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>Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves launches April 24, 2025
>FF:CotW - Kim Dong Hwan

>Metal Slug Tactics released

>SVC Chaos: SNK vs Capcom rereleased

>KOFXV - Mature & Vice

>Terry in Street Fighter 6

>Recent event footage:

>DandyJ's beginner guide to KOF

>Community resources
>KOFXV beginner guides

>/neog/ Discord
>Official SNK Discord

>SNK Media Gallery
>Assorted Translations
>NEO-GEO FREAK Magazine Archive
>RedGGPO and romset
>KOF Official Site backup

Previous Thread: >>502052038
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ded general
post release support hoyp!! miracle that kofxv exists
Did the bugeishas really?
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Let's talk about Metal Slug tactics.
I fucking hate the miner quest.
What where they thinking?
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SNK should fire their marketing department, the hype for COTW is practically dead.
the marketing is not solely at fault here when the product is not really anything more than "hey new game in x series" and that's really the biggest exciting thing about it
not "hey we got a new game in series and here is some cool new shit and cool/sexy/cnf characters that will catch your attention in an eyecatching style that DOESN'T look pawned off from mvc3"
just having newgameinxseries alone doesn't mean anything unless it's an already hyped up series to begin with and in that case it must be something like smash bros
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I like the art style. It reminds me of old school shoujo manga.
Pretty sure that's the point.
They need to stop making fighting games already, CotW better be the last one they do for a while because a budget genre like fighting games doesn't get any respect. Even most of the big boys like SF6, T8 and especially MK1 are pretty fucking dead outside of their niche circlejerks now. The only one flourishing is Strive and that's not with gamers

This isn't even criticism it's barely functional as a statement. Most franchises literally only get attention due to frequent marketing anymore because everyone is at odds with each other and we're in a media overdose landscape where everyone is tired of old shit going bad or new shit being bad. All the dev teams can do is make what they want and have suits attempt to sell it. If there's no biters then there's no appeal and at that point what does it even matter?

Last trailer we got was Dong Hwan and we might get something equally mediocre like Jae Hoon this month. I don't think we'll be seeing any real interest in the game until closer to launch because all news is the bare minimum
>Most franchises literally only get attention due to frequent marketing anymore
you completely missed my point in saying this
you can shine the light on cotw all you want
unless it has anything that would interest the casual viewer, the only people you're gonna get the attention of are the people already interested in it because of the nature and content of the product itself
and they'll talk about it for a few seconds and go about their way only waiting for the next bit of news, but increasing the frequency of said news is going to do nothing but sate only the hunger of those who were already engaged in seeing cotw news, lather rinse repeat
and then you run out of news and the game comes out
and it's just fleeting because outside the fact that it's a new game in the ff franchise, there's nothing remarkably interesting about it
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>put male character in op
>thread dies
Had they released gameplay trailer for Mature and Vice, joint power of their titties would have kept the thread alive.
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Many such cases.
Hype for COTW was firing on all cyclinders too, but then it just diminished. Mai Shiranui was clearly the peak because she's a character people actually give a fuck about. Billy Kane has a shit redesign, no one near Terry's or Mai's level.

No one cares about Kevin Rian or Dong Hwan. Revealing Kevin Rian at Evo instead of Mai is fucking insane. Dong Hwan especially should have been retired, sorry but no one cares about Kim's sons.

Vox Reaper looks cool in motion but design wise very weak compared to Grant. I don't think he has any immediate aesthetic appeal.

Still no Freeman reveal for another villain/bad guy. Still no Gato.

Revealing the Ken & Chun-Li crossover in a shitty round table with no trailer and not even having official renders ready was the deathknell, holy shit how retarded. Actual leaks would have been far better than that.

With all of that out of the way, COTW is looking good.
Dong Hwan has his fanbase, they are just not as loud, since he is neither someone with million appearances to make him a legacy character or a sexy waifu. But if the game just had characters that inspire biggest hype, then the selection would be really small. And new characters are a gamble, Preecha got complaints for her design, and you said yourself Vox's design is weak. Any other new characters would hardly be that much different.
No one likes new characters at first sight.
The exceptions were Juri and Reina.
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plenty of gachaslop introduce new characters that get instant appeal right off the bat
Different mindset I guess.
And get thrown away for a new waifu of the week in a heartbeat.
>joint power of their titties would have kept the thread alive.
Not this time, they covered them up.
Azucena was a success, until everyone got tired of her screeching about coffee all the time. And nerfing her best move certainly didn't help.
Victor gained interest as silver fox, but everyone agrees the sword is a surplus, both in visual design and his gameplay.
So the problem might not be so much that they are new, but that they have something that fucks it up.
We really are dead, huh
I've run out of things to talk about, and I guess people playing new Metal slug are busy playing. December is soon, when fresh stuff should come trickling in.
This stance is tits, I hope they use it in KOFXV.
We could talk about Metal Slug Tactics, like I already tried in this thread.
I'm sorry, looks like there is barely anyone still here, and while I played Metal Slug, Tactics isn't my cup of tea.
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Did anyone read the Nakoruru visual novel? How is it?
Probably due to that verification bullshit that most people don't bother with.
Pretty mediocre overall
Taimanin for next SamSho?
>Lack of news on CotW until a week where they'll reveal some shit like Jae Hoon
>KOFXV intentionally killed to focus on CotW despite not having any news for a month
>4chan intentionally stifling its posters with post limits that take 15 minutes to do anything

We're better off just letting the threads fall off and wait for release and if the threads aren't much more lively after CotW and the 9k schizo kills himself from boredom then the threads should just remain dead because clearly it's not going to get any better going forward
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One Puta and one Tranny
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Yuri & Friends
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lol well first off furina is still pretty liked
second, even fotm still gets plenty more attention than the nothingburger dimeless ones that aren't even at acquired taste level
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>and the 9k schizo kills himself from boredom
>implying i won't just continue kicking someone while they're down in other fg threads
Gameplay trailer when?
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I can't wait for the future Alice mods.
It's dog shit like everything she stars in. I don't understand the Japanese obsession with a character as vanilla like her.
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>Did anyone read the Nakoruru visual novel?
Where did you get the version with the extra face plate?
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I got it on Nin-Nin games
Yamato Nadeshiko is a pretty popular archetype in Japan.
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Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?
She's literally Ainu. Fails at being Yamato.
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I've been trying to tie hakkeshu with forces of nature, and so far this is what I got:
Goenitz - wind - tornado
Chris - fire
Shermie - electricity - thunderstorms
Yashiro - earth - earthquakes/eruptions
Mature/Vice - predators/beasts

It would actually fit Gaidel to be water, since then he can have floods as the ultimate disaster, and also he is a character with both destroying (hakkeshu) and calming (Leona's father) side.
Yamazaki is the one I can't fit, he seems to be a beast like Mature and Vice. But if 3 of 4 earthly kings are beasts, then the 4th one should be as well, yet 4 characters with same theme of violence is kind of dull.
Wow, someone remembered her.
Never underestimate the wonderful mind of an autistic coomer.
Would Adel enjoy having Rock as a rival?
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Is Rimururu in hiding or what?
I want to like the game, but every time I get to the Shieet boss I die. I hate it. I beat him one time but died later on and I was so powerful.’Then it makes you start all the way to the beginning. Yawn.
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Practically everything SNK does is bewildering and unorthodox. No other modern FG company behaves like them. It's like they operate in a different reality. From like you said about them revealing Kevin out of all characters at EVO to just reveal Billy at China a week after, to them revealing the final KOF 15 DLC to be Vice and Mature but just their character sketches, not even a render that we somehow haven't gotten months later at TGS, and still haven't gotten as we're approaching their release month. Stuff like them having KOF 13 rollback on PS4 and the fucking Switch, but not PC for some inconceivable reason. I can list a ton of other stuff, but you get the point. It's like these negros are purposely making the most baffling decisions they can. Either that or SNK is just ran by psychopaths.
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$224 for Goenitz with a stroke
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If you don't want to take risks, focus on the mobs an occasionally attack the boss, when you feel safe.
He is indeed the most obnoxious boss, but everything is beatable.
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Gaidel is sky like Zeorymer.
Those are some big toned thighs.
Tim Curry vibes.
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love bimmy combos simple as
let's FREAKIN go notrockhoward
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cool chicken scratches
Why does Athena have a Rumiko Takahashi face?
is that really a rumiko takahashi face
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The face reminds me of Lum.
kind of what i was trying for when i drew over that pic
How does that apply to a KOF fight? Zeorymer is a mecha, and my quick read shows it has special speed, destructive shockwaves, and can tank a lot of damage. That's pretty standard for KOF characters, while to say someone has elemental power it needs to be actually seen.
Zeorymer is the Hakkeshu that turned against Tekkoryu.
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Okay, but that still doesn't explain how an earthly king can have heavenly powers of the sky, or how would they even be presented. Mature, Vice, and Yamazaki also turned against Goenitz, so the situation is not that strictly comparable.
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>Days of vacuous posting

Why do you keep this general alive when you've clearly driven everyone away with your faggotry? Your insufferable behavior over the years results in this place being dead. It's clear everyone else has fucked off to other social media sites because they can't stand you anymore.
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How did Fatal Fury Special capture the japanese players this way?
It is basically SFII tier.
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nta, but this place has been just as dead before KOFXV and 9k schizo, SNK games just don't inspire posting for longer periods of time, and the lazy 30th anniversary certainly doesn't help either.
stop killing the narrative, he needs to be able to attribute just one more thing to me so i can add it to my big belt full of notches
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It was good.
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90s SNK localisation was a hoot
why IS maxima foretelling that k IS going to be toast, rather than speaking with past tense probabilities
did maxima plan a heel turn on k
I'm new to KOF, how do you beat rolls? Can you grab opponents during their rolls?
yes, that is one of the ways you actually beat them
and the other is to catch them on the tail end of one with a normal and a lot of people like to do things like crouching normal -> blowback when timed
thank you!
you can figure out some tricks like some spaced safejump/hop setups and frametraps and safe meaties or whatever you wanna call them to check wakeups like if they roll on wakeup
Might be a translation thing. Like I think in the Japanese version when Whip tells Krizalid about him being a clone she wasn't as hostile towards him as she was in the English one.
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>I'm new to KOF
Check out these videos (and channels)




For reference
>"dead general"
>page 4

So which ones are more inactive?
yeah you tend to go through page 4 on your way back to page 10 after the desperate rescuing bump kek
Maxima is probably talking about how K''s glove is relatively unstable and that if his glove breaks, K' will lose control of the flame and be consumed.
i'm mocking the way he's phrasing it
Then yeah, that's just kooky SNK '90s localization.
What was Nakoruru caught doing?
would think even back then 90s localizers would know about the difference between expressing something that is sure to happen and something that could have happened but just luckily didn't
>Yamazaki is the one I can't fit,
Yamazaki is mountain, it's literally in his name.
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What the fuck
Made for hotglueing
They need to make a shirt of this.
wtf are they even saying to each other
In part you are right, however the 30th anniversary posts wouldn't have saved shit even if they were people's various definitions of interesting. This is just cope by KoFags that can't stand not being catered to 24/7. Even when games have been fresh, including KoF games, the threads were near death a couple weeks after. I'll admit I sort of dipped shortly before XV released because the shitposting and schizos became annoying, but even since XIV released threads were molasses slow.
Even when they blitzed information like with weekly trailers people bitched and moaned as to what the point was. People here would rather bitch and moan than have any sort of discussion.
I even made some of the threads a few years back, but then ultimately though if it goes on it goes on if they fall off page 10 it's whatever.
Athena is inquiring as to why a specific person hasn't shown up and Kyo, being a nice chap for a change, is posting that their fellow acquaintance possibly could not attend their dance function.
>Even when they blitzed information like with weekly trailers people bitched and moaned as to what the point was.
clearly it was all just one great anon doing all of that
No, but your postings have become more erratic over the years. This is just conjecture, but points I even noticed that for the sake of shitposting you've been on the same side as the retard who ducked your challenge and who would come back and try to shit things up when the threads were still young.
*but at points
Yes the type where it's just a cheap shirt where the design is just an ironed on square version of the picture that gets hot as fuck when any amount of sunlight hits it.
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>adjective: sanguine
>1.optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
>but your postings have become more erratic over the years
oh cool i leveled up a lot
it be all that jrpg grindin
They probably tried to say bloody battle.
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Tam Tam is so dreamy...
Why did he let her turn out like this? Why didn't he correct her when he had the chance?
Krizacuck, the simp?
is she saying puke as an expression of disgust or calling him a puke
like turning puke into a noun like that is very strange
A puke (noun, referring to a person) is a contemptible or worthless person. So yes, '90s localized Whip is using that word correctly.
and how often have you heard it used in a noun form in that manner irl, without the word "little" preceding it
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Nakobutt with the next picture by the artist being some prpr-able precure coinslot.
Seems like we're only going to get new shit at the Game Awards. And it likely should be a character trailer and Beta announcement. If there isn't a beta announcement, the game is going to be delayed.
Mountain is not elemental power, it's a buildup of earth and rock, and falls under Yashiro's power.
At most, Yamazaki shows immovability of mountain when it comes to his life goals vs serving Orochi in modern times. But again, that's not a power, that's just one hell of a stubbornness. He'll probably never even fit, since he wasn't even created as hakkeshu, it was tacked on in KOF.
The bagua (hakke in Japanese) elements are Heaven (sky), Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain and Earth.
Do you have autism? I know the bagua elements, you've repeated them many times, I'm trying to talk about elemental powers in a fighting game, ie. those shiny effects that show up on screen to indicate this fighter is not like the other fighter. Stuff like heaven, mountain and lake can't translate into that, since they are really just different form of other elements - lake is made of water; mountain is made of earth and possibly fire (volcanoes); heaven is made of wind, thunder and water.
You're inventing your own elements like "beasts".
I would have loved to give Mature and Vice some actual elements, but they don't really have anything besides scratching with sharp nails, and clawed predators are part of nature. Which is really what I wanted initially, to tie protectors of nature with dangers coming from nature.
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