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Green Alliance Marshal Mail edition

>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm "Area 52", Wildcard Season Realm "Elune")
(CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, Bronzebeard V+ Server Soon)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+,TBC as design base and Wrath client)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Mistblade 3 (Mop(+?)) | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Patch 1.17.2 new class and gameplay changes - https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=15157
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org
Guild - <Full Moon Company> (whisper anyone - looking for doms!)

>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)
By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.

>Sites with mods, tutorials and so on
https://www.wowmodding.net/files/ - Needs register, full of tools.
https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/ - Same as above but with MoP stuff
https://forums.darknestfantasy.com/ - Use a dump gmail for register, note for anons, Titaa's Armory |Classic HD mods is open source

>Bikini mod (Works on Vanilla and Wrath clients, Still missing some stuff)
Skimpier vanilla outfits for females.

>HD curvy mod, Turtle Only for now, Open to be ported to other clients

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>502609224
I haven't played on Turtle in over three months.
What did i miss out on?
worgen males hngghghghhhh
Uh, where’s the Tauri guild?
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WIFE WIFE WIFE WIFEWIFEWIFEGH *throws up* gwfie wife
2000 words limit, I think its time for a Second OP post Acting as Guilds so it frees the OP with the important stuff like servers and modding
AS long as it isnt the Foxxo shitshow that he is enforcing at /wowg/
>Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC)
you can remove this garbage easily
You can just put all the mods in one link
for the next op remove the class changes line and add https://twow.link/classchanges to misc
I too remember when Gummy got C&D by Blizzard on their launch day
>HD curvy mod, Turtle Only for now, Open to be ported to other clients
also, this is unnecessary, instead write: HD curvy mod (turtle only, open source)
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Nah, it is time for the autists here learn how to make their own shit like in the past, because no one is going to backport curvy hd models from 9x to vanilla or 3.3.5.

Yeah, pastebin would be better, next op if the furfag doesnt steal it will have it.
Also Decide which servers are still being played or servers that are completely dead, no trolling shit and derailment, if no one here is playing or the server itself is now dead, it will be removed.

In fact it is a joke how this general is becoming more and more organized than the retoilet and classic generals, aka the "Official Servers".
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Play on tauri.
Are you degenerates?
>female human with booba shirt
the answer is right there
it's a fishing gear you sick fuck!!!
phone edition

>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm "Area 52", Wildcard Season Realm "Elune")
(CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, Bronzebeard V+ Server Soon)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC no addons)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+,TBC as design base and Wrath client)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Mistblade 3 (Mop(+?)) | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg

<Full Moon Company> - Turtle, whisper anyone
<ascension or something> -
mb3? when?

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org | https://twow.link/classchanges

>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)
By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.

>Sites with mods, tutorials and so on
https://www.wowmodding.net/files - Requires registration, full of tools.
https://www.ownedcore.com/forums - Same as above but with MoP stuff
https://forums.darknestfantasy.com/ - Use throwaway email for registration - Titaa's Armory and Classic HD mods are open source

>Bikini mod (Vanilla and wotlk only, incomplete)
Skimpier vanilla outfits for females.

>HD curvy mod (Turtle only, open source)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: xxx

pardon my autism
I will not drama post today!
if you want I'll cover your shift
Deca, please login so I can edit a picture of you in BFD with Mr. Sharbull, I need fap material.
Anyone know how to mod the underwear out of the game?
There's also that Revelations server that has been in the works for several years. It looked curious in the beginning, but I think it took a wrong turn somewhere.
Tauri guild is The Combine on alliance. but not sure about horde.
I've leveled to 300 fishing before why does it feel so slow on twow, I'm using boat, lure, and a +5 rod.

>debuff limit removed
>instant account mail
>dual spec
>nu- ranking system
>only 1 mega server per realm type (PvE, PvP, HC)
>LFG tool
>No GDKP allowed

If you're coming from wrath or tbc fishing levels slower, skill is irrelevant afaik, all that matters is that you get a catch
economies busted day one
is there a vanilla realm that's not turdle?
I don't mind low population, just want to run through the game before poe2.
I feel like megaserver is a bad thing, its nice that they made some changes, but I'm still not giving blizz a dime
Classic fresh on the 21st
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Humiliation ritual. That's what fishing is all about.
undress and post butt NOW NOW NOW
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>Note: This policy will not be implemented in regions outside of NA and EU at this time, though we reserve the right to change this.

Chinabros what did they mean by this?
>tfw cheating and gold selling/buying is ingrained in the chinese
>tfw turtle mods hate when you brought this up
do not undress and post butt
ahh yeah I remember hearing about that. thanks broski.
what's the questie for private servers? I don't like missing quest starting locations, some of them are buried in the corners of the map.
that's world of redditcraft, retail 4.0.
not even worth redeeming my tokens to play for a month.
Undress, but do not post butt.
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The duality of men.
>chink bots everywhere
>dual spec
>no buff/debuff limit
That isn't fucking vanilla.
>Chinabros what did they mean by this?
they don't give a fuck and it's the truth
bitch. I said to UNDRESS and post BUTT
What would happen if you whispered -collar to Elaynna
Better question, what would happen if you whispered that to FMC members?
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Sorry too much rain and the ground is muddy.
I'm assuming this is 1.12 vs 1.14?
better addon support on 1.14 and different options menu?
just know that everlook is chinkd
like I said, >>502707829
You forgot 1.14 client which is an insane gap in quality compared to the janky 1.12 client.

Yeah it's over for /wpsg/ in 3 days
which server has the most people (alliance)
lul the only 2 flags on the launcher are USA and China
I don't care. Undress.
that's my fetish. >>>/trash/61838588
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fuck I forgot the image.
wait does everlook work on 1.14?
It supposedly works
/wowcg/ is having a meltdown because of this
/wowcg/ is so fast compared to us...
That’s the one I hear most about. I take it it’s the most “polished” out of the box?
>Chinabros what did they mean by this?
Chinks are on wotlk classic currently and there's some westerners playing on those servers, gold and service buying is actually encouraged.
you know what, I will do 1.12 instead of 1.14 because last time I was on official 1.14.
>t 1.14 client which is an insane gap in quality
didn't we already know this
I hope she's feeling better today and isn't sick anymore...
she's still praying, believe in her bros
why is questie so negatively reviewed?
do I go pfQuest?
I just want to see quest starting locations and quest lists in zones.
praying for more tauren dicks
It's too heavy on resource consumption. Pfquest is better overall.
as much as id like to play another fresh i wont be paying blizz a sub every month with them removing GDKP from the game (the thing I used for 4 years to buy sub time with tokens)
im not playing any private servers either
Get pfquest shagu.org/pfQuest/
And the turtleWoW addon shagu.org/pfQuest-turtle/
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Met a Troll Horde warrior 4 levels under me and warmode on. Wanted to kill him first but then I remember he's a fellow Warrior. His life is hard enough. So I felt sorry for him and left.
He didn't attack me either.
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based wow hater
You would have just ended up bent over for him anyways.
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He said something about a mating press. I wanted to ask him what that is but changed my mind and just left.
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I like uldum.
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Germans and their gobldy goop language
All the classes have new talents and a new profession just dropped.
We also might get a new 40-men raid next month
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atlas loot got updated apparently
So they gonna make one variant for each spec? That's quite cool
Isn't that already the case for vanilla tiers?
>Showing butt
>In booty bay
Seems you are doing the place name justice
show the new rogue tier sets
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which is sylma?
No, at least in vanilla, sets only enchanced one playstyle or were a fucking mishmash hell
Is the new dungeon bosses loot updated too?
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You're correct, turtle went back and added variations and changes.
What is it with third worlders and walking around spamming duels on people 30 levels below them in the middle of quest areas?
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do I play White Human Male Paladin for full immersion, or something else?
I've only ever really played tbc in any serious capacity and I was an Undead Warlock.

also, what server?
>sub, rough/frequent breeding
If you want full immersion on any of those servers you need to squint your eyes and wear a rice farmer's hat
so I should camp all the gold farmers outside Mara and shittalk the developers?
Horde hunter and camp redridge if its pvp
Update: called a jew who tried to jew me a jew and I might get muted again or worse
was he a jeweler?
Where did you got this update? Checked Omo github rn and the only version I see is from november 11
frankly, if this was in A52 at the politics channel, there would be shitposts about Goblins and Gnomes
You gotta use the special tranny version
I might sound dumb, but how would I know it was updated when the last change showed there was from last week...
>extreme sub, findom, ressourceslutting, collaring
This adventure is going swimmingly
Date of commit is independant of when the change is pushed to a repository (in this case from github) or merged into a branch, it's possible that the changes were made in a local branch and left unpushed to github or that the changes were pushed to github but were living in an experimental/dev branch until they got merged to the main branch for regular users to use.
Or that comment in the guild is just wrong, no idea.

>he doesn't know the deeper plot
Can I heal ubrs as fresh 60...
If you're not wearing greens most likely
Would it be possible for a rogue to make the list? I'm asking for a friend...
I'm going to get Exalted in the AB and WG faction for some sweet Druid gear
maraudon que is dead..
its over turtle sistas
no mention of dogs or her presumably other extreme kinks so not there
>hit lvl 10
>get bored and quit
Be careful you'll catch a cold!
>hit level 10 comma again
>no one else in playing in beta server
>get bored and quit
darn it
go to bed miguel
ever just wake up from a quick nap with your cat laying beside you? so, i used in instead of is comma who isn't going to make a mistake when typing green text and pressing submit before proofreading in such circumstances? most, if not all, is the answer
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stay in bed miguel
This but Sharbull is Pearl Deca is Milktruck and Sylma is Illapa
>sylma using a condom or sleeping with humans
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I got scammed, didn't i?
What was there?
I'd have given him two gold and wished him well on his adventure
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So this is the superior horde faction I've heard so much about...
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I'd spam rude on them and call him a broke loser!
Spam rude at me with your pants off facing away
slop elf
weapon trainers cost 10s a piece, even as a warrior I'm not sure. Maybe all the weapon skills.
Yeah, a druid doesn't need that amount of money but i didn't want to sperg out about it
isnt the polearm skill pretty expensive? and you can only learn them in sw, story sounds plausible tbհ
worgen milking yes
I'd ask a bit more to see if he doesn't just copy paste and actually has half a brain
It may be this
Unironically yes.
The type of "oh I'm just helping HC people :)" While asking for way more money for the rings we agreed the price on (even if he forgot our agreement, he demanded WAY too much for a single piece)
Every single description matches a jew, got offended and ignored me after I called him a jew.
I am certain he's an actual jew irl.
Okay enough with the jew rants
It seems that knot totes serves is owari da

>Team Update
We've had some notice internally for some time but as of today Magic is leaving the team to focus on his college studies, along with making modding tutorials for the greater community.

Magic was the first additional developer to hop onto Project Epoch, alongside Eredun, many years ago and his contributions during this time can not be overstated. Including but not limited to; Professions, Quests, Reputations, and more.

In recent times Magic has pivoted from the game itself into training new TS-WoW developers alongside web development and we look forward to you seeing the fruits of that labour in the not too distant future.

As a team we want to urge the community to pay thanks for Magic's time on the project and follow his modding tutorials journey over at his YouTube Channel.

With the above in mind and readying for the not too distant future we are opening recruitment for a few positions:

>Website Content Editor

If you have a solid understanding of Project Epoch and it's features and have kept track of our, admittedly fractured, development updates this may be the role for you. This will involve detailing key systems such as Classes, Professions, Dungeons, Reputations and more onto our new website.

Alongside purely textual content this can influence the rough flow of a page. This role will also require time spent on our internal realm gathering a wealth of screenshots to be used as is on the website or further edited by our next role.

You should not need any fancy development skills for this beyond a basic guided setup of getting the website on your local machine. The website has been built in a very simple modular way to allow ease of editing.

Please note as of writing this is an unpaid position. If you are interested in this role please consider applying here and we will reach out to discuss more.
>Graphics Design

We want our upcoming website to get as much information as possible while retaining a key visual style and tone. This could involve using WoWModelViewer to create characters and layer them stylistically into screenshots for a cool banner section through to getting nicely cut out images of tooltips, achievements, UI windows and more.

We have no real preference for which tools get used to accomplish this be it Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net.

Please note as of writing this is an unpaid position. If you are interested in this role please consider applying here and we will reach out to discuss more.

>Vue Developer

We're looking for a Vue Developer to port an existing Talent Calculator written with Vue into our own Vue based website. Our talent data is available in an exported json format that should match the existing Talent Calculator but may need massaging to work.

Due to the importance of this feature on our new website this is a paid role with a $100 bounty.

If you are interested in this role please consider applying here and we will reach out to discuss more.
>ignored me after I called him a jew
The Jew is immunized against all insults: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".
I have 210 jc but not hc, no charge just bring mats if I dont have them
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you got double jewed, jewed in the deal and in him immediately whining to staff
>Want to play a High Elf paladin
>Paladins are all faggots and people will think I'm a fotm nigger
>High Elves are all faggots
Guess i'll just keep playing my mage..
very faggy attitude right there
Also I guess paladin is just fucking boring to play
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>wants to be a niggerfaggot
>doesnt want to be a nigger
>doesnt want to be a faggot
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nah yeah you're right
what was I thinking
the high elf ship has sailed, I should've made my mage a high elf female instead of a troll male but I didn't want to get solicited by coombrained faggots
I'll stay the course and remain based.
Nah he backpedaled and accepted our agreed price which were fair but didnt stop him from trying to squeeze out more beforehand
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I've seen considerably less paladins after 30 in fact all but one or two have been prot, havent seen even one holy. I rolled one just to have a miner and alchemist for later
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Comfy fishing
where is she?!?
Hogger owned
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Kodo's used to be yuge. Why are modern kodos smaller? Makes you think.
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is this twink gear
should I put it on the AH for like 50g or something
Maybe kodos are the same size and it's the rest of the world that's gotten smaller.
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Learning alchemy as a trade. The apothecaries here in Brill look a bit shady but they were nice enough to let me use their stuff.
Not enough food to go around those who need the most die out
Come to Tauri, we’ll have so much fun!
I was going to and then I saw death knight
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helves don't look...
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what am I supposed to see there?
I decided to check in at darknest after years and OP was right https://forums.darknestfantasy.com/index.php?threads/titaas-armory-classic-hd-mods.21582/
Shit's open source for backporting.
Orc Females are pure sexo as the Humans
if only I had a giant
but hole
UBRS tomorrow? Still in dire need of the flask recipe
i always need UBRS because i don't bother to check how to do the quests and we just zugzug the whole thing
Then you can spend a whole day figuring out what needs what
Remind me and I'll force the pugs to kill quartermaster so we can get BWL attunement for the totally-going-to-happen FMC BWL
What is this gooner bullsh-
>orcs - femboy model
Now you have my interest
I always miss UBRS... I'll try to make it to this one!
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lemme see some pics
In roughly 22 hours! Set a timer!
I'd be down to tank it
i'm confused, is Tauri Legion or MoP? cause I'm saying Legion only has like 1 horde player, and then MoP has 220 Horde 144 Alliance. Dead server?
Mop has been progressed for years, it will move onto legion at some point and your character will transfer over
but i mean how do i even level there if theres only 369 people there? i don't feel like leveling via quests without a mount.
It's over...
I only played to 80 or so, there are enough players to find a dungeon at some level ranges, but its also mop so everything prior to cata is very quick leveling
Cross-faction RDF helps a bit with that. I got a few groups today.
>hit level 40
>losing interesting to play
god damnit.
saar im am losing the interesting of playing saaar
I thought I told you to stay in bed miguel
2x exp rates.... this is gonna take forever
Don't be a bitch. If you plan to play alliance, whisper Chiasu for a guild invite. If you go horde, you're kind of screwed. Not sure what the horde guild is.
I appreciate that you're a gobin and not a basic bitch elf
create a dump gmail and register there, for some reason Hotmail/Outlook is fubar
Whisper / Mail Liquidchris an item slid you want to join the horde guild. I run both, with Isebrecht being my Alliance GM
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Bear adventure
Don’t die
im drained from leveling characters, i just leveled a warrior to 30 on MB2 but got told its pointless since MB3 is around the corner.
If there's one good thing turdle has, it's the cross-faction guilds.
i'm not that interested
I hated the idea at first, I was reluctant to play because it feels like some retail slop, however I've learned to like it and wouldnt have met some nice people without it
That's fair. You do you; don't burn yourself out.
Im not doing Hardcore this time, it's a very safe adventure
how's the druid so far?
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>reach level 40
my gold....
W water though
It was a little slow before bear form but now I'm beating things up with ease!
dont forget your mount
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I'm cooked...
Since we got the bikini mod, has anyone tried to repaint the female set to look like this or the captain's green boe mail set
better start boost- oh wait.
God damn I hate maraudon, eveyone just wants to run princess and when a retard inevitably dies to aoe silence and we dont have res I guess thats the end of the run
world shrinking device is clearly evidence gnomes can't be trusted
If you don't have it by tomorrow I can help out with gold then
I'm good homie I'm no beggar or ERPer for that matter, get away from me with your sugar daddy ways
Haha, I don't force any lewdities, I just like helping Anons
>so buckbroken by erpers he instantly jumps to erp
I have that addon installed but I'm not brave enough to advertise it in my trp...
There’s a party over at Tauri, you’re all invited!
unless i am being boosted no thanks.
If I link the Zygor that effectively gets you to 90 in a day played, does that count as boosting?
...should I post the fixed addon here?
I'm not sylma...
Pick up fishing or herbalism and enjoy easy gold
Sure, but if its the zygor I have then it doesn't work with the majority of quests, it literally has missing quests and it also gets confused if you level up via dungeons.
I’ve used it tons without issue on MB2 and Tauri. It’s the MoP release version so yes, it does not include later content from MoP, but it works for leveling and automates all the clicks. Do you want it?
is it the one from epvpers? because if so then no like i said the one from there is missing quests.
erm, fellas? new turdle patch???
The only quests that version is missing are some race specific breadcrumbs and quests removed after the 5.00 patch. Which quests in particular did you find to be missing?
yay new spyware
i can't remember and now i can't even play on MB2 cause i accidently installed Tauri over it, rip but yea at 2x Exp it takes forever to level up and i'm only level 2, think imma just wait for MB3
>/wpsg/ already feeling the gravity of fresh in less than 3 days
>more balance changes to ruin things
>more spyware
You can play both, just use the launcher in the Tauri launcher files and log in with the respective passwords.
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I like goblins. They are funny little guys.
i tried Tauri got rid of MB2.
just change the realmlist bro
should i get tailoring for boomkin druid?
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quest is missing and because of that I can't level properly here in Arathi.
You should look up a map of where all the rare mobs are and kill them. They give about 30% of your xp per kill. Somewhat faster than just questing.
would take me forever to do that since i don't have a mount.
You can get one at level 20 for 3g.
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erm sister how do if fix it?
little baby needs and arrow telling him where to go
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Here is a few shots from the thread
Looks good but the idea of making a .mpq and adding each file makes me want to kill myself
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i have this but its not showing me where the rares are, i also have NPCScan which doesn't show me where they are either.
I just use a website to find them. Try WoW rare spawns if you want.
its just annoying to have to switch back and forth, i don't understand why theres nothing like how Zygor is now for retail.
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If you look if its possible to convert them, feel free to try, the entire thread has some other stuff.
Also >spoiler
And properly censored so jannies dont throw a fit
my eyebrows jumped
>Trying to zugzug the nightelves
>Get elune-adored' instead
RAPE time to figure out how to backport then
Everyone talking about backporting retail models into turtle and all I want is a way for the base Helf and gobbo models to lose their underwear when putting on slutmog
seeing my character's nipples through her clothing is pretty kino yeah
There's a mod that does it in FMC's discord (NOT AN ERP GUILD) but it needs updating for new hairs and turtle skins have to be added as well
Any link to the file or the discord?
discord is for guildies only
wrath has a higher polygon count limit.
it sucks that most of the bikini slutmods weren't upscaled, and whenmm i tired i got green textures because idk how blp for wow armors works
where did everyone go
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I'm not feeling it anon, don't know if I'll ever feel it
I think I'm done ever accepting group invites for quests.
Every single time without fail it's the same story:
Retarded yurostain esl third worlder invites you to a group, decides that 2 people = literally invincible, then proceeds to pull 10 mobs and get both of you killed.
I have never not had this happen, ever, not once. It happens literally every time.
hearing about sylma going to church every sunday monday inspired me to do the same
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btw if youve ever been killed by an undead couple it was us get shit on
Fresh hype
he gets cucked by tauren bvlls
why are u posing with gnolls...naked...
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While being dead I found the mythical Rexxar and his bear companion Misha
that's a uh, wannabe.
I am logging in to level in the Barrens!
This Tauri party is off the rails! We have Led Zeppelin and cake!
How active is it? Do you have more active players on horde or alliance?
I recommend playing on the alliance side.
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ok, that was a headache.
turns out this laptop I'm borrowing from school didn't have any drivers installed.
got those installed this morning. went to school. game is playable and now I will begin my journey on hunting the bugmen.
That's what actually happens outside of cucktarogar fantasies, nelves are vicious murderers that put to death anyone in their society on the mere suspicion of being an arcane spellcaster.
what is the command for the voice over menu? i hided the map button don't know how to access it now.
also is it possible to have subtitles up in the voice over window?
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i play my nelfs as savages so the resulting defeat is that much sweeter
the fuck happened here
*leaps through the air and crashes down fist first*

let's get this shit started
>t. hanks
>tempel of the JAD serpent
any chance there's a list of common macro syntax for 1.12 client?
something like this but for legacy client...
>/cast [mod:alt]Moonfire(Rank 9);Moonfire

not sure on the syntax of this one but I remember it being something like this, basically tab target on your opener for comfy grinding.
>#showtooltip Wrath
>/targetnearestenemy [noexist][dead]
>/cast Wrath

>/cast [@cursor]Healing Touch
The downside of individualism.
Miss me with that shit.
The syntax is completely different in the 1.12 client it's apex schizo. Here's what a macro to start autoshooting as a hunter and switch to melee if you are close looks like.

/script if GetUnitName("target")==nil then TargetNearestEnemy() end
/run if CheckInteractDistance("target", 3) and (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then AttackTarget() elseif not IsAutoRepeatAction(3) then CastSpellByName("Auto Shot") end
Should have attached this to the original post, but this thread might be of use to you if you want to figure this shit out.

fuck I was hoping this wasn't true. some of the top search results are basically saying this, that you need to make API calls which is essentially writing an addon that you execute from a macro.
There's an addon called "Roid macros" that can slightly help you, but I never used it and I do not know how small is the "small subset of commands" that is available from it.
the burnout is real
t. level 50 and wanting to stop

can be done like:
/run --CastSpellByName("Attack")
Iirc you need supermacro as an addon to display the tooltip correctly
I don't know how to do mods with the vanilla api

For the second one i use something like this, not sure if you need superwow for "mouseover"

/run if not UnitIsDead("mouseover") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "mouseover") then TargetUnit("mouseover") end
/run if not PlayerFrame.inCombat then AttackTarget() end
/cast Wrath

>/run if not UnitIsDead("mouseover") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "mouseover") then TargetUnit("mouseover") end

>/run if not PlayerFrame.inCombat then AttackTarget() end
One way to do /startattack, if your ping is rather high this isn't really spammeable because it will toggle auto attack until the client sees itself auto attacking

Alternatively, you can grab supermacros and use a subset of tbc syntax for your macros: https://github.com/MarcelineVQ/Roid-Macros
Supermacro - https://github.com/Monteo/SuperMacro
Getting from 50 to 60 requires more exp than getting from 1 to 50. It's hardly surprising lel
>/run if not UnitIsDead("mouseover") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "mouseover") then TargetUnit("mouseover") end
This will target your mouseover target, if you don't have any target then the following /run if not PlayerFrame.inCombat then AttackTarget() end will try to pick a valid target*
this shit might make me switch to 1.14 client.
I'll try just going in raw for now but I might switch class if I don't switch client. playing a Druid in classic without macros is miserable. every ability needs to be macrod to check for shapeshifting, downranking, stealth...
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Just install roidmacros if it bothers you so much, it tries its best to emulate the tbc syntax with some additions
>playing a druid on a high ability level in vanilla
I don't know whether to pity or admire you.
the macros increasing the fluidity are probably what make it feel so good to me.

seems like this will have to become my best friend.
My last dungeon went so poorly I had to nap off the frustration
What server?
I honestly got used to it as a druid, I do use lazypig which helps for shifting (automatically shifts you towards the right form for an ability)
I do use my entire hotbar though haha
Twow, we spent nearly 40 mins waiting for stragglers to arrive then ended up entering as 4, shaman died and released before druid could bres, we entered through portal so he left knowing he couldnt make it back, then we que again which kicks us out of dungeon,
That wouldn’t happen on Tauri.
Tauri is fifteen minutes of silent boredom for x100 wahoo tokens
A revision to the attractive female races index:
Pandaren S++
Orcs A
Dwarves B
Tauren S
Trolls B
Everything else: F-C+ given the transmog.
This list is final and authoritative.
I appreciate your salesmanship, I'm already in the alliance guild, you can mail me mb3 guild info, I think im the only one in the guild with guild notes
Yeah, because nothing happens on Tauri.
What do you mean?
goblins and gnomes dont make the cut?
Goblins: A
Gnomes: D
Furfaggots should not be allowed to hold an opinion.
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Uhhhmmm sweatie you just contradicted your own verdict
Sorry but I can't trust your judgement anymore, and I'm now forced to fall back on my own correct list I had prepared
Please then, enlighten us with your list.
>Pandaren S++
>Orcs A
>Dwarves B
>Tauren S
What level of retard do you have to be to order a list like this
fucking dumb furnigger
How does the green or blue orc and Draenei skin differ from the fur of the Pandaren or Worgen?
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Basically the same as yours lol
Except for
>worgen in front of pandaren
>draenei and elf variants in A
>all hordenog races in D (tauren and undead can be honorary B I guess)
horde women need love too, goblins women have a charm about them
I don’t know about worgens. If you give me a pros and cons sheet I might consider them below Pandaren.
my list is bizarro because the more degrading and ugly the race is the more i want it
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>superhuman strength
>still technically human, babies wouldn't be hapa half-elves or any gay shit like that
>british accent
>british everything else too unfortunately
>meh racials except for dk because dk's are as slow as a wet week
>fur probably gets in everything
Okay you sold me on the Druid class fantasy, it’s kind of hot when you think about it being a human werewolf type of deal.
it's dumb
worgen should have stayed beasts from another dimension
>Okay you sold me on the Druid class fantasy
Not quite what I was springing to do, but happy I helped nonetheless
Anyways worgens are still a C+
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>Anyways worgens are still a C+
stop baiting me into wanting to have children with female worgen
she sits on it during fishposts
there is a rogue on it right now, you'll have to wrestle her for the spot, I'm afraid
I have a scepter and am willing to spam princess runs with the logout reset if you can give my tank a proper healer that won't be exhausted after 2 runs
tfw you have to beat a 20k and highly condecorated rogue to even deserve a spot in sharbvll's harem
i can tag along and heal
i just got to 50 on my tank and we can spam dungeons together!
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Do we find each other through telepathy
>miss boat from booty bay to ratchet
>have dragonslayer buff I want to keep
>teleport to moonglade
>fly to tree for free
>set route to ratchet and disconnect
I can browse the internet for 10-15 minutes and come back later
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Next UBRS when... ?
hope you are on EU time othwrwise you'll have to go to sleep and wait until i am online in 8 hours
not shartbull
and that rogue isn't even 60 yet! some slacking slut...
When Sylma returns home from visiting Sharbull
>he doesn't know
sylma cucked shartbull for warhon
>he doesn't know
sharbull was warhorn
>he doesn't know
sharbull was the real pearl
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Morning my friends! I'm about to resolve the whole 'rioting' situation at the Stockades for those humans! I hope you are all doing well!
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>/wpsg/ dies in 2 days
>FMC becomes cleansed in two days
>5th guy
holy neck
Is there any good blizzlike 1x tbc servers?
Whatsup wpsg. Its a slow day at work and im bored out of my mind
when did /heals/ have a meetup?
Good luck out there!
playable anacondas when?
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We have playable anacondas
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SoloCraft. Yore Opinione?
I would like to play Worlo Warcar with mine partnere and experience end game content such as raids. However, since we are both shitters, we won't be invited unto groupse.
Is SoloCraft... the Final Solution? To those of you whom have playeded it, telle me about it.
join fmc we're full of shitters
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turtle wow launcher hype!!!

Server news and changelog panels
Multilingual support
Automated WDB clearing
Game Settings (VanillaTweaks)
Addon Management (One-button updates!)
Default support for VanillaFixes, Nampower, and DXVK.
Custom Mod support & toggles
there is no shortage of friendly guilds on turtle that accept and help new players
>still fucked up classes
>Still fun
for you maybe, not for me
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No, I'm not going to make the obvious joke
However I will laugh at that guy behind you who somehow managed to die in the fucking starter zone
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On all levels except physical, I am a Female Draenei
have sex
i do but thanks
erp doesn't count
i'm married to a biological female
and then you woke up
i'm not the one pretending to be a furry woman online
>hooves and horns and tail
>not furry
mental gymnastics
no fur = not a furry
Anon dont be so fucking easy.
Just kiss already fags
>Stealing Ascension's own Launcher
They can't come with anything original don't they?
launcher is made in turtlewow's unique style
idk what you are talking about
stop lying akalix, that is Ascension WoW's launcher
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built for my femnelf futa
Wrong, she's the wife of my male human (white) warrior
also based
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>make big tower
>can't go inside
>can't climb
It doesn't surprise me if Shenna have spies on other servers to steal stuff for her
the code could also be from epoch whose launcher is hosted publicly on github. why does turtle only ever take and never share with the private server community?
see >>502807119 worse was mcdoubles shilling it when he works for ascension's runescape team
I'm thinking of making a level 19 rogue twink to torment horde lowbies with warmode on
just in the barrens or what
i was thinking of making a 29 rogue and fucking with alliance
mostly the barrens yeah
I'm doing that right now, more like a half assed twink though. Farming a second cruel barb rn, and only level 16.
>playing wow for the first time in 10+ years
>having a blast going through starting zones
>game becomes a slog at about level 55
>get to the end of all the vanilla content
>there is fuck all to do
>even the max level professions can't produce a single useful item so there is nothing to grind to get better gear
>go to TBC content
>the stupid red wasteland is a complete slog to play
>flying mounts ruin the game and you spend most of the time just looking at the sky for gankers
>get to zangarmarsh
>can't even force myself to play for more than 10 minutes at a time
Why is TBC so shit? Why do people claim the game only dropped off after Wrath?
>can't even force myself to play for more than 10 minutes at a time
why are you forcing yourself to play? are you a tard? if you dont like something, dont play it.
alright i'm home now
LF2M dps and 1 healer to spam rush mara princess with portal and logout trick
be preferebly around lvl 50
>Why is TBC so shit? Why do people claim the game only dropped off after Wrath?
i really liked tbc on crusader storm once i got done leveling, i bitched the whole way in to everybody the moment i hit 58 but then began having a great time the closer i got to 70 and the more i ran dungeons with other people and pulled off group quests with others
Make a level 8 paladin instead.
i just woke up from not sleeping, h-haha... i hope 60s are fine...
I'm not cool enough to do that
fine whatever, /w Demarest
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>fish some fish
>cook it sometimes
>sell it
>make good cash as early as level 20
>craft some pants via tailoring
>sell it for some cash
>at level 45
>have a lot of fun being a fish and pants merchant
>use enchanting not to make money, I just like breaking things with my bare hands and look at the funny glowing materials I get from it
>do dungeons here and there get tons of loot
>instant ques because I'm a tank
>have a lot of fun
>not even level 55 yet
Elaynnas fish & pants formerly Sylmas.
You are completely correct and TBC is a fucking slog, it took the worst aspects of vanilla grind and doubled down on all of them, only faggots that have no respect for their time or suffer from beaten down housewife stockholm syndrome claim that it was good. Or had a raid guild carry them through the attunement and rep grind for heroic shit. And then in later patches they began overcorrecting it and started to hand out epics like candy, completely invalidating all the fucking effort you had put into that to start with.
Grab a body bag!
why are most hardcore players pussy? i see them all the time killing low level npcs in zones they really ought to have past by now.
because hardcore is a stupid concept to begin with.
ok? but, what makes players too scared to face npcs near or close to their own level? is it a socioeconomic factor?
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It's never a good sign when you reach the quest spot and there is 3-4 hardcore graves scattered around
stop crying about how other people play
It's the factor that if someone had killed a few npc's around the place where you grinded, you run the risk of having two or three mobs spawning on top of your face, chain dazing you and consigning about forty hours of playtime to oblivion.
I think you can kill hcs in felwood on the satyrs that mc you if theres two people attacking it, I saw a few graves there
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This evening I will be grinding battlegrounds and blasting hybrid theory.
>with portal and logout trick
can you explain this to me
ok question mark but, what makes them afeared of oblivion? it lingers, you know, in the deep recesses of your consciousness which must mean that they haven't a clue about what it is they are capable of to begin with, and is it this lost self, as it were, that is responsible for hardcore players to begin wtih?
If you're in an instance and go offline, when the instance is reset you get ported to the entrance. So if you all go offline and someone outside the instance resets your entire party is put at the entrance
portal to telport to the waterfall inside mara
logout and get kicked from group so you spawn outside the instance when relogging and get reinvited again
but you still need someone to reset instance outside
do you park an alt or something?
oh that works
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You can. Some guy spent months doing exactly that, got banned for whatever reason, came back months later and the first thing he did was to go there and kill more mindcontrolled hardcore characters.
after analyzing the situation it has come to my attention that only stupid people play hardcore. you were right.
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>his nick is watame
This is how he looks at you when he sees you fighting a satyr.
overwatch refugee here, tanking seems kinda hard ngl having to actually have game sense & knowledge of the mechanics
would rather just heal and be done w it desu
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Cat adventure!
if you're just spamming princess there's no issue with being in a raid group and have someone outside do the resetting
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I'm a mighty Quel'dorei warrior and not c-cute!
Play a dps/heal once to learn the routes through dungeons and some of the later boss mechanics then you'll feel more comfortable tanking
Tanking isn't so bad once you spend some time at it and get the hang of it. Only thing you really need to remember is keeping an eye out for patroling mobs that could pull more packs and sometimes pulling stuff back to not accidentally pull more due to dumbass party members
not many mechanics in early expansions, it's more about knowing how to pull packs of mobs without aggroing 3 packs extra, rest is easy.
should've mentioned pvp context, but cheers
I don't think there's any reason to play tank in pvp, maybe to carry flags? And still you'd get more value of being a dps/healer spec.
the only "tank" in pvp are druids who go bear while flag running
what do people spam mara princess for? the boe dagger?
1% hit ring I suppose
>pat pat
A proud Quel'dorei cutie! Hope I can bake some sweet rolls for you next time you pass by Stormwind
1 last spot for a dpscuck to join Mara princess spam with portal
we have a warlock to summon your lazy ass too
is it possible to put a custom macro on the dedicated stance/special action butting in 1.12?
like I have a keybind for Stealth on that button, but I want to put a spammable stealth macro on it so I can just mash the button without worry of cancelling the stealth aura.
Cute NTS sheep..
What's going on with professions in this stupid game?
>get to level 60
>maxed out mining and blacksmithing
>have never once crafted a useable weapon
>made pants that were ok for a few levels
>all the best gear I can craft is trash
>go to outlands
>mine a few rocks in the first outlands zone and some adamantium
>first few armors you can make at 300 skill are straight upgrades pretty much better than anything you can get pre-BTC
>learn all the recipes you get from trainers
>all of them are unusable, still can't craft a single weapon worth equipping
>have to go to wotkl trainers to train after finishing one outland zone to craft anything useful
The fuck
As far as I am concerned the only use for mining is selling shiny gems and the only use for blacksmithing is making rods to milk enchanters for gold
Serves you right for not picking engineering like every sane person.
unfortunately as the other anon said, engineering is the best max level proff.
Welcome to non retail professions where if you aren't Engineering, Alchemy, or Enchanting then you might as well not exist
CoA Thanksgiving event with new classes to test from 1-30
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would anyone care to join me in leveling on the beta in wallcarft?
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Are you not embarrased acting like such a faggot? You're no elf. You're a fat 30-something old man.
BS is a good profession when you're progressing in TBC but most people drop it the moment weaponsmith becomes useless or so to get engineering, they can craft some good early on pieces and bracers that last for a while for tanks and plate dps
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Are you? I think you just posted a very cute image of yourself.
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I picked blacksmithing because I played a mage with enchanting and make no money whatsoever, and you need to buy rods to progress enchanting which cost hundreds of gold on the auction house.
Made an alt for blacksmithing. This alt now has over 2000 gold and made the stupid rod for free.
But I don't like Turtle.
>want to experience raids with friendly enviroment
>doesn't want to play on the most braindead accepting server
idk bro, play solocraft and find out yourself i guess
Professions don't make you gold in this game.
Alchemybros? Our response?
crafting proffs don't
gathering proffs do
>costs me nothing to mine and smelt or sell raw ore for profit
>costs me nothing to get rare herbs for alchekeks
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whitemane deleted the thanksgiving npcs to prevent using the event to level your cooking
what the fuck lmao
what a bunch of fags
Because the game is mostly solved everyone is ahead of the curve and their gear is just the best they can get from dungeons. If the game had more moutbreathers and people that just play slow it would make sense making your own stuff, but since everyone is knowledgable enough you're forced to make outdated gear to skill up that's always behind the level you're at
I don't think the professions are useless because it's solved, I just think they're useless. You just can't make anything good. That's blizzard.
Ideally the gear you get from raids should be S-tier for pve. The rewards for pvp you get should be S-tier for pvp.
Professions should make A-tier items at the cost of being really hard to make with rare materials. They should be the best you can have without doing hard raids or grinding pvp all day, the kind of equipment you take to raids as a properly geared player. Instead the items you make are C-tier. Completely useless, they don't even sell on the auction house. They're mogged by random drops from common NPCs.
TBC had it kinda right with the raid crafting materials to make and upgrade weapons. They should have expanded the system so you can craft gear that's equal to raid gear since it requires materials dropped in raids.
The uwu cutesy anime girl shit doesn't really work when it's coming from some lonely fat dude who fantasizes about getting raped by Hogger but by all means proceed.
The uwu cutesy anime girl shit really works when it's coming from some lonely fat dude who fantasizes about getting raped by Hogger, please proceed.
It never works on anyone who isn't an autistic tranny. No one acts like that outside of anime and if a real woman acted like this it would be creepy and weird.
People who fall for the uwu creepy tranime shit has their brain already fried from their mom doing heroin while pregnant.
are there any wotlk servers right now that aren't fagshit like warmane or whitemane?
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would in every time line
>vanilla Hogger
built for raping and killing human females
>legion Hogger
built for raping and impregnating and killing night elves
>dragonflight Hogger
built for leading the gnoll revolution and raping and impregnating goblins
Why are you like this
I play fem nelf and she would get gangbanged by all 3 versions of hogger if she could
i grer up without a father
also why is this thread so off topic and nsfw?
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Deporting elves from Troll Lands.
>Falling to some level 10 jobber mob
Get some better taste at least
Because anon mentioned getting raped by hogger
People from the erp guild <Full moon company> just can't help themselves
If your experience is that grown men appear around you that want to fuck you or fuck each other in your presence, its probably not your choice of WoW private servers.
Based troll chad doing the Loa's work.
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Kicking them out of our caves, too.
Killed a couple as they were strolling on a date (not pictured: his boyfriend)
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Based troll chad.
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Got another one all the way out at sea. Now that's going to be a long walk back.
Amen brother.
I thought this was /heals/ for a moment and got confused at the chadtroll posting
what level is this fuckass troll
>be chad troll mage
>transter warmode nigger elf around
>traps the quest turn in
>some clueless retard shaman walks into it
>transter opens up on him
>no you fucking don't
>polymorph him
>wait for the shaman to get his shit together
>polymorph his pet
>up the switch on that opp nigga
>he tries to outrun arcane missiles
HK secured 8)
i just hit 55 on turtle, should i do my raid attunes? i can do onyxia and mc attune right?
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brb making a High Elf
I feel sorry for you people. May god have mercy on your souls.
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Killed the elf couple again.
If you're alliance you can start your ony attune around 52 already, but 55 is the perfect level to start looking for dungeon groups to get your pre-raid BiS gear and those attunes done
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>hahaha HAHAHAHA i want my 20% exp aaaaaaaaa I love sowing
>wtf? reaping? NOOOOOO
keep up the aggression mon
I was hunting you for a few minutes just now but assumed you left, there was a hc rogue with warmode on
The Legion and Dragonflight models are such slop, legitimately looks like the Everquest Luclin reskins. There was no reason to update the old models in Legion, all of them were made to look like shit.
Based. Total elftranny death
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I sometimes do WSG.
>/wpsg/ guild
>all kinds of players
>subs or healers get their roles enforced
>have to act proper to all other anons
>easily picked up and bullied whenever anyone needs to clear quests or dungeons
not true, stop being weird.
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How's the beta? Thought it was only a vaporwave idea til now
Then go to either Warmane or wait for MB3 to release (if you like MoP)
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Every time.
Disband FMC and make a new guild without the degeneracy. <Half Sun Legion> sounds pretty good but I'm open to suggestions.
Make it yourself and poach members.
Legion/MoP Hogger is dumb, but DF Hogger is quite cool, won't lie

(Are elites still worth a damm in post Cata or they are just glorified mobs?)
>(Are elites still worth a damm in post Cata or they are just glorified mobs?)
glorified mobs on an instant respawn timer most of the time
the ones that drop mounts are still on longer timers but glorified mobs.
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>flagged elf sees me
>starts running in the other direction
>elf runs into a bunch of mana wyrms
>watch them get wormed to death
I wish, so we could put erp trannies and quirk gobbo/gnome tards in their place.

What we have is a band of misfit tards who wouldn't survive a day in 2005 MC
I think private servers are dead.
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yeah they are
I think he's looking for something that isn't trannywow.
then yes they're dead
if i come on turtlewow and do a memory reading based census of the game world is it going to be under 500 players again?
now show us the ass you made!
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okay anon get on your knees
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I recognize this art of zoo title
/run TargetNearestEnemy()
silly horde puppy
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One more ear for today.
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Why arent you flagged tho
>troll "chad" is just a grifter killing flagged warmoders
what a bitch lmao
not in warmode himself
I don't warmode. I don't need the XP.
You sound line Niggor aka a erpfagger
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>go to elwynn to get the cope mount
>get shit on by some high elf refugee
I think you went into bg, maybe next time
of course he has that name lol
Remember the late night post when gummy started whining about his disabilities and posted a pic of his meds?
You should kill them all.
Blueflagging is the coward's way
Cat is strong and quick. Ideal for dangerous tasks.
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>had a paladin tank
>every time when he sat down to drink
>I made fun of him mimicking him with the /drink emote
>did /rude on him once
Should've let me tank!
Any English-only plain vanilla nochanges servers?
he said english, not mandarin
Its just a game
I want no changes! *plays a dime a dozen stock vmangos server that is nothing like actual vanilla*
people who complain about that are the biggest fags dw king you're doing god's work
keep stacking up skulls of wartrannies
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Some good changes that would have been nice in 2019 but 1.12 is just too outdated. The early dopamine hit is great but then you realize there isn't enough quests and you get pigeon holed into dungeon spam. The end game being blackrock mountain dungeons for 6 months is also tiring.

Turtle's new class changes could be improved but fuck me the 1.12 classes suck. You know sweaty raids are going to be bringing 20 fury warriors and mages are gonna be stuck with 1 button until AQ.
Still better than chronoboon, honor changes, dual spec and whatnot.
my old guild was pretty much that, we had a fem tauren warrior that dealt a ton of damage
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cope turtle acquired
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Meanwhile on Turtle
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Seems to be 8-9 bosses in UKH. You guys think that's enough or you wanted 15-16 bosses?
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Unecessary bloat
long raids suck
people back at vanilla hated this shit because molten molten core, AQ and BWL 8 hours
NAXX would last an entire day
Yeah i think Naxx is a bit too long. Grim Batol being 10 or less bosses would be fine also.
Tent time.
its turlde, the retards thinks that long and tedious raids like vanilla were good when people hated it.
Fucking deadmines won't drop me the second cruel barb, I got the rare ass warrior shoulders twice already, and only one bard, fuck.
Trying to make a twink?
Yeah, but half assed, not going to spend much gold on it, just to have some fun in crossroads and barrens.
Tent users are subhuman.
in times like this i defend ascension's scaling and xp rates.
>comparing ascension and turtle
like comparing super mario and sim city
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>shaman calling dibs on hunter set
>hunter set
you mean literally anything from cloth to mail?
get fucked nigger
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>my transgressions...... come back to haunt me?
tier 3.5 is too insane.
It's balanced by the fact that it look like shit for most classes
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why do human girls have the biggest dumpies?
I wish they were real
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They don’t. Get better butt mods.
Built to be plapped
Tauren butt to body ratio is too small, so they have smaller butts.
I use the one from the OP which ones should I use?
I’m just saying that they don’t have the biggest. Pretty fun that you are using butt mods though.
Eh not really. Looking at the mage gear the shoulders and amulet are decent upgrades. boots minor upgrade and the legs with 3% cast speed depend on how good cast speed scales. The set bonus are not crazy either.
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We've put Sylma in the time-out corner and are doing lbrs without her
what did she do this time?
>Built to be plapped
Only if you earn it
>Tauren butt to body ratio is too small, so they have smaller butts.
What are you talking about look at it that thing's big enough for its own gravitational field
She hasn't been on in 2 days bros... it's happening again...
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Oh no! Behind you!! A tauren!!!
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>Some Tauren keeps on ganking everyone around Gilneas
>Get him three times
>Try to whisper him
>Player is currently not playing
Heh. Got 'em!
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I think it looks okay but I don't like how the chest contains the skirt part but also the legs are the skirt part
Very awkward for transmog
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>thread went from needing bumps to stay alive, to going faster than i can keep up with
all me all gg
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We've made peace with the trash mobs
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Ah, the great out...doors?
Cat is for marriage.
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you talking to me?
Anyone wanna do a full DME run... can only heal...
no but i want a full brd run
Is the anon who was doing ony attunement still here, I kind of want to start
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*is the worst wotlk dungeon in your path*
I need it and haven't started it
t. 57 alliance player
leveling professions as you level your character is more fun than just leveling your character
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Just skip the lich and its fast, now this piece of shit...
That's not the Nexus
Y-you can't marry a cat!!
looking for a healer to do a GC run
Which one is that? the one with the vrykul that throw random spears at your healer and oneshot him?
ohhh no that's the Brann RP dungeon
yeah ok I fucking kneel
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>be hunter
>queue up for LBRS
>press 2 ("steady shot") for 3 hours straight
>get top dps spot
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>3 hour lbrs run
>play retard class
>play with retards who aren't playing retard classes
>get top dps
>"am good"
uh huh
this but unironically
you fucked up at the character selection screen
Hunter is the most retard friendly class on turdle. Zero danger, save gold on wipes, top damage by mashing 1 button.
>Hunter is the most retard friendly class
You could have ended your post here
I can when the cat is a druid!
Trueshot/Steady Shot is wild
not only are you basically doubling your attack speed, but it gives bonus damage every other hit, on top of your bonus bonus damage from Aspect, on top of your bonus bonus bonus damage from Hunter's Mark, on top of your bonus bonus bonus bonus damage you get from any enchants/buffs/debuffs/etc.
before they swapped the two abilities in the talent tree (completely justified move btw, it was absolutely busted) i used to do absurd damage spamming Trueshots while my Beast Mastery kitty shredded them
The difference is that normally they do no damage to compensate for that fact but here they're a top performer where still being as braindead as ever.
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>Group finder has been working for a week now
>People still spamming World chat with LFG posts
Soul can't be contained...
I've been in que for 2 hours now, some people just dont que some dungeons I guess
About to do UBRS with this fella
Cool quest chain, think I'll nab myself a snazzy cape, dont be to jealous when you see me wearing it around town

>memory reading based census of the game world
What is this? That looks like a lot of players to me
I guess he means something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dOCHwf8zVQ
>10+ runs
>3 rare ass mail shoulders that never drop
>0 cruel barbs
Do I just give up on twinking or spend 30g on assassins blade?
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>2 hour que
>get to dungeon
>sorry I didnt realize how late it was xd
The party on Tauri is just getting started, you’re all invited!
How's the erp scene in tauri?
Nobody wants to do that shit. I've gotten every single raid cloak in the game and still haven't done that quest.
yeah I just rode near the zone and noticed it was full of lvl64 elites
Dude, those cloaks have a sliver of arcane resist, ever sweat has done that quest to 'prepare for kara' before the stuff got outdated with the latest patch
[Abuse The Ooze]
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Not me cause I'm not retarded and fully expected turdle devs to add crafted arcane resist gear which they did.
Is this real?!
No it's the World of Warcraft.
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It's nyover
sex with this cat
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time to sleep until maintenance is done
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Come to Tauri during the maintenance, we’ll have so much fun!
can I erp in tauri
between barrens and durotar this also happens.
I appreciate your posts
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I don't know, can you? We had an unaffiliated anon sniffing our butts in Stormwind earlier--if that's your thing, we won't judge.
Tauri has been a lot of fun so far, the leveling pace seems just right both in and out of dungeons.
S-sniffing your butt? Huh?
Fuck this lame restart mode so slow to compute and so early in the evening. Why does it take so long to compute 600 people on pvp realm. Why does this pvp realm has to suffer from lame database queries applied to compute things on the PVEnoob realm? Fuck the greenbeards and purplemustaches when they take AGES to restart a VPS like if it was 2004.
and fuck that captcha timer of 900s

haaaaa nooo shiiiiit waiting 40minutes for this?!
client restart
Logging in to game server still hanged.
realm are now listed offline
Worgen players. That's all you need to know.
This happened to me.
Western Plaguelands?
Did you like it though?
>you can now pay to call someone a cunt over the radio
the pooplands
I would have liked it more if he didn't log out immediately after sniffing me and another guildie. We need more people to actually play the game with!
>Players are no longer kicked from dungeons when finding replacements through LFT.
Finally, damn this tilted me once

>fixed an issue where tea with sugar did not get consumed
So basically, I'm quitting
PalaGODS.... now we're just palaCHUDS....
>Crusader Strike should no longer benefit from Vengeance twice
>dungeon monsters don't get their exp cut in half
is spamming dungeons the fastest way to level with slow and steady?
Good fucks spelladins and shitford's ballsuck of it
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No rogue changes?
>um sorry bro we don't play that class
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Sick restart
Rogue is already perfect
>we recoderated orgrimmar to really express what we think about hordies
they fixed multiple rogues using deadly
so no changes
Why do prot warriors an paladins have buttons to press and bears have to sit their scratching their asses
what do you mean? you got swipe.
Because druid was designed to be easy to play similar to palagods
Why did they make druids the hardest class to play in retail then
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Im starting to think it isnt coming back up sistas
because it's been over 20 years and things change
所有 GELKIS 舔蹄者请注意
MAGRAM 正在劫持该服务器,直到所有 GELKIS 都死掉

i am
ok rutt
Caged, plugged, quivering. It's game time.
what's the name of the addon that detects rares nearby?
Silverdragon for twow
what was that one website that compiles lists of addons for different expansions and, in particular, for private servers? fel something?
No idea I use legacywow
Anyone wanna admit they have a crush on me before the server restarts for the second time in a row?
I have a crush on you
if you're the goblin poster yes
Does this panda want a knot?
My posts have Goblin energy if that counts
Ngl the panda x worgen sex was the cutest
Because having a druid tank is a massive risk on its own. Usually fine in earlier dungeons but later on not quite adequate.
First half meant for >>502893346 my bad i'm a sleepy retard
Utter nonsense
wdym, bears are fine at any level
The dream is finding a horde fem panda monk to spar and playfully bully my alliance monk...
I'll finish this ZF run eventually...
Make Elaynna thunk it, offer her the gobbo fortune, she cannot refuse the gobbo fortune
I just want to learn AV more please Turtle devs...
Cross faction stuff is fun

>Both of you were just fighting in a BG or open world. One beats the other.
>Go to peak of serenity or relax/train more
>They are there and tease you about how they beat you
>Offers to join you in the hot springs to as you soak your beaten body in there
>Turns into hot sweaty sex, first to climax loses
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You may not like it but this is the best shaman talent build.
bro this server can't get anything right
I already tried deleting my cache.
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Enhancement CHADS win again
>Tfw still no totemic slam though
>Elemental Mastery on first row of talents
bro shaman is BROKEN
huh? no there isnt any alliance bias on turtlewow
>now instead of putting useless illusory points into every spec you just choose your spec and get everything you need perfectly synergized
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it wont be up today
Bears lack versatility and many of the warriors defensive skills. Bears are good if DPS takes good care to not over do it and the healer does a good job. But otherwise if something isn't going optimal bears have a hard time getting everything back in control.
Its basically enough that a swipe doesn't land and multiple elites start spreading around the place.
Its a shame because I really enjoy playing bear in wotlk/cata, but having two buttons is fairly boring, they did get a few qol changes recently but I feel like I would rather play shaman for dungeons
Their AoE taunt is on a bit of a cooldown but I think you underestimate the threat that a bear tank shits out, especially now with that TurtleTM bite move that had it's threat scaled up so hard it's basically a taunt, they can also ironskin in bear form and use potions/consumables in bear form, they are immune to roots etc.
On top of all that they have nutty armor and health without sacrificing too much offense

Bears are good
Made for Tauren
>have to log in to the launcher
>click launch
>still have to manually log in to the game
so whats the point of logging in to the launcher then
None of that stuff helps you much if things go badly. A prot warrior can build threat, stun, debuff and all of these skills generate threat. On top of his basic taunt abilities. Not to mention all the mitigation that strengthen him even further. I remember some boss fights where I was able to stunlock the boss all on my own only with shield block and revenge.
While still hitting the boss with debuffs.
If a pull gets too big and a warrior prot loses his aggro while still needing something to survive for the healer to get a grip of the situation he can drop shield wall in the worst case.
Bears are usually helpless in such situations.
I don't think you have played bear or have never played with a semi competent one honestly
now hd booba mod that is good...
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Dead server
I used to occasionally tank as a feral druid, it can go well if everyone else does a good job. But if things don't go so well or something unforeseen happens that's usually just a wipe.
Because you cannot dish out that threat burst as fast as a prot warrior can and just don't have the same utility. Something like concussion blow on that one elite targeting the healer. It stuns it, takes threat away and the healer can reposition himself. That can be a absolute lifesaver.
As a bear you swipe, you bite and maybe if you're lucky the healer is still alive and you take threat away in time.
Paladins I have no clue about.
He's right in a way. If your party doesn't give you a few seconds to build aggro and shits out damage too quickly things can get ripped off you which just makes it annoying having to fix shit up compared to what Warriors have. They're pretty alright but things can easily go wrong if you're not careful though it makes sense they wouldn't be as good since they have different stuff to use like forms, heals, and other crap to use
I need worgen sex again
If Blizzard made Retail M rated and you had Age of Conan boob physics, and monster Brazilian butt plastic surgery sliders, they would get my money.
all they really need to do is allow model modding(tmorph, imorph etc but more) and a photo mode
then gooners will never leave wow again
Worgen > Tauren
When and where?
sylma is for level 2 mangy wolves
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You think you're ready for it, but you aren't.
the launcher doesn't seem to verify for me so i guess it's over
I've been playing for close to an hour now without using the launcher lel.
>server crash
I guess it's bedtime...
So much for elf hunting tonight
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I was just hunting the undead!
The mass exodus to Tauri ensues….
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>updating for a third time
You ok there Turtle?
How long until the server comes back up?
It went down 4 hours ago and is still down
Even ignoring they got the wrong Orc there, it's really rather retarded to have an Orc read a fucking letter. "Hold on let me get my reading glasses!" You could just have the player character relay a message.
I know it's a minor detail but it's shit like that that shows they didn't put a whole lot of thought into their custom quests.
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that's Tauri
retard lol
just one more patch!
>be EU chadtank
>run a dozen times mara with my healslave
>get the ring, neat
>afterwards have some fun with my bimboelves in GC
>go sleep
>server immediatelly crashes
>mutts can't play
>wake up
>it's still dead
bet cha it will be up right before i get ready for another sess with my sluts
Best you can get is fully progressed Tauri take it or leave it.
Warmeme onyxia in 2 years
new thread
New thread?
new server
got about 3/4ths the way through an instance and the server crashed, it came up and I started it again with a new group, got about 3/4ths the way through it and the server crashed again.
ayo dat new launcher ain't be doing shieeet.
where the fuck is my auto loot?
i ticked the fucking box cus, what do you mean "please close wow first" dat shiet ain't be open man.
New thread.

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