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Previous thread >>502598343
Birthday edition

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
Have a good day
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Happy birthday best DR3 girl!!!
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Thank you! You too!
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Tenko on my face
Himiko on my chest
Angie on my dick
Does Angie wear shoes without socks?
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-fag is a tranny!
Although I don't see the correlation between heads on the wall. Are they just random and I'm looking too deep?
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They're supposed to be her cosplay masks
Yes, I understand that, I was just thinking there's a reason for these characters masks specifically
She's going to try stabbing her
She probably does.
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Proper lady
A proper lady would be wearing a skirt or a dress.
Pants on a woman are hot and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Just come out of the closet bro.
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She's beautiful.
If I ever saw Kaede sleeping like this it would be very hard to resist the urge to start looking up her skirt.
She's so lucky to have all this V3 stuff
Thankfully Shuichi is around to defend her from you.
>short hair
>flat chest

It doesn't get any more unladylike than this.
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The fuck is flat chest has anything to do with this? You can be flat and be a lady, look at Celeste.
Which dangan would you vote for in a presidential election
I would love to have Kaito's jacket but the main draw for me is how vibrantly the inner side looks like in some fanarts and I don't think this effect could be recreated with real life materials. It should be like a window to the galaxy.
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If I remember correctly from the artist's description, I don't think they specified any significance to the characters they chose to depict. I could be wrong, and can re-check it later.
Celeste has long hair and wears a skirt to make up for it though. Kirumi is canonically busty and she wears a skirt so the fact that the artist removed both of those features from her means that she ends up looking like a man.
goodnight /drg/
Anon, I think you posted rule 63
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I look at fanart that gives Celeste tits.
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mukuro looked really silly wearing a vest with a skirt. some characters would look way better in pants.
In my mind, this is what Celeste looks like, I can ignore the canon.
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No, it's sexy. It's supposed to show off her legs and stuff. You can imagine her running around the battlefield with her skirt constantly flipping up and exposing herself.
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alpha female
>a/b/o dynamics
We all wish we were Makoto. Holy shit.
YWNBE (You Will Never Be European)
Damn Junko looks so good in those pants
I constantly forget that Kaede is supposed to be Japanese.
Imagine Makoto making a pillow nest...
Fuuuck Sayaka looks so sexy here.
Meant for >>502841447
Yes, anon, that anon misclicked three times
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I could never be a student at Hope's Peak. Seeing this every day would drive me insane.
post more (not byakuya)
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I'm an Alpha.
I'm pretty sure all /drg/ users are betas or omegas.
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Thank you for the cute Sonia I will crop this later
yikes. you guys's tastes in men is trash.
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O-omegas? There are omegas? In this very thread? 0.0
Yeah >>502844624
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I would crop out the undesirables myself so my Kaz images arent tainted, but I never have enough time to edit.
Akane and Junpei!
Twitter-chan in exile
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Akane is so cute I wish she got more art I'd let her kill me
Horrible goose
It's okay, she's a fraud
Tbh everybody in wheelchairs is faking it
They're fakers!
Crown of thorns!!
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Kiyotranny would be so hot if he was a girl
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I spent 30 minutes hanging a christmas light then at the end pulled the cord, tore it off and then shocked myself with an exposed wire. The lights are now broken and I also accidentally shone laser projector in my eye. Thanks for reading my blog.
A parallel you just branched off into being dead on the floor
>he doesn't know
untimestamped boobs are not proof
Even timestamps aren't proof anymore in a world with generative AI.
The hell are timestamped boobs
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How do you rewire your brain to be normal?
Or atleast, act in the way you want it to.
Nobody here knows how to be "normal".
Theres no need for any pictures because if you've talked to enough people in your life you will be able to tell someone is a woman just by the way they speak
That's delusional. I've beem accused of being a woman many times over the internet. You become confident in thinking that you can tell because you never have to confront all the times you're wrong.
Are newfags really this new.
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How do you want it to act?
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>That's delusional. I've beem accused of being a woman many times over the interne
An older woman told me today that she fears her granddaughter is an incel on the internet
Tell her that females can't be incels.
Stop calling women "females".
The granddaughter posts here guaranteed.
Females don't post here.
Shumai! <3
That grandaughter? This poster >>502854845
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Now I'm hungry. Haven't eaten yet today.
Thanks for reminding me to eat.
I always wondered if he has a favorite food. What does this guy eat?
He eats his hair. With ketchup
Cute Kage!
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Ougoku chilipizdriki
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Kaede vagina
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It is very common to get electrocuted and survive only to die of cardiac arrest 12 hours later. So we might still be living in that timeline.
She looks like oppai loli in these
She looks so inviting.....
They can, they're just femcels.
Femcels aren't real. Any "femcel" can get free sex in minutes with the push of a button.
There's no "involuntary" in "femcel".
What about it?
It hungers
There doesn't need to be.
posture check gamers
Thank you.
I can't satisfy it
Which means that a femcel can be celibate by choice.
Okay but then that means they can't be incels.
Women can get sex whenever they want even if they are fugly bitches with no personality (soudafag)
Meanwhile men have to pay for sex if they are unfuckable
Hnnnnggggggg I want hot femcel muff
Everything you just said is true minus the part where you implied Soudafag was a woman (he is not).
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Good to know I live so rent free in your head, you had to dedicate an entire off-topic post about me.
I'm pretty sure soudafag is still having trouble...
you can get free sex as an unfuckable male too
look at your dad
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I can get my bf here if you'd like.
There's plenty of men that would like to fuck you.
Gay men can't be incels.
>become gay if you don't want to be an incel
Lefties propaganda at it's core
It doesn't even make sense. Obviously your own father had to have sex to produce you.
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the only thing makoto had going for him is that he has a Y chromosome and human rights but now that kyoko doesn't need to fuck him if she wants to live he has to compete with the fact that kyoko will be much happier single, byakuya and even junko.
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Family meal
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Stuffing Shuichi in my closet! <3
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This would be weird if they weren't dating. (tohoho...)
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>nice to otaku, smart, handsome, gets laid, floating above everyone in the first caste
>not nice to otaku, second caste gyaru
Kill them all
I love the trope where the popular guy is actually super nice to the shy nerds.
This looks like a ntr doujin
It doesn't! Normiemami is helping Kagehara come out of his shell so he can win Gyarumatsu's heart.
But at the end of the day the popular guy still gets laid while the shy nerd gets nothing. It's a totally fake niceness.
No the popular guy is genuinely the nicest guy and that makes it even worse
>It's a totally fake niceness.
It's not. You should have more faith in your fellows. You're just making yourself feel worse by constantly assuming bad intentions in others.
You can't call yourself nice when you are actively benefiting from a system of inequality.
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Why do girls only like guys who treat them like shit...
Looking at this thread boys also like girls that treat them like shit
It's ironic because you treat women like shit.
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Only mentally ill people want that...
Totally different situation. Women naturally treat us like shit, so we are forced to cope with the situation by learning to like it. But women actively hate it when men are nice to them.
Which dangan has the best shot at winning a death battle
izuwu kamukura
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>replying to yourself
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also they look retarded cause I was referencing a meme???
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I love my terrific wife!
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he doesn't kno i just ordered 30,000 fire ants with his credit card and had them shipped to him
Will you please post proof you're a girl so I can simp
Please don't give away any more of your hard earned money to avatarfags
How about you mind your own business
If you want to simp for a man, you can. But if you do it in my thread, I will make fun of you for it.
I'm genuinely just trying to look out for you, kaedecuck
i did in sjg, twice. the reason neither of those images have a timestamp is because i took them for a completely different reason. those are the pictures i gave to someone in exchange for league of legends skin. the guy who bought those pics spent 30 dollars, and you got them for FREE and still complained. you all should feel shame for your ungratefulness during the holiday season.
>the guy who bought those pics spent 30 dollars
If you give proof you could get way more
>the guy who bought those pics spent 30 dollars
Do men really...?
Reading between the lines here - you spent 30 dollars buying League skins for some girl and then you posted her pictures in /trash/ so that you could pretend to be her.
Yup, this is probably what happened.
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What would you do if you found out I asked my girlfriend to hold a piece of paper with a timestamp next to her tiddies, and then used that photo to make you simp for me, a man?
if i did that, wouldn't i just make the person write a timestamp too? use your brain.
Not him, but you don't have a girlfriend, so that's not something anybody has to worry about.
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It doesn't change anything. If your story is true, it means the guy you sold those pics to didn't ask for a time stamp. If your story is a lie and you were the one who paid for the pictures, it means you didn't ask for a time stamp. The lack of a time stamp doesn't make one version of the story more believable than the other.
The story is bogus anyway because who wouldn't ask for a timestamp, especially if they're paying
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Too true. That picture could really be taken by anyone at any time, so even if anon is telling the truth about selling them for League skins it doesn't prove that he isn't a man in real life.
I think it's time for women to simp for men for once
They simp for chad all the time. You just don't know about it since you aren't chad.
When I go outside nobody talks about chads and incels and everyone is in a relationship
Everyone except you, which is why you left the outside and came crawling back here. Back to us.
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Nice bobs, ma'am. Looking respectfully.
That's how boobs are supposed to look when they aren't all dried out and dusty.
I'm curious, how hard is it to find a girlfriend as a lesbian?
Pretty hard since most lesbians aren't interested in dating trans women.
go sjg if ur not happy im done
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>kiyotranny literally paid a whore for this
You're the retard that thinks erect nipples = dry
RIP to kaedebro's wallet
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>so obsessed with MF you write his name while posting tits
How does he mindbreak people like this?
Did they play league together?
You don't even need ai to fake something like that though, you can easily use a smudge tool in photoshop or gimp for the same result
Which dangan would send nudes to classmates?
All of them once you finish their free time events
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This vexes me
Cute Ang
Even Tenko?
Yeah? Why would Tenko be different
I said classmates not just shuichi
if hinata doesn't bring me my fucking sundae right now i'm gonna sit on chiaki
What would her motivation be?
Attention, validation, same as everyone else
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Kiyotranny you have the lesbian flag plastered all over your socials yet you're giving nudes to literal incels on here. You're a whore with no shame or solidarity with women.
Why are you stalking her
Bro please it's a larp
Stop feeding him
He posted her tits though
this. im actually mahirufag doing a bit.
Pay attention man that was fake as shit
Proof that it was real?
its not real i made it with AIs and shit
Why are you so desperate to show off your tits to the incels here? weren't you the one doing the makoto and hifumi bit? you're worse than the kaedecuck himself.
you watched this? ew
It's fake.
It's fake.
It's fake.
It's fake.
Everyone here loves it
its fake -.- i used the AIs stupid
I goon to Burnice daily.
imagine your mom sacrifices 18 years of her life to raise you and you grow up and watch gacha music videos
Can you make an argument as to why that is bad?
You don't belong here if you don't like Burnice
She would fit right in with Danganronpa honestly.
it's gacha
>dude i gotta spend 100 dollars on an anime character
why cant u be normal and spend all your money on WoW like everyone else?
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So is Danganronpa
I may be old but I'm not that old.
Kill yourselves. You don't belong here.
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You don't belong here, tourist.
why are you posting persona in /drg/?
You are now an Ultimate student. What is your talent?
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It's called being on topic, try it sometime
Ultimate Gacha Gamer
Ultimate Incel
I appreciate the reply but isn't there anything you're at least remotely good at?
ultimate off-topic poster
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I would cum my pants.
Angry much
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Kaito is so lucky.
In this case I'm imagining myself as an influential online personality who is a prominent contributor to the incel movement.
Ultimate Incel Leader it is.
Yeah, you're mad
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You sound mad and needs a proper punch to the face to man you up, lil bro.
Luckiest bench ever. I wish I was the bench and Junk would be sitting on my face and Mukuro would be sitting on my penis.
Not really since he died.
benches don't have dicks
I would be a human bench.
Junko's b___s
to do that, you would have to be on all fours on the ground with your back acting as the seat, so nobody would be on your dick.
Try thinking outside the box a little. I'd just have to be lying down on some kind of support frame.
Maki is insufferable
then you wouldn't be a human bench, you would just be a naked dude laying down on something
I don't know what's more pathetic
Posting your nudes online or faking it in AI for the attention of the people you make fun of
That's called a human bench where I'm from.
Huh? Obviously posting your nudes is more pathetic. Trolling people with AI nudes is funny and based.
Lil dinky
you looked at it and absorbed it and its in your head forever so it's actually you who is the pathetic one
Pathetic attention seeking whore thinks they get act smug lmao
>they get act smug
you get english maybe?
Nobody felt for it so it's kind of sad.
>says this while letting MF of all people live rent free inside your head
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Cute couple
i love mahirufag so much
It still generated a response. You were trolled.
I generated a response from you so I'm trolling you?
Kiyofag doesn't even care if you don't play along with his garbage as long as you still talk about it, he's doing it because it makes him laugh. Notice how he only targets the avatarfags who won't stop replying to him, he just wants to irritate someone. If you didn't talk to or about him he would go back to using the thread like a normal person.
I wish I was an avatarfag so she'd love me
No since we're having a one-on-one conversation about something a third party did. But if you initiated something that got a response from the thread as a whole and derailed all discussion, then you would be trolling.
mf doesn't even reply to the guy
Why is he so pathetic?
He is a VERY bored 3rd worlder
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Mmm. Yummy murder.
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Kodaka dog ritz.
She just posted her fat boobs
No he didn't.
Who did he murder and eat
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Tranny fetish
Yeah hajime is a tranny fetish
What is he going to do to him
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Where have the Kaedefags gone?
I am here.
We don't know. There's no Kaedefags here, only shitposters.
I'm just horny for her
That makes you a Kaedefag.
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Awwwww, that's cute
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By the way, every time I say Mahirufag, this is the one I'm talking about
What's so "unf" about it, it's just a woodland gathering?!
I was looking at the females, in particular Kaede, Maki and Tenko.
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You're wierd
Kaede sucks and is a lot more selfish than the game wants you to believe
t.Kokichi Ouma
I realized that when I saw this >>502885750
I would let her kill me
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Manlet Halloween
shota halloween*
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He deserves better than her
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Man up dude! you're acting like a sissy getting so triggered over nothing
CHADto can pull even kaede
Ruruka is pretty underrated. People hate her but I think she is cute.
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Good. Putting away those ugly square bangs.
Noooo, she's going to uncover the plot twist too soon!
One aspect of V3 that I don't see talked about enough is the voice reactions
happy holidays
Because they're completely useless
She has a lot of depth which people ignore cause most anime fans are incels and want to hate her for no reason
Despaircest/Junko/Kiyoanon, I know you hate when people ship Mukuro x Makoto, but how do you feel about Mukuro x Kiyotaka?
I'm not Ishisaba shipper myself, frankly I don't really get it, I just want to know what do you think since it's Mukuro x not her sister/a boy ship.
I've seen plenty of girls hate her too because they feel bad for Seiko
Jealous femcels
no strong feelings towards it. i didn't even know people shipped that until now
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izuwu kamukuwa ùwú
Right. I want my brain to ascend from it's human flaws and to not feel a single pathetic emotion and to take 100% rational and correct decisions 100% of the time. Obviously, because that's possible to achieve and normal to want.
Although that's not really "Normal" either, so, the second thing i want is...
i wonder.
Fair. And they're certainly unbothered by it.
why do u wanna be izuru
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Kawaii. She wants to be a protagonist and join in the ahoge radio channel too!
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Excuse you, clearly my kin is Komaeda. Izuru is an ideal... and admittedly i do admire him.
I was in a really emo mood yesterday, apologies. I can't even articulate what was bothering me to make sense of it, let alone fix it. Sighs.
Chemical imbalance?
why do u wanna be nagito?
Ibuki actually looks pretty hot here
Her toes are misshapen
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It's not that i want to be him as much as i simply relate. Although, yes, the entire Nagito kin thing has been done a thousand times already and it's very cringy and so on and forth.
I don't think every negative emotion should be classified as Something(tm). Honestly, I'm mainly annoyed that I'm bothered in the first place. I really shouldn't be.

Anyways. In the school mode/talent development plan/non-despair AU, what are the dangans going to do after high school? Who (aside from Hajime) will end up working a souless 9 to 5 despite their talent?
>everyone that hates an unlikeable filler bitch is an incel
Projecting hard on this one. Ruruka has the depth of puddle
Is she wearing two bikini tops or is this just an odd design?
Breast pads + bikini top
That chair is so lucky
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kayayday spent too much time at the buffet
shuichi spent too much time in a tanning booth
I still don't understand what caused this trend to make characters randomly brown.
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Tsk. At this rate, I'll have to resort to Hajime lewds to drag him out of hiding again... Where are my Hinatan (You)s? I'm kinda bored of engaging other anons.
>square bangs
She cuts her own hair. It can't be helped!
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I think I would have liked if Kaede and Shuichi remained dual protagonists throughout the entire game. I wonder how she would have reacted to chapter 6 reveal.
Kaede would be like "Even if you say my memories are fake, at least my boobs are still real!"
Then Tsumugi would say "Are you sure about that?" and yank Kaede's shirt open, causing two big fake breasts to flop out of her bra and on to the floor.
Himiko would be like "Nyeh.... even MINE are bigger than those..." and Shuichi would start trying to kill himself again.
>Who (aside from Hajime) will end up working a souless 9 to 5 despite their talent?
The anime guy from DR3 already worked a soulless 9 to 12 in high school, that's probably not going to change. I don't see anyone else having to subject themselves to that.
>aside from Hajime
Komaeda is going to use his immense wealth to travel the world and he's going to invite him. Of course he's going pretend like Hinata's presence is vital to the whole endeavor so his ego doesn't get hurt.
You know, this makes me think. Was it ever confirmed that the flashback lights actually gave them their talents besides fake memories, or is it possible that their normalfag versions were already predisposed to being good for the SHSL titles they received? It's been a while since I played V3 so I don't remember that part well.
If Kaede stayed, then she'd have to be written differently, with an actual arc
As opposed to mary-sue-adjacent

I... don't think so? At the very least, Kaede, Tenko and Maki have talents that rely a lot on muscle memory, so they couldn't just be beamed into their heads and magically make them super strong.
But that would also mean the cast weren't randos off the street and it had to be them specifically.
Tsumugi is the franchise’s most efficient murderer so far. The frame-up worked so well that it took demolishing half the school building several chapters later to find evidence to the contrary, and she didn’t even need to do much for the frame-up to begin with. Had it been a regular class trial, everyone except her would be dead now.
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This is why we need ai
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The talents do suit them a little. It's probably why they come up with the idea for characters after looking at the auditions rather than the other way around.
I'm not too sure on that part. The auditions come across more like them playing up their worst selves with a "pick me pls" neon sign (assuming those are real). To make the talents fit specifically in this case, they would have to do not just a background, but a personality check. That just makes these auditions sound pointless.
Imagine if Kaede got love hotel events with Rantaro or Kaito while also being Shuichi's main love interest. The cuck memes would be wild.
I would goon myself to death
>Kaede, Tenko and Maki have talents that rely a lot on muscle memory, so they couldn't just be beamed into their heads and magically make them super strong
I mean...
Kaede never ended up playing piano
Tenko threw a tiny girl and a scrawny boy which isn't impressive
Maki chocked a manlet twice... I guess her shooting Kokichi in his back is a sign of talent but still.
Then what does that make Miu and all the shiz she makes?
Also Maki can still make, like, a hundred pushups without breaking a sweat and hoist said manlet with one arm while weighing the same.
I will remember this post and one day come back to tear it down.
Tsumugi had unfair advantage.
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I own everything here already.
Okay but Rain Code is actually good
I wouldn't mind a DR sequel is RC's style, plus I'm a sucker for noir detectives
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Why is this little sissy getting flustered? It's just headpats
goodnight /drg/
gn Kaedefag
He always looks like that, don't worry about it.
Yep... that just made my penis as hard as a fucking rock.
Mmm... I love it when they lean down like that.
Legs for days
some1 wanted this drawn i think
How much do you weigh?
Is this microsoft paint? Cute drawing btw.
Kyoko looks like she bruised her knee
Whoa based. That was me.
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>ms paint
Tablet or just mouse?
i used my mouse for that one. my tablet charger's broken
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Too scared to say?
660 pound escaped zoo tiger and i'm in your neighborhood right now
Too scared, got it
Can I set this ship on fire?
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No. No you can't.
Can I borrow that flamethrower?
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All women should look like this
We all wish to be Kaede here
Junpei and Akane!
I would instantly cum if Kaede did this to me.
If they did I would get so horny any time I saw a woman.
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I want Akane to chop me in half
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SFX: squish
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Akane would never! Unless...
Unless what bitch
Unless it benefited her in a quantifiable way, even a small way.
>abandons her bf who just saved her life to go do multiverse timeline bullshit
why do women do this every time
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She's autism
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I didn't get this scene.
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It's a very deep scene so that's understandable
You should draw oc so no one can complain about you
>still malding
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What where did that come from
kiyofag actually managed to break someone harder than you broke him simply by existing
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>still simping
It's the new rule. If you draw art you're invincible.
If you gave me art out of the kindness of your heart I would be defending you too.
She's a girl
What if it's out of hatred in my heart?
No, he isn't.
even that one gontafag?
it's literally mahirufag's sock puppet
MF is a girl?
Time to simp
Who? The anon that's having a fit?
No, there are no girls here.
Based, we love oc here
Show me the extent of your hatred
mahirufag is a weird sissy.
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Best DR1 girl just because of how real she is. No split murdery personality, no vampire castle delusions, no wierd father revenge/reunion stuff. Just a delight.
This isn't oc
You just like her ginormous bust.
Don't spread lies because you don't want anons defending her
Can you even swim fast with a bust like this creating water resistance?
it's definitely mahirufag pretending. nobody else would give so much of a shit about that guy.
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Jealous cause no girls like you lol
We all love women here including our femanons
We know there are no femanons here, MF. Stop samefagging.
I can't be mf because I'm not a woman
it's over, mahirufag.
He's a little scrimpy. Scrimbly meow meow. Wait, that seems wrong. Scrimbly bark bark.
I heard fat helps to stay afloat
Why it feels wrong?
souda is a gross mutt and not a cat
Shit feels dry af in here
i'm mahirufag
Souda is a scaredy cat tho
Everybody on /drg/ is a virgin.
Especially you.
Not especially.
Yes especially.
Still alive.
femanons look like this
Nobody here looks like that.
oppai loli is a terrible combo. kill it with fire
Mahirufag does
mahirufag looks like regular oma
Mahirufag is 198 lbs. He's a bloated freak.
That was kiyotranny
Uguunee looked like that. I miss her.
that's mahirufag's alter ego
But with big boobs...
MF doesn't have breasts. he might have fat moobs though.
Women can't have moobs
I'm glad, anon.
mahirufag isn't a woman he's like a weird crossdresser
Mahirufag is a male like every other poster and lurker who uses /drg/. Men cannot have boobs, even if their chest is large or fat, we don't call them boobs.
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This is why women can't come here. You guys just harass them.
Jesus Christ, Mahiru is so embarassingly flat. If I didn't know the source material I could easily believe that this was a male character.
This is what happens when you don't draw oc
mahirufag literally is not a woman he had a meltdown over being teased for being a sissy femboy before
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Delete it.
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You have not played the games.
Imagine drawing
Yes my queen.
Being gym buddies with MF
You're only harassing her because we now know she's a woman
I'm glad Vorefag stopped posting here.
He was based though.
Make ai oc
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Making ai is hard, you gotta like, prompt...and stuff...way harder than drawing desu
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He's got wolf energy. He's Team Jacob and also loved Teen Wolf.
Now this is what I'm talking about.
My biggest gripe with AIslop is that it's always these boring 1girl pinup frontals
I love those though. Pretty much my favorite thing to jack off to since there's no sex or nudity to remind me of my own inadequacies.
can u draw a picture of junko and mukuro kissing for me?
>Team Jacob
Edward mogs, I don't know how this was ever a contest.
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I have no creative talent my head is a void
I did mspaint Mimi from Paper Mario a long time ago though
We need more mspaint kino
Why do you love him
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Sorry I could only do Mimi cause she's literally just a cube
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The more complicated you try to make it the more errors appear. This is why I respect true AI artists who have expertly mastered the craft of prompting.
No, he wasn't.
He wanted Himiko to vore him, that makes him based. I don't care whatever petty drama reason you have for disliking him.
You're telling me that at the peak of AI mastery, the best you can get is characters sitting next to each other with 0 interaction between them? This is half a step above 3 separate pictures with transparency overlayed on top of each other
No, I was using that image as an example of failure.
Mimi is a danganronpa character
No she's from Digimon.
Professor Idabashi and Kiibo if Danganronpa was made by a cult.

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No she's from Super Paper Mario...
this is my ORIGINAL CHARACTER, junko enoshima.
she's super evil and shit and likes killing and blood and stuff and has a pet robot bear that KILLS PEOPLE! but she's also super sexy and all tha boys love her (even her sister is in love with her that's how hawt she is!!!!) and she started the apocalypse all on her own and her talent is ULTIMATE ANALYST!!! (it means she can have everyone else's talents okay?) and the only way she can lose is if she WANTS TO because she loves the feeling of DESPAIR and DARKNESS!! DO NOT STEAL!!!!
>we get another danganronpa game
>but the entire cast and setting is from another IP as a crossover
Dare you take this dark bargain?
Nah. It would be too bogged down by the other IP.
hundred line is danganronpa 4
It's going to be Danganronpa except the grind from UTDP is part of the main game.
that was rain code
hundred line will be danganronpa 5
On a scale of
0 (not Danganronpa) to
1 (Danganronpa)
Where would you put rain code and what we've seen of 100 line? I'd assume 100 line is closer to 1 but curious how close people find it and if people find rain code to be close at all
Raincode feels more like DR
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mukuro loves makoto
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Gonta kill all classmates and escape school of death
Imagine these on your face that would be funny
Funny? It would be straight up arousing.
Guys, SEX!
Me too, wish I could simp
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Surrounded by Jimbles Nutronbo
I don't get it.
Nobody here does.
They need to just fucking admit DR is the only good thing they've made and go back to it already. Raincode had promise but then they included the retarded mystery labyrinths that ground the story to a halt. Now 100 Line looks closer to DR, but still with these stupid new incorporations that just feel out of place. It's time for Kodaka to admit that the DR formula was already fine and won't benefit from any elemental changes, period. Just be honest with himself and go back to the version of the idea that works. Don't make these halfway Danganronpa games where everything that IS different is bad.
I'm women
Nobody here is women.
Well said
Thank you
The earnest ones
Sexy version
>still fascinated by the most sfw cleavage images imagineable
r u guys fckn twelve?
Show yours
Spoken like a retard
DR x RC crossover is so obviously happening.
I didn't care about girls when I was 12.
we kno bud, you develop a lil slower than other people
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Anons who would like Kaede to stay protag, how would you tweak the Mass Panic Debate to fit that, outside of scrapping it entirely? The main reason it was easy enough to work as a tutorial in case 1 is because of her super music hearing, with Shuichi not having it making it more challenging like a minigame proper. To keep that challenge, something would have to happen to dampen Kaede's musical hearing, but what would it be? The good old fashioned flashlight? The shock of execution making her swear off piano and anything related to it?
No, I said what we all really want to say but are just pretending otherwise
Nah you just spoke like a retard.
Need a maid like her to serve *all* my needs...
>fire emblem combat
>100 fucking alternative endings
i don't kno, this sounds like pure K word
You're kino
I meant kuso.
Totally boobular
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This is what I live for.
In his mentally deluded mind, maybe
In whose mind?
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Oooooo spooky
I feel sorry for the guy, with Kaede constantly manipulating and leading Shuichi along when she already knows what will happen, instilling him with such a strong false hope to get torn down that she basically singlehandedly ruins his mental state for the rest of the game entirely selfishly, but I guess the game doesn't want you to think that
Interesting analysis
I love how she is exposing her bra.
You said it like is was some subtle detail but it's literally the focus of the pic
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She isn't wearing any panties.
I see a figurine, I turn into Miu
He gets fixed after chapter 1, stops wearing that stupid cap and has less beta moments. How is his mental state ruined?
Dude is traumatized into seeing Kaede as beyond reproach, it never goes acknowledged, and hits its final nail in chapter 6 with the mastermind reveal. Also, he still needs mentoring from Kaito and Kokichi for a few chapters to get better, and the cap means nothing in the long run because, again, he still suffers from truth fear for a while before mentoring kick in.
Make her be weaker than Shuichi at some other minigame. In all honesty you could just remove the part about her good hearing out and make the difficulty difference unexplained, players would not care.
Nice rack
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It's quite normal to have a slightly idealized memory of someone who was your emotional support before she died. Kaede was the one that made him take the first step towards overcoming his fears though. What should she have done instead?
Yes, he was still a bit shook afterwards but someone he got attached to got executed in front of his eyes in a very gruesome way so what do you expect?
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She is really cute
In a wet pathetic cat way
Slightly? The narrative treats her as an angel incapable of doing wrong throughtout the rest of the game. That is in no way “slightly”.
The knew each other for like, what, three days? Three days where you learn nothing of note about her and her only notable action is dying a hamfisted martyr. Her death should not have impacted him to the extend that it did, and yet it overshadows every other victim in the game and makes Saihara come across as a waifu-obsessed simp who would put the death of a girl he barely knew above everyone else. The entire thing is highly disproportional to the amount of time they spend together.

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