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Game of The Year Royal Edition

Previous thread: >>502708148

>Version 1.09 is now live!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio peaks at 85k concurrent players on Steam!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio surpasses 1m sales on launch day
>Now available EVERYWHERE (but Nintendo Switch and Xbox One)

>Resources and useful links

>Metaphor Digital Artbook

>Metaphor: ReFantazio Special Soundtrack

>MetaphorFix (adds proper ultrawide, things, etc.)

>A Metaphor in Fantasy

>How many hours have you played?
>What day are you on?
>What are your favorite classes?
>Favorite BGM?
>Are you having fun?

>"How should I build my MC?"
Realistically anything works, you won't brick yourself even on Hard or Regicide. Common consensus is a hybrid STR/MAG/AGI is best.
>"What is the best team comp?"
Just about everything works, do whatever you like the most and it'll work on any difficulty.
>"How should I manage my time?"
There's more than enough time in the game to 100%, do whatever you'd like.
>"Which royal virtues should I focus on?"
Prioritize eloquence and tolerance and avoid courage boosts.

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You can say that again
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You could have added Bas without covering up good uncle Neuras. I care about them both.
the wokest JRPG of the year
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Eupha was perfectly set up to have a wedding scene but Atlus decided to be cowards.
who is the girl with the big ass?
>an anime game is the winning the /v/ poll
you can't make this shit up lmao
I love Gallica Eupha and Junah but Sexenberg is always gonna be my #1
>no gallica
Would Gallica smoke weed?
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here's the original without the logo

Based Neuras appreciator
anime website, newfriend
I have prepared a question for you all
The poll is botted.
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post your vote card
Of course. Fairies love weed.
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I voted for Metaphor, Unicorn Overlord, and Astrobot. I didn't vote in any of the categories where the nominees weren't videogames.
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In spite of his haircut, women love this slut. How high in the rankings would he have made it if he'd taken that trashcan off his head in front of the desperately horny masses of Clemar women in the capital?
the bang is a bit goofy but the hairstyle is really cool imo
This thread fucking died when the shitposter went to the poll thread.
Astrobot? more like Astrobotted LOL!!
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Time marches on, and the age of a new king draws nearer.
they would anger their fascists userbase by marrying off the last human to some twisted mutant
oh shit ghost of yutei, forgot about that one
is it good?
beside the ugly main character everything else looks really good
oh wow
they really made a samurai game with an ugly woman mc

who is going to buy it?
if they don't censor the hot spring scenes and let her ass hang out like Jin, I'll give it a shot
otherwise nope
what was that samurai, or maybe ninja, game that came out around march this year. it was shilled hard for about a week
Rise of the Ronin. It soft flopped. It simply did not live up to the expectations Nioh 2 set for both players and investors.
>Mission Failed
>There was an error signing you in.
Anyone else not being able to login with a Google account?
I logged in with a Twitter account
It's not out, no one would know.
anything for my glorious Clemar king
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Here's mine bros
Yeah I just gave in and looked up my twitch credentials but none of my Google accounts were working for some reason...
Xenoblade 3 shits all over this game
>I shall rise to the occasion!
turns out i was thinking of rise of ronin

i heard that game was 90% cutscenes
Do Ishkia have to sleep on their stomachs? Do Clemar have to sleep on their backs?
bardon sex
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your not winning goty lol
Do you expect the devs to keep using the Persona engine or go to Unreal like the Persona/SMT teams have already done?
catherina_grann equine_penis futanari
Persona engine has more soul, but I imagine they use Unity cause retards will say it looks better
how do I find the card bros, I already voted but I can't find that page, am I retarded
It'd be easier to use UE since they've other teams with experience/assets they can use, plus I'm pretty sure nip game programmers are taught about it way more than Unity.
They're already making their next thing in GFD still apparently according to whatever slide deck mystic got his hands on this time
When you are on a category you can go to previous or next category and in in-between these options it says view all for me. Then at the top of the page it says download your card
here bro
Ain't believing anything that LARPing faggot posts.
Oh my bad I meant Unreal Engine. I'm just sleepy and confused them
click "view all categories" and the download your card option should be on top
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The only award that matters is the Gallica of the Year award
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Sure why not
>Best Performance
>voting Life is Strange
I genuinely liked the first one
Literally everything else in that series has been garbage, though
I haven't even played the newest one, but Max is in it so maybe it's a return to form? idk.
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rella fight, HOLY FUCK that took so long
Haven't played it. In fact I haven't played most of those games and am just picking the option that I'd dislike the least if they win it. But I've seen that they turned the blue haired one straight or something which made people mad so that's funny at least
just dont vote at all, wjhats the point in voting the worst option
a lil 3 hours sesh
Life is strange looked better than the other options in that category
Voting for the lesser of two evils doesn’t make sense to me. Why should I vote for something I’m not fully on board with? If you want my vote, sell me. Otherwise, I’d rather not vote at all.
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>Best Boy award goes to Basilio Magnus
Studio Zero is only using this engine because it was in devhell you can expect every game going forward to be built on Unreal Engine
If I can decide between two games winning a category and I dislike 10 things on game A but only 5 things on game B, I pick game B. If I don't pick anything I risk that a decision is made that I will dislike even more than the other.
I don't know how to convince you, for me voting is always the question of how many compromises I'm willing to make
i understand the compromises thing, but it seems you never played this game. IDK i just dont like that way of thinking...
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What's wrong with this? I'm pretty sure Reload and Golden both have multiple typos too.
Fucking retard.
"cost" should be "costs" (present) or "costed" (past), but it's nothing to throw a fit over.
What? Using "cost" as past tense here is valid and is used that way extremely often.
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The question is also, even if that word would be wrong, is it really a spelling error? If the dub also says cost it at the very least can't be that.
This is an english-speaking website.
Wait, does this website speak to you guys??
so funny
Thanks bro. Now I can go to sleep in peace.
I just go to the Elda village
if Grius knew the Prince the whole time shouldn't he know that the kid never had a secret best friend that was identical to him in every way but hair color? Am I supposed to assume he also got mind fucked like Gallica?
Remember at the start of the game he calls you a new recruit. He doesn't recognize you at all.
You have the sword, who is he to question it?
Shouldn't he though? I can sort of get Hulkenberg but Grius definitely should
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you had the prince/elda sword plus gallica vouches for you, the real inconsistency is why the fuck the party didn't immediately fly to the Elda village as soon as they checked the pocket mirror and confirmed the prince was awake instead of waiting 10 days to fight Louis i bet there was some cut content stuff that happened at this moment
They don't want give away his location by doing that. They say this explicitly.
>why didn't the party go to the elda sanctum after Louis found out that he was still alive before dealing with Louis
>le cut content
Don't fucking gaslight me.
Give it a rest, ESL-kun.
The past tense of the verb to cost is cost
Hey guys this is my favorite
hello my favorite
no more wock
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Try not to rely too heavily on Google to teach you english, retard-kun.
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why are her calves bigger than her ass
Why is your ass bigger than your brain?
Why did I suddenly have a vision of Hulkenberg as Ronald McDonald. Maybe it's the red hair.
I'm smart as shit
>repel boots
>fire ice electric wind

which one's the best choice?
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I give up, I will set the game to easy, she filtered me and I'm a bitch for it
This isn't Metaphor.
He's in Metaphor you fucking secondary
no shame bro
>Tfw running Eupha + Junah together
Why is Hulk so wimpy compared to the others?
use the harem party to melt it, are you stupid
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>smt trannies in our thread

>there's a monster in metaphor called mothman
>therefore it's the same monster
megaman was a metaphor prequel
>replaced by an item
>mediocre magic damage
meanwhile hulk gives you press turns being a repel slut and never dies if she's in the back row. She's worse than Heismay, but that's not a dealbreaker.
One of the worst fights Atlus has put out in years
Sure if you ignore all the tools the game gives you. :)
I was very glad they didn't because the trope of rushing back to a hidden base just to inadvertently lead the enemy there is overused.
Hulk is easily the worst girl of the three mechanically. You dont know what you're talking about.
How are you niggas this stupid
Maybe on easy mode where everyone even Junah has enough bulk to live multiple assaults.
SMT is cool
I still remember when people were being filtered by Zorba
took me 3 hours, felt so happy when i completed it. just use your buffs you duimb gorilla retard, they alreday give you items that can buff and debuff in the shops. fucking guy.
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it's so hard to run dekunda/dekaja and spam fire magic/makarabreak bros
It's not about the difficulty it's plainly obnoxious and unfun
build your characters right and it's not a problem buddy
why is it not fun and obnoxious?
game is a fixed finished masterpiece
>Leaving everyone in the front row like a retard
What do you mean
>Took 3 hours
>Still wants to talk shit
>using eupha
the schizo is malding
I should just be able to spam heavy slash attacks the entire game. Fuck strategy or experimenting.
i like a challenge, demi fiend fight in VV took me 12 hours+ (multiple attempts of course)
When the player overly spams and abuses buffs/debuffs
>Wowzers this game is soooo easy guys :DDD
When the boss overly spams and abuses buffs/debuffs (there's only like 3 in the entire game that are smart enough to do that btw)

Just choose storyteller mode bro...
how are you so shit at video games
I want her to beat me up and call me an inferior ngl
paripus horse girlcock....
Is Catherina wearing what's basically an armored thong?
charmed Hulkenberg sucking wills tiny dick
>still hasnt explained why
she's got black underwear on underneath
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this little shit is even smaller than the average woman in Grand Trad
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Hulk biggest problem is she dont have synergy with other Royals.
Your biggest problem is you're fucking gay
post em
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It's in the OP rentry link
>Make magla bodies for your son and husband, but not yourself.
Is the Prince's mother just retarded? Bitch could've done more than be a voice for depression episodes and awakenings.
my tounge? ova here
Didn't even have an in-game model.
>fiend fight in VV took me 12 hours+
Dude what the fuck are you doing with your life?
>shield break items and skills
>almighty attacks
>weakness inflicting skills
Guys come on now. You should even have Dekaja and Dekunda by then.
touching grass, my girlfriend, and my paycheck. I hope you make it some day kiddo
you can get dekunda before fighting zorba and dekaja before fighting demon baby there's 0 excuse
Fuck you, i spent my entire week trying to fight demi fiend, my smtvv time allotment for the day was spent to fight demi fiend, dumb nigger. do you think i spent the whole day fighting him? Fuck you. Seriously.
Grow a brain.
Please understando, half of this general is filled with 15 year old twitter users that got into Atlus from P5 lets plays and challenge runs. The games are truly very very hard and unfair, the dark souls of jrpgs you might even say!
im lit for my age
I have fun with SMT. I'm not really having fun with Metaphor.
Then stop playing it and stop lurking in this general dafuck?
No I have to make it through for sunk cost
>I'm not really having fun with Metaphor
Why not?
There was a demo I assume you played, so it just didn't meet your expectations from the demo?
how far in are you and what have been the most unfun things about the game to you?
>Prince at 90%
>Everyone else at 75%
I'm almost ready to finish this fucking game.
>Grius dies
>This flaming homo shows up with Grius's exact voice.
I thought there was going to be a huge twist but no, he just sounds exactly like Grius for no reason.
I thought the same thing but I figured it was just me mixing up Welsh/Scottish accents
>admitting to playing with dub
Hillarious, fucking hillarious. Fucking hillarious.
why is everyone's HP 300
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>plays with dub
>post w*jaks
I have N1 in Japanese
sure, here you go:

A direct and complete translation would be:
黙っとけ/だまっとけ (Damattoke) or 黙れよ (Damare yo)
But I'd prefer to help with more constructive communication. Is there a specific situation you're trying to understand or learn about?
im gonna be like you, ive been doing anki cards and forcing myself to immerse with anime, and watch the grammar video now and then, if i dont become fluent by 2026, im roping
That's kind of racist.
>im gonna be like you
i just asked claude because I thought it would be funny to pretend to misconstrue your meaning. I don't know anything about japanese
baka yarou...
gonna beat this game, then im going to play deload in spanish
The known world is literally converging throughout by English why resist it
if you have an N1 in japanese why do you play in english with dubs?

checkmate EOP
gomen gomen
its a western fantasy setting the EN localization is more faithful
would you play P5R in japanese
I wouldn't play P5R
Gallica sounds like a girl fairy in the jp dub so i picked that one.
just beat the game
it really didnt know when to end
And I hated when they did the thing where the protagonist hears the voice of his friends in the final boss when hes alone
Everything post Virga Island is clearly rushed and unfinished
VV is A, Metaphor is AA, Persona 6 will be AAA Tripple A gaming.
so p6 will def suck
Persona 6 will be woke then
But we're in the era of AAA megaflops
yes, itll have gay sodomy sex with shitskins
wait that's awesome as fuck
You're a bad person
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Rate his OC donut steel
Why is the Prince's fantasy OC some 5'1" midget
Self insert
incel insecurities like height haven't hit Euchronia
truth is
it never began for eldacels
Metaphor doesn't deserve GOTY desu
So Eupha, Junah, and Catherina are the MCs harem? They are the three that show romantic interest on the last day.
yup Maria too
no, Space Marine 2 does and it wasn't even nominated
>please just one more school life game
>come on bro just one more
>you'll win an award this time you know i'm good for it please bro just one more school life game
1 years from now on with Metaphor ReFantaziodyne GOTY edition
Any tips for a phys build on NG+?
Main Tycoon and P2W
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How about stat dumping? I guess I shouldn't have any real problems on Regicide with the previous equipment
you don't get it bro I need to romance this child
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Nah you are correct, both can be used it's just that cost is more common. It's typical for eslGODS to have a better understanding of the language than nativelets.
Holding hands with Eupha as you slowly slip in to her pussy
I'm an EOP, bro...
I don't even speak my family's native language...
I'm just smart...
What would Eldan half breeds even look like? Wouldn't any child with, say, a Mustari just result in another Mustari by default?
Prince have no visible Clemar part
huggy kissy sex with Maria (age: 8)
the tribes are all accelerated mutants of humans AKA elda they would just be another elda
>following a guide X
>at some point I'm following a guide Y from a different website because I'm retarded
>now my schedule is FUCKED and no idea what virtues to be checked

what the fuck man..
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I read that in Connie's voice for some reason
Fuck bro why.... can you go to a previous save?
es ist over fur you bro
yeah but I'm too lazy, but guess I'll just have to deal with it. Good thing I still have some days to catch up on on the end game I guess.
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gallica says this right? she drives me fucking crazy, i want to just strangle her until her head pops out her body
Virtues are easy to max out even in a suboptimal blind run. I even skipped most debates and speeches after Martira.
She's charming in the dub. She's basically Velma.
imagine having trouble with ice dragon
Who is the madman that approved Gallica yapping in combat shit is a crime against humanity
Hulk or Heismay's job is to eat enemy press turns.
15% chance to repel phys + 15% chance to repel magic + 15% chance to repel either

I don't know the math on that, but that's not something you should scoff at.
I would think about loading a previous save again. Imagine barely not being able to max everything in the end. That would be way worse than reloading. But if you would have to play 10 hours again I can understand why you wouldn't want to...
and the chances are still lower than heismay getting a dodge
I don't even notice it can't be that bad
it's up
barely talks about metaphor at all, like just 1/4th of a video
Hulk is technically more unique since anyone can copy the Third Eye + Evasion strats while no one else has the repel + guard stacks. That's why her repel odds are on the lower end (its like 30%).
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>Hmm should I check for any updates to the Hulk ass situation?
>Nah I'm sure it'll be fi-
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tell pic related to reupload it
You know, that motherfucker is everywhere
>I go to ask modders on patreon
>he's there
>I go to the Metaphor mod discord
>he's there
>I go to the gamebanana/loverslab comment section
>he's there
Sodamouse may be being a cunt in that post, but he has been quite persistent in getting this clothed-with-ass Hulkenberg mod to happen, so good on him
>grab that sword from volcano
>later accept quest to get it
>yeah I just want to see it you can keep it
>alright I'll do it. oh actually I have found it already, here
>cool! and you've given me the hope that the real sword is still out there somewhere. Here are your 45k Yen. I'll go home and when I've saved up enough money I'll continue my search
Man this feels not right... it took me no effort since I already had it and he basically was the one helping me by analyzing it. Before I couldn't use it. I don't deserve that coin and more importantly don't need it at that point.
Wish I could tell him to just keep it and fulfill his dreams, this feels like ripping him off..
>happy woman: There's the MC, just over there!
>woman in stitches: Awww, isn't he adorable... Louis will kill you soon enough, though. Gyahaha!
Some of these NPC dialogues are pretty funny ngl
Dread pushes what people had boiling inside outward
>that one woman in Grand Trad
>talks shit about you every time
>one month remaining
>talk to her again
>You... You're the only one we can rely on now.
>For an elda to be our last hope... This country must truly be in a sorry state. It's awful to think about... But prove me wrong, boy. Save this country!
She's still giving me smack but there is some character development
That sword is actually best in slot for strohl because the damage multiplication outweighs the lower base drastically. It's how you do 50k+ crit boss one shots.
ESL alert woop woop
>oh no! [character] is [status effect]! can anyone help them?
>repeats herself every single turn until you do something about it
no idea why they couldn't just limit it to once per round
LMAO there is an actual quest where you sell your bathwater this is hilarious
yeah i laughed my fuckin ass off
basilio using will's bathwater as lube!
clemar are freaky ass niggas
Currently, nearly all Metaphor smut fics revolve around gay or lesbian or futa sex and gay relationships.
Making fanfic is inherently a woman thing
straight men make shitty ai porn, go check that out
I really enjoyed this game, exploration kinda sucks though and the dungeons were typical bore of atlus games but the follower/class system was really fun
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where's the gallica slop
hand it over
>Eat meat skewer
>+100 ranking to become president of the USA
>Caught the priest chef feeding literal children to a monster
>+20 rank
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What was japanese for Metaphor Refantazio?
I want to check twitter for fanart
Water doesn't make good lube, especially not if it's full of bath salt. Basilio shouldn't put that up his butt.
the lady who sells it actually invented an oil-based lubricant based off of the original that can totally be used for it's intended purpose <3
This the best archetype XP method?
All the zoomer yumes are giving themselves third eyes because of this pagan homo
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This one is faster
It say you only get 113 a-xp for one fish. Is that it or are there any buffs? Cause one of the fruits I steal from the method in the video is worth 3k
Well, that's very enterprising of her. I'm sure Euchronia doesn't have too many lubricant brands already, so it's good to give the people options. Let's also praise King Will for his contributions to the research and development of personal lubricants so that all the kingdom's people can have better sex.
he would have been high in the rankings regardless if he just stayed in the race and had some wardrobe "mishaps" with his cloak
seems he gets about 6000/min per party member

i don't know about your stealing technique but it's probably not anything close to that
just farm the king and queen tooth, they're the pretty big ones in the second map of the final dungeon. there's only two of them but they give SO much and they respawn like every other enemy
How i make Royal Warrior competitive against just picking Royal Berserker?
Well since I made this post >>502952569 I have obtained 10 of these items that give 3k. So 30k in 5 mins, or 6k per min also
That's it.
You get 90+ Leaf of light/4~5 minutes at level 99
I dont have aexp accessory so it can be faster
Big tooth leaf/minute fall of the cliff after you overleveled
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Use both? Do you know how much a charged Peerless Stonecleaver does with Beloved Greatsword?
thats total, not per party member
why does she look so different from her sister
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Junah an adopted diversity hire
The most generic jrpg on the planet featuring Tenebrous Deathbringer and a bunch of girls who should've been in bikinis. It probably wasn't playtested so I'm grinding on a boss that's not supposed to be repeatable so I don't have to actually play the rest of the game. Normally I don't like ATLUSslop games that aren't just social sims but I deeply appreciate this one being press turn at least.

Having the game explain its entire messaging to you in the final dungeon with throwaway plot/setting details in an already forgettable and cliche world is one of the funniest things I've seen in a game in recent memory.
Get some better taste, literally.
>and a bunch of girls who should've been in bikinis
Yeah, I'm disappointed there's no outfits aside from the DLCs ones. I would had loved bikini outfits, and the epilogue ones.
Most brutal line in the game btw
Severe damage,
Almighty yet hits as a weakness,
Guaranteed crit,
and it does bonus damage against 5 heads
how do you recover from that
Why isnt wills race a halfblood
He is a halfblood, but being half-Elda and looking 100% Elda means that people will treat you like Elda.
It is a long grinding if you want to master all archetype so just do whatever you feel comfort with
Will's gonna be a poor king considering he was carried by Mom and (You) the whole game and we're both gone now.
by making your step sister proud and being the shinniest star in the night sky of her garbage life
harem party or no
Don't be a slut.
Yep, harem party.
i wish we could have the small furry boy instead of the big one
How many people liked the Martira arc?
i've been skipping just about every companion dialogue since the island and i dont regret it at all
highlight of the game fr fr unironically
Loved it
It was a good arc if you ignore the part at the end where Strohl is vocally disinterested in punish a serial killer and everyone trusts her to walk free.
>if you ignore the part at the end that didn't happen
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I can't believe she's a dindu
Did you play the game, retard-kun?
Yeah the difference is I know how to read
Wasn't it more along the lines of, they needed her to come there willingly so it wouldnt look like they coerced her? In any case, the weak part is the ending where everyone is somehow surprised that Forden opted to execute her right away
>she's totally going to show up bro
>trust the plan
there is no way she shows up
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Handholding, leg-locking sex eith Eupha under the covers, lights off for the purpose of reproduction
what would their children look like
and produce hideous mutant spawn? i will not allow it
>Clemar - Northern Euros(Anglos/Nords/Germans/etc)
>Roussainte - Southern Euros(French/Spanish/Italians/etc)
>Elda - Jews
>Pariggers - Blacks
>Mustari - Muslims + Indigenous hybrid

Obvious, game's not subtle about the above.

What about the other tribes?
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>Louis is a jew posing as a white person to subvert society
I'd say Mustari are pacific islanders.

My children will have 3 eyes and there is naught that you can do about it, knave!
>elda - humans
>everyone else - hideous mutants
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>Veilguard ends up being so ass and embroiled in negative PR that even journos distance themselves from it
>the rally behind Metaphor instead
>its probably going to win
Complex feel
I actually thought this article was decent although kind of short and surface level.
don't try to reason out what evil does. it isn't reasonable to begin with
It's retarded that the party trusts her. She ultimately keeps her word, but it's still stupid. The justification of "we need it to look like we didn't coerce her" is worthless. They have proof that she's a murderer and she intends to confess anyway, so they could have "arrested" her peacefully.
Cute Junah
woa mami
>'they have proof'
they don't thobeit
Morris is dead and the "justification" is that since 95% of the populace don't know what human looks like they'd think it was some elaborate scam. Well that's if the head was still there and didnt dissipate into magla by the time they got to the competition.
why is hulkenburg wearing heels
that's so unrealistic
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Metaphor will eventually get a eupha wedding dlc
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Well /meta/?
Glodell's homo head didn't dissolve and neither would the baby.
actual autismo behaviour
with a dash of low iq mixed in
Man at that point just play on storyteller
>95 hours
>only level 63
Asmongold is 350 hours in and level 60
how much of that was actually playing the game
I came from the future to let you all know that Metaphor won goty.
>Metaphor got another perfect score from the Washington post
40 hours
I grinded there as well but not all my archetypes to max, that would have been a little too much
I'm 99 hours and lvl 60
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The absolute state of Hankhillassberg fags
>mudkip btfo
Every time I shake hands with a stranger I think about the new bond animation
bezos has told his doggies to change directions recently, as a dc local it's nice
i've confirmed the mage academy spinoff
how long will they wait before dropping it? obviously you dont want to release one game after another
This game flopped
they will be shunned from the cities and forced to scavange what food they can find from bushes and dead monster meat. paripas will raid their home and rob them and the local guards will say it's justice

is this the future you want for your children? just say NO to eupha
>If you change your cognition and have friends to support you, you can change the world and make it better!
>If you challenge your anxiety and have friends to support you, you can change the world and make it better!
Bravo Hashino, 8 years for a remixed end message.
do you guys actually read all of the companion dialogue
It's not like the message stopped being true or relevant to the Present Day™
Only thing that flopped is my dick since I can't find the time to fap anymore. Game's too addicting.
Yes and I also talk to every overworld NPC after every story beat. If you did not do this, you didn't beat the game.
What do you mean, bonding quests or every time they have a speech bubble over their head? The first case yes, the second mostly. When I see them yeah but I don't look for them every time
they're fantasy stories, so even messages like these can be true
I also do this most of the time. There are some really cool interactions and it's nice to see how they react to story progression. However then you also have many who don't have anything meaningful to say where I feel like they could have put in more effort
i stopped reading the bonding quests about halfway through

someone give me the tl;dr on what happened with jenah and that ginger singer girl
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More like 18 years ago:
>making up an ideal version of self is fundamentally unhealthy, you should wake up to your reality, as bad as it is, you should hope for the better
>just bee your ideal self lmao (and resurrect too)
I wish that Basilio's P1 costume had a collar like Reiji's.
The issue is that Louis, in the span of 10 days, finds out where the prince is located anyways.
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Built for marriage and impregnation
Yeah it's almost like no one was aware he knew where the eldan sanctum was already
Sex the fairy queen
King and queen...
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You just know she sneaks into her prince's bed at night to cuddle him
My children will have a nice warm tripical ethnostate to live in. I will always say YES to Eupha
What would happen if a cyclops were to breed with a mustari? How many eyes does the offspring have
Two. One on the face and one on the forehead that doesn't open.
>still advertising the fuck out of it
>big push from journos because all their leftist propaganda flopped
>still no discount a month and a half later
DLC announcement coming trust the plan
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Based number go up enjoyer
God please let it happen, I don't even care much about P6 anymore
For real. I can't see myself going back to the school setting. The condensed road trip style of this game works way better
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I remember before I was hoping Metaphor would come out quick so they could start shilling P6 but now I regret that thought. I really kneel Hashino, Royal was good but I still can't believe Wada can make a good game ground up with those limits of a school setting.
Don't worry child with cancer, just be like Maki in Persona 1 and cure it with the power of friendship
why did they put up a sign in the middle of nowhere
zoomie detected
we are all zomers
keep telling yourself that bud
not its true
they're not even hiding the fujobait
>shorter than femboybino
>Need to max out an Elite Archetype to finish off More's s link
Might as well get it out of the way so I can focus on bringing the girls up to scratch. Which one makes the biggest impact out of Soul Hacker, Paladin, Dark Knight, Swordmaster or Ninja?
it's true
unironically they are all good. soul hacker i guess.
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Rerelease party member has already been leaked
When I got that quest I already had three Elite's maxed out lol
Why does this look so accurate
woah, it's john fatlus himself!
What am I supposed to do about Hyperic's second phase? He just keeps spamming AoE hex so I can't use any synthesis or even really attack without killing myself and I can't just waste all my turns removing it only for him to reapply it immediately
He has phases?
odds - I be productive
evens - I plap the fuck out of my Eupha sex arse

hex prevention items, iirc I just spammed blackguards hammer and set to guard anyone I needed for synthesis
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I didn't buy the status prevention accessories and I don't have any AoE status removal either
You're gonna have to git gud
Use items or parts with one or two of your characters each turn and then attack with the other two. Or if you have elite healer there is a group patra, but I guess you would have known this if you had it.
stop posting ringo
I already have to dedicate 3 characters to buffing, debuffing and healing, I don't really have anyone left for status recovery
giving him attention guaranteed more ringo will be posted
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I cry every time
Also, are bosses supposed to always massively outlevel me? This guy is level 65 while my party is around 50
shit game
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Is Ringo's game really that bad?
She's at least an interesting character, right?
I'm currently playing Tales of Berseria, despite the terrible combat, simply because Velvet Crowe is an interesting protag who speaks for herself.
Is the same true for Ringo?
Well this is a special case since it's a boss from a companion quest, so you could also just do it later. That is a big difference though.
I also think Tales of Berseria is one of the best JRPGs just for the cast
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Holy shit taste. It doesn't even have one of the best casts in the Tales series alone.
It's less "bad" and just extremely mid and the areas don't feel very interesting. There is no reason to play Ringo's game when other better games exist
Well I already started it so if I quit now I'll have wasted a whole day. I definitely feel like I did this fight too early though, also in terms of the archetypes I have unlocked.
Overworld NPC with more than one line of fluff dialogue? Now that's where I draw the line.
Imagine louis Junah sexo
Who are you using for buffing with what archetype? If you absolutely can't do it I'd say lower it down to easy for the fight. Better than wasting a day
I did that yesterday when I was pondering whether or not she really was his lover during the time she spent as a "caged songbird".
Strohl on General
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Consider Brigitta
Gallica is a fairy and thus made of pure anxiety. Would make an awful wife, just like dragons.
I don't think Louis has ever had sex tbdesu
Consider that Brigitta wouldn't be half as popular as she is if Basilio were female
I wish Ringo ass were bigger
Is that a GoT reference?
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No one climbs the social ladder that quickly with their virginity intact.
I vote him
Makes sense. Magilou and Rokurou seem pretty cool, so far.
I just wish the combat was more fun, or simply turn based. I hate hearing "Searing Edge!" over and over.
Ah, that's a shame.
Yeah okay doesn't get better than that and was what I used as well...
NTA but I wasted two days on the Volcano and it wasn't really a problem.
>get quest for sword in the volcano
>also read in Neuras' diary that there is a relic there
>nice, I've talked to every quest giver and two quests seems to be the max for side dungeons anyway
>reach "bottom" floor, see ladder that I can't reach
>try jumping down every pit in the dungeon to see if I am missing something
>jump down all again, no progress, losing my mind
>eventually cave in and look it up, last floor locked behind a bond quest
>return a few days later to when Eupha is lv6
Don't really know why, but I think Louis Rella sexo is hotter
>if Basilio were female
Most furries are fags or bi at best, so I doubt it.
Kemonomimi =/= Furry
he really put the fem in femto huh
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TRUE. I can imagine his face would only have to be slightly more feminine and I'd coom
>and the areas don't feel very interesting

>docks with shipping boxes
>subway tunnels
>more subway tunnels
>corporate building
>docks with shipping boxes again
>area that you go back to the whole game that just looks like unfinished and untextured floating corridors
>actually kind of cool less mundane endgame area
>it's over
Thank god the protagonist drops the visor or barrette or whatever the fuck it is supposed to be after the merge. It looks stupid as fuck.
if you look at the last panel in the elda sanctuary you'll notice the queen looks weirdly like brigitta
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I can't bring myself to finish it..
Milady my mylady...
Now that you point it out, you are right. For some reason I thought Bas was closer to Kimahri Ronso from FFX than a regular human. Maybe is the darker skin/fur.
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I don't really get what the defining physical trait of the rhoag is supposed to be. That they're brown and white haired, plenty of characters are that, as well as some elda. As far as I could tell they're "humans, but they can get pretty old".
I liked the talks you can have with the party members. Only part of the game that didn't bore me to death was their interactions
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I bet she'd be the type of character whose tits look even bigger once she takes off her sports bra.
nice thighs
ears and facial markings
They should call the next game Figure of Speech
A fujo I know turned me on to the idea of Strohl being Will's soulmate but Strohl not being Will's, so he has to cope when Will falls in love with someone else :)
Fujos proving once again they contain the evil of man
What the fuck were they thinking with Fidelo's design. I suppose he is kind of meant to be a shot or femboy, but he fails at both. I have no idea who this repulsive design with the dumbass bowl cut is meant to appeal to.
>missed 1 side quest deadline
i wanna kms
>Clemar are the master race
>Elda are the absolute worst
>Louis is able to pose as a clemar by wearing a shitty headband
Really makes you think
This is why you make like 20 extra saves
Rhoag aren't all brown. Joanna is a Rhoag, and the angry old dude running for King without a portrait appears to be grey. Their defining trait is merely that they get to be old as balls. Their facial markings are tattoos, but I assume anyone who's Rhoag isn't going to be tattoo-less because they don't want to be mistaken for elda.
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Imagine if she suddenly shrink mid-sex
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Based on his popularity with female Xitter users, I'd guess that his design appeals to [some] women.
No, I don't think I want to.
why did the p5 characters not have anything like this
> but I assume anyone who's Rhoag isn't going to be tattoo-less because they don't want to be mistaken for elda.
That's kind of the thing I was getting at, I fail to see how you can distinguish a young rhoag from an elda aside from the very minor pointy ears.
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All homos have equal capacity for evil.

We winned
delete this NOW
Imagine if alonzo suddenly shrink mid-sex
Ive been curious about this game since forever. All the reviews expressed dissappointment in one way or another but is it worth 13 bucks? Cdkeys has it around that price
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>Deload 0 nomination
>Vengeance 0 nomination
> Metaphor 6 nominations
yeah we won bigly
Somehow, Homo Jaluzo is the only enemy that spooks me.
the rebirthschizo is sobbing right now
>jeet remake
>actual new game
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>“Atlus is one of our most successful acquisition deals to date” Sega Sammy reports
Wtf Ryu Ga Gotoku bros???
Alright I may have missed this one but after you infiltrate the charadrius in Brilehaven why didnt the guards tell Louis his new guys infiltrated and caused a ruckus by the soiree? They obviously remember who you are
Reddit marketting
Junah has sucked him off at LEAST once.
I don't think so, he smells of virgin
Basilia looks so good they should have went with that...
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Something about being too scared to tell him they fucked up. The epilogue also reveals that they all deserted shortly afterward.
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But they didn't say how much it sold. I think it was 1 million in 24 hours already right? Wonder how much it's now
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Why didn't she just make a new normal child?
thank you Geoff
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>don't care what your "child" does
>kidnaps and feeds him people for years
>wants it to kill and eat you as well
>once its dead listen to one minute of heismay talking
>wtf you're right I'm evil WTF WTF WTF I'm sorry
What were they thinking
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wait you can post mp4 now?
She came to he realization that thing was a human instead of her dead baby, which made her realize how fucked up her actions were.

Same stuff as Persona 5's villains.
Yeah but still no audio
They are completely intertwined. Sega of America was effectively dissolved when they bought Atlus and Atlus USA became Sega's localization team, they did the translation and marketing for Yakuza 0 that made the series blew up. Incidentally, they actually hurt Persona in the west with it because Sega put Atlus USA's senior staff on Y0 while P5 was left to more junior members, hence the shittier localization. Metaphor had their most senior staff on it.
you can't copyright something that generic geoff, get off it already
I remember when retards on forums were scared Atlus was gonna go shit under Sega. You should be sucking the blue hedgehog dick, they've only been a net positive.
I find it really suspicious how isolated the Healer archtype tree is. Pretty much every other tree is required to unlock the other party members' royal artchtypes. Except for healer, which no character will dip any levels into unless they want the skills, although you probably need those skills on a character regardless.
It didn't go to shit but it certainly somehow slowed Atlus down from how they used to be under Index
It's Jeff anyway, not "Gee-off"
It's also funny how his horns are by far the biggest of anyone we see. It's like he's compensating for something.
im tired of twink protags, give me someone like raidou or flynn or yu narukami. Im sick of twink protags.
fuck it give us Eren Yeager
There's a debate candidate with horns that would make Lucifer jealous.
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Sex with Bas
Why is the gear in Ligno so expensive? Is this bait?
It's extreme bait, just like the igniter shop.
Because it's really good and you'd be a retard to not buy it out.
Junah's fan seems somewhat useful due to the electric resist especially when you stop using masks but the armor/staff are pretty bad. The accessories seem okay too.
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>everyone at max bond
>except for worst girl
As it should be.
That was so cuuuuute when she did that
Eupha and Junah are max though?
good one bro
based as fuck
t. redditors
They are japanese
What is it with people going into a fantasy setting and bringing real world race into it?
retardbro? did you play the game?
Because Ligno balls
Roussainte are more precisely lowlander/belgians and north germans.
Clemar are the eternal anglo
It's pretty based but you should have lopped off the Sanctress's head, pentinent or not she was feeding children by the literal cartful to her monster baby
turn based video games need to be sent back to the 90s where they belong
You should be sent into the grave where you belong.
the biggest vidya happening of the generation was a turn based d&d crpg
Pushing your cock as deep as you can into a pussy and feeling your cum flood into it is one of the best feelings in the world. And it's what I would do with Eupha.
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What is the sex between her and Louis like?
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What Archetype is this?
Womanlet's Rage
Beserker with Mudoon.
Forden and Joanna are rhoag. Their defining traits are white hair, angular but not exactly elven ears and living thrice as long as everyone else.
El pegs him until he cries and passes out.
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The golden armor is especially funny gold is easily malleable and makes for terrible armor and tools
Oh I wouldn't know
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I'm at the final dungeon (the real one). What's gonna be the optimal way to max out archetypes for the achievement?
kill teeth
Female Bas would've skyrocketed Bas stocks oh my days
Imagine Louis and Will sexo
Pokesex is a metaphor for my dick
Is the royal palace in the sky not the final dungeon? I thought it would be, since I did all the dragon towers and maxed out all followers. But I keep finding all these items that are suppose to be purified at the church...
Skybound Avatar is not final dungeon
In fact I think you should do it before dragons trial
It was pretty crazy how the final dungeon was getting edeni to bless your engagement to eupha.
Do the dragon trials first
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I am not sorry
This OC Donut Steel is all what stands before the apocalypse
there's an item that removes hex from everyone
I like how your post doesn't mention the item's name or how to obtain it. You're so helpful Anon.
it's amazing how will looks so good even in chris chan's style
me on the right
it's the MP food item, just scroll your list. ingredients are in item shop (capital) water shop (capital) and that street urchin in the second city
Fantasy is Alive
are you the wojak artist?
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type shit
Me in the middle
Metaphor will be GOTY
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>horrendously off-model
No thanks, this is not Eupha
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Wait a sec. Did Brigitta's dog really die?
Play the game and find out
where's the mustari
Eupha ate him.
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>sanctisms's god isn't real
>the dragon god is
Mustarichads won
I'd be so pissed if this happened to me
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>hear Eupha's jp voice for the first time
>wait a minute she's so familiar could it be my favorite VA of all time, Misato Fukuen
>it's real
Fuck yes, you're the best girl already.
>be me leading my team through a small maze
>encounter a mimic
>he charms our tank
>no big deal, her damage is shit anyway
>we kill the mimic while clutching our Utilitarian Manuals
>our tank is still charmed, whatever
>we make it back to our runner
>she pins me down and demands I ravage her
>spouts nonsense about fulfilling her duty to her lord or whatever
I've got just the dance for you
Personnaaaaaaaaaa! Master!
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I love her so much...
>Get some better taste
the only thing taste does is it makes me enjoy fewer things
reddit waifu
*red waifu
hulkenburg cured me of my elf addiction
Eupha infected me with a triclops addiction...
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I only ran a team of Hulkenberg Junah and Eupha
Same. It is the optimal way to play that isn't cheating.
>useless class except for that one skill
Whats the point of Junah
so cute
oc of the week
Reddit: Hulkenberg
Tiktok: Junah
4chan: Eupha
Twitter: Strohl
Kiwifarms: Heismay
>unlock almost all the summons
>get to eupha's final class
>need all the summon ingredients i just spent
Maria is 4chan
Reddit: Bardon
Tiktok: Catherina
4chan: Maria
Twitter: Brigitta
Kiwifarms: Alonzo
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>Hydroniggers VI
if you:
used heismay
used merchant
used charge
used consumables
you didnt beat the game
you forgot prince, warrior line, all royal archetypes, and the late game equipment that triples your damage
If you didn't beat maxed out Charadrius with 4 Devil Summoners then you didn't beat the game
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I love Bas
Paripus are the best
I'm missing 1 expired side quest, I beat you to your game already. :)
Assuming there was a skill (Non Synthesis) that self buffed all of your attributes (Heat Riser) to +3 at the cost of HP how much HP much do you anons think that should that cost??
420 haha
>dragon fight
>everyone's HP is 300
is this a bug
Actually, if you used any archetype other than each character's base archetype you didn't beat the game.
It used a move last turn that did that
It's a feature.
>Katsura-sama, the game is riddled with bugs
>we haven't finished the romance options
>most of the game is still unvoiced
>>release it
if it wins GOTY you can be sure we'll never have standards again
Why are their knife ears haired is it like cat whiskers to offset balance?
Works on my machine, maybe don’t forget to talk to Eupha every time you’re on the runner if you want to unlock the coronation handholding missionary scene fag
game is a broken masterpiece
You're a funny guy mentioning standards for a JRPG
for turnslop yeah but there's plenty of jrpg that have high standards
lmao even
thinking of putting together an art project website for the Utopia Journal on GitHub Jekyll this weekend
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You're more obsessed with the metaphor than most of us retard. You're in this general 24 hours a day. Your opinion doesn't matter.
>the most powerful RPG of history vs the most powerful RPG of today
I just spammed Botswana and Holy Sword and it took me... ten minutes. Did you not have any makaran dispelling mallets?
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Which one is Louis
FF7 is nowhere near the most important RPG what a delusional post
crystal cafe
OG FF7 is the most popular JRPG
>Will gained Seeker 1st not because of More, but because (You) were controlling him from the start.
The most important JRPGs in no particular order are FF7, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, and Pokemon Red/Blue. No Atlus games even come close
JRPG not RPG get it right next time
The most important JRPGs in no particular order are Demons Roots, Violated Heroine, Rance and Dark Hero Party. No Atlus games even come close
>caring about WRPGs
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el pegs him until he has the fattest prostate orgasm of his life and becomes a communist
Nah, i just kept maximium marakukaja and buffs and debuffs and dekunda and such. i didnt buy too many dekunda/dekaja items ( i only boguht 3) so it was hell
none of you kjnow what jRpg really means
>the most important RPG of history
what is it
persona 5 royal
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I doodled Gallica. I didn't doodle her very well
that's really cute
what's she upset about this time
Her lack of elasticity
she cute
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Anon gave her dick arm
its not gonna win the TGA awards, but if it did. that would Be cool.
It's gonna be SotE or the card game by a fucking leaf
game is a broken unfinished mess and any award would be too many
*sucks your cock*
Just got off the phone with Hashino, he said they told him he won and he's writing his victory speech right now.
Did any jrpg win goty before
Elden Ring
Witcher 3
anyone want Scorn code for GOG?
Gog? Nah.
Basilio's english voice actor is going to be there to receive the award Hashino is too busy fucking Wada's wife
zelda and sekiro
Not Jrpgs.
the bigger question is how come jrpg win so many of TGA goty awards

what is japan smoking that its RPGs are so good

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