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Sleepy Tenmas edition

>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Next Event
The Power of Regret
Boosted Attribute: Pure
Boosted Members: Wonderlands × Showtime (and its Virtual Singers)
Event Song by Hanyuu Maigo (https://twitter.com/maigo_hanyuu)

>Current Gacha
Nene, Emu, Len (W×S)

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

Previous: >>502491089
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First for sex
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What outfit would you wear on a date with Ena?
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Good OP
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got it today + a bonus
It's hard to play rhythm games when it's so cold...
Very nice, anon.
>entire last thread was deleted
800 points? My God
it's just doubled because I have the monthly pass active. not a big deal
Not to worry. Shiho's 15 minutes of fame will live on in the archives!
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*sniigs gently*
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Miku L O V E
I love her and her huge beautiful heterochromatic eyes
Who else should I start shipping Icchan with?
Dog Rubbing
I smell a conspiracy
The two correct options are Saki and Miku
Graphic t shirt
Adidas basketball shorts
I already ship Saki with Shiho and Miku with Luka. I think I'll ship Icchan with Tsukasa.
Ah, It's a Wonderhoy Dog Life
I would laugh together with an adult Nene if she gave consent.
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Ah... My daughter is so cool...
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Emu untrained
Utena set
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Emu trained
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Len untrained
Emu if she was fighting for position zero and aiming to become top star.
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Len trained
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Tsukasa 3* untrained
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Tsukasa trained
These are legitimately the first cards I actually want in more than a year of playing. They are cool but not cringe.
too fruity
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Rui 2*
Whoever that is should be met with punishment for coming close to Tsukasa like that.
Emu is so cool...
So who hasn't take up the sword yet?
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All I want is to see Luka and Miku fuck.
This set is gay and cringe and there isn't a single good character in it.
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that's literally just his white day 2*
Pretty okay set, I like Emu but they are really overusing the knight theme at this point
More knight AU? Hell yes
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What are those black spots supposed to be?
Actually those are italian
>Power of Unity
>Power of Regret
>reused knight theme
>barely different card theme
Yeah no this is bullshit. They're creatively bankrupt at this point
I'm enjoying it. I enjoy literally every event and event story for every group.
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Oh and the stamp.
shounen stamp
And the commission.
>>502892857 (me)
Oops, I linked the MV by itself.
Three lesbians
I really like confident Nene
I want to blow on his ear, breaking his concentration and making him lose balance, grab his tiny waist before he can topple over, bend him over and have my way with him
You really need to calm down Rui/Emu/Saki/Toya...
That one butch lesbian is really cute
He looks like Ellen DeGeneres
And come on, that Emu is just Lapis from Engage
No Lapis is a peasant LOOOOOOSER and Emu is rich
We Fire Emblem now
Danganronpa SOON
Blue Archive SOON
Danganronpa is just school uniforms
I like it
>Hanyuu Maigo
>Shidu art
Thank you Nenedev
Perfect for those lazy creatively bankrupt devs
Hell yeah. Total synth death.
I had given up on it. Nice.
you'd think so but characters wear vastly different outfits
Meh those not in uniform are mostly just wearing stuff related to their field, I don’t know how you’d make a set really remind you of danganronpa specifically unless it has pink splatters everywhere
>no emu version
what a waste
She wasn’t in the cover to begin with.
they'd probably just pick the most popular characters who have more memorable outfits like chiaki and nagito. plus there are hats and hairstyles they can do
Oh so you mean an outright collab
DR hairstyles are too cursed for this game
What would happen if all the OCs were put into a death game while in a school environment?
Oh wait you were talking about vague connections like this current clown set? Then yeah that's impossible to convey lol
Haruka breaks first, tries to kill Akito and frame Minori to get back to ASRUN
Kanade dies from being at school. Nobody did anything to her, but everyone assumes it was murder, which kickstarts the madness.
Then Shizuku snaps from impostor syndrome and accidentally kills Mizuki in a rage because Mizuki said xey admired her for being the perfect picture of feminine grace and beauty
That's a good one. I guess Airi will evolve into Aizuku then. And get killed immediately by Ena for money.
/drg/ is down the hall and to the left.
Minori also gets killed by her evil twin who manipulated her after she became addicted to the AI of the two dead idols…
Mizuki would protest for Ena's innocence when everyone accuses Ena of being the murderer
Mafuyu would likely get away with multiple murders
What happened to last thread?
I have no idea either, b4k says I'm not hallucinating and someone or something did actually wipe every single post when it expired.
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I like to believe all the gacha and tiering money goes directly to the girls and they're all just smug findoms who make fun of paypiggy whales while pretending to be 2 steps from suicide.
I wish I was a cute anime girl so I could be in Minori's general vicinity without activating her fight or flight response.
I would stand next to Nene regardless if I got her consent or not
Minori is THE girl who's okay with surrounding herself with dirty unwashed otaku dudes.
Janny slipped. I've seen it happen to other threads too on occasion.
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Had a nightfall over Honami. I‘m doomed.
I wish I could have dreams about this game.
Dreamgooners killed the thread.
Nene event so I will post Nene! Hooray!
As a general thing, would you take a rando's kizuna rank titles to mean they ship them?
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Unless they specifically have "X and Y fan" set as the text on their title, yes.
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I can‘t wait for Mafuyu‘s mom to take custody over her child and force her to come home to her again. Imagine staying at the house of an unhygienic, perverted serial killer and ruin your sleep schedule for the serial killer and two other failures of society in order to make useless menhera music that brings you down even more than before.
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>Cover flops spectacularly being solely carried because it's fucking Tokyo Teddy Bear
>Still gives it one of the most unique 2DMVs in the game with stop-motion and shit
Protagonist unit privileges
Since the Part 2 update on global, I can't do an All Perfect anymore. The settings does nothing but worsen it...
My phone might just be shit.
2dmv artist devs: love sneeds
3dmv devs: love clowns
vocal distribution devs: love icchan
card art devs: love saki, minori, nene and niigo, luka
writing devs: love tsukasa, emu, niigo, kaito
member when sneeds sneethed when Niigo got Bad Apple
>tfw even Emu is creeped out by that
life sure is hard otakubros
The best 2DMV in the game is a MMJ cover though... talking about kyu-kurarin obviously
Wow that is really unique
MMJ bros, why is our unit unloved...
My cock: loves Mizuki
>6 hours ago
Jesus christ. Yikes.
There are like 10 fanfics about it of at least 20 chapters that you can check
I only read fanfiction written by anons.
How is the content creation going, anons?
I only create cum stains
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An adult Nene smiled at me without my consent.
Currently in the gym and had to turn my screen brightness all the way down before going on 4chan.
/psg/ sings when
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Nene is such a whore
Nene is a exhibitionist who takes lewd pictures and posts them on secret accounts
Based and Enapilled
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Nene mention
>2000 wish pieces for one mastery level on a 4 star
holy shit dude are you fucking kidding me with this
you think that's bad, take a look at the comparison between 3* and 4* skill level ups
>nenugly event on JP
>chadkasa event on EN
No reason to play on JP...
Looks like a good excuse to play JP only for 2 weeks.
... after Tsukasa's event so you can skip nenugly's and cringenori's mixed events and come back right on time for Niigo kino
Nene good, Minori good, Tsukasa bad, Niigo bad.
Shan't be doing any of those things.
I'm thinking we need a new Niiger event
Niigomas event (Lim set)
Slutty black Santa Ena (banner)
Slutty reindeer Mafuyu
Slutty elf Kanade
Event cards Meiko and Mizuki
Normal Emu is great and all but holy shit, I love serious and smug Emu
This game needs girls with huge tits
Wtf is black santa
Also Kanade is Santa and Ena is the elf, Mizuki is rudolf and Mafuyu is the spoiled child
bro, your first post in the thread?
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The biggest we're getting.
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I was thinking of this
Salter, my beloved...
Was about to post cropped porn for the fujosisters here but then realized it‘s Ensemble Stars porn…
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The clowns are very cute. I've seen some Nene fans saying they liked the event a lot, I'm looking forward to finishing it later.
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would you?
That raises an interesting question, anon. Can robots give consent?
We can extend that further: can vocaloids give consent?
you can program them to
I like how this implies that absolutely no one in the dev team likes VBS (It's true).
That's rape
I wish I had a Niigo Kaito husband to reprogram me to his liking...
I wish I had a Niigo Kaito husband to chain me to the bed and only use me when he wants to…
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My boss called me to do something for work, but thanks for the games!
brosisters I'm not going to make t5k for the Niigo worldlink. This is my 9/11
Was this an invite-only room? I missed it...
Yeah, I was already playing and noticed some anons were online.
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Hey did you know that Shizuku goes around fucking hobos and then having orgies with their fans to spread STDs to them? I've seen it firsthand.
Mizugooning session at 25:00
I believe this
Another day another Niigo psyop falseflag operation.
Any EN games? I'm willing to play for a few hours.
Anons are playing other games, aren't they?
I'm gooning to Ena, I can stop to play EN games
Fuck off Arisa
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What would you do if Emu gave consent?
>that resigned, sad look
yeah I'll pass
The mentally challenged can't consent
Ask her for unlimited free rides at Phenny land
Is Nenerui driven by Rui yumes or by Nene dweebs?
Both but mostly the former, I think Nenecoomers are more likely to fall into "how dare a male touch my waifu" territory although some can self insert as Rui I suppose
>most men
>caring about ships
She's going to ride my face.
Wonderhoy until I pass out
From what I've seen I think anyone whose main ship involves Nene is a bit infatuated with her.
Reading the story now and I wish I could teleport into miyajo and beat the shit out of all the stacies that bullied Honami. Honami love. Fuck them.
This but Shizuku's bullies. And yes that means Airi also deserves at good punch to the face
She seems like an easy SI for girls who ship themselves with boys tbhdesu, like Kohane
Shizuku would not like you.
do not hurt the 'ri
Love them or hate them, Shiho, Airi, Akito, Tsukasa and Ena were carrying the main stories and continue to do so
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Now this is definitely a Tsukasayume self-inserting. Tsukasa is not that handsome.
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Really? I thought women liked twinks. I always figured when they make the dude look like handsome squidward the male is supposed to be the self insert
Yumes tend to go for handsome men, Fujos like twinks
who picks shizuku if they're going to yume out though
I'm a straight male and frankly RuiKasa is all that.
Me because I'm perfect in every way
>ugly round face
>skin cancer
>shiwhore genes
Either you're a jealous girl or a stunted faggot because Shizuku is literal feminine perfection.
But that's not how you spell Mafuyu
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I've never really associated shipping with self inserting. Both require a level of insanity but I saw it as two different kinds.
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Everything is self-inserting. We have already established that.
I thought everything was niiging
of course self-inserting plays a role there
it's why some women like nene, kohane, and mafuyu (among others), and why some men like kanade despite the fact she's the opposite gender
>despite the fact she's the opposite gender
Honestly what does this even mean. I can think complementary gender but how are different genders opposite?
That's a stupid question.
>already rank 10000 just making sure my stamina never caps
why does no one play during nenengger events...
Kanade has fans? Did I go 4 years back in time?
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Not very convincing when it was just one anon's autism.
I can see some overlap but I wouldn't equate all shipping to self-inserting.
>I wouldn't equate all shipping to self-inserting
I wouldn't either, that'd be straight-up false
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Shipfags pretending shipping isn't all fulfillment fantasy is funny.
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Post 1-A when it's least expected
You're right, I didn't expect that.
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What would you do if An gave you this look?
>wow you look like an ugly weird faggot today
Cute 3D
Niigers lost bigly btw
Good night, grandmas.
MMJ is just 2 senile old seniors, the clumsy eldest child, and youngest child who's a brat to everyone
*cough* I-I did my best kanabrosisters *cough*
I barely care about the story at all but even I have to admit, the growth of the Niigo Sekai is quite nice to see. Makes me kinda happy
MMJ is just 4 girls I want to see naked
Holy based
But focus on 3 out of the 4 though so Minori can stay pure
Minori has sex with smelly old fat ugly balding old men
Hey that's me
Are Minorifags just people who think she'd pity fuck them because she's "One of us"?
Minori having sex with fat old men killed the thread.
were just letting it air out it fucking stinks in here
And that's why they're the best.
>MMJ have sex with bald ugly old men
>WxS have sex with bald ugly old men
>VBS have sex with niggers and wiggers
>Sneeds have sex with crack and meth addicts and their dealers
Niigers are the only pure ones.
And Mizuki has sex with me.
How did old men get so powerful?
As a Minori fan who is fat, old, very stinky, ugly an balding, I don't want to have sex with her or even expose her to my presence in any way, I just want to watch her grow, thrive, and be happy. She gives me happiness and hope just by existing.
>ugly an balding
Hamster deprivation has scary effects.
An is trying to hide her receding hairline but it isn't working.
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That‘s the ugliest Kanade hairstyle I‘ve ever seen
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Faggot boy lover.
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I‘m a Mizugooner indeed, but that doesn‘t make me a faggot.
I've been going to the gym again lately and by now I feel like I could beat Honami into submission and rape her, doubt I could take any of the guys though.

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