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THE NEW NOTIES: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/21375/v-255-the-dark-ride-ride-or-die-patch-notes

EVENT PREVIEW YEAYUH WOOOOOOO: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/events/21736/ride-or-die-event-preview

The next update, Maplestory Next!: https://orangemushroom.net/2024/11/14/maplestory-next-maplecon-kmst-ver-1-2-180-demon-slayer/

Dawn warrior dissertation: grandislibrary.com/


SCANIA - Buddy DoubleOctave and Nisunobi
HYPERION - Apply to Comfy and 2kowai!
AURORA - Nuelyi and Alem have the chains of resentment cheat codes! Ask them about the new free totems!
SOLIS - Apply to BuyingTrack to get on track for ten weeks for the new legion bwock
PRIVATE SERVERS - Artale is the designated patch waiting room and then after the patch we'll go there after dailies, also royals/legends/chewie/castela

Previous spooky scary booba: >>502206613
>Maximum item drop rate has been increased.
welp guess im going back to cubing
I'm gonna try out dfo during the big 10 hour maint maybe it's fun like maple too
uh is archived alive and accepting people
never want to join anything 4chan related outside of this website but really needing that fraggies right now
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Play Kanna for Haku even after the eventual nerf!
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wtf this is spitting on the little guy (me)
>inkwell forgot fakecane for hyppie
its owatta
Boss mulers lost
someone contacted one of the CMs and claims that crystal prices went up to compensate
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>gmsers when they read a half a year old news
tryin to win the retard competition eh
lots of GMS exclusive shit, plus its only been 4 months
guild castle gives tons of frags and energy
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>half a year old
2020 is calling
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>can only buy 1 ride or die unit skin
>maint RIGHT NOW
yeah.. this is lasting 12 hours
>it was fucking bait
what the FUCK
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im gonna go play minecraft
>Got dailies in before maintenance
Feels good to main a mobbing class
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More Chief Knights when?
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where were you when non kms supports leaped over bishkeks?
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one last muling with my shigga ive been with for 4.5 years before he turns into str ab
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get ready to ignite your summer (november 20th to february 12th)
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who should I believe?
its over for all of you kannakeks
i knew the normalization day was coming all along
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why are people being gay
I'm surprised they didn't mention the Guild Castle update at all until now. Like, I was expecting it, but I was also expecting El Nath Abyss in the next half of the update or right after it instead of the new Ride or Die legion block (that we still don't know the stats of because of course they didn't finish the patch notes) so I just kind of assumed they were delaying it for whatever reason. That also means there's potentially "major" stuff they haven't revealed for the later updates, the content of which I cannot fucking fathom because there isn't really anything we're missing that's something we're blatantly getting. However, I would not expect Mo Xuan at all, and especially not until right before or during the Anniversary update. I'm coping though I really would appreciate Mo Xuan.
Here's a bonus expectation I've mentioned briefly ages ago; given the new complete lack of Reboot for new KMS events, there's no basis for a Heroic exclusive event shop. While most of it is probably just going to be copy-pasted shit from every other previous event, this is probably the best excuse to put cards in it since they actually have to put some work in in the first place. The best excuse is definitely the functional permanent event shop that is Azmoth Canyon which is 44% shit nobody from Heroic will ever use (and is unlikely to be used by most Interactive players) and 33% shit Heroic players literally cannot use. What else are they going to fill it with? Meso pouches, or Stinkwell coins if they're feeling generous? That new 200% extra drop for 5 minutes potion that will only be relevant when the drop rate cap increases? They still need one slot to fill, might as well be cards. Otherwise Azmoth Canyon is functionally dead content at launch which is really not a good thing. We all saw how the last Maple Expedition event went, that shit will not fly for the new permanent content that is the focus of an entire fucking update.
mechanicbros we fucking lost
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theres like 6 or 7 miscomprehensions in that post but also as peepoopers we got to live!!! they did nyot take our maysos away!!!! be content now thanks this is the decade of the reggie our time is over they've seen fit to give us a decent retirement home of our 6x mesos and buddy im chillin in my ez chair watchin weel of fortune the regirocks are made of fire and brimstone we've chilled out now we cannyot wip it good anymore we dailies and log they get to train and thats okay by me
Are they going to fuck up how good my Aran was at being a boss mule
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peepoopers mentioned
reg boss mulers we fucking won
Yeah but Azmoth Canyon still sucks fucking dick, you can't even sell like two thirds of that shit for service, so you just sell the scroll service (is that even worth it?) or you sell the EXP buff potion to people who can't put up with the functionally dead content. Everything about Azmoth Canyon in GMS sounds like Commerci where there's like one good thing but most of the rewards are so outdated it's barely worth doing. Or are Interactive players still that desperate for event karma cubes and flames that this is good for them? If so, you know fair enough I'm glad you guys can actually progress now. In addition I think everyone would benefit for a consistent source of black flames with nothing good to compete with it (for example, the legion shop having things that are actually good) which is why I didn't shit on it.
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>We all saw how the last Maple Expedition event went
it went good? i enjoyed it a lot!? everyone had a great time!? asstomouth crayon will be nice also!?? im poggin out
Gameplay wise, sure I guess why not, unless you played mage. Rewards wise, unfortunately no. I still prefer Misty Island to both when I wasn't lagging out in time prison. Once again, attention all Maplestory Worlds game designers, look at old events, there's tons of free content there and that's the only thing people will remotely care about outside shitty recreations of past versions of regular Maple (and 2, if you can get that shit working).
They're ignoring kMS' shift away from seasonal content by shoving everything except Talaheart into this patch, so they'll save the non-kMS shit for filler patches
we won darknightbros
>Althea hair in philo book
>0.3-0.7% chance
oh fuck off
revamp in december trust the plan
a mechanic revamp would just turn the class into a boring flash jump turret DPM class
>totem has around the same rate of dropping from a philo as a fucking BoD
>expires anyways
mechanic revamp will make it so i can ride a giant robot and give me laser blast back
>Close Call
>The skill effect has been changed.
This is going to become a 3 ranks link skill right
please convince me to not roll for this
buypurchase it from a bluer whale using the in-game trading feature or the auction house available in every major town
>am bootie
its over for me
thank you for paying for server costs
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isn't it cute
hes christmas colored i love him
honestly tho for reggies no v scrolls makes this philo pretty trash
philo is usually trash but this ones extra trash
fsr devalued, bod devalued, outlaw extremely devaulted, x scrolls highly devauled
i have been informed there are v scrolls, just not listed in the cs update?
china totem lmao
Who the fuck programmed Tengu? Why hasn't that shit been fixed/remastered?
they really just tacked on more research to guild castle for the new rewards huh
shit takes years to max hell yeah
if you're not already at the new research levels your account is bricked
Actually, the changes to EXP mean that it's probably the second best time you could start, since that shit is actually worthwhile at every stage now instead of just at the ass end.
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Non-kMS content, more likely to be removed than fixed
cube sale?

bros i wanted to finish my drop gear
>try changing versions on maples.im
>clicking on the dropdown closes the prompt
devs please.
im going to chase her into a corner and
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Anyone know the source for this? Would love the original to download.
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akechi no eleven bro

I know the template, I mean there's gotta be an original artist/source for this Shad cucking. Either on the Maple subreddit or on a Discord somewhere.
yeah ctene bulers who pick n choose bosses weekly lost
nlomiengods and akechi/cpap chads remain unchanged
i am once again proven right
mmh, yeah, I'm not finding a higher res, you'll have to keep your picture for ants
I'm fuming
I'm seething
as a pally, it's unacceptable that they left lynn and the other non kms classes intact, like, what is my purpose now? this other little shit does what I do but better, this can't be happening
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party up with a big damage class (like lara!)
gunununu... we will get you next time kanna and lynn fags...
>that artstyle
wait a minute
where's the hayato bro buffs nexon?? hello??
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I wish I could get a Haku...
I'm not looking forward to doing Cpap with my keys inverted...
im an 80k chud im pretty sure i can just tick all the boxes and then when i go in the boss press iframe, buff and origin and just be good to go
hubris is the fall of many less you be local man dies to cpap
you will do the weekly cbt and u will like it
its time to lock in, its time to die
hey im retarded and/or new is this event not just a massive fucking checklist of stuff to do?
Shade/Aran burn
Hyper burn
7 characters 0-100
Tera blink (it doesnt say how many we get)
Burning world characters if you're a reggie
8 different event dailies to do??
this shit looks like a second job
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tera bwink is for newly made diaper burns
the 2 diaper burns u get should only take like a week to 260 especially if u dont start fresh
burning world just overlaps
im not skibidied on all the event dailies yet but i dont imagine its more than hitting daily mobs + a weekly poonch and maybe a mini]game
the ride or die of darkness is the interesting part but thats also just a weekly
so many words yet so little of importance
try again
nyo you will eat your vegetables or ull go hungy children in kronofrica dont even get expwanations they just miss a whole event because they cant read
what compels a grown ass man to type like that?
hhmmmmmmm lyke wyott???
like this >>502917353 why is he being mean to someone trying to help him?
he mains a thief...
nobody does burning world anymore because all the rewards are basically gimped. there's almost nothing to double dip for and i would cum inside all the current top 12 in the kms popularity contest
can you reply to my post like an adult please
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have u tried being eepy instead
you can't change the fact that you main a thief
He does it for free. Bathing optional.
the only thing he steals is quick naps i think hes a cute little guy
He'd be cuter with some animal ears and a tail.
holy fuck that looks sick
what lvl are you?
let me see your claw
are we excited about the update
show me ur claw
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im sleepy boi, u want my claw?
buying 1 more luk for 1337
fuck i gotta make room on my keybinds for decent fountain
ive been excited for almost five months and that was before hearing about the frenzy gacha penis measurement event
my only fear is that im nyot strong enough for the red books from new poonch
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my magic stalactite says maint extension
>+47 dex
wtf lol. the year is 2024, gramps. being so popped up on dex pills aint cool anymore
Class that canonically gets the most bitches in the story?
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this guys got some nice art wth i couldve used this for halloween how have i not seen his art before
>he draws pokemon fucking
>posting manhands busta again.
just gonna fwilter that pic bwo.
are we riding or are we dying today gros?
but sis... male busta is hot...
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yea you're right i hereby revoke my intentions in the post ending with 095 (totally me fr)
what what the fuck i mean 305 on nyo my (you)s are exposed (everyone in the thread is me)
u should ride to bed me, me've got 13 hours until patch is live
yeah risque we know ure a faggot nothing new there.
that doesnt sound like me
>ride or die
wen game die
game ride
when i get ilbi im going back to kargoz
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I am making a nightwalker for my hyperburn.
and then he... started walking at night...!
Not funny.
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uh can i still claim the inkwell gift from maple administrator?
lmao no
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what do i do for 10 hours while i wait to get on the death ride of darkness
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read a book loser
i choose die
i choose neither
take that chudwell
aran gets hotter every update
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You can probably hit level cap in dfo before maple is back up
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wow its finally dreamer day
Hi maplers I just got my first character to lvl 200, after starting a couple days back.
I feel like I've barely interacted with anything that wasn't theme dungeons in the maple guide, so I'm sure shit will get really micromanage-y now.
Are bosses solo-able, or do I have to embarrass myself by getting pinged by instakill attacks or whatever other bullshit I'm assuming the bosses have via matchmaking.
>hysteric bear and chilly presence is still in the pssb rotation
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hell yeah
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i will not skip lucid
do your arcane river dailys and monster park every day, then start leveling other classes for legion and just kill what you can on your 200, links and legion board will give you a ton of power at your early stage and we're getting a ton of character boosts (aran/shade remasters + hyperburn)
you can get carried in chaos root abyss assuming you can do 5% of the bosses HP before dying out which wont happen outside of vellum, which will let you get the CRA armor that you'll keep till lvl 270+
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me waiting for my guild jr to up the guild skills on reset day stop fucking afking already i have bosses to do hello
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Sounds good, thank you boss!
dont worry about gears since they give you free ones that can be enhanced by taking on bosses
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okay that was kinda fun but I don't have the brain energy to figure out another schizophrenic korean mmo that is apparently changing part of it's progression system in two weeks on top of that
Can maint just end early already I wanna see how bad my class remaster is
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>two ssfs
>not a single mention of cube sales
>2 SSF though
no HECKIN WAY us gms is getting the same events as kms did????????
praise winkwell!!!!!!!!
Playing fightan games while I wait bwehs
is the block 35 attack?
why does this update feel menacing like "log in now or regret it forever"
i don't wanna ruin another Christmas booming items
when are we riding today boys?
brother i am not paying 250+ usd for a hairstyle
when is the milestone update bros im scared they are going off schedule
was worried about stooker but thankfully people seem to be thinking its mid
>want to burn aran to 260
>currently have one at 210, really old and weak
>don't want to have to make a new one since old one has ghost ship badge
might just bite the bullet and go with the new one
also, with the pets they give out to shade and aran, can you only claim them if they are burned which means i have to choose between maha and moonbeam? Can't get both?
Says it's a gift for all Aran/Shade but they are under the Burning title.
how hard is that nerf to mighty mascot for buster
like 17-18% fd?
that's rough
is this another nothingburger update?
your fat ass could use a nothingburger
this is why i hate nu-maple they just keep making it easier meaning anything you struggled for is now free while also making it harder to progress like putting in a 12 weekly crystal cap
at least before you had about 6 months to catch up to the next update but now they're going to be porting over current KMS changes meaning you can't even out-grind the powercreep
that's gotta be one of the most retarded posts I've read here and that's saying something
really clamping down on the fomo "PLAY NOWWWWWW LOG IN NOWWWWWWWWW" so we can show investors the game is "alive" and we can keep milking it while a threat of end of service looms over your heads
hmm it appears that any time patch notes drop there is a significant drop of iq in this general
>0.05% to get new totem
this shit better be at least account tradeable.
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me on the way to find iq
morning msg
ur right they never shoulda added arcane weapon boxes we all should have to have farmed two hundred and forty droplets
they shouldnt add senpai cards because people grinded senpaitachi already
>make boss muling stronger with v matrix changes
>lock the boss buler clitties in a 12 per week crystal cap cage
only IQ issue i see is your reading comprehension
the boss crystal changes are a nothingburger
the thing is when ur always bitching nobody listens
why'd you want my claw
wapchads stay winning
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>gmsers when they are incapable of reading korean patch notes translated to english
who is he talking to
all the posts itt not made by nisu is made by me btw
bros having a melty just after waking up
the everybody is nisu cope is sad
>general where half the posts are nonreply schizobabble talking about low iq
erm looks like ur too low iq to tell what each posts are replying to
the only ones having a meltie are 80k statters when they can't clear hard mode of ride or die in week 1 while some fresh 200 is getting the same rewards as them after 10 weeks lemao
when somebody sees filth and smells stink its only natural to have a visceral reaction

post ur stats
post ur toon
i did and my claw
why'd u want my claw bud its one of those genesis thingys that u wish u could buy on ah
nisu is a neet loser who falls asleep at early morning hours and wakes up mid afternoon then shitposts here as laraschizo and the stupid faggot bwaby twaker spweaking wike dwis (its qwuirky)((pwease wepwy two mwe)).

fuck nisu. attention turned him into a giant faggot over time. he wasnt even relevent 2 years ago then he shoehorns himself into making cringe OPs since then.
why did they have to nerf BaM too fuck bishop dick riders
he used to be a full time reboot hater and went full heckin valid transerver mapligga once hyperion dropped
just make fun of nexon or kmsers and he goes full bootlicker mode
>lynn untouched.
gonna hyper burn one im thinkin
but bam got a buff and bish got a nerf thoughever
uummm... okay ill admit... im the bwaby twolker...
/msg/ rollcall
lalaschizo here
im lmao2blade
it was an artale thing...you wouldn't get it...
id rather farm ilbis on artale instead...
lily present (in lore)
[/spoiler]sipr[/spoiler] here
bippew here
i need something stable not change the entire game on a whim one day when you wake up
>wh potion or block one death potion for 2mil
>bonk pots work on hyperburns now
>same amount of v matrix slots at 200 now as lvl 220
this makes everything we did for the last 2 years pointless
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msg has schizos?
i dont see any i think that guy is lying
is the server up yet
I'm up, mainly because of Blaster.
there is at least 20 different people here but everyone talks the same way
its almost like we all play the same game and served in the fm wars together
>one more week until my solo prog has its arcanes
>SSF on Dec 1st
>slime ring also dropped yesterday from normal slime
It's time to break 40m cp.
wolfville here
(you) are me
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stupid ugly here
do people still play artale or is the hype dead?
artales been dead for 3 weeks now.
i thought artale was a meme. who would willingly want to play that pile of shit other than for nostalgia sake
old school maplestory was only good because of the people but the people dont want to play old school maplestory anymore. or maple in general
what's artale
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i am you
what happened to the fz service is dead doomers?
we told you it was a new totem releasing.
hes still here hes just coping about nisu being god rn mm buffs r insane and he cant handle it
from a rebooty i congratulate the reg bros
mm bros we fucking wonners
wait until you log in
Yeah, no point in playing GMS anymore since we can't even outgrind the powercreep.

Farming ilbis is funner than anything in current nu-maple.
yeha keep tellin urself that nerd
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When can get in?
reboot is still filled with service buyers and a $200 monthly fee
I am 99% sure it's a typo, there is no way they will give hundreds of experience nodes, b-but what if... that would be insane
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extended maint lfg
who revved the regschizo
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kill me
uh oh nisu melty
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I think they didn't apply the non kms classes changes not because they want to "go west" and do their own thing but because there was an impediment since SEA and Jms get chaser but we didn't, so we get the kms changes but since ride or die was in house we didn't get anything from the other servers, meaning no non kms class changes.
This really makes me think what will happen when the ne hexas get announced, will they have the bt treatment or the update will be delayed until we get those changes like in dreamer
>we get a GMS team
>they already shat the bed before their first update even came out
>my ctene mules are now useless in just 1 update
9 years of work just for it to be thanos snapped
hopefully booters are getting axed next
they gotta make sure that frenzy totems will work properly, pls be paitent reboot.
>9 years of work to make some mules
lmao retard enjoy wasting another 9
rebooters got to heckin cocky. your lucky you didnt get normalized (yet)
>Wasteland Badge: Magic ATT +1% and Ignore Defense +3%.
huge gains.
>my ctene mules are now useless
Why? You still get more money out of higher tier boss crystals and if you're a regger you can even sell the drops.
would you still be upset if it turns out all weekly crystals got a meso increase to offset the difference the cap imposes
that is literally what they did you fucking idiot
what's wrong with booters
u really think nobody can tell who is making these posts
the amount of mental gymnastics to be a boober who posts this
sorry ur not printing pitched boss like me, but u cant do that in reboob hahahahahaha
nothings wrong with booters i just like to tease for fun c:
mental illness
anyone who plays this game has a mental illness tbqh
>bragging about being able to make boss mules easily in a server with no meaningful progression because you can just buy everything you want
have some self awareness christ
comedy gold ur an idiot I accept ur concession
>people still think reboot isn't the easiest mode of gameplay
>buying items isn't meaningful progression
this only applies if you swipe.
You really think Nexon is going to make it fair? They probably decreased the prices as well and the new "increase" will be twice as low as old prices.

One step forward, two steps back is how Nexon does everything for 20 years already you should know this and never be hopeful.
It's easy to tell which server is easier just by looking at which one wasn't bothered by the boss powercreep and didn't need to be deleted.
new monster park changes is good. wish they reduced the amount of entries required for getting the medal though.
damn didnt know this was an inven general
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>the update that introduces a shit ton of qol is going to arbitrarily nerf crystals to go against the qol related to crystals
hmm i don't see the logic
Haven't you heard? We're not ruled by kms anymore, this is Maplestory Go Beyond.
We can't clear xlotus solo without a bishop, can't clear Limbo. Can't one shot Tallaheart. Plus now it's getting left in the dark on GMS feels like it's ready to be closed.
Ride or die feels like the last patch we're ever getting.
> We're not ruled by kms anymore
> but by Nexon of America
That's a million times worse though.
supports got nerfed to make 6th job feel more meaningful.
dw you dont gotta clear xlotus or limbo right now.
kinda hard to feel bad for ya chief considering how you conduct yourself
with sly underhanded tactics all too common in kronos
end game in a mmo is hard and it gets easier as end game moves, if you've been around for 20 years at end game you'd know this
the 80k chud as you say becomes nothing when he takes a break
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already got my trio members decided, looking forward to limbo release in a month.

hopefully cube sale gives me many DPs and this number will be higher
30 years
im not even at ctene
im dogstuck at starforcing pieces to 22
just wait for the free 22* star scroll next month
one of the easiest and best thing they could have done if they wanted players to make and play more boss mules is to give significantly more nodestones and this would solve everything instead of over complicating stuff and doing unecessary shit, but nexoniggers are fat greedy boomers who dont play the game so as people mentioned it's one step forward and then three steps back
nodestones are 50k a piece tho
reboot game, nobody cares about dogshit server aka reg
you dont even know what ure talking about
>want more nodestones
>they're overcomplicating stuff(?) and doing unnecessary shit(?)
like what r u evne talking about. rebootie just wants gibs like some welfare monkey. do u not wap on your main? how dont u have thousands of nodestones sitting in ur inventory
whats a reboot
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ive got 4100 nyodies (pwus some event extras) waiting for my aran hypre burn you can have some if you want i can share with you
thanks lara, you're the best
shut the fuck up nisu
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consider my ign fag
yeah you would have dick sucking lips, homo.
wait dont akechi cpap mules already do 12 weekly bosses? am I missing something? whats the point of all of this?
I didn't do monster park thinking I could sneak a x2 mp after the patch....
You now need 15 ctene mules to even compete.
local man lying through his teeth
so are we getting the kms version crystals where higher bosses give more and easier bosses give less or just still our version
And people will keep eating shit while us chads move to greener pastures like Artale
bros i dont think we're gonna make it to reset before the game is up...
ur welcome to go to artale bwo the doors that way
please by all means quit
ya know I felt the same about end game when I was #1 bishop (there'd be more of them if u guys weren't retarded) (while also saying bish nerf good but bish nerf no end game)
I went to where I wanted to go and u shouldn't do that because u are extremely ripe and stink
gonna hyper burn a paladin what am i in for
*surprise buttfucks your preferred gameplay style*
*gives you a cucked fz that ends when you leave map as compensation*
Noooo it's the leee doooooomerZ AgAiN when Nexon FUCKS ME HARD OVER N OVER
youre trying too hard
thats not a gameplay style thats just one hustle of many
when i leave the map is when im done training and when i return it will be back
just get 40+ characters to level 200+ so your main won't suck, ok.
ehm actually now just fund 15 characters like a main
you're still bound to the game like a lil bitch bro no need to cope
this except it's my fz dealer telling me when i can train or not
not only that he spends 14 hours a day doing tof lmao
Unironically "We have Mihile at home."
>finally get free fz like i always dreamed of
>now have to grind up 15 ctene mules to make the same mesos i did before with just 3
Thank u Nexon this is truly the patch we needed *gapes my asagussy nisussy chowussy at u respectfully*
why is the artale tranny replying to ximself?
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hes so pathetic
don't stand up to bat unless you can take a hit
that's depressing
well if i already have a mihile i guess i'll make a bowmaster or something easy
no clue what blud is saying but its opposite
pally is pretty strong for a supp
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So for the shade/Aran hyperburn, do they get their own 1-260 track on top of the moon scroll thing?
Don't wanna brick my 2nd hyperburn by mistake by claiming everything on the shade.
make sure shade/aran is your 2nd hyperburn or you will brick your hyperburn
stronger and easier mihile
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nothing like mihile besides the tankiness and light aesthetic
Paladin lost a lot of identity with the rework. I miss the mage knight.
yep, there will be a game breaking bug after the patch and they'll have to do another maint after
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do msg reggas actually sell rice
ok finally
you're able to use tempest/mag/transcendant growth potions on your hyper toons now
you HAVE been saving the boxes that gave you mag pots from camillas event right??
Can this shit hurry up? I want to hyperburn a Kinesis and switch to it as my main till I get a new class hyperfixation.
can't wait for my own moonbeam onahole
...How do we tell him
>kms revenue was lower than what was expected and made less than same quarter last year
>maplestory ip still made a surplus growth due to overseas profit
when are they killing kms and focusing on non kms
you can only use specific mag pots on hb that are given after maintenance, anything you yot before that wont work and I think not even all mag pots you get during this patch will work on hb, only special ones that state that it works on hb
I have been getting only arcane selectors from the black box
Does anybody bother using a controller
Anons, do I go I/L, shadower, or nightlord for my burn?
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main? shad
boss mule? bl
gay? i/l
it's up
>i/l was my first job while playing maple in middle school
>turned out gay
im going to tie you up
wew thank gxd i played f/p otherwise i wouldve turned out gay haha..
Why is interactive getting shafted everytime?

Reading through the patch notes and thinking back to inkwell's past notes about trying to raise the population of interactive servers makes me wonder if they actually cared about addressing and solving that issue.

Temp frenzy at a .05% rate is utterly ridiculous and doesn't change anything. It's slightly better than obtaining a BoD at .04% and we were told it would be at a relatively higher rate than before. This is a joke right? Most people are still going to have to rely on frenzy service as usual and it doesn't address the core issue of people with or without frenzy. Hell who knows how ridiculously low the rate is from ride or die as well. After looking at the philo rate I don't count on most people obtaining their 30 day CoR, especially not for the early/mid game player who would benefit the most from it.

Boss crystal changes to a 12 cap is great, but for interactive server players we use bosses as a means of farming solid cubes to progress so we need to clear the bosses regardless. What's even worse is that we missed the two changes before of dynamic price increase so we're still effectively losing a lot of potential meso for no reason. The cap makes sense if we had those 2 increase in harder bosses beforehand. It's also even harder to fund a boss mule up to ctene in interactive, and now people with lomien mules are punished with this cap even further. It's like what are they doing? I thought the goal was to help newer players enjoy interactive, not gut them even further. We're already getting a low amount of 280m doing up to lomien but now we have to do the same amount of work for the possible cube drops, and we get even less meso because of the cap. And we're still missing magic wand altogether for a suboptimal chance based solid drop system which is the biggest annoyance of all this. We desperately need good meso sinks like magic wand because the actual meso rate keeps dropping
im not riding bros
just die
Why are arans upset
>he never showed his claw
yup, it must be below-average garbage with only 2 scrolls passed. shouldve stayed with poorscarabs, chump.
they gimped me
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huh wtf
they werent till next tues?
so am i able to get both aran and shade pets?
i know this is reddit but he's not wrong
inkwell is a faggot and i wish i was on reboot
Should've been on reboot from the start
The biggest issue I have with this is him pretending lomien mules are worth crying over. An average hyper burn gets you above lomien. You should have a new fucking elucid mule dumped in your lap every 6 months.
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you regroiders literally got everything you guys whined for
meanwhile inkwell throws a massive middle finger towards us heroics by refusing to change the useless sol erda from event rewards
today is the day bros i can feel the ilbi as i approach 10k
I'm going to burn a NW.
Where do I get flame stars?
nest golems in leafre
you'll be better served just doing dailies for a couple days in NLC to get cilbis or b furies.
is there any reason to not swap to reboot bros? trading is nice, but i'm looking at how my progression is going, and i feel like i'm gonna get hardgated by cubes in the near future unless i swipe hard (not realistic)
i'm not trying to fling shit btw, just honestly asking because i'm kinda lost rn
reboot has been the de facto way to play without needing to spend money
with the major event happening right now you can even get free 700 legion + 2 hyperburns
whats reboot
they could double the prices of cubes in reboot and it would still be better than reg
an hour of grinding in reg is something like 1 red cube last i checked
meanwhile reboobers get tens of reds per hour
gms eos gms eos gms eos
I hope so because that's what I assumed from the patch notes
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you make gains equivalent to an ilbi if you level up 4 times
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had a dream just now that henesys got dark and started to look like an open air flea market with 4 different event npcs in there at the same time and it got really vertical on the left side instead of right and there was an event where the inferno wolf was running into towns
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yes u get both
also praying the artale poster gets hit in the head by a brick
how much could i sell a 6 str 7 dex Dark Linnex for? 10 slots clean
which one? there is like 30 different ones
wakey wakey
get in
thats godly i would say 50mil
guess i'll be trying that out then. a shame really, cubing felt like shit so far in reg
just woke up here it is
Why do people lie like this. Especially when events literally cram cubes down your throat.
Cubing feels like shit everywhere, mind.
Reboot is better for a multitude of reasons but please don't fall into the trap that it'll feel any better. It's the same shit game, you just d on't have to spend money, you instead spend your time. You lose no matter where you play, you can usually just get further in reboot with less intense time spend.
they dont actually know how reg operates.
13 hours maint let's goooooooooooooo
I'm going to bed fuck this maintenance
im getting sleepy bwos... it ok tho maintenance went past reset so i can sleep without worrying.
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>AH in the background
so what are you doing while game is still in maint
im playing Noita, it's great
trying out stalker 2
it's not good
whats the best afk farmer
what should someone who's only willing to spend, at best, menial amounts of money do inbetween events? ik events make progression easier, but it's not unlimited progression. again, i'm asking out of sincerity.
Yakuza Kiwami
playing holocure
Man, i feel real bad for the people who were looking forward to it.
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this isn't on the event page but it's in the patch notes
so would that mean heroic gets
1 hyper burn
1 shade/aran hyper burn
2 mega burn
7 0-100 chars
same I hate nu maple too they should have kept it to where it takes a week to reach lv30 and u only get 2 mesos per monster drop wtf nexon
gooning to ms lewds
you coulda claimed a tera burn from night troupe
one of the future sunny sunday should give another tera
Keep up with your bossing as that's your best means of Solids/Brights, Hards are effectively free with Legion coins
ok jan 19th gives a tera
I only recently returned to the game after 10+ years away. I quit the game because of potential cubing and the economy and the game has changed so much that I was intrigued enough to return, much to the shock of my real life friends who didn't realize the game was still running.

Nice to see the endless delays on patch day are still a thing. The game may change over the years, but Nexon never will.
>alright let's get some maple
>STILL on main
what in the actual FUCK is this?
gms exclusive content was a mistake
I got that one and used it
I guess the hyper burns for heroic are because burning world is interactive only
You can use them on Reg, you just don't get Burning World's level-up gifts.
I think there's a distinct difference in people who were waiting for it.
Those who played the original games, as they were, as in, not in modern times when everything is modded to fuck and back and most people haven't tried vanilla? They think it's mediocre, but are hopeful for mods.
People who only know about it from anomaly or one of those total conversions, or youtube watchers? They probably feel like they got fucking ripped off.

Performance issues are like the funniest thing, stalker soc barely ran on top tier hardware of the time, but somehow people think it's some sort of egregious mark against it. Nope, to be expected.
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>""""""massively"""""""" "multiplayer" online rpg
>not even 500 players online
you get lesser ones. Instead of lvl 10 arcane symbols they're all 7.
That's still giving cubes at a snail's pace, and eventually you reach a point where solids aren't good enough and you need bright cubes. If magic wand was brought over that would at least make it feasible. This isn't even getting into bpots.
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FINAL RESULTS ARE IN!!!! Enjoy your eventually released NX sets based on these NPCs. I hope you have enough maplepoints saved up.
My final copium is that Kanna and Lynn nerfs are already done but won't be implemented until Limbo patch.
It's objectively not fair for them to be so strong after Bishop and every other support got gutted
The fuck are maple points?
why does luska have so little porn
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Maybe it's my own personal progression talking but it hasn't been that hard hitting Legendary for me. The real gate has been getting enough meso for higher Symbol levels while F2P.
This is your chance to quit, you know. You can be free!
maple as a "popular" game completely died and was buried about 400 meters underground with the meso cap in KMS, NO ONE plays it anymore.
who's in the cuck shed?
aka, 13th place
As someone who actually thoroughly enjoyed the original trilogy I'm still hoping it's going to be alright, but I'm not going to be playing it for a long while. The original games were nebulous at best to the health of your computer considering they ran on the most volatile game engine I've ever seen. Considering it took years of community effort to not blue screen your pc during gameplay it's only a matter of time before S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 works properly as well. That aside, as long as I can immerse myself in the zone again the overall quality of the game isn't that important.
RIP cosim, I would've preferred that over THREE npc's with a very similar aesthetic, chronnica is a surprise though
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Shame, I wanted the bunny ears and overcoat...
That's what I mean, most people are waiting for a year for it to be decent, That's standard procedure for any AAA game now.
well that took forever
Same here
I believe all of you every single time and I always get sad when you lie.
KMS is getting Demon slayer collab
all but confirms GMS gets it unless licensing cucks us.
A collab getting their own job is pretty wild
Not really. PB and yeti jobs, ayame though not fully fleshed out. jett and zen, all novelty temp jobs.
maplestory is run by feminists who won't allow it to be sexualized
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why is game still down
they went home
I'd wager they found an issue with totems letting them keep spawn rate increase up permanently.
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they're not getting thanksgiving off
i took off work for today...
.... and yesterday..... and tomorrow.... and for the rest of the week..... and month.... and the year.....
just for maple......
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if that's true then why does this exist
just walked to lycanthropes and got ilbis in 10 mins lmfao
0.000106% chance btw
We're getting MASSIVE compensation for this right?
you guys are big babies
it's just a few extra hours
3 nodestones
5 sol erda coupons
10 2x coupons
5 medal of honor
1 bonk per hour
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im gonna miss dailies for a day
>3x exp coupon (15 min) x5
>3 extreme growth potions
>symbol selector coupon 100/20
>trait increase potion
take or leave
so THIS is why we needed 3cm's for
that's not enough to make anyone moan
i am sorry inkwell
we really didnt need any gms exclusive content
please never make any ever again
24 hr maint?
Inkwell, the manpower wasted making this shitty event could have been used to keep Jett in the game. You stole my class from me.
jett was shit
>let's make exclusive content
>but not a preview stream
>nor a tespia server
how saw this coming?
jett wouldve been top tier popularity if it was a kms class
stop doing this to me
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i've gone through all of genshin's new content already and the game still isn't up
better late than never i guess
might actually get a chance to do dailies before bed
the gms devs chose "die" in the "ride of die" event
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ok well that's just bullshit
tms getting the kms crystals?
>can only clear up to NGloom
it's over...
Hard OMLN-CLN when?
is heroic over
thing better come in
>kms crystals
>12 bosses only
my ctene mules looking sweet
Brutal, fuck any newfag, ngmi forever
thank you for giving me a reason to focus on a couple ctene mules instead of this 10 nlomien mule bullshit
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I can still do everything up until bm with my bishop so I'm actually pretty glad this came with the nerfs that got me kicked from all my endgame carries. Basically relegated to an nkalos / nkaling mule now.
urge to pet a bish cat
That's not a cat. Get your eyes checked.
which classes won this patch
alright get in now
someone post the day 1 checklist of shit to do
explorer warriors
and WA lol
I planned on buying some NX this patch, especially when/if the Cygnus and Heroes outfit sets will get released, but now idk, I dont think I want to spend more money on the game with this kind of garbage
is it up
what was the longest this game was down
i remember the time where it was legit down for a solid 3-4 days many many years ago
pov you are a child walking down the street after school and a strange man in an unmarked vehicle pulls up to you and starts yelling
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me fr
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neverending maintenance is the true oldschool maplestory experience, artalers wouldn't understand
real shit
u haven't mapled until you've spent 24hrs+ in a maintenance for a major patch
24 hours is nothing
nisu quit artale at 30 lol
>no moonbeam gf
ok get in everyone
>no haku gf
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>wake up
>Still maint
What the heck
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Tbh even private servers have huge maint downtimes

Recently legends had just hollywood event release and it took 1.5day
Kinda curious why that is
sorry, our resident schizo is too busy slaving away in a trash-tier pserver, in an unoptimal training area to boot. please be patient, he'll return to modern maplestory when he realizes his favorite class will be rendered obsolete soon. thank you for playing maplestory.
Edea seems like she would be weak to anal
My uneducated guess on why any mmo maintenance takes a long time is because of database changes from a patch.
edea would defect for aaron cok
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good night, /msg/. try not to let the thought of missed dailies ruin your night. just remember that kms had a massive crashing bug earlier today with their demon slayer patch that was barely addressed a couple hours ago
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bucc or ab hyperburn?
AB is pretty strong, probably still strong even with might mascot nerf.
I'd go with her.
You can burn Bucc later.
Maple legends

Sovl is back on the menu
nobody wants to play maple shargends with you stfu already
i wonder how sharted up their 20yo codebase must be nowadays
My dad works at nexon, it's going to be a full 24 hours.
sea that is LOL
hey dont say that stop scaring off your narcissistic supply!
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Can you americans hurry up already you're holding us back
why did no one tell me its finally back up
newbies be like "uuuuummm which is le better boss mule aran or shade????? ;_; halp" bro has 2k legion KEKKYPOW
I hope they extend the expiration dates of items since some of my event rewards have already gone sour by now because of this maint.
im going with Aran because i like delicious caramel
Your posts are a little too same-y. It makes it too obvious that 97% of posts in thread are one person samefagging to himself. Please diversify your posts.
>have to burn hayato to get the crit damage even though I dislike playing the class
Hmm then I guess you dont want to know my secret mesomaking strats to make 25+ mil everyday. Sad!
why would i need that when i can make up to 20b a week
just get hayato to 200 then and burn a class you like
you can just bonk and dailystory hayato to 250 over time
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just forcefeed them exp coupons nigga thats how i got my hayato and mech to 250 without ever touching them
I already have a level 200 hayato but it would probably take like a year to passively level it to 250 unless there are some really good leveling events coming.
no one is making 20b a week lmao
you think that extra 1% in crit damage is worth a hyper burn then go ahead, it's valid if you don't have a need for another mule or other legion bonus
i just think there's better ways to go about it without torturing yourself with a class you dislike
if we get kms adjusted crystals then each ctene mule makes 6b a week
i have 3 of them plus 3 slime mules so thats like 20b if i do bother running all of them
we are never getting kms crystal prices
Okay I will listen to you but you better not be trying to brick me.
10 whole hours
its finally over
discord says done by the new hour.
I expect it to not work and there be an emergency maintenance shutting it down after 5 minutes (if it comes up at all)
>hes still looking for ilbis
im gonna outlevel him at this rate lmao
It's up
Get in quick let's crash the servers to extend the maintenance so that Inkwell will give us better apology gifts.
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we are so back
Boss mulers lost.
>wait until 5am for the patch
>too tired to play
it's so fucking over for me
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the price of boss crystals changed
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Now post the low lvl weekly bosses comparison. Did it get nerfed?
launcher bros see you ingame in 3 hours
>Check back regularly for updates on the status of these issues and information on resolved issues, or any new issues that may have been added.
They're adding more issues, let's gooo!
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new hologram waifu
is that an amogus reference!?
>practice mode
>try code A zak
>get fucking flattened
oh alright, well, I can clear him on B, so I know that's one I can clear every week, legion piece is mine.
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>limited amount of deaths in the "Ride or die" event
Shit design. I am not gonna risk anything. Time to wait for an eceleb to make a guide video showing the path of least resistance.

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