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Waiting For Snow Edition

PC Crew - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/no_fun_aliowed_vg/
PS4 Crew - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4

To join, you have to:
>Set profile to public
>Open friends list
>Go to the crew page and request to join
>Drop your name here

>New Players Guide:
>Vehicle Testing Videos:
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Previous Thread: >>502267181
A whole ass year since GTA 6 trailer
GTA 6 is a psy-op, it doesn't actually exist.
Oh no, anon is off his meds again.
I'm still curious how downgraded the actual game will be compared to it. I hope I'm wrong and there will actually be retards twerking on cars with good hair physics, but I have a feeling most of the shit is from cutscenes or mission specific events.
Remember the V trailer
>omg pets in free roam
>omg yoga and jogging on beach
>omg dealers approaching you
>omg take overs
>omg towing cars and trailering boats
>Most of the stuff isn't even available in online because they couldn't be bothered.
The trailer will be fully rendered at highest settings. The actual game will require scaling and frame gen.
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>omg dealers approaching you
Quality non-mission NPC interactions would be nice. I always dreamed of a better ingame economy and random supply and demand. Something like the stock market minigame, but open world.
It was not an accident that Rockstar disabled the GTA5 stock market in Online. No free money for nuthin' for you.
They should have implemented something like The Godfather/Scarface/Chinatown Wars, with heavy drug dealing, money laundering and racketeering in the open world, requiring you to fight gangs over turf and shit like that but more open worldish instead of go to x spot to get a mission for it.
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My idea was that you would have to manipulate it by rigging it as in singleplayer. Small bets which CEO will finish a sale or not. Nobody knows who bet for or against a CEO having a successful sale. If you say a CEO finishes a sale successfully it would be in your interest to protect him. The current bonus to destroy a product delivery makes it more bullying than a meaningful interaction.

If you bet the sale will fail and a defending player kills you and stops the attack you'd lose money. Et cetera et cetera.

This goes quite in that direction, even though it would not require a stock market. Maybe a mechanic where you can ally with other CEOs would be cool:

If you have 15 CEOs in a session, why not make it 3 cartels of each 5 players? Suddenly it is not everyone vs everyone anymore. I want game mechanics that unite people to work together. Or if not, have a damn good reason to fight each other. A three cartel mechanic would keep it more interesting than your standard two team deathmatch which gets stale.
I think they could incentivize trading between CEO's and Biker Presidents, like for example let's say I get a contract exclusive to me that requires certain product, weed, coke, valuables, cars, etc.
But I don't own any of those businesses yet because I didn't buy them, why not give players the ability to trade goods between each other for example maybe letting people set up the price so you have a fluctuating market, maybe do weekly events where cops are tackling down more certain types of businesses so the risk vs reward might decrease the value or even increase it, so for example I as a Biker President can pay a CEO to assist with my businesses for a cut of the pay, shit like that.
Simple us vs NPC's always works, you could have it so players need control certain parts of the map to maximize profit, basically erasing your competition, you could for example buy them out or kill it, making it so for example players clean an entire part of the map from NPC's businesses to claim the zone for increased payout or security for everyone that holds a part of it.
all of this would only work on console
I disagree but I'm gonna entertain you, why do you think that?
Graphics aside, I also just mean how lively the world will be. Will there actually be an active social media system for random NPCs? Will alligators really break into stores?
pc players are degenerates who would do everything in their power to ruin the in game economy
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Your retarded bias is showing.

If the beach were as full as the trailer, traveling across it would be like crossing the dance floor of your night club.

You might be able to bait an animal into a store, but it will be nothing like the trailer.

Social media will be a variation of the generic insults the pedestrians use against you in all the games.
My comet collection is almost complete, just waiting for the s2 trade price now.
one of these is not like the others
It's just a placeholder for until i get the s2
You also need the SR which is currently unavailable
was fun for the first month
cheaters are back in full force exactly as it was, gj Shitstar
Yeah, seems like every other lobby I join has some fag driving around with explosive bullets doing drivebys.
Is there a new exploit on ps4 or something? 2 days in a row I've been driving and suddenly started getting my car shot at with no one around me. It hasn't killed me, and it's definitely not a sniper since it's followed me around even under overpasses. It like there's someone plinking at you with a pistol or something.
My biggest wish for a new rockstar game would be going really hard on NPC in NPC reactions and dynamics and events that generate emergent gameplay scenarios.

And also general interactions with people like rdr2 you can do the pozzing and negging of npcs but would be cool to ask npcs to pose for the camera etc. Loved how NPCs would react to youin RDR based on fame etc.
Funny how LS is the most crime-free city in existence without player interaction even when taking the rare shop robbery freeroam event into account.
The police go pretty hard on anything crime related in the open. Of course if the narrative plots are to be believed, every single business and shop is a front for some clandestine enterprises that are bribing the right authorities out the back doors.
Another funny thing is for how aggressive they're meant to be the LSPD is actually under equipped for a modern police force even by 2013 standards
I was cleaning up my browser, removing some old bookmarks and I found this
I completely forgot Rockstar used to keep their weekly stuff in a nice easy to read list, apparently so did they because the discounts listed are from 2023...
Small indie company, please understand.
Lol perhaps what they pay their coders. Meanwhile the R* execs sniff cocaine off hookers asses, roll in the Bottles of BlĂȘuter'd to shower and laugh at 20 trillion in shark card, gomen, GTA+ sales.
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milk you harder than anyone!
it was over when the majority of workers on GTAO shifted to jeet subcontractors in some sweltering hole in bangladesh instead of nerdy euros in edinburgh
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My old crew died, and I want to leave and make my own.
Will I lose my rank 351 Kingpin status if i make a new one?
Effectively I believe so. Your new crew will start from 0.
Euugh, are there any bonuses associated with high ranks? Haven't played in years.
Thanks btw.
Not one thing is gained from crew rank.
Stuff like crew tire smoke color, crew emblems on vehicles and clothing.
Alright, thanks.
Sadly, big companies see more easy money in PvP fighting. They all want to be the next Fortnite.
You know it.
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Paige 10
I only see 1
>freemode events that refill your businesses alongside the stash hideout
Wow that is cool, when was it added?
with the armored cars pt2 but honestly both are so rare they may as well npt exist
The armored cars spawn constantly downtown and near the desert LS customs. I see one almost everytime I drive through there in public sessions
You say this but Rockstar Games has been consistently one of the few companies that has cared for well crafted and detailed singleplayer experiences.

Maybe we will see more dynamic city with npc gang / cartel warfare in GTA6.
The one thing to keep in mind is that the more complex and involved you make npc stuff the easier it is to break it without a shit ton of safety nets.
>Maybe we will see more dynamic city with npc gang / cartel warfare in GTA6.
It still baffles me they never put in any kind of randomly occurring freeroam shoot outs or car chases. Not only is it an obvious choice the engine is clearly capable of it even on the ps3/360.
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What is the extent of content in Red Dead Online compared to singleplayer Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTAO?
Is it any fun or worth the time?
Kinda like GTA, the online version is mostly just the side businesses that players wouldn't bother with until they ran out of story missions. At any rate, it could be a relaxing time, if it wasn't for the other players that universally act like animals and are also generally warping around the map with magic and immortality.

With Red Dead Online, they have a number of ways to grind, and a bunch of contact missions. What it kinda lacks is anything worthwhile to grind towards. You make initial money to buy up all the different ways to grind, and then there you go, gainfully employed and that's pretty much success. Literally EVERYTHING is tied to the in-game economy, so if you want a sneak peak of GTA6 online, that's probably the best example today.
Meh, I heard a lot of stuff is forever lost to FOMO battle passes.
That shit alone makes me wanna bin the idea of trying it.
If you could just have a solo session, it could at least make it a relaxing place to explore and have generic repetitive cowboy adventures. But even then, the leveling system kinda limits the fun. Even if you are happy with your economic situation, you have to level up to just buy the basic gear. When you start the game, you can't even go fishing yet.
I'd rather play singleplayer.
I doubt selling moonshine and robbing random NPCs is as fun as selling an entire cargo of contraband guns in GTAO.
All GTA deliveries are a bit the same.
RDRO deliveries are extremely the same as each other.
Of course if you don't have any of the careers unlocked, you'll spend a lot of time as a defacto postal worker.
Yeah but you get fun resupply missions and fun vehicles to drive when selling.
I doubt RDO has anything but horses and carriages.
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>join random cayo perico heist
>doesn’t even give the menu option it just skips straight ahead to the mission
>heist leader and I manage to get the Panther Statue and $2.7 million total
>turns out he set my percentage at 0%
Whoever the asshole was that didn’t put a minimum 10% payout should be flayed.
If there is something other than horses and carriages, I've yet to see it. The vehicles are certainly not especially exciting. If there is something interesting in comparison to GTA, it's that the NPCs in RDRO have kinda a style of combat that is certainly different than what GTA has. Of course, once you've been in a battle at one camp, you've kinda been in a battle at every camp.
I invited a rando to second me at the second chapter of doomsday. I gave them 85% just because i don't need the money and I didn't want my partner to quit at random. They just had to be the getaway pilot while I cleared the sub solo, which hopefully wasn't painfully dull for them.

I guess I assumed there was a mandatory floor to Cayo pay, but I've never taken other people in with me, so I guess I have never tried it. What if they only had a second player by accident, because they didn't know how to prevent it? Shorting your pay out of protest to Rockstar is a bit like an idiot yelling at the waiter about what the kitchen does.
the support team is not the development team my retardo friend
It's Wednesday and I cannot wait to see what they announce in 12 hours for tomorrow's weekly.
>5% OFF ON THE Armored Karuma
>PODIUM VEHICLE: Vapid Minivan
>PRIZE RIDE: Nebula Turbo
>SUPER: Nebula Turbo Nebula Turbo Nebula Turbo Nebula Turbo Nebula Turbo
>PREMIUM: Nebula Turbo Nebula Turbo
Sounds about right..
>Nebula Turbo
Stanced with twin turbos through the hood so you need to waste money on downgrading it.
>TEST DRIVES: Issi Sport*, Zentorno*, Faggio Mod* (NOTE vehicles this week are for test drives only and cannot be purchased)
>TWITCH PRIME MEMBERS: A gun with one bullet
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>11, almost 12, years later
>can't have long hairs on (fe)males
>can't be bald/balding males
>if they touch hairstyles ever again it will be a bunch of more ghetto nigger shit
millions must die
I know right? It would be hilarious to be griefed by a fat middled aged balding man played by a trash talking kid.
>GayWeedDad420 scoped you.
>game offer character customization
>utter garbage making of
>lack of basic or completely missing customizations for idiotic reasons
>nonsensical restrictions
>one of the most retarded clothes system known to men
>NoOoO, why would you want to customize your character, just use preset #12 and LEAVE THE BILLIONAIRE COMPANY ALONE
listen, the banshee GTS better have fucking cool customizations or i'll come to Mumbai and g****seed you and your whole caste with sand
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I want to wage slave as EMT in GTAO2.
your post makes no sense as we got hair physics confirmed in VI. and RDO already had great female and male hairstyles. take a benzo and chill.
seriously though if it's regular heist week it better be on sale
you can be bald in a session if you get the close shave and then go to ammu nation and try on the nightvision mask
it's lame that you have to glitch it though and it lasts only for the session, meanwhile they added like 30 mumble rapper tier braided hair styles
Speaking of EMTs, I hope they actually function in GTA 6. In GTA 4 they would at least revive people depending on how severe the injuries were. In GTA V they show up and 100% of the time can never revive the NPC, and just leave them laying on the ground. Would be neat to see them actually be stretchered or something.
Also would be cool to be able work as one in GTAO as a side job kinda like taxi driving, but you can revive actual players who died. I guess there would have to be some incentive for the dead not to just respawn though. Maybe give them the option, but tell them there are x amount of ambulances in the lobby and the closest one is x feet/miles away. Maybe give them 2x health if a medic revives them. Also some way to deter other players from just waiting by the body to kill the EMT player when they show up. If not, they could at least let players be EMTs for NPCs that get killed. Maybe have a minigame where you try to revive them, and if you can't, then you have to stretcher them to an ambulance and drive them to a hospital.
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>In GTA 4 they would at least revive people depending on how severe the injuries were.
>In GTA V they show up and 100% of the time can never revive the NPC, and just leave them laying on the ground.
Yeah it is stupid everyone dies in this game from being punched or getting two boot kicks on the ass.
>Would be neat to see them actually be stretchered or something.
If they can anime it, I'd move to see. You can drag bodies in hitman and I'm sure you can animate two npcs rolling a third onto a stretcher.

>Also would be cool to be able work as one in GTAO as a side job kinda like taxi driving, but you can revive actual players who died.
Might work already in FiveM. The scripts still mostly teleport you 1 meter but at least there are even choppers and medivac.
>TWITCH PRIME MEMBERS: A gun with one bullet
i kinda hope an apartment heist week has cars released at launch that were removed
one i have in mind is the lampadati furore gt
the customization fuckin sucks but it feels like a lost relic
also feels like the closest thing to a gt86 until the e&e update finally comes to pc with the karin s95
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>GTAO getting near its last updates
>we still only have the basic swimsuits from 2013
Think of the possibilities... the wasted opportunities... ;_;
>no open back swimsuit
>no cutout navel swimsuit
>no long sleeve swimsuit
>no highcut swimsuit
>no pißwasser swimsuit
What tragedy.
I just can't understand how the clothing in the game got progressively worse and more uninspired over time, when Saints Row 2 still eats your heart out in customization with probably less options is just sad
>GTAO getting near its last updates
lmao even
It helps when you have a color wheel instead of being forced to buy a specific pre-approved color
But yes, the layering was way better on Saints Row 2.
The fact that I can't use a fucking gold neck chain with most open shirts is annoying.
Technically part of the 1.14 update about a year after launch, but still a real old one rarely seen in online. Off the top of my head, I'd personally like to see the the Stirling GT, Cognescenti Cabrio, and 811 at some point.
Interesting to note that all the cars in Simeon's Premium Deluxe Motorsport for Doomsday week were removed cars that were introduced with the Doomsday update (1.42). Meanwhile the only removed car from the original Heists update that can't be stolen off the street is the Dinka Enduro, and I think the Lost Slamvan although I don't remember ever being able to purchase or store it. I'm curious what cars they'll choose. Would be neat to finally see the Lost Slamvan available for purchase, since it has only been obtainable through extreme luck on the casino wheel.
Regardless, any car can be bought if you enter a lobby with someone who has it and is willing to bring it to LSCM.
The fact that Rockstar is not willing to even give like 25% percent of the sale to the owner of the car is aids.
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Who needs to make in game money when you can just buy Shark Cardsℱ
We get thongs in GTA 6, that's already a win.
>inb4 singleplayer only
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>Shark Cardsℱ
Grandpa please it's a live service game now with monthly subscriptions. So you always pay.
I know its not the best but is the Übermacht SC1 worth getting for any reason?
The window for that was like 5 years ago. People are finally realizing that having 1000 subscriptions at the same time is unsustainable.
It's a shit car. Only reason to get is if you like the look of it, I guess? It's better than the Streiter, at least.
It drives well and looks nice it's just super slow for a supercar
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>The window for that was like 5 years ago. People are finally realizing that having 1000 subscriptions at the same time is unsustainable.
Lmao no, nobody "realizes" that. Every day new idiots are born and there is a whole new generation of fools ready to pay up for "the greatest game of all time".
Have you never noticed how most players online are underage third worlders? Now you only need GTA+ cards in supermarkets so they can buy it with cash like google play and apple store coupons so you can funnel the lunch money past the parents noticing.
Even if they did, Rockstar is very much in a position that people would justify keeping their subscription.
There's a few companies that literally can get away with everything.
Fucking nestle had so many fucking reports about child slavery and water theft, but their chocolates are so good people don't care.
Rockstar is the same, they could literally murder real people to get their gurgling blood sound effect and people would be like "well, but gta is really fun"
Stop pretending that people care, it's clear they don't.
A bunch of people are saying on the 22nd there will be some sort of GTA 6 thing, either a trailer announcement or the second trailer itself. They're basing this on the cycle of the moon in the preview picture of the GTAO december update, which sounds schizo but apparently the first trailer matched up with the moon cycle in some other GTAO picture. Also the first trailer's song references the moon or something.
The speed and overall performance is actually decent the issue is that THEY MADE IT FUCKING RWD which means it can't corner at speed period.
Does anyone fuck around with putting low grip tires on cars? I tried it before the actual drift tuning update, and I always spin out. The only car I could ever somewhat drift in with low grip tires was the Intruder, a car you can find off the street. I watched tutorials and shit but could never get good. The tutorials said to stay in certain gears though, which you can only do by ear since the cars are automatic and don't say which gear they're in. I suppose it's obsolete now that drift tuning is available, but it's a shame they can't allow drift tuning to be applied for any RWD car.
Iirc you have to use the terminal in the car meet to make certain cars into full on drifters
My 6 wishlist
>improved combat
>improved movement (seriously fuck this over animated shit)
>more world interaction
>overhauled wanted system
>dinosaur women
>gas/fuel system
>dynamic world events
>car windows that roll down
>bullet resistant glass as a standard car mod
>the ability to view full car stats
>We’ve reached the final stretch of the Heist Challenge in GTA Online. Players can earn 2X GTA$ and RP on all Original Heist Finales, Auto Shop Robbery Contracts, and a bonus GTA$250,000 for completing the Cluckin’ Bell Farm Raid. Plus, completing any Heist Finale will fulfill the Weekly Challenge and award you the Pacific Standard Sweater in addition to the usual GTA$100,000 bonus.
Can you handle the sex talk?
>Prize Ride Challenge: Win a Race in the LS Car Meet Series for two days in a row (Resets at 8pm EDT)
>Prize Ride Vehicle: Vulcar Nebula Turbo
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What's coming tomorrow to #GTAOnline

Ongoing Community Challenge
If the community successfully steals GTA$20 trillion by completing select Heist Finales all month long players will unlock new and exclusive rewards with the next GTA Online update in December. It’s currently sitting at GTA$8.7 Trillion. Players will have until the 4th of December to complete this challenge!

Complete the Cluckin Bell Farm Raid to receive a bonus of GTA$250,000.

2x GTA$ & RP:
‱ Original Heist Finales
‱ Auto Shop Robbery Contracts
‱ Hotring Races
‱ Running Back (Remix)

Salvage Yard Robbery Targets (available through November 27th):
‱ The Podium Robbery: Vapid Hustler (Standard)
‱ The Duggan Robbery: Pfister Comet Safari (Mid)
‱ The Cargo Ship Robbery: Grotti Turismo Omaggio (Top)

Weekly Challenge:
‱ Complete any of the Heist Finale and you will be rewarded with the Pacific Standard Sweater and GTA$100,000

HSW Time Trial:
‱ Pacific Bluffs to Mount Gordo

Time Trial:
‱ Coast to Coast

Premium race:
‱ A Sign of Things to Come (Motorcycles only)

The Premium Deluxe Motorsport vehicles are as follows:
‱ Överflöd Imorgon
‱ RUNE Cheburek
‱ Dinka Enduro
‱ Enus Cognoscenti
‱ Enus Cognoscenti 55

Luxury Autos:
‱ Declasse Yosemite 1500
‱ Albany Cavalcade XL

Lucky Wheel:
‱ Bravado Dorado

Prize Ride:
‱ Win a race in the LS Car Meet Series for two consecutive days in a row and you will be rewarded with the Vulcar Nebula Turbo

Premium Test Ride:
‱ Karin Vivanite

Test Rides:
‱ Coil Brawler
‱ Ocelot Lynx
‱ Lampadati Furore GT

Take full advantage of the latest discounts:
40% off:
‱ High-End Apartment Properties, Upgrades, and Modifications
‱ Lampadati Casco

30% off:
‱ Auto Shop Properties, Upgrades, and Modifications
‱ Mammoth Hydra
‱ Dinka Jester RR
‱ Grotti Visione
‱ Übermacht Cypher
‱ Coil Brawler
‱ Ocelot Lynx
‱ Lampadati Furore GT

Gun Van Discounts:
30% off:
‱ Compact EMP Launcher
>Win a race in the LS Car Meet Series for two consecutive days in a row and you will be rewarded with the Vulcar Nebula Turbo
>Vulcar Nebula Turbo
Holy fucking shit they saw >>502920134
>Test Rides:
>‱ Lampadati Furore GT
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>The Premium Deluxe Motorsport vehicles are as follows:
>‱ Överflöd Imorgon
Nice hybrid(?) car with good handling and acceleration. Would recommend if you have the money to burn.
>‱ RUNE Cheburek
Pretty fun sports classic, but the best part of it to me is all the cardboard you can put on it.
>‱ Dinka Enduro
Don't think I've ever driven it. It's apparently inferior to even the Sanchez in every way, so fuck it.
>‱ Enus Cognoscenti
>‱ Enus Cognoscenti 55
Pretty much the same things except the 55 is a bit shorter, while the original has limo tier leg room in the back. I'd recommend the 55 if you're looking for a baller 4 door because IIRC it has better handling than the longer one.
>Don't think I've ever driven it. It's apparently inferior to even the Sanchez in every way, so fuck it.
It looks nice but yeah it's outclassed by pretty much everything including some chopper/cruiser bikes
T. Had it on ps3
>Complete the Cluckin Bell Farm Raid to receive a bonus of GTA$250,000.
Heh fuck yes, I felt there was going to be something but this is weak. Might still do it.

>‱ Auto Shop Robbery Contracts
Union Depository is worth that

>‱ The Cargo Ship Robbery: Grotti Turismo Omaggio (Top)
Now that I'm going to do! Sucks I already own it twice but I prefer the money. Cannot save anything by buying it cheaper.

>‱ Complete any of the Heist Finale and you will be rewarded with the Pacific Standard Sweater and GTA$100,000
Sounds ass, but I'll do Fleeca with randos.

>‱ Übermacht Cypher
Help me out anons, is it still worth it?

>you will be rewarded with the Vulcar Nebula Turbo
someone called this hunk of ass will be there this thursday

Maybe I should fast forward 10 hours with my legally prescribed benzos. Will just wake up when the patch is live.
Pssst hey R* if you're in here could we get the comet sr next week? Thanks
>Help me out anons, is it still worth it?
It's pretty good.
Thanks, then I grab it! It's a decent enough clone of BMW's M-series sports cars.
I feel like in the past year, all the removed cars that I had an interest in were suddenly delivered, but then the well ran dry. Maybe it's just that my personal list was completed and I haven't much cared in a few months what else showed up.
Nah you're not missing anything off the battle passes really, as far as I know anyway, unless some shitty consmetics are what you're talking about but there's plenty all the same
Why are people saying that the follow the train mission in San Andreas is so difficult? It was very easy.
To ragebait. End of the Line had way more ways to fuck up, but I cannot say if it was harder than the raid on the mansion:
Your call
Did people say it was difficult?
To me it was just the fact that it's one of the rare missions that has a fail dialog line.
It's relatively easy to fail because if a car gets spooked by gun shots and rams your bike you can't recover.
Really? Even weapons and businesses?
>When we land we gonna feel invincible
I dunno I never found it hard. I haven't played it in years though. I think some people just did it wrong, maybe followed the train from behind instead of the side path or something.
Uh, it's been a long time since I played RDRO, but there used to be shit hidden behind battle passes.
Double ammo for guns was a big one that stuck to my mind...
Wasn't there also a craft 3x recipe or something like that? without the battle pass you'd be stuck crafting shit 1 by 1.
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You know there's modders fucking around lagging the lobby when you get this shit for a minute straight. One way to get around it is to open resmon.exe and suspend gta5.exe for about 10 seconds then resume it. It will say everyone left but will make it load. Useful if you were doing a setup mission or something when the infinite loading happened.
given how LLM and voice LLMs have advanced in the past 2 years they'd be retarded not to seize the initiative. It's my biggest gripe with GTA5 & GTAO now. Wish I could stroll through the map and just observe random NPC interactions and events.
there is a mandatory floor of 15%, can't go below that unless the heist was modded
I honestly believe the minimum should be 1% to recompense ammo costs, with the ability to set cuts in 1% increments if wanted. For being a heist leader, you have very little actual control over the heists.
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>It’s currently sitting at GTA$8.7 Trillion. Players will have until the 4th of December to complete this challenge!
its over
I kinda feel like the challenge was just a ruse to bring out as many modders and exploiters as possible to ban them. $20 trillion as a goal seems insane.
GTA's worlds have always been anachronistic because if the cops had even half the tools and tactics available to them that they do in real life we wouldn't be able to get rid of anything.
The idea you can just run a few blocks down the road from a shooting spree and the cops will stop chasing you is laughable. In real life they'd be tracking the origin of every bullet casing and poring over security footage (HD security cameras have been ubiquitous for 15 years) to build a profile, and then put an APB out for our character. We'd have 3 star wanted levels every time we stepped outside.
I'm hoping we at least get one mention of VI from them before the end of the year, its been a pretty wicked drought.
Yeah, its why im not too worried about GTA ever becoming too bogged down in realism. Rockstar have made dumb decisions in the past, but even they know a good portion of the appeal of GTA is consequence free psychopathy and rampages.
>Bump a small road sign with the tire of a Chimera during a bike delivery
>Literally no visible damage
>Still counts it as damage
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ive done 3 doomsdays
one for 1.5m
one for 675k
one for 545k
i feel like i got scammed on the lesser 2 for the effort i put in
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I was more talking about guns and vehicles, not modern surveillance and investigation practices.
PSA: if you bought the Savestra (which you really should) remember that it's one of those cars that has its traction MASSIVELY increased on all surfaces by adding off-road tires.
The LSPD's equipment like that is pretty on the mark for 2013. It's outdated now, but that's because 2013 was 12 years ago. Back then, cops were using Beretta pistols for basic patrol use with Mossberg shotguns and AR15s for special duty. I think nowadays they're using SIG pistols and Beretta semiauto shotguns. The Taurii and Crown Vics have all been replaced with Explorers.
>AR15s for special duty
Bro, LAPD has run an AR in every cruiser since the North Hollywood shooutout.
Benelli* not Beretta shotguns. All that spaghetti slop sounds the same to me
By 'special duty' obviously I mean for SWAT/emergency tactical response situations. They're not walking around with a rifle strung on their back, and they're not whipping it out to make an arrest for public indecency. The LSPD in the game will pull out their rifles once you cross a 3 star wanted level.
ARs have been in the back of almost every cop car in the country since 2001.
No, but they should start whipping it out at the very least 3 stars. Instead patrol cars keep the standard pistol/shotgun combo all the way to 5 stars.
Reread my post. They have them but don't use them outside of special scenarios.

They do use them when they're on the scene. The game is programmed to start replacing them with NOOSE officers pretty quickly from 3 stars onwards so only the cops already on the scene have a chance to whip them out.
I'd like to see the star system 'uncapped,' with the police response becoming increasingly large and militarized. At a certain point, military units from Zancudo should start doing bombing runs and artillery strikes on you.
>They do use them when they're on the scene.
Regular patrol officers don't, and they still show up alongside NOOSE.

I do miss the wanted level system of the 3D era, even if the primitive AI made every level feel about the same.
I've wanted to see it restructured for a long time.
Make 1 star work like in the older Mafia games where the cops will just stop and ticket you.
2 star is when they start trying to arrest, using tasers and clubs to stop you.
3 star they start shooting and call in the helicopter.
4 star is when the SWAT teams and the state troopers come in
5 star is when the National Guard (army, basically) come in with tanks.
>They have them but don't use them outside of special scenarios.
They're used in literally any active shooter situation
The ones with body armour do. I've seen and killed them.
Which is a special situation.
Anon having 3 stars in online generally means YOU ARE AN ACTIVE SHOOTER
I usually blow all of my $GTA immediately on cars, but I've saved up $8 million for the December DLC. Will that be enough to cover the basics, or will Rockstar pull a nightclub and make it cost like $15 million to get it fully up and running with all the associated businesses?
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Been killing cops for a while now and the only ones carrying ARs are NOOSE.
I doubt that any part of the interior will get much customization. I think I heard they might involve additional upgrades for the Terrorbyte, so that might become costly
Which is why they start spawning officers with rifles at 3 stars.
>Auto Shop Robbery Contracts

So Union Depository will pay out c. $600K each run?
IIRC AR-15 cops are an entirely different class of cop which only appear in the city at preset locations in and won't spawn during chases at least in online.
But they dont
Yeah, there's a few at the airport that have them, but they always have them, regardless of wanted level.
Cops do not spawn with ARs in online, they only appear at the airport and subway stations and while they can join in a pursuit of the player alerts them they will not spawn as regular cops.
Is the Khanjali worth getting if I don't plan on griefing with it? Like can it be used in anything at all?
Actually yes some newer missions have enemies in armored vehicles and/or using explosives so having a tank can be handy, otherwise it's mainly just a flashy armored Karuma
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Speaking of doomsday stuff, if anyone regularly plays with friends you should seriously consider getting the barrage. It's one of the few weaponized vehicles that can be used in almost any mission including hiest setups.
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Alright, it can join the collection. At worst it will be my go to for asset protection contracts.
$540k after the phone sex people take their cut.
Can you get the Princess Robot Bubblegum livery for the tank?
*they cut
yanno wat i'm sayin?
I think anything that has a special garage slot is worth buying, you can't use it for anything else anyway...
Kanjali is fun on missions that you get ambushed on, a good "ambush this, motherfuckers" vehicle.
I didn't see one, just the usual bunker research liveries.
The Nightmare Scarab can get a livery that has a reference to Wasabi Kitty, but not actually a picture of any character. Kinda a disappointing livery, but technically PRB related.
Apparently you can get a PRB livery for the Volatol.
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Yup, and the Raiju has stuff too.
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If the next DLC comes with more PRB... I have no good place the park it. I don't even have all the possible variations, and I don't have a place to put much. A part of me wishes they would just adjust all the existing garages to hold more. Park things closer together or something, and get a few more cars in there.
The Armored Kurama should get some liveries. Especially a PRB livery.
I think Rockstar's actual advice is to create a second character if you want more garage space.
Not surprised. Sounds like terrible advice.
The two characters share a bank account, so if you wanted, you could indeed just use the second character to buy garages and properties with garage space.
It would be literally starting collections from zero, including removed cars that are not available, because you can't transfer vehicles between them. Invariably whatever character you are on would not have access to whatever car you wanted at that moment.
>Have overalls
>They don't actually go over all, but instead a select few shirts
Embrace nudity. Boxers are all you really need.
>Call to cancel a heist about robbing a casino
>Lester gives a big spiel about prep work and such being lost
>Call to cancel a heist about saving the world
>All Lester has to say is "Here. Enjoy."
The world had a good run, and blew it. It's time to let it go.
I almost always wear the scuba suit so that water doesn't drown me, unless a shark pops up.
I ended up really liking this thing, it's a shame it's not on par with my Itali.
>Embrace nudity.
Only if your character is hot.
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>given how LLM and voice LLMs have advanced in the past 2 years
They only impress human buffoons and they can't write more than psychopathic replies which is exactly what most customer supports love.
>I am so sorry that happened to you!
>I understand this is frustrating
Is anyone genuinely impressed by the shit an LLM can output? 90% of the time I can prove it wrong.
>You know there's modders fucking around lagging the lobby when you get this shit for a minute straight.
Oh we know, this has been a problem for years, but usually it gets better on Thursday after the patches roll out and anti-cheat is beefed up. Be glad or play solo, that lobby was infected anyway with cheater scum. Not like you can work in there in peace.
Rockstars fault though:
If loading takes to long they should connect joining players to different P2P servers. And to escalate this. If a server cannot be joined anymore the script and session hosts should be kicked because they are tampering with incoming other players. As always the solutions are SO FUCKING EASY.
>Auto Shop Robbery Contracts x2

thats the good shit
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>S95 just sitting in the store for free all this time
>missed out on hundreds of thousands of HSW time trials over weeks

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My pfister garage, I also have the SUV but I like to keep a space here so I can mod cars in my own shop, hoping they bring out a new model so I can move the safari to my off road garage, I do love it, one of my top 10 for sure, but it just doesnt fit with its sporty cousins.




I love the Prolapsed Anus colour scheme you went with, 10/10
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King of speed here, the angry little man in the last thread did join a session with me and both his pariah and weevil where sent home in body bags.

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