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Symbolism edition

>>>The Game<<<

>05/11: New update https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1853843353495884212
>30/09: Shattered Space is released
>17/09: New beta update - https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/QSbsZDsZVAKO6Ft5LEzAh/starfield-september-update-patch-notes
>16/09: Shattered Space deep dive - https://youtu.be/Br8_YASkfb8
>20/08: Update released for REV-8 vehicles; Shattered Space official release on September 30th - https://x.com/StarfieldGame/status/1825972729784238548

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: It's up
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/hCaQzj3N - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/A_sY2rjxq6M
>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>501665791
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Todd going ham on these Christian themes
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>Next car will be named John-117
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I've been thinking about laser weapons in real life, and based on my research, its entirely possible that handheld laser weapons may become a real thing in the next 20 years or so. Fiber lasers are very efficient, and you can probably tweak the wavelength to minimize the risk of eye damage, and consider that combustion firearms cause hearing damage, and they're still used.
Both Starfield and Creation Kit updates are live now
Read-only appmanifest bros, we won.
I'm stupid, is it going to be a continuous laser or bullet tracers like Star Wars or Starfield?
I turned on "only update this game when launched" and I launch through MO2. Do I have to do something else?
Nope, just make sure you don't launch the game through the Steam app
Has anyone tried the Xeno Master mod? Looks sorta interesting.
For handheld weapons, they would probably be a very short pulse, high power laser similar to a gunshot. Starfield's laser guns are like that, what you see isn't the laser, its probably just the atmosphere being heated up and ionized by the beam, the actual laser will be invisible.

Continuous wave lasers I would think are more likely to be used in anti-drone or anti-missile systems like the dragonfire.
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It's great but as I said before, it's too Pokemon-ish.
It's neat and what the other anon said.
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New vehicle and another creation. Mods are now achievement friendly by default

Looks like it's limited to Verified Creations, my bad
Deimog, a new vehicle from Deimos

Nice little enclosed armored vehicle. Gonna boot up the game and try it now
Several new creations showed up with it along, lol
*along with it
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The handling is different from the Rev-8, it's faster yet the steering is heavier. I didn't see any protection against afflictions but I didn't update my game yet so it could be an issue caused by that.
Few things to note
1. You don't need to spend credits on it, it's available to you from the start
2. Not completely impervious to gunfire but has a higher armor rating than the Rev-8
3. No you don't need to install the update to use it
4. There doesn't appear to be any environmental protections for it, though that might be because I didn't update the game, or could be a conflict with Shade's Vehicle Tuner. I guess we'll find out later
5. Passengers don't hold their right arm up like in the Rev-8, so I'm expecting some modders to take advantage of that animation in their mods
>Passengers don't hold their right arm up like in the Rev-8, so I'm expecting some modders to take advantage of that animation in their mods
Beat me to it
Your post was more detailed anyways
This reminds me of a thought that occured to me when I was clearing an outpost on a moon with a weak gravitational field (0.02G).
I was using the REV-8 thrusters and laser turret to act like an attack helicopter, and with systems already built into the engine, it would be trivial to create an actual aircraft for this purpose.
How long is the new quest?
It's starfield Tuesday so yes there's uploads for me creations
>let me do a mock date with a random woman over being able to take Sarah and Andreja on actual dates
Oh come on, Bethesda
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>lipsync finally added
wow modding can finally really get off the ground now
Very nice, hopes this brings a lot of people back in
The Demog also has a unique horn sound
Oh finally. I'd like to see the comparisons given that it's using Bethesda tools and not FaceFx
that will only happen when modder can create custom animations
Any new character with voice lines didn't even move their lips before
Now they can, but custom animations is a different beast and I doubt Bethesda will enable it since it'll only pave the way for sex mods to happen faster (they already added one sex animation using NAF)
Why would Bethesda be bothered by sex mods? People would have to go out of their way to get them in the PC version of the game
the golden age is upon us, lads
He probably didn't actually meant for you to interpret it like he hated pervy stuff, especially considering how pervy things can be in their past games, like what goes on in the Lusty Argonian Maid and The Real Barenziah
yes I know that might be one of the reasons but mod authors can't do custom weapons that have a different hand placing/reloading than the vanilla ones, sames as the vehicles, animated statics, ship parts, none of those things can't be made unless its copies a vanilla animation and is stopping more people to create the mods they want
they just need to police the creations website, why would they care what its on other unofficial sites, also sex mods will come with or without the help from bethesda
Imagine trying to explore the inside of this thing
ship builders are going full crazy after the update
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Must have taken this guy ages to makes these
Address Library updated, now we wait for SKSE
>Address Library before SFSE
that's rare
No it's not, well at least not for Starfield
Looks like the Ashta hunting quest in The Perfect Recipe creation might be bugged as you don't get a map marker to help find it
>year of our lord 2025
>he's still using script extenders
>probably using unofficial patches too
t. Bethesda
need script extender for my bbl but yeah unofficial patches is a death sentence for your save
>chargenmenu never ever
If nothing changed in the code itself they literally just need to update the version number
it's basically stuck in your save with all of its changes, trying to remove it will result in save instability so if you updated the patch and didn't like the changes, you better cope with it because there's no going back
SFSE has been updated too, it should be safe to install the Starfield update now
nice try todd
>no chargenmenu update
owari da
59 bounties huh? Not bad
that shit won't be updated until 2025
Looks like there's still issues with capturing bounties alive in Trackers Alliance Mission Board quests
Oh Godd not again
Brown cute to take to pound town with BWC.
Breed the stars John Starfield.
>Rev-8 got Deimogged

post a picture of it so we can hear it
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nice, I like it, it fits the design very well.
Oh wow you guys got a new car to see absolutely fucking nothing in
don't worry, your game will eventually get updated
This free?
yah alongside a quest
Does anyone else struggle with getting custom ships to spawn at vendors when using the fleet expansion mod?
the new lip sync looks gorgeous.
Holy shit and a Pajeet! You got a free Pajeet!
And a cute one at that
I mean Todd bucks
Sarah synced her lips to my great serpent, if you catch my wind
It's a free creation
we just met, lady.
You better go watch that butterhead eat nipples, anon
she cut
Her hair is badly cut alright
Not bad. looks similar to Fallout 4 but still very serviceable.
can always do some facial edits like how it was in skyrim
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Just need the verified creators to convince Todd to add animation tools now. Tell him it will earn him more Todd bucks.
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I spared Vae Victis and he gave me this look
Any new to share about themilkdrinker's bodyslide yet?
Awwwww the Lil COD gun nigga going to cry?
>boo hoo I'm done with the guns, I'm the only reason people play your game
>>Rev-8 got Deimogged
It really did got Demiogged. The handling is just better, now I want all vehicle mods to use the new handling model
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should i even reinstall just to get the new cc content?
What did he do now? tell him to port things from the new COD Game

Worth reinstalling just for Escape. Don't know about the new free quest
His animations are bugged so he's quitting
Can't say I'll miss him. People who make a big deal about their mods are annoying.
who the modder again?
Can´t we fast forward to late 2013? Tired of this.
>made by deshawn
what are you talking about ?
Guys I'm not trying to be racist but the new quest about the indian chef, the dude lives without a shower in his bathroom
>They still didn't fix the ECS constant
Do people really still care enough about achievements that "cheating" them isn't allowed?
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Some people are obsessed with achievements. But not me. I cheat and use trainers in all games and don´t give a fuck.
genuine question, what was wrong with it?
After the quest it leaves but can't be found, any quest tags to it put still hovering over Paradiso but it's not.
>star wars modders

I admire the dedication and pure autism, just wish it was towards something I'd actually wanna use.
thanks, that's good to know. I actually in the middle of that quest when I played last
Kinda. I don't care about achievements but using creations marks yoir save with a mark of shame and it didn't sit right with me
One of the first mods was re-enable achievements
Did the update break chargernmenu? I don't need to make any edits, I just want to play with my thick Sara
Do we know if there's gonna be a community patch update or am I pointlessly waiting? In case it contlicts with any patch changes, I dunno.

PS: Fuck Shartmoor.
>Worth reinstalling just for Escape.

Everybody keeps saying that, personally I'm not a fan. I generally don't like quests that take your equipment away, in any game. It's to give a different and more raw/focused experience but I'm just reminded of game sequels where they let you get a taste of the god-like powerful protagonist before getting his powers drained. I fucking hate that. It was good for what it was though I agree with that, if you want something different and more heavily storyline focused experience with some puzzles it's good, just not my sort of thing. Give me a classic new big juicy dungeon any day.
Yes. Just edit whatever NPC you want before updating.
You sign an agreement before, it's not something that's forced out of nowhere.
They don't have a specific schedule if that's what you're asking
And thank god for that. Like I said, it's good but just not my kind of thing. Personally I had more fun with the vulture quest and got a sweet particle sniper and outfit. The regulator skin from Escape was good too though.

I was just thinking of last time where they updated immediately when the patch dropped because of some conflicts. This time it's mostly shattered space quest fixes though so maybe there's no reason to update.
It's less impressive when you realize it's all ports from DICE's Battlefront and Fallen Order
How is that even allowed? Like the COD weapons in fallout 4. I understand nexus allowing recreations with new models that are close to the actual thing but not straight up pulling it from another game and porting it over... seems like something Bethesda would throw a fit over or whatever company's shit got ported. I mean you can't even directly port Bethesda's own stuff from an older game to a new one, they don't even allow that.
Targeted companies would defend themselves in that case. Bethesda can't do or say anything and I bet it's already covered in their EULA so the author is entirely responsible. And I doubt the artists are mad about their assets getting memorialized in a single player so the whole thing is hush hush until the wrong people discover it.
I like how Vasco does the Titanic thing in the back when you jump.
nobody upped this?
>grass colissions with the vehicle, so it's literally already in the game
>not with the player on foot

But why? I think it's neat in Skyrim with ENB.
could be memory issues since it'll apply to all NPCs
It's dumb that they force you to straight up join house va'ruun to do the DLC from a roleplaying perpsective. I mean sure, you can pick the "it's just business" lines and I didn't "really" join, honest but it's still dumb. Works for me for this playthrough because I romanced Andreja but yeah, should have been an option to help as an outsider.
>late 2025
>New DLC drops(flops)
Whats going to go wrong?
A broom up your wrong hole.
I can hear the balls of someone's wife's bull slapping against her thighs in this thread. When will this place be lively enough to not hear such things?
Not much, it will just be business as usual. The internet will be in an uproar about it again for a bit while Bethesda will mostly just ignore it and continue towards making the third planned story expansion. While they're working on that, people will probably be more focused on TES6 since that's expected to release in 2026.

You're hearing that from /tesg/ just across the way. Blame the orcposters
>enter dazra store
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>throw andreja out the airlock
It's up(dated)

>minimalism is key
Glad to see a modder who doesn't bloat everything
I wonder what a Taiyo and Stroud-Eklund brand vehicles would look like. I expect the former to have a more classy premium design compared to the Rev-8 and Deimog
Taiyo's vehicle would be the cybertruck
Ain't nobody wanna drive that ugly death trap
>Andreja out of the blue wants to talk to me
Huh, I wonder what this is about
Huh, this seems like something I should have received right after completing Shattered Space
I think I will finally start Shattered Space
>he doesn't know about the Andreja Shattered Space bug
Seems like they fixed the biggest bug with the companions so have fun
I know about the bug, but that didn't seem like it was affecting my playthrough at first since Andreja constantly made comments throughout the quest and while I was generally exploring Dazra.
I actually didn't know about it, just learned because she just talked to me after installing the patch and I'm still at the start of the questline. I actually thought there wasn't any conversation. I'm like, she made a huge deal about going back to dazra and she has literally nothing to say when we're here? Don't even care? She just made some comments about what was happening. But in classic Bethesda fashion, it was a bug. Of course. Apparently the big 4 are supposed to have conversations on the ship, that got bugged for me early on, I have heard only some at the start when I had Andreja and Sarah. It's "supposed" to be fixed by community patch and shut up Cora but I didn't have them installed before it got bugged. Should be fixed on new game plus. Maybe...
What truly fixed if for me is Arthmoor's patch. Community Patch addressed a different issue altogether

Yeah no, I'll stay with the bug. That retard can go fuck himself.
Motel Akila sucks even for a free mod. I don't recommend it
why would someone think a mod like that is good? its literal nothing, xbox paypigs always paying for shit I guess
He called it a unique POI so I thought it was probably an okay addition

It's not
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Akila's night lighting was updated with the Shattered Space update. Don't have direct comparisons so here's a rainy webm
>Sahima supports the crusade
>gets mad when I kill a colonist
Oh come on. I'm starting to wonder if they'll even let us jaywalk in the next ES.
oh dam that looks good
Sahima is a serpent cuck she supports both options just because the great serpent told her to do so
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Anything new?
-Game got a select number of fixes
-Creation Kit now properly supports lip sync animation, should help with future follower and quest mods
-New and free vehicle from Bethesda you can get from the Creation Club
-New and free quest from Bethesda you can get from the Creation Club
Is lip syncing fixed for existing Creation Club followers (lyria, robin lock etc) or do the creators need to update them?
Creators will likely need to update those followers themselves
They need to update them and generate lip data
man fuck this game
just update lol
lol you do this every time, ask a question you probably already know the answer to and then get mad when it's not the answer you wanna hear
>Stalker 2 download size is bigger than Starfield
just how
Shit like that is usually caused by uncompressed textures and audio files
Here's some console commands for anyone having trouble completing some bugged TA mission board bounties. Might be easier to create a batch file and place them in your Starfield root folder for easier use. Example: Create a text file called Alive, paste the Wanted Alive console command into it and just type "bat alive" into the console while in game to complete those quests.

Wanted Alive: setstage FD00283B 750
Wanted Dead: setstage FD00004A 700
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No, Phil Hill I'm not cheating on you with this lady I swear!
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kys bulltroon
The queen is here, I thought you were a goner.
Yes but what the fuck happened to my compass, theres always like five fucking markers now
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Two months for a patch that literally did nothing. You guys are so fucking cooked lmao
>You guys are so fucking cooked lmao
what, I already completed the game like ten times
she´s back
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>You guys are so fucking cooked lmao
I'm cooking right now, let me cook.
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What a fine lad. The blonde one I'm talking about
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Who the hell let this guy cook; he almost gave us food poisoning served on a plate
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>as an American, please allow me to virtue signal and dictate your choices based on the (current year) political landscape that I subscribe to
What mod
kek this reminds of CoD changing the name Izanami because it's spelled im a nazi backwards
>given the current climate
I hate marxists so much you wouldn´t believe it.
shut the fuck up

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