold heart of trannies which outsold gay whores 2, so you're wrong
they didn't stop playing, they just stopped talking to you and replaced you with someone else
what the fuck are you talking about you stupid mentally ill retard
I said MY FRIENDS all stopped playing 10 years ago you absolute inept trannie moron
jesus christ learn to follow a conversation you fucking ESL
be nice to each other right now
it's because of tranny autism, no one wants to play with trannies, so raids die on the vine
what they need to do if they want raids to be played by people is to just ban the fucking trannies
>literal retard seething
i can see now why your friends ditched you
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Ok, but what do I get for being nice?
>ESL can't read so he's going to go into a rage spiral for the rest of the thread
literally ironic, i love it
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fiiine, good enough I guess
>heart of trannies
>not heart of troons
ahhhh god why can't it be tomorrow already
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What is the appeal of being a thermonuclear explosion?
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Because you can.
SotO sucks ass, is Janthir Wilds good? Like I expect the story to be shit but the maps and open world content in SotO are garbage too.
wvweasiest still thinks his dead shit game mode is relevant KEKAROO
you sound incredibly bad at computer games
Two maps so far, with two more coming throughout the year.
First one is chill, lots of events and minigames.
Second one is annoying in that you have the same events spawning in every corner (kill the elementals/gather food for the bears) and there's a double world boss event where you have to kill both bosses within seconds of one another.
The map design itself is very good for both and makes me somewhat optimistic about the future ones.
You sound like you're dilating your neovagina.
aww, you're mad now. too bad it doesn't affect me because you're the one who's bad at games and not having any fun.
janthir wilds is shit because of the kodans
they are unbearable
beary terrible
a real bear to interact with
I understand you are hungry as a bear for content, but there is no need to poke a bear with all this hate posting.
You can take a hybernation nap if the game is too bearbones rn and wait until development work bears fruit
whatever you say ma'am keep at it so it doesn't close up
Wow's story is really weird if you're looking for the origin and reason for all the things happening
>titans are these powerful beings that roam the universe
>the titans' way of reproducing is to create loads and loads of planets and star systems. Some of those planets have a 'world soul' and can hatch into a new titan
>they find Azeroth (the world wow takes place on), build a bunch of bipedal robots to protect it, also build factories that produce more robots, then leave
>the titans have an ancient enemy, the void lords (yes, like the upgraded voidwalker you can summon as a warlock). The void lords look for planets with world souls and then send out giant tentacle monsters to infect and destroy those planets (the old gods, those c'thulhu inspired monsters like Yogg'Saron, N'Zoth etc)
>the old gods arrive on Azeroth but the robots and their armies of smaller robots fend them off
>the solid metal robots are too strong for the soft fleshy old gods, so the old gods create a curse that turns all the robots soft and fleshy (the curse of flesh)
>all the factory-made robots turn into prehistoric versions of the humanoid races you know ingame, earthen and iron dwarves urn into dwarves, iron vrykul turn into vrykul which later evolve into humans etc etc
>the old gods then create their own version of mortal races to serve as armies, each some kind of anthropomorphic arthropod like insects (mantids), spiders (Nerubians), crustaceans (Qiraji) and whatever the fuck the Aqir are supposed to be

So yes, as weird as humans being aliens in GW is, in wow, humans dwarves and gnomes descend from robots. But not Elves, because those descend from trolls.
what else can we do when the game lacks even the bear necessities?
the maps are so bearren
imagine what it'd be like to crack open an ice cold bear and play some guild wars
at this rate I will grow a bear-d before there are good stories
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That went by a lot faster than I thought it would desu. Back to back krait water levels and fort defence for 60/70 was an odd choice. Wasted the gold I had on some small gear upgrades im sure i'll regret in a day or two.
I hope you bought based on stats and not "berserker"
The guy that's telling you that minions are bad and necromancer isn't a pet class is the one that's telling the truth.
You can use minions while leveling, but once max level you'll be ditching all the minions real quick. Necro minions have the same problem as engi turrets. They do not scale with your stats, at all. No amount of zerk gear will make them hit harder and they don't apply condis, so condi stats won't make them stronger either. All skills that are cast by you personally, scale with your stats in some way and are thus viable to use, same with your traits outside of death magic. Minions and death magic simply aren't worth using once you have yellow or better max level gear. The only time a necro uses a minion is when you would have an entire slot that goes otherwise unused. That or you need extra cc for a breakbar from the elite in specific situations.
>The only time a necro uses a minion is when you would have an entire slot that goes otherwise unused.
>That or you need extra cc for a breakbar from the elite in specific situations.
or you are afk farming in kourna while your minions bring home the bacon
Anything with power, precision, and ferocity that was as high value as the market showed for lowest price. Except for the sword, it also has those stats but I picked it because it looked the most normal
The elite and heal minions are OK for pushing out a bit more DPS if you have nothing better to put in the slot.
that's fair, looking good is important too
berseker stat orange gear is good for lots of builds and is enough to get started on normal strikes, tier 1 fractals, and other endgame content as you work towards other stat combinations and/or pink gear or upgrade from orange straight to legendary if you are a real badass
filthy cats, get out of ascalon
poor little baby not having any fun in his video game ;_;
thought he'd get huggies on the internet but instead made a fool of himself and can never live it down
sure, when your gods come back :3
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Take your meds schizo, maybe drop the HRT ones.
you can go over 1300? whats the point of the limit
>he literally can never recover from the shame of being bad at ezmode reddit solo player mmo game
>the power of the sun
>in the palm of your hand
is there a Doc Ock skin?
>thats not really a pet class per say, its a pet class
ah huh
pet classes generally have some sort of control over them, minions just hits things
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>bass guitar playable instrument
>800 gems
>it's a shitty synth samples
there is a whole ass charr metal band in the game, how is this so bad
technically it's exploit if you accept big weekly reward at 1200 or so it goes over the limit
does it only work if you're below 1300?
good to know thanks
does anyone have a condensed guide on timegated moneymaking? I'm working through the story right now but I'd like to incorporate daily, weekly crafts/trade-ins and the like as well as high value events into my daily play but I'm really not sure where to begin. I'm aware of fastfarming and gw2efficiency but I'm unsure of how to navigate them.
I've been playing the game off and on for a little bit so I have access to most basic stuff like all crafters, ground mounts and their masteries. currently in early EOD.
to be honest I'm very overwhelmed with all the years of content. I see events pop up on blish hud but I don't know what's worth stopping my story progress to do.
I know what that's like, not from playing GW2 but from playing ESO and getting swamped with 10 years worth of content.
If you are 'currently in early EoD' I'm going to assume you have HoT, PoF and EoD.
In EoD, once you have a certain mastery, a Sylvari called Leivas will show up near the trading post and bank in arborstone. Once a week, you can buy 5 antique summoning stones from him. Always get those.

Other than that, I would not recommend you try outright farming gold in the overworld. You should instead focus on getting one complete set of ascended gear with the correct stats for a meta level build and then learn to do instanced content. Make a berserker heavy power dps build or if you're feeling fancy, put viper stats on all your gear and make a condi build, provided your class and elite spec can do that. Check snowcrows and hardstuck for builds. Those guilds and websites are universally viewed as 'correct', so if you take a build straight from them, nobody will claim your build isn't viable. I would however recommend you try to understand whatever build you're running and make adjustments so it's easier to play.

All the real timegated gold lies in instanced content. All the 10man content gives you gold once a week, with CMs giving some extra gold and fractals give you extra rewards once a day. Find a guild that clears instanced content on the weekly and will take you along to show it to you. Don't fall for the 'raid training' trap, those never go anywhere because the participants' attention span just isn't there. You'll be stuck training on the same boss for ever and ever because of constant turnover. Find someone that does raid fullclears and just follow directions until you know the fights. Here's the instanced content by difficulty.
>IBS strikes
>Normal fractals
>EoD + SotO normal strikes
>HoT raids without CMs
>HoT raids with CMs
>PoF raids without CMs
>Fractal CMs
>EoD + SotO strike CMs without HTCM
>PoF raids with CMs
>Cerus LM
Ascalon is cat homeland. Deal with it.
Your 25k is not the issue as 25k on normal mode for any raid is very doable although you could do better. Your issue seem to be mechanic based if you die in every fight. Look up videos, maybe read about the encounter or ask your friends to explain it to you. Analyze why you died and how you can avoid it the next time.
hey thanks i'll look into doing some of that. seems tough without a group of friends but i'll probably manage.

I'm still not sure which character to focus on. I played necro pretty much my entire time so far but I got sick of all the green so I'm trying revenant. do you know which build will give me the most value? that is, regarding get into groups, soloing things in the open world, and so on. i'm playing condi renegade right now cause it seems to have nice AOE capabilities but it is pretty shit building up conditions on trash mobs when im questing and doing events.
if you need gold, literally just play wvw, it's that shrimple, and as a bonus side-effect you will never need tranny charges or tomes of knowledge/spirit shards or obsidian shards or gifts of battle ever again
the only real downside is that all pveasy becomes an unbearably boring slog anytime you have to do any of it
i may be wrong but you're unclamed go brrr
Unbearievable, this is Bearsona 4 all over again.
If you're going for a condi build, it's not enough to stack condition damage, you need expertise so the condis last a decent amount of time. So you'll want to either go for viper gear or ritualist gear.
For revenant, if I had to recommend a build as a one-size-fits-all for newer players, it'll be one of two things. If (and only if) you have access to diviner stats (it used to be tied to a specific episode, S4E5, but they opened up a lot of things like that, you have to check for yourself), you should definitely try power quickness herald. It can pump out a bunch of boons reliably and deal consistent damage.
For power builds, remember that because of ferocity existing, getting as close as possible to capping crit is very important for your personal damage. But also, when you're providing quickness as a role in group content, it's more important that you can reliably keep up your boon.
When I was breaking into group content, I simply bit the bullet, went full diviner at the expense of my own damage. Because while people might get mad if you deal bad damage, they'll be a thousand times more mad if you can't sustain your boon, because now you're dragging down their damage as well.

If diviner is not an option, you should 100% try power vindicator. You can cap your crit without any weird stat shenanigans, it's a pure power dps build, but it has a lot of utility that can be useful to stay alive when things don't go according to plan. You have A LOT of invincibility frames and if you do some weird stat shenanigans, you can get even more invincibility frames in certain situation.
To explain: Vindi's big thing is that it does anime jumps like a dragoon instead of dodging, and those jumps deal damage. If you just go full zerk with force/accuracy sigils, you can cap crit just like that. But if you drop the accuracy sigil and compensate with some assassin gear, you can go sigil of force/sigil of stamina, which is op in niche situations including overworld.
You don't like bear puns-kuma?
I tried playing it a year ago. All that ever happened was running after the tag in a blob, dying from time to time.
Or running with couple more experienced players "flipping" points, iirc how it's called. That was marginally more fun, but some random invisible guy kept ganking me. Everyone in chat said to join a guild and listen to whatever they say there. Couldn't stand hearing random nerd kid with lisp repeating the same "orders" over and over.
So yeah after a week or two I've dropped it, mind numbing experience.
PvP arena was fun tho, mb I should get into that more.
It's not an exploit, you can go over the 1,300 cap but then you can't redeem more acclaim until you get back below the threshold.
It works like this so you don't lose the excess acclaim if you go over 1,300.
that limit is retard level nonsense
>Everyone in chat said to join a guild and listen to whatever they say there.
this is the worst advice to follow, it is speedrunning how NOT to play wvw and how to make it as unenjoyable as possible, never listen to what the fucking retards in chat say, they are gay and nonwhite
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not fond of humans
This is the way.
>just play wvw, a dead forgotten game mode
lol, lmao
>meanwhile, pveasy raids having less players than deadpvp
Less than an hour until the patch!
What streamer are you going to watch for drops?
What new weapons are you hoping for in the welfare legy box?
Just wait the numbers rise for W8
they didn't announce any though
For me it's
>mukluk or ayin
>shield, I think gen 1 is the best looking one
Transmutation charges and some winter-themed skins. Nothing too exciting but it's still free shit for keeping a tab open.
hm actually interesting drops
actually shit drops, it's ogre
I'll look for the cutest facecam streamer
>baldmode hat
twitch drops tongue my nuts
Every hat is baldmode besides Swaggering and a couple more.
it's so fucking retarded
gook games have had this issue solved for years. it was unacceptable in the 2010s, seeing this shit persist in 2024 is just beyond ridiculous
GW2 is full of shit that shouldn't be acceptable in a game about cosmetics.
Unfortunately, ArenaNet has two Es and neither stands for "effort".
wtf happens to siege in less than 1h?
i have to buy the shit one to upgrade them after the patch ?
the prices of the walmart sieges skyrocketed since that announcement, you could mass buy them to later convert but there are now some superior sieges even cheaper than walmart ones kek
well got some stacks with the badges that i never use
forgot i also have stacks of skimish chests i never used since eod
best thing about mukluk is that you dont even have to tune in, he embeds his streams everywhere
wait you people dont just tune in and mute the tab?
still assmad about that, nike? you will never be as liked or respected as mukluk, no matter how many redditors and pisspot groupies you cry to
>Event Reward

>Mini Bog Queen

am gonna COOOOM
what the shit is the new legendary thing
Did they add the armor stands that copy your character yet
Seems like they changed the Ascended Weapon Chest and Ascended Armor Chest, are they fully stat selectable now?
yes and all stats included
any suggestions on getting ascended armor? I have a few berserker accessories

also how do i fix arcdps bricking my game from this new patch?
>how do i fix arcdps bricking my game from this new patch?
you can only wait for an update

>any suggestions on getting ascended armor?
the brand new Wizard's Ascended Armor Chest, 400 Astral Acclaim, only 3 per season
Why is a person that doesn't have, or even know how to obtain, pink armor using a DPS meters hack?
a dps meter in an mmo is the most basic thing

esoteric knowledge from 10 years of content is not as easily to find or sift through. who knows how many methods of getting ascended gear there are
>a dps meter in an mmo is the most basic thing
You're an idiot. Your contribution to any group encounter is not even close to worthwhile. You don't need a "dps meter". You need to learn how to play the game.
thanks anon, i should have just checked the official notes

>Ascended armor and weapon chests available from the Wizard's Vault have been renamed to Wizard's Ascended Armor Chest and Wizard's Ascended Weapon Chest.
my ascended weapon chest and 3 ascended armor chests are still the same after the update, though... do you think it's just an oversight? they were in my bank before the update
retard take
downloading and dropping a file takes 20 seconds

learning an entire new game is an entire separate thing
>the "Mastery update" is exactly ONE new entry in Homesteading
don't forget drops


watch /ourgirl/
>star blessed skiff
More particleslop, well that looks like fucking garbage.
Why the hell are these skiff skins even 1600 gems? lmao
>let's charge an arm and a leg for the most insignificant pile of crap cosmeticontent no one ever realistically uses
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>Another patch, another round of arcdps sissies whining that their precious crutch is broken and they cant play without it
You're bad at video games if you cant succeed without third party intervention. Pussy ass niggas
You will know by whether you win the encounter or not.

>it's still free shit for keeping a tab open.
>poorfags continue to jump through hoops like the abused dogs they are for crap rewards because 'iTs FrEe'
You know what else is free? Cancer. Jesus christ the state of this game's players....
You sound poor.
Just dont buy it bro
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uhm, sisters?! i thought this patch was going to save raiding?! hello?!
lmao you sound enraged your particleslop got slapped
>hmm we've had months off from the story how should we pick back up and set the tone
>i know, let's go hunt for journals and spend 10minutes reading ::D
i don't know why i expected anything else
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bee bros... we are so fucking back
>y-you're mad!
Says the man crying about something hes not forced to buy. Personally if its not an ice boat then im not interested, simple as.
post the healing one, there's always "on heal" and "on elite" skill
lmao didn't even read this meltdown slop
I'm still waiting for a skiff that has my character actually maneuver the steer, so far only the default, deluxe and shrine guardian ones fit the bill. Everything else is either "pretend to push buttons" or "sit while the skiff steers itself".
At least it's not another hour or women talking.
queen jennah's dialog isn't playing when she speaks i fucking hate this
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all i did was hit my buttons once and she died this is fucking lame
>complaining about a w*man being silent
lmao. honestly though fr just add AI at this point, the quality of the VA's recording has been pretty consistently terrible in a lot of cases (my main male asura's VA has always been S tier but I dunno what the fuck it is, since like IBS his recording quality is tinny as fuck)
you can just tell when they wrote these speeches they were creaming themselves thinking it was the most epic motivational moment of all time. fucking cringe lord faggots
Her VA is on strike, thank god for that.
>mount Balrior
That 15% strike damage boost looks sweet... But it's just for 6 seconds and on a 30s cooldown. I guess it might be good with one wolf pack or whatever the Soulbeast elite is called?
wait until the next episode and all the cringe they must be writing to cope with four more years of orange man
i'm logging out. why did i bother coming back. no new zone to explore either and i'm not playing baby sitter with the new shitvergence or "raid". stupid faggot game for stupid faggots i quit forever
I got to that part too and I was annoyed she survived the instance again. What I wanted was
>Jennah shows up in Janthir
>titans attack
>Jennah tries to scare them off by summoning an illusory shatterer again
>Ura shows up, drops down from above and crushes Jennah's body under her foot.
>She's dead immediately and never comes back
A man can dream.
anets version of this is jennah solo'ing ura and saying some zany girl boss line afterwards
why is my computer fan spinning to max rpm inside a story instance then coming down after i leave it
k bye
Sources for ascended armor
>crafting with expensive materials (corresponding crafting profession at 500 on one character is required)
>buying in the wizardmart for wizardcoin
>buying for blue shards and less gold than crafting in Eye of the North/arborstone/the wizard's tower
>buying for magnetite shards and less gold than crafting in the lion's arch aerodrome
>crafting from cheaper materials than regular ascended crafting via grandmaster marks and spending grandmaster marks at fractal vendor (not recommended unless you have literally every permanent fractal unlock already completed)
>as a very rare random drop in fractals or raids
Clarification: You can get blue prophet shards in IBS and EoD strike missions.
>Her VA is on strike, thank god for that.
Wrong, she -was- on strike when they were recording for this. Now her contract in everything she does specifically states that her voice cannot be used as a baseline for AI. It's been mentioned in this thread but this is an absolute death knell for the voice acting community, because it opens up for freelancers who are willing to get paid solely for someone to use their voices as a baseline and the contract will cost way less. On top of that it'll lower the hard drive space cost by a ton.

I seriously have no idea why people support VAs when its such a niche thing and they're so adamant about blocking AI instead of working with the new programs. Putting "you cant use this new technology to make the product more efficient, also pay me a lot!" is absolute lunacy.

Good thing Jennifer Hale is an old hag and will probably be dead soon.
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>start up new chapter
>girls talking
>go into priory basement
>read journals
>because ANET thinks we're retarded and can't read, forced to sit and listen to the characters discuss what you just read
>but it doesn't trigger immediately after closing the journal because spagetti code please understand, so you have to go to a seperate part of the building to hit a random book and trigger the dialogue
>all while caithe and malice follow you around
>i guess they're supposed to be on their own looking through stuff and then you "meet up" at the random object that triggers the dialogue, but the whole fucking time they're right beside you
>Jennah is voiced by Jennifer Hale
How had I never noticed? She's every bit as insufferable as Bastila.
Maybe they think they're being sneaky?
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What happened to the anon who was whining about pic related?
What's wrong with the mount? I'm on the fence about buying it while it's on sale.
honestly the entire Lost Era pack has some good mounts that buying the gambling ticket feels worth it for me and yeah this warclaw looks cute for me too
Water combat in this game is probably the best i've seen in an mmo but it still sucks ass to engage with
because only absolute newfaggot shitter cocksucking fucking retards use that shit
no, he's right, and you're just further proving him right, but fucking retarded newnigger faggots like you will never learn how to play the game because you are incapable of ever doing so
another one of anet's 'this would be really cool and groundbreaking if we weren't a bunch of incompetent faggots who ruin everything'
you're a cuck for waiting this long, the time to quit for anyone with a functioning brain was when hot patch happened, you'll be back, because you're a retarded fucking cuckhold, bifch
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>when they reference your personal story in fully voiced dialogue
kek that's pretty much the whole game lmao
>Enchanted Warclaw skin
>requires SotO
>Dog Chair
>requires SotO
surely you aren't going to buy that shitty warclaw skin even if you had soto, right?
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>using welfare chairs and welfare mount skins
>Mini Bog Queen
We are so back!
Geysers looks like it could be fun on Mirage. It's 15 endurance in PvE too btw
i dont know what the fuck you're on about
dps meters a tool to give perspective to the random numbers on your screen
i only mentioned it because it was literally stopping my game from working, but i've figured it out no thanks to you niggers circlejerking over nothing

thanks man, appreciate you
sex with decima
haha prioryfags are FUCKING NERDS
>pisspot & co wiping to a normal mode raid boss
I thoght these guys were supposed to be elite gamers?
ignore the fact that in the opening letter you get that gixx just ignores the fact that you're part of the prioriy.
still better than tybalt redditors
>muh le apple ;_;
He says he'll make an exception for you non-members because Caithe and Malice are with you
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In the same vein, this is maybe my least favorite zone i've ever had to slog through in an mmo.
>mew mastery is homeshart content i haven't touched at all yet
see you in 4 months ^.^
he fell off after playing mmo for kiddies (wow)
I'm so fucking over the story it's unreal. The story itself isn't terrible, especially compared to the last few years, but the way they present it is so fucking stupid. Just long winded, unskippable voice acted exposition dumps that are so annoying I just alt + tab through them. Fuck man... just make this the last "story" content in the game and put the game in maintenance mode.
They seriously just added ONE mastery level and called it a day.
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
pisspot may be a mythic raider but the rest of his team are complete dogwater and are throwing.
>klobjarne assgay
>klobjarne derp
>klobjarne fucka
>klobjarne gayer
>klobjarne hitler
>klobjarne cashier
aside from the funny names, this spear seems pretty boring. the skins that you didn't like also show up in battle, because apparently that's what you wanted when you didn't pick them.
who thought this was a good idea for a legendary? we've just had the patronum weapons set and those looked much better than clubsandwich here
I also would be remiss if I didn't mention that the gap in stats between exotic and ascended is very small, so don't torture yourself rushing ascended gear, play with exotic and take your time working towards ascended gear as a first 'goal'. You can for instance still do hot raids and EoD strikes with exotic gear as a power vindi, as long as it's exotic and has the right relic/sigils/traits and shit. You won't be as strong, but it's still perfectly viable.
There's a general theme to the game where the more you hurry/rush to get a specific thing, the worse your experience playing in general will be.
>femcharr hiss emote is bugged
it's not fair
i didn't have much expectations for this and i was still disappointed.
bros i thought they learned from soto. how can they still be this bad at doing things...
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she cant breathe please understand
sounds like she's about to take a shit
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>all these niggas complaining about the update
The flesh of the update was the convergence/raid and the leggy spear, were you dipshits really expecting more? It was all there on the roadmap.
If it really bothers you feel free to fuck off for another 4 months/indefinitely just kidding your bitchass is here forever and death is your only way out
I haven't played the raid/convergence yet, but even if that turns out to be good it's still sort of disappointing.
Story, well, I don't care about it, but they've shipped it without a bunch of voiced lines for the retards who do.
Three new weapon sets, two of which are recolors. The water-themed ones look pretty at least?
No quest like the meteor spear in the Wizardmart, just another sparkly mount and a white woman chair.
"Mastery updates" consists of ONE mastery level for handiwork, it's not even a mastery, it just unlocks new recipes. It doesn't even unlock new polyluminescent skins like a back item.
Meh, this is starting to look like SotO 2.0
calling the raid and convergence flesh is god damn hysterical when it's 1hr of content at most.
>This airship is the pinnacle of technology, Asura, Charr and Humans all worked together
>Norn not mentioned
>Every 50-80 Norn introduced fucking dies brutally
The story fucking hates norns lmao
Okay but how many homestead decorations have they added? surely it wasnt just 5
you couldn't pay me to decorate my homeshart. i'd rather throw my pc in the bathtub
Thats not my fault, thats Anet's. Take it up with them for trying to pander to the long dead raid scene.
who on the anet encounter design team really thought 'oh let's make the second boss out of three the hardest'.
have they lost their mind?
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the chinese hairstyle got added to the makeover kits finally
wow as soon as I fully unlocked my elite spec I can roll some of these champ enemies
welcome to the downfall of gw2.
welcome to the saving grace of gw2.
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You can buy more recipes from the heart vendors
k keep us posted
Can someone please tell me the appeal of homesteads? I understood the concept and appeal way back when I played UO, people would be grinding their skills in the open world and could come across your home and see how you decorated it, could even buy from your vendors there. But ever since MMOs started putting them in separate instances... what's the fucking point?
That's pretty!!
gw2 homestead only exists to milk whales. they serve zero practical purpose other than a minuscule qol to gathering home nodes.
>people would be grinding their skills in the open world and could come across your home and see how you decorated it
...how the fuck is that any different from how GW2 handles it?
>play the game
>get mats/trophies to decorate your home with
>people can visit and see your progression
do people buy birthday gifts?
they're not tradable cringe
>still no world 1st kill
Arena cooked this time!
It's quite simple
>the 'downside': You have to invite people over to see your house instead of just having randos wander in it
>the upside: more than one person per continent gets to engage with the housing system
Let me answer your question with a similar question: If you make a game and you develop a housing system for that game, and then basically nobody gets to participate in that housing system, what's the point?

Ofc there is no point, you wasted dev time on something 5 people get to see, when you could have spent that time on something that thousands, maybe millions of people will get to see.
Because you have to specifically invite them to go there for them to see it, it's not a fixture of the world itself. You okay retard?
anet doesn't cook they burn
I was thinking of getting back in this bitch but forgot just how bad the pvp is and shan't be doing this after all
take the .dll pill and ruin games for everyone. fuck this trash heap.
oof the infinite siege price if is all the same 1 is
250 avenger 3 conqueror 5 gob
>250 avengers
that's like 25k kills for each infi siege
Well duh, infinite siege are basically like a legendary, but for wvw.
meh got only 4 stacks of blue with badges before the patch
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>never bought soto
>didnt buy janthir
feels fucking good. no elite spec no buy
>Because you have to specifically invite them to go there for them to see it
Who the fuck wants random people wandering into their home, what the fuck? You're upset people cant just barge in on their own? THATS what bothers you guys about homesteads?
>it's not a fixture of the world itself
Its a virtual world, limiting virtual space for no reason is fucking retarded. You get your own map to populate how you want, but WAAAA ITS NOT IN PUBLIC INSTANCES SO I DONT GET THE APPEAL. What you're asking for the sparklefag equivalent of housing you fucking dipshit.
Did you know guild halls are also their own private instances? Why arent you crying about THAT?
mount barlor is by far the lowest quality map they've ever released, shit looks like an alpha test with broken textures, barren landscape and solid geysers you can walk on
Fucking retarded zoomer kys lmao
Based. I do like weapon mastery and spears but that shit ain't worth $60, especially if your class doesn't really benefit from it.
>no argument
>uhhh just throw a couple of insults together
Yeahhhh that's about what I expected from your dumb asses.
>major patch day
>we are still talking in the same general from almost three days ago.
seriously, they need to focus on the next project, these miniexpansions are a failure.
>click achiev for legendary spear
>63 stuff that also require other stuff
>close and forget it
>human female has 5 new face options
the greatest shakeup to the meta in years
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Think about your life bro, just think about how pathetic it is. You also never got to experience the golden age of MMOs because you're a zoomer, all you know is instanced bullshit and discord calls and communities overrun by mentally ill trannies. You never got to experience the actual benefits of in game non-instanced housing. DAMN son, shit sucks, I hope some day you'll be able to see a vagina in real life without paying for it.
lady anise and kasmeer are two of them, lazy as fuck
>brainrotten gooners and furries use the thread as a dumping ground
>defends themselves when called out, saying its just dey board cultcha
>actual players abandon it
>'zmg is this dead 4chan thread the work of anet'???
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patch to patch the patch and this happens
>still no argument
>just throw a couple of insults together, but in longer sentences
>You never got to experience the actual benefits of in game non-instanced housing
Let's be honest, boomer-kun. Neither did you. In whatever esoteric forever-stuck-in-the-alpha-stage mmo you're nostalgic for, I'm willing to bet every 'fixture in the world itself' house was bought by some dude who logged off never to be seen again 2 months later, and all (you) were left with was this abandoned house that is somewhere in the world. Never to be changed, never to be revisited by its owner. An entire game system, wasted. Completely ass fucking retarded design and this is the shit you decide to be nostalgic for.
>can finally recreate slutmeer
nice, time to get her fucked by charr while a recreated Marjory watches
makes me glad i got the welfare spear when janthir launched, i didn't even have to grind for anything i already had all the mats. the shark is pretty cool too especially on like virt when you shoot a half dozen ghost sharks like bullets at enemies. nothing about this new spear seems cool at all, and someone said it randomizes the appearance in combat? who the fuck would want a weapon that randomizes appearance... what were they thinking?
yeah this content is garbage, nowhere near as bad as gyala delve but certainly not worth it. and gyala was free, or at least free if you bought eod.
oh shit i think the last one was queen jenna in that case
couldnt tell because my toon isnt brown
We can create queen Jenna now? This blows open the meta
Haha holy shit, what a fucking retarded take. Hello second zoomer, you stupid piece of shit. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Some of my favorite memories were of the adventures I had with my neighbors in the woods of UO, fighting off pvpers and robbing people, adventuring in the open world and coming across various cool houses. The argument "an entire game system wasted" is so indicative of the retarded zoomer mindset, it was something you strove to achieve and it felt amazing when you actually achieved it. Also it had deteriorating houses from inactivity just like FFXIV, except that shit made sense because it wasn't tucked away in some gay faggot tranny erp orgy sphere separate instance broken down into 20 different instances for 10 different maps or whatever the fuck. But you know what, at least FFXIV allows more than FIVE FUCKING PEOPLE in the instance and creates a sense of community in these tucked away instances, ANET is god damn retarded and homesteads are the most embarrassing thing added to an MMO to date. "Here's your NOT HOME INSTANCE but actually its just a home instance with some gimmicks and stupid features. That'll be $29.99 plus tip" Anyway FUCK zoomers, fuck you, and fuck modern MMOs.
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>new raid release
>hell yeah
>log in
uh, bros? the game pop?
reminder ANet admitted less people play raids than PvP
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>wall of seethe
Wow, there's one more post than usual!
>some joke about the BAREfoot queen visiting the BEAR village
>he is so desperate to imagine his shitty skinnerbox of yesteryear is good, he has to fabricate an idealized past whole cloth
Nigger, you and I both know you're just making shit up. Let's drop the delusions, you were probably homeless like 99% of other people, getting mercilessly farmed over and over again by swarms of EQMS-ers terrorizing the maps. You saw the abandoned, never-in-years-renovated house of some guy who hasn't played since a few months after launch and thought 'wow, this system I never get to partake in is so cool in theory'.

Well for most people, theoretical gameplay that in practise, they will never see is not compelling gameplay. That's why every non-retarded MMO doesn't do this. I've seen in Albion, how the exact thing you want plays out. Which is why I know, with certainty, that it is ass fucking retarded. And all the theme park MMOs that came post-wow are better off for not repeating this cancer.
what was the name of that zone with the word stone in it? has a big vertical drop into some caynon?

was one of the HoT season zones?
Bloodstone Fen
Oh yeah
>no way for alts to enter besides quest or tp to friend
lame, guess ill look for someone in world chat later this week
buy the fucking SCROLL
>Nigger, you and I both know you're just making shit up.
I didn't read past this cause lmao, kys
sorry but I just ugggghhhh don't wanna look at your house is all. i'm glad im not forced to see other player's homes
Yeah I feel you, elite specs are a pretty cool idea and some of them are very unique concepts. ANet said keeping everything balanced was an issue and yet the weapon mastery and spears introduced some ludicrous damage creep, and the new weapons would have, too, if they hadn't been mostly support.
That being said, ANet are running out of weapons so next expansion we could see elite specs without new weapons, just the traits and skills. I'd be happy with that even though the new weapons are half of the fun.
It's not Gyala delve, for one.
SotO also comes with welfare legendary armour which I guess is a plus? JW so far doesn't seem to offer that much, and SotO created a precedent where the first release was followed by three disappointing patches.
>The following items can now be selected from hero's choice chests:
>Verdant Brink: Hero's Choice Chest—Jungle Grass Seed
>Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest—Coastal Lumber Core
>Tangled Depths: Hero's Choice Chest—Palm Lumber Core
>Dragon's Stand: Hero's Choice Chest—Giant Mushroom Spore
>Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, The Desolation, and Domain of Vabbi Hero's Choice Chests—Rare Flower Seed
Adding new rewards to older content is something anet should have been doing ages ago. This is nice to see

>new utility stations can now be crafted. Recipes for these can be acquired from master artificers, huntsmen, and weaponsmiths:
>Demon Slaying Station
>Karka Toughness Station
Oh snap, those are fantastic. Now if we can just get a Skale Venom Station....
>An essence exchange vendor at Moon Camp Covert now offers Woad armor boxes in exchange for amalgamated rift essence and gold.
wvw btfo again AHAHAHAHAHAA

>no way for alts to enter besides quest or tp to friend
That's half the LS3 maps, only Bitterfrost and Doric are connected to other maps.
Those could already be bought for cheap from an NPC in the base camp, players must be allergic to opening the WvW panel or something.
>woad armor used to require playing WvW to get it because badges of honor
>dont even have to touch the stinky-poopoo dead game mode to get any of it anymore
The playerbase had clearly spoken. LMAO
>15 g each
i got em with the wvw track for free
>for free
>playing wvw
I mean if your time is worthless...(which is coincidentally how much value anet puts into wvw)
>i dont know what the fuck
no shit you don't, because you're a retarded nigger who needs a monkey meter, dumb fucking faggot
ook ook, dumb monkey nigger
show us on the map where the wvw touched you
as long as retarded niggers like you keep paypigging for each shitty cashgrabsion, as you have done since the very first one, they will keep shitting them out, you dumb pveasy niggers NEVER learn
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god fucking dammit this shit took me an hour, this game is satanic
there isn't one, it's just personal mini guild halls
eslop is goyslop cancer, fitting that you would use a dog drinking from a pissbucket to represent you
I feel like Obsidian armor is insanely quick and easy to make now. It only takes like 2 weeks of doing the convergence weeklies for enough essence to make each piece. Seems strange they keep WvW armor an insane grind and keep making open world easier and easier every patch.
>play vs retard npc is better than vs pepos
If only you knew how based his choice off apples were, you'd think differently.
im not gay, and no you cant make me gay.
pink ladies
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A toast to the most nothingburger update in recent memory.
>memory of a goldfish
I'm going to spend at least a couple hours looking through the new faces they added though.
Champions was just content slop to keep players busy while they worked on EoD, but that shit was also fucking free.
u forget ur meds schizo?
>but...it was free!
Any time i hear people whine because content updates are no longer 'free' i tune out. I always forget how many poorfags play this subscriptionless MMO
>Ofc there is no point, you wasted dev time on something 5 people get to see
I'm surprised we got a new raid.
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Is this a new face?
I'm the fastest man this side of maguuma
>play vs retard npc is better
I was speaking poorly about wvw though
Looks like it
Very cool
Playing this story chapter was the most visually repulsive thing I've seen in a while. The brilliant minds at ANET decided to give your companions all flashy weapons and weapon effects. Obviously the reduced player animations toggle doesn't apply to them, so I was left with a horrific, blinding flash of colors and animations and effects so nauseauting that I had to look away from the screen while playing. Thankfully story missions are so braindead easy that I didnt have to look at the screen much to complete it. Thanks for reading my blog
nta but I dont like the face. Very gay
>all drops claimed
ez, didnt even watch
based priory chad
i hate this map too
Same. I also "watched" (muted minimized lowest quality) mukluk so those two fags who were seething at him for embedding could seethe some more that he was at like 6k viewers today.
what pantsu?
why does she wear the mask?
Bro your EZ mode cheat hud...?
don't forget to do your janthir hearts for your weekly 42 spear materials for around 180g a week
dirty soles
hardcucks keep taking L's and seething, they should just rope
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>looks like trash
>doesn't even need mursaat runestones to craft
oh im laffin
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I like the new options but they didn't give anything to male characters.
Those are the assassin's leggings for medium cultural armor for humans.
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what is the most __fun__ class?
he's asking about what's underneath, anon
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Who, me? Greer and Decima and Ura? Theyre a piece of shit. I fought them 27 times brotha. I'm 6'8 300 pounds, 40k DPS everytime.Titans are garbage. I get laid every time brotha, Jennah, Malice, Caithe it dont matter, the womens they love me. I've been doin this for 20 years. 26 years.
>heres what this guy who definitely wasnt me meant
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In the last story chapter Greer just up and jumped away after I beat him, leading me to believe he escaped for the tenth time. Then the other two had dying animations and at the very end the NPCs said all three were dead. Was Greer supposed to have another death animation?

Also the new convergence is boring as fuck.
>medium cultural armor
I did mean the pants kek
all me btw
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I strongly feel that polychromatic armor would look 1000% better if it didn't have the weird stained glass stuff
I don't use addons, I must play the game as people did when the content was current
Soulbeast ranger and Revenant
The only two I've ever played, so they must be the best
>I don't use addons
based gamer
When the dance ceremony started I was half hoping Jennah would start breakdancing.
Fuck no. It looks good when you color the stained glass portions like actual stained glass, stop trying to make it look like generic knight armor there's plenty of other options for that.
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This shit cool
>all this fucking bullshit visual spam in the new raids
that's it im making a fucking virt, playing melee is so fucking gay
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One is simply aware
>purple floaty daggers
>orange red lava bullshit
>blue glowing spear
This aint it chief.
you just know
anon knows
It looks pretty bland in action, dye colors just don't look on it. I ended up going with whites or blacks on it, again, because as usual this game's texturing is so bad colored dyes just make everything look like it got slapped with a can of Walmart paint
god those chinky faces are hilariously bad
krytan women...
I feel so sorry for human males
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>a legend for rev got new voicelines
rev bros
they're supposed to be eskimo because norn snow and shit, but yikes...
Thanks anon who suggested to wait before opening BL chests, the guaranteed item is another statuette.
I'm sure a lot of people would also love to be able to turn virt daggers off, but it's just not in the cards for poor overworked Arenanet.
okay, what is going on with the game, i get an error log saying out of memory but the game didnt lock up, and nothing else on i had running locked up, and as soon i closed the error it shuts down despite being responsive and showing no issue
Even demons are baneposting now.
I seriously have never ever understood what's supposed to be so "good" about Guardian. It just feels like a squishy warrior with slower attacks and more boon juggling. Anyone want to explain it, or do I just toss it in the pile as another thing I don't need to care about?
nothing, the meme being anets favorite is that it just it always got changes and updates, whereas other classes stagnated and got no love. Its not that the guardian was overpowered it was just well balanced for every new game mode
based Mallyx, I love resistance
How long until the New Alliance of Tyrian Organizations weaponizes bloodstone nukes?
bag slots not being account-wide is retarded
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so its everything to do with inventory
Man, with this patch being mostly focused on one legendary weapon and a raid, which ANet themselves admitted attracts fewer players than SPvP, I had hoped for some more stuff to make up for it. The spear itself doesn't even come with a questline like Caladbolg and some gen 2, it's just crafting as usual and then unlocking more variants with achievements.
Someone's already mentioned it but there's effectively no new mastery, just some new homestead decorations and not even the armour display that was supposed to be ready for launch three months ago... Even the special tab in the wizard missions is pathetic
>do the story
>do the convergence
>do the Syntri meta (same as last patch btw)
The mist vault is pathetic, too. It spawns clones of your character with back item and legendary weapon effects but, somehow, the homestead that's supposed to be one of the expansion selling points can't fully render your alts or make them interact with you.
ANet couldn't even be bothered to change the previous legendary boxes and display sets 1 through 5.
>randomly quoting another post
Yeah, guess I'm retarded.
uhhh ackshually theres no subscription fee so you get what you pay for. At least youre not shelling out $30 + a cuck subscription
poorfags UNITE! :^)
I dunno man, I got almost everything out of the patch that I expected/wanted. They delivered on the instanced content, the heart vendors have new stuff the path to the spear is very comprehensive. It's almost everything I was hoping it would be. I only have 3 minor gripes
>Paela is still denied her heart
>Jennah is still alive
>that titanspawn homestead material mastery I thought would come, didn't come
is thief a dog shit class? I'm so sick of playing thief.
>most chill fun af dps class
>wah wah i'm not having any fun
you problem
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do u have any build suggestions? afaik i'm still vaulting from 3 expansions ago.
No, thief really just is a dogshit class. There's really only 2 reasons to play it
>you want to cheese specific things with stealth
>you want to just play a guy with a gun, no gadgets or magic
For anything else, you'll have a better time with another class.
Do you want to press buttons? Rifle/spear deadeye.
Do want to NOT press buttons? Pistol deadeye.
ignore this scrub, he can't afford skyscale and doesn't get invited to wvw squads
They are pretty good in Raids because of the wide amount of roles they can be in.
>you want to just play a guy with a gun, no gadgets or magic
uhhh, warrior? hello?
retarded enough to play this dead shit game and buy the cashgrabspansions, yes
spire of creation
makin babies with arina
i made 200g on orichalCUM with the patch, i'm officially an investor now
the error message when you sell too much is AIDS though, not sure how tp flippers deal whith that shit
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I'd actually love this thing if it didn't have the damn sparkles. The biggest problem with skiffs is too much geometry on deck, big regret buying that lantern mess.
sorry anon, I am unironically playing the game to get the """"""organic"""""" release raid pug prog experience I never had before
I'll return to place more femcharr in basement after I learn what to abuse
My character is just an extra. They have no story. It's the signature characters ANet made that are the real protagonists of Guild Wars 2.
>arrow carts now stacking with ferocity, doing absolutely obscene amounts of damage
>outnumbered on every tick on every map
>can't even maintain participation with yaks, can't upgrade anything, can't hold anything
the ability for gaynet's gross negligence to further reach levels which shouldn't be even possible continues to amaze, i cannot wait until the february quarterly report, it's gonna be a fucking absolute bloodbath
>arrow carts now stacking with ferocity, doing absolutely obscene amounts of damage
this is a good thing
lmfao you're such a fucking retard, sid
Well of course. The "personal story" went from being about (You) to being about Treehorn whining about his wyld hunt and (You)r helping Logan be less of a faggot. What makes you think that the non-personal "living world" story should be about anything but a bunch of OCs?
...seriously though, the writing intern isn't even trying to make the Waymander care about the story anymore. We're essentially just spectating a bunch of NPCs yapping, with the occasional trash mob to kill.
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Great update, ANET! Quality stuff!
>wow, that's quality coding!
This is why the best "story" in GW2 is the HoT open world NPC conversations, dynamic events, and metas. Slowing pushing through the hostile jungle, fighting alongside best boy Laranthir, who instead of being le salad stu wÿld hüntfag is a self-made plant, him taking care of the rank and file allowing you to do your Commander thing, seeing both the wonders and horrors of Maguuma, experiencing the sorrows and fears and triumphs of the Pact each step of the way, finally culminating in what is unironically the single most epic-feeling final boss encounter in the game. As far as I'm concerned, Mouth of Mordremoth IS Mordremoth, and the Big Frog Man in the "personal story" is just the cheap TV series spinoff adaptation.

I really recommend new players go through HoT the first time without mounts, if they can handle it. It's peak experiential gaming.
>I really recommend new players go through HoT the first time without mounts, if they can handle it. It's peak experiential gaming.
Stop spouting this absolutely fucking retarded take because I took it years ago and nearly quit the game out of frustration. This isn't 2013 you nigger, it'd be fine if everyone else around you didn't have mounts and QOL shit, but they do, so the experience isn't the same. And HoT's story was shit too, fuck you. Bitch.
>giant wall of schizo profanity
Easy to ignore post
Based and true

Filtered zoomer
Just noticed they changed the ascended wizard chests, did they unlimit the prefix selection? Can I select Marauder or Minstrel?
based and triggered the gaynet shill
hello, yes
my fhd would like to have sex with your elfhd
thank you
I haven’t bought Janthir Wilds yet

If I log in now, will I still have Godspawn “unlocked” for me later?
Oh nyoo
how do people get millions of karma?
I know the answer is probably "just play" but is there some secondary way to get it? multipliers, food, buffs? something more targeted?
just play wvw
my account is less than 2 months old and i've already accumulated at least half a million karma, if not more like 600k, but i've spent over 200k of that already (probably more like 300k really) and literally all i do is wvw
By getting all 3 karmic retribution upgrades in dragonfall and farming that map.
wvw seems to be the answer to all things
i had a question about that as well: what the fuck do you even do there? I havent played in a while but I remember there being a big ball of people, or just some guys meandering about attacking contested points. I'm playing with a friend but we're basically guildless and I feel like just walking around doing whatever isn't going to go very well for us
Just got my LDoA :) grim how 90% of people I see go for it are bots tho
You can do a lot in WvW, but yes, most people gravitate towards zergs to capture points. But you can also roam and fight smaller groups of people, or even do 1v1 provided you don't get ganked by the other player's team.
well the first step is to take the pve build you're currently in, and make a build that is the diametric polar complete exact opposite of that
aside from that, defend objectives, respond to callouts, upgrade objectives, attack objectives whenever your side finally (if ever) has a coagulation of players that meanderingly gravitates towards one
to be honest, wvw is currently in the most dire straits it has ever been due to world destructioning and this latest pants on head potato patch which incentivizes the mainstay sentry players to exit the maps just to be able to preserve their participation timers, since they can no longer rely on yak escprting to be able to maintain them, which means there is no gradual accumulation of players over time in the maps, as well as scouting is dropping off completely, couple that with the fact that upgrading shit is now impossible while pvdooring shit down is easier than ever, it's seriously fucking super dead
but, if you're lucky and get graced by the handmakers at gaynet that are handmaking the teams and end up on one of the few actually populated actually active teams, then yyou would never have to ask "what do i do" because it would be obvious what is going on where and when at any given time
ranked PvP gives enormous amounts as of a few patches ago
wvweasy cope
sounds good thanks
so you're sayin we can just beat up people on control points but don't bother defending? I know in WoW bgs u get bonus honor for defending points but it sounds like you get actively punished for defending for long periods of time if there's no activity?
1. play the game a lot
2. do some of those LW maps that let you buy permanent karma unlocks that make mobs drop karma bundles all the time. i forget which ones are best (istan?)
which maps have karma drops that you enjoy
I had a separate question:
does realm matter for meta events (or wvw for that matter)? during prime time yesterday I spent over an hour building up the dragon's end meta only for it to fail because we didnt have enough people. part of the failure was because no one had the foresight to push all 3 guys into position; but obviously if we had a full instance that wouldn't have happened.
am I on a shit server or is that content just not rewarding enough for people to do? I feel like a lot of the content im running through during the story is just not worth doing for a lot of people and is just abandoned. I believe I'm on sea of sorrows.
ya im thinkin about doing that. sort of a big investment at this time and I don't have a ton of insight into what are actually the best maps. I happened upon a dragon's fall but that was kind of miserable, maybe in part because I don't have a skyscale yet.

I'm working through the expansions right now but I'm not sure if I should be doing that or working on skyscale. I feel like there are a lot of daily gated things I should be doing right now but I don't know what all there is, as well.
I'll have to look up skyscale right now I reckon.
>new fhd faces and hair and a new femnorn face
>fiery dragon sword no longer burns my leg when stowed
best patch ever
world does not matter at all anymore, pretty sure they removed the option to even pick at account creation recently
>fiery dragon sword no longer burns my leg when stowed
wait, holy shit, they fixed it after 12 years!? I can finally use the thing after all this time
Yeah, I couldn't believe it when I saw it in the patch notes
Doing any map without mounts means you miss over 86% of all meta events. Every enemy locks you to combat speed, adds die instantly, and you can't get enough hits in a boss to go more than bronze participation. Plus grinding xp to get all the necessary mobility masteries can take months. I've been there recently, it's not second-hand nostalgia you feel it's being left out the game like a f2p.
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>people unironically think heart of thorns was peak gw2
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scchhhhhhhhhhlorpppp schhhlorpppppp
This, POF never really came close to what HOT managed to accomplish.
If you finished the last mastery achievement (the one that had requiring doing a CM)

You are a chad
ele is most fun
>so you're sayin we can just beat up people on control points but don't bother defending?
not really, you want to do both, but most likely you're only ever going to be able to do one or the other, unless you're on a good team that has dedicated ironmen who play all the time and literally just do both all the time
>I know in WoW bgs u get bonus honor for defending points but it sounds like you get actively punished for defending for long periods of time if there's no activity?
if there's no activity, then yes, your participation decay timer ticks down and you have to keep it refreshed somehow or else you eventually don't get on-tick rewards (reward track progress and skirmish track progress)
>am I on a shit server or is that content just not rewarding enough for people to do?
>I feel like a lot of the content im running through during the story is just not worth doing for a lot of people and is just abandoned.
>I believe I'm on sea of sorrows.
sea of sorrows is a very south east asian timezone heavy server, play during SEA primetime and you will see more people
wrong on both accounts, your world still does factor into which instances you end up in and who ends up in your instances with you, it just isn't a hard delimiter like before, and world selection is still very much a thing and every account has to still select one at the start
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*checks notes*
u cant rape LE willing
>so you're sayin we can just beat up people on control points but don't bother defending?
No, sorry I thought that was just sort of a given. Defense is just as important in many cases, especially if you've held any Keeps for extended periods. There are things that can create waypoints once a tower/keep/stonemist castle hits a certain level, and people can teleport in to defend.
>does realm matter for meta events
No, everything is on a megaserver. Not sure what you mean "push all three guys into position" for Dragon's End (like kill the 3 void champs on the platforms at the same time?), but keep in mind that DE fails regularly because the average GW2 player is trash. Despite countless nerfs to DE it still fails a ton because you can't kick people from public maps. You probably would've failed regardless.
>I feel like a lot of the content im running through during the story is just not worth doing for a lot of people and is just abandoned.
This is a case for a lot of the metas, yeah. Lately though it's a lot of risk/reward; in the case of DE it's not run regularly because it's so fucking long for such mediocre rewards. Even if successful it doesn't justify the time spent getting to that point, the gold per hour is terrible. Anyway server doesn't matter as previously stated.
>(or wvw for that matter)
It used to for WvW, it'd determine what team you were put on. Earlier this year they scrapped that in favor of something else. Now you get put into teams with your WvW guild, but if you don't have a WvW guild it shuffles you into a random team based on an algorithm. You'll pretty much have to join a guild with your friend and set it as your wvw guild in order to be on the same team.
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Low amount of posts iit means that everyone is happily playing and enjoying new content, r-right?
>wrong on both accounts, your world still does factor into which instances you end up in and who ends up in your instances with you,
Interesting, I didn't know this. But it's ultimately moot because how often do you really join metas naturally on a map vs using lfg...
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>2 hours of yappy story including missing voice lines, characters sounding like AI (dadga, sorrow, malice to an extent)
>coomvergence where a bear yaps the whole time (but thankfully you're not stuck and can actually play the game while he yaps)
>raid that only 1% of the playerbase will ever see
>spear that looks like trash and doesn't even utilize the top tier janthir mats to make (lmao 30s runestones)
>more decorations behind another mastery point, homesteads still capped at 1000
i don't play pve, but everytime i am in pve i see the same people and guilds pretty much everytime, i even had a person in fractals mention they'd followed my tag in wvw before and even though i didn't recognize the character name i recognized their guild name which is one i see constantly in and out of wvw (and that they keep trying to invite me to despite the fact that i keep rejecting it...)
so either the playerbase is literally miniscule, or servers and incidental social associations factor heavily into the instancing algorithm
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i have ptsd from public soto convergences so i'm not going to do these convergences
why do you have ptsd from public soto convergences
they have never failed when ive been there
the meta wants u to put caithe, navan and the speaker guy into position before u do some smaller events. we failed on the "night falls" timer
apparently i need to complete this thing for the turtle, which seems to be not nearly as useful as the skyscale, gryphon and just doing the story so I'll not worry about it
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countless fails (on ALL bosses) and in particular a 40 minute umbriel fail at 1% shattered my mental into dust.
>infinite siege
>at the price of 5x of legendary armor set
worth for the 10 people who lead in wvw
>they are not even purple colored but as if they're ascended
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I am installing GW2 and am about to play it for the first time.

For reference i played orignal GW and finished all the campaigns for all the expansions.
And i did enjoy the game. In fact i finally finished the Nightfall campaign last year after a almost 10 year break.
I play a lot of FFXIV over 4000 hours in it.
And i recently tried WOW classic and Retail to play another MMO for a change and found classic tedious and slow and whit a shit community and retail pointlessly brain-dead easy.
Do you think i will like GW2? I know its more of an actual MMO than an online game like GW1 was.
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GiFt Of ExPloReR iS sO fUn ;DDD
Oh shit you didn't even make it to Soo-Won, that's rough. I'm almost positive you don't have to complete Dragon's End anymore for the turtle, I think there's another way. But yeah turtle is trash, easily the least used mount outside of maybe the jackal.
>Do you think i will like GW2?
Probably not, but try the free core game and see. Keep in mind the core game is super dated and not really a good representation of the game as a whole, but it'll give you an idea.
If you do the various "return to" achievements for the LS4 maps, you'll get enough materials for the skyscale questline.
The turtle is a meme mount, it does stuff like hovering and walking underwater that's more of a novelty than anything, it starts slow and builds up speed but is still inferior to the beetle, you somehow can't switch seat and use the cannons and need a second player for that.
Really, it doesn't do any of the useful things particularly well.
With the trend of stuffing new shit into the "mastery" menu, I had almost expected siege to end up as a skill like personal waypoint and summon skiff.
>i played orignal GW
You will hate GW2. Turn back.
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>stop playing
>play again after months
>do nothing but dragonfall
i am so aimless in this game
well whats peak gw2 then ?
Gw2 is a fun game, but it's not GW1. So don't come with those expectations. Try it out though!
>With the trend of stuffing new shit into the "mastery" menu, I had almost expected siege to end up as a skill like personal waypoint and summon skiff.
The upper right quickdial on the map's compass is still unused, so there may yet be a mini-expansion centered around Charr where you actually will see a siege weapon mastery.
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raiding bros? i thought this was our time?!
>countless fails (on ALL bosses)
>shattered my mental into dust.
Good, losers should give up so they dont drag winners down.
i usually just wp to some map and start smacking the first enemy i see over and over
all i care about anyway
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>The upper right quickdial on the map's compass is still unused, so there may yet be a mini-expansion centered around Charr where you actually will see a siege weapon mastery.
They didnt even update the dial for Janthir Wilds, its amazing how quickly they abandoned it. All they need to do is adjust it like pic related to make it work, but they really couldnt be assed to do it
Busy having sex with femcharr
Yeah right
subspace guardian into balrior crevice
boons into stuckspace guardian
peak was around bitterfrost frontier, with the release of actual solid fractal and its CM
subspace hop on my dick
How much is a raid clear anyways. Enough people have to buy this shit for it to be worth the constant advertisment.
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>Need to reacquire items for the legendary collection for the spear
>Bind 90 mursaat runestones that were sitting in my bank inventory
>Cant make the gift since bound and unbound runestones dont stack in the forge
Is it not possible to just buy or find 10 runestones and then bind those?
I cant even bind the ones I currently have that aren't like that. The Item Collection Achievement button that I used to bind the 90 of them seems to be a one time thing
>go through HoT the first time without mounts
fuck no
>too chickenshit to play the game as the devs designed it
aww baby needs his crutches
>defending devs
why in gods name is willbender even a guardian spec? This shit seems like it should've gone to a monk class or something
>Newfag thinks HoT wasn't peak GW2
get bendered
VB and TD are probably my favorite maps in the game. I liked Crystal Oasis but the rest of PoF was super bland. I don't know why they decided to just barf branded zones all over the place. And they made a lot of fuss about that TO VABBI meme or whatever but Vabbi looks so empty and unfinished (even for a "desert"), it just feels so pointless.
Ember Bay and Draconis Mons are pretty comfy too.

That's how we did it originally zoomzoom, and it was kino
>how we did it originally zoomzoom
yeah because you didnt have mounts. Go back and do it again without them. its tedious af and you miss nothing because literally everyone else has mounts too slow fuck
It's a pity warrior sword is so jank. Yeah MH has a place in condi builds, ok it shoot fireballs? What am I, Link with full hearts? I did used to switch to it and use 2 as a "travel power" in WvW lol. OH is just a poor man's Shield. Now Guardian gets the le elite dual wield akimbo sword dervish man spec? k
You basically just admitted you're an actual zoomer. Your generation is infantilized and coddled and doesn't understand that fun can actually be derived from challenge and adversity.
>noo just give me the bing bing wahoos arggh how come i'm not getting dopamine faster this suuucks
Remove all the other powercreep things added since then, make everyone play in the same balance patch that devs designed the expansion on. In the time it takes to gently glide from canopy to canopy all night bosses are dead. Without mounts you have to actually depend on other players ability to self-organize to kill the tarir vines at the same time. Chak territory is inaccessible, DS gets you kicked, and you'll never see a treasure mushroom again.
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>bitch out when Ura shows up because we're apparently too few numbers (despite having two titans fleeing on the brink of death) and fear at how powerful Ura might be
>next release
>'the group is too tired, take two people with you to go kill Ura'
The way the story handles the narrative is something foul, Greer and Decima go down with like NO mechanics to their fights and Ura actually shows up and dies sooner than Primordus did in IBS. The entire premise of the story revolves around deterrence; We're so scared of what we've heard about titans that we tiptoe around them, but when we go fight them for real (without even a standing army, its literally just a handful of fuckwits) they die like every other mob we've been fighting for the last 12 years. Hat tricked the titans in under half an hour. I can only assume the raid/convergence gives them the power levels they supposedly have, but I have ZERO interest in playing them.

Also....does the voice acting seem off in this release? Greer barely sounded menacing as he did on release, and Malice's is just low quality at times, like shes using a webcam microphone. Its like they're already using AI for the voice lines.
>noooo but other players and the repeatable metas!
Nigger what did you think anon meant by first time? Hes talking about the STORY, his whole post was about the STORY. Hit the HoT story beats, beginning to end, without mounts and you get a feel for why oldfags are calling it so great. Also you clearly talk like a faggot zoomer who doesnt know what hes talking about
>glide from canopy to canopy
Wrong, nigga
>waypoint to an outpost
>use the helicopter to take you up into the canopy
>youre now 5-10 seconds away from the boss
This is literally still how we do it. If youre trying to glide canopy to canopy, youre doing it wrong. Newfaggot
>Without mounts you have to actually depend on other players ability to self-organize to kill the tarir vines at the same time
Okay, now youre trolling. THEY DO THIS ALL THE TIME, what the ever-loving fuck are you smoking?
>Chak territory is inaccessible
>DS gets you kicked
Lmfao what???
>you'll never see a treasure mushroom again.
If you need a mount to reach the mushrooms when they spawn in the exact same spots every 10 minutes.....there is no hope for you.
Did anyone get the twitch drops? I left it on the whole day yesterday and overnight, and no progress other than the transmutation charges.
Someone in the dev team said
>what if guardian but thief
and everyone clapped.
Mist of the EoD specs are like that, too
>what if warrior but holo
>what if thief but necro
>what if engi but rengi
>what if rev but mirage
>what if ranger but worse
>when we go fight them for real (without even a standing army, its literally just a handful of fuckwits) they die like every other mob we've been fighting for the last 12 years
This is so stupid, the titans were supposed to be this terrifying threat that almost made us use the sceptre of Orr and then they all go down just like that, including the third one that apparently made us shit our pants at the end of act 2.
Yeah, maybe they put up more of a fight in the raid/convergence, but story is THE thing ANet sells as the meat of the game.
Have you muted the stream? That usually blocks your progress, so mute the browser tab instead. Check that the stream is still going, too, since Twitch will redirect you to another stream of the same game when the one you're watching is over.
I've already got everything without much of an issue, just remember to claim one drop at a time instead of waiting for all four to be available.
Untamed is le bunny thumper meme from GW1, Virtuoso is "CMC wants to use a mesmer but he's filtered by illusions" and Catalyst I don't even know, it's just ele with a field on demand.
id rather get touch ranger, thats a meme, but its funny, you give them the touch
Elite specs were a mistake.
but that's literally what kekanist is
Godspawn lost, because Blizzard decided to release classic fresh at the same time
wait what
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what if tempest but worse
>what if ranger but you are the pet
retarded schitzo
just fire striking va's and use ai instead
yeah that's more what untamed is
4chan allows mp4s now, for some reason, seems suspicious to me desu, i don't trust it
ooooh watch out anon, the scary mp4 agents are gonna come after you
I think I just made my first friends in the game! I'm so happy!
congrats anon! ヽ(´▽`)/
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The new story release is the final nail in the coffin. This is officially a game on life support.
It's over.
i have 2 questions bros

im early soto right now with a frtiend, have only done a few fractals and basically nothing else. he's playing quick catalyst I think. what on necro can I play to give us the best time clearing content. I've played off and on before so I have basically everything for a power reaper. should I make a set of harrier stuff for alac heal scourge? metabattle has harrier but is celestial good as well? the jittery british man said its the god build but I don't have enough perspective to know.

secondly: i've been getting frame spikes after a couple hours of play that resolves itself when i restart the game. on win 11, 7950x3d, 32gb 6000mhz, samsung m.2, 4070ti.
is this a common issue, or is there a fix? I see a thread on the forums but its mostly just floundering.
welcome to the future (past) kid. can now upload mp4 using the h.264 codec (20 years old) but vp9 webms are better quality which we've had for ages. Still no sound though
I maintain that Solar played XIV and liked combat jobs there more than GW2's elites
>Warrior elite, but it's actually just SAM in GW2
>Guard elite, but it's actually just MNK in GW2
>Revenant elite, but it's acually just DRG in GW2
>Engi elite, but it's actually just MCH in GW2
>Ele elite, but it's actually a coke addict version of SMN in GW2
>Mesmer elite, but it's actually Sakuya Izayoi from Touhou
As for the last three, you'd be correct about those.
>what if thief, but it's a necro
>what if ranger, but it's a reaper
>what if necro, but it's an engi
>what if necro, but it's an engi
I wish!
Harbinger would be much more fun to play with something like the toolbelt or kits.
Oh yeah, that happened.
It feels like ANet getting rid of him improved the balance somewhat, since CMC isn't balancing by reading the wiki anymore.
Instead he just picks shit and random, and then buffs blue thief.
Well yes, harbinger is based on engi. The necro pistol is just engi pistol, but the 3 stuns instead of blinding. And elixirs as a skill type are taken straight from engi.
>ppl scream in panik for the fucking 25k sieges
>they decrease the price of this
At the same time, it has none of the good stuff from engi like the toolbelt or unique skills like kits. Might as well give it conjured weapons and call it an ele at that point.
Can't they fucking QA this shit before release and adjust the quantities based on feedback?
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> ~2 months n half
did 1 map now already want to quit
Right, right, my bad.
speaking of tardbinger, what happened to it? i almost never see anyone playing them anymore and when they do they're like even more laughably ineffective than a kekanist, even the kekanists out there are providing more pressure against me in the field, often forcing me to focus down their retarded jade bot if i can't just burst down the kekanist itself outright, but the tardbingers just aren't doing fuckall for damage to me anymore, and they aren't surviving shit anymore either whereas before they were shitting out tons of damage and condis while surviving shit like an annoying fatalyst
almost seems like everyone who knew what they were doing in tardbinger switched to reaper now, or they all quit the game
See your problem is you only play some abandoned ass minigame.

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