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Microsoft Loading Screen Simulator 2024 Edition

A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>OP Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/TxxE74ja (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Planefriend pastebin:
in OP pastebin

>Tankfriend pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/EbdtnyPX (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Boat- and subfriend pastebin
http://pastebin.com/JqTQWFFE (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator, NoLimits2

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r

Old thread:
servers dood wat nou
We wait unfortunately
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That's a Carenado plane too so it's going to be quite basic systems-wise. I wonder if the whole 'plane streaming' stuff results in shite performance.
How can the game run so much fucking worse than 2020 when it's virtually the same fucking game?

Like this should have been 2020 but polished to perfection.
This is the fake G*at S*mulat*r, real Flight Simulator thread here >>502849664
improving existing code? just throw it away and rewrite from scratch
boom, it's even worse
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It's probably like Windows 11 which was just Windows 10 which was just Windows 7 with a fuck load of bloat slapped on top.

We're just playing heavily modded FSX at this point.
>lamest shit ever
>"that is so cooool!"

Just happened to browse that stream, never listening to that retard ever again. 3000 faggots on his stream wtf we need mass genocide
I just wanted to spend the evening in a hot air balloon looking at the scenery ;_;
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Jorg is going to kill himself
I hope he livestreams it
queuing for a single player game
>Too many users are trying to kill themselves at the same time, please try again later.
I was, among those, who witnessed the video play and packages being "activated" until it crashed. Now stuck on queue still after hours
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>Too many users are trying to refund at the same time

>You are in a no refunds for you, queue. Please wait a few minutes or try and refund later.
I got to 97% after ages, got the message, saw the support saying restart and after that never got past 0% so gave up.
I give up, time to play Assetto Corsa now.
Imagine if the game immediately loads with no issue after 3 hours as a sneaky way to prevent refunds.
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smol multibillion dollar tech conglomerate, pls understand
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was really looking forward to charter some rich tech Wangs in private jets tonight but no
Nice, what is this? Orbiter?
space shuttle
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well I finally got to the 4k movie simulator again 0% loading languages
That is exactly what they did with 2020.
Thanks for paying!
Why is there a login queue for a SINGLE PLAYER GAME MICROSOFT
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>2024 partially saves /simg/ for the time being purely by being extremely shit
i honestly didn't expect this
Is MSFS cross platform? Is that why they make you log in to their xbox thing?
they added ads to minesweeper
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I'm loading, I'm loading!
Because the game uses an online connection for everything. Not even joking, you've downloaded like... 20% of the game while MSFS uses the other 80% of the game for it's Azur Cloud shit to basically constantly stream the world at whatever location you're flying in.
I have been sitting on this shit for half an hour now.
Unironically this disaster launch has likely set cloud gaming back 5 years in the course of 5 hours.

Microsoft corporate is already dumping, and will move on to AI and abandon cloud.
I think that means it's fucked, MSFS Support said if you get stuck past 90% to restart but when I did that I just got stuck on 0%
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works on my machine
still on 2020
Good. Wags is laughing at you all, there are no shortcuts to perfection.
This is "ok" for an online game launch. Real shitstorm will be tomorrow with stalker2.

Fug, am I going to get queued again?
Yeah but I think it's stuck when you get to 97% anyway
when i had it i rebooted my pc and tried again, got stuck at 7% for about 20 minutes, then 16% for another 20 minutes but then it randomly jumped to 50 and started going super fast and it loaded in
The old World of Warcraft expansion launches back in the day were a fucking disaster, you could never login.
never ever logout, heat your home for the next 3 days.
Yup. This shit proves the infrastructure for Cloud-reliant gaming is nowhere ready.
Release week for archeage was wild. I used to have teamviewer setup on my work machine so I could queue up and keep myself online.
It's going to be about 3C the next few days so it's come at a good time
Microsoft Azure autoscale is clearly fake and gay, MSFT dumping tomorrow.
Jim Cramer just said MSFT is doing a "good job" and won't take a beating over bad quarterly reports.

Bwos it's ogre.
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>still on 2020
We're close to resolving the issue
11/19/2024, 4:42:27 PM
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In a year or whenever it's working, I'll let you know how that plane is in 2024.
Also, where would you like me to fly?
>we turned the data centre off and on again and it's okay now
Outage reported
11/19/2024, 11:00:00 AM

pretty funny, there was no moment where there wasn't an issue, it was instant failure
>4 hours waiting and shit still doesnt work

HOLY SHIT what the fuck are these Microsoft niggers doing?
still waiting for sfc /scannow to finish
using the 200 dollars you gave them as toilet paper
Jorge bought a Gulfstream with the sales and he's headed to St. Marteen.
>Severity and responsiveness
>Initial Response Time is the period from when you submit your support request to when a Microsoft Support Engineer contacts you and starts working on your support request. The Initial Response Time varies with both the support plan and the Business Impact of the request (also known as Severity). The Initial Response Times for Unified Support plans can be found here.

Severity A Critical business impact response times, Standard: < 1 hr

Severity B Moderate business impact response times, Standard: < 4 hr

Severity C Minimum business impact response times Standard: < 8 hr

maybe they clicked severity B :^)
>Unironically this disaster launch has likely set cloud gaming back 5 years in the course of 5 hours.
Microsoft has been been saying cloud gaming is the future since 2013.

It is now the future and they can't even manage people downloading games and logging in.
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>waited a few hours, booted the game up, managed to get in
>don't have my HOTAS set up so I just fly for a few minutes with the keyboard, take a look around with the freecam
>try to leave freecam and the game gets stuck with a loading icon and nothing happening for several minutes
>reboot game, stuck in queue
Anyone got a good tutorial for AutoOrtho on XP12?

I unironically think i'll be able to download it and get it all setup before I load into 2024.
Because EVERYTHING is server based now if the servers are fucked everything is fucked
will do anon

Good luck.
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haven't seen that one in awhile, you still homosexual and shit?
I wonder if Austin will ever have scenery streaming as an optional addon via an update or XP13?
How much space does X Plane take up?
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>4 hours and 2024 still won't load for me
And back to XP I go.

Just check youtube for the most recent vid, it isn't complicated.
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I'm going to nuke fr*nce
They're redesigning the entire scenery system to allow raster tiles, i.e. Imagery so...yes, at least in that direction. I wouldn't hold my breath though, it's basically rewriting half the sim. For reference, the current scenery format is as old as Half Life 2.


My installation is about 150gb, but that's with like 60gbs of addons: simheaven, zibo 737, toliss a320, a340.
I don't believe that's xp12 unless you got a bunch of mods. I've never gotten those sunset colors.
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>Ben Sputnik
These guys know what they are doing. He has been launched into the space as we speak.
XP12 is very pretty with Ortho4XP.
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>monkey island
memes aside genuinely a good idea, been meaning to get back out over some tropical destinations
You're not very bright
>try to download and play massively anticipated game on launch day
>it doesn't go well
Wow who could have seen this coming except everyone with an IQ above 70
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Is 2024 good then
Should I acquire
Wait a few weeks for things to stabilize
Complaining is a universal passion shared by every anon on every board. Having something to bitch about can breathe life into even the deadest thread.
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And Trump wants to flood us with these ""people"". Ugh.
they should add smuggling missions to FS2024 where you have to fly illegal goods over the border and avoid getting detected by the authorities and then find the drop-off/landing point to make the delivery
The queue and error screens run at impressively high framerates
Reminds me of the movie american made. Something like that would be cool indeed, maybe through mods
Flight Simulator 2024: Download & install UNAVAILABLE

It's getting worse lmao
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again what was the goddamn point of making MSFS2024 when all this shit could've been an update/add-on for 2020.
"Close to resolving" has now turned into just "We're working on the issue"
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If I had the Premium Deluxe version of 2020 what version of 2024 do I need if I don't want to rebuy anything but still get as much new stuff as possible?
Since you chose to ask this question on 4chan instead of spending any effort on your own, I'll tell you you have to buy the aviator edition or your mother'll die tonight.
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i'm not getting this anymore >>502854015
just an infinite login queue
Microsoft cannot afford azure servers.
The fact that there's not even a hardware calibration wizard on launch just proves that no one at asoybo or micropenis actually plays fs or is even a pilot. Everyone's complaining about setting up their controls.

I mean...Controls?! Isn't that kind of an important checklist item? Fucking lmao
They should at least communicate more.
They were at maximum saturation for box price sales, so they made this update into a standalone box to sell and recapture sales.
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>this shit STILL doesnt work
>literally zero communication from devs
lmao What the fuck, I feel like I'm in crypto getting rugged.
wtf is this shit?
the VAAAAST majority of their players are people using controller or mouse & keyboard playing in 3rd person with a hud on, they don't give a fuck about us
Even the mnk guys are complaining because even basic shit like view keys has changed. No, they simply don't care at all. I bet if you asked the devs what QNH was, they'd think it was a sex thing.
They didn't even update the photogrammetry. Philly is still from 2014.
There were countless posts by testers stating that the game was not even close to being in a releasable state.
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I paid $200 for this.
Incredibly strange.
Sounds very suspicious, maybe all the previous staff has been fired and replaced with temporary hires.
I thought the controls would at least get imported and transferred from the previous game.
I also don't understand this at all because MSFS20 was in a pretty good shape and '24 is more or less a DLC.
I guess this is a typical Microsoft situation then.
Definitely disappointing I can see my feet
What do you think is causing the problem? You would think Microsoft has enough bandwidth to handle anything, maybe its something else?
do you feel like a retard?
still kinda cute tho
No because if it wasn't on this it would be on something else equally terrible
not bad
I would service her recepticles.
>it still doesnt work
>I don't believe that's xp12 unless you got a bunch of mods.
It's XP12 and I have *all* the mods.
I just watched one of the few twitch streams actually on 2024. The AI had planes landing and taking off from the same runway opposite each other and the wipers don't actually affect the rain on the windshield.

And now the guy's sim just crashed LMAO holy god this is better comedy than snl
Now is probably even worse time than earlier because it's starting to be the prime time in US.
I'm hating myself because I uninstalled MSFS2020 and all the custom data I had because I anticipated '24 release.
>again what was the goddamn point of making MSFS2024 when all this shit could've been an update/add-on for 2020.
How would you charge people $100+ for an update?
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>Microsoft Azure servers never go down
>Microsoft Azure servers can autoscale to meet any demand
So like that was a fuckin lie
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what worries me most is the claim that no market exists, is this true? I thought all our purchases were going to transfer over?
>I'm hating myself because I uninstalled MSFS2020 and all the custom data I had because I anticipated '24 release.

2020 purchases go in My Library
marketplace is for buying new things
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omg its actually starting and above 0 percent, never gotten this far in the last 4 hours.
wtf they actually did something competently
it just said coming soon or some shit, asobo can't even get the launch servers to work no surprise they delayed the marketplace servers
Considering they added a career mode I would assume they would need to add all the stuff pilots need.
They just published an apology video lol

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its working
The tablet/EFB in game for the like 1 minute I looked at it seemed pretty detailed; you could do quite a bit with it.
>gay Mexican
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this is nice
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>everyone in queue for a single player experience
You know what that reminds me of?
Please go back to /v/.
How the fuck do I mark streamed assets for local download. Asobo really needs to fire their UI designers.
Can't wait until Windows is subscription and cloud based and your entire OS shits itself because too many users are trying to use it and you're put in a queue.
>Asobo really needs to fire their UI designers.
Aircraft browser is still absolute dogshit which is honestly impressive given how bare bones and criticised it was in 2020.
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>Buy a sim for retards
>complain when you get treated like a retard
They should come over to your account automatically after some time. That's what mine did. I am still missing quite a few though
This is why I will always be in the X-Plane crowd.

No login queue when I boot it up LMAO.
I hate how when they try to appeal to everyone they end up releasing shit. They need to stop trying to hold retarded peoples hands, this is supposed to be a "sim"
But anon then they can't make more money and number MUST go up
Nigga MSFS 2020 and beyond is for stupid normies.
The only arguement they come up with is "Uhhh grapfixz are better"

Ground handling, taxiing and flying were so arcade like. It feels like shit.
Kek, I saw that too. The wipers especially blew my mind, if even shit like that is bugged there must be a metric ton of issues to find. They really just sold people an alpha build roflmao
>shitskin instructor calls me by my Gamertag but the game cant pronounce it
I dont buy their excuse that they never knew how popular flight simulator was, fucking bullshit.
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respect my name
Alright Sheniqua
Is there an ETA for market place?
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Can you move your body in the game's VR mode?
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I'm here, haven't tried any 3rd party addons yet as I just got in, but will after I relaunch or it crashes.
>the services we tested with 200k simulated "jewsers" have been completely overwhelmed
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I went with generic asian man
Pic related.
Me an X-Plane user.
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inside my face
in VR, WASD keys work (and QE for up/down, arrow keys or right mouse button mouselook)
I can't seem to get my joytstick POV hat to work for left and right strafe (A & D binds) for some reason but it does forward and backward at least
Player character body is invisible in VR
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landing gear would not come up, made by Carenado
>bandwidth too low streaming may be slow
oh this is gunna be fun, can't wait for the portals to hell to open up in vr
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sounds fun, getting shit perf with my 5600x and rtx 3080
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Love when the login queue takes up 50-70% of my cpu for no reason at all. Without limiting the software via nvidia panel it will also run unlimited and max out the cpu etc.
Quality software engineering all in all.
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game runs like ass btw
Are you actually running this in Proton somehow?
>game runs like ass btw
Damn, who could have possibly seen that coming
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idk why, but steam is being more demanding rn
Ngl I really don't get it, it's basically just msfs2020 but worse in almost all ways.

The vr performance is pretty much the exact same with the same settings or worse.

The streamed in assets are retarded and make no sense unless you're a console babby and even then it just don't werk. So you get the joy of flying around 12x12 pixel Japan looking at your 12x12 pixel dashboard that is now unclickable.

All this gay shit for a "proper fully overhauled engine" dx12 implementation and I'm not even sure if they did it right because it all runs like ass.
Task manager is a fucking liar. It says my GPU is idle while the GPU software says it's at 100%
I wish /simg/ would be more active and stop dying
>monkey's paw curls
>a game is released that sucks ass causing the threads to die even faster
nah, Windows VM
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don't worry guy dcs will pick up again right after all that razbam stuff gets worked out
Come home white man
Lmao, perfect analogy
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>msfsfags are finding out AGAIN that their game is just microshaft selling a terrain generation tech demo
truly worth it
here's a video of me flying around borra borra, and later landing with the default a-10; the sounds are cool at least
but performance is ass with DLSS 2.0 set to auto; gonna try DLSS 3.0 on my brothers gayming laptop later
I put in for a refund, spent 5 hours in queue. Everywhere I read from people who did get it the game either disconnects, has fucked up bugs, or nearly everyone says it runs like shit. It's over.
>game runs so fucking bad even DLSS can't save it
nudevs finally did it, they made slop so unoptimized even the crutch can't save them anymore, successfully negating 25 years of hardware advancements
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so much for the custom airline liveries >>502893935
I changed to ultra perf on dlss 2,0 and getting 40 frams in Seatac on my rtx 3080 and 5600x
To celebrate the occasion, we should fly to the thread with the working sim lol >>502849664
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it has some liveries
Do mods not work? My bridge addons just overlay over the base ones.
All clear
11/19/2024, 10:13:02 PM

don't believe their lies
What am I even looking at, what are those gates?!?
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the future of teleportation
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I gotta say the shitty career mode is kinda comfy
I'm flying this Gilf around over Hawaii
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kicking up dirt chunks
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been blown out to sea
don't think I'm gonna make it
Um, why did they feel the need to model the back of the tongue and throat instead of buying more servers?
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Cirrus Jet parachute works (Autoland doesn't, but it will level itself off).
I have a video of it too: https://streamable.com/8nbvh3
Asobo are all the whitest French old men you can find in the whole country.
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Back in my day all we needed was 30fps in an airliner.
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Yeah, but there was a lot of CtDs in those de Havilland Comet days.
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can't get it to do a tactical descent
plus afaik the wings don't flex
>Report-An-Issue (RAI)
Looks like my 7800X3D and 7900XTX with Fluid Motion Frames 2 will get some decent frames.
This guy is running it in 4k but I play in 1440p.
If only I could fucking log in.

>controller isnt working
>cant restart or i face 4 hour queue again
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The Longitude has a cockpit finally
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Status update.
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I wouldn't take any performance data seriously right now. There's people who loaded in with literal 80s graphics because of the server issues.
fellow /r/MicrosoftFlightSim user!
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Anyone know what the record is? Lol
6% for Payday 3 I think.
You love to see it.
upon further thought, crypto mining
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>do these training missions for the CPL
>have to follow some Highway or some shit
>go of course because I cant see shit out of this shit tier nigger plane
>bitch keeps telling me "correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"lets try this again"
>screen goes black
>bitch keeps saying "correct your heading to the right" while the screen remains black
>cant do shit and stuck in this
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>"correct your heading to the right"
>alt F4
>PC crashes

this shit has no right to be this bad
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>bitch keeps also telling me I'm not "high enough"
>I vaped from my oilrig before getting into the pilot seat
Ever seen lemonparty.org?
I got that "your 2020 items are ready, restart" notification which I guess would give me the 2020 Premium Deluxe planes like the Longitude but no way I'm restarting today
Funnily I already have the Sting S4 from the marketplace showing up on my planes so it's half working without a restart
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I picked KFFA to start career mode because it's a low-altitude, hand-crafted airport, but that taxiway loop at the far end of the runway seems to be confusing the game (for objectives and "aviator performance" scoring)
Guess I'll try avoiding it entirely
>7am in EU
>business day
>too many users are trying to connect at the same time
>check out its connections
>3 active connections to Redmond and Phoenix
Maybe they should have separate login servers for different continents and areas but what do I know.
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But anon that would cost money and Microsoft is only the third largest company in the world by market cap. There's two entire companies with more money than them, do you really think they can afford more servers?
What in the name of aerodynamics is going on here?
Ah, an artistic representation of the MSFS2024 launch, magnificent work
had to relaunch due to geting 8 fps max
only had to wait in queue for an hour this time
Beginning stages of "Augered In".
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good choice, I'm copying that
I actually got in, but now it's downloading more data... Very curious to see how it runs on my shoebox, going to replicate my old settings 1:1.
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Land? Yes.
Swim? No.
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been stuck like this for 5 minutes now
I don't wanna leave and have to requeue lol
rebooted and game loaded just fine!
Needless to say - quick take off from KLAX and game runs 10+ frames worse than before with identical settings plus cockpit gets loaded in after visiting the menus etc.
I can't believe this, 2020 is so much better in terms of performance (for me).
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>pool's closed
that's a pretty massive oversight lol
I hear they don't have the panama canal either
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don't worry
microprose bought out outerra
surely falcon 5 will be good
>Gee F-16, how come your mom let's you have 3 full fidelity sims?
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might be the wrong plane, but a joy to fly
>jeets think the 3d pro is saitek
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Is there a way to stop camera zooming out when pressing ESC? Alt+tabbing out makes me dizzy because the view is rotating all the time in the background.
What the actual fuck are these idiots thinking?
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just me and you babe
can you at least mod the characters to make them hot
Is msfs pirate friendly?
You need to download a specific version and follow a specific guide from a specific website and to do all that you will need a throwaway MS account.
This is for MSFS2020.
2024? No idea.
I'm guessing you wouldn't get streaming ortho for that though. I was more thinking of pirating aircraft, didn't think about the full program.
Get out and portage that boat you lazy fuck!
Yes you will get everything, this is the whole point of creating a throwaway account.
>Is he really the best I can do?
Okay let me spoonfeed you I should've done this
Read the current page, you can't miss the installation guide.
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we got cargo now!
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Huh. Well that is a real surprise since Xplane 12 is also pretty easy to crack but even those pirate communities assume msfs is a lost cause. Genuine thanks, I'll keep this in mind while I'm watching how 2024 turns out.
>step 1: turn off GPWS
>step 2: turn off flight director
>step 3: pray
0 white people
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gonna save Palestine!
>pick anywhere in the world to start
holy analysis paralysis batman
You better not be flying to a White country with those onboard, anon...
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oh it literally doesn't matter beacuse all the tutorials are canned into sedona anyway lmao
I think MSFS2024 will be even easier to pirate because it only requires 12GB on your disk, everything else is streamed (unless you want to download the world updates separately, it's an option too).
But of course it will take some time before we know for sure what will happen.
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memphis is cool at night
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it's a carenado product, but the saab 340 has good gauges in it
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Incelcopters are better now and have new trim options. Maybe force trim is now possible with everything altough it's not "realistic" as such
For some reason flying in heli game runs much better than what it did when I tried Cessna, especially take off is horrible in terms of performance. Weird especially after 4 years...
Yeah, I'll probably just wait awhile because I genuinely like Xplane 12 a lot. I'm watching the fs2024 streams and other than the scenery the lack of basic fundamentals like a replay function just seem aggravating. The atc can't even say airport names whereas the latest xplane atc update has it directing you to sids and stars.

Plus all the people models are creepy as fuck lol
i'd just wait till it's half off next year when the spring sale hits steam
Would it really be that soon? I read fs2020 didn't go on sale for a year.
hopefully career compatibility will force addon developers to stop being special snowflakes and actually support the built-in systems
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I think the launch was enough of a fuck up for them to do so, but time will tell
idk how much gaypass is in ur region, but it might be worthwhile to try it
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Not surprising. I'm curious how the airliner guys will review the new physics though.
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having more fun on foot
>there still is not soft braking with keyboard or buttons
This is my first time checking out flight sim streamers and I gotta say, they give me loser cuck vibes, even more than the usual streamers.

Kinda unsettling desu senpai
320 sim pilot is chill
After installing new goyvidia drivers, my performance is on par with MSFS2020, exact same settings too.
LOD culling seems to be more aggressive here so maybe increasing object lod level helps to compensate this. It's especially noticeable with ships.
rudder assist is on by default, you can turn it off if you want the full takeoff twisty experience
being on foot on places you go regularly irl is absolutely lynchian
Its all arcade shit for console niggers
What do you expect.

X-Plane is king for physics.
Who hurt you, anon?
I'm kinda confused by what exactly their focus was with fs24. Because no doubt they put a lot more work into getting the scenery nice, but it seems almost irrelevant to flying. Like the default airports that were ass in fs20 are still ass, even the cities and bridges and shit that was broken is still broken. But you can walk around the wilderness in what looks like the greatest hiking simulator ever. Like I'm curious what it'd be like to "explore" places like Yellowstone and Yosemite in fs24 and beyond.

Kinda seems like eventually it'll stop being Flight Simulator and eventually just be Earth Simulator. Like the sims on a giant scale. The whole career gimmick reminds me of the test drive games.
it feels like a bunch of tech demos in one game
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at first glance it doesn't look that different from 2020
seems like the biggest difference is when you're on the ground.
Time to actually try and play 2024, hopefully there won't be a queue
There's lots of smaller improvements in areas but not huge. The biggest is the career mode which lots of normies wanted so they can sell it as a new game because of that. I think it's a shame they didn't get new autogen in the launch, they said that'll come later, that'll make a huge difference.

Neither make good planes, the flight models are mostly down to the developer. The CowanSim r66 is supposed to be very good, he should try that.
Well it's still fucking slow but moving this time. This whole streaming stuff is a load of shit, thanks consoles.
I saw this demoed irl with four people on separate PCs on the ground and two people in planes on flight sim rigs, it was mental.
I've been stuck on 'Customize identity' for ages, I might have to restart
Asbo shitting all over Flight Simulator.
Turning the physics to shit to cater for console niggers and casual faggots along with graphic niggers.
2020/24 is still a big step up from the on-rails aerodynamics of FSX and prior
>Turning the physics to shit
literally better than xplane.
Mate you're samefagging in your own x plane thread, take your meds, it's embarrassing losing your mind over a fucking flying game.
not even close
cope harder in your irrelevance
Why do you all have the UI/HUD or whatever it called turned on on your screenshots
It's just one poster who hasn't turned it off
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This lighting is new?
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How are you all playing and I'm stuck on this ffs
>customize identity
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He's live...and showing what a piece of shit msfs24 is lol

Holy shit, even basic shit like the APU gen light isn't working properly. He's laughing his ass off.
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Take your meds
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when you're mom boards the plane!
>asobo default planes
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>they modelled the roots of the teeth and esophagus
Oh yeah, they 100% just bought off the shelf models and slapped them in. No wonder this garbage runs like absolute shit. Too busy loading 4k tongue textures to load in plane textures.
>this shit has no right to be this bad
It's just an alpha of the 2020 beta, be patient bro and wait for MSFS 2028.
>Is msfs pirate friendly?
Buy a cheap copy of the base game, pirate all the extra content.

is it loadable?
Deportations have begun!
Man, I've only been flying the Zibo 737 for a couple weeks, and even I cringe at how ridiculous that model is reacting. It's like half the buttons don't even do the right thing. He must be completely incredulous.
It loads for me now but I can't actually get into the game
Half is being very generous. He can't even enter the squawk code.
I don't know why Asobo even bother making planes when they're going to be shit, just outsource it all to third party devs who know what they're doing.
i love games that despite installing it on a separate drive keeps filling my C drive
the third party devs don't really know what they're doing either, they make a really detailed model but they fail to make it work with the game part of the game

literally the only semi-decent dev is working title cause they actually balance the autism with game integration
inibuilds is actually in the live chat insisting they didn't work on this model lol
No, I can't be arsed to configure a VM for this.
>inibuilds is actually in the live chat insisting they didn't work on this model lol
LMFAO my fucking sides.

>just outsource it all to third party devs who know what they're doing.
Problem is they've been farming shit out to devs who are every bit as fucking useless. And lets be honest, the devs themselves should be setting the bar, you know the people making the game, not third party devs.
I mean it was clear the game wasn't going to be finished on time so I don't get why people are mad. I am going to build a vr pc in a month or two so I didn't even bother with getting the game until I set everything up. I wanna do a world tour in big radials goose and I want everything to be perfect.
one of the career missions is wildlife photography, that's why
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I have yet to complete one short flight without it crashing to desktop during it
skill issue
I haven't got to the main menu yet
Yeah, it's very easy to be spoiled by the zibomod if that's your only reference. In reality not that many planes are modeled on that level of fidelity.
>I mean it was clear the game wasn't going to be finished on time
It's just a patch for a game that came out 4 years ago, never in the history of shit releases has there been less of an excuse for a game to be this shit on release.
How much fucking time would it have taken to zero level the FUCKING AIRPORT TARMAC
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God only knows how many more problems are waiting to be loaded
>game rushed and launched to early
Many such cases. Seems to be the norm now to get something broken out the door and then fix it later.
>Many such cases. Seems to be the norm now to get something broken out the door and then fix it later.
I'm still waiting for them to fix 2020. There's so many terrain spikes around where I fly and they've been there since release, i've fixed probably a dozen or more by hand but just got sick of it after a while.
Anyone having problems with Rolling Cache? It's stuck at 0.0 GB and the default path for me, like if I change the values they reset the next time I open the settings. It's also clearly not working in general: I'm having to redownoad shit in the same one area each time I visit it and the Sim isn't storing anything terrain-related in any folder.
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>streaming plane icons that i already own from the server
Oh fucking hell I'm suddenly in after restarting from customize identity 10 times.
someone wrote that the game establishes a new connection for every individual file so they're syn flooding themselves
Where the fuck is the FOV options?
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succesfully loaded in for a cold start at the airport
*sets rolling cache to 500gb*
nothin personnel Jorg
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Cache isn't working for me at all, loading times are fucked, have only loaded and tried to fly the same airport a few times, nothing is being saved.
But which one.
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>bandwidth too low in the fucking world map
Do you mean walk around FOV or cockpit?
Can you spawn on foot in freeroam?
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The EFB is pretty fucking cool ngl and it's very easy getting charts up
Settings and then camera mate, it's zoom there rather than fov.
Fucking retards.
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For me its XP12, the flight sim of choice for people who want to be able to load and play their games.
>immediate crash to desktop trying to start a flight
X-Planes night lighting is so much better.
not really
It really is, my favourite thing about XP though, and this is going to sound autistic as hell even by sim standards, but it's the working railway lines and trains.

Like just flying along and following trains from city to city is fucking great in a bush plane.
Would have agreed with you if it was launch MSFS 2020.
But ever since the update that came at the same time as Xbox console release it looks fucking dogshit now.
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oh god the passenger chatter is so fucking cringe....
That was why I uninstalled 2020. It was every time, as soon as I pushed the throttle forward, then another ten minutes restarting the game.
Let me guess:
>So, did you see the last Friends episode?
>How about those NBA finals?
>I know a great hairdresser in Cincinnati!
>my favourite thing about XP though, and this is going to sound autistic as hell even by sim standards, but it's the working railway lines and trains.
That's because Austin himself is autistic as hell about those things, he hates orthos because of all the baked in information and rather than scanning the world he wants to rebuild it. His disdain for orthos is probably XP's biggest weakness though because satellite imagery just has much better variation than generated stuff.
CT supralight keeps giving me penalties for exceeding speed even though I'm stationary on the ground wtf
what mods are you using?
anyone figure out how to disable walk around mode? it breaks the game constantly and is only useful for real file pylotes making faggy youtube vids.
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>can get out of the plane/heli and walk around literally anywhere in the world without needing cope freecam (no way to lock it at a constant altitude and realistic walking/running speed)
holy fvcking sovl... now they just need to officially add a car so I don't have to cope with https://flightsim.to/file/72463/offroad-buggy
I seem to have solved it.
>move the C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 folder wherever you want (I moved it to the game's actual folder where it goddamn belongs)
>make a symbolic link from the folder's new location to C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming (the resulting "file" structure should appear to the OS to be exactly as it was before you moved the folder)
This made Rolling Cache start working: the file has finally been created, is being filled and I can change its size limit and location.
>guy mentions the runway is bumpy and weird going up and down
I thought I was the only one who noticed this.
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is xp12 ever on sale?
Why does such a tiny plane have such a massive tailfin?
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I wouldn't really consider the f104 that tiny.
yeah, looks pretty average to me too. Even on the bigger side. Beside what matters is how you fly it, not the size.
Shade X
Visual XP, RXP enhancer and Cloud Tweaks V2 are good as well if you want a free option that does most of what Visual XP does.
ActiveSky (VividSky and RealSky are also decent, you'll probably end up mixing and matching different parts of mods to your liking)
XP realistic
Global Forests
Better Skycolours
Airport Enhancement Package
Lots of orthos, simheaven stuff, lots of planes.

It's such a deep rabbit hole, best advice I can give is just start crawling down it and just tweak it bit by bit and just take some time to get familiar with what's out there, trawl the forums and file sites a bit. You're going to spend a few hours here and there over the course of a few weeks to get it how you like it.

>is xp12 ever on sale?
On steam it's on sale during most big sales, not sure about buying it through the site, I picked it up for like 40% off back during the steam christmas sale in 2022.
Okay? I'm not talking about the 104 or quoting a 104 image
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my bad, got confused after posting the other screenshot. I think it's to improve stability at high alphas and to have the most rudder control possible in case of load imbalance after having dropped bombs or from an engine failure.
Also you have to remember about the principle of leverage, the farther away the rudder is to the center of gravity of the airplane the more force can be generated by the rudder itself allowing for them to be smaller. In shorter aircrafts with multiple engines like the m346 a big fin with a big rudder become more necessary, just like in the tornado and the EF but IIRC there it's mostly due to possible stores imbalance. not 100% sure tho.
No Top Gun DLC? The Darkstar was a joy to fly, I wouldn't want it gone.
So it's basically FSX where you need 100 addons to get it to look good and then it runs at 5fps
That's gone mate, license shit
>So it's basically FSX where you need 100 addons to get it to look good and then it runs at 5fps
No, not at all, it's just very customizable and configurable, and I get like 200fps.
>On steam it's on sale during most big sales
thanks, I'll keep an eye out this christmas
I wanted to get X Plane back in the day when FSX was way past its use-by date but the third party support just wasn't there for some reason. The support for it now seems better but is still miles behind MSFS.
>The support for it now seems better but is still miles behind MSFS.
In what respect? MSFS i'd say has more garbage being pumped out for it, I mean the marketplace is 90% shovelware with worst flight dynamics than pilot wings 64, but support and the community surrounding XP tends to be way better.
The biggest problem with MSFS is that it's been flooded by normies who don't really care about deep simulation. The engine and physics model of 2020 and 2024 would allow to have addons on par if not better than xplane, but when 70% of your customers are okay with a generic "okay" flight model for 15€ then 99% of third party developers will simply cater to them creating a vicious circle
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You're right and 2024 is aimed at those normies too with career mode and photography mode, but you'll never make enough money targeting autists like us. That being said the shit addons get shit reviews on the marketplace so even the normies are learning what the quality differences of addons can be like.
career mode is great don't know what you losers are on about
finally you don't have to play pretend
>you can change the plane and it won't remove your parking selection
Thank fuck for that, that was such an irritating thing in 2020
>does less than every career addon ever released
Yeah, if you bought it six months ago it was quite a bit cheaper for "early access". YOU didn't listen though, and now YOU get to enjoy full price.
when you've seen one too many cars driving on the bottom of the river with a picture of the bridge painted on it you will come to disdain orthos too
>Here's your "upgraded" software, bro!
I'd rather wait for a sale than buy something in early access.
"career" addons are half-baked shit
I mean he's not wrong. MSFS obviously has a much bigger market, but XP's support tends to be of a much higher quality.

I'm yet to see anything in MSFS like vid related etc where you can build whatever panel layout you want. XP is a simulator, MSFS202X is virtual tourism, there's nothing wrong with that but it's becoming increasingly aids to even use and the quality outside of the scenery is just shit.

I think people can/will still recognize quality when they fly a good plane versus a shit one, but I do agree that not enough people discuss or talk about flight models in the game/community which bugs the hell out of me.
They get in a new plane to show on a video/stream and are just like "hur dur yep, it's a good one, it's shiny and it flies good, hurrr" They never discuss specifics of how it flies/feels which to me is the most important part.

However, people will shit on planes that have bad flight models, they'll just call it bad though they won't mention the flight model usually.

MSFS2024 flight model feels much better than 2020 though, same with ground handling, so I don't agree that flight models are getting worse across the board.
X Plane may have the ability to create planes that handle much more realistically but how many have utilised this?
Yeah but similarly you get people who've never flown a plane going 'This flight model is shit I've uploaded this mod to make it better' which I always find bizarre, especially when the devs claim to have got feedback/worked with pilots of said plane and then some bloke says it's all wrong and he has the settings for it.
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See that mountain? You don't have to climb it, you can fly there and then walk out.
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It feels a bit like Minecraft with Distant Horizons: it takes a while to get going (though not NEARLY as long as that) but when it works, it fvcking works.
LA in 2020 was completely unplayable for me for some reason, like 10 FPS and constant crashes, but 2024 gets me a solid 40 FPS on a 3080 in 4K without dynamic settings. Granted, with DLSS Quality but that's still infinitely better than last time, and it looks like fucking magic once it's finished loading.
Imagine showing this screenshot to a guy who just played the first MSFS in '82.
>"career" addons are half-baked shit
They're more feature rich than the 2024 career mode so, no?
where's my An225? I bought it in fs2020
>X Plane may have the ability to create planes that handle much more realistically but how many have utilised this?
Pretty much all of them? Not to mention the rotary wing aircraft in XP are leaps and bounds ahead of anything else on the market.

It's very much quality vs quantity, and XP has the quality.
Everything since XP9 is just an automatic buy for me as soon as it's available, and I don't even fly civvie shit much.
I just have never accepted the flight models in MSFS, it's literally built for people that go from takeoff to landing all on autopilot. It's really more of a holding pattern simulator than anything, they even skipped the whole flying part this time and just went straight to a queue screen instead.
>no option to dorce download shit despite devs saying there will be.
I cleared out 1tb ssd for nothing.
In MSFS the quality of the flight model is all down to the devs, surely that's the same with X Plane? Or is it that X Plane's basic aerodynamic model is better so even a XP addon is better than a shit MSFS one?

I don't have any issue with X Plane, I have no brand loyalty, but the scenery looks shit in X Plane and as I fly mostly GA that's an important thing for me. I do have an issue with the X Plane schizo who posts here though, I don't think he even plays the game I think he just likes arguing.
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yeah they are, like mannequins or something lol. still hilarious/awesome that they added it and allow people to see eachother. being able to get out of your plane and look around is also really cool now, the improved trees help a lot. it'll be even crazier soon once mods and updates start coming i'm sure
>allow people to see eachother
I think they said you can't see others in MP in walk around mode
Why are you expecting people who've never flown a plane and have basically zero knowledge of flight and aerodynamics to provide in depth analysis of a flight model in a game
>incorrect fuel mixture
great, I'm adjusting it as we speak. inform me when it's right
you can and it's funny as hell, there were some streamers doing group flights who found out yesterday.
Oh nice, you can go on fucking hikes with mates and play hide and seek.
x-plane planes are not just a 3D model but a parametric hull which has the airflow fully simulated, so it's more realistic just based on the shape of the model to begin with
>Or is it that X Plane's basic aerodynamic model is better so even a XP addon is better than a shit MSFS one?
Leagues better, in part because XP's physics are much better simulated, but also because the people developing the addons are autistic as hell and they're making things for customers that are autistic as well. If you make something shit for XP it'll get shat on mercilessly, makes no money and your reputation will be forever tarnished in a community that is tiny. Shit out something pretty for MSFS, plenty of retards will buy it irrespective. Then other retards see that business model working and they copy it.

>but the scenery looks shit in X Plane and as I fly mostly GA that's an important thing for me. I
Same, which is why I got 2020 in the first place, it looks great at ground level and for 250GB~ it looks better than what XP looks like with 10 terrabytes of shit. AutoOrtho for XP is changing that slowly, but MSFS absolutely still has the upper hand on that front, it just doesn't fly nearly as well imo, especially with GA and bush planes etc

>I do have an issue with the X Plane schizo who posts here though, I don't think he even plays the game I think he just likes arguing.
That's fair enough, I haven't been around here for a year or more so I haven't seen how much of a sperg he is, just popped back for the 2024 release which has turned out to be an even big train wreck than I was expecting/hoping for.
doesn't even have to be anything in-depth, people just rarely mention it at all in any way, they could describe it in their own words at least a bit in terms of comparison with other planes. 99% of the time it's just talk about how it looks and the sounds.
Well what do you want them to say?
>oh this roll rate seems a bit too much for this plane
>how am I not stalling at such high alpha?
>damn look at that dutch roll
If the audience is mostly normies with no real interest in aviation beyond "shiny plane game with pretty graphics, must play" then of course most of them won't even notice any quirks in the flight models
Fucking hell I STILL haven't had a flight, it just sits trying to load into one and nothing happens
>Fucking hell I STILL haven't had a flight, it just sits trying to load into one and nothing happens
I've gotten like 15 minutes of flight time with potato graphics which ended with the game crashing from 4 hours of loading. Unironically pirating XP and checking that out just for something to do because I was dumb enough to uninstall 2020 kek
Fortunately I didn't uninstall 2020 as I expected the first few days would be a shitshow.
Is career mode broken for you too? It just won't load past the initial conversation. First a black loading screen, then a panorama of the airport and that's it.
is it reasonable to assume the stock planes all have similar cfd simulation quality as the cessna 172

the norden felt really good
Honestly that was something I wasn't sure about, I don't know if all the stock planes were re-done with the updated aerodynamics amongst other things, I think some might be but who knows.
nope just got the commercial license which is where the real missions start
>Fortunately I didn't uninstall 2020 as I expected the first few days would be a shitshow.
I foolishly, retardedly, yes I know i'm a complete faggotly, thought that 2024 should be relatively smooth sailing given it was more of an upgrade from 2020 than a whole new thing. The fact that they were planning on streaming so much of it probably should have worried me more.
Don't worry mate we weren't expecting it to be this bad. I thought it'd just take a while to load but be fine afterwards, I didn't expect more than 24 hours after launch I still cannot play the game.
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I keep ending up back at this screen with it being all fucked up as well.
I kept restarting the game and eventually got to the character creator but it wasn't fucked like that
Also my PC sounds like it's going to blow up, my 4070 ti super is at 99% and 60C just on the world map.
Some pretty serious optimization issues, I had it max out 64GB ram before it crashed. Straight up memory leak.
Do white people even exist in msfs
2024 it has a replay function but it seems to be buggy
just start in northern sweden or something
lmao it downloads the icons and theyre immediately uncached and it downloads them again
Neither in the game noron the dev team. It's just straight gay nigjeetery through and through (and that's a good thing).
>niggas complaining about xp12 terrian
You didn't have to suffer with xp11
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>(and that's a good thing)
was it even different from XP10? it looked great in 2011
>it's okay for thing to be bad because the previous thing was even worse
This is how thing never gets good.
The last "sim" I played before XP11 was MS Combat Flight Sim 3 so I don't know.
In 2020 when people complained of "no rudder correction needed" in helicopters, it generally meant they had the default helicopter assists still turned on
2024 has a question when you first install it about whether you want full realistic flight or not (no specific mention of helicopters iirc). I picked that one, but helicopter assists still default to on like 2020...which is probably a good idea for most people without real helicopter controls, but it means I'm always left wondering about people trying to review MSFS helicopter flying if they don't make any mention of turning them off
rip FS2020 giant moon
you're wrong
Isn't Asobo French?
paris is completely overrun with third world human traffick
it just keeps timing out during flight school, infinite loading screens
Is 2024 actually putting much on C?
For me it put symlinks on C that actually point inside D:\WpSystem
(xbox app/Windows store version)
roilling cache
You also can't reduce the size of the rolling cache once set, I presume you have to delete the file.
what do you mean? you can type in any number you want for it, though I assume there is a lower limit
speaking of trains, I was using FS Trains in 2020 but it looks like all my 2020 marketplace scenery isn't showing up in my 2024 library. (Includes everything from the FlyTampa Las Vegas strip to FS Birds)
Did they temporarily block all scenery addons because of problems?
marketplace isn't even online yet is it?
It 100% uses the actual C drive on Steam, I had to make my own symlink. Also seems if you have less than 16 gigs (default size of the rolling cache) of space on the C drive (as I do) the file fails to be created and prevents both the location and the size from being changed. The second I started using the symlink it started working perfectly fine.
anon the CTSL isn't designed to take off in hurricanes
steam is second class citizen here
you vill use ze microsoft store
implessive I've seen literal porn games from 6 years ago coded by one guy with better implementation
Set a lower size after setting it up and it'll give you an error so you can't make it smaller once set
For real, took me a good several hours to figure out what was happening and why the settings were resetting. No errors or anything, you're on your own. Good luck if you have no idea how computers work and what a "symlink" is.
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on what?
Whoa, it's just like my real-world flight school experience where I keep not having enough money to go to flight school!
You don't need any symlink faggotry if you go to storage settings in winblows and set "where new apps are installed" and you can select your destination partition. Downside to this is that windows will create bunch of extra directories which are unsightly.
This works with ms store version but I assume steam version might have the same functionality.
Sure it's shit.
It makes its own symlinks from C: to \WpSystem on the install drive
ah yeah Windows store version put that on my actual install drive instead of C
I guess the Steam version defaults to putting it on C just like 2020 did
actual marketplace isn't open but My Library shows stuff you already have from 2020
What's inside Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe ?
It has my game data. I deleted the post because I'm getting confused about this myself. I fucking hate this shit.
Software should exist in one directory which should be easily managed and nothing else.
Microsoft is so invasive.
why the hell can't I score an A in the pitch lesson? does the line have to be above/below/exactly at the horizon?
Lessons in 2020 were fucking buggy so I'm not surprised they're the same in 24, just experiment
wow, it's like playing 2020 except with no sound and more stuttering
the lessons seem to be the exact same ones ported over
it's the same worthless uninformative scoring from 2020's lessons; I wouldn't waste time on trying for A's
ok, thanks
In that case there's a glider lesson that's a load of shit, I can't remember which one but it tells you to trim to level off but doesn't detect you doing so, you have to over-trim.
they really chickened out by not having you start out in massive debt lol
>The Cessna 152 needs full power to climb
>The Cessna 172 needs full power to climb
hey they updated the plane name in the voice line!
I like how you only have to pay for a test ride once and then you get as many tries as you want at no additional cost
I guess they didn't want to implement McJob Simulator in between lessons/tests
aren't the voices AI generated? it's just changing the text it reads aloud
I actually did the lessons over and over because I was worried about having to pay multiple times and then I finally feel confident enough to pass in one go and it hits me with that pop-up
so lame
I thought the flight lesson voices in 2020 was an actual voice actress, and this sounds like the same voice to me, but yeah it's probably just good voice synth
I'm going to be one of those old people who gets phone scammed by someone voice-cloning my children
faster loading times they said
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this is very fucking confusing
>turning the physics to shit
2024 feels more realistic and I’ve heard that corroborated by several IRL pilots
God you fags are annoying, we don’t need your retarded posts to bump the thread anymore, stop making them
Flight Simulator was never exactly known about its physics. FSX was neither. Prepar3d, although used by Lockheed-Martin isn't any better at least the consumer versions.
I think you are talking trash and you're some sort of platform warrior.
If anything MSFS2020 was a slight upgrade and '24 even more. These all are still consumer level software toys, mind me.
Before talking about "console niggers" you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
>You VILL take the hidden folders with non-descriptive names!
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I have still not had a flight kek, this is all loading
>Before talking about "console niggers" you don't have any idea what you're talking about.
If you don't have the personal agency to build or at least buy a PC, and instead let Snoy/Microshaft pozz your neg hole, then you absolutely are a nigger. Just a dumb, black, retard gorilla nigger.
France is the blackest country in Europe, at least the big cities
>If you don't have the personal agency to build or at least buy a PC, and instead let Snoy/Microshaft pozz your neg hole, then you absolutely are a nigger. Just a dumb, black, retard gorilla nigger.
Where do you even get this? Go back to /v/ or better yet, /pol/.
>Where do you even get this?
From my brain, you fucking NPC. You should try using yours sometime.
I'm on PC if that is so important to you.
Are you underage perhaps? Your posts seem to suggest so. Spewing /v/ buzzwords and edgy slurs like you are 14 or something.
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May I suggest a more, uh, castrated website for you to go back to, if you find it so intolerable here?
It's a bot, stop replying
>Isn't Asobo French?
>It's just straight gay nigjeetery through and through
That's he said, french.
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These are all white men.

Stupid fucking white men.
now post the 496 women and indians who worked on it.
Oh no, not a Russian bot, I hope! I can't handle the thought of someone actually looking down on my fragile worldview, that might make me lose my grip on the cognitive dissonance I have to maintain just to get through my cucked day to day existence!
Gonna get the jannies now?
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frogs have never been good at english
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How the fuck are you seeing people in multiplayer? I have all the settings on from 2020 and I can't figure out what I could be missing. Did they hide this shit somewhere?
There is a setting for it in the settings which is on by default but you then need to make sure it's enabled in the conditions settings on the flight, same as 2020.
How do the alps look in 2024?
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Shit I forgot about the condition settings bs. Thanks man
Unironically breathtaking, whatever they're doing with the terrain texture generation is working (when the server doesn't shit out claiming you have low bandwidth) and the extra trees help out a lot. I'll try to get a pic for you if you can't load in yet.
I haven't bought it yet, I'm gonna wait a month or two
Sensible and enough time for third party devs to get their addons working
yeah it's their bandwidth that is low, not ours. But noooo they had to give a message that implies the user is at fault
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seconding this >>502986170
the new textures they're using are pretty impressive considering they look like this everywhere in the mountains
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that's great, have they fixed the greenwash of roads as well?
Perhaps after a few weeks I will get to witness this, and not just the lowest LOD porridge textures
Right now the career mode trainings are not loading
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There's a lot of things not loading, bud.
Thats the weird thing. It's fixed in a lot of areas but every now and then you'll come across one area where the roads are green then it goes right back to normal after you leave
Is dx12 the biggest flop in history?

Nobody can implement it correctly even when their hand is held by Microsoft and even the Vulcan implemented incorrectly still moggs it.
Why do publishers keep releasing broken games? They must have known it was going to be a trainwreck, the devs surely must have warned them the game wasn't ready yet.
I dunno, but it doesn't seem to even minimize properly because DX12 doesn't use 'fullscreen exclusive' like how everyone's used to with DX11 and before.

I have no idea of the technical reasons so I'm going to do the safe thing and assume it's because of console niggers again.
holy shit
the longer they wait to release the bigger the development cost is, investors want to see a return on their investment as soon as possible.
Wow that looks mental
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we had that in 2020 too.
unironically it's probably nvidia and the display stream compression issues
I remember nobody used dx10
It's an optimization problem. They calculate, all things considered, that releasing a game early in broken state will maximize the profit, despite the refunds and rage
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I'll have to check out other mountain ranges but you can't beat the snow sometimes
They put a date in the name and then ran right to the very edge of that year and released it on the same day Microsoft had to release a terrible quarterly report.
Guess I'll wait a while for them to fix this mess and I'll keep making dumb planes in the meantime
>They put a date in the name
What's the service ceiling of that?
That's the power of machine learning. They just keep throwing in satellite data to process and eventually the underlying terrain mesh is refined enough to resolve these details. Then it's relatively simple to swap out the ortho based on seasons and such.

This approach shows why the complex stuff like mountains looks spectacular but the basic shit like airports >>502935057 is pathetically woeful and why most of them don't even have gates.
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How do you get rid of this shit? I have looked everywhere in the settings and I can't find anything.
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I dunno, tell you when it gets there
and by this shit I mean the notifications
tbqh assets probably didn't stream in, it's kinda terrible about that, it will let you exist in a portal to hell without warning
how does it look like from higher up?
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Some airports don't have parking when they did in 2020.
This thing maybe?
Yeah tried that, still getting them.
Actually Lake Havasu is completely bugged and you can't even start on the runway, ffs that's my favourite place to fly.
anyone figured out how to skip or disable the youtuber walkaround phase and make sure all the covers are removed?
Is anyone able to upload the Darkstar files? I want to see if it works in 24.
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30k feet and still going
I'm sorry, but this game is marketed towards a certain IQ segment.
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>even my error guys have errors
refunding this shit
I can't believe something as little as a player character model could not be preloaded locally
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Bout to hit 35k but the climbrate is getting close to ceiling numbers
I haven't even simmed in months
maybe a pilot career in 1946 will get me out of the slump...
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I'm gonna say it's about 36100 ft
Now let's see how high it'll go with some flaps
The UI looks like absolute dogshit in this game considering the premium price as well, but I guess it's not top of the list of priorities right now.
I'm not even sure planes are loaded locally, had some really fucked up LOD and texture issues with them as well.

So fucking good, i've got the new one with a bunch of overpriced DLC, but 1946 modded just hits different, i'm always going back to it.
there was a great player made career for the BAT modpack where you played as a German pilot from 1937 in the Spanish civil war through to 1941. was great progressing through the years and flying new 109s. Pretty large scale fights too, specially in the Battle of Britain chapter, what with bombers, escorts, etc. Malta was fun too, flying with the Italians
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A bit over 38k is about as high as it'll go on flaps 1, and flaps 2 slow me down enough to actually lose altitude
That concludes this test
What if the wings were more v-shaped?
What part of "you'll own nothing" did you not understand?
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The absolute state of this game.
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At least you get plane models and terrain.
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I love X-plane 12.

That is all.
To be honest I didn't have much loading issues today but for me the career mode flying lessons can run at 5 fps in places and taking off is bugged - sometimes the frame rate will just collapse etc.
After four years this game shouldn't behave like this at all because it's the same fucking game minus some displacement shaders and new textures.
I was having no problems at all today but now I can't even load into a single airport. Changing cache didn't work so I put it back.
Is that AI traffic?
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Nope, actual traffic injected via the free Live Traffic plugin and shows up on TCAS. So basically uses no CPU and realistic to boot. And now the ATC uses SIDs and STARs and everything. It's just sublime.
Took me a literal day to just get passed the queue, now every time I even manage to get into the game I get some new problem, texture issues, stuck on some random screen, performance is fucked when it shouldn't be, memory leak issues, crashes.

Shouldn't be a bandwidth issue because i'm on a 1GB/s connection ffs

This really is abysmal for what is just a big patch for 2020.

I curse you and your functional sim, if I didn't love bush flying so much i'd be 100% team XP, but even just having NZ with somewhat decent orthos was like 2TB.
Will 1000 Mbps (125 actual megabytes) internet be enough to play this shit without issues
no because your connection doesn't matter microsoys does and they Will throttle you for like no reason
>Will 1000 Mbps (125 actual megabytes) internet be enough to play this shit without issues
Nope because the streaming problems are 100% on microdicks end.
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Hah, the ATC even recognizes the traffic now, oh this is wonderful!
>So basically uses no CPU and realistic to boot.
What does that mean, it just draws a generic plane in place?
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draws yes, generic no. You download a CSL pack of planes and liveries and LiveTraffic takes the navdata and draws the appropriate model. They're somewhat low quality but perfectly fine for viewing up to pretty close distances, with working flaps, engines and lights.

So here I'm overtaking NK498 and if you look, NK498 is indeed a Spirit airlines A320neo currently inbound to KLAX
Well that's cool. Whenever I tried AI traffic before it just destroyed my fps. I don't like the labels though.
>fly in Tokyo
>smoother than in 2020
>fly over my medium-sized hometown
>stutters like as if I was playing Oblivion on my super poorfag PC from 2004
It makes no logical sense at all.
Yeah I've noticed it's a bit laggy randomly as well, versus other times when it's clearly running much smoother than 2020. Still even the laggiest moments I've seen in 2024 have been nowhere near as bad as 2020 could get at times. Wondering if it's the Dynamic Settings option or something but it's hard to test when certain things require restart and it's not always consistent.
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You can turn off the labels. There's actually a ton of settings.
Is there a list of animals that show up in 2024?
Nothing will show up because the server can't provide them
That looks very cool.
or who knows they've made a bright red error baboon for each of them as a placeholder
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I can't even launch the game from steam. It just goes "running" then back to "play" in about 10 seconds
>Emirates A388 LAX-DXB

Ok, that's awesome. It's like FlightRadar24 in 3d. https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/UAE216
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Yep, so here I am parked at Terminal 1 KLAX and SWA2974 comes right alongside. It's all transponder data.

meds, nigger
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Holy shit lmao, that vid is just constant hilarity
Interesting how each piece of the plane is downloaded separately
Not really, anyone who's done basic modding knows it's all separate pieces cause otherwise how would you paint it in photoshop or blender or whatever.

The bigger problem is there's no priority to the download sequence, it just throws irrelevant files, whatever it can get through. The fact that it's designed in this haphazard way reveals how unoptimized and how stupid the system is. No wonder there are bandwidth issues.
I use AutoOrtho for XP12.
Model comes in pieces for sure, but why not just download all pieces at once in one request? It does look like a network issue more than some culling problem because of how stupid it is
Why are you obsessed with using slurs?
Bingo, this guy gets it.

No you're not getting the point, the key word there is 'priority'. In content delivery, certain parts are just going to requested much more than the others. Like the start of a movie on Netflix for instance, nearly everyone starts there, but not everyone watches the whole thing, so demand drops off during the runtime. If you engineer the network delivery correctly, you'll account for this demand discrepancy and have redundancies for those high demand parts, just like, you know, an aircraft has.

In this case, the plane's cockpit and fuselage is obviously more important than the fucking cabin and cargo hold, but since the servers are getting hammered with demand, only the parts that people aren't requesting are getting through. That's what it looks like to me. It seems Asobo are just as bad at stream engineering as they are at making planes.
I've never played MSFS2020, but I always heard people say it had realistic graphics. Is that at max settings? Cause those clouds don't look like any clouds I've ever seen, there's barely any shading or depth.
Zibo's 737 for XP12 is leagues and bounds better than PMDG's 737 and it's not even close.
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MSFS undeniably has the best graphics of any flight sim, but realistic is really pushing it. The only people who go that far are cheap tightwads who can't afford a good PC build and cope by pretending their Xbox can be a supercomputer. On top of that, Asobo nerfs the graphics so it can run smoothly on said Xbox supercomputer.

And that's without considering the problems with photogrammetry. It doesn't matter what you run it on, satellite data is just never going to look that good up close in urban environments. This is where user input solutions like Xplane's scenery gateway and Google's (when they ran it) sketchup warehouse really come in handy, letting people build parts of the world and add it to the default "world". DESU, I have no idea why Asobo have not taken that route, it's literally free labor and they certainly have a base of lemmings to do it for them. I can only surmise it's probably some deal with their 3rd party vendors so that everyone has to buy scenery packs.
that's our word
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There are people in this thread right now who paid 200 judeo-american dollars for this!
I'm a paypig and a retard and I did this.
I get jewed all the time too. last time when I bought KSP2 on day 1. oh boy do I regret that too.
>last time when I bought KSP2 on day 1
ouch man
tbf a lot of people got tricked just because the first one was so good and they were going to add so many features people wanted. Guess they never delivered and the studio got sold off or shut down.
>day 1
Nigga you deserve it for buying ANYTHING day 1.
I pre-ordered Starfield "goodest-goy" edition. Never pre-ordering anything again, ESPECIALLY if Mumbaisoft is involved.
Feels like I really dodged a bullet with MSFS 2024b though!
Don't worry, legions of retards will preorder TES6 anyway despite slopfield
don't worry bro it'll be on unreal 5
why are these companies allowed to do this shit to us?
why is there no consumer protection?
Because those that have the money write the rules. Just look at Israel and AIPAC
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>why is there no consumer protection?
It's better this way, otherwise the ADL will just volunteer themselves to control what kind of vidya is allowed to be exposed to you.
There is no middle ground here, it's either all the way retarded in one direction, or all the way retarded in the other (by design).
>my favourite thing about XP though, and this is going to sound autistic as hell even by sim standards, but it's the working railway lines and trains.
Wait..that's a thing? I don't think I've even seen a train in xplane, is it a European thing?
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I think the Garmin panels are bugged and the cause of performance issues at least on my machine. At least G1000 seems to be a problem.
Also annoyed by the ukrainian flag colors on the main screen, wtf.
Keep your politics away from my games you piece of shits.
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>Also annoyed by the ukrainian flag colors on the main screen, wtf.
>Keep your politics away from my games you piece of shits.
At least it isn't some gay pride flag I guess, things could be worse
svinorez isn't politics it's more like applied philosophy, I think?
am I going insane or are the airports unusually bumpy?
It will be. You didn't buy a live service game thinking they would leave you alone, did you?
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To be honest I didn't notice it till y'all said it.
I haven't seen a single player online yet. In fact, I'm not even sure if it's even enabled. It is enabled from my own settings of course.
I've seen a couple, had to manually enable it each time I loaded up the sim tho.
>He doesn't know about Dead Internet "Theory"
There's like 80 people out there, the rest are all bots (jewish variety). You've been playing with yourself this whole time.
No, not the whole time. Once, twice, max three times a day.
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Basically, despite what the console niggers say, Xplane could kill MSFS quite quickly if they really wanted to and partnered with Google or some similar company. Because it turns out MSFS's operating ceiling is set by Bing maps and Azure servers.
That's nothing, you have to wait for the Ukraine war is completely over to buy S.T.A.H.K.A.H. 2, otherwise you're just funding the dekulakization of Khazaria.
I never bought the AN-225 in MSFS 2020 for that same reason.
In light of this whole fiasco, the Xplane dev podcast from a month ago makes a lot more sense to me. Because everyone's wondering why Xplane doesn't just call it quits but their products functionality is the core appeal for their professional users, so it needs to be reliable and dependable and then they can make it pretty. It's the opposite scenario of MSFS2024, which is as close to lipstick on a pig as software can get.
>everyone's wondering why Xplane doesn't just call it quits
That's because they don't understand what it offers in contrast to MSFS
Meh, desu I considered it. 200 shekels isn't a lot for a 1 time fee to fly the world. What's stopping me isn't so much the bugs, those will get fixed eventually, but this shit
If Asobo can't use anything except Bings old moldy shit, that's severely limiting and basically throws a lot of cold water on the idea of a continually updated online flight sim. If course they'll probably sell scenery packs eventually...but then, what's even the point of buying MSFS in the first place?
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>those will get fixed eventually
>Kinda seems like eventually it'll stop being Flight Simulator and eventually just be Earth Simulator. Like the sims on a giant scale.
I think you hit on their real plan. This isn't Flight Sim v2. It's Metaverse v1.
I made a tree height mod by editing the .xml files and packaging it by following an old example.
However, how the fuck do I load the addons?
Is this the right place?
I do hate the fact they changed all this from 2020.
21 votes so far lol
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>do these career mode missions
>everytime I have to fly a Black man and a white woman
>these people keep talking random smalltalk shit during the flight
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You can import previous planes from 2020 as long as you have the files but they're incredibly buggy
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I made a .xml editor script which modifies TreeSpecies tree heights. Seems like it's working and mod is loading in too.
Going to see if I can edit '15-asobo_biomes_cities.xml' and disable trees from cities but leave them enabled everywhere else (and scaled down to taste).
Going to put up the python script and workflow somewhere when I'm done.
low level API's in general have been a huge flop
good to see
where I live there are too many pines, and it's just mostly open farmland irl
they always asked you to look out for traffic
Trees are still annoying in this game.
There's a lot of things which can be modified, and could probably be used to optimize the game's performance too but going through all the files by hand is not fun and too time consuming.
yeah, hopefully the community can come together to autistically remove trees and such
lord knows that asobo won't
I voted no, since the devs have more important things to work on, plus it doesn't annoy me since I knew better than to buy the game.
>have to fly around a gay couple around a city
>Can't even go out in a literal blaze of glory
Well there you have it folks, MSFS 2024 came and went, just like that.
Hopefully this serves as a painful lesson to any developers that want to chase the streaming dragon.
It's nothing new. Microsoft kills everything they touch. Every single time.
if only Sublogic had said no
I still want a space sim type of game but with real planes
I think Orbiter is the closest you're gonna get.
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I love having a heavily limited selection of aircraft for career mode, and even those aircraft not being properly playtested
not a space sim
All these shit game releases, left and right.
Tried Stalker 2 and at least on my machine it compiles shaders every single time I launch the game. And it's not even fast.
Every single game release these days is unoptimized buggy piece of shit.
X-Plane bros how we feeling?

I can't help but laugh.
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>not a space sim
it's not, a "Space Sim" is a game about trading and combat in an open world, it's a proper noun, the name of a Genre, which you can't just take at it's face value

Orbiter is a simulation of spaceflight, which is something else

why do zoomers not know what Genre's are anymore?
Made the switch long ago, my time is too valuable to download mandatory gigabytes at kilobyte speeds, I think I had 20 hours clocked with FS 2020 with only about 4 hours of actual flying before it started to CTD on the runway every time (with a 4090).
I actually need to get up and go to work again every day, coming up on 450 successful hours of DCS.
I just slapped Auto-Ortho and SimHaven sceneries and it just werks on my XP12.
No having to sit through 3 hour updates when I boot the game up.
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It just works!
We all knew the first few days would be a shitshow mate fucking hell the x plane doomers are having a field day over this. Came and went my arse, once the server shite has been sorted people will forget about it and carry on playing like nothing ever happened.
Playing the most casualised slop with shit physics to boot!
Are you getting paid by Austin for this? I really hope you are.
>xplane schizo continues to cry "shit physics! shit physics!"
I have talked with several pilots who have played the new sim and they think the physics are not only much better than 2020 but are very close to life, at least for the planes with good ones since things are somewhat inconsistent, some planes fly very nicely while others are giving me constant dutch rolls
>x plane doomers
it's the only time they can gloat. (all 5 of them) (developers included)
Zoomers don't even know what Orbiter is you fucking retard.
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Well I'm actually in the game and it all loaded quickly. Initial thoughts are that it's a bit rough though it doesn't help I'm only on 60mbps. The liveries on the static planes seem to only appear within 10 metres of them which is very strange.
that's the thing, FS needs perfect fine tuning to be even close to good
X-plane is just good out of the box
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Okay 10 metres was a slight exaggeration but you can see here that Baron's liveries have just disappeared. I can appreciate you don't want high res liveries when they're far away but at least just lower the detail and keep the colours.
Austin would be proud mate, keep up the good work
Heard the opposite.

Heard ground handling and taxiing is better. But flight model is still the same arcade shit.
>only on 60mbps
The eager willingness to simp for crooked corporations is a death sentence for the human race
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>I have talked with several pilots who have played the new sim and they think the physics are not only much better than 2020 but are very close to life
Sure you have saar, sure you have.
I will say only because that's a shit broadband speed these days. I had another ISP knock on my door saying I can get up to 2gbps but unfortunately I'm locked into a contract with my current one for a few years and can only get up to 60
MB339 in VR in MSFS2024. The runway and taxi lights from above look weird as fuck
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wtf is going on there
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The traffic models are actually quite impressive
Thats been a MSFS staple.

X-Plane shits all over MSFS in the airport lighting department.
yes yes, we know grandpa. Now get back to bed.
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Also this random car seems really high resolution
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>local cathedral's cloister is now an office block
If you want to remove the co pilot you need to go back to customise identity and then unset the co pilot from there.
it's all meant to hold up to first person view now
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I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with the text in the cockpit of the C152, it's blurry when you're not close to it, I don't have DLSS on.
>head tracking is still enabled in the main menu so it just spins around
This is just the fucking alpha isn't it?
And if you go to the mirror, you'll see the beta that paid for it.
Meanwhile you're sitting here advertising x plane FOR FREE
That will be $200 please. + tip.
Where in my post did I mention x plane anon?
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If you want to remove the EFB you have to press this tiny little power button to get rid of it.
It crashed to desktop as I was setting some controls. I am not impressed so far, I could have almost forgiven the server shit but if the game is buggy then that's unacceptable.
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Many such cases, sad!
>Is there a list of animals that show up in 2024?
They're all in the character creator.
>why is there no consumer protection?
There is here in Diggery Doo Land, even managed to refund 2024 despite having almost 10 hours in it. Almost all of which was sitting in queues.
I've got mine at Ultra with no further tweaking and get 60 FPS on the ground at an airport with traffic etc. Now I set the target framerate to 60 so I'm not sure what it'll be like if I remove the target. The alpha ran better than 2020, this runs worse.
>local cathedral's cloister is now an office block
Lets be honest, some heretical nu-architect somewhere has done this.
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>hype the fuck out of your upcoming release
>the previous entry was already huge
>umm we didn't think so many people would buy this one :(((
It's just absolutely baffling how utterly and unfathomably stupid the people running the videogame industry are.
>I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with the text in the cockpit of the C152, it's blurry when you're not close to it, I don't have DLSS on.
Maybe a depth of field issue?
>Wtf the sequel the one of the most successful games ever with a gigantic playerbase had loads of people try to play on launch day? Who could have foreseen this?
Possibly, it seemed fine in the C172 maybe the 152 is bugged
>No having to sit through 3 hour updates when I boot the game up.
This is what ultimately killed 2020 for me.

>Get home from work
>Forced update, can't postpone it, can't just play, doesn't even have a separate launcher for updates
>If by some miracle it isn't a fuck huge update, it still resets all my shit and expects me to waste my time configuring things again every time it updates

Absolutely laughable that cunts put up with that shit.
The amount of CTDs is ridiculous, I've no idea if that's down to the servers or the game being buggy.
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>The amount of CTDs is ridiculous, I've no idea if that's down to the servers or the game being buggy.
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>The amount of CTDs is ridiculous
God I wish I could get far enough for it to crash.
Wait, still?!? I thought it's mostly been resolved by now.
Is that really that common after 4 years? Does the steam version update automatically?
It's only after a sim update, the world updates are optional
Why isn't the fucking walkaround stuff optional?
>Alpha sierra, xray golf sierra, traffic is type 300 miles at your 6 o’clock. Report them in sight.
damn does it really run worse than 2020? they said it would run smoother
Why are VTOL aircraft not using turbofans?
>microsoft has no timeline for fixing it
I hate jeets so much it's unreal. They're the opposite of Midas, everything they touch turns shit.
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how the free flight menu looks
0% of non VM Linux users can run it.
>request resource from the server
>server does not respond
>assume it came anyways
>Is that really that common after 4 years? Does the steam version update automatically?
Yeap and yeap, although now with 2024's release maybe they'll leave 2020 alone. But every time an update was forced out for 2020 it reset all your shit and it'd force you to reconfigure it all on startup.
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I've had 2020 reset all my graphics and accessibility settings and controller profiles randomly on a few occasions because it just feels like it, not even as a result of updates. It's been a known bug since the game released and still persists to today. That stuff can take an hour or so to setup again as well. Probably all due to sync issues with the "cloud".
It happened to me once after a sim update, very irritating
The servers are gradually getting better but it's taking a long time.
>getting better
But it'll never be fixed, the system is inherently broken and every time you load the sim there will forever be a chance that you'll not even be able to get in, things won't load, you'll forever be beholden to the whims of their servers and their utter incompetence.

Had enough of this bullshit with 2020 and they've just dialled up the potential server issues to 11 with virtually everything being streamed now.

The series isn't going from strength to strength, it's adding weakness upon weakness with ever increasing layers of anti-consumer bullshit for people to wade through.
Well you already have people ITT complaining about downloading large updates for 2020 so they can't win really. Clearly this is a disaster and they didn't test and prepare well enough, but I can see why they're moving towards streaming, 500gb+ for a game is pretty absurd.
Downloading big updates for 2020 would have been fine if Microsoft and Asobo didn't decide to rate limit their servers to 2005 internet speeds.

Microsoft is literally the 2nd largest server provider on the planet but even with a niche game with their name on it they gotta pinch pennies on bandwidth when even microscopic slavic devs don't.
Yeah I remember on launch when it was 100gb+ downloading at dial up speed
It is but it isn't really considering the scope of the "game" and the fact that dedicated flight simmers are really...well, dedicated. A 2tb ssd is one of the cheaper components they'll ever buy.

The real problem is the limitations of the Xbox basically force them into these live service shenanigans if they really want to develop the sim. If you think about it, MSFS actually has considerable headwinds against it compared to Xplane. They've got to keep the game compliant with console performance restrictions and deal with outdated Bing maps data, which is probably unlikely to be updated anytime soon because the cost of that would likely easily outweigh the profits of MSFS. I mean, there isn't even a Bing maps app, literally nobody uses it.

Whereas with Xplane the path is fairly straightforward, just license the data and create a scenery system. That's not easy and it's certainly a lot of work, but on a long enough time frame they will eventually get there because Earth is a fairly static environment with well understood parameters. As long as you're not constrained like Asobo is with Bing, it's not a huge amount of work to update the world every 2-4 years in line with satellite data.
Thanks microsoft, very cool. Where's the button to download shit.
Less people are on most likely. Doubt this retards are actually fixing anything. The simplest solution is to let people download packages that are flagged as "streaming". Sure not everyone will do that, but most will at least download the planes, that would fix issues for a lot of people and buy them some time.
Devops and networking isn't my strong point but isn't the whole idea that things are scalable? More people playing? Just bring it more servers.
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That's because microscopic slavic devs and their mothers use AWS, just like everyone else. Even Xplane uses AWS for their CDN.

In fact I'd argue MSFS could even be a money loser for Microsoft given that's it's basically advertising the inferiority of Azure to the wider public that doesn't give a shit about flight sims or gaming in general.

I mean, it's just simple maths. This says FS2020 grossed $65 million. https://levvvel.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-statistics/
Let's round out to $100 million over 4 years. A lotta fagina.
Then do a Google news search for AWS contracts. It's all state government deals in the billions. If even one of those bids falls through for MS because of the Azure crashing news, it's a complete loss. Probably why the whole thing feels so rickety. I mean, they're not even willing to spend money on the mapping data the sim depends on, why would they invest that heavily in the game?
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>Well you already have people ITT complaining about downloading large updates for 2020 so they can't win really.
...literally just having decent download servers and not forcing people to update would have fixed it, instead they've doubled down on both of those issues. Every session will now be beholden to those same shit download servers, every session will be one big forced streaming update with a dozen new facets that can go horribly wrong to ruin the experience and then there will be forced client updates on top of that. As much as I loved 2020's visuals it was an overall shit experience for me, there was almost an entire year where i'd go away for work, come back and the game would force an update, reset all my shit, so every session I went to have it'd be a chore, and after the fuck horrid launch of 2024 and having now spent two days and gotten to fly for maybe 20 minutes, seeing just how much they're streaming, how shit the performance is and what they're focussed on moving forward I really can't be fucked dealing with their bullshit anymore.

I just want to install a sim, tweak it to my liking, update it when I want to update it. It's not complicated.
Did you try the alpha? Everything loaded up very quickly and there were no issues with streaming. If they can sort this shit out it won't be an issue. That plane looks shit but if you wait a minute it'll load in just because the servers are knackered currently, I keep getting 'not enough bandwidth' warnings yet the game isn't downloading anything.
You really only have yourself to blame assuming it'd work on launch after years of abuse.

I can't wait for MSFS users to experience all the other joys of live service games, you just know at some point the servers will get hacked for the lulz.
>Hello saar I am the prince of Nigeria and I know where you've been flying gibe moni pls
I think they are just using it as an experiment for future Azure products, 200,000 estimated concurrent users was what they were expecting, they probably got 3 times as much.
MSFS24 is a backend experiment for them imo.
And they fucked it up.
More like it'll download some crypto miner or turn the sun into a penis or something.
I'm not buying that. The twitch channel had like 36k viewers at launch. Right now it has 7k viewers. Other games that we know operate in the 100-200k player range like Apex easily exceed those numbers.

Furthermore, they have the sales numbers, they should have easily foreseen the load. Why not make the aviator edition an early access pass? There's tons of things they could've done, they just didn't do them.
200k expected was in their official statement and it exceed it according to their video (linked in the article), im just going on that.

You're right and let's not forget it wasn't even the sim that crashed the servers, people were stuck in authentication. And when you look at steam with 20 to 30 million online all the time, 200k is a pathetic number to choak on.

The whole thing is just poorly engineered, there's really no other way of spinning it.
I think they're in part getting funding from microsoft because it's driving azure tech, but I don't think that's the primary driver. I think it's clearly just an incompetent as fuck made game.

They should have made sure to have way more server capacity than they could ever possibly need, launch is the most important time for a game, they had fuck knows how many people watching streams, looking at reviews, or you know, people just trying to play the game they bought, and the whole thing fell apart.

Eat the huge server expense for the first month, figure out your actual player numbers, scale back from there.

They're trying to force people to jump through all these fucking online hoops and they can't even line the hoops up for people to jump through.
I know that, I saw the video. I'm saying they're either lying outright or just fucking stupid. You choose which.
People are saying the gamepass numbers were the issue
I don't think server capacity is the issue, otherwise it'd be fixed by now. I think the posts about poor file prioritization and redundancy above are probably closer to the truth. The entire structure of the system is flawed and unscalable. The 200k load test was misleading, and probably points to further incompetence on Azure or themselves.
>I don't think server capacity is the issue
What are the login queues?

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