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Cora ate the OP edition
The BG tokens are in which means the new arena mode will also cost money to let you redo your deck and try again. Were overflowing in cement!
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bg tokens

WNGMI bros
i like to troll from time to time but it literally doesnt matter. RN i have 3 accounts 13k mmr + f2p on all of them. It doesnt matter. If a 6k Jimmy pays money for rolls hes still gonna stay 6k unless he improves his gameplay. The bad thing imo is that its so irrelevant that its not gonna generate them the amount of profit they are aiming for. What they should be focusing imo is making all the heroes in the roster fun. If you do that everyone will want to play them and have skins for them. Basically you disentivise people from buying the battlepass because its full of skin for boring / bad heroes.
BGs was already P2W if you're a ranktard. for everyone else you want to know how you get reroll tokens? it's easy
this..... literally whale bait But they know their audience
I wishe they have random hero button at start
Yeah but it's the attitude behind their addition people take issue with, nothing changes for those of us who don't give a shit about the imaginary number that does nothing but the attitude speaks of an incredible greed that cannot be sated.
The drops for watching the new bg preview for example are reroll tokens which they value at 1$ a piece, same as a pack.
That's hilarious.
>actually trying to spin a p2w thing they asked in questionnaires that people hated and kept leaking as something people wanted
feel bad for the few arenabros who actually play arena I bet their gonna do the same for standard with the battlepass + bullshit
>feel bad for the few arenabros who actually play arena I bet their gonna do the same for standard with the battlepass + bullshit
Almost guaranteed start of the year the new battlepass will have something like that.
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Imagine playing Shartstone in 2024.
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My supper original (only 27 cards inspired by VS) deck hit legend under a week. The power level is low for sure.
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what the fuck is this now
It's a survey, you can just use it to poke through what they're planning to do next. You can post pictures but know they tie it to your account somehow.
Just summarize if you feel like it.
I just finished it, they ask you a bunch of League of Explorers related questions and then probe you about random UX garbage they're planning to add. So expect more rehashed explorers slop soon.

game is ded
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/hsg/, I need help filling out this very confidential form, just don't tell Bobby
was planning to craft this so was pretty nice to get free
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On a Scale of 2586.
Only real thing to note is that collection improvements might be coming. The rest is mostly just to make the playerbase feel listened to.
seems like they are very hung up on league of explorers slop, I was asked about every one of their expansions. I told them it's played out and to move on from them.
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Will this gamble pay off for them, or will this kill BGs too?
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on a scale of 1688
C'mon Blizzard, it's been 2+ years, let me get my hunter waifu as a F2P, I have 1000 gold and every Tuesday I am dissapointed
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should have ponied up for the nathria pass
you WILL use the mermaid
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OP is lazy edition
previous thread: >>501979626

BG Season 9 with new P2W features: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24159389/announcing-battlegrounds-season-9
Next mini-set is Starcraft themed + themes for next year's expansions: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24159190/catch-up-on-the-future-of-warcraft-with-the-warcraft-30th-anniversary-direct
Dev insights on board churning and new puzzles every turn, or why the game is dead: https://screenrant.com/hearthstone-future-content-2024-nathan-lyons-smith-tyler-bielman/

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes
https://hsbgguide.com/ - Battlegrounds

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
https://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])
>Will this gamble pay off for them, or will this kill BGs too?
Not a chance. I mean for the retards who actually care about their MMR maybe but most of us don't even pay for the 4 hero battlepass, I just concede and restart if the heros are boring.
got it as well, I shit all over them in it calling their game P2W and their expansion themes dogshit. they also wanted to add some notification dogshit to remind you a deck you selected is missing cards (i.e. you should spend money reminders)
BG bros. We are so back.
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it'll get buffed, r-right?
it's funny that they kept failing at monetizing bgs to the point they need to release a giga p2w option
really love this dogshit game bugging out and forcing me to reconnect every other game and skipping my turn xDDDD
if they lower launch cost - yes
i'm so sick of elemental niggers now I will just play DK with 2 cold feet and tidepool pupils
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>dead on turn 9 while you have 53 health and an unkilliax
starship hunter is actually broken (don't tell blizzard)
it got a shiny $60 signature whale bundle in shop, 100% sure it'll get a buff
Is anyone else even playing it? I don't see any codes. :(
>log in
>lost to wheel otk
>lost to zarimi otk
>lost to asteroid otk
>lost to hunter beast otk
i see pattern...
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros
BG monetisation IDEA
>more hand space for 9.99
buy more signature slop!
>zeddy will be richer than you will ever be in your lifetime
i'm so fucking happy bros
why did they release so many signatures when almost no expansion cards are playable

they actually considered to make you buy extra gold to spend on your turns in bgs. bro what the actual fuck is happening to this game? they are losing their minds
>every single bg streamer is defending reroll tokens
based, the only people that matter p2w
>Been playing since the launch
>Never gotten asked for feedback
Might have something to do with how all my deck names are racist slurs or jabs at Coras obesity
>Cokeman before he looked like cokeman
>>every single bg streamer is defending reroll tokens

Shills paid by Blizzard are shilling for their master Blizzard = big surprise.

>>based, the only people that matter p2we
Incel take. If you need to pay in order to win, you are like an incel going to a prostitute - you are paying for what should come naturally to you.

>>got it as well, I shit all over them in it calling their game P2W and their expansion themes dogshit.

Post pics or it didn't happen. And don't give me the excuse Blizzard will identify you - you didn't sign an NDA so they can't do anything to you.
crazy how the opponent literally always has their 1 drop 100% of the time with 0 variation
have you tried being as good as them?
Don't forget they also need to rope until the very last second to decide if they should play their 1-drop on turn 1.
>5 demons, 1 pirate, 1 ALL
>Here you go champ! Try spending more money to get favourable algo next time ;)
redeemer portrait is S tier
I'm so UNBELIEVABLY fucking tired of control.
should've sold the pirate and the all
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reddit is having a melty again. is it over for good this time?
I dunno everytime I think it's over it gets worse somehow
we will be saved tomorrow bros
why tomorrow? is there an update or something or are you just memeing my dude
patch tomorrow
notes today
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Yay I did it! :D
patch notes out yet? and no im not scrolling up or checking google
How is MMR decay configured now?
After half a year break, I still had 9 star bonus and finish Legend ~5000 EU. (It would be top 1000 NA)
What is the current CEMENT status?
>rogue plays a regular routine draw spell
>15 seconds later it's done animating
feet fully cemented
about to go for a swim
so they need to nerf like 20+ cards to the ground to make the game playable
how many you think they actually touch? 2?
they wont nerf much because that would mean free dust in an already struggling f2p game. my guess is they're going to slightly nerf the most prominent underperformers.
slightly buff*
got to legend and my very first game in legend is against a bot (100%, i had lethal and didn't kill him for like 5 turns, he kept roping and tryharding as if he had a chance, like a bot would)
game is so dead they have to do this lol. probably like 500 actual players left, everything else is a script
that would the worst possible choice so you are probably right
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This happens on a semi-consistent basis. The only bottleneck is actually drawing the combo minions since you cant tutor
prophet velen unlock is the most retarded thing Ive ever seen in this game
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anyone wanna help me unlock the prophet velen with matches?
you just have to play boars that I can clear..
In return Ill help you with whatever

Fertilerogue #2367 - Americas
what prophet velen unlock are you talking about?
Bazaar wom
my bad, I mean lor'themaran theron or whatever his name is
dont worry bwo! im sure they'll add a trinket reroll function next season!
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Renobros.... it's over
Bazaar bros, when is reynoodle going to give us dlc
good nerf targets (still missing a few) hopefully they REALLY nerf them
not enough buffs we need like tripple the ammount
This feels like it's going to make the meta even more focused around burn. Also Rip to the bozos that crafted reno dk.
it's time to drop deathknight!
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Paladinbros.... it's also over for us
probably cheaper 4/4's, legendary draws until your hand is full for its deathrattle
>priest legendary
dunno, its battlecry is pretty meh and 100% reprint on a common a few expansions later, maybe summon 2 copies or add it as a deathrattle too?
yrel probably adds the corrupt weapon too or has better stats, sword discounts librams by 2
all of them either have better stats or gives better discount like exodar+rogue starship discovers costing 0, warlock starship spellburst targets all enemies and divine shield has charge or is 2 mana instead
reska probably changed from deathrattle to battlecry so you cant do deathrattle combos to remove the opponents board with him, 2 rogue cards big mage abuses will only count discounts from another class instead so mage would only discount+replay rogue cards. Reno+lamplighter probably permanently bricked & alot of other stuff just gonna get slapped with +1 mana cost like threads+funnel cake+seabreeze+melted magma+wave of nostalgia
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And BG changes if anyone care
"destroy all enemy minions"
>starship pieces
tax removed
I am shocked at libram buffs, i thought libram pally was pretty OP, or at least i always lose to the 0 mana 3 3/3s with rush and divine shield.
same, that free +6/6 every turn hurts too
You mean in wild? Because in standard it's utterly unplayable
draenei warrior is utterly unplayable, libram is fine and outlasts most control decks
>among us DH cards
dirda draws 2 on death, the 1/3 becomes a 1/4
>Druid starship piece
1 mana 1/2
>priest legendary
who cares, skip
4 mana
2 mana 2/2
>rogue starship pieces
the pieces costs (1) less
7 mana
I think its impossible for this card to be interesting, pass
>neutral starship piece
>recur a dranny
and give it divine shield

>reska to 25
>threads to 3
>Sleep to 8
>funnel cakes to 2
>egg to discount 3
>chalice to 2 mana deal 3
>EMG to summon 3 drops
>Quasar to discount 2
>Conman to 6
>sea shill to 4 mana 3/4
>Wave to 6
>malted MAGA doesn't go face anyway
>reno wipes both boards
>elemental to 6 mana 5/5
>be named "yelling yodeler"
>battlecry "shout it from the mountaintops!!"
>effect somehow has to do with cheating deathrattle triggers...?
they are really nerfing Reno for the third time
Whoever designed the card in its original form and anybody that tested it and greenlit it should be summarily executed
i really dont want those people to keep working on the game
since its an achievement you wont be able to progress it on friendly matches
has to be in ranked either wild or standard (or twist when it comes back)
google for the achievement name to get decks that can do the achievement in just a couple games
they knew it was OP the whole time. it's the same story that's been around for decades now, especially prominent in blizzard games. new thing is retardedly op, then to quiet down the complaints they nerf it a tiny bit, and they just keep doing this for as long as they can keep it OP. because the original intent was for it to be OP. it's all just crowd control after that. they knew what they were doing
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>my 65% winrate deck got buffs and its counters were nerfed
>dk somehow is the heckin wholesome "fair" reddit class
>every single class card is absurdly broken and annoying as shit
why are people like this
they are still not adressing diaperiax???? its like they want this game to be shit.
they already nerfed hydration station wdym
all draenei LMAO
holy fuck I feel sorry for anyone that crafted anything
This has to be the biggest buff/nerf first patch they've done
so they nerfed everything that beats the new slop?
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told them yesterday stop being afraid to completely rework cancerous cards like reno and stop giving mind controls and removals to EVERY fucking class

wonder what they'll do to it, maybe some actual rework. not like they can slap their patented +1 mana """"""""""fix"""""""""" onto a 10 cost card
man they really do not want rainbow dk to be viable
Draenei bros..... is it time for us to not be a C-tier tribe?
The thing I hate most that is that barely changes the best dk deck and nerfs weaker ones instead. Assuming Reska gets another change outside of just a mana increase of the card.

Reska going to a triple rune or did they already give up on that?
easiest nerf they'd do without changing how reska works or its mana cost since its always gonna cost 0 is slap another unholy/frost rune so you cant play him in rainbow or discover him because hes a triple rune card
My guess? They’re reverting the change where the no dupes is start of game so plagues will counter them again.
Least now my tech curse of agony ETC will full counter all renos in wild again.
This would the dumbest, most retarded thing they could do.
So that's probably what'll happen.
none of the other highlanders are there so no, they aren't doing that (but they should)
reno is the face of highlander so its still a maybe. not like they’d put every single other card on the already crowded list
I bet they're going to change reno into affecting both sides of the board, it's the only thing left at this point without requiring a complete rework
>both rogue tourist card
So I wasn't the greatest player ever but both of them are broken.
>Draenei still isn't a thing in BG
>Meanwhile fucking piggies were presented day one
It's truly over for futa race
>No buffs for warrior set, Xor'toth, Uluu, Gorm, Hataaru, K'ure, warlock demon package, Talgath, K'ara, Moldara, Velen
Genuinely what the fuck man, this expansion feels like Rastakhan's Rumble 2.0 with how many useless legendaries are here
highlander should 100% operate the way it currently does. when people are running reno in decks with 10 2x cards just because it's guaranteed that they'll have reno active in the late game at some point is fucking stupid and obnoxious
i don't know what they need to do to fix reno but the deckbuild restriction has to stay
"if your deck has no duplicates and started with no duplicates," is really ugly wording, but imo that's how it should function
at that point really just make it a thing in deck building where if you have 2 copies of a card with Reno your deck is invalid/incomplete
I really hope that with this nerf I'll never see Reno again for the rest of my life.
i could see them doing something like (if it started with no duplicates!) in italics so they can keep the cleaner "if your deck has no duplicates"
but anyway i think it's just gonna be both boards get poofed
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Fuck no, I love stuffing reno with pic related
especially if they run reddithal, they’ll never draw them all
yea just add the "highlander" keyword. the players can hover over it and see what it means
Hall of fame it and every other highlander card so we can move the fuck on already.
>No buffs to the DK Starship
Damn... Atleast the nerfs are great, fucking hate Reska and Lamplighter.
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>run only battlecry minions
>get weblord’d
>cry and piss your pants
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Turns out some hastily thrown together libram slop paladin in the brawl is pretty good.
>run a bunch of battlecry minions
>opponent plays weblord
>but they don't play in a way to try to defend their weblord from dying at all
>they release a youtube video from their perspective where they question why I'm trying to kill the weblord
>even though I was playing a well known deck that is half battlecry minions
>they probably would have won if they had respected their own weblord
weblordbro i kneel
back at it again
Quests are coming back next expansion arent they
ungoro isnt the next expansion its the one after.
what deck?
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well played
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Thoughts, /hsg/?
very close to being playable honestly. the alliance side has huge wincons in it. if you played a deck with a lot of cheap spells and big batlecry minions you'd be basically guarenteed a reasonable hit. Will probably never quite break out though.
starship hunter
Oh I didn't find that to be much fun to play, hope you keep succeeding though.
are you the same pajeet that was trying to get McBanterface to buy a starship hunter list from you?
i don't know your ecelebs zoomer
r u bussin fr? say cap rn
unpaid QA labor is what it is
I took the huntard pill and I killed 2 armor stacking DKs and warriors from 60
honestly, if it was 3 mana or had a tribal it'd be pretty nice
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most of these are great to borderline broken like 1 mana brann and 5 mana antonidas. velen is completely useless. varian could actually end up making you lose
lmao libram/dreanai paladin is absolutely not playable until buffs maybe
why do you think theyre buffing it
quick glance at the dreanai they are buffing though now it doesnt look like many of the ones it runs got hit. the sword i guess
they buffed weapon and Yrel and are nerfing 18 out of the top 20 decks. libram is very likely to more playable soon.
she better be fucking viable with this buff patch, she's the signature i got from the paygod bundle
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which ones /hsg/?
respond to my post you worthless niggers
reno nerf is a secret buff since it's leaving next rotation and you get to disenchant it for full dust

un'goro onwards for me
All of them plus beta sadly.
Post ur infinite damage combo here
Idek what their plan is for Dranei in standard considering how we know the schedule and non of these sets seem like they’re going to have a significant amount of Dranei coming out again other than the last set that’s based on time travel/alternate realities so maybe then.

It’s just so baffling how they felt comfortable even going for this concept and just… refused to give any actual clear win conditions for any of the selected classes other than Warrior which is just “Handbuff go brrr” and what? Is anyone scared of askara shitting out 2 French vanilla walls or 2 Shit velens?
Well at least i got the signature horsecock draeinei so i can take the libram pill....
It's the same shit for undead
Shaman, Priest, Warlock, and Druid all got support for undeads exactly once and then never again
At least undead have an "evergreen" spot in dk, draenei are such a specific tribe they're dead in the water like quilboar
undead priest at least fuckin existed until they rotated out year of the hydra and tried to pretend that wasn’t the case by keeping fucking Catrina in the core set (she was never playable before or after)
No, I don't want to see him even the odd times I play wild. I just want him gone, period.
Curse to Witchwood, then a few years break and then Festival onwards. But will probably stop again once I’ve maxed out the current pass because I got the 1,000 wins I wanted with Shaman. Funnily enough I stopped playing when I got 500 wins with it back in Witchwood.
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Fertilerogue #2367 - Americas

challenge a friend quest
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pffftt, get on my level
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>mfw i intentionally stay in 2000-2500 BG rank and auto-concede 4 out of 5 times
i'm bullish on the patch spaceship bros
get fucked reno
Some weird nerfs though, why Sleep under the Stars or Mystery Egg? Those are just neat utility spell and Egg was buffed just two months ago and it was never T1?

But the buffs aren't enough.
Why the fuck would they nerf Reska?
elemental mage just did 40 damage to my face on turn 7 without attacking
buffing this archetype was a GREAT idea
REALLY not a lot buffs.
You still have trash like Kure, Dark Star and what not.

Warlock is still completely unplayable and Rogue had ONE deck which is dying tomorrow.
Spell damage Shaman undisputed T1 deck from next patch.
I don't think the nerfs will do anything to Shaman who was already the best deck.
he says as they nerf magma
Magma cannot be nerfed in a meaningful way.
>3 mana deal 1 damage
Hell no
>2 mana 2 drinks
Breaks pattern

So that leaves "2 mana, deal 1 damage to all minion" that changes nothing now that Shaman spell damage runs asteroids to do face damage and in other decks its used to clear minions.

Though if for some reason they do change it to 3 mana deal 1, Shaman will take a hit.
asteroid shaman is not even a good deck. if they are nerfing magma to not do face dmg you will never ever ever kill anyone fast. if you let the shaman play Incindius into several roids cards into drawing 20 spells your deck is greedy beyond anything
Jaina came all over your face.
>he is unaware
The asteroids are used to deal face damage in a spell damage comp. It's not pure "asteroid shaman", its spell damage+asteroids. It's T1
Why the fuck wouldn't they nerf Reska?
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almost got to legend already with pre-buff starship hunter
my son will be unstoppable soon
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still up
how would (You) buff asteroid shaman?
asteroids now have a 100% chance to hit you, the caster, in the face
Deregulation of the aerospace industry.
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Doesn't need to be nerfed, run this set
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nobody wants a free pack?
times have changed... just a mere 7 years ago this wouldve been gone in minutes
I only add hot women.
too bad
Im a cute grill
its gone now thoughbeit
I've seen hearthstone streamers, I know how the players look like.
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Oh it does actually die
I could've farmed for 27 more turns
>27 more turns
that's past turn limit
also the only reason why you can't go literally infinite with kil'jaden
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