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another day of this shit edition

>Guardians of the Rift Changes Out Now!

>Royal Titans - First Look & Rewards

>Leagues V Teasers & FAQs - Releasing November 27th

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

Previous: >>502777014
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>brighter shores didn't hit 10k today
it's joever................
>still 3x as many players as rs3
they should just shut down that slop, and add more MTX to osrs
The vampyre considers itself defeated, even though you lack a hammer and stake.
check the wiki lazy pervert
can range 100% accuracy go through ahka prayers?
On-topic thread question: Did combat masteries change which regions you're picking at all?

>no im not playing leagues lol
is not a real answer
no im not playing leagues lol >>502864624
No, I'm a skiller.
No. Echo bosses kind of did since it's slightly biasing whether I want mage or melee.
it's for smite on vm
I'm toying with the idea of going mory since the range armor is less valuable from desert but not knowing tob is kinda spooky
whats that mean
if brighter shores doesn't hit 10k peak tomorrow then i won't log in anymore. fuck you andrew!!
are lvl 3 skillers still cool im just wondering
for me i dont care about brighter shores and probably wont log in again but thats just my opinion
okay well im gonna make a lvl 3 skiller and prove you wrong get ready to eat your words
see ya bozo
ok sisters i am going morytania after all who wants to go morytania with me
ooo me me i think i will
am i allowed to go wildy even if i dont want to pk
yeah but there will be people attackin u
in brighter shores the combat system is so shit that i don't think anyone is going to pvp. brighter shores is a skillers dream game
i think people who dont even play osrs runescape oldschool like who is mining barronite right now are here and they are hinkling people
The skilling is trash.
t. skiller
nah it's okay.
i dont want to be attacked in the wildy oh man
im scare
hopefully they remember to check the wiki so you dont get banned for posting about the toilet in kourend or how the anti panties are described as stinky in their examine text
my cat is so chudded she just beasted a mouse for no reason osrs mining amethyst cat orange spice cat in runescape
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speaking of which when are they adding the dialogue back to the sock now that june is well over
it is not the same to bring it to raids now when nobody can tell you used it
Nah, echo bosses did though, I'm going to be a Wildy/Varla chad, not sure about 3rd region, either mory or desert
please post vocaroo saying this line i need it.
its always boots or slippers or sandals when are they going to add fun christmas socks to the foot slot
yes i am considering zeah instead of desert as my raid region
yep never miss range is big
if there are zero players in a chunk does the chunk exist think about it
like that wilderness chunk above the slayer tower
i was thinking like mage training arena like all the effects and texts if there is nobody there do they still happen
Brighter Shores League update when?
armor seed first gauntlet of the day
just watched 25 buttholes video and lmao did mod ash really leave twitter cause of orange man? KWABEX.
0-4 tempoross
5-9 rabbit & steel
do you guys think bonds will go up in value for the league im asking for a friend that invested in a bunch of bonds not me because im poor
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HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Rolling outside of /b/ I see?!
why did you take a picture of my massive jaytroonie?
I'm glad I didn't purchase my membership for the league yet. Requiring me to kill Zuk and Echo Sol just to unlock all my relics sucks.
Maybe it'll be better next year.
im going to have to pay for account services for league am i
you do not need 10 combat masteries
>i cant kill easy content even with overpowered perks and powerups
das righte zuk is easy content now
does anyone want to stay on discord with me during leagues and answer all my questions about relics and regions
just check the wiki
thinking about joninig a brighter shores discord
check the obsidian wiki
ok what the heck is going on ive done 3 cgs today the first was an armor seed now i got the pet
omg gz queen!!
dont you hate it when a pker shows up an pks you and all your friends even when you werent doing anything wrong pkers should learn wilderness culture
>when u see a white girl with a youngllef you just know
any of my osg friends want to do toa?
that nigga said hawk toah LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
any of my rsg friends want to do toa?
you dont have toa in your game tho
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its out
I really want a crystal harpoon, but 26m? Nigga what.
all me
maybe if you talked about runescape in the runescape thread your posts wouldnt get deleted idk just a thought
I'm pretty sure it was a single poster.
>"I was just spamming wtf!!!!"
Kill yourself troon, no one likes you here, it's beyond pathetic that you spend the entire day shitting up this general. I hope you get banned too
dumbass retarded bait thumbnail fuck creators like this
everyone that does a youtube series has a gay little accent and im sick of it quite frankly
you first
None of those posts were from me. I didn't even post last thread. Just thought it was funny how over 50% of posts were from one dude.
Then why weren't any of the first 500 posts of the thread nuked? Seems more likely that the system thought he was a spam bot, especially considering a lot of his messages were "on topic"
look at this retard
Yeah, I realized my mistake after I sent my message. I forgot I hadn't had the thread opened for its entire lifetime, so most of the deleted posts I didn't. Sorry about that
I want chins with all these ranged masteries but I don't wanna have to take any of the regions they're in
Grey chins are on the isle of souls, but yeah, fuck catching a bunch of grey chins.
i need a rsbf to organize my bank for me im sick of being a messy bitch
this is the old school runescape general thread please dont post screenshots from other games
just make tabs for categories of items and dump them in the proper tab that goes a long way to make your bank organized heres mine
our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our banks especially since theyre such a good bank value and all
gielinor pieces should always be in the first bank slot anywhere else is psychopathic
she can have 10 rings of life in the first bank slot if she wants leave her alone
*high alches your bank for 438m g ps*
whny the gowers name their game gay nor seems prettyu gay lolz
idk what i'm doing for leagues.. i thought i knew but now i'm unsure.. it's so over..
combat masteries are pretty easy to achieve. by the end of the first week streamers will have unlocked all the max combat relics and uncovered the bugs/glitches so it'll be easier to decide then
yeah but that would involve waiting a week either not really making progress or not playing the league at all
omg same
wonder if the echo sol is grandmaster difficulty based on normal game, or grandmaster assuming you have all league buffs
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died to akkha cum orb yeah im thinking tonight is more of a trouble brewing night
who cares its not like youll be doing it youre just watching boaty like everyone else
supposedly the echo bosses are going to be easier than the awakened dt2 bosses with sol more on par with them but who knows if they'll actually hit that mark or not
my claim to fame is telegrouping boaty at lunar isle one of the first weeks when he was doing lunar dipomacy on stream because I rushed the quest before like pretty much everyone else
brighter shores is just not fun. like all i do to level a skill is go to a spot to level up my skill twice and then go to another spot to level up my skill twice. theres like no sense of exploration or want to do that
Range shits on melee so utterly now that it reaffirmed my conviction to have fun and go full barrows, scythe can suck my nuts
what accent does swamp man have
Nothing solid, but Morytania is more of a consideration for me now. My original plan was Wildy / Zeah / Asgarnia with a melee focus for pking / wintertodt / GWD but I keep thinking about how the melee echoing stuff will interact with Barrows sets. But I also picked Morytania last league and got bored before completing a single set, so ehhhhh.
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I've been thinking about my leagues plan.
5-5-0 combat relics

+ Has access to a raid
+ Lots of skilling in kourend
+ Frem gives max POH
- Have to do fucking wintertodt

+ Crystal armour + echo blessing as melee gear
+ Lots of good melee weapons available
- No melee tier 6 relic is lame

+ Bowfa + Crystal armour + 100% accuracy buff is already super accurate, tier 6 range probably not required
- No reliable access to darts, so 1 tick blowpipe probably not really that viable
+ Venny bow for slayer + inferno nibblers (RIP 100% accuracy here though)

+ Only boss that 'requires' mage is Olm mage hand. Muspah and Rex probably not really an issue to do with range-only, unless echo Rex has something like that.
+ Hespori + DK echo items as mage gear in that case, still have access to full ancestral + shadow if it really matters

Maybe it'll change if it turns out the tier 6 prayer penetration thingy is actually relevant on echo bosses.
I'm sure there is some massive flaw in my plan I'm not thinking of.
ppl plan out leagues im done you nigga lame af
>will interact with Barrows sets
The passive healing is going to absolutely fuck with any dharok plan you have going.
>Kill Amoxliatl in less than 30 seconds.
omg i need some chipotle now after the masteries were announced i planned my route through the first 5000 or so points it feels amazing to know exactly what my plan is for the first few hours of the league id highly recommend everyone do the same its such a weight off your shoulders
If there's an overpowered relic for slayer superiors again you can get darts from the brimstone chest. Superior slayer monsters are guaranteed brimstone keys and it's 1/30 for dragon dart tips. With Ava's + ammo saving you get like 50 attacks per dart.
I was thinking more about Verac's for prayer rape.
what do you ladies think about AFM with something like 3/6/1 or 4/6/0? Just mainhand darts with DFW is only a little worse than blowpipe and you would want to swap to something else for movement where the shorter range is more likely to cause problems..
idk im MFW baby thats mory fremmy wildy
as for me im going chunkman mode in leagues
i wont even play that crap
>Superior slayer monsters are guaranteed brimstone keys and it's 1/30 for dragon dart tips
Nevermind you need Tourist Trap to make darts. You're fugged
Wildy could be fun.. i just worry about boss availability since it seems like a lot of ppl have been talking about going wildy
But in wildy you can just pk someone if they're at the boss. It only sends them to their respawn, but then they're not in the boss room competing with you.
Isnt trap only for smithing tips from bars not fletching from already made tips
yeah but won't they just come back to pk you for the spot back..
Definitely normal game, they gave the fucking daganoth kings a "master" level. It's meaningless
could easily be a master level if they make you fight them at the same time so you need to switch prays
no they'll be too busy writing a 35,000 word essay on leddit about how pkers are meanies
I haven't really gotten to much late game stuff. About the only complex boss I've done is Vorkath, so I'm not really sure what direction I should go in for leagues. I'm liking the ranged option a lot, I like the idea of getting 100% accuracy and then being able to wear justiciar armor to make learning stuff even easier. I'm thinking Asgarnia first, bankers note should make getting armadyl stuff easy, then upgrading to zenyte crossbow later, varlamore second, largely just because I want to learn coliseum, then Morytania last. I'm not that enthused about learning raids, but if nothing else I can grab barrows armor easily. Thoughts? Obvious problems I'm not considering? I did think about doing tiranwn instead of Varlamore, but I hated trying to learn Zulrah, and I didn't love the gauntlet either, and the being able to mix tank armor with ranged weapons thanks to the accuracy buff appealed to me a lot, so having to wear crystal armor to get the full value of Bowfa doesn't really fit with what I wanted to do.
You might be right. Looking at those 1-99 fletching speedruns, it looks like they never did tourist trap and just spammed darts.
Blowpipe wasn't core to my plan, but if it's there, that's a nice bonus. It would suffer a bit without 100% accuracy or strong ranged gear, but it's probably still fine.
im so glad we merged with rsg and bsg
the point of leagues is not to play like a sweatlord. jagex knows the amount of casuals that play this mode. if they still make the content shit and tedious that's husky and kieren once again pretending they playtest all their giga sperg main game content (they don't)
>last /rsg/ thread from 3 days ago
>died with 48 posts
I guess this is how it ends...
I regret playing that shit game but /rsg/ and the fc made it somewhat better
sad that jagex did this
this leagues is way too complex who the fuck wanted this
just make it on /vm/ please this is the osrs thread for osrs
what killed the game this time
nothing specific. people just don't play it anymore it's not a good game
It took me about an hour, it's a ruby bolt reset boss. just fish for a natural one, swap to best crush melee, and d-claw at like 80 health and pray you get it. Remember mod nox ((((((personally)))))) tested the boss on the jagex private development server where he spawned his gear in and enabled always proc a ruby bolt so it's fair
When a lot of people are going on about these kinds of plans, you still need to actually get the drop, so saying "I'm going to get full justiciar" still means you're going to have to do a shitload of ToB without it. You do have to think of a few stepping stone pieces of gear to actually do/learn the hard content.

Range looks pretty damn solid, and full karils will take you far with those regions.
I'm not planning anything until all of the stuff is revealed, but I want to go for ranged tank after seeing the ranged masteries.
>going for speedrun tasks without bis
why make the game worse for yourself just get the bis....
nothing specific
just years of shit updates, mtx and jagex being retarded
honestly this is the worst type of death an MMo could have
just fading into obscurity
Yeah, that's why I'm leaving it for last, I'll have some more time to think about it but in the meantime I think the drops from Asgarnia should be plenty achievable. I feel like I should at least have some raiding as an option to give myself the opportunity to learn it for the normal game if nothing else, and I did think ToB was alright when I did Night at the Theater, so might as well pick based on the idea that if I do dedicate myself to it, the reward will be something I actively want.
Someone tell me the best route to go for this league thing if I'm pretty much a noob.
anyone bought members for brighter shores?
Fuck that, I'll make up the 4 points somewhere else
If you're inexperienced to the point you don't have the slightest idea what max level content looks like, literally whatever sounds fun to you. If you know more than that, look at the combat relics and pick which one you want to get to tier 6 the most, then check the wiki page for the league areas to see what drops you want the most for that combat style, and pick those.
someone tell me the best route to go from lumbridge to taverly if im pretty much a noob
That game is dead. The vg and v threads vanished and the vm thread has like 3 posts a day. He's doing nothing but qol changes. There's really no hope for recovery. It's bad.
i would cut behind the castle and then head northwest and walk just south of the farms to connect to the path approaching draynor from the north. if you come in from the south youll risk getting attacked by the jail guards and wizard guy. from there just head up through falador and through that gate, you might just need to open it depending on if its closed
buy or beg for a games necklace and tele to burthrope games room, then run south
>That game is dead
nah you are
im going to sleep maybe ill dream of a thread without tourists and theyll be gone in the morning
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we need to change the thread name now that we are 3 games merged into one
oh are rs3 players the reason that all of the blood was shed
brighter shores and runescape 3 owns this shit
holocure rapes all of those games
>- No reliable access to darts, so 1 tick blowpipe probably not really that viable
t1 combat mastery saves 95% of your ammo
assuming 80% uptime a 1t blowpipe uses 4800 darts per hour meaning 240 darts per hour lost
can i see your math on that
can someone please explain to me what the heck is an atmospheric river
idk i haven't seen that in BS

the original vtuber
melee morytania/fremmenik/asgarnia
i will regret asgarnia, but i would regret other regions more
If this is what it takes to never see a post about some faggots asshole for the millionth time then I hope /rsg/ never comes back.
which regions for a person who doesnt pvm because they are a skiller not a killer (but also because I have lupus)
for me im a skiller not a killer but leagues is the time for me to practice in an easy setting
literally just pick non raid regions retard
how would he know if he doesnt do pvm RETARD
Probably because raids in most MMOs are considered end game content and not something you should do if you're only interested in skilling. You cannot possibly be this stupid
what regions and relics for easy points i want to buy out the store
exactly which is why a skiller wouldnt even know which regions the raids are in so how would they know to avoid those regions
Any regions you like, just don't do pvm tasks, you don't need max points to have fun and even in non-raid regions they always include meme tasks that only literal retards engage with.
>they always include meme tasks that only literal retards engage with.
I got full graceful last leagues...
>"guys engage with my bait please....I need attention"
yeah no
why is your text green
FDZ range it is
>tfw have to wait 6 more months to see if brighter shores becomes good.

sigh, i wonder how classic rs was like at launch...
the same you had to get 99 smithing for bis like getting lvl 500 in that game
its quite clear that andrew had little to no input on rs2. because brighter shores feels like rsc and its garbage
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The inventory situation on my UIM is getting out of hand.
Just put it in the bank retard
was there trading at launch? feels like rs classic launched with more features than bs
Shield of arrav was there at launch, so probably.
has anyone made a real uim account aka no fake banking no deaths
it wont. the bones of the game just aren't good and are just completely backwards and weird. they would need to completely revamp everything. the combat has managed to distinguish itself as the worst version of a shitty autobattle mobile game if that was possible. the exploration and progress is not there. you level up your fishing skills and then you go between 2 places because the game autoscales the two places. and the skilling does nothing except give you money that has no purpose other than to buy instruments you need for skilling in the same places. i would be shocked if this game was good in 2 years
Post you're UIMs stats.
Pretty much the same but it got weekly updates. It'll be a fine, laid back, chill game once more content comes in, don't listen to the pessimistic fag. It's not going to be some tick autistic sweat fest with bad controls like osrs and that makes them seethe
there was one guy who did a hardcore uim
that's it
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To think that this was the meta-chasing fag pick last leagues...
occult nerf hit hard
Plus it's arguably one of the worst echo items.
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youtube is making fun of us...
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yeah finding saki did but she abandoned it to move to canada to live with her lover
>1 runecraft
How can you even call you'reself a F2P skiller?
i enjoy the game, other than the combat resetting between eps also i think the spawn rate should also be a bit faster when it comes to like fishing to get that satisfying feel when you get the rotation down of going back and forth and not having to wait. i played runescape back in 2005-06 only as a f2p and my goal was to get full mith, and then eventually get full rune and that was extremely fun bothering people who i thought were high level to give me 180k to buy full rune and one mad lad actually did but just for me to realize i still needed to complete dragon slayer to wear full platebody. i hope andrew adds some sort of addicting endgame to brighter shores in the near future.
Was gonna pick desert for the green blowpipe but the regular one shits on it so there's no point really
i think you have me mistaken for someone else that wasnt me i cant say too much but the person i like like isnt in canada
What happened to the weam with a dream poster?
spill the tea!
sorry i cant spill the tea right now ill ruin my laptop its on my desk ask me later maybe
ditzy literal guardians of the galaxy drax bitch
uhmmm are you talking about me i cant tell i didnt say anything about guardians of the galaxy or drax but theres not really anyone else you could be talking to so i think youre talking to me but i didnt do anything
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What is a good time for wildy slayer cave stuff? I need to kill lesser demons, but got pkd three times already.
Pvp worlds for the next 7 hours
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are they from here in osg
You needed powered staff because autocasting was fucked
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>3mil afk xp in half a day
okay? i could write the number 3 million into notepad and look at it for the same effect
erm this is the osrs general not the brighter sharts general. i think youre lost
Wasn't it like several billion xp to get to max level in that game?
1.8B for level 500
Will the T6 magic combat mastery work the same as Berserker last league where the effect will only kick in once the mob has taken damage?
Last year this would guarantee 3 max hits, this year it would guarantee 3 hits without your T6 relic working.
So if you treat level 500 as the equivalent of OSRS's level 99, that's like AFKing for <2k xp/h of OSRS experience.
If level 500 is more like 200m xp, then you're AFKing for <30k xp/h.

I know he likes grindy games, but coming out of the gate with that when people aren't even invested is a bit much.
people used to rather wait for tears of guthix than train RC
this is much stronger since you can do this for every single skill by logging only once every 24 hours
nigga really spent all that time just to make melvor idle
I'm going the top 3 regions everyone is dumping on.
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dear diary, today i died at wave 46 of the inferno, again. i'm still very very new to this content so i'm not too mad, however, i am mad i died to what i did and that i died without touching my brews. i really think i can do this if i put my nose to the grindstone enough. i will jump back in now, ciau. gl to everyone :3
My condolences
I've still never tried inferno.. i really should since i have bowfa and bp now..
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Can you get atlatl and eclipse with ranged gear only?
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Yeah but you'll probably want to wait till t6 because it's got a +500 range def
>sad that jagex did this
Nigga the reason /rsg/ is dead is because you let a schizophrenic mexican NEET police the general and friend chat to shape it to his own wishes.
Jagex implentening an auto mute filter for reporting for swearwords was just the excuse he used for NPC nigcattle like you to let him do this.
>because you let a schizophrenic mexican NEET police the general and friend chat to shape it to his own wishes.
This thread is similar, but instead it's a bunch of troons.
What all did they do?

/rsg/'s schizo
>made a new clan chat to take over the main one
>would shift his sleep schedule around to ensure he'd always be awake when the thread hit bump limit
>if someone else ever made a thread with the actual CC in the OP, he'd threadwar and flood the first thread with samefagging and gaslighting and would do it for days straight
>he bribed newbs and poorfags in the main CC with GP so they'd sit in his CC instead

Genuinely impressive what one unmoderated unhinged waste of space is capable of when there's nobody equally autistic to match him.
Talk about the game instead of gossiping about your off-topic interpersonal drama.
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running out of my black knives from the defender grind..
going to take some time out of my day 1 leagues to laugh at all the retards who rush the hill and moss giants in misthalin and karamja instead of just unlocking their 2nd area. i will NOT be laughing at the psychos who pay to kill a giant in brimhaven dungeon and then safespot demons for the 100 combat monster task until they forget their axe / wc levels for the vines
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new pb
>2t atlatl that can't miss
Might be pretty good honestly
omg im pogging off the last reddit token has been found
I once encountered a player called "trans rights" and I wondered if it was someone from this thread.
ranged bros, what regions are we picking now that you can get every mega rare? zeah seems worse now
The main benefit of the ranged t6 mastery is that you can go full tank armor without losing much damage at all. I'm going to be abusing that and picking morytania for my raid region.
Also since you get 10 points to work with, you can put 4 points into melee and have that as your dedicated big healing switch (damned guthans + t4 melee + blood fury) for insane sustain beyond the fact you are already tanky as shit.
im in finland :D
time to grind with my bestie until leagues
I can't think of a gayer country
how do I kill the new amox boss in 30 seconds?
Ranged is basically solved due to combat masteries, which is honestly kind of gay: Fremennik for the absurdly strong ring and necklace (and assembler), Morytania, and then I believe you have a free region to do whatever you want with. Asgarnia for ZCB, Wildy for Webweaver and the highly inadvisable dragon darts and spirit shield meme build. I don't care how strong you are in Leagues, Corp isn't worth it. I'm not familiar with the weapon, but you could possibly make some sort of atlatl meme build work with a ranged / mage split. Grimoire for augury so you don't have to pick Zeah.

As >>502942936 said ranged can completely ignore ranged accuracy penalties and just equip justiciar (or barrows armor). It's too stronk.
>the final token gives you the "Nice key" (we already knew this part through datamining)
>it turns out that the Nice key gives you a fucking Red Topaz
>because getting a Red Topaz is described as "nice" in the flavour text when you get one elsewhere
This is the stupidest fucking outcome for this easter egg hunt, I don't know whether to think it's so retarded it's funny, or if it's just retarded
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What are the most important skills for iron to support pvm/slayer? Herblore and farming are obvious but should I max hunter for chins/rumours?
92 mining for amethyst darts
excited for wow fresh?
I was thinking about skipping blowpipe and go straight for bofa with hunter's sunlight crossbow. Is it worth it?
whats that? is it like hello fresh from youtube
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An easier question is what isn't important, you'll want to do 2 or 3 diaries for Slayer ideally, they're very beneficial. And elites require a lot of skills in the 80s at least.

But bizarrely, Runecrafting is super important for efficient slayer for irons/UIMs. Especially if you're hardcore or UIM, applies a little less for regular irons I think (can just use the wildy altar more often)
Wrath runes (90-95 RC) are needed for offering spells. With offering spells, Prayer is levelled nearly 1 to 1 with Slayer, otherwise it's a pain in the ass to get it anywhere.

Here's what I've gotten from half an hour of a Black Demon task since logging in -- the prayer xp is super handy.

Blowpipe hasn't been the go-to for Irons for years, everyone rushes the Bowfa these days yes
Crazy pic because I just shot a raccoon that was in my basement this morning
Is it really worth it to invest so much in rc just for prayer? I hate the skill and I use surge sacks in pvp worlds for slayer so I don't really need wrath runes for anything else.
world of warcraft classic fresh you goof
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if I pick the region I want then I will have 1 herb patch
Anyone do any leagues wildy pvp theorycrafting?

I'm thinking rushing T5 mage + grimoire, then TB'ing people followed by 2T ice barrages. Should be fairly quick to get rolling. Any build that's actually better than this? Maybe a tribrid build with 2t bowfa, but it seems like way too much effort although people might naturally have this later.
It is more of a UIM/Hardcore thing, but it is very nice to have.
You'll get probably about three quarters of the xp for 99 prayer through slayer this way, otherwise you'll get basically nothing

It's not necessary though, no, and I wouldn't blame you for not wanting to autism-max things and go for 95 RC (or 90 with a few boosts) right away.
There's many alternatives for Prayer.

But I'd at least recommend getting 72 Magic if you don't have it, resurrecting ensouled head drops while slaying is nice. Adds an incredibly easy and free 3-10k prayer xp for each applicable task, it adds up
Raid region, Mory is looking very popular for the justi memes, the barrows stuff could also be fun and super Karils will still be good damage with very easy to get ammo just not as good as the darts with echo dks jewelry. Frem is insane, 30 ranged str is so unbelievably good, main game neck+ring is +7... third region is a toss up my fav are; Asg gets you Zaryte vamb+cbow, plus amethyst ammo which is very competitive to dragon but fairly afk to collect, and Wildy for the echo shield and webweaver. elf for bp and varla for exploring that and quiver are also good
what regions do you want that only gets you 1 patch? wd t/m?
that shit will get boring after an hour. I remember killing retards doing black chins in leagues 3 I think it was. They would actually lose chins if they died lmao
Will it though? I've spent like 20 hours ragging people with like 100k risk at wildy altar, and that never gets old (although to be fair with loot keys that can bank you around 1.5m/hr avg)
Wildy is going to be pretty packed this league because of the echo weapon plus wildy prints money and resources. So I imagine people will be pvping not to troll but actually to assert dominance and claim bosses. Good luck wildy bros.
oh yeah i forgot prif is cucked and has the allot+flower but no herb.. unlucky. have fun going to weiss regularly.. they've teased it'll be 4x growth at least right?
People will have damage reduction and can just teleport out of the wildy at will (regardless of how deep they are)
When there's no loot PKing is very hollow
Not if i TB them right? Or is TB disabled?
According to Discord it's disabled in leagues this year to prevent griefing in that region
>It is more of a UIM/Hardcore thing
I agree. One DK task is ~150k xp in bones, hydra drops plenty, cerb a fair bit too. And doing basically anything in varlamore rewards bone shards. If you're a regular iron, you can alternatively grind out vorkath until you have enough wraths. The average kill yields you 1.8 wrath runes. Not horrible, and plenty of alchables.
what is the range region pick?
>The average kill yields you 1.8 wrath runes. Not horrible,
That is pretty bad, I think you need like 12k going for 99 Slayer, that's 11k vork
No because it's a waste of time you retard
Any raid region, beyond that it doesn't matter honestly
Mory if you want to use Karils in the midgame, Desert if you want the best endgame DPS (masori), Tiran for Blowpipe (which for some reason has better damage than the Desert echo blowpipe).
only 7 more sleeps until the league omg im so happy
Desert blowpipe is clearly made for off range builds. It slaps hard then, but if you're going all range everything is a stop gap until twisted bow or zcb.
imagine going wildy with bankers note and just getting ragged at every boss by recallers with effectively infinite hp and spec with no supply cost because you can't tb them lmao
regular bp is +20 str and drygore is +10 when loaded. drygores strength comes from the accuracy and fang like mechanic which are both worthless with t6..
To be fair, you only need 5k vork to get from 70 to 99 prayer through the wildy altar. Obviously not an option if you're a UIM/HCIM though. And you wouldn't use offering spells at abby demons or nechs either.
based. next up will be more MTX added into osrs

Any actual source for this? I pulled up the discord and searched, can't see any official statement on it
Many opportunities to bank prayer now. You could bank hydra bones to use at wildy altar OR do the wrath runes meme. You will gain a couple mil from doing all the varlasnore content.
Does anyone know the banked prayer xp you get from doing rumours to 99?
drygore is bis for people not going specifically for the range relic bc it scales the most off the passive t3 and ranged t3
I'll have to think about it but to be fair I'd rather spend time banking than leveling up RC. I dunno why I hate it so much.
Some people who have vocaroo links saved, where do you save them?
i know, we were talking about for ranged pickers ie T6
I'm not the biggest RC fan either really, suffering to 77 through Guardians of the Rift sucked a bit. But personally I love blood runecrafting, it's so darn easy, I can easily afk there all day long (which I did to 95).

I forget exactly but this grind did also give something like... 300k blood runes?

Anyway you probably don't want to bother banking ashes and wyrm bones if you're not using offering spells, it just ain't worth the time, I'd just go for alternative methods like Vorkath and the wildy altar in the future
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todays reveal from earlier since no one else posted. just qol stuff

the weapon voucher will be nice but definitely less fun to see in the chest at the end.
I feel like picking regions is really hard this league
in brighter shores you can walk to other regions
231 greaters.. maybe this will be the task i get something from torms
answer my fucking question
i thought for sure if you wanted a mega rare from a different region youd have to get 2 of your regions and take that to sage. this is far more generous that I would have done
No, because it's gay and boring. At most, I'll just have a plan for when people try to PK me, which will be easy enough.

PKing is just a proxy for gambling addicts. Leagues removing item loss on death means that you get nothing and the lose nothing except a minute of their time, less if they have recall. PKing is all well and good in the main game, but in Leagues it's the equivalent of going to a party where people are playing Smash, whipping out your custom GameCube controller, and sweating over nothing.
I always bank wyrm bones. 350 xp each, average task is 45k. Also means I don't have to bring any prayer pots, which gives me a reason to flick.
good morning /rsg/ how we doing?
thinking about grinding some vorkath (and zemouregal)
that's the sound my necro summons and my revo++ make when i shit all over the hardest endgame with a grand total of 20 actions per minute!
That's good xp and all, problem is you need to bank like 5-10 times a task, it's a long walk each way
at its core yes but it needs good pvm content and carrot on stick like pet grind to surpass OSRS
>resources respawn faster
okay, but i think the initial rush is part of the appeal of leagues
>max cape
>tormented demons
solidifies my decision to take grimoire and total recall
>mega rare voucher
honestly this is pussy shit. i will go dry and i will like it.

to be expected after yesterday. i'm chilling.
Hmm perhaps it's a good idea to get to 77 and try blood crafting I have a shit ton of essence from larran's keys.
Why did superior dragon bones shoot up so much in price? They're like 27k each at the moment.

Money dragon really living up to his name.
it's technically easier than it has ever been because a lot of restrictions have been relaxed, but the echo items, varlamore, and now combat masteries make it more difficult. even if someone tells you you should go tir as melee or mory as ranged, it feels off.
i cant believe /osg/ really was one schizo talking to himself
those are all buffs doe?
I was just talking about Kourend bloods, which don't need essence, they're the ones that are super comfy
Haven't tried the other blood altar personally, but from what I gather it's a lot more effort for about 20% more xp/hr, and like 3x the runes per hour, so if you want to put in the effort it's probably well worth it
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>tfw you complete a rumour on the first catch
i call it the "not my problem" build. ain't fancy, but it gets the job done.
>tfw when i ask (no image because i didnt)
in a year it will. trust the gowers
im deathy afraid seeing all the retard casuals begging for casualization right off the bat i feel like its only a matter of time before the gowies cave in and give them retarded shit under the guise of """qol""
Ah ofc but perhaps I should zmi or lava these essences I have 24 rc and magic imbue and around 100k essence. Don't think I have the stomach for it though.
unfortunately GOTR is kind of mandatory for levelling RC, because it's needed for the outfit (which is just stupidly powerful compared to most skilling outfits, but takes an aeon to earn)
Anyway I'd only recommend going this route if you can play neet hours tbqh, it's an incredibly long grind getting to 95, even if 77-95 (aka like 95% of the xp) is mostly afk it's still like 250+ hours
Crystal blessing + passive accuracy boost + echo hit gamba + total recall * dds = gg
>crystal blessing
i don't plan on taking a region with mediocre melee content (yes, i know zulrah is no longer immune to melee) just to lock myself into ugly glass armor. i'm not a calcer, but surely the passive accuracy boost is enough in most scenarios.
some troonieniggerfaggot reported me for saying nigger and I got banned a few days couple weeks ago
all bc I forget to say something relevant to the thread in my post so dont forget to always say relevant stuff when insulting troonieniggerfaggots
whoever reported me hope you get cancer
so rn im fishing just trying to get the boring 99's out of the way
also are the pedos still itt or are they gone
the game is already made for casuals though, how can they make it easier?
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First combat level 99 on the account
i can tell you're from reddit based on your writing style
feeling kinda shartpilled might bond up the babymoder for an easy 2 weeks
Honestly in most cases void would more than do the job, and asgarnia is a must if you're melee it's too good to ignore.
erm usually when i wake up theres a million posts from the night and it takes an hour to read them all why was there only 50
Why, because I capitalized the F in my 7 word post?
I've been coming to this shithole for about as long as there's been generals for the game, cunt

Before this it was /rsg/. It was a decade ago but I'm pretty sure those guys weren't such fags.
Perhaps it's not for me then I can occasionally put in the neet hours but otherwise I tend to do fun but not necessarily efficient things.
/rsg/ died...

you used an article to refer to your account
Don't care shut up and stop seething about Reddit for no reason
please... im on my knees begging....
nothing going on in brighter shores, they added makeover mage, and you can see other people's damage now when they're fighting, but that's it. no content updates
Usually those posts are all me but I was busy helping my mum today
oh so brighter shores is DOA who would've thought
wait what i dont understand this question? saved like what, bookmarked? you can also download them
Stellar Blade won
OSRS lost
Do you even lose anything in leagues pvp, even skulled? I thought someone said its just a pvm death with normal fees and your gravestone even gets moved to your respawn location so you can't even camp it
did stellar blade come to pc yet?
is fremnik jewellery worth taking? Would it be a huge dps increase?
You lose your place at artio and have to hop like a beta.
So my point stands, nothing of value was lost
I want to take tirwin ,but historically that region had the lowest points. Did they address that at all?
man holy fuck kandarin is so shit that on top of being shit it has the lowest points of a region you can pick
Who cares, just pick it as your 3rd region so you have most of the unlocks already
but dood, think how many points you can get by playing hours of barbarian assault and monke agility
It's because it has nothing to put big points behind, the hardest boss is echo thermy and that's going to be an unknown difficulty since no one will be fighting it ever.
at this point someone will take it for a meme
do they release the task list before the leagues or no?
currently you only have this
No. I got attacked 3 times in last League and it wasn't even a minor annoyance. It just felt pointless.
>1 was some guy who attacked me randomly at revenants, he died
>1 was someone who killed me after I warned him I was casting a spell on him for diary
>1 was some retard who PK'd me while I had 6 chaos druids on me, and was gone when I came back 10s later
There will be slightly more people there this time, but whatever.
I believe so
the biggest problem with wilderness is that getting rev weapons takes a long ass time
it's a problem if you're playing leagues casually and really targeting rev weapons for whatever reason
it's not a problem if you're going for dragon because you'll likely get every rev weapon before the supplies, gold, or even experience from revs loses its usefulness
I've caught like 10,000 maniacal monkeys and still no undamaged tail
>kandarin gives free dragon trophy if you pick it as the final reveal
locked in as my 3rd
andrew gower raped me in a mcdonalds in cambridge
minecraft sex mod in runescape
>slightly more people there this time
The legions are coming for the Wildy this time.
Last league there was literally no incentive, I don't think zombie pirates and shit were even a thing for instance, now there's echo weapons n shit
i think they release it like a few hours before the league goes up
>dust devil
>doesn't count as a demon
um ackshully demons and devils are separate things
dnd taught me this
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These are evil, demonic minions of Zamorak, I just know it.
>Flames of zamorak
>doesn't count as fire elemental damage
I'm sure you know but it did count, but Jagex shit their pants when realizing that a spell empowered by a level 80 Charge spell actually did a good amount of damage and was viable in like 2 places

However you could headcanon that it's more of an unholy fire, not an elemental fire.
>bossy goblin chief
>there's multiple of them

Nta but I feel like this could change with each day depending on the reveals, also there's a bunch of people who chicken out the last day. Wilderness might be more crowded on the first week or two but if its a 2nd or 3rd region I can't see it being swarmed when you decide to go. Even with zombie pirates (which aren't even that great) and the echo weapon, the wildy doesn't have much going for it, corp still has a huge grind, they hopefully won't have the revs drop rate bug this year, and the weapons only benefit wildy pvm. I still am going because its an interesting region and I like the echo weapon
>wildy agility is the nicest new thing, but everyone has access to the brimhaven agility arena and its respective tasks
>brimhaven agility arena is also good for skilling with banker's note, which is a very popular relic
>zombie pirates and revenants are worth less (but not worthless) for anyone taking golden god, which is a popular relic
>zombie pirates are worth even less if the medium diary requirement is retained despite leagues being a temporary game mode with no trading
>combat relic reveals have dampened enthusiasm for the thunder khopesh because it's a 4t weapon
so all in all wildy has
>easy gold in another league with infinite gold
>easy supplies
>a 4t melee weapon that synergizes well with a relatively unpopular relic (recall)
>corp :(
i don't think it's bad, in fact i love wildy and i go it every time. but it hasn't really benefited from reveals like other regions have. morytania becoming the best ranged region if you miss absolute unit, tir becoming the best melee region if you're a slut for dps. like >>502966914 said people will drift away from wilderness as soon as other regions get good stuff, while wildy has shot its nut.

if you want numbers to back this up, the polls in the leagues discord (which is where the people who care enough to pick wildy all are) only went up from like 7% pick rate to 10% pick rate i think.
>>combat relic reveals have dampened enthusiasm for the thunder khopesh because it's a 4t weapon
If other people truly think that, it's good for me. Echoed hits with its AOE makes me want it even more.
Do you have them all bookmarked in a bookmark folder? And yeah I would download them but then I can't link them to 4chan.
This is a double layered joke though
Dust devils are named after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_devil
Then the "face of evil" is a running gag between other slayer monsters
>Basilisk - The eyes of evil
>Bloodveld - The tongue of evil
>Rockslug - The slime of evil
I think slayer monsters were originally supposed to be "le evil" which is why you needed to level a special skill to be able to harm them
I got the Dust devil pun obviously, but I wasn't aware of the "x of evil" running gag actually, thanks for teaching me something new anon
yeah, i agree. i did unspeakable things to the slayer cave nechs with mage / undying last time, and i think this will be just as stupid. a bit annoying to tag things, but that's what 1t knives will be for.
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don't spend it all at once
im gonna buy my first lvl 50 because they're expensive
why are you asking youre being really creepy and suspicious
You're welcome I love handing my autism knowledge about Runescape down
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Gz I got my first gold yesterday when processing all my logs from 45 wc grind. Going for 50 carpentry for the 5 star hopeforest quest rn
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party hats confirmed
:D Just wanna know what you prefer I'm not a creep I swear.
Jagex... Sue this man!
i haven't bought membs yet, im just training my guard to level 50. does that quest give you anything important?
Not really from what I can tell it gives you a second lodestone in Hopeforest

Hopeforest is still f2p tho you should go there and do the 3 star quest cause that one adds portable bank deposts to the mysterious stones like the one right before the beach
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i already did spider quest, there are no more useful quests to do in f2p
Questing in general is fun doe...
rigour is only like 2dps increase with t6 range, if the third relic in that tier is interesting I might actually take it..
ok ive never mentioned it here i think but i have a phd in math i made a post correcting someones math on leddit and then i got a 500 word essay about why they are in fact correct and then they ended the post with a little anecdote which was basically to tell me they are an engineer. why are all engineers completely insufferable and also bad at math anyway im gonna keep mining these anglerfishes
ok why dont you make a reddit post about it
because im playing runegame
2 dps is still like a 6% boost in overall damage with a maxed setup dayo. That's pretty much on par with any of the damage-focused masteries.
yeah but if the 3rd relic is something more interesting/fun to play with it's not as big of a deal to lose rigour imo compared to when you also get the accuracy bonus yknow
We still haven't seen any of the combat relics, they may still determine the "best" combat style tbqh
Combat talents aren't all there is for combat
there's going to be a spec relic and it's going to drive everyone to asg and the wildy at the last minute
wtf dont come asg we are full
Why do I get a stiffy when I see a pigtailed girl in the ge
Real chads dds. Beta's godbored their way through life.
you dont mine angerflish "though"
how i mine 4 fish???
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I never understood the pube on mouth fetish
wait wtf is that what is going on in the picture
oh my god
This never happened
>each way
Only one way. Karamja gloves to deposit box, then blessing / POH fairy ring.
Why cant we configure the default quantity in the bank? Who asked for 5 and 10?
this isnt the vscape thread
Didnt know this was the cuckity cuck cuck general. I thought it was Old School RS.
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im so badass now with my cape...
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me im a weam
Talk about the game.
where did osg fc go
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talk about the game not your interpersonal thread celebrity drama
do i do 10 herbs 5 mahogany or 10 mahogany 5 herbs when it comes to miscellenia
im not an ironman
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check out my kraken
It's a long walk back from the Fairy Ring to the Wyrms though, probably longer than running out to the bank chest and back
And before elites you only get 3 Konar teles a day
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>only the pet
noob :^)
tonight im going to get really drunk and eat the rest of my chinese food and play runescape im so excited
What's a decent option for specs for rangers anyway? I'm stumped, surely it's not just the MSB (not even msb(i)), so 55% specs (oof)
Maybe I'll have to go for a melee switch if I go 4-6-0 or something, or just ignore specs
zaryte cbow (high hp) and webweaver (lower hp) are the best two specs for rangers in main game and the zcb spec spam did wonders last league. I don't think msb is even worth swapping to desu, the dps calc says it's spec 18.33dps with echo dks and amethyst darts naked is 20..
I don't plan on going either of those regions for those, so fug, I guess it's no spec
Unless I end up offspeccing melee, then I'd guess... something might be good? maybe
Fcking loser.
I'm 29 and I've never been drunk once, it blows my mind that some of you do it routinely
zcb (compensates for lack of bolt proc chance in ranged combat masteries)
dark bow 4 teh memez
blowpipe is redundant sadly
what regions are you looking at?
me i would consume a 750ml bottle of fireball every day
did the chipotle girl ever post her analysis of recall vs note
maybe the podcast could have an episode discussing recall vs note
Mory, Frem, and the third region is a mystery currently (possibly varlamore if giga colo isn't too fucked)
Honestly no idea on that one currently
rs3's players is at 34k, thats higher than the past 2months. What are you gys even talking about? The world doesnt revolve around chuds like you.
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oh shit a rat
sir, what did you do to get 100 alchemy?
5% xp 23-35, 28% healing pot 35-77, 60% str cryonae 77-104
idk what any of this means why are you talking about an offtopic game in the osrs general
idk what any of this means why are you talking about an offtopic game in the osrs general
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bp spec does increase the damage but yeah not enough value imo for a spec relic..
burning claws can get close to darts with a full melee setup and t3 melee but I don't see those regions supporting a spec relic investment.
bros named potrick
>Charmander Danzel and Potrick
can't make this up
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Can I hunt sunlight antelopes at lvl 70 by boosting hunter?
söy video
should be able to, not sure why you'd want to tho
As a big watcher of shitty "snowflake" OSRS series on YouTube, can I blogpost for a moment?

>there's a series by Tellacon, a relatively wellknown OSRS YouTuber
>in it, he's locked to Brimhaven and the Karamja Volcano (so Tzhaar too) and has to complete everything there
>spends an entire 40 minute episode baseding out over killing one lesser demon, or getting an obby maul, just making miniscule progress
>weeks of no progress in hours of video

>Verf just casually uploads a video of himself doing basically the same thing (TzHaar locked), but tears through absolutely everything from to start to completion in one video

Thanks for reading my blog
I want the crossbow and tons of bolts.
cute blog thank you for sharing
You're welcome but please don't call my posts cute, I'm a grown man and likely so are you
cant decide between overgrown or grimoire for AFM ranged.... grimoire will give me rigour/piety, ancients, thralls, and useful teleports like barrows. overgrown will make farming and herblore extremely easy but ill already be getting alot of resource drops from bosses and i dont mind doing farm runs and farming ash. what do i pick....
I'm going varla but cant decide if the 2t atlatl (or 3t hunter's spears) are good enough with all str bonus compared to just going melee
that's cool and all but what does this have to do with brighter shores???
You may as well forget about herb if you don't pick the dedicated relic I feel. Farming you can probably eventually 99 with banked tree seeds, just save them until x16 xp, but even that'll be shit

More dps + teles is nice and all but what about potions and all those potential points?
which teleport relic are you taking?
your moms fat pussy tele that way i can save runes on poh teleport
like i said, the bosses in my regions shit out resources anyways and farming is still gonna be very fast even without overgrown.
probably the clue one
>like i said, the bosses in my regions shit out resources anyways and farming is still gonna be very fast even without overgrown.
then pick the other one asshole
Yeah what the other guy said, you rude cunt
did you sell the pots to make money back or did u gather?
clue one gives you the tunnels tele, can always find a clue scroll with the odd man teleport to be up top if you don't have last recall
a little of both
fuck you, bitch.
hmm what should i have for lunch today tuna salad or a ham and cheese sandwich well i dont really like tuna salad this is such a difficult choice
cute response
havent played OSRS since the last league, any huge updates that I need to consider before planning for this one?
Also is Kandrin dead?
rumor has it jagex is looking to add the hell hound earring as a retroactive reward for red token >>502985870
just ate some hot cheetos, finna take a massive jaytroonie sooner than later.
a real spiced cheeto jayplarpie
yeah kandarin is looking pretty dead atm. Varlamore is the biggest update, uh other than that not anything too big desu, Tormented Demons (starting regions) and Araxxor (morytania) are the only things that come to mind.
pretty based of anon to scour her mind palace in order to remember each and every weekly update since last leagues
it's easy when like half the updates have been for varlamore shit
varl her more? i hardly knew her
The big one is that there's no favour grind in Kourend anymore because Jagex finally came to their senses and removed it
kill yourself casualtroon
settle down there pepper roni making pizzas wasnt as soulful as you were lead to believe
it wasnt it was painstaking and that's why you cant just take away the torture all those people have gone through
it wasnt even that long of a grind
back in my day i remember helmiemanmode being a fun struggle but jagex has made the game too easy with dropscape and helmiemanmode qol they cant just take away the torture all those people have gone through it wasnt even that long of a grind if you knew what you were signing up for
Have the same energy for those that initiate a topic, dumb zionist chud,
what the fuck is the point of "ironman" if you're gonna prechew it for normienigcattle and slowly turn it into "normienigcattle mode but without trading"

just watch in 2 years they're gonna make "TRUE IRONMAN MODE THIS TIME I SWEAR"
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>Really want to make a build around the dog sword
>That t6 range relic
I don't know what to build or what zones to pick anymore.
wtf they really added a new continent

last league i went (if i remember correctly, not in this order) frem/kand/desert for the max mage bonus. i dunno if ill just be a boomer and stick to frem because it's a cool region or explore the new shit, ill have to go outside my comfort zone to minmax it seems
osrs leagues are just no man sky expeditions
that's rather poggers of him
to be honest i've come to despise arbitrary snowflake accounts
why are you acting like you expected the game to not receive a single update between last leagues and this leagues why are tourists like this
need to charge my angler outfit again ugh
i don't know how ranged manages to be the boring faggot combat style so consistently
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brighter shores rapes this shitty general
If it's so great, why are you desperately shilling it here?
dont get it twisted
wow calm down...
nah that's you
Brighter Shores won
OSRS lost and got raped by Andrew Gower in a mcdonalds bathroom
fuuuck bros this league looks fucking great compared to the last one
im genuinely excited, one week
I think I'm going to go frem/desert/tir, get the dag king echo stuff and run a mage build, because i cant be bothered to run gauntlet for a ranged build
frems looking pretty good since it's echo boss has insanely strong neck and ring
why is arma crossbow 56m?
need it for zaryte
>its just stats
thats shit though
Yeah but the stats are insanely good.
ok well why is zaryte up in price then
they're like 3x the stats of the normal bis pieces and you'll still use them after getting the mega rares
I rarely get excited over games because they always massive disappointments, but fuck, something about leagues just really gets me.
Especially since Leagues 4 was so fun, and it just looks like this improves basically every issue I had with it.
>Ultra-BIS is all 3 combat styles
I don't see how people don't understand that they're really fucking good.
cool 5% higher max hit and hit chance that 2nd best in slot who the fuck cares picking a region just for that is braindamaged
okay let me pick a region for an item i have no interest in using instead, that's genius
there's guaranteed going to be a better echo option in a region you havent considered yet plus other benefits, like poop devil
it's very strong, also it's less than it was a year ago, and arma is about the same price
chasing higher max hit is room temp iq
yeah you should be taking boring regions with no useful drops instead
stfu loser this is why u dont have a gf go kys
did the doc take away your estrogen or something
can someone please tell me what regions to pick what relics to take what bosses to kill what items to farm what tasks to complete and what skilling methods to use
pick frem and then only farm dag kings to make anon mad
do you want a list of which screen coordinates to click at which timestamp too
would you really do that for me
lumberjack to get mage longs to alch
bank heist for obvious reasons
total recall (still on the fence with this, i picked fire sale over bankers note last league and didnt regret it)
grimoire for mage build
golden god i guess since there's no further released info on the wiki and im going to alch for xp and all that moneys will be prayer xp

ill have to see how to distribute skill mastery, putting most of it in mage is what ill do by default and getting a nice buff to range seems obvious but i think melee would be more fun
Everyone's going to pick frem while anon seethes and shits himself in the corner.
>alching fletching produce
You should go frem to piss off that one guy, kandarin to laugh at everyone else you see in the region, and then probably quit before your 3rd unlock.
what's the meta then
why is it bad to alch while doing other shit in leagues for points
im so rusty that i may as well be a champ
i have a million yews on an ironman
what do i do with them
dont whatever you do fletch and alch them or anon will uhh at you
I'm thinking about going V/W/M as melee, should I swap to W first? Probably gonna do a 6:4 or 6:3:1 split for melee and range or melee/range/mage. Also thinking about taking miner relic, bankers note, and clue relic. I know we still have like 5 or 6 days of reveals but I'm pretty confident in the choice, are there any hard walls I might hit? I've done pretty much all content in the main game except for 2/4 of the autistic awakened bosses
sell to an npc store
bait used to be believable
i just dropped all my arrows after 99 fletching on my weam
yeah makes more sense
im not baiting im genuinely just dumb when it comes to this game nowadays
omg stop using just one letter I cant keep up without overloading my brain trying to figure out what region it is
lumberjack fletching makes them into arrowshafts, if you go golden god you'll be alching store items like dragon longs for money not bows
Going to go to M for a bit then head to F later.
me personally I am not taking D first
im taking E
ill be sticking to the main game bcuz im not gay
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yasss slay queen give the rest of the pride rally troons my regards will you
I hate odablock cuz hes muslim and muslim want to kill gays

I wish israel bombs muslims a lot like fire bomb them to crisp ash
he's not gaming he's programming
Something tells me that Muslims are right about the gays.. in OSRS.
move to afghanistan then in osrs
>kill women and children in osrs because I want to fuck a brudda in the bum
Actual degenerate scum. Burn in hell.
>I was thinking more about Verac's for prayer rape.
Why bother? Verac’s DPS is just so low that anything better than a whip beats it 99% of the time. Plus, its set effect literally does NOTHING on a lot of post-2014 monsters because jagex are a bunch of hippy rangers and made verac’s set effect specifically not work on stuff such as TDs.

Nigga don’t pick varlamore if you’re not killing its echo boss.

Zuk won’t even be hard with 5+ relics, just go ranged or magic and run shield and DPS zuk before the adds can kill you. If you can’t do triple jads you’re a brainlet and don’t deserve the 10th relic. 10th slot is only ~10-20% bonus dps anyway.
fuck off xiv tourist
omg ur general is dead without someone blogging!!1
ironwoman no inventory
>be me, smoothbrain 1600 main account boomer
>last league took mage and got fire cape after like 4 tries because bad
>want to try more bosses and practice for main during this league
Any friendly anons willing to spoonfeed me just a bit regarding what regions to take?
I think I want to try ranged
I want to take tirwin ,but I can only do cg with australian man counting. If they change that shit theres no way ill be able to do it. I wish they gave a preview or something
im not picking a combat relic because im going to go multi combat style just like gower intended
I'm a literal idiot and I have no idea what zones to pick.
holy shit just kill yourself honestly smoothbrain is an understatement imagine being a "boomer" and not having learned in life that in order to improve at something you have to practice and fail before you see progress. just kys KYS KYS KYS REDDIT SCUM GO BACK TO YOUR SHIT WEBSITE
you both should pick last recall and asgarnia to do gwd
Ranged is pretty free to pick because RCB and darts are very strong. Think about which content you want to actually tackle. Most people want a raid region for endgame stuff, ToA (desert) is definitely the easiest to get into.
hang on with last recall i dont need to fish for 16 hours a day for food, i was thinking bank note was just infinite food and shit but thats not really true is it now
asgarnia sounds like asmongold
No it doesn't.
I watched somebody do gwd last league and seemed like another decent intro to bossing, so thanks for that suggestion

>ToA (desert) is definitely the easiest to get into.
Thanks anon, I was leaning towards Desert too because KQ seemed like the most straight-forward of the bosses and thus lets me try the echo
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brutal mog
my gf found out im a virgin and now shes researching incels this will not end well
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Oh nonononono brightersisters, our response?
>bots and vennies
those actually play the game
Both good zones with some easy bossing and some harder ones to try with better gear. Just look through the bossing options from other zones and see if any stand out. Asgarnia can make for a decent starting zone iirc from past leagues. Frem is shaping up to be a very strong 3rd region for dps because of how powerful the ring and necklace stats are compared to the other jewelry options.
brighter shores truly owns this shit
I will help you because I'm a tourist.

Ranged is looking like the easiest combat style because you can completely ignore accuracy, meaning that you can wear whatever armor you want and need to swap to off-style less than melee or mage. Fremennik gives you an unparalleled amount of ranged strength, Asgarnia gives you the ZCB to abuse enchanted bolts with, and then you can do whatever you want for your last region. Desert gives you the drygore blowpipe and ToA for PVM, Tirannwn gives you the regular blowpipe (which is better) and Zulrah and Corrupted Gauntlet for PVM, and Morytania gives you good tank armor to benefit from range's 100% accuracy and ToB for PVM.

DFA would probably be good based on what your priorities are. ToA is more accessible than ToB, and this will probably be more true than usual with 100% ranged accuracy and the prayer penetration passive.
The only bad thing about Asgarnia is that there's almost too much PVM. I personally don't like GWD, but it's nice if you like chasing drops that might not even be useful to you.
The drygore seems pretty pointless if you're going to spec into range and get the final relic tier.
It's still a great weapon, but you're really going Desert because it's a nice all-around region with the most accessible raid. If that doesn't appeal to people, that's fine. FTA exists but has no raid.
Farming relic makes that basically a non-issue, no? There will probably also be a relic that conserves supplies to make herblore easier to train and potions last longer if that’s your concern.

i didnt complete raids last league with all the buffs solely because you cannot use fixed screen to do it
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Thank you frens for the help
I think DFA (in some order) is going to meet my requirements
I did consider T but I think it might be above my skill cap

You're both good people, thanks again.
No worries, have fun. T is okay, but it's this Leagues' dps minmax region - for both melee and ranged. The content you get to do just isn't worth that dps, in my opinion.
yeah it's got a lot of bosses to kill, good and bad depending on what you're wanting to do.
T would be okay if you wanted, zulrah isn't as bad as it looks, especially since you'll be doing it in one style, though CG can be pretty rough and if you end up not liking it that'd stink since it doesn't necessarily offer the most to do. It wouldn't offer you much in terms of gear though with Desert and Asgarnia. desert has not bp (slightly weaker for t6 ranged users) and bandos/torva is still good armor for your offstyle melee for training type deal
damn range is gonna be busted i dont wanna go range again....
what's the best pure range path?
no no no dont talk about the game or the tourist will tell us to go back to Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. again
I'm a brainlet and I don't wanna go ranged(did it last league) what do I take?
For the mining relic do you need coal to activate the auto smith passive or just the ore?
No, just the ore. It would be awful otherwise, and that's something they would disclose if it were the case.

Honestly, I can't bring myself to take it with Wildy, Mory, and Frem even though I'm a sucker for just clicking rocks and clicking anvils. All that fucking coal I'm going to get would just go to waste.
melee is stronger than ranged>>502987905
math drop out bitch
>haha what if we called it the DOG sword instead of God lmao
jagex is reddit
who hurt you its ok to have fun js
you just did with your passive aggressiveness =\
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Morytania, Zeah and Desert for sure. Still debating on the masteries though
worse, geilinor citizens worship cabbage.
Going v/w/m, melee. do i go smithing for easy xp from the unlimited wildy rocks? Didn't think I'd need fish because of revs
do long do you actually play the league? i only do for about a week. then it's back to real progression on the true game
I wonder if the BF ore shop will be disabled again
I get the rewards then go back.
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Idk maybe like 3 weeks? We'll see how it goes, I don't play the main game. Only retards play the main game
like 3weeks for first trailblazer, then a month on tb2 but i had to stop cause my free time went poof and i just didn't get time to play
kek this is me
mory drops a lot of coal from GGs, ToB, nightmare, and I believe you can also get it from temple trekking; wildy drops a shit ton from rogues' chest, larran's chest, and revenants. sire also drops coal, and you can buy it from volcanic mine, which may or may not be a good mining method even after tasks. i personally wouldn't pick it, but you do you.

was it last time?
like 4-5 weeks, then i just putt it in for dcup whenever i feel like playing funmode
yeah it was disabled in tb2, idk about in the one before that tho
me? i got rune cup last league, addy the one before that
just cruise when i play
MTF 6/4/0 :3
I can't believe being trans is a fairly meta region choice this league
hello threadgirls
excuse me mtf is an outdated term it's now type a to type b transtype
theres a light on in chicago
groomer :3
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Hop-On would be overpowered as fuck. Imagine going to a group boss and immediately having a group prepped, ready and committed.
help me
some creepy uncle is telling me go to bed which is their sexual fantasy
snackies would be the obvious choice but it doesnt even have white monster so i think im gonna have to go with bed time
why does snackies not come with good boys and head pats
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post how based you are
ermmmmmm no im not a chud
I need hop on to get my gim mates to play again ):<
heavily considering DMF with mage or range
cant decide, leaning mage because gloves with ahrims sounds fun but then if you grinded infinity you lose most of it
and i lose out on the crazy range buff with early darts and memepipe
i dont say slurs on public game servers so i dont get banned
Then fishing for black chins? With bankers note or last recall woodcutting seems retarded to pick
I can't be bothered to login and check but I have a handful of mutes from like, 2009
>one for spamming @@@@@@@@@@@@@
>one for pretending to scam my friend even though no items were actually traded
>a "major ICU" mute when I was discussing the applications of in-game nitroglycerine and dharok's in a massively crowded jmod event and wondering if it was possible to kill "myself" with it (my character)
I've also had a whole bunch of 24-hour pmod mutes because jagex gave literal furfags pmod in RS3 and they'd just mute everyone who criticised the game in public chat with no oversight.
>return to OSRS after like 10 years
>make new acc
>trying to train melee at ammonite crabs
>its like fucking black friday where they're giving away half priced TVs or some shit, literally 3-4 people every world

Alright is there anything else that's competitive XP wise with this at 40-50 melee stats? This shit is ridiculous trying to find a world.
scurrius if you can handle your prayers
Sulphur nagua when you get the stats is way better, sand crabs in korend for now
looking for something a little more afk

sand crabs less contested than ammonite?
Probably worse 2bh. Worth looking at least
varlamore sand crabs.
fishing / hunter with wildy gives you
>fast dark crabs, which are normally very slow (for XP and food)
>double black chins for fun with ranged bursting
>free 50m hunter XP even though you'll probably be doing birdhouses
i personally think recall is better for wildy because of the abundance of non-instanced content and the echo weapon being spec-oriented. recall makes blighted supplies useless, but this is a small price to pay for what it will allow you to do in the region. easy dark crabs also helps offset the drawback of recall elsewhere. power miner is a bit redundant, but not a bad pick if you like it. lumberjack is lumberjack. you might benefit from hunter relic with varlamore as well.

personally, i'm just taking it because i find fishing pretty damn boring. there's such a thing as an AFK skill that's too AFK.
delet this
tummy hurts
Good. I hope it hurts more.
no one cares
wow i thought this was a community
We are. The entire community hopes your tummy gets worse. We all agreed on it.
alright yeah im doing DFA range
fuck mage
Why go D for range? Go M and grab yourself some Justiciar armor, you'll always hit even with the negative range bonus. Masori's is like, a single max hit bonus
all of this would've been avoided if the game didn't have a shit combat progression system. i would still be gladly grinding my combat to see numbers go up, but i'm not going to do it 4 times
think im gonna go KTA range zcb is going to be amazeballs and its just really strong
leveling range in mory as a first pick doesnt sound pleasant at all
yeah slayer tower but still
I'm not going to go to asgarnia. I am tired of killing 500 gradors and I sure as fuck dont want go back to nex. I killed like 200 nex and didnt even get full torva. I reallu lucked out on getting the crossbow
yeah i'm a little worried about nex myself but it'd be like wildy or varla to replace it.. wildy is probably gonna be busy and the only interesting thing in varla is colo
it's a shame justicar is one of the metallic platebodies so the assembler wont help give us the extra ~4% ammo save
i dont think wildy will be as busy as people think
youre still committing a permanent region to potentially getting pked and that will scare a lot of people no matter how hard the ecelebs shill it
on the other hand ecelebs managed to bait thousands of noobs into deadman so maybe it will be packed idk
Just max you pussy.
does the max cape not care about metal platebodies? is the 4% save even worth the lost max hits tho since max cape is 0 ranged str
You can always save it for one of your later picks, feel out how packed it is based on the beta testers. Then decide. There isn't a benefit to early wildy really.
i don't play troonscape
uhh your swamp crabs sis
the only one that doesnt care about metalic is a quiver
ok i want the kq blowpipe
wonder what that guy was rambling about maxing for then
not sure probably just a retard so sad many such cases
Do I lose any massive dps end game going desert zeah asgarnia as a max melee mastery dipping into range. I think it offers the easiest entry level gear with void/drygore with the salamander from zeah as melee ranged until I grind out the upgrades. I remember going super dry in last league so I'm more worried about early game dps to sustain me.
its like its like its like golddddd
is it called trooner shores or gooner shores
Brighter snores, obviously.
the abyssal sire is a BITCH
what about gooner snores
this girl is living in 2006 her bsn is chelsey dagger
melee with z axe and defender will be really strong early game i wasnt melee last time but if i remember correctly d long was bis for melee until whip but with zombie axe now its even stronger than whip assuming 2t
no frem jewelry hurts, and the crystal armor set is gonna be slightly better than torva but you should still do well with torva+fero+scythe. Also for early melee the zombie axe should be pretty crazy.. The wiki's dps calc is updated with league goodies you can mess around on there. I do agree with desert for range offspec though, the drygore should be insane for t3/t4 range enjoyers
14m for a bond, what the fuck happened.
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y0ou don't eve know how durnk I am
logged in to get a bond for leagues and i only have 8m in my bank
they're like 15m now
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Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream. And that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time. Or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say "Well, that was pretty great." But now let's have a surprise. Let's have a dream which isn't under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what it's going to be. And you would dig that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close shave, wasn't it?" And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream ... where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.
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waiting for brighter shores to be good lobby.
Insane https://files.catbox.moe/ywt5px.mp4
I think settled died.
damn rip

settled was the only white boy content creator that i liked, the rest could die and i would piss on their grave
Got mine for 13, just gotta wait a bit.
The rise is probably an influx of players coming back just for league, and supply and demand followed
Nevermind. I think the account is alive. My phase 3 prediction is: completing MM1. He gained 7900 agility experience on the 17th, which means he completed the grand tree. I can't imagine he'll play the account further until he uploads the next part. Dude loves to milk content.
who up juicing they sqirk
people like you should not be allowed to have a computer
holy fuck organize your bank man what the hell is this
Nice Regions, however, you're retarded for not taking a t6. but play the game the way you want!
anyone want to tob on leagues
need a type b to give me some hawk toa ya feelme?
It kind of depends on how the echo bosses works out.
My current prediction are that all of the echo bosses have some kind of overhead prayer mechanic, and you're either going to have to hybrid them or have the prayer penetration if you just want to go all in on the one style. They then designed the T6 passive to be kind of weak so equal hybriding is actually a viable option.

As cool as the T6 ones are and just deleting shit when you get lucky with with echo hits, I think T5 is more than good enough to be able to fuck shit up reliably, if slightly less fun.

Part of it is also just I was burnt really hard by the melee relic last league. I accidentally left myself with so many immune-to-melee bosses and had to off-relic a bunch of shit.
But melee is just so fucking cool, I don't want to not take it.
yep just doing some gotr and listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzlMTvQODt8&list=RDej5MN9lPZXw&index=2
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It's one of those nights.
>The real reward for the red tokens was the sense of community and the friends we made along the way
I fucking called it. The collector says as much with his dumbass "the idea of something nice!" dialogue. There is no reward. Only the idea of one.
some nights I stay up cashing in my bad luck
tob on my knob hawk on my toa
hawk toa on my cox
pull your foreskin back
im the mayor of runescape
i am the princess of runescape
ok sure *bans you from the city centre like a boss*
ok sure *bans you from osg posting privileges like a spoiled bratt*
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im chillin with my boobies out but he just wants to kill abyssal sire and watch destiny :c
AHH the nuggest rate is so shit in MLM
lmao you owned that chud
i am a princess, NOT a chud
take it back
gayplarpies in the hou
se tonight?
why watch that cuck? I'm watching mori calliope though
i wonder if rissa is gonna play the league
he's funny and i love the democratic party
i got 300 graardor kc, i feel the tassets are close
how did it feel to lose?
I need 20 more nuggest to complete the moning set, then again I sold aprt of it to get the new hopper
ehh my state went blue and my congresswoman got reelected so shrugs, i won what matters on a local level
>okay here's how you rush zombie axe in leagues
>except the 70 smithing requirement i didn't figure that out yet LOL
so... you don't rush it
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what is todays leagues teaser
who are you quoting
still waiting
70 smithing goes pretty quickly if you have either the mining relic or the bank note
I completed Demon Slayer today. It's the first time I've ever done it. I've been playing Runescape since 2005.
Mining relic will get you to 70 in no time, or if you're desert early you can do giant's foundary. I guess if you're retarded and go frem early you can buy gold ore and smith it.
Where's the fucking teaser for today?
Sometimes it's up at 7, sometimes 8, now it's 9:30 and still nothing
It's already out, it's two relics next to golden god. Trickster but better, and production prod but without the chance to get additional items.
Very convincing bait, you got me
theyve put them out later than this
jagex is retarded
>release day 1 teaser at 7am sharp
>next day they're like 2 1/2 hours late
>promise they "won't be late again"
>most teasers just release around 8-9 so no one knows when the fuck they're actually supposed to go up
>jmods just keep shitposting in discord
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A friend of mine is into Runescape and I wanted to bake him a cake for his birthday that looks like the OSRS cake. I've only made carrot cake, though, so I don't know what kind of red filling would go between the layers. Has anyone here tried making this cake IRL? What recipe did you use?
looks like strawberry shortcake
I once heard it was a specific cake but I forgot the name for it
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It's just a victoria sponge cake.
>I don't know what kind of red filling
Nigga it's jam, it's a Victoria sponge cake
It's a Victoria Sponge
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I get that it's whiter, but just use powdered sugar, frosting doesn't belong on a Victorian sponge
I don't endorse the recipe as being good, I just found it and saw that it was official
I also didn't notice that it says "continued on next page" so any anon trying to make this cake will be sorely disappointed
The directions missing aren't that big of a deal since the ones there already cover the icing and cake base, but "Ingredients continued on next page" is RIP
I'm sure it'd be shit, but 2t Venator Bow sounds like it'd be fun this league. Never miss and just shit out hit splats.
I don't think the ingredients there cover the icing, I think that's just the cake.
So the next page is the icing and jam
it's up
>felt like I'd have to get the shitty Farming relic because otherwise Herblore will never be done
>passive "get herbs from fishing" relic
it's up
Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking with this, lmao
>I don't know what they were thinking with this, lmao
They put it up against the auto-thieving, which is strong af
That's what they were thinking
damn they split trickster into 2, but in all honestly I might take friendly relic for herbs.
the secondary save is so nice and i'll probably take forager as well.
thieving relic allows for AOE pickpocketing. I dont think thieving is worth to use a relic on though
i bet it'll be nice for those planning to camp blood fury melee the whole league so they get like 2 or 3 near enough to each other to farm them but for normal pickpocketing it's whatever, esp since it doesn't mention exp just loot.
Thief relic can help solve gold problems, but what's gated behind thieving?
I hate to be a faggot ,but this changes everything
>Agility xp is passive (tricket boots again, but leg slot)
>agility becomes a minor source of gold, and grants +25% xp (Wow!!!)
>2x pyramid tops, crystal shards, brimhaven tickets from agility (wow!)

>Herblore gets a 90% chance to save secondaries, makes potions at 4 dose
>and grants passive herb income from all skilling

>Thieving gets guaranteed success, auto-thieve, and AoE thieving

Thieving is already free (~5m xp/hr), Agility's buffs seem insanely minor, and Herblore is such a shit skill in Leagues I feel like it has to be the pick.
Phew, it means I don't have to pick Overgrowth at least! Just save tree seed drops until 16x xp for Farming itself.
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imagine struggling with thieving so much you need an autothiever

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