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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site


>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass

>Running Events Earth Shield



>Test Server Date

>Enlisted is 4 years old! (Event)

>BRI can no longer match with BRIII


>Update "Guerrilla Warfare"

Defeat: >>501918330
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Byzantine Husky is easily the best console player I have seen in Ensharted. I am gonna watch his replays to see how he plays and what is going on, I have never seen a console player score this much without spamming grenades before. Compare my team's console players to their team's. Also, has anybody else had issues finding replays lately? It feels like when I search names I get fewer results nowadays. Yeah, I was refreshing the catalogue until this appeared so I could post.
enlisted... is DEAD
Never seen it before but looks like a budnle of low tier premiums. A soviet tanker squad, Orita M1941?, Sten Mark 3, Type 100 paratrooper, reminds me of the old premium one where you'd get the Beretta M1918/PPT-27 for Moscow, Mosin M44L/Lebel 1886 for Berlin, M19/41/A13 (1939) for Tunisia and MP18/M3 Field Mod for Normandy aswell as some premium time
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I have no idea what to do with my 8x Thompson .30 cals so I gave six of them to my guerillas. My Ass squad has 2x Lanchester 50s and 2x Thompson .30s. I feel overstocked on BR III meta guns for the US.
The Lanchester 50 makes more sense with the Guerillas.
It does, so I might chuck two on the gorilla squad, but I also kinda like having the variety in my Ass squad of two kinds of SMGs.
Giving us yet another 30 cal Thompson in the birthday event is a very uninspired choice on the part of the devs
I get why they do it, because it's a really strong weapon for new players to take into BR III and even top tier. It's boring as sin but eh, I like the other rewards. 5 katanas will be nice, even if it's pointless, since it means I will never have to actually buy a katana when I have other options.
>How would you compile a fun BR1 line up?
low rank Eyetie gear is about as fun as it gets, I'm a Type 38fag for life but the entire Carcano family is an absolute blast. As several people said last thread, the M38A is also damn good for what it is, so that's your SMG pick accounted for. The M14/41 tank doesn't have a fantastic main gun, but you also get a ton of MGs pointing forward, especially when the commander pops out of the top hatch and starts firing his
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>Teammates accuse Fox_PL of cheating after we beat his team
>He somehow knows exactly where our rallies are every time so they kinda have a point
>Decide to watch one of his matches
>He's not particularly remarkable
>Does nothing suspicious
At one point he sniped an enemy plane outside of render distance/aim assist distance but that could just be skill. I know he's a very prominent player and decent at the game so I am gonna say he's not cheating, just autistic. I assume most players who are prominent are probably using some kinda toggled ESP (lol if you think this isn't the case in EVERY popular FPS lmao), that goes without saying, though Fox_PL doesn't really do anything that suggests that.
the farquad feels even better with the dismemberment. I hope they never change it. I would like to see more 303 guns in general
It's just silly. Dismemberment should work on an overkill system if it is gonna stay for regular guns. Dealing like 12 more damage than you need to kill someone should blow the damaged limb off, maybe.
well, I imagine that's what's already happening
sure take it off the others but leave it on the rail gun is all im saying
I have blown limbs off with .45 and even 7.62 Tokarev. It's very silly.

Machine guns and very powerful rifles should probably do it, but it's a bit dumb that a .303 can blow a limb off regardless.
I imagine it's post-death damage, damage taken after they die probably just gets converted to gib city
Are you talking about yourself? I’ve literally never heard of him and I’m the best player in the game.
No, I'm HuxBox, Fox_PL is some Polish fag I have seen around quite a bit. I find cheaters and cheating accusations fascinating.
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seems to be doing fine
/enlg/ is going really slow though, for whatever reason
Yeah, especially when we just got leaks.
of all the major calibers .303 had the best anti-personnel terminal ballistic profile for a number of reasons, as projectiles in other calibers like 8mm with hotter loadings were more likely to through and through (icepick) than yaw and tumble when hitting flesh

really in the right circumstances though any full bore weapon can blow off a limb, but it is far too frequent and is obviously just a bug atm
this general always dies down on the weekends, while the rest of this hellboard gets more traffic
I do genuinely hope the bug stays in
it's funny
BRIV > all
oh look its another cuxbox op
>I was refreshing the catalogue until this appeared so I could post
why go on the internet and tell lies to the half dozen people who you swap kiddy porn with in your discord channel
BR3 is cool when you're not on a team of mostly BR3 players against a team of mostly BR5 players
hot new take from ya boy PD
These people treat Enlisted like Hell Let Loose lol, that being said adding a unit that can essentially sit in your spawn was already a bad idea, giving them more options to ruin your match is even worse.
Does he play any game besides enlisted?
Probably, but it's not a great idea to pivot your youtube career away from your "thing."
Anon-sama, the silly Z KV isn't mine. I haven't made an OP for /enlg/ in ages.
Imagine assault engineers but with an AT gunner and a radio man
Imagine not having MKb 35s to make a nightmare Ass Engineer squad for BR II...
They didn't make any sense at the time when I could get G43Ks instead ;(
Bob Semple
no one has enough to outfit the full squad anyway
I kinda wanna get an LAD. Dunno why. I'll see what the next BP holds first.
it's alright
basically a slower condors with worse sights and 50 more rounds
arguably on par if you count the 50 extra rounds but it's like 30% slower so it's better for medium range plinking rather than clearing rooms
So are the APCs worth it?
Depends on your idea of "worth it," but in general APC squads offer some great utility.
I'd wait for them to go on sale. You just missed the game anniversary sale but they will go on sale again for Christmas.
Truck squads are basically mandatory because having two spawn points up at once is invaluable. The premium APCs are... fine. You mostly get them just to have an extra APC available for lineups.
I wonder if it was intentional, or if it was due to Earth Shield event, where they wanted to have some more visceral reactions to guns from the Motivated
It's due to /vg/ being infested by gacha threads.
A bunch of slower generals can no longer survive here.
Just give the rest Pavesis
I expect some bullshit Christmas or Anniversary event that will get us a single old BP weapon and I don't know what I would get assuming the previous limits don't apply.
I meant the premium ones. Do they actually have value as support fire or do you just shove them in a corner like a normal truck?

I just unlocked my first truck and it's great. I find that they stay alive a lot longer then normal rally points so far. I assume that's because they don't have the beeping that gives them away?
>hop into chaffee-chan my beloved
>A13 keeps bumping into me
>suddenly my gun goes completely straight up
well, I guess I'm an M19 now
If you are using them for support fire, you're drawing attention to them from tanks, so you mostly stuff them in a corner.
So the premiums are not worth it then when compared to the trucks.
Generally. The German one is actually smaller than their progression one which is also a half track so it is arguably easier to hide.
Giving rifles to an assault engineer squad is stupid. Hopefully some weapons don't come back, too. Things like the Mkb 35 and RMN don't need more presence in the game and oldfags deserve some FOMO if nothing else.
Only one that works is the M3. The LVT sort of works but jap AT will kill you if you make too much noise.
The MG42 overheats too quickly and has shit traverse. The Type 97 is fine but does no damage and reloads too slowly.
I simply use the gun to get free kills or suppress a sniper. I try not to make too much noise so the enemy don't find the apc.
Because only the Puma and Sdkfz251 have an MG 42 when I hear it's distinct sound at BR2 I go truck hunting. Even more so for the M2 against soviets since the other possible source is a BR5 premium tank
The HoHa and LVT are more inconspicuous because of the omni presence of those guns.
I think I realized why I didn’t have a 5th artillery Luger. I thought it was available in 5 campaigns, but then I realized that Stalingrad had an overly “serious” tone so they never made the artillery Luger available there.
If you can get them half off they are worth having just to have more APCs available for more lineups. The premium APCs are also harder to kill and can sometimes eat heaps of Panzerfaust shots and such. They die just as easily to explosive packs and such thoughever.
Ho ha would be more interesting if the gun shield and scope actually worked
Stalingrad was how the game was meant to be.
I've noticed that the regular ones are weirdly hard to kill anyways.

I think they're also more likely to be mistaken for the broken down trucks that litter most maps.
They also haul ass.
You can't do this in a halftrack https://litter.catbox.moe/ftmhon.mp4
now, don't get me wrong
I understand having the need for a lot of AP shells
but does the chaffee really need that many AP shells
Someone has to stop Rommel's panzer 2 division
but the M24s wouldn't arrive in europe until a month after rommel's death
Target Washington!
Seriously, Nippon guerilla event squad when ?
Is it possible to have multiple line-ups active at the same time, in the same nation e.g:

>One line-up at BRII
>One line-up at BRV
>The game randomises which BR you'll get placed in

If not, do you think this would be worth, if possible, to implement?
I wouldn't mind such a system, but I doubt they'd be able to untangle the spaghetti to make it work.
Yes absolutely
The additional armour is just better and having the ability to use a weapon while driving is fun.
Japan is the redheaded step-child of Enlisted.
But going by the reactions of the pony fetishist on the forum, I'd say they have something bigger lined up. I do wish ee got some sort of cqc maps.
Japan feels like it would dominate in that regard.
Stummel, my beloved.
>Been sitting on some pre-merge twitch tokens, for almost 2 years now

I am holding, so when they inevitably remember them, and add some guns that can only be bought via them you niggers will be left in the dust by my superior capital.

Seriously, they seem to have forgotten about a ton of minor mechanics
>I'd say they have something bigger lined up
>I do wish ee got some sort of cqc maps.
Oh, just you wait
Stalingrad also had arty gluggers. I think Tunisia didn't because they had the Beretta.
Vehicle decorators are pretty steep in costs.
I don't think I've seen more than a handful of people use them
I was playing around right now, at first my decal was bigger than usual. Then I decreased the size, and now its back to standard. I wonder if it's replicable, to get some oversized decals on your vehicles
>this general always dies down on the weekends, while the rest of this hellboard gets more traffic
Why is that?
Guerillas kind of suck. You don't really have a good opportunity to play them on defense because if you aren't on the point then the enemy will just cap it and advance. On offense, the defenders generally will catch your squad unless you do a wide flank. At which point you're just giving up the battlefield to the enemy. The large enemy spawn zones also negate your ability to maneuver in the grayzone anyway. Tanks, apcs, and rallies can sit in the enemy spawn zone and you can't do anything about it. You can treat guerilla squads as an assaulter squad except it doesn't have other specialists and has fewer squad members than assaulter squads. Premium guerillas accordingly don't make as much experience because the game rewards kills on the capture point and penalizes everything else. Larger squads make more experience than smaller squads. Sure, it's fun to TNT an enemy APC or rally point when you can sneak behind enemy lines and not get blocked by the spawn zone. But otherwise, they've felt like a letdown.
It is, but if I tell you how they might fix it
Everyone’s out getting laid
>infested by gacha threads
Weebcels ruin everything
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>So the premiums are not worth it then when compared to the trucks.
The whole point of premium squads are to farm bonus experience and silver.
If you don't want bonus experience and silver, stick to using tech tree and event squads. If you want bonus experience and silver, buy the premium squads.
This is fortune. Normies use Plebbit and X
I'd argue they are most powerful on defense in the very first minute. But it's a big gamble. If you spawn your full spec on the cap and charge into the enemy line you can get away with killing all their rally builders and squads in one swift move.
Problem being the game can cuck you and spawn you far back and you will have no rallies for your 2nd spawn.
LAD is fun. If you put a large ammo pack on your LAD user, you can make an assaulter into a makeshift machinegunner with two 150-round drum mags with the downside being low SMG damage. Just make sure to thrown down an ammo crate nearby. I might get some more but the Shpitalniy is fun to use too and I might get more of those.
There was a sped who argued they were OP but the only reason I bought mine was to free trucks from BR2 Line ups and put them in BR 5 Line ups.
>It's very silly
It is. But the gore and carnage is very satisfying. Kind of like the headshot sound that makes headshots satisfying.
This would be a great idea. Extending soldier presets to line-up presets. Then being able to check each line-up across the battle ratings that you want to include in matchmaking at any time. It would help matchmaking with forming balanced teams as needed.
I thought I'd might have been due to the foliage decorators, but I couldn't replicate it.

Might only work once, on every start up.
>If you don't want bonus experience and silver, stick to using tech tree and event squads. If you want bonus experience and silver, buy the premium squads.
Also the possibility of filling capabilities gaps in your lineup(s), in theory. The Polish BAR squad for the Germans gives them a semi-powerful squad of assault MGs that they generally lack outside of premium and gold options, for instance.
the himeyuri student corps are coming, don't worry
I feel like Darkflow really wants people playing BR IV for the sake of the matchmaker.
Nope, there is another way. That’s why my Z in the OP is huge
I genuinely didn't do much, I just browsed the foliage, the dolls, helmets, instruments, guns. Not even clicking on much.

Then I browsed the decals, saw that I had a new one from the event, and didn't notice that it was oversized.

It's probably very easily replicable, If I could shove some huge decals on it, I might even splooge a bit of gold
you are just using them wrong, wide flanks are unnecessary most of the time when you can just play the point clear and push off it into the buildings where the enemies rallies are, clear those, and then defend the point from that position. guerillas being greyzone capable means you dont have to constantly flit back and forth to reset the greyzone death timer like you have to when you play like this with normal infantry. they are on par with APCs and paras in terms of the flexibility they can add to a line up. I frequently use them as an objective QRF squad because of their speed, full ammo, and double weapons. the only reason not to use them especially at BR2 is if you insist on playing the game with minimal slots for some reason
I wish we could paste american flags everywhere on our tanks
used to do it all the time in war thunder, just an american flag t-50 zipping across one of 3 maps available
the FN BAR does this better anyway, the post you are replying to is just gospel
dumb idea
heads should be gib-able too, at least with AT rifles or similar
earth shield was fun the first few times
I dunno about the next 400 though
Earth Shield was not even fun the first time
The gun list made it more boring than the Motivated.
Getting something so shit like the PTRS or so good like the Mondragon made it more fun even if the game play was the same on the same map.
totally disagree, utilizing the whole map is both more interesting and makes you less dependent on your retarded teammates, the list of guns is fine
are you trying to be super wrong?
I think utilizing the whole map is a pretty neat choice because it forces you to explore some of the less-traveled areas of the maps and allows you to appreciate it
crazy that they couldn't just place caps in those lesser traveled areas instead!!
type 30
you would have to have genuine brain damage to think the trench from the first event is better than the 4 maps this time around
The first event was fun. It was classic nazi zombies round survival.
In this one the event quickly becomes boring and repetitive, it's generally pretty easy, and was just something you had to grind out for some items at the end. More map diversity was nice, but overall the event just wasn't that fun.
all of that is just as well since you needed like 10 games vs 100 to get the rewards from the first and second events anyway. the different maps kept it fun for like a week vs. just a weekend with the first one. anyone who wants these events to be a permanent mode should just go and play any of the dozens of better co-op shooters rather than siphoning development time off the base game. its a fun novelty like the april fools events and there is no need to take it any further than putting the assets in the mod tools or whatever
Why the hell are there Chinese on the EU server?
the same reason they're in US servers
they're filthy parasites that thrive on ruining things for everyone else
The gun variety just sucks, having 5 starter guns just being submachine guns and one shotgun. One sub just being no fun to use, then the randomised weapon drops, tends to leave a sour taste in your mouth, all due to rng.

Instead of just being reskins of TT guns, they should have gone all out with whatever guns that genuinely have no place in the game.

The moonbase event had some unique guns, could have added those for varietys' sake.

I enjoyed the event, though I can see why people would not bother. I simply wanted another engineer squad, so I chewed through it.
I actually enjoy tractor plant conquest
I like conquest in general.
played Merc66 for the first time yesterday (along with one of his U45N troon friend)
guy is either a cheater or leaps and bounds better than anyone else
the two of them absolutely steamrolled our team and they both ended the very short match with 90 or so kills and 2 or 3 deaths while their third place teammate had something like 15
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Merc66 is a confirmed cheater, and definitely cheated at one point. If he still cheats, we do not know.
The bot can see through the bush you braindead subhuman retard. Why do you feel the need to defend something objectively faulty? Why are you like this? Just kill yourself.
It used to be worse, to be fair. That's no excuse but it was far, far worse in Ye Olden Times. The Pacific was a nightmare.
No. Didn't you read his post? It's completely fine. It was actually my fault for not assuming that bots can see through foliage. The game has no problems and no one should say otherwise or even provide video evidence to the contrary.
Stop posting here. Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
Bots can also "hear", it's not just sight.
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The guys in second and third legitimately had no excuse to not be building rallies. Redesordem had the Panzer III E unlocked. That guy with one Engineer score got it right at the end, I don't think it was from a rally, I think he built an ammo box. My team only really won because I had two rallies up at any given time, otherwise we woulda had no pressure.
>Guy runs around the cornet.
>I drop dead well before he starts shooting

The latency in this game is sometimes an absolute bitch.
>Shoot a guy 3-4 times before he shoots me
>I die
Shikata ga nai. I have to assume that if my ping were better, I'd be an unstoppable God since I already top scoreboards as is.
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I want more bolt-action rifles
give us berthiers and lebels and KNIL carbeans and chang type 81s and finn nuggers and 8mm meowser nuggers and those fucked up hanyangs slapped into arisaka stocks
You'll have plenty of jury rigged shit when we get China next month
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my time has come
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>He doesn't have the Lebels or Berthiers
If they rush out a Manchuria campaign, Chinese units will probably be Soviet premiums. Not their own faction. I would totally buy them. I am a sucker.
Nah, they admitted it wasn't even in the pipeline, which means the next big thing isn't Manchuria.
China as a faction would be wacky as fuck and a total mishmash of garbage.
I know, it would be so much fun!
>they take all these prem squads out because they will be redundant sooner or later
>nothing added in TT
>AS-44 model 5 exists twice solely because one is a para squad
>can equip event paras with AS-44 model 5s

darkflow pls
the premium ass4 is a shitty assault squad
it'd be an interesting one
33% kraut mausers, both pistol and rifle, 33% slavshit, and 33% captured/copied/stolen jap shit

then an extra 33% of chinese homebrew shit consisting of weird 7.62x25 tok thompsons, the horrifying chinese warlord pistols, and 3 trillion different flavors of mauser 98
Also lend lease shit
that's the model 4 I think
they get model 5s on their prem paras

not like anyone even uses the TT model 5 anyway, should've stayed a premium
The AS-44 is a gun for hedging your bets. It's better than the Fedorov against Vitality, and worse against non-Vitality. It's like using the RD-44 over the Maxim-Tokarev.
More targets for Japan.
Assuming of course this isn't the Korean war update.
Btw does the game have chink localisation?
They started work on Manchu in late August and it takes them at least 4 months to make a map. That with pre existing resources. If they prioritise it I still don't think it will arrive before spring next year. I think that will get us the Jap assault rifle and maybe the O-I maybe even a Type 5 AT with sights.
URSS vs Japan "event" is totally is the pipes.
Next campaign may be related to the "Polish Barn" asset.
what about the shpitalny
>Another late was eastern europe slop like Rzhev
if lvov-sandomierz/bagration is the next map addition imagine the seething lol. ostfront chads eating good if true
battle of schoenfeld
horses soon
It's fun but it is the only SMG with a movement penalty. Basically just an obese PPS-43. Great for holding hallways and doorways with trigger time, just like the LAD.
rzhev was concurrent with stalingrad and thus is decidedly not "late war"
everything else that happened in WW2 was a footnote to the fighting in EE anyway
so its better for vit or non vit then
I feel bad for all the chumps who maxed out going for 30 thompsons instead of warmods and now have more 30 thompsons than they can ever use and no warmods
I've got an assaulter squad with 4 of them, an LMG squad that has another one, 5 frogs that need SMGs, and an assaulter and driver for my APC
And if I wanted I could just consolidate them into a second assaulter squad, which would be the most tryhard use of them with assaulter 4 reload speed
>Can add cool shit like Sevastopol or Budapest or Caucasus
>Get total slop like M*sc*w and Rzh*v
>Buck broken ost tard tries to talk about how important eastern slop is when Rzh*v was pointless
Il take even the Belarusian marshes over another coverless garbage village with no name and no importance
Non-Vit, but that's true of all SMGs. Soviet SMGs only typically have 6.7 damage, which means that they can't even two shot Vit users at point blank, unlike 9mm SMGs that have 6.8. This is all super theorybrained and in reality doesn't matter that much.
I have three or four Warmods and only use two of them since, in reality, the Armaguerra and Mannlicher are more practical options. The Armaguerra is so fucking good on Radiomen. The Warmod is great for long range but the low rate of fire makes it not particularly amazing at close range or in a pinch.
I got 2 in a flame squad
2 in an apc
5 in a ass squad
1 on a spare medic
I don't know what to do with the extra. Maybe hold out for US paras with changeable weapons
What if it's early war, like Bagration june 41 ? Maybe Brest fortress battle.
nah it's just gonna be an event with a special soldier for USSR, a certain NKVD officer with a suitcase full of .25acp walthers
Not funny, don't give them any ideas
I fought against him one match. He was outside a building and I was inside. He tunnel visioned too hard on my AI through the wall so I jumped out a window to shoot him from the side lol.
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Is it so fucking hard to put a "Time until event stage refresh" notification in the main menu or the event window?
They have it for mini-events. They need to add it for main events.
I just had my best engineer round ever. I turned the defensive point into a real bunker, had AA placements in the back to nick planes and funneled the enemies into kill lines.
>Plat low tier Nippon
>Forget to bring a sniper squad or radio squad with a sniper
... fuck.
You get +100 points for a successful aircraft landing. Retracting your landing gear while about to take off from an aircraft carrier destroys your propeller, grants you a successful landing bonus, and promptly auto-respawns you back on the carrier. Can this be abused to endlessly farm +100 points, I wonder?
>bitch about Moscow being "added" like it wasn't the first mapset they used for the game
Good one retard
>early war, like Bagration june 41
I give my 3 warmods to squad leaders with machine pistols. Also there is little reason to use the armaguerra when the scotti and pavesi exist
You can only have 4 of these, + investing a gold order into a middling semi-auto is... not great.

Most people don't have this because, at release, it was total shit and only psychos bought it.
Or you could just play the objective
agreed on the scotti but the pavesi always had best in class damage and was good, and is downright excellent now as its the low BR equivalent to the AVS in that is has significantly more damage for no apparent reason
Pre-Merge it was kind of unjustifiable to purchase when you could get a G41 for Shitaly without too much effort. Nobody coulda really predicted it would go from a high recoil meme upgrade to the much-maligned Armaguerra to pure meta. I think, since the merge, I have seen one or two Pavesis in my time playing, and I have probably 1000-ish battles, many of which were at low tier as Germany.
I wish i could control my AI squad better. I hate it when they start following me while i am sneaking to TNT a tank.
You can change their positioning, and having a radioman in the squad increases the range you can leave them behind. Seriously.
i know i can give them position commands
>having a radioman in the squad increases the range you can leave them behind
ok i did not know that. I guess i'll have to include radio in every squard that can have them just for that
It's actually not true, I just tested it.
yeah the G41 also had a completely broken reload then which combined with the middling damage made it borderline worthless in my estimation so 4 pavesis was a no brainer. darkflow has since rewarded my faith in the weapon by making it completely change BR2 germ gameplay
I for certain have witnessed this mechanic working before so unless they patched it out recently I dont believe you
Give it a test in the practice range, unless it doesn't work there for some reason. A squad with a radio man can only be as far from the player as a squad without a radioman before breaking.
Do i have to dig trough the wiki to find out now.. i guess i'll have to.
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This is where the squad breaks with a Radioman.
>ithica has a 1.8 second longer reload with a smaller magazine than the other shotguns
they could have made it lower BR or have a specific choke or slugs and instead they just made it worse at everything and a pointless addition. why do they bother
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This is without. Same spot, give or take a couple of inches.

It's a huge fuck up, it really needs to be BR I, but in that case the double barrels need a buff too so they aren't totally left behind.
>unless it doesn't work there for some reason
a distinct possibility. I havent paid attention to it recently but I know I have ordered squads on the point with a radio before and have strayed pretty far without them giving up and following me
Gave it a test in a match and there was no difference. Squad with a radioman and squad without had the same break distance.
did you try specifically ordering them onto the point itself. find it hard to believe they would remove a feature like that, even unintentionally
I was able to get 50 meters away from it with my radio squad with two radio men in it after assigning them to the objective. Without the radio squad, I made it 50 meters... except when I could randomly get 100 meters away from the squad. It seems to make no difference.
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Proofs 1.
>onto the point itself
If you order your squad to hold a capture point, then it doesn't matter how far you are from your squad. They will run towards that point and stay there no matter where you are on the map.
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Proofs 2.

This isn't true.
Actually, maybe it is. If you actually get them to stand on the point by selecting the point itself, not just a piece of TERRAIN on the point. My bad.
Yes, you have to specifically select the capture point like in that screenshot: "Order to control zone"
"Defend that point" has a 50 meter limit. I've not heard anything about radiomen extending this limit.

I do this for example on conquest. I order my squad to cap the nearest point at the start and go off to build a rally point somewhere on the map. You can do some advanced shit like ordering a few soldiers to one point, and the rest to another. That way you can swap around and respond to enemies quickly instead of running across the map. Or order your squad to run ahead to capture a point while you cover them with a sniper. Then when they're close you swap to another soldier and you're already there to start fighting while the sniper catches up behind.
Try ordering just the radioman alone away form you. I'm pretty sure that's how it's supposed to work.
Makes no difference. Radios have no effect on how far you can move from your squad.
I swear in one of those retarded tutorial videos by Enlisted themselves they talked about it.
They either removed it or lied.
I decided to try even a radio squad so I can be a radio ordering a radio and it makes no difference.
hey bros returning to this game after ages, I have 2 questions, are all assault squads able to train up the same specializations/perks and weapon skills with enough levels or are some squads just meant to be used with high BR weps and others low lvl? And is it a good idea to stay in BR2 until I can equip all 3 of my main squads with BR3 before making the jump? as i remember BR3+ plays with br 5 vs insanely op shit right is the mm still br 1-2, br 3-5?
There was a hard rule with 2 buckets. Matches with players at BR 1-3 and matches with players at 3-5.

A soft rule was implemented that expanded it up to 4 buckets. When there are enough players matchmaking for a particular nation and BR, matchmaker puts players into BR 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5 matches.

Recently, they made the BR 1-2 matches a hard rule. BR 1 will only play against BR2s and other BR1s.

>is it a good idea to stay in BR2 until I can equip all 3 of my main squads with BR3 before making the jump
That's how I did it. I stayed in a BR until I could fully deck out my squads for the next BR.

>or are some squads just meant to be used with high BR weps and others low lvl
You can use any squad at any BR. They're only specific in terms of the soldier and weapon upgrades which apply universally. Some squads of a class have different squad upgrade options.
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I see... I haven't played until that event that gave you a few prem squads forgot which one it was but its been a while, pic rel are my squads for germany for example, theres a lot of fucking squads its a bit overwhelming
so basically any assault class squad can train up on the exact same soldier abilities/squad specializations? Including any weapon in the game? cause I do not see the option to train up later tier weapons in the workshop for my 276th grenadier reg, they'll show up when I research the weapons I assume?

but premium squads are the ones that are basically locked to the weapons they come with? I don't see upgrades for any weapon for them except the one they came with, whilst non-premium have access to everything?
>any assault class squad can train up on the exact same soldier abilities/squad specializations?
Tech tree squads have certain weapons and soldier class upgrade unlocks associated with them. Each weapon upgrade and soldier class upgrade is associated with one tech tree squad. Legacy squads have overlap. Those are the ones that have the option to delete them with that trash can next to them.

For example, to unlock upgrades for assaulter IIs, you have to level the associated squad up. To unlock upgrades for a particular weapon, you have to find the tech tree squad that lets you unlock those upgrades. The game will take you to that squad if you try to upgrade a weapon without having the upgrades unlocked.

>so basically any assault class squad can train up on the exact same soldier abilities/squad specializations? Including any weapon in the game?
Nope. You'll have an assault class squad to level assaulter IIs, an assault class squad to level assaulter IIIs, and an assault class squad to level assaulter IVs
>they'll show up when I research the weapons I assume?
Nope, those are in later squads.

>but premium squads are the ones that are basically locked to the weapons they come with?
In general, yes. Premium squads like APCs you can put in normal soldiers and whatever weapons you want. Guerrilla premiums you can put in any secondary weapon. Radio premiums you can also put in any secondary weapon. Soviet paratroopers you can swap out the primary weapons they come. Premium weapons all come fully upgraded. Premium soldiers have personnel unlocks fully upgraded. They come with level 4 and can be leveled to level 5 and then fully perked out.
>Nope. You'll have an assault class squad to level assaulter IIs, an assault class squad to level assaulter IIIs, and an assault class squad to level assaulter IVs
where the fuck can I tell which tier my assaulters are
i still don't get everything, what is the downside to using my assault I squad with BR 5 gear then? is there any or is it a smart idea to have assault 3 squad in br 3-4, assaulter 2 squad in br 1-2 and so on
>where the fuck can I tell which tier my assaulters are
If you hover over the icon on the right of the soldier card, it will tell you what class and tier the soldier is.

>what is the downside to using my assault I squad with BR 5 gear then?
There is no downside. You can use any of those squads at any BR. They will function exactly the same, only differing in whatever specializations you unlocked.
Will we really get a chinese squad?
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anyone got recommendation for a good starter vid? how to manage squad and how the game modes work? where to focus research?
i got the most kills in my games but i just set my squad to defend my spot and seem to murder piles of bots
I see I understand except this
>only differing in whatever specializations you unlocked
do assaulter 4 squads have specializations that 2 don't? If so isn't it a bad idea to bring the 2 to higher brs
Playing the objective doesn't actually mean shit. I've been the top scoring player of my matches all day because I've been spamming US aircraft and shooting down bombing raids.
girl gorillas
Enlisted CC are generally pretty fucking shit, but if I had to recommend someone it's either Paradivison or Quadro, they made somewhat decent guides.
another day, another .30 thompson

please send help I have 3 assault squads kitted with .30 thompsons
I'm taking a look at three of my USA assaulter squads. Under the "personnel upgrades" tab under upgrades, one squad unlocks personnel upgrades for Assaulter II, the next for Assaulter III, and the last for Assaulter IV. Under the "squad upgrades" tab, each squad differs. There are 2 upgrades in which you can choose 1 of 3 specialists, and 1 upgrade where you can pick 1 of 2 specialists. For example, my Assaulter squad for Assaulter II upgrades, you can choose a medic instead of an AT gunner. Actually that's literally the only difference because you can pick sniper/machine gunner and engineer/radioman/AT gunner for every other choice for each squad. So if I wanted to run a medic in my assaulter squad I would have to use that squad.

I just run a squad until I max out its upgrades and then swap it out for the next squad that needs to be leveled. You can bring any squad to any br it literally doesn't matter.
Paradivision would be better if he didn't make retarded mistakes like thinking hero troops improved XP and silver gain.
I mean, they do provide +20% XP bonus for their squad. No extra silver though
playing the point is the best way to consistently get lots of XP knucklehead. most matches don't have endless waves of bombers to shoot down
XP is directly related to silver
They provide 20% squad XP, which is nice, but it doesn't make you research new stuff faster or earn more silver.

Squad XP is not the same XP as the XP that gets you Silver. It literally just levels the squad faster, and MIGHT level troops in the squad faster.
I mean Barbarossa sorry.
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>Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently
>and MIGHT level troops in the squad faster.
I have to take another look but the "hero bonus" modifier in the post-match summary screen only shows up under squad xp and the hero soldier xp. Normal soldiers in the same squad don't have that bonus listed. Since hero soldiers come maxed out that soldier bonus is useless.

If you calculate squad xp with a hero, it's different from the xp the squad contributes to research xp. I.e. gold soldier bonus only applies to squad experience gain, not research experience or squadmate soldier experience gains.
I see I think I mostly get it, I'll try doing that as well, the assaulter I'm using is long since maxed out, is it possible to move soldiers to another squad? or do you just move all their guns to the squad you're leveling with the help of a preset
I wish this whole system was more intuitive, its the same in war thunder but here its even more convoluted
More like a Chinese faction. But yeah the only other explanation for having Chinese soldiers is if they were slow rolling them with some kind of event
Progression is the big hurdle for Ensharted because it's very convoluted and poorly explained but becomes pretty simplistic once you "get" it.

>is it possible to move soldiers to another squad?
Yeah, the same way you put them in, you can take them out.
a barbarossa campaign would just be moscow maps without snow
yeah yeah yeah just go back to your toliet loose or post scrotum general
>oh wait...
>Chinese faction
this seems profoundly unlikely at this point in time
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I have no use for this.

Chinese premium or event squads are more likely, maybe even for Chinese New Year.
What the hell would one squad be for? Who would even get a chinese squad other than Japan?
Japan won't get a Chinese squad because there would be INSANE butthurt. The Soviets and Germans could get one. There were German and Soviet trained soldiers on the Nationalist and Communist sides.
if hll or ps are the first comparisons that come to your mind when talking about your gay little f2p garbage then ive got bad news for you turdie
>Shoot an M8 Scott in the side with my Type 97 AT rifle
>Mostly non-pens, even dead-on within 100 meters
>Decide to check out its armour
>The M5 Stuart hull has like 30-32 mm of armour
Huh, didn't expect that. That's a lot of armour for a light tank.
Yeah somehow I think the most likely place to slot Chinese in would be allies and not fantasy axis Chinese or Chinese in Ukraine
>Yeah somehow I think the most likely place to slot Chinese in would be allies and not fantasy axis Chinese or Chinese in Ukraine
No matter what happens it will be wacky as fuck. Americans get a Chinese squad? Chinamen at the Bulge and in Tunisia. Axis get a Chinese squad? Same deal. Soviets? Chinamen in Moscow. Japs get a Chinese squad? ENORMOUS butthurt.
What does this even mean
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what are the player numbers now anyway? last i played it was like 2-3k daily peak
Chinese units actually fought side by side with mutt ones at least. We entered the goofiness event horizon long ago so it's just about managing expectations
7k peak on Steam daily, probably like 10-15k peak daily including Gaijin launcher.
>brown esl doesnt understand english
The Red Army had Chinese and Korean guerillas under its command. They never did any fighting but there are police units in-game as is. Truth is, the only way adding Chinese troops makes sense is adding a whole new front, especially if it's a whole new faction.

I'm not sure what the implication of your post is, either. It seems like a non-sequitur.
I'll have to finally try out the Scott myself
>Chinese units actually fought side by side with mutt ones at least
Are you including Allied advisers in China again?
The Scott is pretty underwhelming, it's basically a significantly worse Panzer III N. Not to say it's bad, but it's open topped and pretty vulnerable to any kind of AT launcher and terrible turret traverse.
I could see a flying tiger or tanker premium or something for mutts
I could see those as premiums for the new China faction
They operated together in Burma
It just doesn't seem likely with the current leaks at all
A whole new China faction is basically impossible as it would be predicated on a whole new battlefield being added, which isn't happening. It's extremely wishful thinking, and I will be greatly shocked if it does happen.
The current leaks are exactly why I think it will be a faction.
If you're expecting an entirely copy paste tree maybe
It would be like 70% copy paste, yeah.
Then what's the point
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The Chinese tree in WT is mostly copy and paste, it exists to lure Chinese players in, but Chinese players mostly play other factions.
Yeah. China should only be added with several mainland maps and using at least 2/3 equipment that isn't in other trees already
>Have my sniper squad equipped as Japan
>Every match has the Americans playing absurdly aggressive
>Unequip it
>American teams become quasi-AFK sniper gawds
This game is RIGGED I TELLS YA.
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not that I care, i just started playing today
all my games have been full
>umm ackshually the daily peak is only 6k now
There was a decent chunk of players before it was on Steam at all, and I’m assuming a lot of them didn’t bother putting it on Steam.
Yeah, plus there's a fuckload of consolefags. I never get bot matches these days. Even if I play top tier Japan during down hours.
this is why I came back to enlisted, I noticed it doing surprisingly good, maybe a knockoff effect of the war thunder trailer? this game still doesn't get enough attention from gaijin compared to WT, it deserves way more, especially further streamlining of the squad n research bullshit so it doesn't confuse newfags that much
oh and I hate how premium time isn't shared between enlisted and WT, if I play both I have to double pay gaijin schmucks for premium time? hell no, I'll stick with only enlisted cause I fucking suck at WT
>umm acknshually i'm just retarded and didn't notice you said peak
but anyway don't care, 4k is good average players is matchmaking is proper
ahhh same devs? makes a lot of sense
i couldn't get into WT but i can see the similarities in the research trees for sure
lots of games are for for 70 hours so we'll see. lots of posters in the thread with everything maxed and jaded
it's very funny to me that in my 6 games the only use i've found of my squad is hiding them to give me extra lives or alternate weapons in positions that fuck the enemy
literally been top of the board every time, it's like every other player is just swarming with their bot squad feeding kills
not just the research trees like 90% of the assets are ripped from war thunder m8 the engine the vehicles the dmg model the maps, it'd be pretty easy to merge these games I bet, but it'd make WT into too much of a clusterfuck ig
far as I can tell tho I last played enlisted like a year ago and it didn't get any new maps or I haven't seen any yet, come on, give this game some love gaijin fucks
Warthunder is Gaijin, they published Enlisted but the developer is Darkflow. This is why all the assets from Enlisted are ripped straight from Warthunder, and why vehicles are so good in this.
Japan got another map set this year, and Soviets/Germany got Rhzev as well. And the Battle of the Bulge was added at the beginning of the year or December last year, I can’t recall. And the Bulge just got a new map like a month ago.
Sometimes you do want your squad right next to you as you run around because you want immediate access to their secondaries or an extra life. Using them solely as safe, extra lives is a habit that above average new players develop, then autists who are hyper-fixates on K/D redevelop. Hackers, too.
so everyone that isn't bottom of the board? lmao
honestly it'll be more interesting if/when i get to elo where people aren't retarded and instead of 9 people running across an open field there's one shooting at me and scanning horizon before bringing the bots
I'll play some more americans then I Guess cause I didn't run into any new bulge maps, western front maps are cozy as hell though, but the one with the destroyed building in the middle is dogshit I get that one so often
There is no ranking system for matchmaking, it's entirely based on what equipment you have. The thing is that, against actually good teams, you rarely have time to "scan the horizon" because you need bodies on the cap, and you need them there NOW. All you need to not lose is have four more guys on the point than your enemy does at any given time. The really good players run everywhere with their bots trailing behind as they bunnyhop and headshot everyone.
i've just been posting up next to the cap and shooting dozens of guys at a time trying to push it
like it really feels like i'm fighting bots
Your first few games are against bots primarily. The average Enlisted player remains garbage forever, though.
Yeah more than 3 latvians in a garage for development would be nice
My BR4 lineup with a bunch of premium MG-42s are really great for silver gain
2 is not a bunch
It's a bunch of bullets
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nip event guerillas should be INA with turbans
Playing against allied players is either endless sniper and flamethrower spam or you will die to every single grenade type every 10 seconds
i wish they just removed snipers
they would just behave the same way but with rifles
zf41 k98 gold order when
People snipe with Stens...
Arty, bombers, and supply drops should have seperate timers. It doesn't make sense that if you call a supply drop you have to wait 30 seconds to call arty but if you call arty first you have to wait 2 minutes to call for a supply drop. And if a teammate is calling arty you can't call for a supply drop. The upcoming change to let radiomen call for other types of support outside of radio squads will be nice.
Also, arty currently doesn't have any counterplay. The enemy can stack back to back strikes on your point and your team can't do anything about it. Even inside buildings I take causalties which is bullshit. Bombers can be shot down. Artillery batteries should be able to be taken out too. It'll give planes and pilots more importance. Maybe if artillery emplacements are taken out the enemy can't call for arty strikes for 60 seconds until the artillery units respawn and are replenished.
>play BR5 japs
>lose solely because of a chang on the enemy team with 12k score
was he good or hacking
Watch the replay and figure it out for yourself, or post it here. Please note that snap aiming is usually a bug and not indicative of cheating necessarily.
Gaijin is also developing the game now.
Darkflow is owned by some holding company specialised in making deals between EU buyers and RU suppliers. They originally contracted Gaijin just for the publishing side but then made them also develop
not necessarily, farming vehicles on a plane gets you more points than wiping the entire lobby with infantry. He could also do both, if the match was long enough.
>arty currently doesn't have any counterplay
always been an issue with this game
It used to be soo much worse.
artillery itself sure, but there has never been anything done to counter radio operators
Give gorillas or radio squads the ability to build radio repeaters to triangulate position and either just highlight the radio shitter who called it or give you a counter battery ability.
So ?
I don't know why people wouldn't want China.
Would be the most kino BR1 preset ever
It would negatively impact the match making
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Or maybe it would be really popular because the siege of Shanghai was fucking kino
Development resources are finite, we get like 2-3 new maps a year and with all the battlefields yet to be represented in game you think adding maps that are nearly identical to what we have already is a good idea?
No one said they don't want mainland China, just that you have a delusional amount of wishful thinking about a couple of very thin asset leaks. The game has zero need for a new faction right now anyway (You wanting a new tree to grind does not mean the game needs another one).
The leak doesn’t make sense for anything else to me. We were expecting something big. We knew it wasn’t Manchuria.
I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to say this isn’t plausible when it clearly is.
Snipers get a bad rap in Enlisted because they're associated with shitters but I've been using them and I must say they do work in capable hands. They're like normal rifles except come with good optics and gamers that play games like EFT know how impactful using a good scope can be. They're pretty OP because enemies can't spot you and hit shots on you. A lot of difficulty can be negated with a good sniper on the team to provide cover, keep tanks spotted, and eliminate flanks. Someone has to do it and when I'm getting shot in the back because teammates let enemies pull off bullshit flanks and can't keep the lanes clean then that's my cue to pull my sniper squad out.
They have their moments on certain maps and certain points but that's about it. They're shit because:
a) F2P doesn't have enough infantry squads available and the game forces you to use them
b) no vitality for infantry is bad
c) 5 man squads are just trash period
whenever I spawn a 9 man squad they all seem to die instantly whereas small squads don't
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i NEVER realized how big the king tiger is, holy shit. Germans are fucking autistic, this thing is like a barn on tracks
Ho-Ri Production is even bigger. It's a shame no one kept even a single model in a museum or something...
Other Polish option are probably Bagration or Vistula–Oder offensive.
Will they be very different from the current Seelow maps ?
The "Chinese" squad will either be Manchukuo army for Japan or that Soviet Chinese/Korean brigade (with Kim Jong-un great father) for USSR.
Added along the Manchuria campaign.
The North Korean playerbase would be livid.
is there anyway to remove soldiers from a squad or swap em around without having to first put the squad into my active squads n do it from there?
No, sadly.
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theres no point in recruiting tanker 1s after I have 2 unlocked right? They're just ~better~?
Depends. Repair speed is kind of a useless perk, changing seats is better. It's like Rifleman II versus Rifleman III. Rifleman III gets an extra stat point in each category, but the base perk of +15% Heal speed is a meme for meme HP golem builds at low tier. +5.3% sprint speed is far better on Rifleman II.
depends if you have them leveled, 5* tanker I is much better than 4* tanker II.
when recruiting new guys though
do you guys shuffle your best soldiers to the squad you're currently grinding and leave the other one with B tier ones or? thats what ive been doing but idk my lower BR squads are gonna have 0 lvl guys, dunno if good idea
I haven't had to level up a new faction in ages, but back in the day I ground most campaigns with tier I troops until I had everything unlocked. Transferred my leveled up Ass 1s to every new Ass squad I unlocked and had a pool of maxed out engineer, Rifleman and Radio 1 troops to drop into new squads to help them level. Keep mind that recruiting one new soldier cost 50,000 XP equivalent, so you had to be frugal.
If you can't afford to have multiple fully equipped squads yet, then you should only focus on the basic 3 infantry squads that you can field. The shit soldiers are there to fill up your benched squads.
There is some strategy here. The goal is to have a lineup of soldiers with the maximum perk points possible. I recruit soldiers as I go along and rotate them into my squads to level them to level 5. Once they're level 5 I switch them out with new recruits. Slots occupied by level 5 soldiers are slots that aren't leveling soldiers. The thing is you can dump all your silver recruiting soldiers to fish for triple star soldiers. You can sell your soldiers but you get silver depending on what level they are. Each soldier of a class at a level will sell for the same regardless of how their perk points rolled. If you sell a soldier at level 5, you can recuperate most of your silver. If you sell the shitters as soon as you buy them at level 1, you're going to be bleeding more silver fishing for triple star soldiers because lower level soldiers sell for less.

I learned with leveling the factions now not to bother min maxing for triple star soldiers of lower classes. Like I'll level a few Engineer I soldiers and keep them regardless of their perk point distribution. Then when I unlocked Engineer II soldiers, that's when I start the process of collecting triple star soldiers.
It’s a good idea to use hero soldiers if you are new, they make the soldiers and squad level faster plus he is at 5 stars by default. And yeah shuffling soldiers when you are first playing/leveling is what I did. Now I’ve got max star, max stat soldiers in every squad saved to a preset.
i see thanks, I have 2-3 hero soldiers from running a battle pass ages ago, when they were giving that ussr paratrooper squad for free after the merge, thats when I last played, that squad is BR 5 tho so its useless for me for now, gonna take it slow, jump into 3 when I can equip 3 squads filled with 3 gear
The Soviet paras both event and premium can change weapons.
Remember that hero soldiers don't stack their XP bonus
Yep. Distribute your hero soldiers one per squad. The hero bonus caps at 20% so having more than one hero in a squad is a hero wasted. And soldier gold orders don't come easily. The new unique engineer soldier in the current event will be a nice bonus.
hm really? I might try that, wtf is the thing with paras anyway, they can deploy behind enemy lines?
My gut tells me that he will be Engineer 1
Make an all star crab walking squad.
one or two assets does not a faction make
>We were expecting something big
a new map is far more likely than a new faction + mapset for obvious reasons
the italian theater would be much better than a half baked chinese one
an X or Y CEF squad seems far more logical than either of those imo
Does anyone else autisticly keep the German/Italian and American/British equipment and soldiers completely separate?
warning: lewd bottomless KT
I aggressively mix them because it's funny
to be fair, a lot of the spaghets were armed with kraut equipment and vice versa

the krauts were producing beretta 38s and semoventes well into 45
What low BR weapon do you bring into higher BR?
Sometimes the Duck. That's pretty much it.
Winchester, Lee-Enfield, and Arisaka
bagration and its concurrent offensives covered the entirety of belarus and parts of eastern poland, im sure the devs can find something unique to represent the summer '44 campaign season which is the biggest gap in this games representation of the ostfront right now
mainly meta shit like rifle grenades, 30 cal tommy, brapmit, type 100 late. I sometimes use my browning auto engi squad too
I use my truck for BR5 and my bren carrier for BR2/3/4

I also use the stummel at br5 but I don't really think APCs count, or premiums since my only prem squads are like, BR1-3
I use my LVT at BR2, my truck at BR3, and my UC at BR5.
My MG-42 halftrack at BR2, my Stummel at BR3, and my regular halftrack at BR5 (really wish we had a Sd.Kfz 223/260/261 as a mobile spawn point)
Japs and Soviets have their premium at BR2 and their truck at BR5
>radio sandykafanzies
I wonder what a good way to implement radio vehicles would be honestly

just a pseudo-throwaway squad like the APC where a squad spawns in it, parks it somewhere, and radiomen in a radius get a decreased arty timer?
>build radio
>soldiers spawn on it
>put radio in an armored car
>people can't spawn on it
well we can't spawn on destruction targets either, and those are radios
what's the furthest reward possible for the 4 Years Old event right now? I'm not sure if I missed one or two cycles this past weekend
The nametags.
>Enemy team has a guy who just rotates between a mortar squad, a sniper squad, and an MG squad
>With the MG squad all he does is build an MG 131 as far from the battle as he can and camps on it
Some people who play this game are baffling.
So how many of you have the 10 wins in a row achievement?
If Steams tracker is correct the highest I've got was 7.

There's also the 50 kills in one life one and the highest I've gotten with that is 31. But I assume that will be down to one really good tank game.
I have 9/10, I just quit matches I don't like. Playing in a 4 man stack at low tier is an easy way to blitz the achievement in a single night.
I thought quitting matches broke the streak.
The first snail gun is in like 5 hours. It is a bit of a waste of time to unlock since it'll just be the same as the tree PPD at BR IV with, like, 5 extra rounds (I think)? Kind of a boring addition over all.

Yeah, it does, that's why I have never hit 10/10. I always quit when I get some garbo match.
I want the Katanas for my Japan Guerillas, so I need to make sure I'm not too far behind. I haven't played this game for very long so I've been spending time getting all the factions up to par with eachother in BR2. My Soviets, Germans, and Japanese armies are all up to par with my Allies army lagging way behind because I've played ten million WW2 games as American soldiers fighting Germans and at this point shooting Stahlhelms with SMLEs, Thompsons, and Garands is boring as shit.
People like that justify sniper squads
The 50 kill one can't be done in vehicles. I did mine ina Pacific BR5 match against bots using a Stinger. As god intended.
the only reason to take a sniper squad is to level them up to get large ammo bags and then take a radio squad w/ attached sniper instead
>So how many of you have the 10 wins in a row achievement?
I just got this one like an hour ago. I wasn't even paying attention and I was like "oh, huh, wow 1000 silver like I give a fuck"
Radio squad is useless. Sure you get 1 more specialist but the 30 seconds faster arty is meaningless. Especially since we will get smonk and supplies for other squads soonTM.
>but the 30 seconds faster arty is meaningless
it is possible I am full of shit, but when using a radio squad with reduced cooldown in conjunction with APC radioman you can get a lot done
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Ayy lmao. Luv me premium low tier lineup me. Wish I had the MG 13 squad(s) but c'est la vie. It's a shame the non-silenced EMP is kinda ass, since the squad can't get Vit, I love the EMP.

>30 seconds faster
It's 50% faster, which is 2 minutes shaved off. That's pretty big if you are using a Radio squad as a makeshift Sniper squad. Hard to justify taking a radio squad 90% of the time, like Mortars, but it's not the worst option, unlike a raw Sniper squad which just sucks ass unless you have the premiums with Vitality (which only psychopaths have).

I rarely ever use radio squads personally, outside of Nippon. You just rotate back to your squad with a radio guy in it when you need that artillery. I tend to have a radio guy in my APC and a radio guy in my machine gun squad, since being able to drive in at top speed and call in an arty strike before going into the backline with your Ass and your Driver using SMGs is really, really useful.
>outside of Nippon
God please let them add the 2nd Sino-Japanese War China and not just a gay premium/event squad for some other army.
China vs Japan campaign would cause insane screeching. Remember that the War Diaries event in War Thunder was permanently canceled because you played as a Japanese pilot flying over Manchukuo and the Chinese players went insane. China MAY be a faction in, I dunno, 2-4 years, but not soon. France and Italy individual factions are more likely.
>because you played as a Japanese pilot flying over Manchukuo
what is their fucking problem anyway? they act like depicting their historical wars is like simulating Auschwitz' crematorium
We are going to get China and we WILL get the Shanghai warehouse map.
I want a-historical settings. Like Allies vs Russia or Japan vs Germany.

Though I wonder how well those match ups would work.
>Panzer 2 Berlin defense squadron
>Type Hei Auto Ho-Ri riders
That's what the custom game feature is for
I never actually looked at the custom game mode, mostly because I assumed you wouldn't be able to earn silver or research in them.

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