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Elf Edition

Previous thread: >>499777079

/gsg/ faggots not welcomed here. Go to >>>/trash/gsg/ or whatever. Just go.

Galactic Civilizations 4, dev journal 81: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4444583635753894116
Tower dev diary 2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1649950/view/4476108195413098862
Nebulous: Fleet Command, Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco
Distant Worlds 2: Return of the Shakturi dlc dev log 2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4675388674389181062
Sins of a Solar Empire II, v28.16 Update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/6743666355154616622
DUNE: Spice Wars, community update #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/4344369662289739605
Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U
Stellaris Dev Diary #356 :https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/281990/view/4697907940247564841

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
I claim this thread for the glory of /gsg/
/gsg/ is on /vst/ if you are looking for that
I can still talk about CK2 and Stelloris with you, mostly just CK2 tho.
Why is 'food' always either an apple or a slab of meat. Gimme some different icons. I wanna farm sandwiches and gather from kebab bushes.
What is food? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
Woman moment.
Didn't AoE2 DE use COOOORN?
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and fuck that guy in particular
what anime is this
Boku no pico.
very funny anon
Modded Girls und Panzer.
That's two Italians bitches with a German one.
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XPiratez is really fun, thanks for the suggestion anon
It's not.
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It is!
I know better than you. And I say it isn't.
What proof do you have that it's good?
I can launch nukes at things if I get bored and I can launch nukes at things because it's necessary
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I can do that in UT2004.
What makes it better in XPiratez?
cities 2 good yet?
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Performance is much better than launch but still struggles at times. There's still no bicycles (!!), no asset editor, no workshop support. They also never ported out like half the animations for sims, so you don't get things like firefighters or playground children that make the city feel actually lived in. They took the best parts of the park/campus/industry customization and added them to the base game, but they didn't actually port over the mechanics for making those things themselves, so universities and parks are back to just being placable assets (and again, no workshop assets) and you can't do the industry production chains and warehousing thing, which was some of the most "gameplay" content that CS1 had. No bikes or bike lanes. Or pedestrian areas, although at least there's pedestrian roads but it's not the same. And no bikes.
Any of you guys played Age of Wonders 4? I'm kind of lost with how to set up an economy properly and what spells I should go for.
how to win as germany in new hoi4 dlc
I only played Age of Wonder 3. And I got krumped the nanosecond I tried to explore the map.
>people saying Zephon doesn't have diplomacy
If anything it has too fucking much. Why the hell are people so eager to ally with the literal alien invaders that ruined the planet?
>b-but they're good boys now! They dindu nuffin!
Fuck off
The only good xeno is a dead xeno.
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Good afternoon.
I started writing a really long post to try and explain this but there are so many mechanics that the best thing you can do is play, learn, and try to understand it from the ground up. A couple general points I can give:
>More food = more population growth = more annexed provinces = more resources
>Look at your Empire Development Tree (big green button) and figure out which upgrades you plan on taking
>*Extra Imperium can be spent on pumping your cities population and schmoozing Free Cities, which gives more annexed provinces and resource tributes (eventually) respectively
>Certain affinities help your cities grow in different ways; committing to one, or at most two, is a good rule of thumb
>Generally speaking, it's smart to pick spellbooks that match your affinity, unless there's a specific book that you really want and/or could make good use of
>Not all cultures are created equally
I guess this is kind of a long post anyways but... whatever.

The diplomacy feels really forced across the board. Like you can meet an NPC faction and all of the sudden they're
Still, the worldbuilding is cool as fuck. I just hate how limited the research tree is.
Also Fallen Soldier is fucking busted. Literally Necrons all over again.
I can do that on a big map to civilians :)
I like drawing fantasy maps.

What game comes the closest to scratching that same kind of itch?
What's the hate for /gsg/ so much I don't get it.
worst thread I've ever seen on all of 4chan, outside of /pol, /tv, and /b but including /trash and /soc.
Oh that's super cool but not actually what I meant. I meant a video game that appeals to the same interest, not a digital tool to do the same thing. Like, Dwarf Fortress with the legends viewer is kinda vaguely close?
Ok are you a niggerlover? because /gsg/ was so against it.
Civilization simulation games? Like Worldbox?
How many cities should I be aiming for and how do I get better units? Upgrading my city to tier 4 didn't give me anything. As for gold all I seem to be spending it on is military/ building upgrades.
>How many cities should I be aiming for
Obviously more is better, but only if you can keep up with logistics, city happiness/stability, and make sure they're all defended properly. The later the game goes, the more important it will be to have multiple cities to feed your economy. Teleporters will be a necessity. Depending on your playstyle, you can substitute multiple cities with having strong allies, raiding and occupying other cities, or flat out murdering everyone before their economic war machine can build up.
>how do I get better units?
Upgrading your city tiers will eventually unlock all of the default units afforded to your culture. You can improve them with unit enchantments that you'll find in spellbooks. You will also unlock new units from spellbooks who can also be enchanted.
>As for gold all I seem to be spending it on is military/ building upgrades.
That's what it's there for. Paying for upgrades, paying for units, paying upkeep, trading between other leaders and Free Cities.
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Bump for mommy
interesting euphemism for a hentai doujin
They literally went back to releasing CS1 dlcs, what do you think, anon?
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What's next for Amplitude now that they are going solo?
On the topic of happiness and stability are there specific buildings that boost it? How do I make a teleporter and when is a city too big? I've got one with 12 zones but my stability is awful.
>On the topic of happiness and stability are there specific buildings that boost it?
Yes. The buildings may not be immediately available, so you'll have to tier up your city. Also the bigger your city gets, the more unstable it grows.
>How do I make a teleporter
You unlock them in the Empire Development Tree. It should be somewhere near the bottom of the gray path. It takes a long time to reach that point and costs a hefty sum of Imperium.
>when is a city too big
In theory, never, if you can keep it protected and stable.
Doujins are books.
Books aren't animated.

You stupid whore.
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Who do I have to suck off and/or kill for XCOM3?
Why would you ever want a third xcom?
'Aliens' and 'aliens'.
is zevon any good or should I wait for 2 expansions and a sale
play one of the twenty thousand clones or knockoffs*

*they're all mechanically inspired by Fire Emblem instead of XCOM for some reason
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I fucking hate caves. Broken ass tileset.
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It's gonna take a long time with a lot of pop-n-shoot, but I can do this.
Sadly not Jake because he left Firaxis after Midnight Suns was criminally underrated by the unwashed masses and they will pay, oh yes, they will pay. A slow and painful death for everyone who hasn't played Midnight Suns and doesn't think BG3 should win game of the year 2024 as well
>gay bomb
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Wow, cyberdiscs have some shit aim. Oh well, a free esper and a prevented base.
>slave AI
What are these for?
Primarily for building ships, missiles, and smart weapons.
...okay I'm interested now.
Or you can rip em apart for their electronic bits and use those to build cloaking devices for your catgirls.
why tho
What's a good game with elves? I feel like bullying these knife-eared pieces of shit.
I need a mod that cuts back on AI and city state unit spam, my current multiplayer game has become fucking unplayable
oh right sorry

for civ 6
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dominions filter me
Sounds about normal.
Do you play MP?
Heaven no. They would eat me alive and spits my bones out.
MP on /domg/ is very kind, you should play desu
Also MP is fun since diplomacy and weird strats are par for the course
I played enough dom to decide it's not for me. I assume because it's ultimately designed for MP games where you get days or a week between turns, so as a result it's just miles and miles of options and numbers and factors and modifiers to pore over, in attempt to give you something to do for those many hours before something happens.

But for me dom crossed the line into feeling exactly like doing homework.

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