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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>502597587

LLLL: Autumn gacha
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club TOKIMEKI Roadmap to Future releases on Switch April 24th

Bubble Rise / Special Color releases November 13th
School Idol Musical the DRAMA begins airing November 21st
Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie releases in Japanese theaters November 29th
Cerise Bouquet + Dollchesta + Mira-Cra Park! 2nd unit split single releases December 4th
Nijigasaki Final Chapter part 1 OST releases December 4th
Superstar S3 insert single 2 releases December 11th
Eternal Hours releases December 18th
Genjitsu no Yohane theatrical compilation movie BD releases December 25th, includes a new song
Superstar S3 insert single 3 releases January 8th
Superstar S3 insert single 4 releases January 15th
Ai Scream! releases January 22nd
Nijigaku Monthly Songs singles begin releasing each month starting January 29th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 BD releases January 29th
Lilla no uta S3 releases January 29th
Hasunosora 4th single releases February 5th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 2 releases in Japanese theaters winter 2025
Aqours 4th Solo Concert Albums release on the respective girl's birthday
Aqours x World Dai Star collab announced

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database
>LLLL story links

>dead game offline/private server guides

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based Aipedo
sex with ...
Kanonwank is just the natural result of the superior Latinx gene flowing through her blood
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Minus ugly Rintrash
Minus ugly Yutrash
>anime Niji
She's a quarter Spaniard...............
sexier than any girl there
You can get away with anything if you're this hot.
Tomakanote saved S3
Coco to the left.
Pigfucker to the right.
faito... dayo...
Where's my mou.. shinaide...?
>no dolphin sex
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I want to make Emma do this facial expression.
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We really need a new game
we need kahos jarpig
This one?
yes. when did she talk about classes for the 104s?
I haven't caught up with Hasu. That's just what the artist put there.
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>the kahomegu R18 got archived
>forced into kabedon by a younger womanlet
What a Megubottom!
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love this goober
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>Aqours already forgotten
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Fanart watcher here.
Is Hime as great as she seems to be?
Most people think she's boring, personally I like her the best out of the new girls. I think she's pretty popular merch wise though in Japan, but that could be because her seiyuu is popular.
Grrr I hate this bitchy plushie!
Her design sticks out too.
When I watched her intro video I thought that it was a huge letdown that she never named her favorite game.
Apparently it's a comp shooter but she doesn't give many details. If I was a competitive Counter Strike gamer trying to make Counter Strike more popular, I would talk about Counter Strike and call it by name.

If it depended on me, I would have made her a gamer who had Mira-Cra Park on her gaming playlist at all times, which is likely exactly what was going on with her anyway.
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i find her very lovable, shes just so sweet and also has a lot of fun scenes. whenever shes sad its fucking heartbreaking, i want to protect her smile
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it's certainly APEX or Valorant going by what's trending in the JP streaming sphere, but of course Hime can't directly name them due to Japan's copyright autism. pic related is a japanese streamer censoring out the pictures of the other streamers and having to replace them with doodles because they're afraid of the copyright Yakuza raiding them for "misuse of copyright"
her fangirling for Mira-Cra and RuriMegu is also awesome
Is this worth or nah
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My sluts!
I really need head from Karin
Why do I keep seeing yuriamigos drawing Ginko to look boyish?
Like here. It's subtle but it's clear to me that here CrunchMunch is the more feminine half, but isn't she a genki tomboy while Ginko is a super-feminine and traditional girl?
Am I just a schizo?
you're kinda right but i guess if there has to be a "man" in this type of stuff, ginko just works better cause of her short hair design + personality. shes not really going to be the one being cute
i wouldnt call kachimachi a tomboy though, shes not the girliest but shes not really boyish either.
It's like Kougi with Chika, you wouldn't get it
Ratto is a tomboy.
Cat Mat has grade schooler energy. She feels kind of neutral.
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my puppy chan!
Kachimachi's entire character is being a self-deprecating failure until she somehow succeeds and it's kino.
And we all love her for it.
we love Kach here.
I can't lewd Kach.......
agua so ded...
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Every Kach's fanart looks better than her art in the official art style because they tone down her exaggerated eye design
Hime is a good character but definitely carried by her seiyuu who was already popular before joining Hasu. Just your typical gamer girl who fan girls over Ruri and Megu who are her sububit. Though to be fair, her character development is still happening, she loves games because of her sister and loves mirapa because it inspired her. She did get great development in the last chapter as she is pretty observant of Ginko and Kosuzu but too sweet to actually tell them what they are doing wrong/ could improve. Her synergy with Ginko and Kosuzu is definitely pretty cute.
Is Megu the only raibu to ever exist that is universally approved by /llsifg/? Anons who watch Hasu seem to like her because she's fun while those who don't watch Hasu at least like to coom to those massive megus. I can't remember ever reading someone bitch about her unlike with other raibus.
There's some faggot that always shitposts with megubitch, but he clearly hasn't watched hasu.
What a megubitch posters like Megumi though
I think that's the case with pretty much every Hasu so far.
At worst, I've seen anons say Kach is worthless and Megumi is a bitch but the former kind of just poofed out of existence, possibly those guys went to watch Hasu, and Megubitch is more of a "meme" than people actually calling her a bitch.

Isn't that a joke? If he did think she was a bitch, he would have followed up with an accusation but I have never read anything of the sort.
i want to say that the hasus in general dont really get legitimate complaints here but i probably missed some sperg's rant about why one of them is the worst raibu ever
in terms of being actively liked though, yeah megumi is pretty universally liked
she has more coom appeal than most of the group, shes actually a pretty good character thats well written and entertaining, her voice and singing arent bad at all, idk if theres any negative memes about her seiyuu but i cant recall any so probably not
shes just a really good raibu
Is there even a mediocre Hasu?
I think all of them are great.
The only negative meme I remember was people assuming she was the one that bullied some dude in middle school when he left Twitter but there was no evidence, people started finger pointing at other seiyuu and it died out pretty quickly.
All the new Hasus are pretty mid.
You could argue Dollchestra is pretty mediocre but if you actually read the story, there all pretty likeable and charming. Tsuzuri has always been the least popular according to her merch prices on 2nd hand stores but her recent chapter was great and her character development as a senpai went up when she got paired with Ruri and her interaction with the 2nd and 1st years. Even her interaction with Megu and Kozue are pretty great but not only that she was ready to throw hands with Sachi before they made up. Lot of the Hasu are just so great, it's hard to pick one
>idk if theres any negative memes about her seiyuu
Her seiyuu is insanely popular. The first time she put superchat on her game stream she got more superchats than all of rkks 10+ chuber streams combined.
Anime when?
All the Hasus seem very well liked but that will immediately change when >>502918513 happens.
show me your powerlevel.
Koe Tsunagou Yo
Tiny Stars
Thrilling One Way
Aishiteru Banzai (Homin)
Happy Party Train
That might be because her design is pretty of out there for a raibu. Tsuzuri looks like the raibu equivalent of an American liberal arts graduate and isn't even sultry or domineering about it like Shioriko's sister, she's this weird autist with funny hair that kind of gets lost in the middle.

Let's wait for them to get some development. So far I love Catch n' Match and Himer, and Ginko for her design.
I'm sure I'll be able to write essays singing their praises once I finish watching Hasu.
Honestly the Ginko episodes were pretty boring for me. First Kach one was bad but second one was good. Mirapa episodes are always good.
i havent watched the later 104 episodes, but the Ginko story did felt like it dragged on too much. it could had been resolved much quicker if the Ginko just outright said she wanted to quit the club because they bastardized her grandma's song honestly, i get where she's coming from, seeing how the 104 version of Reflection in the Mirror turned out
Ginko's grandma was in Cherished Bustier? Is it that old?
Aqua are for ugly bastard sis
the School Idol Club is Hasu's oldest club, going back to the school's foundation. back then it was called the Performing Arts Club, and Ginko's grandma was a member of it.
>even Yuigaoka is not that old
if she composed the Song from the Other Side, then she's certainly a former Ceribu member.
The Love Live collab in World Dai Star is active now.
Why is Riko revealing her ass and winks at us?
If we assume that Ginko is 16 in 2024, and her mother's and grandmother's have baby in their early 20's, Ginko's grandma's high school years would've been in the late 1970's.
how many gbs does it take on your phone
Ginko did mention her grandma joined the club 50 years ago (1974 at least), so yeah it's pretty spot on.
kingshit is so ugly
>anchan showed up
Sony is really buying Kadokawa.
We fall so low bros.
This is literally the first yohane stream she showed up to
Is WDS this piss easy or is SWW no longer a gamer?
Isn't sww meant to be good at rhythm games? Even kyan full combo'd this shit yesterday
It's currently at 9 GB for me, although I haven't used the unnecessary data deletion option yet.
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you havent even sold through all the regular dlc don't add xmas dlc wtf
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Do not open.
okay, I won't.
>not even tokyo dome
dead as fuck franchise
>Belluna Dome
The performed at mf Tokyo Dome before
they should aim for Budokan just for the prestige.
Anchan with a big pregnant belly
Rikako with a big pregnant belly
Aikyan with a big pregnant belly
Kinchan with a big pregnant belly
Suwawa with a big pregnant belly
>probably hot and humid af
>Budokan just for the prestige.
Budokan is only a big thing for normal anime stuff, Aqours has filled Tokyo dome by themselves before, only huge world class acts have done that.
Emitsun would like this.
staff sabotaging aqours for the hundredth time
But it has a smaller capacity.
>They will barely own Love Live days
Considering the Yohane anime barely followed the manga. Sony ain't owning shit from Love Live.
f*** the management

they're not even going to let aqours fulfill their last promise with the fans of meeting at tokyo dome again

i can't wait to see what BS "fans" going to pull to continue to defend management for their continuous cruel treatment of aqours after they've licked the management's boots by lying about how aqours had wanted finale live... them being forced to do finale live at belluna dome is another piece of evidence that management is the one that can't wait to kick aqours out

i guess the franchise no longer going to do concerts at tokyo dome from here on out
cry more
Go back and stay there.
Management has favored aqwhores forever.
Don't embarrass yourself sis.
staff probably just want to avoid embarrassing the group if they can't fill Tokyo Dome
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>cruel treatment
All the other active Love Live groups have also been going to venues with less capacity than Tokyo Dome
Mostly thanks to the fanmeets tours
Is not only aquors
On the other hand, one of IM@S branches is using Saitama Super Arena again next year despite they do not sell out most of the time.
>All the other active Love Live groups have also been going to venues with less capacity than Tokyo Dome
No shit because none of them can come anywhere close to filling it?
What was the last venue all 9 of Aqours performed at?
>Tokyo Dome not possible due baseball
Maybe Kidani was right and booking big venues for concerts is hard...for Love Live and Bandori.
I mean, they totally could fill it with the "final live" meme, whoever in the management made that decision is a massive pussy.
it could have easily been a stadium
aqwhores are not a Goddesses. They don't deserve such prestige.
Based Yukiho
>none of them can come anywhere close to filling it
The joint concert with im@s was sold out
and im@s barely sell out their one-man shows despite they go for bigger venues than Love Live.
So other LL group can go to the Dome with no problem.
In fact, nippon twitter was thinking the niji movie hinted Niji final love live will be on Tokyo Dome.
im@s literally fills dome by themselves with their combined group concert.
>So other LL group can go to the Dome with no problem.
Niji only sold out Karena the week before, which has half of Tokyo domes capacity. Liella couldn't even fill 60% of Karena.
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>This kills the flop.
>Liella couldn't even fill 60% of Karena.
Lmao. Seriously, how can they keep this up.
Niji Day 1 was sold out over a month before the concert that people were speculating that they didn't use level 7 (with 7k seats)
I don't think they can fill Tokyo Dome either but that doesn't really stop anyone from booking larger venues than they need
>aqours news
>genwarfag mental breakdown
like clockwork
>fills dome
even 5ch knows im@s concerts are not sold out
So ticket sale is not a factor on why they keep booking big venues unlike Love Live these past years.
Rent free
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>finally passed the 15k threshold
Superkino is back
in comparison, the last anime single of S2 (Sing!Shine!Smlie!/未来の音が聴こえる), which sold the lowest, sold 14.4k on week 1
though, this first CD will probably be the highest cause it's the Tokyo venue
Imagine unironically being happy with 15k
*lottery for the Tokyo venue, which is also the first stop of the tour
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>15k with a current airing anime
When is hasu getting an anime...
What were they going to fill Tokyo Dome with anyway? The ghosts of Kinchan's children?
Never. Enjoy Kanonwank sis
Imagine unironically being a salesfaggot
Coomers would watch...
>nooo salesnumbers mean nothing stop salesfagging
cute coming from a franchise with 3 eos games because the sales were low
You must be upset it isn't doing worse
oh no, i'm not crying

i'm just looking forward for the franchise to bankrupt itself seeing how bad the management is with how they manage the finance... that they're not even going to use their biggest earners to earn this last bit of easy cash for the juniors to use
I don't think reposting shit from wherever you're belong is the gotcha you think it is.
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AI can generate nesos now
No fingers to worry about
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okay AI now generate Yu neso getting spit roasted
I'll do whatever I want with them!
the thing is, some of those raibu only looks "hated" here because of very persistent schizos, Rin is a notorious example of that.
Chika Takami’s big round breasts!
Chika Takami’s big fat butt!!!
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Pic unrelated, I hope.
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We're starting this burger tomorrow.
Post them. NOW!
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Do we like Kanata?
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Holy Cheetos!
She’s probably the least disliked girl in the entire series
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>she still believes in Aqours
what a dumbo
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It's Valorant. She used to have acrylic stands in her room of blatantly flipped and recolored character renders but they changed it lol
I wonder how many bad artists have kys'd themselves by now
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I hope promo cards in CDs isn't going to be a regular thing...
>akuwa fans are seething over no dome final live
>spend a year giving every group a baseball team collab, even give Aqours two because of Yohane
>baseball cucks them out of getting Tokyo Dome
It's pretty funny if you think about it.
Why shouldn't they be?
never said that, just funny that they assumed it was guaranteed.
Unless you've just been seething at akua existing and are happy over this, I don't see how expecting a decent venue is unreasonable
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nothing wrong with belluna dome
Its resonable to assume they would do dome mainly because even though aqours is not as big as it used to be, final lives always being back old and new fans alike. It allows big capacity so lots of people dont have to worry about getting in
no answer? its a fine venue
Smaller venue means harder lottery. Of course people are going to be upset about that.
>smaller venue
>pain to get to
>open air in June
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This may be the next most kino and memeable raibu merch
I saw a post on twitter when it was first announced from someone complaining that new fans shouldn't be allowed to attend/should have a harder time getting tickets because it makes more competition for the oldfags who have more of a reason to want to go. I wonder how much he's seething now.
I'm glad that Flopquors won't be honored as loudly as Goddesses.
That would be humiliating.
Miserable hagfaggot
Tickets for the final live are going to come in a lottery? That sucks.
There's a reason the muse movie BD and Moment Ring sold so much. I wonder how competitive this one will be. It's a smaller venue but Aqours isn't exactly at their peak popularity anymore.
Get a new shtick, retard.
That Rin's hat is cute
Wouldn't an open air venue make it louder?
Only time will tell whether or not the FOMO buff will help. The Yohane live was at a 10k venue and that one had tickets available day of.
baseball season is not an excuse

it just showed that the management didn't care at all

they could've arranged the concert at tokyo dome at an earlier or a later date from the baseball season. why must the finale live be in june (not even 30th of june if they had wanted to go for the "end on the anniversary")? they could have the concert in august (jimo ai matsuri is september)... it is not like aqours has anything else to do that they only free in june... only reason i can see that they didn't want it to be later is that they really can't wait for aqours to F off

or even better solution is just to let aqours try the national stadium

management was fine with liella not being able to fill belluna dome and risk losing money while they still have a long road ahead and not as much money aqours has now... why not let aqours just try? they have tonnes of money that they can't finish wasting even if they tried and it is the last big project needing that much money that will ever be done by them

oh heck, even simple solution of making it a tour to at least 2 domes would've been fine (belluna + kyocera)
>Anata king
>Lanpoo queen
They did it on purpose huh. Pomucuck confirmed.
that's yushit retard. there's no 0 card in poker decks so making her 13 is the only other option.
It's probably an internal scheduling conflict more than anything. It's easy to say they could just hold it earlier or later, but getting everybody together might just not have been possible, as evident by the fact they're having this live in the first place.
Plus next year is the 15th anniversary of the whole franchise, they probably have other lives planned around this one.
>management didn't care about money
To be deluded like that...
Where do you fags even got these post/comment from? Nigga sounds like a fucking schizo psycopath
probably reddit
speaking of schizo psycopaths...
At least when Aqours retires, they left their legacy as the best group we ever had so far
We'll see how Liella does
Here's your (You)
Here's your (You) for being correct
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Liella's final live at Tokyo Dome City Hall.
*least schizo hagposter
I'm seeing something
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>management didn't care at all
>poopin' party
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KeK. So true.
The level of mismanagement for Aqours is sickening but it doesn't surprise me anymore. It's like they purposefully wanted to kill them and any hype surrounding them.
They simply got too greedy and then it was too late to correct course. Aqours lingered way too long and it will likely affect their standing after their retirement, unlike the hags that left on a high note.
Ll staff likely saw how much money U's could have made them if they didn't retire and tried to do it right with Aqours, but the well is drying and the girls want to move on except for those who don't.
Then there's Kinchan who has been a nuisance for most of her involvement with the brand and is likely a time bomb now. If a raburaibu seiyuu is involved in a brand destroying scandal in the future, it's going to be her. Better cut their loses and retire them before she kills herself or appears drugged in a JAV or something.
>Then there's Kinchan...
Holy mother of headcanon
>If a raburaibu seiyuu is involved in a brand destroying scandal in the future, it's going to be her.
What wrong is with this slut that can lead to LL's downfall?
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>matching deck box
>no matching sleeves
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Actual, unironic, no joke menhera. Had a mental breakdown after Bloodye failed, big surprise lol, and before that made it impossible for AZALEA to perform for like 2 years.
My memory might be hazy but she likely sabotaged the poll for Mitaiken Horizon.
I say cutenya.
I stand with you on this one
This schizo headcanon would make more sense if the seiyuu weren't sticking around to continue shilling Numazu.
still a Dome, just not the Tokyo Dome
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>not as much money aqours has now...
Is this true
How much does Liella have in its pockets
I was watching that Elf-san wa Yaserarenai anime and the voice of one of the supporting characters sounded a bit similar to a certain someone so I went to check on the seiyuu and wow talk what a change going from top idol(s) as there are 4 to seiyuu in an ecchi anime about BBLs haha. Well as long as they earn their pocket money why not
the plot thickness
Nigga just say her name
is this a /jp/ repost
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just a few clicks away don't be lazy
All goddesses
I like Shiki. And Keke. And Ren. And Maggie. The others are okay too
I dont want to make a full review of hasu because I haven't watched all the episodes yet ( 6 remaining) but something I can say for sure now is that hasu is doing everything that liella has been trying to do but in the correct way
sayuri kanon voice is so cute, its a shame she is not pursuing a va career.
Maybe she doesn't want to risk another 20 concerts in two months tour.
Lanzhu is the queen of spades...
LLLL has the advantage of being a mobile game that can put out hour long episodes monthly instead of being limited to 12 20 minute ones per season once every few years. The fact it doesn't have anything like the AS bond episodes actually helps it imo because it's forced to develop every raibu in the main story instead of shoving it off into side content that's completely avoidable if a girl doesn't immediately catch your attention. There's nothing like Setsuna running away from home in the main story but then having the issue resolved in a side story you can only unlock if you've actively been using her cards in your team.
Actually I take the Setsuna thing back I just remembered they put qualifying and losing Love Live in with x meets
Setsuna doesn't deserve to be in the main story anyway
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mobile/gacha games for modern groups is everything. They wanted sif2 to add extra story and details for existing characters but it flopped due to the game being terrible. I really do hope theres a miracle or some shit where cygames makes us a 3D rhythm game with nice visuals.
why did they can all stars anyway?
t. only played it for the first two months
>They wanted sif2 to add extra story and details for existing characters
You clearly did not even play SIF2 if you unironically believe this.
I did, they didnt get much of an opportunity to do anything. They had short events promoting new albums with character interactions. The game died too quickly so they likely trashed everything
It didn't even have bond stories on cards or a main story that was getting constant updates. Event episodes were the same nothingness that they were in SIF and AS. Text messages were a joke.
The only worthwhile thing were the daily life shorts, and Niji only got decent ones because they needed to promote their next album.
You have my cutenya.
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Sex and sex
And you have my SEXO.
hard to believe they didnt have much planned for it when the dumbass staff said they intended it to go on for 7 something years. Namco acknowledged LL recently in some report as a good money maker and notable franchise so i hope they give it another chance.
Rabo Raudo might just have the best music out of every idolshit franchise.
I tried Idolm@ster when it was first spreading, I skipped Xenoglossia because LMAO, but the music never hooked me. Smoky Thrill was great, though.
The others are like, I guess they are good, but nowhere near as good as we got. It's no wonder it's still a good money maker.
Who says I won't share my cutenya with the people
When the these streets are full of spam posts and when the jannies finally give up with the porn over, all the vermin will leave for the Project Sekai thread. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will stay here and foam up about our waists and all the unicorns and old fans will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'cutenya'.
im@s music for me until gaku has been a huge letdown. They have only been trying with that and shinymas recently. imas has better highs but bigger lows, for me LL is pretty consistent rarely do i come across a song thats just shit.
Actually Revue has the best music, if it even counts as idolshit.
Macross has really good music for idolshit but they never fucking release anything.
It's musical music, though.
I don't feel it's something I can listen to while I walk or hum when I'm home alone doing the chores.
>LL is pretty consistent rarely do i come across a song thats just shit.
I still have vietnam flashbacks to Colorful Voice and Shangri-La Shower. Muse fell down the stairs and into a ditch so Aqours, Liella, Niji, and Hasu could fly.
Shangri-La Shower was a tie-in with for Vita games. Don't bully it too hard.
Okay, fine.
It wasn't a war crime like Colorful Voice.
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I like Shangri-La Shower...
garbage taste
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Everyone! Give me your cutenyas so we can give this faggot an aneurysm!
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cutenya! \o/
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Get a new gimmick, stale retard
Nobody says cutenya to those old reposted drawings since there's nothing cute about that ugly as shit Rintrash. Just like now with your single reply posting, dumb faggot
Those high boots are amazing
Why did it take them until Hasu to start doing 2D lives?
live real time mocap is new tech
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Hey, love livers! What's wrong? I'm not seeing your cutenyas.
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yo wtf
Agua... Tokyo Dome...
Ships ranking on Pixiv
based rina
I just checked the schedule, and SIM isn't exactly on Thursday lmao
It's the stupid "more than 24 hours" Japs schedule, so it's actually airing in early Friday
Wasn't Snow Halation in copyright hell for like a decade until these retards decided to upload it to their channel?
>copyright hell
More like they just didn't ever bother uploading it to the Lantis account ever and only uploaded it to the LL one a year after they made it.
They lost most of the audience and the game was defunct after s2. AS identity is still around, but staff pivoted to the anime because it was well received.
This, LL has always been shit at getting videos viral. Instead if releasing a MV on YT as soon as possible they just sit on it forever and do it later. It hurts the views, and now the Superstar s3 mvs are region locked lmao
They killed AS because Kidani knew it would make my anus bleed
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What a Meguangel.
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>Kanon gets to eat this
Now she has the prince of all cosmos tho so now shes based
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The best and most soulful gen
implying that staff is kicking out Aqours is hilarious when the reality lots if their “dedicated fans” conviently stopped giving a shit about them post covid to the point where they started receiving less support than Niji or Liella
Who else is planning to join Kinchan's Final Live afterparty?
Aqours' content slowed down significantly after covid. There wasn't really much to support them with until Yohane last year unless you were buying every birthday solo album.
KLab come back to us
Tomori come back to us
No thanks
They ruined everything
We need the d4dj devs, sadly they're in the other show hanada loves more to write for
She can rejoin in the next LL group.
>fuck up venues for hasu and leave everyone mad
>fuck up venue for akua and leave everyone mad
What's wrong with LLstaff?
What's that? You want another mutli-leg Liella tour when they've only released two new songs since the last one?
Hasu is fine, they got a large dedicated fanbase quicker than anticipated and will hopefully plan bigger venues in the future. Aqours idk, maybe them quitting was a last minute decision
Since they didn't do it before april like muse when the financial year contracts end, it means they could have done it any time next year. They announced it a few months ago too so they literally had over a year to book Tokyo dome or another similar sized venue.
>If you don't want a 1 mediocre show you must want a 15-spot shitshow
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Do you guys like bitchy or silly Shio more?
Staff is either being extremely stingy with money, or they're cooking up something big. My bet is that they're being stingy. The past few years have been proof that staff has had no idea what to do with Aqours and it sucks seeing the effects of their poor decisions.
Shes only good when shes silly
We also never got an aqours open air live, it could have been a nice finale live. I am the biggest akuafag here and even I have to say that the yohane live, while it had a few moments, is probably one of the most uninspired shows we've seen across all 3 days. I fear that finale live will suffer the same fate.
Akua finale will be the most SOUL thing this franchise has ever seen, period. Muse, Niji and Liella will KNEEL at the sheer KINO.
>I fear that finale live will suffer the same fate.
Reminder that moose final live was well over 4 hours per day and they covered a fuck ton of their discography including subunits. Pretty sure this will be a bit over 3 hours max and they will skip a ton of stuff.
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still no sound though...
The only reason why Hikasa Yoko performed in the GnY live is because Aikyan invited her to watch the show. If she hadn't planned on watching the show, she wouldn't have taken the day off from work that day. So the new GnY has me worried we'll have a song that either never gets performed or never gets performed with both singers present.
Bitchy desu
what about mkvs? most use the same encoding
Love that stupid bounce shio does
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Needs ginko
You only say cutenya to your own old crap reposted images posts just like the honomaki crack images and dauterou shit nobody else likes. You wont even post more of honomaki trash today since you're just posting more old crap rins, samefagging retard.
Get something new, faggot.
Quit replying to yourself with based or pretending to be different people. Nobody else says cutenya or agrees with it but yourself, samefagging faggot.
>again with the nikon name shit nobody says
Get a new gimmick faggot. Nobody calls her Niko but you just like your cutenya shit or honomaki dauterou posts. It's just Nico, dumb faggot
>this old rintrash image again
Quit replying to yourself with the same old reposted images of that ugly as shit boy you don't even like, samefagging shitter
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Dont be a fag, ginko is great
>randomly mentioning that trash boy for no reason
Quit lying and get a new gimmick. There's nothing cute about that hat or that garbage raibu you dont even like, lying faggot
>again just reposting old shit images like your honomaki and dauterou shit images
Quit pretending and get a new gimmick. You don't even like this ugly garbage raibu, samefag
>again more old trash images from a booru
>cutenya name shit nobody says
Quit replying to yourself and posting old crap
Get a new gimmick, you don't even like that garbage boy, lying samefagging retard
Get a new gimmick, stale retard
Nobody says cutenya to those old reposted drawings since there's nothing cute about that ugly as shit Rintrash, dumb faggot
Dont do that to Kozue
I love Ginko's boobs!
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vp9 is still better
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they're finally showing it overseas!!
she should wear this sweater every stream
nigga what the fuck am i looking at, is this thai?
I'm not a super fan of yamato nakadashi girls but man, ginko is a top qt
yes, Thai spaghetti code
Jakarta when?
i want to see Agupon
movie screening has been confirmed for Thailand for weeks now, but they just announced seiyuu attendance
screening also confirmed for SG and ID
also massive boobers
is she really that big? from what i've seen in the jewtube vids, she seems to be a bit above average

what are her official sizes?
>official sizes
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Mari is the most photogenic
Just say you hate Kemon.
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The idea that this was a shotgun decision lingered in the back of my mind but after today I'm convinced. Something about the announcement felt oddly sudden. That said they were going to throw in the towel soon since I can't imagine pretending to be 16 for 10 years burns you out real good, and after Yohane flopped staff probably felt cornered
Blows my mind that was a 3 day live with zero set list changes and this is what they scrape up for their Final.
Hags really won in the end.
What's in the water of the intermission-verse?
>including subunits.
you now remember the kino and hype as fuck that was the psychic fire performance
>Yohane flopped
that thing was a disappointment at all levels
What was wrong with the Yohane anime?
Should I bother watching it?
Spoilers for bad stuff are consumer rights protection.
Theres nothing actually 'wrong' with it its just that a lot of people wanted an action/adventure series and seethed when it was the usual character development and music focused stuff instead
Combine those expectations with it being a slow burn that really doesnt put the overarching plot first and a ton of people are gonna end up despising it
If you go in knowing what it is and understand what it was going for its really not that bad
>What was wrong with the Yohane anime?
>Should I bother watching it?
only if you are starving from aquours content
It had so much potential to do something fun and different but they played it so safe it did literally nothing. Even the songs in it were a waste of potential considering they had their strongest singer as the MC and it barely showed off her strengths.
>"Welcome to the rewriting Yohane the Parhelion series part 48. A series of videos where I rewrite Yohane the Parhelion, making changes to improve the story for my personal taste."
no official numbrs, but the official art and the 3D models put her on the level between Nozomi's and Emma's
Liyuu and Shuka just been there back in May anon, don't be greedy
Liyuu got sick just mere hours before her flight
The tldr is basically the anime doesn't know what it wants to be, probably in fears alienating people that associated the franchise with CGDCT
The initial premise of fantasy setting and "mysterious phenomena affecting Numazu" plot would makes anyone think it's an action and/or adventure series, but when almost every episode is dedicated to Yohane angsting and SoL bullshit with the rest of Aqours, it created a massive tonal dissonance, at least for me personally.
The worst thing is that because it's an entirely new version of Aqours and the anime is solely focused on Yohane, the Yohane!Aqours is pretty much underdeveloped other than maybe Mari and Hanamaru, non-Yoshiko fans be damned.
That's why the manga and the games are better, because they're sticking to the premise of the entire series
what the fuck they were thinking trying to deviate from the manga?
>"This is way too expensive to take a risk and we got Kinchan out of her tourist cock binge so she can work with us for once. The Sunshine anime worked so let's make it an idol anime. And record a bunch of songs to sell more CDs. Forget that it completely defeats the point of making this in the first place."
great job driving the ratings down on NND
now they pulled Aqours from its life support
>again with your cutenya shit and replying to yourself with the same old 1 word post
It is just you samefagging retard. You dont even find that ugly as shit boy cute just like your honomaki shit while replying to yourself to act like different people, lying faggot. There's nothing cutenya about that garbage boy and nobody else says it.
Your shitty posts aren't based either, single post replying to yourself retard
What a megubusty
Bunch of cut content.
I'd get ""sick"" too if I had to travel there.

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