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Previous: >>502170893

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Shadow of Calamity (2024/10/25 – 2024/11/20)
A Hundred Days of Companionship (2024/11/8 – 2024/11/21)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Hasna (2024/11/08 – 2024/11/21)
[Debut] Homa (2024/11/22 – 2024/12/5)
[Destined] Inanna & Alexei (2024/11/15 – 2024/11/28)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Lucklets (RIP)
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to.
SOCEN100D (Valid until March 31st, 2025)
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ToA when?
Nobody knows if that is coming to Global as-is, since in TW it's being reworked and Global seems to get the updated versions of things. I don't think the new dual team content that replaces ToA has been released yet over there. Global is presumably getting some minor Homa event soon and SoD 3 next month so maybe after that
what is ToA?
apparently it's the endgame mode that the tier list assessments are all based off of.
Why don't you guys talk about characters you enjoy?
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Let's hope I don't have to go to 180 like with Hasna. Homa is an honest merchant who charges fair prices. If I say it it'll be true (cope).
If you aren't top 100 kindly exit the thread.
lash number one!
Hasna is too powerful...
Endgame content from the TW version, Tower of Adversity, requiring 2 separate teams that can't share gear, with weekly modifiers like Tower of Conquest to shill new character mechanics. Not PvP but rewards based on competitive scoring which may have been unpopular. Player behavior in competitive games is weird in TW and nobody remotely creditable is relaying here from their forums so there's no telling if they disliked it or already got bored with it. Either way TW announced a rework of that mode so we may not get exactly the same thing in Global
I'm really curious about that clear. Cocoa tanks a couple of hits that nobody else could and her Snow Lotus is what allows Col to do so much damage.

It doesn't sound bad on paper but the monotony of it being the only endgame probably got to people. Imagine this ranking event repeated every 2 weeks for 6+ months. It's just people copying teams that they see in videos and min/maxing their builds to try and get a better score. It also heavily favor certain types of characters, DPS and support units. Look at the this events ranking challenge, everybody is using Auguste and Col for damage, Inanna for act again and dispel. Characters like Simona who don't do either particularly well are completely relegated to the side line.
That's the entire problem with the game, it has a good foundation but it doesn't meaningfully shake up mechanics and thus gets stale.
If you use meta trash kindly exit the thread
>ranking ends soon
Bet #1 has been working on it right up to the last move and waiting till today to repeat it to completion, smart

Lash's Light of Sanctuary is pretty close and instant, what I'm wondering is whether Energy Ray comes into it because I've kept chuckling at these ultra niche shield break moves
Yeah the heavily favoring certain types of characters is what has people screaming certain characters are good and others bad and how meta things are.
Tristian is highly regarded because once she enters her super saiyan mode she does incredible damage, but shes basically not a character outside of that, so in those 2 turns if you can beat the stage and use her to kill the most threatening units, so when the challenge is making you kill it as quick as possible you don't need to care about anything else and shes amazing, but in other content shes worthless, its just the same has prioritized that.

Its pretty clear that isn't a good thing and the devs don't like that and want to design different, either they realized from the get go, were naive about the extent, or just designed themselves into a corner with that and now have decided things need to change. It's very important to have different types of characters be good in different scenarios and allow the player to figure out whats good and how to solve the problem presented based on what they have and heavily favoring a single style of play is really bad.
What can they do though? You're supposed to address this shit months ago, not do something when your characters just don't have waifu/husbando appeal and all they have is gameplay that isn't even necessarily fun.
To be fair to the devs they've probably spent a good chunk of their time working on porting the game over to Global, Japan and Korea and they probably hoped ToA could tide TW/CN players over while they worked on that. I'm mostly surprised they also didn't make a guild competition event. Just a typical "clear stage a bunch of time and get points for your guild." Would've helped social engagement and people stick around in gacha when they can get rewards with friends. And to be blunt it's the kind of content gacha players like, just mindless grinding.
No.1 made us think think that Cocoa was unreplaceable then switched it up, absolute god
Top meta will always be about the units that can do the most roles while omitting the most unneeded roles. So sometimes defense is literally irrelevant if you can just explode the enemy.
Well, that's their problem. What the whales want is an answer.
>join random guild months ago
>guild leader constantly rotating out inactives
>less than 3 people lapsing on logins consistently
feels good, now hurry up with the new guild content
It's hard to break out of "everything that isn't a boss goes down in 1 counter role hit or 2 non counter role hits" once numbers and mechanics are set and who's got the patience for endurance stat wrestling
The recruit 15 faction assholes achievement is really gay.
bond level 5 takes 8 bond charms
manually filled in 26 days
filled in 90 days for 3 max cozy house guests (maitha forbid)
that means... if you're starting with a dozen characters you like... the time it takes to stabilize is... uh I should just use some of those 20 bond charms
>filled in 90 days for 3 max cozy house guests (maitha forbid)
say that again but in english
if you fill 3 house guests for 90 days they become very cozy but don't do maitha because she never leaves houses
Fluent english speakers have no trouble with such a sentence, get better comprehension
This doesn't explain how it works.
just get 90 cozy at 3 house per guest for a day
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Join Sorceress Hat today and Boileau will teach you his tricks of how to get into the top 100. Officers are standing by!
>no character placed
I'll see you kicked the hell out, just you wait
How many people have done more than the obligatory routes needed for the rewards?
there have been limited time event rewards and non time limited rewards from cutscenes from different routes and knowledge level has more runs worth of rewards than there are routes, query parameters insufficiently precise
Time-limited then.
Have you played more than explicitly told to?
off-event I've done a union run to make it up to Gloria after the iria route, a darklight ending run to cross it off and see what it gets you, and gave pseudo speed run elaman a try out of curiosity but that was too much clicking
I have the Papal Bad End, two extra Elaman endings and one Lutfi ending.>>502792031
Inanna's skin has been revealed, the event starts on 22nd of November. Based on what was posted it's probably closer to the Col type of pass.
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pulling da homie
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I've never had a key expire.
Knowledge level?
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>the new skin really was hobo Inanna
Will her moves have new poor person effects like how Beryl gets bubbles?
The superior Inanna
I don't know but her act again move has a splash art of her in her outfit as the normal effect so I assume so
>recycled sprites
>Selling this when her Alter will completely murder her
Gloria skin was mentioned in CN's notes BTW.
yeah it was probably just missing some animations but to be fair it is the skin players were asking for, for some reason
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>Gets 10 pulls everyday
is this skin like Beryl's that you can get with Luxite? or like Col's and you need to open your wallet
Everybody has furry ears

apparently it's like Col skin, so no gacha
Cocoa is so cute bros

The character art is gorgeous, curious what the splash screen will look like for Princess's Prayer.
Cosmetics are good for the game, skin + some extra rewards are ways to get people to actually spend money. The new road map they released for TW/CN also showed plans for a Gloria skin in December.
>Gloria skin in December
Better be padoru padoru
Wait this image made me think, do Homa and Cocoa ever interact in the story? No right? Homa interacts with MC, Acambe that one time and the HM twins when she rescues you. I've only done the good ending though so maybe there's a scene in the other routes?
She describes the merchant that talked her into buying her big pot and it was Homa
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>Glorias new look
canon and not bs
Not when it's a blatantly re-used skin that looks worse than the original. Beryl's skin was the only one that was completely new (And cute),and even then it still clashes too much with her pinkish hair while her purple outfit complements her hair perfectly.
Ahh that's right forgot about that, still though an on-screen meet up would have been fun.
it's gonna be Spearfishing Gloria with a new surfing animation
We got confirmation of the Homa/Hasna event Friday. It's a shop reward system this time around like Scorched Earth so you buy what you want. Also it's the only time your Guzman/Miguel are gonna be useful, 20% bonus characters.
I'd make a joke about you coping my run anon but I copied mine too.
Finally, a good fucking shop again-
>No Hasna
>No Homa
Never mind.
>oh cool, 2* Roaring Flint gives you 2 uses
>8 turn CD



Bricked. You should be able to get 100% bonus though, Rawi, Maitha and a bunch of epics give you 20%.
Yeah, should be fine because I have a bunch of potions to use.
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finally, I can restock on gold
My luxite is safe since Inanna skin is a paid pass I could just buy...
Okay but Miguel/Guzman banner when? No way they're gonna run +20% on them and 0% on Alexei/Inanna, right?
I'm gonna be honest I read both of their kits once when I was a newer player and it kind of glazed over me and I never looked at them again so I have no clue why their actually so bad.
they're not
their niches are not commonly encountered and other characters just stack into bigger numbers than they do
Guzman would be so much better if his pull was an instant
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>Possibility of awakened skills
Guzman is apparently decent in PvP as a tank for soaking damage, Miguel can sort of do many things but not great and easily replaced by better units.
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>New Limited-Time Event: A Fighting Night in Beryland!
He hits hard even with my 4th best axe if they get close but he usually ends up just pulling someone close for other units to kill. His charge skill looks cool and deals a ton but 90% of maps you just want to win as quick as possible.
I think I saw a Miguel in the top 50 of the ranking challenge
That's why I use Garcia
Woooooo buyable star chests let's goooooo
What are you putting stars into?
Probably finish off Destroyer P.Atk for Nungal and Watcher P.Atk for my other archers. Global P.Atk will probably be done by the time the event drops since I've been working on it since Voyage of Discovery.
Not him but I'm probably going to save those boxes to max my TP.
Not that anon but my first big plat stars project was all the patk trees for breakers because of Auguste. Also invested a bunch into destroyer matk so I could clear WT3. And then I just got the unique seeker (crit damage increase and ignore defense) and watcher buffs (increase damage when you have 2+ buffs). Might now try for global patk buff.
It literally feels like I can't make progress without those events. Some nodes haven't budged since.
>log in
>log out
there is literally NOTHING to do
You just reminded me that I forgot to do my 5 luxite match lol.
This is probably what I should do after doing global p attack and breaker p attack. Get to war horn or ragnarok a few turns earlier.
i don't know why inanna's design has always felt so boring to me, but i like the imperial red royalty in other games
either way, hobo inanna is an upgrade and i like her more when she was just helping convallaria anyways
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she's so pretty i will be obtaining this skin
Same desu, never really cared for Inanna's design. Her sprite is better but that's true for a lot of characters. Hobo Inanna is pretty hot though.
did they really make homa l2d for her standing pose (which also looks like new art) and even her 5* pose?
but neither of these will be in game?
I have no idea what those words mean
I want to rape this creature
Breaker event tonight
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live 2d is the software and animation technique that most games use now, which is essentially advanced tweening to make a 2d image look 3d
Breaker? I hardly know her!
I made that up
>incel rage chapter
This is hilarious
Let me buy more coins and dusts with insignias. There's already nothing of worth to buy after 1 week and it resets every month.
>The new road map they released for TW/CN also showed plans for a Gloria skin in December.
If it's released simultaneously on global like one of the other skins (I forget which, Beryl or Col's?), I might spend for the first time.
So how does the furniture system work? Do characters you have added to the lobby passively gain bond?
>Do characters you have added to the lobby passively gain bond?
Yep. It's based on your total cozy value I believe, what >>502786641 was talking about, and that's based on your total furniture owned. In other words, I'm pretty sure you don't even need to set out your furniture on display at all, just owning it is enough.
>Invited characters gain Bond EXP faster at a higher Coziness Level.
The game is really unclear, there's no way to really know
Did you make that up?

I'm assuming it will be? I think this Inanna skin is simultaneous for all regions. They'll probably keep picking skins for popular characters that are available in all versions.
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>gloria skin
Forget skins, were are the Homa and Cocoa emotes?
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>He didn't get the secret Cocoa emotes at 5K
Laughing at you with my outlaw shroomillionaire buddies.
Game unironically dead. I wonder when global is getting shut down.
two more weeks sis
Wished Col's skin was actually a new design instead of just removing the mask. It's going to take forever to get a second skin if the game even lasts that long.
I wish the new witches were coming out sooner. Sorceress Hat could use the moral boost.
I invited Maitha into my house again
>Ah, gomen!
t. Maitha after destroying your bathroom
Maitha is no longer allowed back on Taco Tuesdays.
girls dont poop
>invite maitha onto your bed
>she knocks you over the balcony
I've seen them churn one out closeup in ultra high definition, they do
I've never gotten a straight answer when I ask
>Damn girl, you shit with that ass?
They either giggle and walk or away, or I get slapped. Truly, women are creatures of mystery.
that's chocolate or pudding or something they put in there beforehand
Have you ever gotten a straight answer from one about ANYTHING? haha nah they're alright
I want Danchou emotes
Cocoa can pound sand
if you don't take that back and apologize to cocoa the only thing that's gonna get pounded is your ass. by me.
Better fags than you have tried
Cocoa sucks eggs
>H-hey would you like to grab dinner sometime?
o-oh ok sorry sir..
>Better fags than you have tried
This anon's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
Why come nobody confronted Cocoa about her calling those sand people "mud monsters"?
Those masked dudes? They're like zombies or golems or something.
I'm gonna write "ur parents are dead lol" in Cocoa's diary
I resisted the temptation and she still said she knows I peeked at her diary in the good ending. Unsure if bug or she's just falsely assuming I did.
They are? That one guy we recruited seemed pretty normal.
Zombies and golems don't defect from the army
Who is rolling for Homa?
i think it was more metaphorical, not literal
sort of an urban legend thing, but monsters do exist so it's not much of a stretch. also cocoa's known to embellish her stories
Frankenstein's monster is like a zombie/golem, and he went pretty damn rogue. All they gotta do is not be mindless zombies/golems. Seems like this guy >>502865356 is similarly intelligent, so it checks out.
I am a true believer in Elawoman supremacy.
Coziness is just how much furniture you own, not set out? I thought you had to have it displayed. Which is why that area looks like a garbage dump since I jammed furniture in to every square available.
Yep. I gotta clear out my area too one of these days. Or at least attempt to display the good looking event furniture. Also, kinda irks me that you can't read furniture's description once you buy it from the shop. It's super minor, but it's weird that's the only place you can read it.
I am. Pretty much only interested in her, the yandere maid, and safi right now.
I am for augueste support and it's a deadzone after her
Absolutely. Bird based gameplay? The only ranged breaker until my wife comes out? Yes.
I might even keep going after I get her like I did with Safiyyah, Homa was by far the best part of the Elaman route
desert warlocks...never
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You've tried Outlaw Gaming, but now it's time for Avian Gaming!
Stay strong brother. They introduced new epics with Crimson Night, so they can do it with Elaman Part 2.
who is your wife?
Mind your own fucking beeswax
There's only one other ranged Breaker on the horizon: Beryl's teacher.
also the bond bonus maxes at 1k coziness so you don't even need all that much furniture
Instead of airhorns in my MLG montages I have parrots squawking.
Luvita of course. Her and Hasna are my top two.
Post em
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I figured playing AC would've helped a little for this...
keep going where, anon?
Brown town
>no games awards nomination
>pekora nominated for content creator
It's time for a Hololive collab. Just make them skins for existing characters. Like mods.
No. Bring in hololive and it's only a matter of time before demands start for hololive EN and I'll watch 1000 games eos before I give them more work.
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I miss bionicle
I can use the same account on steam and phone right?
I was thinking of downloading to my phone just to log in
Probably, they have an option to link accounts
Those commercials went hard.
EOS soon
>capitalizing the o
>check what region it's morning in
No u EoS
yeah, im gonna try that, also to actually play the story since im always distracted in my pc lel
Just make sure that it doesn't overwrite your steam one with a fresh phone one when you try to link the two together
Don't care, give me Bikini Beryl skin.
No. Get better taste.
The only taste i need is Beryl's lips.
Those are some huge hips.
anyone else coping and seething over not getting all the event rewards cause you just forgot about it most days
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Bikini made of Beryl's skin!
bikini maid of beryl's kin
What? You mean the guild thing? There's the orange dot and guild chat blowing up to remind you every day. It's on you if you neglect both.
Bikini Beryl
School uniform Beryl
Maid outfit Beryl
Sexy catgirl Beryl
China dress Beryl

Kissing Beryl on the lower lips.
Bikini made of bear foreskin.
All awful ideas from and for the feeble minded
Chained up luxite experiment Beryl is the only real choice
nah the elysium calamity whatever that just ended
Only if she is naked.
Maintenance in 3 hours lasting 3 hours. Spend your stamina now or after reset in ~50 minutes.
Aside from Safiyyah and Auguste is there any character that REALLY wants armguard for extra effect procs
Oh I just got in the habit of dumping 20 stamina whenever I log in for the two daily stamina boosts. In fact I overshot the 50k goal because I forgot event missions give points.
Homa with martyrs bow, Stormbreaker, Tempest
A lot newer characters have effects that only proc for non-instant attacks to try to get around the Armguard meta lol.
what are you talking about nergal can only trigger charged bayonet with it? and it looks like he shouldn't
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Huh, I just filled every possible space. Maybe I should do something like yours to make it cute and comfy.
Furniture Tetris is cool too. Interior decorating is for pansies; the superior tactical mind will exploit every weakness (i.e. fill every space).
You could go with the hoarder aesthetic. It's like Beryl lives there.
Guess it was a good thing I never played in phone
Here's a reminder if you're confused about birds
Red: Baloor
Blue: Shahin
Green: Goli
Brown: Homa
If I’m not mistaken, room comfort level is determined by what we’ve accumulated in our storage, not by how much furniture we can fit in your living space.
This is my room I just filled it early on to get max bonus without really looking at it.
Weird bug
maintenance coming >>502894406
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I knew this day was coming. Time to sort through the hoard.
you're all saving your spirit of hearts for Homa right?
you made sure to praise your ancestors today, right?
>3* Auguste today

Rise up my fellow incels. Also I forgot you get 1 NRG restore when triggering Rage Outburst II, a common scenario was using Wrath Snap going into Rage and then not having enough NRG for Scorch until next turn.
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One point short because I leveled 4 people once when someone only needed 2
Why would I want to lessen the amount of time she spends in the house?
Kiya is in the code. This is not a drill, I repeat this is NOT A DRILL!
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You should take a look at the bosses in the latest FJ chapter.
Nope. I only care enough to throw a single multi and she can take up a slot if she comes, all my other relevant legendaries are maxed.
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I did it bros....
say that to me in pvp not on a forum
Maintenance in 30 minutes.
I wonder if the dataminer will find anything interesting afterwards.
homa nudes
Passionate condomless sex with Alexei
>there are bugchasers itt right now
Homa taking you to the back of her caravan for a special lesson on smuggling goods into her pants
where do the parrots come in
in her, preferably
Is he one of the most liked males here?
But I'm already the Trade Master of Convallaria?
Alexei is my self insert.
And Homa is the one that has to teach you about smuggling, it was all laid out pretty clearly in the game
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I was going for harem protag density
>Hey boss~ Want to go to the back of my caravan to learn about "smuggling"?
>No thanks, that's illegal!
Goodnight /socg/
I go to sleep a Member
I awake in the morning a Master
he's one of the few uniquely useful among named characters, up to 2 turns unkillable decoy
Oh, that's great. No more running out of NRG awkwardly.
>Use Alexei all the time
>Suddenly almost never use him anymore
It's insane how newer stages/challenges seem to be unfavorable to Alexei. He's a DPS Defender, yet most new stages are full of Breakers. Often times the map is cramped and full of ledges and using him just feels really bad especially if he blocks teammates with his frost tiles. Ironically I've been using Momo instead because letting enemies come is easier.
I'll masturbate to some Bara porn
1.5gb update
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princess lutfia?
>DPS Defender
I think you just summed up the problem right there.
Kinda weird that Crimson Night is a group with an aura, but Elaman units are just Drifters even though they got a whole route unlike Luccia.
I had Nergal MVP DPS against tower seeker bosses, and he was covering and debuffing at the same time
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Never disrespect my Irians
Lutfi was actually pretty cool in chapter 12.
Caris has the best Papal aura so maybe that's reserved for Lukamar.

Nergal can protect, but also no one seriously uses the Tower of Conquest to judge a character.
Lutfi has never been cool even one single time in his life
Boy's just a stupid little dingaling
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Really hope new epic units are not locked to SoD
These three get added to the gacha.
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Probably never, haha.
she wasn't even recruitable in elaman route...
I recruited one
I think someone mentioned this but characters in the story aren't always exactly like the gacha version, so they'd have to be reworked to be playable.
>Inanna after taxes and depreciation
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I was playing around with the summon simulator because people like to complain that the game is stingy. It took me 40+ attempts to hit max pity 3 times and I got a comical amount of attempts that were either within the first 50 pulls or multis with double Homa.
>He uses a simulator to make a point while people who actually hit pity already got bricked
Holy fucking retard.
Don't try to throw statistics at me, my tears say more about their stinginess than real evidence ever could
>what is law of averages
The law of averages doesn't matter, all that matters is if you got fucked.
Good, I hope you got fucked on every banner. I'm the guy getting everything on first 30 pulls.
Actually I didn't either, I'm telling you that you should rope yourself if you think virtual statistics mean shit against reality.
You sound like you think the earth is flat
Why don't you tell all the people who hit hard pity about your luck on an inconsequential simulator?
No reason to show them a summon simulator when I keep pulling units back to back to back to back to back on my account lmao
Cool, you can fund the game then.
because they'd just laugh at statisticlets who bitch or simulate
t. one of the people who hit hard pity
>implying I need to spend money when I have all the meta units
If it isn't too personal, how did you hit hard pity without uninstalling?
The monkey's paw curls.
7444 Touch Vlder Tail anyone online ?
through sheer pulling on standard banner levels of not giving a shit (luck bounced back though)
Do Irians know about gabagool?
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>You can now see how good/fucked your tarot rolls are
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I have hit max pity twice, but I also got very early on banners so it's fairly balanced. Overall my rate is above EV at the moment.
>The AI Danchou room rater says:
It’s lovely as it is but leans toward simplicity. I’ll give this a solid 8/10—charming, but it could use a touch more character!

It’s still functional, but the clutter and lack of cohesion drag it down. I’ll give this a 6.5 out of 10—good bones, but it’s lost its balance.

Cozy lounge chair, a billiard table and an artist's corner, I’ll give it a strong 9/10! Beautiful and functional.

It could benefit from a more balanced arrangement to let the beauty of the space shine through. I’d give it a 6/10—decent effort, but it feels too busy to truly stand out.
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When Auguste was released I thought he was mediocre/overrated but now I love this incel so much
Auguste being a schizo who won't even help you makes him stand out among the cast, so now I'm glad that I rolled him in 40 something pulls.
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>They don't all fit in the stats window anymore
>AI Danchou room rater says:
The billiards table takes center stage, and the addition of the red sofa adds a nice pop of color and coziness to the room. However, it does feel a little sparse in some areas. I’d give this a 7/10—nice and open, but it could use a bit more flair!
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LilyWill stole 40 Convallaria cakes.
That's as many as four tens.
And that's terrible.
I wonder if Maitha's cake skill is Convallaria cake
The King is dead.
Long live the King.
>even the guard is a hobo
>her skill has convallarias
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>Unit in advanced order armor
>Name translates to Old Deng
Added. 24/30 now after having removed the ~10 day inactives.
That's just the nickname for Teadon, no?
Might be teadon alter
>A male getting an Alter
Maybe try making it when Lutfi is released for real.
>shoop of auguste armor, teadon head and someone's spear (pamina?)
Teadon and Gloria's dad story
Dykes OUT
Gays IN
>Cocoa/Miguel banner in the files
Holy fucking cow.
Hope I can get Miguel finally.
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Pamina's spear looks cooler
Based as fuck.
>Old mentor/servant of an orphaned noble
>Teadon. Teadon Alfred.
They just couldn't help themselves
probably suppression then
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>Miguel banner
>Cocoa banners twice
>Maitha banner ETA: never
Maitha and Rawiyah were free bro...
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>Socks is at 70/144 for the tarot event
>1 day left
>2 less tarot disappointments
by the way none of you answered my question about rotating socks, you socks are all fake
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Touch Vlder Tail
It's still possible, but it'll take basically everyone active.
just wash your socks you pig
>forgot to finish off my pvp quests
oh well i don't need 3x tarot ii's, I'm too lazy to deal with level 60 opponents
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nungal is fat! FAT!
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Maitha and Nungal in an eating contest
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wait that cake sprite looks different than the one in the first event, though the latter also wasn't shaped like the convallaria flowers as mentioned in union route
who else makes cakes besides maitha and gloria, i forget if someone did in elaman route and i don't think papal route even had the convallaria festival
He really only felt clunky to me at 1*. Once you get 2* and get the 2 stacks of rage at start you use Hassle turn 1 and then turn 2 you could immediately go into Outburst.
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Not up to the task of pleasing safiyyah. Maitha is more my speed
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>meanwhile, Sorceress Hat is done a day early
Comfy hatbros
to be fair the hat cannibalized a lot recently
maybe it's time for touch vlder socks
Yeah, if those two guilds merged I'm sure they'd be fine.
Everybody wants to be a hat
where's this from
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>Completed every single talent that asks for golden stars
now the real pain begins
congrats on finishing the tutorial
>get to level 55
>rank 11 time
>my autism kicks in for choosing skills
castalia everything!
>can mark tarots to discard now
still easier to just lock the few good ones
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it was from a CN news thing, though i don't have the original
me, and nobody is talking about the new rogue mode?
I did not see this under events?
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Dump more art
How does she even bite that? Nungal-bros?
I will pity Homa if necessary. Fuck the homo
Might as well uninstall then if you're going to eat a brick like that lol.
she will provide you with a practical demonstration of her technique
>lock ones that you don't know will have the lvl 60 trait
>lock ones that you get shit rolls on
Nah I need to mark trash as trash at the earliest possible time it's known
Now that's a good Christmas pic. Wish I could buy that Maitha scarf with the chicken legs.
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Got her in one ten pull... but then I woke up
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>homa incoming
>inanna skin incoming
>events incoming
>gloria skin in the works
>pgr accelerated schedule
soc bros we eatin real good
Well I hate it, it's retarded.
Haven't quite decided why yet.
>Homa skip
>Inanna skin skip
>Gloria skip
>What does PGR have to do with this?
At least we get Clash trinkets tomorrow. That's cool, I guess.
i wonder if we'll get a new clash map or the old ones
For those pulling Homa what star level do you plan to get her to? Don't think I'll have room for her in my shard mines (Safi/Auguste/Cocoa) so she'll probably stay at 1*, where's she's perfectly usable as a supporting unit.


Covered in this vid. It looks fun. Encourages using more than just your handful of meta characters, can't just lol ragnarok spam the mob stages and it's not PvE racing so as long as you just clear it daily you'll get sig weps material and the rewards you would have got from ToA with much less stress.
i went deep in hasna so i can't really afford more than one homa, especially since caris, schacklulu, etc are possibly right around the corner
but knowing me i'll likely impulse 2* homa regardless
>Can't spam Ragnarok
Hahaha...I'll wait to see how it is like live but the design of their latest event leaves me very doubtful of whether this will stay fun.
She'll remain at 1 star till I get Cocoa and LilyWill to 5 stars in 25 days. Then I'll slot Homa in with Hasna till they're both 3 stars at least. Depending on the banner after Homa, Agatha or ShackLulu can join them. Kiya will be a while away so maybe they can reach 4 stars by then.
I'll respond in 2 days when I find out what the star levels do. But unless her trait is trash I'm probably taking her to 5* with Cocoa and Garcia.
You can just look at Nopotion bro.
Damn I went through 3 wikis and that was the first one I checked but missed the star dropdown. Should still be a silder though.
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>Homa ignores [Block] and her P.ATK is increased by 5%. After Homa or the ally [Baloor] is with performs a single-target attack, [Baloor] will be called to attack again, dealing 20% of Homa's P.ATK as physical DMG.
>dealing 30% of Homa's P.ATK
>P.ATK is increased by 12% (from 5%).
>When she is [Healthy], her Movement increases by 1 tile.
>dealing 40% of Homa's P.ATK
>P.ATK is increased by 20% (from 12%).
>Baloor steals 2 random [Buffs] and 1 NRG for [Homa]
Coomerbros I kneel

3* is the big breakpoint for her, the +1 movement is huge. Honestly it's gonna be so weird seeing her movement only be 3 tiles because everything about her design and kit feels like a unique seeker/watcher and not a breaker.
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Are these new? Is there any info about them?
It's been there in TW since September-ish, don't remember if anyone listed effects though.
ah so 3* and done
that's not too bad, I can manage that unless we get a bunch of units I care about in a row right after her.

My auguste and safiyyah are locked in the mines for a while but I got a free slot I can put homa in if I get her in a few pulls, but I wont go deep on her.
Looks like WotV Tower which was awful but there's no skill usage limits here so not so bad.
Finally finished Auguste's chapter
Moral of the story: kill yourself if you're a schizo
when is homa
For me moral of the story is men must learn to move on fast or risk becoming an angry incel
In about 34 hours
How many times do I watch Snatch to pass that time?
>get sent to a foreign war by your government
>lose your eye and waifu
>come back and kill those responsible
>submit to your government and they let you get away with it because officially all those who committed suicide were at fault
>get sent to the same foreign war again.
>now you're the fall guy for government and have to commit suicide
Moral: never trust the government
Well Snatch has a runtime of 102 minutes. 34 hours is 2040 minutes. So you can watch it 20 times exactly. You'd probably want to sleep and take a shit or something, so maybe cut back to 17 times.
>murder the girl you've been stalking
>"the government has betrayed me"
Seems like a sign to me
it's oddly pointless when you can't reroll them, just pray you get more
Ability to reroll or not has nothing to do with an immediate visual representation of how good the stats you got being useful
Homabros who we targeting after we get her? I think I'm skipping Tristan now that ToA is dead. I like the witches.
Every girl (Not Caris or Taair though)
Maybe the vampire man
Nergal if the chance pops up again
After Homa I'm gonna continue to grab Alacrity girls and maybe a couple that aren't in that group like Caris and Layla.
Yeah yeah I know, the "meta" but she's weird looking and boring
I don't want disney princess characters
Taair is a guy, how are people this blind?
Guys don't look or act like that
>taair is a guy
more like taair is a gay lol
I don't know who's coming when
But I wanna get Taair & Tristan before the hags come in.
Don Vampire would be cool too
Agatha too`
Lutfi is gayer.
Taair has weaker jawline than Caris and I think about that a lot.
He's got a weak everything, to be fair
Why does Caris have a man face?

Not really.
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They didn't bother updating the dialogue portraits so a lot of these characters have fucked up faces but only in dialogues.
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The more you know.

What site is this? Also that Cocoa/Miguel bait is fucking hilarious.
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