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Orange cake edition, Thread #1226

Previous thread: >>502031840

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Hero - January 1

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/x1fogc.rar (manga ch.4)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
mari helping haru with her first period
Looking for something to do in this current passing of time? Read this random story I picked out of my hat
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Reminder to take care of your Grandmas, /omog.

Mine is in hospital with sepsis, and is probably going to die in a couple of days...
What’s with the indog schizo who types like a 4 year old?
Why is the sperg so much worse today?
Just ignore and report
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!!
I'm kind of depressed that the retarded fag is right. Maybe /omog/ really is dead now.
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real subtle there
Omog has lost its edge. To think that this is the same place that birthed the Wheelchair Devil and had legendary hornyposting. Now it’s all blob art and generic ship posting without saying anything new.
Basil's a bit short to be a luigi
I'm still surprised the pancake bunny sold out so fast.
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What else can I draw? I'm not the most gifted artist, anon.
You are perfect
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bywbye play again soon
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thankfully im trans
Would Sunny or Basil be into Thomas the Tank Engine?
At first I felt like it would be Sunny but now that I think about it I feel like it would be Basil.
It's Autism Law you are at least SOMEWHAT of aware of trains and/or Thomas, if not, fully into both.
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Advertisment in japan for Omori
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Omori anime will become real in 2026
is ah actaully dead
what happened with the schizo shit last thread
Seaside Snuuy
I wonder how popular the manga is if it's getting large ads like this
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My empathy extends to animals.
I think it's moreso that it's an established publisher that can afford to advertise like this, but either way it's good for Omori in general
If his friends never forgave him for what he did to Mari, Sunny would grow up to be a lonely, withdrawn adult who would spend his time making these weird Pooh's adventure movies, but adding Sweetheart, Spaceboy, and Humphrey.
Disgusting as always.
Who should sing the opening?
I wish the other minor Something's got moments like this. We only had this scene with Dorothi and Nanci at the tire swing.
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I may or may not finish this, this was intended to be a "warm-up drawing" but I don't feel like doing much else
The omocat store seems to be doing reruns of the walkthrough & artbook and selling the console versions of Omori
Omori seems a bit outclassed here in the weapon department
It’s Mari Monday!
He has the hands too
A warm-up turd.
I get it's your fetish, but I won't draw scat for you, anon.
The sad part is that historically it has been his fetish
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Stunted boys and failure girls
snuuytism can be inexplicable and unexplainable in how it manifests and affects behavior
cute cat and pengu
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
What a shitty edit. Shitty everything really.
Basils nine inches
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yup looks like the schizo properly killed omog
They are certainly a few of those things
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nighty night baba
i guess last thread really was the last ah. no more anymore. and even the anons were right that theres nothing new anymore. sorry omog. youre dead.
He has to go back into his coma until next week
So warm. Is it comfy?
Killed? This place will be alive as long as the manga keeps coming out, so 3 more months I guess. Maybe 2.

Speaking of, how are they gonna butcher Sweetheart?
Make her an actual sweetheart and it turns out Spaceboy was an abusive boyfriend all along
>Spaceboy was an abusive boyfriend
He ate a donut on front of her
He always denied her sex saying he had a headache that day
He is a trans, so he is actually a she, so it's a lesbian relationship, and the hormones makes Spaceboy to be abusive
By being a whiney bitch
He only wanted to do anal
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>so 3 more months I guess. Maybe 2.
You think the manga is going to get canceled? Because that would be nowhere near finished unless they cut just about 90% of the rest of the game
Cancelled? No, just concluded. It doesn't seem like it's going to cover Humphrey. Omocat hates him. 4 chapters seems like more than enough to cover the rest. Yume Nikki the manga was also just 1 volume with 9 chapters so this tracks.
>ended soon
good the sooner omog dies because no manga content the better
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I can't remember where the manga is right now, the last I saw was the beginning of the Spaceboy bossfight, but 4 chapters left? To cover everything left? We can be generous and say they will cut Humphrey. I'm pretty sure that still leaves Pyrefly Forest, Sweetheart's Castle, North Lake, Deeper Well, Last Resort, all the Faraway sequences, Blackspace, the Truth sequence, and from there the fastest ending is Sunny and Basil killing themselves in an anticlimax, but the other two endings are much longer. To fit all of that in 4 chapters would mean either the chapters are unreasonably huge, or EVERYTHING gets truncated into a parody of the game that reads like cliffnotes.
Wait, how short is the manga going to be? I forgot if they told us how many total chapters it would be. But if it is going to be this short, it would explain why the placement of some scenes got expedited the way they did.
There hasn't been anything to say how long it will be. The anon is just making shit up. Omocat got the deal with a pretty low cost publisher and a newbie artist so costs aren't that high. It will definitely be longer than the Yume Nikki manga.
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>making shit up
That makes more sense. Could you imagine how tightly the Omori story would have to be sandwiched to fit in only 4 more chapters at this stage? I'd almost like to see what kind of a rush job that would turn out to be.
Based on how active it has been lately, it's probably the sperg. I really don't get their goals but who knows?
Something tells me that's not up to dress code
is there really anything worth it in omori anymore or should we let it die and omog disappear?
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do girls actually like this
>Aubrey understands Sweetheart
What did Omocat mean by this
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>space cuck actually taking aubreys advice
this is why he a loser. sweetheart dont like man like sensitive cake eating faggot. they want alpha man who is strong and not emotion.
>like pink
>might have been nicer at one point
they're so alike
Literally the complete opposite
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such fine knowledge...
Why are they wearing that
because its cute
>Might have been nicer
Sweetheart was nice?
But Spaceboy is a loser.
Sweetheart was willing to be with Spaceboy. It’s just that he seeming didn’t want to be hitched with her (hesitant on the whole marriage thing) that made her reject him fully.
>It’s just that he seeming didn’t want to be hitched with her (hesitant on the whole marriage thing) that made her reject him fully.
Sweetheart dumped him because she wanted someone else. If it was marriage that was the problem, she would not have divorced him.
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>tfw I realize that I like Sweetheart for the same reasons I like Starscream
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Maybe. She seems to still care about her grandparents in Orange Oasis to visit and send letters to them. Depending on how you interpret Keeper of the Castle's dialogue, it could imply that she got worse over time.
sweetheart is a mentally ill narcissist who is a fag. she is incapable of caring about anyone except for herself and her own perverted fantasies.
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Just had a completely insane dream about Omocat and going to an IRL event

>A friend who likes Omori DM's me on discord
>"Hey can you go buy Omocat's panties and send them to me"
>Like this is normal to ask
>Dream logic, I accept
>Go to an omori event
>anniversary art show?
>befriend staff to try get closer
>After the event we are walking around in a park
>Having fun petting stray cats >Somehow ending up legitimate friends despite my intent
>Twist reveal, "Omocat" at the event is a hired actor to avoid specifically this kind of stalker bullshit
>The real Omocat is at home
>Admit defeat and don't bring up the panty thing
>But, new friendships!
>it's oddly wholesome
>DM my friend it didn't work and I'm not doing it

>Twitch notification
>Omocat is LIVE
>New chibi vtuber model re-debut
>apologizing for not being live very often
>Throw caution to the wind and just ask in chat
>She pauses, reading it out loud
>"Uh, would you let me buy your panties? This is for real and not a joke... Here is a link for an online payment, I have... twenty dollars in Canadian money?"
>"...why Canadian?"
>Clearly confused, mumbling
>Chat is going insane, it's all very awkward
>"Oh, it's you.. m-my staff said there was somebody at the event..."
>Might have just ruined her new model debut by making her anxious and mumbly and derailing it
>Might have just ruined my new friendships by being a stalker
>Camera slowly zooms on the new model as she's quiet

>A cash register noise plays on stream as a coin effect appears
>Payment accepted notification
>The stream continues like normal, plays it off as a joke
>"Yeah of course! I love money, hahaha..."
>"Gee, I sure hope I have your address in the store to send it to, oops! Haha..."
>I have to go buy extra merch to give the address

Fucking insane dream actually I'm going to go find a building to jump from
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If you say so.
seek mental health therapy and take pills because youre mentally ill.
you do not ever see her meet her family. she could be an abuser likely.
how many months were the hooligans and aubrey away from starting to sexually bully basil
I'm not a TF fan but I can respect this as a robot fucker
I hope you enjoy your new merch, anon. That is one hell of a dream. I've had a few Omori dreams myself, but I barely remember much of them.
She couldn't meet her family because Lemon Jash wouldn't let her for one reason or another. She still keeps in contact with them and sends letters regularly. Her grandparents still seem to care about her. I won't deny that Sweetheart's abusive, at least.
what kind of dreams
Crazy ones. I'll pick one.
In this dream we had Aubrey, Hero, Kel, Sunny, and Mari who were going to have a picnic in the setting of another video game's universe. Basil didn't exist for some reason and was never mentioned. They walk by some people through the city streets, they have a picnic, they get ambushed, Aubrey, Mari, and Hero fend them off while Kel makes sure Sunny's okay, Mari gets crushed by some giant machine but survives if seriously injured, Kel decides to leap in and help, which lets some weird shadowy rider(?) shows up and kidnaps Sunny, dream ends. That one was pretty cool. I almost want to say that shadowy rider was Stranger, but that may as well be a retroactive change on my part from how little I remember of the ending.
more i like thuis
That's pretty much all I can say since most of the other dreams only had the Omori characters as cameo appearances. Like Hero, Kel, and two's mother showing up for a minute or so before leaving.
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Can anyone find the artist of pic related?
Google and yandex only bring up a shitty russian aggregator site.
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i have no clue, but i am reminded of when someone requested that here and got picrel in response
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>the last I saw was the beginning of the Spaceboy bossfight
We're at chapter 6 now, unless there's a hiatus ch. 6 will come out this week. The fight was concluded in chapter 5.

>I'm pretty sure that still leaves Pyrefly Forest
Nothing important happens in it that can't be portrayed on 5 pages or less (average Omori chapter has 40-50 pages.) They're not going to devote an entire chapter to Omori collecting pieces of the tracks and fighting bugs. It might be skipped over entirely or just shown briefly much like the Campsite, sprout mole colony and 90 percent of the pinwheel forest.

>Sweetheart's Castle
99 percent of it is Omori and friends dicking around with goofy NPCs, and the manga is clearly not interested in showing that. It also follows the Sunny route, so there's no need to show the Keeper. It's likely to skip over the part where Omori's group ends up in the dungeon, and go straight to the Sweetheart fight and the wedding.

>North Lake, Deeper Well, Last Resort
Doubt. Like I said, Omocat hates Humphrey, who's the endpoint of those areas, and the mangaka hates goofy critters, so no Deep Well/Last Resort. The part where Omori gets separated from the group and finds Mari already happened in chapter 4, ghost Mari curtain scene was shoehorned into chapter 5. The group already forgot Basil's existence ffs.The mangaka only does the bare minimum to push the story along, so it's not like she's going to draw this shit twice.

Is a bunch of nonsense that will most likely be abbreviated to hell and back.

>and from there the fastest ending is Sunny and Basil killing themselves in an anticlimax
The true ending only feels so long because the fight with Omori and Memory Lane drag on forever. The mangaka also does not seem interested in drawing fights, and Memory Lane is basically filler. Everything that happens in the hospital, including Basil's special scene should fit on less than 5 pages.

>making shit up
No, making an educated guess.
I doubt they won't include last resort. I wouldn't be surprised if deeper well gets brushed over, however.

My hopes is that that somehow Bossman is included in last resort but I highly doubt that
why is she manspreading when she has no balls to make comfortable
is she stupid?
>Let's just cut literally everything except the plot beats
>We don't need to actually spend time with the gang on a weird and wonderful dream adventure, we need to get this shit over with as fast as possible
>Deeply psychological horror that gives insight to the protagonist's latent guilt, self-hatred, complicated feelings for his former best friend, and his overwhelming desire to die? Fine I guess, but how does it advance the PLOOOOOT
If they actually do this it will be mortifyingly bad
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They've been doing this for the past 5 chapters and it's not much worse than the game because it's already mortifyingly bad and ridden with filler. I mean, do you seriously expect the manga to portray the contents of every single room in blackspace and every quirky scrimblo bimblo in Sweetheart's castle? Every single photo album memory warmed thrice over? That shit is repetitive and boring.

The manga has its faults, but at least it doesn't drag on and it actually managed to make some minor characters like Kim and Candice more likeable during their brief appearances.
Oh you were woodchipp all along, it's all starting to make sense.
Why is Hero such a big cuck simpy loser? What did Mari see in him?
He let her peg him
Basil has the optimal genes and should spread them to as much as faraway town as possible
the only people who actually like people who act like omori characters irl are fags and autistic freaks. omori fans are stinky loner losers who are mentally ill and ugly.
talk to any omori fan or look at any omori fan at cons or any event. you see what i mean.
Next thing you know they'll be asking for Omocat's underwear or something fucking bizarre like that

Honestly, they should kill themselves NOW
they are sick people and should take care of themself first before making any friend or meeting anyone. they need to ask why they like omori so much. sick people need treatment first. dont hurt people with your mental illness.
They're not sending their best.
Are Omori fans worse than Deltarune fans?
They're the same breed.
You know I make fun of the "indog" thing, but it literally is 7 AM in Indonesia right now. This is the first thing he does when he wakes up.
>knowing the time
youre an indog too
It must be really boring over there if this is more worth 2+ years of his time
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Windows has a handy "World Clock" app.
Sign In NOW
Is this the same schizo from yesterday? What gets him so mad?
>Is this the same schizo from yesterday?
>What gets him so mad?
Mental illness.
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wish we had more like this
Thats Omoriboy and hes a fucking loser. I hate him so much.
Omoriboy definitely torrents
Whats the difference between Omoriboy and Omori?
masturbation and alcohol consumption
I don't get it. What shows he drinks alcohol and masturbates?
how many times a day does omoriboy jerk off?
omocat's old blog and art
geocities dot ws/alexanderjt/omoriboy/omori.html
Omocat's original "omoriboy" blog has some pages where he's looking at porn and another where he's inexplicably drunk

He's basically a stinkier neet before the game turned into what it is currently, easily marketable sanrio characters having minimal flaws (compliment)
Is Omoriboy better than Omori?
He's a stinkier neet
So yes or no?
Omori is what Omori fans think they are
Omoriboy is what they actually are
I don’t see how can be seen as better when the lesson sunny learns is that he has to reject them
I don't get what you mean
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Such powerful wisdom...
reject who?
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She’s his real mommy
This isn't an Omori character
woah it's kelsey from omori
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he knows what tool to use.
>marianon gone
>anon who uses haru is gone
>blob anon is gone
even the new anons are gone...
is omog dead now? is the omori fandom dead too?
Quit being a doomer. Not everyone can show up here day in and day out.
blobanon is still around he's just busy
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okay omog will just die then
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kelsey has a big chest
kel has a big
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>Has TwinTails
>Has Pink/Red eyes
Close enough
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the boys
why does aubrey have avoidant attachment? does sunny have avoidant attachment?
he's literally the thread image kek
Sometimes reading some of these responses on /omog/ makes me go insane
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cute boys
Why can't people just see Sunny and Basil as very good platonic friends?
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platonic friends do this all time don't worry
What kind of platonic friends did you have?
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because basil is the gayest creature ever devised on this bitch of an earth.
Aubrey has abandonment issues because of her fucked up parents and likely has CPTSD from them. I've never heard of Sunny having this.
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wanting to bridal carry your bestie who calls you perfect to safety is very platonic behavior that all male friends do
yiiking out
dont mention that bad terrible game here
omori is not perfect but yiik is terrible
>Aubrey rejecting Sunny because she has abandonment issues and treats him like shit but still hovers around him and gets mad whenever he finds a new girl
omoriboy is so of its time, 2011-2012 tumblr. im not sure you could get away with a sympathetic depiction of an "incel" now
There's room to say Basil had some issues too considering his parents were gone seemingly all the time and what he thought about his friends
what issues did basil have
I think I get what you mean
If Omori is Omocat's life, does that mean Omoriboy is Omocat's self insert and shes a incel?
Can't you guess?
Because the schizo is ruling over omog now?
spergs make everyone go insane.
If the anon that made me say >502769834 is the same anon you're thinking of, maybe?
[spoilers]What is bad about that particular anon?[/spoiler]
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i mean the whole "nice guys finish last" thing is kind of a played out meme at this point, for example. it's like seeing lolcats

maybe, i think aubrey is a self-insert too though.
nothings stopping you from doing that
I don't know?[/spoilers]
fuck shit I screwed up the unfunny joke
so why do people like omoriboy or is it ironic
y-you arent the sperg right?
No, I just wanted to force the ? gimmick because I'm bored
is anyone feeling 143 right now
A little
who is it
Yeah but its not going to work out
thoughts on this character?
I like Basil. I wish we got to learn more about his life and why he turned out the way he did. Theorizing is fun, but not the best substitute for certainty. Also he's cute as a button.
yes but you never know if they feel the same or how theyd feel once they see the real you not online....
so why did omocat make omoriboy?
shes a girl its easy to not be incel.
it seems semi-ironic, some people also feel like omori might have been better if sunny/omori had been a bit older and frankly more like irl neets instead of basically a child. for me it's a little nostalgic, i was around that age in 2011-12 and a tumblr user although i don't think i knew about omocat before pretty boy.
idk seems like she was going through some shit at the time, she has other early art that's clearly working through some angsty issues. femcels are a thing too.
how old is 2011 12
and how is femcel life?
It's understandable why people hate him. I didn't hate him, but I didn't feel much affection for him. There are fanfics where I feel that his character is treated much better and has more charisma.>>502772895
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What an annoyingly stupid creature
That omori is cute but I much prefer the low poly hero avatar
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is mari mentally ill?
I'm sorry
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Why does Basil always have to suffer?
Basil is NOT a crybaby
so i guess this is it. goodbnye omog
Can you guys suggest me similar games to omori, not necessarily rpgs but as in sad depressing games that make you FEEL?
That new mouthwashing game is having a moment.

End roll, Yume Nikki, OFF, there's tons of depressive RPG maker games.
Got my YouTube Recap
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I forgot the joke goddamn it
kys indog
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Irisu Syndrome. It's like tetris, but depressing.

Famous boy
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OneShot fucked me up pretty badly for a while
Don’t be a moonatic
Take Ownership of Your Time:

•Remind yourself that the time you invest is for your future goals and happiness. This mindset can make sticking to routines feel empowering, not burdensome.
•Feeling guilty won’t undo the past, but self-compassion can fuel positive change. You deserve to feel proud of what you have accomplished.
Spec Ops the Line
Mo Astray

honestly don't play these kind of games too often.
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weird little brother
surprised no one's mentioned the mother series, especially mother 3. but play the other two first and don't skip on 1
Seconding this, I'm a broken record about this but play Tomato's english patch of Mother 1+2 for GBA, it adds the "Easy Ring" which halves the encounter rate but doubles EXP and money. Mother 1 has an infamous amount of necessary grinding, especially at the end of the game. For EarthBound I also recommend the hack "MaternalBound Omega" which makes it more in line with the uncensored Japanese script and adds other QoL like a run button.
What are they playing?
i still dont know what parts of these are like the brown potato on the top left or h+h
"Brown potato" is Orange Joe. The H+H is "Hero + Hikiko"
What's so good about these games? Are they even depressing as per anon's request? All I know is that in the 3rd one protagonist's mother dies or something, but this also makes it not like the others?
@ed the wrong post, oops
>mari draws herself
>hero draws mari
>aubrey cant draw
>mari draws happy sunny
>sunny playing by himself
mari is mentally ill and narcisist
Mari is happy to have so many more siblings
if we're talking about games recommended, is this still alive or did it die like omari?
the 3rd one is the only one i'd say is particularly depressing (with many more reasons than just that), while the other 2 just have depressing undertones. a lot of the appeal comes the charming yet simple world and humor, and they're notable for being one of if not the first game to put emphasis on emotional storytelling. if you're into games similar to omori then they're the ones most worth your time in my opinion.
Kel's the bad orange color drawings, Aubrey's the cute pink drawings
This is Omari
No updates in over a year so its dead I think but they keep coming back
The rainy team seems to be holding fast to radio silence, so we basically know nothing of what's behind the curtain. Even alleged and and known ex-devs haven't so much as given a whispered. The most they show is art and animations in a blue moon.
The most solid indication of development happening that they've let us see has been this.
It's pretty cute from what I remember.
what is the ghost they turn into when they die?
Teru-Teru Bozu. It's a japanese thing where you make these small dolls and hang them outside your house to bring good weather. To drive away the rainy weather, and bring back sunny weather.
Why is everyone human? Is Mari less creative than Sunny?
>To drive away the rainy weather, and bring back sunny weather
Oh ha ha. That makes sense.
i guess they finally got programmers and not coders
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why is mari making this face? is this how she really feels when hero is sad or sunny is suffering? does mari have bpd?
>Why is Mari making this face? Is she stupid?
That small line of text is so cute
>The last thing Sunny sees before he dies
Did Omori have something like this?
There's emotion removing moves in Omori like Hero giving a massage, but none are cute like Aubrey reluctantly lending Mr. Plantegg to a friend to help them calm down
I'm surprised Omari is still popular after all this time
People want to see Mari alive and it's the closest thing we'll ever get to a sequel
post angry kel and miserable aubrey
why did hero get no big emotions? he just fucking died. did mari kill hero?
>Serial killer Mari au
omari has always been one of the more popular things. i think people just like seeing miserable women and even more if mari is the miserable one since she was such a perfect bitch.
indog mari
Omori's emotional core is a story about a group of childhood friends losing someone dear to them and how they cope with it. One of those friends being her little brother that's plagued by guilt for being the reason she died. It makes sense to at some point start thinking how things would play out if the other sibling had died instead.
Mari's a different person from Sunny, she'd be affected differently. And the rest of them had different relationships with Sunny, they'd be affected differently. And every individual is going to view the characters differently, so there's always going to be a different interpretation of how and why. It's why so many Omari mods popped up that seemed to have very different ideas for Headspace played out and how everyone was affected. We could have stories like Nieta, Time to go Home, or parts of Second Chances which share the same idea of Sunny dying and Mari living but play out so differently in story and characters. Even on /omog/ we had incredibly different views from what Omari would be that popped up from time to time. It's a wellspring of creativity that's benefited by being so simple a concept.
I think.
What are some best ideas that came from /omog/ about Omari?
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It's them
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Furious Kel is kind of hot
am i going crazy or is there a tv screen when they die?
cute faces next to the emotion
>Don't tell him about delinquent Kel
rainy would be better if it was kelsey heroine and aubrey
are aubrey and kel even different from omori?
Mari-chan and the Obrey
How stinky?
>Announcing report
Matching almost sisters
Cute and adorable
Were Aubrey and Mari really this close?
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What is Rainy?
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Too pastel
i hate mari
self centered cunt
Mari's not self centered, she's self aware
>has pictures of her self every where
>thinks she is the best and everyone loves her
>abuses little brother
Exactly, she's self aware about how amazing and wonderful she is
That last part's just Sunny being a little brat and not recital practice seriously, doesn't he know how important it is to everyone that it turns out perfect?
I never knew Mari posted on 4chan
a girl with a chest that flat shouldnt have such a high ego of herself
>Thinking girls actually care about chest size
Male hands wrote this
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whats her bra size?
i am male and assigning her true worth her due
>Sunny accidentally tells everyone Mari still wears training bras and gets angry when her cute bras don't fit
>aaa size everyone in farway knows now
>mari kills sunny
this is why he really died
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Amazing girl traveling to find her beans and burritos
Where did flat Mari meme come from?
plus for historical purposes, almost none of these types of games exist without earthbound/mother. toby fox made romhacks for EB, omocat drew a lot of mother fanart even pre-tumblr, there's the meme that all indie games are either cave story or earthbound. a lot of the actual developers on earthbound also ended up working on pokemon via ape inc becoming creatures inc.

definitely have to second end roll. omori is downright cheerful in comparison.
is it possible to feel any emotion for omori the game if you had no friends growing up?
You should give the game a go and find out
i did. i dont feel anything for the friends. it seems really fake. having friends is a waste of time. sunny is spoiled and sensitive. he did this to himself. i really dont care about the other characters. it seems like the nu s oyboy shit that you need to be so wholesome caring and fwends solve everything. everyone can get over it by being less sensitive bitches.
Who is everyone's favorite End Roll character?
Omocat’s next game needs more big mexican tomboys
you are all mentally ill and you will die alone
One day we will learn to not reply to posts that don't use proper capitalization because it is almost universally a post made by a complete retard
>im so smart becs i use proper grammar
nerdy ahhh loser
Oh no you're confused, see, there are posts that can be good even without properly capitalizing things, like this post >>502852418
I am just saying that you, specifically, are a fucking retard, and nobody should reply to you. It is extremely easy to recognize when you post and I merely offered the easiest way to identify you in the hopes that people in the future will go "Oh, it's this retard" and ignore you.
meant for >>502855908
>oh no my dead omori board needs to be so nice and not real visions about how dead it is
>oh no i cant accept people saying bad things about quality shits of omogri
sad. why are you obsess with omog? leave if it make you so mad to read real truth. you keep this alive for no reason. you cant move on. loser. fagogt.
sensitive omori fans like you are why fandom dies. cant take critical view. get offend over small things. trigger over small thing. get over it.
i might write bad but it is not stopping that you are sneitive loser who is still post on omog because you are not moving on loser. you have mental ill to be stuck on this dead game. no friends? is that why you stay here? wow sad.
Watching the guy talk about moving on and obsessing with things when he is having a sputtering meltdown off post cooldown is extremely funny. I even intentionally didn't quote the post so he wouldn't get a (You) alert and it was still near instant. He even thinks you were the one replying as if I didn't intend to ignore him . Sub 80 IQ NPCs aren't good with abstraction and self-awareness.
Ignore the sperg. Post your Omori fixations.
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I thought Kantera was cringey at first but he really grew on me. But I ended up picking Yumi in my playthrough
he was okay but boring. didnt seem to fit in with the rest. yumi is boring. she just got raped to death. thats it.
Mari hanging herself to bring Sunny back!
Yeah. Sunny was the creative one, but since he’s dead, Headspace looks a lot less fantastical because Mari made it instead.
I don't think Sunburn would ever work. Aubrey is too mentally ill and traumatized to have a healthy relationship especially with Sunny.
Sunny is very healthy and sane to date her
Is it good for Sunny? Aubrey doesn't know how to handle her emotions, gets angry at people close to her, and can't sort out her feelings because of her broken home.
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This is why Herobrey is better
Yeah Normal 16 year old girls know how to handle their emotions and they are all very mature and if they arent they will not grow up more
people dont change
No no no, he's totally onto something. I was just thinking how retarded the Mother posters are, recommending a series of obnoxiously cheery-looking games to anon (and any innocent bystander) who specifically asked for depressing games of any type. Because MUH LEGENDARY RPG and every notable hack used to draw fanart for this thing. Are people here illiterate or what?
Mentally traumatized people do not learn how to handle their emotions better and they stay broken their entire lives. Aubrey will ruin anyone who gets close to her. Sunny would not be her boyfriend or husband. He would be her caretaker and that is not a normal loving relationship. That is going to end with Sunny dealing with Aubrey's trauma every day and her emotional explosions and he will kill himself or Aubrey will stab him to death in his bed during a manic episode.
Mother 3 is fucking depressing
>Mentally traumatized people do not learn how to handle their emotions better and they stay broken their entire lives
Depends on the trauma you mongoloid, she can and will get better, Sunny's trauma is bigger yet the whole point of the game is to overcome it.
My source is I grew up in a "family" like Aubrey lmfao. Do you know how hard it is to live with that and see your normie friends have a better life because your parents were pieces of shit who don't care? Nothing fixes it and you will be broken forever. You need to pick up the pieces by yourself.
Ah, projecting, cool, sadly for you not every victim reacts the same.
Your source is "she's literally me and I refuses to overcome my traumas, so she shouldnt either"
It's a game. Games are not real life in case you also think god exists too.
>sadly for you not every victim reacts the same.
As if you'd know from your privileged rich life. Your mommy not buying you your funko pops isn't trauma.
Some of you unironically need therapy
That was sad
how do you make yourself sound this insufferable without getting your ass beat by everyone you meet?
are there seriously people who project onto sunny and aubrey
The Omori creators put their own self inserts with their own lives. Make of that what you will.
How would Omari Heromari be?
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aubrey murdering sunny when she goes crazy
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Rare Cris art
Any other rare Cris art?
Oh wow this is actually rare
Aubrey and Kim dating? Are they?
That's not how this works. I regret to say this, but most children of pos parents are related to them, ergo they carry their parents' pos genetics. It's either that, or their parents were even worse pos who abandoned them or were so abusive the kid was taken away. Even the ones whose bio parents simply died are probably related to some sad loner who left their kid behind without a safety net.

Those kids are often screwed up on a fundamental level from things like FAS and inherited mental and physical disorders on top of all the trauma and abuse they went through. It's a cruel thing to say, but so is framing their struggles as personal failings.
Sex with basil
cute fish
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A most dastardly and villainous eggplant if there ever was one
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funniest wiki on the planet
Today on the Internet I learn that mentally unwell people are incapable of recovery or significant improvement and are better off isolated from humanity or dead
if you cause people problems and hurt everyone around you should be instituionalized
Stop feeling sorry for yourself
What makes you say that?
cute learning snuuy
this is very autistic but is there a cute art of snuy sleeping in the same bed with all his friends?
>loses argument
>"all mentallly ill people should die"
lol. lmao even.
Why is /omog/ so angry today...
Let's go back to happier topics omog...
>Read /omog/ after long day at work
>It's all depressing shit
What the fuck happened here?
letting all your pent up anger into basil after coming home from work
kissing basil passionately after work
And hugs
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His mom shouldn't let him on the computer, his internet friends are a bad influence
Calm down Brows, it'll be ok
4chan users
and pumps
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Zipsunz made another that was cute but it says do not repost on it so I cannot repost it here :(
donut steel
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Kel's sleepover necessities
Hector and his family also wanted to sleepover
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Will remember
I hope you're holding up out there Anon, whatever happens with her
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Empower yourself daily. Four hours of focused effort can transform your future.

Everything you ever wanted is always within reach.
Poor boy all awake at a sleepover
yes there is room
shut up narration text
but the people in his computer help snuuy learn so many things
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thank you for encouragement and advice Mr Internet Man
don't take my bubby away...
What if...
Kys indog
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Off topic
Which omori character would say this
Man on Fire
Silly Friends
Makima would only dream of Pochita
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Which one would Hero like the most?
Would Hero still love her like this?
Sunny x Sonic yaoi
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Cover up that butt!
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poor thing's sick and has to be put down for the safety of the other animals
pet pet pet i will take care of you
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This is very scary
heromari but theyre both mentally ill
Not all who wander are lost. Except for this boy who is in fact very lost and needs a guide to help him find his friends
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Nice sad drawing, but I would have liked if Aubrey's arm was covering the Basil name plate above Memories instead of it being blank
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>the meme that all indie games are either cave story or earthbound
speaking of everyone here should play cave story, not because it's similar to omori but because it's very good and a classic. (but don't buy it because it's free and the publisher is shitty)
i like gardenia. russell having a "friend" that's his same age is sweet and she also reminds me a bit of aubrey
are you actually retarded or just pretending
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Amazing girl in amazing places
That silly bow at the top of the tree should be replaced with this cute Mari
She lets out all of her frustration in an explosive burst of emotion, and then deflates into a mess of grief, guilt, and loneliness
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Why does Aubrey do this?
why does aubrey only do this to sunny?
amazing princess
upset wife. why is she mad?
Mari's a little peeved because Hero let the power go to his head and tried to get their friends to sign themselves back into unpaid jobs
>play cave story, not because it's similar to omori but because it's very good and a classic
also insanely catchy music. the main theme still gets stuck in my head even though i haven't played it in like a decade
What would Sunny do if Aubrey showed him her tits
Be flustered and not know what to say but secretly like it. How flat is Aubrey.
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getting drunk and beating basil after work
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Who said it means everything? What does it mean?
do boys even like girls flashing them if they arent stacked like ddd breasts?
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What kind of dates do they go on together?
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okay how did sunny react when flashed with a washing board?
Don't worry. Flat is the best
t. Aubrey
t. Kel
t. Sunny
Aubrey would never call Kim a cow (Kim identifies as a reptile not a mammal)
Sunny likes flat? What is the appeal?
Her fat butt
>flat chest
>fat ass
Why do you think she kept getting suck in the tree
aubrey doesnt have a fat ass. she is malnourished and thin
Her ass is huge and bouncy and a great pillow
I rimmed it
Shut the fuck up, you stupid weeb. You sound like a retard.
how was it?
Are you actually illiterate or just pretending? You were supposed to recommend depressing games, not waffle on about random crap you like.
>indog detected
opinion disregarded. nuke indonesia NOW.
isnt rimming stinky?
Everyone deserves loves. Don't listen to them
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Craig and Tweek aren't actually gay?
is autism count as being mentally unwell?
They aren't right? Sunny and Basil aren't either.
very straight just like shinji and kaworu
It was good
Not as stinky as you think, Haru is more stinky, I rather rim Aubrey's butt than hold hands with Haru
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Wow! Maybe we should all go spend all of our money at The Last Resort and end up like this lucky Mariblob!

Where should she go on her holiday?
They are straight
Wow! Traveling!
amazing blob going to amazing places. where can she go?
why do you think haru is stinkeir than an actual asshole?
Can she go with Snuy blob?
Last Resort to gamble all their money away
orange oasis or sweethearts castle to watch sweetheart
Haru doesnt smell that bad does she?
Go to california.
Hero blob or Snuy blob travel together?
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i hope she avoids Indonesia
>why do you think haru is stinkeir than an actual asshole?
Because she is
>Haru doesnt smell that bad does she?
Yes she does
Send her to Brazil from Omori.
She will also return alive and well.
Omori and his stand “Here comes the Sun”
Sunny needs a cute hat like the other boy has for better resemblance
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snuuy shoukd start wearing something other than black
Mari insists it looks good on him, so Sunny doesn't object
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Look at this cute
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In this general filled with retarded takes one of the most startlingly stupid asshats is the guy who starts foaming at the mouth whenever someone implies Mari and Hero are the group's replacement mommy and daddy. Gotta wonder if they're really this blind or just trolling. I mean, look at this cunt. She even has the classic side ponytail of doom all dead anime moms have. They couldn't make it more obvious if they tried.
I remember that time anons had a discussion about if Sunny was looking at Basil in this drawing or not, even made a diagram to show Basil was too far behind the doorframe to be visible in Sunny's line of sight
Cutest one yet. Make the Sweetheart blob perform live.
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anyone wanna play yume nikki
How do you play?
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you walk around and look at stuff
that's pretty much all you do
Is it similar to Omori?
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it inspired omori
black space in particular is very derivative of this game
i really hope i'm not replying to the sperg....
I've never played Yume Nikki. My only experience was Omori for these kind of games
isnt the sperg on vacation right now?
Nope, the one that got three days was rainysperg
I think I saw them wining about it in homog
Theres more than one?
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i see. yume nikki is a surreal exploration game with light horror elements, and its unique atmosphere inspired a lot of indie games, especially omori. omori is pretty much "yume nikki with plot" with blackspace being the most direct nod to it. it's not for everyone but i do think it's worth checking out if you like omori at least. oh and omocat ships the mcs together
there's someone here who will repeatedly reply to posts with incredibly stupid questions. i'm not sure if it's the same guy or not
I ended up trying out Yume Nikki some time after beating Omori. I knew about the game for well over 10 years prior, but never cared to try it until finishing Omori. I'm glad I did check it out because it was a fun experience. Wandering around and absorbing the environments and music.
Also this one song sounded just enough like the beginning part of Good Morning to hurt. It's only a passing resemblance that doesn't hold up that well, but it got to me in the moment.
I never actually beat Yume Nikki. I think I got all but 1 or 2 effects before deciding I'd had my fill and stopped.
By swallowing Omori’s cum?
He's looking at Mari's ass and wondering why it's so flat
Mari does not have a flat ass and she has a curvy chest
If she pads them lmao
Mari does NOT pad her chest. She has natural B cup. C cup even.
brothers dont look at their sisters tits and ass, you incestous freak
According to this anon >>502855214 you are the sperg so congrats on the schizophrenia.
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i see what that anon means, but i am only slightly retarded, not completely
are you autistic tho
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are you?
The Omoriblob approaches the unsuspecting sushi he's been stalking and opens his mouth wide enough to swallow his prey in one bite
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Pick one
i dont know.
are you?
Definitely beach Basil
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i don't know but when i was a kid my parents would tell everyone else i was even though whenever i asked them they would say i wasn't
Why does he look like he's going to cry no matter where he is
if you had both parents like a spoiled brat you arent autistic
mentally ill people shouldnt find anyone. they should stay alone and do not spread their genes or hurt people near them
Looks like Chris Chan is completely neurotypical then
chris chan lived with his mom alone retard
His dad died when he was in his 20s, double retard
Do you think Sunny and Chris Chan would have gotten along?
Sunny would've been one of the kids he screamed the N word at at the GamePlace while playing Pokemon cards
they both seem neurodivergent. are they both autistic?
Just because someone is quiet and introverted doesn't mean they are autistic
while this is true, i can kind of see the 'tism in sunny. he also doesn't emote much and seems a bit too invested in his dream world for it to be considered normal
what symptoms does he show?
Aubrey seems like the type who’d have a secret crush on Optimus Prime.
Why. He is literally a robot.
>Sunny is an autist
>People expect Aubrey to be okay with this
No. It's just as bad as Hero expecting to be with Mari even though she has schizophrenic bpd.
Sunny might be a bit weird but he's not as bad as Chris Chan. I don't think he'd have the really bad fixation on Sonic and Pokemon that Chris Chan had. Sunny also had friends unlike Chris Chan who was friendless and lived in his imaginary world where he was the central figure. Oh shit.
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This is literally Sunny
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Mari's new life in university has been exhilarating
Look at her go!!!
indog hands posted this
indog or gook i dont know whats worse
>le buzz words for mental health
literally none of this is sunny. just because someone is introverted doesnt mean they are mentally ill.
1 3 5
Did they start issuing bans for less than 3 days or is this just ban evasion?
Too long didn't read. Nice fanfiction though.
I don't know which schizo this is. I thought we only had one but I found out we have more than one now
/omog/'s current lineup of schizos
>the autist who asks questions in response to every post (rainysperg?)
>the mental illness tard (maybe also rainysperg?)
tell me if i missed any
Why does this general have so many schizos?
I think the question and last one are not the Rainysperg because the grammar is a lot worse. It is probably an indog.
Who hurt you anon?
I'm certain the bottom two aren't Rainysperg. After some posts were deleted he showed up in /homog/ to complain about getting a multi day cooldown.
Which leads me to believe it's different people.
Who is the Rainysperg and what makes him different from the others?
who is the most schizo of these?
woodchip. i don't think he's even retarded, just really dedicated to pretending for some reason
worse than the rainysperg? someone that autistic who hates a mod for years for reasons unknown?
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Bad rng
Whats this?
Cute sad boy
sunnys friends should move on from him after he moves. why should they care about someone who doesnt care about them? he clearly doesnt care about them.
>502990448 (You)
Even after the others stopped talking to him when he was discharged from the hospital, he still looks after their flowers with just as much care as back then
What was the thing Omocat was counting down to?
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It's almost like she got smaller in the last 4 years
Shouldn't Sunny be happy he has so many friends?
You can't shrink irl right?
Sunny literally sees characters from Headspace and visions of Hellmari regularly in the real world, and even before the tragedy, he has clear symptoms of maladaptive daydreaming. He is mentally ill and you’re in serious denial if you think otherwise.
So sad to see, maybe a bath will make him feel better
Only once you're old I think
Maybe Haru went to that beach from the M night shyamalan movie
Pretending to be retarded is the most retarded thing one can do.
is haru mentally ill?
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Their loss
show the lewd coward
No nuy
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how will you react if toby copies omoris twist. What if noelle snowgraved dess.
booba tea
Happy cat
Bubby sleep
why was this cut?
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too mary
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I cook for Sunny
Wow, it looks just like him
wow, thank you.
Ugly boy
boysboysboys boysboysboysboysboys
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girlsgirlsgirls girlsgirlsgirlsgirlsgirls
shut the fuck up fag
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based to you as well anon
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mari and aubrey are cute together
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Getting these posters banned should be a sport.
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what does the gook say
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Those are really pretty girlsil designs
>not ship
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keep talking fag
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Why do you like Sunburn so much? I thought you were a fag
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who are you talking to
Idk the image anon posting sunburn
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I love this Obrey. So depressed. So stinky looking.
long belly button
Amazing girl exploring
The closest of childhood friends
is girl friendships more pure and close than boy friendships?
It's as pure as you decide it is
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yuri is impure
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yuri is the purest form of love anon....
they are both very stinky and everyone runs away from the stink
would haru and aubrey and mari still be friends ever after they get married and have kids?
This isn't yuri this is platonic female friendship. Sisterhood even.
What is she watching?
Why is she dressed like a loser
I personally think it's cuter if Aubrey and femSunny were more like sisters. It feels like something Aubrey would be excited for as a reason to be extra close to a girl her age, and since girl Sunny and Mari could feel more like family than her own does. And the two already kind of look like they could be siblings before Aubrey changes her look. And after Mari dies, it would make Sunny shutting down and locking herself away more painful for Aubrey since she'd be losing someone she thought of a sister on top of her own family falling apart. And then when they finally see each other again 4 years down the line, she snaps at bunches and treats her horribly as a first re-impression despite missing her and everyone. And when the two become friends again, it would make the reconciliation on the swings cute in a different way from canon. But yuriburn is cute. Just look at how cute that drawing is.
They're going to beat you to death
I thought this was more spam but this is really good for femori and aubrey. cute and sisterly.
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What if Kim and Basil were childhood friends?
Cultural cross pollination of flower lovers with dinosaur nerds
who actually self inserts as haru
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the real question is are they more or less mentally unstable than those ypu self insert as basil.
do girls like haru even exist irl
Would Sunny be a furry
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Omori volume 1 is popular-ish
Mods adore schizos and will actively protect them.
I mean, they sure love me.
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i will insert myself into haru
Also gross. I hate Japs now.

Captcha: G8TARD
ok anon
what should his sound be like?
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Californian, because that's what he is. Why does a freaking chink book gets official voice acting, but a 200k game doesn't? It's ridiculous. Stupid Omoweeb.
Too deep he sounds like a grown man, should have gotten a female VA to do it
this is Basil's voice actor
Looks like Sunny.
No way
drama CD soon boys
Hey, I recognize that muscular blue haired twink!
When people get the chance, they need to check out Undead Unluck.
>Kaneki and 9S
No wonder Basil went schizo.
Wrong. This man should voice Basil.
who should voice Kel?
Yuri Lowenthal
Robbie Daymond using his Spider-Man voice.
>sold out
Expect an anime by 2027.
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Ok, but who will voice Sweetheart?
I want to sniff his balls.
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They got the VA of the protagonist of the biggest anime in Japan right now to voice Basil? Fucking how?

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