Safi time edition >I have a question about Monster Hunter! >MH WildsWilds Info: page: weapon trailers: Trailer: >MH RiseSunbreak TU Info: Connect: Set Search: Weakness Database: >MH WorldIceborne Info: is now Steam Deck verified! Info: >Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier >Databases >Where does /vg/ play?Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage) >/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads) Previous thread: >>502542650
I love huntresses
Post your favorites
>>502625630I don't like it!
Took a moment to really analyze the roster and I'e come to the horrific realization that Rising Spiral isn't gonna work on like half the fucking roster because they're too low to the ground when knocked down. I hate this fucking move so much. Insect Glaive finally gets a big burst damage attack and it literally just doesn't fucking work on anything smaller than a Rathalos
why does wilds have so many women
>>502625950ig is a joke weapon
>>502626104It really isn't, fuck you. IG was perfect in 4U and then they just kept nerfing it over and over, and instead of just doing what they should have done, buff the fucking basic combo, they gave us an attack that can't hit a monster's head when knocked down. IG is literally going to be doing nothing but Descending Slash on half the roster
Back to the fatty grind...
>>502626314well it wasn't but it is now. aerial sux and their best bet is just being on the ground and doing everything else that isn't what they actually want to do
I don't understand why PC players try to convince console players to move to PC often times suggesting some name brand graphics card like amd or nvidia. Do you have some sort of quota you have to make?Anyway. I built a PC or rather paid someone to build me one but not for gaming mind you but for work. The only thing I'll probably play on this thing is The Sims 4. You don't need to convince me to move to PC because I do not have any intention of doing so. Not now not tomorrow and not 5 years from now in other words never. Internet use can be free and Gabe can give me 1000 free games and I still don't care. I literally just don't want to "game" on a PC it's that simple. Let's just accept each other for what we are. Rich, Poor, Asian, Caucasian. Let's just respect each other from a distance and respect each other's choices instead of trying to belittle people because they want to play a game day one on X platform. There is literally little to no reason why one should drag another person to a pit for their gaming choices. It's their money and no one is entitled to it apart from them./rant
>>502626790We can be PC pals. :3
>>502626790tranny movie game. also because pc players feel bad for us because we have no mods and have to pay to use our internet
Huntress is better ass on PC but I understand
>>502625461>so desparate to "fix" the OP that you posted it before the old thread was even finishedmfw laughing at your wannabe janny ass
>>502626790>often times suggesting some name brand graphics card like amd or nvidiabecause the only other brand is Intel and lol, lmao. >I'm not gaming on PC!!!>But I will game on PCrotflmao
>>502627098The old thread is finished when I say it's finished, Chud--better get used to it. It's high time someone took charge around here and you will NOT like me when I'm angry.
>>502626790okay but then why did you place a note next to the computer that says Aira is ready for MH: WIIDS?
>>502626790>xx60 cardWhy even bother with PC gaming if you're not going to use a 4080 minimum?
>>502626948And I'm totally fine with that! I don't care if you play on PC if we can play together that's good enlugh for me.>>502626998Y tho? Why would someone care about what we use our money on and whether we can mod a game? It doesn't make sense it's not your life its mine. I was granted the gift of Free Will by the all mighty Jesus. You literally have no place to tell me what to do because you are no one.You being PC players or anyone dictating others what to do.
>>502625950Why does every weapon need a big burst damage attack, especially a weapon that can drop 100MV on a monster's head while other weapons are still running to the monster?>>502626314How does a weapon having one overtuned move make it perfect?
The chiefs lost. Wilds is going to flop
Monster Hunter Milds..
>>502627743highly unlikely what else is even coming out that month?
>>502626790>b450 mobo>timebomb PSU>rtx 4060
>>502627649>Why would someone care about what we use our money onThe same reason you stop a kid from putting their hand on a burning stove. Or tell them not to run with a knife.
>>502627535In all seriousness? I made it for trolling like a week ago but I kind of got bored of /mhg/ in general because the overall Doom vibe just isn't me. I didn't place it the guy did we did the transaction and building fully remotely and his store just delivered it when it's ready. He wanted to show the products before unboxing and building them.>>502627634This is exactly my point. Why does PC gaming have to have a minimum X hardware in order to play X game? This is why PC gaming is such a turn off in general.
>>502627921I tried to tell her she got shafted by whoever put it together for her as you know they charged premium prices for those shitty brands but you know Aira. Its like talking to a wall. A really, really retarded wall.I don't mind the usual bantz but willingly being ignorant to the point people actively take advantage of you is disheartening to me.
>>502627649because you are on a public message board and I will tell you my shitty opinions just like you tell me yours. allah willing; a thousand stones upon you
>>502626790>often times suggesting some name brand graphics card like amd or nvidiaoh wow you actually are that wasn't a bit all along you really are mentally deficient
Reminder:>Every monster now has all 14 unique weapon models>All weapons now have upgraded versions at the end
>12gb 3060 runs better than 8gb 4060 and 3060 ti and can use high res texturesYeah, I'm thinking it's wilding time until the 5000 series drop in price, please give me 15fps more until then ryozo
>>502628123>Why does PC gaming have to have a minimum X hardware in order to play X game?It's literally no different than consoles in that regard. Can you boot up a PS5 game on PS1?
>>502628367are you really gonna lie to me like this
>>502628420It doesn't run better than a 3060 Ti.
>>502628178When I sell my PC and I decide to make a new one by the end of next year because of the 50 series you will be the one I ask to build me one. I promise. I'll screenshot thisbpost and come back next year looking 4U.
>>502627649>Why would someone care about what we use our money on and whether we can mod a game?Because you're posting in a general infested with shitposters that have never played a Monster Hunter game and have no interest in anything other than shitting up the thread
>>502627674>Why does a weapon need to do damageWhat a fucking retard
>>502628591shut up aira
>>502628568Crazy how Gunlance just has nonstop fucking banger weapon designs. They've always loved designing gunlance, so why do they always make it shit?
>>502628591Finally an answer that makes sense. Thank you. This general has fallen so much and just consists of jaded Pajeets, Sri Lankans and Romanians nowadays. Instead of us discussing about the future and potential of MH we do nothing but talk about Frames Per Second.Disgusting!
>>502628562I'll hold you to that.>>502629051>Instead of us discussing about the future and potential of MH we do nothing but talk about Frames Per Second.For once I actually agree with you here.I think Wilds looks amazing and a great return to form with no intrusive gimmicks. I can't wait to play it. Already bought multiple copies for some poorfag friends.
>>502628491It does if you want to use textures higher than medium, else you will get polygon monsters, and medium look blurry as fuck
Palicoes are real?
>>502629357I ran high textures and medium everything else on my 3060 Ti at 1440p and never got the N64 model thing.
They tried too hard to make Wilds look good
i dont care about the opinions of non americans.
>>502627802If the chargers lose then it just confirms it
>>502628596>only the big attacks do damageActually kill yourself
>>502629029>so why do they always make it shit?In World and Wilds it's pretty great tho
>>502628568>Chatacabra has final form weaponsHoly shit that anon might be not full of shit, Cabra is the first shitmon even. Those Quematrice weapons also look fucking great, I'd say they look like a BLAST.
>>502629256>copies for some poorfag friends.You are doing Christ's work. I literally was thinking of the same thing for christmas and gift a couple of standard copies for the steamfats via a thread raffle or something but my mood have been so soured by the salty copers so much
>>502629867Gonna laugh my ass off if quematrice is the only blast monster in the fucking game we NEED brach back
Did Dragons Dogma 2 even sell well enough for them to be confident in throwing optimization to the wind?Or is brand recognition so high for MH that they know people are willing to play it at 15fps?
>>502627649>Y tho?I feel bad looking at retarded children.
>>502629876>and gift a couple of standard copies for the steamfats via a thread raffle or somethinglol I was thinking of doing this too. New hours at the job have left me flush.
>>502629256>I think Wilds looks amazing and a great return to form with no intrusive gimmicks.The combat was entirely redesigned around the new gimmick. You don't get more intrusive than that.
>>502630078yes, it succeeded. most gamers unironically exist to consoom
>>502630078DD2 flopped so hard they cancelled the DLC. No one cares about it. Stop bringing it up.
>>502630078They knew world was their big break and they used rise to test brand strength because rise had a smaller budget. Both games have solid sales to this day so they knew the monhun brand was really strong and the beta test numbers only confirmed that. They even rushed dd2 out to see how bad performance would affect sales and while it stunted dd2's sales, it didn't stunt them enough to prevent them from making a profit. So they're basically counting on monhun's brand momentum to get them past the upcoming rough launch and of course it will. Wilds is going to sell well
>>502629978>brachI'd rather get more new blast monsters.
>>502629407I have a 3060ti too, if I hung around in the hub for too long or tried spinning the camera like a wack-job i could make it go polygonal.The settings in the game were completely broken, the VRAM estimate has to be a complete lie. On settings other than ultra the level of detail looked the same as lowest and I kept waiting for it to "pop in" but it never did.
>>502630284This is why I've become entirely disillusioned with the whole industry. You can bitch all you want about the current state of games but at the end of the day millions of people are buying those games and want more of those kinds of games. Basically, if the industry is shit it's because the average gamer can't tell a shit game from a good one
Wilds WILL have Dos elders.
>>502632664May Capcom bless you Ryozo is the ALPHA AND THE OMEGA!!!
>can't run WildsG-guess I'm buying Rise... haha...
I'm sorry
>>502628123>touhou fangame>on playstationWhat the fuck?
I wish Wilds had an earlier launch
>>502635421>nisaDo not give those retards money
monster hunter, but you're the monster
>>502635954Out fucking played
>>502636003Hunters are the real monsters if you think about it...
>>502636003Isn't that Evolve?>>502635884I thought ZUN had rules against monetizing?
>>502636089woa thats deep..
Look how they massacred my boy
Why do Rise maps look so bleak and barren?
>>502636180>I thought ZUN had rules against monetizing?Not for a while now
>>502636572But they don't?!?>>502636581Oh, okay. That's why I saw Touhou games on Steam.
>>502636572Prototype for Wilds maps
>>5026365722017 low end tablet game, and even then the tablet manages to run the RE Engine pretty well, made me think it was magic until DD2 and Wilds lol
>>502636557Yeah we bashed it in the head until it died then carved it up for parts
>>502636557To compare
>>502636557You begged for the dumb croc monster so you don't get to complain
>>502636557looks fine the posture just sucks >>502637230and the bigger head looks funny
>>502636557Weak idle>>502637230Confident stance
>>502637230Is that from Monster Hunter Now?
>>502636557He's anorexic
The config thing for wilds said that it had ray-tracing but it was disabled.I could understand it being hardware expensive if it were on but they managed that by monsters being 400k polygons and NSA cryptography stuff for the save data?
>>502637443And the color is more washed out
Longsword is the defender gear of weapon choice.
>>502638303Cruise through the easy parts of the game that are a complete waste of time so you can get to the good stuff?
>>502636572They were pushing a fisher price tablet to it's limit on an engine that can't do open world/maps with the minimum amount of visual trickery
>>502637000RE engine made its way onto the current generation of consoles like a fat man jumping over a backwards hurdle. It looks so much worse than it did last generation and yet it's so much heavier. I have no idea what they're doing with all of the modern hardware grunt.How is it that we have a modern deferred renderer with raytracing features, yet basically every single light in all of the games is non-shadowcasting? This was a feature that was figured out back in the 2000s.
>>502641151You better be talking about Motörhead.
how the fuck was this beta so poorly scrubbed I was able to spawn and hunt a frenzied gypceros by switching out 2 flags
>>502641151Aira please stop posting about your fetishes
>>502641742>drones will defend this
>>502641820Imagine getting btfo by a retarded fart monkey
the full game WILL run better
So this is the guy in charge of training hunters? No wonder Kamura has a Rampage problem
>>502642846Aw, lame...
>>502642673Your copium, it will not last.
>>502642673Batora.... your 3060 can't even get a solid 30 FPS!
huntress time
where the mhg movie night
>>502644786I would unironically set one up but I don't know any good streaming sites for that.
>>502645015cytu DOT be makes it easy
>>502645335Oh shit I didn't know that was still up. I could set up a movie thingy if you guys want, maybe for next weekend.
have most of you actually watched legends of the guild?
So when are the monster hunter fans getting a game? anniversary? Remake tri for the switch and pc
Post some huntressesI need to jerk off
>>502645852I haven't, how bad is it?
>>502645880some huntresses
>>502642102I don't have to imagine, i had sex with your mom last night
>>502646239It's mediocre but inoffensive.
>>502646754bros im on my switch right now I cant find this gear for my huntress
>>502646754Fuckin Sims 2 looking bitch
>>502647437Your Guard?
>>502647538i never guard
>>502646754tiny areolas are the worst
>>502647867im gushing
quest failed
>>502649374Get back in there right now!
>>502649805I cant do it!
>>502650342You can do it!
>Followers don't do any real damage...Then what's the point ? Its just a third buddy then its not even another hunter. This game is so fucked up.
>>502651105>Doesn't consume your cart >Heal you >Know to put barrels down when the monsters sleep>Run to another fucking zone and ride a mon back to trigger turf war They are miles more useful than your average players
>>502651247My buddy does all of those things tho without taking my mount and throwing away damage.
>>502651472Sure. But does your buddy have exotic wyverian pussay? Yeah, that is what i thought
>>502651780Wyvern milk to power me on for eternity.
>>502647437what kinda dark souls monster is this thing
>>502651780But I thought they had cocks
>>502651780do they ever wear different outfits? something less bulky?
it just bothers my autism that the healthbar in world doesn't stretch the whole screen.
>>502652072type B people dont dress like that
>>502652232>type Bwat
>>502652232uhhhhh actually women sorry I mean People Who Menstruate sorry I mean People Who Can Get Pregnant are Type A, get it right chud
>>502652645I got squeamish from that. That's not raw, it's eating live squid level of fuck up..
>NOOOOO DON'T USE THE FUN AND COOL LOOKING GAME MECHANICS!>IT'S NOT OPTIMAL!Fuck you, I'm having fun. I don't care what the total hunt time is!
>>502652645uma delicia
>>502653257You will eat ze bugs
>>502652645Snakes taste delicious though?
>>502653647what game mechanics are you talking about?
I like tower defense and wish rampage was actually fun. I had more fun with assassin creed hq defense than rampage.
Do rampage mons have lower health?How do they expect me to fight off several large mons in one session?
>>502654886same amount of health. this is why rampage quests usually take multiple hours to complete. it's not supposed to be easy.
Is it true at MR999 you get a monstress gf?
>>502655027Is that why Rise damage goes retardedly high?I've seen some clips of TCS reaching 13k.What the fuck were they thinking with this.
>>502655250I want a Rathian gf but not a monstress, just the humanish version who's pictures get posted here sometimes
>>502655258I was just kidding about rampages taking that long. they give you siege weapons and then periodically activate a counter gong which gives you a 7x damage boost. it's not at all like actually hunting the monster.and yes it kind of sucks. but you only have to do it a few times.
tried playing FU again after i dropped it a couple years ago and i got my first felyne comrade and he actually made the hunt harder by constantly throwing barrel bombs at me
>>502656886Get meow'd
>>502656886Yeah, palicos were almost worthless back then. Cha-cha and Kayamba were where they fixed it
>>502657287Palicos are almost worthless nowadays too. When you'd expect them to do their job, they don't, unless they've been specifically scripted to in the case of the one-time anti-cart.Sometimes they'll tell you they're going to use their gadget, and then they cancel it midway through. I've even had Palicos using vigorwasps on me when I'm full health, or running towards me when the monster is targeting them ensuring that I never have a break to heal / sharpen. If they didn't have an anti-cart I'd never bring them along.
>>502657716my palico in rise gives me free downs, blinds, poison traps, heals, poison cures, and defensive buffs every single quest. yours just hates you.
>>502656725World and Rise GS is not a real GS
>>502657716>Palicos are almost worthless nowadays tooFriendship issue
>>502656886Get filtered
>>502636557>>502637230Blame it on the fact yall wanted Female characters to wear the same armor as Men so now Male armor can't be as big.
>>502626790>>502627649>>502628591>>502628123>>502629876How do you still have the courage of still come here and post like a retard is beyond me.
>>502658325Queen Aira has more skill in one cell than you do in your entire body
>>502658257lol shitter.
>>502654116clutch claw
>>502657716Don't use the vigorwasp sprayUse the other gadgets and you'll appreciate the little cunt morePalico with Fatalis weapon and the Gajalaka gadget can shit out surprising amounts of dmg
I love pc gaming
>>502650832>can't even roll a simple roll >Thrice lol
>>502660658now show zero suit
>>502661201>playing any shit old game that nobody gives a fuck
>>502661201You lost boom boom
>>502661306>>502661412yeah anything before world is shit but what does that have to do with you saying dumb shit that makes no sense about them?
>>502661530>>502661592how is that cope that also makes no sense
How long does it take nowadays to kill Saji?
>>502662659good morning sir!
>>502662826They sort of added 1p scaling to it but it'll still take you like 1h+ to kill it. If you really wanna do safi I'd join the room here. We regularly kill it in 2 rounds and sometimes 1.
>>502663104Thanks but I'm not playing on PC.
>not playing World on PC in 2024Damn, I'm sorry to hear about thatYou could try and matchmake with lobbies using a filter and see if they have Safi Jiva
we are back
can you imagine willingly subjecting yourself to the cock and ball torture that is unmodded World in 2024? your only options there are>play master rank where the normal tempo of monster hunter gameplay is gatekept behind you spamming the clutch claw>play high rank that got retroactively ruined by clutch claw stagger
>>502663903any mod recommendations?
>>502663903>normal tempo of monster hunter gameplay is gatekept behind you spamming the clutch clawstop being bad
the clutch claw is at its coolest when its like an optional thing you can do
>>502663453You can do the same on console.
>>502663903>INSTALL NO MATTER WHAT TIER - restores the game's higher difficulty and fixes the base gameRemove claw stagger Rank monsters enrage faster>CONSIDER INSTALLING TIER - better balance towards not wanting to use claw without getting cucked by its tedium but can be considered cheatingRestore WEX and remove clagger Overhaul Lite version (only tackles a couple fringe cases like Metal Rath heads and Safi)>BE WARY OF INSTALLING TIER - gives you the benefits of religiously spamming claw, for those who have already solved its use and want its benefits without interacting with itHZV Overhaul (gives you a similar damage boost as if you had the monster's 1 or 2 weakest hitzone wounded 24/7)
>PCler cheating Why am I not surprised?
>>502664873meant for >>502664003
>>502664290you're the baddie if you don't know what i mean
Man, I was hoping black friday would save me but even with discounts I just can't afford a new PC. Wilds is gonna be the first MH game in like 15 years I can't play and it bums me out.
>>502663903>>502664873You are why Wilds is getting Denuvo. Are you happy?
>>502665357why not just buy a snoystation unironically? if you're upgrading just for MH you're better off just buying a console. we have cross play now anyway
New trailer soon right? They're not gonna make us wait for the Game Awards for the next one right?
>>502665394factually wrong shareholder fags fired the first shot by forcing the MH team to add gay mechanics to "shake up the meta for better player retention" which was never gonna be accepted by the autistic MH playerbaseeither way, the naked chun li incident did infinite more damage than any MH modding has ever done so you're seething and coping we already modded the demo anyhow so modding is here to stay and u will die mad about it fag
>>502665403That also seems wasteful because of the online fee + there's only MH to play on it..
>>502665629>that seems wasteful>paid onlineYou're right, it boils down to how passionate you still are about MH. Back in the day I bought new consoles for every release but I wouldn't do that anymore now even though I have way more money to throw aboutMaybe you can do the tendie cope and wait for Switch 2? They might throw the ugliest looking Wilds port on there
>>502665779I might just wait for Switch 2 and hope Ichinose comes with his own game, yeah. I'm pretty passionate about MH but I can't afford the PC you need for it.
Feel like apologizing yet?
>>502666119Apologize for what? Rice is shitter than dogshit
>>502666182That so?
>>502666052I'm optimistic that they will improve performance on the low end before release. in the beta lowering graphics settings had basically no effect on framerate... seems like there's opportunity.
Goodnight /mhg/
>>502666285>in the beta lowering graphics settings had basically no effect on framerate...Because the graphics aren't the issue. The programming is. It's your CPU getting raped>insane number of entities active at any given time>knowing Capcom they are letting every creature's full AI programming do its thing even if you're on the other side of the map>becomes even worse with the weather system causing more behavior states with not only monsters but also the environment>the demo (and the full release too) is running some gay anti-cheat that constantly encrypts save date during gameplay, called Obsidium DRM>the demo didn't even have Denuvo yet>as far as the triple A industry is concerned, optimization is something you don't care about anymore because nigcattle will buy your 30FPS + 15FPS dips at low quality game anywayStrap in boy you've seen NOTHING yet
>>502666182>True to form game play>Silky smooth on any rig >Gave you two government issued wyverian onaholes>Character skills customization that you can tailor according to your play style>Mons all follow a specific theme and not just Dog but dragon, cat but dragon and dragon but dragon>No MMO faggotry>Best mon in the seriesWhat is not to like?
>true to form gameplayLOL
>>502666285it wasn't even the forest map
>>502666830Can't wait for the water physics to be added to the load.
>Silky smooth on any rigyeah because it has worse graphics than a PS2 game
>Anons's main complain is literally muh graphicSurprised you could still type while deep throating that many dicks at once
>>502636572they don't look like that
>>Character skills customization that you can tailor according to your play style>>No MMO faggotryholy ironyalso lets ignore that all the epic customization did was make way for gameplay where you spam one and the same Not MMO Ability On A Cooldown attack (still totally not like an MMO though B-B-B-B-BUT THE 2 MAX POTIONS YOU CAN CLAIM FOR BOOTING UP WORLD NOOOOO)>>No MMO faggotry>>Best mon in the series>posts a monster whose entire fight is a storytelling sequence like an actual MMO bossfightLOLMAOtendie brain cancer reaches a new low
>>502666548this stuff sounds way easier to optimize than graphics processing though. there is no way capcom doesn't care about optimization after the meltdown people had over beta performance.
Worlo doesn't even look good for a 5th gen game. MH has never been pushing graphics, especiallyw when the vast majority of titles have been on handhelds. Wilds looks like shit AND runs like shit, which is impressive because at least every other game ran decently.
>>502667112Anon, they literally listed mandatory frame gen to get 60 fps. When you first installed the game, they literally made a pop up that asks you to turn frame gen on. On their twatter they said that "we totally fixed the ghosting problem with frame gen guys" which means it is here to stay The game is gonna run like shit.
Does hunting with your best buddy palico count as solo?
>>502667112>this stuff sounds way easier to optimize than graphics processing thoughYes it's very easy to optimize but it's not a priority at all to triple A. Since World, Capcom has gone even more triple A so the priority is even lower than before. It's apparent because there's confirmed to be at least 3 anti-cheat/DRM CPU gangrapists in Wilds on release.Did you learn nothing from World? Capcom (Japanese devs in general) are FUCKING RETARDED>Works by removing the unnecessary CRC Code which repeatedly checks in-game memory region for bit errors. However as this regions are never touched and the game just crashes when an error in the region is detected (making error detection ultimately pointless) this code is entirely unnecessary and just a detriment to performance (given it's done repeatedly and checks for around 250KB regions 32 times per rotation it's a massive waste of CPU usage). The plugin has been tested to be stable up to 20 consecutive hours of playtime (confirmed to be stable for that long, probably will be for much longer and even indefinitely).
>>502667275no because shared aggro trivializes the problem of item use openings and nullifies the threat of getting combod
i started with world and the fact that i will never play 3U,4U and FU online with other people back when MH was popular is actually depressing. I don't want world, i don't want wilds, i want monster hunter.
>>502667939>onlinewe used to play local back then :'(
>>502667939Tough luck
>>502667262I don't know what the problem is with frame gen>>502667550>Yes it's very easy to optimize but it's not a priority at all to triple AI hate this kind of reductionist view of the world where everybody but you is stupid and lazy and hates good things. of course they care about optimization because you can't sell a game that only 10% of people can play.
>>502667939You can still play 1JP and dos online though. I played 1JP after World and it was fun.
>>502669016framegen to get 60 is shit if the game is unstable
>he isn't a solo hunter
>>502667275yes because not bringing the cat trivialises the game by causing completely predictable monster behaviour and nullifying the threat of getting hit at all
>he is a solo hunter
>monster gets tired>it's a standoff>strike action pose: demon riot activated!>my palico kills it in one hit
>>502669374>hub hunt>hit shitmon for 50 minutes>fail because you simply don't have enough damageyeah nah
>>502627098>le epic rusemaster apparently strictly obeys bump limitwhat is this autists endgame
>>502669016>I hate this kind of reductionist view of the world where everybody but you is stupid and lazy and hates good things.Not what I'm saying. This is literally how PUBLICLY TRADED business works. World made Capcom explode on the stock market and with that brought in the worst of the worst: retarded suits who demand the company's line go UP UP UP. That's why outsourcing to 'jeets exists. That's why games get rushed. And that's why no time is allocated to "optimizing", that's a waste of time and resources. Fucking idiot. You're fired and replaced by someone who asks less time wasting questions.You're the one with the out of touch world view, my nigga.>you can't sell a game that only 10% of people can play.But what planet do you live on? Are you schizophrenic? This has been the videogame industry for the past 10 years and it gets increasingly more unhinged.
does anyone know if the mhgu emulator pastebin is still relevant?
Is it possible in rise to have palicos come with you and gather items but not draw fight, support, or draw aggro?
40fps is fine
Longsword hunters must be so swagless in-universe. Imagine the Huntsman walking into a crowded tavern with his rathian ls strapped to his back. He keeps hitting people and knocking over drinks with the sheathe sticking out.
why would he walk into a tavern with his weapon with him
>>502672115Open carry laws.
>decide to try element SA in Rise>Primozeno weapon, max Dragon Attack, Crit Element, Element Exploit with 100% affinity>try it on Chaotic Gore since I need the mats to finish the set>amp phials do more damage but everything else is severely weakerSo what am I doing wrong? Am I fucked until I get Dragon Conversion, or is Chaotic Gore just not a good monster to test it? It's not like I'm using BuB or MoH for my raw set, it's the same Attack Boost/Expert/WEX/CB crap I've used in World
>>502672162i will try againwhy would he set out to enter a tavern without leaving his weapon home or an armory or something
>>502672329Hunters carry their weapons with them all the time. Go watch the older games' opening movies.
>>502672329So he could accept a quest and depart right away. What kind of a question is that, have you played the games?
I've been swindled by this dumbass game. The title Monster Hunter would seem to imply that I'll be a hunter and not beta male gatherer. My consumables shouldn't even be numbered. Allotted, sure. Give me a certain amount per hunt or put them on a cooldown, it's whatever. Just don't make me gather them, wtf, I am a hunter.
i'm starting to think that the 120fps mod for GU is fucking up more than just uroktor hitboxes
>>502672258ummm for one I don't think phials crit
Sex with grandma
>>502672404>go watch a game's opening moviebut we're not talking about established canon you started talking about a made up slice of life scenario>>502672423that's not a tavern that's a Guild gathering hub
>>502672696Gathering hubs double as taverns.
>>502672583No, they don't crit. It's for Critical Element on the main attacks
>>502672741yeah but they're not taverns they're gathering hubs with facilities made to accommodate hunters wearing weapons
>>502672329Aren't you in a camp in hostile territory in every game? Everyone keeps their weapon with them at all times in this case.
>>502671479any other way to emulate mhgu?
ive been stressed out ever since the beta because of the pc performance. i need this to run on my 1070..
ive been stressed out ever since i didnt ask but you told me anyway
I askedI care
>go to a forum to see what people are saying>ree out about how you didn't ask when they say things
>>502672696It quite literally is a tavern, fuck off and play the game
>>502673402i'm like 90% sure performance will be fine come release and if not one can always settle for 30 fps or hope that some mods release that fixes capcom's coding to improve things
>>502674094>performance will be fine come release
Sword and Shield is fun. I feel like people are sleeping on this weapon. You see tons of love for other weapons but SnS is a much stronger generalist than I thought it would be. I gravitate towards generalist playstyles even when they're underpowered but I'm very pleasantly surprised how fucking strong SnS would be.Also they're not boring. I thought for sure SnS would be the boring and safe choice but they're pretty fuckin' flashy as well.
>>502674042>fan translation
>>502674094ok sure but world is trash and wilds is world but worse
world was buggy, unstable and ran like shit at release. they'll fix the performance and game-braking, save-file-corrupting bugs a year after release
>>502674094>i'm like 90% sure performance will be fine come releaseIt would be if it didn't have 3 different DRM platforms shoved into it because they NEED sell you character edit tickets because Dragon's Dogma flopped massively and they need to make up for it that quarter
>>502674528inb4 retard who insists 4 mil sales isnt a flop while ignoring the production cost
>>502674498wilds > world > rise>>502674528i can't believe people buy character edit tickets when it's as simple as downloading a save editor and clicking a reset ticket button to have infinite of them
>>502674645hell yea boobies
>>502674645hey alright
Lumu solo?
I think capcom should charge for saving the game. something like 500 saves pack for $5. why not? it's as retarded as buying editor tickets. >inb4no, you don't NEED to save the game
>>502672258Well first of all Chaotic Gore is a raw matchupIf you want to actually try out the Malzeno swaxe go hunt a Rath or Malzeno himself
>>502674425Alright, do feel free to tell me what that translates to
Line must go up
>>502675420big drunk place for hunters, more or less>>502675532the 2nd and 3rd kanji are wrong
>>502675420it says "enter the tavern"
>>502674094I thought this was a penis
>>502675930haha ur gay
>>502625461This would be nice chest part for slut armor (also for bearded body type A too).
>>502676195its over
Alatreon is beating my ass. I just can't pull the DPS needed to weaken him.
I feel genuinely insane, I'll watch videos of people playing bow and it feels like their animation locks don't last as long as mine, they can evade faster etc etc
>>502677140post build
Is the shara ishvalda weapon enough to attempt safi?
>>502677549some fatty gunner will kill it in 5 min
what the fuck do i do if the kulve taroth siege or mr quest isn't available? :/
>>502678027>trillion bushi ticket dropsyep, that's cheating
>>502678279yes that's why you delete the files for the second quest and only play the first one
>>502678027nevermind :(
>>502670442You just needed to hit the monster one more time and trap it...
yap, pc players. chronic cheaters
>>502678027>"slightly" more useful>enough para knives to keep kulve paralyzed from start to finishwhy are pthirdies like this?
>make it to high rank in FU>the game drops all pretenses and just spawns me right in front of the monster for every questWtf you guys fucking lied to me. It was never immersive fantasy hunting sim it really was just arcade boss rush all along
>>502678791FU is bingshit, always has been. Every Ichinose game is like this. Play 1, Freedom, Dos, or Tri
something makes me put off fighting HR7 Akantor in MH4Uis this a normal feeling?
>>502678908terror? yes
>>502672258Elemental only starts massively outperforming raw with augments, and chaotic gore only has 1 25 ele weakzone which is important because both regular elemental exploit and rampage elemental exploit require it
>>502678791>FU>immersive fantasy hunting sim
yap, console players. virgin losers
>>502679116>element is actually shit gotcha
>>502678782the virgin 3rations/med aids "supply" boxvsthe chad slightly better nuke box
>>502679457Man who cannot climb one staircase does not deserve the gains from element
Lumu? Where is it?
>>502670058>palico spends half the hunt being flung into the air by the monster and the other half buried underground to recover>kills monster with small barrel bombeverytime I think the cats are worthless, they pull shit like that
>>502679457yup, it's trash
>>502679861>>>>nargacugahow about a non shitmon?
>>502680002le tired monster...move slower than enraged one?
>rise narga literally misses an attack when the hunter isnt moving>this is somehow le exhaust fault
>>502679861why is he just chilling?
>>502680091nargacuga gets enraged cause hes le tired in the real monhun game doe
>>502679926If nargacuga is a shitmon then why are you even playing this game
>>502680208I don't play Rice though it's for shit babies and it only has shitmon
>>502680165Record you getting hit by its projectile while hugging its face in GU
>>502679116I figured it was something of a super endgame thing, guess I'll stick to raw for now. Also, doesn't regular Ele Exploit need a hitzone of 20 to trigger, unlike rampage Exploit?
>>502680332Yeah I guess you're right the regular one requires 20
>>502679861>wasted a topple and missed a phialshameful
>>502680165>/mhg/ sisters jerk off le positional play >seethe over someone dodging a projectile by being positioned correctly and morphing forward you nigs are unbearable
>rise>position gameplayLe.... LE LOL!!!! LOLEEE!!
but ummm...its right there
euroneets hours
odds - I play Worldevens - I play Rise
you don't "play" world or rise. you "watch" world and rise "plays" itself
^this anon "plays" with himself
>>502680436Pretending you hit all 5 phials every time is quite the stance to take
>>502678892>FU is bingshit, always has been. Every Ichinose game is like this>Play [...] Freedom (an Ichinose game)
why is doj...the way he is?
[hip checks /mhg/ for 2/3 of HP]
>>502679861Why does this look visually better than Wilds?
>>502682047Because Rise is a product of love and effort. Wilds is low effort AI generated and outsourced slop
>>502682047It's modded, like every monster hunter after GU
>>502677450Thanks>>502677486Probably gonna look for a lobby. Just don't want people to think I'm a leech.
>>502666763that's more ridiculous than frontier
>>502666763this is why i run great sword. how are you mean to improve, let alone see anything, when you're absolutely splattering the screen with flashing lights and little numbers all the timejesus
>>502683046seething shitter
>>502679861post more rise webm
>>502683252You got me good redditbro
>>502682861*skibidi toileter
Penis rams vagina
Which weapons do you guys think interact best with the new systems in Wild?
>>502684360idk but go back to school esl bitch
>>502684360bow for ranged, ls for melee
>>502684417Your brown
Rise is fun.
>>502685873>that ditheringLOL LMAO
World is fun. check out my dollar store Seikret
>>502685873Being fun should never be the first priority of a monster hunter game, the word shouldn't even be in the design document
>>502686556>wounddidnt hunt it
With rise splitting the village and hub ranks they definitely intend for me to go all the way through the village progression and then drop in on 1 star hub hunts and one shot mf's monsters right?
>>502687120Once you finish village, Hub will give you special quests to let you the other quests and rank up faster.
>>502687120you get special license quests to skip LR hub
>>502687293Okay so they're not forcing me to one shot some noobs monsters but they're not stopping me either. I'm pretty sure devs want me to do this.
Any recommended mods for rise? youtube vids looks outdated
>>502687738Anything that scales or replaces the interface, because it's Switch sized.
>>502687738Slowmo kill modUI scaler EffectRemover by anonGranular Qurious CraftingBetter Matchmaking
>>502687738The uninstall mod
Gammoth and Malfestio (forma de snow owl) are in.
>>502688973>Snowfestios perching on Gammoth during hunts to snipe you ala Seltaswould be kino
someone tell almudron to drop a plate for me when you see him
Hey guys, what's a fun weapon for a full World playthrough solo?
>>502687738Mandatory:UI ScalerAfflicted quest editor Rise skills enhanced
Rise is frontiers but modernWorld is shitWilds is shit but modern
Imagine the Wilds mods.
>>502694084It will be shit, MT framework was a known engine so it was easy to mod, meanwhile the only thing people can do for RE engine is change numbers or models, nothing special, for example, you can play Rise on World with wirebugs mobility and skills and cooldowns but you can't copy Tenderize.
>>502692565glorious nippon longsword
>>502694637How do I not be hated on for playing LS
>>502694874i dunnyo i just don't care about it okay whatever's fun for you
Rise won
Just finished my first safi siege. Fun fight but not that hard. But maybe that was because everyone else knew what they had to do. I was just trying to break it's parts.
>>502696049If the game was losing the fastest...on opposite day!
Are there any other games you are looking forward to playing in 2025 other than Monster Hunter Wilds? It can be anything: indie, AA, AAA, gacha, GaaS titles, whatever.For me, it's:>Rise of the Ronin on PC (assuming of course that it comes out in 2025)>Atelier Yumia (I've never really cared about the series, but apparently this entry is going to change things by focusing heavily on action combat, so I'm interested in that)>Doom: The Dark Ages (unless the gameplay turns out to be slow shit when they eventually do a full reveal of the gameplay later in the year)>The Scramble Vice (I really loved Shinobi Non Grata and Esquadra Inc games in general)And a bunch of indie games that hopefully don't get delayed and come out in 2025 and for ones in early access to leave early access: >Neon Inferno, Selaco, Toziuha Night, Star Vaders, Gloomwood and Windblown.
Rise fucking won
>>502697126EO3Wizardry seriesMHFUMHFU2MHTriMHGU
>>502697126Besides Wilds the only other game I’m looking forward to is maybe Voin. Had fun with the demo.
Why do AIslop makers always use the same 4-5 "artstyles" for all their slop? They always copy the same real artists. AI could be used to copy anyone or even blend different artists together to actually make something somewhat original, and yet they always resort to copying the same handful of real artists. Even when these AIslop makers are given the tools to creatively do whatever they want, they just end up doing the same thing everyone else is doing because they lack their own creativity and initiative.
>>502697126xenoblade x definitive editionclair obscurstellar bladeall in all not much aside from monhun wilds, dunnyo if that's sad or not lol
>>502697836>look it upThat actually looks interesting. And there's a demo on Steam too. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm always looking for a good first person melee action game.>>502697942>Clair ObscurYeah, that one looks cool too. Hopefully it actually does come out in 2025, because on Steam it still says the release date is TBA.
>>502697126only playing Wilds and Factorio
>>502697126PoE2, City of Wolves, Avowed maybe (if it's not complete wokeslop). Not a whole lot. Maybe I'll focus on older games if Wilds is a disaster.
This complete silence after the beta has been really awkward, with it still being more than 3 months away, the performance issues and the fact people pretty much leaked the whole game, really hope they are saving something big that hasn't been leaked for the game awards
>>502697126if the end product isn't a lot better i'll probably skip wildsbunch of indie games, bunch of old ps2 gameswhatever non-souls fromsoft do
>>502697126Is windblown that thing being made by the devs of Dead CellsIs that actually any good orAnyways, it's just Slay the Spire 2 for me. Have over 2k hours on that game and still suck :D
>>502699243I'd rather them be quiet than see them put their foot in their mouth.
>>502699243Silence is good. And a beta more than three months before launch is a good sign. Means that there's actually time to use the beta as a beta and not a marketing vehicle.
>>502699957Yes. I played the demo during the recent Steam Next Fest and loved it, despite thinking I wouldn't. It's even faster than Dead Cells somehow, though because it's just early game content on the starter difficulty, it's nowhere near as hectic and intense as something like 5BC difficulty on Dead Cells with the teleporting enemies all homing in on you.
>>502697126PoE2. Sadly can't afford the hardware required to play Wilds so I'll continue to play World, up to 2500 hours now.
>>502700851What’s your hardware?
>>5027009458700k and 1070ti
holy shit! it's been over two years since sunbreak released. btw. sunbreak is on discount right now
>>502701793but I already own sunbreak
>>502701793Isn't it almost always on discount at around 70% as a bundle with Rise?
>>502701793How long did Sunbreak get DLC support for?
>>502702180updates you mean? a year I believe
which one of you is this
>>502703603>Nintendie calling others tourists>Shadow the Fucking HedgehogThis has to be intentional.
>>502703603>50% of his tweets are about hating world lmao
How's Risebreak on the PS5? Are there a lot of players?
>>502703603Shadow the Hedgehog is correct as far as the fact that there are a lot of people that don't like Rise solely because of the graphical fidelity. But hating it because you think it's too anime or don't like the combat style is legitimate.
It all makes sense now.
in summary:world takes itself too seriouslyrise doesn't take itself seriously enough
>>502704169>Wonder if its Paki or Indian>No, it's IndonesianIt's always the people you most suspect
>>502703903a king of sorts i see
>502704329In summary: WrongWrongAnd (you) are retarded.
I never really played rise because the wyvern riding tutorial gave me the ick and I never launched the game again after that lol
>>502703603>>502704169Hi Ironix!
>>502704047Sunbreak has JP players for you to play with pretty much 24/7 (at least during the endgame part of the experience), but they can be a bit laggy. Get used to pic related happening somewhat often.
>>502705830>Instant transmission to KamehamehaGotta have that finger on the roll trigger anon.
>>502706521Redesigns are all desaturated. There's a lot of contrast in the texturework of the old designs that's missing.i.e diablos tail
realistically what are my chances of running wilds on a 2060 lol
>>502707106stick to rise, Ironix
>>5027071061080p 30fps medium/low settings sure
>>502707170>>502707174ill wait for rise ......2 instead. man thats lame i wish theyd dev games for more modest hardware
>>502706521incredible how superior GU is huh
>>502707065According to the comments that's because the old models had lighting and shadows baked into their textures whereas new games use dynamic lighting to generate shadows
20 hours into rise. I got evade extender 3 and even though I'm gs I feel like I'm playing a fast weapon. I'm everywhere. Landing charged hits like crazy and being nowhere near the monsters hitboxes.
>>502709648I liked that about GS in Rise. Are you using wiresheath? Adamant charge slash is fun too.
What should I eat for in Sunbreak endgame? The monsters hit hard so I'm thinking Defender (Hi), Moxie and Bird Caller? Or what's the best way to get to full HP early so I don't get one shot, also what order should these be in?
>>502710984awww you got me
>>502711120I liked the super regen dango cuz i'm lazy to cook sushifishMoxie is always good
>world>soulful delicious looking cooked food>rise>gamecube dango>wilds>soulful delicious looking cooked foodyeah i'm thinking world and wilds won
>>502711120Booster, Moxie and Feet are generally good
my cute barioth daughter patiently waiting for Wilds
>>502711820you uh... you know barioth isn't in wilds right?
Is Rajang in wilds? I'm tired of fighting this nigger
>>502712131nah he isn't
How do I have fun in World?
>>502712131Likely for DLC. Conga and Blagonga so far.
>>502711904No but she'll probably be in the expansion like with Iceborne.
>>502712223Pre-game with 3 beers or so before booting up the game
>>502712223you run it and laugh at tendies who cant
>>502712223play with fwen
>>502711380>>502711661I guess defender is not that good, I will go with booster instead
Who's idea was it for Tri to start with 5 tutorial missions that show you how to carve monsters and gather materials and then still have the first quests be gathering and small mon killing missions?I literally just did all of that as part of the tutorial why aren't these things combined? People already complain how slow oldgen games are to get started and they make it even more obnoxious?
>>502712223Wait world is supposed to be fun?
>>502697126That other mh like game that some anon was talking about a couple threads ago when people were discussing how God eater 3 is rip
>>502712413you look like this
>>502712340I am normally at least 1-2 beers deep when I join a lumu
>>502713016my brother of a different mother... so fkvin zaszed...
>>502712965nope that's a 2d anime girl
>>502709969I have been getting hits in and wiresheathing out but with evade extender 3 it's like wiredashing faster and for free so I've been doing a lot more rolling back and forth through quick attacks and doing tackles and slashes, keeping the dps going until I get a charge worthy opening. I'm wondering now if those tackles can be worth something if I use slugger.
should i use the frostfang barioth hammer or a raw hammer for fighting raging brachy?
>>502713349you're going to make me cry in voice chat
>>502713357Element is worthless in Iceborne especially on a weapon like hammerHowever R.Brachy IS weak to ice and frostfang weapons have good raw so just use that
>>502710984You guys don't like Dark Souls? I think I'd agree that Monster Hunter is better but I can't say because right now because it could just be the novelty getting to me. But even if it is better, what's wrong with Dark Souls?
>>502714232don't kill yourself anon, stop being suicidal... seek help...
>>502713572people here tend to be a bit contrarian, if you hadn't noticed>>502713291tackles are great for building stun. I probably wouldn't bother with slugger though.
>>502711640yes but does wilds have child characters under the age of consent for me to beat my tendie pedo meat to while on the toilet? i didnt think so. rise won baby
I'm more interested in Outlanders than Wilds.
>>502715649But Wilds had a little girl right in the first mission in the beta
>>502715783but it doesnt run on my ninpedo tablet... so i cant take it to the toilet with me
>>502712413I don't have any frens
>>502716609find friends on discord or 4chan or ingame
>>502715774Same bro same
>>502715774this but unironically
I am the greatest hunter ever.
>>502718158>not arena dual black graviosgreatest my ass
janny failed to contain scatreon's power
>>502718219Why do people hate her so much? She's so cute.
>>502719984because she's silly and TA rules speedrunning is serious business
>>502719984Tendie manchildren get mad whenever a female character doesn't appeal to their virgin weeaboo fantasies like in Rise
>>502719984>Weird face>Gets into trouble way more often by being an idiot, one of which gets you knocked out>Almost 0 contribution aside from managing to cook the same meal as Meowscular and Babushcat on fieldShe's just pretty eh overall desu. Serious Handler gets praised just because she's not her.
>>502718302isn't the niggravios one extra abuseable with flash bombs?
Is there a way to boot the beta anymore? I just got a hand-me-down upgrade GPU and wanted to test it out.
>>502719984The only issue was the sometimes weird face animations.
I had to put on the friendly fire deco. never been fucking bounced around like i have while trying to learn SnS
>>502722636>plays online>doesn't use flinch freeyou're retarded
>>502722701never needed it with hammer, DB, or Lance. i can't even get two hits off with SnS without getting interrupted. something is wrong with this weapon.
>>502723009because you were the one interrupting others when you played hammer, db and lance which cancels out them interrupting youare you always this retarded?
>play old game>flinch free isn't a thing>players instinctively space themselves out to not be dickheads
>>502723087oh, you're just trying to antagonize. whatever.
>>502723009heavy weapons usually get super armor while swinging and aren't interrupted
>>502723009lance is arguably even more prone to flinching than sns. you must've been lucky.
>>502723243>>players instinctively space themselves out to not be dickheadsThis is a fucking lie and you know it.
>>502723643sorry forgot to mention I play during white people hours
>>502723643he said people (/mhg/ thread goers), not randoms
Lmao first wilds and now even stalker 2 apparently has unreasonably high spec reqs. This industry is so fucked hahaha. I'm so glad I mostly play old games now and as for new games that aren't optimized? Shan't be buyin
>>502723840That is another fucking lie and you know it.
>>502724042>>This industry is so fucked hahaha>one japanese game and one irrelevant russian dogshit gameare you alright schizo?
>>502723243>>502723840Which "old" game are you playing that has more than like 3 people playing it on an emulator? GU?
>>502724242league of legends
>>502724132What games do you play anon? List them
>>502724132What other games are even coming out soon? Ass Creed Niggaventure?
what was the MH World of monhuns before World released? I mean one that caused major meltdowns among old fans, but was objectively better than any entry before it
>>502724739end of 2024/2025 has a fucking massive gaming drought that we haven't seen the likes of in many years>>502724776generations probably?
>>502724776tri because it made made MH enter the dark ages for 2 whole generations before World saved it and its dogshit company
>>502724776This post is handcrafted to divide fans of old monhun by causing bickering and mhg will eat it up because they're stupid. I should really come up with a way to milk mhg out of their money
>>502724776XX/GU caused endless seething and still does.
>>502724776>I mean one that caused major meltdowns among old fansit didn't happen outside of a minority of nintendo fanaticsmost fans where quite happymost gen1-2 fans where hopping for a PC release
>>502724880This. FU sucks
>>502724969pull a blondie, get a bunch of retarded snoy simps, and then findom them
>>502724856>end of 2024/2025 has a fucking massive gaming drought that we haven't seen the likes of in many yearsThis is why I think even if Wilds full release runs even worse than it did in the beta, it's probably still going to sell a trillion copies. There's just fucking nothing else new to play right now from big studios until like GTA6.
>>502724969Just sell feet pics, aira
Good timeline>boot up Wilds for the first time>intro starts on board a sandskiff>similar intro as in world, a humble beginnings small time rookie hunter>sit down at a table in first person view next to my cat>"nya!">suddenly hear monhun speak>look up>it's the World handler >and your hunter from your imported save file>your World hunter is silent as always, only making autistic expressions and occasionally grunting while handler does all the talking>yada yada>get to the first area>oh wow it's doshaguma, kulu yaku, barroth, sandleviathian, and rey dau for a couple urgents>who cares these were already revealed in the trailers, nothing special>get to the jungle>okay here's where the cool shit starts>KUTKU REVEAL>CONGALALA REVEAL>VELOCIS>GYPCEROS >SELTAS>nothing but the most kino of the kino monsters>life is good>monhun has peakedDoomed timeline (you are here)>boot up wilds for the first time>intro starts>"HUNTER YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE">your cat: "THAT'S RIGHT MASTER!!! UWU">hunter: "I WILL NOT FAIL YOU GUILDMASTER I AM THE CHOSEN ONE">your new handler: "GOD I LOVE BLACK COCK I WISH I HAD BLACK COCK INSIDE ME">your new smith: "GOD I ALSO LOVE BLACK COCK DONT YOU ALSO LOVE BLACK COCK HANDLER?">research commission representative: "MEN ARE PROBLEMATIC AND TOXIC HERE'S WHY:">ugh>well at least there will be cool monsters>play through the whole story, everything you've encountered has already been revealed in trailers>and if you didn't watch them, the community made sure to spam every returning and new monster all over the internet so you wouldn't miss them>OH BUT HERE'S THE SICK REVEAL THEY KEPT HIDDEN >ITS... ELECTRIC GUITAR STARTS PLAYING ZINOGRE!!!!! POGGERS!!!!!>that will be $79.99 plus tip prease rook forward to the DLC with 10 returning fan favorites and 1 new monster
>>502725807didn't read
>>502725807NOOOO WILDS GOOD WILDS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!
>>502725807Why are you guys so obsessed with black people?
>>502726197>t. ryozo during the last shareholder meeting when he had to address the concerns of his american investors
>>502724776>what was the MH World of monhuns before World released?Every knew games after FU were shat on for various reasons, legitimate or not.World newfags couldnt understand this.
>>502721781there's a YouTube video but I don't have the link
>>502726654>my monstie senses are tingling
>>502663104>1h+Even with fatty gear, if you're not a speedtranny it'll take up to 5 hours because of leveling down the energy
>>502726654>Doesn't even deal damageThey really just wanted to give you more crutches in these fights didn't they?
Close your eyesYou can always remember meBy your sideYou can hear me whisperBefore you dieSing a lullabyBefore you dieSing a lullaby
>>502724856>end of 2024/2025 has a fucking massive gaming drought that we haven't seen the likes of in many yearsif you're a PC vegan maybe
>>502673010An anon posted an MHGU ready zip some threads ago, look for a google drive link in the archives
Are you guys done chimping out?
movie night wooooohooooo
>>502728274thought i was in /xivg/ for a second
>>502697126Death stranding 2 2026 on pc lolmoaMore elite dangerousI might not be playing wilds until 2026
>>502728274We are NOT watching that. Somebody put Donnie darko on
>>502728274why the fuck was i not invited i have a VR set???
>>502725807He's rightIt's over
>just unlocked guiding landsShould i go frostcraft GS or try to learn the way of the real GS?
>>502728274>/mhg/ is just /xivg/ is just /vrg/jesus christ
>>502728994frostcraft GS is real GS
>>502729064the venn diagram of monster hunter players, ffxiv players, and fromsoft players is just a circle
>>502728994I mean unless you unlock Velkhana Gamma then it's not really the actual Frostcraft GS. High time you learn TCS style since you should now unlock Health Augment (after 10 hours of grinding)
>>502729205>/vrg/>fromsoftanon it's the vrchat tranny gooner general where they schedule meetups irl in florida/netherlands so that all the grown ass men can have hairy sex
>>502729205No it isn't. Fromsoft aesthetic is boring and final fantasy is shit
>>502729205You forgot Dragon's Dogma nerds
>>502729371those fags disgust me so muchhuntress posters are piss in the rain in comparison
>>502729238I don't have gamma tho.... So should i just play regular GS?
>>502729653everytime someone on 4chan says that /xivg/ is the cesspool of the site i urge them to take a look in /vrg/ on vg and /vrlg/ on trash because that's the worst place on the entire site
>>502729205The only FF games I've played are Tactics Advance 1&2 and Dirge of Cerberus
>>502729753>>502729371Incoming vrg raid
>>502730414as if lmao those faggots are too busy chugging down alcohol and humping the air as they have vr "sex" with another 30 year old man
>>502728994the male barioth breastplate looks sick btw
>>502730017Never played the Advance Tactics but I hope of they ever remaster Tactics they make it a bundle with Tactics A&A2.Dirge was ok I guess. Only VII nerds are into it but it's the game where Nomura revealed Genesis so it's kinda a big deal in a way.VIII, XII and XV are the best FFs you'll ever play desu in that order.Dunno about XIV because I don't play MMO trash but a lot of my RL friends are obsessed with it and a couple from here plays it.
>>502730414>>502730476I was expecting them to fight with you guys but apparently they're worse losers than /mhg/
>>502730850>final fantasy 8>good>final fantasy 15>anything but absolute dogshitpfffftttttt
begone phonenigger
>>502731184Not my fault you have shit taste. Go back to obsessing about Lightning or something.
>>502731078they're cute invite them over :3
>>502727460>anchor rage on a weak move instead of insta blockWhat did he mean by this? Getting it to activate wouldn't even save you from the second hit
>>502731286but anon monster hunter is a phone game
>>502697126Xenoblade Chronicles X remaster.Holy shit i have been waiting YEARS for this.
>>502732878Are they decensoring it or is it still the gay treehouse version where they put sports bras under bikinis?
>>502733007no idea but that never really bothered me.I play for the exploration (getting my ass killed cause i got jumped by 30 mechtanian fuckbeasts in a row)
>>502725734I have morals. Sure I troll you guys for my entertainment but capitalizing on you guyses fetishes and mental illness ain't my thing.Besides I'm most likely richer than every single one of you.
>>502697126Xenoblade X and Metroid Prime 4.
>>502733206>Besides I'm most likely richer than every single one of you.Not with that piece of shit PC you just put together with chinesium parts lmao
>>502733206>>502733206>>capitalizing on you guyses fetishes and mental illness ain't my thing.>refuses to stop being asiannice double standard
>>502733206>that greasy controllerWash your hands you disgusting slob
>>502733206>broken down messy old cheap furniture in the back>ugly dirty bedsheet>gross abused controller0/10
>>502697126Genuinely nothing. I'm going to just work on my backlog and play a bunch of old PS1 games I never got a chance to play when I was younger.
>>502733206I love you queen
>queen aira posts 0.001% of her body>all the trannies start turboseethinglmaaaoooooo
>>502733206you're our local lolcow and nothing more
I miss Guild Sweetheart.
>>502733206post a vocaroo quickly
>>502733206is that your arm? eat a stick of butter or something, i could smoke them little arms like cigarettes.
>>502733206>richer than every single one of you.Bitch you bought a 4060 in 2024
>>502712413Why can't girls look like this in real life
All I have to do is ping Doj and you non humans scurry back to your dilating cord like the animals that you are.
>>502733831you'd have to go through me lil bitch ass
>>502733983what the fuck is this third world poorfag setup
>what the fuck is this third world poorfag setup
what other /vg/ general have i heard the name doj from?...
god i love aira so much its unreal
>>502734257Shut up aira
>>502734245/d2g//lolg//dsg//xivg//sdvg//rsg//wowg//erg/to name a few
>>502733651Why are they like this? You know, with the unwarranted sense of importance, crackhead belligerence, zero self awareness, all that jazz. Is it actual, honest-to-God autism? Or is it something else?
>>502733510i did that a couple years ago with my Gamecube. ended up discovering Gotcha Force and Cubivore.Both games were...certainly an experience. Gotcha Force has been really addicting tho.
>>502697126hades 2dragons dogma 2 dlcarmoured core 6 dlc
>>502734508>>502733651t. seething trannoid
>>502734013it would be easy, like breaking a toothpick. I'm cut like a diamond. you wouldn't last ten seconds in the arena with me
aira is a dumb whore and shit still manage to be better than most of youthat's how shit this general is
I literally thought I was still in the intro.
putting my pure white babies in aira to further defile her asian genes (in a loving manner)
>>502733983Ok but which monster would you fuck
>>502734880>EN localization>D.Cockman>FR Localization>U.Ricardsound like work names and not real names
why is that cunt shitposting at 6am is the bigger question
>>502734880Don't you get those credits after beating LR zorah? If so, you still have HR. If those are the credits for killing Xeno, then you can kill the super hard AT elders in the events if you want and do the Deviljho/FF/Witcher quests or just go straight to Iceborne.
>pc can run wild>phone cant run now or outlanderdas ist over fur mich
>>502735483It's okay hans, you can always play Eurotruck when you're not playing Wilds.
>>502733510Definitely play SotN if you haven't yet.
>>502721781Seconding this, I saved an old guide but the bypass tool is offline now
>>502735638ets2 is fukin zaszed
>>502733206You might be richer but you're a loser at heart and that's what counts
>>502734508>find a general filled to the brim with autists>make yourself a thread celebrity (extremely easy)>autists physically cannot get your cock out of their mouth>the few sane people that just want to talk about the game have to sift through all the trash cause all the autists want to talk about said thread celebrity>thread celebrity will continue to garner attention, even when they aren't even hereit's just that easy
>>502735916No it doesn't. Being rich counts more
>>502736205Many such cases...
>>502735654I've played SotN like 15+ times, still have my physical copy. One of my favorite games.
>>502736565I love tall girls
>>502736648Where is Crash 3
>>502736873mommy issues?
>>502737003No. My mom is like 4'8.
>>502736880It and Crash 1 were right above 2 for some reason but I'm too fat and lazy to get up and snap another pic.
>>502736648>this pic reminded me of when i had to sell most of my retro collection for pennies to pay for medical billsnow im sad good night
>>502737240A rope is always waiting for you :3
>>502737240I sold a bunch of games to pay for bills back in 2021. Sold RE2/3 GC, Eternal Darkness, Drakengard, and a bunch of others. I kinda wanna buy them back but I'm dreading what the prices are now cause I sold them for 100-150 a pop back then.
>>502727593Your schizophrenia is so terminal I don't even know what point you're trying to make anymore
what the fuck
>>502737721I look like this
>>502727460If you parried the first stab, the second would've just hit you If the parry lasted long enough to parry the second hit, the third one would've hit you There was no universe where that play would've paid off
>>502737420>roping over videogamescmon now>>502737468>dreading the pricesyeah i dont particularly care about owning them physically but it was nice to have them in the first place, they were just nice memorabilia from my childhood to mebesides i emulate everything even if i own it physically
>>502737762you don't look like that
>>502737779>third onenigga you can't even count and you're out here trying to lecture someone
>>502737721Pukei pukei gotta be
>>502738010He stabs 3 times if he doesn't hit you twice sis
>>502737932You hurt my feelings
>>502732146>>502737779what if parrying the first hit caused me to move a millimeter enough that the hitbox of the 2nd attack missed
>>502738163thatd be pretty poggies
>>502733206i fucking love you so much KEK
kemono is down again lol
>>502738312ummm just 3 times ever play the game?
>>502738354There was a patreon import literally 3 minutes ago
im not asking again lol
where did Aira get her money
>>502738341kys dante
>>502738354fake news
>>502738163Either way that only gives you red buff, maybe orange, instead of yellow which is what you want
was going through my old shadowplay recordings and almost started tearing up again at the ending cutscene when fiorayne said "but this time our true enemy is not malzeno" and his theme started playing. i freaking love malzeno so much bros.
>>502738789>That happens>Qurios fuck off>Malzeno fucks off>Fiorayne cums while wanking Malzeno and how great it is>Go back to Elgato>Galleus tells her to fuck off with her delusions and that we have to kill MalzenoOh okay.
raging brachy is such a shitass fight
>>502739523Horrible opinion, never post again.
I've never played witcher but I guess now I don't need to.
hum, this pukei, is kind of based, huh,,,,
>>502739773>*whistle for magic horse*>*autorun on road to quest marker*>*toucan scan vision activates*>"Mhhm... Giant slash marks all over the victim... A drowner™ gotta be...">"Come on, Roach">*follow nose*>*guys in drowners™ costumes appear*>"OY BLOODY 'ELL FUCKIN' CUNT SHIT FUCK CUNT ITS A FUCKIN' WITCHER IT IS, GET' EM">"shit, you stink">ALAALALALALALLAALALALA>*set guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guy in half*>"Mmhh... Bandits™ pretending to be drowners™, better tell the village head about it">"come on, Roach">*autorun back to the village*>"OY BLOODY FUCKIN' CUNT WITCHAH, WOT ABOUT DAT CONTRACT WESE PAID YA FOR YA BLOODY FUCKIN CUNT?">"Just some bastards posing as drowners ™, here's proofs" *show flipper*>"OY KURWA, HERE'S DA REWARD THE VILLAGE CHIPPED IN FOR YA">"drowning in danger" complete>AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>10 crowns received
>>502739523One of the 3 good fights in World
>>5027395233u r.brach? yesiceborne r.brach? seconding the other guy telling you to never post again
>>502740113>*whistle for magic wingdrake*>*autorun to glowing poop">*hunter vision activates*>*Mhhhh... giant slash marks over the rocks... a Deviljho™, gotta be">"Come on, Palico!">*follows poop scent*>"Gajalaka in a Deviljho™ costume appears">"APPAYAYA FOOKIN HELL YOU FOOKIN FIVVERR! ITS A FUCKIN HOONTER IT IS! GET HIM AAPPAPPAAYAA">"agawo boo a poopoopeee" (tl note : means "Shit you stink" in MH Language) BUM BUM BUM BONG BADABADUM *cleaves poor natives in half with oversized greatsword, does a cinematic tackle into a pirouette True Charged Slash™*>"Mhhhh... Gajalakas™ pretending to be monsters... better tell the guild about this">"Come on, Palico!">"warp back to seliana">"OY BLOODY FUCK CUNT HUNTER, WOT ABOUT DA CONTRACT WE PAIDS YOU FOR?">"Just some bastards posing as monsters, here's your proof "show Dung*>"OY WE DID IT PARD!!! HERE YA REWARD DA WHOLE VILLAGE CHIPPED IN">"The Ol' Razzle Dazzle" Completed WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH>10 zenny received
>>502740258I...don't think Raging Brach existed in 4u yes but idk about 3U.
>>502740597He did but not by nameThere was an event quest with a huge brachy
>>502740706yeah ik that event, it was for a hammer weapon, but Raging Brachy's gimmick is that his hands and head when red explode when touched. The Huge Brachy was just a regular brachy tho.Unless there's ANOTHER huge brachy event quest i don't know about.
>>502740706Was it any different than a regular Brachy though?
The raths are obviously in, but does that make their metal cousins also a lock? I could use a break from the sun & moon dipshits, personally.
>>502739950kys dante
>>502741803It makes them much much more likely to show up in the expansion because it would be extremely easy to add them vs entire new monsters.
>>502741803I would say that all rathalos and rathian variants are evergreen but with this being the first game Diablos is missing anything could happen
>>502741803With my new and improved perfect guard and movement/moveset flow I don't even care what monsters are in anymore, they're all getting blown up and styled on.
>>502741803>will silverlos and goldian miss a title>is water wet
>>502740597right my bad, you still get the idea
>>502742101Simmer down.
>>502742101I spilled wyvern milk on 2b>>502741803Yes, it guardians rathalos and guardian rathian now.
>>502742112lol you're good.
>>502742230>simmer downnot possible
quick! post some huntresses
>>502739597>>502740201>>502740258Nevermind, I managed to beat it. A masterclass in MH design that coerces the player to properly modify their build defensively rather than slot the same ultra-aggressive skills that are mandatory. I profusely apologize for my previous, uninformed comment.
>>502738093it turned out to be slenderman, actually
aerial sucks i get hit as much in the air as i do on the ground
>STILL no lumu
>>502743809you dont rike it????
>>502744570>dive into attack>get hitWOOOOOW NOTHING I COULD DO
>>502744941>slams with fists>get hit 3-4 meters above his headDONT MAKE FUN OF ME
>>502744570>Rajang CLEARLY gearing up for his most telegraphed attack>Dives into it>Gets hitI swear to fuck you retards have genuine mental deficiencies.
>>502744570Yea why would you need iframes when you got THAT
uuhhh bros are we really defending bad hitboxes now are we really stooping that low
>>502745259He probably thought he could go over the hitbox and then slam down after the attack
You guys said bow is easy. This shit sucks a monster sneezes near you and you die.
>>502746078speaking of.I know anons have said DB is easy mode against Zinogre, but it seems to me it's the bow mains that have a disgustingly easy with him.
>>502746078>>502746450this nigga doesn't know about shield hbg lmao
Stop being bad at the game
>>502747085no.>pretend I'm showing a webm of me carting to teo's claw despite having valor dodge + absolute Readiness
>>502745156You should know by now that most monsters have vertically oversized hitboxes and aerial IG has a bigger hitbox than just the hunter's body. I learned this lesson with Rathalos.
>>502747241to be fair EVERYONE should have learned this lesson with Tigrex.
>>502747241>You should know by now that most monsters have vertically oversized hitboxesIsn't it infinite for some mons in some games? Iirc standing on a platform and having a mon attack right below you will still get you hit.
dead thread
>>502746078you just gotta dodge and use the coatings and have fun
>>502748723i've seen this lady's huge dong
>>502749080>tfw 80% of her art is futanarikind of crazy when you think about it
>followers have their own hunting styles, skills and switch skills>they also don't do any damage...huh?
new bread:>>502749443>>502749443>>502749443>>502749443
>>502749378They do, the game just doesn't show you but it's not really enough to matter. Amusingly, they technically will do more damage to a mon if you just let them wyvern ride them as they always have 3 wirebugs active to slam against walls.
>>502723840You gon get launched