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#1118: GET OUT OF MY HEAD Edition
Previous: >>502150242
This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Mega Man games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Funkoshit and some appearance in Amazon Prime slop next month
Megaman is in Brawlhalla as a skin
MH restoration mods on Daibu Offline are now out at https://www.nexusmods.com/megamanxdiveoffline/mods/290
Canceled chinese game Rockman XZ Time rift had a recent greenlight, but nothing will come out of it for now

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine and X7 demake are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
Mega Man Maker is on Version
MMGB remasters announced
Innocent Impulse update: https://x.com/MegaManXII_CX2/status/1832750733994668057
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/mega-man-x8-16-bit.2184/
X8 Demake Axl mod maker has release a beta of Zero mod

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel is out, planned update announcements until march 2025
Preview of "all" songs: https://youtu.be/tGhURBRupRQ
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl420g0QaEo
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit is now a real released video game

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
No football jobbing this time (didn't sign up)
Buy a fritillion fritos for frito 2 to become a real released video game

>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
where mummy sneks
Threads almost DIED
Mummy sneks?
Guuuuhhhhhhhh..... voices in my head..... cat is telling me...... dashless Z2
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Megaman but with fall damage
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Sure, you will get dashless Z2 alright
Did anyone else notice this cat can talk?
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Hello, DB Fusions modder anon from a while ago here. I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but this time around I managed to spend some of my time working on Bass Cross Megaman for the game. of course I start with my favorites.

I would like to share some of the progress, I hope you enjoy!
those eyes aren't db
That the 3ds game?
you already got bottomless pits
Megaman but with rise damage
There's very few cards like that. Only ones I can think of off-hand are HF blade and those two cards that shove enemies around.
The MM characters will look accurate to their own style is what I'm planning.
Yeah, it is.
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Why would you want that?

for >>502617459
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To any nonNAI AI images fags, here's the share of loras that i made for "better" model (IL), have fun, may get updated eventually or left in the dust until i'm burned out again


Complaints and suggestions welcomed
the up movement one is alright just because it's got memory leak, I don't think I've used the down movement one once
and why isn't there a fan/left movement card for all the widesword attacks in this game, anyway?
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because we persona 5 here
The eyes are so off anyway you might as well use the db style.
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>off-topic op image
flamefrit it's legit.
Never post ai slop again
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Stupid sexy Lev.
When will we play MegaChud
"I am jumping" is playing X5
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Listen, just because Inti made one licensed game 30 years ago doesn't mean Flamefrit is suddenly on-topic here.
where's the BB lora
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A lot of the commons/rares don't really do anything so even when you have the appropriate muse for the card's keyword you'd rather pass and aim for something better. Obviously if a card shows up with a good cheat or if you desperately need cards with that keyword because you can't even turn your muse on yet that changes things so they aren't always unpickable but still. If you want to win fights in one turn you don't have the cost to waste on playing bad cards.
I wouldn't mind more Persona Ciel
Catherine Axl? He'd go for the trap, we all know this.
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The /inti/ half of the general is just post anything off topic you want. They Trojan Horsed it as being "Megaman like" but that mask quickly fell off once they got comfortable here. Now it's just the equivalent of a circlejerk discord server on /vg/. What's /mmg/ gonna do about it? They've tried doing nothing and they're all out of ideas.
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>He unironically fell for bait
Truly this is the work of Leviathan.
he's right though, think about all the rollfag/duofujo/colonelwhore sperg outs /inti/ took from us
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What do we think about this BN fangame?
Can't relate. Some cards are better than others, but again, there's very few outright bad ones.
Looks like shit
>the equivalent of a circlejerk discord server
trannies keep raiding 4chan because it counts as a "doing their part" for the cause, even if in truth they are just making drama for personal reasons
Looks like a DS game, reminds me of the Fire Emblem 1-3 remakes.
Is it actually a BN-like? I've heard that many times before and it's never been true.
huh that vn had battle network gameplay?
(it is on my list but have yet to touch it)
nah it is just card en ciel but without the cards as actions and instead a menu with the usual actions, kinda like your average turb based tactics but with less space
probably closer to saga? can't say really
I knew it.
>Combat is on a grid, you guys! It's just like Battle Network, the only game I've ever played!
Fucking idiots.
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Radiant Historia is the best BNlike desu
>rage quit for real
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But rattys are very anti AI
>He fell for the same bait twice
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Ah, Volnutt is learning the X tradition.
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Worry not, nobody knew either when the term was created.
That's fun. What even IS a maverick?
reploid that threatens humans
Would rollfag even post here without /inti/? They never actually talk about Megaman, just inti trash while being an avatarfag with their loli folder.
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lol sure
You're outing yourself a bit there, newfag.
You forgot your Roll porn.
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My bad.
Thing that X wants to kill
>not knowing that she punched a 6 year old human in the face
When I saved that, I noticed I have something called "Roll's Nightmare.pdf" in my general folder, and I'm a little worried what that could be.
That's a very lust provoking Roll
Just fucking post it here. At this point, nothing matters.
What a downer. And it's the fanfic for these pictures, so nah, I'm good.
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Cial sexo.
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See, this is what bad Ciel should be, none of that ultra-slutty crap.
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>none of that ultra-slutty crap.
You say that and yet ignore her Leviathan's fat ass right in your face.
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I'm using notebooklm AI to make a podcast about the Zero plot in Mega Man x4.
Does it count as early AI torture?
I will do Zero1-4 next.
is the card any good?
The appeal of our glorious leader is that she's both regal authoritative in presence with a secret slutty side she can't live out unlike her sister
I thought that, since Ciel is a Leninisit, Ciel might be a different ideology. But she's a Maoist.
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Leviathan isn't Ciel.
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That isn't Ciel either for that matter.
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Also true. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
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I'm not sure what point you're trying to make either. The exhibitionism and dominatrix kink are all things directly from the RMC project, Cial in the manga has a god complex who believes she's doing the right thing. Neither of which are like your ojousama headcanon or whatever point you were trying to make.
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>The exhibitionism and dominatrix kink are all things directly from the RMC project
>I'm not sure what point you're trying to make either.
Then I'll be more clear.

Cial makes for a far better bad, sexual Ciel than the various bad, sexual Ciel's you see from artists like Semikichi.

Leviathan isn't Ciel, as in the standards between the two are different. Ultra-slutty Ciel, is shit, but with Leviathan it's better. Not that I'd call >>502642536 ultra-slutty, mind you, certainly not compared to something like Semikichi's Ciel.
I like Semikichi Ciel. Her openly wanton lust hiding behind her soft-spoken gentle front contrasts nicely with Cial being a dark mirrorm
but then how will we get all the SR points
I know the appeal, but it's not for me at all. Brainwashing angle's alright, but that's it.
What would be the most painful Mega Man game to do dashless?
Post cat.
Megaman Legends.
&Bass as Bass

Is Ground Man's ceiling drill possible to dodge without dashing? That's about the only thing I can think of where dashing/sliding would be nice to have.
That's sick anon, I hope to see more!
The only way I think you could avoid it is abusing Iframes with lightning bolt.
There's also the possibility of using Ice Wall and push it to gain speed, bounce it against a wall and then it'll move you out of the way quicker than just walking, but I'm not sure if the speed boost will by enough.
Yeah, sounds about right. Did Treble adapter provide faster movement? I mostly recall it having a bit more time to accelerate, but can't remember if top speed was faster than walking.

Thinking about the question, I think X8 might be the most painful/annoying one to deal with without dash, just on the account of some of the desperation attacks. Optic Sunflower's stage would be outright impossible without Axl's hover.
There's of course the argument to be made for X6 if you play as X, but you can still beat the game dashless with Zero.
Maybe X3? Doesn't have any movement weapons and pretty sure you can't use the leg part without a dash
X8 has the viability of being able to purchase upgrades so you don't have to worry about taking damage, also the Icarus armor set is very easy to obtain and you don't need dash for any of them.
I can't really remember any stage or boss off-hand that asks you to dash in X3. Bit and Byte might get mighty annoying though, unless you stock up on subtanks beforehand.

Yeah, you can tank the damage even if you can't dodge some things. Zero 4 is in similar boat, where you better beat some of the bosses before they beat you (like Heat Genblem and Weil 2).
You are an idiot. Cial outhornies Ciel in all sorts of ways. You're just going between a rock and a hard place.
is this AI slop?
hand on the right side seems to have a fucked up nail
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>Cial outhornies Ciel in all sorts of ways.
...yes, anon, I know. Read better.
if it doesn't have program advances it's not BN

chain of memories is a BN
card-en-ciel is not a BN
I like Cial discussion, even if it's arguing. I just wish she was more well known so that there was more to discuss.
Cial is just Ciel's alter ego. Her Tyler Durden if you would.
Nah. That would mean they are one being and that isn't possible with conflicting sex lives.
Why does Cial ignite such passion in anon?
No one knows when it happens, or even how, somethings just click and for anon it was Ms Meanie.
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I want a sequel to Ms Meanie that reveals it was Cial the whole time, and she's got the real Ciel locked up in her secret sex dungeon.
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Smug, haughty, perverted little nerd virgin.
where rat
rat here
I'll post it tomorrow
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Why can't Tactical Communication be real?
Why Lev it's Aile that's out of place
Lev never died, so it's plausible she's still alive in ZX to do lewd bunny dances with Ciel and Aile.
That's Cial, so it's in RNC continuity, and who knows what that is. Maybe Cial's better at keeping her guardians alive?
Because all Gunslinger Girl is cursed.
Everyone gets into it from the anime. You watch S2 and it's a whole other animal, absolute dogshit. You move to the manga, and you find the anime was a bad adaptation, in that it changed things and ultimately ends up better than the source material. You go from the beautiful aesthetic backgrounds of the anime to the manga's setting, which is not Italy but a Bleach-tier empty white void that sometimes has furniture blink in and out of existence. You play Tac Com world in CeC, and you want more, knowing there's none. You get hooked on Rafaella's song and want to hear the full version. You get out the OST. You discover there are no full versions, you are left with the blue balls of 1min 30sec tracks. You feel the grief the characters of Gunslinger Girl constantly feel.
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>You move to the manga, and you find the anime was a bad adaptation, in that it changed things and ultimately ends up better than the source material.
Oh really? I'm going to hold you to that.
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I guess I'll have to keep coping with Bullet Girl. And look to see if Panini has Gunslinger Girl.
I don't know about that but Pantheons are certainly varied at least.
It's odd changes, moving things around and recontextualizing. Elsa and her handler aren't really characters in the manga- Elsa's first appearance is when her body's found, and we never even see her handler's face. The meteor shower that ends the anime is actually the first time Angelica's relevant, rather than the last. Henrietta needing more sugar because things don't taste sweet anymore is pretty much the start of the manga, about it being an effect of the cyborg enhancements or whatever, in the anime it's moved near the end to be about the general bad mood the girls get in. Elsa's arc is like chapter 4 of the manga, but is moved to later in the anime to be a better climax.
why is a naked child from the 2010s bullying a tank from the 30s with a rocket launcher from the 80s
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Why would you tell me all that?
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Because the Vita was a magical console where you could knock someone over with a flying kick then mag dump her clothes off.
I am burdened with this knowledge and must spread the misery. I watched Il Teatrino for the first time this weekend and was filled with incredible spite. It is a Copen mechanism.
>blowing panzer-chan's skirts off
extremely rude
They strip the player with bullets too, so it's fair.
Because of CnC? That's funny, because that's the same reason I read the manga for the first time last week.
Do you need cheering up, anon? I know a story that might help. Do you like pasta?
Yeah, I'd started Gunslinger Girl more than ten years ago, but Tactical Communication got me to return to it. A story about pasta, though, really? Never heard the like.
The fact people want fake inti Gunslinger Girl so much they picked up real Gunslinger Girl is amusing.
Why are we so dead
I just came here!
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Because it would have to be a Switch Asian exclusive by default because of how bullshit thing are these days. Also, why Asia exclusive games don't just skip the middle man and have just ass eng subs and let us just buy the thing as it is from the source?
>playing mhrise for the first time
>kamura theme
>can't get xdive out of my head
maybe I should just play xdive instead.
lack of fritos
Continuous Action breaks the game.
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Because fuck you gaijin pig.
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Leviathan pls
I really like this Lev.
I fucking love Giantaxe
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>GV1: Goes 2-5 with Gunvolt in killing bosses
>GV2: Loses every fight and then removes himself from the story
What happened?
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>Z artist is still drawing lolis for gacha
what gacha
You know the one
>blunt bangs
I will now play your game.
what is she going to do with that giant fist?
is there a worse possible set of archetypes for a run other than memory leak + setup? Even starting with angry lola doesn't help that fact that your deck is full of garbage.
Its a livin
Those are gears, don't count. Like how Palette is technically bald.
Must sex until her lightbulbs shine brighter than the sun
>needing ai
I could do that if I wanted to waste my time but that sounds like a even bigger waste of time then being here with you idiots.
Dats da cover for my single “I’m Blue (Da Bi Da Ba Di)” coupling with “LatinX”
the fuck is a latinx?
a latin fairy
Somebody who is Latin American but I wanted to be inclusive of all my besties in Latin America especially da fat tiny Mexicans who got me to where I am today so instead of titling it Latina, I made it Latinx so Latinos and Latinx people could relate to being a Latina baddie on da edge!
the worst medal
That’s PhanPhan and Harpy being Queer icons.
>not Dats
We have a Ratty produced copybot here.
Can't believe Repliforce fired missiles at the ratty capital just now.
Colonel firing his love missile in me and making cute little coup babies.
'Latinx' stems from a weird desire to impose gender neutral terms, on a gendered language; where as 'latina' refers to females, and 'latino' refers to males, 'latinx' refers to an ambiguous, nonbinary Other.
Predated by 'latine', which originated around the early 2000s, by Mexican-Americans
tl;dr it's some modern slang you don't need to worry about.
Ok, Wikipedia. Check you out.
Fuck him, he called me a ratty when I asked him to help with my debut album.
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Truly some people are worse than Gunvolt.
Like Uncle Blues! We had a falling out!
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>gets instantly cumpstered by Korean women
Why do Mexicans cope by claiming Korean women like them?
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Uhm, ackshually 'Pedia is my wizard's name..
No that's exactly what happened, got absolutely manhandled by the Limbus Company girls in Futbol.
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Nova's ultimate skill is real underwhelming compared to Merak's. I had to double check that was actually the full move. Yes, I'm just finishing GV1.
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gacha of the vn series that capcom made a fighting game for and drawn by the cm artist
I can only assume they didn't want to give him a crazy final move when he's got his second form right afterwards.
That's grim. What characters, what art?
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And there's why Zonda will never appear in a voiced role again.
if it's nakayama the arm is the servant and the loli is his wife. If it's higurashi he drew a lot of the art in unlimited codes.
Spiteful ghost Zonda never ever...
She's voiced by an Amagami? No wonder Pantera is love.
Never ever!
Kirin fought Tenjian and Zonda as ghosts, the girl one just didn't talk.
That doesn't count!
Ghosts, GV's guilt made physically manifes, same thing.
Don't you know? Zonda got vaporized so badly that the girl soul was destroyed. Any Zonda appearance is a projection of projection.
Ancie talking to neon at the base:
>I'm more than happy to do anything you ask me.
>...That doesn't include any indecent activities, by the way.
Ancie musing to herself at the base:
>Ancie Nanashiki... hee hee.
>How many children should we have...? Enough to start a soccer team...?
why is she like this?
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Is that a real plot point, that gives Gunvolt soul-destruction feats?
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Go put some panties on
Go put some ratties on
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You can tell a Levy from the Levi because the mass produced sex robot has breasts while Lev is so flat people walk past her in the street and go "damn she flat".
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It's not a default Levy feature, but it's such a common add-on that it might as well be. Not only is it sexy, but it's also got the added perk of booting them up for the first time and watching them freak out over their "suddenly" huge tits.
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Finding out reploids are consumer goods did a number on this place.
"Finding out?" We always knew, we're just talking about it more often. And it's almost certainly not as cut-and-dry as we say anyway, there's no rows of boxed-up reploids for sale and Neo X-Mart.
You think it's a mail order service?
I think it's something we're putting way more thought into than they ever did, Capcom and Inti both.
>Finding out
>Z reploids not always being consumer goods
>This is what those non septimal women want you to think
Women go a bit nuts when their natural purpose isn't fulfilled by a certain age. For guys this isn't really true as they have hobbies and friendships to occupy them.

Their body my choice.
It's always cheaper to buy surplus. When was the last time you bought a car with 0 miles?
That was on an X character sheet for Pallette, Alia, and Layer.
So I guess you can buy your own Alia. Maybe even the Alia, Pallette, and Layer.
I guess that's why they're not in Command Mission.
Nothing pisses me more than off-model crap that becomes seen as the default.
>used reploid reseller
Glad to see scummy used car salesmen have simply adapted to changes in the world
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Because Inti is far above changing VAs.
And switching back and forth too.
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>Inti is far above changing VAs
That's Nips in general They seem to believe recasting a character is the same as DISHONORABRU their soul or something.
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Zonda dresses like THIS?
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You didn't get it!
I hate meganes
Just played the demo for Divine Dynamo,
yep, Inti is still my favorite dev,
The demo is 1/3rd of the game
You're exaggerating
About how long is it in total? I got it from Card en ciel
Don't mind her, just a robotic wife carrying the mechanist husband's giant right arm. What a waste of a boss design...
Maybe she'll be playable latter.
It 's F/GO. There's no gameplay to speak of.
Giving them your money to not get the jpg you want is the gameplay.
findom simulator
That's just real life.
And that's a good thing
Hardly. The sprite equipping the right arm of Daedalus to the right arm and limited animations speaks a lot that she's boss-only. She won't be playable unless they somehow make her work as playable. This is why Takasugi Shinsaku became playable after some extra elbow grease. Now, what will be in Christmas where we get our last Servant of the year...
>people still mad that there's still no christmas helena, suzuka or fran
What're they saying?
So is Ciel a loli
Less of an issue compared to skipping GUDAGUDA, which has never happened in the game's nine years.
That sounds exceedingly gay
So is Cial.
It's just the lyrics to California Girls.
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>gonna talk about the mechaloid
>he calls her fat
>they fight and are called samefags
You can only add so many Shinsengumi
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Imagine looking at this and only feeling incessant rage and pure hatred.
Shinsengumi is even more less of my problems, there are more ideas to out in for GUDAGUDA. Like, are they not gonna add Hideyoshi and Ieyasu?
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Need Ciel sister.
I don't have to imagine.
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Adepts are a creation of the one same as us, just as worthy of the breath of life as anyone else.
If you don't like that, go back in time and stop people from fucking angels and demons. Because someone already tried and things didn't go so well.
Sorry I'm a paragon of virtue and these things or 'monsters' as I like to call them are everything that's wrong with the modern world.
Ancie is full of very lusty affection, she just also knows purity is important.
>he calls her fat
He'll call everyone fat.
So this would all be fixed if Gunvolt goes back in time and hijinks all of Houdai's attempts with girls so he'll be forever alone?
>finally gets around to looking up Cial
>manga character blame-deflecting Ciel's Copy X fuckup
>manga Guardians gattai into unnamed Copy X

...So how about some Fairy Leviathan/Zero shipping-bait into Iris flashbacks?
Knowing how he does things, Houdai dies, the Kamizonos become ow the edge demon/adept killers that never marry, and with the loose horny power adepts come into being that much faster.
>manga Guardians gattai into unnamed Copy X
is it proper gattai or just copy X
>Gunvolt goes back in time
Can't go back in time to a different universe.
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>different universe
God let It be 2025 so MH is released and exoprimal axed and the let the Megaman devs escape from does mines.
I cope that after that they could work on a megaman
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Would anyone here happen to know how this rom hack was done? Since I haven't seen cheats for this, as in playing as Falzar. Would it be possible to use final bosses in the other games too?

Most of the anti adept sentiment was spread by jealous femcels that now found themselves fresh out of options and people willing to gove them attention.
What's a gove?
>At the Flameman scenario
>With a competent folder and an elemsword PA
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>...So how about some Fairy Leviathan/Zero shipping-bait into Iris flashbacks?
Don't we get enough of that from Mexicans
Say what you will about the manga but at least the characters established in it remain in character proper
>this is the second kind of man Capcom fears the most
It's not playing as Falzar, it's just replacing the Megaman object with Falzar, there's no player control
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Justice for Cial.
>calling a model fat
brave words for a mechaloid at kicking distance
Just finished Flamefrit. Wtf do I think of it?
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>Tagging is cool guys
You think it's shit
What game is Inti working on now?
Dats Lev!
BN6 is known for being one of the "easiest" to play around with memory addresses
From what i recall back then, you could open vba memory/hex editor and with a list of known values on what to change, a normal battle would go different, such as different background address, different music address, enemy address like those spam videos but with an ingame limit due to it's programming
But as for picrel, it's more like an execution script or cheat, where MM behaviour address is replaced by Falzar but since it doesn't have the player functions it'll just act on autopilot, however the script is probably made so it asign MM HP value to Falzar, otherwise it would be an autowin
I really don't know much about.assembly/hex editing but i believe that's how it works

Next year for sure...
>Next year for sure...
My bestie
It's BN6 nip release day (19)
And i did nothing yet once again
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No thoughts, only nyo
You want more fritos
your hopium reserves are now refilled
please wait warmly for future disappointment
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This is the waiting line for President Ex Machina and Tactical Communication
>no line
Sir that's copium not hopium.
i'm waiting for gal guardians 2
it'll either be a gv2 or ix2 situation
Evidently Inti sucks at numbered sequels
flamefrit Z will save us
The dark avenger shadonir spinoff is better than flamefrit
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I don't know man, something is off about that series, like how they nerfed Gram personality into autopilot "yeah,sure,whatever" or there is no power of bonds or girls at all, shadonir can't carry the series alone you know
Edgy rivals don't need girls
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But a trap? Really?
Could zerbo survive Castlevania after being betrayed and trapped in the hyperbolic time chamber
Zero this, Zero that, but no one realizes the real enemy is Axl, he could betray us at anytime, i mean look at him, he's stealing space that was meant for humans he's just plotting his betrayal anytime soon, damn it Axl, i'll never forgive you.
t. Signas and Zero
>Could Harpuia defeat Bejita in a kneeling contest
>Could Leviathan survive a fish tank with only dolphins
>Could Harpuia defeat Bejita in a kneeling contest
Yes, because he always be kneeling when giving head at Juilliard.
>Could Leviathan survive a fish tank with only dolphins
Yes because dey be my besties, dey know not get freakayyyy wit me but to rape my opps instead!
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>finally finish decode 6 and unlock the final muse
>still takes 6 more runs for her to show up
also she seems kind of bad. While the effect looks pretty good at a glance I assume you still have the same 3 blue energy cap so you need to carful to only turn muses on one at a time and also find something useful to use the energy on in-between turning each one on, otherwise her effect is mostly wasted. It seems a bit dependent on your keywords for viable that is to do, since some like draw are kind of hard to not pop them all at once.
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wouldn't it make more sense for X to do this
>Art does not match the gameplay
Nice reward…
Yes and no
X woulda used a buster shot.
You don't need to be such a bad sport about it, Vile.
baptism by fire
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Lev is a Jostar! Oh my gawd!
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All I want for Christmas is RockmanCiel
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I hope it's a CotM2 situation, the first game was too easy.
Somehow I'm imagining Zonda in a horny santa costume delivering gagged minos to brats all over Mexico. Gerbil is the unfortunate raindeer that has to help her
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I have obtained all of the medals and achievements in card-en-ciel. Time to wait for the extra stages to be added.
I saw someone mention that what they did for the final boss was to fill your wild cards with Totally Normal Childhood Friend and with that many full hand refills you're bound to get something done. Probably not 100% consistent but it turned out pretty well for me on the first try. Getting a Burn Bright! Flamefrit! to hit 7 cards for 24 boost before pulling the wild card out on turn 2 helped a lot, as did getting a Kurona cheat on Serving Luna for cost generation. So yeah just get lucky I guess. I still don't know what happens when you play Ancie's card with blue energy since I keep killing him the same turn he enters phase two.
I don't know what any of that is besides Santa and reindeer.
>Cond: Trigger an ally muse's performance
Doesn't that mean she'll always immediately trigger and you'll never hear another song again
You'll never hear your first muse but once you activate another one you'll replace her.
Ancie personally bends him over and reams him horrifically without lube.
>still 10
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It's over
This would've never have happened with the guidance of our glorious queen of Neo Arcadia.
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>Daibu will be renamed Time Rift in (mainland) China by Nebulajoy
holy goddamn
>daibu continues
Mega Man is saved
>The level of delay on the negotiations part is so ludicrously high that somehow the gacha returns even long after its end
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I want to fuck ancie
Thanks to anon who pointed out the artist was a hentai artist named Ukimukai
How can inti keep getting away with being so based?
RiCO Daibu will never die!
And you thought rereleasing the classic games was desperate...
>Nebula will still be scared of s rank Zero
Wasn't Nebula a Chinese company to begin with? Why are they just now releasing it in their own country?
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>I want to fuck ancie
Anon no, banish the demon!
>add up the greenlight in OP
>it was bait
the setup for public execution next month is almost complete
I heard it was because of naming issues since chinese law apparently has all the game names be in chinese but it makes so little sense that it'd take so long until now. Wouldn't be surprised if Nebulajoy played hardball with their (presumably) primary market.
This but Maho.
china is inter's greatest ally...
You get the cat girl.
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>gacha is alive
>we can play in mobabowl again
So what you're saying is
>taiwan lost
>mainland won
More like Crashman is now going full chinese. Wonder what are his plans next.
>Wonder what are his plans next
Is this just a rerun or will there be new content?
36 minute long cutscene of X talking about how China has the mandate of heaven, and will grow stronger.
So no new content?
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Nebulabros we are SO back!
This made me picture a ribbon-bound bunnygirl Cial underneath a christmas tree. I like it.
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not many b and a rank characters left
Now you're making me picture both of them bound together under the tree by their ribbons.
>knockoff Oversurge Azure Striker catchphrase
I see. Thanks for the explanation!
XZ was alive all along....
More like NebulaGoy
*slap boob*
Can't wait for DMC: Apex of Action!
XZ is dead
You fool, she moans in the nyan song.
>all the game names be in chinese but it makes so little sense that it'd take so long until now
that didn't bother taisen
Flamefrit 2 will have a kudos system like Gunvolt and play the nyan song.
nyan song 2 will be by the dub VA
It still sound exactly the same.
Who's Mori?
Madame president that forces gakis on you to kill adepts.
Any hope of Servants of the Dark releasing in 2025?
Horse fucker V tuber who's also the current president of the US
I blame it on the lack of fucho news
But X helped Calliope Mori(who's in open conflict with China according to PeM2) win the elections and was given absolute autority to "drain up the swamp" afterwards
That's copy x.
When will Calliope Mori stream Megaman/Inti game?
cocks in ciel but with the good MM songs
No, it was original X after he was banned from Brazil
Can we stop forcing this Mori meme?
*splits u in half*
So does the database in Z4 fill as you encounter stuff through gameplay or do you to do something like kill/talk a certain number of times for an entry to appear?
Oh no! This one is Brazilian too!
And go back to Kirinposting?
Kirin, Callie, Midna and Hilda. We are missing two more to make the Sailor Moon but with more zoophilia
>What about chibi usa
Fine, 3
cocks in ciel but with the good /m/ songs
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Card En Ciel but Lola is allowed to sing her best country music hits
Cock in Ciel but it’s Used*Goods’ entire discography.
Inti told me they finna make a sequel with MY music as the OST because I’m a #HotOne. I just know most of you will be tearful and shit when Besties feat Ciel plays in da credits.
But anon think about the poor Sony core values!
Cock in Ciel but it's my cock in Cial.
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Just take off all mentions of Servbot solidarity.
Aftershow sex with Colonel
Cock en ciel but Pando is in it
why is pando in the cock
Smoking pot with Pandor
Aren't you forgetting a member
Wow looks like a bannable off topic offense
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Dats my stunt double for my music videos
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What is Inti cooking right now?
surely fritos....
Instant ramen
Fried ramen
Must not seggs....furrybait...
They have upgraded to spaghetti
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I have a problem.
is she ur waifu, anon? does our little man have a crush???? cute
Stop liking evil women
Save and cherish evil women
Cial isn't a real megaman character
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The spoils of victory
Nobeta already belongs to the C teams and sometimes even works for Zonda. She's got to time to be part of Sailor Zoo
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Tell me in which game she appeared?
Rockman ZX
Ciel being the creator of the biometals is a bait and switch because Ciel died years ago while her sister was kept young via technology
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I have trouble labeling Pandora (& Prometheus) as explicitly evil due to the circumstances surrounding them - their actions and emotions are influenced by an evil radiating artifact, but they've shown they want nothing to do with the Game of Destiny, and Albert needed to employ failsafes to ensure their compliance.
While Prometheus talks a mean game, and even after the 'death' of Albert they show their desires to destroy 'his' world, Albert's supposed death wouldn't mollify the influential effects of the fragment embedded in them - their 'evil' nature stems explicitly from a foreign object painting their perception of the world, and magnifying their negative emotions.
They are pawns in a madman's game, who only play along so they can achieve their revenge against the one who brought them centuries of pain - that's not evil, it's tragic.
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I dunno. I feel like causing misery just to accelerate the end of the world is pretty evil regardless of if it's voluntary or out of spite. There's nothing wrong with her being evil anyway.
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Their story is sad
They're not even real.
If it's evil it must be purged, no exceptions
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I wish I could find that one Gundam Wing track.

They can be both, you know.
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Their actions are against their will (Initial attempts to flee), and colored by an artifact that heightens negativity (Serpent's greed and ambitions being magnified, leading him to absconding with one) - it's dubious to claim that anything prior to Albert's death were of their own volition, and in the moments after striking him down, they were in a heightened emotional state (See: Model W draining ZX protag before final battle) that meant they were speaking solely from a heart colored by an outside influence.
They're both puppets with tangled strings, and having accomplished their centuries-long goal of killing Albert, they were left without guidance, and WOULD have returned to what they knew best, because Model W fragments were unaddressed...
Ironically, the Model Ws siphoning away their pent-up hatred could have been the best thing for the two, since emotions are a quantifiable metric that can be accumulated, but also exhausted -- you don't just cultivate a plurality of centuries of contempt in an afternoon, and with the locus of their ire eliminated, it would be harder to reach that state of lunacy.

tl;dr i find it difficult to hold them culpable for their actions, due to the circumstances surrounding them.

The definition of evil used in this circumstance is very loose - it's a strong word, that can't just be applied willy-nilly.
Characters like Weil, Albert, King (SF), Corvus, Virgo are evil
Tia, Jack, Prometheus, and Pandora are antagonists, forced into roles by those around them.
Her worst songs
>King (SF)
oops, that's MR. King.
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Cial can't be evil if she fights for humanity.
She has a very pretty smile.
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Praise her more.
Is it this one
is satur demake
is sunday godless
Is Sera evil?
No. She just needed some dick.
Yes. She just needed some dick.
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I'll tell you after I muster the motivation to complete the time attack records in that skating game, continue MML2, and complete the story.
Maybe. Still got that dick while Tron and Roll got nothing.
I don't know but I do know that she and Yuna are one of my besties unlike that mentally ill rat Lev.
Ok, but what about war criminals who were told to just follow orders and now want to live in peace, does that count as evil too?
Yes, now face the wall, X.
Fuck you, bitch
Also fuck you for insulting my daddy.
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If you wanted to purge him that was a very poor choice of words.
Well, Dirlewanger was forcefully merged with Hitlerium that influenced his mind, and made him act evil, don't you know.
Who wants to bet they'll use the Chinese rebranding of DiVE as their 27th anniversary release?
Do companies celebrate anniversaries that aren't divisible by 5? I guess first, second, third years, but after 10th anniversary it loses the luster.
Capcom usually released games on the 17th of December from MM4 to MML1.
They only did that stunt with Offline and the NFTs last year because it was the X series' 30th. It will be a tweet this year.
That or there will be excuses from some people that they just released the chinese daibu so there'll totally be new content in that game so shut up and enjoy the slop.
I doubt people outside of mainland would even be able to access Chiabu...
Chiabu has a exclusive music video starring Lev.
If everything is ok for anon then the schedule should be
Frieday card
Saturn soulless demake
Sun megaman
Red Sun in the Sky is pretty sick ngl
>there'll totally be new content in that game
>more b and a ranks being given auras while still fearing the last one originally made
Just take the golden aura, and change it red for another tier of recycled assets.
>S Rank Zero (Super Reploid God)
>S Rank Zero (Super Reploid God Super Reploid)
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You're expecting way too much.
But what happens if I, human, grab lev butt?
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>it's dubious to claim that anything prior to Albert's death
Albert outlived them though
By Neo Arcadian law, you are now married.
In that moment, they believed themself to be free of him, and no longer subject to his whims, so their words are spoken with that belief. Their fate is left ambiguous, as the game repeatedly reinforces they have not yet died, however.
Trick question, she has no butt to be grabbed.
>X confesses to Iris that he's in love with her
How does she respond?
Colored https://files.catbox.moe/xxnuna.png
Shock, and bashfulness, I imagine? Maybe confusion, since they didn't really have much going on. Politely trying to explain that she likes him as a co-worker, and would like things to remain that way, while trying not to hurt his feelings.
>the game repeatedly reinforces they have not yet died
It did not
Very nice.
Alright, let's cite events within the games, shall we? Aile/Vent get their anger drained by the Model W in ZX - it proves it is possible to survive this event.
A hunter has his energy drained by a Model W in ZXA, and his body fades - it shows that it CAN be lethal, as well.
Prometheus and Pandora both have their negativity drained by the Model Ws, but their bodies do not fade, despite the supposed climax of their story - even drawing comparisons to the scene prior, green!Albert's body immediately vanishes when he is struck down, meaning his purpose in the plot has been fulfilled, and it's unambiguous as to his fate.
If they were intended to have die, would they not have simply faded away when Model W drained them? There's PRECEDENT for it being a lethal event, right? Yet, the scene direction keeps them as persistent entities in the world; the player character even shows hesitation at leaving them behind, but has to urgently abandon them during the base collapse - what is the purpose of doing this, if they were intended to be dead? Is he going to hold a reploid funeral?
Had they died, their souls (DNA codes != souls, as it can be produced without a lethal event) would have been absorbed by Model W, and they would have reappeared in the refights like the pseudoroids, right? Meaning, either Albert - at the height of his power, claiming to have control over life itself - feared further insubordination, and could not modify their wills despite his immense power and them being valuable assets that could have protected him.. or Ouroborus didn't have access to their souls, to revive them.

All of this is speculation, and ultimately pointless without ZXC, mind you, but it's a fun analysis of the scene, and capabilities of Model W throughout the games.
Model wwww
Model W(orld Three)
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They say it stands for "World Three", but Wily is just really uncreative and wanted to name it "WilyWilyWily"
Elpizo jumpscare.
gacha filler design
I specifically posted it because of the Elpizo
What a bitch...
X would neither say nor think this...
X wouldn't have feelings for Iris either.
Its actually Model Vvvvv
Hm, you're right... Wait a minute, I think Anonymous might be using X as a surrogate for himself.

Oh, I remember that game.
Shut up Sancho! Your canto killed your game
That works really well.
lev's translator systems are on the fritz..
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Not fair, Leviathan is the one that intones it with exclamation, while Pandora employs ellipsis in both sayonara, and nigasanai.
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To be fair, Leviathan's line read is fucking unrecognizable through GBA compression.
Look, they had to cut back on high quality voice modules for reploids of that era due to the energy crisis - tinny, incomprehensible audio is par for the course, of that era.
ZX Advent singlehandedly killed the franchise, just let Pan stay buried
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Most of her other lines are fine.

Damn, ZXA is THAT powerful it killed the entire Mega Man franchise alone....
Eh, it was a combo of factors. Franchise fatigue, being locked to handhelds, being a sequel of a sequel to a niche subseries.
Yeah, I was taking the piss - I guess I could have threw in a 'holy faurk', and an 'I kneel' to hammer it home, however. harpuiakneeling.png
Is ZX/ZXA popular in japan? It's insane how much fanart there are of Aile and Pandora.
>Anonymous might be using X as a surrogate for himself
She's the one that asked the human player out though, unless she's the type of person to reject someone because they want to be the ones that initiate things.
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>Is ZX/ZXA popular in. . . .
No anon it is not popular anywhere. There's just more people aware of it in Japan so more individuals choose to draw the two main girls from it.
She gets nervous without her helmet.
Less than fucking RiCO
I think he might mean relative to the footprint of the series.
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Teppen art is kind of uncanny at times, but at least the BN reps aren't as bad as X
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i'm taking sanity damage just looking at it good god.
Look like AI generated
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It's the glossiness, the shading, and I think the images might be upscaled for higher resolutions. The lines on Lan's fingers, and the keypad on the net navi look a bit weird here
It's drawn like a sloppy Western adaption.
surely capcom would never!
as easy as it's just to have a bunch of images and then train on that style to reduce costs...
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>on the net navi
Yeah, I'm not particularly fond of the glossy digital look to it, but seeing what they did to X is a travesty, and by setting the bar so low, I'm satisfied with sub-par quality
>>>>>>>>>>>>that yai
i ain't posting that one
There are artists sourced for these, but I haven't had a chance to look up the rest of their work to see if they're proompters
It kinda fits Miyu like if she was a character in Clock Tower or some other horror game.
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Why was this game disowned by Inafune and Capcom for being too dark? It doesn't seem much darker than anything that happens in the comics or in the X series. I actually kinda liked the bad endings for how emotional and intense they got.
Because it was an adaptation, and it happened much later with relatively little to no input from him. Unless you mean the mangas, but try and figure out his reasoning there unless you count the following.
>X series
Different series. I'd say that maybe they were trying to keep the two in different tones in order to make them more distinct from each other. Now whether this was a good idea or not, it's another story. A better comparison would be 9 and 10's plots.
>being locked to handhelds
I wouldn't count that as a factor against it
I think it's a fair point considering both portable platforms had rampant piracy issues.
that one time gamestop advertised an R4 by accident
Yugioh news: Verre is getting a new card.
I like this.
For me, it's Galatea-i
It's not
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I just finished that game. It makes wish that this would have taken the budget and manpower of Umbraclaw. Flamefrit 2 when?
Two days late dude. And like a proper Witchcrafter card it had to come with two drawbacks. Still a must have at 2 to 3.
Is Flamefrit even a real game? Everything I've heard of it makes it sound like a vertical slice that escaped the cutting room floor.
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What about this thing how does she feel without it
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No biggie.
I mean, you can play it, so yes. It's not long, but it's still a real game.
>sexes Pandora
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Damn, Bruce merked Cyber Akuma
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We really are starved for posts, if this is what we must resort to.
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And then Aile!
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Tsubushite ageru...
Vague hornyposting? That's nothing new.
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I am starved for cute girls, yes.
So this is the power of bruce
Always found him harder to fight than Apocalypse - I wasn't very good at fighting games as a babu (I am still quite bad at them)
>Sun megaman
but which
is it time for the yearly Z2 ritual
How were you supposed to know to press up to catch Shadownir's sword?
Toad tells you.
melt education program
and still forget it
in 15 minutes
Huh. Somehow, it's both unexpected and unsurprising.
new hope for 3v3. . . .
Do you really want to see 6 Dive Armor Next on the screen?
umm sweaty it's dive armor TRY season now
>new hope for 3v3
>couldn't make new characters

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