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/ggg/: NONE
GGST NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
SEA Major Nov. 23 - Nov. 24: https://www.start.gg/tournament/sea-major-2024/details

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://x.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (v1.09.1/Dizzy Patch)

>Queen Dizzy Starter Guide

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Major Patch 1.40 (Oct. 31)

>Upcoming To3/Bugfix Patch 1.41 (Nov. 20) + Known Issues

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer (Jan. 23, 2025 Release Date)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform & region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>502508184
>they get opened by fuzzies
nigga just keep blocking high, you know they always bait you to go low
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Posting Ragna to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
I look like that
Cycling through multiple characters is the best way to enjoy playing Strive.
https://youtu.be/uaW7TzTlJ40 thoughts?
proof constantly complaining online gives you everything you want and more
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kek i love this image
Then how come my dick is so small
Millia players aren't as loud and annoying as Baiken players. Pump up that complaining, you guys need it
small dicks are cute
milliabros have the only whiner that I know by name
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breadly sin
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i mean if cdprojektred offered you all this cyberpunk money to put their waifu in your game, would you say no? i wouldn't
uso da
isn't it arcsys paying cdprojektred to use their property?
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yeah, that's what ken said
>7 delay Elphelt
I beat this fucker thinks bomb-bomb is an unblockable
>7 delay
the doomed timeline where strive never had rollback
Strive's art director is a CDProjektfag and fought tooth and nail to include his waifu in the game
this is coated in troon stink
Yes, I'd say no. Wanna know why? Because I don't wanna ruin my carefully crafted universe with something as so out of place as fucking cuberpunk
if anything, I'd look for a Collab character that won't look out of place and can make sense canon-wise
i would say no cause i'm not a hack
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i'm nearly certain she's a biohole but you can never truly tell with east asians
If it was aimed at a female character yeah
>LK saying the game is probably higher damage than before
lmao at what point does this game just become samsho
I sometimes wonder what arcsys balance philosophy actually is.
It can't be number of whiners, otherwise Sol would be giga SSS+++ top tier and HC bottomest tier
It can't be popularity, as Bridget is currently fucking garbage
It can't be sanity, otherwise Slayer would've been nerfed already
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you know my name???!
i don't understand how anyone who looks at strive can think the game has some sort of overarching guiding design principle
just the pot/GL changes vs the millia ones should tell you that there's a bunch of different directions inside the dev department
If anything I agree with the Millia changes. Nobody wants a top tier Millia.
i genuinely don't think they have many people working on strive
i agree in the abstract but shooting an already low-tier character in the foot while giving GL BT cancels simply could not be done by the same person or even people under the same person
i'd rather have a top tier millia than a top tier GL any day of the week, and i've been through the trenches with high tier millia in the older games, no one hates that bitch more than i do. but GL is that much worse.
Then balance changes would be far more cohesive. And the To3 shit clearly took a lot of work.
>And the To3 shit clearly took a lot of work.
i genuinely do not get why they even did this, it's actually baffling they spent money and time on this.
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literally just not touching her would have left her at mid tier at best. instead she got shot in both knees and got a j.D damage buff as a shot on the face just to keep them quiet
Slayer was nerfed
It's called "Wild Balance"
It's fun.
If Millia had both her legs broken off why do all those tournament results in the last few threads have Millias
And where are the Slayers
The Slayers of the world are traveling and getting AWT points to get a shot at the 100K pot, like Razzo.
Oy vey stop noticing Anji top tier, HC honest mid tier
millia players are just that much better fundamentally, niggas really lost to an anti anti air when that was the only good move in her entire kit, unironically if you lose to millia in this patch you should really think about why you play fighting games to begin with.
>HC bottomest tier
get real leffen
>number of whiners
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>knowledge check character
>nerf the knowledge check character
>dont learn the matchup
>still lose to the knowledge check
its really a wonder
reminder that deflect shield option select is in the game
watch those tournaments, count how many times they use it (its zero)
And you can backdash the BT to recover in time to punish GL; he's a fundamentally flawed character.
Millia's knowledge checks are simply stronger.
solely because not that many people play him, the second he gets touched people are like "well he's MAYBE lower A tier now..."
Excellent bait 10/10
what's the ds os?
shit bait
i wouldn't even say it's just knowledge checks, strive players just suck a defense
Pretending any milliafag has any fundamentals
waaaaay more fundementals than your average GL player, millias have to actually think about moving around the screen even with old kapel.
Every single Milliafag is a pathological liar
It's only natural that mixup characters attract dishonest people
>t. someone who thinks strike throw can never be dishonest
get ya defense up nigga.
if you don't run at her, then what can she do? space herself with her superior speed and bait out attacks? as if.
millia players don't play neutral because their stick is constantly holding up
>posts about how he can't deal with a millia holding up
masterful gambit anon sir
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that's not what i said at all brother
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>space well and bait out attacks
>get hit once
so you're telling me i need to double perfect to win a match? yeah she must be top tier
give up on soive already, return to Xrd
all of millia mix is reactable if you played the older games.
chipps don't complain about their low hp. they don't have a 3f anymore either. if you're doing your thing, the opponent can't play the game anyway.
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turning mix into massive knowledge checks instead of just regular ol you have to hold this shit is so fucking lame man, why are fighting games so allergic to force people to have actual good defense.
they have a dp
they have a 4f 5p
they actually deal damage
yeah tell me about it
how do we fix dizzy
this character cant compete with the gorilla nonsense in this game
you play xrd or +r where she is good in both
first we lower her defense and guts
what else do you need? you're already A+ tier
millia has a 4f 2p
she can deal damage.
she has stronger air-to-airs and anti-airs.
>4f 2p
that combos into nothing and has no range
>she can deal damage
in very niche corner setups or with 5 j.Ds in a row with frc badmoon
>she has strong air to airs
air to aiR, she has j.S and thats it.
he has a dp man
>2p not being able to combo is a bad thing
i lost the argument
>Ky counterplay
>keep an eye on shock state because it makes his specials better on block, also remember that he doesn't have any overheads other than dust
>Millia counterplay
>why doesn't my strike throw character have any fast overheads!!?!?!?! I WANT EVERYTHINNNGGGGGGG
>why does this 0 hp character need multiple tools???!?! SHE SHOULD JUST EXPLODE WHEN I LOOK AT HER!!!
it is a bad thing, every other guilty gear 2p gatlings into 2k or 5k or 2s or c.s or 5h or 6h or 6h
It's not Dizzy who needs fixing
you know whats funny with this post is that ky has a really good cse loopable 50/50 with shock state now
Who the fuck gets a 2P into 2K
Even on CH that's not a gatling
appeal to xturd fallacy
your game lost btw sis
Maybe people would hate millia less if her players werent the most annoying fucking people both in and outside the game
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Why would you even play Millia when her hat is so stupid looking? You could be playing May or Ram. I-no even.
>imagine type lumina with strive 6P. that would basically be the perfect fighting game.

you are supposed to situate yourself to so people land on your grounded normals and use air unblockable options

aa's aren't supposed to be THE answer at these ranks
no thanks
>likes millia
>doesn't like hags
Yep, the shit taste lines up
Millia players don't like Millia, what they like is playing the victim
Wow you f12 edited Dustloop, amazing
>Lust shaker
>doesn't shake
>doesn't incite lust
unless you rework half the characters in the game yes she does need fixing
Oh you were talking about Xrd
Make dog hit twice.
>millia players hate their character
>dizzy players hate their character
hello I main bedman? and he is very fun and you should swap to him
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I like Dizzy
It's not dizzy players complaining about dizzy
lobby's back up.
How do I get over nightmares?
Leo's theme is underappreciated
lyrics are so childish that it ruins the entire song
wenewewenewewenenenewenene ne
Those who dream of heaven never last very long
The rotting flesh and the dirty sky infect my wounds
Sinbros I'm starting to feel like the Zato cabal is actually right this time and Sin is truly top tier this patch
however his matchups against the other top tiers feel way worse now
Has Ilyria even fought a single war past the crusades a billion years ago
He was a character last patch that wasn't good to the point where you had to learn the matchup and now that he's basically a whole new character, people have to actually learn the matchup. He's only pumped up this much since he looks insane out the gate with guard crush bullshit, but once people start to actually learn how to play around his resources, it isn't gonna be too bad. A lot of people just let Sin blow his stamina and then let him back off to get it all back. He used to always have to pursue regardless of who you played since he had to get in to win and wasn't that scary regardless of his stamina. Now he is actually scary with full stamina so he actually has a reason to back off and let the enemy come to him. It's a big difference that people haven't really caught onto yet
what makes Sin better than season 3 when he abused WA? It feels really bad now, when you use all your stamina and are no longer allowed to play offense.
Sorry that happened
Or good for you
People don't understand yet that Sin has a resource he has to manage now. He's better in that his conversion ability is top class now, but that conversion ability is tied to his pressure and safety in strings which means that he is much more exploitable if you know how to force him to use his stamina. Basically, his strengths are really strong, but his weaknesses are even more pronounced
Ok but why does leo get better at fighting people behind him
he gets a power boost from feeling himself
Why does he have to look away from his opponent to get a confidence boost
no you're misunderstanding
he's not looking away from the opponent to get a confidence boost
he's looking away from his opponent BECAUSE he's confident
he's not good with eye contact
some looney tune shit.
This was Ky's scream specifically
Just beat a Bridget in a ft100 now xhes mine for the rest of the night, to the victor goes the spoils
i'm the same character archetype as leo thus i understand how he works
>doesnt even post more brap art
apply yourself.
But where does it say this in the game?
are you not listening to me? i am the primary source
Why was Sol an eyeless hentai protagonist in xturd?
Fact: Leo players are the most powerful race in the world
Why does Ky say "Kai Cenat" when he gets up from s knockdown?
Sol is a harem protagonist.
if whites are the most powerful race in the world, why are japanese so much better?
yeah i quit strive recently and my life is a lot better when i'm not spending 30 seconds of my day watching the stupid wallbreak animation
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How the fuck do you block milia jumping in the air and using the hair tornado thing? I just really don't get it. I block high I get hit, I block low I get hit. I refuse to play against her because the second I get hit once that just gets looped infinitely until I get wall breaked where that is my only chance to reset the fight.
scroll up lil nigga, they posted the millia defense bible
it's an unblockable
guess nigga guess
you have to react
Why do Millias cry when you're the one forced to hunker down while they do whatever they want?
If you hate this game why do you still play it?
this is /ggg/ a general dedicated to the guilty gear series, which game in the series are you referring to?
I only hate strive. the og gears are masterclass.
Why not talk about them then?
because strive is under active development and most of the discussion here revolves around strive? am I not allowed to talk about shit I hate?
I like Strive
Xrd is okay. +R is good.
Maybe controversial but I don't think the final balance versions of either of those games are very good. I think Strive will be the same.
is sound modding hard
ArcSys and balance are largely alien concepts
Xrd > +R >>>>>>>> Soive
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We don't talk about that crap here
Is SnowbunnyEnjoyer another of Sneed's alts?
Yes, don't tell anyone else though.
No, that's LK
Game crashed.
Thanks steam.
Only on tuesdays huh?
also the lobby's back up.
sneed fucks kids
even strive fanart is trannycoded holy shit
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Delete this immediately
next patch i-no gets dhalsim teleports??
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oyasumi —ggg— always by your side
hc should've been a cute smurfette
>Art based on a rare real woman interested in GG cosplaying
You are WARPED
>rare real woman interested in GG
any "rare real woman" interested in GG deserves to be raped, neck yourself retard
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fujo at best, still needs rape correction
>block for five seconds straight
>sol catches my jump startup
>does 80% of my hp off a non counterhit
risc is such a faggot mechanic
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"EEEERM, youre like, an internet tough guy"
It's been in the OP for ages
i never read the op once in the 3 years i've been here
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Kliff surpassed the japanese in their own game
Then why is your intro so long you stupid bitch?
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Needs an edit with a fat ass jiggling after falling down
since when did that konebany nigga browse this thread
hes my alt
This pic makes me feel.
me in the middle
So does the patch being out on the 20th mean right now, or later today?
Do you guys think Sol would refer to masturbation as cranking his hog
After maintenance

Sol hasn't masturbated for at least 150 years because it makes him sad thinking about his dead wife
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These threads have really gone to shit since Dizzy released
Lobby's closed.
Good night.
thas right lil soivah, now go back to r*ddit
Quick, someone namedrop me!
this patch is kinda ass and im one of the biggest winners in it
I think the patch is good but they haven't done enough instead
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Are you faggots gonna play 3v3 tomorrow or what?
i wish they added ariels or gabriel instead of venom he is a faggot
no, i don't want to give arcsys the impression that the effort spent on that mode was even remotely worth it
to3 is the best thing arcsys has done since asuka and i'm not an anti social faggot so i actually have friends to play with. so yeah, i'm full timing it
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I wanna play more johnny but i dont want people to say im carried by a top tier...
He deserves it after being bottom 1 for a whole year
I would but I've got the flu bad so I been resting for the most part.
yeah but im autistic and really can't deal with being called carried because of an op character
it's time
...to play Xrd!
Johnny being ever bad is the biggest hoax since the moon landing
We don't play that crap here.
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the ABSOLUTE state
shouldn't be the opposite? Cero C is less restrictive than B, the previous rating the game had
xrd and +r are too similar in quality for me to pick one or the other
Fuck pedochasers
Thank you, Nintendo
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I won an auction for the only physical version of my favorite official Ky/Dizzy piece on Ky's birthday. It's a clear file that was a pre-order bonus for Rev 2 at a Japanese shop. They made a bunch of tapestries, but unfortunately this is just the clear file.
I love this series, bros.
>*saves image*
Not anymore
ky looks like terry bogard and dizzy is dressed like ram
We don't bid on crap here.
What do you want, a pat on the head or some upvotes? Faggot.
It’s a Brisket world, we’re just striving in it.
who hurt you?
*pats your head*
*upvotes you*
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Lads.. I'm home..
mist finer is infinitely more ignorant than mappa hunch
what did dizzy think of ky giving her dress (and panties) to the killer girl he picked up as a prisoner and captive girlfriend for their retarded son?
Dizzy is literally the Queen of Compassion, I think she was very happy about the whole thing.
They're family too, didn't you watch After Story A?
does 3v3 mode have a training room
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i just want to lab autistic shit in a retarded waste of time and money gamemode
>high level politician grooming an 8 yo high school girl
Not a good look Kybros
Me on the left
So the censorship does confirm no Jam panties huh?
did they censor the male characters?
It's right in the webm brother
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So the reason the game is dogshit is because they were spending all their time and effort on 3v3, and now that it's out the game will rapidly and drastically improve because they can focus their full attention back on the rest of the game, right? Right?
yes, definitely, assuredly, absolutely
>nerf my character
>remove upskirts
yeah kill yourself
You would be lucky for them to have Jam still be a girl
i value my ears so i hope she never makes it into the game
yes c:
actually they're now working on massive additions to the digital figure mode and the fishing minigame
>sol's meterless and metered combo routing are completely different, there's no point in his optimal resourceless combo where it's worth RCing
Nobody knows Dizzy's age. She wasn't even in a family registry previously, there were no official records of her at least when she originally began living with Ky.
That's one of the reasons they couldn't get married according to the Overture short story.
Now they'll be spending their time supporting the anime studio making Dual rulers
when does that even come out anyway
>sol players literally shitting their pants at the prospect of having to think for the first time in their lives
Next year
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so uhh.... anyone up for custom 3v3 matches tonight?
anon san you can literally do nothing but route into clean hit volcanic viper and do fine
this game actually made me appreciate brave counter
i can't believe you guys used to play xrd with delay based netcode
Nobody played Xrd, it's all just larp
It was doable in europe because of population density. could play comfy games of 1/2 delay.
We unironically did, the game had more players before rollback soive sadly killed it
Did the recent patch break the SF6 frame data mod?
it's called true love
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life could be so sugoi
Me on the right
All because Dizzy has an open skirt. Couldn't they have just given her princess shorts underneath or something?
xrd delay was even worse than every other game at the time, too. shit was awful even for local netplay
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Rev 2 lobby is up.
Name: gilly gear.
Password: no pass.
Lobby connection req: 2 or greater.
Hosted in: NA west coast.
don't you get tired of this shit
Don't you get tired of this shit?
Hope you don't get tired of this shit
Does thou not get weary of this shite
Really wish you would get tired of this shit.
I am sure soive twitter will be overjoyed by this.
Do you get energized by this quality?

it's over
i played xrd UNTIL rollback
Shit forgot the link....
Dizzy has to wear no panties for her tail to get circulation. She gained weight from previous versions.
I like how you were too ashamed to re-respond to the correct post
i don't play ram, what am i looking at?
no one played strive
Anon are you retarded, the thing is so clear you don't even need to know Ram holy shit
The wall hit
yeah that's clearly a bug
So, can any of you explain to me why is it that if I type ''ggst replays'' on youtube, the first result is a bridget pic with tranny colors?
tranny game
This is a pretty good rundown on the whole thing but kinda wish the skits weren't there so that it would be a fast purely informational video. Still zero clue how NewHead got away with it
Surprised this mostly focused on New Head. I was expecting more Umisho drama than there was. Not a totally bad thing though.
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Xrd isn't better than +R. Because nothing is better than +R.
Would they call him a conspiracy theorist if he said Umisho is planning to compete in AWT Finals?
Elaborate on your thoughts
X, XX, #Reload, and Slash are all better bro.
>and Slash
C'mon now
for me it's Accent Core Plus

Watch this kino and maybe you'll reconsider.
How do I play against Pot without thinking that the other player is constantly BM-ing me
Grapplers play the archetype for the "disrespect". Zoners are the other side of the coin.
https://youtu.be/9iafUDgpQck not so fast
No we aren't, I want my opponent to suffer and have their mental go down the drain while I have fun which is why picked up Happy chaos in the 1st place during season 1 then later started learning potemkin.
speak for yourself, i love it when people start adapting to my zoning, games start getting super creative from then on. whether it's rachel or venom i want to see what my opponent can do when they gain the momentum

No I think Slash wins handily.
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How the fuck do you grab 100% when you want to? I give an input direction, press the dust button and 30% of the time it actually does a grab and the other 70% of the time the dust attack comes out and I get punished and lose the game.
Ky infinite bros.....

Any game can look good in a cmv, you probably agree that Isuka isn't very good but it still has a few super cool combo videos because of how much can be done with two characters
Go into training mode and see is forward/back and dust are being pressed at the same time. You can just hold forward/back too but don't accidentally dash
whenever i see this image i instantly ignore the post
Xrd wins
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Some tourney this weekend, our fat boy Kizzie is hosting it
Its uhhh...its REDESIGN dudes. Its character development bros! Yeah for sure it is that haha!
The more I play Dizzy the more I feel she kinda sucks
Kizzie is unironically GAWDlike as a commentator
I wanna see him seethe at strive again
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>they made dizzy bald now
sweet baby inc has gone too far...
Bwos...were being farmed by technicals again...
i can't wait for 2xko
not cause i dislike the game, suck it xturders, but because i'm tired of having to interact with the woke idealists zoomers in emea, and you have to be in good terms with them to join tournaments. And, i'll have to see them irl at Evo Nice. So fucking tired of this shit. I just wanna compete...
inb4 hurr the riot game will be woke too. Maybe, but the community won't be so close knit with a bunch of individuals having all the power
>i'm tired of having to interact with the woke idealists zoomers
>he thinks league negroes arent like that
She does (in comparison to the characters who are actually good)
anon league is played by EVERYONE. It's not just a bunch of discord trannies hosting every tournament. That's the problem with this lame ass community. You make a joke on discord and they sniff if they are gonna tag the TO and you are banned from the whole continent. I saw it happening
>the community won't be so close knit with a bunch of individuals having all the power
You're delusional and insanely naive if you think this wont be a thing with riot title. Plus its very directly your fault for things being this way since you support strive and its scene so reap what you sow lmao.
i just like anime fighting games man. Since when this genre is only for the alphabet crowd? I don't even bring politics up in the scene, but they always do, all the time, and it's hard to ignore and they are out trying to smell blood
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it will be the same shit, don't delude yourself, not even 0.5% of the lol playerbase is gonna stick to the game
>Since when this genre is only for the alphabet crowd?
Covid. Lockdown killed the scene and made every fighter a discord fighter. It doesnt even matter if they have mainstream appeal like MK or good netcode or are easy to get into, being in a discord hugbox with trannies is just baked into the culture.
Its better with some games, worse with others, but I have seen it everywhere from samsho to sf3.
Even old old school shit like marvel 2 now has trannies thanks to anniversary. Things are going to get worse before they get better
I dont dislike Strive gameplay wise that much to seethe about it all day like some schizos but game is directly pandering to certain "people" which cultivates cancerous golems like that and you through supporting this game in any way are doing so too. Its a matter of principles which majority of people nowadays simply do not possess including you. You're at fault just like "sjw zoomers" are for not gatekeeping and letting those golems run rampant.
>fight a Faust who has legitimately impressive pickups, combos and setups
>his neutral is absolutely dogshit
>beat him despite having a third of his combo damage and only basic setups
I've fought a few people like this in multiple games and wonder how it happens. Lab addicts? People who are unable to learn unless it's given to them written down?
>talks about principles
>behind a wall of schizo battle
fucking. lmao. It's only a videogame buddy. i'm not funding the ADL here. and before you get your panties bunched yes I voted trump.
So why are you bitching about "sjw zoomers"? Its "just" a video game. Why bitch about "just" or that "just" magically becomes not "just" when it affects your experience? The eternal classic I see. Continue being double digit IQ golem no better than ones you hate le lmao.
You got NTA'd bud. I was just laughing at your lunacy
bridget came out in s2. The game was only meant for newcomers at release
because i'm forced to interact with them if i wanna compete. And i want to compete, casual play doesn't cut it anymore
I've learned over the years that neutral sense is something that you either have, or your character is so good at it that it doesn't matter if you're good at it. There are a lot of people that just have no clue what to do in neutral. I wanna say that it's "the gene" but I feel that saying some people are doomed to be neutral-lets for life is too much
Playing any fighting game competitively is a waste of a life
Well then you're fucked so you need to decide, lie to yourself and become masked gremlin out of fear of persecution for the way you are and what you believe in or regain some self respect and drop Strive. Theres no in between in this case.
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Sol’s new move will be a long range projectile.

Also, if Sol hit the other side of him would Happy Chaos die since that’s where his weakness is according to Nago?
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nta but you are fucking dumb, like, you didn't get anything he said lmao
It's just time man. Unless you've got some literal learning disability you'll eventually figure out what works in neutral and what doesn't.
Just How Strong Is Queen Dizzy?
Ah yes the survey held before every EVO to determine any possible wrongthink. Bro you just need a name and $100. Same as it ever was.
You miss the bigger picture. It’s not only fighting games, but fighting games involve the community personally a lot more. Around the time of covid every online community got strived. I can tell from first person shooters and league.
The life of a shotoGAWD, use your instinct to survive fake setups/gimmicks and you can tear that ass up even with sub-optimal combos. That inner voice that warns you when danger is nearby... you can't learn that in training.
woah, a REAL internet culture war warrior
You have picture of a nigger saved on your PC. You are lowest life form in the universe,your opinion on anything means absolutely nothing. Plus you type in exact same way using commas in exact same way and reply to me two times like a retard you are.
Thank you <TOP_PLAYER> now I have an opinion!
You'll grow up one day kid. Or be alone in your renter apartment forever that's ok too.
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Says subhuman without self respect,honor and dignity. Your attempts at insults are puny.
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god I fucking hate trannyback netcode
It's a shame SF6 was absolutely awful, I really enjoyed dismantling gimmick players as SF4 and SFV Ryu
>Your attempts at insults are puny.
At least it’s not delay trannied netcode…
now this is a classic post
*randomly stops pressing buttons*
4chinz added mp4 support btw, you can post your GG clips without having to convert to webm now
Still the same filesize and no audio tho
What a hero honestly. Right now people are dying, fighting, facing harsh imprisonment or torture for causes they believe in. And this fucking gentleman, this men among men; boldly strides into the internet, right into the thread about a videogame, and with not a shred of fear in his heart proclaims that he doesn't play the videogame.
Onii-chan my hands are clapping on their own. Tears are rolling down my face. Hope in humanity is restored.
Yeah but every recording software outputs massive files for even short clips. So I have to compress and resize it. And while I'm doing that I might as well save as .webm
Are Pot mains so delusional they really think Pot has the worst round starts in the game?
Forward Megafist beats every 6P in the game but 2 if delayed. Heat Knuckle is the best AA in the game to hard call in round start, his 5H clash with most shit.
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Can't shadowplay choose to record at a lower res without the audio from the start?
I dunno shadowplay got so awful with every updated I switched to OBS. The new steam thing is alright too.
bullshit, it was tolerable for delay
which is bad but not that bad, there were a lot of way worse games. +r was legit unplayable before the rollback update, Xrd was only normal bad for delay, on par or slightly better than SF4 and similar games. PC having lowing inherent delay compared to console/arcade helped a lot. Better than the terribly implemented rollback on launch SFV honestly, people managed to host Xrd netplay tournaments semi-succesffully which is not true for many delay based games, even if they had to limit regions and shit.
How many more sexual assault and groom allegations will this game's community have before the next title?
today's patch nuked upskirts to lower games ESRB age so they really target kids with this and upcoming anime. this in combo with groomer trooncel community of strive might create some interesting shit lmaooo
>Still the same filesize and no audio tho
then what's the point?
That's not very dandy
Convenience I guess
Imagine the stench after Queen Dizzy takes a royal dump. Not even Necro and Undyne are used to the smell.
Gears dont poop
grouping europe with the middle east and africa is woke, they should be segregated
even african and me strivers are more progressive ones or leftoids. this game is just a magnet for faggots like that.
You shouldn't always fight at full power. Sometimes you should try to 'force' situations in order to work on specific things and improve much quicker.
god I wish boobs were real
Don't forget the Switch port coming soon.
>lots of references to nokezori in the files. i wonder what that means
>oh... OH
Hope you enjoy getting banned for wrongthink after your voluntarily installed chink spyware digs up your 4channel posts lil nigga
Where's the lobby bros
Is Sin usable in this patch?
The rev2 lobby?
We don't play that crap here.
So this is the type of person who posts "Xturd" all the time?
>nokezori is the japanese word for hitstun in fighting games
So? What did you mean by this?
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Are we not getting the same google image results?
What are Kizzie's thoughts on 3v3 mode?
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wtf u guys said no1 played this carp
>anon league is played by EVERYONE.
Exactly the problem. The lack of gatekeeping is what makes these communities overtaken by trannies in the first place. Especially with Riot retconning characters to be lesbian in the past few years and censoring their skins, these types will flood future Riot titles en masse. There is no escaping it.
>xturders managed to fit their entire playerbase into a single lobby
Lobby doko
But the rev2 lobby is right there???
We don't play that crap here.
I don't understand??? What could be better than playing Rev2??? It's the best game ever
OK, so what is the single most broken, unbalanced thing in the history of Guilty Gear
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How's your main faring this patch, anon? How do you feel about it all?
either GG1 charge cancelling or Desperation Overdrives
Millia Rage at yellow health
Probably some boss character or EX mode character since those weren't meant to be balanced
I've been buttfucking my friend (Pot player) so I thought I'd give Potemkin a try
What are some easy combos for this character? I checked out dustloop but all the combos are outdated
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Lol no
>New Sol has a lot of sauce
>Is mid tier now
God damn it this trade might've not been worth it
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>this patch made sol lower than top tier
I have yet to fall for this for 4 seasons now
>mid tier
what world
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horrible, i swapped to testament
He can't get in for free anymore.... Or punish your fireballs on reaction from fullscreen for 50%..... He's buttum 1........
i look like this
Wait Chipp can adjust the height of the rope?
Feels like I'm seeing a lot more IBing in clips
wait millia can cancel mirazh into dust?
that clip is 13 months old
I'll remove the text for $5. my cashtag is $ sslwww
The caption makes it hotter faggot.
No it doesn't faggot.
Well damn
ride the lightning
born to bang my child wife
boring white boy that's what I am
ride the lightning
straight out of street fighter five
one stun edge and that's your health bar bud
Ok ugly ass nigcelboi
Ky is cool in Overture and Xrd, if he had a better fight with I-No then he would be cool in Strive too
Why isn't there that crazy amount of detail on her Xrd or Strive design now that they could do it easier with 3D models?
They still have to make sure the game runs consistently at 60fps on shitty consoles and you don't look at the models from that closeby
Also more details don't necessarily make the models better
>They still have to make sure the game runs consistently at 60fps on shitty consoles and you don't look at the models from that closeby
I think a lot could be done with just textures, games keep caring less and less about how much space they take up so having higher res textures shouldn't really be a problem. And even base PS4 could handle that, it should be able to run Strive flawlessly but arcsys just sucks at optimizing their games
>Also more details don't necessarily make the models better
I agree but I think Daisuke's art looks extremely good and in this case I believe matching his art style on modern resolutions would look extremely good. Though I could understand an argument against it due to how muddy it could make the game look in action, the very anime style we have is good for readability
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>Soive figurine mode is now getting censored
>Bridget and new Dizzy design supporters saying it doesnt matter

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yeah this 3v3 gamemode is still ratshit
a shame they dumped their money into this instead of instant kills
Probably HC Steady Aim Guard Crush looping in Season 1. Basically a fullscreen meter positive TOD on block, with the ability to start it straight from round start, and it beats all defensive options in the game.
no good post has ever been made with this image.
we get it, you're a 30 year old neet with no friends.
wasn't sign zato stupidly broken or something
soivers gtfo with your sanitized game
Sign and early Rev 1 just had so many garbage balance decisions, Sin practically needed only two moves to win, Johnny was even more braindead than you would think when he got added in, Raven was literally just looping 2k 2d till the heat death of the universe but was still top 3
i just remember reading someone whining about sign zato having super trivial unblockables
i kinda wish fighting game metas were more well documented. it is mildly interesting to read about even if i didn't/won't play the game in question
It's less about having friends and more that the mode itself isn't actually fun.
thank fucking god I dont play Strive
My honest reaction
You say that while posting a faggot that makes the game he's in miserable to play
sign > rev2
completely unburstable regular bnbs are dope bro
The game is more communicatory, which is as it should be for a 3v3 game.
If our playerbase were smart (we aren't), we would have been asking for text/voice chat.
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based faaposter
I think the mode should be free to play as well. Like granblue
That's real neat homoangel poster how bout you whine about strive in the granblue general
what makes you think he's not doing that
lord knows he's not gonna play the games
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we are too busy having high level debate on the nature of fighting games and the inherent value of RPS
while you guys debate which strive pro raped more kids
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We dont even think about you at all
soivers... it's over we hecking lost...
Soivesisters? Our response???
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finna drop a granpoo
I also think that it should be the 'free' version. It'd help entice non-FGC people into dipping their toes into the water, and then they could be groomed into getting the actual game when they realize it could be more tame.
Do you guys really think giving Strive a f2p mode would improve player numbers that much?
GBVS:R has one and it's got LESS concurrent players than Strive. I think everyone who would give Strive a try probably already has
im not here to argue if it should or not, if it would or not, but
>GBVS:R has one and it's got LESS concurrent players than Strive
the grub free version was poorly managed and comparing grub numbers to strive to say it failed is dumb
I think it'd help people who don't normally have fighting game friends to play with, play the mode and sustain that, yes. Granblue has a terrible f2p model.
Last time I went to Granblue, which was before Dizzy came out, so 3 weeks ago give or take a few days, you were debating whether or not 66L whiffing was -25 or -15. Let's just say I have my doubts about how 'high level' your conversations are. Btw Umisho gap(e)s.
It'd be a boost but probably a small one of like a quarter of the playerbase if not more what with how many secondaries this series has. I don't want one either way because f2p attracts more wifiniggers, unstable connections, potato/laptop users and region hoppin spic, south americans or frenchies.
I wasn't aware about the GB freemium mode being poorly maintained, honestly
I'm just always a little skeptical of "just make it free" as a marketing strategy

I really don't think making a free mode would entice secondaries at all. The problem of the secondary is that they don't want to spend the time investment in the game itself, it's not a money thing
Lobby's closed.
>The problem of the secondary is that they don't want to spend the time investment in the game itself, it's not a money thing
Which means they don't want to waste their money buying the game if they think it would be a huge time investment. But if they download a free version and fuck around then they might get hooked and not consider the time investment or other things such a big deal
south americans are based
burgers get the rope
I would bet good money that the lion's share of secondaries own the game they are secondaries for. That's where the "baiken main with ten hours in xrd" meme comes from, they feel entitled to call themselves fans of the series because they paid money for it despite explicitly not getting gud
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you put more in more effort in the past week you've been doing this than strive devs have put into strive in months
all i'm doing is going through and deleting stuff.
actually that's not true. i take that back
cute cute
The fear of death makes him fight against it harder.
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>Damn bitch! This is the 5th time today.
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The person behind May is Bridget btw.
my gif converter kept shitting itself so here's a webm
kys faggots
3v3 being an F2P mode would be sick.
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love this stage
that's really cool actually
I'd like Strive way more if the wall worked something like this. Maybe a very brief animation or screen effect or something just highlighting the change but zero cutscene. Even just the speed lines from Super Mappa make it look mostly fine.
should i pick up johnny, sin or chipp? chipp seems so hard in comparison to the others, elphelt seems really good for 0 effort right now too so maybe her
weird how this is an arc world tour gold event for granblue but not for strive despite it being there

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