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You Should Fish Now Edition

Wiki: https://webfishing.wiki.gg/wiki/WEBFISHING_Wiki
Mods: https://thunderstore.io/c/webfishing/
Mod Manager: https://hooklinesinker.lol/

>Previous Thread
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you boys like chalk drawings, right?
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lobby code anchor
reply with them here
lets try this out
This song is about me
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First for FISH!
>/v/ dead
>/vg/ is just two fags sucking their own dick
>/trash/ why even bother
>Dev got hacked kek
>LGBTHDTV gatekeeping a dying game
>I just got my Alpha Golden Manta
>>LGBTHDTV gatekeeping a dying game
>gatekeeping = kicking spergs from lobbies when they sperg out
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Don't you sleep guy? You've been doing this since I went to bed like two days ago.
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I will make coffee then I make lobby
I think I just smell bad, I'm a smelly fisherman and all the golden mantas avoid me
here you go >>502508921

>since I went to bed like two days ago
ok ESL
>>/trash/ why even bother
You're not there, so that's a plus
Do you guys not check the vg thread while playing?
i check it semi often but not all the time
the ingame conversations are instant rather than post by post too, not to mention the schizos shitting up the thread making it hard to read
might as well check every now and then for lobby codes, thats one of the only great parts of the thread, cant join a vg game if you dont look in the vg thread
Truth is....

The best thing that could happen to this game is it getting picked up by a professional game company and making a sequel with all sorts of improvements

The company would market the game and the playerbase would be at least 10 times bigger than it is now

Just like it happened with Team Fortress
Where is the fucking lobby?
>bought metal detector
>found 2 watch fragments almost immediately
>took until the next day to get the third
>cycle would repeat with each fragment type; find two relatively quickly, but the third took ages
>now I keep one of whatever fragments I can find in my inventory to mail to people who say they've been looking forever for a particular one in a
Could be entirely confirmation bias but myself and two agree that the fragments seem designed to get two fast and one really slowly.
Why though
It would just be a shell of its former self since corpocucks are incapable of making anything cozy
Please post more gender-affirming fanart and ignore the sharty transphobes
>””professional”” game companies
>in 2024
might as well sentence this game to death by firing squad
i haven't seen a new one up, so VQ001K
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Websisters, our response?
grincher joined the fucking lobby be careful
NTA but That Nigga followed me through 3 servers
Guess ill play later
>the sharty protected children by doxxing the creator of the game.
Then why don’t they dox everyone who hosts porn websites?
Why don’t they dox the owner of THIS website?
Trans lobbies?
is transhumanist okay?
No server found
it got broke because of grincher, apologies. if you are on for a while you should reply to the lobby anchor with a new code though!
So no one is hosting at this time? Damn that blows. I love chatting to you goobers and getting your perspectives
I can try, KZ289T
Thank you tons
thanks sis
No it's not
I'm entering the code right now and it says "Error Joining Lobby!" and puts me in a 0/0 lobby. that means he's hijacked the lobby code
I'm having the same error try joining this one and see if it lets you join: 4AKLQK
>two fags
you mongoloids deserve the zero lobbies you have, shocked you even have the iq to open the game to start with
thread is dead. only the retards are left, look around you. you came too late and all thats left are the scraps nobody else wants. but at least you can write nigger on the ground now, so it was all worth it in the end
I try to do the same for players if they're low ranked since I already have all the items.
That, and metal detecting is fun for me because of the beeping noise.
>3/12 lobby
>6/12 lobby
Git gud guppy catcher
>dopamine receptors go beep beep beepbeepbEEPBEEEPBEEP
Who cares
Nobody is falling for your demoralization campaign, go get a job
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we just ran out of diapers, so its actually 4/12 now. these schisms are going to be the death of our community
>can barely fill a lobby halfway on a midday weekend
>it already went down
youve been demoralized lmfao
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full dock
Schisms? What are you on about?
Got any room in the lobby? I had to nab some food
11/12 right now.
You know the tool song
Anyone have modding resources?
the Hardware Store by Weird Al?
Nah man, Monkey Wrench by Foo Fighters
Nice track
Has anyone worked on any cool custom maps on here? It'd be cool to fish in some of the SM64 water level maps like dry dry dock or perhaps tiny big island
There already is the peaches castle map with b omb battlefield & more locations coming in a new update
For real? Not as mods but as a game update??
Really? That sounds sick!
My save got wiped after windows shit its pants, starting over from scratch. Why doesnt this game have a fucking cloud save?

Is Cuddles from here? I was in a public lobby and they approached me to say that I should be deported because of my brown fur and that only whitefurs were allowed in that server...
Poor development oversight
no sorry it is a mod
What would it cloud save to? It's a 5 dollar game made in 8 minutes
8 days
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this is what the establishment fears....
lil' guys
i want to pick them up and hug them
whenever I see a small webfishing cat I want to pick it up and fuck it like a fleshlight
Agent White(left) and Agent Black(right)
not a nice thing to say
they love it
Doggers get no love these days
I'm a dog though, kind of
the chord shapes stuff is cool but there should be a way to just bind all the notes for when you need to riff it out
lobby doko...
Cool code
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how horrifying
Its... A STAND!!!!!!
the enemy stand,「GOLD」
Look at that tiny g8r.
Does this still work?
just use cheat engine?
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Our Hiro <3
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the gobbo was courting death
Sad how "they" fucked up this community one alpha golden manta and I'm out of here. They can gatekeep their pedophile chat room lobby
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Ready to settle in I see.
any lobbies up?
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this one>>502591215
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Damn, other webfishers already have kids, while I'm still living my evil freak incel retard cat life.
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polite lil fella
What pronouns do they use?
day three of this? don't you have a life?
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have you taken your meds yet?
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you meant to post this, no need to thank me. Maybe instead of posting in the general you dislike, you could make a gamejam game like west did and make a million dollars off of a few months effort, that could be a cool use of your time
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damn talking to yourself on 4chan well done anon but please do take your meds
CUS9YL gonna be open for an hour or two
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>Belittle someone for wasting time mean while being on /vg/ for more than 3 days
>What pronouns do they use?

it says 'Dude' under their name what do you think retard
non-player detected
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gave him a few drinks, you would not BELIEVE the shit he's saying
>faggot actually crashed the game
What compels a man to be this autistic?
oh, he actually meant it

it was fun fishing while it lasted
I love this guy
Nerve gas is coming out of my pc what do i do?
What happened?
Grincher happened.
This lobby is still up btw.
was up, he came back
he crashed me and i checked my save and it was still there

I wonder if blocking ingame prevents the crashing
My save seems to be fine I think they fixed that
The faggot's just gonna keep crashing the server.

Thing is, the faggot has it in such a way that he can't be blocked or banned. The only way he can't enter a lobby is if it's full.
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Still up, nigga. For some reason us 4 are immune to the curse. Maybe it's because we have him and his alt blocked or something.

who is the alt ?
I literally can't join, the game crashes in seconds
If you can tell me that faggot's steam ID, I'll get his ass blocked and reported.
what do you mean by blocked?
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You have to block them like this. Also if someone starts a new lobby we can move there.
So he is doing something to his character that is crashing the server?
No idea but I've never been kicked by him because I've always had him blocked.
I never actually seen him do anything so i never bothered blocking.
I would, but the game crashes on me as soon as I join the server.
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Ok don't join the old lobby. Please someone make a new one.
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I Joined the server and I saw grincher actually playing & talking to Fman about how save deletion does actually work seconds before my game crashed
You guys have reported him right? You wouldn't just accept some dude taking up an entire slot in your lobby without reporting him, right?
which lobby is yall in
How long before the grincher/hacker shit get fixed?
Not anytime soon because the dev got his bluesky account hacked which means that all of his accounts using that password are compromised.
There goes my will to buy this game
you're on /vg/ if you didn't already have the game you wouldn't have been here
>anon thinks you need to own the game to know about the /vg/ thread
I saw some threads of it on /v/, but seeing it moved to /vg/ already made me curious about the game. for your context, I browse another /vg/ general
>he thinks its a single person harassing him by creating multiple personas and samefagging on 4chan
lmao, literally schizomoding
>there is a group of people who are posting explicitly to harass ME
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we shouldn't be on /vg/ at all, the game just got pushed off of /v/ for reasons that we'll never really know
There was just a patch, anyone know what changed?
What is the deal with Bluesky? I know people we heading to mastodon but that went quite after why the search function was altered
Anyone hosting?
this game doesn't have any anti-cheat or server based player management, and the ban function we do have is bypassed, I assume because it just uses steamID. All I can recommend is doing something to the room codes so they have to be manually typed in instead of copypasted, but we don't know if he's actually lurking in here or just has a bot trying every single server on the browser
Why is grincher so anti pup play ERP?
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It's all me faggot and you wont stop me
every single post in this general it's me
all the pictures all the art it's me
even the people your fishing with it's me and only me
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Yeah but you aren't invited
Aww alrighty, good luck on catches
We b Fishing
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I love Australian /b/ros
youre not white
>shitskins pretending to be "based zionists" now
If West made this game 10 dollars instead of 5 you monkies would have never been able to sell enough bottles to afford it and we'd never have to deal with this.
>Not getting the joke
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>hey mom im being an annoying faggot for no reason for the 10th time this week!
>no really thats the joke!
uh oh. lobotomite
So what's the current shit slinging about?
Wouldn't it be easier to use grubs, cheese and coffee beans to get them though? I don't know of any fish attracted to shit
Same thing it has been for the last two days, some obsessive creep can't stand being told no and so now he's bringing his shitposting to the thread
There hasn't been a new lobby since >>502663871 and that was seven hours ago, its not like you're bumping the thread otherwise so why would he stop
>There hasn't been a new lobby since
We are fishing right now.
Why sperg over such a simple relaxing game?
learn to ignore shit nigga
I don't know. Ask him, I don't have his brain full of moldy holes
I don't know who you think I am but this is my first post in a while, I just came to see if he calmed down yet
I don't think I'd like to ask him, you seem level headed though. Hopefully he'll smooth out eventually
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bumpan with this silly comix im workin on and probably would doodle some of your lil guys if you want in
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the last page later this week probs
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Now these, I like.
I look forward to the rest
kissing boys at pawprint point
Fucking kek
very cool
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>Yi Ye-Shu of the Hundred Years of Statecraft and Ban Chi-Chien the World’s Martial Art have their decennial meeting to discus the affairs of the martial world
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Very nice
>your lil guys if you want in
You want our webfishers for reference?
yep! taking some requests if you want before bed time at least
My sides, thank you anon!
i hope you put the detective in
i don't have a picture though
are Bob and Roy just two dudes you made up or are they a reference I'm sadly not recognizing?
Anyone hosting currently or is things shidded up?
come to WYOZAM
Rodger Rodger
basically just a couple of boomers i made up for the comics rather than anything from in-game as a joke
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If you don't mind, here's a cat for ya
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You can't make a pug/bully in the game right now so he's almost gotta be OC for the comic.

If you need an extra dog.
>thank goodness, someone who actually knows how to fish
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Here ya go!
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here's a ninja cat
i understand if they're a bit outlandish to be used
i can't even respond to the right person twice
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Staring with my large eyes at you
HRT abuse has messed up your brain.
Please don't use "faggot" as an insult, being gay is ok and using and homophobic slurs as an insult insinuates it isn't and are never okay just because you use them against bigots
the shopping bag bath water kills.
go back to /pol/ you've been at it for a week straight now, stop samefagging and leave us alone
not the same person and not samefagging, just fishin' and chillin'
Its literally just ONE FUCKING person ruining the thread and lobbies for everyone
I don't get why some people want to ruin something for everyone just because they can't enjoy themselves
now that! is me. as is >>502705432
He's a little slow
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Damn, this is really good. Throwing in my squirrel girl if there's still space.
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wouldn't mind, heres my dude
10/10 would molest
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Girls only bro
as Iron mike once said "I'll fuck you till you love me"
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5/12 Right now
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I couldn't post this screenshot yesterday because 4chan was dead.
Those of us who survived the grincher and his lackey thanks to our sheer fishing skill and the strength of our bond and because we blocked them. BLOCK GRINCHER AND FMAN ON SIGHT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?
10/10 would rest a beer between them.
getting late around here so here's the first few i had scribbled before bed. gonna do the rest tomorrow!
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already ahead of you
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this is what sleep deprivation does to a nigga
>drunken tomboy smell
hot diggity
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some high quality bait
not sure if you're still takin requests but here's mine :)
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i like a good smoker (tail optional)
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He's tired but he fishes on, 'til the break of dawn. Good stuff right there.
ayyy there's my sleepy lad
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throwing my hat into the ring, your stuff looks great
Amazing art. Thank you for taking the time to draw our Webfishing frens.
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the menace to webfishing society
drunk slut
Don't accept oreos from this guy.
any cum lobbies up?
Jihottie is no slut you faggot
You're annoying please stop joining the lobbies I go to
you've not seen the thong pics
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I love him. Thank you very much anon.
>What is the deal with Bluesky?
It's Twitter for liberals again.
The only reason it's gaining traction is because a large number of artists are migrating there, or are at least trying to.
The irony is that it's every bit as shit because it's still a thorn to download original images and videos, while solving none of the fucking problems of Twitter.
not to mention the prolific peds and shit
4/12 still open and lusting for more ;>
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This my lil fool, his names Hector
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Thats me!
what's the deal with Fman?
Grincher's friend.
jihottie wore a thong?
oh yeah and cage, shocked you missed the pics.
I wish I could put all waggers in a cage
'fraid I'm a touch too big for either cage depending on which one you're talking about.
My thp will never compete with Big Black Wolf Knot...
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Either an alt or a friend of his, I don't know. I went to his profile and he's level 0 so he's playing the game through family share. This is his friend list. That b11 guy was in the lobby yesterday too and some people said he looked a bit sketchy so he might be one of his friends too.
>My Thug Hero Party will never compete with Black Souls
GrinchGOD won
>*blocks u and ur followers*
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All alone in the dark
Fishin in the dark
darkness imprisoning me
fuck you no I don't
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Do not goon or I'll shoot!
I'm gooning rn
what is that, a tape holder?
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I like fishin too if you don't mind
I’ll be looking for you next Gehr bear~ <3
I want a boyfriend..
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Well look elsewhere. A gay bar perhaps. Good luck!
>boyfriend in a gay bar
NTA but you're a retard
Just walk up to some random player and spam K. If you want to seal the deal type /wag as well.
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Dead? It sent me to an empty lobby.
I had to go sorry
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I'm on the edge of my seat, and always up for being depicted in compromising situations
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New lobby!
No server found
owari da...
trash'ers went to their own thread, it's open now. fman is going by blank name now and is trying to crash people though. remember to block him
Remember to block fman, blank name, or grincher if you see em, they can't crash you if they're blocked
which means the crashing is something to do with text chat flooding lol
not quite sure if it's the mute or block that prevents it, i just do both to be safe.
I sent the perverts to you
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they tried to suck me off, take them back and keep em
I only have him blocked, no crashing, don't forget to report. He was VAC banned for a little while.
grincher lobby, any other lobbies?
they're all grincher lobbies. got to block him
still up, stay strong brothers
old code died
I hope you guys realize that everytime you join my lobby I'm literally mining your shit from here on out lmao
this bot has made me fucking hundreds of thousands off you stupid fucking furfags
Not my dogecoins!
I'll suck your dick if you give them back
everyone kill explorer.exe its a hack grincher just flew over my house
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Holy based anon, keep cooking this shit king
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back to doodling and here's what i got so far!
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that cat be giving me the side eye...
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he drank
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i just wanna fish for god's sake
I love him ty so much!! <3 <3 <3
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I got you
if we're all gonna keep begging for art i may as well toss my hat into the ring
regular map go fish
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I am almost out of freshwater alphas and I still have not caught the alpha voidfish
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too bad squirrel tails aren't in yet as far as i recall
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here's a big fish for ya
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size matters~
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i made a funni
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Am late?
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here's yer lil guy!
Wooow nigga that's nuts! Thank you so much, I love all your drawings!
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awww thank u, I love it <3
join lobby

anchoring >>502551635
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These two dweebs, pweez:
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I debated on where I wanted a cute drawing of my little chink dog or not but I'm giving in
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Please and thank you.
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i gotchu senpai
He dripped out, thank you!

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It's so cool thanks anon!
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beautiful trans woman on HHV62V
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compromising eh?
Any chance a new fisherman can get a doodle?
mm, fresh meat...
The game's comfy so far, but definitely something that you need to do with other people. I look forward to getting to know you all, but not in the /trash/ way.
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Race war.
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Proper Race War now.
Thanks! I'm really impressed by what you've posted so far
i think your art is really cool, thank you for posting
thank you but I'm not gay
Does that say kingdom after no homo?
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what a cute!
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man i feel ya
trying to replicate the drunk texts but nah just King
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>someone said this rod looks like cardboard
>i can't unsee it
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looks like there's spats so i drew em!
Cute! Thank ya kindly drawfren
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just in time
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late but willing to wait until you start again
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Such antics...
Love it anon, thanks for all this awesome art
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A very intense match.
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this general scares me is this a fairly accurate rep of what i'd see if I bought this game
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no. also this general is par the course for vg
You'd generally see highly horny people who don't get laid, people with high hedonistic tendencies (high amounts of masturbation, porn, and drug use, potentially junk food/over eating till obesity/fatness), and a high bias towards progressive/leftist ideology
You also see a lot of children/teens pretending to be "of age" and people who flirt with them
Lot of people into anime and furries, high amounts of trans-lesbians, non-transitioning ftms, its basically /tttt/ /lgbt/ if you ever go to that board thats basically the people you'll find with maybe a handful of normal people
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very best dweeb hugs!
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artist anon, what the HELL is your tag, i command you to tell me now.
Omg this is amazing thank you I LOVE IT AAAAAAAAA
I regret not asking for a pair. Maybe next time
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thar ya go!
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aaaand here's the last boye!

glad all of you gave me a chance to doodle your lil guys and appreciate love you guys gave em~
Is that a dead body?
see >>502784358
Thank you!
look up bolloxtothat on tumblr and you'll find me heh
Thanks anon, bless. Great art!!
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He's just sleeping.
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The snoozer
How do you lie down like that? Mod?
ayyyy lovely drawing man, arigato!
I too wish to know
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Art anon is an absolute power house, drawing so many cute cats and dogs
>Images taken seconds before disaster.
/vg/ turning into /trash/ well done faggots
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>Everyone blaming the irish man for fucking up lobbies
>Dev is still radio silent
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Here we go again
Surely there's a sizable overlap between the two wether we wish to acknowledge it or not similar to /v/'s splat threads and Inkgen
Why aren't people pressing the dev harder I know this is a fiver game but hot damn it'd be nice to see some QOLs/content and that spot near the pier get tweaked, I keep landing on the trashcan.
Sick as hell drawing man, thank you so much for the art, it's great
>server crashed
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Holy moly
I want to learn the timing for placing furniture on the water
Awesome Thank you!
servers full or dead
born to fish and press the meow meow button
forced to wageslave
I keep making the mistake of going to /trash/ in the hopes that I see straight shit. I am always disappointed. I hate it.
i am going encase your creature in a block of ice
watch what happens when i cast a rod i don't know
Well why not bait women into there?
literally how
Idk find deg women from other boards?
with hot chips and lies
I dont want any women in my thread or my lobby
Ok actually the red dog and her white dog gf are pretty cool they are welcome :)
servers getting ddossed
Really? Shit
why is grincher doing this bros what does he gain by making a game developed by 1 person unplayable
autism can cause people to attach emotional significance to insignificant things
he likely doesn't have much control over his own life, or doesn't feel that he has control
so he tries to force a community to accept him, regardless of whether or not he ruins his own experience in the process
it's the same thing as having a thread melty that can't stop derailing if someone posts about their least favorite thing
What servers? It's all steamnet code & p2p
I'm just as tired as a Ragdoll, then I fall down.
Pretty sure the only straights on /trash/ are in the caption threads and the various flavors of HMOAF.
I keep saying this but my theory is he is a shitty game dev that lost a game jam or something and is super mad that this game won because he thinks his shitty indie game is better
Easier said than done, but I guess I can bug the gulls in /cgl/.

If only old twitter memes were real...
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Girl Club: Fall Fishing Edition

*You must have the Fall Fishing map installed*

Grincher Grincher go away come again some other day!!!
Some buddies might have been fishing for a while, but we respect the hustle all the same. Just don't stand downwind of them.

Where do I get the Fall Fishing map?
Worth a shot just send a gift explosion of the game and point them to this thread
If you have Hook Line and Sinker mod manager it's in the mod list. I'm testing to see if Grincher can join lobbies with lesser used custom maps. So far there are grinchers or fman or any bots.
lawl I meant to say there are NO grinchers etc etc... knock on wood
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Would you survive on DOG ISLAND???
I could take them
In a fight, right?
Autism makes people do the dumbest shit.
Doubly so when it's a sperg with the mindset of a 2006 era /b/tard.
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Both threads seem dead RIP
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>dark and rainy all day today
yep, it's fishin weather
lucky, sunny weather where i am
that looks sick, you're a legend mate!
rip fall lobby
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I would like to apologize for my offensive statements about the dogs, pls let me back in
Hop in, the water's fine
fall server died
sorry buddy we all jumped in HFRVG3
Hi friends sorry the fall server died :( idk what happened cuz I was afk. Did anyone see any grinchers? Maybe being idle killed it for some reason..
rip. closed lobby then
lotta notifications about sending too many packets, might be something to do with the map
How hard is hosting a lobby on your PC? I don't mind opening something for a bit.
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It takes more effort to join a lobby than it does to host one
it's been decided by popular vote: tate is the cutest boy in the whole wide world
tater tots
Wrong. It's actually my boyfriend :)
If I knew it was about cuteness I would've voted differently
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Girl Club lobby is back up. Same code as in picrel
None of this happens in the \vg\ lobbies
Wait wut, how do you get custom codes?
What mod? Can you expand the player count too?
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Infiltrating the girls club, will report findings
There's a boy in here
are there "normal" servers I'm taking the claims that most servers are gooners/degens with a grain of salt
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Thanks to everyone who showed up!
Only a few people who were in my lobby are degens as far as I know, and they behaved themselves
Like 99% of lobbies posted here are normal. It's just anons talking about random shit while fishing.
The gooners are on /trash/
gooners are all over here, they just keep their power level hidden. but i know
im asking about normal servers
Is the hacker thing resolve?
This game doesn't have servers per se, it's all just lobbies/rooms. Someone hosts a lobby, posts the code here and we join. When the host has to leave then someone else makes another lobby and so on.
that's what I mean, normal pleb servers I could find on the server browser or however this works
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>pls don't talk mean about the jews or trans people, pls

I only join /vg/ lobbies so I don't know. I'm guessing that a lot of public lobbies are completely normal, just don't join ones called shit like "TRANS FURRY ERP HEAVEN" and you'll probably be fine.
Ngl whiskers only barely work with cats
Anyone up?
Never was an issue if you block the hacker first thing when he joins, it's just two of them
I'm up jorkin it, & by it well I mean my fish
Hell yeah
Any way to do it without going in-game?
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The "hacker" is just running a script that allows him to join many lobbies at once, including private lobbies because the game just generates a random code for the host instead of letting you choose a custom password or something. Once there he just scraps for IP addresses to try and blackmail tech illiterate people who think someone having your IP is a big deal, and sometimes crashes people's games. This is easily solved by blocking him from the player list tab. That's basically the extent of this "hacker" problem.
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just finished the whole fishing journal boys
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lord of the lake... i kneel...
Congrats! That alpha hunt is killing me.
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He set up a whole murder mystery for Mr Detective and is a swell guy
Just bought the game, how to play?
any comfy lobbies?
you press K when facing other players
just enter a private server, there will be a tutorial
nice nice!
i like to see more alpha rod owners around these parts even though it makes my own alpha rod slightly less special but thats fine by me
congratulations anon
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Come fishing, white man
>lobby will only be up for 10 more minutes, mommy says a growing boy needs his nappies
>autism can cause people to attach emotional significance to insignificant things
just like this game take some meds anon
we were doing so good with no schizos today. how many weeks until he gets tired? does he even realize the person he's so butthurt at hasn't been seen in like a week? who are you still screaming at my nigga?
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He still thinks I'm the samefag as last time
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>left the game
>left the game
grincher trying this hard to scrape ips what a dumb nigger
lol he got his little red ass beat
I want these so bad, but I promised myself I wouldn't use any mods until I at least fill my journal out to radiant...
you gotta be 18 to post on 4chan
>Censor name
>Ask people to join your lobby
Nigga I'm buying the car why do you have your finger over the license plate? It's public info
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Still going btw
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JunkoKitty HAS A GF??? this is troubling news
literally who
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[K key]
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hi :)
hiya hi hiya ^~^
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>>Dev got hacked kek
I'm out of the loop, explain please?
>/v/ dead
>/vg/ is just two fags sucking their own dick
Most early-day peeps have each other added now and don't need to advertise lobbies anymore. Everyone knew it'd die down a little eventually.
Dev's bootleg Twitter (bluesky) got hacked and assumedly the dude used same password across the board.
based retard
i would never do that
Eh everyone is guilty of it to an extent, hence why it's the easiest cyber security flaw similar to using names/dates involving yourself or loved ones
>Grincher joins
>game instantly crashes
What a nigger.
POV: You showed her your alpha leed
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>lobby crashes while im playing banjo tooie
>rejoin my own lobby with code after re-opening game
>pic related
lol what a faggot, I'll host again tomorrow bros
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Didn't take many screenshots today but I'll post this catch because I'm glad I don't have to worry about these fucking bones anymore.
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Its over... hopefully ill catch you tomorah
Why doesn't someone just trace his bullshit back to him?
One of them did directly mention these particular threads
Why don't you do it then faggot
I'm no hackman just a simple retard who enjoys virtual fishing.
I really wish they added more colors to the basic trench, I wanna go for a military look or perhaps a captain but working within the bounds of vanilla is very binding
Then go email that faggot West might as well send him a envelope with his address that's public online
I just bought the game because of this but the goon lobbies are very boring.
Gooning is boring
Kissing competitions are way more fun, I win those
Just fish in goon lobbies until they add a gooner content update which justifies further the 18+ filter
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Ham Nugg has it down
This game is extremely gay and quite furry.
What led you to that conclusion anon?
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New Lobby!
>grincher wants to stop these lovely people from enjoying their babyfur game
Lovely? Awe such a sweetheart
Still up? Might join in a few if I get my shit caked in dead cells again
Yup, we fishing!
Yup. On my way I'm having shit luck and skill
Lobby died :(
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Fishing on the boat in fall.
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>dev dead silent
>grincher fucking up lobbies
>might ask steam for a refund
dumb frogposter
It sucks anon. I know. And we got banished to /vg/ too. Grim. I still stick around for the art and some anons though so don't give up hope yet.
Just block all grinchers
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You can always play solo for a while, it's a comfy grind. Speaking of though, fuck this bone. I've literally only ever caught 2 in my weeks of fishing, even with a Magnet Lure, and this is the result. This fuckign thing is blocking me from getting any of the Journal rods, it's maddening.
What's up with this grincher guy? I've seen him.
don't be a nigger, its a game made by one guy thats been out for more than a month, let the guy have his $5, its literally cheaper than lunch.
Remember tf2 bot hosters? It's basically that
I sure do love fishing with my bros
why ban?
Thought you were a bot lmao
how often does a bot call you a gay nigga
sorry for your pain
I'm floundering with figuring out hook line and sinker, afraid my patience is a bit shit at the moment, as for whoever joins these wonderful fuckers I wish nothing but the best catches for thee
Bots are incapable of saying nigger or being directly insultive like that because most language models are built with major bias towards being progressive, if someone is saying racial slurs/being homophobic/transphobic its most likely not a bot

In short, you ban people cuz ur feelings got hurt like a fag
Retoasted and chillin
The cozy 3
You're confusing AI with a bot program
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Trannies should never reproduce
You mean recruit right? I mean the drugs fixes that issue
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Name a more cozy spot in the game: pro tip (you can't)
are those two okay
How much $ to get this turned into a drawing?
A giant jersey Mike sammich
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The jam build oozes way more soul than the full release it's unreal
Does look nice especially that single plank bridge makes me think of exploring the woods in the sticks.
Anyone hosting the thread seems a bit still
we are in a modded map
Bones are the worst. For some reason they seem rarer than even diamonds.
>host lobby
>get some people in
>it turns into yet another trauma dumping session
Sigh. Even when I ask politely that we keep things light, half the lobby just leaves. Oh well ig
I definitely prefer listening to the distant wet slaps of of homosexual erp.
We'll come back around to just fishin in a few weeks dont worry
Why do you keep posting the same chat log from another lobby?
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Killing time until stalker 2 downloads
>mfw 145GB
don't forget the compiling shaders once you launce
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seeing everyone just slowly vanish along with all their stuff is scary
didn't help i was the last one for some reason
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well thanks for fishing everynyan
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ok i'll host

Here we go again, BasedThickSkinChad1488 got kicked out a lobby for being a faggot so say goodbye to the thread for the next three days. Just like >>502964875 said you’re so low iq and so annoying that you come off as an actual chatbot. Will you learn something from this? Probably not. Try harder to be human and other humans will actually want to keep you around you filthy sub-saharan skinwalker.
>please sit and fish quietly in our social game, my autism makes it hard to feel included >w<
You can leave too.
I love braces cat trying to blend in but being too cute to do it successfully
>if you don't want trauma blogposting, you just want to not talk at all
Nobody here cares about you anon. They'll jack off to you at best
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Dah big cheese
nobody said anything about sitting quietly. I'm fine with conversation, it's just unfair to expect random people to play the role of your therapist when they're just trying to chill.
this bitch actually felt called out about doom blog posting on an animal crossing ERPing game in a mongolian throatsinging anonymous board and impotently seethed that non-blog posters are all autists that should fuck off
impressively pathetic
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the skybox mod sure does change the atmosphere
cheesed to please you
how do i get
hook line & sinker
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we b fishing

that guy on the left ... looks like he solves crimes
that guy on the right ... looks like he catches fish
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The Bridge Gang has fallen.
Too bad the doodoo head didn't fix the seams in the original low poly skybox & for some reason got rid of any lighting so even in day the whole map is shrouded in dim lighting.
>made it in the screencap despite immediately abandoning my post for the other bridge
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Rare detective open mouth sighting
you can't be a hardened gumshoe all the time, sometimes you have to let the silly little guy inside you loose
Reckon we could get a tutorial added to the threads for how to operate HLS? I'll admit I'm a bit too retarded to figure it out on my own just by tinkering (not to mention I wanna know EXACTLY what'll trip antivirus) I click one fucking thing and my notifications pile up as I figure out what's going on
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step 1. download it from https://thunderstore.io/c/webfishing/p/Pyoid/Hook_Line_and_Sinker/
step 2. run the installer
step 3. you're done
why does the 18+ filter not work
it's on purpose
small gay indie dev
The GDweave seems to be it's own host of mess though since some mods require it according to the launcher
HLS can also install GDweave under the HLS setup (or at least i think it can? it can update it, but it might not be able to install it last i remember, but that was a while ago)
I'll have to look through later and troubleshoot on here if I run into any further complications (me being a dumb fuck)
HLS setup tab*
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>someone sent me a ring
>from null
guess I'll never know
The void loves you, will you love back?
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Who's the cute one?
they are all cute
that's me
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That's the detective!
who's the ringman detective?
lobby now
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>they seem rarer than even diamonds
Tell me about it. I just caught a radiant bone and I don't know if I should be mad or not. Even with Nautilus Bait and Magnet Lure, what the heck are the chances of them perfectly skirting the 3 qualities I need to complete my Shining, Glistening, and Opulent journals?
That's rough, but also you're kinda lucky in that you got two of the harder ones already. Now you probably want to use squid bait to maximize your chance of finding the three tiers you're missing.
eepy thread...
Don't die on me
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New retard to watch out for
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who hosting??
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Blocked him just in time, lmao.

I was about to get off anyways i guess
just wish i could've said goodbye to my fisher frens
Lobby still up, btw. You might need to wait a bit before it reconnects you.
grincher dethroned
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Hosting unlimited rain lobby for farming those leeds
>been sitting on loading since d/cing
its over.......
Stand by... we're working on it.
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Why don't we all just report Grincher for hosting CP/illegal content? That will surely get the Steam mods to actually get off their asses when a good chunk of people start sending reports about something that they are actually forced to care about.

A late night lobby for late night people.
Leading this up overnight while I'm afk fishing
>CP/illegal content
got proof faggot?
>get the Steam mods to actually get off their asses
Tell the faggot dev to fix his game rather than putting the blame on steam retard
high level jannies tend to get butthurt when you use the illegal report options for dumb shit
will doodle a fisher poorly
Please draw my cool fisher cat, no picture sorry but please match the astral vibrations of my heart to be bestowed his visage.
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the drinker
>Have to woof down mandatory big Mac or else the game bricks
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i didn't get any cat vibes from you
maybe check your astral viberation transmitter

join us for some pier fishin
>desync server crashed
Well it was fun while it lasted.
Yeah power outage. Sorry.
No way thats a real code
it is, grinchnigger aint here so hop in

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