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Sneeding and Feeding edition


We discuss Minecraft news, projects, build ideas, smps, mods, clients, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!

► 2. NEWS
>Leaked 1.22 update "Bundles of Bravery"


>Fuck Microsoft, play cracked Minecraft with these launchers:

>Mods that you will need 100% of the time:
https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports (removes telemetry and chat reporting)
https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium (optimizes (replaces) render engine)
https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium (optimizes various game mechanics)

>Classic skin textures for offline nigger:

>New and improved Minecraft Wiki:

>Seed generator and biome/structure locator:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration


https://pastebin.com/n42iBCWu (embed)
https://pastebin.com/xigRFjcK (embed)
https://pastebin.com/YedwJKFU (embed)
What are you guys building in Minecraft? I'd appreciate some inspiration for what to do next.
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I made a gaybar.
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build 1 (one) house
Are you guys gonna watch the minecraft movie?
I'll probably take my younger brother (he's about 11 years old) to see it. He's been begging me for it, so I guess so.
I'm purifying some villagers so I can populate my void trading hall and update my world past 1.20.1 to beat the nerf, and I'm working on a fletcher, but all of these tipped arrows are worthless. I'll probably just go for slowness.
Only if the rest of their budget was used to get the license on Beatles music and their entire soundtrack is just remixed versions of the rest of the Magical Mystery Tour album.
>Flying plays when the characters use an Elytra for the first time
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Dumb question from a redstone noob, but I ran into something I need an explanation for. So I was messing around making a tripwire trap that would set off a copper bulb, through a comparator and up some slabs to a trapdoor because I wanted something where after the tripwire is activated, the trapdoor would open and stay open. I disconnected it in the pictures, but it works.

So anyway, I decided to fool around some more and made a clock with just dust coming from the tripwire/bulb/comparator and a torch thrown in (first picture, sorry for it being dark). I noticed that when going through the tripwire and turning the bulb off, it causes a clock that will burn out the torch pretty quickly, and the torch will NOT come back on after burn out. In the second picture, I added a repeater, and when set to the fastest tick speed, it will burn out similarly, but after about ten seconds, the clock will turn back on again, burn out, and repeat infinitely like this. With ten seconds between it restarting everytime. My question is, why does adding the repeater cause it to keep turning back on like that? Thank you.

(I'll put the second picture of the repeater one in the next post)
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Second picture
hmm torch might be trying to power to repeater from the wrong direction sometimes?

that looks great, i'd hang out in there
>archeology stuff in the nether/end

genius, I love it
The intended behavior is for it to turn on again after a delay.
The torch not automatically turning back on is the bug. It results in a state where the torch turns on again if you change a block next to it.

But since that bug is around forever now, some incels would whine and cry and shit bricks if it is fixed, because it would totally break their super smart contraption and they can't think of a different way of doing things. And while they are the smartest people to have ever graced earth, they aren't smart enough to come up with redstone that doesn't shit itself as soon as you look at it in a weird way.

jfyi the bug goes something like this:
>torch burns out
>it schedules a block update to adjacent redstone (like it does every time it turns off or on)
>redstone dust gets updated and has no delay
>so the dust schedules update on the repeater
>the torch schedules a block update to itself with 8s delay, to turn on again later
but if the redstone, without anything in between, is pointing to itself
>torch burns out
>it schedules a block update to adjacent redstone
>redstone dust gets updated and has no delay
>so the dust schedules update on the torch itself
>the torch schedules a block update to itself with 8s delay, to turn on again later... oops, can't do that, there is already a scheduled update
>so the 8s reset just doesn't happen
absolutely not
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They’re building a minecraft theme park, expected to open between 2026 and 2027 in the US and UK
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Nice. Can't wait to not go there.
Took them long enough.
Weakness arrows with a piercing enchantment are reusable for curing villagers. I was able to skip the nether entirely.
You can also acquire slowness arrows from strays.
Thanks. It seems pretty obvious to me, you have a bunch of ruins in the nether, may as well put a few pieces of suspicious gravel around them.
Yeah the sniffer should definitely do more. I was thinking that it could have some use related to archeology. The sniffer finds and digs up ancient seeds, and with archeology you find and dig up ancient artifacts. Really seems like a missed opportunity.
I like the sniffer just because hes so cute.
minecraft needs more natural block slabs like dirt, grass, sand, gravel, mud and moss
When is Mojang gonna bite the bullet and update the creeper texture to match how it appears in virtually all official material besides the game? They should add biome variants while they’re at it
The creeper texture is just very noisy so you notice it more when it's changed to have less noise.
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>biome variants
only if they add other mob biome-variants too
second trailer out now https://youtu.be/wJO_vIDZn-I?si=hWyhnktmOgMpH4Ul
why are sassy black female fat characters so funny?
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giant + neoclassical
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im just about finished
just got done with the interior, now I just need to polish the outside and its gucci
Took them a while.
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i have no idea but i want to keep going, i'm in the process of stripping a bunch of trial chambers of every single piece of copper they have to commit to whatever the fuck it is i'm doing here
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Start of a new world. I enabled the villager trade rebalance expirement to see if it would make things more challenging. Not much for now other than my mine entrance and a heap of random stuff before I build more.

Copper is a goated block frfr.
Really nice mine entrance, could do without the block vomit.
I continue to mix mossy cobble into my cobblestone to have it look nice and there is nothing you tastelet can do to stop me.
That's not block vomit, those blocks are meant to go together, but I spot some blocks there that aren't.
I continue to sparingly mix tuff into my cobblestone to have it look nice and there is nothing you tastelet can do to stop me.
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How would you fix villager balance?
Fix the enchanting system first
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Needs more mob variety.
Also overworld mini-bosses.
Farming felt soothing, I wish they expanded this.
Maybe add food recipes, it doesn't have to be super special, maybe integrate potion effects into the food?
Maybe we could upgrade iron golems, maybe a variant such that they gain ranged attacks if unable to hit enemies due to terrain, like with the wardens in the deep dark.
Maybe add a creeper variant in the deep dark too.
Creeper mob is interesting.
Maybe apply to overworld too, like in mines, it would be dark artifact.
Maybe add Herobrine type character in the game, like a passive invisible mob that follows around a player and places random blocks like an Enderman.
I mean, traders could go invisible with potions, so it seems villagers can consume potions too.
Maybe something like the adoring fan in Skyrim, randomly appears after you've finished the game.
pic related, a special mob that you summon from playing music discs, and attacks you if you don't look at her constantly, if you look away the Man-ender slaps you.

Make the trading cycling to be pre 1.8 with the highest trade renew the whole deal while keeping the profession choosing and first trade manipulation of the current. Allow you to pick the desirable type of villager but still depend on RNG if you want a perfect villager.
I still think librarians shouldn't sell enchanted books right from the get go, you should have to find things like runes or scrolls in any type of loot chest across the world and trade them with librarians first to activate sales for those enchanted books. Find a mending scroll in a pyramid chest? Trade it with any librarian villager and they'll start selling mending books. Find a looting 3 scroll in a sunken ship? Trade it to a librarian to start selling looting 3 books to you for emeralds. If you have a lot of the same type of scroll you can trade them to the same librarian to get cheaper prices for that book. As a bonus you can hang scrolls on walls like banners as decorations, each with their own unique visuals

Zombie villager curing should be nerfed too, not entirely but enough that it isn't as OP as it already is

Armorers no longer sell armor, they only fix it by 50% per trade for the ore used. Same for weapon and tool smiths. As well as iron ingots, all of them now buy copper ingots for emeralds which is a 100% roll chance. None of them will repair netherite, this will incentivize players to find mending scrolls which will have a higher drop rate than other scroll types depending on the loot chest area. Example being you'll have a better chance getting on from buried treasure (say 25% chance) than you would from a sunken ship (say 2% chance because of how abundant they are and having 1-3 chests per ship)
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Can anyone give me recommendations for 1.12.2 CTM maps. Series like Super Spellbound Caves and the Team Canada Simulation Protocol playthrough shaped my developing mind and I want to return to that peak comfy on my favorite version.
no mending
no curing a villager twice

thats good enough imo
I've gotten 3 heavy cores but only one wind burst enchantment book. God damn it.
Add mimics. 20% of naturally generating chests underground are mimics that attack when right clicked on. If killed they drop the same loot as a normal chest but sometimes they drop super special loot.
Do wandering traders not spawn on player placed blocks? I haven't seen one in a while and I need a pale oak.
They spawn on top of my shit all the time. Maybe they can't spawn on slabs like certain mobs.
Weird. Maybe I've spent too long away from my base and they've spawned out in the middle of nowhere with me and I didn't notice them.
What version of MC is best? I used to play when it was in alpha
Maybe they're underground/there's a cavern beneath you.
Does that happen?
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Little trophy corner I set up in my bedroom. Do you guys have anything like this?
looks cool as hell! must've taken forever, love all the work that went into this
ive never seen it happen

its been 2 or 3 weeks, yeah
a lot of the time was spent looking for and looting soulsand valley biomes, as well as afk'ing in a geode
i like it
mobs need to have a gimmick of some kind
instead of dropping all the loot of a normal chest, I think they should just drop one/a stack of a treasure item
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the 2nd floor of my house is mostly a "trophy" room
the corner to the right has a bed, a trophy chest, and two barrels full of potions

im going to make the chimney and the pedestal in front of it my "ender" trophy section whenever I get around to doing it
gonna put the dragon egg on a purpur block, gonna put a dragon head where that netherite sword is, gonna replace the two pillager banners with end banners, and I'll try to fit an end rod or two in there somewhere
ive got a lodestone in my attic in the fireplace
havent been to a trial chamber yet
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and upstairs from that is my attic, where I do enchanting and potions
on either side of my enchanting area there is a "room" dedicated to my better armors
this is my blast 4 unb 3 netherite set that im going to use against the wither
on the other side is my general use diamond set, which is incomplete at the moment because im wearing half of it and I need mending for the other half
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Comfy. Here's mine. The armor and weapons are what I used when I first beat the Ender Dragon.

I like the idea of fireplace. I think I'll add one to mine.
I wouldn't mind rare items that did nothing other than being placed in the overworld like the enderdragon egg. If we have to create our own chairs, tables and shelves then at least give us stuff to put on them
While I'm at it let us dye flower pots and the new large pots, they're made from terracotta and we can already dye those blocks so why not
these look great, need to make something like this. got all my rare shit just sitting in chests
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yeah its dumb that we cant dye them
item frames too
some of the simplest mods out there and they wont do it

the fireplace starts in the basement and goes through every floor
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It could still use some work, but I think it's an improvement.
Bedrock players can now pause their game
Bedrockbros, this is big!
Next up, large biome generation.
nta but thanks for the explanation, i was also curious
i am once again demanding mojang add terracotta and concrete stairs, walls and slabs
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Resin bricks look horrible and collecting the resin to make them is extremely tedious
they work well with the darker stone blocks/lava/nether
and if you dont like them, why are you complaining about gathering them?
>The armor and weapons are what I used when I first beat the Ender Dragon.

Same with mine >>502915465
I just put the gold trim on it to make it look a bit nicer.
Congratulations on finding out you are everything that is wrong with this world
>dude don't complain just consume and be happy! :D
Do everyone in your life a favor and kill yourself
bitch about it like a woman
I really don't like the top window on my base. Any ideas of what to do to make it look better?
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can i have a layered villager slave auto carrot/potato farm totally underground? and then just ship the produce up to the surface via a bubble elevator?
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I forgot the picture.
make it smaller and make the window circular with stairs and no glass
your building looks like a school and that window is where the enormous clock would normally be
Add a row of 4 glass on top of the other glass, to make it rounded. Maybe also narrower.
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I think this looks better.
yea its an improvement
Definitely does, the wider window look out of place
I tried that, I didn't care for it.
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As a child, I yearned for the mines.
What are we doing rn /mcg/?
Contemplating making mods, but coding is hard and you get shamed for using mcreator.
>shamed for using mcreator
Just ignore them bro.
are they gonna nerf pearl loaders, they seem almost too powerful
coding isnt hard
Need source photo of the bitch
oh great, as if we didn't have enough SLOP in the game already, we now have it IRL too
my professor was talking about this during lecture

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