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kissing dotards

Wiki: https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Portal:Game
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Previous: >>502559983
How many hours do you guys have
When did you start playing
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whats the point of shit like this
It's fucking nothing
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sex with blueheart
That new patch was definitely rolled out to meet quota. Every changes were literally nothingburger
just die already you pieces of shit
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Does nobody really care about esports?
I remember having an argument with an asshole (in r*ddit) and the guy said the esports scene make up very little of Dota revenue and general interest. BP money, he claimed, was because of the tied level cosmetics and nobody really cares about helping the teams.

I thought he was wrong, and when Valve announced they were gutting the DPC I was so sure the game would soon die. But I checked steamcharts recently and Dota is still at the top 2, like it's business as usual?
to trigger the OCD fags who need their volume on multiples of 5s
qop is dead now bottom tier
what the fuck, qop wasn't even good
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they even nerfed her 10 talent too
>below 50% winrate in all brackets
>basically never picked in pro games
what the hell is wrong with campo santo?
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this nerf hurts really badly
-20 damage
>Clockwerk nerf is a minor reduction in bonus damage against creeps
>no Dragon Knight changes
>no Pangolier changes
>no Tusk changes
I guess they don't care about fixing the dominance of these heroes in the pro scene, particularly Tusk and Clock.
>Tidehunter buff is 5 mana cost to Anchor Smash
kek sorry poor fishman
This isn't 7.38?
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tusk was nerfed
you used to get -60% attack speed early
Can't you read?
TH buff is decent. He struggles with mana, and Anchor Smash is arguably his strongest ability on a low cooldown.
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isn't this a pretty big pangolier nerf?
everyone used this facet.
like umm entitled much umm uhh this is the wrong look like they just uh released kez and act 4 and they also released all these cool minigames and like ringmaster and ti weren't that long ago and they took their time to polish everything so they're exhausted and yikes i can't believe you really expected them to release 7.38 like woah man like calm down just like wowzers just *clap* sit *clap* down *clap* hmmmm....... okay sweaty?? :)
>Ringmaster has Aghs
>its just a W upgrade
bruno came to the thread while someone was whining about escape act being bad so he made the aghs upgrade escape act as a joke
now luna is unplayable. eoic.
so how many carries are viable now?
idk just play an offlaner in the safelane it'll probably work
It's pretty minor, he still scales like shit and has minimal late game impact
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this is kind of big honestly
makes it a lot harder to avoid damage with
he was dogshit already
>another letter patch
He's pretty good at dominating lanes vs certain heroes. But this nerfs it a bit.
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>New patch and we are on page 10
What happened?

On an unrelated note, how is the betting scene? I know fixing games and betting still exist but not as popular as it used to.
just play poker if you want gamble
Watching and betting is only fun in dota.
>luna nerfs
>to all of the talents you don't pick on her
I've been enjoying her now that I have the wolfrider skin
You're retarded. They removed the level 20 talent that carries the hero.
4 second cd lucent beam is still there untouched
or did I misunderstand how that one worked and it actually spammed a gorillion free basic attacks on the lucent beams generated by her ult
okay you're just clueless
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The one that spawned glaives was killing people with Khanda in fact they nerfed all the ones people were picking that also had the higher winrates so I don't know what you're thinking
wow what gave it away was it me asking about what I was missing
the spawned glaives were proccing khanda??
I guess that explains why everyone was buying it then...
>I was choosing every single unpopular/low wr talent
I have much to ponder....
lol, there really wasn't a choice with these talents.
like even the 15 talent, the +80 lucent damage one is the best for buffing the ulti.
No but it was a lot of damage if you had it and they were near someone for almost no commitment
wtf is with her lower body why does she have the lower body of a woman in her 30s? isn't she supposed to be athletic and taut?
What the fuck is with Valve giving heroes stuff and then taking it away a few patches later? This fucking game was way more stable in the 6.6x-6.8x days and that was nearly the span of a decade.
Just lost to Imperia again. I was about 1cm from a Cheese when her fireball killed me. Infuriating I have to go through the 15 minute tedium a bunch more times until I build another Daedalus.
bro just use magic unless for some reason you want to do the physical build
Best girl.
>doing well with Doom on a turbo match
>Laptop suddenly shuts down
Fuck, how long does the ban last? I don't know why this is happening so often with my laptop.
Do people use these threads to find people to play with or is there a discord server or something?
nobody in this game has friends or wants to make friends.
Christ, that's depressing
I would play with you but my laptop sucks, it might disconnect at any time, I don't want to buy a new pc because I'm too attached to this one.
Meh add me anyway. Maybe your laptop will randomly become okay
disc: edenoden
Open invitation to anyone else as well
I can count the pixels
I knew the patch was coming, but I didn't expect it to be another fucking letter patch. And it's such a nothingburger, too.
Dota 2 might as well not have the anti aliasing option.
thats at 2k too.
Reminder the map hasn't been changed in 2 years other than removing a few trees LMAO
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>witch doctor nerfed
yes keep it coming please 48% wr in divine pick rate in pro games 0%.

what about wd makes him so broken in retard games that he has to be nerfed patch after patch? I have 600 wd games and I have no idea why can't 3ks deal with the hero.
people auto run next to each other.
alternatively, he is very strong with the appropiate lane combo.
>gremlos are concocting the most malicious wd lane combos that even pros dont know
hard to believe this
pro games are nowhere near the same as your random pub with a duo stack.
pubs dont take into consideration whatever the hell your team picks.
>1h work break
>queue up all pick
>rotting in queue 30 minutes
>cancel queue
>spend 30 minutes watching youtube
>go back to work like a cuck
ok well fuck you then
Yeah this shit is retarded.
Like you could possibly argue that his shard is too strong and since everyone gets it. But if you nerf his shard you have to buff something else to make up for it.
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im still calling that 7.38 is going to remove primary attributes and make everyone 'universal'
>Have the world's easiest victory in draft
>Double down MMR
>Fail to check profiles to see that the Monkey King is the same IRL
>They have a 5 minute diffusal blade, somehow
>Tree spring slap boing boing invoker duo queue that isn't actual duo'd instant Sunstrike on my head
>Repeat for 40 minutes
South America was a fucking mistake.
Specifically it got nerfed because if he somehow farmed a blink dagge, he basically turned into a Puck E, since you could just switcheroo and blink away at the very end of it no matter what.
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Man watching spirit secret ti10 semi finals and how the fuck did secret fall down so hard since?
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templar assassin in bondage when?
QOP but anthro
No one cares about your random pub match. No one’s asking for your replay, and you wouldn’t care if someone else posted the same thing. You think your game is special? It’s not. Nobody’s losing sleep over how fast some archon farmed an item in a game no one will ever remember.
>zero visage nerfs
epic, "icefrog", epic
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My boy slipped through with only minor nerfs. Hopefully Valve lets him stay good for a while even though he's seeing pro play and isn't one of the heroes that are allowed to be permanently good.
Just wish she wasnt so expensive to acquire
People have offered to play with me whenever I've mentioned I'm new and looking for teammates. However I'm from NZ and dont want to make them suffer from ping trying to play with me
Agility is the only one that makes balancing heroes hard. Antimage in particular just doesn't quite work because of how his abilities/facets/innate work alongside his agility scaling.
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this is so fucking stupid
this whole patch is stupid and was likely made in 1 hour by a literal janitor
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groobie is playing wow now...

ringmaster facets????
>0 nerfs for dk, pango, alch, bristle
>wk nerfed for no fucking reason
peak campo sharto
why dont you just find another new-to-dota streamer to cling too?
This patch was targeted to nerf luna, other heroes are pretty much untouched
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
anon, I'm guessing you don't watch pro dota and don't play in immortal games.
Which is funny as she had already completely fallen out of the competitive scene and only had a 52% win rate in pubs.
it was also a nerf to dusa as well, that hero is fucking stupid now and probably needs another rework because she oscillates between useless ranged creep and unkillible dps machine
what are you talking about, retard? wk has abysmal pick/win rate
ok but when are they removing feast of souls
probably left for 7.38 (which should've released at least 1 or 2 tournaments ago)
why are some people just bots in games? why do we queue with these friends and why do they never improve? this specifically applies to girl"gamers"
an aghs wasnt enough?
youre so fucking entitled
>which should've released at least 1 or 2 tournaments ago
your first post ti experience?
they dont care about improving, most people only care about picking the hero they want and then casting their spells. these players often go the same items every game.
and that is how most people play mobas
is that a bad thing?
what about sheever then
do you think she wants to improve or has she played 14k games for nothing?
sheever's mechanical limitations may prevent her from being an immortal player, but to suggest she isnt improving anymore is dumb
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>right-click tree facet improved by 20% (5 to 6)
Tree offlane bros we out here feedin' good

I waited 900 seconds to post this.
she is one of the worst players i've ever watched
the only reason she is legend or ancient or whatever she is is because she party queues with a male person
its easily to pick faults out on anyone when all you do is watch with a critical eye
she plays solo queue, so no, she isnt getting carried
my gf and sister are gamers, not trying to insult them but it showed me how women approach competitive games and they do it in a way where improving is a very low priority for them.
things like reading wiki, watching replays, looking at meta picks... it's all things they don't think about doing at all.
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what a true gamer
37% win rate in the last 3 months
having fun playing a video game instead of becoming completely obsessing with winning at all costs
what is the problem here?
mad that you got BTFO this hard?
or are you mad cause sheevs is higher rank than you LMAO
i have a coworker that bought a switch a couple years ago and started blabbering to me about her botw adventures and then one day she just utters the fact that she has a full map bookmarked that she uses to find stuff to instead of actual game mechanics like the towers
where is the fun in playing a game like that without the aspects of exploring and finding stuff on your own
yes i'm completely mad that sheever is 5000 mmr below me you cretin
its ok to admit you're upset
the topic was people who don't improve at games why are you attacking me? do you feel targeted by sheevers banal stats?
you make up bullshit, get proven wrong and dont admit that you lied you just come up with another reason to criticize her
why are you so mad that sheever plays the game?
how did you prove me wrong about sheever having 37% winrate in solo queue ranked? are you fucking retarded for real?
post your dotabuff
she has a higher wr in solo queue ranked if you expand past 3 months
but that doesnt matter to you, and now you feel the need to attack me cause you're so fucking mad

you lied about this shithead
"the only reason she is legend or ancient or whatever she is is because she party queues with a male person"
thats not a false fact because you can check her party queue winrate and find out it is in fact over 50% and then you can extrapolate from the FACT (that means you can't dispute this) that she has a sub 50% overall winrate
>50.38% wr in party
>last match 5 months ago
you are so full of shit your eyes are brown
>she doesnt artificially lengthen the game's length by acting like a manchild
based. time is money.
People want to improve like people want to be rich: They would like it but don't want to do what's necessary. I mean, why haven't you made it to the pros yet? Don't you want to improve?
ah right so you agree that the reason she is legend right now instead of ancient like she usually is is because she is playing solo queue?
no, since party queue was also failing her
where is that 50+ win ra
i wouldn't use this argument when this is the only thing you spend your free time on and then you throw it away because you don't have the patience to play without a guide
you said she wouldnt be legend rank without party queue
why must you backpedal?
no she likely would be even lower because she has a zillion games played with odpixel who is at least immortal rn
>i concede
about time
you cant even commit to a full statement instead you must hide behind a word "likely" cause you are scared
you said she could not be legend on her own and you were WRONG
you haven't provided a single argument in this entire "debate"
sheever is bad
what is your counterargument?
>you haven't provided a single argument in this entire "debate"
you choosing to ignore my argument is not the same as not providing one
sheever is bad, but she is still improving regardless of what her win rate says

cause that is what this argument was about, whether players improve, not whether they are bad
How do you respond without sounding mad?
He probably farmed all of those with plague wards so it's his right to do that kek
Probably because of pubs
>no nerfs to clock
Why? I'm tired of seeing this fag every fucking game
nerfing witch doctor was more important ;)
I guess shit heroes aren't allowed to be buffed and OP faggot heroes must stay OP forever
clock is picked a lot but is he really op?
his wr isnt that high
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60% wr is high
Clockwerk is a wholesome chungus with funny voice lines, nerfing him is not allowed.
this without any irony at all if you come for my homemade terminator its over for dota
The game is dying because he's overpowered
The sooner he gets shitcanned the better
you're cutting off a leg to save the patient
life without clock will not be worth living, let dota die with dignity than clinging onto it so desperately as to can metal man
You do know that you can just ban it right?
Make clock offlane like he always meant to be
he needs something to farm with if he's going to be playable as core
Clockwerk being really good is at least partially a symptom of the current carry meta. A bunch of ranged carries are stupid OP right now and Clockwerk is one of the best ranged carry lane bodyguards in the game. If SF, Medusa, Luna, and Morph get correctly nerfed then Clockwerk won't be as good. Luna got gutted this patch, and SF and Medusa got bonked a little, so expect his WR to drop.
are you really improving if you are losing more than you win?
are we dreamers or are we dancers?
pointless to use a never ending coinflip as a metric. look at your own stats, dota gives you past stats comparison
matchmaking is too dogshit to have mmr be considered a good indicator of skill
og has a big hill to climb if they expect to win
i dislike that they've hidden solo queue behind ranked so that i can either play with stacks (bad) or gamble numbers (feels bad too)
is it asking too much to want pickup dota for cavern crawl
what if you play something other than all pick
play turbo
>the spawned glaives were proccing khanda??
the spawned glaives proc crit and satanic lifesteal you stupid nigger
>enable strict solo queue
>get parties anyway
>they end up on different teams and one of them throws on purpose
expecting immortals to police themselves is too much to ask
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>years of service: 20
>12489 hours on record
Expecting them to police themselves without any way to actually police themselves is too much to ask, yes.
If 4 people report the same player before the game starts he should get instantly banned and the game should be invalid, but instead griefers and account buyers can do what they want as there is no way to police anything you disingenuous kike.
>If 4 people report the same player before the game starts he should get instantly banned and the game should be invalid
uh huh, cause that couldnt be exploited at all
So? The immortals can police themselves, right?
in the sense that draft antics where parties are split up cause the drafter didnt respect the party, yes
should immortals have the ability to ban someone from playing the game cause they dont like them? no even if that dislike is from a legitimate reason like griefing/account buying
policing only happens if you have authority. what authority do immortals have? they can't nullify games or ban players through consensus
>what authority do immortals have?
they can report people all the same as the other tiers
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i hate campo santo so fucking much
They should have the power to ban griefers and account buyers. You seem to be unaware that parties will intentionally pose as not being in parties to end up on different teams so one can double down and the other throw, not to mention that if one of them ends up being the drafter the other drafter can be forced to pick the thrower. Then again you've clearly never played immortal draft so how about you shut the fuck up about something you've never and will never experience.
What makes you think immortals will ban people simply for not liking them? Do you think immortals dislike other players for no reason? Being an account buyer is definitely a reason for being banned, it's against Steam ToS for one.
>They should have the power to ban griefers and account buyers.
>You seem to be unaware that parties will intentionally pose as not being in parties to end up on different teams so one can double down and the other throw, not to mention that if one of them ends up being the drafter the other drafter can be forced to pick the thrower.
then make it more obvious who everyone is partied with
>What makes you think immortals will ban people simply for not liking them?
they are spiteful players with little honor
>Do you think immortals dislike other players for no reason?
yes, cause they only care about winning
>Being an account buyer is definitely a reason for being banned, it's against Steam ToS for one.
then let valve ban them
>immortals should police themselves!!
>but they shouldnt actually be allowed to police themselves
You're a fucking joke
if there was honor among immortal players then they wouldnt need supreme authority
lucent beam khanda was stupid, so was morphling
find a new slant
There is honor among immortal players, it's the account buyers that have none and they should be banned.
For some reason you defend account buyers. Are you one?
>There is honor among immortal players, it's the account buyers that have none and they should be banned.
"You seem to be unaware that parties will intentionally pose as not being in parties to end up on different teams so one can double down and the other throw, not to mention that if one of them ends up being the drafter the other drafter can be forced to pick the thrower"
the solution to mmr exploitation isnt to include more ability for immortals to exploit the game
valve bans account buyers
And everyone hates them yet no one can do anything about it. Why are you defending people without honor?
>valve bans account buyers
>And everyone hates them yet no one can do anything about it
you want to give the ability to grief and exploit further
that isnt not honorable
>the solution to mmr exploitation isnt to include more ability for immortals to exploit the game
Good thing that's the opposite of what is being proposed. You want there to be more ways for people to exploit the system without punishment
dota should've never been free to play
from 2011 it should've been $60 and that price should never change
>Good thing that's the opposite of what is being proposed.
hardly, you expect supreme authority to give you power of the griefers, when in reality you would only be grief furthered by being reported and banned
>You want there to be more ways for people to exploit the system without punishment
where did i suggest that?
>punishing griefers is griefing they didnu nuffin
ok jew
you arent punishing anyone but yourself by empowering griefers to have the ability to ban
>in reality you would only be grief furthered by being reported and banned
Why would that happen? I'm not a griefer.
>where did i suggest that?
You are defending the current griefing and thinks a system that would punish them shouldn't be implemented because it could potentially be used for griefing.
>Why would that happen? I'm not a griefer.
its not for you to decide who is a griefer, only up to 4 other people
>You are defending the current griefing and thinks a system that would punish them shouldn't be implemented because it could potentially be used for griefing.
potentially? lmao of course it would exploited which is why its a bad idea
im not suggesting the current system is perfect
your solution is a poor one
nice job, retard. you invalidated your entire point by being an antisemitic piece of shit.
>its not for you to decide who is a griefer, only up to 4 other people
Exactly, so you agree with me.
>potentially? lmao of course it would exploited which is why its a bad idea
Having 4 people coordinating dishonorably is much less likely than the current state of a single griefer holding all the power.
>Exactly, so you agree with me.
what? those 4 people could all be griefers
>Having 4 people coordinating dishonorably is much less likely than the current state of a single griefer holding all the power.
only because they dont have that power currently, by enabling them then they would absolutely abuse it
you think way too highly of the honor among immortals
most are russians who only care about themselves
it's counterzionism, not antisemitism
jews are evil and if you don't hate them you're evil, sorry
>what? those 4 people could all be griefers
And you expect them to coordinate instead of turning on each other? Do you even play this game?
>most are russians who only care about themselves
Yeah, do you not see the issue with your previous line of thinking?
I think there's very fine people on both the radiant and the dire sides.
Chew on that you disgusting kike
>And you expect them to coordinate instead of turning on each other?
if they can gain from your misfortune then yes
obviously efforts would become more coordinated if the bar for success is so low
I do play TurboTax and the bill still comes due because games go over 25 minutes every now and then even though by 10 mins you know it's over.
>if they can gain from your misfortune then yes
You seem to think there is honor among the dishonorable. They will turn on each other much quicker than coordinating.
The odds of there being 4 griefers that know each other in the same lobby, let alone the same team, that would also be willing to cooperate is infinitesimally small. They all think themselves honorable and gain just as much ganging up on the bigger griefer than someone they don't know.
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women have low IQ, that's why they don't play games with men.
>men are allowed to go to school while women aren't
wow what a surprise did you know that there are more women in higher education these days in the us than men?
>You seem to think there is honor among the dishonorable. They will turn on each other much quicker than coordinating.
doubtful since you expect the bare minimum
4 of them group and ban their 5th every game
they are griefers, that is enjoyable
>The odds of there being 4 griefers that know each other in the same lobby, let alone the same team, that would also be willing to cooperate is infinitesimally small.
the game allows you to party queue.....
>the game allows you to party queue
Strict solo queue except for some reason duos are allowed. There is never a situation where you will see 4 people party queues in immortal draft.
so the 2 parties of 2 russians gang up against the 5th person
or maybe all russians just choose to ban non-russians or vice versa outta spite
so many possibilities for exploitation
i keep losing nest of thorns and i dont know how to win e7 without grinding a full sweep of level 4s
it always starts going bad for me when the tomato bears arrive, they're just too fat to one shot and theres too many of them
in most traditional sports being successful breeds respect
immortal players dont respect each other and never will
this why a honor system will never work
Once again you're inventing elaborate circumstances that most likely will never happen in order to defend the shitty system that has much simpler and likelier exploits, why?
Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't reports from multiple people in the same party not work?
>Once again you're inventing elaborate circumstances that most likely will never happen
you're dumb if you think that supreme authority wouldnt be exploited
>Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't reports from multiple people in the same party not work?
not what you described originally
if you want to include further conditions on what would qualify for a ban, then maybe your idea can be salvaged
but if you stand with 4 reports = insta ban that shit will be exploited
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How to make this hero not shit? No meme answers like
>Assfuck the entire enemy team
>50 mana.
max out damage upgrade if possible
i did mine early by relying on god rolls
try to use as few rerolls as possible but you're looking for magic missile and spirit as your first 2 abilities
take laguna/chain frost as abilities 3 and 4 (not all that necessary)
try to get frost bite
timeless relic means magic missile stuns for 4 seconds, frost bite for like 3 or 5 i forget.
focus on kaya/projectile count relic/timeless relic/heart/blademail
pray that the 3 min boss is wailing mass and use that to upgrade magic missile because you'll need that dps boost. spirits gets pretty shitty during the mid-late game aside from buying you space (which is why we upgrade it as our 2nd aghs)
Metafaggotry should be abolished! The game is way more fun when everyone just does whatever random shit came to their mind just to have fun.
>you're dumb if you think that supreme authority wouldnt be exploited
Much harder to exploit than the current system, and it will punish griefers.
>described originally
Perhaps I wasn't clear, but I wasn't suggesting a permanent ban for 4 reports. Something closer to being queue locked like what happens if you abandon that ramp up the more often it happens would be the ideal. If it happens enough times it leads to bans.
Also on the topic of party reports counting as a single rather than multiple it would prevent parties from ganging up on the outsider. Again, I'm not certain this is how the game treats party reports currently, if it ever did.
Just make more heroes viable by making everyone broken.
women are just brute forcing low IQ high memorization careers at college like medicine, nursing, caretaking, education, economics, sales and therapy.

do you ever see a woman studying computer science, playing dota, playing chess, or studying a PhD in philosophy? Thought so
>Much harder to exploit than the current system, and it will punish griefers.
what? a system where anyone can grief anyone else is the exact same system we have now
> Something closer to being queue locked like what happens if you abandon that ramp up the more often it happens would be the ideal.
take the power out of the individual players hand and give overwatch teeth
if people are found guilty on ow then there is real punishment like queue lock or outright bans for repeat offenders
the system is already in place to allow the community to pass judgement
no cast point on his spells
Make Athropy Aura bonus damage permanent.
they ruined luna..
that was supposed to be my job...
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>Ruined Luna set
I would bust on the spot.
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this item is pretty good with mask of madness
i just got pretty close doing this i think it was bagged if i got wailing mass instead of having to fw cinderguard for my 2nd ags thank you anon i will keep trying
>dk untouched
>luna's asshole gaped
what did they mean by this
>support has the lane presences of an xp sponge
>proceeds to get fucked
>team cries that its my fault
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>dk needs to get nerf-
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oh no sheever fangays
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we died again sheevers
why they bully her
imagine being a small time eceleb and also a woman so people on a mongolian basketweaving website start to obsess over you
you arent keeping up
carry heroes are not allowed to be at or above 50% wr
you know I think moot was kinda hot
you can not convince me sheever is learning anything right now
she has played like 10 games in this high mmr lobby and still doesn't realize she should just hit neutrals on a lost lane with veno
BSJ the micro manager :)
what is this clown draft from radiant
its captains draft nut they gave up 3 a tier heroes and drafted zero of their own
is synderen learning?
sheever hit high mmr?
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thank you anon this did it

i think before i was trying to max spirits and get its aghs first but the missle aghs makes it one shot the tomatoes and thats really important
i didnt get frostbite so i made due with swash, didnt get a heart at all but i hid behind the pillars for 4 cycles of imperias fma and then dodged the fifth and clutched it
new spirits aghs feels better than it was
god bless u
no she's playing some streamer tournament with like 4 10k+ mmr players
what the fuck is this veno pudge pick xD
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wrong screenshot
how does synd give up dismember
toggle your rot bud
bsj not building bkb on troll is some grief shit
lmao nice mkb
>doesnt know what a zippo is
what a zoomer
really sick of shitters on /d2g/ backseat playing
if you were really that good you'd be the one playing and not them, right?
because my team sucks more then theirs
volume of games is much more important than wr
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how is qojqva's music taste so utterly shit
t. listens to anime and video game soundtracks only
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What does he listen to? Nigger music?
linkin park
im ok with a german being happy
>Kez W nerfed
Who honestly thought the birb was so strong he needed ANY sort of nerf. Pubs have already stopped picking him
I feel like he is good honestly. Demon summoning facet + bloodstone + aghs + shard + "pit slows" talent, you shit out so much damage, deny a huge area by making it impossible to move through without a bkb, you're tanky, you can save teammates, rat, join fights, split push etc.

He's basically good furion- fat edition
>Build damage on kez
>Potentially do tons of damage, but too squishy to ever do it

>Build survivability on Kez
>Become unkillable and SOMEHOW deal tons of damage

At last I truly see. Ravens Veil + Raptor dance deals like 400 pure damage + 20% of the targets max hp, then deals like 72% of that damage over 8 seconds as an additional dot. It shreds with just an aghs
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uh parker bros?
fucking monkey
a lack of desire to win in a dota game?
they were in the qualifier finals and threw it
sheever is singlehandedly tanking these games
Everyone knew this parker guy was a toxic piece of shit, even by dota's standards.
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desu wallachia was a b-tier lan even if it has a-tier prize pool.
falcons was and tundra was the only t1 teams there and tundra used two stand-ins.
tons of teams dropped out, maybe they didn't feel like it doing it so close after ti?
what's up with b-tier players getting a gigantic head when they get showered with prasie after their performance in one tournament?
it happened with saberlight too back when he played with undying and now he's playing for shartify
skill wise he definitely is a top tier player
>it happened with saberlight too back when he played with undying and now he's playing for shartify
saberlight plays for liquid since after ti
same thing happens in most competitive scenes. the very cutthroat nature almost requires a level of ass in head arrogance to stay in the game. if you dont think you're gonna (or are) be the best, creeping doubt will erode your edge
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carries are not allowed to be good in campo santo dota
wow i wonder will any of the 20 meleem carries be good now
I feel like melee carries need something to be able to go high ground/defend high ground. It's just so bad.
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say hello to your new carry
>carries are not allowed to be good in campo santo dota
these were the only 3 pickable carries in the entire game
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any one know why this nigger isnt picked more in pubs?

i feel like his aura and lane stage is giga busted
At what point do you just start picking three broollord cores
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>has become among the most played heroes on d2pt
>played offlane, carry and support
what happened
Don't really care, he should be shitcanned
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10 Changes You Need to Know for Patch 7.37e Dota 2

the wallachia mvp got to his head
anyone know what game he griefed?
not sure what they're talking about but i watched the last 2 games in the bo5 final and heroic kind of threw both of them

sure they are
this cockva team is on full dispair
maybe theres a lot more than just shit talking davai lama on stream a while back
the shadow beaner, luna and m'dusa meta in the lane was so insane and ubiquitous, that the only heroes that could match up against them were their own illusions
why is why dog seer became good again, despite being overnerfed
women come in all shapes & sizes dummy
and with penises
cute penises
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>exists to swap in and get raped for the team
>losing to veno
sheever > qojqva wcyd
i hope all my friends watched this game because i feel exactly how qojqva feels
except cockva is actually the best player on his team
while u are the anchor
>literally untouched
yeah, and he made the worst draft ever seen that ruined all their losses and didnt have bb in key moments, he played like shit
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uhm who was in the wrong??
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People legitimately dont know what he does
Hero is just unpopular for the sake of unpopular

He was more popular in dota 1 when he was a bigass tauren chieftain, but maybe he would have been more popular in 2 if he was a cute girl
range carries with built in aoe keep meepo from being op
When other heroes competing with him for the same role in a team get nerfed, ofc he will see more wins
so when is 7.38 and aghs lab and diretide and frostivus?
7.38 in april
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ez free loss ty valve
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Coretrannies do be like that
Who was in the wrong here?
the lycan refused to roll and the tiny double picked mid
How to fix dota
Remove neutral items
Nerf STR all around.
*picks sand king*
*reports you*
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wow i got this nigga again
when you see someone with a moonrunes name, you know it's a deranged fatherless lunatic
if it's moon they're a troon,
if it's chink, they're a twink
if it's gook, rare animal do not spook
if it's thai, disconnect and don't say bye
The attribute system is pointless and only serves to make heroes harder to balance. There I said it.

There is zero reason str items cant be redesigned to give health and regen, int items to give mana, mana regen and magic resistance, and agility to give attack speed and armour.

It would also massively improve the readability of items rather than having to work out how many health 24 str gives you or how much armour 16 agi gives you etc.
>But the damage
Then give every attribute item damage to compensate. It wont change anything.

For too long, Int has been a dump stat, agi has been "alright, but not nearly as good as strength"
too much work for 1 person
the system works better if heroes are set into roles more firmly
strength to initiate and be strong
agility to scale and do damage
int to crowd control and support
but when heroes cross roles it throws out the innate balance
converting to a flat damage/hp/mana system would be easier to balance for sure when heroes are expected to be able to blend between roles
t. universal dev
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we settled it boys
dota taking its time to put me with 4 of the biggest idiots the game can find three games in a row
>forced 50 doesn't exist
Why does it always happen 4-8 games in a row? Don't let people lie to you I just wanted some normal dota games this morning
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Peedur nooooooo
what does it mean
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PooPeeDee is gonna start gooning to Luna
the horse is here
oh yes spit on me mommy Luna
>play against some clown with the name "Tryhard and PMA!"
>he's premuted
Ah, classic.
Friendly reminder that Valve claims there's been no increased instances of win trading since the introduction of double down tokens
+5 movement speed
Shard makes 200 aoe pit of torment when casting Firestorm instead of current extra damage bullshit

Overall though he's still playable, he is just a victim against hyper mobile ultra high damage heroes that are in meta right now.
I have never seen them claim that
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Streamers who have contacted Valve have said that is their response and when they give instances of win trading they claim that there's not enough evidence
I dont believe streamers, they would certainly lie for content
Given win trading is clearly a noticeable problem with Valve doing nothing about it, it seems that it's correct
That's a non-sequitur, to begin with its not like you can just put something in the code to fix wintrading, it requires actually a good idea.
And removing double-down tokens is unlikely to happen given Valves track record of backing out of their stupid ideas, its money for them as well.

Just because they don't do anything about it, doesn't mean they're not aware of the issue
crownfall doesnt last forever
How is Kez being banned at draft start
I thought new heroes couldnt be banned
Double down tokens don't expire
Then you thought wrong, he can get banned through ban selections but can't be banned through double-pick (maybe that's not even true anymore considering he's been out for weeks)
Imagine unironically believing dota will ever receive a non letter patch again. Dota is on live support and deadlock is receiving all the love.
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fucking FINALLY
i died at 1143 hp and was ready to scream my lungs out, but forgot that i took aegis from aghanim and was slightly confused when i got up
i'm finally free from token wanking
Imagine unironically believing what you just said, but if you just pre-emptively label any patch as letter-patch it could work
Everything could be true if you're deluded enough
sure but they arent infinite either
dota 2 is dead
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>mgod is live
dota 2 is saved
There's aegis in Nest of Thorns? Where?
bro the game isnt hard
4chan now supports mp4
Buying it for gold and tokens in the pre game settings, also the aghs upgrade of the zeus ult spell
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>The fed Pudge tips me after I combo him down while he tries to run away
>melody the hyena
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post beans
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But I thought they did away with ban selections, and you had to pick 4 heroes to ban from your hero screen now instead? I know it still says "Pick a hero to ban" at the start for a second but I thought that was just typical valve codeslop
>and you had to pick 4 heroes to ban from your hero screen now instead
Yes and you could select the bird from day 1 there
They continue to disappoint me, and yet not surprise me
*starts dancing*
I just had a good team
*anime theme music plays*
*collage of our greatest moments of last game plays*
is there any way to dodge in immortal games rn?
Nigga stfu the game is DEAD
so fucking dead bros...
*plays another match*
They need to release another group of heroes called dimensional heroes, that have no stats
I just reached the Ancient bracket.
What should I expect?
It differs entirely based on server.
retarded players
They should just make the next event be greek/roman mythology and give Hera 2bh
fuck that
give us bacchus
sorry the next hero is a funny music frog haha
still pretty based ngl
Luna paizuri with hand holding
Female frog bard obviously
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How satisfying. Been getting assfucked by the enemy team picking a bunch of HP heroes and auto-winning the late game because we have to go through a billion HP and my picks aren't good against tanks.
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People keep posting this but what are the chances he simply clicked on an ad and never bothered to delete the history? They can get intrusive.
I care but most people don't. And even of the people who care, about 80% of them are just bots trying to win sports gambling bets like degens, and 19% of them are just fanboying retards who only care about final scores and drama between players spending all day obsessing about Twitter posts.

Most dotards are actually obsessed about playing non-stop, and yes, the hats. When Valve separated the hats from e-sports, only the e-sports scene lost out.
he has both blacked and blackedraw in there, if he'd clicked on an ad it would only have been the one on his history
Last 2 heroes were male and dota is a masculine game
It'll be a male
Let's say, in theory, the next hero is a little girl
Does this mean the game is dying or that it's going to last another 10 years at least
valve isnt giving in to pedo coomers
>my fucking 5 just randomly ran mid and thats why i have to die rather than buy tangos

the game is dying and it will last another 10 years at least
it'll last until the final russian dota 2 player is drafted to die in ukraine
lets be real any moscow/st petersburg rich kid is dodging that draft until putin dies of old age
World leaders play dota all the time in the elite queue
All the wars and stuff is just payback campaigns
North Korea ran it down mid once and is primarily why the world is against them
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Some fucking retards at campo santo bought back both at the same time and killed themselves right?
The game is dying because it doesn't have cunny
This is exactly it. The attributes divide heroes into three groups for no real reason. It actually pigeon holes lots of heroes because "Well actually this hero could do multiple things, but they cant really, because they're int and the int based items arent very good or dont lend themselves to anything more than utility".

If STR heroes were tanky, AGI heroes were fighters and INT heroes were spell slingers, it'd make sense. But you have int heroes with mana issues while str heroes slam abilities nonstop, and you have agility heroes losing manfights with beefy str cores. It doesnt make sense

Because theres no unifying theme amongst an attribute other than some attributes are clearly better than others, it actively hurts balance and makes design for heroes (and items) more difficult
they are all dishonest. remember when ranged carries had poor lane fighting abilities and had to farm to be good.

now they are all 300+move speed with epic spammable nukes and disables and free farm steroid/sustain with neutrals
i love reporting anyone who uses allchat
those report notifications are raining in
It is so hard to dodge pudge hook with 100+ ping its unreal
I just said "a booga booga" out loud thinking about a game and my family is nearby I hope they didn't hear my autism I might die from embarrassment
they already know you're autistic
Just get one of these bad boys and surprise them!
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is he going to get over 50% winrate?
>oh my god im so quirky
>omg every post besides me is attention seeking pick me instead guys
Exactly glad you understand
Do you think they're working on facet changes? They should know by now there's alot of useless facets
>oh my god im so quirky
kys faggot
>teehee im so funny
neck yourself
I'll always pick u bby
*gropes ur boob and grinds erection against u*
Since when did atos root stop teleportation
/trash/ is that way erpfreak
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Let's see, oh 6 years ago almost to the day, how spooky
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Next event will be Dragon's Blood themed with Anime Lina persona
what is that? some old event?
feels sad looking at that knowing Davion's VA passed away, he was the first hero in the tutorial.
>wake up at 3 am randomly with diarrhea
i hate life
>would have been more popular in 2 if he was a cute girl
why dont dota have the "small but tanky frontliner and cute" archetype?

like the merchant class in ragnarok - dota would be so fucking cool
thats Marci
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It's the old tutorial, there was one with Sniper too, they added it with a map of the world and some book with some lore in it that's probably no longer accessible
that's aghanim's labyrinth right?
can you somehow still play that?
there's a custom game in the arcade
I don't know what it is I just saved it cause it's stupid
Marci dies in the slight breeze
Remember when Hector farmed a 13 minute Gleipnir on Weaver?
>no mouse control in castle carnage
Wait, Lina shows up in the anime????? Frick I gotta catch up
Its not a heckin anime reeeeeee
Dotards get REAL quiet when animation is mentioned, lest a lolCHAD comes in and brandishes the Arcane flag to blind and stun the dotards
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Bounty Hunter is garbo I want to like his whole I provide vision for the whole map gig but I think more often than not the track gold isnt worth not having another heavy hitter as a 4
>100mb dota patch
I wish I knew what it is.
localization files :)
HD models...
they turned some ints into floats
how long is act 4 going to be active
I need to know how long I have to put off getting the bomberman and semen slayers rewards
morph stats leveling build is op. just skip morph and dump points into all stats. i destroyed with this build
probably mid jan or early feb
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They said in the post, January 15th
you can easily find out

steamDB to track changes
and if it's changes in VPK you can use to see in side them

it's nothing except a few material/particle edits for crownfall and the 100mb is just you downloading vpk files and other core files like dlls and other manifest changes
most updates are not interesting but at least now you know how to check
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i want a Lyralei for xmas!
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>here's that redhead you wanted son!
sex with lina
They're going to keep the minigames, right?
lol no but they might end up reusing them for something if they bother to keep the framework
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ill take this one as well...
why the fuck not?

they arent going to lose server money over cheap minigames, no?
Because they can't be assed to change the menu around to add a tab for 5 little minigames that people will ignore once they realise they don't give anything
just alt tab and launch minesweeper bro
Will I get free hats for playing minesweeper that way?
you dont get free hats from dota sweeper either
I found this interaction funny.
gooned too much to ench he has brainrot
I do from vampire survivors
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defend this
At what rank do these mongoloids stop hitting your jungle when you pull so they can miss out on lane creeps?
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balance your game icefaggot
>it actually pigeon holes heroes
>because a hero doesn't do exactly what I think it will based on the attribute
Smartest attribute hater
I barely put any effort into this game and still play above Immortal. Back in the 2000s, I'd obsessively practice my mechanics and strategize constantly in dota1
Now I just pick whatever and skin through patch notes. It shows how low-effort this community is if I can play in the top 1% on instinct and muscle memory alone then anyone can.
i highly doubt you are picking are terrible heroes which implies you are still putting in effort to play well, even if its not the same amount of effort you spent learning the game
no one knew how to play the game in allstars either
merlini famously "invented" jungling
now everyone is min/maxing, aware of all the common lane tactics, they understand where and how to take a good team fight and when to press your advantage or when to gather resources
no one does these things to perfection, but not even our most advanced ai could either
Congrats smooth brain you missed the point entirely.
It pigeon holes heroes because it forces them into archetypes because they get less value from certain key items other archetypes want to use. It has nothing to do with what " a hero is meant to do". It just means that certain heroes cant do certain things that they potentially could do just because of the attribute system.

I'm not talking about right click lich, but heroes like silencer certainly suffer for it.
>Skill based game is largely reliant on skill rather than knowledge
frick yes let me build butterfly heart silencer campo
all int heroes suffer for it
switching most the range cores from int to universal was a bandaid
guys, what if we tilt the map 45 degrees?
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>erm actually I'm contributing more to the team than you are
I literally cannot think of a good reason for them to do that Universal update and move all the heroes over other than as a bandaid fix as you said, but even then it doesnt make sense
It feels like it was more flavourful than actually gameplay related.

Like Enigma or Io, Or chen. Literally nothing changed about their gameplay by making them universal
the only thing that made sense was creating an attribute for the 4th spirit, void (spirit)
tacky in its execution
could have been a new stat like wisdom or some shit
based ultbot cm
They lost stats gain
NP still has +9.3 total.
Back when Ringmaster came out, there were plenty of screenshots and clips of RM getting "banned" through two people picking him in the chat log but the game not banning him and the first person who picked him getting to keep him.

If it's possible to ban Kez this way now, it just means Valve turned off ban protection.
>saudi item giveaway wasn't a scam, I was just unlucky
oh. okay.
I guess I can't have even a little arcana as a treat, God...
And why was that needed? Did Venge need to lose stats? Did Snap? Enigga?
Its shit like that, that really makes me feel like the valve devs dont understand dota at all anymore. The patches feel so different to the pre 7.00 ones
it was necessary since they were given the ability to draw damage from all 3 attributes
venge used to have one the highest overall stat gains
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i miss him
he tried to be the Stephen A of dota but lacked any charisma to pull it off

his love of prostitutes was based cuz it gave Cap covid at TI10
>another episode of 30/0 enemy jumping under my tower and chasing me araund my jungle instead of just ending the game
But btw if i disconnect from this or sit in fountain i will get banned :))
Keep playing this even if everyone on the enemy team is 10 levels and 10k gold above you and can just run under your tower and casually tank it and kill you under it. :)))
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>It was necessary
It was necessary BECAUSE they were changed to Universal
The question is why were they changed to Universal in the first place.
>Venge will be universal
>Venge's stat gains are high so her damage will be too high, nerf her stat gain
>Now her damage is roughly the same, but her stat gain is lower, and shes a purple hero instead of a green hero

Pic related
swindlez had some charisma, the problem is that american sport anecdotes dont do well in a game with a european dominate audience
fair enough, he was ten times better than the crap we have now and he had pretty good insight for about a year after his pro retirement
Towers only protect you for like the first 3 minutes of the game anon. if that. This aint league
there wasnt enough money in being an analyst to sustain him
i dont blame him, that "career" is garbage
>play a game
>get stuck as carry
>my 5 literally walks up to the enemy axe, pulls creep aggro and dies
>i queue midas and go jungle
>everyone on my team starts yelling at me
>the enemy team starts seething a few minutes later
>never say a word
>all 9 people are tilted
>i'm just chilling in the jungle hittin creeps
I made the right decision in checking out of that one.
maybe venge didnt need to become universal, but heroes like wind ranger needed it
Thanks, ChatGPT.
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why did he stop being "talent"/commentator?
he hasn't done anything since 2021.
the cabal didnt like his prostitute antics and he was excluded from some events in favor of other analysts which left him poor
self destruction really
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what happen
wind ranger hasn't benefitted very much. they nerfed all stat gains so her dmg gain per level is actually barely higher while her hp is significantly lower. and windrunner just isn't a hero you get all stat items for anyway.
she gains so much more damage from items that help her now
its a benefit
he already had 54%+
i'm guessing the extra few percent is just because low number of matches
no you don't, retard.
you get gleipnir, daedalus and bkb.
you actually get less dmg from that as universal than int lmao.
at ti, micke was building gleipnir, bkb, hurricane
gleipnir adds
>25 main attack damage to int heroes.
>17.5 main attack damage to universal heroes.
bkb adds
>10 main attack damage strength to heroes.
>7 main attack damage to universal heroes.
pike adds
>15, 20 and 15 main attack damage to all str/agi/int heroes respectively.
>35 main attack damage to universal heroes.
40 damage for an int hero vs 59.5 damage for a universal hero
its better damage, retard
and you lose like 15 str.
fact is that universal is not what made wind ranger good. she's still universal and now she's shit. weird huh?
at lvl 30 she loses 330 hp
>she's still universal and now she's shit. weird huh?
yeah its called nerfs, not that weird if you arent acting like a dipshit
383 hp
now she can buy a satanic and gain 17.5 damage
at least 3 months away
We're getting pushed by np and ta and my antimage gets midas after bf. You have to love it
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a long enough patch cycle to make melee cores great again
So she "needed" to become universal so she could be better core because Int is a garbage primary attribute
So they invented a whole ass new attribute that was a marginal side grade, wherein she occasionally ends up with slightly higher damage but her health+regen, armour and attack speed are all lower on average and she gets lets damage from the int items she buys

Fucking wew lad. What a shitty idea. Why didnt they just rework the attributes instead so Int doesnt suck
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>First pick support
>Get counter picked by burst
>I stack enough HP for their sick combos to not matter

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